#lee seungjun fic
slytherinshua · 6 months
genre. onf universe au (byubyu specifically). fluff. warnings. kissing. seungjun kinda overthinks a tad but reader sets him straight. seungjun is locked up for time travel. a brief mention of guns and a past wound ig? pairing. seungjun x fem!reader. wc. 1.5k. request. no. a/n. i'm pretty proud of this fic idk why skdjs onf lore fics are always so fun to write im still fascinated by their lore even tho i don't understand it too well lol but i try my best.
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The sound of metal clashing outside made a groggy Seungjun blink his eyes open. He had been locked up for over 48 hours now with no access to food. He was allowed a little water if he begged the android guards extra nicely. His throat was scratchy and dry from the time spent locked up despite the water supply. They certainly didn’t treat time travel criminals as nicely as escape rebels. 
Seungjun was sure he looked horrible by now. Or “a little bit scruffy around the edges”, as you would say, even the time when he had a gaping wound in his side. He missed the way you could make light of any situation right about now. He would do anything to have a reason to laugh again.
Seungjun was no stranger to the computer operated prison cells he was often shoved into after being caught. Years ago he had been thrown in for smaller crimes, but got out within a couple hours when he figured out the lock code while no one was looking. This time, it was a lot harder. They had upgraded their system; those damn robots learned quicker than the human brain could. 
He had almost accepted his fate of rotting in the small square room by the time 24 hours had passed, but he still kept out a sliver of hope. You were still out there and free, which meant you could still come to save him. 
He wanted to laugh whenever he found himself stuck in a situation where he had to rely on your good graces to get out. One of these days he was sure his sweet words and gentle kisses wouldn’t be enough to convey his thanks. You were sure to get sick of him eventually, right? He was always the one messing things up.
His pride didn’t entirely allow him to accept that you were better than him, though he knew in the back of his mind that you were. You were perfect wherever he was faulty and just as decent at the skills that he professed he excelled in. Maybe that was why you were perfect for each other— or, rather, why you were too perfect for him.
It was strange how the human mind always wandered back to the people they loved. So much time and energy was spent just reminiscing memories, and while he found it beautiful, he also acknowledged it as one of humanity's weaknesses. The androids certainly didn’t spend their hard-drive space with personal connections. They didn’t have anything to lose, and that was why it was so hard to win against them. 
Seungjun shook off the thoughts in his head and focused on the noises he heard from the corridor. From his watch, he knew it was deep in the night hours, a time when security usually lessened in numbers for recharge sessions. Now was as good a time as you were ever going to get if you were coming to save him. And, by another glance at the watch, Seungjun had a pretty good idea that you were.
The entire team’s locations were shared across the watches; a necessary safety measure for situations like now. The little red dot that showed your location was moving steadily closer to Seungjun’s, and that was when a shadow of a smile started to form on his face.
He stood up and walked to the edge of his cell, peaking out into the dark corridor while also being careful not to get too close to the electrically charged door. If he touched it, he would get shocks charging through his body— something he learnt the hard way. In order to escape, he’d have to take down the electricity system, but pulling off such a scheme without the android guards finding out was beyond his power with such limited resources. You, however, might just be able to pull it off undetected. 
A hushed curse just barely reached his ears, and he perked up, trying to hear anything else. It definitely came from you; there was no way any of the robots would let such profanity past their voice record logs. They weren’t the best with advanced vocabulary.
Soon enough, your figure appeared into view, searching around quickly between cells. Once your eyes fell upon the room with the code that read ‘113 L. SEUNGJUN’, you were quick to rush up to the other side of the door.
“Hey, time travelling dumbass. Long time, no see.” You whispered out with a smirk playing on your lips. Seungjun could feel his heart leap in his chest and he returned the smile. He had really missed you.
You quickly punched in the code to his cell and Seungjun watched as the door flickered away. You reached out for his wrist, already pulling him along before he could ask what the escape plan was. You seemed more than familiar with the layout of the building even in the dark. Seungjun opted to let you lead him to the way out without a word. He still didn’t know if there were any guards who might be on patrol.
