#leaving libber even worse
fishybehavior · 2 years
What do you mean only Kai can experience parentification??
I'm gonna give Jay so much- *gets shot*
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wyrmswears · 4 months
Alr here comes the "long" ask ig
Thanks to you bringing back my wolf children/werewolves/wolves brainrot, my brain brained a weird lore in my brain about your inhuman thundersnow au.
Remenber this guy? Well yeah, he was the EM of lightning before Libber (also her dad), during the Serpentine War he used his raijū form to fight, even if he was one of the less powerful lightning EM ever seen (based off the color of his lightning being yellow, yellow lightning is less hotter than blue lightning) he took many serpetine down and in general it was like brining a crazy new weapon to the war that suddenly gives certain side a great advantage, ya know, war stuff.
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After the war finished, despite him being a good guy. Raijūs started to be seen as horrible bloodthirsty creatures just because of what he did during the war, which wasn't too different to what other EM did is just that he did it as a wolf, even Garmadon thanks to the Great Devouerer venom did worse.
Anyway, people started to get paranoid about raijūs and this caused to some people dedicate most of their time to hunt them down, not all hunters did it because they were corcened or smth but because they simply wanted to have fun killing an exotic species, or simply capturing them for who knows what (maybe using them for taxidermy?? spooky experiments??? biological weapons??? idk)
Slowly the individuals of this species were less and less, until there was only one left, Libber. Her father died and she almost did too, in and the rest is history she leaving Jay with the walkers, etc...
One more species that got extinct thanks to humans.
(this is not my last ask 👹.)
yo this idea is dark af... hell yeah im using it, with some amendments. be warned i also used this ask as an opportunity to do some lore dumping
first of all, not all other raijū are gonna be extinct, but their population numbers have dwindled and most of them now avoid interacting with humans. i think it'd be interesting to have the gang meet other raijū at some point so i want to keep the opportunity open :D since they stop interacting with humans though, they are thought to be extinct and aren't really common knowledge among jay's generation.
both raijū and dragon will share this stigma of being dangerous bloodthirsty creatures, given that wu and garmadon also fight in the serpentine war (oni kinda have the stigma engrained in their identity in the ninjago series already ghsghsh and aren't really present in ninjago to most people's knowledge). dragons get off slightly easier however, being considered noble creatures in other legends, but raijū don't have the same reputation and are easier to hunt than dragons so they suffer a greater impact. this stigma is the cause for cole's fear of dragons in s1!
raijū don't make great taxidermy (their corpses eventually dissolve into lightning; full raijū aren't so much comprised of your typical things like flesh and bone), but i can imagine some being captured as living batteriess, although they only have enough power for about a single household, so it would work on a more individual basis than imperium's dragon energy scheme...
i've been having the idea that libber's dad isn't a wolf for his raijū form, but instead a snow leopard! you see, there's not a lot of mythology on raijū recorded online so i'm trying to fit in actual mythos where i can, and raijū aren't limited to a wolf/dog form, but have many four-legged animal forms recorded. i also like the idea of jay and libber's raijū forms looking similar, despite them not looking that similar for two canids, so related raijū in my au don't often have similar animal forms. libber's parents take the form of a snow leopard (in reference to ice who later takes a guardian role of sorts in place of libber's actual father) and a japanese serow.
furthermore, i mentioned this idea in the tags of one of my past posts but for raijū that are elemental masters of lightning, they often die when their child inherits their element. raijū are creatures made of lightning, but for those born with the element of lightning, they don't develop their own lightning because the element more than compensates for the power they need, so when the element is suddenly removed... yeah. so libber's dad is dead Before the main impact of the serpentine war, but perhaps her mother is killed as a result?
jay doesn't have the issue of dying when he loses his element like the bajillion times they do in the series because he's half human! it does mean that the first few times he loses his powers (including contact with vengestone), it feels Extra bad to him because it's literally part of his life-force taken away (i imagine lloyd has a similar effect but by nature of his element instead of his blood), but the longer he is without his power, the more chance his natural lightning has to develop, so by crystallised he can function pretty well without them :]
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So do you have some hc for the former EM master? And could you tell us a bit more about Ray and Wu friendship?
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Former Fifth Gen Elemental Alliance HCs GO:
The 4th Gen is where Wu took things over (the FSM "Died" after 3rd Gen), and Morro was technically part of the early 4th Gen, so come the 5th Gen...Wu is feeling shaky about his ability to lead/teach/support all these Masters. Garmadon tries to help him (in a very Garmadon fashion), but it's ultimately Ray that helps beat some confidence back into him.
