#leander x hector
muzzzzle · 1 year
Prefects’ Bathroom 🫧
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Pairing: Prefect! Leander Prewett x Hector Fawley
I promised to finish this smut so ‘here I am as good as my word’ (c) It’s also my first work written specifically in English 👉🏻👈🏻
A friendly call for @prissaoe @soraimai @cranberryletters on the occasion!
The lights in the braziers twitched and the enchanted armor rattled unsettlingly. Leander had always found them sort of creepy, especially at such an hour, when every shadow in the castle was out to get something, whisper with muffled voices in his ear,  and breathe down his neck, making the hairs stand. Prewett shivered lightly and straightened his back. They wouldn’t scare him after all this time. He’s been put into Gryffindor and rightfully so. 
Though at this moment it was hard to tell if his quickened breath had more to do with suspicious noises creeping at him from all around the castle, or the excitement of his dream finally coming true. He’d almost lost his hope last year, getting roasted by Garreth constantly on the subject. But who’s laughing now, eh? 
The proud Gryffindor Prefect was striding down the Faculty Tower, casting glances at the portraits and nodding to them familiarly. Who would know, that coming back to Hogwarts for 6th year, he would finally get the cherished pin. Gryffindor House was cheering so loudly and Leander couldn’t help but drop a few happy tears on the occasion. Finally, he got what he rightfully deserved. Even Garreth wouldn’t dare to pull his pranks on him now, not when Prewett got to flash his shiny pin and casually mention Weasley’s aunt, whom he was supposed to meet oh so very soon about yet another incredibly important matter. Garreth nodded understandingly and patted the roommate on the shoulder.
And today, after having bathed in respect, adoration, and glory, Leander was finally about to bathe in the place he had been dreaming of since he first heard about it. The Prefects’ bathroom. Retreat for the elite.
Faculty Tower appeared mostly empty, on his way Prewett only met Professor Garlick, mumbling something about Gillyweed. The redhead nodded to her pompously as well, trying to remember frantically if he’d handed in that essay on the Sopophorus plant. But Herbology Professor didn’t seem to be interested in that at all, a sigh of relief leaving his chest. 
Leander finally got closer to the coveted door, enunciated every syllable of the password to the statue of Boris the Bewildered, and pushed the handle, his heart sinking in anticipation.  After the dimly lit corridors of the Faculty Tower, bright lights reflected in the sparkling foam made him squint a bit. It was all he had dreamed of and more, bubbles popping playfully in the air, the stained-glass mermaid braiding her long hair, eyeing him with interest, lined up taps, erupting with all sorts of colors, fumes with musky scents, and… Somebody’s naked butt.
“Aaaah!” Prewett squeaked but quickly pulled himself together — in his dreams Prefects’ bathroom was his and his only, no other naked butts intended. “Sorry, mate, I was under the impression nobody had the place tonight.”
He turned his gaze away, embarrassed and bewildered just as much as the statue at the entrance, as the owner of the butt turned at him, his face with high cheekbones expressing the same surprise Leander’s had just moments ago. The Gryffindor Prefect's gaze brushed awkwardly at some uncovered parts of the bathroom occupant, who, apparently, hadn’t yet entered the water, before settling eyes on his face and dark hair. It wasn’t any of the Prefects, with all of whom Prewett was on a first-name basis, or the Head Boy, nor the captain of any Quidditch team, which was the only place Leander didn’t manage to get himself into this year. A seventh-year Ravenclaw, whom he had seen quite a few times in the Training Grounds, they even exchanged a few words last year – Hector Fawley. Leander raised his eyebrow with suspicion, trying to remember if there were any reasons for him to be privileged as high as to enter such an establishment. The musky scent was tickling his nose even more now, fogging his head a bit. The Ravenclaw caught himself faster.
“Leander, right?” his thick dark eyebrows straightened, and high cheekbones rounded up a bit as he cast a charming smile.  
“What are you doing here, this is Prefects’ bathroom!” Prewett answered instead of a greeting, his face about to compete in color with his hair.
Fawley wasn’t in the rush to cover himself up at all, it was almost like he was proud to show his body off, the embarrassment of being caught wearing off quickly. Leander tried to seem stern, it was the first obstacle of any kind he’d encountered on his path as a Prefect so far, and he couldn’t quite understand how to react to such a situation. Was it a test? A weird initiation ceremony other Prefects prepared for him? Maybe they are testing if he had what it took to be harsh at times? Why on Earth did Hector Fawley have his dick out like that?
“So I am aware,” Hector shrugged, noticing just how wild was the expression on Prewett’s face, and calculating frantically the best way out of this. “I have certain… secret privileges, you see.”
Leander kept eyeing him with suspicion. If it was indeed the Prefects’ test, then he should just act as one. ‘What do you mean “as one”? You are one now!’ thought the redhead to himself and frowned his eyebrows. The musky-smoky scent was still pursuing him, he turned his head, trying to find the source of it.
“Then you wouldn’t mind testifying your ‘privileges’ to Professor Weasley, would you?” Prewett raised his chin and looked at the intruder with a challenge. 
Hector arched one of his eyebrows. He was impressed. Leander Prewett didn’t have the best reputation at school, but apparently, he wasn’t so easy to fool. There was no point in trying to reason with him. But Ravenclaw's wits weren’t the only talent Fawley had taken pride in. If all the girls running after him were any proof – his charm was quite the force to be reckoned with. Hector never minded whether it was girls or boys. Whatever needed to be done. The Ravenclaw raised his hands up as a sign of peace, and tilted his head a bit, eyeing the freshly-baked Prefect with interest.
“Ok, I admit it. You got me, mate. I’m not supposed to be here.”
Prewett swallowed loudly, trying to keep his eyes at the level of Fawley’s head. Why was he so chill? What the hell were those fumes? And when did Hector get that abs so tight? And why did it bother him, Leander, so much? Even though some very inappropriate images were rising in Prefect’s mind (all of them had to do with a certain naked body right in front of him), the redhead was fighting them off quite bravely.
“I will accompany you to Professor Hecat’s, the Head of your House,” stated Leander.
The Ravenclaw clicked his tongue. He was preparing himself for quite a career after this last year at Hogwarts. His family had already pulled some strings and he was counting on a job at the Ministry. If it was up to Headmaster Black, he would have smoothly talked his way out of it, but Hecat… She was almost as diligent at staining the students’ records with minor misdemeanors as Weasley. He was thinking quickly, eyeing the sixth-year’s face. Leander was still clearly embarrassed but tried his best to look stern. Resolute face, plump lips pressed tightly – he was kinda cute, Hector thought.
“Are you certain we have to go to Hecat’s?” Fawley made his voice sound as smooth and deep as he could. “Surely the two of us can work something out, no need to get the unnecessary attention.”
