#lee taemin one shots
yootaesowlwrites · 2 months
Hearing You - Lee Taemin
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W/C: 1.6K
Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. I don’t trust y’all, so make sure you have your age in your bio/desc or something on your blog or a pfp. Minors DNI or get blocked!
Prompts: “Don’t cover your mouth… I like hearing you.”
Warnings: Hint of angst, fluff, slight suggestive at the end.
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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"And then he slipped!" Kibum says as he finishes his story, causing you all to laugh, while Minho tries to play it off while waving his hands around.
"I didn't slip, the floor was just slippery," He says, but laughing along. It was the evening of Taemin's birthday, and you had gathered together with Kibum, Minho and Jinki to celebrate his birthday, with Taemin and Jinki in a completely different company now, it became hard for everyone to spend time together like this.
"Keep saying that," Kibum says. You bring your hand towards your mouth and cover it while trying to suppress your laughing. Jinki quickly notices but doesn't say anything about it, not wanting to dampen the mood. “You should show them later,” You shake your head as you laugh, already imagining how he had slipped and his surprised face.
“One thing he couldn’t do,” You say between laughter. “It finally proved he’s at least human!” Those words caused everyone to laugh louder, even Minho himself, everyone knew how good he was at everything and was basically superhuman with all the things he did. “I was really starting to think you’re from another planet, Minho.”
“I’m glad I managed to prove to you that I’m not,” He says with a huge smile on his face. You lower your hand as your laughter dies down. “But it won’t happen again, I’ll make sure of that,” He picks up his glass and takes a sip.
“Excuse me,” You say as you stand from the chair. “I’ll be right back, just have to use the bathroom,” Taemin reaches up for your hand and gently squeezes it.
“Don’t take too long, otherwise we’ll need to start a search party for you,” Minho says, which makes you chuckle and shake your head before releasing Taemin’s hand and making your way to the bathroom, Jinki leans forward and clears his throat.
“Tae, have you noticed how they keep covering their mouth when they laugh?” Jinki asks. Taemin glances back towards where you had disappeared before looking at Jinki fully.
“I… I haven’t…” He slowly says as he goes through his mind, and finding that each time he saw you laughing, your hand was always covering your mouth. “I haven’t, I didn’t even realise…”
“I picked it up too,” Kibum says as he picks up his glass. “Sometimes they use both hands also,” Taemin could feel his heart rate picking up, how had his friends noticed it and he hadn’t?
“I think I even heard them trying to suppress it,” Minho says. “Like they don’t want to laugh too loud, do you think something happened?” He suddenly felt all eyes on him. “You didn’t accidentally say something?”
“No!” Taemin was quick to say. “No, gosh no, I wouldn’t, I love hearing them and their voice…” He lowers his gaze to the table in front of him. “I can’t believe I haven’t noticed before…” His vision becomes blurry as he begins thinking and going through all of his memories with you, hoping he could find at least one where you weren’t covering your mouth or suppressing your laughter, but nothing.
“And back, did I miss anything?” You ask as you sit down in your spot right next to Taemin, they shake their heads, and you gently smile at them. “Okay, that’s good,” You lean forward and pick up your utensils to pick up a piece of food. “I wouldn’t want to miss any more funny stories about Minho showing us that he can be human,” You place the food in your mouth and begin chewing.
“If you want more, I have plenty more to tell,” Kibum says as he puts his glass down. “I have all the stories about him that are going to make you laugh,” You nod your head, ready to listen to what he has to tell you.
“Wait, no, no, why me, why have I become the joke of the night?” Minho asks, even though he has a smile on his face. “I’m sure you have some funny stories about yourself too, why don’t you tell us about it?” He was looking right at you, you nod your head as you chew and put your utensils down.
“All right, all right,” You say. “You’ve put me on the spot now and now everything from my memory’s disappeared,” You lean back in your chair and place your hands on top of your thighs. "Okay, so when I was little my family and I would go to this one place for vacation, and one evening when we had all calmed down and were lying in bed, I looked up and saw a bat flying around," A few hums went around the table. "And I, as casual as possible said; 'hey dudes, here's a bat inside the room' which caused my dad to fly up from the bed, practically yelling 'Where?'" They begin laughing, and you cover your mouth as you remember the moment as it happened. “He was so scared of them.”
“I can’t believe you said it so casually while knowing he’s scared of them,” Minho says between laughter. You hadn’t noticed that Taemin was paying a little more attention to you, noticing how you covered your mouth and how you tried to stop your laughter and keep it quiet, you were holding yourself back from fully laughing, and he wanted to know why. “What happened next, did you get it out?”
You step into the apartment, quickly being greeted by Kkoong and Daeng at the door meowing loudly at you both, you take your shoes off and pick up Kkoong and make your way further into the house with Taemin behind you with Daeng in his arms.
“We missed you both too,” You say as you sit down on the couch and place Kkoong onto your lap, only for her to jump off and wait for Taemin to sit down next to you. “Voicing loudly how much you missed us only to abandon me when I sit you down on my lap, oh, I’m hurt Kkoongie,” You lay your head back against the couch and release a dramatic sigh causing Taemin to chuckle. “So mean…” He releases Daeng as he begins wiggling in his arms.
“I have a question,” He says as he turns his body to yours and props his elbow against the back of the couch. “You don’t have to answer it if you’re not ready to discuss it yet…” You nod your head slowly.
“Well, ask first, and then I’ll tell you if I want to talk about it or not,” You say. You could see him pressing his fingers together before he took in a slow deep breath.
“While we were out tonight, and laughing and enjoying ourselves, I couldn’t help but notice…” He trails off, trying to find the right words and not make them sound harsh or even like an insult. “Or more Jinki noticed, that you kept covering your mouth and toning yourself down,” You bite the inside of your cheeks as you realise what his question would be. “Do you want to talk about it?” You lift your foot from the floor and place it underneath your thigh.
“Well… there isn’t much to talk about it,” You say as you move your gaze to the floor. “One evening I was laughing from my stomach, too loud, portably sounded obnoxious, and then I got told to shut up and not laugh so loud,” He could see your shoulders slump and the corner of your mouth turning downward. “And ever since I just tried to keep myself from laughing too loud by using my hand to muffle it, and forcing myself not to keep laughing so it doesn’t get too loud,” You lift your head and turn it towards him, and he could see the sadness in your eyes and the attempt at a smile told him enough. “Was it too loud tonight?” His eyes widen at your question, he wasn’t expecting you to ask that.
“What, no, no, no, it wasn’t,” He quickly says. “I want you to laugh as loud as you can, to show me that you’re enjoying yourself, I want you to laugh from the depths of your stomach,” You move your hands onto your lap and begin fiddling with your fingers. “Don’t cover your mouth… I like hearing you,” He reaches down for your hands and places his on top of yours. “In all kinds of ways, but I want you to laugh from your stomach, laugh so hard that tears stream down your face, I want you to enjoy yourself fully and be yourself around me,” He gently squeezes your hands before pulling them apart and interlacing his fingers with yours.
“I… I can try,” You whisper. You had spent all your time trying to lower your tone and muffle your laughter, you would have to unlearn everything you had taught yourself. “I can try,” He squeezes your hands and moves closer to you. “It’s just going to be hard to unlearn that habit…”
“I’ll help you, I’ll try my best, but I want to hear you, loud and clear,” He says. He leans forward and releases one of your hands and moves his hand to the back of your neck and pulls you closer to him. “Let’s start with unlearning that nasty habit,” Your brows furrow in confusion but your eyes insanity shut as his lips make contact with yours, the confusion completely melts away as your lips move with his. You move your hand to his thigh and lean more into the kiss and his hand slides higher and to the back of your head, he pulls on your other hand and moves it to his waist before releasing your hand and wrapping his arm around your waist, he leans back and slowly pulls you with him and on top of him, his hand slides down your back and over the curve of your ass before pausing and squeezing it, causing you to moan into his mouth, he pulls back from the kiss leaving you both breathing hard. “Hmm, like that, but louder, much louder.”
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smileydk · 8 months
Lights, Camera, Action
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Pairing: Idol!Taemin x Photographer!OC
Summary: Jiwoo and Taemin have been married for a whole decade. They both debuted in SHINee. As SHINee approached their 15th anniversary Jiwoo started pursuing photography.
Who'd be a better guinea pig model than her own husband?
cw/tw: fluff, cute, praising, suggestive, kissing
Note: I'm obsessed with Taemin lately. Why I don't know. But he's so handsome and pretty, and gorgeous, and sexy and- yeah
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''Taeminie my babyyy~'' Jiwoo walked through the front door with a sweet smile on her lips.
Taemin, sitting on the couch, looked up from the book he was reading and raised a knowing eyebrow. ''Yes, my dearest wife? What are you gonna subject me to this time?''
Jiwoo smiled and walked over to the couch. She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked down at him with a pleading smile.
Taemin knew that smile very well. Whenever she wanted him to do something she'd smile like that.
''You know how I've been taking photography classes, right baby?'' Taemin nodded. ''Right, so this week's assignment was to photograph something sexy... so I thought who's better for the job than the Lee Taemin?''
Taemin chuckled as he leaned his head against the back rest. He looked up at Jiwoo, who was already looking down at him and pursed his lips.
Jiwoo leaned down and kissed his lips sweetly.
''Will you please help me, baby?'' Jiwoo fluttered her eyelashes sweetly.
''I can't, and you know I can't. I told you this morning. And I know you know since you call be "baby". I have to go to the dance studio and work on the "Guilty" choreography. I would help you if I-''
Jiwoo pouted. ''Pretty please?''
Taemin chuckled. ''I don't have ti-''
''Pretty please with sugar on top?! If you loved me-'' Taemin raised an eyebrow. ''-you would help me''
Taemin sighed. ''You're annoying''
''I know. And since you won't help me, I'm calling Minho'' Taemin nodded for her to go on.
So she did.
She found her phone and found Minho's contact. She pressed his contact and put it on speaker phone. Taemin just sat there.
''Jiwoo! My favorite Lee! 'Sup?''
Taemin glared at the phone. ''What do you mean "favorite Lee?!" I thought it was me!''
In the background Jiwoo and Taemin heard Onew cursing at Minho for calling someone else his favroite Lee.
''Too bad, you ain't. And neither are you, Hyung! Now, how can I help my favorite Lee''
''So, for my photography classes I have to photograph something sexy, and Taemin's an ass and won't help me, so would you like to be my sexy model? Maybe something shirtless, or maybe-''
Taemin grabbed Jiwoo's phone from her hands and glared at his wife. ''Buh-bye Hyung, we don't need you''
''Goodbye, see you tom-''
Jiwoo laughed loudly as Taemin ended the call in the middle of Minho's sentence. He chucked her phone behind his shoulder. He turned to his wife and raised an eyebrow.