Garmadon really did try to be a better brother to Wu during this time (especially since this is also after his stint with Chen), but Ray kept beating him to the punch in a lot of situations, leading to some unforeseen animosity, and Garmadon's tendency to distance himself from others (this failed spectacularly in the case of Maya, Aurora, and Libber)
Ray was the defacto leader during his Gen, even despite some Fourth Gens (Brice and Earl) still being in the picture. Like Kai, has a natural charisma when it comes to bringing together and a penchant for rallying peoples' spirits. Like Nya, he's a hardworking and project-oriented individual. He, however, does not give up when frustrated–he doubles down even harder until he's able to get things done. Wu or Maya usually have to pull him out when he gets really stuck (with the exception of forming the Time Blade, because, y'know).
His favorite sparring partner was Lilly, and would always pester Aurora about her visions of the future.
Wu was/is his best friend
Libber was like a little sister to him, and found himself feeling protective of her from time to time. He always did have his doubt about her husband...
Naturally had some reservations about Garmadon, but also had to respect him for having insights that would otherwise go over everyone else's heads, and for saying some of the things that Wu was too "soft" to ever be able to.
Second youngest of the 5th Gen, did not even inherit her powers until well into adulthood, which is why her father had been dedicated to the Alliance for longer than her intended. Attaining her powers so late took a giant negative toll on her body, and is also what caused her sickness later in life.
She met Lou when Lilly was viewing one of his performances in West Haven (and then tried to join in on it herself).
Unlike Cole, she was much more outspoken about how she felt about things, to the point of having next to no filter. This fizzles out with age, but she had quite the mouth when she was young snksnksnk.
Once taught Ray some dance moves in an attempt to impress Maya, but it did not go well (although Maya still remembers the moment fondly).
Was the last one to leave the fifth generation of the alliance, sticking by Wu and Garmadon well into their battles with the Skulkin Army for the future Ninjago City. But it wasn't until Garmadon got together with Koko did Lilly start longing for more time with her own husband (despite being so happy to finally contribute to the cause with her late-arriving powers), so Wu more or less forced her to leave...for better and worse.
Due to being the youngest members at the time, along with neither of them full inheriting their parents' powers right away, Lilly hit it off with Aurora, although the amount of times Aurora's had to stitch Lilly up (both for clothes and for wounds) is immeasurable.
Was the only one to willingly spar with Garmadon during this time, despite his tendency to get stronger during fights—Lilly was never one to back down from a challenge...and Garmadon appreciated someone not being afraid to fight him.
Has her own darn post
The youngest of the 5th Gen, but ironically was also the first to leave it for story reasons we are already aware of~ (OR ARE WE)
Ray had a bad habit of accidentally burning away his clothes, meaning Aurora would be tailoring his stuff very often
Tried to offer Lilly some visions for her future, but Lilly preferred it to be a surprise. (Aurora looked once and immediately had regret)
Aurora wasn't particularly close with Wu, spending most of her time trying to win Garmadon over along with patching up the others + handing out fortunes, but did show Wu the deliciousness that is white tea among other recipes, and made sure he had a calming time/place to gather his thoughts.
Would try to deter Libber from some of her crazier ideas...but then somehow wound up caught up in them anyway. She avoided the consequences easily though, thanks to future vision snksnk
Would drag Garmadon out on more "fun" outings, even if he insisted otherwise (because he never wants to ruin the mood). But, because Aurora could see when things might get dicey with him, she's able to redirect the situation and makes sure that Garmadon can have some good times too
Was such a good fighter, but tended to let it get to her head and left her over-confident
Met and married Cliff between the Serpentine War and the Time Twin incident
Loved pulling pranks on Garmadon with Lilly, and testing how far they could go before making him mad lmao. Garmadon, however, caught onto them quickly and thus stopped reacting entirely tot their shenanigans...which was more terrifying than anything else.
Wu spent a lot of time training Libber the most, as she would often be...very easily distracted, but Wu came to change his approach to teaching her, and from there they began to start seeing progressive results. Libber in turn leaves him little trinkets she finds/buys during their missions as a personal thank you.
During downtimes, would take Aurora and Garmadon out on what she called "mini adventures" to the nearest village and/or city...although nine times out of ten would get them all lost.
