#legend & bluepees
twink-between-worlds · 8 months
got impatient. woe, fic be upon ye
the format is fucked up (read; not indented) because tumblr was pissing me off. and i cannot fight with it at 2am. we might fix it later
ao3 ; x
Legend is a man of many talents. He has a lot of hobbies and skills, all picked up over his many years of adventuring. ..but sometimes, he surprises himself with what he can do. It’s a little intimidating, to think you know what you’re capable of just to be informed you can do something you’d never even considered, but…it is what it is. It’s best to just accept it when it happens.
That being said, Legend isn’t used to the fact these strange, rabbit-like creatures in Wild’s era seem to like him. A lot.
Rupee stuck around, following close behind Legend whenever they walked anywhere—as if he was afraid Legend would disappear if left alone for one minute. For a little while, this was cute—Rupee would even trail after Four, sometimes—but eventually ‘cute’ became ‘annoying’, and Legend kind of wishes the rabbit-creature would stop toddling after him all the time.
“Ledge, your lil friend is trying to get your attention,”Four spoke up quietly, not looking up from whatever book they’re reading. Wild had given it to them as a birthday gift, when he’d learned Four’s birthday had passed without the smithy saying anything. He also made Four a cupcake, despite the smithy’s protests.
Four shared it with Legend and Rupee later on. Rupee seemed confused at the idea, but had eaten his third of it after Legend had. Legend noted that it was carrot cake, and that he absolutely needs to get that recipe from Wild before this adventure is over.
Sometimes, Rupee will run off and find things to bring Legend, and other times he all-but-drags Legend with him to show the veteran something. It’s a little endearing, and sometimes Rupee finds some interesting stuff. That’s only sometimes, though.
In the span of a few weeks—he thinks, anyway. It’s a little hard to tell—he’d gained the attention of three more bluepees, none of which stayed too long but were present enough to have been named Koholint, Puddles and Blueberry (that last one came from Four. He’d let the smithy name her when they were upset one night) respectively.
Much like Rupee, however, they fussed over Legend too much. He’ll say he doesn’t know why they do it, but he does, and he hates it.
Just because his bunny form is a little…smaller than the average bunny, doesn’t mean he’s a baby.
Legend sighed. “What’s up, Rupee?”He tilted his head at the creature, groaning in annoyance when Rupee pawed at his leg before turning and hopping a small distance away, before stopping and turning to see if Legend was following.
Looks like he wants Legend to follow. Reluctantly, Legend stood up. “If the others ask, I’m just taking a walk. Rupee wants to show me something.”
“Okay. Be careful, vet.”
“Will do.”He hums, turning and following Rupee as he began to lead the veteran somewhere.
Belatedly, Legend realises that his sword is still with Four, but he doesn’t think he’ll need it. Not really. Rupee doesn’t drag Legend anywhere dangerous—hell, half of the time they don’t even go too far from wherever the chain had set up camp anyways.
Rupee kept going, occasionally slowing down to see if Legend was still following and allowing him to catch up before hopping off in front again. How considerate.
