What if I write some more Lemyanka and Lemonjuice and Lemyankajuice content???
Because I might do that in between my rampant Crygi posting???
Would that be a serve???
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gottlem · 4 years
ur my favourite virgo <3 (lemyankajuice)
a/n: i really wanted to do a fic for lemons birthday so i wrote this in a few hours at like 9pm while also being shattered so i apologise for any little mistakes :) anyways here is pure lemyankajuice fluff
summary: lemon is still kinda drunk. and clingy. so clingy, that she needs the full attention from both her girlfriends in order to get to sleep.
Lemon’s birthday was finally coming to an end. Well, it was so late it was technically early, so her birthday had literally ended maybe a few hours ago, but according to her, since she hadn’t slept yet, it was still classed as her special day. She had spent the day surrounded by her friends in her only-slightly-too-small New York apartment she shared with her two girlfriends. Everyone there had all drank a little too much under the excuse that it was Lemon’s party, and that’s exactly how she wants everyone to celebrate. 
The apartment had been filled with belly-laughs and drunken dancing since the late afternoon, when people started to slowly pile in. She had gotten a few gifts, but they never really mattered too much to Lemon anyway, she was a romantic at heart, so the biggest gift she could ask for she already had. In fact, she had two. Priyanka and Juice were her two favourite people, and if you asked her, spending her birthday with them was the only thing she needed. Everything else was just a bonus.
It’s no secret that Lemon liked to feel loved. She liked to be told she was loved and always appreciated having a hold to hold, or an arm around her waist. This only got worse the more she drank, which is why she found herself in bed and waiting for her girlfriends to join her at 4am, still admittedly, quite far from being sober. They eventually tiptoed into the room after a few minutes (but if you asked Lemon, they might as well have taken a couple hours) with Priyanka holding a bottle of water and Juice with some painkillers, ready for when the birthday girl woke up later on.
“Hey, I thought you’d be flat out by now, Lem, you’re still pretty drunk” Juice’s voice was soft and laced with so much love and fondness you could practically hear it with every syllable. Lemon’s response was an unintelligible groan, followed by:
“Nah, want birthday cuddles” The two girls just chuckled at their girlfriend, adorably wrapped up in their duvet, staring at them with impatience. Who were they to deny her of birthday cuddles? They sat down on either side of her, and Lemon practically attached herself to Priyanka instantly, while Juice was happy to pick her book off the nightstand to begin her attempt to finish the chapter she’d been reading. 
She had only gotten through a couple pages before she felt the mattress shift below her, and before she knew it, Lemon had closed her book for her and put it back on the nightstand. 
“You have clung on to Pri like a fucking koala for god knows how long, there is no way you want more attention” Her words seemed harsh, but her tone was anything but. She found Lemon’s neediness endearing really, and also maybe a little validating. Juice liked to feel wanted. Lemon’s response was to wrap her arms around Juice. Juice just let her.
“Pri, c’mere” Lemon’s voice was muffled, from being nuzzled into her girlfriend’s neck, and slightly slurred, since she had absolutely not sobered up, unlike Juice and Priyanka. Pri didn’t even try to argue, she shuffled over so Lemon was completely squished in between the two girls, but she couldn’t complain. It’s exactly what she wanted anyway. 
“Happy birthday Lem” It was whispered from Priyanka as she sifted her fingers gently through her girlfriends hair, and echoed from Juice.
“Happy birthday baby,” Juice could feel Lemon’s soft breaths tickle her neck, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, she just tilted her head so it was gently placed just above Lemon’s, “You’re my favourite Virgo.” 
“Mine too” Priyanka added, causing the birthday girl to let out a little chuckle, and then a small dissatisfied ‘hmph’
“Wait... why stop at Virgo? Am I not your favourite person regardless of my star sign?”
“Of course, babe. You’re our favourite person ever. Right Pri?”