Ray was whipped for Maya the moment he met her (not unlike Kai with Skylor, simpery is genetic), impressed by both her fighting ability and genuine care for others. He was afraid that fire and water couldn't mix, until it was Maya herself that got him into blacksmithing, and from there the rest was history. (she was very endeared by his tenacity <3)
Lilly looked up to Maya a lot, as Maya had a sense of direction for herself and Lilly was more of a...rolling stone *ba dum tiss* Still, Maya was Lilly's confidant when it came to seeking advice.
Wu was intimidated by Maya, but could see why Ray was so into her. Admired her for being a fast learner (and willing to help teach others in turn)
Being a hopeless romantic herself, Libber would tease Ray relentlessly about Maya (but, hey, Libber couldn't blame him—who didn't have a crush on Maya at some point?)
During times when Aurora felt down about her inability to contribute more, Maya would be the one the reassure her that she's doing a fantastic job ;w;)/
Was the one to reign in Garmadon when "the evil" became too much...which, Garmadon appreciated having someone that wouldn't let him give into his worse ambitions (if it could be helped)
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gottawhump · 1 year
CW/TW: pet whump, hand whump, BBU/WRU, sickness, death mention, escaping.
He is still in the first numbing haze of grief when the first runaway comes to his house.
If he hadn’t gone to the kitchen to get a snack because he couldn’t sleep, he might have missed him. There’s a strange Pet trying to eat soup there, the hand holding the spoon shaking, the other hand burned and blistered.
Carlisle’s barely registered this before the Pet drops the spoon, drops to his knees.
“Please. Please don’t send me back. I can-I can work, I’ll be useful. Please, sir.”
He can’t. He’s shivering and sweating at the same time. Infection, probably. Left untreated, the strange Pet might lose the hand. Or worse.
But a Domestic will proclaim they can work with their dying breath, he’s learned.
And he is so tired of people dying.
“It’s all right,” he says. “You can stay.”
He’s not sure how, but he’s going to make it happen.
It’s harder, after he’s turned his house into a Sanctuary. He thought it would be easier, but it’s harder.
He doesn’t report the runaway right away. He takes a few days, to let her rest and heal. A few days, to consider all his options.
He doesn’t see any.
He makes the call to WRU.
A white retrieval van pulls up in his driveway within the hour. Black suited handlers take her out of his house. He sees the betrayal in the runaway’s eyes.
When it’s over, he sees betrayal in his own people’s eyes.
Some of them leave, after that. Some of the legal surrenders in his care, some of his surviving household. One at a time, the others looking the other way while they slip away.
“I did what I had to do,” he tells Ellis. “Otherwise I’d lose everyone.”
“I know. But sending someone back to WRU—it makes you less safe, Carlisle. It makes this place less safe, to us.” Ellis’ fingers touch his collar, still mourning black, fall away. Us.
The next time, the next runaway in his house, he makes a different call.
He’s had the number since college, never expecting to use it. He isn’r a pet libber. He runs a Sanctuary, not a safehouse.
He doesn’t even know if anyone will answer, if this will work. Part of his mind is scrabbling for alternatives, if it doesn’t. He can alter his ownership records, claim this one is one of his missing. He could try an outright purchase, though he doesn’t know the runaway’s owner.
He could try…He could try…
Old Friends taglist: @painful-pooch @justplainwhump @redwingedwhump @maracujatangerine @honeycollectswhump @tragedyinblue
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Ninjago the Island!!! 🏝🏝🏝
So, gotta be honest... this is not a Blind reaction thing, I actually watched it in French first so I know most of the stuff already 😅 It's entertaining, it got great animation, but nothing more than that in my opinion 🤷‍♀️
Still there is stuff I liked or I want to point out, and finally I'm seeing the English version so I can actually understand what the HECK they are saying 🤩
Alright, nothing else to say, here we go!
I haven't actually seen anything Clutch Powers related before Ninjago, is he always like this? I love that he is a jerk honestly, just wondering 😂
Press F for respect for intern Dwaine (at least he seems to like being... used?)
Clutch: It's just a bunch of rocks! It's not alive!