''You're a bully''
''So you'll help me?'' Jiwoo smiled sweetly.
Taemin sighed loudly. ''Fine! I'll call Noona and tell her practice is off'' He picked up his own phone. ''You're lucky I love you'' He mumbled a pouty tone.
As he ended the call, telling "Noona" he was sick and couldn't dance today. "Noona" didn't believe him for a single second, but she let it slide this time.
She did however warn him if he repeated this she would come to their apartment and drag him to the dance studio herself.
''Now, back to your little rendezvous, do we have any studio lights? Or any equipment at all?''
Jiwoo's sweet, kiss-ass look, switched into a sheepish look. ''I might have bought a camera, studio lights and all that before asking you''
''I just- my backup plan was Minho, I knew he would accept without a fight'' Jiwoo smirked as she headed out the door to get the stuff she bought.
Taemin gasped dramatically. ''How dare you even think of Minho as a backup?'' His wife simply smiled and kissed his cheek.
After they'd set up all the different lights and cameras, and props and whatnot that Jiwoo had brought home, in the bathroom, the woman turned to her husband with a smirk.
''And now, you. We gotta change all...'' Jiwoo moved her hands around her husband's body. ''...this''
''What? I look sexy as I am'' Taemin raised an eyebrow.
''Well that I won't deny. But! This is not what I invisioned...'' She motioned to his oversized hoodie and sweatpants. ''I was thinking that it could fit with your upcoming comeback... so I might have got you a completely new outfit''
She dug out a white tank-top, a pair of white boxers and a pair of blue, baggy (jeans) pants. Taemin reluctantly took the clothes and changed out of his sweatpants and hoodie.
As he showed the outfit to Jiwoo she held up a finger. She started pulling and adjusting his pants. She could feel Taemin's smirk on his lips as her hands brushed past his lower stomach.
''Shut up'' She mumbled and continued her adjusting.
''I didn't say anything!'' Taemin exclaimed and placed his hands on his hips.
Jiwoo ignored him and stepped back. She looked him up and down. He posed jokingly and Jiwoo chuckled.
Jiwoo stood him in front of the bathroom. ''Let's... add a bit of choreo to the photo. Right hand under shirt, show off your stomach. You know, the key move''
Taemin smirked. ''If you wanted me naked you should've just asked, baby''
''Ha. Ha'' Jiwoo laughed sarcastically and loooked at her husband with a forced smile. ''Pose, asshole''
''Yes, ma'am!'' Taemin saluted her and did as she'd wished. ''Lights, camera, action''
Jiwoo stared at him for a moment. ''You're such a weirdo'' Taemin flashed a dorky smile.
Jiwoo continued staring at Taemin as he did the pose she requested. It looked good, but not enough. ''Head down. Hand around your neck''
Taemin did as instructed.
This was another reason as to why Jiwoo wanted to work with her own husband, he'd been in the industry for so long. He knew exactly how to pose, he followed instructions well and he was naturally sexy.
Perfect sexy model.
Jiwoo snapped a few pictures of Taemin in that pose, altering some small things. When she was satisfied with it she showed it to model himself.
''Wow, I look good'' Jiwoo chuckled. ''What are you laughing at? I look sexy. Who knows, maybe these will be my concept photos? You're good at this''
Jiwoo blushed as he praised her. ''You really think that?''
Taemin nodded and hugged her tightly. ''The best! Now, next pose!''
The afternoon continued. Taemin posed as Jiwoo instructed. It started professionally, Taemin answered Jiwoo being very serious about the whole thing.
Then it slowly turned into Taemin doing as he wished and Jiwoo accepting it.
After almost 3 hours of snapping photos they decided to wrap it up.
''I'm gonna edit these a bit. Then you can see them''
Taemin pouted. ''I wanna see them now!''
Jiwoo raised an eyebrow. ''Taemin, sweetie, you're 30, not a toddler. You'll see them when I'm done''
However, editing proved to be difficult when you had a 30 year old husband who decided he needed attention at this exact moment.
Jiwoo was trying to edit the pictures she seemed to be the best ones. Taemin sat behind her on the bed, legs on each side of her body, arms around her waist as he watched her edit.
His shin rested on her shoulder as she tapped away on the computer.
Taemin's attention span was about the same as a 5 year old, on a sugar high.
His fingers started tapping a rhythm on Jiwoo's thighs and he started humming to himself. Jiwoo turned around and raised an eyebrow. She'd told him if he wanted to sit here. Silence.
He quickly stopped.
But then his attention started wearing thin again. He found a hairbrush ans some hair ties Jiwoo had laying around.
He carefully started brushing Jiwoo's hair and braiding it. Jiwoo stopped her editing and turned around. She smiled.
''You really have no patience. You're like a five year old'' Jiwoo examined the braid. It was good.
''Yet you love me. Besides, if I was a five year old, wouldn't that make you a predator?''
Jiwoo raised her eyebrow. ''Ha. Ha''
''I'll go cook or something. Have a good editing session''
''Love you!'' Jiwoo yelled through the house as Taemin bounced down the stairs.
''Love you more!''
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After Jiwoo'd edited the photos she headed into the kitchen to show Taemin.
Taemin, who was making tteokbokki, was amazed.
''My wife's so talented! And I'm much more sexy than Minho-Hyung would ever be''
Jiwoo chuckled and patted his cheek. ''That's your opinion''
''Whatever. You and I both know I'm speaking facts. Now, I think these are perfect for my concept photos this comeback. And I'm saving money if use my lovely wife's hard labor''
''Who said I'm free?'' Jiwoo raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips. ''I'm an expensive bitch''
''Well... expensive? Yes. But bitch? No. What do you want as pay? I could think of a few things I know you'd like'' Taemin smirked as he placed his own hands on Jiwoo's.
Jiwoo chuckled and shook her head. ''You're such a pervert''
Taemin couldn't see the problem. She wanted pay. He had something to pay with. Which they'd both enjoy.
''Besides. I have to send these in for class and-''
Before Jiwoo could finish her sentence Taemin pressed his lips against hers. Jiwoo giggled as he pulled away.
''You talk too much sometimes''
''And you have too little patience. Your tteok is burning'' Jiwoo pointed at the pan, which smoked a bit more than it should've.
Taemin turned around and spotted the pan. He quickly moved it from the heat. He smiled awkwardly as he turned back to his wife.
''It's not burnt. It just... on the verge of burning. Want some?''
Jiwoo smiled. He was so cute. And he tried cooking. Which he rarely did. ''Of course I will''
As they are Taemin's half-burnt creation Taemin smirked. ''Next time you should do a budoir photoshoot''
Jiwoo choked on the food. ''Lee Taemin!? WHAT THE FUCK!?''
''What? It was just an idea! I'm sexy. You're a great photographer. And...''
''You just want a reason to get naked'' Jiwoo deadpanned him. ''And don't even deny it, you're... you''
''Oh baby. If I wanted to be naked I'd be naked'' He winked and continued eating his food.
''Fuck you, Lee Taemin''
''Anytime, baby''
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atlantis-area · 9 months
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TAEMIN - The 1st Stage Nippon Budokan GIFSETS
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nirvanawrites111 · 2 years
Hiii I'm a neurospicy heaux (90's baby) who enjoys writing K-pop fanfics.
You can call me Nirvana.
My pronouns are she/her.
I write mostly sub!Idol x dom!readers but I will be starting a new series where my one-shots are two parts radiating switch!energy.
My stories are all written with a black reader in mind.
All of my stories belong to me and you may not copy any of them. Nor, can you translate them into other languages. Thanks!!!
If you enjoy my work please comment and reblog, please. It keeps me going.