Lemon fell asleep shortly after, and when Juice felt her breath even out against her neck, she picked up her book again and finally finished that chapter as Priyanka eventually drifted off too. She couldn’t help but look at the scene next to her and feel blissfully content. She took in the sight of her girlfriends and locked it away for the morning; Lemon was going to be so hungover when she woke up and Juice would have to be the one to take care of her, so she’d need to remember this moment for when she held Lemon’s hair back.
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zwritestuff · 4 years
sorry i just- could you also do 19 with 15 from the fluff prompts with lemyankajuice hehehe ily zyan
19. Stranded due to weather / 15. We’re more than friends and you know it!
“So, Juice,” Priyanka starts, sipping on her hot cocoa, her tone ever so serious. “Is it true you have a crush on Lemon?”
Juice, ironically enough, chokes with her orange juice, as Priyanka stares at her with a blank expression. She cleans up the corners of her mouth with the heel of her palm, looking at her girlfriend as if she just lost her mind—though, deep inside, she hates to admit she's right. But that's not something she'll say out loud.
“Babe, I would never—”
“Bitch, don't even try it. I know that look you give her when she says dumb shit, that's how you look at me when I say dumb shit,” Priyanka argues, and her tone isn't really upset, which is the part that surprises her. Juice cocks a brow, reminding Priyanka to keep her voice down, Lemon could hear them.
It really isn't ideal that they're having this conversation while Lemon is taking a nap in their guest room, after a storm broke loose, making it dangerous to drive during the rain.
“Pri, you're imagining things,” Juice says, trying to be reasonable. Because, although she has a tiny, itty, bitty crush on Lemon, she isn't going to throw her life long relationship to the drain because of it. “She’s our friend, we’re just friends!”
“We’re more than friends and you know it!” She exclaims, exasperated. It takes Juice a full moment to realize what Priyanka just said.
“We?” Priyanka chews on her lower lip before sighing.
“So, uh, I may have a crush on Lemon, too,” she confesses, and suddenly a lot of things make sense in Juice's mind. Oh. Oh.
There's a beat of silence, until Juice speaks again. “Well, this is awkward. Does she even likes us? Not just you and me separately, but, y’know,” Juice awkwardly inquires, and Priyanka shrugs.
“I guess we’ll have to find out when she wakes up.”
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
Pri-heat to 375° (lemyankajuice)
Juice is just trying to bake but Lemon decides it's time for attention, Priyanka finds this endlessly amusing and adorable.
hhhhh this is a ship concept, i felt the need to write it so enjoy 1.3k of pure fluff and some baking. i wrote this in like 3 days and it’s unbetad so take from that what you will, thanks to my beloved janon for suggesting that punny title, it's pretty iconic. 
light tw for mentions of burns, it's nothing too bad but it's there at the end
ao3 link
People looked down on the girls. Something about the three of them being too much trouble for once house, let alone the apartment they lived in. It didn’t stop them though, there was never a dull moment, even with Juice’s attempted baking, they found a way to spice it up with some chaos.
Juice was the only one permitted in the kitchen a lot of the time. It stemmed from Lemon setting the smoke alarm off trying to make toast and Priyanka not being allowed near anything that made a lot of heat after she had accidentally burnt their bedding with a hairdryer. It was also a safety issue, the kitchen was hardly big enough to fit three adult women, no matter how much Priyanka insisted Lemon and Juice were child size.
It was simple, the small blonde just wanted to bake cookies. That couldn’t be too much trouble. Could it?
Yes. Of course, it could. Juice underestimated the combined power of a particularly needy Lemon and excited Priyanka. Not easy to deal with on their own, but together was just an accident waiting to happen. It started easy enough, Juice left alone to focus on what she was doing.
For about ten minutes.