Prewett frowned, processing his words. Yes, it was definitely a test. The Prefects, probably, were here in the bathroom as well, concealed by Disillusionment Charm, watching his every move and releasing some enchanted fumes, making his mind race with dirty images. Leander exhaled loudly to find the courage to remain tough and ignore the sudden urge to run his tongue along Fawley’s abs. 
“I have to accompany you to Professor Hecat’s at once, I’m afraid!” with all the will he managed to collect, the redhead blurted out. “Put your clothes on!”
But Fawley didn’t even take a look at his clothes, getting closer to Leander instead and grinning predatorily. A couple more steps and his arm pressed the Gryffindor against the wall tightly, Prewett’s eyes widened in surprise, as Hector shamelessly brushed his naked body against Leander’s. The closeness and the warmth made him feel a light twitch in his pants. What in Merlin’s name was this guy doing?
“What in Merlin's name are you doing?” the Gryffindor felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and abdomen, as Hector’s dark eyes were hypnotizing him. “I– I’m a Prefect!”
“So I’ve heard,” the Ravenclaw murmured hotly right into Leander’s ear, pressing on his neck a bit harder and in one sharp movement covering Prewett’s plump lips with his.
Leander froze, processing. Hector Fawley was… kissing him?! What kind of initiation was that?! His mind was already about to blow, when he felt Hector’s other arm unbuttoning his robes, stroking his sides, and travelling down, close to the buckle of his trousers. Prewett opened his lips wider in surprise, Fawley’s tongue invading his mouth immediately. The Gryffindor tried with all his might to think of anything else, but his imagination would only paint brighter pictures of where Fawley’s hand should go next and how gently Hector was brushing his tongue against his own at the very moment. It wasn’t Leander’s first kiss at all – a couple of times he awkwardly tried it with Lenora Everleigh, who would mock him about the fact he hadn’t ever kissed, and then suck on his lips like a hungry dementor. They were even trying to do other things, and all along it’d just been really weird for him. But this time he felt different. Musky fumes were making his head spin and the Ravenclaw clearly knew what he was doing, so against his own will, Leander grew hard, moaning slightly into Hector’s mouth and making him chuckle.
“That’s it, Prewett, let me make it up to you,” he grinned as he parted, feeling the bulge in the redhead’s pants. “Wouldn’t it be better than bothering poor old Professor Hecat?”
Leander opened his clouded eyes and, breathing hard, felt the weirdly natural fire rising within. Licking his burning lips, he grabbed Fawley and, with the strength he had hardly expected from himself, turned him around, this time being the one pressing another into the wall. Hector’s thick brows frowned, but his eyes twinkled with the sudden change of the Prefect’s character. He opened his mouth, going to say something, but Prewett with unlikely power grabbed his chin tightly and pulled him in for another kiss, warmer, wilder, wetter.
Leander never knew he had it in him, he felt dizzy with sudden boldness and power over the handsome Ravenclaw, whimpering slightly back into his mouth. He ran his hands against the broad naked shoulders, along the bare skin, that would cover with goosebumps at his hungry touches, down to the narrow hips, thrusting a bit forward, trying to brush his erection against Fawley’s hot body, feeling him grow hard as well. Hector gasped for breath, his eyes wide as the Gryffindor rested his hands on his butt and squeezed slightly.
“Wow,” he breathed out into another’s ear, chuckling. “Never knew you were so horny for me, Prewett, could’ve said so!”
Leander parted, panting and looking at the smug expression of the Ravenclaw searchingly, and smiled victoriously, grabbing his exposed dick without warning, squeezing it and making Hector whimper again. Redhead found himself enjoying these sounds more and more. He breathed in deeply, feeling the courage bursting out of him as the fumes took over — he wasn’t afraid of looking stupid or ashamed — it felt right. He pulled Fawley closer by his organ and kissed him again, feeling how the seventh-year tried to thrust into his hand.
“I think you’re in no position to mock me, Fawley,” said Leander hotly to his ear, brushing the dark hair with the free hand and pulling on it a bit to hear another moan. “I think you would need to put in some good work if you want to have me cover for you.”
Hector threw his head back as Prewett pulled on his hair, eyeing his face, flushed with lust and licking his lips. The sudden change in Prefect’s character was turning him on more and more, he had almost forgotten why he started doing it in the first place. Of course, he knew, what might have given redhead a nudge – he had lit the sticks himself not more than ten minutes ago, hoping to spend some quality time with the hot emerging fantasies in his head – through some smugglers’ connections he had managed to get a bunch of mysterious Indian incense, used widely in their wizarding houses of pleasure. Maybe, those were the fumes hitting him as well, but every touch of Leander made his skin burn and blood rush through his head. He grabbed the red-edged robes and in one swift movement removed them from the shoulders, starting to unbutton the shirt on the Gryffindor’s chest, when Prewett caught his fingers and shook his head. Hector obeyed with surprise and anticipation, taking a few steps to the side, as Leander’s hand, resting on his abs, pushed him insistently toward the pool, still full of colourful foam and bubbles. He stopped at the very slippery edge, his heels looming over the bath, one Leander’s hand wrapped around his cock tightly, another, in contrast, pressing him forward.
“Do you expect me to jump?” Fawley cocked his eyebrow, feeling his heart beating loudly.
“I expect you to fall,” Leander answered and pushed the Ravenclaw with both hands, looking with a clouded gaze at the water splashing as Hector fell into it. 
His head and shoulders resurfaced the water some seconds later, he stroked his moist hair back, exposing his forehead, and thick eyebrows raised in utter surprise. Prewett watched him with the same wild, hungry, lustful eyes with widened pupils, slowly taking off his shirt. Fawley smirked, breathing deeply, eyeing the Prefect’s freckled chest and resting his gaze on the bulge in Leander’s trousers.
“Seems your clothes are a bit tight on you,” he said smugly. “Need some help?”
The redhead said nothing and unbuttoned his trousers quickly as well, taking them off in a hasty motion, remaining in his briefs, and got closer to the edge of the pool.
“You will be helping me in another way, Fawley,” he said hoarsely, the view of water streaming down Hector’s neck and shoulders turning him on even more. His briefs came down to the floor next to the crumpled white shirt, as Leander sat with his bare butt on the edge of the pool, which he just pushed the intruder off. He spread his legs wider shamelessly, feet in the water, showing off his cock twitching painfully as if inviting to be touched desperately. “Will you be a good Ravenclaw and guess yourself or shall I tell you what to do?”
Fawley's grin crept higher as he took a couple of steps closer, pushing the thick foam away. The incense was still burning, a pleasant musky scent tickling his nostrils as his hands rested on Leander's knees and his face right opposite his crotch. Hector was taking his time, clearly enjoying the impatient freckled face and dark eyes devouring him with lust. He slowly grabbed some foam and ran his fingers up Prewett’s right thigh, listening in to his quickening breathing and feeling the muscles tensing up at his touch. Getting closer to the groin, he teasingly brushed the inner thigh with his thumb and, burying his nails in the pale skin slightly, left red traces as he moved his fingers back to the knee. Leander clenched his teeth and whimpered.
