#legacyquake fic
lvcychen · 4 years
When I’m Feeling Alone, You Remind Me Of Home - A Tripdaisy Christmas AU
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Happy Holidays everyone!
This is my attempt at a Tripdaisy Holiday AU. Originally, my plan was to post a chapter every day until Christmas, but knowing my writing habits, it might drag on much, much longer than that, haha. But, for now, here it is!
After years away, Daisy Johnson returns to her hometown just in time for the holidays. Looking for some peace and quiet, she not only finds back to her old self, but also reawakens old friendships and long forgotten feelings. But can Daisy really escape her past? What is she running from?
December 1st
Daisy had always thought the world looked so beautiful, so magical coated in white. When asked to describe it, she would explain that the season prompted a sense of serenity within her, like someone had laid out a blanket over the world, making it impossible to feel anything but joy and peace. But that had been a long time ago.
Today, she couldn’t help but resent the blankness of it all. The curtain of fog and the wall of thick snowflakes outside the window seemed to be relentlessly suffocating anything in their path, erasing every last memory of the colors that fall had brought with it. Even the early-afternoon sun could not break through to bathe the world in its soft light, and Daisy almost felt grateful for the glass separating her from the cold. Nevertheless, a shiver went through her every time the train flashed past a tree or a car or a house in the distance, disturbing the view of the otherwise smooth landscape.
She jumped. Her head flew around to where the noise that had ripped her out of her thoughts had come from and Daisy found herself faced with an elderly man in a black uniform, looking down at her expectantly. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
“Your ticket, please, ma’am.” The man held out his hand.
“Oh”, she breathed, relieved. For a second, she had thought… “Of course.” She began rummaging through her purse, trying to get a hold of the small document-filled folder her friend Bobbi had given her almost twenty-four hours ago, when she had hugged her Goodbye at Grand Central Station. Right when the conductor cleared his throat one more time, she finally pulled the ticket out and handed it to him. 
After a quick glance at it, the man used a small machine to punch a hole in it before handing it back. “New York to Chicago, huh? That’s a long trip. Is Chicago your final destination?”
“Yes”, Daisy lied. Logically, she knew he was just trying to be friendly and make small-talk, but she couldn’t ignore the instant chill creeping down her spine at his question.
“Well then, you’re lucky.” The genuine expression on his face almost made her want to smile back. “You’re almost there. Have a safe rest of your trip, ma’am.”
“Thanks”, she mumbled, but he was already gone.
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goldheartofsteel · 6 years
tripdaisy + time travelers au
Trip and Daisy come from some distant point in the future and get sent back in time to stop something from happening post-NYC invasion with S.H.I.E.L.D. involved somehow which is all good and dandy except they get sent too far back in time which causes them to lose their memories from some kind of time distortion thing that develops when people stay for too long in a time that they’re not originally from. They’re basically lost in time and their handlers have no idea how to find them. 
Trip gets adopted/brought into the Jones/Carter/Triplett family while Daisy’s story plays out like canon (her parents were desperate to find her so they went back in time and ended up suffering from the same problem)
Slowly, over time, things start coming back to them and it all comes to a head when they find each other again.  Memory restoration happens when a person runs into someone from their time while in another time. 
They resume their relationship but hide it from the team while tracking down their gear needed for their mission while dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D. missions and everything. 
Daisy’s still an Inhuman and goes through the transition like canon (her parents originally were going to do it like they did it in the Afterlife).
Instead of Trip dying, he gets zapped up by their handlers but Daisy thinks he’s dead.
Once Daisy and the Team say goodbye to Coulson an journey out into space, Trip finally catches up to them with super awesome future tech and that’s when the team finds out about them and their mission. The team understands and hold no grudges. 
Daisy handcuffs Trip to her for a long time so she doesn’t lose him again.
They stay with the team for awhile and help them locate Fitz but after everything that happened with the Framework/the Future etc, they decide to say their goodbyes and go back to their own time (but not before finding Hunter and Bobbi, bringing them back to the team). 
