#hector fawley
holdmymallowsweet · 4 days
Ravenclaws 🦅
all named and confirmed Ravenclaws in Hogwarts Legacy 🪶
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Everett Clopton
Professor Satyavati Shah - Professor Dinah Hecat
Duncan Hobhouse - Ignatia Wildsmith - Samantha Dale
Sophronia Franklin - Zenobia Noke
Sirona Ryan
Astoria Crickett - Constance Dagworth
Hector Fawley - Amit Thakkar - Andrew Larson
Mahendra Pehlwaan - Isidora Morganach (being represented by her empty painting, because there's no photo mode in cutscenes)
Ravenclaw door knocker, for Rowena Ravenclaw
former Headmistress Niamh Fitzgerald - "The Grey Lady", Helena Ravenclaw
All Ravenclaws in Hogwarts Legacy, to the best of my knowledge and ability (but let me know if I missed anyone). I tried to make everyone look as good as possible, and I have plenty nice shots of them all that I didn't end up using, so if anyone wants more pics of their favourite underappreciated Ravenclaw, just let me know and I'll happily post them💙
(other houses coming soon)
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alibasnur · 3 months
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necromary · 6 months
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I think this should have been published a long time ago :)
While playing HL, my friends and I noticed a beautiful NPC and started taking screenshots of him. Later, based on these screenshots in Discord HL, other discord members gave me an idea for a meme
(By the way, this is Hector Fawley, the future Minister of Magic. So maybe Ariadne (my MC) is looking in the right direction)
As a bonus, I’m attaching the screenshots with Sebastian’s jealous look)) And a mini-bonus with a sketch, because Hector looks very tasty there :)
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boxdstars · 8 months
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The ever conniving future Auror Commissioner, and the ever incompetent future Minister of Magic
i can’t believe i didn’t realize that Hector Fawley (the fantastic beasts era minister of magic) was in this game??? iconic
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muzzzzle · 1 year
Prefects’ Bathroom 🫧
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Pairing: Prefect! Leander Prewett x Hector Fawley
I promised to finish this smut so ‘here I am as good as my word’ (c) It’s also my first work written specifically in English 👉🏻👈🏻
A friendly call for @prissaoe @soraimai @cranberryletters on the occasion!
The lights in the braziers twitched and the enchanted armor rattled unsettlingly. Leander had always found them sort of creepy, especially at such an hour, when every shadow in the castle was out to get something, whisper with muffled voices in his ear,  and breathe down his neck, making the hairs stand. Prewett shivered lightly and straightened his back. They wouldn’t scare him after all this time. He’s been put into Gryffindor and rightfully so. 
Though at this moment it was hard to tell if his quickened breath had more to do with suspicious noises creeping at him from all around the castle, or the excitement of his dream finally coming true. He’d almost lost his hope last year, getting roasted by Garreth constantly on the subject. But who’s laughing now, eh? 
The proud Gryffindor Prefect was striding down the Faculty Tower, casting glances at the portraits and nodding to them familiarly. Who would know, that coming back to Hogwarts for 6th year, he would finally get the cherished pin. Gryffindor House was cheering so loudly and Leander couldn’t help but drop a few happy tears on the occasion. Finally, he got what he rightfully deserved. Even Garreth wouldn’t dare to pull his pranks on him now, not when Prewett got to flash his shiny pin and casually mention Weasley’s aunt, whom he was supposed to meet oh so very soon about yet another incredibly important matter. Garreth nodded understandingly and patted the roommate on the shoulder.
And today, after having bathed in respect, adoration, and glory, Leander was finally about to bathe in the place he had been dreaming of since he first heard about it. The Prefects’ bathroom. Retreat for the elite.
Faculty Tower appeared mostly empty, on his way Prewett only met Professor Garlick, mumbling something about Gillyweed. The redhead nodded to her pompously as well, trying to remember frantically if he’d handed in that essay on the Sopophorus plant. But Herbology Professor didn’t seem to be interested in that at all, a sigh of relief leaving his chest. 
Leander finally got closer to the coveted door, enunciated every syllable of the password to the statue of Boris the Bewildered, and pushed the handle, his heart sinking in anticipation.  After the dimly lit corridors of the Faculty Tower, bright lights reflected in the sparkling foam made him squint a bit. It was all he had dreamed of and more, bubbles popping playfully in the air, the stained-glass mermaid braiding her long hair, eyeing him with interest, lined up taps, erupting with all sorts of colors, fumes with musky scents, and… Somebody’s naked butt.
