kusuguricafe · 9 months
"So immature..."
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@tickle-fight-club and @driftiscat, you are so right <3
A/N: I couldn't help but notice multiple comments like these popping up on that paralive clip I posted, so of course I just had to write this
(fun fact: his wiki says that his greatest weakness is "being teased by people")
Summary: An alternate continuation of this scene
Characters: lee!Hajun, ler!Anne, ler!Allen (and brief lee!Allen)
“P-plehehease stahahahahahap! Mercy! Mercy!!” Allen laugh-cried.
“No secrets!” Anne declared.
Hajun, who happened to be passing by, halted as soon as he noticed his two group mates fooling around. He sighed before asking, “What are you doing?”
The two jumped and turned around to see Hajun, looking down on them. “So immature…” he scorned.
“Hajun…” they said in unison.
“Do you two have no sense of shame?”
“Oh, come on, Hajun,” Anne retorted, “We were just having a little fun is all.”
“Maybe you were,” Allen countered, clutching his sides.
Anne chuckled at that.
Hajun rolled his eyes. “I don’t see what’s so fun about something as childish as that.”
“What, you too ticklish or something?” Anne remarked, wiggling their fingers at him.
Hajun’s eyes widened. He blinked a couple times. Closing his eyes and furrowing his brow, he turned away and said, “No, of course not.”
“Hmm, I’m not sure if I believe you. What do you think, Allen?”
“I don’t believe him for a second.”
Anne and Allen exchanged knowing looks. They turned to Hajun, who opened one eye to peek at them—but he was too late. His feisty bandmates were already on top of him.
The two tackled Hajun to the ground, Allen grabbing his arms and holding them behind his head as Anne clambered onto his legs.
“H-hold on, is this really necessary?” Hajun asked warily.
“Yep,” Anne grinned.
“There’s no way you’re more ticklish than me,” Allen reassured him, “So don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
Just hold it in, Hajun thought. It’s like he said, there’s no way-
“EEYAHAHA! NohohoaAAHAhahaAhahAHA!”
“Oh my gosh!” Anne exclaimed, “Are you really this ticklish??”
“Whoa! I wasn’t expecting him to laugh at all!”
Hajun had thought he would be able to hold back, but they really took him by surprise! Anne was drilling their thumbs into Hajun’s bottom ribs, one of his weakest spots (unbeknownst to them).
Anne suddenly switched to kneading his hips, another really bad spot. (They must have secret tickle spot locating powers, or something.) Hajun was practically howling in protest, but the pair was having far too much fun to stop.
“Are you seeing this?” Anne asked Allen excitedly.
“I’ve never seen him laugh like this before.” Allen stared in disbelief.
“Sorry, but this is just too good,” Anne said.
Allen, getting mildly jealous, put Hajun’s wrists in one hand so that he could lightly scratch Hajun’s neck and ears with the other. Anne began tickling him under his arms. This wasn’t nearly as bad, but it did elicit some… unfavorable reactions.
“EhehehEHE *snort* I-ahahA *snort* StohohOHOP IHIHIHIT!”
“Did he just snort!?” Allen asked.
“Sounded like it!”
“Ahare you ehehEHEven listening to mehE *snort* ehEHE!”
“Ah! He does it whenever you brush up against the back of his left ear!” Anne said to Allen.
“N-no I doHO *snort* hOHON’T!”
“He does!” Allen declared. “Hm, let me try something…” Allen put Hajun’s arms on the ground and held them down with his knees instead. Now that both of his hands were free, he reached over and vibrated his fingers in between Hajun’s ribs. “He was laughing a lot louder when you did it. What am I doing wrong? I thought you were-”
“Oh! Heh, did I find it?”
Allen did indeed find those two little spots just beneath Hajun’s bottom ribs that Anne had discovered earlier. Meanwhile, Anne was back to massaging his hips.
“Coochie coochie coo~!” Anne teased. “Who’s a ticklish little prince?”
Hajun blushed.
“Where else are we ticklish, hm~?”
Allen paused, watching Anne.
“How about… here!” Anne emphasized “here” with a squeeze to Hajun’s upper thighs.
“Are you ticklish everywhere!?” Allen exclaimed.
Hajun shook his head (lying).
Anne squeezed Hajun’s thighs a few more times before Allen asked, “Anne, do you mind if we swap?”
“What, you want in on this action?”
“Oh, shut up. Just come here.”
“D-do I get a say in this?”
“No,” Allen and Anne answered bluntly.
Hajun’s brain was so fried at this point that he barely made any attempt to escape as his two attackers swapped positions. Anne held on to his arms as Allen sat by his legs and put his feet in a headlock. He began to take off Hajun’s shoes.
Suddenly, Hajun was on high alert again.
“W-wait, AlleeEEE!”
“Ooh, I think you may have struck gold,” Anne remarked.
“Does it tickle, Hajun?” Allen asked, just barely wiggling his finger against Hajun’s sock-covered sole.
Hajun winced.
“Does it tickle, Hajun?” Anne repeated softly into Hajun’s ear.
Allen slowly removed one of Hajun’s socks and curled his fingers against the arch of his foot.
“G-gaha! GahahanjileobdaAAAHAHAHAHA!”
“What?” the two asked.
“K-kusuhuguttaidesu! IhihIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES!!”
“Yeah, I thought it might,” Allen said before stripping Hajun’s socks off completely and scribbling all over both of his feet.
“What was that?” Allen looked over his shoulder at Hajun’s bright red face.
“I think he means under his toes,” Anne commented. “Am I right?” they whispered into his ear.
Hajun whined.
“Riiiiight here?” Allen gently pressed into the ball of Hajun’s foot.
Hajun couldn’t help but smile in anticipation.
“Tickle tickle! Tickle tickle tickle~!” Allen teased as he went to town on Hajun’s worst spot.
“Tickletickletickletickletickle,” Anne repeated in his ear. “You’re the most ticklish prince in the world, aren’t you?”
“AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA *hic* HAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHA!!!” Hajun screamed before his laughter went silent.
His sunglasses fell off his face, revealing tears of mirth trickling down his hot cheeks. Not wanting to push their poor friend too far, Anne and Allen released him a few seconds after he went silent. While Hajun laid there panting, Allen delicately put his socks and shoes back on for him.
“Why…?” Hajun finally said.
“We’ve never heard you laugh like that before,” Allen said.
“And you looked like you needed some fun,” Anne added. “Did you have fun?”
Hajun looked up at them and blushed even deeper. “M-maybe,” he muttered as he looked away. “Whatever.”
Anne and Allen smiled.
“Why were you attacking Allen in the first place, Anne?”
“Allen’s keeping something from me,” they said, glaring at Allen.
“Wh-why don’t we just forget about that?”
Anne held out a hand to Hajun. “Wanna help me out?”
Hajun nodded. The two leered at Allen.
“G-guys? W-w-wait, no! WAAHHH!!!”
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valentines-luna · 8 months
hellooo thereee how are you doing
Will you do a Lee sasha and ler marcy and Anne whenever you can? I really wanna see how you write a tickle fic for these three !
Hi! I'm sorry it took me 100 years to answer, I hope you like it!
(This takes place a few months after they leave amphibia)
Sasha laid on her bed, it looked like she was missing something, not something, but someone.
She had been missing Grime. She wasn't used to this feeling at all, “Marcy's in town.” She thought, “Hopefully that'll get my mind off things”. She got to the place where her, Anne, and Marcy planned to meet. Anne and Marcy thought Sasha seemed..off. “Hey, Sash?” Anne asked, “Are you okay?” She said, “I'm fine” Sasha responded in a monotone-like voice “Do you wanna go back to your apartment?” Marcy asked, “Sure” Sasha responded. When they got to Sasha's apartment, Anne immediately asked what was wrong, “Nothings wrong Anne.” Sasha said, “Sasha.” “Anne.”. If you don't tell us what's wrong, me and Anne are gonna have to use drastic measures~.” Anne and Marcy pushed Sasha down onto her bed in the blink of an eye and started gently tickling her, “C'mon guhuys thihis is chihildish!” Sasha said, giggling. “This is most certainly not!” Anne said and then bumped the tickles up a notch, “WhAhahAy aHare yohouho doHohoHoing thiHihis!” Sasha said, “We're doing this because you won't tell me and Anne what's wrong”, Marcy said “HAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUYS!”
“STAHAHAHAP!”, Sasha said through her laughter, “If your going to tell us what's wrong, then we will stop.” Anne said calmly, “FIHIHIHINE!, as soon as Sasha said that the wiggling fingers stopped. “So, what's wrong Sash?” Marcy asked, “I miss Grime.”
“Everything feels different without him.” Sasha said, “It's ok to miss people, I miss the Plantars and Marcy misses Yunan and Lady Olivia.”, “Thanks guys.” Sasha said while in the group hug,
“You know I'm so gonna get you back, right?” After she said that Anne and Marcy ran as far as they could.
