Elric II Leodell
Alias: Born: 150/Great Keep, Castawall, Kingside Died:205/Great Keep, Castawall, Kingside Cause of Death: Summer Fever Titles/Positions: King Allegiance(s): House Leodell Culture: Kingsman Spouse: Francine Dafanyll Issue(s): William III Leodell Henry Leodell Eda Leodell Father: Richard I Leodell Mother: Isabel Oakwood
Appearance Elric had short brown hair with a beard he kept an inch or two long but neat and tidy. His eyebrows made him look more stern than he actually ever was. Character Elric was particularly fond of fishing. He'd take his sons William and Henry but William never had the patience and Henry was uncomfortable having to unhook the catches.
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larvamars · 19 days
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a night that they never forget
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thepinkpie · 1 year
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Cemi and Leodel on vacation! I felt like doing a cute mini-set for once 🏖️🍺
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ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
Me, writing the history of Pelyra: "What if the people of the Leodel region tamed and domesticated mountain lions and other countries assume they're these terrifying and tough soldiers meanwhile 95% of the Leodel people are pacifists?"
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nezanie · 6 years
From Drops to Ripples Short Stories: Log 2 is up!
Summary: Yseult is the baobhan Sidhe veterinary of all supernatural creatures. Taking care of Patch the giant sabretoothed Tigris is her main job in the Pumpkin Patch. Her life with her love Aife could not be better. Leodelle, ever so curious convinces her to recount the tale if how she met her love.
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444names · 2 years
dutch and roman emperor forenames
Aaclagnus Aacorianno Aadeleons Aakiaardse Aakim Aalbaletje Aalbasius Aalbep Aalmarinus Aalorrik Aana Aandemiet Aandronzo Aanik Aantibines Aantoons Aanus Aarenus Aarits Aartas Aarther Aathijntin Aatinus Abalucas Abasminus Abelius Abelmarman Abeptitus Aber Abera Aberaeme Aberan Aberanno Abinas Abius Acob Acquinus Acris Adaem Adel Adeltje Ader Adewijn Adewilies Ados Adrianso Adrieves Adrijk Adris Adristan Albasmius Alber Aldelid Aldeltje Alees Aleet Aleete Aleo Alia Alin Alla Allen Allius Almarciano Alodor Alon Alons Aloritje Alria Alrinume Aluk Alus Alvid Amberle Ancitus Andrielid Androsinus Anie Anny Antineke Antje Arcustijn Ardius Aria Arien Arijn Arik Arneen Arthineke Augudenje Augus Auredera Aurentijs Avit Avitilian Balbeleo Balberaas Balmaren Balonoud Basines Basiosius Basius Basta Beran Berus Bonel Boniëllius Brans Brar Bratiantje Caderian Cadrik Calberlex Calees Calf Calius Calle Carenje Carijs Cart Casines Cattela Cattelman Cobus Cola Comajos Cona Conatter Cons Constijn Cord Cordsebo Cordus Coria Coros Corrien Daadiosius Daagje Daagtje Dael Daemillex Daemius Dandommo Danny Dansta Davianne Delid Dena Dert Dian Dianny Dios Dius Edus Elia Elian Eliberos Elibius Elie Espas Essabelet Essanume Eveteram Evetes Flone Flotte Folf Foniël Fons Fracalena Fraconzoe Fran Frannek Frar Gabeas Galerick Galfone Galiaaf Gardid Gardidius Garis Garmasmée Gart Geriscus Gerva Getrebons Gijn Glybra Glybreetje Glyce Godo Goes Gorneke Greenas Gren Grenas Grick Grius Gudewis Gulianouk Gulie Gulus Gustustros Hamuela Hard Heidaemie Helibius Hentonstan Herius Hochrius Huber Hure Ieno Ininiocht Inus Irkje Isanna Jaaldewijk Jaan Jaannel Jaar Jaark Jaastanny Jachenran Jaco Jaklodus Jannel Janout Jantillie Janus Jastus Joacco Joacol Joan Jocasius Jocla Joha Johael Joharam Jokeerin Joonis Joons Joostanus Joria Jorie Jorik Jornout Jose Josephil Josienny Josius Jostan Jostus Joviannes Jovijn Julienny Julinatian Juluk Kiam Koedgalem Laannekep Lagjet Laugus Lauren Lauris Leene Lenne Leodel Lert Letert Lexanorrie Licits Lieke Lietijn Lippikos Lius Lodel Lodulagtje Lonienick Lorian Lucian Lucine Lucisan Lucitia Luudus Luus Maan Maclieke Madewis Madria Magje Majorannes Mancius Manne Marcarm Mard Marduardid Mardus Maredus Mari Marit Maritus Marm Marne Marnor Mart Martaur Martheme Martimius Maruuk Masiesta Matim Maxene Maxim Mees Menaad Mice Micisebons Miekera Mietrael Mievendria Mijntian Milla Millaad Millucad Miritus Mirjaar Mirjan Mius Neke Netje Niscus Nius Olaagje Olke Olybrajohn Olybreet Otheidius Othertaber Pertabert Pete Phijn Phocadri Piel Pienstus Pienumen Pies Pieves Prob Pronzo Pupikobus Pupim Queleo Queltje Quin Quinus Relwine Rens Rian Richrius Rijs Rikos Rina Rista Riëllus Romarius Romarneet Romicitus Romirk Ruus Saarajak Saarne Santijn Sard Sarian Sastoons Sephons Septinel Sevens Sietje Sjanies Stert Stiber Straem Taurius Tertje Theid Theme Themenat Thijk Thijn Thilliever Tian Tiantius Tiantje Tilorecher Tiner Tinus Tius Toffel Tomart Tomaruud Tomat Tone Tonin Tran Trebasios Tredus Treliam Treneelmie Triaalba Tries Triet Trietan Trik Tritelie Trius Trus Valbius Valees Valeetre Valeo Valet Valianne Veendorne Veeuwijn Vensta Verie Verius Vert Vetijn Vetjerrik Vijs Wijk Wijn Wijs Wilhel Wilian Wiscus Woud Woudius Wout Zena Zoelmacrik
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deadbred · 6 years
GenSight Biologics Announces Presentation of 72-Week Data From the REVERSE Phase III Trial ...
