ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Wake up
It happened again, I’ve fallen for another redhead akdjskdhskdh. Poor Mao is my new redheaded victim. Ofc now I feel the need to write for him. I've also become very fond of his relationship with Ritsu, plus it’s his birthday so perfect timing!
(posted this exactly at midnight lmao)
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Mao x Ritsu (interpret as you wish)
Lees: Mao, Ritsu
Lers: Ritsu, Mao
Warnings: Tickles!
It was a lazy day, Mao was in his room, laying on the couch while watching tv. With Ritsu taking a nap on top of him. The brunnette let out a soft yawn as he placed his chin on top of Mao’s chest, looking up at him with a sleepy smile.
“Sleep well?” asked the redhead as he gently petted his head. Ritsu let out a soft hum as he stretched, throwing his arms around Mao’s neck before burrying his face back into his chest.
“Well goodnight again” said the vampiric male as he let himself get drowned in sleepiness once more.
This caused Mao to let out a chuckle “Again? My body’s about to go numb if you keep sleeping on top of me”.
“Mm… not my problem” retariated the brunnette with a sharp tone.
The redhead let out a mock gasp of disbelief “Oh that’s it, you’ve asked for it”. He said in a teasy tone as he started to softly poke at Ritsu’s sides up and down.
“Hngh! S-stahap it…!” the brunnette’s body shook as he bit down on his lip, trying to surpress his giggles.
“C’mon, it’s time to wake up~” Mao said in a sing-song voice as he moved his hands up to Ritsu’s ribs, poking and prodding between the ticklish bones.
“Gah‼” Ritsu let out a strangled gasp as he instantly sat up straight, straddling Mao along the waist in the process.
“Good morning~” the redhead looked up at him with an innocent smile. It was probably past noon but who’s keeping track of time?
Ritsu let out a low grumble as he pouted “No fair… you played dirty”.
“Not my fault you’re so ticklish” Mao stuck his tongue out at him as he stretched, causing his shirt to rise up.
“You’re one to talk…” Ritsu let out a sly smirk as he poked at Mao’s bellybutton.
“GyAH-!” the redhead squeaked as he instantly brought his hands down to defend his tummy. “Y-you wouldn’t dahare…!” poor Mao couldn’t hold back the nervous giggles that bubbled up in his throat, with a soft, red blush overtaking his cheeks.
“Oh but I do~” Ritsu teased as he playfully wiggled his fingers up and down Mao’s sides.
“Pffft! Ahahahahaha! R-Ritsu plehehease!” the redhead squirmed with what little room he had to work with, wrapping his arms around his torso as a sad attempt to defend himself. But Ritsu’s nimble fingers were able to easily maneuver around him.
“Shouldn’t had disrupted my sleep” Ritsu stuck his tongue out back at him, now opting to playfully scratch along the sides of Mao’s neck.
“Eep‼ Nahahaha! I-ihit tihihickles!” Mao shook his head around as he tried scrunching up his shoulders. His eyes cutely squeezed shut while giggling hysterically.
“That’s the point silly~” Ritsu rolled his eyes fondly at him as he slipped his wiggly fingers under his arms.
“WahaHAIT! RITSU NAHAHAHA!” Mao threw his head back as he got lost in his boisterous laugh, clamping his arms down as tightly as he could. Ritsu only chuckled as he kept tickling that dreaded spot. Enjoying the dorky smile plastered on his friend’s face. After a while longer of enduring the tickle torture did Mao try to speak up “I GIVE! I GIHIHIVE!”. He shrieked frantically, his face fully red at this point and his eyes starting to get watery.
“Fine, I’ll spare you this once~” teased Ritsu as he slowed his fingers to a stop, slipping them out of the tickle spot. Mao quickly sucked in as much air as he could, his chest heaving up and down as his cute, leftover giggles kept spilling out of him like a waterfall. “You doing okay there?”.
“Y-yeheheah…! Althohough I feel tired nohow…!”.
“Wanna take a nap?” Ritsu smiled down at him as Mao softly nodded his head. And just like that, Ritsu got snuggled up into his chest once more, while Mao wrapped him up in a hug. The both of them falling into a deep slumber in each others embrace.
I'm so sad I couldn't get Mao's feature card in the 1 single pull I did LMAO
But fr his feature scout is so pretty! And his second one recently was also so pretty 🥺💖
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kpiva · 2 months
I remembered that I didn't show my holographic stickers here!!🥺
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proud that they turned out so pretty ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
The mistake(s)
Kanene’s notes: Summary of this fic:
Teru: I am evil I am mean I know no mercy I am the master of teases.
Mob: *smile*
Teru: I,,,, s,,somft,,
Warnings: None. This is just a cute tickle fanfic with Lee!Mob and Ler!Teru. Can be viewed as platonic or romantic. Around 2.000 words.
Watching that movie was a mistake.
Except for the part where Teruki got bored with the plot holes - which, together with the roterist's lazy shortcuts to get all the movie's conflicts resolved in less than ten minutes, ignoring completely that they still had 45 minutes left of story to tell, created the perfect setting to enjoy some procrastinating time with a good company - and decided he absolutely needed to stretch himself across Shigeo's lap, looking at him with the corner of his eye to see if he perceived any kind of discomfort with him by the other.
Shigeo's attentive and neutral eyes turned down to watch him back. "Do you want to watch something else?"
The lack of anything but mild curiosity that painted his tune made Teru relax, slightly adjusting himself to be more comfortable and smiling nonchalantly while focusing again at the screaming protagonist on the screen. "Nah. It's fine."
It was calm, the silence that bathed them. Teru felt more than saw the other's hand hovering above his head. Although he didn't allow himself to externally react to it.
"Teruki." He hummed in reply, laziness already beginning to fog his brain and trying to coach him to sleep. He kind of wanted to finish watching the movie with Shigeo, though. "Can I touch your hair?"
"Uh, sure. Go for it."
So, watching that movie was a mistake. Not because it was bad or poorly made. Not because Mob's careful but still very present touch combing his hair made him feel so relaxed and boneless he was afraid he would slip from the couch at any moment. Not even because he realized how... soft this moment was, how soft Shigeo was, even when their first contact, when Teru's first contact with him was much more aggressive and unkind than what he was being shown now.
No, none of these were the reason for the incorrigible mistake that was made that day.
Actually, the moment Teruki realized that something was happening it was already too late to intervene.
Because the scene was already playing on the screen.
Not any scene.
A tickle scene.
And Teru made the mistake of looking up at Shigeo at this exact moment.
His friend was still concentrating on the movie, hand still playing with his hair and... the corner of his mouth was turned upwards. He was smiling.
That was when Teru realized two things:
1. He has never seen Mob laugh or giggle.
2. He really, really needed to be the reason of his smile.
The question slipped before he could think too much about it.
“Are you ticklish, Mob?”
Maybe it was because of his way-too-casual tune, or because the calm moment made Shigeo lower his barriers, but the answer jumped from the tip of Mob’s tongue before he even realized it.
The blonde could easily notice how, even before the word was completely out, Shigeo realized the trap he was walking into, turning to look at him with alarmed eyes, so Teru didn’t waste too much time. With a predatory grin his fingers jumped to his sides, dancing and scratching from left to right, up and down, effectively searching and finding any and every weak spot where he could latch on and prevent the other from even thinking in payback before he managed to pull at least a single stray giggle.
His worries were, however, unfounded, since the moment the Kageyama’s wide eyes noticed his attack, his entire body tried to curl on itself, arms hugging his torso and legs trying and failing to go up to protect his middle due Teru still being laid on them.
And then, Mob began to shake.
Teru’s fingers faltered, an unpleasant cold fear suddenly appearing on his mind, the fear that he was too rough, too sudden, too close. That he went too far,  overstepped his friend’s boundaries and just made the strongest person he ever known cry for a stupid personal desire.
His eyes then ran to the other’s face, hands still hovering in the air, when he saw it.
Shigeo’s cheeks were puffed out, his eyes were closed, his previous smile now much bigger stretching along his face.
Teru blinked, a bit stunned. The shaking had stopped.
He experimentally brought his hands back to his friend’s torso, now skittering along his ribs, index fingers lightly drumming on the space between each one while his thumbs drew circles on the highest ones, the tip of his fingers getting dangerously close to his highest ribs.
