lvcychen · 4 years
When I’m Feeling Alone, You Remind Me Of Home - A Tripdaisy Christmas AU
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Happy Holidays everyone!
This is my attempt at a Tripdaisy Holiday AU. Originally, my plan was to post a chapter every day until Christmas, but knowing my writing habits, it might drag on much, much longer than that, haha. But, for now, here it is!
After years away, Daisy Johnson returns to her hometown just in time for the holidays. Looking for some peace and quiet, she not only finds back to her old self, but also reawakens old friendships and long forgotten feelings. But can Daisy really escape her past? What is she running from?
December 1st
Daisy had always thought the world looked so beautiful, so magical coated in white. When asked to describe it, she would explain that the season prompted a sense of serenity within her, like someone had laid out a blanket over the world, making it impossible to feel anything but joy and peace. But that had been a long time ago.
Today, she couldn’t help but resent the blankness of it all. The curtain of fog and the wall of thick snowflakes outside the window seemed to be relentlessly suffocating anything in their path, erasing every last memory of the colors that fall had brought with it. Even the early-afternoon sun could not break through to bathe the world in its soft light, and Daisy almost felt grateful for the glass separating her from the cold. Nevertheless, a shiver went through her every time the train flashed past a tree or a car or a house in the distance, disturbing the view of the otherwise smooth landscape.
She jumped. Her head flew around to where the noise that had ripped her out of her thoughts had come from and Daisy found herself faced with an elderly man in a black uniform, looking down at her expectantly. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
“Your ticket, please, ma’am.” The man held out his hand.
“Oh”, she breathed, relieved. For a second, she had thought… “Of course.” She began rummaging through her purse, trying to get a hold of the small document-filled folder her friend Bobbi had given her almost twenty-four hours ago, when she had hugged her Goodbye at Grand Central Station. Right when the conductor cleared his throat one more time, she finally pulled the ticket out and handed it to him. 
After a quick glance at it, the man used a small machine to punch a hole in it before handing it back. “New York to Chicago, huh? That’s a long trip. Is Chicago your final destination?”
“Yes”, Daisy lied. Logically, she knew he was just trying to be friendly and make small-talk, but she couldn’t ignore the instant chill creeping down her spine at his question.
“Well then, you’re lucky.” The genuine expression on his face almost made her want to smile back. “You’re almost there. Have a safe rest of your trip, ma’am.”
“Thanks”, she mumbled, but he was already gone.
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nilefreemans · 5 years
Tripdaisy + bakery au
this AU is near and dear to my heart omg
Trip is the baker in this one because Daisy in every universe is NOT a morning person and Trip is sunshine personified, also ARMS and sweetness just fits right with Trip - Daisy can be the web designer that he hired to set up his business’ website 
Trip is a baking legacy, and he wants to keep up that tradition but he’s also his own person and he’s away from home so he tends to talk about his family with Daisy and she’s a little smitten as she puts it in the about page and she kind of opens up  to Trip a little  by little because her background isn’t as wholesome seeming but Trip never treats her like that 
the rest of the team comes in at some point, Mack is their surprise mutual mechanic friend, Bobbi is Daisy’s friend who is always on the road, Jemma is the local science teacher who transferred from England and loves Trip’s scones, Phil is Daisy’s former foster dad, Melinda is a commercial pilot who they also both know, Elena likes to carb load before marathons 
a lot of the people are also volunteering firefighters and one day Daisy’s apartment is on fire and its really bad and Trip gets Daisy out but he gets injured in the process and its rough for a little bit but he comes through and they’re in the hospital and thats when Daisy confesses her feelings and they agree to date, they have their first date over bland hospital food arguing whether or not “blue” is a flavor and if its the superior jello (Daisy says it is, Trip thinks red is the way to go) 
eventually, Trip gets released but he needs help in his bakery beyond his few other employees and Daisy agrees to help and he shows her how to knead bread and Daisy makes a Ghost joke/reference and they kiss and someone gets a pic of it (Elena, she’s the fastest) and they both have flour on their noses and eventually its the first picture you see when you walk into their apartment a year later when they move in together 
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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goldheartofsteel · 5 years
Drabble #6 - Tripdaisy
Trip shatters into a million pieces in front of Daisy and there’s nothing she can do; can’t even scream as the rock on her prevents her mouth from moving.
Suddenly, she breaks out and the rock shards fall to the ground and the noise echoes around the chamber.
