ghostlee · 1 year
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Hey Hi! I am in-fact still alive! Idk how long I’ll be active here for but I am on a rampage of lee!5up and I will do anything, including writing it myself to get it 😭😭🙏
Pls pls pls if you have any or know any Lee!5up anything don’t be shy, send it to me I will love you for eternity <3
So uh, about just doing it myself and writing my own fic, I did exactly that. Loosely based on a post from @taco-theblob Go check them out they are super cool 💖💖
Anyways here’s the fic ^T^
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This story contains:
Tickles, Soft Tickles, Neglecting Needs, A very cute 5up and a very mischievous but good intentioned Fundy
2,777 words.
Tumbly Rumblies
Fic by: ghostleetickles
5up had been working on editing for the last 8 hours; he could barely stand another minute of sitting there in that chair. He bounced his knee in impatience while quietly humming to himself, his eyes scanning over the timeline of the video again, sighing as he hit play for what had to be the thousandth time.
Chattering audio of people talking once again filled the room, and he listened and watched carefully for the next place to stop the video to begin editing again. After about 40 seconds into the clip he was currently working on, he paused the video again to splice the clip. While the room was quiet again, he heard his stomach grumble, signifying that he was hungry.
Letting out a quiet sigh, he reached over and picked up his metal water bottle and opened it up to drink some water, choosing for now to ignore his need for food in order to instead hopefully get this video out some time today.
Setting his water bottle back down, he again leaned back over and started editing the clip he was working with. Suddenly another sound pierced the air, which caused 5up to jump a little and turn to look behind him when he heard a soft knock on the door. The door opened a little bit, and reddish brown hair with two fox ears peaked out.
“Hey, 5-" Fundy said, smiling gently. He looked at the pink-haired boy with worried eyes. This had been the third time Fundy had gone up to disrupt 5up’ work, but he didn’t mind a slight distraction so long as he could get back to work right after.
Hello, Fundy. What can I do for you?" 5up softly laughed, trying to play it cool since he knew exactly what Fundy was here for this time. "
The fox boy sheepishly grinned some as his reddish brown-tipped ears folded back a little bit. "Could you please come get something to eat? You’ve been up here for awhile and missed lunch because of it."
There it was, just as he had thought. This was the third time the fox-hybrid had asked for his presence down in the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. 5up glanced back at his work for a moment, feeling a pit of guilt in his stomach both for not giving into what Fundy wanted and for wanting to quit on this project now to get something to munch on.
As much as he wanted to give in to what Fundy was requesting, he just couldn’t tear himself away from his work when he was in such a good workflow right now.
Sorry, Fundy, but I have to work on this right now. I promise I’ll come down once I’m done though and have some dinner." 5up felt bad, but he had to focus on this for now. Looking at the other boy, he hoped that Fundy understood where he was coming from and would leave the man alone for just a little bit longer so that he could finish this video.
Fundy felt a tad bit annoyed that his pink-haired friend was putting work over his own needs, but he was willing to put it aside for now if he had promised to come downstairs as soon as he was done. "Fine, but you come downstairs as soon as you are finished!" Fundy said, and he smiled at his roommate.
5up felt relieved that the other understood and turned his chair back toward his desk to continue working. He heard the door close and then footsteps padding away. Smiling lightly, he tried to get back to work.
From down the hall, Fundy felt a tang of guilt for just letting his friend go about with this, when suddenly his ears twitched and adjusted to hear better when he picked up on a little pink-haired man’s stomach growling from down the hall.
Fundy's tail started swishing back and forth, annoyed, as he started contemplating going back in there and just demanding that 5up come get something to eat. His mind fought with him, one part of it telling him to march back in there and pull him physically away from his work and carry his ass back downstairs if need be, the other just letting it go. He bit his lip nervously, debating what to do—go in there and make him take a break or let him do his thing. The decision was plaguing his mind.
With a rush of courage and no clue what he was actually going to do once he got in there, he marched his way back down the hall and barged into 5up’s room, going over to the pink-haired boy, who quickly turned around, very confused at the sudden appearance.
"W-what are you doing?" 5up laughed nervously, watching the fox-hybrid with cautious eyes as the boy spun him around and put one hand on each arm rest, trapping the pink-haired boy there.
Fundy looked at him with puppy-dog eyes and said, "Please come downstairs."
5up had already decided and sighed before deadpanning, needing to get back to work. "I’m busy, Fundy."
The fox-hybrid's tail started shaking in a playful manner before he made a gut-instinct decision.
"Forgive me, 5; but this has to happen," he lunged in before digging his fingers into 5up’s sides and starting wiggling them around, making the pink-haired boy let out a loud screech of surprise and start wiggling around trying to stop the sensation.
5up held out for a solid 15 seconds, trying desperately not to give in to complete hysteria, trying desperately not to give Fundy a reaction more than what he’s already given the fox hybrid to confirm that he was actually very ticklish. Had he known this would be the result of postponing his needs, he would’ve gone down with Fundy when he asked, yet here he was at the mercy of the fox hybrid now.
It started with some side tickles. Fundy wiggled his fingers against the very flighty boy's seemingly hypersensitive sides before he began poking them and prodding into his stomach as well, not letting the boy catch a break. Fundy felt his cheeks burn a little bit when 5up finally broke, letting out cute giggles every few seconds and having them break into more desperate laughter whenever Fundy hit a more sensitive spot.
"Pleas-eshshshs, I'll go eat! Stohahahahahp!" 5up called out between fits of sweet laughter, trying to hide his face while also trying to protect his stomach.
Fundy smiled, happy that he might actually change his friend's mind, but now he was so hooked on hearing that adorable laugh that he couldn’t stop yet. "Ahhhhhh no, I don’t think I will... You rejected my pleas for you to take care of your needs one too many times, and now this is the price you must pay for defying me," Fundy said in a teasing way and grinned to himself when 5up’s laughter went up an octave when he scribbled over the boys ribs.
"NO—-NOO NOHAHAHAHAH StAHAHAHop!! Pleehehehehasseee! It tichehehekles sohohoh muhahaach!" 5up squeaked out, feeling tears of laughter prick at his eyes through the laughter. It felt like a million butterflies were fluttering against his stomach all at once, and it drove him crazy.
Fundy leaned in more, pushing 5up's sweater up with his hands, and then taking a big breath before blowing a massive raspberry right over the boy's left ribs. 5up jolted up and nearly fell off the chair before he came crashing back down onto it. His hands curled into fists, and he hit Fundy on the back with ever weakening hits the more he got tickled. Fundy moved his hands back to his sides, squeezing them and skittering his nails up and down between the boy's ribs and waist.
"Fuhuhundyyy! Plehaahahahahse!" 5up begged, burying his head into Fundy's shoulder, trying desperately to push the boy off him and cease the tickle attack on his stomach.
Fundy felt 5up’s fists slowly stop hitting him, and instead just the boy's hands were grabbing onto his hoodie and clawing at his back lightly, trying to get a grip. 5up's sweater also fell back down over Fundy's head, his ears twitching and fluttering against 5up's ribs as well as his stubble rubbing gently against the boy's lower belly every time he would lean in to nibble gently at 5up's belly or to blow a raspberry.
The tickling went to a light skittering at 5up's ribs as Fundy took a second to press his ear up against 5up's stomach, the twitching of his furry fox ears causing 5up to quiet down to just silent giggles, his eyes squeezed shut. After listening for a moment, Fundy once again heard the boy's stomach growl, and he snickered to himself before popping his head back out from under 5up's sweater and looking into 5up's eyes. "I can hear your tummy grumbling for food; I can tell you’re hungry." 5up felt himself blush knowing that Fundy was right.
5up was finally able to catch a breather and stared at Fundy with wide eyes, holding his shaking hands up in front of him in nervous defense; the boy was significantly smaller than Fundy, and when the fox hybrid suddenly grabbed his wrists and scooped him up, he let out a squeak of surprise.
Suddenly, his feet got put on the floor, and he was standing up, but he was shortly after pulled against Fundy's chest. 5up felt his face heat up, and he prayed and hoped Fundy wasn’t looking at him right now. His wrists were pulled over his head, Fundy's left hand holding both of them together over 5up. Fundy reached in with his right hand to 5up's stomach, pushing his sweater up with his hand before again scribbling his fingers all over his tummy. 5up felt his knees buckle immediately, not having the strength to hold himself up as he fell to his knees, with Fundy going with him. It didn’t take long before 5up was back at Fundy's mercy and the fox hybrid was once again squeezing his sides and dancing his fingers up and down all over the boy.
"PLEEHAAHSHSHSHSHSHSHHHHH N-NOHAHAHAt the behehehelly!" 5up pleaded
Fundy clawed at the boy's ribs again, giggling when 5up's head was thrown back against his chest as the boy fought to stay up even on his knees. Fundy thought this was super cute, and while he could’ve sat there for hours tickling 5 up into hysterical ticklish bliss, the boy probably did need a breather.
"Only a little bit longer, pleaseeeeee?" Fundy asked nicely.
The fox hybrid went back to very lightly tracing his one finger up and down his right side, giving the boy a moment to respond.
5up continued lightly giggling as he had to weigh his choices: could he just let Fundy do his thing for a little bit more or possibly be stuck here for who knows how long? He nervously thought to himself before gently sighing, "Fine! Only one more thing, though!"
Fundy grinned like a child in a candy shop before he let 5up fall back onto the ground, having him lay flat there as he continued to pin 5up's wrists over his head. Swinging his leg over the pink-haired boy's waist, he straddled the man and leaned over menacingly like a hungry tiger about to pounce on its prey. 5up swallowed nervously; he had sort of brought this on himself, so he waited now in anticipation to find out what would be Fundy's finishing move to incapacitate the other boy to the point of hysteria.
5up watched the clever fox boy wag his tail some as Fundy's eyes scanned over every inch of him, trying to decide where to go. Fundy pushed 5up's sweater back up, but it just stayed there now that 5up was fully on the ground. "What are you planning, Fundy?" 5up asked nervously, trying to prepare himself and feeling butterflies in his stomach from all the built-up anticipation.
