#leaving the farm for tenant house
twinterrors29 · 2 months
Lovecraftian AU
Victorian businessman Sheev Palpatine wishes to retire peacefully to the countryside, and his former colleague Count Dooku is able to facilitate his purchase of a large estate, containing many individual farms, a small village, and a large manor house that had been converted from an old monastery
(whether Palpatine is 'retiring' or 'being chased out of Coruscant due to his dubious business practices by an angry mob' is a matter of debate among the local newspapers)
(and maybe, if he hadn't been so flustered by the angry mobs, he would have remembered that the Count was one of the many colleagues he'd screwed over in his pursuit of wealth and power, and one who was particularly known to hold a grudge)
to his dismay, the Kaminoan locals are not using the most modern Coruscanti farming practices, and in fact, many of them seem inclined to pursue other, less profitable vocations
(or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, his dismay was amplified; after all, the Count had not warned him that the villages were filled with foreigners, whose brown skin and dark hair and eyes were effectively indistinguishable to his (cough racist cough) noble sensibilities. why, they even spoke a language other than Basic amongst themselves!)
as he attempts to enforce order among his new tenants, graciously shepherding them into modernity and proper society (cough attempting to enforce assimilation and maximize his extraction of personal profits off their labor and natural resources cough), he starts to notice some...oddities
at first he dismisses the apparitions as the locals' superstitions getting into his head, but as some of the phantasms become more active, he begins to doubt himself
the expensive new farming equipment he bought, laid to waste by a rusty blight carried before his eyes by a masked, taloned specter
the industrial suppliers and purchasers refusing to do further business with him after dreams of speaking with a spectral gentleman who recounted many of Palpatine's crimes to them the night before they were due to sign contracts with him
the new glass in his windows shattering at the hands of a dark-skinned man in broad daylight
the seeds he had the locals plant mysteriously sprouting as the crops the locals had been planning to cultivate rather than his own planned cash crop after a flash flood from the local river, when he could have sworn that he saw the blue face of a woman just below the surface of the water
he starts setting traps for the phantasms, but none of them ever seem to catch anything
his sleep is increasingly disturbed by nightmares of being hunted through the plains by something (or someone) with sharp teeth, close at his heels
he stops sleeping
and, in his exhaustion, he forgets keep covering his tracks in his dirtier dealings, and the angry mobs from Coruscant find him raving wildly about the ungodly beings living in the shadows of his new community
they chalk it up to the guilt catching up with him, and leave the local farmers and artisans to take back up their former occupations in peace as they haul Palpatine away
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staticspaces · 6 months
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I Summon Thee
Don't forget about the video if you want to see all the things I found in this creepy abandoned farmhouse!!
And finally, let's wrap up this location by taking a look at the strangely white second floor of this strange abandoned house!!
This beautiful, rural farmhouse has lived two completely separate lives, up until just a few years ago, it was owned by a farming family who worked the surrounding land for generations. They sold the property which was then bought by an investor.
The farmhouse was then painted all white inside and rented out to multiple people, one of was an older lady who is a writer. But there was also a couple that lived there, let's call them Lisa and Jeff and this is where things take a turn for the worse!
Both Lisa and Jeff have had problems with the law, Jeff has spent time in prison and their children were also taken away by child protection services.
There were many documents left in the house presumably because the tenants left in a hurry, one of which was a warrant to search the home for evidence relating to a crime that Lisa had committed. The search must have been successful because Lisa was charged with identity theft and was apparently out on bail. That's not all, there was also a restraining order against her for another woman, maybe one of the people who's identity she had stolen. This also could explain all the mail in the house addressed to other people who didn't live there.
Jeff's trail mostly ends here but from what I found he is in a new relationship and has hopefully left his life of crime behind. Lisa however hasn't changed, more recently she has been involved with some of the highly publicised car thefts that have been all over the news the past couple of years. She was one of many people charged related to a bust involving the recovery of hundreds of stolen cars worth millions of dollars.
Lisa is now living in another province, she has a new boyfriend and together they have continued to get into trouble. Just a few months ago, the two of them were caught trying to leave the province with many pending charges, one of which was again, identity theft.
The investor had owned the property for just 2 years but was already listing it for sale for about 5 times the price they paid for it. Obviously nobody was interested in purchasing the house and land at that price, so it has been on and off the market a few times at various prices, including one as low as $2.
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blueshistorysims · 4 months
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March 1926, Edinburgh, Scotland
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Montgomery took Samira around Edinburgh before they met his mother for lunch. It was the first Montgomery had been in his parent’s home since the deaths of Edeline and his father. Janet had met Samira before at one of Byron’s dinner parties and at his wedding, but Janet had not been aware of how serious the relationship was between them until now. She was hesitant about the pair living together unmarried, though she had suspected that Montgomery and Edeline had lived together before they were even engaged. 
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In the end, Janet was glad her son had returned to Edinburgh, even if she was leaving the city, selling the small cottage, and returning to their small farm in Northern Perthshire since the tenants they had rented to (Neither of her children had approved of it) had passed away. She missed the country life—she was tired of living in cities. 
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Their new home was near Holyrood Park, an old house converted into two. Samira had insisted on buying the whole property, much to Montgomery’s dismay, not wanting to owe rent to a landlord who may not approve of their relationship. The second home remained empty, but Samira promised the socialist Montgomery that if they did rent it out, it would be at a lower rate than normal. 
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 15th March 1814 the large scale Sutherland Clearances began.
There are still those out there who push the narrative that the Clearances were natural occurrence, that thousands of families willingly gave up the crofts en masse, leaving crofting settlements that their families had worked and lived in for generations. Ask yourself this, is it likely that the numbers naturally dwindled from a third  of Scotland’s population who lived north of the Highland Line; would just fall to the numbers it is today of just five percent? This was a systematic attempt to rid the country of troublesome Highlanders after the Jacobite Uprisings that continued for decades.
In 1811 there were 250,000 sheep there; by the 1840s there were almost a million. Within that period sheep replaced people driven from their homes by direct eviction or through hunger and destitution. After the sheep and over-grazing came deer and the creation of hunting grounds for the elite.  By 1884 a tenth of Scotland’s land was given over to deer forests, greater than the size of Wales, and taking up the great majority of the land in the crofting counties (crofts were the small plots of land available to the remaining population)
The eviction of whole communities from Sutherland was done a scale not seen before, or again, during the Highland Clearances.
Families were moved off land to make way for large-scale sheep farming.
Starting in the late 18th Century and running into the 19th Century, the Highland Clearances saw townships occupied by generations of families cleared to make way for large-scale sheep farming and the rearing of deer.
Landowners were seeking to "improve" their estates in line with the industrial revolution.
In some cases people who had lived on the land for generations left voluntarily, while others were forcibly evicted and their homes burned and demolished.
Highlanders did try and fight the movement that saw their ancestral lands given over to sheep farming, 26 years previously and sheep were targeted in 1792 - which became known asBiadna nan Caorach (The Year of the Sheep) - following clearances in Sutherland and Easter Ross.
Four hundred men from families that had been evicted, or were facing eviction, drove thousands of the animals from the hills.