Legends say that night was full of laughter.
the gods came to me at 2 in the morning with a vision for this fic, sorry for spelling errors my first language is spanish
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koala-fluff · 10 months
First request, accomplished! Hopefully, the others will be coming soon :)
Thank you anon for the ask! I hope you like it!
Original Request: I saw that your requests are now open. If you're still writing for amphibia, could you do a switch!marcy switch!sasha and switch!anne please.
Flowers and Giggles
While searching for flowers, mischief is found.
“Why are we out here again?” Sasha grumbled, smacking a branch away from her face.
Marcy mumbled under her breath, searching the undergrowth. Sasha rolled her eyes, aware that she hadn't heard her.
“We're out here because Marcy wanted our help collecting rare flowers.” Anne whispered, nudging Sasha's arm. “She wants samples before we leave Amphibia tomorrow!”
Sasha sighed. “There's no guarantee that the King will be able-”
“AHA!” Marcy sprinted away, stumbling in front of a beautiful yellow flower.
“Jesus Christ…” Sasha muttered, clutching her chest. “What the heck, Marcy?”
Anne chuckled and crouched down next to her friend. “It's really pretty, Mar-Mar!”
Marcy nodded vigorously, squealing happily. Sasha sighed, smiling in amusement, and sat on Marcy's other side.
“It's… yellow.” Sasha said, chuckling.
“Great observation.” Anne said, rolling her eyes with a grin. She reaches around Marcy to shove the blonde.
“Hey!” Sasha scoffed, shoving the brunette in turn. The two get into a wrestling match behind Marcy.
“Guys, cut it out!” Marcy sighed, continuing to study the plant. She writes notes in her journal, grumbling when one of her friends bumps into her.
She winced when a shriek sounded behind her, but didn't even get up. “Really guys?”
“IhI'MM DYHYING!” Anne screamed, writhing in the ground, trapped in Sasha's bear hug.
“No you're not.” Sasha teased, digging her fingers into Anne's sides. “Don't be dramatic!”
Marcy rolled her eyes as Anne snorted at the fingers that krept up her ribs. The brunette leaned back, knocking Sasha off balance. The two tussled in the grass, trading pokes and squeezes.
“Gihive uhup!” Anne giggled, jolting as Sasha digs her fingers into her hips. “NAHAHA!”
“YOHOU FIHIRST!” Sasha retorted, cackling as Anne targeted her armpits.
Marcy sighed, unable to keep the smile off her face. She kept writing notes as the duo squirmed behind her. Her careful handwriting was skewed as a foot hit her arm.
“Who did that?” She huffed, turning around. The duo didn't answer, caught up in their battle. “Fine!” The smallest girl scowled, grabbing Anne by the ankle. “How dare you!”
“MAHAHARCY!” Anne shrieked as the girl targeted her knees. “IHIT WAHAHSN'T ME!”
“Yeah, Marce!” Sasha whooped, skittering her nails down Anne's back. “Nice sneak attack!”
“IHI'LL SHOW YOHOU A SNEAK ATTACK!” Anne lunged at Sasha, digging her fingers into her ribs. The blonde immediately collapsed in hysterics.
Marcy giggled and crawled over, fluttering her nails against Sasha's neck, making her squeal. Sasha flailed, cackling in the foliage. She rolled away, evading Anne's hands for a moment.
Twas all the time she needed. She pounced on both her friends, targeting Anne's hip and Marcy's stomach.
Marcy squealed and melted, her muscles turning to jelly. Anne shrieks and jumps away, giggling madly. She shakes her head and looks back at her friends, smiling fondly.
“SAHAHASHA!” Marcy squealed as ten fingers dug into her stomach, making her squirm. “PLEHEASE!”
“Please what, Mar-Mar?” Sasha asked, chuckling. “Please let Anne tickle you too?” She looked up, eyes locking with Anne's.
Anne grinned and crawled over, wiggling her fingers under Marcy's arms. “I will gladly assist with murdering our friend!”
Marcy wheezed, her face red as a cherry as her friends cooed at her. “WHYHY MEHE?”
“Because you're adorable, Mar-Mar!” Sasha said, playing her belly like a piano.
Anne nodded, giggling as Marcy's nose scrunched. “Besides, it's not like you hate it!”
Marcy's face reddened more. “SHUHUHUSH!” She whined, shaking her head.
“Mmmno.” Anne giggled, scratching at her friend's ribs. “Nobody will be shushing today!”
She was correct, and the trio didn't return till the sun had set.
I hope you enjoyed! Next up: Hunter and Willow from the Owl House!
Have a grandiose day/night and don't forget to go on a walk and stretch your legs!
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mysteriouslee · 11 months
DAY 18-19
lee!Sasha ler!Anne.
The two co-commanders sit on Anne's bed having a silly conversation. Both were laughing their hearts out, much contrast to a season ago.No armour, no conflict, just a silly atmosphere.
"I'm just saying, how the fuck do you steal someone's abs without taking of their flesh" Anne pondered, referencing one of her favourite movies "Ab Stealer"
"Boonchuy, he probably had fake one, unlike him, my guns are real" the blonde boasted.
"Oh haha" The brunette said sarcastically.
"That's why mine are unstealable" Sasha said arrogantly but obviously in a joking tone.
Anne scoffed and then had an idea. Anne started using her calamity powers and used her magic to pin Sasha with her arms over her head.
"Boonchuy?" Is what nervously trembled out of Sasha' mouth.
Anne then said in a goofy tone "Ive come to steal your abs". Anne then put her hand under Sasha's shirt and scribbled on her tummy. Sasha jolted and tried to break away but it was evident she wasn't going anywhere. Sasha tried to stop herself from laughing but she would break everytime.
"I'm the ab-stealer and Ive come to steal yours" Anne joked a corny tone, which she swore made Sasha laugh harder.
"Boohohochuhuy, lehet goho" Sasha demanded.
Sasha's let out one of her brightest smiles which indeed was contagious. Anne couldn't help but laugh along, she also had another idea to mess with Sasha. Anne paused her attack and released Sasha's arms but still had her pinned to the bed.
"If you can keep your arms up long enough, I'll consider letting you go" stated Anne.
"Thihis is duhumb"responded Sasha.
Anne asked if Sasha was ready and reluctantly Sasha nodded. Anne gave a count down and began again but instead using her fingers, she blew raspberries. Sasha squealed and slapped her hands on her face.
"CHEAHAHATER"shrieked Sasha but it was slightly muffled.
"I'm not cheating *pbbt* I'm gnawing your ab off my razor sharp teeth *pbbt* looks like you're one who's *pbbt* cheating" teased the boonchuy girl.
Sasha tried to argue otherwise but was silenced by a raspberry
"I didnt say put your hands on your face, I said put them up" Anne stated then laid a bigger raspberry while shaking her head for emphasis.
Sasha couldnt take it anymore and slapped at Anne's head.Anne had mercy and let Sasha relax, she then ceased the use of her powers.
Suddenly Sprig barged in.
"I heard screaming, Anne, are you ok"Sprig asked with concern only for Anne and not Sasha who lay limp on the bed.
"Where all good Sprig" Anne conformed before the pink frog child left again.
Anne also felt a little worn out after foolishly using her power and thats when Sasha pinned her down and gave her a taste of her own medecine.
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hyper-pie · 2 years
  “What did you just say?”
Lers!: Sasha, Anne
Lee!: reader
Pairings: Sasha Waybright x Anne Boonchuy x fem! Reader (can be seen as gender neutral too) x Marcy Wu... Marcy isn't in this fic but is mentioned.
Description: Reader is being a little shit and anne and sasha wreck her
Warnings: Cussing, Gayness, Polyamory
this is a tickle fic if you no like than leave
Set in the future btw
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Today had started off as normal as any other could be when you are dealing with the memories of being in Amphibia..until a lee mood hit you like a truck, all you really wanted all day was playful affection but you are way too anxious and easily flustered to tell Sasha and Anne , so of course you thought of the best option, be a little shit until they get tired of it and wreck the living crap out of you. It all started when she woke up to you smiling evilly at the two. Stunt after stunt Sasha was finally at her limit when one final comment pushed her off the edge. And Anne is more than happy to help.
Voice deep and filled with annoyance, adding slight offense in the mix of things, Sasha spoke resting her hands on her hips, tilting her head raising an eyebrow at you.
“What did you just say?” 
 You gulped, staggering back, as you instantly came to regret all the shit you did that day, knowing that there is no getting out of this no matter what. Not after that comment.
“Uh uhm”
She watched you like a hawk 
“Come on, I know you can do it. Spit it out cutie. Or do i need to make you?”
The look of slight amusement crossed her face and you sighed, regaining what sass you had left.
“You dress like a cool grandma Waybright” 
You roll your eyes at her crossing your arms trying to seem all tough but realistically your face was the color of a tomato.
She smirked at you, slowly making her way up to you. wrapping her arms around you 
“Awh, what's wrong Y/N? You are all blushy now, cat got your tongue?~”
You shake your head.
