#lemon x juice x priyanka
artificialqueens · 2 years
Lemon is Always Right (Lemyanka) - Hannah
a/n: got this from the randomizer too and thought it was so on brand and had to write it, so here's another lil fic for the incorrect quotes challenge!
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“I should change my name to bakery ‘cause of all this cake I have” Lemon slurred as she jiggled her ass with her hands in the reflection of a storefront window.
  Priyanka was grateful that the store had been long closed and no one was inside to see her friend embarrass herself. Taking one of the blonde’s hands in her own, Priyanka tries to pull her along to get to the parking lot that Juice was waiting for them in.
  “C’mon Lem, I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are,”
  Lemon let out a gasp that nearly echoed through the street, “It’s not a joke!” Playing up the dramatics, she makes a few sniffles, ”I’m a legit snack,”
  “Oh god, I am not drunk enough to deal with a drunk you,” Priyanka said exasperatedly, continuing to drag Lemon along until they reached the white Kia Soul parked right where Juice had said she would be.
  “Wild night Lem?” Juice asked as she helped her into the back seat.
  Lemon nodded as she belted herself in, “Juicey, I’m a snack right?” The blonde said with a pout.
  “Of course, my dear, the tastiest snack in all the world,” Juice indulges her, knowing the blonde won’t remember the conversation in the morning.
  Lemon laughs smugly, “Ha, see? I told you Pri, I’m a legit snack,”
  “Alright Lem, you were right, just like always,” The brunette sighs in response, fondly looking back at the blonde through the car mirror.
  A prideful smirk tugs on Lemon’s tired face, “Yep, always right,” She mumbled as her eyelids became heavier and heavier, falling asleep before Juice was able to pull out of the parking lot.
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
Pri-heat to 375° (lemyankajuice)
Juice is just trying to bake but Lemon decides it's time for attention, Priyanka finds this endlessly amusing and adorable.
hhhhh this is a ship concept, i felt the need to write it so enjoy 1.3k of pure fluff and some baking. i wrote this in like 3 days and it’s unbetad so take from that what you will, thanks to my beloved janon for suggesting that punny title, it's pretty iconic. 
light tw for mentions of burns, it's nothing too bad but it's there at the end
ao3 link
People looked down on the girls. Something about the three of them being too much trouble for once house, let alone the apartment they lived in. It didn’t stop them though, there was never a dull moment, even with Juice’s attempted baking, they found a way to spice it up with some chaos.
Juice was the only one permitted in the kitchen a lot of the time. It stemmed from Lemon setting the smoke alarm off trying to make toast and Priyanka not being allowed near anything that made a lot of heat after she had accidentally burnt their bedding with a hairdryer. It was also a safety issue, the kitchen was hardly big enough to fit three adult women, no matter how much Priyanka insisted Lemon and Juice were child size.
It was simple, the small blonde just wanted to bake cookies. That couldn’t be too much trouble. Could it?
Yes. Of course, it could. Juice underestimated the combined power of a particularly needy Lemon and excited Priyanka. Not easy to deal with on their own, but together was just an accident waiting to happen. It started easy enough, Juice left alone to focus on what she was doing.
For about ten minutes.
Although the recipe only took half an hour, including baking time. Juice liked to be thorough before she moved on to the next step. That was why the kitchen was the only place that was clean and organised. Three messy people in one small apartment was not a good way to keep clean, but the kitchen was exempt from the majority of the mess. Last time, a particularly sleep-deprived Lemon had wandered in, made toast and somehow left two different plates, a knife and the kitchen counter a mess. Jam left on the side, forgotten as she ate before promptly curling up on the couch to nap for three hours. Juice had never been that annoyed about something, the mess was normal for them. But Lemon learnt the hard way, an upset Juice was not a good thing to be around.
She knew better than to bother her small girlfriend, but there was a distinct urge for attention and who was she to deny what she wanted. Priyanka was nowhere to be seen, having had to take a phone call a few minutes prior. The yellow-haired girl bounced into the kitchen, poking Juice’s shoulder as she rolled out the cookie dough. The smaller girl turned around to see a particularly attentive looking Lemon, her eyes pleading for something that Juice didn’t have to question. She took the bright-haired girl and peppered light kisses all over her face until Lemon couldn’t hold back her delighted giggles.
Juice moved her face back to look at Lemon, face lit up in a giddy smile that would make anyone melt. Her eyes held so much love that made Juice’s become a mushy pile of soft gay feelings. Lemon pulled the smaller girl back towards her, connecting their lips in a soft, loving kiss. They stayed, distracted by each other until Priyanka came along; poking her head through the doorway and smirking at the sight.
“Well, what do we have here? Looks quite gay to me.” Juice jolted at the sudden voice coming from the doorway. Lemon glanced over her shoulder, her face lighting up with a grin.
“Pripri! C’mere!” Lemon bounced in happiness when Priyanka obliged, walking close enough for the yellow-haired girl to pull her into a hug. She looked up at the brunette, pressing soft kisses all over her face before turning to Juice and doing the same thing. Priyanka followed her girlfriend’s lead, leaning her face down to kiss the pair.
The affection continued, Lemon somewhat squished between her two girlfriends. She let out a content, happy sigh that made both the girls holding her melt and squeeze her somewhat tighter. Juice let out a soft noise a few minutes later, breaking up the long hug with a frown.
“As much as I'd love to cuddle you two for longer, these cookies won’t bake themselves.” Lemon pouted, while Priyanka nodded while trying to hold back laughter at Lemon’s clear annoyance at the interruption.
“Can I help?” Lemon looked at Juice pleadingly, clearly just wanting something to keep her occupied.
“I’ve done most of it, Lem. I just need to roll it out and cut out the shapes. If you two want to help choose the cookie cutters then that would be good.”
Lemon nodded with a grin, excitedly searching the drawer for various shapes. She pulled out a star, happily presenting it to her amused girlfriends. Juice turned to Priyanka, gesturing to the drawer with a curious look. The taller girl laughed before plucking a heart-shaped cookie cutter and placing it next to Lemon’s star.
“Alright, you guys don't need to crowd. You’re going to get in the way!” Juice huffed when both women only moved closer to her. “Hey! I mean it! I can’t get them onto the tray if I can’t move.”
“Oh, you’re so intimidating, Juicy.” Priyanka teased, patting juice’s head. Juice only pouted in response. “You’re so tiny it’s adorable when you pout” that only made Juice pout more, leaving lemon watching with intrigue and amusement. Something about seeing the tiny blonde glaring up at her made Priyanka want to squeal. She was adorable, and never someone she could take seriously due to the seven-inch height difference. Priyanka enjoyed towering over her girlfriends. It wasn’t hard to considering they were both quite short but the pure euphoria of patting them both on the head, only to be glared at by the two cutest girls she knew. It was something to be treasured. Especially in moments like this.
Moving past her girlfriends, Juice put the cookies in the oven. Lemon immediately directed all her attention onto it, as if watching would make the cookies bake faster.
“Now we wait, I know you two have no patience but it’s only going to be around ten minutes.”
“Pfft, who are you saying has no patience? Coming from the girl who yells at her pokemon game when something takes too long to catch.” Priyanka cackled as Lemon grinned deviously, delighting on the irked expression on Juice’s face. The blonde wanted to retort, but she knew that feeding Lemon’s antics would only make it worse. She stared at the yellow-haired woman, inwardly smirking when Lemon pouted about not receiving a response.
“You two really can be amusing sometimes.” Priyanka’s laughter broke the silence. Both girls turned to her curiously. They got pulled into a tight hug, one that made both girls’ faces melt into a soft grin.
“You’re really fun to mess with,” The brunette muttered, pressing a kiss to Juice before turning to Lemon to do the same. “and you’re adorably stupid.” the three continued, mumbling little jokes and hugging until Juice’s timer went off. She took them out of the oven, carefully sliding the cookies onto a plate to cool down before it happened.
The hot tray slid down her over gloves and onto her arm, burning it before she could realise what was happening.
“Shit!” Juice jumped, the tray clanging on the floor. Priyanka looked at her in concern, noticing her holding her arm and looking over it. The skin was red, Juice herself pouting and letting out a pained squeal when her girlfriend poked it.
“Juice! We need to put this under cold water.”
“No you don’t, warm water is better. There was some kind of study about it.” Lemon spoke softly, not looking up from her phone.
“Lem! Please pay attention when your girlfriend just burnt herself.” Priyanka scolded softly, smiling slightly when Lemon glanced up with a nod.
“Juicy you really are clumsy. How do you manage it?” Lemon giggled slightly, pressing a kiss to the blonde’s cheek as she ran her arm under the tap.
“Girl, your talent really is getting injured.” Juice scowled as Priyanka spoke, watching both her girlfriends burst into laughter at her expense.
Both of them came closer, cuddling up to the short girl once more. No matter what happened, the minor mistakes or the stupid jokes, they had each other.
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gottlem · 4 years
ur my favourite virgo <3 (lemyankajuice)
a/n: i really wanted to do a fic for lemons birthday so i wrote this in a few hours at like 9pm while also being shattered so i apologise for any little mistakes :) anyways here is pure lemyankajuice fluff
summary: lemon is still kinda drunk. and clingy. so clingy, that she needs the full attention from both her girlfriends in order to get to sleep.
Lemon’s birthday was finally coming to an end. Well, it was so late it was technically early, so her birthday had literally ended maybe a few hours ago, but according to her, since she hadn’t slept yet, it was still classed as her special day. She had spent the day surrounded by her friends in her only-slightly-too-small New York apartment she shared with her two girlfriends. Everyone there had all drank a little too much under the excuse that it was Lemon’s party, and that’s exactly how she wants everyone to celebrate. 
The apartment had been filled with belly-laughs and drunken dancing since the late afternoon, when people started to slowly pile in. She had gotten a few gifts, but they never really mattered too much to Lemon anyway, she was a romantic at heart, so the biggest gift she could ask for she already had. In fact, she had two. Priyanka and Juice were her two favourite people, and if you asked her, spending her birthday with them was the only thing she needed. Everything else was just a bonus.
It’s no secret that Lemon liked to feel loved. She liked to be told she was loved and always appreciated having a hold to hold, or an arm around her waist. This only got worse the more she drank, which is why she found herself in bed and waiting for her girlfriends to join her at 4am, still admittedly, quite far from being sober. They eventually tiptoed into the room after a few minutes (but if you asked Lemon, they might as well have taken a couple hours) with Priyanka holding a bottle of water and Juice with some painkillers, ready for when the birthday girl woke up later on.
“Hey, I thought you’d be flat out by now, Lem, you’re still pretty drunk” Juice’s voice was soft and laced with so much love and fondness you could practically hear it with every syllable. Lemon’s response was an unintelligible groan, followed by:
“Nah, want birthday cuddles” The two girls just chuckled at their girlfriend, adorably wrapped up in their duvet, staring at them with impatience. Who were they to deny her of birthday cuddles? They sat down on either side of her, and Lemon practically attached herself to Priyanka instantly, while Juice was happy to pick her book off the nightstand to begin her attempt to finish the chapter she’d been reading. 
