#len'en gameplay
gaaaaaaah i really like iyozane but why must their boss fight curse every run i do
1cc no bomb runs: good luck have fun capping first nonspell, and penultimate, and final
1cc yes bomb runs: not as bad as no bomb but final can still take multiple bombs depending on character
scoring: have fun losing like 3 million points on non 3 because the waves didn't spawn near you. what's that? you got a good non 3? alright time to camp your position on final and drain your bomb stock before the spell times out
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houlen-yabusame · 8 months
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len'en ocs i made who have gay yaoi together more about them in the tags ……
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maideninorange · 1 year
hm... Top 5 Touhou games? Can be for the gameplay, characters, story, etc
That's a good one! Let's see here...
(Obligatory "This List is Highly Subjective" Disclaimer: These are not in any particular order. Just my top 5, because I still can't rank lol.)
1. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. A fairly typical pick, admittedly, but I still really like it. EoSD is the Touhou game that I first checked out (and by checked out I mean watched YouTube videos of lol) when I got into Touhou initially, so I can't help but like it. The art is so cheesy, especially compared to the later games (but honestly even by early Windows era), but it has this weird charm to it that I can't help but like. And of course, the characters! It's fairly easy to see why this is a common pick for beginners to Touhou, and I stand by that (although playing wise, I'd recommend IN, MoF, or TD more, because EoSD doesn't let you see your hitbox amongst other early-installment weirdness lol.)
2. Imperishable Night. IN is on here mainly because I absolutely adore how the PCs bicker with each other and the bosses lol. They're all so silly I can't help but love it lol. Shoutout to the Magic Team there lol. ("It's all Alice's fault." lives rent free in my head.) One of my favorite gimmicks in Touhou and Len'en games is when you have team-ups like this, because it lets us see these sorts of fun dynamics. If there's any Touhou gimmick I'd love to see return, it's this kind of partner system honestly (and I doubt I'm the only one, considering they're decently prevalent in fangames, at least to my knowledge).
3. Highly Responsive to Prayers. Yes really. Of all the PC-98 games to pick, why this one? I love it because it is so different from all other Touhou games, even the other four PC-98 games. Not to mention that it has this really unique tone to it (in-game at least) that I haven't really found in any of the others (even the darker ones like SA or WBaWC). There's also the element of challenge to it that really appeals to the writer in me (that's probably also insane): "How can I interpret this into a full-fledged story, presumably more like the other Touhou games?" If I were to ever attempt one of those fan novelizations of a Touhou game (whether Windows or PC-98), I think this would be my pick. Naturally, it would be the most difficult. Which is probably part of the fun knowing me lol. (Though if I were to ever attempt a novelization, I think realistically it would probably be EMS, but this is a Touhou game list, not "Maiden's Project Wishlist" lol.) But for now I can only dream.
4. Subterranean Animism. I think this is the Touhou game I'd pick for the cast of characters. Not only is it a partner gimmick game as well storywise (though I prefer IN for that), but the cast is very vibrant and colorful, as well as has a lot of fun danmaku gimmicks to go with each. I also love how brutally straight forward and completely avoidable the overall incident is: "Kanako-sama gave power to a dumbass bird in the hopes that it won't go mad with power, bird goes mad with power ". Still gets pretty dark, mind you, but it is still pretty funny in my opinion lol. I don't think I'd ever play this game though, even if I were to get good, because I've heard this game is up there as one of the hardest. But I really like it for everything else lol.
5. Ten Desires. If EoSD is what first got me really into Touhou game wise, TD is the first Touhou game that I actually played. For that reason, this game and its cast of characters hold special places in my heart for that reason. It's charming, in its own brutal way gameplay wise. Whenever I play it, I find myself wondering if this will be the run I finally best Miko. And hopefully one day, I just might! (Seiga and Yoshika are both utter nightmares though lol, but I'm making it work!)
And those are my top 5 picks at the moment! It was actually kinda difficult to narrow it down, but these are the five I'd say I'd pick for that at the moment. And who knows? Maybe it might change in the future!
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singular-yike · 2 years
If you had one wish for a future Len'en game, what would you use it on? (It can be related to anything; Gameplay, future plot points, types characters you'd like to see, ect.)
Hmm, one thing that I'm really partial to myself is locational lore, we already have several very curious locations in Len'en, but they all remain mysterious to us.
