#legal consulting services
sequoyastrategies · 2 months
Expert Public Policy Consulting for Strategic Policy Development
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Discover expert public policy consulting services designed for effective policy development and advocacy. Our team provides thorough research, strategic planning, and innovative solutions to help you achieve your public policy goals.
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legaladvisoryservicess · 11 months
Empower Your Legal Operations with Expert Guidance
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Staying ahead of the curve isn't just about keeping up In the ever-evolving landscape of business law—it's about leading the charge. We specialize in providing top-tier Legal Management Consulting Services that transform challenges into opportunities for growth at JP Advisory. Our expertise lies in helping firms navigate the complexities of law with ease and strategic foresight.
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The consultants at JP Advisory are more than just advisors; they are industry veterans who bring a wealth of knowledge and a track record of success to the table. You gain access to a collective reservoir of insights that can help preempt legal issues and turn them into strategic advantages with our Legal Management Consulting Services.
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Streamlining operations is at the heart of our consulting philosophy. JP Advisory's Legal Consulting Services are designed to elevate the efficiency of your legal department to new heights whether it's through process optimization, cost reduction or implementing best practices.
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Choosing JP Advisory means opting for a partner who is as invested in your success as you are. Our Legal Management Consulting Services provide the clarity and direction needed to ensure that your legal operations contribute positively to your bottom line.
JP Advisory stands as a beacon of excellence in a world where legal intricacies can make or break a business guiding you through with precision and expertise. Contact us today to explore how our Legal Consulting Services can benefit your organization.
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legalservices-ks · 2 years
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corporate-advisors · 17 days
Reliance Corporate Advisors (RCA) is a leading professional service firm in Nepal, offering legal services and financial advisory from top lawyers and Chartered Accountants.
1.1. A significant purpose of trademark registration is protection of your brand in a competitive marketplace whereby your registered trademark provides a unique and distinguished identity to your products or services.
1.2. Section 2(c) of the Patent, Design and Trademark Act, 2022 (1965) (the “PDT Act”) defines a trademark as a word, symbol, or picture or a combination thereof to be used by any firm, company or individual in its products or services to distinguish them with the product or service of others.
1.3. All trademarks registered as per the PDT Act are entitled to protection from passing off and infringement. Section 16(2) of the PDT Act explicitly prohibits the copying or unauthorized use of a registered trademark without ownership transformation or written permission pursuant to Section 21 D of the PDT Act.
1.4. Section 19 of the PDT Act imposes penalties for illegal passing off and infringement, including fines and confiscation of goods, based on the gravity of the offense.
1.5. The Trademark Directives, 2072 (2015) (the “Trademark Directives”) ensure further protection to registered trademarks which are as follows:
1.5.1. To freely use the trademarks registered in their name.
1.5.2. To prevent other firms or companies from using the same trademark without permission in a manner that may cause confusion through display, viewing, speaking, hearing or other presentation.
1.5.3. To grant permission for trademark use to other firms or companies under certain conditions for a specific duration.
2.1. The Department of Industries (the “DOI”), a quasi-judicial industrial property authority under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies in Nepal, is responsible for the regulation and protection of all registered trademarks.
2.2. Any allegations of trademark infringement or passing off can be brought before the legal division of DOI. DOI has the authority to conduct hearings and issue rulings akin to those of a District Court in the country. Moreover, if parties are dissatisfied with the DOI’s decision, they have the option to appeal such decision to the High Court and eventually to the Supreme Court of Nepal, if such appeal meets the criteria of law.
2.3. Despite statutory provisions and legal precedents upholding trademark rights, Nepal faces significant challenges with trademark infringements and passing off cases.
2.4. Passing off occurrences, especially with well-known trademarks, are increasing, posing a threat to consumer rights and intellectual property protections.
2.5. “Well-Known Mark” has been defined under Section 2(f) of the Trademark Directives as a mark specified by the Government of Nepal (“GoN”) to be well-known. Nevertheless, as of the present date, GoN has neither released nor clarified the criteria for recognizing a well-known mark. This leaves the definition open to interpretation by the courts and DOI; some instances of courts interpretation have been discussed in paragraph 5 below.
2.6. While case precedents protect well-known trademarks, the lack of clear legal provisions raises doubts and potentially deter multinational corporations from trusting brand protection in Nepal.