She had only gotten through a couple pages before she felt the mattress shift below her, and before she knew it, Lemon had closed her book for her and put it back on the nightstand. 
“You have clung on to Pri like a fucking koala for god knows how long, there is no way you want more attention” Her words seemed harsh, but her tone was anything but. She found Lemon’s neediness endearing really, and also maybe a little validating. Juice liked to feel wanted. Lemon’s response was to wrap her arms around Juice. Juice just let her.
“Pri, c’mere” Lemon’s voice was muffled, from being nuzzled into her girlfriend’s neck, and slightly slurred, since she had absolutely not sobered up, unlike Juice and Priyanka. Pri didn’t even try to argue, she shuffled over so Lemon was completely squished in between the two girls, but she couldn’t complain. It’s exactly what she wanted anyway. 
“Happy birthday Lem” It was whispered from Priyanka as she sifted her fingers gently through her girlfriends hair, and echoed from Juice.
“Happy birthday baby,” Juice could feel Lemon’s soft breaths tickle her neck, but didn’t say anything about it. Instead, she just tilted her head so it was gently placed just above Lemon’s, “You’re my favourite Virgo.” 
“Mine too” Priyanka added, causing the birthday girl to let out a little chuckle, and then a small dissatisfied ‘hmph’
“Wait... why stop at Virgo? Am I not your favourite person regardless of my star sign?”
“Of course, babe. You’re our favourite person ever. Right Pri?”
Lemon fell asleep shortly after, and when Juice felt her breath even out against her neck, she picked up her book again and finally finished that chapter as Priyanka eventually drifted off too. She couldn’t help but look at the scene next to her and feel blissfully content. She took in the sight of her girlfriends and locked it away for the morning; Lemon was going to be so hungover when she woke up and Juice would have to be the one to take care of her, so she’d need to remember this moment for when she held Lemon’s hair back.
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ellavaday · 3 years
(international queens edition)
1. rock m sakura what are some of your favorite fandoms
2. bendelacreme tell us a controversial opinion
3. jujubee is there something in life where you keep on trying and trying again? tell us what keeps you motivated to not give up!
4. shea coulee tell us something you like about your best friend
5. aquaria what is your favorite fashion designer?
6. monet x change do you have siblings? what's your relationship with them like?
7. mo heart thoughts on animal print?
8. lemon favorite fruit
9. priyanka do you like your name or prefer to go by a nickname
10. juice boxx favorite drink
11. icesis couture neon or pastel colors
12. pythia do you have a favorite mythological creature?
13. synthia kiss how do people greet each other where you come from? do they kiss, hug, shake hands?
14. blu hydrangea favorite color?
15. cheryl hole if you and your friends were in a girl group what would it be called?
16. divina del campo what is your favorite subject? tell us a fun fact about it
17. bimini bon boulash are you vegan? what do you think about veganism
18. lawrence cheney without telling us the name, tell what's your favorite tv show, try to convince us to watch it
19. tia kofi are you a coffee person or a tea person
20. awhora stone, gold, glass... what is your heart made out of?
21. tayce what is the strangest outfit you've ever worn?
22. veronica green favorite song to sing in the shower, go!
23. cherry valentine what is your favorite flower
24. krystal versace what style icon do you take inspiration from
25. ella vaday what's the first impression people usually get from you?
26. choriza may if you could move to any country in the world where would you go?
27. vanity milan what is the sweetest thing someone has done for you (recently)?
28. river medway favorite childhood show?
29. kitty scott klaus tell us about something funny that has recently happened to you
30. envy peru what are you really good at?
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foxynali · 2 years
ʚ stan list ɞ
boy groups:
(ult) exo. biases: xiumin, kai, chanyeol, d.o, baekhyun.
txt. bias: beomgyu.
riize. bias: sungchan.
shinee. bias: onew.
seventeen. biases: hoshi, dino, jeonghan.
support list: nu'est, ateez, infinite, teen top, mblaq, nct, boysnextdoor, tws, enhypen.
girl groups:
(ult) snsd. bias: tiffany.
(ult) twice. biases: nayeon, momo.
stayc. biases: isa, yoon.
everglow. biases: yiren, aisha.
blackpink. biases: ot4.
aespa. bias: giselle, ningning
support list: apink, f(x), sunmi, suhyun (akmu), dreamcatcher, oh my girl, (g)-idle, momoland, girl's day, jeon somi, mamamoo, ailee, yena, le sserafim, ive, babymonster, illit.
i have not watched: down under, canada s2/3/4, all stars 8, thailand, uk s3/4/5, holland, españa s2/3, italia, france s2. philippines, belgique, sverige, mexico, germany (help).
usa:  tatianna, jujubee, kylie sonique love, raja, manila, jinkx monsoon, detox, bendelacreme, miss fame, katya, trixie mattel, bob the drag queen, kim chi, shea coulée, aquaria, yuhua hamasaki, blair st. clair, monet x change, asia o'hara, mo heart, vanessa vanjie mateo, plastique tiara, ra'jah o'hara, scarlet envy, jaida essence hall, gigi goode, jackie cox, nicky doll, heidi n closet, symone, denali, gottmik, bosco, daya betty, willow pill, marcia marcia marcia, sasha colby, luxx noir london, nymphia wind, plane jane, sapphira crystal, mirage amuro, morphine love dion, xunami muse, dawn.
canada: priyanka, kiara, lemon, boa, juice boxx, tynomi banks.
uk: blu hydrangea, baga chipz, divina de campo, cheryl hole, bimini bon boulash, tayce, tia kofi, lawrence chaney, ellie diamond, victoria scone.
españa: carmen farala, killer queen, sagittaria, arantxa castilla la mancha, hugáceo crujiente.
france: soa de muse, kam hugh, la grande dame.
favorites: trixie/katya (trixya), nymphia wind/plane jane (planymphia), jasmine kennedy/daya betty (jasya), lemon/priyanka (lemyanka), marcia/sasha colby, carmen farala/sagittaria, kam hugh/la grande dame, gigi goode/nicky doll (goodedoll), gigi goode/jaida essence hall (goodessence).
like: lemon/juice boxx (lemonjuice), naomi/kim chi (naochi), bendelacreme/jinkx monsoon (jela/jinkx & dela), bendelacreme/trixie mattel. jackie cox/jan sport (jankie), jaida essence hall/nicky doll (halldoll), raja gemini/manila luzon (rajila),  scarlet envy/yvie oddly (scyvie), sasha velour/shea coulée (sashea), arantxa/hugaceo (aranceo).
i sometimes read: brooke/vanjie (branjie), blu/cheryl (hole hydrangea), tayce/bimini, s6 ships, s14 ships.
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zwritestuff · 4 years
Are you doing prompts?? 32F with Lemyanka please?! With all the angst you can manage!
Lemyanka anon here, sorry I forgot!! Can you do 5 times they nearly revealed their feelings to each other but didn’t? X
jesus this got long. i tweaked the dialogue prompt, hope you don’t mind. i’m sorry for the delay!
32. “But do they fuck you like I did?” / F.  N Things (ex: ‘5 times x did y’)
Admittedly, Lemon’s best ideas come to her while she’s drunk - Priyanka, however, is the only exception. 
It was meant to just be a casual thing; they were just friends with benefits and no strings attached. They hung out with the rest of their friendship group with normality, sometimes they went home together and other times they left from the bar with a new stranger. 
Everything was good and emotions were under control, until Lemon realized the tug in her heart whenever Priyanka flirted with other girls.
She texted her one day asking if she wanted to hang out once she was done with her lectures, having decided to tell her about her feelings, and that they should stop sleeping around before Lemon is in it too deep - but Priyanka said she had something lined up already and couldn’t cancel. Lemon brushed it off, saying it was okay and wishing her to have fun, thinking she’d have her opportunity soon.
Priyanka drops the bomb that she’s seeing someone while they’re studying with Rita and Starzy. Lemon’s heart stops for a second, paralyzes mid-movement as she searches for Priyanka’s gaze. She doesn’t seem concerned or awkward at all, and it only adds to the feeling of suffocation invading her.
She rambles about how great she is, and how much she likes her even though it’s been just three weeks since they started seeing each other. The monster of jealousy is fighting to take control over Lemon’s senses, to make her spit bitter words like, “But does she fuck you as good like I did?” 
But she doesn’t. Because she has some dignity left, and their affair was kept from their friends, so it wouldn’t be intelligent to reveal themselves like this.
“Pri,” Lemon calls her once they’re done with their study session, trotting up to meet her. “Can I talk to you for a second?” She tries not to sound too choked up, but it’s easier said than done.
Priyanka stops in her tracks, turning around to see her with a careful look. Lemon has seen that look before, and she hates it. She asks if it has to do with the fact she’s seeing someone, and before Lemon has any chance of replying, she goes on to say that she doesn’t want to make things awkward, and that they can act as if nothing happened if that’s what she wants.
“Woah, I was just going to ask you when are you gonna give me back my yellow dress. I have my brother’s birthday party on Sunday,” she lies with surprising ease, and Priyanka blinks repeatedly, a blush creeping on her cheeks as she tells her she’ll drop the dress by her dorm later today.
Lemon tries to get over Priyanka by downloading Tinder again, but she rarely matches with girls that spark her interest.
Boa’s birthday happens, and they go to a club to celebrate. They get ready in Lemon’s apartment, chaos ensuing as soon as they step foot inside. It’s a welcomed type of chaos, though, one she’s learned to treasure. She gets a call from Priyanka while she’s doing Juice’s make-up, and excuses herself for a moment to lock herself in the bathroom so that she can hear more clearly.
“Pri? Are you coming?” She asks, shutting the door behind her.
“Yeah, I’m on my way. I wanted to ask you if you wouldn't mind if I crashed your place with Tynomi.”
Lemon blinks repeatedly, her mind jumping to the worst of conclusions. “Tynomi?”
“The girl I’ve been going out with,” she explains, and Lemon’s heart aches when she can clearly hear the smile on her face. “I’ve asked Boa if she doesn’t mind her tagging along, and she said it’s fine, but I forgot to ask if she could come with me to your place.”
The grip on her phone tightens, as she takes a shaky breath and steals a glance of herself in the mirror. She wants to scream, tell Priyanka of her feelings, of how she foolishly let herself fall for her and now it hurts her that she’s moved on and she can’t keep pretending that everything is okay. Because it’s not.
“Yeah, sure,” she says instead, reluctantly. 
Lemon stares at the letter, blinking once, twice, until tears are flooding down her cheeks. She breaks down in the middle of the cafeteria, drawing attention her way, but she doesn’t care. She’ll cry if she wants to - she got accepted into a prestigious dance school in New York with a full ride scholarship. Anyone would cry in her place.
“Girl, are you okay? What did that letter say?” Kiara asks, confused, stroking her back in an attempt to soothe her. All Lemon is able to do is give her the letter, gasping for air. Kiara’s eyes grow wide as she reads the first few sentences. “Holy shit,” she muses.