Fundy found the perfect target; he had no idea 5up was this ticklish, so this spot was only a mere hope that the boy was even just a little bit ticklish here. "Oh, I have just the spot. Say, Is your belly button ticklish?"
5up’s stomach sank; he had to think fast. His belly button was quite literally one of his worst spots, if not the worst. What could he possibly say in this situation? Is there anything he could say to get himself out of this? Was it too late? Before he knew it, 5up realized he had spaced out thinking about the situation at hand, giving it completely away to Fundy that it was a bad spot.
5up looked at Fundy with wide eyes; the boy looked like a deer in headlights—he sucked back a breath of air before answering. "…. Nooo..-?… no- it’s not." 5up sheepishly smiled, knowing damn well that he botched it. Fundy got his iconic, mischievous fox-like grin, and immediately 5up knew the gig was up. Yet Fundy decided to play along with it.
"Ohhhhhh, okay, so you wouldn’t mind at all if I just tickled, tickled, tickled this cute little button." Fundy retracted his claws as he wiggled his fingers teasingly above the boy's stomach, making the boy flinch and start nervously giggling while waiting for the tickling to start again.
"N-no… o-of course nohahahah!"   5up squeaked a bit as Fundy pretended to pounce but didn’t actually touch 5up yet, scaring the boy into thinking he was going to tickle attack again.
"I see, I see. I know my best friend ever would never lie to me, so I trust you!" Fundy grinned, knowing this must be driving 5up mad.
Suddenly, Fundy dug his fingers into his sides while he brought his face down to blow a big raspberry, followed by a bunch of nibbles right onto 5up's belly button. Fundy thought the boy was going to ascend, so 5up arched his back up into Fundy's lips so fast and let out screams of laughter as he struggled and wiggled around on the floor, trying to get his hypersensitive belly button away from the tickling source.
"PLEASASHAHAHHAHAHHASEEEEE!! NOAHAHhahhahHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" 5up screamed, throwing his head back against the floor, and laughing so hard he thought he was going to pass out. Fundy kept it up for another minute or so. And 5up inevitability started choking on air as Fundy ceased the tickling, giving the boy's tummy one more little kiss before hopping off of him and grabbing 5up’s water bottle from off the desk to give to the still-giggling boy.
5up lay there for another 2-3 minutes, sucking in breaths of air as his glassy, watery eyes just looked up at the ceiling. His hands were curled around his torso protectively, and he pulled his knees up and just laid there on the floor, his chest still rapidly rising and falling.
"Thahahaat wahahahas meheeheannn!" 5up giggled lightly, still feeling super sensitive from the onslaught of tickles, while Fundy sat next to him on the floor.
Fundy grinned and started laughing some with 5up, "million dollar question, did you at least have fun--"
5up deadpanned immediately, "No, it was absolutely awful.." He looked away from his roommate but could feel Fundy's puppy dog eyes staring bullets at him.
"Ok.   Fine.   Maybe a little bit…”
5up said, he felt a blush coming onto his face again as he fought everything in him to not make eye contact with Fundy.
"Awwwwww! Hehehe, I didn’t know you were so ticklish! That’s so cute!" Fundy cooed before pulling 5up off the floor and into a sitting hug.
"Now please take care of your needs before the tickle monster decides to have another snack." He whispered into 5up’s ear, feeling the boy shudder in his hug and his heart start pounding.
"Will do." 5up said quickly and laughed some. "I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you earlier.
"It’s okay, I got to learn a new way to get you to take care of yourself; don’t worry, this certainly won’t be the last time this happens." Fundy grinned before patting 5up on the back and pulling him up onto his feet to go get some dinner.
5up felt his stomach drop as he nodded his head, silently holding back nervous giggles. Soon they both went downstairs to have a much-needed dinner as Fundy made fun of 5up for lying to him about his belly button being as ticklish as it was. The two sweetly bickered for awhile, Fundy making small teasing digs at 5up over how cute he is.
5up was still rather shy and nervous about all that went down he really didn’t want to admit it but, dare he say, he was almost looking forward to defying the tickle monster again?
(Finish) 5up had been working on editing for the last 8 hours; he could barely stand another minute of sitting there in that chair. He bounced his knee in impatience while quietly humming to himself, his eyes scanning over the timeline of the video again, sighing as he hit play for what had to be the thousandth time.
Chattering audio of people talking once again filled the room, and he listened and watched carefully for the next place to stop the video to begin editing again. After about 40 seconds into the clip he was currently working on, he paused the video again to splice the clip. While the room was quiet again, he heard his stomach grumble, signifying that he was hungry.
Letting out a quiet sigh, he reached over and picked up his metal water bottle and opened it up to drink some water, choosing for now to ignore his need for food in order to instead hopefully get this video out some time today.
Setting his water bottle back down, he again leaned back over and started editing the clip he was working with. Suddenly another sound pierced the air, which caused 5up to jump a little and turn to look behind him when he heard a soft knock on the door. The door opened a little bit, and reddish brown hair with two fox ears peaked out.
“Hey, 5-" Fundy said, smiling gently. He looked at the pink-haired boy with worried eyes. This had been the third time Fundy had gone up to disrupt 5up’ work, but he didn’t mind a slight distraction so long as he could get back to work right after.
Hello, Fundy. What can I do for you?" 5up softly laughed, trying to play it cool since he knew exactly what Fundy was here for this time. "
The fox boy sheepishly grinned some as his reddish brown-tipped ears folded back a little bit. "Could you please come get something to eat? You’ve been up here for awhile and missed lunch because of it."
There it was, just as he had thought. This was the third time the fox-hybrid had asked for his presence down in the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. 5up glanced back at his work for a moment, feeling a pit of guilt in his stomach both for not giving into what Fundy wanted and for wanting to quit on this project now to get something to munch on.
As much as he wanted to give in to what Fundy was requesting, he just couldn’t tear himself away from his work when he was in such a good workflow right now.
Sorry, Fundy, but I have to work on this right now. I promise I’ll come down once I’m done though and have some dinner." 5up felt bad, but he had to focus on this for now. Looking at the other boy, he hoped that Fundy understood where he was coming from and would leave the man alone for just a little bit longer so that he could finish this video.
Fundy felt a tad bit annoyed that his pink-haired friend was putting work over his own needs, but he was willing to put it aside for now if he had promised to come downstairs as soon as he was done. "Fine, but you come downstairs as soon as you are finished!" Fundy said, and he smiled at his roommate.
5up felt relieved that the other understood and turned his chair back toward his desk to continue working. He heard the door close and then footsteps padding away. Smiling lightly, he tried to get back to work.
From down the hall, Fundy felt a tang of guilt for just letting his friend go about with this, when suddenly his ears twitched and adjusted to hear better when he picked up on a little pink-haired man’s stomach growling from down the hall.
Fundy's tail started swishing back and forth, annoyed, as he started contemplating going back in there and just demanding that 5up come get something to eat. His mind fought with him, one part of it telling him to march back in there and pull him physically away from his work and carry his ass back downstairs if need be, the other just letting it go. He bit his lip nervously, debating what to do—go in there and make him take a break or let him do his thing. The decision was plaguing his mind.
With a rush of courage and no clue what he was actually going to do once he got in there, he marched his way back down the hall and barged into 5up’s room, going over to the pink-haired boy, who quickly turned around, very confused at the sudden appearance.
"W-what are you doing?" 5up laughed nervously, watching the fox-hybrid with cautious eyes as the boy spun him around and put one hand on each arm rest, trapping the pink-haired boy there.
Fundy looked at him with puppy-dog eyes and said, "Please come downstairs."
5up had already decided and sighed before deadpanning, needing to get back to work. "I’m busy, Fundy."
The fox-hybrid's tail started shaking in a playful manner before he made a gut-instinct decision.
"Forgive me, 5; but this has to happen," he lunged in before digging his fingers into 5up’s sides and starting wiggling them around, making the pink-haired boy let out a loud screech of surprise and start wiggling around trying to stop the sensation.
5up held out for a solid 15 seconds, trying desperately not to give in to complete hysteria, trying desperately not to give Fundy a reaction more than what he’s already given the fox hybrid to confirm that he was actually very ticklish. Had he known this would be the result of postponing his needs, he would’ve gone down with Fundy when he asked, yet here he was at the mercy of the fox hybrid now.
It started with some side tickles. Fundy wiggled his fingers against the very flighty boy's seemingly hypersensitive sides before he began poking them and prodding into his stomach as well, not letting the boy catch a break. Fundy felt his cheeks burn a little bit when 5up finally broke, letting out cute giggles every few seconds and having them break into more desperate laughter whenever Fundy hit a more sensitive spot.
"Pleas-eshshshs, I'll go eat! Stohahahahahp!" 5up called out between fits of sweet laughter, trying to hide his face while also trying to protect his stomach.
Fundy smiled, happy that he might actually change his friend's mind, but now he was so hooked on hearing that adorable laugh that he couldn’t stop yet. "Ahhhhhh no, I don’t think I will... You rejected my pleas for you to take care of your needs one too many times, and now this is the price you must pay for defying me," Fundy said in a teasing way and grinned to himself when 5up’s laughter went up an octave when he scribbled over the boys ribs.
"NO—-NOO NOHAHAHAHAH StAHAHAHop!! Pleehehehehasseee! It tichehehekles sohohoh muhahaach!" 5up squeaked out, feeling tears of laughter prick at his eyes through the laughter. It felt like a million butterflies were fluttering against his stomach all at once, and it drove him crazy.
Fundy leaned in more, pushing 5up's sweater up with his hands, and then taking a big breath before blowing a massive raspberry right over the boy's left ribs. 5up jolted up and nearly fell off the chair before he came crashing back down onto it. His hands curled into fists, and he hit Fundy on the back with ever weakening hits the more he got tickled. Fundy moved his hands back to his sides, squeezing them and skittering his nails up and down between the boy's ribs and waist.
"Fuhuhundyyy! Plehaahahahahse!" 5up begged, burying his head into Fundy's shoulder, trying desperately to push the boy off him and cease the tickle attack on his stomach.
