#lee sangun
sohnyun · 2 years
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English Title: The Fabulous (2022) Hangul Title:  더 패뷸러스
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sarangkstars · 1 year
Song of the Bandits
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Are you with the insurgents? Are you with the insurgents? No, no. Just bandits.
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namjhyun · 2 years
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Lee Sangun and Park Heejung for Harper’s Bazaar December 2022, promoting The Fabulous.
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diamantdog · 3 years
1. hwal x eul-tae hannibal au, and
2. hwal x sol modern au
where are the fics? i need them.
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leedongsik · 3 years
I’m happy to say that episode 14 was pretty good, I love Siho and Doyoon’s relationship not only were they mother and son in the past but they also bonded in this life without knowing their past relation which makes their bond so much stronger, I was a bit bummed when they gave us the moment of Siho looking into the past without her figuring it out, the parallel of her trying to protect him was great tho, the scene of Hwal remembering Mrs Lee in her different age stages was really good too
Sangun....sigh....still remains a total miss for me her character is just so bad and I’m just not into her dynamic with Hwal which is another reason the ep was good to me because they didn’t force them down my throat so much in this ep, I’m annoyed how Hwal straight out was like Dan Sol is your sister and she isn’t questioning it at all??? is no one questioning anything in this show? I was really hoping they would come back to that like come on, are they ever going to find out? 
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waldorfs1x1-blog · 8 years
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Full Name: Cassiopeia Lee Pronunciation: Cassi-ò-pee-a Nickname/Alias: Cass Meaning: Apparently it means fuckin “cassia juice”, but Cass was named after a constellation
Gender: Cisfemale Sexual Orientation: Polysexual Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Age: 21 Birthday: September 30th Birthplace: San Francisco, California Astrological Sign: Libra
Immediate Family: Francisco Lee (father, deceased), Aimee Lee (mother), Jeffrey Lee (brother) Parenting: Cass was raised with a balance - with a slightly strict father, and free artsy hippie mom who let her get away w anything lmfao. So once Sirius died, Cass was allowed to do whatever tf she wanted...for the most part. Evolution: As Cass learned to deal with her depression, she’s become a lot happier!! She’s cut down on drinking significantly since her teen years. She’s doing better. Proud of my child tbh.
Ethnicity: Korean Preferred Hand: Right Handed Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Hairstyle: Long, straight Skin Tone: Varying shades of tan, depending on the season
Energy: Low levels of energy any time she’s not tripping balls lmfao. She naps a lot. Memory: Terrible short term memory, decent long term memory. Phobias: Heights, loneliness. Addictions: Alcohol Mental Disorders: Bi polar disorder & depression
Style: Shoes are the most important. Hella fancy shoes with a short skirt and a crop top from forever 21 tbh. she stupid. Coordination: Clumsy af, she sucks at all sports and can barely walk without falling around. Yoga is the only thing she can kind of do. Scent: Pachouli & weed
Mood: Either sleepy (not high) or bubbly (high). Attitude: Cass tries to project her best self onto others. She’s always trying to have a good time and make sure everyone else is vibing too. If she’s feeling down, she’ll take some time alone. Stability: Cass has varying levels of emotional stability, depending on her emotional state. Expressiveness: Cass isn’t very openly emotionally expressive, and prefers to save that side for the people who are important to her. When Happy: Skips, paints, smokes, sings, laughs, jokes. When Depressed: Keeps to herself, cries, watches cartoons, meditates, smokes. When Angry: Makes passive aggressive tweets lmfao. Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions.
Occupation: Semi-Popular Hipster Artist lMAO Work Ethnic: Slacker Income: Varying. Hella. Experience: McDonalds (four months). Artist (4eva)
Religion: Panthiest Morals: Cass’s chaotic good ass lmfao Crime Record: She got a slap on the wrist for some weed at a concert once. Also underage drinking. Motivation: Weed, naps, food, affection. Priorities: Family, friends, good vibes.