“What happened?” Priyanka asks, approaching their table with a worried expression. Kiara hands her the letter, as Lemon is still struggling to form coherent sentences. “Holy shit indeed,” Priyanka echoes, looking back and forth between Lemon and the letter. “You’re leaving us?” She asks, with a tone Lemon can’t quite put a finger on.
She simply nods, still too choked up to babble for hours about how this has been her dream since she was a child, and she’s not going to pass up such an opportunity. 
Priyanka looks at her with an indecipherable look before saying, “You deserve it, Lem.”
The months slip away from Lemon’s fingers, and before she knows it, it’s the night before she leaves for New York. Her parents had been crying all day long in anticipation, repeating over and over again how proud they’re of her. Her friends had treated her to dinner, promising to be there before she boarded the plane.
Priyanka had hugged her tightly when they said goodbye, holding onto her for a second longer than the rest. She took her hands in hers, and Lemon could feel the unsaid words lingering on her lips.
“I’ll miss you,” it was all that she said, letting go of her hands. Part of Lemon wished there would be a heartfelt confession on her side, since she wasn’t dating Tynomi anymore, but it had been foolish of her to think so.
She wants to send Priyanka a text confessing her feelings before she’s in a whole other country for the next three years.
The text is half written on her notes app before she deletes it, turns off her phone and turns around to try to sleep. 
It’s you. It’s always been you Lem. I miss you. I’m sorry.
Priyanka’s message is two years late, and Lemon can’t help but to shed a tear before she types out a reply.
It was you, too. Was. I’m sorry.
She turns off her phone, not waiting for a reply, and goes back to allowing her fast asleep girlfriend to spoon her.
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artificialqueens · 2 years
No More in Between (Lemyankajuice) - Mar
N/A: I was having fun with Mayhem and then life grabbed me by the name and threw me into a puddle, as it does. This was fun though, so maybe I'll write more prompts. The best antidote for winter cold is writing fluff.
For @duckprintspress: Day 9/The Only Solution to a Love Triangle is...
Tags: may trope mayhem, rpdr fanfiction, juice x lemon x priyanka, juice boxx, lemon, priyanka, fluff, lesbian au, poly, mar
“So it’s been weeks of back and forth and I feel like we’re finally at a good point where we all know what we want. We all like each other, we all want to date each other. Right? Right?” Juice pointed the marker at Lemon and Priyanka. They both nodded. “Now we could let things develop organically, but I think it will be more fun if we all follow a very strict schedule!” With this, she faced the whiteboard towards her… maybe girlfriends? Titles were yet to be discussed. It was item three at the meeting.
  Juice, Lemon and Priyanka avoid a messy love triangle by deciding to be a triad, but that is only the beginning. There is still a lot to be discussed, and Juice knows the only solution to a love triangle is—
“—organization!” Juice stated as she capped the blue marker, looking over the neat calendar she had drawn on her whiteboard.
On the couch, Priyanka looked amused and somewhat curious. Lemon looked bleary, since she’d been woken up from what she called her “weed nap” and was still trying to focus on the present moment.
“Where did you get a whiteboard?” asked Lemon, blinking in confusion.
“It may or may not belong to the school and I may or may not need your help to sneak it back right after this. Alright!” Juice clapped her hands. “So it’s been weeks of back and forth and I feel like we’re finally at a good point where we all know what we want. We all like each other, we all want to date each other. Right? Right?” She pointed the marker at each girl in turn. They both nodded. “Now we could let things develop organically, but I think it will be more fun if we all follow a very strict schedule!”
With this, she faced the whiteboard towards her… maybe girlfriends? Titles were yet to be discussed. It was item three at the meeting.
“I wrote down our work schedules and weekly activities from Mondays to Sundays. I’m pink, Pri is blue, and Lemon is obviously—”
“Yellow!” Lemon said happily.
“Green, actually, yellow doesn’t show up on the board. Sorry, Lem.”
Lemon pouted and Priyanka patted her knee.
“As you can see, we don’t have much free time that overlaps, with Pri and I working mornings at our school and Lemon busy in the evenings. But!” Juice spinned to face them. Both girls startled back. “It is possible. We could set mandatory, weekly hangouts. Pri and I already get together on Fridays to plan our classes for the following week. Lem and I game often, we could make it a fixed thing. And you two have been going on coffee dates since you met, so that’s covered. And we could have a date night all together! That way no one feels excluded.”
As she listed her ideas, Juice made little notes on the whiteboard, so focused she didn’t hear the other two get up from the couch.
“Juice,” said Lemon calmly beside her.
“Mhm?” Juice kept writing, until Priyanka’s hand steadied her wrist.
“Come to the couch,” said Priyanka, pulling Juice with her. Lemon sat on Juice’s other side, and both girls stared at her so intently that she thought, This is it. They’re dumping me before we even begin.
She should have seen this coming. From the second they met at Juice’s birthday party, Lemon and Priyanka had something special. Juice thought it was a matter of time until they started dating and she got two heartbreaks for the price of one. It would mean the end of Priyanka’s bold flirting at school, hidden from the other teachers, of Lemon’s fluttering eyelashes and smiles, of everything that made Juice feel so incredibly special.
But, surprisingly, neither girl had disappeared. They got together often, sure, but they also made plans to be with Juice alone, and it slowly bled into hanging out all together, all the time. Then one movie night at Juice’s place, the air a little charged with something unnamed, fleeting glances and electric touches, there was a first kiss and a flash of heartbreak. But then there was another first kiss, and a third one, and then there were three very happy, slightly confused girls. Only one thing was sure: they liked each other a lot. They wanted to try.
And now Juice had gone and screwed it up plastering her little moment of panic on a whiteboard. Which she may or may not have stolen.
Lemon spoke up first.
“Love the color-coded schedule, doll,” she said. Now that response, Juice was not expecting. “I’m a Virgo, so it’s right up my alley.”
“And your spreadsheets saved my ass last semester, so clearly you know what you’re doing,” Priyanka added. “But you’ve gone a little, um…”
“Crazy around the eyes.”
Priyanka reached over Juice to pinch Lemon’s thigh.
“What? It’s true!” Lemon gestured at Juice’s general demeanor. Her leg was bouncing, her eyes were wide and she kept capping and uncapping the marker in her death grip.
“I’m sorry,” Juice said, rubbing her hands up and down her thighs to calm down. “I guess I’m nervous.”
“We kind of noticed when you texted us ‘Urgent meeting’ in all caps.”
“Nice touch with the group chat, though, that’s gonna be useful.”
“Yeah. For our mandatory date nights,” Priyanka teased, bumping Juice with her shoulder.
Juice smiled and sighed.
“But why are you nervous? It’s just us.”
“It’s not— it’s not just you, for me. We’re friends, and I like you both so much, and I feel like so much could go wrong…”
The nerves were coming back up. So much was undefined and she needed some limits, some solid ground to stand on, but how could she ask for it in words when she couldn’t even pinpoint what she needed in her head?
“All right, give me that.”
Priyanka grabbed the marker and stood in front of the whiteboard, frowning as she examined it.
“If I move my sewing lessons to Mondays, I’ll have all Saturday free. Lemon, do you think you can go to the gym on Fridays instead?”
In reply, Lemon patted Juice’s hand and stood up to get the green marker, then made that adjustment on the board.
“There. Saturdays are for group dates.”
Priyanka gave a small cheer.
It took a moment for Juice to catch up to the shift in mood. They had gone from concerned (bordering on pity, she believed) to problem-solving mode, which was much more their speed. Lemon and Priyanka were doers, and it balanced out Juice’s overthinking ways. It was part of why she liked them so much.
“Still want to go on those dates with me?” she asked, looking at both girls.
“Yes! I can’t speak for Lemon, but this whole thing,” Priyanka gestured at the whiteboard, “is super endearing. And kind of a turn on.”
“Oh, completely,” Lemon said. “Bring that marker to the bedroom.”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Juice said, blushing from their teasing. “So it’s fixed, then?”
“I didn’t think there was anything to fix, really,” said Lemon, sitting on the couch again, closer to Juice.
“Did you?” Priyanka sat on her other side, taking her hand to play with it. “Baby, are you feeling excluded? ‘Cause let me tell you, Lemon won’t shut the fuck up about you. Ever.”
“And Priyanka gets so stupid when you call her. Well, stupider.”
Reeling from the pet name and the confessions, Juice felt a little love drunk, and the familiar warmth from having both girls with her bloomed in her chest.
“I get stupid, too. About both of you.”
“Duh,” said Lemon, flipping her hair.
“How could you not, when you get all this?” Priyanka joked and moved her hands up and down her body.
“Lucky us,” Lemon deadpanned.
“So now that’s all sorted, can we kiss? Or do I have to make an appointment on the calendar?”
“Pri,” Juice pleaded as she leaned back on Lemon’s chest. “Don’t make fun of me!”
“No, sorry,” said Lemon, then hugged Juice’s waist. “You did something dumb, so now we get to tease you until one of us does something dumber.”
“I give it two days,” said Priyanka, as she laid back on Juice’s lap and looked at them upside down.
Juice grinned and leaned down, giving her a kiss.
“Can’t wait.”
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Taste of a Poison Paradise, Chapter 9 (Multi) - Joley
Chapter Summary: In the wake of Lemon’s outburst at the club, those closest to her process the fallout and realize something needs to be done before she spirals to the point of no return.
ao3 link
“Okay, I think that’s the last box,” Juice remarked as she dropped herself down onto the couch. “So, why’d your cousin kick you out again?”
Lemon scoffed and rolled her eyes as she piled up the empty boxes. “She didn’t kick me out, we both decided it was time for me to move.” She decided her college friend-turned-roommate didn’t need to know about the argument she had with Rosé. And she certainly didn’t need to know that she’d rejected her ultimatum of, “if you want to stay here, you can’t keep getting drunk every day.” It had been a week since the incident at the club and she was going to recover from it on her own terms.
“Alright, cool,” she shrugged as she took out her phone and began aimlessly scrolling. “You wanna do something tonight?”
The blonde perched herself on the armrest of the couch, swinging her legs. “We could go to a club and get shitfaced,” she suggested.
Juice shook her head without looking up from her phone. “You can. I mean, I’ll totally go with you and turn shit up, but I don’t drink.”
“More for me.”
Her friend looked her over with a concerned expression, eyes finally pried away from the screen. “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked gently. “I mean, I know you’ve been through a lot, have you considered talking to someone about it?”
Lemon shook her head. “I’m fine, I don’t have the emotional capacity for therapy.” She got back up and looked around. “Shit, I guess you don’t have any liquor in here then. I’ll be back,” and after putting her shoes on and grabbing her purse, she was out the door, leaving a concerned new roommate in her wake.
Rosé sighed as she passed the joint back to Mik. “This doesn’t make me a bad person, right? I mean the last thing I want to do is make Lemon’s issues about me. But god, that really is what made me realize that I have to do this.”
Mik shook her head as she took a hit. “It’s not your fault, you saw a trainwreck and realized you needed to keep your ass on the tracks.” She finished off the joint and put it out. “Listen, the last thing you wanna do is be that girl who pines over the person she’s sleeping with until it’s too late.”
