#lenora talks to real milkshakes
Guys, I’m currently defending byler in a discussion with 4 melvins/anti bylers😭💀
They’re saying the usual bullshit though:
1)If you think byler is endgame you’re not paying attention
To which I replied that byler is actually hidden in plain sight and it doesn’t take much to see that it is in fact happening. So they said:
melvin has been held as an endgame couple since s1 and that it’s very unlikely that they’d deviate from the core ship
And then I said that they already are deviating from the “core ship” and that it really does not take much to see that s4 did not end well for melvin! They have not replied yet.
2)It’s not gonna happen and I’m glad because it’s a bad ship and Will deserves better than Mike
To which I simply said that I’m not trying to be mean, but that I recommend rewatching the show if they really think Will deserves better than Mike! Though I know for a fact that it won’t lead anywhere since they’ll take everything at surface level just as they probably did the other times they’ve watched the show. They did not reply yet.
3)Mike is straight
That made me laugh hahahahhahha. I told them to get familiar with what queer coding is and how it presents itself in media. They did write “mike is straight” in all caps though so I’m very sure they’re not gonna like my answer lmao. They also did not reply yet.
4)Byler has an equal chance of not happening
To which I replied that that’s simply incorrect because with the way the narrative is built, byler is the only logical outcome. So they said:
But you can’t be sure. We don’t know what’s gonna happen in s5 so they might as well not end up together
So I recommended reading analysis/evidence/predictions for this if they want to because it would certainly make them see that byler is in fact definitely happening, to which they replied:
But if it doesn’t happen you’ve gotten your hopes up over nothing but fan theories
And I said I don’t care lmao
I will keep you guys updated hahaha (if you want me to)
I also feel the need to tell you guys that I did not start those arguments! I just commented something about byler under a byler post! And they came for me hahahaha. I’m being like, really nice though (way nicer than this small recap of what I replied to each of them), so in the end if one of them starts attacking me personally they’re the pathetic ones lmao 🤷‍♀️
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aemiron-main · 2 years
me who is so normal about the mike-chrissy parallels and esp about that scene where eddie comments on mike’s clothes in the cafeteria and how that just Happens to be right after a scene of a hallucination of Chrissy’s mom tormenting chrissy about her clothes size in the bathroom/about loosening her clothes and then we get that line from Eddie towards Mike in the NEXT SCENE BACK TO BACK about “the clothes your mommy bought you from the goddamn gap”
like first of all not only are both of them being mocked for their clothing (although in different ways), but they’re also both mocked for their clothes in a way that’s tied to each of their mothers specifically.
I’m not saying that Karen tormented Mike about his weight/appearance in the same way that Chrissy’s mom does esp because imo Mike and Chrissy’s eating issues are both very different with very different roots/causes, but I AM saying that Karen has undoubtedly played a key role in mike’s food issues although not in the same way as Chrissy’s mom. Like think about it: Mike associates “real food,” directly with Karen when talking to El about it in s1, and what do we see happen regarding Mike and real food? He stops eating it. We haven’t seen him eat what HE defines as “real food,” since season 2, since Karen dismissed him and punished him at the table for his outbursts at school (even though he’d already been punished for that & now she’s just using it as an excuse to get him to give up his toys and don’t even fucking get me started on how Karen made Mike give up his toys jn s2 but then in s4 she sees Nancy with a box with a stuffed animal in it & is asking if Nancy wants to keep it and how Nancy is the golden child whereas Mike is the scapegoat child). We’ve barely seen Mike eat ANY food in s4 (the only time we see him eat On Camera in s4 is the milkshake bc we don’t See him eat the pizza, and the poptart etc is implied & then we also see him Actively Not Eating the lenora risotto and the lenora breakfast), let alone “real food,” and in s3, he was eating all “not real food”/“junk food”. And I just. Karen is often the main source of strife for mike at the dinner table/he associates her with food the most so it makes Sense that his food issues would be linked to her & that it would be another parallel between chrissy and mike. Karen is the one criticizing mike the most at the table in s2. She’s the one who makes the passive aggressive comments about people not eating the meatloaf in s1 & then Mike looks sad as he watches Nancy suck up to Karen & try to maintain her place as the golden child.
Plus it’s Very interesting to me that Chrissy’s mom doesn’t just torment her about her clothes size or about her weight- she specifically and repeatedly mentions making the clothes bigger/that the clothes are too small for chrissy. Who else has clothes that are the wrong size/in this case too big? Mike. It’s not a costuming mistake that his pants are too big for him, Finn himself has pants that fit him just fine, and the ST team is more than capable of finding, making, or altering pants to fit Finn, they’re deeply meticulous. But they didn’t. Mike’s pants are too big, and he’s also shown in comically large clothes like his yellow rink o mania shirt. Chrissy’s clothes are mocked for being too small, Mike’s are too big.
I also think it’s interesting that at the last wheeler dinner table scene we got (in s2), the food they were eating was ham/pig. Which is the exact same thing that Chrissy’s mom compares her to (and don’t even get me started on the pig imagery during the last dinner in the prison with hopper and the hopper-Mike parallels and how even in s3 AND in s4, Mike was the one commenting on Hopper’s weight). Again I don’t think that Karen’s calling Mike a pig or anything, but Nancy DOES call him gross/disgusting repeatedly during breakfast scenes, AND Karen is often a source of anxiety for Mike that’s tied to food.
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