#leopards have nasty tempers
On The Prowl... Ending!!!
Pt 9
Summary. Reader is a human female researching beastmen in the jungle. She thinks they dont exist only to be captured by a purple panther. He brings her to his den where his pack is . And they only want one thing. Kittens & Puppies
Shinso. Purple panther.
Bakugo. Lion
Stain. Black wolf
Todoroki. Leopard.
Aizawa. Jaguar
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Shinso was still off on his own with the four kittens. Watching them mew and walk into each other. They looked very helpless, fragile...
Meanwhile you were now sitting up staring at the fire holding the deer fur close around yourself. The frozen leaves Shoto slipped between your thighs had melted and you were sore, able to walk, but sore. Bakugo would still not look at you or talk to you, he just stared at the fire, his left ear twitching in irritation . If anything he should be mad a Todoroki not you.
Chizome brought you some deer and you just stared at it for a minute then up at the big wolf. He blinked asking if you were gonna eat it . You shook your head but said thank you anyway. The wolf sat down on the other side of the fire to eat the deer. You were hungry but... not for deer. Was Todoroki still waiting for Shinso? Carfully you turned to your side , winching from the slight pain you had in your stomach , the fire now on your side felt soothing, making you quickly forget the pain .
Todoroki was still waiting by the den, his tail flicking every few minutes. You turned back to face the fire . You had a nasty feeling in the pit of your stomach, were your kittens alive? Dead? You did not get a good look at them either so you had no idea what color they were. You prayed they were purple..for Shinso’s sake.
Shinso returned awhile later stopping by Todoroki for a minute to see his reaction . He then made his way to you dropping the kittens on your lap. You jumped catching them finally being able to see them.
“They need names...” he said sitting next to you.
You just about cried. Purple. Four purple kittens. All fussing with eachother on your lap. They could smell you and sense your emotions. They all cried out and you dropped the blanket hugging them crying hard. Shinso apologizes for how he treated you during the pregnancy and you didint really hear him. You were so caught up with the kittens. Your kittens.
“So what now. Im not waiting” Bakugo snapped over at you and Shinso.
Todoroki came over too and Chizome looked up from his deer. You wiped your eyes and placed a kitten on your breast to nurse them, you pet the other two who had to wait. You were scared, you couldint have more right away like this. The kittens needed you.
“I was thinking about that.” The panther purred. “What if we leave this jungle, go where Aizawa was.”
“Thats where this one came from” Chizome said pointing at you.
You switched the kittens out trying not to listen.
“I think it is time to leave, but will you be joining us ? Shinso?” Todoroki asked.
“No, i need to go somewhere where Aizawa wont find my family.”
“But you broke the bastards legs” Bakugo added
“He will heal, and come for me.” Shinso said. “If you want to leave now, then go. I cant go till Y/N is able.”
Bakugo shoved himself up walking to Shinso looking down at him growling. Shinso looked up , giving him a tired smile. The lion scoffed walking away. “Whatever, im going. I dont care if you two follow me or not. Dont you dare get in trouble though!”
“Ill try not too” the panther said smirking.
Chizome got up and Shinso nodded at him, Todoroki was about to follow the lion and wolf but stopped to look back at Shinso.
“Id rather not have us split up.” He said calmly.
“Its for the best Todoroki.”
“You were a good Alpha.”
“Thank you, Todoroki”
The leopard vanished into the jungle and everything was quiet. All the kittens were asleep curled up on eachother in your lap. You still had tears in your eyes. You didint question anything, they were purple. Thats all that matterd. Shinso put his arm around you discussing where you all could go, it had to be someplace secluded, protected.
“I dont care where it is. I have everything i need.”
He smiled nuzzling your face purring loud. Gently he picked you up and you picked up the kittens . He brought you into his cave laying you down and snuggling all of you all night.
A few days later you were able to travel , you had a grass dress on now and Shinso got you materials to craft a basket with vine straps to carry the kittens. They could see and hear now and were running all around your feet when they werent in the basket.
Bagheera. The oldest. The self acclaimed sibling protector.