“You’re right, I know. I’m gonna talk to her,” she exhaled deeply as she pushed herself up. “If Lemon comes around, please don’t have sex with her.”
“Oh fuck off,” she huffed, “that delayed her mental breakdown by at least a week.”
Rosé rolled her eyes as she left. She wasn’t mad at Mik for that, if anything maybe it did help Lemon temporarily by giving her a distraction. But she had so much more on her mind, things that have been brewing since the club incident.
Before she could talk herself out of it, she knocked on Denali’s door, evening out her breathing while she waited for her.
“Hey Rosie,” Denali smiled warmly as she opened the door, leading her inside and shutting it behind them. “What’s up? You usually text me when you’re on your way over.” They sat down on the couch as she spoke, a tinge of concern in her voice.
She swallowed thickly, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. “I know I’ve been distant lately with everything that’s been happening with Lemon. But through all the chaos, I realized something, that keeping your feelings bottled up is dangerous.” Another deep breath, this time she forced herself to look into Denali’s eyes, eyes that she found warmth and comfort in every time she gazed into them. “What I’m trying to say is that I have feelings for you. I don’t just wanna be fuck buddies, it’s not enough. I need all of you.”
Denali blinked, taking her time to process Rosé’s confession. At first it was pure surprise, but once she let it sink in, it clicked that she felt the same way, that she had been falling for her all along without realizing it. “You have all of me,” she told her, cupping her face and pressing a deep kiss to her lips.
In that moment, a weight lifted from Rosé’s chest. If only for the duration of a kiss, she could pretend nothing in the world existed outside of Denali’s apartment. She could stop thinking, stop worrying. It was only them, everything else faded to black. “Are we alone?” she asked against her lips.
“Mhm,” she nodded, a slight smirk tugging at her lips, able to fill in the blanks from there. Her hands traveled down Rosé’s body, tugging off her shirt in one swift motion, her own following suit, though they took their time undressing each other, letting their fingers and lips gently caress each other’s skin.
By the time they were both completely undressed, they had gotten each other thoroughly worked up. Rosé had Denali sit up on the couch, then got on her knees in front of her, pushing her thighs apart. She moved in between them, dragging her tongue along her pussy before circling, then sucking on her clit as she eased a finger into her.
Denali’s head lolled back to rest against the back of the couch, a pleased moan escaping. “Mm, Rosie…” she exhaled, her hips pushing up when Rosé slid in a second finger. “Baby, just like that, feels so good.”
She basked in the praise, continuing her movements, occasionally switching her tongue and her fingers, but never leaving her unattended. She was focused and fervent, bringing Denali to an orgasm as quickly as she could, as if she were setting it as a challenge to herself. Once she’d won her game, she pulled back with a smile, gazing up at her. “God, you’re beautiful.”
“And you’re sappy,” she teased affectionately, leaning down to kiss her. “Come on,” she got up and pulled Rosé to her feet, “we can cuddle until I gotta get ready for my shift.”
Nicky watched Jan with a concerned expression. She wished she knew what to do, how to talk to her and help her. Ever since the incident at the club, she had been quiet, withdrawn, two words she would never think to associate with the bubbly woman she loved so dearly. It killed her to see her girlfriend hurting, enough for her to put her aversion to emotional conversations aside as she sat beside her on the couch, gently taking her hand. “Please tell me what’s wrong. You haven’t been the same since what happened with Lemon and I’m worried about you.”
Jan chewed on her lip, her gaze downcast. Logically, she knew she couldn’t avoid this conversation forever, but it didn’t make it any easier. “Lemon is like a sister to me and I’m worried about her. I know what alcoholism looks like… and I know what it can do to someone, it’s not pretty.”
She furrowed her brows, shifting closer to the younger woman. “What do you mean?”
“Well, um…” she swallowed thickly, “my dad’s five years sober now, but it hit a nasty low before it got better. I-I don’t know what that low would be for Lemon, I’m afraid she’s hit it, but I’m even more afraid she hasn’t.”
Nicky nodded as she listened. She had suspected Lemon might have developed a bit of a drinking habit, but not the severity, and certainly not the effect it would have on Jan. “I am so sorry about your father, and about Lemon. Is there anything we can do?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “My dad went to rehab while I was away at college, but I imagine my mom laid down some ultimatums, but I don’t know if Lemon thinks she has anything left to lose.”
“There has to be some way, and I’m going to help you find it,” she promised.
“Thank you all for meeting me here,” Juice said as she looked around the two pushed-together tables in the diner. “For those of you who don’t know, my name is Julia - Juice - and Lemon moved in with me about four days ago.”
“What happened?” Rosé immediately asked. “Is she okay?”
The blonde hesitated and looked down at the table. “Technically yes, she’s nursing a hangover at home right now but otherwise fine, unless she’s started day drinking. But there’s a bigger issue, and I’m sure you guys have started to suspect as much. What I’m trying to say is she’s developing an alcohol problem, and if we don’t do something about it now, it could get much worse.”
Everyone else had similar expressions - sadness, concern, anxiety. But none of them were surprised. “What do we do, then?” Rosé asked, breaking a tense moment of silence.
“Listen, I’m not claiming to be an expert. I’m twenty-two, sober for eight months now, so I can relate to how she’s feeling. What she’s going to need is everyone to rally around her, because it won’t be easy to convince her to get help.”
“So can we stage an intervention?” Jaida asked. “Do you have someone we can talk to?”
Juice nodded. “I can talk to my sponsor and have her put us in touch with someone who can get her into a detox, put the whole thing together. It goes so far beyond just telling her to stop drinking, especially in a club environment.”
“Speaking of the club environment,” Gigi chimed in, “we have to address the elephant in the room. What are we gonna do about the Priyanka situation? She told Crystal she’s taking a day job until things cool off, but if Lemon gets help… maybe that’ll expedite the process.”
Jackie sighed, but agreed. “I can open auditions to take on another dancer temporarily, I don’t know how long she’s gonna need, but assuming she chooses to get help, I want her to know she has a place to come back to.” She was quiet for a moment, then added, “I’m going to reach out to Priyanka too, I know she hasn’t been answering most of our calls or texts, but I think I might be able to get through to her.”
“My god, we’ve been so caught up with Lemon, we’ve barely kept up with Pri. Are we bad friends?” Jan asked, feeling a mix of guilt and sadness.
Juice shook her head. “No, of course not. Everyone here is doing their best. You guys reach out to Priyanka and figure out a way to get Lemon to the intervention when the time comes, I’ll do what I can on my part.” From there, they all just had to hope for the best.
Jackie took a deep breath, making sure she was calm and collected before knocking on the door. When a woman with black hair and tattoos opened the door, she greeted her politely. “Hi, you must be Scarlett. Um, can you tell Priyanka that Jackie’s here to see her?”
Scarlett nodded, disappearing back into her apartment. There was a solid few minutes of waiting, but Priyanka eventually came to the door. “Hey,” she greeted meekly and led Jackie inside.
Jackie sat at the edge of the bed in the guest room Priyanka had been staying in. “How have you been? You know we’re all worried about you.”
Priyanka’s gaze never left the floor. She picked pieces of lint off of her shorts as she sat down as well, swinging her legs aimlessly. How could she even begin to tackle that question when everything she had ever known had changed overnight? How can anyone process that sort of thing? “Scarlett convinced me to try therapy. I’ve had a couple sessions so far… It helped, I think, but it’s just scratching the surface, you know?”
She listened attentively, nodding along. “I’m proud of you for that. How did your family react when you and Mark broke up?”
“It’s funny, as angry as he was, he didn’t out me. He said it’s clear I have my own problems to work through. My mom was furious that the wedding was called off, so I threw in the ‘I like girls’ news because, well, it couldn’t get any worse,” she sighed. “I don’t think it’s fully hit her yet. She asked me if it was an excuse to get out of the wedding. I haven’t heard back since I told her it was the truth, and I haven’t heard from my dad at all.” She laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I couldn’t even say that I’m gay. It’s too much, I can’t just be gay,” she sat back up and grabbed a tissue, quickly dabbing the corners of her eyes. “How do you get past it, Jackie? How do you stop being afraid of yourself?”
Jackie pressed her lips together as she tried to articulate an answer. “There’s no easy solution, but I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now. I don’t think I was ever ready to be gay, one day I just came to terms with the fact that I was miserable trying to avoid my own truth and that the only way I was ever going to be happy was by loving even the scariest parts of myself.”
Priyanka went quiet again, crumpling the tissue in her hand and staring at it as if the answers were there. “So you don’t think I’ll be able to be fully happy until I embrace being gay?”
“That’s for you to decide. But think of it this way; when you think about your future, best case scenario, what is it in your life that’s making you happy?”
The answer for that wasn’t in her hand, it was in her heart. It made its way into her throat, choking her from the inside and making her pulse race. After everything, it nearly made her angry that it felt inevitable. “Lemon.”
“Juice just texted me that they’re on the way,” Rosé read off her phone, her free hand squeezing Denali’s tight, her leg bouncing anxiously.
The woman they’d brought in to help Lemon, Widow, nodded calmly. “Remember, at the end of the day we are here to help her. We’re not punishing or lecturing her, but we have to be firm.”
After another review of the plan, they heard the door open and looked up to see the two girls walk in, Lemon’s expression immediately becoming confused as she looked around. “Are you guys fucking intervention-ing me?” she asked as she took the empty seat to the right of Rosé.
“Lemon, your friends and family are here because they care about you and are worried about your health,” Widow explained. “Now, I know what you’re thinking, ‘this bitch wants to send me to some random rehab until I come back sober for good’, but this isn’t like that. We get that you’re twenty-one, fresh out of college, no history of addiction.”
“So why am I here?” Lemon interjected.
Rosé arched her brow. “Well, for starters, you haven’t been sober a full twenty-four hours in nearly three weeks, you’ve been acting completely unhinged every time you get trashed. You’re actively trying to alienate yourself from everyone who cares about you, you-” She stopped short when Denali squeezed her hand, her cue to reel it in. “You’re going down a dangerous path and we don’t want you to get hurt.”
“This isn’t one of those ninety-day programs either,” Jackie chimed in. “It’s only three weeks, and the first five days are just for detoxing. We’re not saying you have to be sober for good, this isn’t AA, it’s a program that’s going to give you the support and help you need to still enjoy things in moderation instead of relying on alcohol as a coping mechanism.”
Lemon nodded and listened as the rest of the group said their pieces to try to convince her to go. And she took it in, but she was also looking around and at the door. After a while, it became clear that she was waiting for - hoping for - another person.
“Priyanka wanted to come,” Jackie told her. “But we weren’t sure how you would react and decided it would be better if she waited at least until after you detox to contact you. You have to know, though, she really does care about you.”
She sunk further into her chair, not angry, but embarrassed. It shouldn’t have had to come to this, she knew that, knew better. And she hated that everything they said was right, that she did need help. “Fine,” she mumbled, “I’ll go.”