“Aaaah!” Prewett squeaked but quickly pulled himself together — in his dreams Prefects’ bathroom was his and his only, no other naked butts intended. “Sorry, mate, I was under the impression nobody had the place tonight.”
He turned his gaze away, embarrassed and bewildered just as much as the statue at the entrance, as the owner of the butt turned at him, his face with high cheekbones expressing the same surprise Leander’s had just moments ago. The Gryffindor Prefect's gaze brushed awkwardly at some uncovered parts of the bathroom occupant, who, apparently, hadn’t yet entered the water, before settling eyes on his face and dark hair. It wasn’t any of the Prefects, with all of whom Prewett was on a first-name basis, or the Head Boy, nor the captain of any Quidditch team, which was the only place Leander didn’t manage to get himself into this year. A seventh-year Ravenclaw, whom he had seen quite a few times in the Training Grounds, they even exchanged a few words last year – Hector Fawley. Leander raised his eyebrow with suspicion, trying to remember if there were any reasons for him to be privileged as high as to enter such an establishment. The musky scent was tickling his nose even more now, fogging his head a bit. The Ravenclaw caught himself faster.
“Leander, right?” his thick dark eyebrows straightened, and high cheekbones rounded up a bit as he cast a charming smile.  
“What are you doing here, this is Prefects’ bathroom!” Prewett answered instead of a greeting, his face about to compete in color with his hair.
Fawley wasn’t in the rush to cover himself up at all, it was almost like he was proud to show his body off, the embarrassment of being caught wearing off quickly. Leander tried to seem stern, it was the first obstacle of any kind he’d encountered on his path as a Prefect so far, and he couldn’t quite understand how to react to such a situation. Was it a test? A weird initiation ceremony other Prefects prepared for him? Maybe they are testing if he had what it took to be harsh at times? Why on Earth did Hector Fawley have his dick out like that?
“So I am aware,” Hector shrugged, noticing just how wild was the expression on Prewett’s face, and calculating frantically the best way out of this. “I have certain… secret privileges, you see.”
Leander kept eyeing him with suspicion. If it was indeed the Prefects’ test, then he should just act as one. ‘What do you mean “as one”? You are one now!’ thought the redhead to himself and frowned his eyebrows. The musky-smoky scent was still pursuing him, he turned his head, trying to find the source of it.
“Then you wouldn’t mind testifying your ‘privileges’ to Professor Weasley, would you?” Prewett raised his chin and looked at the intruder with a challenge. 
Hector arched one of his eyebrows. He was impressed. Leander Prewett didn’t have the best reputation at school, but apparently, he wasn’t so easy to fool. There was no point in trying to reason with him. But Ravenclaw's wits weren’t the only talent Fawley had taken pride in. If all the girls running after him were any proof – his charm was quite the force to be reckoned with. Hector never minded whether it was girls or boys. Whatever needed to be done. The Ravenclaw raised his hands up as a sign of peace, and tilted his head a bit, eyeing the freshly-baked Prefect with interest.
“Ok, I admit it. You got me, mate. I’m not supposed to be here.”
Prewett swallowed loudly, trying to keep his eyes at the level of Fawley’s head. Why was he so chill? What the hell were those fumes? And when did Hector get that abs so tight? And why did it bother him, Leander, so much? Even though some very inappropriate images were rising in Prefect’s mind (all of them had to do with a certain naked body right in front of him), the redhead was fighting them off quite bravely.
“I will accompany you to Professor Hecat’s, the Head of your House,” stated Leander.
The Ravenclaw clicked his tongue. He was preparing himself for quite a career after this last year at Hogwarts. His family had already pulled some strings and he was counting on a job at the Ministry. If it was up to Headmaster Black, he would have smoothly talked his way out of it, but Hecat… She was almost as diligent at staining the students’ records with minor misdemeanors as Weasley. He was thinking quickly, eyeing the sixth-year’s face. Leander was still clearly embarrassed but tried his best to look stern. Resolute face, plump lips pressed tightly – he was kinda cute, Hector thought.
“Are you certain we have to go to Hecat’s?” Fawley made his voice sound as smooth and deep as he could. “Surely the two of us can work something out, no need to get the unnecessary attention.”
Prewett frowned, processing his words. Yes, it was definitely a test. The Prefects, probably, were here in the bathroom as well, concealed by Disillusionment Charm, watching his every move and releasing some enchanted fumes, making his mind race with dirty images. Leander exhaled loudly to find the courage to remain tough and ignore the sudden urge to run his tongue along Fawley’s abs. 