“N-nothing I-I no reason?” 
Suddenly something clicked in Sasha's head and it all made sense to her.
And she clicked her tongue .
“Y-yeah no reasON! WHERE ARE WE GOING?”
 Sasha gently scoops you into her arms carrying you to your guy’s bedroom plopping you on the bed beside Anne who glanced up from her phone.
“Did she do something again? And what did she do?”
Anne groaned facepalming
Sasha nodded glancing at you
Then said in an amused tone.
“She said I dressed like a cool grandma.”
Anne burst out laughing 
“She did not!”
Sasha sat herself on the bed and you rolled your eyes 
“Oh i did and i would do it again”
They both looked at you with a scolding expression. You became shy laying down, allowing them to talk, scrolling on your phone knowing they would be pissed off even more if you interrupted them, again.
Sasha shook her head with an evil look on her face.
She leaned in so that Anne could be the only one to hear.
“I think i know why she is acting this way”
Only Anne could see the evil smirk on her face.
After a few minutes you looked up to see anne and sasha talking about whatever and smiled at them, finding them both beautiful, the way sasha’s hair framed her face, the way anne’s hair was always out of it, the color of their eyes, everything about them was a treasure to even look at.
 Then a thought returned to your mind causing you to frown, becoming anxious and guilty. Upon hearing a whimper escape your mouth the two turned to you wit a concerned look on their faces, your  girlfriends were instantly at your side sasha pulling you into her lap.
“You alright honey?” sasha asked sweetly, her evil presence disappearing instantly, replacing it with one of comfort and kindness.
Your eyes started to water 
"I am sorry Sashy, I am sorry Anne, I have been a menace today..It’s just I am feeling a certain way and- “
You look down, becoming embarrassed .
“I know honey”
She mused running her fingers through your hair soothingly chuckling as you leaned into the touch feeling the comfort of her strong fingers, against the soft strands of your hair. The tears that had boiled up sank back down.
Anne smiled softly showing a slight smirk "yeah dude we just made a whole plan for you"
Slowly blinking you turned bright red at the thought of what they were planning. Still way too melted to really do anything, as you thought.
 “Did they know you wanted to be tickled mercilessly? What are they gonna do? What do they even think?’’
Taken by surprise you let out a soft squeak as Anne pulled you away from Sasha's lap having you lay down on your back. 
Panic started to surround you as your arms were pinned above your head, the smirk on your girlfriends faces told you everything about what was about to happen, and Sasha straddling your waist confirming your assumption. To that you squirmed softly, giggling out of nervousness.
“Wahahahait! Cahahan’t we talk about thihis?”
Sasha playfully smirked, chuckling.
“Hmmm I don’t know… You sassed, annoyed and bothered me all fucking day and pushed our buttons and I feel as though you did that because you needed something from us, and who am I to not give my partner what she needs? And also you dont want to wait for marcy to be here do you?”
You were at loss for words on what to do to get out of the situation.
But sucked it up anyway
“Ahahanne i barely did anything to you! Whyhy are you helping?”
Anne laughed leaning forward whispering into your ear in a low voice
“Cause you're adorable when you get tickled baby~”
Tickled, the word rang in your ear over and over again for a second before speaking up.
“Wh-what do you- ahEEP! Sahahahahahasha!!!!!”
You burst into soft giggles as Sasha spidered her manicured fingers  over your sides poking and prodding at the sensitive skin, making you squirm like no tomorrow.
Of course you tried not to squirm too much because you truly never wanted this moment to end, and not to mention you didn't want to hurt Anne or Sasha by accident. (which would  be close to impossible)
All you could do was giggle and squirm as the torment continued to persist.
Suddenly  you managed to say one word .
Anne only chuckled at this as she kept your arms pinned with one hand and with the other tapping on each individual rib, bringing you into a fit of snorts and squeaks.
On the other hand Sasha’s eyebrow was raised as she began scribbling her nails on your sides. 
“No? What do you mean Giggle bug? You asked for this, I think you should accept it”
The nickname itself would have killed you on its own if the therapist had not  reached under your shirt and began scribbling up and down on the bare sensitive skin of your sides turning the volume of your laugh up higher.
“did you really think you could just sass us the entire day and expect no consequences baby?~”
You whined at them not being able to get many words out through the giggles.
Anne shook her head, giggling, finding you adorable then started moving her tickling fingers closer to your tummy, noticing this sasha did the same heightening your giggles even further teasing the sensitive skin on your torso. 
Finally you managed to giggle another sentence out.
“Nobhohhohohoho nononononono nohohot there dohont dohohoho thahahaht!”
The brunette tilted her head
“Hm? Do what? Your gonna have to be more specific”
Her fingers inched closer to your tummy looking at Sasha giving her a short wink when you weren't looking. And they both stopped allowing you to breath, as they saw that you had needed a break.
Seeing you looking slightly anxious Sasha soothingly rubbed your tummy in a non-tickly way to help you calm down.
“Take your time love, you know we aren't actually mad right?” 
The guilt in your eyes was clear as day and sasha cupped your cheek, anne caressing your face gently in reassurance.
You nodded after regaining your breath, looking up at Anne.
“S-sorry what did you want to know again?”
The blush on your face made Anne's smile softened even more.
“What do you not want us to do?”
Realization hit you and you said before thinking.
“Tickle my tummy- wait no- AHAHAHA WAHAHAHIT”
The mistake had already been made and the two poked, prodded, traced and scribbled up and down your tummy sending you into loud hysteric cackles face bright red. 
“What do you mean? You just asked us to tickle your tummy. Who are we to refuse?” 
Sasha cooed, an amused expression on her face, as she scribbled all around your tummy slowly inching closure to your belly button, to that your face turned a deeper shade of red trying so hard to squirm away and even managed to get your arms back..and tried to push away sasha’s hand away from your belly button which only made it easier for her to sneak her other hand in the same place swirling around your navel making your cackles more frantic.  The blond and brunette couldnt help but laugh with you.
“Whoops looks like her hands are free! Oh well I guess I have an extra helping hand! What should I do with it Sasha?” 
Anne mused, quickening her tickling pace going from stomach to ribs to sides with one hand.  but your laugh didn’t allow you to hear much of what the girls were saying
Sasha only giggled.
“How about her neck Boonchuy?”
And so she began gently tracing up and down a side of your neck  making you melt, becoming a mess of giggles and blush, even stopping you from trying to push Sasha's hands away. 
You were almost at your limit and sasha had noticed and looked at anne with a nod then leaning down looking at you, then cooing 
“You ready for the final blow honey?”
And to that you nod feeling close to your limit and before you could even think of anything else. Sasha had started blowing multiple raspberries up and down your tummy, while anne covered your neck in kisses to which you started snorting, you laugh soon falling silent to which the two stopped their attack sasha climbing off of you, anne scooping you up into her strong arms to which you melted.
“I am sorry for being cheeky..”
The guilty look on your face crushed the girls hearts.
“Nonono baby we aren't mad, we were just being playful okay?” 
Anne reassured you planting a kiss on your forehead
“Anne Is right we aren't mad please don't beat yourself up about it, I think it's actually kinda cute.. But if you say that I dress like a cool grandma ever again I am gonna get mar-mar’s help in wrecking the living shit out of you when she is here got it?”
Frantically nodding you squeaked burying your face in Anne’s chest. Your girlfriends smiled at you as they held you in their arms until you inevitably fell asleep in Anne's arms.
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g1ggl3-c4t · 10 months
How would you feel about drawing lee pomni or lee ragatha from the digital circus or one of the raggedy siblings from the raggedy Ann and Andy musical adventure movie?
You have a wonderful style btw, the way you draw the characters eyes are satisfying lol
but these are just sketchs but here you go :3
I already have a lee pomni drawing so I decided to draw lee ragatha <3
Dude idk what happened to her arm andnaj ignore that-
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Also the raggedy siblings in a tickle fight bc I couldnt decide on a lee-
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thechurn · 4 months
i was like. what is this student band performing at my unis open doors day this sounds familiar
its ride by twenty one pilots.
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gaybananabread · 3 months
✷˖⁠⑅How to Cheer Up an Eddie⑅˖⁠✷
~Soooooo yeah: I’m back to fandom bouncing. Today’s obsession is Venom, and Eddie DEFINITELY needs a good wrecking. I might possibly go back to being consistent, but who knows? This is a lot longer than I meant it to be, but womp. If these goobers interest you, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Eddie Brock
Ler: Venom
Summary: Venom’s eating habits are hard to curve. When a particularly gruesome snack gets under Eddie’s skin, Venom decides to cheer up his favorite host. Thanks to a cheesy rom-com, he knows exactly how to do it.
Warnings: mentions of Venom chomping somebody, brief descriptions of blood, pretty much just movie-typical stuff. This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Venom’s appetite was insatiable: it was the one thing Eddie knew for certain. Even after a full “meal,” the symbiote would whine for tater tots and heads not even ten minutes later. He didn’t need that much food to survive, but it felt good when he ate.