“Have you done it before?” Fawley raised his eyes, still playing with Prefect’s thigh.
“N-not with guys,” even having been affected like this by the Indian fumes, the redhead sounded a bit nervous.
Hector nodded and stroked the left thigh with one long motion, resting his palm on Leander’s butt and squeezing it lightly.
“I will be gentle, Prewett,” he murmured as he brought his face even closer to the aroused dick, cupping his glutes with both hands this time.
Prefect’s heart was racing as he watched, holding his breath, as Fawley stuck out his tongue and slowly ran its tip along the hard shaft from the bottom up, knocking another moan out of him. Leander clung to the wet edges of the pool with his fingers, his knuckles white as he locked his gaze with Hector’s. The Ravenclaw was clearly playing with him, moving slowly and barely touching at times, tracing the net of veins on his dick with a deft tongue, leaving the organ wet and unattended as he started sucking on his balls, squeezing his butt harder. 
Prewett clenched his teeth, panting, his dick hurting with desire. He was afraid it would be over too soon but experienced Fawley (where the hell did he learn all that?) knew how to keep him on the edge and extend the pleasure. He would start sucking on the very tip of Prefect's throbbing essence with filthy wet sounds, making Leander arch his back and push his hips forward trustingly, closing his eyes; but then suddenly bite the inner side of his thigh, grinning at yet another soft whimper and licking over the red mark. Prewett winced and grasped Hector’s wet hair, pulling it slightly again.
“So impatient,” the Ravenclaw chuckled teasingly, burying his nails in the bare skin, covered with goosebumps. “You Gryffindors need to be taught some restraint.”
Leander couldn’t even formulate words, he just forced Fawley’s face closer to his crotch by the hair, his dick brushing against the high cheekbone. Hector felt as his own hardness was driving him crazy already, his own tension building up even without any direct contract. He opened his mouth wide and wrapped it around Prewett’s swollen organ, sensing as its tip pressed against the back of his throat and hearing an inappropriately loud moan.
“Mmmph” whimpered Leander, finally getting the demanded attention and thrusting slightly at the pace the Ravenclaw had set. 
Hector was accelerating fast, feeling that the Prefect wouldn’t hold much longer, helping himself with his tongue, his fingers at the back finding their way to the redhead’s hole. He was at his hardest himself, Prewett’s moans roaming wild in his mind. Before he knew it, Leander erupted with a hoarse groan right into the seventh-year throat, his body shaking vigorously, his fingers clutching hard on Fawley’s hair. With the release, the Gryffindor lowered on his back, his chest heaving as he was panting noisily. Without waiting for him to rise, Hector got up the slippery steps; water and foam streaming down his heated and tense body; brought one leg over Prewett’s pale torso, lowering onto his knees in the riding pose, and with a few swift jerks he came all over the freckled heaving chest with a deep moan.
The incense sputtered a thin wisp of darker smoke and went out. Fumes were still roaming around the bathroom, Fawley fell exhaustedly right next to the Prefect, breathing just as heavily, his face expressing utter satisfaction. Leander was eyeing the high ceiling decorated with the floral pattern and the lights flickering in the floating bubbles. The seventh-year suddenly got up and started pulling his clothes on. Prewett raised on his elbows.
“You are going?” he tried to conceal his disappointment but to no avail. 
Fawley pulled on his pants and was now doing the buttons on his shirt clinging instantly to his yet moist skin.
“It seemed like you wanted to enjoy the place all by yourself,” Hector grinned, drying his hair with a wand and watching as the sticky white mess that he had made on the Gryffindor's chest got more transparent. “I reckon you might really use this bath now, Mr Prefect. Unless you still want to go to Hecat’s, of course.”
Leander blushed hard and pressed his lips, sliding slowly to the water and shaking his head negatively. Now that the effect of the incense and his sudden outburst of wild lust was wearing off, he was starting to feel embarrassed. But even more than that he was thinking of doing that again.
“You can go,” Prewett answered, hiding his eyes and leaning his back against the tiling of the pool. 
The Ravenclaw watched him carefully and sighed, squatting down near the taps, decorated with some sort of mer-creatures, and running his fingers through the red hair reassuringly.
“That was fun, Leander. I won’t mind doing it again sometime, if you are up for it” he said playfully and rose, heading to the door, leaving the Prefect with the eyes hopefully fluttering as he reproached.
“He-Hector!” the redhead’s call caught up with him almost as he reached for the knob. “If you ever want to use the bathroom, let me know, I’ll… work something out.”
Fawley turned his head and cast a glance at the embarrassed sixth-year, smiling.
“I will be looking forward to us working something out together,” he said before slipping through the door. 
Prewett breathed in noisily and dove under the thick foam. Well, that wasn’t at all what he’d imagined his first time here would be like. The other Prefects were right. Once you try the Prefect’s bathroom, you’ll never want to get back to the regular one.
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helenadurazzo · 3 months
The Overlooked Snake and the Cowardly Lion
To start off this new story, enjoy this new picrew I made of Leander and Julius!
Moving on to the main topic, to celebrate pride month, I wanted to give Julius some more love. He along with Atticus are the two of Phineas’ siblings that don’t have as much content compared to their siblings and rarely appear in stories, until now so enjoy this quick story between these two, set at the end of Leander’s fifth year and Julius’ sixth year.
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Julius despised getting up early in the moment and not groggily walked discretely to the side of the castle that was closest to the training grounds where flying class took place. His final exams were approaching much more rapidly than he would have intended. The idea of test taking always unnerved Julius who always seemed to either blank out or mess up whenever he was pulled to demonstrate for the class, he was simply gracious that such embarrassments did not happen often. All he knew now was after his rather average performance in a handful of his classes on last years O.W.Ls that high marks on these exams and whatever NEWTs he could manage to take were essential to achieve a career when he even was not sure what he wanted to pursue after his graduation.
His three older siblings never had any trouble with choosing their dream careers it seemed with all of them joining different divisions of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Atticus was always boringly serious and a stickler for the rules, becoming a prefect in the opposite nature that Phineas was now, always lurking around to catch unsuspecting rule breakers and deduct house points. He has a challenge for understanding the confusing words of the language of law and was now successfully pursuing the path of gaining a position on the Wizengamot, the highest court in the country. Cyrus on a similar note was finishing up his auror trainings and would become an official auror by the year’s conclusion, always being a talented dueler, Julius had often watched his older brother hone his dueling skills from their already impressive state. And even Gladys who was just now approaching a year since she graduated Hogwarts was becoming one of the most clever investigators and was bound to rise the ranks, all of them were, and they had the talent to do it.