Fundy felt 5up’s fists slowly stop hitting him, and instead just the boy's hands were grabbing onto his hoodie and clawing at his back lightly, trying to get a grip. 5up's sweater also fell back down over Fundy's head, his ears twitching and fluttering against 5up's ribs as well as his stubble rubbing gently against the boy's lower belly every time he would lean in to nibble gently at 5up's belly or to blow a raspberry.
The tickling went to a light skittering at 5up's ribs as Fundy took a second to press his ear up against 5up's stomach, the twitching of his furry fox ears causing 5up to quiet down to just silent giggles, his eyes squeezed shut. After listening for a moment, Fundy once again heard the boy's stomach growl, and he snickered to himself before popping his head back out from under 5up's sweater and looking into 5up's eyes. "I can hear your tummy grumbling for food; I can tell you’re hungry." 5up felt himself blush knowing that Fundy was right.
5up was finally able to catch a breather and stared at Fundy with wide eyes, holding his shaking hands up in front of him in nervous defense; the boy was significantly smaller than Fundy, and when the fox hybrid suddenly grabbed his wrists and scooped him up, he let out a squeak of surprise.
Suddenly, his feet got put on the floor, and he was standing up, but he was shortly after pulled against Fundy's chest. 5up felt his face heat up, and he prayed and hoped Fundy wasn’t looking at him right now. His wrists were pulled over his head, Fundy's left hand holding both of them together over 5up. Fundy reached in with his right hand to 5up's stomach, pushing his sweater up with his hand before again scribbling his fingers all over his tummy. 5up felt his knees buckle immediately, not having the strength to hold himself up as he fell to his knees, with Fundy going with him. It didn’t take long before 5up was back at Fundy's mercy and the fox hybrid was once again squeezing his sides and dancing his fingers up and down all over the boy.
"PLEEHAAHSHSHSHSHSHSHHHHH N-NOHAHAHAt the behehehelly!" 5up pleaded
Fundy clawed at the boy's ribs again, giggling when 5up's head was thrown back against his chest as the boy fought to stay up even on his knees. Fundy thought this was super cute, and while he could’ve sat there for hours tickling 5 up into hysterical ticklish bliss, the boy probably did need a breather.
"Only a little bit longer, pleaseeeeee?" Fundy asked nicely.
The fox hybrid went back to very lightly tracing his one finger up and down his right side, giving the boy a moment to respond.
5up continued lightly giggling as he had to weigh his choices: could he just let Fundy do his thing for a little bit more or possibly be stuck here for who knows how long? He nervously thought to himself before gently sighing, "Fine! Only one more thing, though!"
Fundy grinned like a child in a candy shop before he let 5up fall back onto the ground, having him lay flat there as he continued to pin 5up's wrists over his head. Swinging his leg over the pink-haired boy's waist, he straddled the man and leaned over menacingly like a hungry tiger about to pounce on its prey. 5up swallowed nervously; he had sort of brought this on himself, so he waited now in anticipation to find out what would be Fundy's finishing move to incapacitate the other boy to the point of hysteria.
5up watched the clever fox boy wag his tail some as Fundy's eyes scanned over every inch of him, trying to decide where to go. Fundy pushed 5up's sweater back up, but it just stayed there now that 5up was fully on the ground. "What are you planning, Fundy?" 5up asked nervously, trying to prepare himself and feeling butterflies in his stomach from all the built-up anticipation.
Fundy found the perfect target; he had no idea 5up was this ticklish, so this spot was only a mere hope that the boy was even just a little bit ticklish here. "Oh, I have just the spot. Say, Is your belly button ticklish?"
5up’s stomach sank; he had to think fast. His belly button was quite literally one of his worst spots, if not the worst. What could he possibly say in this situation? Is there anything he could say to get himself out of this? Was it too late? Before he knew it, 5up realized he had spaced out thinking about the situation at hand, giving it completely away to Fundy that it was a bad spot.
5up looked at Fundy with wide eyes; the boy looked like a deer in headlights—he sucked back a breath of air before answering. "…. Nooo..-?… no- it’s not." 5up sheepishly smiled, knowing damn well that he botched it. Fundy got his iconic, mischievous fox-like grin, and immediately 5up knew the gig was up. Yet Fundy decided to play along with it.
"Ohhhhhh, okay, so you wouldn’t mind at all if I just tickled, tickled, tickled this cute little button." Fundy retracted his claws as he wiggled his fingers teasingly above the boy's stomach, making the boy flinch and start nervously giggling while waiting for the tickling to start again.
"N-no… o-of course nohahahah!"   5up squeaked a bit as Fundy pretended to pounce but didn’t actually touch 5up yet, scaring the boy into thinking he was going to tickle attack again.
"I see, I see. I know my best friend ever would never lie to me, so I trust you!" Fundy grinned, knowing this must be driving 5up mad.
Suddenly, Fundy dug his fingers into his sides while he brought his face down to blow a big raspberry, followed by a bunch of nibbles right onto 5up's belly button. Fundy thought the boy was going to ascend, so 5up arched his back up into Fundy's lips so fast and let out screams of laughter as he struggled and wiggled around on the floor, trying to get his hypersensitive belly button away from the tickling source.
"PLEASASHAHAHHAHAHHASEEEEE!! NOAHAHhahhahHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" 5up screamed, throwing his head back against the floor, and laughing so hard he thought he was going to pass out. Fundy kept it up for another minute or so. And 5up inevitability started choking on air as Fundy ceased the tickling, giving the boy's tummy one more little kiss before hopping off of him and grabbing 5up’s water bottle from off the desk to give to the still-giggling boy.
5up lay there for another 2-3 minutes, sucking in breaths of air as his glassy, watery eyes just looked up at the ceiling. His hands were curled around his torso protectively, and he pulled his knees up and just laid there on the floor, his chest still rapidly rising and falling.
"Thahahaat wahahahas meheeheannn!" 5up giggled lightly, still feeling super sensitive from the onslaught of tickles, while Fundy sat next to him on the floor.
Fundy grinned and started laughing some with 5up, "million dollar question, did you at least have fun--"
5up deadpanned immediately, "No, it was absolutely awful.." He looked away from his roommate but could feel Fundy's puppy dog eyes staring bullets at him.
"Ok.   Fine.   Maybe a little bit…”
5up said, he felt a blush coming onto his face again as he fought everything in him to not make eye contact with Fundy.
"Awwwwww! Hehehe, I didn’t know you were so ticklish! That’s so cute!" Fundy cooed before pulling 5up off the floor and into a sitting hug.
"Now please take care of your needs before the tickle monster decides to have another snack." He whispered into 5up’s ear, feeling the boy shudder in his hug and his heart start pounding.
"Will do." 5up said quickly and laughed some. "I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you earlier.
"It’s okay, I got to learn a new way to get you to take care of yourself; don’t worry, this certainly won’t be the last time this happens." Fundy grinned before patting 5up on the back and pulling him up onto his feet to go get some dinner.
5up felt his stomach drop as he nodded his head, silently holding back nervous giggles. Soon they both went downstairs to have a much-needed dinner as Fundy made fun of 5up for lying to him about his belly button being as ticklish as it was. The two sweetly bickered for awhile, Fundy making small teasing digs at 5up over how cute he is.
5up was still rather shy and nervous about all that went down he really didn’t want to admit it but, dare he say, he was almost looking forward to defying the tickle monster again?
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totallynotbat · 2 years
Bonding - Tickletober Day 4
Prompt: Day 4 - Reward
Summary: Fundy and Phil have some bonding time together, which is rare for these two usually. 
Relationship is platonic. No ship tags! 
Wooo! I’ve been waiting for this! I love Fundy and Phil’s relationship. You don’t see it often! I figured this fits well enough with the two prompts.
Takes place after Wilbur’s revival. 
T/W: Swearing, Stress attack, Bit of angst.
Phil was stunned. 
Wilbur, his son, lied to him. He starred back up on the destroyed L’manburg, thinking about everything from when he first joined up too now. 
Was he really that gullible? Why’d he believe those letters? 
Philza turned his head, seeing Fundy to the right of him, the two sitting on a piece of near crumpled rock, across from the L’manburg flag, what was left of it at least.
“Are you alright?” Fundy asked, Phil shaking his head, looking down.
“No…I’m not…I just…” Phil mumbled, placing his hands over his face. Fundy placed a paw on Philza’s shoulder, ears lowered, but a small smile on his face.
“C’mere Phil.” Fundy pulled the avian into his arms, hearing a few muffled sobs as Phil pressed his face into Fundy’s chest. 
“Aw…Phil, I know. I know.” Fundy stroked a paw through the blondes hair, curling it with his claws. “This okay?” 
Philza simply nodded, as he continued sobbing. “Am I that gullible? Fundy? Why did I believe those letters?!” 
“Shhh, no your not, it’s okay Phil, it’s okay buddy, just relax and breathe, okay?” 
Fundy continued, using the same tactic Wilbur used on him sometimes when he was younger, stroking the blondes hair carefully, curling a few strands.
Fundy couldn’t remember much of his childhood, but he did remember this tactic Wilbur or his mother would use whenever he was stressed. 
Fundy wished he could spend more time with Phil but he didn’t know how to even ask, or even if Phil wanted too. What would they even do? 
Fundy heard Phil’s muffled sobbing, feeling like he wanted to strangle Wilbur soon if he saw him again. Fundy sighed, not thinking of any other way to calm the hybrid down.
Or maybe…
A sneaky idea came upon Fundy’s head, him placing a paw, wiping tears from Phil’s face, slowly tracing a claw towards and across Phil’s ears, noticing how they twitched and flapped a bit. 
“Fundy!-“ Phil squeaked in surprise, covering his mouth with his hands. 
“Aw, your ears are twitching!” Fundy chuckled, using one finger to tracing across the avian’s ears, which continued flapping as Phil squirmed and shook his head.
“Eheheasy Fundy!” Phil chuckled.
Fundy luckily stopped, allowing Phil to breathe from the attack. 