Obvious ones like the Senri Shrine Road, the Dragonfly Castle and the Gloomy Straits aside, an example I was always curious about is the cave in RMI, the "Giant's Burrow". It just sounds like the kinda name that has an in-universe mythological/historical origin.
So yeah, I guess if I were to use my one wish on anything it'd be more on the physical setting of the world(s) itself. I'd love to see illustrations of them too, apart from the glimpses we get in-game.
Something like the locations section from Perfect Memento in Strict Sense would be nice. I would say that I'd like something straight-up like it, but if I may be honest it was too much on the characters and not enough on everything else for my tastes.
So instead, if I may be greedy, perhaps I'd wish for a detailed glossary section in BotC or some other game like that, just so that we can learn the most lore on the most topics~
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🔥how many ducks would it take to beat renamon in a fight
I was going to be cheeky and respond by posting a video of my Len'en gameplay (the point being that ducks are small fry and when you fight with danmaku you don't really have to give a shit about anything sufficiently smaller than you) but I soon realized that if my gameplay was subpar, and thus had to be re-recorded in order to evade mockery, I'd be here all night.
So then I considered just posting the above explanation as a humorous aside that answers the question for you.
And then I remembered that I actually have an answer for this. The minimum number of on-screen small fry there need to be for there to be a >50% chance of me getting hit on any given run is 12; specifically, Lotus Land Story stage 4's intersecting lines of six bullet spawners each, which for some fucking reason I can't consistently deal with even though it should be the easiest thing in the world.
(This is probably a case where taking the question semi-seriously is funnier than a joke answer, right?)
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
I wish I could do this in an actual Extra + α attempt.
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grammars-doodles · 5 years
is len'en similar to touhou? cause if so ill 100% look into it-
Indeed it is!! It was very much inspired by Touhou, from the artstyle to the gameplay. It’s a series of bullet hell shooters just like it. There’s four games in total right now!
The fourth game in specific is pretty fun and unique with its gimmicks, having optional upgrades and multiple paths you can choose from during stages.
You definitely should, there’s not a lot of people that know about it and that’s a real shame  👀 👀
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kira-moonrabbit · 5 years
I am a person who knows nothing about jsab but wants to know...
I know nothing about Just Shapes and Beats aside from seeing tiny snippets of some famcomics and watching a video showing all the bosses. Heres my perspective on it:
You are literally just a cube. A cube who knows how to dodge the bullets.
The gameplay at the very least is familiar-looking. It's like Len'en but synced to music and with all the bullet patterns put on crack.
Pink = bad and blue = good. All that magenta kinda hurt my eyes after a bit...
The magenta orb dude with the arms is evil. But its 2nd form looks pretty cool.
Triangles are power! And there are three! Collect them all for maximum power! It's the legend of zelda all over again.
The crying cube is a "smol bean," as the kids say.
The music's a tad too wub-ey and had too much "dubstep-type loudness" for my tastes. Normally I dont mind stuff being pretty loud, heck, one of my favorite tunes is "Present World Overhaul," aka a solid 2~5 minutes of a trumpet attempting to make you go deaf, but the stuff here was... very very overwhelming.
That being said, however, Close to Me and Final Boss (I think it was called that...?) are absolute bops. Annihilation/"Destroid" is one I cant really tell if it's too noisy for me or not yet. It's got those harsh dubstep wubs that make my ears cry but the actual tune is pretty good...
As an outsider, I'm confused about how JSaB got popular, or if I'm missing anything you deem important. Also, not really sure how and why the cubey humanizations of the shapes became a thing but I love it. Its unique.
If anyone can give me a rundown that'd be great...?
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
“Where are they???” simulator.
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
Enjoy my pain. Or triumph, whichever you prefer.
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
I’ll get there eventually.
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
It’s all over...
... Right?
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
Ardey’s a bit more manageable than ��Tsurubami”, at least.
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
So remember when I posted those gifs of me getting hit by nothing after Xeno a's dice landed on the 4 side in Miracle "Coincidental Matchup"? I thought it was exclusive to that spell card. I was wrong. It also happens in Dice Luck "Dice Roll" too.
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Anyway. Sleep time.
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
I played BPoHC for 7 hours all night and made no progress.
So have this instead.
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sealed-valkyria · 4 years
Just wanted to see if I could do it.
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