Honestly, Legend doesn’t know why he bothers entertaining it when Rupee leads him away; but no matter how much he questions himself, he still chooses to follow. If asked, he’ll deny the fact he questions himself on it. Nobody needs to be inside his head, except the ones already there. “...you’re not serious here,”Legend sighed out, watching as Rupee disappeared, appearing in a puff of blue smoke at the top of a nearby cliff. “You want me to climb up there? With these bones? No way in hell.” …he climbs up the cliff anyways. He’s admittedly curious about why Rupee wants him up there in the first place. Once he’s safely made it up, Rupee begins to lead him along again, stopping every so often so Legend can catch up. They don’t travel much further, as Rupee leads Legend into a clearing with a pretty tree and a pond in the centre. Vaguely, Legend recognises that this place reeks of magic. It doesn’t feel hostile, though, just…curious. “Okay, Rupe. What’re we here for?”He kneels down to the bluepee cautiously. In return, Rupee nudges his hand, and Legend belatedly realises that Rupee was trying to comfort him. He’s not leading Legend anywhere else, now, just sitting with him and nuzzling up to him. He still seems to think Legend needs to be comforted. Legend would be mad if it wasn’t Rupee. But it is, so he doesn’t, and instead settles onto the grass with him. He has to admit, this place is calming. It’s quiet, and absolutely soaked in protective magic. It’s safe. Even if the magic here feels curious, like it’s trying to figure out who and what Legend is, it doesn’t seem like whatever it’s coming from seems to be hostile. The veteran relaxes, running his fingers through the glowing blue fur of his little companion. Rupee seems to appreciate it. Legend doesn’t relax like this often. At home, he does. He has plenty of animals back home that he can do this with, he just…doesn’t do it while adventuring. His ears twitch. Something blue moves near the pond, but it’s too small to be a bluepee. It’s…a horse, he thinks. But it’s…not a horse. He knows what a horse looks like. He has one of his own at home. Twilight’s got his horse, Epona, with them. This is a horse, but it’s…not.
It has a similar glow to the bluepees, and Legend registers that the magic he felt earlier is coming from this being. How weird. The horse-thing seems to stare at Legend, and all he can do is stare back. He swears this thing has more eyes than it should. It has antlers, too, sort of like the ones that the bluepees have. After a solid, uncomfortable minute, it takes a step closer. And closer, up until it’s right in front of the veteran. Legend stares at it, before slowly standing up. He never takes his eyes off of the creature, and doesn’t even think about moving too quickly. Once he’s standing, he offers a hand out to the creature. He can feel the aura from the thing. It’s curious. Protective. “I’m gonna call you Pond,”Legend decides, once the…horse (he’ll keep calling it a horse, for now) nudges into his hand. “I don’t have any food with me.”He mumbles. “I’m sorry.”He does feel a little bad about it, but how could he have known?
Pond seemingly doesn’t mind. He spends a while just,,,sitting there, in the presence of a fluffle of bluepees and Pond. It’s…nice. Their presence almost feels healing, as he doesn’t seem to have a single complaint about how his body feels. Eventually, though, he realises that he did sort of leave without telling anyone except Four, and they might be getting worried now. “Rupe, we have to go,”Legend sighs. He doesn’t want to. He sort of just wants to stay here. Rupee hops up, though, and Legend pulls himself off of the ground. He turns to Pond, and runs his fingers through their mane. “I have to go now, Pond. It was nice to meet you.” Pond doesn’t seem happy. Makes a sound of protest that Legend’s only ever heard from Pepper, when he does something that she doesn’t like. “I know,”He frowns. “I’m sorry. I would stay if I could.”And he would. He would spend so much longer here if he was able. Pond seems to make a decision. Starts trotting away from the body of water, towards where Rupee is sitting. Legend, confused but needing to go that way anyways, follows. This is how he finds himself walking down a beaten path with a bluepee and a strange, horse-like creature who feels like a deity. This is how he finds himself back at camp, still with the two in tow. “Hey Ledge, enjoy your—”Wild cuts off, staring behind him. “This is Pond,”Legend informs. Then, “Do you know what it is…? I think it’s a horse? But it’s not.” “That’s—Legend, that’s the lord of the mountain.”Wild blinks rapidly. “That’s basically a minor god. How did you..” “Oh. Pond just kinda followed us back.” “Pond.”He wheezes, and Legend thinks he might be dying for a second. “You somehow befriended a minor god, and you named it Pond?” Legend pouts. “I think it’s a good name.” “For a pet, maybe.” Legend frowns and turns to Pond. “Do you like the name I gave you, or do you want something else? Nudge once for you like it, twice for you want a new one.” Pond nudges him once. “See? Pond likes it!” “Vet. You’re back.”Four hums, wandering over to scoop Rupee up into their arms, tilting their head at Pond. “Made a new friend?” “Yeah. Named ‘em Pond. Wild says they’re a minor god. Cool, right?” “So cool.”Four nods, petting Rupee. “Is that what Rupee wanted to show you?” “Yeah.”Legend fetches an apple from his bag, feeding it to Pond as he speaks. “There’s a little pond up on that hill. Pretty tree. There’s a lot more bluepees there, and that’s where Pond was.” Four hums, still holding Rupee as they step a little closer to Pond, tilting their head curiously. Legend notes that Four stays behind him, as if Pond might get spooked by Four’s very existence. “So creepy…Pond is so cool. Can we keep them?” “If they’re a god like Wild says…we shouldn’t, no. Pond really didn’t like the idea of me leaving their side, though. Like. Got so upset when me and Rupee went to leave that they followed us all the way back.” Four whistles. “Damn. Hey, can we swap Epona out for Pond? Pond looks cooler.” “Four!”Sky scolds with a frown. “I’m joking~ Relax. We can have both.” “You can’t keep the lord of the mountain!”Wild whines. Despite Wild protesting it, though; Pond hangs around the group for the rest of their time in this era, hovering over Legend and Rupee. Wild accepts this.