Totem: I'm about to end this man's whole career
Wait, Misako is part of the explorers club? ... that would have come in handy in season 11 to get the scroll of Forbitten Spinjitzu from the club instead of begging uncle Powers for it... *sighs* I don't mind plot holes in Ninjago like most fans I think, but if you wanna make Misako relevant again at least pay attention to the details 😅
Wow, after the end of season 13 I would've thought Wu was going to go through a midlife crisis, not Misako 😂😂
Oww, everytime I hear I get 😢 Bless your soul Kirby, always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
Well hello Brian
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Always nice to see you 😊
Twitchy Tim must have been pretty interesting to voice 🤔 I like him enough, he's fun and all, maybe not at the level of the characters we got last season
Okay, the place is called the STORM belt, there are LIGHTNINGS, and the sand of the beach is BLUE. Are we gonna address any of these similarities to our Bluebell here or not? 😅
Wait, Tim was giving a hot air balloon tour, does that mean other people where with him? What of them? Are they dead? Did he let them die on the island?... am I reading too much into this? Probably 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Alright, the part of the boats? SO COOL 🤩🤩 I literally can't say anything bad about the animation at this point
Why did they think leaving Kai, Jay and Cole on one boat was going to be a good idea 😂 Also Zane just randomly doing sick tricks on his vehicle, love that nindroid
I'm guessing Nya is keeping her water abilities for her season 🤷‍♀️
Yep, yep, this is why the creators try to keep Pixal out of the adventures, with her everything is way too cool and easy to access to 😎😎
Twitchy Tim: There are statues that become alive!!
Lloyd:... so it's a season 2 stone army ripoff, we've seen worse
It's a cute episode overall 👍
So Twitchy Tim has temporarily taken over Jay's role of spazzing out and complain about worse case scenarios... in another occasion they might have bonded over this, maybe 😂
Okay, survival position? MOOD
Why am I not surprised that Jay was the one that named him Zippy? 💙 Also HE'S SO CUTE 💕💕💕 Love how in every adventure, we always get very different types of dragon in this show 👌 I'm a simple person, I see a dragon... 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Oh-oh, it's the "Lloyd's done with this crap"'s face
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This means serious business... am I that used to LEGO characters that this way of crossing arms on the chest looks almost normal to me? 😅
Soooo, Master of the Mountain clearly gave Cole too much development... because now he got demoted to "the one who is always hungry" 🤦‍♀️ I'm all for Cole's endearing love for cakes, which is super relatable, but if you're gonna push it on his fun side, at least be coherent 🙃
Is it just me or it feels like the writing of this special was made by someone different from the one of season 13? Like, it's not bad, just less engaging and witty. For now. Maybe I'm being premature 🤷‍♀️
New way of nerfing powers, we got... weird, sucking power totem thingies... OKAY
My gosh I really can't say anything about the animation, look at that! It's all cinematic with such a light! YES!! 🤩
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So they at least addressed that lightning isn't a Jay's thing only anymore 😅
Alright, Jay having a mental breakdown because of a bridge because it always breaks, that's the Bluebell I know and love 😂😂 Nya telling him to keep moving was cute too 💙❤💙❤
Okay, I'm sorry but this really bothers me, what kind of lightning can instantly knock out the MASTER OF LIGHTNING??? Like, my gosh, really??? I hope they give us an explanation, like it's some sort of special lightning, because this really doesn't sit right with me. Jay is lightning proof, we've seen it in Skybound, we've seen it in Sons of Garmadon, I DON'T BELIEVE HE WOULD JUST BE KNOCKED OUT LIKE THAT 😡😡😡
Soooooo, storm amulet? Being one with the lightning? Is that the reason why Jay got to be the sacrifice? 😅
Alright, I am kinda looking forward for this one, what did Bluebell actually say or do to get him into trouble this time 😂😂
Oh, he just... introduced himself... well that was underwhelming
Bring ooooon Lloyd Grills 💪
Okay I did like the little speech, definitely resonates with how Lloyd survived this long even though everything wanted him to give up, even his father... I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING 😭
Jay out there making the real questions 😂
Awwww Edna used to call him gift of Jay? I can totally see it, so cute 💙💙 Makes even more sense if Libber actually left Jay at the Walkers' door...
Pff, Jay made the connection I would've done honestly 🤷‍♀️ Like, him being the master of lightning really didn't give these dudes any impression or inspiration? Any cool idea, full Road of El Dorado style? 🙃🙃
Lloyd out there abusing of the animation budget 💚💚💚
Somehow these ninja never actual sneak in, it's always a huge mess everyone knows about beforehand 😂 It's familiar though, I'm used to it and happy with it 👍
I might not be the biggest Misako fan, but you know what I am a fan of?
