#lee harvey roswell
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poe - lee harvey roswell
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La Web del Surrealismo Lee Harvey Roswell (-)
Lee Harvey Roswell es un artista autodidacta de Freefall, Nueva York, que ahora reside en San Francisco.
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Su trabajo se destaca por su mezcla de angustia y humor. Los temas de muerte y entropía, tribulación y futilidad se vuelven locos en su mundo claramente surrealista, a menudo bufonesco y de pesadilla. El resultado es satírico, irónico y melancólico, pero siempre bellamente representado. Aunque tiene grandes habilidades para el dibujo, durante la última década su atención se ha centrado casi exclusivamente en la pintura al óleo. Su trabajo se muestra, recopila y publica internacionalmente, y se incluye en numerosas exposiciones en galerías y museos clave, incluida la Modern Eden Gallery. Lee Harvey Roswell ha aparecido en artículos para Fine Art Connoisseur, la revista de arte contemporáneo Hi-Fructose.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"HAD REVOLVER IN POSSESSION, MUST PAY FINE," Hamilton Spectator. May 20, 1943. Page 24. ---- Minor Lee Fined $150 By Magistrate Burbidge To-day ---- INCIDENT IN HOUSE ---- Minor Lee, Chinese laundryman, of 378 York street, was fined $150 and costs or three months for carrying an unregistered revolver by Magistrate H. A. Burbidge to-day, but still unexplained is his reason for pointing the weapon at a girl in a home near his laundry the other night.
His Worship voiced one theory: "The cave man used to make love with a stone hammer in one hand - perhaps it is the modern version to make love with a revolver in one hand," he suggested.
Detective Charles Boecker told the court that he was called to the York street home, the night of May 11, and found accused sitting on the arm of a chesterfield in which a man and a girl were seated. A 32 revolver was found in Lee's pocket, and five shells in another pocket, the detective said.
The complainant told the detective that Lee had entered the home -he had been there on previous occasions and took the revolver from his pocket and pointed it at her. She grappled with him, managed to take the weapon away, but he recovered it. Nothing more was done until the police arrived.
Lee said that he had found the revolver in a trunk following the death of his father a few weeks ago. It has not been registered, according to word received from the R. C.M.P. at Ottawa.
"I keep it for protection, because I have to work late at night," Lee said. Asked why he had taken the gun to the home that night, accused said: "I heard shouting in there." He was bound over for two years to keep the peace.
Convicted of being in care or control of a car while intoxicated, Alex. J. Shaver, of 105 Kensington avenue, was sentenced to 21 days in jail, to date from May 14. A reckless driving count was withdrawn.
Committed For Trial Dr. Roswell Park, of 712 Main street east, and Philip Brooks, 27, of Aldershot, were committed for trial on a joint charge of abortion.
Frank Baker, of 103 Stuart street west, was fined $50 of one month on a drunk charge.
Three Years "This is a Christian community, and sacrilege is a serious thing," His Worship commented, Imposing a term of three years in the penitentiary on Thomas Smith, 33, of 390 Bay street north [pictured]. Smith came up for sentence on a charge of stealing a large Bible from Christ's Church Cathedral recently.
"He is deserving of no leniency and this offence does not warrant any," asserted Harvey McCulloch, crown attorney. "There should be a deterrent sentence imposed to stop this sort of thing."
"My only worry was whether I should make it a reformatory sentence," His Worship said. "The lads in the reformatory should not have this type of thing imposed on them," replied them," replied Mr. McCulloch, referring to Smith. Smith's record, which dates from 1927, lists two previous penitentiary sentences.
He told the court: "I am very sorry about the way I have lived. I went into the church because I was beat with liquor."
Harold D. Wilson, 25, of 448 Cannon street east, was bound over under heavy bond when he appeared for sentence on charges of forgery and uttering.
A charge of theft from his employer the Otis-Fensom Elevator Co., Ltd. was denied by James Kennedy, 41, of 87 Wexford avenue south. The hearing was adjourned to Tuesday at the request of the crown.
A breach of the Sales Tax Act charge, laid against William Vogl, 27, of 181 Jackson street west, was adjourned a week.
Told by Harry Trusdale, probation officer, that work had been obtained for them. His Worship suspended sentence on vagrancy charges for Henry Falstead, 53, of Kingston; John Grech, 41, of Welland; Percy Crosby, 50, of Toronto, and George Porter, 42, of Sarnia.
[Smith was 33, married, with four kids, and was an English immigrant who came to Canada in his infancy. He had been released from Collin's Bay Penitentiary in October 1941 and had been working as a pipe-fitters helper in a factory since then. He had also been in the penitentiary in the early 1930s, and before that several times in the reformatory. He was convict #7312 this time at Kingston, and worked in the Kitchen. The Minister of Justice decided to vary his sentence to two years in September 1943, probably on appeal, and he was transferred to the Guelph Reformatory and released in early 1945.]
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gepetordi1 · 11 months
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Lee Harvey Roswell ~ "Rape of the Psyche"
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artisafeeling · 5 years
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The Ecstatic
-Lee Harvey Roswell
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repubblicabanana · 5 years
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Alec Huxley
Lee Harvey Roswell
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darkartfinds · 6 years
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The Ecstatic by Lee Harvey Roswell
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skullofjoy · 6 years
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Lee Harvey Roswell - Checkered passed 
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aeontriad · 6 years
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111 Minna Gallery
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ratatoskryggdrasil · 6 years
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Lee Harvey Roswell
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Little Girl in a Tutu  by lee harvey roswell
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La Web del Surrealismo Lee Harvey Roswell (-)
Lee Harvey Roswell es un artista autodidacta de Freefall, Nueva York, que ahora reside en San Francisco. 
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Su trabajo se destaca por su mezcla de angustia y humor. Los temas de muerte y entropía, tribulación y futilidad se vuelven locos en su mundo claramente surrealista, a menudo bufonesco y de pesadilla. El resultado es satírico, irónico y melancólico, pero siempre bellamente representado. Aunque tiene grandes habilidades para el dibujo, durante la última década su atención se ha centrado casi exclusivamente en la pintura al óleo. Su trabajo se muestra, recopila y publica internacionalmente, y se incluye en numerosas exposiciones en galerías y museos clave, incluida la Modern Eden Gallery. Lee Harvey Roswell ha aparecido en artículos para Fine Art Connoisseur, la revista de arte contemporáneo Hi-Fructose.
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sajblog · 4 years
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noisemx · 7 years
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Lee Harvey Roswell - 6" Gold Blade (2017). Oil on canvas. Model: Evelina Ninjalina.
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ghoti-and-us · 7 years
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Lee Harvey Roswell - The ramblin' OHM - 2011
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goldxnoir · 6 years
the man she’s meant to be is standing right in from of her face.
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