There was a collective sigh of relief as the tension dissipated throughout the room. “Rosé and Juice will go back with you to your apartment so you can pack, we’re going to get you checked in tonight,” Widow explained. “The facility is in Westchester, you won’t be more than an hour away and visitation is every Saturday.”
Rosé looked at her younger cousin and could tell she was doing her best to cover her fear and anxiety. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly. “You’re going to be okay, baby,” she promised, “they’re gonna take good care of you, and you’re gonna be better than ever once you’re done.”
Lemon nodded quietly, wiping her eyes. “I just wanna get this over with,” she mumbled, still unwilling to allow herself to be vulnerable in front of everyone, though the group anticipated that from her and let it be. All any of them could do now was trust the process.
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
Glass wings chapter 3 (lemonjuice)
this took a hot minute to finish but we here, huge thank you to zyan for putting up with my nonsensical writing at points and having a lot of patience. this is where the lesbianism kicks in, enjoy!
ao3 link 
Lemon shook herself, standing in her human form early in the morning wasn’t something she liked. Her body wasn’t used to this, it begged for more sleep, but she put it down to having only just woken up. Making delivery rounds once a week was a nice routine, but it was the getting up early that was painful. She got paid for selling pixie dust, albeit her own dust, so that was probably the only good part of waking up early. 
Her mind wandered as she grabbed the bottled dust, thoughts lingering on that loneliness that had seeped into her the previous night. It got the better of her sometimes, deep down the knowledge that her loneliness was her fault would eat her up given the chance. It was easier to dismiss, not give the thoughts the room to flourish and hurt, but that was easier said than done. At least today would provide some connection, delivering to people she knew, even if she was only a commodity to help their businesses they treated her well, so she could never truly know their motives. Pixies were looked down upon, that knowledge had been instilled in Lemon from an early age. It was hard hiding your identity when your business is selling pixie dust - though people just thought she had managed to trap the pixie, or that she got it voluntarily. It made Lemon more of an outcast than ever, but she felt it was better than the danger of people knowing who she was. 
Walking in her human form felt unnatural, Lemon wanted nothing more than to fly, shaking off the tiredness and reluctance that she had woken up with, but now wasn’t the time for that. Getting caught out now wasn’t an option, not when Juice was probably around somewhere, thinking she was getting up to some misdeed. 
“Lemon, what are you up to this early?” Juice appeared next to the pixie, smiling slightly at the squeak of surprise she let out. The fairy looked her over, noticing the downcast eyes and posture smaller than normal. Something was wrong. 
Juice wanted to ask her, but something told her there wouldn’t be much of a reply. Instead, she put a supportive hand on her shoulder, Lemon turning to her with a grateful look. 
“I gotta make some deliveries,” Lemon spoke somewhat meekly, her eyes not meeting Juice’s. 
“Well, do you need any help? Maybe some company?” Lemon blinked, was Juice offering this because she wasn’t opposed to being around her? The feelings that they were making progress had been ripped apart by her mind the night before but maybe there was something. She looked at Juice, eye’s hopeful, earning a smile that felt like a side of the fairy that she hadn’t gotten to see. A more human side. 
Maybe, this was her opening up ever so slightly? ---
The walk to their first stop was fairly uneventful, few words were exchanged, but Juice noted the closeness when they walked through the most populated part of the village. Lemon’s eyes were trained on the floor the minute people were in sight. She stared, eyes blank with an emotion Juice couldn’t quite make out. 
Whatever it was, it shifted as they turned on a side street. Her face got lighter, more at ease as they approached a small bakery. Juice knew it to be the one Ilona ran; she went there to get cakes with Kiara every so often, when the younger fairy insisted she needed to get out of her duties and have something nice for once. It became a rare occurence the more things came up, but Juice loved those moments, loved feeling something other than an almost suffocating responsibility.  
“Oh? Hey Lemon. You brought a friend with you today?” The woman behind the counter smiled at the pair, although she seemed to eye up Juice somewhat suspiciously. The fairy shifted nervously, something about those eyes told her that she was already getting judged and all her moves were going to be watched. It was unsettling to say the least.
“Ilona!” Lemon bounced, grinning while walking over to the blue-haired woman. They held a brief exchange that Juice couldn’t make out. Although the way Ilona’s eyes flickered from her to Lemon did nothing to resolve the nervousness she felt building. 
“Not to be rude Lem, but why is she with you? She gives off an ‘I'm better than you’ energy.” Ilona glanced at the cold looking blonde. Her face gave no clue to her emotions and it was unnerving.
“Juice? No, she’s nothing like that! She’s really sweet, just not great with people.” Lemon smiled in response. Ilona guessed from that smile that this Juice woman was to be trusted but the stoicism left her weary. 
“Wait a second, you’re a fairly frequent customer, with Kiara. You never look thrilled to be dragged here.”
Juice froze, she wanted to melt into the ground right there. Ilona’s face was suspicious, looking Juice up and down for something to clue her in on her attitude. Something didn’t add up with the kind girl Lemon spoke of and the cold, aloof air she gave off. “She likes to bring me here, saying I’ve been inside for too long. It’s not because of you, your cakes are always good.” Juice wasn’t really sure how she sounded, but judging by the tentative and soft look Lemon was giving her, her voice was probably giving all her nerves away. A hand squeezed her shoulder lightly, taking the small blonde by surprise. The pixie’s expression was enough to settle the messy feelings down.
 “Well, if Lem likes you, I can’t judge you too hard.” Ilona swatted a hand in a gesture of trying to move the subject, though her eyes still carried a scrutinising gaze. It wasn’t hard to notice the other girl’s unease, and it was easier not to get too into it.
Lemon nodded in acknowledgement before handing Ilona a bottle of pixie dust, her grin growing when handed a bag of coins. 
“Lem, don’t forget your tip!” Ilona smirked at the hyper girl, handing her a piece of cake before glancing back to Juice and handing her a second. “One for your friend too.” 
“It’s so sparkly, how did you—?” Juice questions softly voice, her voice trailing out of a strong anxiety still present. Staring at the cake. It was normal looking, apart from the way it gleamed yellow in the light.  
“Oh, that’s why Lemon makes weekly deliveries. Turns out, putting a bit of pixie dust into a cake makes it sweeter, also gives it more energy.”
Juice nodded, trying it when Lemon urged her to. She thought the pure glee on the pixies face was just her being dramatic, but the cake proved her wrong. It felt like something in it was flowing through her, flushing the lingering anxiety away and filling her with a feeling that she could only associate with Lemon.
The pixie herself felt something shoot through her at watching Juice enjoy the cake. She knew of the effects, making the person who ate it feel happier and  somewhat better overall. Watching it hit Juice was entertaining, her body loosening it’s stoic stance to a more comfortable one, her attention directed at Lemon with a small smile. 
“Are you following me for the other delivery I have to make? I think Pri’s a little easier to deal with than Ilona, she likes everyone, so you’ll be fine,” Lemon spoke as they walked, the twinge of concern in her tone making Juice feel something she couldn’t quite name, nor did she know if she wanted to. 
Despite being intimidated by Ilona, she held out hope that maybe the other person would be easier to deal with. There was also the part of her that screamed in protest at leaving Lemon’s side. Was it because of her job to keep an eye on the pixie? It was something to think about later.
“Yeah, I can’t trust you on your own, can I? You’d end up in some type of danger.” Lemon laughed at the response, something about that brought that feeling back but Juice pushed it to the back of her mind to deal with later. 
Entering the shop, they sawee a brunette struggling with many small bottles of various things off a shelf. She suddenly turned towards the door, dropping something with a loud clang that made Juice flinch. “Lemon! Ah, my favourite delivery girl, also the only delivery girl I know, come to think of it. You’re here just in time, I just ran out of pixie dust for the potions I need to make today.” The brunette grinned when Lemon and Juice entered, she gave off an air of being easy to get along with, and suddenly Juice began to understand it.
“Hey Pri!” Lemon beamed, the familiarity the pair clearly had was lost on the small blonde behind them. Juice watched, unsure of how to react.
“What’s my name?” “Priyanka!” The pair laughed between themselves, before Lemon noticed her the fairy looking bewildered, as did Priyanka. 
“Oh, Lem has a friend! You good? She isn’t tiring you out is she? She does that, but we love her anyway.” 
Despite wanting to respond, Juice found herself frozen. She laughed, the girl in front of her was funny but the idea of speaking was slowly fading the more she stood there. “This is Juice, she’s really sweet, but girl cannot talk to people.” Next to her, the energetic girl bounced, poking her friend teasingly during the introduction, feeling even more bubbly when she got a small smile in response.
They would have continued, pushing past the awkward introduction to some socialising before Priyanka remembered why they were there in the first place. But someone appeared from the back room, sending Juice into shock when she realised it was one of the higher up fairies from the council, Tynomi. What was she doing here?
“Pri, are you talking to yourself? What’s taking you so long?” She glanced at Priyanka, smiling slightly at the rushed look on her face, and the way she had clearly grabbed too many bottles but refused to admit it. That was when she turned to the side, noting a somewhat familiar looking girl with bright yellow hair and—
Why was Juice there?
“Tynomi? What are you doing here?” Juice blinked, seemingly reluctant to speak up but knowing she needed to, this situation would be too much to deal with if she fell too silent. “I could ask you the same question, aren’t you supposed to be on duty right now?” Tynomi eyed her up, suspicious as the other girl looked somewhat avoidant. She kept her gaze focused, eyes glancing down due to the difference in height. 
“I am, my duty right now includes being with this weirdo.” Juice poked Lemon in the shoulder lightly, leading to the pixie letting out a smirk, lightly shoving her in response.
Tynomi watched them, amazed to see the typically cold and unsociable leader so comfortable around another person. That was something to keep an eye on. 
“Ty! I’ve mentioned Lemon to you before, this is her and her friend Juice, do you two know each other?” Tynomi smiled in greeting, shaking off the mention of her knowing Juice with a small shrug. Juice herself just stared blankly, not knowing how to respond. 
“You could say that, she’s the quiet young fairy leader I was telling you about a few days ago.” She whispered the last part so only the brunette could hear before nodding at Juice. Unknowingly, the pair exchanged very similar information, only telling of a council member, not the current leader of the fairies. 
“I got your pixie dust, here you go, Pri.” Noticing the tension, Lemon switched the topic, exchanging the bottle with a grin.
“Thank you! I have a few potion orders to sort through, so I can’t chat for long, but thank you for coming today. Nice to meet you, Juice!” The brunette bid the pair goodbye, Tynomi following her wordlessly. 
“She’s nice.” Juice stood, somewhat dumbfounded at the whole interaction.
“Told you she was easy to talk to.”  Lemon was just as confused, but equally amused. The shock on Juice’s face at seeing Tynomi was amusing, but the tension left in the air made both of them want to leave as soon as possible. 
“Where are you going?” For what had to have been the fourth or fifth time, the fairy questioned, barely able to keep up with the energetic pixie, flying at a speed no one that small should be capable of. 
“A cool place! We’re almost there.” Lemon felt a desire to bring her new friend to her favourite place, not quite knowing why but deciding to follow her instinct. Hearing the soft complaints and questions every so often was far too amusing to pass up. “Look!” 