“I have to accompany you to Professor Hecat’s at once, I’m afraid!” with all the will he managed to collect, the redhead blurted out. “Put your clothes on!”
But Fawley didn’t even take a look at his clothes, getting closer to Leander instead and grinning predatorily. A couple more steps and his arm pressed the Gryffindor against the wall tightly, Prewett’s eyes widened in surprise, as Hector shamelessly brushed his naked body against Leander’s. The closeness and the warmth made him feel a light twitch in his pants. What in Merlin’s name was this guy doing?
“What in Merlin's name are you doing?” the Gryffindor felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and abdomen, as Hector’s dark eyes were hypnotizing him. “I– I’m a Prefect!”
“So I’ve heard,” the Ravenclaw murmured hotly right into Leander’s ear, pressing on his neck a bit harder and in one sharp movement covering Prewett’s plump lips with his.
Leander froze, processing. Hector Fawley was… kissing him?! What kind of initiation was that?! His mind was already about to blow, when he felt Hector’s other arm unbuttoning his robes, stroking his sides, and travelling down, close to the buckle of his trousers. Prewett opened his lips wider in surprise, Fawley’s tongue invading his mouth immediately. The Gryffindor tried with all his might to think of anything else, but his imagination would only paint brighter pictures of where Fawley’s hand should go next and how gently Hector was brushing his tongue against his own at the very moment. It wasn’t Leander’s first kiss at all – a couple of times he awkwardly tried it with Lenora Everleigh, who would mock him about the fact he hadn’t ever kissed, and then suck on his lips like a hungry dementor. They were even trying to do other things, and all along it’d just been really weird for him. But this time he felt different. Musky fumes were making his head spin and the Ravenclaw clearly knew what he was doing, so against his own will, Leander grew hard, moaning slightly into Hector’s mouth and making him chuckle.
“That’s it, Prewett, let me make it up to you,” he grinned as he parted, feeling the bulge in the redhead’s pants. “Wouldn’t it be better than bothering poor old Professor Hecat?”
Leander opened his clouded eyes and, breathing hard, felt the weirdly natural fire rising within. Licking his burning lips, he grabbed Fawley and, with the strength he had hardly expected from himself, turned him around, this time being the one pressing another into the wall. Hector’s thick brows frowned, but his eyes twinkled with the sudden change of the Prefect’s character. He opened his mouth, going to say something, but Prewett with unlikely power grabbed his chin tightly and pulled him in for another kiss, warmer, wilder, wetter.
Leander never knew he had it in him, he felt dizzy with sudden boldness and power over the handsome Ravenclaw, whimpering slightly back into his mouth. He ran his hands against the broad naked shoulders, along the bare skin, that would cover with goosebumps at his hungry touches, down to the narrow hips, thrusting a bit forward, trying to brush his erection against Fawley’s hot body, feeling him grow hard as well. Hector gasped for breath, his eyes wide as the Gryffindor rested his hands on his butt and squeezed slightly.
“Wow,” he breathed out into another’s ear, chuckling. “Never knew you were so horny for me, Prewett, could’ve said so!”
Leander parted, panting and looking at the smug expression of the Ravenclaw searchingly, and smiled victoriously, grabbing his exposed dick without warning, squeezing it and making Hector whimper again. Redhead found himself enjoying these sounds more and more. He breathed in deeply, feeling the courage bursting out of him as the fumes took over — he wasn’t afraid of looking stupid or ashamed — it felt right. He pulled Fawley closer by his organ and kissed him again, feeling how the seventh-year tried to thrust into his hand.
“I think you’re in no position to mock me, Fawley,” said Leander hotly to his ear, brushing the dark hair with the free hand and pulling on it a bit to hear another moan. “I think you would need to put in some good work if you want to have me cover for you.”
Hector threw his head back as Prewett pulled on his hair, eyeing his face, flushed with lust and licking his lips. The sudden change in Prefect’s character was turning him on more and more, he had almost forgotten why he started doing it in the first place. Of course, he knew, what might have given redhead a nudge – he had lit the sticks himself not more than ten minutes ago, hoping to spend some quality time with the hot emerging fantasies in his head – through some smugglers’ connections he had managed to get a bunch of mysterious Indian incense, used widely in their wizarding houses of pleasure. Maybe, those were the fumes hitting him as well, but every touch of Leander made his skin burn and blood rush through his head. He grabbed the red-edged robes and in one swift movement removed them from the shoulders, starting to unbutton the shirt on the Gryffindor’s chest, when Prewett caught his fingers and shook his head. Hector obeyed with surprise and anticipation, taking a few steps to the side, as Leander’s hand, resting on his abs, pushed him insistently toward the pool, still full of colourful foam and bubbles. He stopped at the very slippery edge, his heels looming over the bath, one Leander’s hand wrapped around his cock tightly, another, in contrast, pressing him forward.