“Whahat the hell Fundy?” Philza said with a chuckle. 
“Just tried a tactic, Wilbur used with me.” Fundy smiled, releasing the avian from the hug.
“Heh, he got it from me.” Phil thought to himself.
The two climbed up to the top of the crater, walking over to Phil’s house. Phil allowing Fundy to talk, while Philza was thinking about what happened earlier.
Philza thought for a few minutes, he kinda didn’t want Fundy to stop, but how would he ask about Fundy, his grandson. To tickle him? He didn’t want to be an inconvenience to him but…given there history and rocky relationship it was going to be-
Phil looked up at Fundy, who stood in front of the doorway, confused. 
“Ah! Right, come in mate!” 
The two sat on the couch, watching TV, Philza still flustered a bit, the pros winning over the cons in this situation, but god it was getting frustrating. 
Philza doesn’t get flustered easily and here he was.
“Erm…Fundy…uh…” Phil shyly spoke, already feeling butterflies immediately at the pit of his stomach. 
Fundy turned his head, looking up at the avian. “Yeah?” 
Phil sighed, inhaling, gesturing to his ears. “You know how you traced my ears earlier?” 
“Yeah, what about that?” 
Philza began getting red again, dammit lee mood showing up at the wrong time. 
“Erm uh, could you possibly…uh…will you?” Phil mumbled, his wings flapping and twitching. 
Fundy smiled at the avian, noticing his wings. “You want me to tickle you, again?” 
Philza pressed his face into his hands. “Yes!” 
Fundy smirked, leaning back. “Of course, you need it anyways.” 
Phil smiled, a red flush on his face, Fundy allowing him to get comfortable on the couch, Phil laying his back on the armrest, his wings folded back.
“Just tell me when, okay?” Fundy asked, Phil giving a weak nod. 
Fundy started tracing Phil’s ears again. The older flinching and covering his mouth with his hands. 
“Aw!” Fundy cooed. “You can laugh Phil, this is kinda like a reward for you helping me.” 
Phil squirmed, him resting his head on the couch cushion, squeezing his eyes shut, a flustered smile on his face. 
Fundy smiled, using a claw to trace around the feathers behind the wing-ears, which continued twitching. 
“PFFT-Hehehe!!! Hahahaha! Ehehehehaha!!! Nohohoho! Hahahaha!!!” Phil began softly breaking into light bubbly giggles, he couldn’t keep his laughter contained for that long.
“Aww! There we go!” Fundy smiled. 
“Fuhuhuhndy!” Phil giggled, covering his mouth with his hands. 
“Yesss?” Fundy cooed, scribbling across the sensitive ears, which flapped and moved under the gentle touch. 
“It-Itit thihihickles!” Phil muffled laughter broke through his words.
“Aw, well that’s the point!” Fundy smirked, bringing his paws down to the man’s underarms. 
“FUNDY!” Phil squeaked, slamming his arms right uptop of Fundy’s paws, showing Phil’s flustered smile. 
“Aww, sensitive spot? TickleTickleTickleTickleee~” Fundy teased, wiggling his claws against the hollows. 
“Ehehehehahaha! NOHOHOHO!!!” Phil laughed, squirming around. “Gehehet out of therehehe!!!” 
“Hmmm nah!” Fundy smirked, continuing to tickle the man’s underarms. 
“AH! AHAHA! FUHUHUHNDY!!!” Phil squeaked, letting out an embarssed snort. 
“Aw! You snorted like a pig!” Fundy cooed, trailing a hand down to his sides. 
“Ihihihi! cahahant hehehelp it!!!” Phil snickered. 
“Heh! That’s on you when I do this!” Fundy scribbled across Phil’s sides.
“FUHUHUHNDY!!!” Phil giggled, a high pitch squeal escaping his mouth. 
“Someone’s a little giggly here~” Fundy cooed, wiggling his claws in between. “Who’s a lil ticklish giggle monster! You are! You are!” 
“Shuhuhut up Fuhuhuhndy!!!” Phil squeaked. 
“Shut up? Why I outta!” Fundy immediately sprung his claws to his bottom ribs. 
“EHEHEHEHAHAHA!!!” Phil squealed. 
“Oh little sensitive here?” Fundy moved his claws across the top of his ribs, sending Phil into high pitch laughter. 
“NAHAHA FUHUHUHNDY THAHAHAHAT THIHIHICKLES AHAHA!!!” Phil squealed, a set of embarrassing snorts escaping his mouth.
Fundy happily yipped, never hearing Phil laugh that much, slowing down a bit when Phil began wheezing.
“You mind?” Fundy placed his snout near Phil’s neck, Phil shook his head, he didn’t care. 
Fundy nuzzled Phil’s neck, his nose tingling against the avian’s neck and skin. 
“F-Fundy!” Phil snickered, trying to stifle his laughter. 
Fundy smiled, nibbling as lightly as possible across Phil’s neck.
“Ehehehehe!!!” Phil squeaked, pushing his head to the other side. “Nahat neheheck thihihickles!!!” 
“Oh, can’t handle nibbling? Too bad!” Fundy continued, nibbling faster up and down on the skin, switching over to the other side of his neck to blow a raspberry into the skin, sending the avian into a series of snorts and squeals. 
Fundy stopped, allowing Phil to sit up and walk over to hang up his kimono, revealing the green t-shirt and shorts he wore, his wings flapping a bit in response. 
Fundy smirked, noticing a red quill on the table. 
Phil was going to turn back and sit back down when a squeeze at his hips made him squeak. Fundy smiled, squeezing his hips again, the avian nearly falling over, Fundy catching him in his arms. 
“Fuhuhndy! Ehehehehahaha!!!” Phil fell apart like a sack of bricks, Fundy yipping in delight at Phil’s laughter. 
The two laid on the floor, Phil laying down as Fundy held him in his arms, continuing to squeeze and tickle Phil’s hips. 
“Plehehease Nohoho! Stahahap! Ahahaha!” Phil giggled softly. 
“Awww!” Fundy cooed. 
Fundy stopped, looking at Phil, whom was a giggly mess on the floor. 
“Mind if I play a game with you Phil?” Fundy asked, watching his grandpa carefully, attempting not to force him. 
Phil blinked, sitting up and nodding as Fundy sat in front of him, grabbing the quill. 
“Now, I wanna try and use this feather over a few spots, I’ll go lightly okay?” Fundy smiled softly, not wanting to force or hurt Phil, the avian nodded. 
“Okay, here we go, ready?” Fundy held the quill in his fingers, Phil nodding with a sharp inhale. 
Fundy stood up, walking and sitting behind Phil’s back, moving the quill towards Phil’s ears, stroking it behind, back and forth, back and forth.
“Phil, you can laugh, it’s okay, your adorable when you laugh anyway.” Fundy smiled when Phil bit his lip, noticing Phil squirming when Fundy told him that. 
Fundy sighed, moving the feathered quill faster, the ears twitching and flapping in response. 
“Hehehehehahaha!!! Fuhundy! Nuhuhu! Hahahaha!!!” Phil began giggling, a flustered grin on his face. 
“Aww! Someone got ticklish ears? How cute!” Fundy teased, moving the feather across Phil’s neck. 
“Nahahahahat! Cuhuhute!” Phil squeaked. 
“Yes you are, your adorable!” Fundy smiled, continuing to move the feather across the skin. 
“Ehehehehahaha!! Ehehehe! Itit Thihihickles!” Phil squeaked. 
“Oh I’m aware.” 
Fundy stopped after a few, leaving a giggly avian on the floor, going back to sit in front of the avian. 
“Lift your arms up?” Fundy asked. “Please?” 
Phil did as followed, holding his arms on his head. Fundy lifting his shirt up a bit. 
“Here we go…” Fundy smiled, moving the feather across Phil’s armpits. Phil squeaked and began giggling, a flustered blush on his face. 
“Ticklish?” Fundy asked teasingly. 
“Yeheheah!!!” Phil squirmed around. 
“Awww! It’s okay!” Fundy smiled softly, tracing the feather towards Phil’s sides. “Besides your giggles are adorable to hear!” 
“Nohoho thehehey arehehe nahahahahat! Ahahahahaha!!!” Phil squealed. 
“Yes they are! Here is the proof!” Fundy smirked stroking the feather across Phil’s ribs, lightly tracing his right lower with his nails and using the feather on the other side on his left upper ribs. 
“PFFT- AH AHAHAHAHAHA!!! FUHUHNDY! HAHAHAHA!!!” Phil squealed, wings flapping in joy as he laughed. 
“Hmm?” Fundy smiled, slowing down a bit. 
“Itit reheheally thihihickles!” Phil chuckled, letting out an embarrassed snort. 
Fundy stopped after a few minutes, Phil resting his arms back down, curling up into a ball and resting on Fundy’s chest, his back on his left side. 
“Aww, Giggleza!” Fundy thought to himself, trailing the feather across Phil’s exposed belly. 
“Hehehe!” Phil giggled, nuzzling his head into Fundy’s shoulder. Fundy moved the feather faster, trailing it around Phil’s belly button. 
“FUHUHNDY NAHAHAT THEREHEHE!!! EHEHEHE!!!” Phil squealed, frantically twisting right and left to avoid the tingly feeling. 
Fundy yipped happily, trailing the feather back and forth faster, relishing in the squeals that escaped his mouth.  
“FUHUHNDY!!!” Phil screamed out, letting out a snort, rolling over onto his back. 
“Well what do we have here?” Fundy smiled, wiggling his claws into the ticklish skin of Phil’s stomach. 
“GAHAHAHA! FUHUHNDY! HAHA!” Phil squealed. 
“Hmm?” Fundy hummed. 
“PLEHEHEASE HEHEHE! Stahahap!” Phil curled up, wheezing and coughing. 
Fundy slowed to a stop, lightly tracing Phil’s neck and ears, which made Phil giggle from the light tickling. 
“Okay, your all good Phil.” Fundy smiled, tracing the avians tickle spots, smiling at the giggles escaping his mouth. 