The only person Julius used to have to not feel like a complete disappointment was his only younger sibling, Phineas, who was an academic year younger than him, yet even now he was outranking him and bound to excel on his O.W.Ls and have the upmost preparedness of his future. Years ago, when they were children, Phineas had a hard time getting the hang of using magic, taking longer than any of the Hearst siblings to show proof that he could indeed perform magic. He remembered how Cyrus relentlessly teased his, especially in the year they overlapped in Hogwarts, about his lackluster spell casting which spells he would say a child could cast such as Lumos. Yet, now it seemed like he was never poor in magical ability as he had apparently possessed a rare ability to see traces of ancient magic and wield it if he so desired as it was confirmed at the beginning of the school year, but even now it was not necessarily public knowledge. Now, he had saved the school from an invasion of dark wizards who apparently wanted to gain access to something called a repository that was built under the school, even Professor Black was giving him praise in his own way, praise that even Julius rarely received from anyone.
Typically, obscurely early hours in the morning would leave the fields completely empty. With the training dummies ready to be used without any disturbances. Normally if Julius saw someone else there he would have groaned and tried to escape the scene before he was recognized and likely humiliated for needing extra practice in such a visible scenery, at least in the main hours of the day. But luckily for him, Leander Prewett was not one of those people, and Julius felt some peculiar emotions swirling around as he saw Leander casting a variety of spell combinations similar to the ones they would practice in Crossed Wands. Yet the fact that they were being taught by a younger student who organized the club, rather excellently Julius had to admit, still felt rather embarrassing as it was typically the other way around.
Leander was in the same year as his younger brother, a Gryffindor who in relatively recent years became a close confidant and training partner of his. Even Julius now forgot how they started talking since it was so seamless, although he remembered it had to do something with them pairing up in a duelling competition, secret from the professors of course. Julius watched mesmerized as Leander had his dark eyes pointedly staring at the training dummy as if it was a vile enemy that needed to be taken down for the good of everyone, likely the emotions his own brother justly felt when he defended the school and was bound to become a hero in the History of Hogwarts. His red haired friend always had a sense of being lost in his thoughts whenever he attempted to act serious and focus, and Julius could not help but smile, as Leander like him, understood the feeling of inferiority and feeling lesser than those he was surrounded from. Julius simply did not know how he would survive in Gryffindor like Leander did on a daily basis.
Leander suddenly turned his head and stopped right after casting a levitating charm that made the training dummy hover in the air. “J-Julius!” He stammered in surprise as a slightly embarrassed smile was plastered on his face, “I did not expect you this early in the morning”
Julius simply shrugged, “I just wanted to get some practice in, and it seems like you had the same goals in mind. Not to damper the mood but how has studying for your O.W.Ls been?”
Leander sighed, “I wish I was not fretting so much about them, yet I know what happens with lackluster results on these types of exams. My brothers all excelled on their O.W.Ls and took many N.E.W.T level courses, suppose it’s why they are so successful now. But I figure you have heard that story before with older siblings like yours.”
“Plenty of times.” Julius agreed with a verbally audible mutter before changing his tone to a more positive ones, “But trust me, thinking like that is only going to ensure worst results, have some faith in yourself. I know that you have improved much since I visited you over the summer to practice dueling techniques.”
In fact, it had been Julius’ favorite part of the summer prior to his sixth year beginning yet he did not see the need of adding that part out loud. The Prewett home was quite comforting to reside in, especially with the gardens Leander’s mother kept up with in her spare time and was much more present than Leander’s father who always seemed busy with his work for the Ministry. During that visit Julius had expected to see some of Leander older brothers yet the only one who was present on a regular basis was Mortimer, a current seventh year Ravenclaw and head boy who would graduate at the end of the year. And Julius could certainly see parallels between Leander’s brothers and his older siblings with their high levels of natural talent. In fact, when Mortimer received word he would be head boy, Julius witnessed Leander fall more into neglectful shadows amongst his family than ever.
“At least someone thinks so.” Leander faintly noted as he cast another spell at the training dummy before taking a few steps back and putting his wand in the pocket of his robe. “I think I am going to take a break though, would you like to come along?”
Normally Julius would try to resist the urge of procrastination and pushing off his practice, but how could he say no to a friend? “Sure, what do you have in mind?”
“Just a walk, perhaps towards Hogsmeade?” Leander shrugged, “I don’t know, but this is the last weekend before exams fully take over our lives.”
“You want a Butterbeer this early?” Julius smirked.
“Maybe later if you would like to stay in Hogsmeade longer.” Leander brushed off with a light chuckle before heading towards the arch that led to the path to Hogsmeade, “It’s a shame Hector is surely being pulled into study groups in their common room soon enough, or I would see if he wants to join us. I remembered hearing my brother say that he wants to ensure Ravenclaws once again succeed with the highest of marks on this year’s O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts, likely to show off on how great of a head boy he is. And I remember him saying something along the lines of that he does not want the sixth years to slack off when momentum needs to be at an all time high, or whatever he said.”
“Those poor eagles.” Julius shook his head, “At least Hector does not have much to worry about, he did well on the O.W.Ls last year, definitely enough to get a Ministry position one day. Let’s just be glad he does not want to be a quidditch player.” Julius laughed, “I still vividly remember us both being in our first year flying class and his infamous mounting a broom backwards and hardly getting it to hover before he stumbled off. He has gotten better of course, and it’s turned into quite a pleasant joke as you know.”
“Certainly.” Leander laughed as it was clear he was starting to let his trouble lighten the load on his shoulders. “Which reminds me, I have been thinking about trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team since Madam Kogawa is almost certain it will be returning next year.”
“Really?” Julius raised his eyebrows in surprise, “What got you into that all of a sudden?”
“Well the lack of a quidditch season this year made me realize how much life the sport brought into Hogwarts.” Leander revealed, looking at the path ahead of him, “I figured it would be a good chance to try something new and focus on something other than schoolwork, I know Gryffindor is going to need a new keeper. And besides, someone has to put Sebastian and Imelda in their places if he returns to the Slytherin team.”
“I must say Imelda’s cockiness about flying gets extremely tiring, her skills are overrated if you ask me.” Julius admitted, not even feeling the need to be biased to his fellow snakes, “Sebastian on the other hand is a wild card and he always seems to never know when to stop, he has some insane levels of ambition even for Slytherins. I have not seen him play much since he joined after Imelda, but he flies good as well, although I think he has let off on practicing. If Phineas’ stories are right I think it had something to do with his sister. Rumor has it she left Feldcroft without saying a word to Sebastian after their uncle’s passing.”
“I try not to pay too much mind to Sebastian.” Leander stated firmly, “With all the times he gets in trouble I am surprised he still has time to practice, he is probably the best dueler in our year! And you have seen him in Crossed Wands I know. Although I got close to beating him myself earlier this year.”
“Didn’t Professor Hecat have to save you from a falling dragon skull?” Julius mischievously smirked, recalling the story vividly and wished he had been there to witness itself, although the stories of Leander and his own brother had to suffice.