It was a smooth escape, and you both were out into the cool night air before too long. Seungjun let the crisp fresh air fill his lungs fully, now realising how he had been holding his breath out of caution on the way out.
“How did you disarm the security cameras without getting caught?” He asked once he had caught his breath. Though he had been mostly focused on getting out, he had noticed the distinct lack of little red flashing dots that had been his constant reminder that whatever he did was being watched those 2 days straight.
“Minkyun figured out how to hack it from the inside, so all I had to do was find the control room. Hyojin got me the blueprints and Jaeyoung helped set up the game-plan. My job was pretty simple; get in, disarm, and then go find my stupid ass boyfriend.” You grinned, ruffling his hair as you said the last part.
Seungjun would’ve complained about you messing up his hair, or even the crude nickname that he secretly adored, but he had been apart from you too long to object to anything that came out of your mouth. He was hanging onto every word, soaking up the sound of your voice as his eyes studied yours fondly.
“You’re uncharacteristically quiet. What, did something else happen while you were in there?” You questioned with a quirked brow. Seungjun just shook his head at your question.
“Nothing happened. I’m just glad you came for me.” 
“You didn’t seriously think I would ditch you that easily, right?” You stared at him in shock as his eyes told you all the confirmation you needed. “Lee Seungjun!” You smacked his shoulder as you called out his name, causing him to jump and rub the spot afflicted in pain. 
“Do whatever it takes to get this thought into your ant-sized brain, okay? I am in love with you which means I will not leave you behind. Ever. Even if I get blasted by one of those androids and die— I’ll haunt you as a ghost until you realize that you can’t get rid of me that easily! Don’t you ever forget that.” You told him sternly, your eyebrows furrowed.
He wanted to laugh, or maybe cry, or maybe kiss you until he couldn’t breathe; he wasn’t sure which. How he had ever ended up winning your heart was beyond him, but he was so grateful that he had. And so, he decided to go with the third option.
“I won’t forget.” He whispered, leaning closer until his breath hit your lips. 
You took the first move, pushing your lips on his, starting the gentle dance of passion and care. You didn’t mind that his lips were dry and slightly chapped from the days locked up. No matter what state they were in, they still felt perfect over yours. He pulled you closer almost desperately, but you were just as eager to have him as close as possible. The effect of his absence for 2 days on you was something you never wished to repeat. Though you were sure it would come back to bite you someday; you needed Seungjun like oxygen. 
The kiss lasted until Seungjun was gasping for breath, just like he had hoped. Still craving your touch, he stayed in your arms, his chest pressed against yours as close as possible until he could feel your heart racing as much as his. 
And he realized that maybe you weren’t too perfect for him after all. 
Maybe you were just right. Maybe he could be yours without feeling guilty about all the trouble he dragged you in. Maybe you even liked how rebellious he was, Seungjun thought as you curled your fingers through the section of bright red hair blanketed under his raven strands. The thought made him smile, summoning that warm feeling in his chest that he had always been a little wary of in the past. 
Maybe he liked having someone to rely on as well, even if it was another weakness he had to account for. He made up his mind that no matter what, he wouldn’t doubt you again; you deserved at least that much, after all.
↳ onf taglist: @eternalgyu,, @candewlsy,, @weird-bookworm,, @seunghancore,, @haecien
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fridayvelvet · 2 years
one line any fic! rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
Tagged by bestie @gosiksmallspace
1. Beautiful: Dongsik x Joowon
(Beyond evil • hurt/comfort, angst, first kiss)
One of the last words Joowon will ever hear comes from Lee Dongsik whispered to him as he's trapped in the older man's embrace.
Certainly not the words he expected after what just occurred, but they are welcomed all the same.
Joowon's ashamed to admit he's always had a nagging thought in the back of his mind, craving the knowledge of what Dongsik really thinks of him. The praise bestowed onto him warmly flooding through the haze of pain.