“Do you expect me to jump?” Fawley cocked his eyebrow, feeling his heart beating loudly.
“I expect you to fall,” Leander answered and pushed the Ravenclaw with both hands, looking with a clouded gaze at the water splashing as Hector fell into it. 
His head and shoulders resurfaced the water some seconds later, he stroked his moist hair back, exposing his forehead, and thick eyebrows raised in utter surprise. Prewett watched him with the same wild, hungry, lustful eyes with widened pupils, slowly taking off his shirt. Fawley smirked, breathing deeply, eyeing the Prefect’s freckled chest and resting his gaze on the bulge in Leander’s trousers.
“Seems your clothes are a bit tight on you,” he said smugly. “Need some help?”
The redhead said nothing and unbuttoned his trousers quickly as well, taking them off in a hasty motion, remaining in his briefs, and got closer to the edge of the pool.
“You will be helping me in another way, Fawley,” he said hoarsely, the view of water streaming down Hector’s neck and shoulders turning him on even more. His briefs came down to the floor next to the crumpled white shirt, as Leander sat with his bare butt on the edge of the pool, which he just pushed the intruder off. He spread his legs wider shamelessly, feet in the water, showing off his cock twitching painfully as if inviting to be touched desperately. “Will you be a good Ravenclaw and guess yourself or shall I tell you what to do?”
Fawley's grin crept higher as he took a couple of steps closer, pushing the thick foam away. The incense was still burning, a pleasant musky scent tickling his nostrils as his hands rested on Leander's knees and his face right opposite his crotch. Hector was taking his time, clearly enjoying the impatient freckled face and dark eyes devouring him with lust. He slowly grabbed some foam and ran his fingers up Prewett’s right thigh, listening in to his quickening breathing and feeling the muscles tensing up at his touch. Getting closer to the groin, he teasingly brushed the inner thigh with his thumb and, burying his nails in the pale skin slightly, left red traces as he moved his fingers back to the knee. Leander clenched his teeth and whimpered.
“Have you done it before?” Fawley raised his eyes, still playing with Prefect’s thigh.
“N-not with guys,” even having been affected like this by the Indian fumes, the redhead sounded a bit nervous.
Hector nodded and stroked the left thigh with one long motion, resting his palm on Leander’s butt and squeezing it lightly.
“I will be gentle, Prewett,” he murmured as he brought his face even closer to the aroused dick, cupping his glutes with both hands this time.
Prefect’s heart was racing as he watched, holding his breath, as Fawley stuck out his tongue and slowly ran its tip along the hard shaft from the bottom up, knocking another moan out of him. Leander clung to the wet edges of the pool with his fingers, his knuckles white as he locked his gaze with Hector’s. The Ravenclaw was clearly playing with him, moving slowly and barely touching at times, tracing the net of veins on his dick with a deft tongue, leaving the organ wet and unattended as he started sucking on his balls, squeezing his butt harder. 
Prewett clenched his teeth, panting, his dick hurting with desire. He was afraid it would be over too soon but experienced Fawley (where the hell did he learn all that?) knew how to keep him on the edge and extend the pleasure. He would start sucking on the very tip of Prefect's throbbing essence with filthy wet sounds, making Leander arch his back and push his hips forward trustingly, closing his eyes; but then suddenly bite the inner side of his thigh, grinning at yet another soft whimper and licking over the red mark. Prewett winced and grasped Hector’s wet hair, pulling it slightly again.
“So impatient,” the Ravenclaw chuckled teasingly, burying his nails in the bare skin, covered with goosebumps. “You Gryffindors need to be taught some restraint.”
Leander couldn’t even formulate words, he just forced Fawley’s face closer to his crotch by the hair, his dick brushing against the high cheekbone. Hector felt as his own hardness was driving him crazy already, his own tension building up even without any direct contract. He opened his mouth wide and wrapped it around Prewett’s swollen organ, sensing as its tip pressed against the back of his throat and hearing an inappropriately loud moan.