Unfortunately for Venom, Eddie was rather strict about his diet.
There was to be no eating Eddie’s leftovers, people’s pets, random chickens, and NO eating people. That last one pissed Venom off to no end. So, like any reasonable toddler, Venom whined about it whenever possible.
“BUT EDDIEEEE! I’M SO HUNGRY! JUST A QUICK BITE?” Slinking out from Eddie’s shoulder, Venom nudged his host’s hand with his physical form. Of course, he wasn’t talking about chocolates or chicken.
“No, V. Cletus was an exception; the rule still stands.” Eddie didn’t even look away from his laptop screen, tapping away at the keys as he worked on his latest article. It was a pain in the ass to scrounge up the details, but he’d finally managed to get enough info for a story.
“BULLSHIT! HOW IS IT FAIR THAT ONE ASSHOLE IS OKAY, BUT NONE OF THE OTHERS COUNT?!” Venom bit Eddie’s wrist, making the man cuss and shake him off. How could a thousands-of-years-old symbiote act like such a child?
“I- you know that was different! Also, ow!” Pointing to his latest bite mark, Eddie scowled at the symbiote. As soon as he pointed it out, however, Venom healed it; it was like it never happened.
“I DON’T SEE ANYTHING.” Eddie flipped him off before going back to his laptop, hoping to ignore the whining. Venom wasn’t having it. “OH, I SEE. CLETUS WAS OKAY BECAUSE HE MESSED WITH ANNE. ONLY BAD GUYS WHO MAKE YOU PISSY ARE FOOD.”
Eddie slammed his laptop shut, glaring daggers at the symbiote. Venom took that as a positive sign, resting his head on his host’s wrist. It was a terrifying attempt at puppy-dog eyes, but it told Eddie the one thing he didn’t wanna hear: he wasn't gonna get anything done until V had some food.
“Fine, you shithead! We’ll go on patrol for ten minutes, grab some chicken and chocolate, and come back. No longer.”
About half an hour later, Eddie was wondering why he even tried. They’d grabbed some chocolate from Mrs. Chen, but Venom swore he’d heard something on the way back. So, there they were, perched on a rooftop as they waited for some sign of what the symbiote had picked up.
After a few minutes of silence, the back door to one of the sketchy-looking shops opened. A young boy, maybe eight or nine, was roughly pushed forward towards a black SUV. He looked scared, dirty, and alone.
A burning anger rose in Eddie’s chest when he realized what was happening.
Those evil bastards… He bonded even farther into Venom’s mindset, letting the feeling overtake him. V noticed immediately.
After they’d dropped the boy off at the police station, Eddie made sure they went straight home. After a very long shower, he’d managed to convince Venom to quiet down long enough for him to work on the article.
Staring at the near-blank document, Eddie’s fingers tapped idly on the space bar. The case, the case, the case. A tech giant had been covering up some shady dealings in Vermont. Shady dealings…
Eddie’s mind wandered back to their patrol, specifically to the part where Venom had his meal. The fuckheads deserved it, no doubt, but…god, had it been bloody. Smashing, ripping, tearing, screaming, head-chomping…
Groaning, Eddie rubbed his temples and shut his laptop; he needed a break.
Trudging over to the fridge, Eddie grabbed out some whipped cream - that shit made everything better.
After squirting a decent helping into his mouth, he leaned against the cool metal of his fridge. Who needs to process their emotions when you’ve got Ready Whip and self-doubt?
While he usually enjoyed mocking Eddie’s little moods, Venom knew this one was decently serious. More importantly, his actions had upset Eddie. That needed to be fixed, whether they liked it or not.
Coming back out in his physical form, Venom nuzzled his head against Eddie’s shoulder. It wasn’t much, but he was trying. “EDDIE?”
“Hmm?” The man huffed, opening his eyes to stare down at his partner in sorta-crime. There was still a small bit of whipped cream in his stubble; Venom had to resist the strong urge to tease him about it.
“YOU LOOK…DEPRESSED.” That got a chuckle out of the man, but not much else. He was just overwhelmed, and he knew Venom could sense it.
Eddie sighed as the rom-com played, barely paying attention to it. He’d never seen that one before, but he couldn’t get his mind off the violence from earlier; if it wasn’t the goons’ deaths, it was the treatment of the little boy. There was no guarantee the police would do their jobs correctly…
Venom, on the other hand, was totally into it. There was just something about seeing two humans stumble around and act like lovey-dovey fools for an hour that put him in a good mood.
When he looked over at Eddie, however, his joy lessened. The movie was supposed to be making Eddie happy, not just him.
“EDDIE, WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THESE JOKES? YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE LAUGHING.” Coming out as a floating head once again, Venom nuzzled Eddie’s shoulder. He shrugged, brushing off his own emotions.
“I-I dunno, V. Don’t worry about it.” Yeah, right - like Venom was gonna listen to that. Taking advantage of their bond, Venom peeked at what Eddie was feeling. It sent a rare feeling coursing through the symbiote’s system: guilt.
“I…APOLOGIZE FOR UNSETTLING YOU. I GOT MESSY.” Eddie whipped his head down to look at Venom, his eyes going wide. Did he just…apologize for something? Without prompting? Holy shit…
“Uh…thanks, Venom. I appreciate it.” Knowing it would make the little menace feel better, Eddie scratched Venom’s head.
A low, pleased grumble left the creature as he enjoyed the touch. While he did appreciate the affection, he was supposed to be making Eddie feel better.
Suddenly, Eddie tensed, freezing his fingers in place. Venom looked up to see what was wrong, but his host’s eyes were trained on the screen.
The woman on screen had grabbed the man’s phone and was holding it above her head; she was taller than him, so he couldn’t reach it. So, the man reached out and…started touching her sides? The motions made no sense to Venom, but as the woman started to laugh, he felt Eddie heat up.
Venom immediately assumed it was arousal, but Eddie didn’t seem to be desiring anything. He seemed more…giddy. Maybe longing for something? The symbiote was thoroughly confused.
“EDDIE? WHY IS THAT WOMAN LAUGHING? DO YOU LIKE IT?” Eddie’s cheeks burned, his eyes darting away from both the screen and Venom. His answer was muffled and flustered.
“She’s getting…it’s a human response to touch. Involuntary shit, and…” His voice trailed off, almost as if he was unable to finish his sentence.
Venom’s grin, if possible, widened. That was the same thing Eddie had done when Venom asked about why humans kissed; he was eager, embarrassed, and wanting something he couldn't ask for.
“SO IT’S A GOOD THING.” The fact that it was worded as a statement, not a question, kind of scared Eddie. Venom had that tone he used whenever he was about to be a shit; based on their conversation, it wasn’t hard to guess how.
“Venom, wait-” Before Eddie could think to push the symbiote away, he felt the familiar sensation of Venom spreading across his arms. But…only his arms. What was he doing?
“THE MAN DID IT LIKE THIS.” Suddenly, Eddie felt wiggling fingers on his sides; it took everything he had to suppress his giggles. When he looked down, he saw…his own hands tickling him. Venom was seriously making him tickle himself. Worst of all, it was working.
“V-Vehee! Get offa me!” Eddie twisted his torso around, trying to shake the feelings off. Venom was persistent, keeping at least five wiggling claws on him at all times.
“I CAN’T GET OFF OF YOU, EDDIE. I’D DIE, AND YOU’D BE A LOSER,” Venom teased, raking Eddie’s own fingers down his sides. Using his fluid, he added just a bit of a point to each fingertip, making it tickle even more.
“Thahat- that’s not whahat I meant!” A few little titters slipped out as the tickling increased. How the fuck was it working?! Gargalesis on yourself wasn’t supposed to be possible! Though, Venom technically was another being with his own consciousness…fuck.
Deciding to be an asshole, Venom tapped into Eddie’s thoughts. The man typically didn't enjoy it, but he figured it would be a special exception.
The very first thing Venom felt was extreme giddiness. It made the symbiote chuckle; Eddie really did love the touch.
Digging deeper, Venom go past the “oh shit oh fuck oh that tickles” and “I’m gonna fucking kill him” to find the more sensitive thoughts. “Please don’t go for my ribs, please don’t go for my ribs, PLEASE don’t go for my ribs!”
So, naturally, Venom went for his ribs.
“OhohOHOHO SHIIIIIIIHIHIT! SHIHIT!” Eddie squealed, arching his back and kicking his feet out. It wasn’t fair: being forced to tickle himself, and not being able to do a single thing to stop it. It was…well, it wasn’t awful.
Oh shit. Eddie knew he fucked up the second those words crossed his mind.
“WHAT’S THAT, EDDIE? IT ISN’T AWFUL?” Venom chuckled, leaning his floating head to whisper in Eddie’s ear. That was just adding insult to injury. “DOES THAT MEAN YOU DO LIKE THIS?”