By early August, they had rounded up 6,000 sheep and had reached Beauly, near Inverness, where they were intercepted by soldiers.
Some of the men were tried in court and one man received an order banishing him from Scotland for life.
In the final decades of the 18th century some 200,000 were cleared to make way for sheep.  
It wasn't only English landlords that were against the Highlanders, Scots in the Lowlands, perhaps spoon-fed on propaganda about the Uprisings were as much part of the rhetoric that something had to be done about this quarrelsome people.
A young journalist sent by the “Scotsman” to the Highlands exhibited the this while, writing in 1847 he said, that the Highlanders were “an inferior race to the Lowland Saxon.”  Robert Knox, the Edinburgh surgeon who bought the bodies from the West Port murderers Burke and Hare believed in the superiority of the “Anglo-Saxon race” and wrote that the Highlanders “must be forced from the soil.”  
Then there were the landlords factors, the most hated of whom was another Lowlander called Patrick Sellar , he regarded the Highlanders as racial degenerates. In his racist view they were, “the aborigines of Britain shut out from any general stream of knowledge… ” 
Sellar was charged with murder for burning down an old woman’s house, a hand-picked jury of landowners found him not-guilty, but he had brought bad publicity to the Sutherland Estate and lost his job.  
James Loch was an Edinburgh lawyer who for 40 years, from 1812, was commissioner for the Marquis of Stafford. He would write an apology for his employers but his racism towards their tenants was never far from the surface, with him complaining:  
“… [their] habits and ideas, quite incompatible with the customs of regular society, and civilised life, adding greatly to those defects which characterise persons living in a loose and unformed state of society.”  His concern was to provide wool for the “staple manufactory of England” and to convert the people to “the habits of regular and continued industry.
In 1846 matters became desperate as the potato blight brought the likelihood of famine to the Highlands. In response Charles Trevelyan, Under Secretary at the Treasury, wrote: “The people cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to starve.” Two years later he did the opposite in Ireland, letting hundreds of thousands die. Arguing the famine there was “a mechanism for reducing surplus population.
Yet, as starvation became apparent the British government did intervene to feed the population: just two deaths from starvation are recorded, both on the hard hit population of the Isle of Barra (whose people were largely cleared in 1853 and sent to Quebec). This contrasts with Ireland, where the Great Famine killed thousands. While Ireland was nominally part of the UK it was in reality a colony and seen as separate. The Highlands were regarded by the British government as part of the UK, and starvation could not be permitted there (although emigration was encouraged)
The clearances speak volumes about how capitalism came into being, dripping with blood and at the expense of common people.
There were about 7 million sheep in Scotland nowadays, thats over one for each and every one of us,and estimated to be worth £165m to the economy, according to Scottish Government figures.
Brian McNeil wrote, in his song No Gods and precious few Heroes;
So farewell to the heather and the glen They cleared us off once and they'd do it all again For they still prefer sheep to thinking men Ah, but men who think like sheep are even better There's nothing much to choose between the old vain and the new They still don't give a damn for the likes of me and you Just mind you pay your rent to the factor when it's due And mind your bloody manners when you pay.....
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caesar-meow · 4 months
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Finally i have managed to draw this amazing family I have talked about them but never really showed them. I tried. But the design just wasn't good. Now, i have finally got them and BOI do they have a bunch of lore...
Let's start with the beginning; Felix Peregrine, born in the Romanian-like countryside, by the name of Răzvan Șerbănescu, had been cursed with vampirism, killed his whole family (which he hated anyway), let some rich dude by the farm, killed the dude as well and burned the place; jumped on a ship all the way to Khaladius (largest empire's capital city), started doing business and join the civil war, earning military points; bit the crown prince turning him to a vampire, so he could have the royal family at his finger and also to hopefully start a revolution and normalising supernatural creatures into day-to-day life (which succeeded) ; move to the countryside, trick some local estate owners into giving him their manor while throwing them in jail for misconduct; becoming a Lord by the 1730s and building a new house from scratch, bringing revelation to the vampire communities with blood plants and crops, living for the capital as industry and railroads were growing and he wanted a piece of that while leaving in charge the vert family he threw out but still controlling them; creating a whole company and businesses across the capital becoming a very recognised business man; engaging in late victorian murder mysteries "which he had nothing to do with. nah-uh" (not like he spent the entire 17th century hunting houses, killing people, steal their money and burn the place), found a heir left orphan after his parents' house burned down (the first ever noble house to burn and felix was NOT involved) and fished him out to be his vampiric slave; save the local noblewoman, Evelyn Greenford (which later finds out she's a witch because apparently her parents decided it's not an important detail), from a horrible abusive marriage and life of misery by helping her killing the husband, which then went on to marry Felix just for the facade as they were both gay and ace and live happily ever after with their 3 kids and one heir, up until another war ravished the kingdom bringing new diseases which will kill the poor kids leaving them alone once again. Spending the entirety of the 20th century in the capital helping people recover from war while they also battle a huge economical crisis; using advanced magic and technology to gain 2 more kids, twins, Damien and Pandora, as they needed a purpose or heirs having the place country threatened by a war AGAIN, which eventually forced them to go back to the countryside where they currently reside, help the villagers, help the surrounding area and gain the title of counts. Pandora joined the Uni to study Psychology and robotics (which is why she aint in the pic) but also becomes a werewolf and joins the Lopez pack, and Damien as he did not got into any uni, he joined the military (eboy in the army... that's new) as there was a close base nearby (the same felix attended back in the day) and is now training to become one of the special ops while also trying to figure out his feelings for the local grocery boi. They got a huge manor with a castle like exterior, 20 bedrooms for guests and 80 for servants, featuring a great hall, family drawing room and royal drawing room where they greet the other nobles or members from the local country club, they got a butler (the orphan one) which act also as a footman and valet from time to time, maids, gardeners, chauffeurs and tutors (which some tend to keep "disappearing" when Felix want to see them alone in his office) and the family is also dealing with tenants, around their estate... FYI, you can see that felix changed his when he got to the capital and i would like to address that: "Felix" is from a Roman cognomen meaning "lucky, successful" in Latin, and "Peregrine" is from the peregrine falcon, a traveling bird, usually around the shores, known for its speed and excellent hunting abilities, highly successful example of urban wildlife in much of its range, taking advantage of buildings as nest sites and an abundance of prey ... sounds like a good metaphor for what Felix had done across the centuries, right?
pfew... that was a lot ... as i said. but yea! fucking love this family, they been my favorite ever since created and their my versions of the Addams.
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apocryphalwriting · 1 year
Writblr Intro
About Me
My pen name is D. Augen (they/them). Feel free to call me Augen, D, or whatever nickname you like.
Early 20s
I'm just looking for a place to put my words down.
About My Writing
I love fantasy, and it seems to be the only thing my mind finds writing about worthwhile.
My biggest work is my favorite type of world to write about, completely original worlds with no true connection to ours. A story set somewhere that isn't Earth or the fantasy realm we often see in D&D with their races and ideas about them set in their ways. You can find words and ideas reminiscent of those ideas in my writing, but I want it to feel like they were inspired, rather than copy and pasted with minor details changed. I hope I am able to achieve that vision.
