#leave her alone!
tired-and-swaggy · 1 month
if you think chappell roan is a “diva” for wanting personal space and respect in public, you’re absolutely crazy.
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"Orianna sucks the blood of children"
God forbid women have hobbies 😒
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lydiaas · 2 years
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You can't send me to wilderness cuckoo's nest!
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armando-triplepapito · 11 months
This dude and his dramatic ass😒 like bruh! She didn’t even open the door hard! You know people use that door to enter, you’re the one who needs to be careful! Anyways who gets so close to a public door like that? At least extend your arm so you don’t get hit. Once again, not paying attention and that’s on you 🫵🏼 don’t blame others🙄
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lauranthalasah · 1 year
To clarify some points: • As funny as it is the idea of Chetney being Orym’s dad, we actually know his biological father’s last name, it is Tarrintel, he left, leaving Alma and Orym behind (I don’t think we know how young Orym was but I assume he was young), that’s why Orym didn’t take his last name and is known as Orym of the air ashari. • The young woman inside the monster they fought was NOT Orym's sister, her name was Fira (no Fy’Ra either). • The missing sister’s name is Berenie. • I know... I know some people are going to jump again over the use of Daylight. I know what the spell says, but hear me out: 1) these monsters, as well as Mother, could be sensitive to bright light... we don’t know 2) I know the spell named Daylight doesn’t cast daylight/sunlight... it’s fucking stupid, it should, and if they play the game with that canon, I applaud them!
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skiplo-wave · 8 months
If I had nickel everytime guns were pulled on Nayuta I have two nickels. Which isn’t lot but fucked up it happen twice :/
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artnfiction · 11 months
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Tip 1: Never talk with a grieving Eva about work, or your face will taste the soup before you do😂😂
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wmnylander · 9 months
the leafs have scottie barnes shilling out for all star votes i’m crying
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klug · 2 months
People typecasting Leena as the dark mage orwhatever for the Fia game is crazy that's my daughter she's like 12
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blackmosscupcakes · 5 months
Ah jeez oh man I'm pretty sure they didn't introduce a secret second NICE way of getting ruidusborn to exalt, right? 😭
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sadlittlecountess · 8 months
i become eerily unhinged whenever a brain dead person insults my favorite female character. i don’t care that she’s the devil incarnate, she’s my pookie, and that’s all that matters!! <33
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graciebaberams · 9 months
Not someone tagging one of MY posts with “kaylor”
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mathlann · 1 year
Sent Shadowheart to Withers for her Plot Relevant Respec and he immediately hit her with the "hast thou no bosom companion?" talk -_-
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This swan is NOT a female manipulator!!
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I've never seen somebody with such obsessive haters as Jaime there has to be a dozen of you stalking her blog multiple times a day looking to trip her up and catch her in "problematic" statements it's so fucking ridiculous
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