Phil fell asleep, Fundy continuing to tickle the giggly man below him.
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switchlee-za · 1 year
Introduction Post!
A RP Blog Created By @totallynotbat I am not attempting to impersonate Philza. 
RP!Phil is what my Philza is, an acronym which is my version of him. Which I will post his story soon, and occasionally will post his original lore here and on my main. 
RP!Phil mixes lore between DSMP, Hardcore, QSMP, plus my original lore and headcannons for Phil. 
I also RP Redza, CC!Phil, Or QSMP!Phil.
CC!Philza Blog is @switchzawatson
I am a SFW Tickle blog, but I also do normal RPS as well. If you don’t like that kindly shoo shoo. 
NSFW do not interact as the admin is a minor. 
I check boundaries on intro posts! And if needed I will DM ppl! I don’t want to step out of boundaries and make others uncomfortable. 
@ticklishavian was my old acc, so until I get my email for that acc. This is the current one for now. 
With that out of the way. Let’s move on.
General Headcannons: 
Phil is short (5’4!) so he can easily be picked up depending on who it is. 
Has glasses, with a burn scar from a fire arrow that was shot by Tubbo during Phil’s house arrest on his left eye.
He was previously a regular crow before he was turned into a human baby by Rose, he was left on a doorstep.
Sam and Phil went to the same school where Phil was bullied constantly from being the only hybrid in his family. Phil’s sibling’s and Sam helped with those. 
Phil hasn’t seen his family since he left for Hardcore.
Phil has an human like avian form, or can turn into a little crow. Or if he gets pissed off enough he has this avian curse. 
His regular avian form is him just with bird talons, tail, and feathers everywhere. 
After the explosion from Wilbur’s TNT, Phil’s wings were badly damaged through the first few months. Unfortunately because of his house arrest he couldn’t fix them probably until after he escaped with Techno. 
He was called upon by the Ender King when his Hardcore days started and had to leave Wilbur behind, Wilbur holds that against him.
Phil never told Wilbur about Doomsday after his revival, the only stuff Wilbur remembers his Techno and Dream being in it. Not Phil. 
After Fundy told Phil about Wilbur lying in the letters, Phil and Wilbur had an argument about it Phil revealing everything about Doomsday to his son.
Has a bite mark on his neck from the enderdragon in the Syndicate finale. 
In the QSMP, he’s very protective of Chayanne, anyone touches them the person is dead.
Has nightmares about losing Chayanne and Tallulah, the one where they were killed my a Nightmare Stalker keeps replaying over and over again.
When Chayanne and Tallulah were cracked, he was very suspicious of Quackity and is pissed off at the moment at the new quests that were given.
When his kids were missing, he has suffered through stress and anxiety, the birdhouse not helping him, luckily he has friends to help him.
He still has the Purgatory Gas mask. (Bolas)
Rose managed to help him calm down, he is sometimes there at her little area she made for him and the kids.
He is scared of being taken again by the Ender King.
One day randomly some weird magic happened and Cc!Phil was suddenly in the Hardcore server. That’s how they met.
The majority of the colorzas were created by important moments in Phil’s life, either in hardcore or any of the servers.
Tickle Headcannons: 
Will not afraid to use tickles as punishment. 
Chasing is his thing yes yes
Laughs with his lee 
Uses wings. Any chance he gets. 
When he’s in his crow form he nuzzles like crazy. 
Usually does Tickle Monster persona.
He usually tackles if your cocky.
He squirms. A lot.
He has such a cute laugh, squeaky and cute.
He hides a lot if he’s being chased. Or until he can’t run anymore. 
Cannot handle teasing or anticipation.
He covers his face or tries not to laugh out of fear of being judged.
When he’s in his Avian form he has a tail that wags around when he’s tickled. 
Chirps and snorts whenever he’s tickled long enough. 
Wings flap.
He’s also ticklish in his regular avian form and crow form. 
He gets drained a lot from his curse so he loves comfort tickles, he just giggles to his heart’s content.
Feathers or fluffy objects (wings or tails) will also get him squealing. His bellybutton is extremely ticklish so he screams whenever he’s tickled there. 
QSMP Phil can’t remember where he’s ticklish, luckily Quackity manged to help him out with that. 
CC!Phil and Redza are also Ticklish-
Tickle spots: (RP!Philza/QSMP & DSMP, Plus Redza-): Coming soon
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slimeylee · 2 years
I have 2 for cc!s but most of them are c!s
cc!Tommy tickling his friends for “ignoring their poor best friend” (I.e. when Ranboo first moved to the uk and he was tired and “ignored” Tommy, or Tubbo bc he’s so busy w Tubnet)
Whenever Lovejoy wants to hear Ash’s laughter, they all take turns poking him throughout the day
Ok now for c!s
Tubbo’s horns are ticklish. Like melt spot ticklish and everyone knows it
If Philza gets into a ler mood, he’ll say things like “I just wanna hug!” Then tickle the lees with his wings
Tommy has gotten tickled by Shroud. No he will not talk abt it.
Tommy teases revivebur abt his white streak, calling him an “old man”
Ghostboo tickled Michael to bed once bc he was very energetic and he was just being a good father /pos
Wilbur and Tommy relentlessly teased Techno abt having very ticklish ears
Sapnap has taken down both Quackity and Karl at the same time at least twice
Also I love the thought abt the hybrids making different noises when being tickled in a BAD spot: Ranboo(enderman chirps), Phil (bird chirps), Tubbo(bleats), Fundy(Fox noises) etc.
Only Foolish knows how ticklish Eret is, and the reason being is Foolish is the only one brave enough to tickle them (Eret my beloved)
Under Tommy’s chin is very sensitive
This one’s kinda common, but Ranboo’s stomach and hips are very ticklish. Like very very ticklish
Tommy steals everyone’s hoodies and gets punished for it (tickled**)
Wilbur was braiding techno’s hair once and his hand grazed techno’s lower back and he did not miss the sharp inhale
After the Revengers(™️), techno and eret tickled Tubbo to show him that they’re actually sorry for what they did to him
Ghostboo tickles Aimsey in the mansion and Aimsey just falls to the ground every time bc they can’t do anything abt it
That’s it 😭 there are so many I’m sorry— ❤️
i love these and like- eSPECIALLY especially the few lee techno ones and the ash one but lets not, yknow..
dont be sorry i love them ^v^ did i mention that i love them
thnxx <3/p hhh
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soft--dragon · 2 years
Okay, man I’m getting headcannons today.
Got any Fundy Headcannons? Ler or Lee.
Fundy boyyyy
He's a fox hybrid, so naturally he does those little "ehehehehe" sounds foxes do. They usually make those sounds when they're excited or happy, so those noises will slip in while he's giggling upon a melt spot being attacked
His way of dealing with lee moods is to snatch something someone has and bolt, a chase being initiated basically instantly and only hyping up his giggly state. He usually runs on all fours to force the person running after him to persist the chase, knowing the second they allow Fundy a slight chance to get away, they're not finding their item for a long while. Fundy has been known to be a menace and steal things when his instincts kick into overdrive, though when he's in a lee mood he'll purposefully run a bit slower - not that the person chasing him needs to know that
Tail wags!!! Excited tail wags when he's laughing and happy!! :D
His ears indicate a lot of his behavior, they're very expressive and are usually his tell when he's lying. Perked? He's enjoying it/happy. Laid back? He's nervous/shy. Wiggling and twitching? He's anticipating/excited. It's very sweet to watch, and he doesn't have much control over it so his friends will just watch his ears when they're tickling him to know if Fundy is having as much fun as they are
He blushes easily, his fluffy face will go an endearing shade of pink when he's tickled and it's a unique contrast against his orange fur
He crumbles upon being tickled, loses strength instantly and goes straight to the floor. He'll typically curl into a ball to protect himself, trying to hide all his sensitive spots - which realistically is everywhere - and gasp out little "no's!" while giggling madly
Personally headcanon his lower back/around the base of his tail to be quite sensitive as well as his neck, and his lower ribs. These spots will immediately get the best reactions such as squeaking, squealing, bucking and mini screeches
His feet aren't that sensitive due to him not wearing shoes, his beans and pads are quite tough as they've been battered around by the ground for years. However, the spaces between his toes will get him giggling and squirmy instantly as they're hidden from the elements reach and don't get touched often
Compliments and teasing will kill him. Wilbur has a boatload of nicknames he'd use with Fundy when tickling him just to make it worse. "Honey Whiskers", "Wags", "Squeaky Snoot", "My Wittle, Giggly Champion", ect
Raspberries are both hell for him, and a way to slightly get back at his ler. While they make him just about scream and thrash like a madman, the ler is also getting Fundy's fluffy fur to brush over their face and ears, making them laugh too. Fundy will try to tease the ler about it but he's usually laughing too hard to really get the words out
Right that's it for now lol, hope that they were okay ^^
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eumedieval · 1 month
Tutorial - Como ter duas pastas de jogo The Sims 4 para temáticas diferentes.
Sim, você pode ter duas pastas de jogo ou mais sem precisar instalar o jogo mais de uma vez e isso é ensinado pelo próprio fórum da EA Games. O texto é grande, mas é rico em informações muito importantes, então não tenha preguiça de ler até o fim.
Mas quais os benefícios disso? R.: Ao ter mais de uma pasta do jogo, você pode ter em uma pasta diversos conteúdos Overrides históricos, enquanto nas outras pastas você pode ter seus baunilhas e ou até mesmo ter uma pasta sem conteúdos nenhum se acaso você ocasionalmente quiser jogar o jogo cru (às vezes isso é bom).
Meu jogo é original, eu consigo fazer isso nele? R.: Sim, pois esse método é válido para ambos já que ambos funcionam da mesma forma.
É complicado fazer? R.: Não, mas isso requer muita atenção. Esse método se feito corretamente, também serve como meio de BackUp e como já mencionado, é ensinado no próprio fórum da EA Games e é muito utilizado por muitos jogadores. Nós mesmos usamos esse método há anos e anos sem nenhum problema, mas como mencionado, isso requer muita atenção.