I love reading almost more than writing, I can see the story and it's just intoxicating. Please point me to your favorite one, if you feel so inclined. My favorite genres are drama, comedy, and romance.
I have something people like to term as Worldbuilder's Disease, meaning I world build more than I write. If I could just make characters as complex as worlds, then I would. :v
I'm terrible at naming things so title ideas are much appreciated as well.
Most of my writing is exploratory, the ideas that come from people who are looking for... something.
Exploratory - Meaning that I like to write about different things, recently I've been on a kick of yandere. The idea of love becoming toxic is an interesting concept that I'd like to explore further.
Generally, I'm hoping to find likeminded people to help inspire me to write and then write more.
My biggest WIP at the moment, I plan on creating a long series with this idea, but all of it is in the worldbuilding phase.
No really, I've been worldbuilding this WIP for 3 years.
I basically created the entire world before the story, so any details you'd like to ask about, I'm more than happy to share.
I based the history of the world on our own history to give the idea more realism.
It starts with Rosemary, the protagonist coming home from the market to find her house and farm burning down. So, she, being a responsible tenant, goes to tell her landlord to do something about it. Before she leaves, a stranger appears almost out of nowhere and offers to help her to her next destination and reasonable protection. What happens next? I don't really know either, let's find out together :>
This is my most ambitious project so it's probably not going to happen. But at least I got it out there.
Dragon World
This is pretty bare bones since I've got nothing but characters in here.
The themes I'm hoping to use are power and how people deal with/interact/are affected by it, either directly or indirectly.
This is one where I'd like to write about but my instinct wants to make more world for the characters to interact with.
Other WIPS
Yamoris Academy - Horror-Romance with supernatural elements
Vampire World - Another story about power but more about inherently unfair power dynamics between people. Tawny is the mc, she's a little mean if you ask me. But she always does what she thinks is best.
OC - Victoria Banerjee - She doesn't have anywhere but she is an OC who decided to tell me she existed.
Feel free to ask about anything listed above, I'm just looking for people who talk about writing and people to talk about writing with.
Take care out there y'all.
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cartoonus-maximus · 2 years
Here. Have another ridiculous amount of ideas for Tendershipping/Gemshipping fics.
💙 Ryou sits around his apartment all day, designing rpgs, watching tv, reading bizarre books, and sucking down ramen. Bakura is going stir crazy, and he refuses to let his host keep him trapped another day in this ungodly routine!
💙 Bakura calling Ryou any myriad of nicknames, from 'Khonsu' to 'moonbeam' to 'bunny' to 'silly rabbit' to 'Ry-chan' to 'bunnicula' to 'host' to 'little landlord' to a number of things.
💙 Ryou calling Bakura any myriad of nicknames, from 'Kura' to 'dream eater' to 'tapir' to 'baka-kura' to 'ring worm' to 'spirit' to 'stupid tenant' to a number of things.
💙 In Ancient Egypt, Bakura raids the tomb of a recently deceased noble and finds a live slave trapped inside. Deciding he likes the slave (Ryou), Bakura takes him back to his hideout with him. (This plotline is old and often used, but I still enjoy it. ^^)
💙 Ryou creates his own avatar for the Memory World game, entering it of his own accord (because screw you, Shadi!). Inside the game, he encounters Bakura as the thief. The pair is taken aback by the realization that they can truly interact with one another in this manner, and sparks begin to fly, much to their own chagrin.
💙 AU with tall, buff, intimidating Bakura and short, cute Ryou
💙 AU with tall, whip sharp Ryou and short, scrawny Bakura
💙 AU where their positions are switched ; Bakura is a teenager in Japan whose father is a historian who is always traveling abroad, leaving his trouble making pickpocketing son to take care of himself. Annoyed by his father's absence, Bakura steals an Egyptian artifact from among the treasures at his father's museum; it isn't until later that Bakura learns that a spirit called Ryou, an embittered orphan from Ancient Egypt who robbed graves and made deals with demons, is housed within the artifact.
💙 similar to AU above, but Bakura lives in modern day Egypt, and both Ryou and the artifact he possesses come from Japan; Ryou's entire farm village was slaughtered and torched by samurai, and Ryou dedicated his life to avenging his people.
💙 AU with mute!Ryou
💙 AU with partially blind Bakura ; after receiving a knife to the face, rending one eye completely dead, Bakura's vision just isn't what it should be
💙 AU where Ryou plays around with a ouija board and Bakura is a random annoying spirit who comes to haunt him as a result.
💙 When Mani, under the influence of the Ring, sends Ryou away during DSOD, Ryou actually dies and goes to the afterlife. He is greeted by Atem, who assures him that he'll be alright. The pair talk for a bit, giving Ryou time to relax and decompress, before Atem brings someone in to meet Ryou. It turns out to be the Thief, who Atem says has a lot to explain and to apologize to Ryou for. Ryou is immediately on edge, remembering how terrible the Spirit of the Ring could be, but, under Atem's goading, allows his mind to meet with the Thief's, and they share memories and thoughts and emotions. The pair reach an understanding with one another and part on amicable terms when Atem takes Ryou's soul back to the land of the living.
💙 Ryou thinks Bakura must be lonely, and keeps dabbling in arcane arts, trying to summon another spirit for Bakura to hang out with. Bakura has very different ideas and keeps trying to romance Ryou instead.
💙 AU with Demon!Bakura and Angel!Ryou ; both creatures are meant to be pure, one pure good and the other pure evil, and their jobs are simply to destroy one another. But, when your enemy is that pretty and charismatic, it becomes harder and harder to avoid these developing feelings.
💙 AU with both Ryou and Bakura being ghouls (from “Tokyo Ghoul”) and participating in some consensual cannibalism foreplay.
💙 AU where Bakura is a pirate and Ryou is the son of a merchant
💙 AU where Ryou and Yugi die in a car accident ; the two wayward souls are taken in by the demon Bakura and the angel Atem (could be tendershipping and puzzleshipping, could be heartshipping and casteshipping, or could be trapshipping)
💙 AU where Bakura is an FBI investigator and Ryou is the serial killer he's hounding. No one who meets Ryou suspects him – how could someone so kind and polite and gentle be a killer? - but Bakura has his suspicions. Ryou is going to have fun toying with the handsome detective! >:D
💙 AU where Ryou is a bunnyman and Bakura is a naga ; snakes and bunnies are natural enemies, but there's nothing natural about the relationship between these two.
💙 AU where Bakura is a thief who steals a holy artifact from the temple of the moon god, upsetting the cult who worship there. The moon god himself (Ryou) descends from the heavens to find the man responsible, but, meeting Bakura, changes his mind and decides to take the mortal for a lover.
💙 AU where they meet in juvie; Bakura's there for theft, but Ryou stabbed a guy
💙 AU with Alpha Bakura and Omega Ryou
💙 AU with Alpha Ryou and Omega Bakura
💙 AU where they're both werecats, with Bakura being a wild lynx and Ryou being a small white Persian housecat.
