goku20193 · 2 years
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#DemocratsInNameOnly #Democrats #LeftWingMedia #DemocraticAlliance #RightWingConservatives #WillemPetzer #PoliticalIdeologies #RightWingLiberals #RenaldoGouws #LeftWingConservatives #Conservatives #SteveSchmidt #UnbiasedMedia #AfricanNationalCongress #ConservativeKay #RepublicansInNameOnly #Racism #SystemicRacism #Racists #Liberals #ConservativeDemocrats #Republicans #RightWingMedia #LarryElder #LiberalRepublicans #BiasedMedia #RepublicanParty #DemocratParty #LeftWingLiberals #KaneeshaTaughtu https://www.instagram.com/p/CcSRd5tLn0ID5kKvycnPgFT8FXRgT4QVd5xZlA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sosasayswhat · 3 years
Being A Christian In An Ever Changing Social Climate
The last post I wrote was in May, 2020. Since then so much has changed or not changed depending on who you are asking. I think a lot has changed in terms of the progressive push to transform the USA. The progressives have been making headways and with at least two people in the WH, looking to appease the fringe left group, they are getting their way or being heard seriously with regards to a lot of issues.
How can christians navigate their way through all of this? It becomes terrifying or pointedly distracting from the Lord. The noise is so loud and the news is always divisive but, I need to know! I want to feel that I am fighting the big, bad evil entities out there. Who am I kidding?!
I am a consumer of instant news, news clips, sound bites, news opinion pieces, mostly from right leaning news outlets, although I do like to look to see what the enemy side is saying too. Every so often I am reminded, either by my conscience or some sage people in my life or through the words sitting by my bedside, bound in black leather, that I am NOT of this world (John 17: 16- 'They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world'). There is only one truth and that is the message of Jesus Christ. All truth is in Him. Not the news sources, or the conservative pundits or the news commentators or as I like to call them, the well paid disseminators. I am feeding on news which will never satisfy, which will never give me lasting peace or joy or ensure my eternity in heaven.
The Bible talks about fasting and praying but for me and so many like me, it should equate to social media shut down for days. Those days should be about feeding the soul with the word of God. Over the years I have realized that what you feed your mind with on a regular basis affects your subconscious functioning, your thoughts, conversations and deeds. For me it has become so normal to consume more news than scripture because my spouse likes consuming that material too and we then have something to converse about and be bothered about together. It doesn't hurt to be one the same page with those in close proximity to you but how much more better would it be if that 'page' brought glory to our King.
I believe that christians cannot and must not ignore social issues especially if we are sending our kids to the public school system or paying taxes but we must remind ourselves that we have a powerful God, the Almighty one who knows our thoughts before we even bring it to Him. The best course of action is to give more of our energy to worshipping Him, praying to the creator, showing our kids to call upon the name of Jehovah Jireh because without Him we are powerless. Our kids should be shown through daily practice that we rely on Him. Our understanding and power are blatantly limited. I doubt Bill Gates is reading this essay. Even if he is, he cannot match the power of the Lord.
My time spent on social media far surpasses my time spent with the word of the Lord or in prayer. I have given more of my time and energy to this world than to the one who has chosen me to be His own. I have in the past commuted more than three hours one way, five days a week for over two years to work a job that has nothing to do with building my relationship with the Lord. Imagine if so many of us who belong to the Lord, stood up and passionately expounded on the beatitudes or on the gift of salvation or on creation or even prayed for three hours daily inside our four walls! We might be poorer, and not have cool things or fair- weather friends. Work is essential to earn a living but our free time should be allocated to the Lord and I have failed there. It should be a balancing act, with the balance tipping to the side of prayer and to the side of undeterred faith in the power of Jesus Christ who came in the form of a man to love us and join us to Him (John 17: 21- 'that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me').
No conservative pundit or left wing woke agent can really help us. All of us are prone to fall and compromise in whatever beliefs we have. As christians we are acutely aware of our faults and sin nature. The sin nature is always on stand-by. If we rely on our own understanding we are bound to fail. It is crucial to feed our minds with God's word and to encourage and even force our kids to ruminate on the truth. Our homes should become the school where truth is taught. The world around them seeks to destroy their innocence and their peace. The pull towards the eternal truth is far, far less appealing than the pull towards the noise and material charms produced by this world.
The following proverbs of King Solomon gives use some wise words to ponder on.
Proverbs 3: 1- 8-
'My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.
Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.'
Isn't it amazing that the words in the Bible have stood the test of time!
As christians we have every arsenal to withstand the social climate with the word of the Lord which is a gift to us, to wear it as a belt around our waists (Ephesians 6: 14- 'Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness').
Do not be disheartened.
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#meganrapinoe#uswomensoccer #mensoccer#soccer#sports#delusional#lawsuit#nogenderpaygap#genderpqygapamyth#basiceconomics#leftwingmedia#TCV (at Lord of Life Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9r55XTAGTs/?igshid=1mf4jnvlew3zl
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psy-chris · 7 years
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It's all a #conspiracy #leftwingmedia #rothchilds #bulderburg #reptilian #sasquach #paranormal #conspiracytheory #alien #hippies #humor #thejews
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thelibertyloft · 4 years
CNN says left wing media is not obsessed with tearing down Trump
In a laughable segment, CNN said that left-wing media is not obsessed with tearing down Trump. They wonder why no one takes them serious! #CNN #FakeNews #Biden #Trump #Media #LeftwingMedia #leftwinghypocrisy
Charlotte, NC — Have you ever read something so stupid, so incredibly delusional and insane that it made you think you were crazy? Did you go back and read it a few times over just to be sure you read it correctly? Did you then realize that indeed you did read it correctly and you are now dumber for it?
Perhaps you will feel as I did when you read and view the following social media post from the…
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ciphered-blog · 13 years
Jesus fucksticks.
If I see one more news article massively biased towards the Occupy Wall Street movement, I'll march straight to wherever they run the Huffington Post and gather a crowd to protest them.
They are just so horribly damn left-wing when it comes to this. Especially the comments. That entire website - comments, aricles, etc - is a massively Liberal atmosphere. Huffington Post, please please PLEASE try to not pick sides. I see so much articles from reporters saying things like "This is a noble cause" and "This is the start of a new nation". Jesus Christ, the Liberal regime is trying to undermine what we've done for over 200 years: Capitalism.
You hippies didn't get Communism in the Sixties, don't expect to get it now.
Note this is only aimed at the massive Liberal Communist group of commentors and reporters who only have five brain cells. Not all of you are bad. Just the extreme leftwing ones.
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goku20193 · 2 years
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#DINOS #Democrats #LeftWingMedia #DemocraticAlliance #RightWingConservatives #WillemPetzer #PoliticalIdeologies #RightWingLiberals #RenaldoGouws #LeftWingConservatives #Conservatives #SteveSchmidt #UnbiasedMedia #AfricanNationalCongress #ConservativeKay #RINOS #Racism #SystemicRacism #Racists #Liberals #ConservativeDemocrats #Republicans #RightWingMedia #LarryElder #LiberalRepublicans #BiasedMedia #RepublicanParty #DemocratParty #LeftWingLiberals #KaneeshaTaughtu https://www.instagram.com/p/CcSRd5tLn0ID5kKvycnPgFT8FXRgT4QVd5xZlA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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