Although the recipe only took half an hour, including baking time. Juice liked to be thorough before she moved on to the next step. That was why the kitchen was the only place that was clean and organised. Three messy people in one small apartment was not a good way to keep clean, but the kitchen was exempt from the majority of the mess. Last time, a particularly sleep-deprived Lemon had wandered in, made toast and somehow left two different plates, a knife and the kitchen counter a mess. Jam left on the side, forgotten as she ate before promptly curling up on the couch to nap for three hours. Juice had never been that annoyed about something, the mess was normal for them. But Lemon learnt the hard way, an upset Juice was not a good thing to be around.
She knew better than to bother her small girlfriend, but there was a distinct urge for attention and who was she to deny what she wanted. Priyanka was nowhere to be seen, having had to take a phone call a few minutes prior. The yellow-haired girl bounced into the kitchen, poking Juice’s shoulder as she rolled out the cookie dough. The smaller girl turned around to see a particularly attentive looking Lemon, her eyes pleading for something that Juice didn’t have to question. She took the bright-haired girl and peppered light kisses all over her face until Lemon couldn’t hold back her delighted giggles.
Juice moved her face back to look at Lemon, face lit up in a giddy smile that would make anyone melt. Her eyes held so much love that made Juice’s become a mushy pile of soft gay feelings. Lemon pulled the smaller girl back towards her, connecting their lips in a soft, loving kiss. They stayed, distracted by each other until Priyanka came along; poking her head through the doorway and smirking at the sight.
“Well, what do we have here? Looks quite gay to me.” Juice jolted at the sudden voice coming from the doorway. Lemon glanced over her shoulder, her face lighting up with a grin.
“Pripri! C’mere!” Lemon bounced in happiness when Priyanka obliged, walking close enough for the yellow-haired girl to pull her into a hug. She looked up at the brunette, pressing soft kisses all over her face before turning to Juice and doing the same thing. Priyanka followed her girlfriend’s lead, leaning her face down to kiss the pair.
The affection continued, Lemon somewhat squished between her two girlfriends. She let out a content, happy sigh that made both the girls holding her melt and squeeze her somewhat tighter. Juice let out a soft noise a few minutes later, breaking up the long hug with a frown.
“As much as I'd love to cuddle you two for longer, these cookies won’t bake themselves.” Lemon pouted, while Priyanka nodded while trying to hold back laughter at Lemon’s clear annoyance at the interruption.
“Can I help?” Lemon looked at Juice pleadingly, clearly just wanting something to keep her occupied.
“I’ve done most of it, Lem. I just need to roll it out and cut out the shapes. If you two want to help choose the cookie cutters then that would be good.”
Lemon nodded with a grin, excitedly searching the drawer for various shapes. She pulled out a star, happily presenting it to her amused girlfriends. Juice turned to Priyanka, gesturing to the drawer with a curious look. The taller girl laughed before plucking a heart-shaped cookie cutter and placing it next to Lemon’s star.
“Alright, you guys don't need to crowd. You’re going to get in the way!” Juice huffed when both women only moved closer to her. “Hey! I mean it! I can’t get them onto the tray if I can’t move.”
“Oh, you’re so intimidating, Juicy.” Priyanka teased, patting juice’s head. Juice only pouted in response. “You’re so tiny it’s adorable when you pout” that only made Juice pout more, leaving lemon watching with intrigue and amusement. Something about seeing the tiny blonde glaring up at her made Priyanka want to squeal. She was adorable, and never someone she could take seriously due to the seven-inch height difference. Priyanka enjoyed towering over her girlfriends. It wasn’t hard to considering they were both quite short but the pure euphoria of patting them both on the head, only to be glared at by the two cutest girls she knew. It was something to be treasured. Especially in moments like this.
Moving past her girlfriends, Juice put the cookies in the oven. Lemon immediately directed all her attention onto it, as if watching would make the cookies bake faster.
“Now we wait, I know you two have no patience but it’s only going to be around ten minutes.”
“Pfft, who are you saying has no patience? Coming from the girl who yells at her pokemon game when something takes too long to catch.” Priyanka cackled as Lemon grinned deviously, delighting on the irked expression on Juice’s face. The blonde wanted to retort, but she knew that feeding Lemon’s antics would only make it worse. She stared at the yellow-haired woman, inwardly smirking when Lemon pouted about not receiving a response.