É seguro? R.: Como é enfatizado no próprio fórum da EA Games, se feito corretamente e com muita atenção, não há problema algum, então sim, é um método seguro, no entanto, assim como é enfatizado no fórum, eu também enfatizarei aqui: Todo e qualquer erro, não é culpa do método e nem nosso, mas seu, pois o método não é falho e muitos usuários utilizam há anos sem problema algum. Então leia tudo primeiramente antes para que você entenda como que essa mecânica funciona para que você fique e faça tranquilamente após a compreensão desse método.
Todo mundo precisa ter isso? R.: Não, esse método é mais indicado para quem joga assiduamente (constantemente e ou permanente) temas históricos e também outros temas ocasionais o quais ambos utilizem arquivos overrides de temas distintos para um mesmo propósito. Então se você só quer jogar em modo histórico uma única vez ou ocasionalmente com novas famílias e poucos conteúdos temáticos, você não precisa fazer isso a menos que você queira.
E os Mods não CC como por exemplo o UI Cheats e o MCCC, dentre outros em alusão, eu precisarei baixá-los duas vezes? R.: Não, mas se você precisar usá-los em ambas as pastas, você precisará tê-los em ambas as pastas (irei explicar isso mais abaixo após as perguntas), mas de resumo, para tê-los em ambas as pastas, basta baixá-los uma vez e após extrai-los em uma de suas pastas, basta copiá-los para as demais pastas do jogo de seu interesse e o mesmo serve para atualização, ou seja, baixe-os apenas uma vez e os copie-os para as demais pastas.
Duas coisas que você precisa entender:
A primeira é que o jogo possui dois diretórios de pastas distintas, sendo uma a pasta do jogo em si localizada em um diretório (onde o jogo foi instalado) e serve para o funcionamento do jogo (pasta principal - não iremos mexer nela) e outra pasta que contém os dados (históricos e registros) de sua jogabilidade/gameplay, e é nessa segunda que iremos trabalhar e não se preocupe que essa pasta não compromete a pasta principal de seu jogo, pois como já explicado, essa pasta é somente uma pasta de leitura de dados de sua gameplay. A segunda é que o sistema do Windows não permite que você tenha duas pastas com o mesmo nome, ou seja, sempre que você tiver duas pastas com o mesmo nome, ele sempre irá fundi-las e é aí que você deve ter cuidado.
1- Primeiro passo: Vá até sua pasta The Sims 4 (não é a pasta principal do jogo, mas sim aquela que contém sua pasta Mods). Geralmente essa pasta fica em "Meus Documentos/Eletronic Arts", e é dentro dessa pasta Eletronic Arts, terá todas suas demais pastas The Sims 4, a diferença é o pulo do gato, ou seja, não importa quantas pastas você terá dentro da pasta Eletronic Arts, o jogo apenas irá ler a pasta que estiver somente com o nome The Sims 4, ou seja, se você tiver qualquer outra pasta com outro nome (por exemplo: The Sims 4 Histórico), o jogo não irá lê-la, pois qualquer outra palavra como no caso "Histórico" faz parte do nome da pasta, e como já dito, o jogo só irá ler a pasta com o nome The Sims 4. Agora que você entendeu isso, vamos criar uma segunda pasta: Clique sobre o nome da pasta The Sims 4, e renomeia para qualquer outro nome (por exemplo: The Sims 4 Histórico). ATENÇÃO: Tenha MUITO CUIDADO PARA NÃO CLICAR ACIDENTALMENTE EM EXCLUIR, pois como já dissemos, se você fizer isso a culpa não é nossa, é da sua falta de atenção.
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2- Segundo passo: Após renomear a pasta, inicie seu jogo normalmente. Como o jogo não encontrará uma pasta somente com o nome The Sims 4, isso fará com que o jogo crie automaticamente uma nova pasta somente com o nome The Sims 4, mas não se preocupe, a outra pasta renomeada não será apagada. Agora basta você ir para o Menu do jogo e habilitar as duas funções de conteúdos personalizados e scripts, clique em aplicar e em seguida feche o jogo. Agora você tem duas pastas dentro da pasta Eletronic Arts, uma zerada/novinha e outra renomeada. Tecnicamente, o tutorial é somente isso e você pode fazer quantas vezes você quiser e ou precisar e por assim tendo pastas diferentes para temas diferentes, mas agora iremos explicar como migrar de uma pasta para outra quando você quiser jogar o que tiver na outra pasta. Você se lembra que falamos amiúde aqui nesta publicação que o jogo apenas lê a pasta com o nome The Sims 4 e não irá ler nenhuma outra que contiver qualquer outro nome? Pois então, para você poder jogar com os dados e conteúdos da outra pasta, você terá que fazer a troca dos nomes das pastas The Sims 4 e The Sims 4 Renomeada, entretanto, não se esqueça do que explicamos sobre o sistema do Windows sobre pastas com o mesmo nome, ou seja, pastas com o mesmo nome é fundida, então para evitar que isso aconteça, na hora de trocar os nomes das pastas, renomeie sempre primeiro a pasta The Sims 4 ADICIONANDO um nome de referência, para só depois você renomear a pasta que você quiser jogar para apenas The Sims 4 (a qual será a que você quer que o jogo leia). Abaixo, deixo um print de minhas pastas para que você entenda melhor como eu usufruo disso. Na pasta The Sims 4 é minha pasta atualmente ativa (a que estou usando/jogando no momento), dentro dessa pasta eu tenho conteúdos futurísticos (CC, Mods e Overrides) e ficaria muito estranho e ou até conflituoso ter tais conteúdos dentro da pasta com CC, Mods e Overrides de temas Medievais, então por isso que eu criei outra pasta somente para conteúdos Medievais. Quando eu quiser jogar com conteúdos Medievais, primeiramente eu renomeio a pasta The Sims 4 para The Sims 4 - Futurístico, para depois renomear a pasta The Sims 4 - Medieval para somente The Sims 4.
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Só tomem cuidado para não clicar acidentalmente em excluir e ou para não fundirem as pastas na hora de renomeá-las.
Outras perguntas:
E se eu quiser ter um Mod em ambas as pastas? R.: Como já explicado, para tê-los em ambas as pastas, basta baixá-los uma única vez em uma de suas pastas, extrai-los, e copiá-los para as demais pastas Mods de seu interesse organizando-os em suas respectivas subpastas e o mesmo serve para atualizações.
Quanto isso irá pesar? R.: O peso será o mesmo de todos os seus arquivos (conteúdos) somado com o pequeno adicional da pasta de dados do jogo. Logo então, não é muito, pois o que pesa mesmo são os conteúdos que você baixa.
Isso deixará o jogo mais lento? R.: Não, pois a lentidão do jogo está associado mais para o processamento e para a organização de suas pastas. Daremos algumas dicas mais abaixo sobre isso.
Como você organiza suas pastas Mods? R.: A organização da pasta Mods é algo pessoal, mas irei deixar aqui um exemplo breve de como eu organizo tudo.
📂Mods --📁MOD_NomeDoMod (esta é uma subpasta nível 01) --📁MOD_NomeDoMod (esta é uma subpasta nível 01) --📁MOD_NomeDoMod (esta é uma subpasta nível 01) --📁Overrides (esta é uma subpasta nível 01) -----📂Subpasta_Nível02 -----📂Subpasta_Nível02 --📁CC_Criadores (esta é uma subpasta nível 01) -----📂Subpasta_Nível02 --------📂Subpasta_Nível03 -----📂Subpasta_Nível02 --------📂Subpasta_Nível03 --📜Rsource.cfg Como fica:
📂Mods --📁MOD_llazyneiph_Royalty (pode renomear) -----📂Subpasta (não pode renomear) -----📂Subpasta (não pode renomear) -----📜Arquivo_Solto.package -----📑Arvivo_Solto.ts4script --📁MOD_MCCC (pode renomear) -----📜Arquivo_Solto.package -----📑Arvivo_Solto.ts4script --📁MOD_UI_Cheats (pode renomear) -----📜Arquivo_Solto.package -----📑Arvivo_Solto.ts4script --📁MOD_Zero (pode renomear) -----📜Arquivo.package -----📑Arvivo.script --📁Overrides -----📂Medieval_Interface -----📂Vll -----📜ArquivoOverrideSolto.package -----📜ArquivoOverrideSolto.package --📁CC_Criadores -----📂Ingeli -----📂KyriaT -----📂Vll --📜Rsource.cfg --📑XmlInjector.ts4script
Dicas extras: 1ª Dica: Observe que no exemplo acima todos os conteúdos dentro da pasta Mods não possui espaço no nome das pastas, isso porque como já explicado por um dos Gurus no fórum da EA Games, cada caractere possui um valor de leitura e consequentemente um tempo e assim como espaços tanto como caracteres especiais (com exceção do underline _ ) possuem um tempo maior de leitura, então é por isso que sempre é indicado não usar caracteres especiais (incluindo acentuações ´ `~^ç#" dentre outros) nos nomes das pastas e substituir os espaços por underline ( _ ) ou simplesmente apague os espaços deixando os nomes todos juntos (como exemplificado acima com os arquivos.package). Mas atenção: Jamais renomeie arquivos e "subpastas nível 02" de Mods, apenas arquivos.package unitários e independentes de CC (como roupas, móveis, cabelos, etc) que baixamos aleatoriamente, isso porque quando se trata de Mods, os nomes de suas subpastas e arquivos dependentes dentro dessas pastas próprias deles, já estão endereçadas. 2ª Dica: Por mais que o jogo leia até cinco níveis de "subpastas", o mesmo Guru mencionado aqui, sugere utilizar até três níveis de subpasta, pois quanto mais níveis de subpastas, mas tempo o jogo (e o processador) levará para ler tais pastas, pois no sistema ele trabalha com nível de hierarquia e por assim podemos dizer por dizer que ele entende que quanto mais profundo uma pasta esteja, menos importante ela será, logo então, se você colocar um arquivo importante, ou seja, um arquivo que o jogo precisará ler constantemente, provavelmente você terá uma lentidão a mais para que esses arquivos sejam lidos. Por isso que arquivos .ts4cripts não podem ficar em mais de um nível de subpasta, pois como são arquivos .ts4scripts, há um tempo para tais serem lidos pela pasta principal do jogo. Já seus arquivos.package dependentes, esses podem ficar em mais de um nível de subpastas (não ultrapassando cinco níveis, por isso que muitos criadores já as deixam pré organizadas prontas para serem extraídas em uma subpasta de nível 01). Já para arquivos Overrides, não é indicado usar outra pasta fora da pasta Mods, mas você pode criar uma pasta só para eles dentro da pasta Mods (como exemplificado acima) e para esses arquivos overrides.package, você pode tê-los em subpastas como exemplificado acima (em caso de arquivos mais complexos que necessitam de organização), mas para os mais simples é indicado deixá-los soltos dentro da subpasta de nível 01. Para os demais arquivos.package, você pode organizá-los em outros níveis de subpastas (indicado até o terceiro nível). 3ª Dica: Não adianta você ter um jogo atualizado se quem irá lê-lo/processá-lo (o seu PC), estiver desatualizado. Então mantenha sempre seu PC e drivers atualizados e tenha em mente que o jogo sempre é atualizado para acompanhar as atualizações do sistema mundo afora e por isso que você deve acompanhar isso também. 4ª Dica: Nós super indicamos que você fixe a pasta Eletronic Arts no Acesso Rápido do Explorador de Arquivos, para fazer isso, basta clicar com o botão direito do mouse sobre o nome e escolher a opção Fixar no Acesso Rápido.