Hobbies/Interests: Painting, yoga, meditation, glass blowing Skills/Talents: Painting, bjs, etc. Likes: Sleeping
Strengths: Humorous, Artistic, Fun Loving. Flaws: Insecure, Emotional, Sensitive. Perception: Optimist for others, pessimist for herself. Conflicts: Passive aggression
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP Temperament: Sangune Enneagram: Type 4 - The Individualist Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
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Full Name: Cassiopeia Lee Pronunciation: Cassi-ò-pee-a  Nickname/Alias: Cass Meaning: Apparently it means fuckin “cassia juice”, but Cass was named after a constellation Signature:
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Gender: Cisfemale Sexual Orientation: Polysexual Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Age: 21 Birthday: September 30th Birthplace: San Francisco, California Astrological Sign: Libra
Immediate Family: Sirius Lee (father), Aimee Lee (mother), Jeffrey Lee (brother) Parenting: Cass was raised with a balance - with a slightly strict father, and free artsy hippie mom who let her get away w anything lmfao. So once Sirius died, Cass was allowed to do whatever tf she wanted...for the most part. Evolution: As Cass learned to deal with her depression, she’s become a lot happier!! She’s cut down on drinking significantly since her teen years. She’s doing better. Proud of my child tbh.
Ethnicity: Korean Preferred Hand: Right Handed Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Hairstyle: Long, straight Skin Tone: Varying shades of tan, depending on the season
Energy: Low levels of energy any time she’s not tripping balls lmfao. She naps a lot. Memory: Terrible short term memory, decent long term memory. Phobias: Heights, loneliness. Addictions: Alcohol Mental Disorders: Bi polar disorder & depression
Style: Shoes are the most important. Hella fancy shoes with a short skirt and a crop top from forever 21 tbh. she stupid.  Coordination: Clumsy af, she sucks at all sports and can barely walk without falling around. Yoga is the only thing she can kind of do. Scent: Pachouli & weed
Mood: Either sleepy (not high) or bubbly (high). Attitude: Cass tries to project her best self onto others. She’s always trying to have a good time and make sure everyone else is vibing too. If she’s feeling down, she’ll take some time alone. Stability: Cass has varying levels of emotional stability, depending on her emotional state. Expressiveness: Cass isn’t very openly emotionally expressive, and prefers to save that side for the people who are important to her. When Happy: Skips, paints, smokes, sings, laughs, jokes. When Depressed: Keeps to herself, cries, watches cartoons, meditates, smokes. When Angry: Makes passive aggressive tweets lmfao. Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions.
Occupation: Freelance Artist Work Ethnic: Slacker Income: A couple hundred a month, if she’s lucky. Wealth Status: Lower middle class on her own, upper middle class with her parents. Experience: McDonalds (four months).
Religion: Panthiest Morals: Cass’s chaotic good ass lmfao Crime Record: She got a slap on the wrist for some weed at a concert once. Also underage drinking. Motivation: Weed, naps, food, affection. Priorities: Family, friends, good vibes.
Hobbies/Interests: Painting, yoga, meditation, glass blowing Skills/Talents: Painting, bjs, etc. Likes: (What does your character like?)