Eddie scrunched his shoulders, trying desperately to evade the tickles. He knew it was pointless, but he couldn’t just sit there. Well, he could’ve, but he’d never have heard the end of it from Venom.
“N-NOHOHOHO! IHI DOHOHOHON’T!” Eddie lied through his teeth, or more accurately, his giant smile. It was so horribly unfair; then again, so was his life.
“HMM. LIAR.” Getting an idea, Venom shifted his pointy mouth to Eddie’s neck, nibbling ever-so-gently on the sensitive skin. If he couldn’t get Eddie to say it himself, maybe he could provide some gentle, torturous motivation.
“Wha- KYAAAH! FUHUHUHUCK! V-VEHEHENOM!” He squealed, tossing his head back and just laughing his heart out. Eddie knew there was no point in resisting; Venom would just come up with another way to kill him, and he wasn’t keen on figuring out how creative the symbiote could get.
“WHAT’S WRONG, EDDIE? DOES IT TICKLE? ” Venom cooed, continuing to nibble up and down his sensitive neck. At the same time, he forced Eddie’s hands to dig into his ribs, clawing and pinching at the bones. “YOU HUMANS ARE SO FRAGILE, SO SENSITIVE. I’D NEVER HAVE THIS PROBLEM.”
While the symbiote was lying, he knew Eddie was too lost in laughter to notice. It was nice to see his human laughing so freely, even if he did have to force it out of the moody fucker.
“VEHEHEE! IHIHI’M GOHOHONNA DIHIHIHIE!” Putting his whole self into it, Eddie thrashed and fought against Venom’s control. It didn’t work, of course, but he still tried.
“NO, YOU’RE NOT. EVEN IF YOU WERE, I’D HEAL YOU.” Venom was just playing dirty now. I mean, he was playing dirty the entire time, but that much teasing was just uncalled for. At least, that’s what Eddie thought.
Wanting to push his host’s limits, Venom sent a tendril out from Eddie’s shoulder and ran it down his back. Once it reached the bottom, he wiggled it against Eddie’s hip bones.
That officially did the man in.
“OHOHOHO MYHY- HAHAHAHAHA!” Eddie cut himself off with a fit of hysterical laughter, the sound dipping out for a moment. When he managed to breathe again, his laugh was loud, raw, and unrestrained. Venom could listen to it for ages.
“NOHOHO MOHAHAHAHAHORE! MEHEHERCY! MEHERCYHYHYHY!” Slamming one of his feet on the ground, Eddie tapped out in the only way he could.
Venom reluctantly stopped, pulling himself off of his host’s arms; he instead nuzzled his head into Eddie’s neck.
Panting and giggling, Eddie tried to regain his composure. His whole torso was buzzing from the touch, phantom tickles still keeping his nerves alight.
“J-Jehehesus fuhuhucking Chrihist, V…” The man ran a hand through his hair, thoroughly wiped from all the laughing and thrashing. While that had been incredibly intense, it helped ease his mind. He actually felt a lot better than he had before the silliness.
They sat in semi-silence for a minute, the only sound being Eddie’s slightly labored breathing as he pulled himself together. It was nice, almost lulling the exhausted man to sleep. That was until Venom decided to break the silence.
“YOU’RE HAPPY NOW, YES?” Venom grunted, nudging Eddie’s chin; he wanted to make sure he didn’t hurt his human. He loved hearing the man’s crazy laughter, but he knew he could go a bit too far sometimes.
Eddie thought about that. He was in their home, smiling and dazed, with a symbiote who cared for him had just finished tickling him to death just to cheer him up.
He was warm, safe, and finally not alone. He was part of something that, while flawed, was still the best thing that had ever happened to him; his answer was clear.
Eddie reached an arm up to scratch beneath Venom’s chin, sighing softly.
“...yeah, V. I’m happy.”
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geniousbh · 4 months
pensando mt num enzo ou esteban dilf ao som de too sweet do hozier, onde eles ficam o tempo todo listando motivos e tentando convencer uma lobinha 10 anos mais nova do pq um lance entre eles não pode rolar (a real é que toda vez que ele lista esses motivos, ele tá tentando SE convencer!!!!
isso aqui é tão cinema (literalmente pois a anne hathway fez isto no after da terceira idade n é hate tho eu meio que achei bem saboroso🤭🤭🤭). enfim here we go✈✈
o enzo se sente num beco sem saída. tudo teria começado nele protagonizando contigo numa peça de teatro e vocês acabando por se envolver demais numa das noites que tinham se encontrado pra praticar as falas no apartamento dele (uma garrafa de vinho e uma musiquinha baixinha foi tudo o que vcs precisaram pra vc estar no colo do moreno enquanto ele procurava o fecho do seu sutiã pra abrir). vai se isolar até um pouco dos amigos, que atualmente são seus amigos também. e ele tem os motivos dele, não quer perder o foco que tá tendo na carreira, não quer se sentir preso e como a mídia ainda tá no pé dele, fica se perguntando como as pessoas reagiriam se soubessem que ele tá saindo com uma garota tão mais nova. aposto que diriam que eu sou o dicaprio uruguaio ou algo assim ele pensa enquanto revira na cama, frustrado porque é a segunda noite em que ele tenta ler um livro e não consegue porque fica pensando em ti. e vc não ajuda também, é tão linda e comunicativa, e talentosa, faz atuar ao seu lado parecer tão normal, como respirar era, e em momento nenhum você o pressiona, pelo contrário, sempre muda de assunto pra não deixar ele desconfortável. e numa tarde pós ensaio de maquiagem, ele te oferece uma carona. no caminho pro carro te ouve dizendo algo que matías comentou sobre "namorar pessoas mais velhas", e isso acende a luzinha vermelha no vogrincic que já retrai os músculos e para a alguns metros do carro pra se virar pra ti. "nena, não começa...", pede, "hm? mas eu não disse nada, só tô concordando que deve ser bom estar com alguém mais velho", dava de ombros (e não porque queria provocá-lo, mas porque não iria mudar de opinião só porque ele não te queria), "é? então você não tá dizendo indiretamente que quer se envolver comigo?", ele cruza os braços te encarando e ve você apoiar no carro pra tirar um cigarro do bolso e acender, "isso aí, não quero ninguém que não me queira". e ISSO AQUI sim quebra as pernas dele. em um insight (shout out to my boye sigmund freud), enzo percebe que, em todo aquele tempo, era só ele projetando a vontade absurda que ele tinha de te ter pra ele em você, e ainda!! queria que você lutasse até ele ceder... o que obviamente vai por água abaixo já que ele se vê totalmente desesperado ao te ver o rejeitando bem tranquila. "vai desistir fácil, assim?", solta simples com os olhos fixos na sua figura, fazendo você soltar a fumaça devagar antes de deitar a cabeça pro ladinho o observando, "falando assim, até parece que 'cê tá disposto a aceitar" (e ele estava, pelo menos agora tinha ficado claro). e ele daria um risinho negando com a cabeça, indo entrar no veículo, agradecendo que você passa mais algum tempo lá fora porque ele pode respirar fundo com a mão no peito que tá super acelerado btw. ps.: ele não aguenta mais de uma semana depois da grande revelação, vai aparecer no teu apartamento todo suado, ofegante e segurando a bicicleta porque "tava pedalando e percebi que tô sendo um idiota com você..." e desatando a falar tudo o que tá sentindo, o quê termina com vocês dois se beijando fervorosamente contra o batente da porta💋
já o kuku, vou ser bem filha da puta mesmo (pra me vingar especialmente desta cadela @creads e tb botar um assunto que minha amg querida @kyuala from tmblr ja deu o aval) e dizer que ele é teu professor de história do cursinho, mas você conhece ele desde o ensino médio, E sabe que a vida amorosa do professor queridinho é um lixo. esteban sempre tentou ao máximo ser reservado, nunca abordando nada da vida pessoal nas aulas, mas a internet era uma benção e em pouco tempo você tinha descoberto o instagram dele e consequentemente que ele tinha uma filhinha e era casado. o instagram da esposa, no entanto, era cheio de alfinetadas para o loiro, coisas do tipo "passar mais tempo em família", "ser ignorada por quem mais ama", "não se sentir valorizada" e honestamente? porque ela não levava isso pra uma terapia ou sei lá o que. o professorzinho kukuriczka era tão esforçado sempre, tão dedicado, as provas eram condizentes e ele sempre dizia o quanto via potencial em ti quando te notava preocupada com os resultados de algum teste, afagando seus cabelos e seu ombro. o que levava ao que acontecia no momento, contigo na salinha dele, sentada sobre a mesa, em cima da papelada, com um pézinho em cima da cada um dos apoios de braço da poltrona do mais velho, encurralando ele lá. "por fi, kuku... você merece... eu sei que você anda estressado...", sopra com a voz de putinha (e n só isso como sua saia tá levantada, mostrando sua calcinha de ursinhos pra ele, assim como a marca úmida no centro mostrando o quão excitada já está). "n-não posso, de verdade, eu... nem sei porque te deixei entrar, eu sou casado, e você é uma alun", "sshhh..." se curvava e envolvia os ombros largos do argentino, roçando perigosamente os narizes, "eu sei que você não liga... e sei que as coisas não andam bem com a sol... me deixa te ajudar, eu quero ser boazinha pra você". e nisso as mãos deliciosamente enormes dele param no teu quadril puxando e afastando ao mesmo tempo enquanto ele continua a justificar que é muito velho que pode ser demitido e você expulsa, fechando os olhos e arrastando a fala sentindo seus lábios selando-o o rosto inteirinho. mas, ele tá tão cansado e frustradinho, como ele poderia negar quando você se ajoelha entre as pernas dele e toma o caralho duro dele por completo na boca? especialmente porque a mulher dele vive negando dizendo que engasga muito, porra💔 ps.: acaba se tornando o segredinho imundo de vocês dois, você recebe notas melhores, e ele chega todo mole em casa conseguindo dar mais atenção pra mulher, em suma ambos saem ganhando🎉
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silencehq · 2 months
Tumblr media
“Atenção semideuses!” a voz de Quíron soou para quebrar o silêncio da tarde. Os alto falantes espalhados pelo Acampamento projetaram a voz do centauro que não parecia estar à vista na Casa Grande, todas as janelas estavam fechadas e as portas trancadas. “Tivemos… um avanço sobre a situação do Traidor da Magia. Uma pessoa foi trazida com provas irrefutáveis e estamos conduzindo um interrogatório com o culpado.” o diretor parecia cansado, a frustração sendo evidente no tom usado para trazer a notícia.