💙 AU where Bakura is a human/bat hybrid creature with black wings and covered in dark fur. He is captured from the wild and kept as a pet by Pegasus, who keeps a strange menagerie of monsters. Bakura quickly tires of his enclosure, and plots to escape. That is, until Pegasus adds another one of his kind to the enclosure – a smaller albino version, with white wings and white fur and shiny pink eyes. The albino is Ryou, who was born and raised in captivity and has never seen the outside world. Bakura now has a new choice presented to him: stay in captivity with Ryou, or escape with Ryou to freedom?
💙 AU where Bakura is a birdlike creature, with bright red and gold and purple plumes, and a nest decorated with many shiny things he's stolen over the years. With all these colors and glittering trophies, he attracts the attention of many females, none of whom interest him. It's not until he meets Ryou, a male of their species with bright blue and green and silver feathers that gleam in the light that Bakura decides to take a mate; Ryou is very shiny, and he looks like the living embodiment of treasure, and, like Bakura, he is also often surrounded by female admirers that he's not interested in. Bakura decides to make the pretty male his!
💙 AU where Bakura and Ryou are both cupids; Bakura personifies sex appeal and shoots arrows of lust, while Ryou personifies puppy love and shoots arrows of adoration. Despite their vastly different natures, the two cupids are together and are very much in love. (Their job this week to play a little matchmaker and try to get the humans Yugi and Atem together.)
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the merperson and the prince from “the Little Mermaid”
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the cursed prince and the beautiful stranger from “Beauty and the Beast”
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the thief and the child of the sultan from “Aladdin”
💙 AU where Ryou, Bakura, Yugi, and Atem are characters in a version of “Aladdin” ; Ryou and Yugi are thieves, and Ryou finds a magic lamp, accidentally releasing the genie Bakura from his imprisonment inside. In return, Bakura offers Ryou three wishes, and Yugi convinces Ryou to use the wishes to make them rich and get them close to the prince, a handsome man named Atem. Although Yugi tries to push Ryou into marrying the prince, Ryou falls for Bakura the genie instead; in a similar turn of events, Atem has fallen for Yugi.
💙 AU where Bakura is a dark god, whose name and worship have almost fallen into obscurity. He has no body of his own, and can only interact with the mortal plane by inhabiting the body of a human, and his current body is getting old and feeble. Despite these setbacks, Bakura is fervently worshiped and adored by his acolyte Ryou, who is ready and willing to help give new life to his dying god. Luring another young man into his god's sanctum, Ryou performs a ritual, removing the man's spirit from his body, allowing the god Bakura to enter into the mortal's body to make it his own. The young man's spirit is put into the body that Bakura discarded, and he is quickly killed. Bakura is pleased with Ryou's actions, and takes the acolyte to bed for a reward.
💙 AU where Bakura is an online gamer who makes his living by yelling at computer games and doing ridiculous stuff. Ryou is also an online personality, making art tutorials and selling his own artworks online. The two are very, very different, and don't seem like they would know one another in real life or like they would have very much in common but, unknown to their fanbases, they are secretly dating. (Bakura's fanbase heavily ship him with Marik, Atem, and other online gamers he hangs out with, and Ryou loves finding the worst shipfics he can find to embarrass his boyfriend with at home!)
💙 AU where Bakura falls into Wonderland (as in 'Alice in …') and ends up following Ryou the White Rabbit around.
💙 AU where Ryou falls into Wonderland and tries to get directions from Bakura the Cheshire Cat.
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are the main pair from “Good Omens,” with Ryou being Aziraphale (angel, polite, kind, loves food, fluffy hair, reads occult books) and Bakura being Crowley (demon, rude, likes music, snake eyes, yells a lot).
💙 AU where Bakura is a supervillain in a world of heroes. He takes an interest in Ryou, a superhero sidekick in training, and begins seducing the other to the dark side.
💙 AU where they're both werewolves
💙 AU inspired by the game “I Saw Her Standing There... But Then She Was a Zombie” ; Ryou and Bakura used to date, but Bakura has been turned into a zombie. Unable to turn his back on his love, Ryou keeps catching Bakura and keeping him hidden in a cage, safe from both hunters and other zombies. One day, Bakura breaks out of his cage, attacking cornering Ryou. But instead of eating Ryou, Bakura turns Ryou into a zombie, so he doesn't have to worry about accidentally hurting Ryou anymore.
💙 AU where Ryou is Little Red Riding Hood and Bakura is the Big Bad Wolf
💙 AU where Bakura is a god of cold and death, and he meets Ryou, a god of warmth and joy ; Bakura's heart of ice might just be melting.
💙 AU where Ryou is a pizza delivery boy, and Bakura is the jerk who orders pizza from all the way across town, ensuring that he'll get the pizza for only the half the price. He doesn't even tip! This means war, Bakura!
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are both ancient vampires who have been married for thousands of years
💙 AU where Ryou and Bakura are both ancient vampires who have been the respective heads of warring clans for thousands of years (enemies to lovers).
💙 AU where Ryou is a witch and Bakura is his demon familiar. Bakura is frustrated because his dark powers are used by Ryou to do good things, like making healing potions and helping crops flourish. Why in all the circles of Hell did Bakura get stuck with a good witch?!
💙 AU where Bakura is a shark based merman whose got his eyes set on the merman Ryou.
💙 AU where Bakura is an anglerfish like merman who lives in the deep dark of the ocean. Ryou, an angelfish like merman, goes exploring too deep, and finds himself drawn to Bakura's pretty lights.
💙 AU where Ryou has given up on seeking relationships with the living. Instead, he learns necromancy and goes to seek romance in a graveyard. He brings Bakura back as a zombie, and the undead Bakura is all too eager to pull Ryou down into his grave with him, seducing Ryou with sweet words and kisses all while dirt showers over them and bugs crawl around them.
💙 AU where Bakura is a death god and Ryou is an occultist who is obsessed with the concepts of death/dying. Bakura is a little perplexed by the human at first, but then becomes amused. Despite his dark interests, Ryou is still a very kind, polite, friendly, and overall cheery individual, and becomes a strangely bright spot in Bakura's otherwise dark and dull existence.
💙 AU where Ryou is a merman and Bakura is a sailor ; Ryou is injured and washes up on a beach, and is found and nursed back to health by Bakura.
💙 AU where Ryou is a siren and Bakura is a sailor ; Bakura is out on his boat when he hears singing in the water. He follows the sound to find the most beautiful man creature he's ever seen. The lovely fish man introduces himself as Ryou, and continues to sing, beckoning Bakura to follow him under the water. Unable to stop himself, Bakura finally abandons his boat, jumping into the dark, dangerous waters, chasing after the beautiful man with the beautiful voice.
💙 AU where Ryou is a bored, sexually frustrated college kid who accidentally summons Bakura the incubus. The sexy demon is more than happy to show Ryou a good night, working hard to fulfill his every kinky desire.
💙 AU where Bakura is a spider monster of some sort, who builds giant webs alongside forest paths, catching and eating anything he can... even humans! But, when Ryou, an eager young man who studies monsters in his spare time, comes along and gets caught in Bakura's webs, and when all Ryou can do is be fascinated and even delighted by Bakura's web building and scary appearance and venomous fangs, even while the monster is actively cocooning him... well, Bakura might just decide to let this human stay alive awhile longer. Besides, it can get kind of lonely up on the mountain...