Later, he tells Legend that he’s lucky to be able to befriend Pond—who, Wild reveals, is actually called Satori—so easily. Legend doesn’t get it, though. Never does. He’s not really that lucky. Animals just like him. Wild throws something at him when he says that. Genuinely throws his soup ladle at the veteran, while the others laugh about it. Distantly, Legend wonders why animals trust him so easily. It can’t just be because he’s sometimes a bunny. It’s weird, but welcome. He does need to look into it, though. Preferably before he accidentally befriends another deity.
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roxychancrafts · 2 years
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The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Bluepee Smedim stacking plush commission
made of fleece and felt
want one of your own or of something different feel free to message me or go to my etsy (roxychancrafts)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 days
If you're still looking for comfort fits, here's a few of my favorites
Flora accidentally befriends Dark Link
Sky is homesick, Wild is there to help
Wild lost the Champions photo between BoTW and ToTK. The chain all pitch in to remake the picture for him
Legend accidentally gets adopted by Bluepees
Time being a father figure to the chain (I may have recommended this one before)
Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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vicmillen · 4 months
It's been a long while since I yap about Links Assemble, so I'm gonna ramble about it now. Nothing here is guaranteed to make it into LA canon, they're just random thoughts I had.
1) Karusa the bluepee, which is Wild's pet. Because comic Bucky has Alpine the spoiled white cat and movie Bucky falls off the train somewhere in the Alpine mountains and Karusa valley is the entrance to the Yiga hideout in botw and I want to make that place where LA Wild 'died', so. I just think it's really funny, you know.
2) Sun named her loftwing Hylia, because of reasons she can't even remember. Which becomes slightly awkward and extremely hilarious when she awakened as, you know, The Goddess Hylia Herself. Also Sky's loftwing is named Redwing, of course. Still debating if I should let him talk to birds like comic Sam, but regardless he can definitely talk to Redwing.
3) Instead of the Hulk we have a gigantic Twili Wolf. That both is and isn't Twilight, like Banner and the Hulk. First because of the transformation thing, and how Twilight was chased out of Ordon by Rusl, which might replace Harem and general Ross, now that I think about it. But besides that it's also fitting because the Hulk is really good with animals in the comics and Wolf Link can literally talk to animals.
4) Yuga Ravio Hilda, Obadiah Tony Pepper, do you see my vision? Although rather than personally becoming Ironman, Ravio hired a body guard to do it for him, like Tony's cover story in the comics except they're actually two separate people here. And rather than Ironman Legend's skill set is more like Steven Strange. Even the weird name checks out. Ravio provided Legend with any and all gear he requested, all with a price, of course. In exchange he pays Legend for his 'bodyguard services', and somehow the fees for the equipments always cancels out the pay.
5) Peter Parker Hyrule. Not the spider bite part but the vibe. Idk I just think he really suits the whole 'highschooler superhero that has homework to deal with after patrol' thing. And he gets to apprentice under Legend, which would be neat.
6) If Ravio is Tony Stark then Sheerow would definitely be Jarvis. God damn I love Jarvis so much.