Shigeo began shaking again, shoulders jumping up and down just the slightest amount (Teru was sure that if they weren’t that close, he wouldn’t even realize) and small huffs and puffs of air that sounded suspiciously close to muffled yelps made the blonde realize with delight that Shigeo wasn’t just shaking, he was beaming due the amount of giggles and belly laughter he was trying to hide.
That piece of knowledge made his smirk come back at full force, his tickles getting more enthusiastic with this revelation. Now, that just won’t do.
“Come on, Kageyama, you can’t keep them inside forever.” A snort escaped from his tight pressed lips, body swaying a bit to the left when Teruki’s efforts began walking in the direction of his armpits.
Seeing his reaction, the blond decided he wanted to be mean, so he taunted the other by tapping his fingers right on the border of his armpits, just light enough to send tickly tingles where he touched, nerves buzzing with the prospect that he could strike at any moment.
“See? That is already one. You just need to free the rest of them! Let all the high pitched giggles, embarrassing squeaks, cute snorts and melodious laughter come tumbling right out. I promise I won’t break your serious guy façade to everyone we know.”
His teases were accompanied by a couple of pokes to the tickle spot, which made Shigeo duck his head and try to press his mouth on his shoulder, his low, quiet reactions being successfully hidden with it, his bounces getting stronger with the (honestly unfair) mix of silly tickles and taunting teases.
Suddenly, Teru had an idea. It was a risky bet, more than anything. But it could work.
He kept the flow of pokes, slowly increasing the speed bit by bit. “Bet you will feel much better once they’re all out,” Poke. Poke. Poke poke. Poe poke poke.  “don’t you think? To just let it go and laugh and laugh and laugh.” Pokepokepokepokepokepoke.
Mob didn’t answer, the sensation and words making him want to both crawl off his skin (Teru wasn’t even full tickling him yet, how such soft touch could be so maddening-) and not laugh so they could extend that playful moment for longer.
Teru let out his best impression of an evil snicker, lifting himself just a bit more and...
His mouth was now close to Shigeo’s ears.
“Unless you want me to tickle it all out of you.”
As soon as the words filled the room, his hands dug on the armpits, vibrating and unmercifully attacking the so-protected tickle spot with plenty of scratches and scribbles while he blowed weakly at the - now completely red - ears, hoping his assumption that they were ticklish was right and he wasn’t just making a fool of himself.
A surprised and surprisingly loud, high pitched wheeze was his answer and, before the silence could stretch across the room, a waterfall of sounds followed it. Snorts, yelps, squeaks, squeals, titters and an adorably adorable hiccuped laughter began flowing freely from the one with raven hair and they filled every inch of the room, stunning the blonde so much that he almost ceased his attack.
Instead, he pried his hands from under Mob’s arms and shot them upwards, targeting the, as it seems, incredibly and awfully sensitive spot right behind Shigeo’s ears, letting them dance and draw senseless forms on them, skittering the shells and sometimes letting the tickles slip a bit too close to his neck. 
A pure and warm delight exploded on his chest when he watched how such a simple thing made Mob throw his head backwards, not even bothering to try to hide the low and fast giggles that spilled in flocks from him, shoulders still bouncing and trying - even if halfheartedly - to press on his ears and save them from the unfair and unexpected attack.
“So your ears really are ticklish.” It wasn’t even a tease now, Teru was so lost in the realization that this was laughter, this was his serious friend, this was the strongest person in the universe laughing and enjoying himself, this was his attentive friend giggling uncontrollably and non stop because of a few silly tickly tickles, that he even forgot to add that snarky, taunting tune in his words, just letting the fun of the moment carry both of them away.
“Yes.” The word was almost unrecognizable when said in between so many titters. Teru’s hands began to explore his neck, tap-tap-tapping non stop from the spot right under his chin to his shoulders, creating tickly, tingly paths wherever he went and Mob knew that the spot wasn’t even that ticklish in the first place, but in this moment it didn’t fail to fish plenty of squeaky yelps from him. His hands shot to hold the sleeves of Teru’s shirt, not really pulling them away. “Teheheru. It t-tihihickles.”
And that was the exact moment Teruki Hanazawa realized he had made an incorrigible mistake.
Because now he wouldn’t ever, ever be able to live without listening at least once again to his name being said in between those bouncy giggles and huffed titters.
Or without seeing that gigantic smile taking over Shigeo’s face. Or the way his cheeks were still puffed out even though the laughter kept falling and filling the air. Or the way the tip of his ears were starting to be painted in a lovely shade of red. Or how low and silly his laughter was. Or how...
Teru was the one who walked straight to a trap here, wasn’t he?
He felt his grin turning into something much more soft than playful, and tried to pull his smirk again, not being sure if he was successful or not. Fortunately enough, Mob still didn’t open his eyes or he would, without doubt, see the shine that took over his gaze.
“It is supposed to tickle, Kageyama. This is the whole deal here, you know?” He snickered in amusement, lowering his arms to give the boy’s knees a few experimental squeezes, being gifted with a snort at every single one. “But, I must say, I didn’t think you would be so, so ticklish. Maybe we should change your nickname from Mob to Giggle Storm.” Teru wormed one hand to under his knees, slightly pinching the sensitive skin there while the other one kept squeezing the kneecap, the mix of soft and rough tickles creating a stronger hiccuped laughter and low, high pitched giggles, as if to prove his words. “Or maybe Hiccup King, it would be very fitting, right?”
Mob only shook his head, heat flooding across his entire face, body starting to get too tired to keep his beaming and tears beginning to gather in the corner of his eyes. A couple of squeaks escaped from his lips and he tried, once again, to curl his torso, resting his forehead on Hanazawa, who was still on his legs.
A privileged position that the blonde didn’t even think twice before fully exploiting. Shigeo could only get a glimpse of Teru taking a deep breath before shoving his face on his stomach and giving him a huge raspberry.
Another loud, wheezing sound briefly floated in the air before being cut and replaced by full silent belly laughter, one or two hiccups appearing here and there before the one with raven hair fell again in silence.
When the maddening, tickly vibrations were over - even if the buzzing kept dancing across his torso and making the other spots tickle in empathy - Mob put his hands on the other’s shoulders and pushed it away, his arms feeling more wobbly and noodly than normal, as if he had just went through another exercise from the Body Improvement Club. Teru took a look at the few tears running on his cheeks and the gigantic smile on his lips before chuckling and ceasing his attack.
For a moment, they just stayed like that. Shigeo taking deep breaths and slowly stopping the flow of quiet titters that remained dancing around them. Teruki realized that the movie had ended a long time ago.
"Uh, sorry if I went too far. Just... It really looked like you were having fun." The playful tease left his grin before he even realized it.
"I was." The certitude in his tune, the direct way he didn't even seem phased by the whole tickle attack and tease he just received beyond a light redness taking over his cheeks and a smile still adorning his face... Mob was really something else.
In his place, Teru would probably still be a mess of peals of laughter and pleas of mercy. Actually, cross that, his soul would have flown away from his body the moment he received that raspberry.
"I don't mind being tickled. It's fun."
"Heh." Teru's smile got even bigger, losing somewhat its smirk, sincerity dripping freely in his tune. "That is cute."
Mob considered his words, not saying anything to agree or disagree to it.
A comfortable silence fell on them once more.
"I also don't mind getting revenge."
"Ah- wAIT-"
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honeydew-sillies · 1 year
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Soooo got a little too silly and my hand may or may not have slipped... No thoughts only these silly silly kids.
Don't worry Ritsu is going to destroy Shou as soon as he's free.
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shinigami-striker · 10 months
[K-On!] Ritsu Tainaka Icons | Monday, 08.21.2023
Here's a couple of character icons, featuring Ritsu Tainaka (happy birthday), one of the 5 main characters of K-On!