💙 AU where Bakura is a young man who works at a zoo, caring for exotic snakes. One of his favorites is a shimmering white snake he calls 'Ryou;' the snake is very large and powerful, and can easily wrap around a human's body, but has a gentle, docile personality. One day, when Bakura goes to tend to the snake, he finds Ryou in a different form, having changed into an almost human looking creature. Ryou is actually a naga, and he explains that his kind stay in snake form until they are ready to mate; looking at Bakura with hungry eyes, Ryou says that he's ready to mate now, and eagerly takes his favorite caretaker down into his burrow. Although taken aback, Bakura soon decides that his fate could be worse than having love made to him by a beautiful snake man.
💙 AU where dragon!Bakura kidnaps human prince Ryou ; the prince has silver hair and golden flecked brown eyes and ivory skin and ruby lips... he'll make a perfect addition to Bakura's treasure hoard! For his part, Ryou is delighted to get out of the palace and to avoid his princely duties.
💙 AU where Bakura is a young man in the modern world who visits occult shops for his own amusement, not believing in the supernatural but enjoying the eerie aesthetics of it all. He gets a book on demon summing, treating it like pleasure reading, but then accidentally summons Ryou the incubus. The pretty little demon refuses to leave until he sleeps with Bakura, but Bakura refuses to sleep with a nonhuman creature who he just met (and who shouldn't exist in the first place, thank you very much!). And since Bakura won't sleep with him and Ryou refuses to leave, Bakura becomes the very unwitting roommate to a fluffy demon who keeps teasing him about his lack of a sex life.
💙 AU where Ryou is studying Ancient Egypt and starts learning about a man called 'the Thief King.' Becoming infatuated, Ryou sets about to bring the stranger back from the dead, if only to steal a kiss from the handsome thief that has stolen his heart from beyond the grave.
💙 AU with archaeologist Ryou and undead mummy Bakura
💙 AU where Bakura is a vampire who stalks the mortal Ryou
💙 AU where Bakura is a modern man who goes to rob a mausoleum, but accidentally awakens the vampire Ryou, who was trapped inside. Ryou takes Bakura as a servant, a source of fresh blood, and maybe something more. (This one is partially inspired by the 'Dark Shadows' TV series.)
💙 AU where Amane lives, and she watches her brother fail at dating over and over again. One day, while her older brother is out, Amane goes snooping through his old occult stuff that he thinks she doesn't know about, and she accidentally summons the incubus Bakura. She tries to hide him for several days in her room, not knowing how to send him back. (Ryou knows she messed with his stuff, and he knows she's hiding something, but he doesn't know quite what.) After Bakura finally admits that, as an incubus, he can't leave after being summons unless he has sex with someone, Amane decides to offer up her lonely, sexually frustrated brother as tribute.
💙 AU where Amane is much younger than Ryou, and she keeps sneaking into her brother's room to sleep with him during the night. She insists that there's a scary monster under her bed, and she's too afraid to face him alone. Finally having enough, Ryou takes her back to her room one night to prove to her that this monster doesn't exist – only to find that there is a monster, his name is Bakura, and, unfortunately, he's rather attractive. (Bakura is open to a trade, and soon Amane is sleeping soundly in her own room, while Bakura becomes the monster under Ryou's bed.)
💙 AU where Ryou goes scuba diving and encounters the flirty shark merman Bakura.
💙 AU where Ryou goes scuba diving and encounters an octopus (or squid) merman Bakura.
💙 AU where Bakura and Marik go exploring in the woods when they're children, finding many good rocks and snakes and bugs. They meet another little boy named Ryou, but Ryou is a little naga, with snake eyes and snake tail. Years later, Bakura still remembers meeting Ryou and insists that he's real, while Marik believes that day to be nothing more than their childish imaginations. They go back into the woods to prove one another wrong, and they run into Ryou again, as well as his brother Malik. (can be tendershipping and bronzeshipping, or can be conspireshipping)
💙 AU inspired by the “Beetlejuice” movie ; Ryou, his father, and his stepmother Ms Chono, move into an older house. The house is haunted by an angry ghost named... well, he can't say his name. And he stinks at charades. He's attached to an intricate diorama left up in the attack, and Ryou is quick to befriend the nameless ghost, simply addressing him as 'Spirit.'
💙 AU with fem!Ryou ; I really love the fics where Bakura is this big scary dude and Ryou is this shy gal who happens to be the only person in the world Bakura is at all gentle with.
💙 AU with fem!Bakura ; I like the idea of Bakura being this awful mean gal who carries knives and hates everyone aside from Ryou, who is her kind hearted and artistic boyfriend. Bakura is an absolute nightmare towards Atem and the others, but she also gets this cute little smile whenever Ryou calls her 'pretty' or recites poetry to her.
💙 AU with fem!Ryou and fem!Bakura ; lesbian ghost shenanigans ensue!
💙 AU with fem!Thief, who finds Ryou quite alluring, and quietly plans out many elaborate ways to kidnap him and steal his heart. Ryou is aware of her intentions, and secretly enjoys the attention.
💙 The Spirit of the Ring doesn't want to be trapped in the Ring forever; getting help from the Spirit of the Puzzle, Bakura corners a classmate girl named Miho, trapping her soul in a doll and hijacking her body for himself. Now as Miho, the Spirit of the Ring quickly and easily becomes Ryou's new friend... and maybe girlfriend?
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fleurcareil · 1 year
Leaving Canada
After finishing the road trip, the last 2 weeks of September were a whirlwind of activities to sort out things and say goodbye one more time before leaving the country. Although I may have benefited from staying a bit longer, having been on the road for so long made me ready to close off this phase and look forward to the next one, going back home to Europe! 🤩
First priority was to clean everything that I had been traveling with (with thanks to lots of space and a garden hose😁) and then figure out what to put into storage and what to bring as luggage. Initially my intent had been to travel straight from France to Chile, however due to exorbitant one-way air fares, I ended up booking a return ticket back to TO for mid-January.... not sure how this is all going to work out but for now it means that I'm only travelling with one suitcase instead of the 3 that I had already pre-packed. Easier to carry but harder to fit my clothes! 😅
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Second key item was to get my car sold, so I got the car deep cleaned over lunch with Tara... something I've never done but should really have given myself as a gift much earlier! 😄 I thought the guy had done a great job at making my car look brand-new again, but he actually apologized to me as he hadn't managed to remove all bug residue from the grill nor the grit of the endless unpaved roads from the tires...the downfall of such an extensive road trip!
That afternoon, 3 accidents on the QEW highway meant that traffic was jammed for miles around, so I tried to wait it out by visiting the first 2 car dealers to get a sense of their offer... suddenly everything seemed wrong with my fab drive, as it needed new tires, new brakes, a chip in the window etc etc... 😯😪 I recognize the sales tactics for what they were but they still pulled me down, so by the time I got back home after taking 1.5 hours over a 20min drive, I was shaken & thoroughly fed up!
Next day, I toured a few more dealers who all basically said the same and then just cut my losses to get it over with (I must be the worst negotiator on earth! 🤣) ... I absolutely have had an amazing time driving my Rogue and I still loved everything about it, but it was time to say goodbye and move on.