Then she feels someone shaking her.
Daisy’s eyes open.
Leaning over her is Trip—a very alive and human looking Trip.
“Hey Dais, it’s gonna be alright. I’m right here,” he murmurs softly.
Their bed shakes just enough for the movement to be noticed.
He pulls her into his arms and sits up as she latches onto him with her head placed right over his beating heart.
The sound comforts her and the shaking slowly stops.
“Hold me and never let me go,” she says quietly.
Trip kisses the top of her.
“Always. Fitzsimmons would have to use their science mojo to get me to let go and even then, Mack would have to hold me back from returning to your side,” he responds.
“Oh, don’t let Bobbi or May think they can’t hold you back,” suggests Daisy.
“Hey now, you know that I know it would only take one glance from May to do the same job as Mack.”
He smiles when he feels daisy giggle against his chest.
They do need to talk about her nightmare (which he knows exactly what it’s about) but she needs sleep more after coming off a tough mission; one so tough Coulson’s giving the team the day off tomorrow.
They’ll talk then.
A shimmering shield forms around the bed with one thought from him because Daisy needs to feel secure before she lets herself sleep again. This is one thing that allows her to do that so, he has no problem keeping it up.
AoS FicNet Drabble Challenge || My Ships || My Ask Box
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ghostshaarkmoved · 6 years
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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dailydaisyjohnson · 7 years
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catchylove · 7 years
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polyamship-otd · 7 years
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Daisy 'Skye' Johnson, Antoine Triplett, and Jemma Simmons from Marvel’s Agents of Shield are Polyamorous
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gothdaisyjohnson · 7 years
Yooooo I'm catching up on shield and like the way Daisy's face lit up when she heard Tripp was in the framework 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
I KNOW I know okay I k n o w “that’s the best news I’ve heard in weeks” daisy omg
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ryder616 · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @agents-of-fangirling and @samanthaswishes !🤗
1. First Ship - Shenko (Mass Effect) 2. First OTP - I guess Shenko again since it was the first I searched fanfic for (ty ME3 ending for being so terrible). 3. Current Favorite Ship - It's always Quakerider, because Daisy and Robbie are my faves. I also like Dousy. Michael, Book and Grudge (😁) on Star Trek Discovery. 5. Ship(s) You Wish Had Been Endgame - Quakerider (AoS), mainly because that would have meant more of them together and more Robbie. Janeway and Chakotay (Star Trek Voyager) because Chuckles and Seven is just yuck. Tara and Willow, because Tara 😭 (BtVS) 6. Ship You Wish Was Canon - Trimmons or Trip/Daisy (Skip? Trye? LegacyQuake?) in AoS. Mainly I wish they hadn't killed off Trip, who he dated or didn't wasn't a priority tbh 😉. Fluffy (Buffy/Faith, BTVS), embrace the subtext and the chaos! 😁 B'Elanna Torres and Harry Kim (Star Trek Voyager). 7. Ship That Most of the Fandom Hates but You Love - I did like Coulson and Rosalind (sorry Daisy!) And I prefer Andrew as a romantic partner for May. Neither of these opinions are widespread. I also liked Will with Simmons, which is even less popular. I'm a rebel 😁😂 8. You Don't Even Watch the Show, but You Ship It - Ehhhh, I'm already a lukewarm shipper in the shows I watch...😊 9. Ship You Wish Had a Different Storyline - FitzSimmons: Simmons doesn't feel that way, he accepts it and their friendship grows even stronger. 10. Favorite Ship(s) That's Endgame - Dousy, Joe and Nicky (The Old Guard).
Tagging @acerobbiereyes, @travllingbunny,@ussjellyfish, @scarletryans, @steeleholtingon, @loved-the-stars-too-fondly @brekker-by-brekkerr, @mtab2260 and everyone else who might read this, consider yourself tagged.
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lvcychen · 4 years
brooooo i never noticed this before but when fitz freaked out after finding out ward is hydra and coulson said they needed to focus all that energy on skye, the camera went right to trip’s face and stayed there for a hot second like. brooooo.