Focus On Me
Choi Minho
DILF Energy (Sub!Minho x Reader)
Lee Know
Claim Me (Sub!Lee Know x Reader)
Kim Jongin/Kai
Say You Love Me (Sub!Kai x Reader)
Say You Love Me Pt. 2
Goddess Energy (Taemin x Reader x Jongin) Part 1
May I Have Your Attention Series
May I Have Your Attention Please? (Sub!Hongjoong x Reader)
May I Have Your Attention Please? Pt. 2
May I Have Your Attention Please? Pt. 3
May I Have Your Attention Please? Pt. 4
Here We Go Again Bangchan x Reader x Hongjoong (Kinktober 2022 Vampire AU)
Lust Galore (Seonghwa x Reader x Hongjoong)
Sub!Hongjoong x Switch!Reader x Dom!Changbin
Falling For The Dark Lord (Sub!Taemin x Afab!Reader)
Wedding Secrets (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
Escape With You (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
Chase Me Sub!Taemin x Reader (Kinktober 2022)
Escape With You Pt. 2
Arch That Back, Baby (Sub!Taemin x Reader)
Play Things (Taemin x Reader x Jimin)
Supreme King (Taemin x Black Reader)
Goddess Energy (Taemin x Reader x Jongin) Part 1
Bend It Ova Sub!Seonghwa x Reader
Only One (Seonghwa x Black Reader)
Enemy Situation (Seonghwa x Black Reader)
Lust Galore (Seonghwa x Reader x Hongjoong)
Ten Lee
Amnesia (Sub!Ten Lee x Reader)
Boyfriend #2 Changbin x Reader
I'm Calling You Daddy (Sub!Changbin x Reader)
Switch It Up (Sub!Changbin x Reader)
Switch It Up Part 2
Sub!Hongjoong x Switch!Reader x Dom!Changbin
Juicy Lover Series (Sub!Juyeon x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
My Right Hand Man Series (Sub!Wooyoung x Reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Welcome To The Agency (San x Reader x Wooyoung)
Here We Go Again Bangchan x Reader x Hongjoong (Kinktober 2022 Vampire AU)
February Filth Fest (Hate sex with Yunho)
Welcome To The Agency (San x Reader x Wooyoung)
Park Jinyoung
Degrade Me Part 1
Degrade Me Part 2
Play Things (Taemin x Reader x Jimin)
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kpop masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
Memory | 🍓❄️🦕 Kim Byeongkwan x Reader + Park Junhee x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
Only One | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🦕 CEO!Choi San x Reader
It’s An Act [WBU I] | ❄️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Smoke | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Choi Seunghyun (TOP) x Reader
Runaway | 🍓❄️🏩 Mafia!Kim Seokjin (Jin) x Reader (Mafia AU) Preview 1 2 3 4 x
Mah Boyfriend | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🦕 Jung Jungkook x Idol!Reader
Hidden Heart | 🍓🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🍳 Lee Minhyuk (HUTA) x Idol!Reader [Headcanon]
A University Dilemma | 🤸‍♀️ Kang Younghyun (Young-K) x Reader (Univeristy AU)
What A Joke | ❄️ Kang Younghyun (Young K) x Reader + Park Jaehyung x Reader (University AU) [Blurb]
So... Haha... I Like You | 🍓🦕 Park Jaehyung x Reader (Fake Dating AU)
Wheel Of Fortune | 🍓🍳🚀 Park Chanyeol x Reader [Headcanon]
Welcome To The Jungle | 🚀🚀🚀🏩 Park Chanyeol & Oh Sehun (Jungle AU)
Maybe We Still Have A Shot [WBU III] | 🍓🍓🏩 CatHybid!Oh Sehun x Reader (University AU)
Unrequited Attraction | 🚧🏩🍳🦕 Mafia!Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Retail Worker!Reader
Color Palette | 🍓 Byun Baekhyun x Reader [Blurb]
Brown Leaves | 🍓 Kim Jongin (Kai) x Reader (University AU)
One Million In One Day | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🍳 Sugar Daddy!Jackson Wang x Reader Preview ~ Alternate Moodboard ~ Moodboard Teaser  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Car Rides | 🍓 Jackson Wang x Reader [Blurb]
Juice Box | 🍓🚀🏩🦕 Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam x Reader [Blurb] (Pre-Schooler AU)
Somewhere In Between | ❄️❄️Civil Engineer!Park Jinyoung x Reader + Architect!Henry Lau x Reader
Trading Secrets | 🍓🍓 Kim Yugyeom x WangSis!Reader
Winning Losses | ❄️ Kim Jaejoong x Idol!Reader
Monsta X
Introspect | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Jooheon x Reader [Blurb]
Letting Off Steam | 🤸‍♀️ Lee Hoseok (Wonho) x ArtStudent!Reader (University AU)
December Dates | 🍓🚀 bf!Seventeen x Reader [Headcanon]
The Stroke Of Midnight | 🍓❄️🏩🦕 Mafia!Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Reader
Here's My Problem: I Can't Get You Out Of My Head | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🎩🎩🏩🍳🦕 Detective!Jeon Wonwoo x Actress!Reader
10 Ways To Get Over Gyu | 🍓❄️❄️❄️🍳🍳🦕 Kim Mingyu x Reader + others (Childhood AU)
Half Of My Heart | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳 Kim Mingyu x Reader + Jeon Wonwoo x Reader (CEO AU)
On A Thread | ❄️❄️ CEO!Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) x Nurse!Reader
A Final Offering | 🍓🍓❄️🏩🦕 Deity!Kim Inseong & Child!Reader + Baek Juho (Zuho) x Mom  
What Does It Mean? | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️ Kim Inseong x Reader + Lee Jaeyoon x Reader (University AU) 
16th Floor | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Kim Seokwoo (Rowoon) x Reader (Office AU)
Understand This |❄️ Choi Minho x Reader I Don’t Understand [Understand This II] | ❄️ Choi Minho x Reader
It’s All A Big Joke [WBU II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Th-that’s Not | ❄️❄️🚧🦕 Lee Taemin x Reader Regrets [Th-that’s Not II] | ❄️ Lee Taemin x Reader
Angel Bride | ❄️🚧🏩🦕 Pirate!Lee Taemin x Reader
Noona, You're So Pretty | 🍓 Lee Taemin x Noona!Reader
Stray Kids
Professional Boundaries | 🍓❄️🚧🦕 CEO!Bang Chan x Pre-School Teacher!Reader + CEO!Hwang Hyunjin x Pre-School Teacher!Reader 1 2 3 4 
Bootylicious | 🍓🚀 Bang Chan x Idol!Reader
Super Junior
The Soup | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 SuJu x SuJu Maknae!Reader [Headcanon]
Secrets Of A Maknae | 🍓🚀🚀 Kim Heechul x SuJuMaknae!Reader
The Boyz
Gentle With Me | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Lee Sangyeon x Reader
Pitter-Patter | 🍓 Jung Yunho (U-Know) x Reader (Pre-School Teacher AU)
The Art Of Deception | ❄️🎩🏩 Shim Changmin x Reader (Secret Agent/Spy AU)
Forget About It | 🍓❄️🤸‍♀️🍳🦕 Choi Soobin x Reader (University AU)  
I’m Not Playing | 🍓❄️❄️ Gangster!Song Minho (Mino) x Reader 1 2 3 
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anabsolutemyth · 1 year
Training Lee Taemin
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Session Two: Masochism
Characters/Pairings: Taemin, Reader / Taemin x Reader
Content: Impact play, nipple play, pegs & clamps, a lot of fucking drooling. Due to later (planned) chapters, Reader uses she/her pronouns and has breasts and a vagina. 18+ only.
Word Count: 1182
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“Tongue out,” you ordered. He obeyed, eager to please, as you produced one of the pegs you had held behind your back and held it up for him to see. His eyes widened, his lips curled up in a smile as much as his open mouth would let them, and he puffed his chest out with his hands behind his back, desperate to be used.
The sound of leather cracking against his skin turned you on. The gasp immediately following every strike made you more wet. The number shakily called out by him a second after each hit set you off. You never expected that using a belt on Taemin would be such an exquisite experience. Having him bent over the horse only added to the glorious spectacle.
You had started on the backs of his thighs, stopping before they started to mark, and moved onto his peachy little ass where you still were. He had done well to keep counting up until now. You were sure he was going to be a sobbing wreck after ten, but he was still holding it together at fifteen. After fifteen you stopped to give his poor abused skin a break and you swore you heard him huff when you put the belt down, such a bratty little sub he was.
After picking up a handful of clothes pegs, out of view, you commanded him down onto his knees.
“Tongue out,” you ordered. He obeyed, eager to please, as you produced one of the pegs you had held behind your back and held it up for him to see. His eyes widened, his lips curled up in a smile as much as his open mouth would let them, and he puffed his chest out with his hands behind his back, desperate to be used.
“We’ll start with these and if you do well, I might let you try better ones, ok?”
He nodded enthusiastically, keeping his tongue out just as you had asked.
You took the first peg, opened it up, and snapped it onto the tip of his tongue. His eyes fluttered shut briefly as the new sensation shot through his nerves.
Taking another peg, you squatted down to be level with him and clamped it onto one of his nipples, smirking when you noticed a trail glistening on his chest. Keeping his tongue out like a needy puppy was making him drool and the spit was dripping down onto his pecs, it was fucking glorious. You got distracted by it, running a finger over his wet skin, collecting his mess as you went. You teased his free nipple, rolling it between your fingers, pulling and tweaking it, hard and wet with his own spit, then quickly snapped the last peg onto it.
You stood back up and looked down at the man kneeling before you. He was looking up at you, eyes glazed over with want, tongue and lips glistening and red, drool dripping down onto his chest and stomach. With his hands clasped behind his back, his cock was proudly displayed: hard, flushed, skin pulled tight over his length, every vein clear as day. He looked gloriously depraved and you never wanted to forget it.
Stepping out of your dominant role for a second, you asked him, “Taemin, I’d love to take a picture of you right now. Is that ok?”
He nodded, proud of the effect he had. You went and grabbed your phone, snapped a picture with him gazing up at you with perfect posture, and sat it back down again on your desk. Interruption over, you were ready to turn up the heat a little.
You gently removed the pegs one by one, dropped them to the floor, and grabbed the next ones to be used on him. It was a set of 3 metal clamps connected to each other by relatively short chains. The first, you attached firmly to the tip of his tongue, the next two to his reddened nipples before telling him to straighten up and keep his head back, causing the chains to tighten and pull on his sensitive skin. Next you picked up half a dozen wire pegs and placed them in a criss-cross pattern over his toned abdomen.
With his tongue and nipples clamped and cold steel pegs pinching the skin over his stomach, you finally decided to give his neglected dick some attention.
You got down to his level, locked gazes, and very lightly stroked his shaft, lubing up his cock with the copious amounts of pre-cum that had been leaking from his aching cock. He started groaning, finally being given more than just bittersweet pain. He was so messy though, the rumble in his throat making more spit spill from his mouth. You could feel drops of it on your fingers when he bent forward to stop the neverending ache in his chest from the nipple clamps.
You looked up at him and as you went to scold him, he lifted his head back up, chains tightening again. You noticed the tears in his eyes and the slight grimace on his face.
“Do you want me to stop Taemin?”
He shook his head, wincing when the movement yanked the chains side to side.
“You can blink, once for yes, twice for no,” you said to him, wanting to cut him a little slack, “ do you want to cum?”
He blinked, once, a tear running down his cheek. It was sick, but it made you smile.
 You grabbed a few pegs, the nice wooden ones you used originally, and weighed up your options. You started stroking him again and pinched the first peg onto the underside of his cock, right at the base. Taemin couldn't stop a pained whimper from coming out of his mouth, he was nearing his limit for this kind of torture.
Still slowly working his oversensitive cock with one hand, you took the next peg to his taint. Every movement of your hand pulled and pushed his silky skin, the pegs nipping and tugging in time with you. The whimpering was relentless now, whines and moans adding to the cacophony of the snivelling man in front of you. He was losing control now, struggling to keep his posture, trying to close his mouth but being brutally reminded that he'd have to overcome the clamps if he wanted to.
It was about time you let him finish.
With your free hand you gathered up some of the drool coating his chest and wrapped your fingers around the head of his dick. You rolled your fingers around and over his head, your other hand working faster up and down his shaft. Taemin was getting breathless, almost panting, throwing his head back without caring about the tug on his throbbing nipples.
He came with an ungodly groan when you flicked off the peg at the base of his cock, his cum spilling in waves over his lower stomach and down the length of his cock. You stopped milking him after a few seconds, not wanting to push too far.
After a brief pause to let him catch his breath you started removing the pegs and clamps all over his body, leaving the one on his tongue till last. When you finally got round to taking it off, he all but crumpled to the floor, exhausted.
You quickly put the pegs away and came back to make sure Taemin was ok. Aftercare would be especially important tonight.