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Being a bit emotional after signing the papers, I drove by my old house in Burlington (where the new tenants are neglecting the pretty roses I had planted 😣) and then sat on my favourite bench in Paletta Park overlooking Lake Ontario. A mere 10 minutes' walk from where I used to live, I would often come here over my lunch break or after work, a great spot to relax! 😊
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Next day, after having handed in the car & safely deposited the cheque at the bank, I was happy to go over to Priyanka & Arnie for a traditional Hungarian dish and meet again with their lovely parents. I first met Priyanka's parents at our MBA graduation over 10 years ago and we've been in touch ever since, having shared many dinners (including with my parents and in Delhi 🤗), theater plays, a powwow and ofcourse the wedding in India! 😍😍
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On Friday, I spent hoouuuurs on the internet and phone to arrange anything from bank accounts & medical insurance to booking flights for my travels in Europe. Felt good to clean house and try to close as many things as possible before leaving. In the evening, we had delicious pizza & craft beer in the "Shed" in downtown Dundas.
That Saturday, it was fun times at the Ancaster Fall Fair with Arpita, Navneet and his cousin Nithia. 🤩 I had never been to a farm fair, which had everything from a hot sauce contest, cow & chicken displays to nitro-chilled snacks and prizes for the prettiest tomatoes, hay bales and funny-looking veggies! 😂 Quite an experience and a great afternoon!
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On Sunday, I went with Heather for a hike in nearby Dundas Valley conservation area, my favourite forest west of the GTA. I've been here so often that I know most trails by heart but this time we walked in from a residential area on the side so that the forest still felt new. 😀
I spent the second week in Toronto where I lived for 11 years - my personal record of living that long in one city! 😊 - and it felt really good to roam the streets (albeit only for a short period of time before the craziness got to me 😫). For four days I crammed in as many friends as I could see, starting with a great backyard dinner with my old team. Having 9 different cultural backgrounds being represented leads to ever-interesting diverse conversations! 😍
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On Tuesday, I had cozy lunch and dinner with my two good friends Kathryn and Lynne, both a bit senior to me hence always providing me with valuable insights that help me put things in a different perspective. 🥰 They're both great examples of how we can continue to have fulfilling lives for many years to come! 😘
Then on Wednesday, a lunch walk with Dana through my old 'hood and the Riverdale Farm, followed by relaxing tea with Natasha, Lance and their mother who I've also known since coming to Toronto and by whom I spent a memorable Christmas in Trinidad & Tobago. 🤩 In the evening, the drinks were tasty as usual when meeting with a loosely connected 😅 but somehow gelling group of Real Estate friends... always a good time!
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On my last day in Toronto, I caught up with Harvey over Indian Roti and then had a few lovely hours at the new Love Park at the harbourfront. My final date was with my camping-sailing-drinking group of friends 😎 at the Queen Mother Café, a downtown thai restaurant where I used to go often in the first years. We're all a bit wiser (?!? 😂) then when we first met years ago but the laughs are still there!
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Tired & having a terrible cold but feeling blessed with all those friendships, I made my way back to Dundas, where I was grateful to spend the last day with Arpita and Navneet, working a bit in the garden and playing the cool card game Dominion at night.
On the 30th September, they dropped me off to the airport, ready to fly home! 💖💖💖
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silverhallow · 2 years
Here are my burning questions, sorry it's a lot! 😅🥺😈✨💖❌👀🧠🧠(One for Benedict and Sophie...)🤩(you can't say Benophie, pick one!) 😬🎉
Don’t worry it’s keeping me entertained 😂😂
Soooo here we go
😅 Ohhhhhhhhhh i’ve cringed my way through a few stories and chapters not gonna lie… I write something and i’m like Shittttt why did I write that… or what was I thinking and it makes me blush something rotten but i think some of the smutmas stuff… actually NO! The erm Brandy Bottle scene between Lucy and Greg in the After Dark story… that is erm… very embarrassing haha
🥺 writing Benedict Proposing to Sophie… it never fails to make my heart go like mush
😈 ALL THE DAMN TIME! Cliffhangers darling… I love a cliff hanger. I am a SUCKER for you guys screaming at me like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don’t leave it there!!!!
✨ compliment myself? Jesus do you know me haha let me see… I think i’m an alright smut writer. I mean when my muse is on fire she’s on FIRE… but otherwise… I am just a mad woman with a keyboard and no filter…
💖 Okay so I answered this one just before so you should be able to see that one below this post…
❌ Infidelity. Cheating. Incest (like actual incest where they’re stupping one another… sharing a person that’s different haha) oh and Alpha stories… that kind of thing. And soul marks… don’t understand it so don’t wanna write it haha
👀 Soooooooooo we’ve got Rock Paper Scissors which I’ve written 4 chapters of. Mineralogist Benedict and Literature Curator Sophie… meeting again after a magical night 5 years earlier… will either of them recognise the other… you’re gonna have to wait and see!
🧠 Favourite Sophie Headcanon: In regency: Sophie takes over the running on My Cottage, does the ledgers, deals with the farms and the tenants and does a lot of the work herself (a bit like Billie Bridgerton but without the riding horses backwards!)... In Modern era: Sophie loves to make her own clothes, she regularly wears something she’s bought at a charity shop, taken apart and made again.
🧠Favourite Benedict Headcanon: in modern era’s that he rides a motorbike and is a fucking huge sci-fi nerd. In regency… he’s a malewife. Sophie takes care of absolutely everything in that house and he’s never been happier.
🤩It USED to be Kate… I used to love writing Kate but because of reasons… I struggle for the most part now but I think if i’m not allowed my beloved Benophie. I’d have to say Hyacinth.
🎉 interactions, comments and hits… the more people react and comment the more I want to write it… the more I know people are enjoying it so it’s like a physical reaction as I get the emails and the asks for peoples reactions… Like AMD… that BLEW MY MIND at how people reacted to that… like by far was my most popular fic.
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westdallasgang · 4 months
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Clyde Barrow's early upbringing and poverty:
Clyde spent the majority of his childhood living on a farm in Telico, Texas. His parents were tenant farmers on rented land. Their house was so small it consisted of only 3 rooms in total. All of the Barrow children slept on the livingroom floor. At a very early age, Clyde was put to work on the farm, picking cotton, planting and harvesting crops and pulling weeds to help support the family. But life had other plans. The price for cotton and grain skyrocketed and farmers were paying more for cotton seeds than they made selling their harvest. To make matters worse, a bad case of pest infestation caused agriculture in Telico to come to a grinding halt. Farmers were out of work and migrated to the city for employment. In 1922, the Barrow's had no choice but to follow suit and settled in Dallas. However, the city didn’t want impoverished families like the Barrow's staying in Dallas.
Poor-stricken families in Dallas were instead pushed to settle in a free campground in West Dallas, an unincorporated and untended area of Dallas County that was poor by design. The campgrounds were out of sight and separated from the city by a river called the Trinity River. The west bank of the Trinity was swarmed with bugs, and open sewers. Garbage strewn around narrow dirt streets contributed to dozens of deaths annually from tuberculosis and pneumonia. Families slept inside of shanties and tent camps. The Barrow's had neither, let alone a car. They slept with the kids under their horse wagon. There was one well, where everyone drew marginally potable water, and a few outhouses to use the bathroom in. Clyde's mother cooked out in the open on an old fashioned camp stove. Sometimes they depended on the Salvation Army. On holidays, children were given oranges. The oranges were the only Christmas gifts the Barrow kids received.