“A partir de agora, o chalé de Afrodite estará sob a liderança temporária de um novo conselheiro, Christopher Bae, se apresente imediatamente no Anfiteatro para falar com Dionísio.” a ordem era clara, direta, não deixava espaço para discussão e, embora não tivesse dito antes com todas as palavras, agora estava nítido o problema. Para evitar especulações, Quíron continuou: “Maxime Dubois está detido até nova ordem. Argos estará em vigilância constante com o semideus. Em breve traremos novas atualizações.”
Bem, o gato está fora da sacola graças à Mary Ann Bishop e temos o nome do Traidor da Magia. Vocês podem acompanhar essa revelação através dessa interação.
O post de atualização para o plot do Traidor da Magia é uma ajuda para que vocês possam ler tudo sobre a situação.
Maxime Dubois está detido, ficará na Casa Grande para própria proteção e também pois, como Quíron avisou, estão fazendo interrogatórios.
Devido a essa nova atualização, o evento de fechamento da fenda foi devidamente adiado para dia 28/07.
O chalé de Afrodite está por enquanto sob a supervisão do segundo campista com maior nota na competição dos conselheiros, Christopher Bae.
campistas citados: @maximeloi ; @apavorantes ; @christiebae
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delirantesko · 6 months
Abdicais de toda sanidade ao entrardes neste salão!
Bem vindos!
Comecei minha aventura pelo mundo das palavras em 1997, mas só voltei a escrever com mais regularidade a partir da metade de 2023.
Eu criei e apaguei muitas contas por aqui, mas com o projeto Delirantesko (uma mistura de delirante com dantesco?) eu finquei o pé na poesia, mas adoro escrever frases, textos, e até alguns contos.
Já fui Escribardo, Oniriko, Labirintiko, Palahvras, Literado, SextosePoetarias, e alguns outros, por isso alguns dos meus escritos tem esses pseudônimos. (Eu adoro inventar novos nomes).
Você pode ver meus delírios nos links abaixo:
Minhas poesias
Minhas frases (as vezes são descrições poéticas de gifs, quem adivinhar quais são ganha um oi hehehe)
Meus textos
Minhas provocações
Minhas fabulas.
Minhas músicas favoritas
Minha playlist Spotify de Trip-hop
Minha playlist Spotify de Dark Ambient
Minha playlist Spotify de Martial Industrial
Meus contos (+18)
Meu livro de contos adultos
Minhas asks respondidas
Minhas postagens em inglês
Meus textos sobre Voyeur/Exibicionismo (leva para uma postagem com os links)
Um pouco do meu método ou considerações sobre escrever (levando em consideração que sou apenas um amador, que são apenas um relato de como eu escrevo, do meu processo, não são regras, não são imposições, apenas compartilhando, pois gosto de ver as pessoas se expressando da melhor forma que considerem fazer).
O estilo/estética desse tumblr é principalmente pras minhas autorias, e não uso nem reblogo imagens nele também. Eu curto uma coisa ou outra, as curtidas estão abertas.
Gosto de escrever, conversar, além de escrever, nas hora vagas estudo programação e japonês, mas sem muita pressa.
Ouvir música é algo sagrado pra mim (adoro trip-hop, rock industrial e dark ambient), gosto de jogar videogame, prefiro séries a filmes, adoro ler e pretendo lançar livros de romance e poesia em algum momento (já tenho algum material escrito que comecei).
Meus autores favoritos são Chuck Palahniuk, Haruki Murakami e Anne Rice.
Acho que é isso, não vou mais tomar seu tempo, mas se você curtiu algo do que eu escrevi, fico feliz.
Pra mim escrever é terapêutico, e tudo que se escreve, não só por mim são conversas anacrônicas, atemporais, que podem ser lidas por qualquer um, a qualquer momento. Vai que um desses textos seja exatamente o que você precise ler? É um risco.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 7 months
Day in the Life of the Nakajima Household
Aka Atsushi’s tiny dorm at the ADA that he is forced to share with 3 murderous individuals.
Tickle fic!! Lee!Atsushi, Lers!Lucy, Kyouka, and Akutagawa + a little Ler!Atsushi, Lee!Lucy (romantic Akuatsulucy and platonic Kyouka addition)
It’s the orphan poly + fellow orphan Kyouka!!!! ❤️🤍🖤💙 I wrote this a while ago so it’s all in present tense LOL. When I first had the idea, I was hesitant, but then I started actually watching the BSD anime and got to know all their characters better so here it is!! They make me SO EMOTIONAL
Also bonus mini HCs at the end!!!!!!!!!
(Ignore the cringey ahh emoticons LMAO it’s just that all of them are so creature-coded)
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Atsushi’s dorm at the Agency is certainly not made to house four people. It’s hardly big enough for two. Kunikida looks one noise complaint away from bursting a vein in his forehead, but, well, nothing has ever gone to plan as long as Atsushi’s involved.
Despite their statuses as Port Mafia operative and former Guild disciple, Lucy and Akutagawa come over so often that Atsushi’s colleagues hardly bat an eye. The two have even taken to calling it “their place,” which Atsushi thinks is kinda unfair — both for his living situation and his heart.
It’s a peaceful kind of day today. Kyouka’s inside journaling, Aku’s at the store — because he has the most stable paycheck — getting groceries, and Atsushi and Lucy are outside, watering the plants around the building.
“Someday you should get us a garden,” Lucy says while she sprinkles water over the tiny blossoming daisies. “So we can take care of our own plants instead of these ugly trees.”
Atsushi sends her a playful glare from where he’s watering said trees with a hose, smiling. “Do I have to do everything in this relationship? My pockets are crying thanks to you guys.”
Lucy scoffs. “Shut up, you! I give you discounts at the cafe all the time. I put my life on the line for you.” She tosses her hair and places a hand on her chest, and Atsushi holds back a laugh.
Maybe it’s his apprenticeship under Dazai, but Atsushi feels a bit mischievous today. In a move that he’ll probably regret later, he lifts the hose and rains fire over his life partner.
Gasping and spluttering, Lucy throws up her hands to block the spray. Her sundress soaks through and her braids quickly start to droop. She turns a murderous gaze on Atsushi through dark, sticky bangs, and he feels sweat run down his back.
“Atsushi Nakajima, you’re dead!” He spots a certain intensity in Lucy’s turquoise eyes.
Uh oh. He knows what that means.
Atsushi yelps and drops the hose, not even bothering to switch it off before he sprints. He employs his tiger strength, probably cheating, but Lucy could easily drag him away from reality and into Anne’s Room if she wants. Noticeably, she doesn’t, probably to drag out the anticipation. But she will have him. Atsushi is sure.
He races into the building and up the stairs. He doesn’t trust the elevator, but he has hope of escape if he continues on foot. In a blur, he spots his apartment number and pushes through the door, thankfully unlocked. Atsushi lunges for the closet, throws open the door and slams it shut behind him. He’s been on so many stealth missions; Atsushi knows how to be quiet. But he’s giddy from the chase and can barely restrain the frantic giggling he breathes out.
“Where are you, my cute little kitty? Come out, let’s play~!” He hears with his heightened senses. A shiver runs up his spine even while his face feels like an oven. He needs to remember that Lucy worked for the Guild, and their first meeting was a gamble for his and his coworkers’ lives. “Isn’t this a fun game! But you can’t hide forever.”