“Mmmph” whimpered Leander, finally getting the demanded attention and thrusting slightly at the pace the Ravenclaw had set. 
Hector was accelerating fast, feeling that the Prefect wouldn’t hold much longer, helping himself with his tongue, his fingers at the back finding their way to the redhead’s hole. He was at his hardest himself, Prewett’s moans roaming wild in his mind. Before he knew it, Leander erupted with a hoarse groan right into the seventh-year throat, his body shaking vigorously, his fingers clutching hard on Fawley’s hair. With the release, the Gryffindor lowered on his back, his chest heaving as he was panting noisily. Without waiting for him to rise, Hector got up the slippery steps; water and foam streaming down his heated and tense body; brought one leg over Prewett’s pale torso, lowering onto his knees in the riding pose, and with a few swift jerks he came all over the freckled heaving chest with a deep moan.
The incense sputtered a thin wisp of darker smoke and went out. Fumes were still roaming around the bathroom, Fawley fell exhaustedly right next to the Prefect, breathing just as heavily, his face expressing utter satisfaction. Leander was eyeing the high ceiling decorated with the floral pattern and the lights flickering in the floating bubbles. The seventh-year suddenly got up and started pulling his clothes on. Prewett raised on his elbows.
“You are going?” he tried to conceal his disappointment but to no avail. 
Fawley pulled on his pants and was now doing the buttons on his shirt clinging instantly to his yet moist skin.
“It seemed like you wanted to enjoy the place all by yourself,” Hector grinned, drying his hair with a wand and watching as the sticky white mess that he had made on the Gryffindor's chest got more transparent. “I reckon you might really use this bath now, Mr Prefect. Unless you still want to go to Hecat’s, of course.”
Leander blushed hard and pressed his lips, sliding slowly to the water and shaking his head negatively. Now that the effect of the incense and his sudden outburst of wild lust was wearing off, he was starting to feel embarrassed. But even more than that he was thinking of doing that again.
“You can go,” Prewett answered, hiding his eyes and leaning his back against the tiling of the pool. 
The Ravenclaw watched him carefully and sighed, squatting down near the taps, decorated with some sort of mer-creatures, and running his fingers through the red hair reassuringly.
“That was fun, Leander. I won’t mind doing it again sometime, if you are up for it” he said playfully and rose, heading to the door, leaving the Prefect with the eyes hopefully fluttering as he reproached.
“He-Hector!” the redhead’s call caught up with him almost as he reached for the knob. “If you ever want to use the bathroom, let me know, I’ll… work something out.”
Fawley turned his head and cast a glance at the embarrassed sixth-year, smiling.
“I will be looking forward to us working something out together,” he said before slipping through the door. 
Prewett breathed in noisily and dove under the thick foam. Well, that wasn’t at all what he’d imagined his first time here would be like. The other Prefects were right. Once you try the Prefect’s bathroom, you’ll never want to get back to the regular one.
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slytherin-paramour · 6 months
So, Hector Fawley. He's a bit of ok tbh.
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helenadurazzo · 3 months
Julius Hearst in Hogwarts Legacy
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Featuring Hector Fawley and Leander Prewett
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leanderballerprewett · 7 months
If Sebastian and Ominis are out of the question for threesomes, what about your ravenclaw friend, Hector Fawley? I always see you chatting outside with him and I’d love to get in between the two of you.
Hector and I aren't on speaking terms right now. He said Elon Musk isn't the coolest man in the universe, so I pissed on his Ancient Runes textbook. He said that was "gross violation of his privacy" and I said "seen 9:57pm."
I just think cryptocurrency is great,
Leander "Dogecoin" Prewett xox
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cranberryletters · 1 year
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I think he looks a bit like Tom Riddle in the second movie
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prissaoe · 1 year
Random pics of Hogwarts Legacy
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I present you Leander Prewett and his boyfriend the future minister of magic, Hector Fawley, seriously, they always are together outside the school, early on the morning
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And afternoon too, I mean, even at night I see them there, later I'm going to take pics at night
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eternalremorse · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy MC: Vincent Sallow
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Full Name: Vincent Albert Sallow Nicknames: Vince, Vinny, Vin Date of Birth: 13th November 1874 (Scorpio) Gender: Male (he/him) Nationality: English and Scottish Blood Status: Pureblood House: Slytherin Wand: TBC Patronus: TBC Likes: Reading, duelling, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms and Quidditch (watching and participating) Dislikes: Herbology, Astronomy, Arbroath smokies, dishonesty and pessimists
Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Dark brown Height: 5’11’’ Physique: Broad and toned Other features: Freckles all over the face and most of the body
Parents: Solomon Sallow (father), Victoria Fawley (mother) Adopted Guardians: Mary Hopper, Joseph Hopper Siblings: Two unknown younger half-siblings on Victoria’s side Other relatives: Sebastian Sallow (cousin), Anne Sallow (cousin), unnamed uncle and auntie (Sebastian and Anne’s parents), Hector Fawley (cousin)
Career: Auror Partner/Spouse: Natsai Onai Children: Joseph Dakarai Sallow, Rupert Emmanuel Sallow
In Depth Details
Vincent was the result of an affair between Solomon and Victoria. They were both in a secret relationship that would have been forbidden by the Fawley’s if they found out. Victoria was betrothed to another man from a more powerful pureblood family.