“You two really can be amusing sometimes.” Priyanka’s laughter broke the silence. Both girls turned to her curiously. They got pulled into a tight hug, one that made both girls’ faces melt into a soft grin.
“You’re really fun to mess with,” The brunette muttered, pressing a kiss to Juice before turning to Lemon to do the same. “and you’re adorably stupid.” the three continued, mumbling little jokes and hugging until Juice’s timer went off. She took them out of the oven, carefully sliding the cookies onto a plate to cool down before it happened.
The hot tray slid down her over gloves and onto her arm, burning it before she could realise what was happening.
“Shit!” Juice jumped, the tray clanging on the floor. Priyanka looked at her in concern, noticing her holding her arm and looking over it. The skin was red, Juice herself pouting and letting out a pained squeal when her girlfriend poked it.
“Juice! We need to put this under cold water.”
“No you don’t, warm water is better. There was some kind of study about it.” Lemon spoke softly, not looking up from her phone.
“Lem! Please pay attention when your girlfriend just burnt herself.” Priyanka scolded softly, smiling slightly when Lemon glanced up with a nod.
“Juicy you really are clumsy. How do you manage it?” Lemon giggled slightly, pressing a kiss to the blonde’s cheek as she ran her arm under the tap.
“Girl, your talent really is getting injured.” Juice scowled as Priyanka spoke, watching both her girlfriends burst into laughter at her expense.
Both of them came closer, cuddling up to the short girl once more. No matter what happened, the minor mistakes or the stupid jokes, they had each other.
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petitmonde · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney to reveal the names of all my WIPs. I admittedly have too many, I'm a hoarder after all. So I'm going to cheat a little by just listing some of them.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
You've got (hate) mail (Nicky & The Vivienne)
Paloma's lucky day (cc Paloma/Kam)
Finally under me (cc Dame/Kam)
Bitter like lukewarm coffee (Nicky/Kam)
Jealous de ma gelee (Jasya)
Don't call me that (Jasya)
The accident (Jasya)
A moment (Jasya)
Pent up, please release me (cc Jasya)
Good4U (Camya, Camine)
Daya's cat has a really stupid name (Dayasco)
Scars on my face (Camsco)
Whore me out (Jasco)
Bob's got mad pussy game (Bob/everyone)
Angel on the dance floor (Bratpack)
Yellow like joy (Lemyankajuice)
Mechanical hearts (Crygi)
Room 321 (Brooke/Synthia)
Low pressure tag on @blushydrangea since I'm a curious lil bitch that needs to know.
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inthehytes · 2 years
thought, idea, concept: perhaps. maybe. perchance.
background lemyankajuice
(I'm so sorry the Juice cameo got me thinking)
You got it bestie 😌 I needed another background ship for the college years so you got it!! They’re so cute 😌
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Get ready for more May Trope Mayhem!!
🌹 No more in between (Lemyankajuice) - Mar 
🌹 Nobody But You (Naochi)- Candy Cane
🌹 This Can’t Be Love, 1/2 (Bitney) - Veronica 
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missjanjie · 4 years
why is the alien baby au being changed from jankiedoll to lemyankajuice? personally i thought it was ok as it is
me too but 🤷‍♀️
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scarletenvy · 4 years
juice tweeted a pic of lemon as her lockscreen and priyanka as her home screen, lem replied saying lemyanka and tbh now all i can think of is lemyankajuice
okay but why are lemyanka juice's lock and home screens is what i want to know bfkdldkdjflf
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moonshotsx · 3 years
Side ships, you say.. maybe perhaps.... Lemyanka? Or maybe even Lemyankajuice? :3
uhhh i've never written lemyanka but it would be a fun challenge to add them to the story 💕
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OOH, drabbles you say? What if,,,, Lemyankajuice and they snuggle together 👀👉👈
Say no more beloved Petal 🌼
+ + +
Lemon had all but collapsed onto the couch the second she entered the apartment, letting out an overdramatic wail of pain as she fixed her girlfriends with a deadly glare, "I love you both SO much don't get me wrong. But if you hoes ever make me walk that far ever again I will actually pack up and move back to New York to live with Jan. She never made me go on hikes with her."