“Typical Slytherin Trick.” Leander rolled his eyes at the thought, “Dropping a dragon skull during a fight, especially one meant for practice with perfecting spell-casting. We Gryffindors fight with honor.” He then glanced over at Julius realizing his own words, “And I guess you are one of the exceptions, your brother is too I suppose. He put Sebastian in his place when they dueled, outright slaughtered him!”
“You know, someday you and me should try our hand at dueling Sebastian and Phineas in Crossed Wands.” Julius proposed, “Give those two a taste of their own medicine.”
“I would like that.” Leander nodded with a satisfied grin.
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Mythology Couples: Gods & Monsters
Multi Mythology Couples
Featuring: Hades/Persephone, Loki/Sigyn, Achilles/Penthesilea, Hector/Andromache, Dionysus/Ariadne, Apollo/Cassandra, Eros/Psyche,  Heracles/Hebe, Hero/Leander, Daphnis/Chloe, Orpheus/Eurydice
☻Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdFKrXu1us99D5P9cJ6nTA ☻Back Up (Where we upload open meps): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMM-aMxg_xCzoI0zyi5j0nQ ☻Forum: http://bookwormsstudio.freeforums.net/ ☻Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookWormsStudio
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lazynotbored · 5 years
On the latest episode of gracie thinks she’s an rph i’ve created a MASTERLIST OF LATINE FIRST NAMES. This is just my preference but i like naming my characters something based in reality so these are pulled from my high school yearbook (i live in a majority hispanic city) so it’s less about origins and more about what hispanic parents were naming their kids during 1996-2000 and honestly the baseline is really if it sounds nice with spanish vowels it goes.
Adriana, Albany, Alejandra, Alex, Alexandra, Alexis, Aliyah/Alia, Alyssa, Amanda, Amelia, Ana, Anais, Analiette, Andrea, Angelica, Arelis, Arlettys, Ariana, Ashley/Ashly
Beatrice,  Bernice, Bianca, Brenda, Brianna, Brittany
Camila, Carissa, Carolina, Celine, Christina, Claudia
Daniella, Deborah, Dessire, Diana, Diandra
Elizabeth, Emily, Emmeline, Eva, Evelyn
Fatima, Francesca
Gabriella, Gianelle, Ginelle, Giselle
Irene, Isabella
Jasmine, Jaqueline, Jennifer, Jessica, Jocelyne, Julia, Juliana, Julieta 
Kaelyn, Kaitlyn, Karla, Katherina, Katherine, Karina, Katryna, Kristal
Laura, Lauren, Leidy, Lianna/Leanna, Lidiana, Lourdes, Lysandra
Maria, Mariana, Mariam, Maribel, Marla, Melanie, Melissa, Millennia
Natalie, Natalia, Natasha, Nathaly, Nayeli, Nicole, Nicolette, Nina
Paola, Patricia
Raiza, Rebecca, Romy, Roxana, Ruby 
Sabrina, Sahily, Samantha, Sarai, Selene, Shantal,  Shalamar, Skye
Valentina, Valeria, Vanessa, Veronica, Victoria, Vivian
Yazmin, Yesenia, Yessica, 
Adrian, Agustin, Alan, Albert, Alec, Alexander, Andres, Angel, Anthony, Antonio
Benjamin, Bradley, Brandon, Bryan/Brian/Brianel
Carlos, Christopher, Christian 
Daniel, Damian, David
Eddiel, Eduardo, Emmanuel, Enrique, Eric/Erik, Ernesto
Fabian, Francisco
Gabriel, Giancarlo/Gian, Giovanni, Guillermo
Hansel, Hanibal (silent h), Hector
Jonathan, Jorge, Joshua, Jose/Joseangel, Josue, Juan, Julian/Julen, Justin
Lazaro, Leander, Lucas, Luis
Manuel, Marcel/Marcelo, Marco/Marcos, Mateo, Matias/Mathias, Matthew,  Mauro/Mauricio, Michael, Miguel/Miguelangel
Nicholas/Nicolas, Nelson
Oniel, Oscar
Rafael/Raphael, Rene, Roberto, Roniel/Rony, Ryan
Sabian, Samuel, Santiago, Sebastian, Sergio
Wanderly, William
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100 Wonderful Greek Mythology Baby Names
1 0 0 Wonderful G r e e k Mythology Baby N a m e s
You a r e always w e l c o m e in h i b a b y n a m e , B r o w s e amazing a n d astonishing B a b y Names a n d their m e a n i n g s for i d e a s and s h a r e your c o m m e n t s . E n j o y !
I m a g e : Shutterstock
Greek mythology i s a b o d y of s t o r i e s concerning h e r o e s , Gods, a n d the r i t u a l s of t h e ancient G r e e k s and f o r m s a p a r t of t h e religion i n ancient G r e e c e . These s t o r i e s have h a d an e x t e n s i v e influence o n the a r t s and l i t e r a t u r e of t h e Western c i v i l i z a t i o n .
T h e pantheon o f Greek deities, h e r o e s , Gods a n d other f i g u r e s will g i v e you p l e n t y of i n s p i r a t i o n as y o u look f o r some n a m e s for y o u r baby. M o m J u n c t i o n brings y o u 100 G r e e k mythology n a m e s best s u i t e d for o u r modern t i m e s , with t h e i r meanings. R e a d on t o find t h e names o f G r e e k Gods, G o d d e s s e s , humans, a n d heroes.
G r e e k Mythology Baby N a m e s For B o y s :
1 . Apollo:
A p o l l o was t h e God o f music, a r t s , prophesy, k n o w l e d g e and e n l i g h t e n m e n t in Greek mythology. H e was t h e son o f Leto a n d Zeus.
2 . Ajax:
T h e name A j a x is p e r f e c t if y o u are l o o k i n g for a strong b o y ’ s name. A j a x was a Greek hero a n d played a n important r o l e in H o m e r ’ s Iliad.
3 . Ares:
A r e s was t h e bloodthirsty Greek God o f war. H e was a moody a n d unreliable G o d . T h i s is o n e of t h e another s t r o n g G r e e k mythology b o y names.
4 . Castor:
C a s t o r was t h e twin b r o t h e r of P o l l u x in t h e Greek mythology. I t is s a i d that w h e n he d i e d , his t w i n brother P o l l u x appealed t o Zeus t o let t h e m remain t o g e t h e r . They w e r e then t r a n s f o r m e d into t h e constellation.
5 . Damon:
D a m o n is a God f r o m the Greek mythology, w h o symbolized t r u s t and l o y a l t y in f r i e n d s h i p . He r i s k e d his l i f e to s t a n d for h i s friend.
6 . Dionysius:
D i o n y s u s was t h e God o f wine, f e s t i v a l s and p a r t y . This n a m e did n o t appear i n the m o s t popular b a b y name l i s t , since t h e past t e n years , so i t will p r o b a b l y make a unique n a m e for y o u r child.