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Dang it uncle Powers, you just got here to make a mess did you 😅
Not the first person of the fandom to say this, but Jay looks absolutely lovely with that flower crown 🌺🌺🌺
Oh poor greenie
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Lloyd just has the worst luck 😓
Jay: Why would I be the gift?
Kai: Yeah who would want Jay?
Nya: Huh, me?? 😡
Got some very good Jaya for this little special, can't complain 💙❤💙❤
I mean, not matter how big of a snake Wojira might turn out to be, we've already seen the biggest and the second biggest snake of all so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Whoa, at last... IT WAS THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER THAT HAD SOMETHING HE SHOULD'VE TOLD WU A LONG TIME AGO!! 😱 Wu, you got pulled a Wu, how does it feel? 😂
Again, Jay freaking out, kinda my jam it's too funny 💙💙
Wow Kai way to be hominous offscreen 👏👏 I miss talking about my flame babe, this really isn't his time 🤷‍♀️
So when I first watched this I was genuinely, really excited about knowing the truth behind all this. It turned out very different from what I first thought, but at least in this case it's okay (besides I was pushing with the lightning meaning just to see Libber again 😅😅😅)
I feel like the guys get their powers stolen or blocked so much it takes them a minute to remember "Oh wait I can literally burn my way out" 🤷‍♀️
I... forgot that Misako knows how to fight 😅 She knows how to do spinjitzu too if I remember correctly...
Gotta love how they were all crazy worried about Jay, like, this is something that never changes through the show. They really care so so much for each other 💕💕💕
Ooohhhh, okay, so Wojira does seem to be the main villain of next season according to the story. I remember Tommy saying that we needed to have faith and this is probably why. The special was okay, nothing too much, and hopefully that too much we will see in Nya's season 😍😍😍
What the- pff, I didn't notice this the first time 😂
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At this point I can't tell if that one short with the chicken of the movie carried a hate or a love for chickens in the actual show 😂😂
Nice to see Jay standing up for himself at least for a little while 💪 Also Lloyd being "He's our trouble", aww family 💜
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Gotta give props to the voice actors, voicing an explanation while fighting must be pretty hard! WE ARE BLESSED WITH AN AMAZING CAST!!! 🤩🤩🤩
And there he is, our favorite jerk... shaved Ronin 😂 He does look a little weird, but it's fair, new animation and all. Not the weirdest until now 🤷‍♀️
I genuinely had to make a mental check to see where we are with Ronin now, like, he started as a villain, then a partner, he betrayed us, became an ally, he hunted the ninja, then joined them, that timeline was erased, he was around in SoG and... wow this man is chaotic 😂😂
Yaaaay, Twitchy's last minute redemption act! Lloyd is too good at motivational speeches 👏👏
A bit of Lava OTP/BrOTP
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Cause it's good for the heart ❤🖤❤🖤
Okay, Scooby doo reference, why not? Also honestly, I'm confident Ronin has seen A LOT of jails and prisons... probably won't stay behind bars for long 😅
Mammatus: sorry for imprisoning you and almost killing your friend
Kai: no biggie, that's how we make friends in this show
Alright the "And Clutch Powers" gag made me chuckle 😂 ... wait where is he- DANG IT UNCLE POWERS
Okay, this is the last time I say it I promise, but I mean. I MEAN
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Aaaaand sensei you jinxed it 😅 But you apparently awakened Nya's season so I'm gonna forgive you on this one 😉
There are a few little details that bothered me a little, and it wasn't as exciting as I maybe hoped it was going to be, but it was fine. Enjoyable still. These characters make me like the show, even when it got nothing too impactful 🤷‍♀️
But I got triggered about that lightning thing with Jay 😅 I guess I'll just fanfic whatever I had in mind...
Don't have to repeat myself about the animation *chef's kiss*
The writing was really less engaging, a little normal in a way? Idk just a feeling. Nice to see Ronin again though, I really like him. And nice to see Jay freaking out, I really like that too 😂
To be honest I wanted to put down my thoughts on this one because I REALLY wanna do the same with Nya's season 🤩🤩 I already know that Maya is gonna be there and I am so HAPPY already!!! 💙💙💙
So that's it from me! Thank you for reading me ranting, see you next season! 😊
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