#lene's anons
leneisdown · 11 months
Anon because my blog has nothing to do with bomens. BUT. You hit it right on the spot with "Imagine forgetting the band is full of actual human beings too and thinking you're entitled because "you paid"" And I think this "I paid" mentality is the reason bomens shows (and metal shows for the more "internet-viral" metal bands) are so horrible. This individualistic "I paid so I get to do what I want" mentality. Metal shows especially need people to follow concert etiquette so that people don't FUCKING GET HURT. The reason y'alls faves are calling you out from stage, the reason y'alls faves are getting mad at y'all on the internet is because people are not supposed to get hurt this often at shows. Not even the heaviest most violent shows. But they do because of the "I paid so I can do what I want" mentality.
No but honestlyyyyyyyyy. People have started to get so unbelievably entitled and it's absolutely ridiculous. So many people don't treat them like actual human beings and it's disgusting how many comments I've seen of people saying it's unfair the "fans" aren't getting what they deserve??? Like, hello??? Imagine saying you don't wanna meet hundreds/thousands of strangers up close in one day and everyone starts to say you're rude and unfair.
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jollymalt · 9 months
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neteyam and tuk human vers <3
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seraphgirls · 1 month
…hi…i hope you’re doing ok…this all sucks…i hope they’re (the temple) is understanding…if you need to talk, i’m here…ok…bye…
ah... thanks. i'll keep that in mind.
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l-vvne · 4 months
When does a joke become a dad joke?
… When it becomes apparent.
HAHAHA wait this made me chuckle & put a smile on my face!! i totally didn’t expect this in my inbox…. such a pleasant surprise to receive, thank you anon!!!
send me more riddles or jokes please i’d greatly appreciate them!! 🥴🌟
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
hihi idk you very well but you seem very cool:)
Eh me no cool. Me... Ice eater. (No I will not elaborate. Me is high)
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pikachupapi · 7 months
I can keep you in my duas, but make sure you're well rested, fed, and hydrated. You are at capacity for what you can learn, if you must study do it after a short 10-15min light light jog. :D and look at green plants, touch some grass with your toes literally. All of that should help your nerves calm down. Really cold water helps too. (Sorry just realized my tism kicked in with unsolicited advice) anyways, you'll make Itachi proud no doubt. Tension maat leine ka bas dene ka.
HAhaha i love the advice, thank you i am well rested, fed and hydrated.
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moonlightazriel · 8 months
What matters most /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: "i’m not sure if you taking requests but I was wondering if you could write something for Az where he has a whole mate and child/family and the IC doesn’t know bc he was to scared for people to know and therefore putting his little family in danger 😭 kinda just an angsty fluffy fic 🫶🏻"
Warnings: Mentions of injury, angst and fluff
Word Count: 2,4K
Notes: This request was so fun, i love this fic very much. Thanks again for the request anon ❤️❤️
Main Masterlist
Tired eyes roam around, wings almost touching the ground, Azriel’s focus on the other side of Velaris as Rhysand kept talking about the same problems in the Hewn City. He really tried, but the tugs in his chest urged him home. To her.
“We need to go there next week.” Rhysand looked around, his eyes landing on the clearly distracted Shadowsinger. “Everyone must go.” He emphasised, making Azriel internally groan in annoyance. 
He wanted to ask for some time off, take his mate and their daughter on a vacation, enjoy their presence and just be with them for as long as he could. Rhys dismissed the meeting and he immediately jumped out of his seat. He wanted to be with her, hold her in his arms and tell her how much he missed her. A month away from his mate and their family was always hard, crushing his spirit and draining his energy until he was by her side again. 
Without a proper goodbye and completely ignoring Feyre’s invitation to stay for dinner, Azriel fled, his wings carrying him with the wind. The house on the outskirts of Velaris irradiated life. The faelights surrounding the garden welcomed him home, he happily sighed, pushing the door open and sniffling the air, chicken and herbs filled his senses, a tint of strawberry mixed with chocolate chips. 
He smiled as the strawberry scent grew stronger, and a pair of arms wrapped itself on his left leg. He looked down, the toddler, 3 years older than Nyx, moved herself around, the tiny wings slowly whooshing in the air as he scooped her up. 
“Mommy! DADDY’S HOME.” Little Selene screamed, and he kissed her cheek.
“How are you, baby? Did you take care of mommy for me?” The little girl nodded excitedly. 
“I did, and mommy took good care of me too.” Her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed his face, loudly smacking her lips against his skin. 
“I don’t deserve a kiss too?” His beautiful mate appeared in front of him, some hair strands falling from the bun she always wore while she cooked, a dirty apron covered her front and she held a wooden spoon, Azriel never saw a much more beautiful sight in his entire life.
Placing Selene on the floor, he pulled her by the waist, his lips delicately brushing against her warm ones. Bliss was the only word close enough to describe the feeling of being in her embrace, being near them, his two girls, the two people he loved the most in this world.  
“How was the mission?” She asked, grabbing his hand and leading the way towards their bedroom. Azriel could see the candles illuminating the bathroom, and the bathtub filled to the brim with water and foam, his favourite soap filled his nostrils. She always had a bath ready for him, a pair of fresh clothes and a warm meal whenever he got home from a mission, he could stay two days away or two years, he would always get home to that. 
“Incredibly annoying, I couldn't wait to be done and come home.” He discarded his clothes, her hungry gaze watched his every move, he could hear her swallowing hard at his naked figure. He submerged in the hot water, his muscles relaxing right away, she sat by the tub, a cloth in hand and started to rub his back.