7) Wait if Twilight is Hulk and Ghirahim is Loki... Yeah Twi can definitely punt Ghirahim into the ground it's literally perfect.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Just image sage and wild seeing there tolder baby reader going to there frist day of school
You know the reader going to be like there dad's also don't help that fluffy buns aka her support bluepee is like back back away from my child/friend/sister . She making her art and trying not to make fire
The others see the school on fire and everyone in ice and sliding out and the reader Aggy as the fully buns groom himself really quickly from the paint and finished fix his furr that is cut a little but
Warrior shuges: knew it was going to happen
Time just sweating and looking at the baby reader: she really is just like her dad's and us
Four packing on what he should do as all the colors are like wtf but red like hell yeah again
Two is just looks at the blupees and put two and two together: they devris it
Legend just stares at wild and safe ; what have you been teaching her
Wild crying happy proud mama tears and holds his arms out for the reader as she nuzz him as she holds fluffy buns falling asleep
Sage just smirk and look up at the sky : SEE THAT ZELDA FUCK YOUR SCHOOL. IT WASN'T WORTH IT I DID MORE THAN THAT AND. I TOKD YOU MY DAUGHTER WOULD GET YOU KARMA!! He says filping off the light Dragon as she flys by like bitch I work hard on that.
All the links and the one teachers look at him like wtf man
nonforn Reader causing chaos is perfect especially burning down Zelda's school and SAGE FLIPPING HER OFF SIFBFIOF
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itslulustucru · 4 years
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sinnamonthebunny · 6 years
A little light fantastic
(I got bored and wrote about something that happened in the linked discord chat)
It was too foggy to see, the fog covered every part of the area Wind and Four were in, leaving them walking blindly. The hero's were heading to the area where Wild found his white horse, but Four and Wind got separated when a heavy fog appeared out of nowhere.
Walking around mindlessly, they began to weary. The two tired hero's tried to call out to the others; but no one could hear them.
Foot after another, Wind began to tire more it was early in the morning, maybe 2:30am, then something caught his eyes, in the distance was a small glow. Patting Fours arm, Wind said with a smile;
“Look, I think someone is over there! They might help us!”
Four smiled weakly at Winds enthusiasm and drew his sword. It's best be prepared for a fight then die a death because you followed a bloody light.
The two made there way to the faint blue light that was gleaming, and as they got closer they realized it wasn't human, it was a Blupee.
With wonder filling Four's and Winds eyes, they went closer. They never seen a Blupee before, but Wild would talk about them from time to time.
Before they got close enough where the Blupee would notice the two, Wind puts how hand out to stop Four from walking any further.
Giving Wind a strange look, Wind puts his fingers to his mouth, making a shushing noise.
“I'm gonna see if I can catch it”
Four looked at Winds face to see if he was kidding, he wasn't. Four looked at the Blupee, then gave a nod; leaving the young hero to his antics.
Wind snook around the Blupee with great ease, not scaring the creature. Getting closer and closer, steps quieter than a mouse, he lunges.
Wind catches the Blupee with his hands and holds on to it, hoping it wouldn't disappear. The Blupee tries to get get out with a struggle but seemed to accept its fate. Once the Blupee calmed down, Wind began to pet it.
Four just stood in amazement as he watched everything unfold.
Wind still holding the Blupee trotted up to Four;
“I'm gonna name it Parakeet!”
Four stared at Wind, with confusion and disbelief.
“You do know that once you let go of it, it might disappear. I wouldn't grow attached to it if I were you.”
Wind gives Four a disapproving look that says, “I already grew attached to it, so fight me.”
With a displeasing sigh, Four, Wind and there new member began their walk. As they walked further in the fog, it became thicker. Squinting to see where they should be heading, Wind slipped on a rock spraining his ankle and letting go of Parakeet.
Four runs up to Wind with worried covering his features.
“Are you okay!? Do you need help up?!”
Wind just laughed a bit to try and lighten the mood, but the laugh was replaced with a hiss and him grabbing his ankle.