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pastery1 · 2 years
Enstars Tickle Hcs (Part 13)
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Tsukasa Suou:
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He's never the lee, always the ler. He doesn't mind this though, bc he's never been too kin on being tickled. He loves tickling Kohaku, them being distant cousins. At this point, who doesn't wanna tickle the lovable pink haired man. U'd think Kohaku will learn his lesson, but noooooo, he's still messing w/ Tsukasa on the daily even if Kohaku rlly hates being tickled. Tsukasa has a big fear of bugs, and Kohaku being Kohaku, put a fake spider (dk if that classfies as a bug) in his bed, under the blankets, and that night ended w/ Kohaku being ganged up on by his two older sisters and a revengeful ler tickling his worst spot. Tsukasa tends to ask for help tickling ppl, bc the more ppl tickling someone, the louder and more tense of a struggle they'll be. Just bc he's never the lee doesn't mean he's not ticklish, he's just rlly skilled at not being tickled. And he hates being tickled too, he once got tickled by his parents a lot, and since they would constantly do it infront of Kohaku, making it more embarrassing even if the pink haired man gets flustered by tickling, he js got self conscious abt it and started hating it. His death spot is his neck, and his laugh is v chilled and breathy.
Leo Tsukinaga:
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O.m.g! Tell me this face doesn't look like someone who's ticklish, bc... he isn't. YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!! He was never ticklish when he was born, giving his parents this sour look everytime they tried tickling him. He does have a little sister who he doesn't tickle at all, bc like most ppl, his prefrences towards tickling ppl are men, they just look so fucking adorable when they act all tough, but gets taken down by a little tickling. Even the boys who acts petite and shy, like PLS!!! Honestly, same boo. He didn't realize that he had a prefrence, more so, is fond of the idea 'tickling' until he saw his little sister tickling one of her friends at his house and then he thought 'Damn, can't u girls get a room', but once he saw one of his bestfriends, Arashi, tickling his other bestfriend, Izumi, he found himself fixated on the scene and couldn't keep his eyes off of them. He thought it was weird to like tickling men, like a gross pervert, but he found out by one of his closets friend he could trust, that everyone has their kinks and fetishes. And if he likes seeing men being tickled, he shouldn't be kink shamed for it. That being said, he usually goes after his teamates, just bc he's closest to them and he loves hearing them laugh.
Arashi Narukami:
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Just found out this character is trans and goes by she/her, so if u haven't seen this character yet (like me) that's y I'm using those pronouns. She's really ticklish, but not extremely ticklish, like she's the third ticklish one on her team. She likes being tickled because she thinks the word 'tickle' is really cute, and she loves seeing her teammates so sensitive abt it (like ticklish). She will make it her mission to tickle all of her friends at least once a day, the ones who's ticklish that is. She started tickling Ritsu just bc in her POV, he's this cute innocent bean, who needs some love and tickles. She doesn't understand that most ppl, if not some, actually has a phobia of being tickled(?) Not sure if that's actually a phobia, but later on after tickling one of her teamates (not spoiling) She became more aware of that fact and started asking before hand, ofc this doesn't stop her tickling any body else that's apart of her band, bc they didn't act the way this said person acted, and she still has ler moods so might've well tickle the others. Even if they hate being tickled it doesn't by pass what happened that day w/ a certain someone. Anyways, her being a lee... She's rlly ticklish on her knees, and her giggles are v feminine while her laughs are v masculine.
Izumi Sena:
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He didn't grow up w/ any siblings to tickle or get tickled from, which is a bonus. Though, he does get tickled by his parents which he hates svm.
"Ugh, y is it so hot outside! I hate the summer sm!!!" Izumi complained, in the living room w/ his mom cleaing dishes, and his dad sweeping the floor.
"Oh, come on dear, it's a beautiful day outside, you should go play w/ ur friends." His mom suggested.
"As if."
"Ur mom's right son."
"Nty, I rather chill back in the AC, watch my favorite K-drama, eating my favorite food, and drinking my favorite drink." Izumi laid back, putting his legs on the couch so his dad can vaccum the carpet.
"Yk, if u stay inside all summer, would u mind helping ur mother w/ the kitchen?"
Just the thought of doing chores, ruined the vibe for Izumi, so he decided to make up an obvious lie, but he thought he was in the clear when saying this. "I... Um... hurt my foot earlier, when I tripped on the stairs."
"You did, huh?" His dad grew suspicion, while his mom was thinking to herself 'Izumi...'
"Alr, maybe we should get it looked at," His dad grabbed his foot, w/ Izumi obviously fighting back.
"No, dad!"
"What? U said u were fine... so this won't hurt one bit." His dad said, pressing his thumb into the pressure point on the sole of his foot, and w/o it hurting, it oddly tickled rlly bad.
"GaH- Dad... c-cut it oUHT!" Izumi screamed when his dad pressed more firmly on the pressure point w/ his thumb, making a half circle, like moving it(?) Hard to explain.
"What? Does it hurt?"
"N-Nohoho... it juhuhust... UGH! Nehehehevermind abt myhyhyhy foot, I was johohohoking, and I can... can help w/ t-the dishes." Izumi giggled, while trying not to bc he knows for a fact that his dad would tickle him like always.
"Does it tickle? Will it tickle if I do... THIS?!" His dad exclaimed, while taking the said foot into a headlock scribbling on his sole.
"NO! DHAHAHHAD!!! STAHAHHAP!!! PLEASE!" Izumi started kicking widly and pushing his dad's shoulder w/ his other foor, while he's pounding the couch w/ his fist, and his head thrown back, bc he was imobile in the position he was in.
"Oh, ur other foot wants attention, I see." He grabbed Izumi's other foot into a headlock, imobilizing both of his ankles so he can tickle both feet.
"Dw, sport. I wasn't planning on it."
Izumi rlly hates being tickled and teased, but this doesn't stop Arishi from tickling him. He loves tickling other ppl tho, just for shits and giggles. Ofc, if he feels like ur uncomfortable abt the situation he'll stop, but before he starts, he'll give u a safeword to use in case u want the tickles but hv a time limit on how long u can stand being tickled. He's just a lovable sport who likes being the ler and not the lee!!! He is the second ticklish person on his team, and he usually gets targeted for being that sensitive. He hates Arishi always tickling him everyday. His worst spot is his feet, especially the pressure point on his sole. Like kneading it, will make him combust w/ silent laughter and breathy giggles. And his laugh is very breathy and can be pitchy at times.
Ritsu Sakuma:
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This is said person who I was talking abt on Airishi's hc. He absolutely hates being tickled, more like scared of it.
"Guys!!! please help me!" Ritsu ran and hid behind Leo, while he was shaking and out of breath.
"What's wrong Ritsu?" Leo asked.
"She's trying to tickle me..." Ritsu was on the verge of tears, just thinking abt being subdue to her evil fingers.
Airishi came at lightning speed around the corner, "Where is he?!"
'Oh no.'
"What's going on?" Leo asked.
"Please... Make her s-stop Leo."
"Oh, come on, Ritsu. U really gonna hide behind the only one WHO ISN'T FUCKING TICKLISH IN THIS ROOM RN?! That's so unfair... I tickled Tsukasa 3 hours ago, I tickled Izumi 2 hours ago, Leo isn't even ticklish, now it's just u left. We've been playing cat and mouse for an hour now, it's time to come out and play, so u can feel the evil wrath of my tickle torture. And since u decided u wanted to play chase, I wasn't gonna go easy on u~"
"Leo... please... help me out."
How much Leo loves seeing men being tickled especially Ritsu, he decided that the black haired man also has boundaries that he wants ppl to respect, so he decided to talk to the latter who wants to tickle him, "Hey, Airishi? Don't u think ur coming off too strong? Look at Ritsu. He doesn't look like he wants to be tickled.
"Oh, come on, just one more time..." Arishi slowly walked over to the black haired man w/ wriggling fingers.
"NO! Le-Leo... pl... *Sniffle* knock it- o-ff, Airishi! I... do-don't wanna be tickled." Ritsu had Leo in a back hug, breaking down, while he smothered his face into the back of his hoodie.
This shocked everyone bc they never heard Ritsu cry before, so this may rlly be unsettling for him.
"Omg, r u that scared of being tickled?" Airishi had gen/ concern and sorry to her tone. "Umm, I'm rlly sry for making u cry, Ritsu. Maybe u can tickle me as punishment?"
"Wdym, no? It's a suitable punishment for her?" Leo rubbed Ritsu's back soothingly and comfortable.
"JUST NO!" Ristu screamed, "He... likes being tickled, so it's not really a punishment. I... Idrfc at this point *sinffles* I'm just gonna go back to my dorm room, and hang out there for a bit. I'm sry for lashing out on u guys, and sry for showing this sensitive side to me." Ritsu let go of Leo and had his head down walking out of the room so the other four members wouldn't see his red, bloated face.