They both met at the Ministry where Victoria’s family were climbing the ranks and Solomon was an Auror.
After Victoria found out she was pregnant, she and Solomon originally planned to run away together to start anew as a family. But the plan was thwarted when Victoria’s brother found out about her pregnancy and threatened to have Solomon “taken care of.”
She agreed to end things with Solomon to keep him safe under the condition that her pregnancy be carried to full term, and she would send the baby to Solomon to raise. Her brother reluctantly agreed and helped her hide her pregnancy from their family by pretending she was travelling around Europe before settling down.
Solomon was so devastated that Victoria ended things with him that he refused to take in Vincent. So instead, he was sent to a wizarding orphanage.
Victoria officially named Vincent and left him a letter that he could open once he was old enough. The letter contained details of how she loved him dearly and wished that the circumstances of his arrival had been different. She urged him not to contact her as he may find himself in danger and she would find it too painful if anything happened to him.
Vincent was eventually adopted at the age of five by a woman called Mary Hopper and her younger brother, Joseph. Neither of them was married nor had children due to their busy careers as Aurors before they retired, but they wanted to raise a child to fill the void in their lives.
They brought him up in the Yorkshire countryside and he would help with the farm animals and chores every day. He was home-schooled about magic by Mary.
Vincent was disappointed when his magical abilities didn’t appear and watched as his friends develop theirs one-by-one. Vincent was slowly left out of the group and became estranged by the time they got their letters to Hogwarts a few years later. All the wizards in the village called him the “local squib,” and would either turn their noses up at him or pity him.
Vincent grew bitter at everyone’s attitudes towards him, and even started to resent the wizarding world. Mary and Joseph would remind him that even though squibs were rare, it was normal for them to occur. They contacted a friend who was also a squib so that Vincent could meet them and discuss his frustrations. It helped him to understand that he wasn’t alone!
Joseph passed away in the Spring of 1890 and Vincent was devastated! Soon afterwards on a particularly frustrating day, Vincent’s magic finally developed after he went to light a fire outside, and the magic he unknowingly produced almost caused an explosion! The next day he received a Hogwarts acceptance letter and a letter from the Ministry about being tutored by Professor Fig in preparation for Hogwarts later that year.
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fischerfrey · 5 months
so now that sylvie has a name, sylvia finch, she needs a backstory...
the last option is also for anyone who wants a secret love child for an oc of theirs! the requirements are that they should be from a rich, influental pureblood family who has a reputation to protect. sylvie was born in april, 1927 and she doesn't know her biological parents.
the fausts belong to @potionboy3
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alibasnur · 9 days
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My Ravenclaw MC and Amit in the background talking about Hector Fawley's flying skill
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mizutoyama · 5 months
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Let's start with Alice
The first formal attire we have for Alice is for the Celestial Ball, which you can see HERE. As for why did she go for that look... Andre. You can find the fic that goes with it HERE.
Her second formal attire (which is technically the first one I wrote about back in 2018) is for a reception done in her honour by the Egyptian Ministry of Magic. You can see it HERE and find the fic HERE. Again, Andre picked it out.
Now, Astraea!
It's as if my obsession with ball scenes served me well, as I actually commissioned some time ago a picture of Astraea in the formal dress she wore for the Christmas ball in her 6th year (we're not going to call it the Yule ball, as that always starts a debate).