He was near obsessive in his pursuit of catching Dongsik off guard, eager enough to test the rules of the law in an effort to see what was hidden beneath that easy smile. It was the perfect facade and one Joowon had almost believed, those tears that came to life in Dongsik's eyes- had they always been a lie?
The tears that Joowon wanted to brush away even while pointing a gun at the defenceless man.
Tears that softened the wall he had put up around his heart.
2. Fill me up into the morning: dongsik x joowon 
(Beyond evil vampire au • blood, suicidal thoughts, love at first sight, nsfw, possessive sex)
Dongsik’s ragged breathing is the only noise breaking the silence as he reaches up looping his arms around Joowon’s neck stepping deeper into the snow dragging him down sealing his own fate.
Joowon knows if his heart was beating that would have been his undoing.
He’d never dreamed of being accepted, after he had lost his own mother to the same vampire who turned him and left him for dead unaware of the change she had started.
His own father had never shown love for either of them Joowon was too ashamed to return home after burying his mother, and has been wandering ever since, lost.
Then he’d heard of the man whose pulse is racing at a dizzying speed as he engulfs Joowon.
Dongsik isn’t a sadistic hunter, not the type to take pleasure in stalking vampires, he kills efficiently refusing to torture or subdue them to a fate of burning to death under the sun.
3. You always wanted more: Moonjo x Jongwoo
(Stranger from hell • Possessive sex, pwp, praise kink, nsfw)
Every tear, every drop of sweat beading from his forehead, any sound he makes, the way he tenses and gasps when Moonjo’s fingers turn rough inside him till Jongwoo has no choice but to fuck back on them to seek his release.
He treasures every expression offered greedily.
Jongwoo, his magnificent creation, cries so well for him as he ruthlessly adds two more fingers knowing he’s not ready. His darling never complains, accepting him for what he is and moans so beautifully grinding down on his fingers.
Jongwoo is breathtaking.
4. Can’t you live without me?: Myeongseok x Seungjun
(Extraordinary attorney Woo • post break up, missing scene, kissing)
'You used to love cleaning up after me,' Echoes through his mind rather pathetically leaving a sad feeling behind. Meyongseok stops himself from voicing it aloud, glancing down at the forgotten folder in his hands, feeling embarrassed that he needs help.
Seungjun must sense the shift in his mood, his laughter ceases and his voice lowers intimately, "Leave the files over there." He nods at his desk sounding so kind Meyongseok looks up from behind his glasses about to thank the man when he sees Seungjun's eyes running down his body again- "I'll handle it for you."
The double meaning is evident as a sly smirk crawls over his face, and that's it.
Meyongseok can feel the heat rising up the back of his neck.
5. Felt this way: Joowon x Dongsik
(Beyond evil • Declarations of love, fluff, nicknames/pet names, first kiss)
Joowon grabs him by the jacket collar hauling him in for a desperate kiss, he swallows the surprised sound that escapes from Dongsik’s mouth it belongs to him now anyways.
He pulls away noticing Dongsik isn’t responding under him, did he misread the situation? He bites his own lip, ignorant of Dongsik’s gaze locked on it.
Dongsik definitely felt his leg under the table earlier multiple times, was that just what friends did?
Joowon acknowledges he is bad in social situations but he really thought he was right this time.
He strokes down Dongsik’s collar fixing it to keep his hands busy refusing to meet his gaze, self-consciousness flooding through him as his face heats up.
The urge to run crashes into him and Joowon wants to be anywhere but here right now-
6. 3 times Dongsik gave Joowon flowers + 1 time Joowon gave them back: Dongsik x Joowon background * Changjin x Jihwa, Yuyeon x Jungje
(Beyond evil • Gift giving, Flower crowns)
He's stirring a teaspoon of sugar into his mug when he hears Joowon enter through the front doors of the station talking with Jihoon.
Dongsik shuffles over to his regular position hastily where he can watch Joowon at his desk unnoticed without being seen in return.
Joowon picks up the flower pot delicately wary of dirt but finding none he holds it closer, brows furrowing as he reads over the note eyes blinking rapidly as he reads it again.