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A princípio por ser muitas informações e por falta de costume estar adentro de tudo isso, pode parecer complicado, mas acredite não é complicado. Compartilhar informações com vocês é uma forma de demonstra um carinho imenso para que vocês além de poderem usufruir melhor o jogo e até mesmo compreender como seus arquivos são lidos queremos enriquecer o conhecimento de vocês. 💕 Esperamos que essas dicas tornem o jogo de vocês mais imersivo quando se trata de Overrides temáticos. 🥰
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sleepysheepytea · 3 years
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wowee lee eret seems to be quite popular~
also the entire time i was drawing this i couldn’t stop randomly giggling why did i hecking draw fundy like that dskjfkgj
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aninklingof · 2 years
hi Sean :D hc I can’t stop thinking about:
all masked ppl (or any kind of accessory that blocks part or all of their face) in dsmp have ticklish faces :D
Applies to: Dream, Sam, Ponk, etc.
also Fundy is a fox. Nuzzles people with his fur and tail tickles ✨
(This one’s kinda long so buckle up)
Hi Rosaaaa!
Also YES. Masked people wear the masks all the time, so they have that constant rougher feeling on their skin. Lighten that touch a little bit and voilà! A tickly lil face!!
I wrote a fic a while back for Fluff’s Lee Dream month called “No Masking” which basically had this concept. It focused specifically on face raspberries, but I imagine anything soft enough could get our sweet Dreamlee giggling! Nuzzling, kisses, butterfly kisses—
There was also this one fic by Fluff called “Scarred and Soft” where George tickles one of Dream’s cheek scars with a feather and I love it!!
Don’t know much about Ponk at all, but I do know his mask is more cloth-like, so I’d think his face is naturally warmer and when he’s blushing it’s even worse. Imagine cold fingers on a hot blushing face?!?! Adorable. ☺️
When you mention Fundy my brain immediately imagined a younger Fundy being a menace to Wilbur. Foxes like to burrow, so I can imagine baby Fundy likes to nuzzle himself up inside Wilbur’s sweater! The little fluffy child squirming in his jumper, his claws and lil cold nose and whiskers tickling Wilbur’s tummy— AHHH!! 😆😆
Older Fundy would definitely nuzzle people’s necks and ears to get em laughing while giving hugs! Like it’s impossible not to get tickled by his whiskers and face-fur when hugging him! Imagine the comfort/cheer up tickles!
Thank you Rosa you have fed my brain well 😁
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sageinacage · 3 years
lee/ler hcs for fundy? i am desperate for more fundy tk content
Funny Fox Man.
lee fundy -mans is squirmy, the ler either has to sit on him or pin him down to actually be able to tickle him -we all know he’d laugh like a fox, like squeaky high-pitched laughter -tail wags when tickled!! -he’s so incredibly ticklish, i feel his whole torso is bad in general but specifically the spot where the sides and tum meet -just blow a few raspberries or skitter a few nails there and he’ll be done for -super weak to baby talk, esp being like “n’awww, your tail wiggling so much!! who’s my widdol championnn!” he will simply pass away -loves playful tickles and tickle games n stuff, but he always loses -also love to provoke (by stealing stuff mostly and tickling people first) -will literally steal just to hold the item close to him with the ler tries to loosen his grip on it by tickling his ribs -ok lets go back to his laugh. literally the cutest thing- really squeaky and high-pitched. also if the ler teases him his ears will wiggle a lil bit -he also snorts @ raspberries!! pls tease him about it he will get very red -will need time to recover after being tickled pls pet his hair to calm him down -when he’s recovered though, run.
ler fundy -playful lil shit. -he’s the type of ler to always be laughing with his lee, and playfully repeat the sounds they make to make them even more flustered -loves explaining what he’s gonna do before he does it like “i’m gonna go for your hips next, and then your knees- ooh! maybe thighs while i’m at it!” n stuff like that -if you steal back something he stole from you he’d def wreck you for it even though he’s the theft- -MF WOULD DEF USE HIS TAIL TO TICKLE SOMEONE -he’d sneak it up the lee’s shirt to just brush over their tum and ribs and he’d just chuckle at their reactions -nibbles. this fox loves to give nibbles- its kinda expected -will hum and giggle into raspberries and nibbles when he gives them bc he’s excited too -also will trap the lee in stuff- like if thats a big blanket or his jacket he finds it funny to just Trap  -fundy is also very agile, you literally cannot run from him. also he always switches spots so you never know how long he’s gonna tickle you somewhere and the anticipation is great Terrible  -in all very playful and fun :D
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totallynotbat · 2 years
March Of Lee!Philza
Well, I said I would do it, so I did it. Here we go:
Philza’s birthday is in March, so this is similar to tickletober, from now until March 1st (Which is when the fics or art go live)
This goes until the end of the month and you can release your projects later, and the days can be out of order if you want.
You don’t have to do all of them, trust me.
Here are the prompts:
Birthday Tickles - IRL or C! Any of the DSMP Members (Ler!)
Clingy Duo - Ler!Tommy, Ler!Tubbo
Bench Trio -  Ler!Ranboo, Ler!Tommy, Ler!Tubbo
Visiting - SBI, Ler!Techno, Ler!Tommy, Ler!Wilbur
Months - Ler!Techno (After Phil mistaken 3 days for 3 months)
Pets - Any one of the pets in Technos cabin
Message - Ler!Niki, helping Phil relax.
OSMP, Comfort- Ler!Sneeg
Revenge Tickles - Ler!Tommy
Ghost - Ler!Ghostbur or Ler!Ghostboo, or both as well
Noticing - Ler!Tubbo
Preening - Ler!Quackity
IRL Comfort Tickles - Ler!Tommy
Wrestling - Ler!SBI
Dawn of 16th - Ler!Revivedbur
Letters - Ler!Fundy, after Phil was found out he was lied to by Wilbur 
Comfort - Ler!Ranboo (After Phil opens up a bit to Ranboo about Wilbur)
Chats - Ler!Crows (Phil’s chat)
Laugh - Ler!Crows & Ler!Tommy
Potion - Ler!Techno
Tickle Monsters - Ler!Crimeboys (Wilbur and Tommy)
Feather Tickling - Ler!Tommy
Melt - Ler!Techno
Chase and Tackle - IRL, Ler!Crimeboys 
Stuck - Ler!SBI
Syndicate - Ler!Techno, Ler!Niki, Ler!Ranboo
Training- Ler!Techno
Past Friends - Ler!Sam
Sleepover - IRL, Ler!BeeDuo (Ranboo and Tubbo)
Lee Moods - Ler!Tommy, Ler!Wilbur
Here are the rules:
Must be released in March, not before.
You can switch out the Lers if you want, but Phil has to stay as a Lee.
You can use IRL or Character’s
Tag myself or use #batsmarchofleephilza, it can be art or fics
Have fun guys. Reblog so others know too!
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
... 18 lee Eret..
I’m sorry it’s just..
no no i completely understand your point. i know exactly what you’re saying
word count: 709
prompt list can be found here!
prompt 18: “tell me something embarrassing about yourself.”
“Ok, your turn. Truth or dare.”
“Alright. Hm...I dare you to dip your head in that river over there for ten seconds.”
“What?!” Fundy’s eyes opened wide, shocked. “Eret, do you have any idea how cold that water is?!”
“Hey, it’s a dare.” Eret shrugged, crossing their arms.
“Ugh, fine.” Fundy sighed, turning around and walking towards the river as Eret followed. The two of them had been caught up in an intense game of truth or dare after the children’s game had come up in conversation. Eret had bruises from being dared to hit a zombie piglin in the nether, while Fundy had spilled some embarrassing secrets to his friend. Fundy kneeled down at the river, groaning as he took off his hat. With a long breath beforehand, he squinted his eyes shut and dipped his head in the water.
“One...two...three...four...” Eret counted the numbers out loud, even though they were unsure if Fundy could hear them underwater. “...five...six...seven...eight...nine...ten!”
At that, Fundy quickly pulled his head out of the river, letting out a small yelp. His beautiful, fluffy orange fur was now drenched in cold water, to his annoyance. As revenge, he shook his head like a dog to get the water out. Eret chuckled lightly as they felt the light drizzles of water hit their face.
“That was awful.” Fundy groaned as he grabbed his hat, then looked at Eret. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Eret nodded.
“Dare? Hm...” Fundy started to pace around, trying to think of a good dare to give to his friend. After thirty or forty seconds, he snapped his fingers. “Tell me something embarrassing about yourself.”