He really can’t, because there’s only so many places he can hide in his tiny apartment. He wonders what his chances are of getting out the closet and jumping through the window without Lucy noticing.
Just as he thinks this, though, the door flies open.
“Found you!” A grin full of metal shines through the darkness, and Atsushi screams. He tries to leap past her, but the wind is knocked out of his lungs as she tackles him onto his futon. Where did she get this strength from? Yet he doesn’t match her force with his own, mostly because, now that he’s caught, he’s found he doesn’t want to be free.
“Such a bad kitty,” she pulls him onto her lap with her elbows under his arms, and Atsushi feels her wet clothes press against his back. His ears are already pounding, hot. “I’ll show you what happens when you go up against Lucy Maud Montgomery!”
Suddenly there are fingers pressing into his sides. Atsushi yells out a panicked laugh. “A- Ahahaha! Luhuhucyhehehe I’m sorryhehehe!”
She huffs. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before you drenched me!”
This is just the consequences of his actions, isn’t it? Her nails tease under his shirt and he throws his head back. “Stahahahap! Stop Ihi yeheheheild! Lucyehehehe!”
She toes the line between unbearable and gentle. The feeling runs through Atsushi’s every nerve, frying his brain until he can’t do anything but kick and flail around on his sheets. Lucy holds him firmly, a satisfied smile on her face that he can’t see.
She is doing this for revenge, but gosh is Atsushi cute. His cheeks are full and red, his fangs peeking out from under his lip. His giggles are nervous and flighty but ingenuous, the purest kind of happiness. Warmth runs through her face without permission; she really wishes she didn’t have such an embarrassing ailment.
When Lucy digs her fingers into his ribs and Atsushi squeals loud enough to echo off the walls, Kyouka pokes her head in from the other room.
“Oh, are we getting Atsushi?” she asks with a small blink. Lucy grins and Atsushi pleads.
“Ky- Kyouka plehehease! Hehehelp! I’m gonnahahaha dahahahie!”
“We are indeed, Kyouka! And he deserves it. I’m sure he would love if you assisted me.”
Kyouka’s expression doesn’t change, but her eyes twinkle. She strides over and seats herself on top of Atsushi’s legs. He cracks open his eyes to give his little sister a look of betrayal.
“Kyouka! Youhaha’re supposed to help mehehehe!”
“No thanks,” she says blankly, before drilling into his hips with an assassin’s precision.
“KYOUHOHOKAHAHAHA!” Even Lucy is a little terrified by the focus in Kyouka’s eyes, as if she were performing a surgery. But mostly she’s just pleased. She takes her hands off Atsushi’s ribs to clap, then repositions them in his underarms.
“This is discipline,” Kyouka states very seriously, and Lucy too laughs at that. Kyouka reaches forward and pokes Atsushi’s cheek. “You’re so squishy. Like a bunny. Squish.”
Atsushi turns pink; Lucy really wishes that didn’t make her flustered. “He is, isn’t he?” She pokes his other cheek. “Just as a tabby cat should be.”
Then Lucy worms her fingers into his neck and he scrunches up. “EHEHEHEE nohohoHO!”
While Lucy’s methods are soft in an evil way, Kyouka attacks with honed, concentrated energy, deadly in her efficiency. And with both of them on opposite ends of his body, Atsushi has no room left for thought.
And then the front door shuts with a bang.
Perhaps Akutagawa is too aggressive with his actions, and he squints apologetically at the door he slammed. Setting down the grocery bags on the counter, he winces at the ruckus in the apartment. Is that the Jinko’s screaming?
He walks into the main room to find what he’d expected to see: Atsushi pinned to the floor with Kyouka and Lucy dissecting him.
“This is just like you, Jinko,” he scoffs with a note of fondness, squatting beside the squirming, laughing Atsushi. “You’re not even fighting back.”
“RYUHUHAHA dohohon’t!” Atsushi shakes his head, his face a deep pink and his eyes crinkled shut. His smile is just as blinding as the light of the sun. Gross, Akutagawa thinks with a mini smile.
“Akutagawa.” Kyouka turns to him with that river-like gaze, clear but acute. “Join us.” Lucy cackles.
He smirks. “If that is what I must do.”
Though she calls out to Ryuunosuke now, Kyouka hasn’t forgotten how his words kept dragging her down as she swam desperately toward the light. But then he said he was proud of her. Plus, well, he’s involved with Atsushi. Kyouka’s grown to trust him, at least as long as Atsushi’s around. The same goes for Lucy, who Kyouka resented at first for endangering Atsushi, and for her harsh personality that pushes everyone away. That was before though, before she learned that Lucy is genuinely kind, only a girl at heart, and she’s really fun to talk to, and hug, and go shopping for plushies and clothes and crêpes with.
Kyouka would defend Atsushi’s happiness with the blade of a katana and the might of a demon. Because he’s the one who saved her, because he’s her older brother. He has a way of bringing out the light in those with the blackest of blood. Though he’s made many enemies, he has twice as many friends, Lucy and Aku included. She’s never been more sure that they care for Atsushi than now, engaging in something so purely affectionate. That’s why Kyouka pitches in, because her heart is full to the limit.
Speaking of which, Atsushi seems to be reaching his limit.
Akutagawa is rough and awkward as he claws at the center of Atsushi’s abdomen. Even Rashoumon is crawling up and down his sides. Still sitting on his legs, Kyouka is moments away from flying off, and it’s only through sheer determination that she remains in place. Lucy has slowed her assault out of pity (because she is soft for this man and terrible at hiding it), slowly dragging her fingers across Atsushi’s jaw. Kyouka copies her: Akutagawa really is ruthless. Atsushi’s floundering and screaming is amusing though, and she can’t hold back the soft giggles escaping from her own chest. Though his laughter is desperate and embarrassed, it’s also bright and overwhelmed with love.
“You should learn to take this, weretiger. If you wish to help people, endurance and inspiration of the soul are necessary skills to have.”
Which is basically fancy talk for: Your joy could cure the world’s suffering and you should show it more often.
“How foolish of you to sass me in your position.”
Atsushi’s chest barely gets the chance to rise and fall before another laugh is forced out. He probably needs a breather. Lucy, despite being the one to start this, is also the first to end it.
“Now now, Aku. Give him a break. We were at this for a while before you came.”
Akutagawa hums, but he retracts his hand and his ability. Lucy and Kyouka let up, and Kyouka removes herself from Atsushi’s legs. Finally free, Atsushi collapses into Lucy’s lap with an inhale that could rival a tornado. He tries to regulate his breathing with giggles interrupting, and he buries his face against Lucy’s thigh, turning to his original assailant for comfort. Lucy blushes even redder than Atsushi himself had because his tiny exhausted closed-eye smile is the cutest thing she’s ever seen, but settles her hand on his back for a massage.
“You hahall… ahawful,” he titters. “Lucy, I’m sohorry for hosing you.”
Kyouka appears beside Lucy and pats Atsushi’s head. Lucy sighs as if she’d just been hit with the force of all the love in the world. “I suppose I can forgive you. I’m a little less soaked now, thanks for asking.”
“Sorry, sorry.” His chuckles turn to sleepy mumbles. “That’s good, though. I’m glad.”
“Quit apologizing.” Lucy covers her face with her equally red hair and turns away. “You’re such a sap.”
“Far too soft,” Akutagawa adds, leaning down to press a kiss to Atsushi’s upright cheek. Kyouka moves her hand so Lucy can kiss the cat’s head too, instead throwing her legs over him and leaning on Lucy’s shoulder. Akutagawa is a clumsy distance from the cuddle pile, hunched over Atsushi, so the tiger throws an arm around his other life partner’s shoulders and drags him down to rest on his back, maneuvering himself so he’s on his stomach, chin on Lucy’s lap. She runs her fingers through choppy white hair and shifts one leg to lay on Akutagawa’s arm and establish a point of contact with everyone. She laughs quietly as she looks over their entangled position, like some kind of Tetris puzzle.
And then she starts laughing for a very different reason.
Kyouka flinches as Lucy’s shoulder jolts her off and blinks rapidly. Then she catches sight of Lucy’s hysterical expression and wide open mouth, someone’s fingers scribbling up her sides, and understands. Screeching, Lucy kicks and shoves at the boy in her lap, the culprit, and realizes that with all the bodies piled on top of her, there is no escape.
Atsushi, the ever perseverant hero he is, grins up at her with teeth white as an angel but pointy as a beast. “Revenge.”
And this is what happens when you go up against Nakajima Atsushi.
ᓚᘏᗢ ♡ ≽^•⩊•^≼ ♡ ૮(˶• ༝ •˶)ა ♡ /ᐠ •̀ ˕ •́ マ ♡ ՞ↀ - ↀ՞
Ryu may have the most money but he has near-zero social capabilities. They all lack people skills actually, but Aku lost the last video game tournament. So he’s doing the grocery shopping.
Also they love each other <3
I don’t know why I got so emotional with Kyouka’s POV but it’s probably because I adore her to the ends of the earth. Two paragraphs of just Kyouka reflection bc I think she’s the type to start daydreaming in the middle of an attack.