“And I couldn't wait to have you back home.” She rubbed a particularly hard spot on his neck that had him moaning in relief. He rested his head against her thigh, her long fingers stroked in between his hair, massaging his scalp. “Lene has a surprise for you.” She warned and he looked at her.
“What is it?” His wife giggled, and raised an eyebrow, which always indicated that she would keep quiet. He smiled at her, stealing the cloth from her hands and rubbing himself. “Then I'd better hurry up.” She nodded, getting up and heading out of the room. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“As we trained, baby.” Y/N spoke, the late night breeze was a comfortable relief against the hot summer night. Azriel sat by the porch, Y/N held Lene’s hand and the little girl looked at her mother for reassurance. “You won’t fall, and if you do, daddy and I are here to catch you, always.”
With a confident gleam in her eyes, Selene’s wings moved, forcing her body upwards, little by little she started to float, her little hands slipping out of her mother’s reach. Azriel watched in complete awe as his daughter flew, her little body being carried towards the main gate and back to her mother. A month ago, Selene couldn’t go anywhere without holding their hands.
He got up, clapping and urging her for another lap towards the gate and back to him. Her dark hair moved around in the wind, her flushed cheeks and her proud expression crashed against his chest. She squealed in delight as he held her, spinning her around.
“That was so amazing. My girl is growing up so fast.” He kissed her cheek. “Soon you will be flying faster than your old daddy here.” Selene nodded in agreement.
“I’ll be the fastest Illyrian in the world.” Her mother came up to them, her fingers poking her belly, making Selene squirm and laugh. 
“You will, my love. But now it’s time to go to bed, okay?” The little girl looked at her father, her mothers eyes looking at him. She was the perfect mix of them both. 
“You heard your mother.” He leaned to whisper in her ear. “We can’t disobey her, or else she’ll ground both of us.” Selene nodded, and they took her inside. Azriel placed her in bed, kissing her forehead and wishing her a goodnight, once again telling her how proud he was of her flight.
“She wanted to train all month.” Y/N said, removing the hair tie and letting her hair fall loose, she removed her clothes and reached for one of his old shirts that reached the middle of her thighs. “I wish I could teach her more.” 
Despite being a full born Illyrian, Y/N was born without wings, no one understood how this even happened, but Azriel was glad that she was spared from the wings clipping cruelty that still happened on the camp she was born. 
“You do more than enough, tonight just proved it. She’ll carry you when you’re too old to even walk.” She laughed, her beautiful smile plastered across her face.
“So I only get to fly when I'm in diapers?” She rested her head against his chest. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll take you flying tomorrow.” He rolled his eyes and she playfully slapped his chest. “You have no idea how much I love you.” He blurted after a minute of silence. “I’ll ask Rhys for some time off.”
“You will?” Her big eyes turned towards him, hope sparked in them. He knew he worked a lot, and she was very patient with him missing important things, but someone could only be patient to a certain point, he knew she would snap soon and he didn’t blame her. 
“I will, I promise to you.” She kissed his chest.
“I love you, Az.” He could see the excitement covering her tone even if she tried to hide it, he was going to ask Rhys after the trip to the Court of Nightmares, he was sure that he would understand. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Azriel fixed his leathers, the new syphon in his chest was a shade darker than the others, he had used his main one to make a ring for Y/N and a necklace for Selene, so they would always have an important part of him with them. The remaining of the stone was well guarded in case he needed to make more jewellery for Lene’s future siblings. 
“Everyone ready to go?” Rhysand’s voice sounded from somewhere behind him, but  before he could muster a response, a piece of paper materialised itself in front of him. At the same time, his chest was flooded by a wave of pure distress and fear. He shifted anxiously, opening the paper.
“Selene got too excited flying and she fell, i think she broke her arm. I’m taking her to the healers hall, please meet me there.” The words sank in his chest, she was eager to fly a longer distance because he had said if she could fly until she reached the tree a few feet away from their house, he would take her flying for a whole day. It was his fault.
He didn’t register the voices calling his name, he just wanted to get to Selene as fast as he could. He was halfway into the threshold, hand on the cold doorknob, ready to leave, when his body suddenly went completely still. He couldn’t move.
“I told you to stay.” Rhysand’s High Lord voice commanded and he growled, turning to him slowly.
“Let me go.” Azriel demanded. Rhys raised an eyebrow, he never had to use his powers on Azriel because he never failed to do his duty.
“Whatever is wrong with you, it's not more important than this trip, i told you everyone must go.” Everyone in the room could see the rage simmering in the Shadowsinger’s gaze, his golden eyes burning holes in Rhysand’s skull.
“I don’t want to fight with you. LET. ME. GO.” His pure will of being with his family pushed Rhysand’s restrainings away, they silently watched as he started to move.
“I already told y..” Rhysand was cut short by the furious laughter of Azriel.
“Nothing is more important than my daughter.” The words left his lips, leaving the whole inner circle astonished, his what? “Let alone that maggot who thinks he’s better than you.” Azriel turned around. “So I'll see you later.” And with that he left.
Azriel kept his little family hidden from everyone, even from the people he trusted the most in the world, cuz he could never forgive himself if something ever happened to them. The thought of having them kidnapped and used as a way to get to him, their bruised bodies and broken spirit always flooded his mind whenever he thought of revealing them to the world. They were his most precious treasure and he would do anything in his power to keep them safe from the people who could harm them.