Lemon gestured to the scenery in front of them, seemingly untouched by anyone. It took a minute for Juice to fully take it in, watching the pixie turn into her human form, sitting beneath a tree, sheltering herself from the early afternoon sun. Her eyes shined in awe, staring up at the tree tops surrounding them before her eyes cast  downward to a small river. Uncharacteristically calm, but Juice sensed this was something she was privileged to see. 
“It’s beautiful around here,” she spoke softly, not wanting to disturb the blissful gazing of her companion. She got a nod in response, before the pixie turned to her and patted the grass next to her, staring expectantly.
Sat under a tree, in a quiet but comforting company wasn’t how Juice thought she was going to spend the day, but it was a rare moment of calmness that she knew to savour. They became rarer the more she focused on responsibilities, providing duties to the fairies. Her mind ran off, thinking of the things she had to do before the slight craving for a simpler life hit. One like Lemon, unaware of much other than her own existence, just trying to have fun and keep herself entertained. 
“You just wanted something, anything to yourself, I'm sorry I came off so strongly when we first met. You’re a really nice person, Lemon.” Juice could see the surprise and light disbelief in Lemon’s face. 
“I mean, it wasn’t just that. Part of me was thrilled for the attention, negative or positive, it was something. Living alone gets lonely, and I've never really had any family. There was one person, but—” Lemon’s voice trailed off, she wasn’t ready to reveal everything about herself. Tears pricked at her eyes just thinking about it all; she wanted nothing more than to forget half of the things she’d done, but they’d sit and haunt her like an old ghost, showing their faces when least expected. 
“I get the feeling, being alone. It’s hard, people terrify me. You’re easy to deal with, and it’s partly my job to see you a lot right now, you’re an exception, Lem. Leading is hard, you don’t get a lot of free time, the limited time I have to see my friends, or even make some, it's too hard so it left me alone.” Juice turned to Lemon, her expression a mirror of the warmth and kindness in Lemon’s eyes. They sat, quiet, taking in what the other said and only exchanging a few words. A comfortable silence enveloped the area, neither girl wanting to interrupt it or the feeling of connection that was starting to form between them.
“Juice, if you ever do feel really alone and need someone, I’ll be here for you. I like you.” Lemon’s energy shifted, her eyes brightened at the revelation of them finally connecting. Her words were soft, but clearly earnest. Something told Juice that this was something to remember, the kind of thing she’d think about in the dark moments when she felt like no one was there, the moments where her feelings were suffocating.
“Same for you, Lemon. I’ll happily keep you company any time I can.” Watching her face grow even happier, smile winding into a grin and her eyes crinkling it happiness, Juice felt an unfamiliar rush. Something flowed through her and she finally felt at peace. Something was changing, she was okay with that. She had hope, an optimistic thought that Lemon was there to stay, she would do everything to see her as happy as in that moment. 
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years
☕️ lemyanka
Oop you ask the lemonjuice girl about lemyanka, tbh I enjoy it, I'm more lemonjuice but I see it and they have good potential. Tbh I haven't tried writing them, if the people really wants lemyanka then I'd give it a shot
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Plucking Daisies (Lemyanka, Kyara) - Mar
A/N: Day 4 of the May Trope Mayhem is 'Idiots to lovers' aka my favorite dynamic. It screams 'Lemyanka'. @duckprintspress
Summary: Kiara is sure Lemon and Priyanka are dating, while Kyne is sure they are not. They investigate.
Tags: may trope mayhem, rpdr fanfiction, drcan, can1, kiara x kyne, lemon x priyanka, kiara, kyne, lemon, priyanka, lesbian au, drabble, idiots to lovers, mar
“Say, if someone were to ask Lemon out for, oh I don’t know. A movie this Friday,” Rita said as she set her lunch tray next to Kiara’s on the hard cement block their school called a yard table. “What do you think the response would be in that hypothetical case?”
Kiara smiled.
“Asking for a friend?”
“Of sorts.”
“Well, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but tell your friend that Lemon is taken. She’s dating Priyanka.”
“No she’s not,” Kyne piped up from the other side of the table, finally interested in the conversation.
“Uh, yeah she is. They’re super official, they’ve met each other’s parents and everything.”
“We’ve all met each other’s parents, stupid, we have sleepovers every month.”
“There’s another good point! Lemon and Pri have sleepovers basically every week.”
“Just ‘cause they’re best friends, like you and I.”
Kiara frowned and opened her mouth to reply, but Rita got there first.
“So am I– my friend, is my friend a lost cause?”
“Yes–” “No–” replied the other two at the same time.
“Kyne, you wouldn’t know chemistry if it hit you upside the head.”
“First of all, I’m in AP chemistry.” Kiara rolled her eyes and hid a smile. Half the time, she didn’t know if Kyne was being obtuse of the funniest person on Earth. “Second of all, you’re seeing things. Those two are basically sisters, all they do is quarrel.”
“Um, ever heard of a lover’s quarrel?”
“But not in a sexy way, more in a ‘I’m two seconds away from murdering you’ way.”
“Enemies to lovers, baby, that’s the way to go.”
“We shouldn’t have watched 10 things I hate about you. It melted your brain.”
They kept on arguing, Rita sulking next to them, until she shushed them both as the objects of their conversation joined the table.
Lemon plopped her tray on Kiara’s other side and sat down huffing.
"They're out of marble muffins."
She glared across the table, where Priyanka was sitting down with the biggest grin.
“Look at this gorgeous, gorgeous muffin, I was lucky enough to get the last one.” She twirled it in her hands. “Don’t know about you, but my lunch would feel so incomplete withou— ow!”
Priyanka bent down to clutch her shin. Opposite, Lemon smiled and started eating, the picture of innocence. “Okay, I deserved that.”
During the whole exchange, Kyne stared pointedly at Kiara, barely hiding her smirk.
Point for Kyne.
Kiara chose the high road and ignored her, though she kept a close eye on her friends, because she’d be damned if she just let Kyne win like that. Therefore, when lunch was almost over and Priyanka slid half the muffin to Lemon, who couldn’t hide her smile, Kiara saw it all. She smirked right back at Kyne.
Point for Kiara.
“You have to give me that point.”
“What are we talking about, now?”
“You don’t see that?” Kiara whispered and nodded at the love seat in Priyanka’s living room. Their group had gathered for a movie night, but Lemon and Priyanka seemed to have other plans. They had been whispering in their crowded loveseat for the past half hour, tangled together and with no thought to spare for the movie in the background.
“So? There’s no room for all of us, we’re all sharing.”
Kyne was right, unfortunately. Jimbo, Scarlett and Illona kept pushing each other on the sofa, Juice and Tynomi had layered pillows and blankets on the floor to make a nest, and Kyne had claimed the small couch for herself and Kiara and refused to let anyone else on it.
Kiara was about to concede, but then Lemon, Miss Don’t Ever Touch Me, yawned and curled up on Priyanka’s chest, smiling when Priyanka started playing with her hair.
Kiara put her lips to Kyne’s ear.
“Point for me.”
Satisfied, Kiara cozied up to Kyne’s side, intent on stealing her body heat.
The peace lasted for all of four minutes.
“Ow!” Lemon complained from the floor as she glared up the love seat, where Priyanka was dissolving in giggles. “Why did you push me?”
Lemon grabbed Priyanka’s wrist and tried to pull her to the floor, but Priyanka started kicking and the two of them proceeded to wrestle like children, the rest of their group throwing popcorn and pillows at them.
Happy to see her two friends once again behaving like sisters, Kyne whispered to Kiara:
“Point for me.”
“It’s definitive proof.”
“You and I have different definitions of ‘definitive’.”
“How is stealing someone’s hoodie anything other than romantic?”
Kyne rubbed the sleeve end of what was now her favorite shirt, which she had borrowed from Kiara some months ago. To distract from the flush she felt climbing up her cheeks, she argued.
“Do you have their wardrobes memorized? We don’t even know if it’s Priyanka’s hoodie.”
“Since when does Lemon dress like a skater? It looks huge on her.”
They stared at the counter where Lemon was ordering coffee for her and Priyanka, who was in the bathroom. With both drinks in hand, Lemon joined their table and raised an eyebrow at the weird silence.
“Nothing. Nice hoodie,” Kiara said.
“Oh, thanks. It’s Priyanka’s.”  Lemon looked down at the hoodie and missed the way Kiara elbowed Kyne. “I needed to borrow it because I slept at her house.” Kiara grinned. “I used to have a whole drawer of clothes in her room—”
Kiara was near bursting with squeals.
“—but the idiot thought it’d be funny to pour glitter inside, so I had nothing to wear.”
Kiara deflated, Kyne straightened up.
“Oh, my God,” Kiara complained, but Lemon misinterpreted it.
“It’s okay, she apologized so much and she ran the whole drawer through the laundry. Plus, she was so sorry she got me this necklace,” Lemon smiled as she fished it from under her hoodie, a delicate chain with a cursive ‘L’ in gold.
Kyne slammed her palm on the table, Kiara threw up her hands, and Lemon stared at them in shock.
“I can’t take this anymore!” said Kiara.
“Are you two dating or not?”
“What? No!” Lemon spluttered, looking around to make sure Priyanka wasn’t around.
Kyne and Kiara looked at each other, then at the blush on Lemon’s face.
“Ohh,” they said in unison.
“You’re not dating—”
“—but you want to be. Right?”
“Fine, yes, but shut up. She can’t know.”
“‘Cause she’ll get weird! Imagine your best friend has a crush on you, and you don’t like her back. Sleepovers? Done. Sharing secrets? Over. I can’t lose that.”
Kiara patted Lemon’s hand in pity, but Kyne was more direct.
“If you think Priyanka’s not completely in love with you, then you’re an idiot. Which works, because she is also an idiot.”
“Aw, they’re perfect for each other,” said Kiara, making a heart shape with her hands. Lemon swatted it out of the air when she saw Priyanka heading for their table.
“What’s up?” said Priyanka as she dropped next to Lemon and grabbed her drink, slurping loudly through the straw. Both Kiara and Kyne wrinkled their noses, but Lemon was inmune and looked at Priyanka with just pure nauseating love. How Priyanka hadn’t noticed was a mystery.
“Nothing. We were actually on our way,” said Kiara, taking Kyne’s hand as she stood up. To her credit, Kyne followed smoothly.
“We offered to help Kiara’s mom with her spring cleaning.”
“And we needed the energy.” Kiara shook her drink.
Lemon and Priyanka shared a look, and smiled.
“Alright,” Priyanka said slyly.
“Have fun playing house— I mean, cleaning the house,” said Lemon.
Priyanka snorted.
Kyne narrowed her eyes at them, but Kiara pulled her towards the door before she could start anything.
They were halfway to the door when Kiara, casual as anything, turned around and said:
“Oh, by the way, Pri?”
Kiara saw the panic in Lemon’s eyes, and gave her a saccharine smile.
“Lemon wants to date you.”
Kiara barely caught the growing grin on Priyanka’s face before Kyne dragged her out of the coffee shop, both girls laughing as they ran away.