Priyanka didn't seem phased by the threat, laughing at Lemon's pain before ducking into the kitchen. Meanwhile Juice at least had the decency to look mildly apologetic.
"Sorry Lemon-cake, I hope you're not too mad about the hike. We really wanted to include you, and I mean- at least the river was pretty!" Juice squeaked out, shucking off their shoes before they sat on the couch beside Lemon, "We won't make you go on hikes with us ever again if you don't enjoy them though."
Lemon spared a glance at Juice, noticing their look of guilt, which made her heart clench, damn she hadn't meant to make Juice actually feel bad about the whole hiking thing, "Nah it's alright. It wasn't that bad." She gave Juice a kiss on the cheek, "And the river was really pretty. Not as pretty as you but... I'm glad I went, my feet are just a bit sore, and I'm a bit hungry. You know how it is."
"Yeah Juice, little Lemondra's just hangry right now," Priyanka said, plopping down beside the other two, a container of Oreos in hand, "Plus she chose the worst shoe choice for a hike. Like, Lem, who wears heels on a nature walk?"
Lemon looked aghast, snatching an Oreo from the container as she shot Priyanka a dirty look, "A fashionable bitch- that's who!"
"Ah okay Miss Fashionable Bitch, I may have worn some unfashionable boots but at least I won't end up with a thousand blisters."
This caused the blonde to let out a shriek, practically climbing over Juice in her haste to seek vengeance against the taller of her girlfriends, "Take that back! I won't get blisters! I refuse! I am too pretty for blisters - you hear me? Too pretty!"
"How- how about we calm down?" Juice murmured, sensing doom if the duo kept up their bickering, "You're both just tiring yourselves out more. Shouldn't we be, I don't know, relaxing right now?"
Their calm tone seemed to cast its spell on Lemon, who relented after a moment, tucking herself into Juice's side with a huff.
Priyanka seemed to relax as well, simply rolling her eyes at the blonde's antics before she too relaxed against the smallest of the trio's side.
It was nice.
Was Juice a bit squished in between their girlfriends? Yes.
Were they complaining about this fact? No.
Well... maybe they were... just a little... both of their girlfriends were notably taller and heavier than them...
But they didn't want to ruin the moment by asking either of them to move. So they simply tried their best to endure it.
As if sensing Juice's mild pain, Priyanka shifted, hefting Juice into her lap before allowing Lemon to lean again her shoulder.
Now this was something Juice could get behind.
It felt nice to sit with their girlfriends like this, all snuggled together after a hard day of hiking. Of course, they knew eventually the three of them would have to get up, get showered, and actually cook themselves a meal (as Oreos wouldn't sustain them for long) but that all required so much effort. And Juice was perfectly content where they were.
"Love you both." They said with a small smile after a moment, unable to go another second without saying it. It was true after all. They loved their girlfriends soooooo much.
"Love you too Juice." Priyanka replied, pressing a kiss to their shoulder.
"Love you more," Lemon replied as well before quietly saying, "And ya know... maybe hiking wasn't that bad after all. I guess we could do it again someday... Just cause, I know you both find all that outdoorsy stuff fun. I don't know."
That made Juice smile.
"I'd love that."
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“Could you have found a bigger teddy bear?!” for lemyanka(juice) if you'd want, because I think about those pictures of Lemon with that giant teddy bear So Often
~ @lemyankajuiced <33 (happy valentine's day!! I hope you're having a good day <3)
I think about that photo shoot all the time and I will never forget that she was wearing the red set that Fenty sent her because Priyanka asked them to...