Yh, Ritsu has an older brother who tickles him a lot, but somehow, for some reason, he doesn't act the way other ppl tickle him. Ofc he hates it, but he doesn't cry before being tickled, he just begs, pleas, and tries to push the offending hand away from him. Ig since they're family he knows that Rei wouldn't go overboard w/ it, but still, he doesn't like the fact he keeps getting tickled just because he's the most ticklish on his team and his brother's team. He's not scared to get revenge w/ a little bit of help though. He only tickles ppl if they tried or had tickle him for punishment, but only if u hate it bc it's not rlly a punishment if u enjoy being tickled. He can't get anyone by himself though bc he's most likely weaker than the lee, so if he sees a fight break out, mostly when his brother is being tickled, he would yell ur worst spot out, just for laughs and giggles. His worst spot is his inner thighs, and even if Rei hates tickling ppl who is rlly loud while laughing, he doesn't tickle Ritsu's worst spot. Anywhere else but that. Please.
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tklpilled · 5 months
merry christmas, @lee-lucius !
shigeo isn’t popular. he’s been told that before; reigen’s made it very clear, at least. he’s well aware that he has a small group of friends, but he’s fine with that. he doesn’t exactly like when lots of attention is on him, it overwhelms him.
so, he’s not used to being fought over.
“you have an unfair advantage.” teruki sits behind him, arms wrapped around shigeo’s waist and pulling him into his lap. his head is resting on shigeo’s shoulder. “you live together.”
“that doesn’t mean we’re always spending time with each other.” ritsu sits across from them, leaning against the wall, arms crossed. 
“but you’ve known each other all your lives!” teru huffs.
shigeo stays out of their argument, embarrassed and unsure what to say. he instead leans his head slightly against teru’s and focuses on the feel of the steady thumping of the blond’s heart.
“if shige liked you more, that wouldn’t matter,” ritsu retorts. 
teru makes a hmph noise. “but that’s still not fair! right, shigeo?”
ritsu narrows his eyes. “shigeo?”
teru’s heartbeat speeds up. “ah. u-um.”
“it’s fine,” shigeo interrupts, before either of them can say anything more. “you don’t have to fight.”
“shi—” teru cuts himself off with a glare in ritsu’s direction. “he’s right. there’s no need to fight over this.”
ritsu nods. “right. glad you realised how wrong you are.”
shigeo sighs and prepares himself for a long day.
it becomes a competition of who knows shigeo better. ritsu, naturally, is winning, although teru continues to protest against the advantage that he has. shigeo tunes them out, not bothering to pay any attention. he doesn’t even realise that they’re asking him a question until teru pokes him to get his attention.
“c’mon! answer!”
shigeo blinks back into reality. “ah, teru—” (“teru,” mouths ritsu, gaping at the use of not only teru’s first name, but his nickname) “—cut that out, please.” he swats teru’s hands away lightly before looking up. “um. what were you asking?”
ritsu shakes his head to clear his obviously many thoughts and questions. “we just wanted to know—”
“are you ticklish, shigeo?”
please stop calling me that, you’ll give ritsu a stroke, shigeo thinks, before the question registers. “huh?”
teru pokes him again, gentler this time. “or are you hurt? you’re not hurt, are you?”
“n-no, i’m fine.”
ritsu leans in, looking interested. “i didn’t think you were still ticklish, shige.”
their attention is suddenly entirely on him. he squirms a bit. “u-um, what was the que—aha!” he jolts, and teru giggles beside his ear.
“oh, you are!” he turns to ritsu. “see, i bet i know more about where he’s ticklish than you do!”
before shigeo could point out that actually, neither of them had known anything about it until just a moment ago, teru’s fingers spring into action, and then shigeo is too busy with his sudden fit of laughter. 
he covers his mouth with his hand, curling up. “w-wahahait!” he protests quietly at the feeling of teru scribbling over his stomach. 
“just admit it, shigeo,” teru says, and shigeo can feel the outline of his smile from where the blond’s cheek is touching his, his chin resting on shigeo’s shoulder. “i know you better.”
“he can’t admit something if it’s not true.” ritsu’s voice is suddenly much closer than before, and then an extra set of hands are squeezing his knees.
teru grumbles. “go on,” he tells shigeo. “which of us do you like better?”
“th-thahahat wahasn’t the quehehestion!” shigeo squeals, batting at the assaulting hands but otherwise not fighting back much.
“no, it wasn’t,” ritsu agrees, “because the answer is obviously—”
“bohohoth! both of yohou!”
the two of them pause instantly. teru is the first to speak up.
shigeo nods, catching his breath. “b-both…i like you both.”
they look at each other, and for a moment shigeo thinks they'll finally stop arguing. and then —
“that's not the right answer, shige.” four hands are back to tormenting him, and the noise shigeo makes is not a squeal… but it is pretty damn close.
“wait, wait, wahahait!”
this continues for a while — all three of them know that shigeo could never actually pick a favourite between the two of them. the arguing is just for fun, and it’s a silent agreement that the tickling is because shigeo needs to smile more often.
but when shigeo pleads for them to stop, they both freeze instantly; because much like he cares about them too much for his own good, they love him too much to keep tormenting him. a smile being forced from you isn’t a true smile, after all.
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dreaming-of-assclass · 7 months
omg hazama pfp …. trick or treat zainaaa <33 :]
Lee!!! Here’s a candy for you!! 🍫 And yes I’m honoring Hazama in the last few days of October lololol
“Aw, yeah! It’s pizza party time!” Muramatsu cheered, slapping his palm against his desk rather loudly.
Hazama rolled her eyes and thwacked him lightly with her gothic paperback. “It’s pizza, not gold.”
“Speak for yourself,” Yoshida snarked, turning around to face them and rubbing his palms together. “I even skipped lunch because I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
“Same!” Terasaka chimed in, doing the same hand motion. “We didn’t do all that extra help in the classroom earlier for nuthin’.”
Besides him, Karma didn’t even bother to hide his snicker. “You have no idea how stupid you look right now.”
“Shut it, Karma!”
“If I knew pizza was all it took to turn you into a feral, brain dead zombie, I would’ve brought you some way sooner. You know, so you can be a better minion.”
“That’s it,” Terasaka growled, raising his fist. “Shu-!”
“PIZZA’S HERE, EVERYONE!” An obnoxious yet familiar voice sang, breaking the room into a silent pause. Korosensei glided over to his desk and rested the boxes onto the surface, his bright yellow tentacles waving around nonsensically.
“Aw yea- wait,” Kimura scrunched his nose in confusion. “Where’s the rest of it?”
There were only two medium-sized boxes.
“O-oh, erm…” Korosensei chuckled, turning a shade of pink. “That’s all Sensei can afford right now…hehehe….”
The room erupted in chaos.
Korosensei burst into tears, immediately covering his face with his tentacles. “I’M TRYING MY BEST! YOU KNOW SENSEI LOVES YOU VERY MUCH!”
“Clearly not enough!” Terasaka snapped.
Muramatsu frowned, eyeing the size of the boxes. He turned to Karma. “Hey, math genius. Do you think that’ll feed all of us?”
“What do I look like, your calculator?”
“God, you’re such a dick.”
The classroom has devolved into utter chaos as Korosensei continued to cry and wave his tentacles everywhere, Kimura offered to run and pick up more boxes of pizza, Kataoka swiftly reminded him they were on top of a mountain, Ritsu sacrificed her slice since she’s virtual, then Sugaya told her she wouldn’t get one in the first place, and then Ritsu started crying.
Karasuma rubbed his temple, feeling a pounding migraine come on. “OKAY ENOUGH. I’ll cut the slices for everyone myself, and next time we have pizza, I’ll make sure that oaf doesn’t buy it.”
Hearts appeared in Kurahashi’s eyes. “Mr Karasuma, you hero!”
“Yes thank you, Mr Karasuma!” Korosensei cried, holding his tentacles in a heart shape.
Karasuma sighed and pulled out a normal knife from the inside sleeve of his jacket.
After about ten minutes, Muramatsu stared down disappointingly at the tiny sliver of a pizza slice on his plate. “I think my thumb is wider than this slice.”
“Mine definitely is,” Terasaka grumbled, picking his slice up. It was comical really, how much larger his hand was.