“We need to go after him.” Feyre said, the distressed expression on his face completely shattered her heart. “And you will apologise, he would never fail his duty if it wasn’t important for him, you should’ve let him go.” She scolded and guilt filled Rhys’s violet eyes. He nodded, the Hewn City could wait, his brother was more important, and apparently his niece’s wellbeing too.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
As the inner circle arrives at the Healers Hall, they spot Madja, she’s talking to a female. The female holds a little winged girl tightly against her chest, the little girl has a cast on her left arm, her little eyes are red with tears, a wet trail down her cheeks and the cutest pout ever. Without needing confirmation, they just know that it’s them.
They slowly approach, Azriel’s eyes meet Rhysand, he’s holding a glass of water and heading back to the female’s side. She’s too focused on Madja to notice the group coming behind them. The little girl notices tho, her eyes looking curiously at them, her features painfully familiar to the male standing by her side. Azriel whispered something to the female as Madja left.
She turned to them, her hand smoothing the girl’s hair. They looked beautiful together, and they wondered if she was his mate. By the way he pulled her close, they could only assume that yes, she was his mate. They could only guess what reason he had to hide them, the family he always wanted, how heavy this secret might’ve been to carry alone.
“What happened to this beautiful girl?” Feyre asked, stepping forward. Selene looked at her parents for reassurance, the two of them nodded slowly.
“Tell what you’ve been up to, Selene.” The female’s soft voice sounded. Feyre almost laughed with the coincidence, certainly Azriel noticed it. Selene the goddess of the Moon and Nyx the goddess of the Night. 
“I wanted to fly like daddy, but I fell.” She lifted the cast to them. “Do you want to sign it?” Feyre nodded, despite looking like Azriel, she wasn’t as shy as he was.
“Not now baby.” He said, his eyes locked up in a staring match with Rhys. “Maybe later, when they come over for dinner.” The High Lord nodded, they wouldn't miss this chance of learning about this secret part of his life. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
The house was cosy, in a quiet place, like they always pictured Azriel’s house as. Coloured markers were scattered around the living room table, everyone needed to pick one and sign Selene’s cast in order to access the rest of the house, as she happily demanded. Swirls of shadows, hearts, flowers and names marked her cast, she meticulously examined every single drawing, before happily dragging the three year old boy along with her, towards a pile of toys. 
Y/N, as she introduced herself, was moving around the kitchen, different aromas lingered in the air, Elain was immediately by her side, chopping vegetables. Feyre and Mor prepared the table, while Nesta watched over the kids. The females talked, getting to know all they could about Y/N and their family. She happily engaged in the conversation like they were long time friends.
Azriel, Cassian and Rhys sat by the living room, cups filled with liquor. Rhys wanted to apologise, so he cleared his throat, his violet eyes filled with regret. The two males stopped the chat, turning to him.
“I’m so sorry for how I acted. I should’ve assumed that you would never leave if it wasn’t important for you.” The Shadowsinger nodded. “I should’ve never stopped you.”
“And I should've told you, a long time ago.” He answered. 
“No, you didn’t have to.” Cassian intervenes. 
“He’s right, you had your reasons, I would've done the same for Feyre and Nyx.” Azriel smiled, knowing very well that he would, in fact, do the same if he ever needed to.
“I don’t want to hide them anymore.” He looked over to his mate, talking with his sisters in law, and his daughter, playing with her cousin. 
“Then we’ll be glad to be their protectors.” Rhysand spoke. Cassian reached for his and Azriel’s hand.
“As long as we live, they will be safe. All of them. That is a promise.” And their skins prickled, a tattoo forming to seal the bargain made between the three brothers. As long as they lived, their families would always be safe, no harm would ever get to them.
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mightymizora · 9 months
What have been the most unhinged bg3 fics you’ve come across? By unhinged I mean explicit, gory, creatively messed up, the works. I’m looking for recs specifically for Durgetash if you’ve got any, but I’d try other pairings if anything really crazy comes to mind.
HELLO ANON sorry I was so late coming to this but let's do the Durgetash recs! I was made for this ask!
So let's start with NeverwinterThistle who wrote THE most gory Durgetash which was anonymous, but has been claimed: Ten Silver Pieces. But they also have other great works and I'd recommend them all, but for SO sexy and also on the edge of disturbing I'd go for An Obedient Butcher, a Beast on a Leash which changed me.
M4rkab has two insanely good fics, one with the slayer form!!! delicious delicious.
The fabulous @lamortwrites has loads of GREAT fics here and my favourite is lose the halo, no need to resist, but I love ALL of them, truly.
@anderstrevelyan wrote the incredible The Heart, which is delicious.
@say-lene has a LOT of good fic but for the ones that are explicit and explore some interestingly morally dubious subjects, I gotta say Subjugation and the recent Apotheosis really raise some difficult subjects!
Of course of course, @popiellart's The hunt, the bargain, the council, the feast, the slaughter is my always go-to, it's not so explicit in its durgetash but it IS durgetash and it's phenomenal.
Letters by @mycolalia are subtle but a real creeping horror, I devoured them. Their Durge is so unique.
Also everything that @todderwodders and @baneschosen put out. They both TRULY have the most inventive take on durgetash of all time, exploring such brilliant things around themes like the changing body, body horror, religious iconography, Big Divorced Energy, divinity and mortality... honestly just go follow them if you don't, it's Big Brain Time over with both.
no one ever died for wanting too much by @mashamorevvna but I would ALSO STRONGLY recommend the Ketheric stuff, which goes even harder, fucking excellent stuff, and the Gortash/Orin which again goes SO hard.
