#legit i still have unanswered asks in my inbox
theandrosaur · 8 months
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A little bit of food for my lmk homies
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Will the side stories in Patreon ever go public eventually? Just like what Cata do in the infinity series? Oh yeah my question about if the Mozorovs and the Aikawas families were real would they be featured as one of the richest in Forbes magazine? This was already ask, Idk if it got buried beneath the other asks.
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I think the ask you sent previously might have gotten buried, I’m so sorry about that 😅 I have like 350-ish unanswered asks in my inbox right now, plus 240-ish in my draft 😭
Since I’ll be explaining a bit more in detail about the Morozov’s and the Aikawa’s businesses, it’ll be a bit long so I’ll keep it under the cut 😄
For your first question, I will release stories that I feel are crucial to the main story to public and I may occasionally release one or two other side stories, such as for special events, but certainly not all of them. After all, it is thanks to the Patrons’ support that enable me to even have enough time to write most those side stories in the first place 😄
As for your second question, that’s a good one! I feel like they would be, but definitely not for being crime families and syndicate, but for their more legitimate businesses 😂 Even though they might have built their current Empire on blood money, they do actually have more legitimate sources of income that they focus on a bit more nowadays, even though they are still also used for money laundering.
For example, the Morozovs have their Casino and even though the legitimate income from people gambling itself is big, the money they get from helping laundering money through it is even bigger. Morozovs also have real-estate and development company, which is also another good company to have for laundering large amount of money, although they do legit build buildings and stuff, like the apartment MC lives in.
For the Aikawas (which brings us to the second anon’s question), they do have their six-star luxurious hotel, but that’s not all. They also own a bank and stock exchange company, which they have used to launder money as well (and yes, the Morozovs have also used those to launder their own money occasionally too 😆).
I think I’ve touched upon this too, but both Morozov and Aikawa are also known venture capitalists, often providing capitals and investments on start-up companies that have potential. But unlike other normal Venture Capitalists, they also offer additional service in the form of removing and weeding out the company’s potential rivals 😂, in exchange for holding the majority of shares in those companies and receiving large amounts of dividends back.
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gladiolidiaries · 1 year
we need to start a revolution, some of your anons should make a blog, i would if i wasn't mentally ill and the doomposts would make me kms
honestly having a blog like that is really fun, it's sort of overwhelming sometimes but so far i like it. Also there's clearly a pretty active community here cause i legit clear my inbox everyday and there's still always over 200 unanswered asks so there's more than enough space for more blogs!
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