“Why did I skip lunch for this again?” Yoshida groaned.
“I could say why, but then I’d just be repeating myself again,” Hazama said before passing her plate to Yoshida.
He looked incredulous. “For me?”
“Yeah dumbass since you didn’t eat any lunch at all. Take it.”
Yoshida grinned. “Thanks, Hazama.”
“Don’t mention it.” She went back to her book, but not before showing a tiny smile herself.
Terasaka chewed thoughtfully and glanced at Karma’s uneaten slice. “Are you gonna eat yours or what?”
The delinquent was rummaging through his desk, his head bowed while he searched. “Yes.”
“Well, what are you doing?”
“None of your bu- oh, here it is.” He pulled out a small spice container from his desk.
Terasaka squinted, reading the label. “Chili flakes? Why the fuck do you have chili flakes in your desk?”
“I don’t live by your standards,” Karma replied casually, sprinkling a generous amount over his minuscule pizza slice.
“Whatever.” Terasaka rolled his eyes. “This class is weird as hell.”
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valeriele3 · 8 months
Greetings ~ I'm here to humble ask for a weird request connected to the ask I send earlier. Ehehe.
"what if you Isekai to either CHAU / MDD AU for whole day what will you do?"
MC could be made as another person / or alternative you
Sorry for the weird request. Hope it's not much too ask. I wanna see what other takes in the AUS. Eheh.
I hope you have a nice day and rng!
Ehehheheeh I wholeheartedly thank you for giving me this chance
Anddd since you put MDD/CH au ofc I picked..Both
Note: Hello this is Val from like idk the future?? (Technically it’ll be past when I post this) I’m so so sorry this took months..! I was very hyped when I got the request but when I actually tried to write everything went ✈️↘️💥
Oh and yeahhh nothing makes sense. I just put whatever stupid thought came to mind and slapped it on there
Warnings: Swearing/Cursing, bad grammar (I literally talk nonstop without breaks in my sentences irl sooo yes. It’s like that whenever I write too) and me being an absolute simp for Ritsu
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“Mama who’s that weirdo?”
“No one. Don’t look at her”
“Make sure to pick someone sane in the future okay?”
“Yes mama!”
‘Why do I feel like someone’s talking shit about me..’
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“Ma’am you can’t go inside!”
“Ritsu where are you~?”
“I repeat you cannot go inside ma’am! If you do not listen we will have no choice but to resort to force!”
“Shut up. I’ll kill you”
“That’s it. I apologize in advance ma’am”
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“Ugh..Go away..Let me sleep..”
“Hello? Rei? Yeah, I’m with Ritsu in room—”
“Oh! You’re awake!” (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
“Who’re you?”
“Oh my..Please don’t glare at me like that..It hurts my poor heart” ♪(´ε` )
“My name is..Valerie Lee”
“Huh? Did you get a makeover?”
“No..You’re not the Valerie of this world, are you?”
“Ding Ding Ding! Correct! Somebody give this man a prize!”
“Stop playing around. Why’re you here”
“Oh, the answer to that is simple”
“I’m here for you”
“Yeah, I can see that. I’m not dumb” (¬_¬)
“Seriously, what do you want from me?”
“Spit it out already. Stop wasting my time”
“Ouch. Fine, I want..”
“Your time”
“My time..?” (・・?)
“That’s it?”
“Seriously?” ಠ_ಠ
“Look it’s not just a simple thing okay!?”
“I may look all calm and happy go lucky right now but I’m nervous as heck and my anxiety is not so slowly growing!”
“You do not understand the amount of self restraint I have right now sir!!”
“Because if I didn’t have any self restraint I’d probably be choking and squeezing the life out of you!!”
“Okayyyy..I’m calm now!”
“So..Want to hang out for the day? It’ll be my treat” (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
“BUT! Promise you’ll leave me alone after” (¬_¬)
“Aye aye captain! I promise!” ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
“You’re weird”
“I know. I always get called crazy by my own family” _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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“By the way..You said it’ll be your treat but, do you even have the currency of this world?”
“You confirmed earlier that you aren’t from here”
“You’re right..” (OvO)
“In fact, I don’t even have yen..Because I don’t even live in Japan..Ahahah..” (´⊙ω⊙`)
“But no worries! I can just create some out of thin air! Becauseeee I’m ✨magical✨”
“How the heck did you manage to say the sparkle emoji in real life” (・・?)
“I told you, I’m ✨magical✨ so obviously it’s ✨magic✨”
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“Now that we solved our money problem..Where do you want to go?”
“Mm..Somewhere to sleep peacefully and comfortably”
“Ehh..C’mon, I only have today to enjoy my time with you!”
“Why’d it even have to be today? Couldn’t you pick a different day or just come again?”
“Uhm duh no. This isn’t even my world to begin with y’know”
“I don’t “own” this world”
“But this world literally centers around you. Or well this world centers around the Valerie of this world. The MC”
“The multiple universes. Almost all of those worlds are centered around or on you in some way or another”
“Isn’t that mirror like place owned by you too?” (・・?)
“Hell no. The worlds may be centered on “MC” but that doesn’t mean I own this world or the others.”
“What I mean is, “Valerie Lee” doesn’t own any of them. “Valerie Lee” is simply a spectator, a reader.” A reader that deeply enjoys all the sad and complicated stuff happening bc I like seeing my favs in pain or whatever
“That’s all I am Ritsu. Sooo..Since the author has given me this chance I don’t want to waste it”
Pick your ending:
Ending 1: Enjoy a wonderful day with Ritsu
Ending 2: Spend the day accidentally talking about useless stuff and not actually getting to hang out for the day. A.k.a wasted opportunity
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Note: It’s been so long and I can barely remember anythinggggg hsisnajaka please expect this one to be totally off..My mind can only recall the Kkomas and a bit of Madness mansion but no CHAU .°(ಗдಗ。)°.
“Who’re you? You’re not my Omae”
“Where’s my Omae?” (๑•ૅㅁ•๑)
“I can explain but only if you let go of your weapon” ( ◠‿◠ )
“Now explain or I’ll kill you”
“Sigh..Why are my favorites like this? What’d I do for you guys to glare at me like that when I haven’t even explained the situation” ( ̄▽ ̄;)
“Just talk already!”
“Fine fine!”
“Basically, your Omae is somewhere else right now and I’m taking MC’s place for the day. Once the day is over I’ll go back to my world and continue observing from the sidelines”
“And what?” (・・?)
“Sigh..Why’re you taking Omae’s place for the day? And what do you mean by somewhere? Where exactly?”
“You’re sighing a lot today. You should stop before your luck runs out y’know?”
“Butttt to answer your question or rather, questions..One, the author sent in a request to what I would do if I was in CHAU or MDD au. Two, I don’t know”
“What do you mean you don’t know” (๑•ૅㅁ•๑)
“I said I don’t know. I don’t know what I don’t know. Plus the whole MC is in another place was just created by me for my own convenience. An excuse or explanation I guess”
“You’re really getting on my nerves lady..”
“Fine, let’s say that Omae is in another place right now. How are you so sure my Omae will be back when the day ends?”
“Duh the request said what would I do if I was isekaid into MDD or CHAU for a whole day. That means that I’ll be back to my original world once the day ends”
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“Look..Let’s just pretend that the day hasn’t even started ok?”
“We’ll finish this request and then we’ll go on our separate ways”
“AND you can’t say no because I’m the one controlling this whole thing. Like it or not you’ll have to do this”
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“Oh Valerie I love love you!!” (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
“Aww I love you too aha ahaha haha” (^з^)-☆
“The end!”
“That was absolutely disgusting. I #${€_¥ hate you”
“Ey, that’s a no no word. No cussing”
“Also, sorry man but that wasn’t the end”
“You want money?”
“You #$%*€”
“Ouch..My heart” (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
“We’re getting sidetracked again. Let’s just focus on the ‘story building' nothing more ok?”
