#left el out for once shes my default lol
garaviel · 4 months
@leviiackrman tagged me in this picrew!!! Thank you!!!
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1. Nadaya (KotOR Revan) 2. Zenith (Xmen)
3. Maura Hawke (DA2) 4. Tara Hawke (DA2)
5. Dania (VtMB) 6. Hana (FNV)
7. Surion (Destiny) 8. Solana (misc, og marvel)
9. Eva (og Firefly, misc now) 10. Vinia (BG3)
Tagging: @n7viper @bastila @aelyosos @maxim-a @karthonic @hag-darling @sidprescot @grin-unsettling @sithrightsactivist @elfgremlin and whoever wants to show off great ocs bc i love them all idc bring em on!!! Sorry if i forgot a tag. brain mush today đź’ś
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dragongutsixofficial · 1 year
I was thinking about Dorothea singing Edelgard back to sleep after a nightmare and now I'm curious about what your Edelgard's relationship with Siyn looks like
Thanks so much for the ask !! ^^ I have to note that I'll have to elaborate more on Siyn to answer that to the best of my abilities. Here we go:
First off, one important thing about Siyn is that like all Byleth-s, she has always been motivated by love and her desire to connect with others. At the same time, she has never really had the occasion to connect with her own emotions and learn what they meant before the Academy- first off because they were a bit tuned down from the start (what's with Sothis and all that), but also because she grew up pretty isolated with a father who definitely didn't know how to care for an autistic child (sorry Jeralt xD). So, she's kind of always wanted to get the occasion to develop meaningful relationships before she knew she did, although she's always struggled with analyzing her own feelings in the first place. She was actually a bit miserable and numb alone.
So, when she finally got the chance to be around new people, people whose safety and lives she was entrusted with, this new responsibility gave her wings (of the hegemon, lol). Her students were people her own age, who didn't judge her because she was aloof or ignorant of fodlanese history; and they confided in her because they trusted that they could rely on her. She felt true happiness for the first time and immediately fell head-over-heels for them. And within them… was Edelgard, of course. Edelgard, who slowly started to think of Byleth as one of the rare people she could possibly rely on later on- as she felt safe enough to start sharing her past trauma with her.
Their bound grew a lot stronger during their year at the Academy, due to the trust they both developed in each other and the obvious care Siyn has for her students. She was never afraid to give Edelgard responsibilities in battle, and they still often function as battling partners (with Siyn delegating to her): but most of all, she always went out of her way to meet with her students whenever she had the time. One of my funny little headcanons about her is that Siyn always has a few owl feathers in her pocket in case someone needs it- which makes for the funny sight of the professor collecting anything she sees in the dirt and keeping it as a potential gift. And the second she found out Edelgard liked teddy bears, it was over. She buys Edelgard a different teddy bear at least once a month, without fail: an habit that she developed during White Clouds and keeps going throughout their relationship. On another funny note, Siyn is a BIG tea lover, and actually starts learning fire magic as a way to heat up her cold cups of tea. Since she goes out to drink tea with Edelgard at any possible occasion, bergamot quickly became her default blend, which Edelgard took to mean that it was also the professor's favorite. But… Siyn doesn't even really like the taste of bergamot tea. When asked, however, she is adamant that it is her favorite, because she has so many good memories and emotions affiliated with her teatimes with El. And she doesn't understand why Edelgard is (affectionately) mad at her when she finds out Siyn dislikes the taste of bergamot well after the war, nor why she starts making her try every tea under the sun to find her real favorite.
A pretty weird point in their relationship would be when Siyn straight out says yes to joining the Flame Emperor, because so far she isn't a big fan of the Church which admittedly likes to kill people a bit too easily for her taste. She doesn't yet know what that mysterious figure wants, however she figures that they might have a point. This makes for a pretty interesting exchange when Edelgard not so subtly asks her if she was serious, and she flat-out tells her that yes, and why would she lie. El is left confused by the whole situation, but a little more hopeful. In the meantime, she is more than happy to let herself relax a little and hang out with her professor as she gives out scrapes of her unfinished meals to the monastery animals.
I might also be one of the rare people who loved Edelgard's little wake-up speech at Jeralt's death, and I believe it helped Siyn a lot : a mix between hearing about how it was possible to keep going from a person who had lost so much, but also realizing that if she wasn't there to protect her kids, she might lose them as well. It was a little bit of clarity at a time where she was experiencing extremely strong and unfamiliar emotions due to grief that she didn't know how to process or even express verbally. Maybe she could find solace in her sense of purpose (and then, spend as much time as possible with her student and dear friend before she leaves the Academy to rule in Enbarr).