“Really?” Eret raised an eyebrow. “Coming from you, that’s quite tame.”
“I don’t know, I’m running out of ideas.”
Eret put a hand to their chin, trying to focus and think of something to tell Fundy. “Fundy, I’m a pretty open person. Nothing’s really coming to mind.”
“Aw man. Looks like we should wrap this game up soon then, since we’re both running low on brain power.” The fox laughed softly. “You sure? No embarrassing secrets?”
“Not really, no.” Eret shook their head.
And so began the cycle of Fundy suggesting something, and Eret denying it. Fundy thought Eret was just messing with him at multiple times, when they really were telling the truth. Regardless, he named off anything he could think of.
“Any weird fears?”
“Any bad childhood photos?”
“Any tickle spots?”
No response.
“Any- WAIT.” Fundy paused, looking up to see that Eret had stopped, their face having a light pink tint of embarrassment. “Oh, so there ARE tickle spots!” He grinned.
“What?! No. I said no to that question. Didn’t you hear me?” The monarch said with a small, nervous smile.
“No, I don’t think you said anything.” Fundy stepped closer to Eret, lightly scratching their neck to see if they would get a reaction. “Sooooo? Where are the spots? You gotta tell me, it’s part of the dare!”
All Fundy got in return was a light chuckle. “I don’t think I’m going to say anything right now.” Eret crossed their arms. “You’re gonna have to try harder than tHAHAT!”
Fundy poked Eret’s side, excited to see that he had gotten a reaction. “Nice! Where else? Here?” Poke. “Here?” Poke. “Here?” Poke. “What about here?” Poke.
“Fuhuhuhundy!” Eret laughed, attempting to bat away his paws.
“Come on Eret, you still haven’t told me something embarrassing about yourself!” Fundy continued to poke around at different spots on the other’s body.
“Okahahay, I’m tihihicklihish, but that’s all I’m sAHAHAHYIHIHING! FUHUHUCK!” Eret yelled as Fundy’s paws dug into his ribs.
“Oooh! I think I found a sweet spot!” Fundy’s tail started to wag in excitement.
“FUHUHUNDY! COHOHOHOME OHOHON!” Eret laughed, using one hand to grip onto Fundy’s shoulder to prevent themselves from falling over.
“What?” Fundy laughed along with his friend.
“YOHOHOU KNOHOHOW WHAHAHAHAT!” They cackled. Seeing that they were starting to get a bit tired out, Fundy stopped, letting Eret recover themselves from being full of giggles.
“You good?” Fundy asked with a wagging tail.
“Y-Yeah.” They sighed, relieved that that was over. “Okay, your turn now. Truth or dare?”
“Ok, I’ve got one.” Eret smirked. “Tell me your worst tickle spots.”
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fluffallamaful · 3 years
ler fundy lee george vibes?
when george had to eat his wing?
count down from 20?
fundy: “i’m a man of my word”
also fundy: *isn’t a man of his word*
fundy: “tell me when to stop.”
george: “STOP”
fundy: “huh? sorry i can’t hear you what? huh?”
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emmadoodle · 3 years
Lee!Fundy, Ler!Wilbur with ears, hehe
My fav father son duo 🥺
Wilbur's fingers just couldn't help combing through his son's hair and behind his ears anytime the two of them were together. Even though Fundy had definitely grown out of such affection since he was a child, he still had the same fox-like giggles that would flow out of him anytime his father's nails would scratch behind the inhuman orange furred ears.
"Dahahad- why ehevery time?" Fundy complained and scrunched up his neck while Wilbur cooed, completely forgetting they were in the middle of a meeting at L'manburg.
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star--anon · 2 years
I think he’d probably melt more into Nikki. Wilbur seems like he’d be absolutely evil as a ler, especially in a situation like this. Nikki on the other hand just likes to see all the reactions.
“Are you blushing? *gasp* Wil! Wil look! He’s so red- Awwww, Fundy!!”
I bet he'd grab Niki's shirt and sort of hide in it
"N-Niki plehehehease..."
I think Fundy's the type of lee to insist he doesn't like it and Wilbur knows full well about this
"You're sure he can take this?"
"Oh yeah. Definitely."
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sleepysheepytea · 3 years
Hi your art is adorable, If you don't mind could you maybe draw lee Fundy and ler Wilbur?, Thank you and have a nice day! :)
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Thank you sm!! <33 have a nice day too!
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someone1348 · 3 years
This one was requested by @miinkiiyo
People in this: Ler!Tommyinit, Lee!Tubbo
(Clingyduo our beloved!)
With Prompt #4, "I-think- I think I'm stuck..."
Tw: mild cursing! But that's it the rest is soft!
With all that being said enjoyyyy :]
Tommy this isn't funny!
"But i don't want tooo" Tubbo whined to Tommy as he had been asked to go and grab materials from the mines.
"Come on Tubbo we need supplies and as the leader when Wilbur isn't around i request materials for this great nation" Tommy saluted the smaller one as Tubbo huffed
"Why can't you do it yourself?"
"Because i need to help Fundy prepare potions, you won't be there for long and I'll come check on you when i finish i promise!" Tommy gave his best friend a big smile and a pat on the back to which Tubbo smiled back
"Fineeee" he giggled a bit, he could never stay mad at Tommy.
Walking down into the mines he kept his torch handy,
"Ugh its so dark down here" he searched a bit "yes! Iron!" He placed the torch down on the stone wall next to him taking out his pickaxe mining away.
"Maybe when Tommy gets here we can go to the nether, no way am i going alone" he spoke out loud to himself smiling as he went back to work.
Mining away a small tunnel he got multiple stacks of coblestone, iron, and more he was tired and had a streak of coal across his cheek
"Ughhhhhh i dont wannaaaaa" he complained sliding down one of the sides of the tunnel he had created.
"Boop boop" he played with a rock to his left "man this is so boringg humph!-" he threw the rock against the wall, "hmmm" he searched through his inventory looking for things to do,
"Ooooo! Thats perfect!" He got the materials together and continued digging he built stairs going down into a small room to hold his teammates, he was making it as a plan C in case things go south, crafting a couple of pistons and a hidden stone pressure plate he created the secret doorway to the area.
"I'll make another one later!"
He was excited to tell Tommy and the others about it, Tommy first though, it could be their little escape room together to go and hide and just be alone, he could finally have something to call theirs!
He's always wanted a secret place just for the two of them, ever since Phil told them the stories of a place like that, a place of their own, as kids.
"Okayy! Just a few more touch up's and we will be set!" He was going to go back and work on the interior soon just wanted to get the doors working first,
He stepped on the pressure plate and was about to go through before they closed wrapping around his wrists and trapping his ankles,
"Uh oh,,"
He was stuck, no matter how much he moved he couldn't budge, that's when he heard it.
"TUBBOO!" his best friend called out for him from the mines
'Double uh oh!' He thought already feeling embarrassed.
"TOMMY! HELP ME!!" He yelled out as Tommy rushed towards the sound.
"TUBBO! t-" the blonde blinked a few times examining the situation the brunette had gotten himself into before bursting out laughing "BAHAHA TUHUHUBOO WHAT THE HELL?! H-HOHOW?"
Tubbo Growled "Tommyy!" He whined "This isn't funny! Help mee! I-think- I think I'm stuck..."
Tommy slowed his laughter down to giggles "Oh how the tables have turned!"
Tubbo gulped the light pink glow spreading to his cheeks,
"Do you remember what you did when I got stuck in between pistons?~" He poked his own chest slowly walking forward towards him emphasizing the 'I' when he spoke.
Tubbo bit his lip trying to hold back the nervous giggles as his best friend stepped closer and closer to him.
"T-Tommy! Plehease you d-dont have to do this, w-we can talk about this, yea?"
Soon enough the blonde was right in front of him smirking
"Sure tubbo we can talk about this!" He smiled as tubbo looked at him with hope in his eyes
"Nope!" He smirked once more pushing his hands forward tickling under the bee lovers arms.
"AHH! NOHOHOHOHO WAIT! TOMMYY!" He Twisted his head side to side trying to escape,
"Let UP! THIhiIs isN'T FaiR!!! HAHA!" Tubbo yelled through his laughter
"Oh it's so fair my friend" Tommy giggled moving his wiggly fingers down to his ribs
"Eep hehe tOhohomMY!"
"Yes Tubbo?~" The blonde giggled making sure to glide upon each ticklish bone
"DAHA hEEhey! COme onN!" Tubbo whined his face flushed, this is torture! He joked in his head a bit, its embarrassing more like it!
"Whats wrong Tubso? Can't handle what you dish out?~" Tommy's smirk grew moving his hands closer inwards
"Or what big man?~"
"Dohoho it and im so getting you back!"
"Karma's a bitch my friend HAHAHA!" Tommy evilly laughed moving his hands down and under his shirt to tickle his stomach,
"NAHAHAHAAHA FUHUHUCK TOHOHOHOMMY!! NOT FAHAHAHAIR! EEP!!" Tubbo threw his head side to side going into hysterics, his bangs covering his embarrassed red face.
"Hehe No this is fair, this!" Tommy emphasized getting down to his knees "this would be unfair~" he took a deep breath blowing a raspberry directly on his bellybutton
Tommy immediately backed off helping to rub away the ghost tickles
"Im sorry mate did i go to far?" He got up rubbing the back of his neck
"Nahaha it's all good mate!"
"Okay good!"
"Can you help me out of this though now?"
"Oh yeah right!" He stepped on the pressure plate as tubbo got unstuck falling to the ground.
"You alright?" Tommy scrambled helping him up, "yeah yeah im good!" The two giggled standing up.
"What even is this place?" Tommy asked looking around
"I made it as a plan C for tomorrow but also for us as a cool secret hide out! Whenever we wanted!"
Tommy smiled and sat down "i love it"
The scilence was comfortable untill
"Oh and Toms?"
"Revenge is sweet~" he Pounced onto his best friend going immediately for his stomach,
I hope you enjoyed!! I'm so sorry this took forever to get out! The rest are on the way but enjoyy! :]
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