“You literally said you control everything so it’s your fault we’re getting sidetracked”
Psstttt! Hey! It’s me, hi I’m th—
It’s been a few months since I received this request and I’ve finally decided to 'finish' it today while in class
Technically it isn’t truly finished since the main part of the CHAU hasn’t even started but my phone’s lagging from all this text sooo yeah, that’s it
I’m so so sorry it took me this long to make. I’ve had like zero motivation whatsoever for quite a few months now so this fic is full of nonsense
The content is literally divided by months. One part was made during this time and the next was made a few months after
I might remake this into something better if I get the time and motivation
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gumdropdreams · 6 months
🍢 「  about me !! 」 🍢 . . . ⇢ 27 years old, 21+ partners preferred for smut themed things. . . . ⇢ i write most of my characters as trans, be okay with that, or don't write with me. . . . ⇢ don't mind somewhere between rapid fire replies, or once every few days replies. super chill vibes. ( i'm currently down to 1-2x a week replies ) . . . ⇢ probably talk ooc quite a bit too between writing and replies. i like making friends with people i write with !! . . . ⇢ i use irl fc's, you don't have to. . . . ⇢ discord server writing only !! . . . ⇢ smut / nsfw are welcomed !! . . . ⇢ dark themes are things i'm v chill with, i don't have a lot of triggers !! . . . ⇢ silence doesn't mean disinterest, if you talk to me ooc, i will reply, i just don't always have juice for ic stuff !!
canon fandoms i write and characters i write are in bold:
demon slayer: tanjiro kamado, yushiro, muichiro tokito
sally face: sal fisher
assassination classroom: nagisa, karma, maehara, isogai, sugino, itona, ritsu, karasuma
tokyo revengers: mikey, baji, kazutora, smiley, angry, chifuyu, rindou, akuun, mitsuya, takemichi, sanzu, hakkai, inupi
my hero academia: izuku, twice, shinsou, mirio, shoto, amajiki
toilet bound hanako-kun: hanako-kun, kou, mitsuya, tsukasa
promare: lio, gueira, meis 
hxh: kurapika, killua zoldyck, feitan portor, shalnark
disgaea series: flonne, mao, adell, zed, laharl, almaz, taro, emizel, yukimaru, zeroken, christo, raspberyl
dc: klarion bleak, garfield logan, billy batson
monster prom: damien lavey, sawyer, oz, brian
dream daddy: damien bloodmarch
bleach: ryunosuke yuki
buddy daddies: rei suwa
blue exorcist: rin okumura, amaimon
saiki k: saiki kusuo
night in the woods: greggory lee
camp camp: david, daniel, max
resident evil: rosemary winters
tokyo mew mew: bu-ling huang (purin), taruto
zom 100: akira tendou
ranma 1/2: ranma saotome
persona 5: joker, mishima yuuki
hades: hypnos
dragon ball: supreme kai, trunks, tapion, tarble, dende, android 17
the boy and the beast: ichirohiko
ouran high school host club: mitsukuni haninozuka, haruhi fujioka
magi: the labyrinth of magic: cassim, aladdin, alibaba, jafar, judal
panty & stocking with garterbelt: stocking anarchy, briefers rock
soul eater: soul evans, chrona
sonic the hedgehog: shadow the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, silver the hedgehog, mighty the armadillo, miles “tails” prower, espio the chameleon
check, please!: eric bittle
+anima: cooro, husky
if i reach out to you about any fandoms that AREN'T on here, that doesn't mean it was a mistake or i don't actually rp them, i just rp them so little, i didn't think to list them !!
i have an extensive list of ocs, here are basics !! most of my oc’s are asian and some are trans !! i rp regular verses, and abo upon request !! dark topics, and heavy things welcome !!
vampire oc
about 20 different angel ocs
lab experiment ocs
assassin ocs
cult ocs
a bakery shop owner
7 different mafia gangsi
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
i love your feather hcs so much!!! i thought it would be cool if you did the same with enstars characters (feel free to choose, i will love it anyway)
Eheh I'm glad you liked them~ And aaaaa I could give you a platonic kiss rn, thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about my fave boys & gal~
As the love of my life, Leo gets the privilege of being feather ticklish absolutely EVERYWHERE! From the tips of his ears to the soles of his feet, no spot is safe from the tickles!
But specifically his hands are very sensitive to feathers. He will straight up squeak if you just lightly caress his palms with a feather.
His laugh gets very childlike and bubbly, it could cure anyones depression.
He might squirm a bit but that's cause reflexes, he actually admits to liking the tickles and doesn't get flustered easily.
Unless you compliment his laugh or smile, then he gets all shy and tries to hide his face~
His neck and ears are very sensitive. Just like pjsk Tsukasa, he will scream bloody murder if you tickle him in those areas.
His face turns the same shade as his hair and he squeezes his eyes shut as he just flails around, he looks like one of those balloons from the car dealers XD
So yeah be careful, he might accidentally slap you, but he'll apologize profusely afterwards~
If you as so much lightly touch his neck, be prepared for death. He will stare daggers into you if you even threaten to tickle him there.
He's so ticklish there the others can't help but bully him for it... lovingly~ I'm sure Leo has been inspired to write a song based on his wacky reactions lol
He laughs like an actual maniac, full blown wheezing and squirming like there's no tomorrow
And his face gets all red. And if you add teasing to the mix he just... *dies* XD
Just know he will get his revenge once he comes back to life
This might be an odd one but I think the back of her knees are very feather ticklish.
Just stroking along the back of her knees will cause her to squeal and crumble and then she just laughs her cute 'lil head off~
She doesn't squirm much, but she does get easily embarrassed by her sensitivity. If you tease her about it she will go full tomato mode hehe~
I don't think he would be that very feather sensitive.
Like yeah he might shake his head around or flinch if you try to get his neck/ears but he won't really laugh or giggle.
He might just pout 'cause it feels annoying XD
He's mainly doing the tickling 'cause he finds everyone elses reactions very amusing lol
I hope you like these :D
Feel free to request other characters/units, this is fun hehe~
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bomber-grl · 5 days
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I’ll write for… A-Z✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Key ~ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Platonic - 💫
Romantic - 💗
Familial - 🏡
These are just the ones off the top of my head, if you’re wondering if I write for a fandom not here then I’d be happy to answer! (Also I’ll add here if I do, I just consume too much media and forget)
~ 𖦹₊⊹ Any gendered reader can be requested unless the character has a strict sexuality (ex: Gay, Lesbian)
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— Games ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
- For the Love of Gods
Astrellio ~ 💫💗🏡
Vidas ~ 💫💗🏡
- Into the Mist
Fin Derodine ~ 💫💗🏡
- Isle of Enchantment
Rogue Blackwood ~ 💫💗🏡
Serena James ~ 💫💗🏡
- Last Legacy
Felix Escellun ~ 💫💗🏡
Sage Lesath ~ 💫💗🏡
Anisa Anka ~ 💫💗🏡
Rime Solano ~ 💫💗🏡
- Monster Manor
Casimir de Gévaudan ~ 💫💗
Rainier ~ 💫💗🏡
Obey Me!