Determined to leave the campgrounds for good, Clyde's father collected scrap metal around town and sold it to foundries. Clyde sometimes tagged along and helped out. Kids on the streets openly made fun of Clyde for this, calling his father a junk man. In the meantime, of no employment, a shed was built. It was cramped inside but at least it kept them out of the rain. Clyde started stealing metal for his father to sell. The Barrow's lived on that campground for 3 years. Until one day, their horse was struck and killed by a car. Clyde's father sued the driver and won a sum of money. The family couldn't afford to move out of the slums of West Dallas, but they were finally able to move into a proper house, on an empty lot, in an actual neighborhood. Clyde's father built a 2 bedroom house that he split into a filling station as a source of income. The rough environment took a toll on Clyde and after the constant ridicules, his life of crime quickly progressed there.
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fishrpg · 5 months
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2024-04-27: Dockery Farms (Town)
Dockery Farms (sometimes called Dockery Plantation, but usually just simply “Dockery”) was founded in 1895 by Will Dockery. It’s located just inside the western edge of Sunflower County and about 2,000 tenant laborers grow cotton on its 28,000 acres. Though Will Dockery didn’t much care for the music of his tenants and shared many of the prevailing beliefs of white men of the era, he had a reputation as one of the fairest men around when it came to wages. Pay at Dockery was consistently higher than at the other farms in the area, which in turn attracted many laborers.
However, the pay was usually made in company scrip that was only accepted at Dockery. Scrip could be exchanged for cash, but almost never at face value. Payday happened once a month and was known as “Furnishing Day,” and saw thousands of people lined up outside the commissary to collect their pay. There are grumblings about the unfairness of being paid in scrip, but any legislation that might stop the use of script is still a few years away (the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938).
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Points of Interest
Cotton Gin
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Housed in a barn-sized building with corrugated metal siding, the cotton gin is a roaring monster of wheels, belts, and teeth. Few people who deal with the gin regularly manage avoid losing at least part of a finger during their years of tenure there. It’s a machine to be respected and feared. The ginning process spits out fine clouds of cotton lint that settle on the sweaty skin of the workers, leaving them looking like fuzzy ghosts by the end of their shift. Without the gin, the money doesn’t come to Dockery; and without money, there is no Dockery.
Big Lou’s
Big Lou owns a house just past the one-lane bridge over the Sunflower River. On Furnishing Day (always a Saturday), the bluesmen pay Big Lou to move all the furniture out of his house and set up mirrors and oil lamps so they can perform. While this was happening, the bluesmen would play music for the captive audience of people waiting in line. Although the musical performances while waiting in line were free, the best and most popular music was saved for Big Lou’s house, and you had to pay a toll to cross the one-lane bridge to Big Lou’s house. The toll was split among the musicians who performed that night.
Pea Vine Station
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Rail was the best way to get cotton shipped around the country, and cotton farms that weren’t located near big rail lines had to make their own branches. Officially known as the Kimball Lake Branch, nobody calls it by that name. It’s just the Pea Vine, named for its indirect and circuitous route that resembled the unfurling vines of a pea plant. The station in Dockery runs southwest to Boyle, a community about 2 miles south of Cleveland, to connect the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Company tracks to the Illinois Central. The Pea Vine runs twice a day, making a round trip each time, and functions as a convenient way to reach the entertainment options of Cleveland.
Trulight Baptist Church
Pronounced like “True Light,” this is an all-Black church with a graveyard where many of the laborers would end up being buried. The church was first established in 1906, and the graveyard holds the remains of Annie and Bill Patton (the parents of legendary bluesman Charlie “Charley” Patton).
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living400lbs · 1 year
Madame Restell built the second apartment house in NYC.
"Still, Madame Restell’s early tenants included some very interesting people. The most notable was George Ripley, the utopian socialist who in 1841 had founded the secular commune Brook Farm, a community seemingly at odds with his eventual choice to live in an apartment in a bustling city. The Farm, in rural Massachusetts, allowed each member, male and female, to do work of their choosing and share the farm’s profits equally, in the hope that this would leave them ample time to pursue creative endeavors. Brook Farm attracted some well-known members, including the novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne. The novelist later wrote about a thinly fictionalized version of Brook Farm in The Blithedale Romance, where the protagonist found, among other things, that if you spend all day working on a farm, you are far too tired to write poetry at night. When he left the commune, Hawthorne rejoiced that his soul was no longer “buried beneath a dung heap.” Brook Farm came to an end in 1847 after one of its buildings caught fire and the commune was rendered bankrupt.
Maybe that’s why living in an apartment later seemed preferable to Ripley."
From Madame Restell by Jennifer Wright
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staticspaces · 6 months
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I Summon Thee
Check out the whole walkthrough and story here!!
Now let's move on to othe basement as well as the separate apartment that looked more like it was in a shed than a house!!
This beautiful, rural farmhouse has lived two completely separate lives, up until just a few years ago, it was owned by a farming family who worked the surrounding land for generations. They sold the property which was then bought by an investor.
The farmhouse was then painted all white inside and rented out to multiple people, one of was an older lady who is a writer. But there was also a couple that lived there, let's call them Lisa and Jeff and this is where things take a turn for the worse!
Both Lisa and Jeff have had problems with the law, Jeff has spent time in prison and their children were also taken away by child protection services.
There were many documents left in the house presumably because the tenants left in a hurry, one of which was a warrant to search the home for evidence relating to a crime that Lisa had committed. The search must have been successful because Lisa was charged with identity theft and was apparently out on bail. That's not all, there was also a restraining order against her for another woman, maybe one of the people who's identity she had stolen. This also could explain all the mail in the house addressed to other people who didn't live there.
Jeff's trail mostly ends here but from what I found he is in a new relationship and has hopefully left his life of crime behind. Lisa however hasn't changed, more recently she has been involved with some of the highly publicised car thefts that have been all over the news the past couple of years. She was one of many people charged related to a bust involving the recovery of hundreds of stolen cars worth millions of dollars.
Lisa is now living in another province, she has a new boyfriend and together they have continued to get into trouble. Just a few months ago, the two of them were caught trying to leave the province with many pending charges, one of which was again, identity theft.
The investor had owned the property for just 2 years but was already listing it for sale for about 5 times the price they paid for it. Obviously nobody was interested in purchasing the house and land at that price, so it has been on and off the market a few times at various prices, including one as low as $2.
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wrestlingcheese · 1 year
26/06 Low Quality housing - Cage Slums
A mess of cage apartments has been constructed around a large central tower vent from the swimming pool and basement levels, run by an opportunistic freighter crewman named Teklo Gridge.
The “apartments” are tiny, lacking any facilities beyond mesh walls, and are so crammed together in the damp, steamy space it is impossible to guess at how many there might be. The air is humid, muggy, and smells of chlorine.