Relationship HCs:
Atsushi and Lucy — like lonely little children in love, so desperately it hurts
Atsushi and Akutagawa — It’s Complicated™️ (it isn’t)
Akutagawa and Kyouka — it is actually complicated, but they’re getting there
Kyouka and Atsushi — the purest form of connection, siblings <3
Kyouka and Lucy — sisters who give each other the freedom to just be girls
Lucy and Akutagawa — from strangers to not so much so, united by their love for one special tiger (they’re still getting used to each other)
This is a long-ahh footnote I’m sorry
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booklovershouse · 2 months
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Oiiii, booklovers!
Será que a adm aprendeu a fazer capas bonitas novamente?
Aproveitando a onda do sucesso de Divertidamente - ainda não consegui assistir, porém sei mais ou menos o que aconteceu - resolvi responder uma booktag que vi na rede vizinha.
Eu sei que vcs já devem estar cansados de booktags mas,
1 - Minhas leituras têm sido HORROROSAS.
2 - Mal tenho tempo pra fazer capas e vou escrevendo os posts de pouquinho em pouquinho (normalmente entre as aulas). Vou ver se consigo fazer várias capas agr nas férias pra escrever ao longo do ano.
3 - Peguei uma ressaca literária terrível - não consegui terminar UM livro desde maio - e só estou voltando ao ritmo agora.
Enfim, vamos à booktag!
💙| Tristeza: renderam um bom choro
Confesso que, pra mim, é mais fácil chorar de emoção por algum momento fofo do casal do que de tristeza (sou um pouquinho emocionada demais kkkkkkk). Maaaas, tem alguns livros que me deixam triste só de pensar:
• A Menina que Roubava Livros - Markus Zusak (o livro é sobre a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Preciso dizer mais alguma coisa?)
• Sem Coração - Marissa Meyer (como a Rainha de Copas se tornou a vilã do País das Maravilhas)
• Rilla de Ingleside - Lucy M. Montgomery (meu personagem favorito foi promovido a defunto)
Em resumo, se quiser se afogar em lágrimas, leia 🙃
💛| Alegria: só trouxeram felicidade e boas risadas
Livros alegres têm meu coração todinho 😌❤️
• Confissões de uma Terapeuta - Renata Lustosa (isso aqui é pura comédia kkkkkkk)
• Amor & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welch (se você é um "tio do pavê" disfarçado, vai gostar dos trocadilhos da Lina e do romance fofinho)
• Crônicas Lunares - Marissa Meyer (Thorne claramente é o palhaço da turma)
• Me leve para casa para o Natal - Thaís Dourado (comédia romântica natalina estilo hallmark)
💚| Nojinho: me deram ranço
Como ainda tem o "raiva" ali embaixo, aqui estão os que começaram bem e depois desandaram...
• Saga Anne - Lucy M. Montgomery (não é que começou bem beeem, mas terminei a saga jurando nunca mais ler nada dessa autora 🙃)
• Um de Nós está Mentindo - Karen M. McManus (n tenho raiva mas tbm não pretendo ler mais nada dela)
• Princesa das Águas - Paula Pimenta (amo a Paulinha, mas detestei esse livro 🤡)
Os outros que conseguiram classificações abaixo de duas estrelas - tradução: me dão raiva só de pensar - ficam para os próximos "capítulos" kkkkk
💜| Medo: me deu arrepios ao longo da história
Essa categoria é a mais escassa, pq como sou medrosa demais (ao ponto de não conseguir dormir), evito qualquer coisa que possa me assustar.
• A Volta da Chave - Ruth Ware (apesar de passar 95% do livro crendo que tudo era causado por alguém de carne e osso, às vezes ficava com medo de ser um livro de terror disfarçado e do nada descobrir que era tipo A Casa Monstro)
🧡| Ansiedade: me deixou ansiosa
Eu fico extremamente ansiosa com fantasias/distopias, o que me faz evitar um pouco o gênero, pq tem horas que esqueço de respirar. Sério.
• Renegados/Sem Coração/Crônicas Lunares- Marissa Meyer (apesar de ser uma das minhas autoras preferidas, essa daqui tem potencial pra me matar do coração algum dia)
• Confusão é meu nome do meio - Stephanie Tromly (surtei praticamente o livro inteiro)
• O Beijo Traiçoeiro - Erin Beaty (no final, nem era tudo oq eu esperava, fiquei nervosa à toa)
❤️| Raiva: só passei raiva
Top livros que eu gostaria de "desler":
• Na Porta ao Lado - Luíza Trigo (eu shippei o casal errado. O título deixa totalmente na cara e, com o passar do tempo, a gente desenvolve o dom de ler o nome e saber que a protagonista vai ficar com ele, MAS EU QUERIA QUE ELA FICASSE COM O OUTROOOOO 😭😭😭)
• Shine - Jessica Jung (é tipo O Diário de uma Garota Nada Popular versão K-Pop. A briga entre a protagonista e a antagonista é muito sem fundamento)
• A Coroa - Kiera Cass (que quase ngm gosta da Eadlyn, nós já sabemos. E o pior foi que eu tava shippando ela com outra pessoa e do nada ela resolve se apaixonar por esse cara. Eu me senti uma palhaça)
• Sonata em Punk Rock - Babi Dewet (parece com Go! - Viva a Vida do Seu Jeito e eu tbm odiei essa série 🙂)
🩵| Inveja: uma série de livros que queria viver
Primeiro, eu diria Minha Vida Fora de Série, mas sou total e completamente apaixonada pelo Rodrigo Rochette e ele é apaixonado pela namorada dele, ent seria sofrimento na certa.
Dadas as circunstâncias, escolho me mudar para o 221b da Baker Street a fim de investigar casos com o Sherlock e o caro Watson. Ngm suspeitaria de uma menina ajudando Sherlock Holmes nas investigações, né? 😌
🖤| Tédio: achei entediante
Aqui sou obrigada a pegar uns livros que abandonei, pois raramente continuo algo que não tô gostando.
• Anne de Windy Polars - Lucy M. Montgomery (mds do céu, que livro chato)
• O Misterioso Sr. Quin - Agatha Christie (nada contra ela, por enquanto, mas esse é bem chatinho)
• Moby Dick - Herman Melville (juro que tentei)
🩷| Vergonha: me fez sentir vergonha
• Fazendo Meu Filme 1 - Paula Pimenta (quem leu não necessita de explicações. Aquela fala do intercâmbio dá mta vergonha alheia kkkkkk)
• Geekerela - Ashley Poston (se eu tivesse no meio daquela treta, teria vontade de enfiar a cabeça num buraco)
• Cecília Vargas em Mistério na Casa-grande - Kézia Garcia (a edição não existe mais, - agr é Cidades Pequenas não Guardam Segredos - mas a vergonha das maluquices da Ceci é eterna kkkkkk)
Enfim galera, é isso, estamos de volta aos posts quilométricos 🧚🏻‍♀️
Bjs e boas leiturassss <3333
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mysteriouslee · 8 months
which one do you think it's more cute
Sasha snorts while marcy tickles her or
Sasha wiggles while Anne tickles her
Honestly both, I might just write for it too!!
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hyper-pie · 1 year
A comforting wake up call
Ler! Anne
Lee! Reader
Implied Sashannarcy x reader accept this is just featuring Anne and reader
Set after the epilogue
A dim light came in from the darkness as you opened your eyes looking around at the large colorful room around you. Anne was still holding you close to her chest.
Confused of where Sasha was, you let out a confused squeak. To that Anne smiled down at you.“Why hello there sleepy head~”
Sang the brunette sleepily as she scratched under your chin making you melt into her hands becoming complete putty. "Sasha got an emergency call from work so she had to go so you get me this morning since Marcy is on vacation" you gave a soft smile at her words leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on the lips, and she hummed contently leaning into the kiss then pulling away smiling happily at you. "You are so cute! I could just cuddle you forever!." You became shy at the comment hiding your face in Anne’s chest mumbling somthing incoherent that even you couldn’t understand. Anne simply traced her nails very lightly up and down your back making you tense at first only to melt into the sensations giggles floating from your mouth, soon to be interrupted by snorts as she moved her gentle traces to your sides. Your eyes were closed as you melted and held tight onto your girlfriend as she continued her gentle affection her hands drawing closer to your tummy, breaking you when her fingers arrived there. She barely said anything, her only interest at hand, being able to hear your soft giggles and snorts, finding you to be the cutest thing in the entire world, then stopping her affection with a gentle kiss to your nose then a soft kiss on your lips. Your cheeks were flushed red, your eyes gently looking at her, Anne returning the same look finally spoke. “I love you n/n” you smiled softly “I love you too Anna-Banana”
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g1ggl3-c4t · 11 months
Take this little scene redraw of Andy getting wrecked :3
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Strong tough and terrific boys can be ticklish too :]
Og frames:
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