“I think I sprained my ankle”
Nodding to what Wind said, Four grabbed him and lifted Wind up. Holding onto Wind just in case he fell again, the made there way, not noticing the blue glowing Blupee that was following beside them.
Trying to climb a small hill, the two noticed a giant light on the top of the mountain. Looking at each other Four and Wind nodded, making the giant light their new destination for now.
With a limp, Wind pushed away from Four and headed towards a giant apple tree that a certain Blupee was at. Grabbing a apple, Wind crouched down and patted it's head.
“Thanks for staying with us Parakeet! It appreciated!”
The Blupee Wind was patting let out a happy chirp, knowing that it was useful to its friend, but before Wind could get up and continuing with the walk, Parakeet grabbed one of his fingers.
And with a look, it tried to tell Wind and Four that it knows a quicker route.
Wind looked at the Parakeet as it grabbed his fingers, it looked like it wanted to show him something. With a smile, Wind quickly picked Parakeet up and went back to Four.
Right as Four put his hand on Wind to support him, Parakeet worked some magic and teleported them.
With a yelped the boys landed by a small pond. Four and Wind were filled with confusion as they sat by the pond. There was Blupees everywhere, and in the middle of the pond was a great beast, it had two faces, and kinda look like what would happen if you mixed a horse and a Blupee together.
The boys stood up with cation, the great beast stared at them. The boys stared back. In the middle of the staring contest, a familiar chirping noise broke it. Parakeet was on top of Winds head, chirping excitedly at the beast in front of them.
The beast gave a quick nod at the familiar Blupee on Winds head, and began to trot towards them. As the beast came closer, Four was full anxiety and instinctively moved in front of Wind, holding him close. The movement didn't bother the beast as it moved closer, as soon as the Lord of the mountain was close enough that it could touch them, it dropped it's head towards Winds ankle.With a whistle, blue mist surrounded Winds injured foot.
The boys stood in awe as the mist did it's magic.
As the mist surrounded Winds ankle, the redness and swelling that has happened to his ankle began to disappear, then the mist evaporated leaving a perfectly fine ankle.
The boys were filled with fascination as they thanked the Lord for it's help.
The Lord of the mountain nodded it's head a bit, turning around and disappearing in thin air.
Leaving the boys in childhood wonder along with Parakeet.
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justtiredthoughts · 5 years
Are they just baby of the creature that is lord of the mountain?!?!
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kizegg · 6 years
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Link, Kolog and Bluepee
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sof-t2611archive · 7 years
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Bluepees are so cute!!
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colacatinthehat · 7 years
Breath of the Wild || One Year Anniversary Prompts
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Day 10 - Princess
Rating: K+
Words: 450*
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Pairing: Link/Zelda you fools
Summary: Link takes a moment to do a spot of photography
Silent Princess.
Hidden at the base of the tree, the pair of flowers were so delicate that he’d almost missed them.
A few months ago he’d have snatched them up without a moment’s hesitation, but now he was content to leave with only a photograph. Absent-mindedly scrolling though his collection on the slate as he made his way towards Tarrey Town.
A photograph atop the highest peak in the realm, his white stallion in his fine new bridle enjoying the grass on Hyrule field, the archways leading into Zora’s domain and, of course, a dozen or so flowers. Flowers beside fountains, besides trees, besides books. It was a compulsion he couldn't quite explain. Before he had any memories all of the photographs he'd taken had been very practical. He needed to find more rushrooms or a bluepee or some ore... That sort of thing.
These days he took photos to preserve the memory of the moment.
The air in Akkala was fresh and laced with the sharp bite of sea salt. Link rather liked Akkala, it was far-reaching and, for the most part, empty. Not a soul in sight.
From here he could almost pretend that the dark clouds to the west belonged to death mountain alone. That they were natural and harmless.
Almost pretend.
He'd vanquished all but one of the Divine beasts now and, with each reunion with a fallen ally, the question became a little clearer in his mind. It was not foolish to assume that Daruk had met the same fate as poor Mipha, Revali and Urbosa. It was also no stretch to think that perhaps the Princess had met a similar end.