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stealinghoneyfrombees · 8 months
(In order of artist, then release) # 3YE - LOCO A aespa - Hold On Tight aespa - Welcome To MY World (feat. naevis) aespa - Spicy aespa - Salty & Sweet aespa - Thirsty aespa - I'm Unhappy aespa - Better Things aespa - Drama aespa - Trick or Trick AGUST D - D-Day AGUST D - AMYGDALA AGUST D - 극야 Polar Night AILEE ft. Lil Cherry - RA TA TA Apink - D N D ATEEZ - BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS) B BBGIRLS - ONE MORE TIME BEBE YANA - 64 BEBE YANA - VROOM VROOM Billlie - EUNOIA BLACKSWAN - Cat & Mouse BLITZERS - Macarena BOYNEXTDOOR - But Sometimes C Cherry Bullet - P.O.W! (Play On the World) Crush - 미워 Ego D DALsooobin - 다나카상 TANAKA SAN DEAN - DIE 4 YOU DINO - Wait DPR IAN - Welcome To The Other Side DPR IAN - So I Danced DPR IAN - Peanut Butter & Tears Dreamcatcher - OOTD Dvwn - Highteen E ENHYPEN - Bite Me ENHYPEN - Sacrifice (Eat Me Up) ENHYPEN - Chaconne ENHYPEN - Bills Epik High ft. Hoshi - Screen Time EXO - Let Me In EXO - Hear Me Out EXO - Cream Soda F FIFTY FIFTY - Cupid fromis_9 - #menow G (G)I-DLE - Queencard (G)I-DLE - Lucid (G)I-DLE - All Night (G)I-DLE - I Want That (G)I-DLE - Eyes Roll Golden Child - Feel me GOT the Beat - Stamp On It H Han Seungwoo - Dive Into Hyolyn ft. Paul Blanco - This love I I.M - OVERDRIVE INFINITE - New Emotions Itzel - Dreaming Of The Days ITZY - BET ON ME ITZY - Kill Shot ITZY (Lia) - Blossom IVE - Kitsch IVE - I AM IVE - Blue Blood IVE - Off The Record IVE - Baddie IVE - Either Way IVE - Holy Moly J Jessi - Gum JIHYO - Killin' Me Good JIHYO - Closer JIHYO - Room JIHYO ft. Heize - Don't Wanna Go Back Jimin - Set Me Free Pt.2 Jimin - Like Crazy Jimin - Face-off JK Kim Dong Uk - Better Jinyoung - Cotton Candy K KAI - Rover KAI - Say You Love Me KAI - Sinner KARD - ICKY KEY - Killer KEY - Good & Great KEY - CoolAs L Lacuna - Wings LEE CHAEYEON - KNOCK LE SSERAFIM - Burn the Bridge LE SSERAFIM - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) LE SSERAFIM - No-Return (Into the unkown) LE SSERAFIM - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's wife LE SSERAFIM - Perfect Night Loossemble - Sensitive Loossemble - Newtopia M MISAMO - Marshmallow MISAMO - Do not touch MONSTA X - Beautiful Liar MONSTA X - Daydream MONSTA X - 춤사위 Crescendo MONSTA X - LONE RANGER MONSTA X - Deny MONSTA X - 괜찮아 It's Okay Moon Jong Up - X.O.X N NCT 127 - Ay-Yo NCT 127 - Skyscraper NCT 127 - Fact Check NCT 127 - Misty NCT 127 - Love is a Beauty NCT DOJAEJUNG - Perfume NCT DREAM - ISTJ NCT U - Baggy Jeans NCT U - PADO NewJeans - OMG NewJeans - New Jeans NewJeans - Super Shy NewJeans - ETA NewJeans - Cool With You NewJeans - Get Up NewJeans - ASAP Nine - beyOnd NMIXX - Love Me Like This NMIXX - Roller Coaster O ODD EYE CIRCLE - Air Force One ODD EYE CIRCLE - Je Ne Sais Quoi ODD EYE CIRCLE - Love Me Like ODD EYE CIRCLE - My Secret Playlist Onew - O (Circle) P P1Harmony - JUMP pH-1 ft. KEITA - Metronome Q Queenz Eye - UN-NORMAL R Red House - WOMAN Red Velvet - Chill Kill Red Velvet - Underwater Red Velvet - Will I Ever See You Again Red Velvet - Bulldozer Ryu Sujeong - Non-Fantasy Ryu Sujeong - Grabby Girl Ryu Sujeong - Love or Hate S SEVENTEEN - F*ck My Life SEVENTEEN - 손오공 Super SEVENTEEN - Fire SEVENTEEN - I Don't Understand But I Luv U SEVENTEEN - 음악의 신 God of Music SF9 - Puzzle SF9 - Love Colour SHINee - The Feeling SHOWNU X HYUNGWON - Love Me A Little SHOWNU X HYUNGWON - Slow Dance Silica Gel ft. So!YoOn! - Tik Tak Tok Silica Gel - T Silica Gel - APEX sogumm, Silica Gel - I Love You SOOJIN - 아가씨 AGASSY SOOJIN - Flowering Stray Kids - 락 LALALALA T TAEMIN - Guilty TAEMIN - The Rizzness TAEYONG - 404 File Not Found TAEYONG - Back to the Past THE BOYZ - WATCH IT TWICE - MOONLIGHT SUNRISE TWICE - SET ME FREE TWICE - BLAME IT ON ME tripleS - Rising tripleS - Colorful tripleS - The Baddest tripleS - New Look TVXQ! - Down TVXQ - Rebel TVXQ - Rodeo V V - Rainy Days VIVIZ - MANIAC VIVIZ - Untie VIVIZ - Overflow W Weeekly - VROOM VROOM Weeekly - Backwards WOODZ - Drowning WOODZ - Busted WOODZ - AMNESIA Y Yena ft. BE'O - Love War YUGYEOM - LOLO Z ZEROBASEONE - In Bloom
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ahiyashi · 1 year
About Me
Heres a little information about me.
I was born September of 1994 which makes me 29
I was born and raised somewhere in texas which besides the heat its an OK place to live.
I work as a lead in a retail foodstore (some people call it a grocery store). I've been there for almost 10 years and I adore everyone I work with. They keep the work place entertaining (teenagers)
I have a pretty large fam which consists of my mother father older sister me younger brother and younger sister. I had an older brother,but 9 years ago he passed away after being shot a year before. He did give me a wonderful neice and nephew and my older sister blessed the fam with a nephew and 3 neices.
I spend more time at work than I do anything else so having any kind of hobby is lost in me. I would like to learn how to sew and maybe get back into composing music again. I used to compose in my highschool days. I would also like to learn to paint.
School subject:
When I was a Jr high and highschool kid , I was big into choir and I was not that bad at singing. My junior year, I made my top choir.
I rarely watch TV and I'm trying to get back into anime like when I had more free time. Whatever freetime I get I'm looking at my streaming apps looking for anime to watch and I found a few to be interesting. Currently I'm waiting for season 2 of jjk. If there's any interesting anime or Manga that you like let me know. Not Naruto though I'm currently watching that one.
As a teen I enjoyed listing to the styles of bands like Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Mois, L'arc~en~ciel etc and that hasn't changed. The only difference is I added kpop to the mix. Weird combo I know, but I like it. My fave musicians are Taemin from Shinee and Mana from Moi Dix Mois
I'm not a TV person, so I haven't seen any new movies. However, that doesn't mean I haven't seen movies. My personal Faves are Queen of the Damned, Interview with a Vampire and The Crow. Brandon Lee was the best actor in my eyes and may he rest in peace. If you haven't seen any of these movies I highly recommend.
Final thoughts
If there's anything you want to know about me that is not too personal, feel free to ask. I don't bite I promise.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
People need to go through psychological tests before they enter fan calls I'm serious 😭
We need to be reincarnated as one of those Buzzfeed puppies for sure...
You're right, Exo concert is like BP comeback at this point, won't believe until we see it 😅 omg February why does it feel like he's been away for ages, same for Taem. Taemin was supposed to come back Nov 30, but since he transferred it's apparently March????? But he attended Key's concert 😍😍😍 Minho can't get married unless the partner will be ok with mr Kibum randomly calling for their husband to come see him or drive him somewhere kaydjshsjshsjaj
I wish forced enlistment wasn't a thing, cause I heard so many horrible stories and if often fucks their mental health, but it's either all or none imo. Yeah some definitely feel sense of pride, but it was clear to me my guy Lee Taemin didn't want to go and his mental state... :"( did you see that apparently Armys are going bald too?! 😬
Baeeeeek how expensive and elegant Ateez looked in that JP promo photo, though I hoped for blonde Hwa, maybe in the MV. Seonghwa and Mingi and Yeosang vision 😳😳😳 whether it's Cyberpunk or something new I'm readyyyy. (SEONGHWA'S CLEAVAGE) not ready for the solo shots
Damn Seonghwa already with a new kid, the most unlikely friendship wtf, Soul is 17 or something. Please befriend your E'Last and TO1 fan boys, they're out there crying for you 😆
Choi San Wonderland and Answer, even Inception... lmao legit Hwa cut his hair after saying he liked it, but some fans didn't 🤡 though he went pink so I can't be too mad. I won't forigve him going mushroom at the end of 2021 though, that was not it!!!
Seriously I can't keep up with the amount of magazines Skz are in, Atz had a few editorials, but not very recently, probably too busy, because I can't imagine the magazines not wanting to feature them...?!
I watch some cooking channels, mostly Korean and Japanese and try to veganise the dishes if they're not vegan already, but they never look that good. Whenever I see those cute bentos with Totoro shaped onigiri or something I cry, I want them :/
DJGAGSJAHSJWEHEH you're like "oh how's my lil dragon doing" BOOM a man on your floor 👁👁
I was so shocked it's been 3 months since Mr I'll Guard Your Body appeared. Damn they're making you do midterms when you have fics to write?! Literally
No second leads I'm traumatised bestie!
Ok but I'm high key obsessed with Hwa's knees work I've noticed it a few times already and woah work the shaky knees boy! (Aka me being fascinated with every single thing he does)
That quiz?! I'm a whole ass Moon THE MOON? Wbu?
Uhm what was Seonghwa's behaviour during today's fan signs I- a whole ass bf, very awful sight 😭 and why did they have 827373 fan calls in one day with basically the same people. Though 4 Atinys I know won, so good for them! - DV 💖
hi hello !!
People need to go through psychological tests before they enter fan calls I'm serious 😭 /// We need to be reincarnated as one of those Buzzfeed puppies for sure...