Kovu. The second oldest. The independant one.
Kazu,The third one. The lazy one.
Katsu. The fourth one. And the one with the biggest temper.
It would be a long journey to your new home. And you could not wait to share the rest of your life with your family at your new forever home.
A/N. Ahhh!!!! I love this Series! It had to end though,i hope you enjoyed the read !!! Thank you for sticking with me during this ♥️
All parts can be found under the OnTheProwl tag.
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h0neywheat · 6 years
3, 21, 39, and 40 for all of your OCs?
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
I really want to say yes for all of them having good childhoods. I really can’t give much info when it comes to specifics but like, no one comes from a tragic past or anything. Not to be boring but like, they were all pretty typical kids with pretty typical families.
As for memories...
Wheatley: Bad Memory: When he was 4 a lizard somehow snuck into the house and climbed into his room and on the ceiling. Unfortunately it lost grip and fell onto little Wheatley’s face in the middle of the night. Good Memory: Hands down Riley being born and like “officially” being an older brother, like he wasn’t really keen on smaller kids before but once he got to meet his little sister he was like “babies? pretty neat. my sister? the neatest.” Micah: Bad Memory: Being 7 and learning he had to move away from all the friends he made in first grade and really wanting to just bring the whole class with him as his family moved across the countryGood Memory: Being 7 and getting to adopt his first leopard gecko after moving houses for the very first time.
Esther:Bad Memory: She fell off some monkey bars as a kid and ended up loosing a tooth from the impact her face had when hitting the ground. Good Memory: The competitive dance team she was on one first place in their first competition. Her mom took her out for dinner to Esther’s favorite restaurant that night for doing so well. Ramona:Bad Memory: She ordered sauerkraut at restaurant once, not knowing what it was and wanted to try. It was a bad experience. Good Memory: Her family saving up enough money for all six kids as well as their parents, to take a family vacation to Orlando when she was 8. Rome got to go to Disney. She rode the Tower of Terror...five times.  
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper? Wheatley: Probably the most patient out of any of the four here. He tends to get more frustrated with himself more than anyone.Any sort of temper he has is ends up being internalized. If he snaps at anyone it’s usually due to them being the straw that breaks the camel’s back. But if he yells, like actually legit yells at you, you probably fucked up.
Micah: Fairly patient with others in terms of like people being rude or ignorant. He’ll take the time to talk to people to help them understand something but if they are genuinely unwilling to learn he won’t fight it and just leave them be. This kid rarely gets angry and if he doesn’t it doesn’t manifest as anything nasty or loud. He’s fairly good keeping those negative emotions to himself.
Esther: Has a pretty short temper when it comes to people she doesn’t see eye to eye with, but she’d not one to yell or scream at anyone, but she’ll definitely tell them off and sometimes that will get her in trouble. She’ll make it known that she’s frustrated and needs some space, or at least through body language it’s pretty clear she’s not having a good time. She thinks she manages stress well.
Ramona: Pretty patient when it comes to animals and smaller kids but like, people her age or older? She’ll call them out and get in their face. If they are mature enough to understand and are way past any sort of learning curve she’ll yell if they pissed her off enough.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Wheatley: I don’t think he would mind getting a letter, in fact he would probably find it really sweet if it was handwritten and everything, but he probably prefers just a simple text or IM for everyday conversation
Micah: Probably in the same boat as Wheats. A letter would be really nice to get if a friend wrote it since most snail mail a high schooler gets is like...colleges trying to get you to visit their campus or apply.
Esther: Loves stationery and collects lots of fun paper, envelops, and stickers. She would love to send and receive mail from friends or relatives, it’s just that stamps are expensive and technology is makes communicating with people far away so much easier. She doesn’t mind that things like Facetime or Skype exist, she just wishes she had a penpal or something like that.
Ramona: I really can’t say she would dislike getting letters, she just really doesn’t see the appeal. Calling and texting is so much easier.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Wheatley: Has a huge sweet tooth, but doesn’t really rely on sugar to stay awake, it just sort of happens without him meaning to. He has a pretty normal sleeping schedule and caffeine makes him jittery.