Princess, what state will I find you in?
He scrolled back to the photograph he had just taken at the Great Fairy Fountain. A pair of flowers hidden away in the wilderness, weathering the harsh coastal winds behind the trunk of a tree.
What will I do if you're no longer with us?
Enough of that, he spent too much time in his own head these days. There were important things that needed to be done, foes that would not vanquish themselves.
Still, he wondered vaguely, maybe there was a chance he'd get to show Princess Zelda the photograph someday.
He wondered if she'd like it.
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twink-between-worlds · 7 months
four and legend (and eventually shadow), from the eyes of rupee
The small hylian is strange. The Kit seems to like the strange one. In fact, the Kit actively appears to seek the strange one out. The strange one is not a threat. The Kit trusts the strange one with seemingly important things whenever the Kit leaves. The Kit and the strange one cannot be apart for long. The strange one has a shadow. It moves even when they are still. It appears darker than a regular shade would. “Okay Rupee,”The Kit speaks, scooping the being up. It allows itself to be handed to the strange one. “Four’s lookin after you for a hot sec. I’ll be back. Four, just…make sure the others don’t kill or harm him?” “I’ll kill them if they try.”The strange one replies in a serious tone. “Or at least stab them.” “Atta boy.”Is what the Kit says before he leaves. The strange one pats the ethereal creature. It allows them to do so. The strange one will not harm it. It wishes to know more about the strange one’s even stranger shade. “A’ight, Rupe,”The strange one begins. “Ledge has trusted me with your life. I am not going to let a single bad thing happen to you.”
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them. legends sad hours
“Legend?” He glanced up, trying to wear his heart on his cheek rather than his sleeve, as he noticed Hyrule and Four sitting nearby, both turned to him. “Hm?” “You’ve been thinking hard enough to put Four to shame.”Hyrule tilted his head, cackling when Four punched his arm lightly. “Dick,”They snorted, looking at Legend. “What’s on your mind, bluepee boy?” “Don’t bring Rupee and Koholint into this.”He shot back lightly, earning a chuckle before he frowned. He could be honest, or he could be vague. “Thinkin about home.”Vague is safe. “Oh, been there,”Four whistled, tilting their head back. “Maan~ I would kill for some of Dot’s hot chocolate right now. She makes it so good. It’s got, like, honey and cinnamon mixed into it—it’s delightful.” “I should try making that sometime,”Legend hummed softly. “I kinda miss Ravio’s cider. It’s admittedly a little better than my own—not that he’ll ever know that.” “I just…”Hyrule looked down. “I just miss Aurora and Dawn’s hugs. They’re nice.” “I feel ya there,”Legend shrugged loosely. “Fable clings onto me like I’m gonna die the second I leave her sight.” Four let out a little laugh, at first, and then their expression shifted, staring right into Legend’s eyes. “Okay. Now what else were you thinking about?” “Just…a lot of things.” “Like what?” “Four—” “No, it can help you sort things out when you talk about stuff. Trust me on that one.” Legend…isn’t sure if he can.
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vague notes of what we're cooking ;
legend is after wild. hyrule is before wild.
the dragon-ification of flora doesnt fucking happen because that was fucking STUPID nintendo.
the depths becomes lorule
legend has a purah pad. but instead of a blue interface, it's pink. this is just a fun little thing we wanted to do
legends dark world form is a bluepee. he remains pink though. ur taking pink legend from my cold dead hands
legend has hylias magic, but he hasnt unlocked it (in this au, he is only 16! so he is not yet old enough for that last spring yet (fables already unlocked her magic, she did it naturally. legend is insecure about this. that is important to note.))
idk what to call it. im just being silly. the dream fic is fun. i like messing with the timeline
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twink-between-worlds · 10 months
anyways you probably want to know why that poll existed, right?
well, it isnt just the bluepees that like legend
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rupee the bluepee
Legend with his newly aquired pet bluepee (plus four meeting said bluepee)
Legend whistled faintly, heading up the hill of Kakariko Village.