If I may rec a few more things that are not durgetash but are durgetash adjacent:
Ritual Hunger is Durge/Bhaal and left my jaw on the floor.
In brutal praise where Bane and Bhaal take over their chosen's bodies
Your command is my wish, your demand is my desire which is Durge/Sceleritas and is so unique
Night Society by @loadofschist which has Gortash/Franc with a watching Durge :)
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satorisoup · 7 months
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spring is around the corner, which means it’s time to find a special someone! want to know who? let’s ask miss matchmaker, lene! 💐
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📩 matches found .ᐟ
✿ special someone for @/mirusrosalie
✿ special someone for @/imjustabeanie
✿ special someone for @/anon
✿ special someone for @/rosie
✿ special someone for @/lowkeyremi
✿ special someone for @/mahitosfavorite
✿ special someone for @/hopeluna
✿ special someone for @/anon
✿ special someone for @/jairo
✿ special someone for @/🌸anon
demon slayer
✿ special someone for @/svnarin
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✉��� a special note from miss matchmaker herself .ᐟ
a reminder to please be kind even if your special someone doesn’t turn out to be your soulmate… i will try my absolute best for you! 🌷
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unmerrymagdalene · 1 month
If you write and share Sydney venting about Sirris to PC, then I’ll share the short thing I wrote about Sirris not knowing how to communicate with Sydney.
Anon…this was supposed to be a short quick fic…it got out of hand…it doesn’t have nearly enough venting but it’s too late now…but here you go:
“…Lene? Are you awake?”
Your eyes blink openly slowly. Soft, light blue sheets enter your vision, matching the dark blue comforter warming you. The room’s closet door faces you, even if it’s a few feet away. Your head sinks into plush pillows; more than you could ever have in your own room. 
You rise up sluggishly. The night sky bleeds into the guest room, shadowing it in deep dreamlike blue. It’s modestly decorated: a dresser for clothes and storage, a small bathroom for cleaning, and a few plants to top it off. Fake plants, to your disappointment. 
You look over to the bedroom door. It’s slightly cracked, barely revealing who’s behind it. But from his bright amber eyes, you get a good idea.
He opens the door further, peeking his head through. “Can…can I come in?”
You nod. Sydney walks in slowly, careful to not slam the door completely. He sits at the end of your bed, feet resting on the floor.
With a clearer view, you observe him more. His hair is shockingly messy, layering over his shoulders. Flyways litter it all over, blocking parts of his eyebrows and the sides of his face. 
It’s different from how he usually styles it: tucked in a ponytail, without a hair out of place. But as you watch him more, bathed in blues, your breath deepens in an unusual way. 
Huh. +Love, +Lust
A long sleeved baggy shirt covers his body, paired with black shorts. It hangs off him, exposing his shoulder. Instead of his contacts, round rose gold glasses frame his face. Tape wraps the bridge and hinges, staying on with only a prayer.
Sydney twirls part of his hair with his fingers. He glances at you, a nervous smile on his lips. “I…just w-wanted to check on you. Is that ok?”
“Um… yeah…” You keep watching him. He shifts in place, his eyes moving from his place to yours. 
While you’ve been to Sydney’s house many times, this is the first time staying overnight. Between how late it got, and the sudden thunderstorm earlier, staying felt like a safer option. Sirris was especially excited about it, to Sydney’s dismay.
She was very eager to give you towels and other toiletries, making sure you had enough. You at least had some of your own clothes, stored from previous visits. But you didn’t wear much to bed; just an oversized white shirt and underwear.
It was Sydney’s suggestion to stay in the guest room, though. Something about him not being the easiest to sleep with. And that you two sleeping together could only lead to “bad things.” To Sirris’ confusion, and yours.
You’d been in his bed before. Laying on crisp, faded white sheets. Sydney’s arms wrapped around your stomach, lips pressed against the crook of your neck. Cuddling wasn’t the only thing you did, either. 
But you took it in stride. Sydney didn’t want you there and, being a guest, you understood. You didn’t want to be a burden. 
So why was he here now, this late? And moving so jittery too. It’s almost like he couldn’t-
Oh. Hm. 
You scoot closer to him. “Do you…want to sleep with me..?”
Sydney’s face immediately flushes, his body soon trembling. “N-no! I mean, I-I only came down here because I was worried!” He says in a hush whisper. “That wouldn’t b-be right to you if I-”
���I’m fine with it…” Your eyes stay locked on his, leaning closer to him. You untuck yourself and cross your legs. “Really…I promise…” 
It was easy to tell what Sydney wanted, but harder for him to act. He’d ignore the gnawing want entirely, practically combusting from it. 
But convincing him? Far easier than you expected. 
You ignored the deep, sickening feeling that you were doing something wrong. That girls were supposed to follow, not lead their boyfriends. Especially with this. 
You also ignored how right it felt. To lead, to take charge, to be on top. +Control
His face deepens in color, still trembling. He brings his feet up and scoots over to you.
Sydney’s eyes stay down and stare at your bare legs. They travel up, landing where your shirt bundles near your crotch. They widen briefly before focusing on your face, his face blushing wildly. +Sydney’s Lust
Your eyes squint lightly, glancing down. Oh. Right. Underwear.