Micah: May have an energy drink once an a while if he needs to stay awake to finish an assignment or didn’t sleep well, but it’s pretty rare occasion
Esther: Drinks a cup of coffee in the morning. She likes different flavored creamers...probably too much.
Ramona: Works as a barista and is a senior in college. She runs purely on caffeine. Her blood is probably pure espresso at this point. 
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Animals and Witchcraft
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(The Witches Familiar)
Written and compiled by George Knowles
Since time began animals have been revered and worshipped as spirits of nature, known to the ancients as power animals or the animal guides of the Gods.  Many animals therefore became associated with various deities, such like:  Diana and the Hound, Heqet (or Heket) and the Toad, Proserpina and the Raven, Pan with the Goat and Athena with the Owl.  Most other deities in one way or another became associated with animals.  The ancients believed animals were closer to nature than humans, and would perform rituals and make offerings to their spirits in attempts to communicate with them.
Old shamans believed that all things and beings, particularly animals, were possessed of a spirit or soul, and that one could attract parts of their soul, thus their spirit and powers with mimicry.  To achieve this they dressed in appropriate animal furs and feathers or wore horns and fierce looking masks while performing dance and imitating their antics.  The novice shaman would acquire his animal spirits on completion of his initiation.  These he would send out on errands or to do battle on his behalf, however if they failed or died, then so too did the shaman. The shaman would keep and use the same animal spirits until his death, upon which time they would disappear or be passed on to aid his apprentice.
Given the animal kingdoms intimate relationship with nature, its not surprising that witches as they evolved should adopt certain animals as their own link to nature, spirits and deities.  Wise men and women commonly used animals, while wizards, magicians and village healers used them to diagnose illnesses, sources of bewitchment, divination and to find lost property or treasure.
It was not until the Middle Ages and the rise of Christianity that the witches pets and animals became thought of as agents of evil.  As the persecution of witches began, so the church started teaching the concept that the Witches’ familiar was an associate of the Christian devil.  They became demons and evil spirits in animal form, sent out by the witch to do their nasty bidding.  They also believed witches possessed the power to transform themselves into animals, in which guise they committed any number of diabolical deeds.  Later they were believed to use animal products in spells, making potions and concoctions to aid transformation, gain power over nature, or even to harm and kill.
The most common animals associated with witchcraft were the:  Frog, Owl, Serpent, Pig, Raven, Stag, Goat, Wolf, Dog, Horse, Bat, Mouse and of course the Cat, though virtually any animal, reptile or insect would be suspect.  Obsession with the witches familiar was most prevalent in England and Scotland and was mentioned in numerous trial records of the period, particularly those related to “Matthew Hopkins”, the infamous Witch Finder General (see Matthew Hopkins).
According to the ancient Witchcraft Act of 1604, it was a felony to:  “consult, covenant with, entertain, employ, feed or reward any evil or wicked spirit to or for any intent or purpose”, an act that Hopkins used with zeal when extracting confessions.  He also used the “Malleus Malificarum” the so-called Inquisitor’s Handbook.  Though it offers no instruction concerning familiars in the interrogation and trial of witches, it does acknowledge that an animal familiar “always works with the witch in everything”.  As such it advises the inquisitor never to leave a witch prisoner alone, “or the devil will cause him or her to kill themselves, accomplished through a familiar”.  This in mind Hopkins would tie the witch up in a cell and leave them alone, while watching secretly for their arrival.  If so much of as a fly or beetle approached them, it was deemed proof enough that they were indeed witches.
Today in contemporary witchcraft any thoughts of animals as “demonic spirits of evil” has been left by the way side, though many modern witches still use animals when working with magick utilising their primordial instincts and psychic abilities to attune with nature and deities.  Animals are sensitive to psychic power and vibrations, and are welcomed into the magick circle when power is being raised or spells are being cast.  They are also used to aid scrying, divination and spirit contact.  When working with magick animals act as a guard in psychic defence for they react visibly to negative forces and harmful energy.