He doesn't really need to be up here, his joints were acting up and he needed to move around.  Wild did tell him about a fairy fountain nearby..  Legend went quiet, his eyes landing on a soft blue glow.  The creature resembles a rabbit, sort of, and it stared right back at Legend.  Legend thinks Wild told them about these things before.  Bluepees, he thinks.  Legend definitely hit Wild when told what that man does to these poor things, but they drop rupees when struck.  Legend almost killed him, because you don't hurt innocent animals and— Legend paused, his ears twitching as the bluepee made it's way over.  Odd, Legend hummed, tilting his head, Wild said bluepees ran from you, not to you. He kneeled down gently, trying not to scare the bluepee off.  Wild said they get scared easily, by minor noise.  The bluepee nudged Legend's hand cautiously, and Legend took that moment to observe the creature.  It's light blue, and it's eyes.. They're pink.  Wild said they were all identical, the same shades of blue and yellow.  Pink was never mentioned.  Legend gently reached down, his knuckles resting on the bluepees head.  When there was no sign of protest, Legend gently started petting it. “Well aren’t you cute..”Legend mumbled softly. Before he could do anything else, a branch fell from a nearby tree, and the bluepee ran off. Legend sighed and stood up, heading back down.
Maybe he’ll run into it again later..
“How long til we’re there, Wild?” Wild shook his head at Wind’s whine, and shrugged. “Not too far.” “Is all this walking worth it?”Legend huffed. He won’t say it out loud, but he’s in pain. His body fucking aches. “It’s not that far!” They’re getting close to Hateno Village, but Legend doesn’t care. He’ll rest when they’re there, then he’s heading off again. He wants to see that bluepee again. When they got to Wild’s house in Hateno, the first thing Legend decided to do was rest. The chain know about his chronic pain, even if he hadn’t been the one to tell them, so they let him.
Legend doesn’t know how long he slept for, he just knows it was dark when he woke up. Quietly, he got up off the floor and made his way towards the door. “Vet? Where ya goin’?” Legend darted his eyes to the side to see Four, sitting on the bottom of the stairs. He looks tired.. “Why are you awake, Four?” “Could be askin’ you the same thing.”Four shot back, rubbing sleep out of his eyes and walking over. Legend rolled his eyes gently, before sighing. “Come with me.” Four raised an eyebrow, before sighing. “Let me get my sword.” After Four had retrieved his sword, the two silently left the house. It,,may be an odd sight for anyone who happens to be awake to see the two. Legend’s just wearing his undertunic and his jewelry and Four’s genuinely just wearing a set of black pyjamas with a single necklace on and his sword over his shoulder. They’re weird. They look weird too. Heading down the path, the two made their way into the small woodland area below Hateno Village. “You’re putting a lot of trust in me.”Legend stated simply, glancing at Four as they walked. “I could be bringing you to a death trap for all you know.” “Nah.”Four started, yawning. “You wouldn’t do that.” “What makes you so sure?” “I know you like pretending and all,”Four turned to him, smiling gently. “But you’re just a kid at heart. You don’t want to cause harm unless you have to.” Legend went quiet, unsure how to respond, and his eyes lit up when he saw a very familiar bluepee resting in the grass. The bluepee lifted it’s head and stared at Legend, then Four, before ultimately making its way to Legend. The pink-haired hero kneeled down, gently petting it again. “Hey buddy..”Legend mumbled softly. Four tilted his head, sitting on the grass next to Legend. “Isn’t that a bluepee? The things Wild said ran away from people?” Legend nodded, humming. “This one didn’t run from me when I went near it at the fairy fountain..” “The one in Kakariko?” “Yeah. Little thing was sitting nearby,,got scared by a branch before I could do anything more than pet it.”Legend paused again, then smiled. “I think I’ll name it.” “Yeah?”Four hummed, gently reaching over to touch the bluepee. “What’s its name?” Legend thought for a minute, before shrugging. “Rupee.”
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