You're right, Exo concert is like BP comeback at this point, won't believe until we see it 😅 omg February why does it feel like he's been away for ages, same for Taem. Taemin was supposed to come back Nov 30, but since he transferred it's apparently March????? But he attended Key's concert 😍😍😍 Minho can't get married unless the partner will be ok with mr Kibum randomly calling for their husband to come see him or drive him somewhere kaydjshsjshsjaj
LMFAOOOOOO, LITERALLY ITS A ONCE IN A WHILE CELEBRATION ATP 😭😭😭 no, seriously it seems like baek's gone since last december ,, WAIT WHAT????? WHY WAS IT PUSHED BACK 😭😭😭😭😭😭 NAURRR BUT AT LEAST THEY COME BACK A MONTH APART FROM EACH OTHER !! we better get some r&b album from baek and a dark lore mv from taemin or we gonna have things to talk about,, HIS ROUNDASS BOBA HEAD AT THE CONCERT PLS
I wish forced enlistment wasn't a thing, cause I heard so many horrible stories and if often fucks their mental health, but it's either all or none imo. Yeah some definitely feel sense of pride, but it was clear to me my guy Lee Taemin didn't want to go and his mental state... :"( did you see that apparently Armys are going bald too?! 😬
nah that taemin thing was just like a slap in the face bc there's so so many things like that but ppl don't notice until it happens to someone significant! some ppl just love invading ppl's privacy AND ARENT U SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNIGN A MILE??? WHY ARE U TAKING PICTURES OF PPL INSTEAD,, I AM SORRY WHO????? WHAAT???
i found something that made me lose my braincells ???? this 100%
Baeeeeek how expensive and elegant Ateez looked in that JP promo photo, though I hoped for blonde Hwa, maybe in the MV. Seonghwa and Mingi and Yeosang vision 😳😳😳 whether it's Cyberpunk or something new I'm readyyyy. (SEONGHWA'S CLEAVAGE) not ready for the solo shots
Damn Seonghwa already with a new kid, the most unlikely friendship wtf, Soul is 17 or something. Please befriend your E'Last and TO1 fan boys, they're out there crying for you 😆
Choi San Wonderland and Answer, even Inception... lmao legit Hwa cut his hair after saying he liked it, but some fans didn't 🤡 though he went pink so I can't be too mad. I won't forigve him going mushroom at the end of 2021 though, that was not it!!!
my belief in choi san has left ever since he cut the long hair and the went blond and then did that itaewon class haircut,, IF NOT LONG HAIR THEN PINK IS ACCEPTABLE
and hwa,, oh he likes that etl u know he does
Seriously I can't keep up with the amount of magazines Skz are in, Atz had a few editorials, but not very recently, probably too busy, because I can't imagine the magazines not wanting to feature them...?!
NO SERIOUSLY ID BE BEGGING THEM TO DO EDITORIALS IF I WAS A COMPANY, EVERY SINGLE CONCEPT AND ALL,, omg i see skz shoots everytime on my tl and just go????? wb the yesterday one?? let me process that first 😭😭😭😭
I watch some cooking channels, mostly Korean and Japanese and try to veganise the dishes if they're not vegan already, but they never look that good. Whenever I see those cute bentos with Totoro shaped onigiri or something I cry, I want them :/
omg they never do!!! something always goes wrong, tho pajeon is so good,, the croquette's NEVER LOOK GOOD THAT CHANNEL MAKES ME FANTAZISE ABOUT THEIR FOOD SO BAD ,,, how can one look so pretty and aesthetically eatable 😭😭😭😭 STOPPPPP THOSE SEAWEED FACIAL EXPRESSIONS THEY PUT ON TOO
DJGAGSJAHSJWEHEH you're like "oh how's my lil dragon doing" BOOM a man on your floor 👁👁
LMFAOOOO THAT BE SO FUNNY BESTIE SOMEONE NEEDS TO WRITE THIS, but it;s like the yn invites the parents over for dinner during the egg is there and they all go to the living room and there's just naked man standing there 😭😭😭😭
I was so shocked it's been 3 months since Mr I'll Guard Your Body appeared. Damn they're making you do midterms when you have fics to write?! Literally
ILL GUARD YOUR BODY DFHSDKFJF ITS SO EMBARRINGING PLS ITS BEEN SO LONG I NEED TO DROP A FIC THIS IS TAKING WAYY TOO LONG BRFH, no exactly???? im writing everyday but ur making me do midterms on research methods sheesh
No second leads I'm traumatised bestie!
BUT SONG MINGI !!!! or this guy
Ok but I'm high key obsessed with Hwa's knees work I've noticed it a few times already and woah work the shaky knees boy! (Aka me being fascinated with every single thing he does)
HIS RENT WAS DUE THAT DAY,,, him and jongho!! their footwork is incredible, jongho rly does every step when some skip it but he rEALLY follows it
That quiz?! I'm a whole ass Moon THE MOON? Wbu?
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???????? take this!
Uhm what was Seonghwa's behaviour during today's fan signs I- a whole ass bf, very awful sight 😭 and why did they have 827373 fan calls in one day with basically the same people. Though 4 Atinys I know won, so good for them! - DV 💖
0 notes
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19930718 ✧ Happy Birthday ✧ Lee Taemin
Thank you for your 13 years and counting as SHINee's cute maknae, a groundbreaking performer, the most beautiful artist, and a star whose light shines so bright it compares to no one. You are a living legend, and in truth words can't explain your impact. I wish you the utmost happiness on your birthday and all days, and look forward to your return to the stage, counting down the days.
#shinee#taemin#lee taemin#dailyshinee#taeminedit#idolsincedits#mgroupsedit#ultkpopnetwork#ksoloists#boyidoledit#dailybg#*mywork#ult#i..... literally have so much love for him like truly truly who else is there like taemin?#i went thru so many ideas for his birthday in my head and in the end i was like.... okay u know what he looks so stunning in blues#let's do a blue set! so i went and asked lotta hey do u have a tutorial on multiple gifs in one canvas? bc my idea was to have like lots of#smaller gifs#but then i made that top gif just bc that shot is so striking to me i love it so much#and then i was like what if...... i just do a bunch of huge gifs that IS my brand after all#u will see THIS is aléks' taemin post right away#so i did that and then i noticed as i was working that all of them kinda had something pink to them#so i guess we call this the bisexual lighting taemin birthday set bc once i realized i leaned into that theme#i literally watched thru most of all his concerts to find the perfect shots which honestly...#i don't mind i can watch them 10000 times literally.#but just wanna say every time he performs it's so new and fresh and it's a new take on songs u've heard a thousand times before just bc#everything from performance to production to arrangements is just SO extraordinary and different from concert to concert#also i really think.... that those top and bottom gifs may be my best work to date i am so in love with them like mainly bc it's taemin but#also just because i actually truly did something there.#also shoutout to hanna for figuring out what was wrong with my code to make the gradient text not transfer to reblogs i owe u my life <3#1k
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yootaesowlwrites · 11 months
Are You Trying To Seduce Me? - Lee Taemin
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W/C: 4.2K
Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. I don’t trust y’all, so make sure you have your age in your bio/desc or something on your blog. Minors DNI.
Prompts: “Are you trying to seduce me?” + “I don’t have to be inside you to make you feel good…”
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, nudism, nicknames, pool side sex, breast play, nipple sucking, nipple licking, marking, clit stimulation, fingering, oral (female receiving), teasing, begging, unprotected sex(reader’s on the pill), overstimulation, aftercare.
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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You watch as Taemin exits the house he had rented for a week for the both of you, he was wearing his swim shorts while you were already in the pool, completely submerged in the water, only your head wasn’t submerged, and he had no idea about the swimwear you had bought right before you left for the vacation. He sits down on one of the tanning chairs and looks in your direction, a smile forms on his lips as he sees you looking at him.
“Is the water good?” He asks. You nod your head and swim towards the shallow part of the pool before making your way towards the stairs. You step out of the pool, keeping your eyes on him as you do, and watch as his eyes widen once he sees what you had chosen to wear. Your skin glistens in the sun as the water rolls down your body. “Shit… Are you trying to seduce me?” You make your way towards him and stop right in front of him, blowing the sun from shining directly not him.
“Well, that’s up to you to decide,” You say. He reaches out for you and you take a step back. “Wait, wait, what do you think of it?” You slowly turn around, letting him see everything of the swimsuit before you turned back to face him with a smile on your lips, you watch as his eyes darken and his jaw tensing.
“I think… I don’t have to be inside you to make you feel good…” He says in a low tone that caused your stomach to drop and twist. “Because fuck, the swimsuit is a bonus, but you, right now, I want to make you cum over and over again with my fingers, my mouth, both, until you’re begging for me to be inside you,” You swallow as you feel your insides twisting into a knot. “Do you want that?” You nod your head and watch as he stands from the tanning chair. He reaches out and grips your hips, pulling you against him before his lips crashed against you.
Your lips move with his, and you feel his hands sliding up your sides before they move over your back and pull at the strings of your top, his tongue slides against your lips, and you part yours to let him slip it between your lips. Your hands move to his waist and grip onto his swim shorts as you feel his tongue sliding over your tongue before moving over the roof of your mouth, your breathing was becoming harder, and it started to feel like you were running out of air. You could feel yourself growing wet the longer the kiss went on, the more you feel his hands on you as he pulls the top away from you.
“Ohh, fuck, this is a dream, I swear,” He mutters as he finally breaks away from the kiss. Your lips felt swollen, and you felt strings of saliva breaking off against your chin. “Don’t wake me if it is,” His lips press against your neck, and he sloppily kisses his way down to your chest, leaving a wet trail down your neck. His tongue flattens against your breast, and he licks around your nipple before licking a stripe towards your other nipple before taking the bud in his mouth.
“Shit, Tae…” You moan and reach up with one hand to grip the back of his head. “Fuck…” You could feel yourself growing wetter as the seconds tick by. He cups your boob and uses his thumb to rub around your nipple, making you feel it harden as you feel some parts of his nail also moving against the bud, which seems to be adding to the pleasure that was going through you. “Min… fuck, oh…” Your skin heats up, and you could feel sweat mixing in with the water droplets. “Hmm, oh…” Your fingers massage into his scalp as you feel him pull your nipple with his lips while rolling the other one between his fingers. “Fuck, fuck… Taemin…” He tugs on your nipple with his fingers, and you swore you felt the knot inside you getting tugged on as well.
“Fuck, ohh, my fucking fuck,” You breathe out. Your skin felt flushed, and you could feel your arousal starting to slip past your folds and soak into your bottoms. “Oh, my fucking…” You twist your fingers into his swim shorts and grip onto them tightly. You could feel some type of shock going down to your pussy as he keeps sucking and pulling on your nipple, you swear if he kept it up, you would cum right then and there from the pleasure you were feeling. He pulls away from your nipple with a soft popping sound and moves his hands to grip your hips.