Perhaps the most famous of contemporary witches to keep a familiar was Sybil Leek and her pet jackdaw named “Mr. Hotfoot Jackson”.  Sybil was a hereditary witch with a long lineage going back to the witches of southern Ireland in 1134, but her choice of a pet jackdaw bears an uncanny relationship to one particular ancestor called Molly Leigh:
Molly Leigh
As the story goes, Molly was born in 1685 and lived in a cottage on the edge of the moors at Burslem near Stoke-on-Trent.  Molly was a solitary character who never married; she talked to the animals and kept a pet Jackdaw.  She made her living selling milk from a herd of cows to travellers and passers-by.  An eccentric person, the Jackdaw was often seen perched on her shoulder as she delivered milk to the dairy in Burslem.
Molly was known for her quick temper and the people of Burslem were suspicious and frightened of her.  This was not uncommon in those times, for throughout the country ‘women’ and particularly elderly women who lived on their own in remote places, were labelled as witches.
In Molly’s case it was the local vicar the Rev. Spencer who made witchcraft accusations against her.  He claimed that Molly sent her Jackdaw to sit on the sign of the Turk’s Head pub, a pub that the vicar frequently visited, and when it did the beer turned sour.  She was also blamed for other ailments suffered by numerous townsfolk.
Molly died in 1746 and was buried in the Burslem churchyard, but then many claimed that her ghost haunted the town.  A short time after her burial, the Rev. Spencer along with clerics from Stoke, Wolstanton and Newcastle went to open her cottage and retrieve her pet Jackdaw.  When they arrived they were shocked to see Molly (or an apparition of her), sitting in a favourite armchair knitting with her pet Jackdaw perched on her shoulders (just as she had often been seen in real life).  Frightened, the vicar and others returned to the graveyard and reopened her grave.  They drove a stake through her heart and threw the living Jackdaw into the coffin.  The vicar then decreed that as she was a witch, she would not rest easy until her body was buried lying North to South.  To this day, Molly's tomb is the only one that lies at right angles to all the other graves in the churchyard.
Many believe that an animal familiar is not acquired through personal choice, more that an animal will choose you as its guardian and companion.  One cannot go down to the local pet-shop and choose a familiar simply on its symbolic significances:  “I shall take an Owl for Wisdom, a Dove for Peace and a Spider for Imagination and Creativity”.  Sorry, but that won’t work.  Animals have their own in-built wisdom and intelligence, their own spirit and skills, and a bond needs to be made with them if they are to volunteer to work as your familiar.  Most often the animal itself will let you know when this has been achieved.
Generally there are four different kinds of animal familiar.  The first is our physical everyday live-in pets, most commonly the cat or dog.  As with all our other family members an instinctive bond and psychic link is created over time.  Silent communication of their needs exists and instinctively we know if they are happy or sad, hungry, hurting or in need of attention.  They in turn reciprocate and adapt themselves to our life styles, intuitively they attune to our mood swings and circumstantial changes.
The second type of familiar is an imaginative creature, one you can closely identify with but never hope to own such like a lion, tiger or leopard.  This is an animal whose characteristics you admire, and you may collect and hang pictures of it in your home.  It resided in the astral plane and because of your intense liking for it; you consciously or unconsciously attract its aid.  It’s said that deceased pets with which you had an affinity return in this capacity.
The third type of familiar is magickal, an elemental spirit.  Witches and Magicians often call upon elemental spirits for aid when working with magick.  When making talismans or amulets for specific purposes, they may call upon a particular familiar elemental to inhabit an object to enhance its effect.  It is believed that Paracelsus; a medical academic (1493–1541) instilled such a familiar into a large precious stone on the pommel of his ritual sword.
The fourth familiar is the spirit of a human being, someone who has died.  Many adept magicians will command the appearance of a human spirit but such spirits are hard to control, for instance, a spirit who has been commanded against his or her desires can be troublesome, in which case you need to be sure of your ability to get rid of them and this can be much more difficult than the original calling.  Those spirits willing to act as our astral guides or teachers are commonly called ‘Guardian Angels’.