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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gothdaisyjohnson · 8 years
Do you know some good tripskye fics btw?
oh do I ever. like, there’s only like 3 fics total bc my life is a tragedy but I have read every single one so here’s some faves under the cut:
a journey in twelve parts by owlvsdove: “Have you ever thought about painting it to look like The Mystery Machine?” In which Trip and Skye take the van and go on a road trip.
Holding Hands (While The Walls Come Tumbling Down) by geckoholic, Port: Skye and Trip both come out of the old city changed. Learning how to deal with these changes is a long road, but they don't have to walk it alone.
Anything You Ever Dreamed To Be Complete by Lavendergaia: Even when everything is falling apart, Skye still has Trip. She thinks that might just be enough.
Pieces Scattered Everywhere by  Lavendergaia: Five people who find out about Skye and Trip (and one person who doesn't).
Get Your Head in the Game by Lavendergaia: Skye has nothing in common with college basketball god Antoine Triplett. Except, apparently, the need for two oblivious science dorks to see that they are absolutely perfect for each other.Because when two people are perfect for each other, that’s something they should realize, right?
let's make a harmony and life will sing (city in the rearview and nothing in the distance) by awkwardspiritanimals: She needs this van, and endless miles of open road, and someone to drive them with.A road trip in twenty songs.
(the last two are also f/s but they’re my FAVES sooooo)
I’m probs forgetting some but it’s been months since I’ve read aos fic so I don’t 100% remember all of it
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lvcychen · 4 years
Tripdaisy + road trip
Wooooow would you look a that! I’ve written an actual fic for the first time in almost three years! That being said, I’m suuper rusty in terms of writin so this is probably... not great, lmao. Please bear with me. I’m so so sorry this prompt (along with MANY others) has been sitting in my ask box for so long. I’m not sure anyone really cares for this anymore, but it was still fun writing it, haha!
Here it goes:
Miles and miles of open road are stretching out before her, pink and golden rays of light from the setting sun reflecting in her rearview mirror. They are somewhere in what feels like the middle of nowhere – Wyoming, maybe? Or Nebraska? She can’t really tell anymore. – and it’s been hours since they came across another car. Without taking her eyes off the road, Daisy reaches for the button on the door and lets down the window to feel the evening air on her skin before it cools down.
Trip is asleep on the passenger seat next to her, his face turned towards the window, catching the last glimpses of sunlight. He looks so peaceful, Daisy thinks to herself, you would never guess that he had been shot less than 24 hours ago. Sure, it had been a clean shot to the upper arm, leaving nothing more than a flesh wound, but nevertheless, a chill runs down Daisy’s spine at the memory of watching him go down, and for a second, she can almost hear her own bloodcurdling scream resonating in her ears.
In midst of all the chaos of the mission, the two of them had gotten separated from the rest of the team, with no functioning communication and unable to make it back to the Zephyr before May had extracted the plane, leaving Daisy to tend to Trip’s wound on her own. And now here they are, in a stolen SUV, with stolen backpacks and a stolen change of clothes on the backseat, a Welcome to Nebraska road sign flashing by outside the window, as they’re crossing the country to rejoin their team on base.
“Do you need me to drive for a while?”
Nearly jumping out of her skin, Daisy swerves on the empty road for just a second before redirecting the car back into her lane.
“Jesus, Trip”, she hisses, “give a girl a warning, maybe.”
His chuckle is deep and quiet and it sends goosebumps crawling over her arms. “My bad”, he says, as he props himself up in his seat. There is a brief trace of pain in his voice, and it would’ve been inaudible to the untrained ear, but Daisy knows him well enough to catch it, anyway.
For just a moment, she lifts her eyes off of the road to glance at him. Trip’s jaw is tightened, the brows over his dark, glazed-over eyes furrowed, and his breathing comes out shallower than usual. He’s okay, Daisy has to remind herself at the sight of him, he’s safe and he’ll stay that way.
His voice once again has her snapping out of her thoughts. “Hm?”