“That was cold, Kiki. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Oh, please, I did them a favor. Did you see Priyanka’s face? I’m freaking Cupid, bitch.”
“You were also wrong. They were not dating.”
“But they wanted to be. Doesn’t that count for something?”
“Those were not the terms we discussed.”
“Ugh, fine. You win.”
Kiara did a little flourish with her coffee cup and Kyne princess-waved to an invisible audience.
“You should have trusted my intuition,” said Kyne.
“Can you blame me for being skeptical of it? It took you forever to realize that I liked you back. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t know that we are dating,” Kiara laughed and Kyne stared.
A beat.
“We are what?”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Tinder Chronicles (Lemon x basically everyone?) - Mermelada
A/N: Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour, long time no fic! I’m currently job-less, so have naturally developed an obsession with the Canadian dwolls! This is (hopefully) going to be a multi-chapter lesbian/bi/pan AU, with lots and lots of appearances from different queens as Lemon figures her life out. I have a vague idea of what direction I want the story to go in, but I am always open to suggestions and feedback! Gros bisous à toustes! (Gender neutral French still looks a bit odd, but we’re going with it!)
Lemon tapped her yellow acrylic nails against the screen of her phone. It was now or never: she could either wallow in her post break-up misery for another two months; or she could finally start piecing her life back together and get back on the dating scene. She shook her head at the ridiculousness of her current emotional turmoil, blinking, sighing, and finally pressing the ‘download’ button on her screen. For the first time in three years, she was single. And for the first time in three years, she was going to use a dating app.
The icon spun for a few seconds, the app finally opened on her screen. This, she supposed, was the easy part. She decided to link her Facebook profile to speed things up, and pressed the buttons that she was a woman, interested in women. Not wanting to spend too long on a profile she wasn’t even sure she’d use, she chose her current favourite photo of herself to head up her profile, an adorable portrait of her sat on her kitchen floor, in plaid pyjamas, cuddling her dog. Nobody needs to know that an hour after the bliss pictured, she’d cried herself to sleep, once again unable to shake the feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy from her mind. She quickly followed by adding an assortment of photos from her Instagram which she felt best “advertised” herself: posing happily in front of the theatre where she’d just performed, cradling a giant bouquet of flowers (from her grandma, bless her); holding her leg in a grand-battement in the ballet studio, clad solely in a black leotard and bright yellow legwarmers; staring seductively into the camera lens at the dinner table, which could have been sexy if it weren’t for the floating crab claws above her head, courtesy of an off-camera Jan; and a simple selfie she’d taken moments before at her desk, with her thick-rimmed glasses perched on her nose and her hair tied back in a messy heap on top of her head. She looked at the five images, hoping that people would be able to see the kind of upbeat, loyal, and fun-loving person she really is. Or, at least, the person she can be when her heart isn’t broken. Next came her bio, which she really couldn’t be bothered with, so she just wrote the only vaguely amusing tagline she could think of: “Pucker up, motherfuckers.”  
Happy with her choices, she finally clicked the ‘save’ button and waited. The loading screen turned and twisted for what seemed like an eternity, which almost gave Lemon enough time to change her mind and delete everything. But before she could even contemplate quitting, the first profile sprung up in her hand.
Priyanka, 29
Within 10 miles
Wow, this girl – sorry, grown ass goddess – was stunning. There was no other way of putting it. Lemon bit her lip as she scrolled through the photos, holding back her giddy excitement at the prospect of getting to know with Priyanka.
Nope, she thought, don’t get too carried away. She hasn’t matched with you yet. She probably hasn’t even seen your profile yet. And she also probably wouldn’t want anything to do with you, you dumb bi- Dropping her phone and jumping onto her bedroom floor Lemon resorted to the best way of controlling her anxiety she could: doing a handstand against the wall, while singing the national anthem. The first time she attempted it was after her dad – in a panic himself – had suggested it, not sure how best to look after his daughter as her breaths shortened and her pulse raced. As it turned out, it was the perfect distraction for her adrenaline-fuelled brain, and she now kept it as her secret weapon against her hidden anxiety monsters. Maybe she could share it with someone else one day. As she finished the last long note, she stood back upright and lay back on her bed, carefully timing her breathing.
Okay, now where was I…?
Priyanka was hot. She had a picture sat on a beach in a blue and white striped bikini, followed by one in a beautiful white and gold lehnga, taken in what looked like a garden, but Lemon’s favourite was the candid snap of a laughing Priyanka in the middle of a street, surrounded by people, holding a pride flag around her shoulders. Without needing to think anymore, Lemon swiped to the right…
…and nothing happened. Without feeling too disheartened – she had only just downloaded the app, after all, these things take time – she read through the next profile.
Rita, 33
Within 10 miles
Now Rita was completely different from Priyanka, but Lemon wasn’t complaining. Her main profile picture was an artsy selfie, with her short platinum hair sleeked back, making her look every inch the sexy business lady Lemon loved. As she scrolled through the pictures, she learned that Rita was clearly a lover of the 80s, as she was definitely not afraid of bright make-up or loud, monochromatic clothing. Glancing down at bio, it simply read “Je me sens sous-titrée”. Lemon may have dropped French as soon as she was allowed at school, but it only added to her already growing intrigue. Even more enticing, however, was the final picture, where Rita appeared to be dressed as a young Céline Dion, passionately serenading a hot dog. Swiping right was a no-brainer.
The next profile quickly followed, with Lemon once again swiping right.
Kyne, 21
Within 10 miles
She was younger than Lemon would have usually gone, sure, but Kyne was pretty. She was tanned and toned and had perfect eyeliner and was a final-year mathematics and statistics major?! Sign her up!
Kiara, 22
Within 10 miles
“Kiki wanna kaikai, maybe you’ll be my type ;) “. That was all the next girl had written in her profile bio, the suggestive nature making Lemon audibly snort. She would definitely be down for some fun with Kiara, she had to be a supermodel! The tall girl was a vision in red, with her dark hair cascading down her back as she posed for the camera. It was an obvious right-swipe.
Tynomi, 39
Within 10 miles
Okay, so maybe Lemon had forgotten to set an age filter, but now she was glad it had slipped her mind. Tynomi was exquisite – if Lemon could have a figure like that at 39, she’d be a very happy girl. There was no bio to read, only four photos. In the first two, Tynomi was wearing a skin-tight lime green t-shirt dress, standing on a balcony looking out to the sea. In one, she started moodily at the camera, her honey-blonde hair gently blowing behind her. Though in the second one, Lemon could practically hear the laughter radiating from the tall woman, her mouth wide open and teeth sparkling in the sunlight.
I wonder what was making her laugh like that, Lemon pondered, zooming in to where she wishfully thought she saw the faint outline of a nipple through the thin material. Maybe one day I could make her laugh, and then I’d laugh at how much she is laughing, and we’d be so happy together… Uh oh, control yourself, Lem. Focus. Let’s not get carried away… But fuck, please choose me, Tynomi!
Boa, 25
Within 10 miles
Lemon stared at the profile, pursing her lips. She knew deep down that as much as she told herself she didn’t have a type, all of her past fixations – yes, including she-who-must-not-be-named – had one thing in common. They were all skinny bitches. But Lemon wanted to change that, she really did, she is now at an age where she needs someone she can bond with on a deeper level and have some fun with. And Boa looked very, very fun: her profile picture was her sat on a bale of hay while dressed as a cow, how could you not be entertained?! The rest of her photos followed a similar theme, until Lemon reached the final one, which took her breath away. Boa stood on a spiral staircase, with a huge smile upon her face as her sparkly silver dress hugged all he curves.
She’s funny, she’s pretty, she has amazing tits… let’s do it!
And then, she saw it. To say she felt her eyes pop out of her head, her lower jaw hit the floor, and her stomach turn inside-out would be an understatement. Two months after blocking her on every platform she could think of, two months after deleting every photo of her, two months after having her heart shattered… There she was, staring straight into Lemon’s soul.
Juice, 31
Within 10 miles
Lemon’s mind went blank. In her haste to get the beaming picture of the girl she may-or-may-not still be in love with off her screen as quickly as possible, her thumb slid the screen to the right. Before her brain could even catch up with the atrocity she had just committed, a bright, white notification popped up on her phone.
“CONGRATULATIONS! You have matched with Kiara!”
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zwritestuff · 4 years
For the prompts, how about: 5 + 6 + 7 with Juice x Lemon oooorrrrr Kyne x Kiara. 💖
I LOVED WRITING THIS, actually, if I had my way, I’d turn this into a whole multi-chap, but my other multi-chaps are telling me not to. Hope you enjoy anyway! ❤ (also, I tweaked the dialogue prompt a bit to fit the tenses.)
5. ceo!au / 6. fake dating / 7. “you had no idea, did you?”
It’s not uncommon for Kiara to come around Kyne’s office every so often - she’s her accountant, after all - even if it’s not work related. Sometimes she just uses her office to hide from her secretary, Lena, or the other annoying CEOs of the company that get on her nerves. “If they weren’t my dad’s friends, I’d fire them,” she would usually say, and Kyne would laugh shortly and offer her to listen to her problems while she worked.
Kyne would even dare to say they’re friends - not best friends, but good enough friends. It surprises her most of the time, due to the fact that Kiara is the boss of the boss of her boss, and the daughter of the owner of the company. Her presence is intimidating at times, but she doesn’t let it show.
Kiara comes to her office one day, and nothing seems strange, not even when she settles a cup of coffee in her desk and offers her a bagel. She figures it’s just Kiara thanking her for never complaining when she comes to her for venting.
“Do you have plans on Saturday?” She asks out of the blue, and Kyne cocks a brow, taking a sip from her coffee. She shakes her head no, and Kiara bites her lower lip. “So, uh, the charity ball is on Saturday, I think you know that. And I’m fairly sure you’ve heard the rumors--”
“Wait, what? What rumors?” Kyne cuts her off, knitting her brows in a frown and staring at Kiara, who looks absolutely mortified.
“Oh, no, you have no idea, do you?” She asks, and Kyne can swear this is the first time she’s seen Kiara blush. She looks cute with her cheeks crimson red, actually; it’s a nice change from the poised woman she’s come to know.
“Of what?” Kyne presses, trying to not get distracted by Kiara.
Kiara proceeds to tell her through gritted teeth how many people at the company think they’re dating - apparently her constant visits to Kyne’s office had caused some eyebrows to raise their way. Kiara never bothered to say anything about those rumors, because as the future owner of the company she shouldn’t dignify cheap office gossip with an answer, but the shit hit the fan when the rumors ended up arriving to her father’s ears, and now he expected Kiara to bring her alleged girlfriend to the charity ball.
Kyne sits still at her chair, owlishly blinking at Kiara for a moment too long. She tilts her head, waiting for Kiara to say it’s all a joke and she just wants her to calculate something for her.
But that doesn’t happen, and Kiara just silently stares back.