Strengths: Humorous, Artistic, Fun Loving. Flaws: Insecure, Emotional, Sensitive. Perception: Optimist for others, pessimist for herself. Conflicts: Passive aggression
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP Temperament: Sangune Enneagram: Type 4 - The Individualist Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
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December 2016.11.3 (목) – 2016.12.4 (일) 시청각 관람 시간 화 – 일요일 오후 12시 – 6시 오프닝 리셉션 2016.11.3 (목) 오후 5시 Optical Race 김동희 문성식 정금형 쥬노 김 박미나 박민하 최하늘 최해리 호상근 주최 시청각 기획 시청각(안인용, 현시원) 후원 한국문화예술위원회 * 정금형 작가의 작품은 아래 기간 동안 아래 공간에서 전시됩니다. 2016.11.18 (금) – 2016.12.4 (일) 화 – 일요일 (월요일 휴관) 오후 12시 – 오후 6시 서울시 마포구 연남동 563-10 지하 1층 [뭔지 모르는 어떤 식물] — 식물화가 이소영 워크샵 2016.11.5 (토) 오후 1시 인왕산 수성동 계곡 일대와 시청각 [예술가들을 위한 기상학 입문] — 기계비평가 이영준 렉쳐 2016.11.12 (토) 오후 5시 시청각 2016 한국문화예술위원회 시각예술창작산실 선정전시
Nov 3 (Thu) – Dec 4 (Sun), 2016
Audio Visual Pavilion
Opening hours
Tuesdays – Sundays
12 – 6pm
Opening reception
Nov 3 (Thu), 2016, 5pm
Optical Race
Donghee Kim
Sungsic Moon
Geumhyung Jeong
Jeuno Kim
MeeNa Park
Minha Park
Haneyl Choi
Haeri Choi
Sangun Ho
Organized by Audio Visual Pavilion
Curated by Audio Visual Pavilion
(Inyong An, Seewon Hyun)
Supported by Arts Council Korea
* Geumhyung Jeong’s works are exhibited
in the following space during the following period:
Nov 18 (Fri) – Dec 4 (Sun), 2016
Tuesdays – Sundays (Mondays closed)
12 – 6pm
B1 563-10, Yeonnam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul
[An Unknown Plant]
— Botanical artist Soyoung Lee’s workshop
Nov 5 (Sat), 2016, 1pm
Mt. Inwang Soosungdong valley area and
Audio Visual Pavilion
[Introduction to Meteorology for Artists]
— Image critic Youngjoon Lee’s lecture
Nov 12 (Sat), 2016, 5pm
Audio Visual Pavilion
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leedongsik · 3 years
ok so I’m caught up with bulgasal and I need some reveals soon, I feel like the plot is moving too slowly, I hope they’ll utilize Siho’s character more in the coming episodes I feel like she could’ve already revealed everything by now with her powers, the interactions between the two main leads are starting to get really boring and repetitive and I’m really not feeling those cliches romance tropes they are shoehorning in, I want Sangun to regain her memories soon even her past human lifes seem more intersting than what we're currently stuck with and most importantly Lee Joon needs more screen time not only is he the best part of the show but also one of the better actors in it
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leedongsik · 3 years
@dloveg: who was the younger brother eul tae? i see theories that it is hwal but I think it is do yoon. who do you think siho is? eul tae said that her connection to sang woon and hwal are strong, so maybe she is from 1000 years ago too and has half of the curse of the bulgasal? ​
I actually don’t think it was Doyoon or else Eultae would’ve recognized him. We saw the face of his brother and it wasn’t the same actor. Hwal might still be a possibility if that was the teen version of him which would explain it not being Lee Jinwook. However it feels like Eultae is strangely fond of Hwal in a way, that scene where he held is jacket and folded it together was really weird whereas he killed his brother in cold blood, but honestly with Eultae you never know.
As to Siho idk she might have some past connection to Eultae seeing how they placed this ominous music at their first meeting but also might be about him having possibly killed her in the past (and I’m saying possibly just because they didn’t show him directly do it so part of me is still hoping for some twist lol). I’m dying to know more about Siho they give us so little about her, we only know of her life from 600 years ago and the present, where do her powers come from or where does she fit in 1000 years ago idk but I’m guessing that she’ll too have a role in it. She possibly had ties to Hwal for much longer than just 600 years ago and Eultae’s mention of her strong relationship to Hwal and Sangun gives me more reason to believe so. All we really know so far is that she kind of shares a father with Eultae and that she like he was neglected by him. 
Now that you mention it I’m really wondering if her powers are really a “curse”, they definitely did influence her past life in a bad way.
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