3.1. A trademark passing off is said to have occurred when a party, typically a business or individual, misrepresents their goods or services in a way that creates confusion or deception amongst the consumers, leading them to believe that the goods or services are associated with another party’s established trademark.
3.2. Goodwill, built through consistent branding, production, and advertisement, is a crucial element in passing off cases. When another competitor passes off on this goodwill of another trademark, the consumers are the ones who must face the direct hit as they might end up with subpar products or services under the mistaken belief that they are associated with the legitimate brand.
3.3. Lord Langdale MR, in the case of Perry v Truefitt, said that “a man is not to sell his own goods under the pretence that they are the goods of another trader”.
3.4. From interpretation and as a matter of practice to establish passing off, certain key elements need to be present such as:
3.4.1. The existence of goodwill: Claimant has to showcase the goodwill or reputation that they have built around its brand through its consistent branding, production, supply, and advertisement in a particular market or amongst a niche of consumers.
3.4.2. Misrepresentation: A clear misrepresentation from the alleged infringing party has to be demonstrated, that could deceive or confuse consumers into believing that.
3.4.3. The likelihood of confusion.
3.4.4. Actual or potential damage.
3.5. For instance, producing and selling a cold drink with its packaging, symbols, words, and colour combinations like that of Sprite, (a well-known trademarked soft drink product), with just a few tweaks and changes of letters or adding prefixes or suffixes on the mark construes as passing off.
4.1. As a first rule of the thumb, to ensure the protection of a trademark, the crucial step is its registration with DOI. As outlined in Section 21B of the PDT Act, “The title to any patent, design or trademark registered in a foreign country shall not be valid in Nepal unless it is registered in Nepal by the concerned person.” This implies that trademarks registered in foreign jurisdictions, even those within the state parties of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883 (the “Paris Convention”), will not enjoy protection in Nepal unless they are registered locally.
Note: Internationally, recognized well-known marks, as evidenced in case laws (discussed in paragraph 5, below), receive certain protection due to their widespread popularity. However, such protections cannot be guaranteed for well-known marks, if unregistered.
4.2. As per law, the DOI must facilitate the registration of trademarks from foreign countries without conducting elaborate inquiries if an application is filed along with relevant certificates of registration in the foreign country. This is in alignment with the provisions of the Paris Convention, as per Section 21C of the PDT Act.
4.3. However, as a matter of practice DOI conducts its regular investigation (as applicable for local trademarks) even if prior filing right is claimed as per the provision above.
4.4. After the registration of a trademark, if an entity attempts passing off an already registered trademark, an opposition claim can be filed at the Law Division of the DOI within 90 days of the publication of the mark in the Industrial Property Bulletin (“IP Bulletin”). This is in accordance with Section 21A(2) of the PDT Act.
4.5. Pursuant to Section 24(2) of the Trademark Directives, the opposition can also be filed in another language, provided that a notarized Nepali translation of the opposition claim is attached.
4.6. Upon the filing of the opposition, the DOI will refrain from issuing a trademark registration certificate for the opposed mark. The opposition will go through a similar process of litigation whereby the Parties will be called for hearings and the DOI will provide its decision on the opposed mark.
4.7. If either party is dissatisfied with the DOI’s decision, they have the option to appeal at the High Court within 35 days from the date of the decision.
4.8. On a different note, Section 25 of the Trademark Directives also provides administrative and judicial bodies for the enforcement of trademark rights. These are:
4.8.1. District Administration Office
4.8.2. Nepal Police
4.8.3. Customs Offices
4.9. These offices have been vested with the responsibility to work individually or collaboratively within their jurisdictions.
4.10. The collaborative efforts of the DOI and the mentioned administrative agencies can significantly enhance the protection of industrial property rights held by businesses, ensuring a healthy market environment for both consumers and competitors.
5.1. Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited v. Rukmani Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd., NKP: 2077, Decision №10561.
5.1.1. Earlier, Rukmani Chemical Industries had registered the Kansai Nerolac Paint Nepal Pvt. Ltd. at the DOI, leading to the DOI prohibiting Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited, a Japanese multinational corporation, from using the Kansai Nerolac brand. Following an extensive legal battle in the DOI, High Court, and Supreme Court, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited, establishing key principles: “Deceptive similarity” is said to be constituted if a trademark or the words used are identical, or the trademark is displayed with modifications, such as the addition of prefix or suffix, creating a phonetic similarity with minimal dissimilarity and if presented in a similar manner at first glance. Time limitation is not applicable for revoking the registration of a trademark if it is registered with bad faith or the registration process seems malafide. Ownership and right over a trademark of a foreign company does not end only by virtue of the registration of such trademarks by a local company. Even after the registration of a mark copied from a well-known foreign mark by a local company, if the foreign company applies for registration of the mark at a later date, the registration in the name of the local company automatically ends.