The results will be presented by Dr. Nancy J. Newman, MD, LeoDelle Jolley Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology at the Emory University ...
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mrsdianabarnes · 6 years
GenSight Biologics Announces Presentation of 72-Week Data From the REVERSE Phase III Trial ...
The results will be presented by Dr. Nancy J. Newman, MD, LeoDelle Jolley Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology at the Emory University ...
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imperarenox · 6 years
GenSight Biologics Announces Presentation of 72-Week Data From the REVERSE Phase III Trial ...
The results will be presented by Dr. Nancy J. Newman, MD, LeoDelle Jolley Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology at the Emory University ...
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ms-gold · 6 years
GenSight Biologics Announces Presentation of 72-Week Data From the REVERSE Phase III Trial ...
The results will be presented by Dr. Nancy J. Newman, MD, LeoDelle Jolley Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology at the Emory University ...
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chefbailarin · 6 years
GenSight Biologics Announces Presentation of 72-Week Data From the REVERSE Phase III Trial ...
The results will be presented by Dr. Nancy J. Newman, MD, LeoDelle Jolley Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology at the Emory University ...
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Francine Dafanyll
Alias: Fran The Spring Queen Born: 151/Trieford, Heorotfield Died: 208/Great Keep, Castawall, Kingside Cause of Death: Summer Fever Titles/Positions: Lady Queen Consort Allegiance(s): House Dafanyll House Leodell Culture: Fieldman Spouse: Elric II Leodell Issue(s): William III Leodell Henry Leodell Eda Leodell Father: Mother: 
Appearance Francine had thick red hair that her granddaughter Hildi has inherited. She wore it in small braided buns at the nape of her neck, woven with fresh flowers from the Great Keep's Gardens. Character Francine was a generous Queen and enjoyed tending to the Great Keep's Gardens. She liked to tell stories to her children when they were younger.
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larvamars · 8 months
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leodele cowboy au oo... ooh...
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oeleodel-blog · 7 years
Dear 25 yearold self, Hey! what's up? how you doin'? its me Leodel, the 17 years old you. Have you -graduated yet? or have a stable job? or have the things you want? I hope you do. Hope you've done so many great things in your life, because you know, when I get in that age? I'm expecting myself that Im starting to help my parents or starting to pay the back. But if you didn't yet. Its okay. Have some more perseverance because sometimes you have to go through the worst to get the best. And be patient. "Things takes time" as they say. But I know youre an impatient kind of person and a lazy one, stop being so lazy and impatient nothing will worked out if you do not pushing yourself forward. Im not old enough to give an adult an advice. But I want to say dont be afraid to be wrong or to choose a wrong choice beacause sometimes the wrong choices will bring as to the right places. And if someone do something bad to you. Forgive. Be matured enough to forgive but dont be stupid to trust again. Sometimes your important to someone but not all the time. And if you'd ask what im doing? this... writing a letter to the adult me. I hope that the adult me or the 25 yearsold me is doing great. Far away to any kinds of illnesses. And if no one is asking you "how are you doing? I will ask you. How are you now?. To the 25 years old me. Be strong. I want you to be strong, strong enough to face your journey to go through in any kinds of obstacles in your life. Someday you will realize that the only one you can rely on is only yourself. KEEP THAT ALL IN MIND. Sincerley yours. The 17 years old you.
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Oswyn Leodell
Alias: Oz Little Lord Born: 215 (8)/Grand Keep, Kingside Titles/Positions: Lord Allegiance(s): House Leodell Culture: Kingsman Father: Henry Leodell Mother: Nell Aureaux
Appearance Oswyn's hair is darker than his Mother's but lighter than his Father's. His curls stick out and can never be properly neatened, much to his Mother's dismay. His square nose and dark eyes make him look more like his uncle William than his own Father, something Nell is happy about.
Character Oswyn is a shy and awkward little boy who is often the butt of his Brother Francis' jokes. His Mother Nell never quite knows how to deal with his sweet and sensitive nature, trying and normally failing to connect with him. He loves her but is confused by her cold nature towards others. He likes spending time with his Father but gets upset when he compares him to his cousins.
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Francis Leodell
Alias: Frank Born: 212 (11)/Grand Keep, Kingside Titles/Positions: Lord Allegiance(s): House Leodell Culture: Kingsman Father: Henry Leodell Mother: Nell Aureaux Appearance Francis has his mother's blond hair but not her waves. His face is long, with an up-turned nose and somewhat deep sunken eyes. His cousin Wolfric says he has "snide eyes" and a smile that's "more like a sneer". He likes to wear gold woven clothing, akin to his Mother's House's style. Character At 11 years old, Francis is a spoiled and entitled child. He turns his nose up at mostly everything and looks down on mostly everyone. His mother, Nell, seems to never be fully proud of him, making him desperate to seek her approval by being disparaging towards others.
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