“I-I didn’t mean to look! Honest!” He raises his hands. “It’s j-just-”
“Come closer…” You gesture towards him. +Control
Sydney stops. He moves even closer, his knees touching yours. “S-so, am I laying next to you or-”
You quickly wrap an arm around Sydney, pushing him into your chest. You feel his heart thumping rapidly. 
You scoot back to your spot. You lay down and adjust Sydney, his head resting on your chest. Your other arm pulls him closer, hugging him firmly. “…Is this ok…?” ++Control
He doesn’t respond. His body stiffens against yours, like he’s holding his breath. Slowly, he softens. He melts into you, letting out a shaky breath. 
Sydney nuzzles into your breasts, sliding his free hand up. It rests on one of your boobs and gropes it. “Mhhmm.” He mumbles quietly. +Sydney’s Lust, +Sydney’s Love
The two of you lay in silence, only accompanied by your breaths. Your eyes start to relax, until-
“U-um…” He stiffens again for a second. His face stays firmly in your chest. “I…really wanted to do this. With you.”
You open your eyes slightly. “…Really? I thought-”
“I know, but-” Sydney’s breath shakes and deepens. “W-when I was trying to sleep, I…kept thinking about you. Being h-here and so close, I-”
He shifts in your grasp. “My thoughts went to a v-very…sinful p-place.”
“And I couldn’t stop it! I d-don’t know what came over me, but…” He pushes his face deeper into your chest. “I just…had to see you, I guess. Be close to you.”
You stay quiet. Your hand travels up his back, reaching the back of his neck. “Why didn’t…we sleep together in your room…?”
Sydney sighs, immediately sounding exhausted. “I don’t want my mom getting the wrong idea. You saw how she reacted, right?”
“…She seemed pretty ok with it…”
“Yeah, but-” He huffs and lifts up his head, focusing on you. “If we did, she might think we were…you know…” His face blushes once more. 
You look back, squinting your eyes. “But…don’t we do that already…? Not that, but…other stuff…?”
“Well…she doesn’t know that. I haven’t told her.”
You blink. Confusion forms in your mind. “…What?”
Sydney frowns. He gets off and sits up, still eyeing you.
You do the same. “What…does she think we’re doing… when we’re alone?”
His fingers grab at the comforter, pinching it. “Studying. Talking. Nothing…obscene.”
You furrow your eyebrows lightly, trying to wrap your head around it. 
This was Sirris: the one who’d openly talk about sex with her students. Who’d show off low-grade (and presumably, home made) sex tapes in class for “educational reasons.” Who, while working in the adult shop, offered you a vibrator half off. Which was quickly taken away by Sydney.
Out of all the adults you’ve seen, she was the most enthusiastic about sex. She was also the only adult who treated you kindly. There was no way-
“Do…do you think she believes you…?”
His hand handles the comforter roughly, bawling it in one. “Why wouldn’t she? I’ve never lied to her before…not like this.” He chuckles, with all the humor drained out. “She probably thinks I’m “too good” for it.”
You observe Sydney carefully, crossing your legs again. “…maybe…you should tell her…”
He looks at you with wide eyes. He settles, still frowning deeply. “I…I can’t.”
“Why…? She loves that stuff…she’d be cool with it, right?”
Begrudgingly, Sydney nods. 
You both stare at each other for a moment. Then, Sydney huffs. “It’s just…I don’t think my mom’s ever taken my vows seriously.” It comes out fast and rushed.
“…You mean for the Temple…?” You squeeze your hands briefly, warding off the tight feeling rising in your chest. +Trauma
He nods. “She knows I can’t have…or do anything like that. But-” Sydney keeps a firm grip on the comforter. “Since we’ve started dating, I think she expects that to change. It’s what everyone our age does. Why would I be any different?”
Sydney continues, as if it’s spilling out of him. “And she thinks the Temple is why I’m like this…like it’s holding me back or something,” he lets go of the comforter and gestures with his hands. “When there’s a million reasons why I wouldn’t want to do that. Any of it!”
“…Like what…?” 
You lean forward, still watching him. “What...are the reasons…?”
He freezes. He stares back at you, before looking off to the side. Instead of bundling the comforter, Sydney’s hands paw at the bottom of his shirt. “T-that’s…u-um…”
His voice trembles, lips quivering as he speaks. “I-it’s…I-I-” ++Sydney’s Trauma
A faint pang of familiarity strikes through your heart. You’ve been here before. Struggling to remember a moment. Something deeply buried, prickled with pain in every crevice. 
You shake your head. “You don’t have to tell me…it’s fine…”
Sydney sighs, his shoulder slacking. “Thank you…you understand, right?” He raises his eyebrows expectantly at you.
“Um…” Truth be told? You were still confused. Sure, Sirris might’ve focused too much on sex. But whenever she came around the library, ruffling his hair and asking about your day, you felt…odd.
It was hard to describe. Sirris was. You’d never seen a woman dress so masculine before. But she’d always include you whenever Sydney was around. She’d answer all your questions in class, and even checked in with you after. She was very attentive. Motherly. 
You don’t know if you’ve ever experienced that before. Bailey was anything but motherly and…
Flashes of a prayer closet enter your mind. Your chest aches under the immediate pressure.
…the few memories you had weren’t good. ++Trauma
Sirris seemed like a good mom. Was being too encouraging about sex that bad?
“I just think…if she knew…it wouldn’t be terrible…”
Sydney furrows his eyebrows, lips pressing together. “But she doesn’t understand. No one does, except-”
He catches himself. Sydney sighs, pulling his knees close to his chest. “Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.”