His head tilts curiously glancing around the office not recognizing the handwriting.
Jihoon is already sorting through a mountain of paperwork scowling down at his own writing leaving no one else in sight, he stares at Dongsik's desk long enough for Dongsik to realize he knows.
He watches from the side as Joowon runs his fingers over the delicately pink petals, before moving the pot into the last bit of the evening sunlight.
7. Too late for a remedy: Hoyeol x Junho
(D.p • Missing scene, childhood trauma, idiots in love)
Hoyeol manages to sit them both up, hugging Junho to his chest for a long minute, then pulls back keeping one firm arm around Junho's waist as his other runs over his torso looking for any injuries.
His thumb brushes over a spot on Junho’s neck that makes him tremble.
Hoyeol mistakes the movement for pain apologizing as he gentles his touch, “I have to go, he could be anywhere by now.” Hoyeol tells him a nervous edge to his voice, but he doesn't put Junho down.
8. 4 times Hoyeol protected Junho + 1 time Junho protected him: Hoyeol x Junho
(D.p • hurt/comfort, attempted sa, implied ca)
Junho reaches blindly for a towel wiping his face clear of excessive water; he presses it on his face harder, eyes stinging with tears he refuses to shed, trying to get his heart rate back under control.
He glances up through the small window above the sink for a distraction- anything, and Hoyeol is there.
Standing under the street post engulfed in the light shining brightly above him watching as Jangsoo does push-ups, towering over him for once instead of vice versa.
It’s as if Hoyeol can sense his gaze, his head turns, glancing back over his shoulder eyes still dark with anger locking directly onto Junho’s.
It makes his stomach turn with something other than fear.
9. Mine to have: Dongsik x Joowon
(Beyond evil • Oral sex, canon divergence, handjobs, nsfw)
Dongsik brushes the damp hair sticking to Joowon's forehead out of his face then threads his fingers through it as he pushes a bit more into his waiting mouth, "Not just the tip Joowon-ah."
Joowon moans on him helplessly, he wants to do better when Dongsik calls out his name in that soft voice. 
He closes his eyes, the rain is making it hard to see anyways- he sucks Dongsik down deeper, cock heavy resting on his tongue wanting more.
Joowon wants everything he can take from this man longing to give him all that he is in return.
10. Thoughts of you consume: Joowon x Dongsik
(Beyond evil • Priest au, virgin joowon, praise kink, religious conflict, restraints, nsfw)
 “You did listen.”
The man tsks on the other side of the screen “You doubted me? Shouldn’t you be more trusting of your congregation?”
“Hard to know if they retain my words when half the pews are asleep.”
The man chuckles darkly sounding closer than before “I like you father.”
Joowon stares at the panel surprised, it almost sounds like the man is flirting with him. The silence stretches between them as the words settle in his head.
“I do like you father does that make you nervous?”
Joowon fidgets with the tassels on his robes feeling unsettled now, it does make him nervous. It makes him question his very religion, his voluntary celibacy, things he hasn’t second guessed in years.
Tagging ppl i have noticed while scrolling that i already know/ would like to know better🖤
@juwonahfication @ashcrow @lovetoreader @thoresque @tiffanylamps @yardmargs @dusty-nao @shhhsoftnwet @kseniyagreen @manyang-police-substation
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ao3feed-ateez · 4 years
by HydeNemesis
The Night Kingdom had always been the symbol of consolidation between all nine realms in Elador. But, everything was gone in a blink of an eye. The great monarch who was been existing for thousands of year finally ended after the whole kingdom were massacred by the unruly Shadow followers.
But when a prophecy came to the attention of the Supreme Council, it left a bigger reaction among all members, including the Dark Lord himself. It was said that the heir will return and avenged all the innocent lives ㅡbut to what extend does this prophecy hold? How far can they believe it?