“Mhh-hm hff hng?” came Juice’s voice, muffled by the fur of the giant teddy bear currently stuck in the doorframe of Lemon’s apartment. Juice was trying to push it inside with her whole body to no effect.
“Huh?” Priyanka huffed as she rammed her shoulder against the bear over and over.
“I said,” Juice said, lifting her face from the fur and spitting out hairs, “could you have found a bigger teddy bear?”
“They had bigger ones...” Priyanka said sheepishly.
To recover her breath, Juice put her hands on her hips and surveyed the situation. The bear blocked the whole door. There was only a small gap between his head and the top of the threshold. They had been trying to push it inside for half an hour and it hadn’t budged an inch.
“We should have measured the door before getting this monster,” she sighed.
“His name is Leopoldo,” Priyanka said indignantly, “and she’s gonna love him! We’re gonna get him through the door.”
With that, she walked to the other end of the hall and positioned herself to run.
“Move,” she warned Juice.
“What are y-”
Priyanka sprinted at full speed at the teddy bear, bounced back on his soft body and landed on her ass.
“Baby!” Juice exclaimed, then turned to glare at the bear. “Now it’s personal.”
Taking two steps back, Juice ran and leaped onto the bear to start climbing him. Her muscular arms got her halfway up the plushie by grabbing onto his fur, but just as she reached the gap at the top, her foot slipped and she came tumbling downhill, rolling on the carpet of the hallway until she crashed on Priyanka’s side.
The bear’s plastic eyes looked down on them, unperturbed.
“I think this bear is too smart for us,” Juice heaved.
Priyanka plopped down next to her, exhausted.
“Maybe he can be a door decoration?” Juice said. “Like a strange Christmas wreath?”
“Lemon likes Christmas wreaths. And she doesn’t really go into her apartment that often, anyway,” Priyanka joked. “We can lend her some of our clothes and she’ll be golden.”
“And she can-” Juice started, but cut herself off. Priyanka looked at her in question. “And Lemon could move in with us,” Juice finished, her voice small.
Priyanka tampered down her grin. They had given Juice a lot of time to think about it, and she didn’t want to scare her away from the subject by getting too hype.
“Do you mean that?”
Juice nodded.
“I’ve been thinking about it a lot since we talked about it, and it sounds… it’s still scary, but it’s way more exciting than scary.”
“Ahh!!” Priyanka yelled in excitement, rolling on top of Juice to kiss her. “This is gonna be so fun! We’re gonna have a permanent sleepover and I’m gonna make us breakfast every morning and you’re gonna snore and she’s gonna hog the shower and I’m gonna sing too loudly and it’s gonna be so, so perfect!”
All of this was said in between the kisses she left all over Juice’s face, making her giggle. Juice set her hands soothingly on Priyanka’s hips, and tried to calm her down.
“Okay, okay, we still have to ask Lemon how she feels about it.”
“How I feel about what?” came Lemon’s voice from the stairs as she walked into the hallway and found her girlfriends kissing on the floor and a giant plushie at her door.
The girls looked up, looked at each other, and up again.
“Happy Valentine’s…” they said feebly, sitting up.
“Oh my god!”
“We can fix it!” Priyanka said quickly, with no idea how.
But Lemon ran past them and landed on the bear’s belly, hugging him as much as her arms allowed her.
“I love him!” Lemon said into the fur.
On the floor, Juice and Priyanka high fived.
“Was this the surprise you two were being so incredibly obvious about?”
“How did you know?” Juice pouted.
“Girly, you asked me for a copy of my apartment key right when Priyanka just happened to get me a gift card to get my nails done,” Lemon said, showing off her new acrylics. “I knew you two wanted me out of the house, I just didn’t know why.”
“We wanted to welcome you home with the bear and a nice dinner,” Juice said as she pointed at the bags of groceries they had dropped next to the blocked door. “But Leopoldo had different plans.”