The real drama in Siyn's character development comes after she fuses with Sothis, whose powers she accepted with the sole aim of going back to her students as fast as possible. She doesn't have a lot of time to think about it on the spot, but… then there's Rhea. Personally speaking, the scene where she sings to a barely conscious Byleth has always sent shivers down my spine (though I totally understand that's not the case for other players ofc!). And that overt change in the Archbishop's behavior (like the first time she engages in physical contact without asking for Siyn's permission, which makes her feel very uncomfortable) hammers it in that something within her has changed. At the precise moment where Siyn had become a person she really did like being. Her hair changing colors and Rhea's whole plan to put her in the prophet outfit and make her have a "divine revelation" worsen Siyn's state : is she really herself anymore ? was she ever meant to be her own person ? The wave of relief when she feels nothing happen on the throne is cut short by Edelgard going full Revolution™, and she finds it so hard to wrap her head around the whole situation that she follows the movement and defeats her in combat.
And then… Rhea asks her to kill Edelgard.
Edelgard, the brave girl who bared her heart to Siyn in her darkest moments. The brave girl who, even though she herself struggled with control issues, always trusted her to protect the Black Eagles and trusted in her decisions. The same Black Eagles who had become her family, who had given her the chance to truly exist as herself for the first time.
It was never a choice.
Siyn protects Edelgard.
Rhea breaks down. Admits that she was just another failure. That she will take back her heart herself, no matter the cost. The class manages to get away.
And then, all of a sudden, it's them against the world.
Edelgard is in absolute disbelief over Siyn caring enough to choose to walk her crimson path, but her teacher won't hear any of it. I think it's the first time El realizes how much she means to Siyn… and that she won't ever give her up. At that moment, she starts, slowly, to truly fall for her: although she doesn't realize it fully on the spot.
All the while, Rhea's words gnaw at the corners of Siyn's minds, but she can't dwell on them. She must protect Edelgard. She's been ready to die for her - for any of them, really- for a long time now.
And then, she falls.
Absence makes the heart fonder, they say. That certainly is the case for Edelgard: during those five years, she realizes that the way she feels about Siyn might be romantic. Siyn falls for Edelgard almost immediately after coming back: seeing how much Edelgard has changed, how much she missed her, how courageous and brave she still is after all this time- it makes her feel a way she's never felt before. There's pride, affection, but something else she can't understand. Something she doesn't feel for anyone else. Something that makes her melt and hug back when Edelgard holds her, instead of making her uncomfortable. Reunited, the both of them turn their focus towards the war at hand.
Siyn struggles a lot during this time period with her sense of self and her self-esteem starts plummeting. She starts resenting her divine powers and stops using the Sword of the Creator. Starts wondering if Sothis is gonna completely take over at some point. Starts wondering if it would be better this way; after all, didn't her failure to protect her students put them through five years of unneeded suffering ? It's only after she ends up breaking down again, and has to at least try to communicate her feelings because everyone is getting worried about her, that she starts realizing that… her and her students' relationship isn't a one-way street. They're here for her, too. Edelgard is here for her. And though it's complicated, she starts slowly getting better and trying to convey her feelings to people more, as well as understand them. Slowly, that leads her to accept her divine part, starts being more sure of herself and starts to think about the future- about her future.
She's still pretty clueless about the nature of her attraction to Edelgard. But she knows that no matter how, she wants to spend every day in her company, and make her laugh, and give her the leisurely sweets-filled days she deserves. People kind of have to lay it out for her that what she feels is most definitely romantic love. The feeling and concept still feel a bit foreign to her, especially since she's basically got no relationship experience, but she's ready to give it a try. She realizes she literally wants to be Edelgard's- El's- life partner. She makes up her mind to propose, and she does. However, she doesn't do it with Jeralt's ring: that one she keeps for herself, because she finally loves herself fully. She engraves a little bergamot flower on El's engagement ring, though.
And now, they can have all the fluff they need. I'm pretty sure Siyn would take it extremely overboard at first: she'd read any and all romantic book she would get her hands on for research and apply them to real life. She'd lay so many petals on so many beds and floors on date nights. She'd do super corny stuff and Edelgard wouldn't even have the heart to tell her it's too much. She'd also have some time to spend focusing on herself, which would slowly lead her to the realization that, well… gender's never really been her thing ? and she's never really felt like she had any. She's always just gone with the flow and whatever people called her. So… yeah basically El walks her partner through her agender awakening. xD Siyn does keep she/her pronouns though, because she's most used to them- they tried others but she just never got used to them.
This post is getting very long, but here's an ask I answered about the disagreements Edeleth would face that also totally work for the both of them and this one about them having kids that completes it pretty neatly !!! Thanks again, hope you enjoyed =)
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