Here's the gorgeous illustration done by @giselsann-opencommissions
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The dress in real life:
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Why did she go for that look? To show off in front of a certain Slytherin boy who called her ignorant
As a bonus, here's a little scene I imagined to go with it:
Astraea had managed to escape Hector Fawley's company, craving some fresh air after enduring the incessant solipsism of his discourse. In the pursuit of tranquillity and a respite from the hubbub, she directed her steps towards the gardens adjacent to the Great Hall, leaving the clamour of the ball behind the wooden doors. While Hector's conversation had bored her to tears, Astraea found herself unable to suppress a smile upon the recollection of Sebastian. His countenance, riddled with vexation whenever she indulged in a dance with the esteemed Ravenclaw Head-boy or chuckled at his feeble attempts at wit, was a sight she found most amusing. She slowly made her way toward the gazebo, her mind once again enveloped in the image of Sebastian's face when she undertook the graceful descent of the stairs, where Hector awaited her arrival. The blaze in his eyes when Fawley kissed her hand… She laughed.
"What is so amusing?" asked a voice from behind her.
That voice was all too familiar to her. The very same voice that had audaciously labelled her as 'ignorant' only a few weeks ago. She turned to face the owner of the voice. "Nothing that concerns you, Sallow," she retorted with a chill.
"Saw you with Fawley… Of all the buffoons at Hogwarts, you chose to accompany that pompous prick!" exclaimed Sebastian, standing at the bottom of the stairs leading to the gazebo.
"Why, pray, should it concern you with whom I chose to attend this ball? How could it possibly interest you with whom a lady you deemed so ignorant should decide to pass her time?" retorted Astraea, slowly losing her cool.
Sebastian's face reddened slightly, taken aback by her sharpness. "I only meant that you deserve better company," he muttered, avoiding her gaze.
"You presume to know what I deserve?" she asked, her tone icy. She crossed her arms over her chest, the movement causing the delicate fabric of her dress to shimmer under the moonlight. "And what, pray tell, leads you to consider yourself qualified to make such a judgment?"
Sebastian seemed to squirm under her scrutiny, his hands moving to clasp behind his back. "I..." he began, but his voice trailed off. He looked away, his gaze settling on the distant twinkling stars that adorned the night sky overhead.
"Exactly," Astraea cut in, her voice laced with a bitter edge. "You don't get to decide that, Sebastian. Not after what you said."
"I may have been harsh, but you know what goblins did to my sister, and yet you choose to associate with one of them. You've even confronted some yourself. How can you hold such unwavering trust that he will not deceive you?" replied Sebastian, joining her under the gazebo.
Astraea met his question with a dismissive shrug. "I just do. Not all goblins support Ranrok's ways."
Sebastian exhaled a weary sigh, extending a hand towards her. "How can you be so…"
"So... what?" interrupted Astraea, stepping back with a flash of anger in her eyes. "Pray, finish your thought. What, precisely, am I in your estimation? Shall we revisit the well-trodden path of 'ignorant'? Or do you intend to employ further breadth of your lexicon, Mr. Sallow? Perhaps this time, I shall be deemed naive, innocent, foolish, or even outrightly unintelligent?"
Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why must you persist in being so obstinate? I am merely concerned for your well-being. I fear you may not fully realize what you're getting yourself into, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"Ah! So it is my judgment and my skills you don't trust! Have you forgotten that I bested a full troll in our fifth year, or triumphed over many of Ranrok's Loyalists and Rookwood's Ashwinders. I have even vanquished enchanted sentinels with a penchant for beheading and rescued a dragon from a fighting ring. But it seems, in your estimation, my judgement and abilities are so flawed that I am incapable of determining the trustworthiness of a goblin."
Sebastian's voice rose in desperation, "Will you just listen to me!"
"No! I have had my fill of your doubts. I am done!" With that, she began to remove herself from his presence, making her way toward the courtyard near the Ravenclaw tower. "I wish you well, but I must insist that you refrain from speaking to me ever again."
In a fit of desperation, Sebastian pursued her. "Astraea, come back this instant. Why do you persist in disregarding my counsel?"
"Counsel? Such a claim is rather humorous coming from someone who thought it was a good idea to go looking for a Scriptorium where we could have died," she retorted, as she kept walking, holding up the skirt of her dress to avoid tripping on the hem as she ran down some stairs.
"But we didn't!" he replied, managing to catch up with her.
"Indeed, and only because I agreed to endure your casting of the Cruciatus curse upon me," she retorted, her voice laced with indignation. "In truth, I think you present a greater threat to my person than any Goblin," she shot back, reaching the bottom of the stairs just as he seized her wrist.
"Let me go!"
His grip tightened as he halted her progress, pulling her around to face him. "Enough," he growled, his voice barely rising above a hush. "Astraea, I…" His words dissipated into the cool night air, his countenance a tableau of vexation and turmoil.