7 . Hector:
T h e Greek God, H e c t o r was n o t a b l e for b e i n g the g r e a t e s t fighter f o r Troy i n the T r o j a n War. H e was t h e son o f King P r i a m and Q u e e n Hecuba.
8 . Hermes:
H e r m e s was t h e God o f trade a n d travel i n the Greek mythology. H e was t h e son o f Maia a n d Zeus.
9 . Jason:
J a s o n was a Greek hero f a m o u s for h i s role a s the l e a d e r of t h e Argonauts. I t is a common n a m e in A m e r i c a .
1 0 . Paris:
T h e name P a r i s is f a m i l i a r as a girl’s n a m e but i n Greek mythology, i t was t h e name o f a b o y . Paris w a s famous f o r for m a r r y i n g Helen o f Troy, w h i c h led t o the T r o j a n War.
1 1 . Perseus:
P e r s e u s was a demi-God i n the Greek mythology w h o rescued A n d r o m e d a from a sea-monster. H e also d e f e a t e d Medusa.
1 2 . Zeus:
Z e u s is o n e of t h e most p o p u l a r Greek mythology b a b y boy n a m e s . He w a s the G o d of t h u n d e r and t h e sky.
1 3 . Theseus:
T h e name T h e s e u s means ‘ t o set’. T h e s e u s was t h e king o f Athens i n the Greek legend.
1 4 . Thanatos:
T h a n a t o s was t h e Greek God o f death. H e resided w i t h Hades i n the u n d e r w o r l d .
1 5 . Poseidon:
P o s e i d o n was t h e unruly g o d of t h e sea a n d earthquakes. H e was a l s o the b r o t h e r of Z e u s .
1 6 . Proteus:
P r o t e u s was t h e name o f a p r o p h e t i c God o f the s e a in Greek mythology. T h e name P r o t e u s means ‘ f i r s t ’ .
1 7 . Adonis:
A d o n i s was a young s h e p h e r d who w a s killed w h i l e hunting a wild b o a r in t h e Greek mythology. T h e name A d o n i s means ‘ l o r d ’ .
1 8 . Adrastos:
A d r a s t o s was t h e name o f the k i n g of A r g o s in t h e Greek legend. T h e name A d r a s t o s means, “ n o t inclined t o run a w a y ” .
1 9 . Aeolus:
A e o l u s was t h e Greek God o f the w i n d . He w a s the s o n of H e l e n and t h e nymph O r s e ï s .
2 0 . Aeson:
A e s o n was J a s o n ’ s father. H i s name i s derived f r o m the Greek name A i s o n .
2 1 . Agamemnon:
A g a m e m n o n was t h e brother o f Menelaus, w h o led t h e Greek expedition t o Troy t o recover H e l e n . His n a m e means ‘ v e r y steadfast’.
2 2 . Atlas:
A t l a s was a Titan, w h o was p u n i s h e d by Z e u s by b e i n g forced t o support t h e sky o n his s h o u l d e r s .
2 3 . Achilles:
A c h i l l e s was t h e name o f a w a r r i o r in Greek legend. T h e name i s derived f r o m the G r e e k word ‘ a c h o s ’ , which m e a n s ‘pain’.
2 4 . Argus:
A r g u s is d e r i v e d from t h e Greek word A r g o s , which m e a n s ‘shining’. A r g u s was t h e man w h o built t h e Argo a n d a m a n with a hundred e y e s .
2 5 . Aristaeus:
A r i s t a e u s was t h e son o f Apollo a n d the m o r t a l Cyrene. H e was t h e God o f agriculture a n d cattle.
2 6 . Bacchus:
B a c c h u s was t h e other n a m e of t h e Greek God D i o n y s u s . He w a s fondly c a l l e d Bacchus b y the R o m a n s .
2 7 . Brontes:
B r o n t e s was t h e name o f the o n e of t h e three C y c l o p e s . The n a m e Brontes m e a n s “thunderous” i n Greek.
2 8 . Cephalus:
I n the Greek legend, C e p h a l u s was a faithful h u s b a n d who r e m a i n e d loyal t o his w i f e even a f t e r being p u r s u e d by t h e Goddess E o s . The n a m e means ‘ h e a d ’ .
2 9 . Cepheus:
C e p h e u s was t h e king o f Ethiopia a n d the h u s b a n d of C a s s i o p e i a in t h e Greek legend. A f t e r his d e a t h , he w a s turned i n t o a c o n s t e l l a t i o n into a constellation a n d placed i n the s k y .
3 0 . Cerberus:
C e r b e r u s was t h e name o f the t h r e e – h e a d e d dog t h a t guarded t h e entrance t o Hades i n the Greek mythology.
3 1 . Chryses:
C h r y s e s was t h e father o f Chryseis, a woman w h o was c a p t u r e d by A g a m e m n o n during t h e Trojan W a r . It m e a n s ‘golden’.
3 2 . Charon:
C h a r o n was t h e operator o f the f e r r y that b r o u g h t the d e a d to H a d e s . The n a m e means ‘ f i e r c e brightness’.
3 3 . Daedalus:
D a e d a l u s was a n Athenian i n v e n t o r who w a s banished t o Crete b y Zeus. H e also d e s i g n e d the L a b y r i n t h for K i n g Minos.
3 4 . Damocles:
D a m o c l e s was a member o f the c o u r t of D i o n y s i u s the E l d e r , the k i n g of S y r a c u s e . His n a m e means ‘ t h e people’.
3 5 . Dardanos:
D a r d a n o s was t h e name o f Zeus a n d Electra’s s o n . Dardanos f o u n d e d the c i t y of D a r d a n i a in A s i a Minor.
3 6 . Eros:
E r o s was t h e son o f Aphrodite, w h o caused t h e people t o fall i n love. H i s name m e a n s ‘love’.
3 7 . Evander:
E v a n d e r was a n Arcadian h e r o of t h e Trojan W a r . He f o u n d e d the c i t y of P a l l a n t i u m . Evander m e a n s ‘good m a n ’ .
3 8 . Glaucus:
G l a u c u s was t h e name o f the Greek sea G o d . T h e name m e a n s ‘bluish g r a y ’ .
3 9 . Helios:
H e l i o s was t h e name o f the y o u n g Greek sun G o d who r o d e across t h e sky i n a c h a r i o t pulled b y four h o r s e s . Helios m e a n s ‘sun’.
4 0 . Iacchus:
I a c c h u s was t h e solemn n a m e of t h e Greek god D i o n y s u s . It m e a n s ‘to s h o u t ’ .
4 1 . Koios:
K o i o s was t h e Titan G o d of i n t e l l i g e n c e in Greek mythology. I t is a l s o spelled a s Poios.
4 2 . Kreios:
K r e i o s was t h e name o f a T i t a n in Greek mythology. I t means ‘ r a m or m a l e sheep’.
4 3 . Leander:
L e a n d e r was t h e lover o f Hera i n Greek mythology. T h e name L e a n d e r means “ l i o n of a man”.