“The little sounds you’re making, fuck, I’m getting hard,” He mutters as he takes a step back, pulling you with him, before he sits down on the tanning chair. He leans forward and presses his lips against the centre of your stomach and slowly kisses his way down, while his fingers dip into the elastic of your bottoms and push them down. His lips travel lower before pausing when he reaches the crease of your hip and begins to suck on the spot.
“Taemin, oh, my fucking fuck,” You mutter as you feel another sensation go through you. Your bottoms fall around your ankles and you step out of them carefully before pushing them aside with your foot. His hands press against your thighs and slowly moves to the inside of them as he slides his hands upwards. You step your legs apart to give him more access to your pussy before his hands pause inches away from touching it. “Fuck, Min… shit, really…” He pulls away from the crease of your hips and looks up at you as he moves to the other side. “Fuck, you’re such a tease,” He smirks at you before his lips attach to your skin and another mark is sucked into you.
“Taemin…” You moan as you feel his hands massaging into your inner thighs, you could feel your folds gently getting pulled by the action, and you knew that your arousal was now slipping past your folds with how wet you were. “Fuck, please, touch me…” He slides his hand higher, and you feel his fingers brush along your folds, feeling your juices that coated your outer folds.
“Ohh, fuck, you’re soaking wet, sweetheart,” He mutters against the crease of your hip. He softly kisses the spot before pulling away from it. “Did all my touches do that to you?” You could hear the teasing tone in his voice as he spoke.
“You know it did,” You mutter. He slides his fingers along your folds, spreading your juices more along them, before you heard a squelching sound as he pulls them apart. “Ohh, fuck…” He could see your chest rising and falling as you were taking in several deep breaths.
“It makes me so glad to know I have this effect on you, baby,” He says. His fingers slip past your folds and press against your inner folds before slowly sliding along your pussy. You could hear your wetness sloshing as he drags his fingers through it. “Just hearing how wet you were, I just want to bury myself inside you,” His fingers reach your clit, and he slowly rubs over the bundle of nerves.
“Fuck,” You gasp as your body jolts and shockwaves go up your spine. “Tae… Fuck, Taemin,” His fingers slowly slide over the nub, and you could feel the tension growing inside you, getting tighter and bigger. Your lids flutter before they completely shut at the blissful feeling going through your veins, you couldn’t even describe how it felt. “Min… Min…” You feel two of his fingers sliding along the side of your clit before you felt him roll the bundle of nerves between his fingers. “Ohh, fuck, fuck,” You could feel your legs wanting to twitch and your knees wanting to bend as the feeling goes down them. “Shit…”
“Tell me if you feel like you’re going to fall,” He says. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself when I’m trying to make you feel so good,” You feel him roll the nub between his fingers again, and it took everything inside you to keep standing as you felt a jolt going down your legs again. “You just look so good… fuck,” He tugs on the bundle of nerves before releasing it and pressing his fingers against it again.
“Miiinnnnn,” You whine as you feel him rubbing figure eights over it. “Fuck, it’s so good…” You could feel your high creeping closer and closer, your skin was heating up even more, and you could feel your legs wanting to give out underneath you. “Min…” He presses down hard against your clit, making your back arch and your head fall back. “FUCK, Taemin, fuck…” He slides his fingers away from your clit, and you could feel them getting closer to your entrance. “Taemin, oh, fuck…” You feel him slip two digits inside you, the loud sucking sound of your wetness goes through the air as his fingers easily slip into you.
“Fuck, you’re so soaked, you can easily take three fingers,” He says. He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of you, making you feel just how wet you were. “Let’s see if you can,” You feel a third digit slipping into you and his fingers move slightly faster. “Fuck, you really can.”
“Fuck, Taemin, oh, fucking…” You moan and curl your toes into the ground. Sweat mixes in with the pool water dripping down your press. “Ohh, my fuck…” You could see specs of dust forming behind your lids as you were nearing your high. “Taemin, T-Taemin…” You could feel a tingling sensation going up your spine and your legs threatening to collapse beneath you. “SHIT!” He had pressed the heel of his palm against your clit and rubbed against your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. Your grip on his hair tightens, and you tug on it, pulling his head backwards as you were inching closer to your high. “Fuck, Taemin…”
“TAEMIN!” You suddenly cry out as you feel the tension snapping inside you. You bring your other hand to his shoulders to grip him and lean forward as you go through your high, your mind felt like it was floating through the clouds as ecstasy goes through your body. “TAEMIN, OH, MY FUCK!” You were in absolute bliss. His fingers rapidly pump in and out of you to get you through your high, and he could see your legs shaking. “FUCK, SO GOOD, OH, MY FUCKING!” You could feel the feeling slowly begin to subside as you begin to come down from the high, his fingers disappearing from inside you along with the heel of his palm against your clit. “Fuck… Min…”
Your hand releases his shoulder and his hair as you feel him lean backwards, you slowly open your eyes and watch as he gets up from the tanning chair with a towel in his hand. He moves past you, and you hear the sound of the towel being thrown open before you felt his hands on your hips and his warmth pressing against your back, making you lean right into it.
“Come, lay down,” He mutters into your ear, and gently kisses the back of your neck. You slowly turn around and move towards the towel, and carefully lay down with help from him. Once you were laying on the towel, he moves back towards the tanning chairs and grabs one of the pillows that were on it. “Lift those pretty hips for me,” You bend your knees and press your feet into the ground and lift your hips, and he positions the pillow underneath them to elevate them slightly. “Good girl,” He moves between your legs, and settles on his knees between them. You feel his fingers spread your folds before you feel his hair tickling the inside of your thighs.
“Tae… Tae… Taaaeee,” You whine as you feel his hot breath against your folds. “Oh, fucking, shit…” His tongue presses against your pussy, and you feel him licking a stripe upwards along it until he reaches your clit and slowly licks over the bundle of nerves. “TAEMIN!” You could feel your legs shaking and your toes already curling into the towel. “FUCK!” You press your knees together, pushing his head even more against your pussy as they press against the side of his head. “Fuck, fuck,” His arms wrap around your thighs and his hands grip onto them firmly as he licks back down your pussy and towards your slit.
“Fuck, Taemin…” You whimper and squeeze your eyes shut as you hear him lapping at your juices and swallowing them as well. “Fuck, fuck… shit,” Your mind was spinning from everything you were feeling and experiencing with him. You feel his tongue brushing against your entrance as he laps at your arousal. “Fuck… fuck,” Your hips slightly bucking each time as you felt his warm tongue against your slit. You feel his nose brushing against your clit and feel his hot breath blowing against your pussy before his tongue was sliding back to your clit.
“TAEMIN!” You reach down and grip his hair, twisting his locks around your fingers as you do. You could hear him breathing loudly against your mound as his tongue reaches your clit. “Fuck, oh, my fucking… shit, T-Taemin,” His lips wrap around your clit and you feel your muscles tensing. “Taemin, Oh, my fuck, I’m gonna… Taemin, Tae-Taemin,” You stutter out as you feel him sucking on the bundle of nerves. You feel the tip of his tongue pressing against your clit before feeling him play with it. “Ohh, my fucking… Taemin, shit, that feels so… ohhh, my fuck,” You could feel a hot tingling feeling slowly going up your legs and towards the knot that was building inside you again.
“Taaaeeemmiiiinnn,” You could feel your back sticking to the towel each time you arched it the slightest bit. You pull on his hair as you feel him begin to suck on the nub again, and it felt like he was sucking right at the knot of tension inside you. “Ohh, my fucking…” You turn your head from side to side as you feel pleasure pumping through your veins. “Fucking… FUCK!” You lift your hips and push your pussy against his face even more before you slowly lower them back against the pillow. “Taemin, it’s so good…” He releases your clit, and you feel his nose brush against your clit before you feel his tongue pushing against your slit. “Shit, fuck, shit…” Your eyes roll to the back of your head behind your shut lids as you feel him pushing his tongue inside you.
“FUCK, Taemin, oh, my fucking…” You cry out as you feel tears starting to form in the corner of your eyes. “Fuck, I’m gonna… Taemin, I swear, I’m…” You feel his tongue move inside you, and you swear you felt your insides taking another dip as the tension inside you only gets tighter. “Fuck…” His nose rubs against your clit, and you could feel a slight stimulation from it as you see stars starting to form behind your lids. “Tae… I’m close…” His tongue dips in and out of you, making your walls clench involuntarily at the sensation. “Taemin… Taaeemmiiinnn,” He flattens his tongue against your pussy and licks a long, thick stripe along your pussy before reaching your clit again. “Oh, fuck, oh, shit… OH!” Your back arches and stars dance behind your lids as the tension inside you snaps once you felt the rough texture of his tongue reaching your clit.
“TAEMIN, OH, MY FUCKING!” You cry out in pleasure. You bring your free hand up to your face and grab onto your head for a second before you stretch it out above you. “FUCK, OH, MY FUCKING!” You could feel pleasure coursing through your entire body as it shakes with ecstasy. Your mind felt like it was flying high in the sky, while your body felt light for a few minutes. “FUCK, fuck, Taemin, oh, my fucking,” you were a blubbering mess as drool spills from the corner of your mouth and tears from your eyes. “Shit, FUCK, TAEMINNN!” You were just starting to come down from your high and your body was slowly starting to stop shaking when you felt him pushing three digits inside you, when had his hand released your thigh?
“TAEMIN, OH, MY FUCK!” You cry as you feel another orgasm immediately building as you feel his lips wrap around your clit. “FUCK, FUCK, TAEMIN!” Your mind felt mush from all the pleasure you were experiencing, “INSIDE, I WANT YOU INSIDE!” You weren’t sure how many more orgasms you could take or handle, and you just wanted to feel his cock inside you. “PLEASE, FUCK ME, I NEED YOU, FUCK!” You slam your hand against the towel before twisting the fabric between your fingers. “I WANT YOU INSIDE ME, FUCK, PLEASE, TAE!” Your upper body twists to the side from the pleasure going through you as you feel the tension inside you rapidly build. You weren’t going to last another minute.
“PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, MIN!” You cry out as you pull at the towel and at his hair. “FUCK, PLEASE, I NEED YOU INSIDE ME, I WANT YOU INSIDE ME!” You didn’t care how desperate you sounded while begging for him, for his cock, you just needed him. “OHH, OHH UH, HMM!” You press your head harder against the ground as you feel another orgasm rip through your body, and your mind was thrown into the clouds while your body floats on cloud nine while shaking with ecstasy. “TAAAEEEMMMMIIINNN!” Your feet were starting to hurt from how long you’ve had your toes curled, your skin was completely soaked in sweat now.