Your eyes lower to the comforter. “…Sorry…”
“It’s fine.” -Sydney’s Love
You look back at Sydney, still curled up. You start to move towards him. “Do you…want to do anything …?”
He groans. “What do you mean anything-”
A hand covers Sydney’s. You grasp it tightly and keep looking at him. 
He soon catches on. 
“O-oh! We don’t-” Sydney’s face blushes. “We don’t need to do that!”
“So… you don’t want to…?”
His blush deepens. “It’s…n-not that…”
He rubs the back of his neck. “W-when we’re together…I don’t just want t-to…you know-”
Sydney leans closer to you, sitting on his knees. “We can hang out and cuddle and talk! Doing that is not a requirement, you know?” 
“I know, but…” Your thumb caresses the back of his hand. Warmth sparks inside you, rising up to your skin.  “We could do both…right…?”
At first, he doesn’t respond. His eyes lower to your hands, holding his own. Sydney takes a deep breath. “Y-yeah…we could.” +Sydney’s Lust, +Sydney’s Love
Your free hand cups Sydney’s face. You both gaze at each other and slowly move in. Your lips press his quietly. Sydney’s breath quivers, lips still shaking.
He pulls himself towards you, wrapping his arms on your shoulders. You gasp as Sydney deepens the kiss, sliding his tongue against yours. It felt awfully fast, but you figure he was more eager than you realized…
Your arms wrap around his waist. You tug at his lower lip, biting it firmly. He lets out a shaky moan, before practically jumping into you. You stumble and fall back onto the bed. +Sydney’s Pain, +Sydney’s Lust
Your eyes flutter briefly and look back at Sydney. His eyes lid at yours, breaking the kiss with a soft pop. 
“S-sorry…” His lips mumble on yours, a trail of spit connecting them. 
“It’s fine…” Your hand trails up his back. It soon passes his neck and reaches the back of his head. You press his head lightly, letting him restart it.
He does, immediately bringing his tongue back into your mouth. You gasp again, shifting into a deep low moan. Your fingers scratch the back of his head, ruffling his hair more. 
You both shift further, resting on your sides. Sydney moves his knee between your legs, inching to your crouch. Your shirt lifts up, revealing dark brown boy shorts. 
You (abit shamelessly) grind against his knee. Warmth builds around your thighs, spreading throughout your lower half. Your other hand, still on Sydney’s waist, pulls him closer to your core. +Lust
Sydney’s hands move off your shoulders, drifting to your chest. They grope at your boobs, pushing and squeezing them through your shirt. Your breath grows heavy, arousal heating your skin. ++Lust
One of his hands continues down, right to the end of your shirt. Coolness touches your stomach as his hand slips under. Your breath trembles more as he moves up, caressing the underside of your breast. He gropes them again.
“AH~” You moan louder than expected, eyes fluttering heavily. His fingers dig gently into your chest, massaging it in slow motions. Your nipples harden at the attention, brushing against the palm of his hand. 
His thumb focuses on that, flicking it back and forth. Your skin flushes as you grind heavily, warming your core. Wetness forms on your crouch, dripping on his knee. You didn’t like making a mess, but at this rate-
Fingers pinch and pull at your nipple, pleasure shooting straight to your clit. +++Lust
“Oh fuck~” You mutter in Sydney’s mouth. 
“Does…that feel good?” His voice is low, rumbling into yours. 
“Y-yes…” You keep grinding on to him, pressed so close together. With a few humps, you feel another bulge near your crotch. “What a-about-”
“I m-mean,” he pants. “There’s not much you can do w-with my-”
You bite into his lower lip again, far deeper than before.
“AUGHhhh~” Sydney moans, melting into the pain. You push his body back, landing on top of him. +Sydney’s Lust
You grind on his crotch. Hardness immediately meets your wet lips, greeting your clit kindly. Though Sydney had a chastity belt, there were ways to…circumvent that. If you could just-
He gasps, throwing his head back slightly. You lean over him, running your hand through his hair. You both kiss each other deeply, heat radiating between your bodies. ++Sydney’s Lust
Your lips trail down to his neck, kissing it lightly. You feel him tremble beneath you as your teeth dig into his neck. 
“Yes~” He lets out a moan, hands moving to your upper back. “H-harder please-” ++Sydney’s Pain, ++Sydney’s Lust
You sink deeper, sucking hard.
“Fuck! Yes yes yes-” 
You feel Sydney freeze under you. His skin runs cold, while his hands quickly cover his mouth.
You lift your body up. You turn to the bedroom door, ears pricking up. It sounded like it came from the kitchen; not too far from the guest room, since that was tucked underneath the stairs. But if you listened closely enough-
“Shit!” A hush whisper cuts the sudden silence. It’s Sirris.
Sydney’s heart races, but for an entirely different reason. +Sydney’s Stress
After a few minutes of fumbling around, you both hear her walk up the stairs. 
You turn to look down at Sydney. He looks back with wide eyes, hands clutching his mouth in a hard grip. He starts to shake. ++Sydney’s Stress
Your eyes soften. Hands reach for his hair again, rubbing it lightly. “Do you…want to stop…?”
Sydney thinks for a moment. His eyes relax, growing heavy and tired. His grip loosens as he lets one hand travel to his neck. He pinches at the collar of his shirt and nods. 
Wordlessly, you get off him. 
His body turns to you, letting you observe him. His hair is even messier than before, clothes disheveled as well. His glasses are still intact, framing his worried eyes. 