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nilefreemans · 6 years
college au? do i have to give a ship? trip daisy if so!
they meet at a self-defense club on campus, it’s kind of love at first flip as trip would say later, Daisy threw him on the ground and instead of seeing stars he saw hearts - Daisy offers him a coffee as an apology (“My dad insisted I had these lessons since I was little, I didn’t mean to go all out on you”) and Trip’s response is that he will accept the coffee as long as Daisy can teach him that move
soon coffee leads to lunch which leads to dinner which leads to breakfast ;) and they have a thing - a thing that leads to the first holiday break and Daisy nervously shuffling her feet back and forth while she asks if Trip would like to stay over for the holidays since his parents are staying in France this year - Trip says yes and then finds out that he’s going to be in Wisconsin in the middle of December and he is definitely not a guy that is used to the cold bless his heart, Daisy keeps him warm though 
Trip meets Daisy’s adoptive dad and Coulson is intimidating for 0.3 seconds before he becomes THE DORK DAD and embarrasses Daisy at the get-go but she laughs and Trip loves it 
Daisy and Trip do classic midwest winter things and they fall a little bit more in love and Trip finds out that Daisy has never brought anyone home and that he is special
they go back to school and things are great and Trip asks Daisy if she would like to move in with him and not live in the dorms 
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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goldheartofsteel · 6 years
tripdaisy + time travelers au
Trip and Daisy come from some distant point in the future and get sent back in time to stop something from happening post-NYC invasion with S.H.I.E.L.D. involved somehow which is all good and dandy except they get sent too far back in time which causes them to lose their memories from some kind of time distortion thing that develops when people stay for too long in a time that they’re not originally from. They’re basically lost in time and their handlers have no idea how to find them. 
Trip gets adopted/brought into the Jones/Carter/Triplett family while Daisy’s story plays out like canon (her parents were desperate to find her so they went back in time and ended up suffering from the same problem)
Slowly, over time, things start coming back to them and it all comes to a head when they find each other again.  Memory restoration happens when a person runs into someone from their time while in another time. 
They resume their relationship but hide it from the team while tracking down their gear needed for their mission while dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D. missions and everything. 
Daisy’s still an Inhuman and goes through the transition like canon (her parents originally were going to do it like they did it in the Afterlife).
Instead of Trip dying, he gets zapped up by their handlers but Daisy thinks he’s dead.
Once Daisy and the Team say goodbye to Coulson an journey out into space, Trip finally catches up to them with super awesome future tech and that’s when the team finds out about them and their mission. The team understands and hold no grudges. 
Daisy handcuffs Trip to her for a long time so she doesn’t lose him again.
They stay with the team for awhile and help them locate Fitz but after everything that happened with the Framework/the Future etc, they decide to say their goodbyes and go back to their own time (but not before finding Hunter and Bobbi, bringing them back to the team). 
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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not me imagining Jemma giving my beloved adorable amazing kinda dateable but also a literal ball of sunshine bby trippyboi the dreaded lecture or THE TALK when he starts dating daisy. Jemma would be so protective of her bff. then her or mama may randomly going to daisy and going “u wanna know what I approve of him, I vibe with this dude, I’m planning your wedding.” Tbh I like staticquake but legacyquake do are better 😉. also, Steve visited a howling commando in a nursing home and saw trip.
Jemma being *stern* and stammering but like having a prepared speech with notecards about how Trip has to be a proper gentleman with her. But ofc she realizes that Trip is literally a proper gentleman and his grandfather was a howling commando and they literally all emulated steve rogers in how they treat women?!
and like Trip nicely tells her all of this like steve rogers and my grandfather gabe have both given me the talk Jemma but you're adorable.
and like he's not rude about it you know? he just kinda makes it clear that not only will his father and grandfather be on him if he breaks daisy's heart but so will literal steve rogers (and his new boyfriend Sam) because they have a thing about taking care of orphans?!!!?!?!
And like yessss Gabe is Trips grandad.
mod laina
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bobbiamorse · 5 years
39 + Legacyquake?
She only has one picture of them together. They’re sitting on the table in the Bus, mid-conversation. It’s slightly grainy - Simmons hadn’t let her phone’s camera focus completely before taking the shot - but they both look so happy Daisy doesn’t care about the photo quality.
She takes it out every once in a while, just to look at it. To see his face again, when he was alive and happy and things were different.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” she whispers to the picture, tracing Trip’s outline with the tips of her fingers.
The picture doesn’t answer.
(i’m still accepting prompts! check out the one’s i’ve completed and the ones i still need requests for!)
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catchylove · 7 years
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make me choose: Legacy Quake or Trimmons     ↳ for: anonymous
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