The most effective familiars tend not to be our domesticated pets, for due to their life expectancy our pets come and go, though the spirit of a deceased pet can still be used.  The use of our domestic animals as familiars is merely a stepping-stone to the raw power and energy of wild animals that are much closer to nature; for instance, a domestic dog is a softened version of its wild counterpart the fox, wolf, coyote and other wild canine creatures.  Similarly a domestic cat can be linked to other wild felines such like lions, tigers and leopards.  Many witches and magicians start with a domesticated animal as a familiar in the hope that one day they will be able to handle and work more effectively with its true power form, the wild animals of nature.
Picture https://earthdna.wordpress.com
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pushspacetocontinue · 5 years
Russell DC/Arkham Verse Profile
It was about time I got this one done as well.
Name: Russell Tolbert 
Nickname: Professor Giggles, Stutters, Doormat
Age: 27 
Birthday: 9th October 1991 (Star sign: Libra) 
Gender: Cis Male (he/him/his pronouns) 
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.
Species: Metahuman  
Abilities: He is able to partially turn himself into a Cheetah (ears, tail, claws, teeth, change in facial structure, his feet, and he gets a light covering of spotted fur) and completely into a Giant Leopard Moth. He’s a nit miffed that he can’t change into a full cheetah. 
He hides these powers. He knows that Metahumans tend to get a bad rep, even when they’re not out to cause any trouble. Changing into a part-Cheetah also has the risk of stretching or tearing his clothes. 
He also seems to have more speed and agility than the average human. 
Ethnicity: White
Current Residence: Gotham, New Jersey (apparently, Gotham is in New Jersey, correct me if I am wrong.)
Former Residence: Boston, Massachusetts 
Nationality: French-American (French Father, American Mother).
Mother: Cassandra Anderson (now deceased). She was a nasty old crone to him and the rest of his brothers while he was growing up. She was especially so to him when she found out that he was essentially a ‘monster’ in her eyes. When he was an adult, she made plans with a scientist who was looking for someone ‘like him’ and essentially sold him off after he was tricked into believing he was simply taking on a job that would take him far from home (and therefore away from her). 
Father: Currently unknown. Was only told that he has the surname ‘Tolbert’ and changed it to that as a ‘fuck you’ to his mother.
Siblings: He has seven older brothers in total. Lewis (deceased), Martin (still living at their now-dead mother’s house but planning to move), Truman (living in California), Simon (lives as a hermit in an apartment of his own), Bradley (actually living a fairly normal life with his wife, three daughters and his son), David (trying to get his life back on track) and Travis (currently in prison, but has promised to get his shit together once he gets out.) - He’s partially back in contact with them. 
Height: 5'8" 
Weight: 126lbs 
Body Type: Thin but athletic. 
Hair: Dirty-blonde. 
Eyes: Blue
Languages: English, French, and American Sign Language (ASL). Knows some German because of his old neighbour Freyde as well. 
Distinguishing features: 
A water colour tattoo of a Luna moth on his back. A sleeve tattoo of a nebula on his left arm. Scar tissue on his right arm, shoulder and part of his chest because of a car accident. Deep scratch marks (from fingernails) on his left shoulder. A couple of cigarette burns behind his right ear (hidden by his hair). A small birthmark on his abdomen that he shares with his father. 
He stammers and has a awkward chuckle that comes out whenever he’s particularly uncomfortable about something. He also has insomnia. However, he has a concern over taking pills for it and so hasn’t tried to yet. 
Far-sighted so he wears glasses to read, play games, and other close-up tasks, 
Hobbies and Interests: Parkour and running, reading, space, videogames, mythology, steampunk, vaporwave, and drumming. 
Occupation: Currently working as a security guard for Arkham Asylum. 
Personality: Quiet and rather shy. He’s a bit of a doormat and finds it hard to speak up about a lot of things. But he’s also very kind and helpful whenever he can be, and has a lot of empathy and compassion for other people. 