4 4 . Linus:
L i n u s was t h e son o f the G o d Apollo, w h o was a c c i d e n t l y killed i n a c o n t e s t . Linus m e a n s ‘flax’.
4 5 . Lycus:
L y c u s was t h e legendary r u l e r of T h e b e s . It w a s also t h e name o f several o t h e r characters i n Greek mythology.
4 6 . Melanthios:
T h e name M e l a n t h i o s is d e r i v e d from t h e Greek word m e l a s , which m e a n s black a n d anthos, w h i c h means f l o w e r .
4 7 . Morpheus:
M o r p h e u s was t h e God o f dreams i n Greek mythology. I t means ‘ s h a p e ’ in Greek.
4 8 . Neoptolemus:
N e o p t o l e m u s was t h e name o f the s o n of A c h i l l e s . His n a m e means ‘ n e w war’ i n Greek.
4 9 . Okeanos:
O k e a n o s was t h e Titan, w h o personified t h e body o f water i n Greek mythology. T h e name m e a n s ‘a b o d y of w a t e r . ’
5 0 . Perseus:
P e r s e u s was a hero i n the Greek legend. T h e name i s derived f r o m the G r e e k word ‘ p e r t h o ’ , which m e a n s ‘to d e s t r o y ’ .
G r e e k Mythology Baby N a m e s For G i r l s :
1 . Phoebe:
P h o e b e was t h e daughter o f Uranus a n d Gaia. H e r name m e a n s ‘shining a n d brilliant’.
2 . Rhea:
R h e a was t h e Greek Titan a n d the m o t h e r of Z e u s . She r e p r e s e n t s motherhood a n d fertility.
3 . Selene:
S e l e n e was t h e Greek goddess o f the m o o n . It w a s one o f the t o p female G r e e k mythology n a m e s in t h e United S t a t e s for s e v e r a l years.
4 . Penelope:
P e n e l o p e was t h e faithful w i f e of O d y s s e u s . She s t a y e d true a n d loyal t o him e v e n while h e was a w a y . Her n a m e symbolizes m a r r i a g e faithfulness.
5 . Iris:
I r i s was G o d d e s s of t h e sea a n d sky i n the Greek mythology. S h e was a l s o the m e s s e n g e r of t h e Gods.
6 . Helen:
H e l e n was t h e daughter o f Leda a n d Zeus. S h e was c o n s i d e r e d the m o s t beautiful w o m a n in t h e world.
7 . Hera:
H e r a was t h e queen o f heaven a n d the g o d d e s s of m a r r i a g e . She w a s Zeus’s w i f e .
8 . Gaia:
G a i a was t h e goddess o f Earth a n d the p r i m o r d i a l deities. S h e was c o n s i d e r e d the c r e a t o r of t h e earth a n d the u n i v e r s e .
9 . Daphne:
D a p h n e was t h e daughter o f the Greek river G o d . The n a m e has n o w risen i n popularity o v e r the l a s t several y e a r s .
1 0 . Clio:
C l i o was t h e daughter o f Zeus a n d Mnemosyne. S h e was t h e Greek muse o f history.
1 1 . Astraea:
A s t r a e a was t h e Greek Goddess o f justice. T h i s pretty n a m e will s u i t your b a b y well.
1 2 . Athena:
A t h e n a is a beautiful n a m e for a baby g i r l . Athena w a s the Greek goddess o f courage, l a w , wisdom a n d justice.
1 3 . Calliope:
C a l l i o p e was t h e Greek muse o f epic p o e t r y . She i s believed t o be H o m e r ’ s muse. S h e served a s an i n s p i r a t i o n for t h e Iliad a n d the O d y s s e y .
1 4 . Cassandra:
C a s s a n d r a was t h e daughter o f the K i n g and Q u e e n of T r o y . She w a s so b e a u t i f u l that h e r beauty m a d e Apollo g r a n t her t h e gift o f prophesy.
1 5 . Acantha:
A c a n t h a was t h e nymph l o v e d by A p o l l o . The n a m e Acantha m e a n s ‘thorn, p r i c k l e ’ .
1 6 . Adrasteia:
A d r a s t e i a was a n o t h e r name o f the Greek Goddess N e m e s i s . It i s the f e m i n i n e form o f Adrastos.
1 7 . Alcippe:
A l c i p p e was t h e name o f Ares’s d a u g h t e r in Greek mythology. H e r father k i l l e d the s o n of P o s e i d o n when h e attempted t o rape h e r . The n a m e Alcippe m e a n s ‘mighty’.
1 8 . Anthea:
A n t h e a was a n epithet o f Greek Goddess H e r a . It i s a b e a u t i f u l name m e a n i n g ‘flower’.
1 9 . Aphrodite:
A p h r o d i t e was t h e Greek Goddess o f love. S h e was t h e wife o f Hephaestus a n d the m o t h e r of E r o s . The n a m e Aphrodite i s of P h o e n i c i a n origin.
2 0 . Atlanta:
A t l a n t a was a fast-footed m a i d e n who r e f u s e d to m a r r y men w h o lost t o her i n the r a c e . She w a s eventually d e f e a t e d by H i p p o m a n i a s , who w o n the r a c e by t r i c k i n g her.
2 1 . Briseis:
B r i s e i s was t h e daughter o f Briseus i n the Greek mythology. S h e was c a p t u r e d by A c h i l l e s during t h e Trojan W a r .
2 2 . Danae:
D a n a e was t h e princess o f Argos a n d another w o n d e r f u l Greek mythology g i r l names. S h e was t h e mother o f Perseus, w h o came t o her i n the f o r m of a shower o f gold.
2 3 . Dike:
D i k e was t h e Goddess o f justice i n Greek mythology. S h e was o n e of t h e Horai. T h e name D i k e means ‘ j u s t i c e ’ .
2 4 . Erato:
I n Greek mythology, E r a t o was o n e of t h e nine m u s e s of l y r i c poetry. T h e name E r a t o means ‘ l o v e l y ’ in Greek.
2 5 . Euphrosyne:
E u p h r o s y n e was o n e of t h e three G r a c e s in Greek mythology. I t means ‘ m i r t h and m e r r i m e n t ’ .
2 6 . Europa:
E u r o p a was a Phoenician p r i n c e s s who w a s abducted a n d taken t o Crete b y Zeus. T h e continent o f Europe i s named a f t e r her.
2 7 . Evadne:
E v a d n e was t h e wife o f Capaneus, w h o was k i l l e d by a lightning b o l t . She c o m m i t t e d suicide b y throwing h e r s e l f onto h i s burning b o d y .
2 8 . Harmonia:
H a r m o n i a was t h e daughter o f Aphrodite a n d Ares. S h e was g i v e n by Z e u s to C a d m u s to b e his w i f e . The n a m e Harmonia m e a n s ‘harmony’.