Lee Juyeon was just an aspiring Golden Knight in training. Attending Dyssodia Highㅡacademy for gifted childrenㅡhad always been an honour for him. He never questioned anything bizarre that happened around him. But, when everyone started to talk about the fallen Night Kingdom and the prophecy about its heir returning, Juyeon could not help but wonder if it's true.
Destiny brought him and the other fellow friends together. When the Dark Lord made his evil and malice move against Elador, it now depended on them to decide the universe's fate, and could the heir really return to avenge the evil?
Words: 2667, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Boyz (Korea Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, ATEEZ (Band), 로드 투 킹덤 | Road to Kingdom (TV), 킹덤 | Kingdom (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Lee Juyeon (The Boyz), Moon Hyungseo | Kevin, Lee Jaehyun | Hyunjae, Kim Younghoon (The Boyz), Kang Yeosang, Jeon Jungkook, Choi Chanhee | New, Ji Changmin | Q, Kim Sunwoo (The Boyz), Jeong Yunho, Kang Hyunggu | Kino, Choi Jongho, Son Youngtaek | TAG, Park Seonghwa, Kim Geonhak | Leedo, Kim Hongjoong, Bang Chan, Lee Jangjun, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Choi Chanhee | New/Lee Juyeon, Ji Changmin | Q/Kim Younghoon, Jeon Jungkook/Moon Hyungseo | Kevin, Jung Chanwoo/Moon Hyungseo | Kevin, Kang Yeosang/Lee Jaehyun | Hyunjae, Jeong Yunho/Kang Yeosang, Kang Hyunggu | Kino/Lee Jaehyun | Hyunjae, Park Seonghwa/Kim Hongjoong - Relationship, Kim Sunwoo/Son Dongju | Xion, Kang Hyunggu | Kino/Kim Yugyeom, Choi Jongho/Son Youngjae | Eric, Kim Hyojin/Lee Seungjun | J-Us, Ju Haknyeon/Son Youngtaek | TAG, Lee Taeyong & Suh Youngho | Johnny, Jeon Jungkook & Park Jimin, Jung Chanwoo/Moon Bin, Kim Geonhak | Leedo/Shim Jaeyoung | Wyatt
Additional Tags: JuNew, bbangkyu, Elf!Chanhee, Elf-wolf!Changmin, magic academies existed, Not Beta Read, cause they are the main reason this fic exist, passionate noble!Juyeon, pureblood wolf!Younghoon, Kevin is a wizard, but he also a wolf hybrid from mixed racial family background, potion lover!Kevin, wing people!Jungkook, but no wings on him, golden knight, Revolution, vamp-wolf!hyunjae, but he prefer the blood over flesh, curious Yeosang from a noble house, fate entwined by a white rabbit scheme, idk what I'm tagging either, there's a bunch of crossover pairings, we're living in a universe with nine realms, lots of characters gonne be mentioned, cause being multifan is a hardship, Bad Spelling & Grammar, idk where this is going, just read if y'all interested
0 notes
slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. fluff. sickfic. warnings. description of illness and medicine. written on a plane and not proofread. pairing. j-us x fem!reader. wc. 735. a/n. aaaaaa guys im writing for onf 😭 IM SO EXCITED YDEK LIKE???? my lovely lovely boys 🫶 ik it won't get much attention but im so over the moon about this!! also this was a request from my best best friend @ddeonudepressions 🧡🧡 dia i know it took a rly long time but i didn't forget about sick juice u wanted 🫶 i hope you like it ☝️
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“What?” You sighed, probably for the thousandth time, glancing up from your phone to pay attention to your sick boyfriend. Headache, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, ringing ears, or neck pain, you name it, Seungjun was suffering from it.
You had to admit he did look pretty cute with his bright red nose and puffy face, but if you said anything he would get 10 times whinier than he already was.
He currently couldn’t decide whether he wanted to cuddle or wanted to keep his distance to not get you sick. You tried to tell him that you had a good immune system, but he just wouldn’t buy it. You tried to tell him that you were probably already infected from taking care of him for the past 2 days, but he wouldn’t take that answer either.