He releases the bundle of nerves from his lips and lifts his head away from your pussy, your legs slowly relax as you pull your legs away from his head. He turns his head, and you feel a wet kiss being left behind on your inner thigh before you feel him leaving a trail towards your knee before he pulls his head away while licking his lips clean, and loudly too. He slides his fingers out from inside you, and you were quickly aware of how sensitive you were, and you were aware of the heartbeat thumping in your clit. His arm unwraps from around your thigh, and you feel his body heat disappear from between your legs, forcing you to release the grip you had on his hair.
“Tae…” You breathe out. You could hear the sound of fabric being removed and assumed he was removing his shorts while you were trying to catch your breath and gather your thoughts.
“Fuck, you’re a soaking mess, there,” He mutters. He wraps his hand around his cock and pumps his length a few times, spreading his arousal that’s been gathering at the tip of his cock over his girth. “Fuck… So hot, baby,” He moves back between your legs, and you couldn’t help but let out a whimper.
“Tae, I’m so fucking sensitive right now…” You mutter. Your heart was just starting to calm down, but you could feel it pick right back up again at his touch. “I’m gonna cum immediately when you push inside me,” He places his hands on your knees as he moves closer to you. “Tae…”
“I know, baby, I know,” He mumbles. You watch as he moves even closer to you, you feel his cock near your pussy, and he moves one of his hands to his cock. “I know, but I want to be inside you, do you want that?” He slowly slides his hand up and down along his length, he could already feel his balls tightening and knew he probably had too much fun making you come undone. “I won’t do it if you say no right now.”
“Hmpf, Taemin, fuck,” You mutter. “Fuck, I wanna feel you inside me,” Your body jolts as you feel him slide his cock between your folds, and slowly coat his member with your juices. “Tae-Taemin…” You feel the head of his cock push against your entrance and your muscles instantly tense up as you feel him starting to push. “Fuck, Fuck, Taemin!” You feel your legs starting to shake as his cock slides deeper into you.
“Ohh, uhmm, fuck, fuck, your walls…” He groans as he feels them clench around him. He pauses for a moment and lets you calm down before he pushes himself further into you. You feel a knot growing inside you, and you could only count down the seconds before your high would hit you again. He leans over you and presses his hands against the ground, and slowly continues pushing into you.
“FUCK, Taemin, Taemin…” You moan. You were sensitive and the way his cock was sliding along your walls and rubbing every spot inside you. “FUCK!” Your back aches and your hips buck upwards, causing his cock to push inside you with one quick movement and causing the tension inside you to snap. Your body shakes as you turn your head from side to side in absolute bliss. “TAEMIN!” Your mind felt completely mushed as you were going through another high. “FUCK, FUCKING!” The sound of your wetness was loud as he begins thrusting in and out of you, your moans and his groans mix in together.
“Fuck, you’re just… fuck,” He grunts out. Your inner thighs were soaked with your arousal as it splatters against them with each thrust he gives, he could feel his thighs becoming coated with your arousal as well. “Fuck… fuck, so good, hmm, you’re taking is so good, baby,” You swear you were just having orgasm after orgasm at this point, you weren’t even sure if you’d come down from your last high when you felt another crash into you.
“TAEMIN, OH, MY FUCK!” You cry out, pulling at the towel even more. You blindly reach out for him and manage to grab onto his biceps and squeeze down on it. “FUCK, FUCK!” You weren’t sure if you were able to handle it anymore, it started to feel like your pussy was growing numb. “TAEMIN!”
“I’m getting close,” He groans. “I waited too long, I’m gonna cum soon, baby,” He could feel his balls tightening even more. “Fuck… Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” You could feel his thrusts becoming sloppy as he was getting closer and closer to his release, that’s when you felt another high course through your veins, causing your entire body to stiffen.
“OH UH HMM FUCK!” You moan. You feel his hips falter against yours before he suddenly pauses against you, and he buries his head in the crook of your neck. He could feel your body shaking against his, but within just a few seconds, a release hits him and hot ropes of cum spill into you, filling your sopping hole. He keeps himself against you, forcing himself to not move as he comes undone above you. “FUCK, TAEMIN!” His stomach muscles twitch and pull as he goes through his orgasm. “Tae…” It becomes quiet between you both as you ascend from the highs you just had, your heart drumming loudly in your ears as you try to catch your breath and gather your mushed thoughts.
You could feel him breathing loudly against your neck, and you could hear it also, sweat coated his skin, and you could feel his skin sliding against yours each time either of you breathed. You felt completely spent and like you could sleep for days from everything that you’ve been through. You feel him slowly move away from you before you hear him groan as he sits upright on his knees. You slowly open your eyes and look at him as the sun shines down against his skin, making it glisten from the sweat coating him.
“Fuck, Taemin…” You mutter. You feel his cock sliding out from you, making you whimper and whine at the feeling, you feel your mixed releases spilling from you and spilling down your ass and onto the pillow, you were still on top of. You lift your hips slightly, and he pulls the pillow from you before you lay down, you extend your legs, and you let out a sigh.
“Let me go toss this in the washing room, and then bring a towel to clean you with,” He says. You only nod your head, your throat feeling sore from all the screaming you had done for him. He gets up from the ground and moves past you and into the house, it only took a few moments before he was back with a towel in and kneeling next to you and carefully cleaning your thighs. “Did you enjoy it?”
“Hmm…” You hum. He carefully moves high and slowly cleans your folds, you could hear the squelching sound coming from you as he does.
“Can you walk?” He asks. He pulls the towel away before looking towards the umbrella that was open. “Let me move the umbrella here, so you don’t get a worse sunburn,” Your eyes shut from tiredness, and you hear him pull the umbrella closer to you and moments later you feel the shade over you too. You feel a cool breeze blow against your skin as you begin to fall asleep. “Next time… We should do it inside.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
Kkoongie And Baby Girl ~ Lee Taemin
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The smiles on both of your faces grew as soon as Kkoongie came running through the house to see that the two, or three, of you were home. After days of being cared for by Taemin’s parents, she couldn’t wait to have you both back and gather your attention again.
“Did you miss us?” Taemin grinned, kneeling down to tickle his knuckles against the side of her face, giving you the space that you needed to walk in with the baby carrier in hand.
You sat down on the sofa once you were there, placing the carrier down on the floor beside you. The new item in your home immediately caught Kkoongie’s attention as she left Taemin’s side and moved through the room, with intrigue getting the better of her as always.
Her cheeks rubbed against the edges of the carrier several times, sniffing around it too as she tried to figure it out. However, as you reached in and took your new-born daughter out, that was really when her attention was captured, eyes studying what you did very closely.
Taemin watched on from a distance as you slowly lowered your daughter down in your hold so that Kkoongie to take a closer look. “She seems so confused,” Taemin laughed as Kkoongie walked all around your daughter, held tightly in your hold.
“I can’t quite figure out whether she likes her or not just yet.”
“She definitely seems as if she’s trying to grasp Y/D/N’s scent, her little nose is going crazy.”
As Kkoongie seemed to settle, you placed your daughter down on the carpet, keeping a close eye on things as Kkoongie took a few steps towards her straight away.
She explored everything as your daughter stared back at her with wide eyes, a little confused as to what was going on. Everything was new for her as you finally got to bring her home, taking it all in with her eyes flickering all around the room.
Once the two of them seemed to relax a little, Taemin came across to join you on the sofa too. His arm draped over your shoulders as you watched Kkoongie, making sure that nothing happened as she finally stopped sniffing around your daughter.
“It seems like Kkoongie’s taken quite a liking to Y/D/N’s feet.”
“The nurse did say that she’d avoid her face.”
Taemin nodded back at you with a proud smile, “it’s early days, but it seems like we might have a new set of best friends on our hands.”
In the blink of an eye, Kkoongie seemed to settle, curling up around your daughter’s feet where she laid. The feeling of soft fur tickling against the sole of her foot had your daughter excited, although a little confused too as to what the sudden sensation was.
“Kkoongie seems happy now, but just imagine what it’ll be like when Y/D/N is able to start stroking and playing with her,” you laughed back across to Taemin, “these two could be carnage.”
“We definitely can’t leave them alone,” he chuckled, “who knows what mess we’ll come back to.”
Your head nodded in agreement with him as you glanced back down at them both, with Kkoongie seemingly moments away from a deep sleep, your daughter didn’t seem too far away either.
“I wonder if she recognises any of the scent form your bump,” Taemin whispered, stunned by how easily Kkoongie took to your daughter, knowing just how shy she usually got around new people, “she loved your baby bump.”
“I feel kind of bad that she doesn’t have a bump to cuddle up to at night now,” you responded, looking down to your stomach where your bump had somewhat disappeared.
Taemin’s hand moved down to rest over it as he followed your gaze, offering you a reassuring smile. “I still think that she’ll cuddle up to you at night, she didn’t leave your side at all during those nine months, she doesn’t know any different now.”
Despite her small stature, Kkoongie had definitely been your biggest protector whilst you were pregnant. Just about every night she could be found on your bed, usually lying in between the two of you, curled up around your bump as best as she could, often leaving Taemin with no choice but to lay away from you.
It was almost as if the two of them had been together for years as you looked back down at them both. “I think we’ll have to be careful about Kkoongie leaping into bed with Y/D/N, not us.”
“The midwife did say that the cot would be quite appealing to Kkoongie,” you reminded Taemin¸ “I give it less than a day before we find her asleep in the baby carrier at some point, she won’t be able to ignore how cosy that is.
Comfort was something that Kkoongie loved, and around your apartment she got plenty of it. But it was the items that you had bought whilst you waited for your daughter to arrive that she really took a liking too, sleeping on many of them constantly.
“I think the four of us are going to be just fine,” Taemin whispered, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as you both shifted to look at the two of them sleeping on the carpet, “I don’t know why we ever worried about how Kkoongie would react with a baby.”
Your head nodded in agreement as your smile grew. It was one of the things that had worried you the most over the past nine months, but as you watched the two of them sleep closely to each other, you couldn’t believe why you ever fretted.
You always knew how kind Kkoongie was, but never did you imagine her to be as sweet and protective as she was around your daughter, embracing the new-born scent.
“I feel like I won the lottery.”