“You’re joking…” Lemon said as it dawned on her. “So we’re trapped outside of my apartment?”
“Or!” Priyanka said with the typical excitement that forebode chaos. “You’re about to have a romantic picnic with your girlfriends and a giant bear in the hallway. ‘Cause we’re wild like that.”
Lemon hummed in thought.
“It is an original date. And I am starving…”
“Say no more. Juice!” Priyanka said, and Juice jumped up. “Get the food!”
Their makeshift picnic consisted of bread, chips and hummus, strawberries they had bought to make cocktails, and red scented candles they lit up with Lemon’s lighter. Instead of fancy glass flutes, they passed the bottles of wine and alcohol-free cider around. They all sat on the floor, but Lemon had the privilege of leaning back on the soft belly of Leopoldo, stroking his fur absentmindedly as they talked.
“So what’s the plan after this?” Lemon said. “As cute as this is, I can’t just live in the hallway.”
“About that,” Priyanka started, looking excitedly at Juice to follow, since she had been the one to bring up the subject before.
Juice gathered her courage, and though she couldn’t look up from the floor, she took Lemon’s hand.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot since we all talked about it…” she said, with quick glances at her girls. “And I would really like to try living together. All of us. At Pri’s and my- well, it would be all of ours- I mean, if you still want to, obviously, I know it took me too long and if you changed your mind I understand. You don’t have to, though it would be smarter money wise, though obviously we want you there not just for money reasons but because we love you but please don’t feel like you’re obligated or anything-”
“Juice,” Lemon interrupted, squeezing her hand to make her look up. “Doll. When have I ever done anything I didn’t want to do?”
Juice squeezed her eyes and smiled, shaking her head. 
“You’re right, I’m sorry, I’m just-”
Lemon held her jaw softly and placed a small kiss on her lips, stopping the rambling apology before it could start. Juice chased after her for more, and they shared a tender moment of silence.
“Guess it’s just you and me, Leopoldo,” Priyanka sighed with her most sorrowful voice, having been ignored for two whole seconds.
It gained different reactions. Juice cooed and kissed her cheek, Lemon kicked her thigh.
“It’s gonna be just you and Leopoldo standing guard here tonight if we can’t get him out of there. I can’t just leave my apartment unlocked and unattended.”
“Okay, let’s get him out,” said Juice, happy to have the attention off of her rambling speeches and a task to focus on. “Maybe if we all push together, he’ll move.”
“Ugh, I just got my nails done,” Lemon whines. “Fine. Come here, buddy, let’s get you unstuck.”
With that, she took the bear’s hand to pull herself up. Instantly, his huge plush body fell forward, freeing the door.
Lemon looked at her girlfriends in disbelief.
“Did neither of you try pulling?”
“In our defense, we were trying to get him inside the apartment,” said Priyanka with her hands up, Juice nodding frantically next to her.
Lemon covered her face with her hands to hide a fond smile. Those were her idiots, and they were moving in together. She could not wait.
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
So....when I finish chapter 3 I'm going to focus on some oneshots. I'm thinking about sakuradoll but also dollhall and sakurahall need to know what the people want
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petitmonde · 2 years
I know you like lemyanka, but what about lemyankajuice for the ship asks? It's my favorite ship <3
~ @lemyankajuiced
Quality ship you got there :3
Two idiots and a bimbo just works, and I'll admit to having lurked the tag a little. Juice is v underrated and deserves some lovin.
I'll give it a 7/10, would be okay with writing for it if I got a cute prompt.
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inthehytes · 2 years
JUICE LEMON AND PRI'S APARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! LEMYANKAJUICE CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AJNMGMFMKFMKMLDMLKMKL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That was so OUCH but also LEMYANKAJUICE CONTENT!!!!!!)
- Petal! <3
I figured I should at least add a little bit of a good thing in with it 😭😂
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A Small Portion of the Fic Ideas I Have That I Intend to Eventually Write ✌️
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