Sydney rubs his legs together, trying to ignore the apparent arousal at his crotch. He lets go of his mouth. “D-do…do you think she…?” His voice comes out quiet and shaky, a stark difference from before.
“I…” You hold your legs, resting your hands on your knees. “I don’t know…”
Sydney crumbles, tugging at his collar. His eyes avoid yours. ++Sydney’s Stress
A small pang strikes through your heart. You hated seeing him like this: curled up in himself, filled with guilt and shame. He worked so hard, was so good…
…and you were causing this. It was your fault. ++Stress, ++Trauma
You gaze at your knees. Your hands scratch at them, as your purse your lips together. 
“…Are you gonna leave…?” You lower your head.
“H-huh?” Sydney’s eyes go to you. He gets up and moves closer. Gently, his hand touches your shoulder. “I-I don’t…want to.”
You lift up your head, moving your legs down. “…What about-”
“I’ll have to wake up early for the Temple. My mom won’t know the difference.” His grip tightens. “I’ll be gone before you guys wake up...” 
“…Oh…” -Hope
You try not to sound too dejected. What else would happen? You’d wake up next to him, with the morning light shining on your faces? Talk over breakfast like a normal couple? 
He had his vows and duties. That was more important. +Trauma, - -Hope
Suddenly, your body flinches once Sydney’s arms wrap around you. His face nuzzles the crook of your neck. “But, I still want to be with you now…ok?” +Sydney’s Love
Your face flushes lightly. Then, you return his hug. +Love
A beat of silence fills the dreamy blue room. Sydney clears his throat. “By the way, I snore really bad in my sleep so-”
“I won’t mind…”
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leneisdown · 11 months
i have two thots rn (i’m just gonna leave them here bc i think you’ll appreciate them. honestly sometimes i think we are the same person bc u are a whole ass mood n i fucking 🫶🏻 you)
thinking about noah who found out through the grapevine that you maybe have the smallest, most minuscule crush on him and using every possible opportunity to try and get a rise out of you.
ya know, cuz he’s a bit of a flirt, sometimes even unabashedly so. he fucking loves making you blush, the way your cheeks get all red and you’re suddenly oh-so-interested in the floor. the way you can’t even come back with a clever response — “shut up.” “you don’t know what you’re talking about.” “are you done?”
also,,, him making increasingly suggestive comments because he can fucking tell it gets you hot and bothered. it started with fucking double entendres and somehow now it’s escalated to him basically dirty talking in your ear. in public no less, like you’re at some restaurant with the guys fighting to keep from spitting out your food because noah’s in your ear saying some shit about how he’d eat you for dessert. “you liked that, huh? you know i fucking would.”
my man’s just trying his hardest to get you to break and it’s getting harder and harder for you to ignore. until one day you hit him with something that’s got him at a loss for words and bam, done deal
im obsessed with this "thot" though thank you 😭
and I love you for thinking of me with these 💗
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jollymalt · 1 year
Hii omg ur art is so so prettyyy!! Would you ever do a imp tweek and pastor Craig drawing? <33
hi anon!!! thank you so, so very much TT
this is for you <3
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seraphgirls · 1 month
Causing someone to have a dissociative episode is not doing to others what you’d want done to you, repent anon. And you can’t claim that you didn’t know because you sent Lene another ask! Maybe I’m the same kind of bad as you because I’m not shutting up either, even though I know that you’re not going to change. At least I’m willing to admit that I’m bad though! What it means to dress modestly and behave modestly changes over time and location. It’s a changing standard. Even if you do explain what isn’t modest, what right do you, as a person, have to care if someone is behaving immodestly when their actions don’t directly impact you? Why call it out so loudly? Those are rhetorical.
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jobrrr · 10 months
I don't get it because when Rae gave Claire the amulet Claire was confused because she believed Rae truly has feelings for her but in this week's episode she's back to not believing it?
Hi, thanks for the ask anon. Happy to provide my take. Hope you're ready for a long post.
I guess we have to start with how our two girls are flawed as characters. Claire has two big things that she has to work through. First she lives in a pretty rigid world, and she has been raised a noble, and is expected to act like a noble. While she has a high standard for what she thinks a noble should be, this world view has only started to be challenged and her truths aren't really being truths anymore. When Matt the commoner got badly hurt by Yu’s attendant and she saw how that unfolded the cracks started to form. To her that was wrong, nothing about that should have happened like that but it did. I’ll be spoiler light to start, but going forward her assumptions about a lot of things are going to be challenged and change doesn’t happen overnight. So what does this mean for Rae and her? Well in short they are incompatible in her mind, and even if she wanted something, that doesn’t matter because she has to be a proper noble and proper nobles do not get together with commoners. Factor into that that she has expected that she will do what a proper noble lady will do, and that is to marry a proper noble man. As I mentioned before Claire holds the idea of being a noble to a very high standard, to her it’s an important role and carries a lot of responsibility and she puts a lot of her self worth into the idea.
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So we get this line, ‘I’m me and you’re you. I’m a noble and you’re a commoner. Nothing more, nothing less.” Honestly I love this line, cause it's why Claire is tragic. She won't allow herself to act on her wants, and the thing is, even if it takes her a while to come to terms with it. She does want Rae. It’s why she never lets the amulet go, and we will see it again. There is a reason it's part of the closing credits. 