“I miss kissing you.” He mumbled along with an over-dramatic sniff.
You smiled a little, “You really won’t take the risk, huh?”
He shook his head vehemently, frowning, “You’ll get sick too.”
“What if I wanted kisses too?”
Seungjun paused, contemplating the question before shaking his head again, “Even if we both want kisses, we shouldn’t.”
“Is your throat still sore?”
“Mhm, it feels so… dry.” He coughed.
“I told you to use the throat spray I bought. It’s foul, but I promise it works.” You urged.
“It’s really nasty, though.” He shuddered.
“You might be able to get kisses if you use it.” You coaxed.
Seungjun bit his lip, head falling back onto the couch. You giggled at his antics. He was dramatic even when he was healthy, but no one could ever beat the melodrama that came with a sick Seungjun. He didn’t say anything for about 10 minutes, and you thought he had fallen asleep.
“Get me the throat spray.” He mumbled just above a whisper.
“Knew it would work.” You giggled.
“You feeling any better?” It was hours later, and you were just slipping under the covers after brushing your teeth, joining Seungjun who was hugging a pillow.
“A bit?”
“Still probably not enough for my goodnight kiss, then?” You pouted. You had already gone 2 days without one and a part of you was really hoping to sneak just one peck in before bed.
“I’m sorry, baby.” Seungjun whispered and held out his arms. “All I can offer is hugs right now.”
“You owe me at least 10 kisses once you’re better, got it?” You said seriously, settling so your head rested on his chest and he could wrap his arms around you.
“I’ll give you 20 kisses once I’m better if you want.”
“100.” You giggled.
Seungjun tried to stop himself from laughing since it usually ended in a coughing fit, but he ultimately failed.
“You sound ugly when you cough.” You joked.
“Can’t really help it.”
“I miss you singing me to sleep.” You sighed, tracing little shapes on his shirt with your finger.
“I miss it too, but my throat is really out of commission.” 
“I know…”
“I thought I was whiny, but you know, you’re pretty whiny too.” Seungjun smiled.
“Maybe if my boyfriend wasn’t sick for so long, I wouldn’t be so whiny.” You countered.
“So it’s my fault, huh?” 
You nodded.
“I like it when you’re whiny, though. It’s cute.”
“Shut up.”
“You think I’m annoying when I’m whiny, though, don’t you?” He didn’t say it in his usual teasing tone where you knew he was joking. He rubbed your arm as he spoke, his breath coming out a soft tone that you rarely got from him.
“Do you want an honest answer?”
“Usually I would just say ‘of course, you’re the most annoying person I know’, but I feel like I shouldn’t tease you while you’re sick.”
“How thoughtful of you.” Seungjun mumbled, voice coming out softer and softer as he teetered on the edge of drifting off into a slumber.
“I don’t mind when you’re whiny. It kinda reminds me how much you love me, and that you would even want to put in that much effort just for my attention… So, I guess I like it too.” You glanced up only to find Seungjun already asleep, softly breathing while still holding you close to his chest.
“Why’d I even say all of that if you were just going to fall asleep on me?” You muttered. “…Sleep well, baby.”
↳ onf taglist: open!!
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slytherinshua · 1 year
   onf masterlist ⟡₊ ⊹
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⋆˙⟡ = author's pick !
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snack break (req)
genre: fluff. | wc: 509.
hyojin headcanons
genre: fluff. headcanons. | wc: 2k.
fallen from grace ⋆˙⟡
genre: angst. angel/demon au. | wc: 1k.
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skate into my heart
genre: fluff. skater au. | wc: 1.5k.
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100 kisses
genre: fluff. sickfic. | wc: 735.
113 l. seungjun ⋆˙⟡
genre: fluff. onf universe au. | wc: 1.5k.
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the jealousy of a god
genre: greek god au. | wc: 1.4k.
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chill & fuzzy
genre: fluff. | wc: 1k.
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haunts of the past, fears of the future ⋆˙⟡
genre: comfort. onf universe au. | wc: 1k.
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