Your eyes flickered across to Taemin as he spoke, noticing how serious he was by the look in his eyes. “Can you believe that this is our family now?” You asked, wishing that you could stay in the bubble that you found yourselves in forever.
Things had gone better than either of you could have imagined, you’d hoped that with a bit of time the two of them would bond, but it already seemed like they’d been together for years. Luckily for you both, Kkoongie took to your daughter straight away, but after sleeping on most of her things for the past nine months, really it was the least that she could do.
“We’re going to have to take a photo of this,” Taemin told you, fumbling around for his phone, “I want everyone to see how cute the two of them are, my mum especially is going to go crazy at seeing this.”
“I bet the boys will adore it too.”
“They’ll be annoyed that we’re home and haven’t invited them round to meet Y/D/N yet,” he assured you, “if they had it their way, they probably would have been in the room with you when Y/D/N arrived.”
Your eyes rolled at how eager the boys were, somehow you knew that they’d find a way to be upset that Kkoongie had met your daughter before they had.
“I don’t want to move either of them,” Taemin told you as he quietly took a photo, “I just want them to stay like this forever and be the best of friends. I always saw photos of animals and babies, but I never imagined how cute it would be in real life.”
“Why do I feel like your phone is going to be filled with Kkoongie and Y/D/N photos in no time at all?” You quizzed, knowing exactly what Taemin was like.
His eyes went wide back across at you, “can you blame me when the two of them already look pretty adorable? And they’re only going to get cuter too.”
“I have to admit, they do look adorable right now.”
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bowieisworried · 3 years
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Taemin in 540px - 32 of 548
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aurorasillusion · 3 years
submissions update hub groups masterlist
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*none yet*
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*none yet*
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☆ MY dumbass (GN)
Minho falls in love with a dumbass. SFW prompt 13
☆ La petite mort (M)
Minho wakes you up in a special way. 18+
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*none yet*
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GN = Gender Neutral Reader (M) = Mature
↳ request masterlist ↳ AO3
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elvencantation · 3 years
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Don’t Call Me, 2021
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anabsolutemyth · 2 years
Training Lee Taemin
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Characters/Pairings: Key, Taemin, Reader / Taemin x Reader
Content: Prologue to smut. Very brief flash-forward implying exhibitionism. Due to later (planned) chapters, Reader uses she/her pronouns and has breasts and a vagina.
Word Count: 1727
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With your hand held against the back of his neck, you gently pushed him towards the window. Taemin was nervous, you could tell, but you could sense another emotion: excitement. These kinds of feelings were perfectly reasonable when meeting someone for the first time, as he was with you, however most first meetings didn't escalate to being displayed naked against a floor-to-ceiling window for every soul in Seoul to see.
Kim Kibum: Shinee's attitude in a Gucci suit, a man who knows how to navigate life, and your good friend. Lee Taemin: Shinee's feckless maknae, a man who would bake a cake after decorating it, and Kibum's current headache.
The pair had dinner at Key's house and followed it up with some straight-to-video film that was on TV, complete with one or two too many bottles of beer and soju. Conversation eventually turned to sex, with the nation's maknae, inhibitions lowered, boldly asking his groupmate a very loaded question:
"Hyung, I want to try so many things but I don't feel like I can trust anyone enough," Taemin paused briefly to put on his best puppy-dog eyes, ready to strike, "could you help me?"
If the fine mist of soju that violently sprayed from Key's mouth was anything to go by, he had not been expecting to hear that question.
"Ya! What do you mean 'Could you help me?', I'm not going to be your personal sex toy!"
"Hyuuung!" If puppy-dog eyes didn't work then Taemin was willing to whine. "It's nothing crazy, just-" Taemin had been attempting to reach for Key's arm to try and calm him but Key had essentially launched himself up from the sofa.
"Nope," he said, fishing his phone out of his pocket before throwing up his hands in front of him, acting as an entirely ineffective shield against Taemin's proposal, "No, Taemin. Don't even think of finishing that sentence." Before Taemin could protest, Key reluctantly offered an alternative, “Look, I’m friends with someone who might be willing to help you, but I’ll need you to explain exactly what you want or she’ll not entertain you.”
Taemin sat back as Kibum scrolled through his phone, clearly looking for something.
"Here," Kibum handed his phone over to Taemin, "would you let her help you?"
Taemin looked at the picture on the screen, your picture, and fairly quickly made up his mind.
"Yeah. Cute, sexy, kind of intimidating... you gonna hook me up for a date with her?"
There was an awkward look on Key's face as Taemin handed the phone back, one that Taemin couldn't quite figure out.
"Well..." Key started hesitantly, "I think she calls them 'sessions'. But before you start thinking she’s a prostitute, she’s not, she just... she has a lot of experience and enjoys widening people’s horizons."
Sitting down next to his groupmate, Key could see the confusion and apprehension painted on Taemin's face. He got it, of course he did, the ideal way to explore your sexuality isn't with a stranger, it's with someone you have a connection with, but the industry they were in made things difficult.
He sighed gently as he placed a comforting hand on Taemin's leg, "I promise you, you will not regret it if you give it a shot Taem." His voice was gentle now, speaking as a concerned older brother, "She already has a bunch of loyal clients, mostly in our industry, so she's trustworthy. If you tried to find anyone else, you'd be walking into a minefield of NDA's and paranoia."
Taemin thought over what was said, considering if he really wanted to go to such lengths to discover what he might like. Then he imagined the woman in the picture guiding him through all of his innermost fantasies and his decision was made.
"Ok. I'll give it a try."
"Good!" Key patted his leg as he got up from the sofa to find some paper and a pen, "Come on and we'll get a list of your kinky fucking fantasies drawn up so I can text her and see if she'll take you on."
"If?!" The maknae was indignant, how very dare Key insinuate that someone might not want to have the Lee Taemin experience. "What do you mean 'if'?", he questioned, following briskly behind Key towards the kitchen island of his open-plan apartment.
"She's picky, ok?" Key sat down at the island, scribbling 'Taeminnie's Kink List' at the top of the notepad he'd found, as Taemin settled next to him, looking like his pride had suffered a mortal wound. "Look, don't breathe a word of this to anyone but she even turned down Eunwoo and Taehyung. That's how selective she is."
The next hour passed in a flurry of awkward looks, flushed cheeks, fidgeting hands, and hushed words stumbling out of Lee Taemin's mouth. More than once Key doubled over laughing, pointing out to Taemin:
"How the fuck did you expect me to do this stuff to you if you can't even say it in front of me!"
Eventually though, they had a list. Probably not a finished list, there were certainly a few things that had slipped Taemin's mind, but it was a starting point. They double-checked it before taking the last step of sending it:
Taeminnie's Kink List
Masochism Exhibitionism Bondage Being dominated (almost illegible as Key wrote through a fit of giggles) Pegging (a massive line flying off the page as Taemin slapped Key on the back for his giggles turning into cackling) Sadism and domination (definitely not brought on by Taemin's growing desire to murder his hyung for laughing at him)
Next was a genuine question from Key, "What picture should I send to her?" Before any answer could be given, he rattled on, "How about that foot pic you sent on Bubble?"
"No! She'll think I'm a weirdo that's into feet!"
Key side-eyed Taemin, weighing him up with a nonchalant shrug.
"Maybe you are into feet, who knows anymore. I feel like I'm sitting next to a perverted stranger."
The teasing continued, with Taemin unsuccessfully launching at Key on more than one occasion, drunkenness and tiredness slowing him down. They settled on sending a post-schedule selca for the added edge that copious amounts of eyeshadow provided, and spent 20 minutes trying to piece together the best way to tout Taemin as the world's most sought-after kink-student. In the end though, Key grew tired of trying and sent the most low-effort set of messages known to man:
Key: Hey K:
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Y/N: Hi Y: Why are you sending me a picture of Taemin at 2am?
K: Taeminnie's Kink List
Masochism Exhibitionism Bondage Being dominated Pegging Sadism and domination K: Will you take him?
Minutes passed with Taemin sighing nervously, pouting at Kibum as if he could make a reply come quicker.
Y: Did you tell him what I do and show him what I look like?
K: Yep
The reply was almost instant this time.
Y: And he wants to come to me for this?
K: Yes
Again, minutes passed, tension building in Taemin's stomach.
Y: Alright then, I'll take him. Send me his number and I'll sort something out in the morning
Taemin woke the next morning, slightly hungover, thankfully in his own bed. Groggy, bleary-eyed and still lying with the duvet pulled up to his nose, he reached out for his phone on the bedside table. Two new messages. One, from Key, asking if he got home safely and reminding him of their schedule in the evening, and the second from an unknown number. He had to strain to read the message, eyes deciding now was the time to try and go back to sleep, but he managed to piece together the fragments he caught.
Y: Hello, a mutual friend passed your number to me because you were interested in some sessions. Confirm your name for me if you are still interested.
The realisation wasn't sudden, there was no lightbulb moment. It was a slow burn of recognition as he pulled out the memories of the night before: propositioning Key, Key setting him up with someone, making a list. He texted back once his brain kicked into gear.
T: Hi, Lee Taemin T: I'm still interested T: Can I get your name?
He realised too late that asking this probably went against some kink-code he didn't know about.
T: I'm sorry, should I call you Miss? T: Or Mistress?
At the end of the phone receiving this flurry of awkward messages was you, smirking at the endearing clumsiness of this man's words.
Y: My name's Y/N, you can stick to that unless we're in a session where something else is needed
You could see the messaging app telling you that Taemin was typing and, as much as you would've loved to see the level of cringe he could come up with, you decided to put the poor boy out of his misery.
Y: For the first session I always leave the choice of experience up to the client. Let me know what you would like to start with, or at least if you want to start with a sub/dom role, and when you're free.
Considering Taemin's bumbling start to your conversation, you assumed he would choose to start with being submissive. It was at this point that you changed his name in your contacts list, as you did with all your clients to protect their identities, to 'bub'. It was close enough to his fan-given nickname of 6v6 to remind you who it was without being easy for anyone else to guess.
bub is typing...
T: I don't know where to start... but I want to be the sub T: If that's how you say it T: And I'm free tomorrow. Is that ok? Early evening?
Y: Tomorrow at 6, I'll send you my address in the morning. Wear something comfortable and bring your most recent test results, if you don't have anything recent then we'll need to arrange one for the next session. Think about a safeword you would like to use as well, something short and clear.
Taemin stared at the last message on his phone for what seemed like an age until his phone broke him out of his reverie by shutting off the screen. He slumped back into his pillow, muttering to himself,
“Safe word...”
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