Now secondly, and this sort of feeds into the previous point, a part of Claire believes she can not be loved, and that she deserves it. She does not think that love fits into the ideal of a Noble, and while she gushed at Thane at first, I think that it mostly because she was acting in a way that she thought she was expected to. She is a very high ranking noble, and so she should aspire to the best wife possible. I’m not saying she didn’t have a crush on, but I do think these expectations she placed on herself put a lot of weight into that crush, and if we pay attention to what’s going on between these two? Thane spoke against his father to help them in court and save Lene’s life. Afterwards what did she do? She was with Rae, they celebrated and she never brought him up. As we saw in her flashback, Claire lost her mother at a very young age, and the last thing she told her mother was that she hated her. This is the root for her self value, and when Lene is exiled it’s like opening an old wound for her. Claire thinks she is unkind and unlovable.
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This is a huge source of self doubt for Claire, and there is a part of her that thinks she will drive away everyone in her life. There is a part of her that blames herself for Lene leaving, that if she had paid more attention, tried harder, been better things would have turned out better. So how does Rae factor into this? Terrible, at least from Claire’s initial perspective. Rae comes in, being incredibly silly, and spouting what’s to her is nonsense, about being in love with her. It puts her guards up because she has this self doubt, she thinks she is being played, used. It doesn’t help when Rae seemingly changes her father’s mind by dropping a single name. And it really doesn’t help that Rae never explains anything to her and so rarely acts genuine. Claire is perceptive, she knows how to read people and play the social scene. We see it when she comes to Rae’s rescue in the cafe. She knows something is up with Rae, and she isn’t going to figure it out until Rae tells her.
So let's talk about Rae now. Rae, narratively speaking is misleading, from the beginning she set the expectation that this is going to be silly, as a series (and it is) but then we get more serious moments, like Misha asking if she is gay and then we start to see the depth to her. So We have this moment.
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In the manga Rae doesn’t explain anything in the moment to Claire, outside of saying she is her guiding light. She doesn’t want anything from Claire expect for to be happy. In the Anime she still doesn’t explain everything but she does say a lot more, and if I’m being frank I think it runs against why it works. Without Rae’s explanation, it keeps Rae a mystery to Claire, hard to pin down and potentially dangerous, no matter how alluring or happy she makes her. And I think this is what makes a lot of Manaria, and the Scale of Love arc work so well.
Rae’s flaws mirror’s Claire’s. She doesn’t think Claire can love her, and it’s why she acts the way she does. She is ultimately avoiding being hurt, Rae is a silly person, but she acts it up and she acts it up a lot. She makes her love for Claire seem like a joke. Because if it’s a joke, then the appropriate reaction is to just laugh and not think about it. Claire will of course reject her because she was never being serious. And this way she won't reject her for real. Because that would hurt too much. Driving Claire away for real is the worst thing that could happen in Rae’s mind.
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Also like Claire, her world view and assumptions are working against her. Rae grew up being gay in highschool in Japan. It’s something she talks about later and we won't see it animated unless there is a season 2, but it wasn't a great experience and she is carrying a bunch of her own baggage from Japan. She wants a relationship with Claire, but in her mind that is impossible.
And Rae’s knowledge of the world as a game is working against her for this. She is making huge assumptions about Claire because she thinks she knows everything about her, she even claims to know more about the game then the game devs do. The worst assumption is that Claire is straight, and that Claire will be happy with Thane.
These flaws are the friction in the relationship, and it’s as they both unpack and untether themselves from those flaws, their relationship grows. We have had stirrings in Claire up to this point, but to her Rae’s flaws are making it hard for her to trust her, and coming up in this arc we are going to see Rae have to start to confront her own flaws.
Before Manaria shows up, Rae is stuck in this limbo. She thinks she is happy to be around Claire, and to take care of her but it’s not going great. Lene is gone and it’s been hard on Claire. Rae is trying to use her usual methods to cheer up Claire but it’s not really working. I think this addition from the anime is stellar actually. Lindsay Sheppard nails it in the English version. 
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It’s said in such a fond way, but it’s solemn. She wants Rae around, but she does not see how it can ever happen. A part of her thinks that whatever relationship she has with Rae, is doomed to end just like Lene, and her mother.
So enters Manaria. God Rae needs a kick and pants and Manaria is here to do that. Rae needs to grow for the things to happen and this is probably one of my favorite parts of the series.
That made sense right? I hope this makes sense, honestly these two have been living in head so much that last couple months.
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shadowseductress · 4 days
anon gya tel lene mai to aise hi bata ri I FRICKING LOVE PHYSICS OH MY GOSHHHHHH
so uhh are you a student or something?? like wow yaha pehysics ke tidbits dekhe maje aa re the lool (it's fine if you don't wanna tell haha I just wanted to say I LOVE PHYSICS thank you)
I am a student, yes :)
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waanjams · 1 year
hello,, just wondering what your artist inspirations are + what made you interested in starting art/informed your artstyle??
ANON!! That's so funny because my friend asked me a similar question a few weeks ago so I made an image to show my favorite artists!! These are my artist inspo, I love all their art so much, I always seem to go to their accounts to look at their art!!
Also, all my artist moots are art inspos for me too, their drawings always get me so inspired idk!! There's too many to list and I can't remember which ones have a tumblr or not either 🥲 I know Lene and Cas are on here uuuh there are probably a few more but yeah! As for starting art... I was really into Gorillaz and that's kind of where I "started" but then I stopped drawing and disappeared off the internet for like 5 years but now I'm here drawing South Park LOL. You can sometimes see how I started with drawing Gorillaz because my body proportions are kind of janky.
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