“Want me to drive?”
She shakes her head with as much conviction as she can manage, despite the fact that she can feel herself getting tired and she knows she’ll need a break soon. “You got shot in the arm, Trip.” Though she hadn’t meant it to, it comes out sounding almost like an accusation. “I’m not letting you get behind the wheel.”
 “You can barely keep your eyes open.”
And just as he says it, she feels a yawn rising in her chest. She tries to suppress it, but it’s a lost cause. “I’m okay, really.”
Trip sighs, but his voice is soft, as always, and it prompts a feeling of relief to overcome her. He reaches out and his hand lands on her shoulder. “C’mon girl. You don’t have to pretend with me.”
His words are so simple, but they’re all it takes for her to let down her guard. She leans into his touch, and the fatigue washes over her body like a tidal wave. She yawns again, in full force this time, and mumbles: “I’m still not letting you drive though.”
“Dais-“, Trip begins to protest, but she won’t let him finish. Instead, she nods to the road sign they’re coming up on. “Look.”
The letters on the rusty, once-had-been-green sign are hardly recognizable anymore, but right next to it towers another, much newer sign, that clearly reads Western Wallflower Motel.
“We’ll take a room”, Daisy declares, her tone of voice not allowing any argument. “Get a good night’s sleep and continue driving in the morning. Deal?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
No fifteen minutes later, Daisy maneuvers the SUV into the parking lot in front of what has to be the tiniest, shabbiest motel known to mankind. The dull, purple paint is chipping off of the badly painted outside walls, the windows are lined with a thick layer of dust, and the lamps illuminating the building are flickering sporadically.
“This looks like a scene straight out of Psycho”, Daisy mumbles as she shuts off the engine. Without the car’s headlights, the place looks even creepier than it had just a minute ago.
Trip laughs while the two of them get out of the car. “Don’t worry, girl. I’ll protect you from any ghosts.”
Daisy halts mid-stretch, her eyebrows moving up towards her hairline. “Ghosts?”
Trip pulls the backseat door open to grab the bags they had hastily stuffed with giftshop shirts and sweatpants to sleep in. He shrugs his shoulders apologetically. “I’ve never actually seen Psycho.”
Still chuckling, they walk over to the glass door with a handwritten paper sign that reads Reception hanging on the inside. When they enter, the teenage girl sitting behind the desk doesn’t seem to notice them, too entranced by the bright light of her phone screen. Standing right in front of the desk, Trip clears his throat loudly in order to draw attention to them, but the girl only chews on her chewing gum harder. Trip and Daisy exchange a look, more amused than anything else. Then, Daisy reaches for the little metal bell on the counter and pounds her fingers down on it a couple times, drawing a series of shrill Ding sounds from it.
Finally, the girl peels her eyes off of her phone and raises her head. With a long sigh, she gets up from her chair and plasters a fake smile onto her face. “Welcome to Western Wallflower Motel”, she recites monotonously, “what can I do for you tonight?”
“Just a room for the night”, Trip explains, leaning himself over the counter slightly and flashing his best brighter-than-the-sun smile at the girl, “please.” Daisy has to hold in a laugh that bubbles up in her chest. She might think his move was ridiculous if it didn’t work on herself every single time.
Immediately, the expression on the teenager’s face become more genuine and Daisy could swear she sees a flush creeping up on her cheeks. “Of course, Sir. However, we only have a one-bed suite left for tonight. But I’m sure you and your… girlfriend won’t mind?”
Now a small snort does escape Daisy’s mouth. Sure, they like to flirt with each other every chance they get and Daisy has had an undeniable crush on Trip for longer than she’d like to admit to herself, but they’re not together together. Trip pretends not to hear her. Instead, all he says is: “We don’t mind at all.”
“Great”, the girl says and picks up one of the keys hanging on the wall behind her. “Your room number will be 201. There are towels up there for you and I’m down here if there’s anything else you need. You can pay in the morning.”