Lucifer ~ 💫💗🏡
Mammon ~ 💫💗🏡
Leviathan ~ 💫💗🏡
Satan ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus ~ 💫💗🏡
Beezlebub ~ 💫🏡
Belphegor ~ 💫💗🏡
Solomon ~ 💫💗🏡
Simeon ~ 💫💗🏡
Diavolo ~ 💫💗🏡
Barbatos ~ 💫💗🏡
Luke ~ 💫🏡
Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Cove Holden ~ 💫💗🏡
Derek Suárez ~ 💫💗🏡
Our Life: Now & Forever
Qiu Lin ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamarack Baumann ~ 💫💗🏡
Sal Fisher ~ 💫💗🏡
Larry Johnson ~ 💫💗🏡
Ashley Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Todd Morrison ~ 💫💗🏡
Travis Phelps ~ 💫💗🏡
The Arcana
Asra Alnazar ~ 💫💗🏡
Julian Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Portia Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Muriel ~ 💫💗🏡
Nadia Satrinava ~ 💫💗🏡
Lucio ~ 💫💗🏡
— Animated Shows/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Adventure Time
Finn the Human Adventure ~ 💫💗🏡
Jake the Dog ~ 💫💗🏡
Princess Bubblegum ~ 💫💗🏡
Prismo the Wish Master ~ 💫💗🏡
Fern ~ 💫💗🏡
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko ~ 💫💗🏡
Azula ~ 💫💗🏡
Sokka ~ 💫💗🏡
Katara ~ 💫💗🏡
Aang ~ 💫💗🏡
Toph ~ 💫💗🏡
Jet ~ 💫💗🏡
Bee and puppycat
Bee ~ 💫🏡
Howell Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Crispin Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Wesley Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Cardamon ~ 💫🏡
Big hero 6
Hiro Hamada ~ 💫💗🏡
Cass ~ 💫🏡
Fiona and Cake
Fiona Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Marshal Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Gary ~ 💫💗🏡
Simon Petrikov ~ 💫💗🏡
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Mabel Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanley Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanford Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star Butterfly ~ 💫🏡
Marco Diaz ~ 💫💗🏡
Tom Lucitor ~ 💫💗🏡
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Miles Morales (Earth - 42/1610) ~ 💫💗🏡
Gwen Stacy ~ 💫💗🏡
Hobie Brown ~ 💫💗🏡
Pavitr Prabhakar ~ 💫💗🏡
Tales of Arcadia
Douxie ~ 💫💗🏡
Eli Pepperjack ~ 💫💗🏡
Krel ~ 💫💗🏡
The Dragon Prince
Callum ~ 💫💗🏡
Aaravos ~ 💫💗🏡
Rayla ~ 💫💗🏡
— Anime ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Assassination Classroom
Nagisa Shiota ~ 💫💗🏡
Karma Akabane ~ 💫💗🏡
Gakushu Asano ~ 💫💗🏡
Ryunoske Chiba ~ 💫💗🏡
Tomohito Sugino ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuma Isogai ~ 💫💗🏡
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive ~ 💫💗🏡
Grell Sutcliff ~ 💫💗🏡
Alois Trancy ~ 💫💗🏡
Finnian ~ 💫💗🏡
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura ~ 💫💗🏡
BNA: Brand New Animal
Shirou Ogami ~ 💫💗🏡
Michiru Kagemori ~ 💫🏡
Death Note
L ~ 💫💗🏡
Misa Amane ~ 💫💗🏡
Touta Matsuda ~ 💫💗🏡
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado ~ 💫💗🏡
Zenistu Agatsuma ~ 💫💗🏡
Inosuke Hashibira ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuri Kanroji ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyojuro Rengoku ~ 💫💗🏡
Muichiro Tokito ~ 💫💗🏡
Genya Shinazugawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Dungeon Meshi
Laois Toudan ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoyo Hinata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tobio Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
kenma Kozume ~ 💫💗🏡
Tadashi Yamaguchi ~ 💫💗🏡
Yu Nishinoya ~ 💫💗🏡
Hunter x Hunter
Gon ~ 💫🏡
Killua ~ 💫💗🏡
Jujustu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori ~ 💫💗🏡
Megumi Fushiguro ~ 💫💗🏡
Nobara Kugisaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Inumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Junpei ~ 💫💗🏡
Mob Psycho 100
Shigeo Kageyama (aka mob) ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Reigen Arataka ~ 💫💗🏡
Teruki Hanazawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Tome Kurata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tsubomi Takane ~ 💫💗🏡
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoto Todoroki ~ 💫💗🏡
Katsuki Bakugo ~ 💫🏡
Ochako Uraraka ~ 💫💗🏡
Hitoshi Shinso ~ 💫💗🏡
Neito Monoma ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Amajiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Fumikage Tokoyami ~ 💫💗🏡
Denki Kaminari ~ 💫💗🏡
Momo Yaoyorozu ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuga Aoyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Eijiro Kirishima ~ 💫💗🏡
Tenya Iida ~ 💫💗🏡
Santa Sero ~ 💫💗🏡
Mezo Shoji ~ 💫💗🏡
All Might ~ 💫🏡
Present Mic ~ 💫🏡
Shota Aizawa ~ 💫🏡
Midnight ~ 💫🏡
My Love Story !!
Makoto Sunakawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Rinko Yamato ~ 💫💗🏡
Takeo Gouda ~ 💫💗🏡
Naruto Uzumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Sasuke Uchiha ~ 💫💗🏡
Sakura Haruno ~ 💫💗🏡
Rock Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Shino Aburame ~ 💫💗🏡
Gaara ~ 💫💗🏡
Sai Yamanaka ~ 💫💗🏡
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Haruhi Fujioka ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Suoh ~ 💫💗🏡
Takashi Morinozuka (aka Mori) ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyoya Ootori ~ 💫💗🏡
Kaoru Hitachiin ~ 💫💗🏡
Honey Senpai ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kasanoda ~ 💫💗🏡
Umehito Nekozawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Sk8 the Infinity
Miya Chinen ~ 💫💗🏡
Spy x Family
Yor Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Loid Forger ~ 💫💗🏡
Anya Forger ~ 💫🏡
Yuri Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Frankie Franklin ~ 💫💗🏡
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Shun Kaido ~ 💫💗🏡
Riki Nendou ~ 💫🏡
Kokomi Teruhashi ~ 💫💗🏡
Kusuke Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Tiger and Bunny
Ivan Karelin ~ 💫💗🏡
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Hanako ~ 💫💗🏡
Nene Yashiro ~ 💫💗🏡
Kou Minamoto ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuba ~ 💫💗🏡
Welcome to Demon School!! Iruma Kun
Iruma Suzuki ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus Alice ~ 💫💗🏡
Clara Valac ~ 💫💗🏡
Sullivan ~ 💫🏡
Balam Shichirou ~ 💫🏡
Opera ~ 💫💗🏡
Kalego Naberius ~ 💫💗🏡
Shax Lied ~ 💫💗🏡
Ameri Azazel ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuri On Ice
Yuri Plisetsky (aka Yurio) ~ 💫💗🏡
— Tv Shows/k-Dramas/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
All of Us are Dead
Han Gyeong-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Cheong-san ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Su-hyeok/ Bare-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Maze runner
Minho ~ 💫💗🏡
Newt ~ 💫💗🏡
The Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Diego Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Ben Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Five Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Viktor Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Allison Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Klaus Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
— webcomic/comics ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Damian Wayne ~ 💫💗🏡
Bruce Wayne ~ 💫🏡
Jason Todd ~ 💫💗🏡
Tim Drake ~ 💫💗🏡
Dick Grayson ~ 💫💗🏡
Jon Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Connor Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Neo Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Noah Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Return of the Blossoming Blade
Cheongmyeong ~ 💫💗🏡
John ~ 💫💗🏡
Seraphina ~ 💫💗🏡
Isen ~ 💫💗🏡
Blyke ~ 💫💗🏡
— Books ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson ~ 💫💗🏡
Leo Valdez ~ 💫💗🏡
Nico Di Angelo ~ 💫💗🏡
Jason Grace ~ 💫💗🏡
Piper McLean ~ 💫💗🏡
Hazel Levesque ~ 💫💗🏡
Annabeth Chase ~ 💫💗🏡
Clarisse La Rue ~ 💫🏡
Will Solace ~ 💫💗🏡
Octavian ~ 💫💗🏡
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rainee-da · 5 days
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🍀rainee's fandom list — this is the list of fandom i'm a part of & list of characters i'm willing to work with! (bolded means favorite!)