Teklo’s Office is on the ground “floor”, built around the original maintenance closet for the vent room. He lives alone, and “manages” the apartments all by himself, his deck-sweeping auto shotgun now doing double-duty as a walking cane, where his legs have atrophied from months sat down in his chair.
Notable Occupants:
Teklo Gridge
Description: A portly, wrinkled old man with a permanent sleazy grin and a barely-there combover.
wants: As long as the money keeps rolling in he’s beyond happy, but he needs more of the families holed up by the escape shuttle to “return to their senses” and pay him more rent.
has: The desperation of his tenants make them into a makeshift mob if he really needs something done, and although the mob falls apart outside of the station, inside it is a useful asset.
Kohol Sancey
Description: A more colourful vagrant than most are used to; whilst his beard, hair and clothing are all extremely ragged and unkempt, he is still extremely vibrant, dyed in a whole rainbow of different dyes.
wants: To move “upmarket” to a much better house, in the Habs or Berths.
has: Little to no morals and a special interest in hacking door locks, electronically or otherwise.
Ceglan Reed
Description: Dark skinned and beefy, particularly in the legs department. A Climber’s physique, with the dress senses of an old-world valedictorian.
wants: To climb to the tallest point on the colony’s Comms Array and leave his mark: C.
has: A significant amount of climbing gear he is more than happy to part with once his task is complete, as well as a portable Anti-grav unit.
Description: Waif-like and pale to the point of being almost ethereal, despite the shaved head and flat chest, Liffie’s gender is a mystery.
wants: A partner with whom to get extremely high from a stash “synthesised” in the swimming pool’s vent system.
has: Their cabin counts as a safe space to rest in while Liffie is sober.
Tybora Huxe
Description: Plant Biologist hitching a ride with Greywash, now stranded here. Presents as a severe old woman in a kimono but for the elaborately waxed moustache.
wants: One of the tycho company marines is the father of her child; she wants him brought back to her to settle her debts and help raise his child.
has: The coordinates of a large food crop farm hidden between the colony floor-and-ceiling plates on the floor below.
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harmcityherald · 1 year
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This is Gracie. Her and Fred make a living cleaning my little 10gal where my two little survivors, Marius and Armond live happily. I call them survivors because they survived a year in a vacant house with zero attention and were only discovered when that tank, completely green, was emptied. They were subsequently welcomed as tenants of the manor of wayward and raucous spirits.
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Marius. Armond is camera shy and he is much a smaller tetra. Those guys survived a nuclear blast in a fridge, if you'll excuse my trivia exercises. The "mystery snails" are actually fun to watch. they have some weird probe-like thingy that reaches above the water. its not an antenna. I am still reading up on them but they are fun to watch and they sure have cleaned this tank up really good in a short amount of time and doubled their size.
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There's something special about watching a snail play.
I don't know if they are male and female or two males or two females I guess I will find out in the long run because from what I understand they multiply worse than rabbits. But we shall see. So, you see, we have quite a multi species of residents here. Not, and really never as 'ooo look wut i got museum specimens' but in 'rescued lifeforms who deserve a chance and become family along the way'. As I said, residents. A few are human too as much as I do admittedly discriminate against them. I have many more animal friends than I do human friends. That includes all the little Wildlife who inhabit my tiny bubble increasingly encroached upon by Urban Baltimore sprawl. I guess that's why the lantern flies took up residence here as well, and the gigantic Army of wasps attached to the side of The Manor. They want $300 to come and take it away. That's money this old man doesn't have. But from what I ascertain they Farm these damn bugs and then lick up the sticky secretions that they leave behind. I don't know if that's a thing in a scientific journal somewhere but I did go to the State website and report all that so at least it shows up in their government statistics somewhere because it's not just me and my trees across the street across the alley and luckily for me they are so far ignoring my garden they seem more interested in Vining plants and trees such as the grapevines and the Virginia creeper and I don't care what anybody says they seem to like mulberry trees and that is what overhangs my garden. Sad to say, due to both mine and Em's health problems which have been pretty substantial here lately, we did not harvest the mulberries this year. I'm sure the birds appreciate it. But the last month or so been in and out of hospitals on both of our parts. We lean on each other, just this thing should be. And together we look out for the children and the grandchildren and the cats and the dogs and the turtles in the fish and each plant in the garden and we are here to report that we love every second of it and are thankful for all lives who enter an intertwine with our own.
emily does not like for me to talk about her health problems and of course I will always respect that. I will say they are serious and I have been hoofing it back and forth downtown to the hospital quite a bit these past weeks. a lot of stress and anxiety but im very happy because we've turned a corner thanks again to the best hospital on the planet. jhh. cannot sing their praises loud enough. In my court, the scan yesterday showed a tiny spot in my liver which may be nothing and in my oncologists words is "too small to categorize." but in 2 months if it grows we will address it. bloodwork was fine. so thats my update and thats not so bad. I agreed to try their pain clinic which I was vehemently opposed to. after my dissection I tried that once and it was like being in line at the methadone clinic and I mean no offense to that but I walked away from it saying I don't belong here so I see it as a way of, how shall I say it, dissuading people who need pain medicine to shy away, thus taking away the doctors responsibility in the matter. A way of brushing their hands of you. and I told her as such. She assures me that the clinic there at the hospital is much more professional and I told her well, I will be the judge of that and let you know. Nothing takes the pain away really. The meds dull it, help you function as you push through it but nothing ever really stops the boa constrictor wrapped around my spine. weather that is an artifact of the dissection or the cancer is up for grabs and at this point matters little to me.
in good news I am planning on renting a passenger van next year and taking everyone to see the solar eclipse. So that's hopefully going to become a reality. planning on doing it as a camping trip. someplace with dark sky so I can enjoy the stars and then see totality while im there.
Ok Im done. forgive my smeagoling.
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peter-ingram · 1 year
Fair Dinkum Housing: Let's Put an End to Rent Farming!
Hey there, mates!
Listen up, because I've got a bone to pick with something that's been spreading like wildfire across the Commonwealth: rent farming for profit. Crikey, it's a real doozy, and we need to talk about it!
Now, what's this rent farming all about, you ask? Well, it's when those cheeky landlords or property owners decide to crank up the rent prices without giving tenants any extra bang for their buck. It's like they're milking the poor tenants for all they're worth!
And let me tell you, this ain't no fair dinkum situation. It's leaving hardworking folks with sky-high rents that are as hard to swallow as a vegemite sandwich with extra vegemite! We're talking about folks struggling to keep a roof over their heads, facing financial strain that's tighter than a pair of budgie smugglers!
But fear not, my friends! We've got to put a stop to this rent farming madness and fight for fair and affordable housing. It's time to rally together and make some noise, because everyone deserves a fair go!
So let's spread the word, have a good chinwag about it, and support those righteous initiatives that champion fair housing policies. Together, we can be the champions of housing justice, creating a future where affordable homes are as abundant as kiwi birds!
If you've got any stories, ideas, or resources to share on this topic, don't be shy! Chuck 'em in the comments below. Your input is gold, and it'll help us create a community that's got each other's backs.
Cheers, mates!
#RentFarming #FairDinkumHousing #HousingJustice #CommunityHeroes
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