Astraea raised her gaze to meet his. She could see in his dark brown eyes that she may have gone too far, fuelled by her anger. "You what? Will you resort to the Imperius curse to force me to listen to what you have to say?" she challenged, her tone rich with defiance.
Sebastian merely stood, his gaze locked onto hers. His eyes, a mirror to her own fiery defiance. Those emerald eyes that had vanquished him in their fifth-year duel, that had saved him from an untimely watery grave prior to their sorting ceremony. He had sought these eyes for solace on the train after Anne's curse. The same eyes that, without fail, engaged him in an intellectual duel during class. They belonged to a girl who was as vexing as she was intriguing, the most frustrating girl in all of Hogwarts, yet he found himself eagerly anticipating the sight of their sparkling verdant depths each morning.
Sebastian gently let go of her wrist, his hand instinctively migrating towards the soft contours of her cheek. It was a tender gesture that spoke volumes more than any words could. Astraea's eyes widened in surprise, but she made no move to withdraw from his proximity. Sebastian, emboldened by her lack of resistance, leaned in closer, practically erasing what little distance was left between them. Then, in a moment that was as swift as it was inevitable, his lips crashed onto hers, igniting a spark that had been smouldering between them.
Their kiss was brief, a mere second before the reality of his actions struck Sebastian. He stepped back, aghast. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. It was entirely inappropriate, and I..."
His apology was cut short. Astraea had seized the lapel of his dress robe, drawing him back towards her. She was unsure of what had possessed her, but she yearned for the intoxicating sensation of his lips upon hers. Their lips reunited, this time with a fervour that left them gasping for breath. The world around them seemed to dissolve, leaving only the two of them beneath the starlit sky.
Sebastian's hand found its way to the nape of her neck, his fingers tangling in her hair. Astraea continued to draw him closer, as if he could never be close enough, until her back made contact with the cold stone wall against which she leaned.
Their kiss intensified, their movements becoming more instinctive, more desperate. It was as if they were trying to communicate a lifetime of emotions through a single kiss, their actions reflecting a profound, unrefined yearning which had them clinging to each other with a tenacity born of passion. Their breaths mingled, their heartbeats syncing in a rhythm that was as old as time itself. Their world narrowed down to just the two of them, every other thought and consideration fading into insignificance.
Astraea's heart pounded in her chest, her blood singing with a fervour she had never experienced before. Her mind raced with a thousand different thoughts, each reflecting the myriad emotions coursing through her—surprise, confusion, exhilaration, and beneath it all, a profound sense of rightness.
Sebastian, for his part, was equally lost in the moment. His mind, once a whirlwind of doubt and uncertainty, was now filled with a singular, resounding thought. It was a realization, a revelation that filled him with a sense of peace he had never known. He loved her. He loved Astraea.
However, their moment was abruptly interrupted by a shocked gasp. "Sebastian Sallow!"
They both raised their eyes to see Natsai Onai, whose initial surprise swiftly transformed into a look of horror as she recognized her dearest friend Astraea as the girl entwined with Sebastian.
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kae-yup-that-is-it · 1 year
So you know those NPCs in hogwarts legacy that are named? I haven't met all of them but I can confirm that Hector Fawley is the worst. Dissed both Sebastian and Imelda.
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muzzzzle · 1 year
The other day I was running around Hogwarts, vibing and checking on the local NPCs. And only now (unacceptably late, yes, I’m aware) did I discover this rather dashing young man. (my deepest apologies for the quality, I took a picture of the tv with my phone, so I know it’s rubbish)
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He said something to me as I took off on a broom and a name flickered in the subtitles. I thought, how weird, why would a random npc on the training grounds be called anything other than “Ravenclaw student”. So I stayed and watched, waited for more lines and reactions. And boy, have I been rewarded for my patience! A Ravenclaw pretty boy, named Hector Fawley was having the most intriguing conversations with no other than Leander Prewett, and the sparks were flying out of my PS, I swear. Naturally, I ran here and tried to find anything I could on the matter of mysterious boi, discovering a couple of mentions (a cryout to @prissaoe !). How shocked was I, when I googled the man and discovered he was one day (fantastic beasts crossover, oh my) to become a Minister for Magic??!!!
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So, why the long introduction. My brain is poisoning me with lots of possible scenarios, so a little Hector/Leander drabble is on the way, hoping to engage at least a few more people into it by then 🌝
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