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anime/manga series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Mashle: Magic and Muscle ❥ Abbyss Razor / Abel Walker / Agito Tyrone / Carpaccio Luo-Yang / Cell War / Charles Contini / Delisaster / Domina Blowelive / Doom / Dott Barret / Epidem / Famin / Finn Ames / Galuf Gargaron / Kaldo Gehenna / Kenny Clark / Lance Crown / Lemon Irvine / Lévis Rosequartz / Love Cute / Lovie Rosequartz / Malcolm Curtis / Margarette Macaron / Mash Burnedead / Max Land / Milo Genius / Orter Madl / Rayne Ames / Renatus Revol / Shuen Getsuku / Sophina Biblia / Tsurara Halestone / Wirth Madl One-Punch Man ❥ Amai Mask / Atomic Samurai / Blue Fire / Captain Mizuki / Darkness Blade / Drive Knight / Eyelashes / Feather / Flashy Flash / Fubuki / Garou / Gearsper / Genos / Glasses / Golden Ball / Iaian / King / Lightning Max / Metal Bat / Mumen Rider / Mountain Ape / Needle Star / Okamaitachi / One Shotter / Poison / Saitama / Sekingar / Sneck / Speed-O'-Sound Sonic / Spring Mustachio / Tanktop Master / Tatsumaki / Twin Tail / Zombieman Dr. STONE ❥ Chelsea Childe / Chrome / Francois / Gen Asagiri / Ginro / Homura Momiji / Hyoga / Joel Gar / Kinro / Kohaku / Luna Wright / Minami Hokutozai / Moz / Nikki Hanada / Ryusui Nanami / Sai Nanami / Senku Ishigami / Stanley Snyder / Taiju Oki / Tsukasa Shishio / Ukyo Saionji / Xeno H. Wingfield / Yo Uei / Yuzuhira Ogawa My Hero Academia ❥ Aizawa Shouta / Himiko Toga / Hizashi Yamada / Jin Bubaigawara / Keigo Takami / Mirai Saaki / Mirio Togata / Nejire Hado / Neito Monoma / Rumi Usagiyama / Sako Atsuhiro / Shigaraki Tomura / Shinya Kamihara / Shuichi Iguchi / Tamaki Amajiki / Toshinori Yagi / Touya Todoroki / Tsunagu Hakamada Mob Psycho 100 ❥ Arataka Reigen / Hiroshi Shibata / Ichi Mezato / Katsuya Serizawa / Keiji Mogami / Matsuo / Megumu Koyama / Nozomu Hatori / Ritsu Kageyama / Ryo Shimazaki / Shigeo Kageyama / Sho Suzuki / Tenga Onigawara / Terada / Teruki Hanazawa / Toichiro Suzuki / Tome Kurata / Toshiki Minegishi / Tsubomi Takane / Yusuke Sakurai Osomatsu-san ❥ Choromatsu Matsuno / Ichimatsu Matsuno / Jyushimatsu Matsuno / Karamatsu Matsuno / Nyaa Hashimoto / Osomatsu Matsuno / Todomatsu Matsuno / Totoko Yowai Kakegurui ❥ Ibara Obami / Kaeda Manyuda / Kirari Momobami / Mary Saotome / Midari Ikishima / Miri Yobami / Miyo Inbami / Ririka Momobami / Rin Obami / Ryota Suzui / Sayaka Igarashi / Sumika Warakubami / Terano Totobami / Yumeko Jabami / Yumemi Yumemite / Yuriko Nishinotouin
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manhwa series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Eleceed ❥ Amyeong / Arthur Bryan / Cain Luterain / Chul Young / Dr. Delein / Duke Grane / Elay Pigarun / Gangseok Choi / Giwook Jang / Glant Gesimov / Guestella / Ian Patrick / Inhyuk Goo / Iseul Ju / Jiwoo Seo / Jisuk Yoo / Jiyoung Yoo / Jurion Patrick / Kartein / Kayden Break / Lia Eresby / Miyoung Ko / Muse / Pluton / Roist / Schneider / Seongha Park / Subin Lee / Sucheon Kang / Suman Kang / Vator / Wooin UnOrdinary ❥ Arlo / Blyke / Darren / Isen / John / Kuyo / Leilah / Remi / Rei / Seraphina
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video games series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Stardew Valley (+ Expanded) ❥ Abigail / Alex / Claire / Elliot / Emily / Haley / Harvey / Lance / Leah / Magnus / Maru / Penny / Sam / Sebastian / Shane / Sophia / Victor Baldur's Gate 3 ❥ Astarion / Gale / Halsin / Karlach / Lae'zel / Minthara / Shadowheart / Wyll Kingdom Hearts ❥ Axel / Demyx / Larxene / Lexaeus / Luxord / Marluxia / Naminé / Roxas / Saix / Vexen / Xaldin / Xemnas / Xigbar / Xion / Zexion Hogwarts Legacy ❥ Aesop Sharp / Amit Thakkar / Garreth Weasley / Leander Prewett / Mirabel Garlick / Natsai Onai / Ominis Gaunt / Parry Pippin / Poppy Sweeting / Sebastian Sallow / Victor Rookwood Detroit: Become Human ❥ Connor (RK800) / Daniel / Elijah Kamski / Gavin Reed / Kara / Luther / Markus / Nines (RK900) / North / Ralph / Sixty (RK-800-60) / Simon Watch Dogs Series ❥ Aiden Pearce / Dušan Nemec / Horatio Carlin / Josh Sauchak / Marcus Holloway / Raymond Kenney / Reginald Blenchman (Wrench) / Sitara Dhawan Danganronpa Series ❥ Akane Owari / Byakuya Togami / Celestia Ludenberg / Chiaki Nanami / Chihiro Fujisaki / Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu / Ghundam Tanaka / Gonta Gokuhara / Hajime Hinata / Hiyoko Saionji / Himiko Yumeno / Ibuki Mioda / Kaede Akamatsu / Kaito Momota / Kazuichi Souda / Kirumi Tojo / Kokichi Ouma / Korekiyo Shinguji / Makoto Naegi / Maki Harukawa / Mikan Tsukimi / Miu Iruma / Mondo Owada / Nagito Komaeda / Nekomaru Nidai / Peko Pekoyama / Rantaro Amami / Ryoma Hoshi/ Sakura Ogami / Sayaka Maizono / Shuichi Saihara / Sonia Nevermind / Teruteru Hanamura / Touko Fukawa / Tsumugi Shirogane / Yasuhiro Hagakure Persona Series ❥ Aegis / Akihiro Sanada / Ann Takamaki / Futaba Sakura / Goro Akechi / Hidetoshi Odagiri / Junpei Iori / Ken Amada / Makoto Niijima / Ren Amamiya / Ryoji Mochizuki / Ryuji Sakamoto / Shinjiro Agaraki / Theodore / Yusuke Kitagawa
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shinigami-striker · 10 months
[K-On!] Ritsu Tainaka B-Day!! | Monday, 08.21.2023
Happy birthday to Ritsu Tainaka from K-On!
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3 notes · View notes
nazuqi · 1 month
f/o list
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active yumes (not on the back burner)
nito nazuna (enst!!, romantic) #nazuqi
carsein de rass (the abandoned empress, platonic (?)) #carseinqi
kujo tenn (i7, romantic) #tennmyu
hayen (what it means to be you, platonic)
lilianne blanchett (little lady behind the scenes, platonic)
dormant yumes (on the back burner, doesn't mean i don't love them i just don't think about them that much rn)
ensemble stars
suou tsukasa (#tsukaqi... platonic?)
kanzaki souma (#soumyu)
sakuma ritsu (#ritsuqi)
inso's law
lee ruda (#rudamyu)
genshin impact
kamisato ayato (#ayalili)
shikanoin heizou (#heian)
xiao (#xiaqi)
twisted wonderland
riddle rosehearts (#riddleqi)
adnachiel (#adnamyu)
saileach (#sailmyu)
blemishine (#blemisyia)
honkai star rail
dan heng (#danlili)
bronya rand (#bronmyu)
gepard landau (#gepamyu)
osaka sogo (#soqi)
izumi mitsuki (#mitsuqi)
ogami banri (#banmyu)
tears of themis
marius von hagen / lu jinghe (#jingqi)
luke pearce/ xia yan (#yanqi)
love live!
uehara ayumu (platonic)
into the light, once again
ysis de elmir (#yslia)
lovebrush chronicles
alkaid/lu chen (#luqi)
cael/emerald/ye xuan (#caeqi)
shirabu kenjirou
suna rintarou
sharing policy
the only yumes i can't share are carsein de rass, ysis de elmir, lilianne blanchett, and hayen. no lovemail. please block if you yume them. in fact if you ever talk about carsein even non romantically please block me or i will block you. (friends can talk about him with me <3, just non yume, romantic and platonic)
i'm okay with sharing my other yumes, but i likely won't indulge you like i do other for others
if it makes you uncomfortable to see me lovemail my favs you can block me
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jasminelyoko57 · 1 month
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I need to have a word with the dubbing ADR of the ES HK dub. What spirit possessed them to the point that Carlos Lee Hoi-git (李凱傑) had to voice THEM in the anime at once?????? 😭😭😭
As Ritsu, his voice surprisingly able to be sleepy and as Shu, is stern. The fact he had to voice the TWINS makes me wonder if this is a new role for him...
Come to think of it, with the Aoi twins counted as two people (Hinata and Yuta individually), that means Carlos Lee has the most roles in the HK dub of the anime--- FOUR.
Ensemble Stars (偶像夢幻祭)
Created by Happy Elements (Cacalia Studio)
Cantonese dub by TVB Hong Kong (J2) in 2021
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