2 9 . Hebe:
H e b e was t h e daughter o f Zeus a n d Hera. S h e was t h e Goddess o f youth i n Greek mythology.
3 0 . Hecate:
H e c a t e was t h e goddess a s s o c i a t e d with t o m b s , demons, a n d the u n d e r w o r l d . Her n a m e means “ f a r off”.
3 1 . Hestia:
H e s t i a was t h e Goddess o f the h e a r t h and d o m e s t i c activity i n the Greek mythology.
3 2 . Hippolyta:
H i p p o l y t a was t h e daughter o f Ares i n the Greek legend. S h e was a l s o the q u e e n of t h e Amazon.
3 3 . Ianthe:
I a n t h e was t h e name o f an o c e a n nymph i n Greek mythology. T h e name m e a n s “violet f l o w e r ” .
3 4 . Iphigeneia:
I p h i g e n e i a was t h e daughter o f King A g a m e m n o n in t h e Greek myth. S h e was m a g i c a l l y transported t o the c i t y of T a u r u s by h e r father.
3 5 . Jocasta:
J o c a s t a was t h e mother a n d wife o f Oedipus i n Greek myth. I t will m a k e an u n u s u a l name f o r your c h i l d .
3 6 . Kallisto:
K a l l i s t o was a nymph w h o m Zeus l o v e d . She w a s changed i n t o a b e a r by H e r a . She s u b s e q u e n t l y became t h e Great B e a r constellation.
3 7 . Lachesis:
L a c h e s i s was o n e of t h e three F a t e s in Greek mythology. S h e was t h e one w h o decided h o w long a person h a d to l i v e .
3 8 . Larisa:
L a r i s a was t h e daughter o f Pelasgus i n the Greek legend. T h e name w a s also b o r n e by a 4th-century G r e e k martyr.
3 9 . Melaina:
M e l a i n a was a n o t h e r nymph i n Greek mythology. T h e name M e l a i n sounds m a g i c a l , doesn’t i t ?
4 0 . Melete:
M e l e t e was o n e of t h e original t h r e e muses. S h e was t h e muse o f meditation. M e l e t e means “ p r a c t i c e , exercise”.
4 1 . Nyx:
N y x was o n e of t h e Greek Goddess o f the n i g h t . She w a s the d a u g h t e r of K h a o s .
4 2 . Cassandra:
C a s s a n d r a was a Trojan p r i n c e s s in Greek myth. S h e was t h e daughter o f Priam a n d Hecuba. H e r name m e a n s , “Shining u p o n man”.
4 3 . Phaedra:
P h a e d r a was t h e wife o f Theseus a n d the d a u g h t e r of M i n o s in Greek mythology. H e r name m e a n s ‘bright’.
4 4 . Phaenna:
G h a n a was t h e name o f one o f the t h r e e Graces i n Greek myth. H e r name m e a n s ‘shining’.
4 5 . Pistis:
P i s t i s was t h e personification o f trust i n Greek mythology. P i s t i s means ‘ t r u s t and f a i t h ’ .
4 6 . Tisiphone:
T i s i p h o n e was t h e name o f one o f the F u r i e s . The n a m e Tisiphone m e a n s ‘avenge’.
4 7 . Thalia:
T h a l i a was o n e of t h e nine m u s e s . She w a s the m u s e of c o m e d y and p a s t o r a l poetry. T h a l i a was a l s o the n a m e of o n e of t h e three G r a c e s .
4 8 . Tethys:
T e t h y s was t h e name o f Titan o f the s e a . She w a s also t h e wife o f Oceanus.
4 9 . Terpsichore:
T e r p s i c h o r e was o n e of t h e nine M u s e s . She w a s the G o d d e s s of d a n c e and d r a m a t i c s .
5 0 . Semele:
S e m e l e was o n e of t h e many l o v e r s of Z e u s . The n a m e sounds t r a d i t i o n a l , yet e x o t i c Greek names f o r baby g i r l .
S o , have y o u zeroed i n on a n y name y e t ? Let u s the k n o w the n a m e s you l i k e d the m o s t . You c a n also s u g g e s t some Greek mythology b a b y names a n d meanings i n the c o m m e n t s section.
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helenadurazzo · 3 months
Wanted to share some of my ships that included canon characters with my original characters
As always, feel free to ask me about any of these pairings regardless of they are canon or not
Hector x Serena (Canon)
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Grace X Phineas (AU)
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Leander x Julius (Canon)
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Amit x Marie (AU)
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Ominis x Evangeline (Canon)
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Imelda x Zsuzsi (AU)
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Natty x Darius (Canon)
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helenadurazzo · 3 months
I’m gonna throw a few questions for Juleander
How did they get together?
What was the biggest hurdle in their relationship?
What made you want to pair them?
Thanks for the ask!
1. Tbh I am still trying to figure out the timeline and dates but I can give you this: Even though the two are only a year apart (Julius being in the year above the main HPHL characters) due to them being in different houses, they did not cross paths until Crossed Wands which both were members of. After pairing up once for a duel, they started to hang out more, along with their other friend, Hector Fawley, often outside to where they could practice flying and duelling skills. Overtime they started getting closer however both would deny growing feelings for the other due to expectations and their own insecurities that prevented them both from being honest with the other. It was actually Hector who got annoyed by their delay of confessing that managed to get them together finally (right now I think it is going to be when Leander is a sixth year and Julius is a seventh year with me putting Hector in the same year as Julius for variety), although even then they did delay telling others that they were dating with many still assuming they were simply good friends.
2. I feel like a continuous hurdle they face is being true to themselves as both have a habit of masking their insecurities, which does improve over time but still has an impact. As such, even though they have known each other for years, they still tend to hide details from the other not wanting to ruin the other’s perception of them. However since they both understand their mutual feelings of insecurity allows them to help the other when they recognize those feelings coming on again. As stated in the first question, them getting together in the first place was a slow process because due to a lack of communication they did not know what the other would think and did not want to risk their friendship. As such, I feel like they do try to improve their skills at communicating overtime.
3. It started with a similar reason for why I made Ominis x Evangeline a pairing but they are a story for another day. For those who don’t know, Phineas is a very old character of mine who was made when Hogwarts Legacy was announced and there was not much other information to go on (more specifically my first design of him dates to April 2021 with Marie and his siblings getting designs in the following months). And I think part of the reason was the delays that were given to the release of the game. However, to develop him I had already given him a love interest in the form of Marie McKay since I wanted to plan how things would happen for the generations that involve their kids and grandkids. As such, both these pairs come at an interest of exploring OC x Canon relationships in Hogwarts Legacy. Now for those who know me, I tend to enjoy shipping my characters with less popular characters such as my Hogwarts Mystery pairing of Helena and Erika. It also helps if I ever want to write with someone else’s MC since oftentimes they wi have different partners. I ended up selecting Leander since he has similar insecurities to Julius about not measuring up to the expectations set which had some interesting story potential.
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