When they finally make it up the stairs and into the room, which is surprisingly clean and well taken care of, Daisy immediately drops down onto the bed with a huff of relief and closes her eyes for a short moment. The bed is a bit small, but she doesn’t mind that at all. She’d shared a bed with Trip before, and especially after the events that got them here, she’s glad for the opportunity to feel him close to her.
When she opens her eyes again, Trip is standing at the foot of the bed, one of their bags unzipped next to him, and his shirt tossed aside on the floor. He’s changed into one of the sweatpants that have the logo of the gift shop printed down one of the legs, but has apparently opted against a shirt. In the dim light of the motel room, Daisy can practically see the exhaustion written across his face, but what really catches her attention is the bandage in contrast to his dark skin. He must have redressed his wound – How long had her eyes been closed? – because the white fabric is wrapped around his upper arm much more neatly than what she had managed to do in the hurry they’d been in.
“Like what you see?”
Daisy shifts her eyes from Trip’s arm to his face, and is met with a smug grin. “You know I do”, she shoots back with a wink.
He tosses her a fresh shirt and says. “Let’s get some sleep.”
She doesn’t have to be told twice and quickly changes out of her dirty clothes and into the clean top.
They settle into bed easily, and as soon as they’re lying down next to each other, Daisy can sense the tension drain from Trip’s body as if someone had pulled the plug out of a bathtub. They’re lying close enough for Daisy to feel his breathing become more relaxed, and eventually turn slow and steady, making her think he had drifted off. She hadn’t consciously waited to fall asleep until he did, but it had been another act of reassuring herself that he was just fine, alive and breathing right beside her.
Just when she is finally ready to succumb to her own exhaustion, she hears Trip’s voice quietly in the dark: “Can I hold you?”
His words make Daisy’s heart flutter and her chest suddenly feels all fuzzy on the inside. Instead of an answer, she rolls onto her side, crawling closer to him, and tucks herself into his chest. Immediately, his good arm wraps around her middle and she can feel him bury his face n her hair, right where the crook of her neck is. His smell is so warm and familiar and an overwhelming sense of home floods through her. Blindly, she reaches for his hand and entwines her fingers with his.
Daisy is so grateful for this closeness, for the feeling of Trip’s skin against hers, the warmth of his breath on her neck. She’s grateful for the heaving of his chest against her back, a new proof of life every couple of seconds.
This time, they fall asleep simultaneously, tightly entangled with each other.
They can worry about getting home in the morning. For tonight, he is all the home she needs.
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goldheartofsteel · 8 years
Birthday Fic Fest #4 - Tripdaisy/Legacyquake + “I caught the garter and you caught the bouquet” au
Note: based on my memories of weddings
If Daisy was a betting woman then she’d bet a hundred dollars that Elena and Mack conspired against her. They had to have purposefully aimed the garter and bouquet in her and Trip’s direction.
She couldn’t help glaring at the newlywed couple.
“Come on girl, it is not that bad.”
At some point, he found his way to her side.
Huffing, she held the bouquet as far away from her as she could.
“This is ridiculous. They did it on purpose.”
“Why would they do it on purpose?”
Daisy froze because she didn’t want to admit her feelings and lose Trip’s friendship.
Trip smirked.
“Does it have anything to do with you liking me the way Elena likes Mack?”
“’Cause girl, I like you the way that Mack likes Elena.”
Daisy grinned up at him once she realized what he was saying.
“I want to talk about this but not now because then, that would mean giving them approval for their antics.”
Trip smiled at her.
“Later then. Besides, you owe me a dance once I put this garter on you.”
Leading Daisy over to the chair in the middle of the floor, he knelt down in front of her once she was seated then removed her shoe so he could slip the garter up her leg. Once he finished, he looked up at her with a grin which she returned.
Once her shoe was back on, he stood up and helped her up as another person came and grabbed the chair.
“Let’s dance then get out of here.”
“Sounds good to me – getting you alone sounds even better.”
The pair shared a smirk as Trip pulled her close.
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