5.2. Virgin Enterprises Limited v. Virgin Mobile Pvt. Ltd., 12 June 2023, Department of Industries
5.2.1. An opposition was filed by Virgin Enterprises Limited (“Virgin Enterprises”), a member company of the Virgin Group against Virgin Mobile Pvt. Ltd., a local company for the ownership on the mark “VIRGIN (and logo)”. Virgin Enterprises had registered their mark in Class 9 and 38 whereas the local company Virgin Mobile Pvt. Ltd. (“Virgin Mobile”) was seeking to register the mark in Class 35.
5.2.2. The DOI rejected the application of Virgin Mobile based on the following: The “VIRGIN” mark has been registered and used by Virgin Enterprises in Nepal and other countries and thus is a well-known mark belonging to Virgin Enterprises The mark in question, “VIRGIN (and logo)” did not appear to be the original creation of Virgin Mobile. Virgin Mobile filed the application in bad faith. Allowing registration of the mark in the name of Virgin Mobile will adversely affect the goodwill of Virgin Enterprises and cause confusion among consumers.
5.2.3. The DOI also reiterated its position that a well-known mark shall receive protection not only in the class in which it has been registered but also in other classes as well as in non-competing goods and services where the well-known mark does not have registration.
5.3. Six Continents Hotel Inc. V Holiday Express Travels and Tours Pvt. Ltd., 10 July 2023, Department of Industries.
5.3.1. An opposition was filed at the DOI by Six Continents Hotel Inc. (“Six Continents”) for their trademark “HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS” registered in Class 43 in Nepal against a local company Holiday Express Travels and Tours Pvt. Ltd. (“Holiday Express”) which had filed to register its mark “HOLIDAY EXPRESS TRAVELS AND TOURS (and logo)” in Class 35.
5.3.2. Six Continents opposed this application claiming that “HOLIDAY INN” marks are globally well-known marks and the application was filed in bad faith and can confuse the public.
5.3.3. The DOI made the following determination in the given case: HOLIDAY INN marks have been registered and are used by Six Continents in Nepal and other countries and thus are well-known marks belonging to Six Continents. Holiday Express’s proposed mark does not seem to be its original creation and the application has been made in bad faith. Allowing registration of the “HOLIDAY EXPRESS TRAVELS AND TOURS (and logo)” mark to Holiday Express Nepal can adversely affect the goodwill of Six Continents and therefore shall cause confusion among consumers.
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optistaff · 5 months
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intertaxtrade · 9 months
Website : https://en.intertaxtrade.com
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/intertaxtrade/
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usadvlottery · 8 months
Immigrant Legal Aid Policies in the United States encompass a set of regulations and initiatives designed to provide legal assistance and support to individuals navigating the complex immigration system. These policies aim to ensure that immigrants, regardless of their status, have access to fair representation, information, and resources. Legal aid organizations collaborate with government agencies, pro bono attorneys, and community partners to offer services such as legal consultations, representation in immigration court proceedings, and advocacy for the protection of immigrants' rights. These policies reflect the commitment to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and inclusive, recognizing the importance of a robust legal framework to address the diverse needs of the immigrant population in the United States.
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Visa Consultants Services in Chennai, India
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charitohans · 2 years
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Legal Shield offers professional legal consultation that could help get you the answers, relief, and resolutions you need. Offering legal services and consultation in Oregon, the United States, and Canada, Legal Shield has been successfully protecting over 4.5 million individuals and 140,000 businesses across North America with affordable, mobile, and personalized solutions, making legal remedies easily accessible for everybody.
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consultbin · 2 years
Strategy consultancy
Strategy Consultancy: Strong ambition for success maintaining work consistency and achieve the highest results in difficult tasks. 
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sequoyastrategies · 3 months
Expert Government Consulting Firm
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Discover an expert government consulting firm providing strategic advisory services to federal and state agencies. Our services include policy analysis, regulatory compliance, and program management. Visit Sequoya Strategies to learn more about our comprehensive solutions for government entities.
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Discover how partnering with legal consulting firms can save your business time and money through expert guidance and streamlined solutions.
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