“That would explain the looks Susan from customer support gives me when I pass from her office on my way to get lunch,” Kyne muses absentmindedly. In fact, if she thinks about it for more than a second, it makes a whole lot of sense. Now she gets why Jenna from the architecture team went on a tangent about how much she hates people that sleep with their bosses for a raise whenever Kyne was around, raising her voice a tad too loud so everyone would hear.
No wonder why one time Priyanka scolded her for not interacting more with their co-workers, saying she’d benefit by being up to date with the office gossip.
“Have you thought of telling your father it was all a misunderstanding?” She proceeds after a few moments, and Kiara shrugs.
“He was excited that I was finally going out with someone, and I didn’t want to ruin his happiness,” she explains, and Kyne cocks a brow. She always assumed Kiara was constantly dating people - with how gorgeous she is, it didn’t seem that much of a stretch.
“If I don’t get a raise after this, I’m going to work for your rival company and sell them all your corporative secrets,” Kyne deadpans, and it takes Kiara a full minute to understand that is Kyne’s way of accepting to be her fake girlfriend for the charity ball.
Kiara lets out a sigh of relief, slouching in her chair and thanking Kyne profusely, promising to take her shopping on Friday to find a dress for the charity ball. Kyne jokingly says she’ll suck the money out of Kiara’s credit car if given the opportunity.
“As if that was possible, darling.” She winks at her, and something inside Kyne twitches. “I gotta go, but I’ll text you later to sort this out.”
“Wait,” she interrupts her again, before she leaves. “How do you have my number?”
Kiara smiles mischievously, and Kyne mentally goes over what she ate today, because her stomach twitches again.
“I have my ways of finding out things,” Kiara says, winking one last time before she exits Kyne’s office.
Once she’s alone, Kyne wonders out loud what the fuck had she messed herself into.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Lemon's Misadventures in Dating, Chapter 6  (Lemon x Everyone) - Mermelada
A/N: Hi everyone! Here’s chapter 6, as seen on Ao3! I found out that Lemon’s irl mum is Scottish, so naturally, I had to include her as a character and base her on my own! More is coming soon, so watch this space! :D I love you all!!
[07:24] HEY GIRL!
[07:24] I’m so sorry but I ate your sister for breakfast
[07:24] She was a grapefruit lololololol
[07:24] I’m sorry please don’t hate me
[07:24] But she was delicious
[07:25] So what’s the tea on Little Miss Lemon? I want to know everything! What’s your favourite type of pasta?
Lemon read the messages again as she sat at the kitchen island, sipping her coffee. She couldn’t help but smile. That was not what she was expecting at all from Priyanka, she looked so poised and regal in all her photos, yet in reality she was coming across as a complete goofball. Although it had been three hours now, and she was still awaiting a reply.
[09:58] Umm how fucking dare you?
[09:58] Don’t even expect me to respond to that until I get a full apology, you murderer.
Was the joke not obvious? Fuck, what if she thinks I’m serious? But then she started it…
“What’s got you smiling, princess?”
She jumped with shock as her mum walked through the door, placing her handbag on the counter and opening the fridge door. She knew her mum only worked a half-day on Thursdays, but her sudden appearance was a surprise nonetheless. Lemon felt like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t be.
“Oh, nothing,” she sang, quickly locking her phone and putting it back in her pocket, away from prying eyes, “how was work?”
“Well you’re not acting like it was nothing,” teased her mum, moving around the kitchen in a blur as she prepared her lunch. “Is it a girl?”
Lemon failed to hide the blush rising on her face, she knew her mum meant no harm, but she was not prepared to get into a conversation about dating and hookups with her so early in the day, and with so little alcohol to hand. “Muuuuuuuuum” she groaned, hoping that the coolness of her hands would remove the redness as she placed her chin in her palms.
“I’m just glad you’re happy, darling, you deserve it after the summer you’ve had!” Lemon couldn’t deny that her mum had been an absolute angel these last few months. She listened to Lemon way back when she had first admitted that things weren’t working like they should be, and never once offered any judgement or tried to convince her to stay. She had even helped Lemon move her things out of her old apartment as quickly as was humanly possible for the pair of them, while she was at work. “Are you up to date with your tetanus shots though, because you’ll need one if she’s doing that to you!”
Just when Lemon felt she couldn’t get any redder, her mum’s finger was poking the mottled bruise peeking out from under the loose collar of her t-shirt, her whole body burning as her mind flashed back to the moment it had been placed there… the body above her trembling, grabbing a handful of platinum hair as they grinded against each other’s thighs, the muffled cries in French… “Oh my god, mum, please stop!”
“What?! You can’t just disappear for two nights in a row and not expect me to be curious! What’s her name?”
She audibly groaned at her mother’s prying tone, laying her head on the cold marble countertop. “Mum, I love you, but I am not having this conversation with you right now!”
Fucking Rita, I’m sure she’ll find this funny at least, Lemon made a mental note to text the other woman later, wondering if she’s had any similar happenings with her work colleagues, or if she had enough experience - and common sense - to hide the evidence of her Tinder trysts better. At least she had put on leggings after waking up today, as shorts would have only showcased an even more incriminating patchwork of colourful marks across her inner thighs.
Her mum simply smiled and wrapped an arm around her from behind the high kitchen chair, planting an affectionate kiss on her daughter’s temple. “Well, you know what I always say, pumpkin, as long as you’re happy and safe, go out there and have fun! Are dental dams still a thing? Do you need some?”
Lemon could only muster a grunt in response, her head making an audible bang as she threw it onto the counter, deeply wishing that the conversation was over. Right on cue, she felt the phone in her pocket buzz with a new notification. She practically leapt off her seat, ready to run to the safety of her bedroom. “Well, on that note, I’m going to remove myself from this deeply uncomfortable situation. Thank you, mother!” 
“Ooh is that her texting you? When are you seeing her next?” The enthusiastic questions fell - as her mum expected - on deaf ears, Lemon gulping down the remainder of her cold coffee and placing the empty mug in the sink.
When she finally reached her safe haven, she pushed the door closed and jumped back on the bed. Despite knowing her parents wouldn’t mind at all, she still wasn’t ready to admit she was trying to move on, let alone with an assortment of random ladies from the Greater Toronto Area. She grabbed at her phone excitedly, her eyes lighting up when she saw that Priyanka had finally answered.
[13:35] My dearest Lemon, I must beg for your forgiveness, for I have sinned gravely. Upon awakening from my slumber and entering my cooking chamber, my stomach began to sing a dreadful tune. In the search for something to quell its anger, I encountered a grapefruit, as cute as your face and as juicy as your ass probably is. With no other option, I slaughtered it, dressed it with some sugar, and devoured its flesh. Would you please accept my most sincere apology in the form of a drink sometime?
This crazy bitch. No other interaction on the app had left Lemon feeling so giddy, her heart had sped up and her stomach was doing somersaults. Yes yes yes yes oh my god of course! Luckily her common sense kicked in, and she realised she should probably act a bit less… desperate.
[13:40] Let me think about it
[13:41] Loljk of course!
[13:41] Any day/time work best for you? I’m afraid I’m fully booked this weekend
[13:41] Mourning my sister and all
[13:41] (I mean the grapefruit btw sorry that could have been weird)
Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long for a response. 
[13:42] LOL I’m glad it didn’t turn dark
[13:42] Any night that’s not a school day is best for me!
[13:43] Speaking of which I better get back and entertain some little people, ttyl xo
[13:43] KIDS, btw, just in case xx
Lemon shook her head as she smiled, Priyanka was certainly something else. Cute, funny, sexy… hopefully she didn’t ruin it by having bad breath or murderous tendencies. She couldn’t explain it, she already felt something special about the girl, something she hadn’t felt since- no. Let’s not ruin a good thing by thinking about her. But the more she looked at Priyanka’s profile, the more memories of Juice kept flooding her mind. Taking a moment, she sat on the floor, stretching her legs out in front of her and breathing deeply and rhythmically, a makeshift meditation to nip any panic in the bud.
Is it still too soon? Maybe I’m not ready to be moving on if I still think about her so much, and if I still get so emotional doing so. Images of the former couple danced around her head; walking hand in hand, snuggling on the couch under blankets, even just helping each other cook, or drinking coffee in bed on a rainy morning. I thought it was what I wanted, but maybe I was wrong. She sat silently for a few minutes, trying her best to think of nothing but a dark sky filled with distant, twinkling stars, but even that took her mind back to the nights they’d spend wandering around their neighbourhood, talking about their hopes and dreams, where they’d live once they got married, how many cats and dogs it was acceptable to have. It seemed like the natural course for them, but not everything can work out the way people want it to. 
She didn’t know whether it was the buzz of her phone on the bed behind her, or Gus’s gentle panting as he pushed through the door which awoke her from her semi-trance, but she took the opportunity to stand up and shake the stiffness out of her body. It was a natural impulse to bring her hands to her eyes to wipe away her tears, but she was pleasantly surprised to not find any there today. Maybe things were getting better after all. 
She and Gus both slid onto her bed, the dog circling three times before plopping himself down in the crook of Lemon’s elbow, which she rewarded with a firm scratch under his chin. Picking up her phone, it buzzed again in her hand with messages from Rita.
Dr Rita <3 [14:02] shared a link
Dr Rita <3 [14:05] Bonjour! How are you today, mon citron? I had a nap after work and I am now ready for the gym :-O Last night a colleague told me about this dance school where his daughters go, a teacher is pregnant and will need someone to cover the classes when she is off. I thought of you :-) I hope you slept better than a baby! X
Dr Rita <3 [14:06] Also I found a bruise on my ass yesterday, I was in pain every time I was sitting down, thank you very much…
Lemon had always believed in fate to some degree, and upon seeing the link Rita had sent, she had no doubt that destiny had been on her side during the events of the last few days. She stared at the familiar tan bricks of her old dance school, the smiling face of her old principal teacher finally giving her the push she needed to get back in the saddle. She threw on a pair of jeans and a woolen cardigan, replying to Rita with one hand as she pulled on her ankle boots with the other.
[14:10] Merci merci, I’ll check it out!! Have fun at the gym, you crazy pomme! How was sexy kidney lady? 
[14:11] And de rien 😘 my mum saw the one on my neck today, she thinks I’m being bullied 😞
Jumping down the stairs two at a time and shouting a quick goodbye to her mum - closing the door before she could hear the inevitable embarrassing reply - she walked as quickly as her legs could possibly take her to the dance school, a path she had already walked hundreds of times throughout her childhood. Even if they said no, she would sign up to classes or find some auditions, how could this not be a sign from the universe to start dancing again? As she reached the heavy iron door, she checked her phone one last time.
Dr Rita <3 [14:14] Courage, ma belle! They would be idiots to not want you! Well, she made me my favourite tea and told me she liked my lipstick, so I think we are married now?
Dr Rita <3 [14:16] And I am so sorry! :-( Do you have arnica cream? I hope your mother knows it was at your request? ;-)
She had really lucked out with Rita, she needed a good friend like her in her corner right now. And as she stepped inside, navigating the bright corridors to the principal’s office, she was really glad she’d downloaded Tinder.
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gottlem · 4 years
im hungover pls send lemon/priyanka/juice pics x
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