However, this sadly can lead him into getting mixed up with the wrong kind of people. He also has some basic fighting ability and will fight dirty if he has to, as much as he would rather not. He’s incredibly loyal to any friends he makes as well, willing to put himself between them and any danger that might come their way, even at a risk to his own life. He also has a slight temper, particularly when frustrated or when he’s allowed negative feelings to build up inside for too long. He does his best to keep that reined in. 
Basic Backstory: He didn’t have the best childhood due to his mother being the awful woman that she was. She would act manipulative, lock her sons outside as a punishment, become violent, physically, verbally, and emotionally lashing out at them and other horrible things. She also knew about Russell’s abilities and taunted him about them, digging into the fact that he could only ‘turn into the insect he really was’. She also told him that she could squash him at any time, human or bug.
He left home at seventeen and lived paycheck by paycheck, never really staying in one place for two long. At twenty-four, he saw a job application for Arkham. He applied, packed his bags, and went there. 
At the moment, three years later, that’s what he’s still doing. He’s surprised to live this long since first joining up. He’s hoping he can make it to thirty at least. He’s starting to doubt that thought.
He’s also debating blowing the whistle, despite the severe risks that could come with it.
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segnalibroblog · 8 years
Sinatra: Behind the Legend by J. Randy Taraborelli
Having had a life-long fascination with Marilyn Monroe, I’ve found myself interested in those who were inextricably linked to her. Frank Sinatra is one such character. I’ve read a couple of biographies about Sinatra but I was really interested to read J. Randy Taraborelli’s biography after reading his fascinating insight into Marilyn Monroe previously. Truth be told, I mithered my better half to get me this book for Valentine’s Day, which he did, and I thought it would be gracious to read it before the next Valentine’s Day comes and goes! With that in mind, it has been my first book of 2017.
Taraborelli charts Sinatra’s life in wonderful bite-size chapters from his birth to his death, leaving no stone unturned, to find out the truth about Ol’ Blue Eyes, his friends, his women, his links to the mob and his often-violent temper. I’d read a lot of what is recounted in this book in previous biographies but Taraborelli seems to dig a little deeper and tells some anecdotes I wasn’t aware of.
This is a balanced biography that doesn’t glorify Sinatra where it isn’t deserved (he had a reputation for being a nasty piece of work at times) but shows a huge respect for his contribution to music, film and for that wonderfully unique, never-replicated voice that could portray a myriad of emotions with every carefully orchestrated word. Sinatra was a man of flaws, a vile temper, a man who could compartmentalise his life to extremes, cutting people out without a second thought and caring little of how his actions affected others.
Yet he was revered, by his family, his peers and his fans. Generous in many ways, those closest to him accepted him for what he was and learned how to handle him. His support for those who he felt were being persecuted illuminates his determination to right some of the worlds wrongs but which often made him unpopular in the eyes of some. Sinatra was a man of integrity and pride. He would be a best friend or worst enemy – nowhere in between.
Taraborelli does a fantastic job of showing Sinatra’s multi-faceted personality – the good, the bad and the downright ugly. For the most part though, whilst not excusing Sinatra for his bad behaviour, he leaves the reader wishing they could have known the “Chairman of the Board” and surmises just how much he was influenced by others along the way.
Undoubtedly, Sinatra could be cruel. His treatment of Lauren Bacall was harrowing to read but likewise was the many encounters he had with second wife Ava Gardner, who was toxic to Sinatra, yet seemed to be the true “love of his life”. I wonder how much of his life choices were determined by his feelings for Miss Gardner and whether their union was ultimately Sinatra’s major downfall.
Taraborelli has done a lot of research to corroborate the many claims made about Sinatra and has done a wonderful job of bringing it all together to give a rounded view of the life of a true Hollywood legend. I enjoyed reading this book from cover to cover and whilst it is a chunky book to read, it needs every last page to give the reader the true picture of the man behind that amazing voice.
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Sinatra: Behind the Legend by J. Randy Taraborelli was originally published on segnalibro.co.uk
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