#dragons hcs
soft--dragon · 2 years
Hi! I'm a big fan of your headcanons, and I was wondering if you could make some for c!Bbh? Take as much time as you need obv
Demonic Bad who acts like a Dad, sure thing Krispy! :D
Can alter his size at will. Whether it to be able to go through caves and avoid clonking his head on things, to growing himself a bit more to reach something on a top shelf. He also grows bigger when he needs to distribute some punishment to people who cuss frequently
Will scoop up his target and place them in his lap to wreck them, using his strength with the altered size to his advantage
Uses his tail against his lee all the time, it's soft despite the sharp tip. He'll wriggle it along someone's foot or slip it underneath shirts to wag against stomachs
Sapnap and Skeppy, Bad's typical targets, can confirm that Bad's claws are wicked ticklers. Able to take someone apart in seconds, Bad's claws can wreck anyone
Tommy is also a target for Bad with how much he curses, he's been wrecked by the demon more than once yet that doesn't stop him from yelling blasphemy any chance gets
Bad has fangs. Ya know fangs? Yeah, Bad has those. Those long teeth? Badboyhalo possesses them. Did I mention Bad has fangs?
Nibbles are his last resort because he knows how much his fangs tickle, Skeppy's shrieks of laughter made that very clear to him at an early stage of tickle fights.
Compliments, coos and gushes over his lee
He loves complimenting them!!! Their laughter? Their smiles? Their reactions? All good things to point out and cherish according to Mr Halo
If you blush, you can bet your ass he's gonna call you out on it and coo over it. That's the rules
Purrs and wags his tail when he tickles someone, usually laughs with them too because he gets so happy when people are happy
He uses the method of "If you curse, another minute gets added to your Tickle Timer." It is not a joke that Skeppy, Sapnap, Dream and Tommy have have the longest records for time tickled by Badboyhalo, they can't control their language very well
Tickle hugs!! He does this all the time!! Few things will make him happier than holding someone in his arms and wriggling his fingers into their sensitive spots to get them giggling
A big fan of tickle kisses - primarily used on his son Sapnap and Skeppy - just dropping his lips onto their stomachs or necks and giving a small kiss that's typically followed by a raspberry. Neither Skeppy or Sapnap can handle it and get flustered very fast, but the affection is nice so who are they to complain?
More ler leaning but Bad is a pretty sensitive demon!
Compared to other demons from his realm, Bad is considered a "lower" class of demonic entity, and while he is a force to be reckoned with when he's mad, he's also less protected from forces out to get him.
"Forces out to get him" is another way of saying "lers on the loose"
His soft spots consist of his tail, his back, his shoulders and ears
I like the idea of Bad having either a demonic birthmark or tattoo on his back, and when Skeppy saw it for the first time he asked if he could touch it. It could've been a tender moment of Skeppy tracing over the tattoo and Bad explaining the meaning behind it as they lie in bed. But realistically it was Bad fighting for his life not to squirm like crazy as Skeppy gently glided his nails over the marked skin and pretended he didn't know what he was doing
As Sapnap got older he learned his dad's soft spots through Skeppy and started fighting back, creating some of the most chaotic and fun tickle fights in history. Sapnap plays dirty but Bad has a millennium of experience for tickling and knows how to play just as unfair
Purrs when he gets tickled around his ears and under his chin, literal cat behaviour and Skeppy teases him about it constantly
He's a bit of a squirmier but he's pretty good at staying still when asked to - cleaning, massage, stuff like that, it just takes a bit of concentration
Hope these were okay Krispy :D
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mbohjeezart · 22 days
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Hermit a Day May: Day 18, Joe Hills, The Puppet, the Puppeteer!
@joehills And here's his full portrait without the text and background:
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fourtytwo42 · 1 month
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Hot mud day
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teethwitheyes101-blog · 2 months
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Here’s what I think growing up in a dark cave and only having river water would do to tsunami :)
Ik that technically none of this would make sense in real life, and this type of evolution would only take place after a long time BUT A GIRL CAN DREAM OK.
Just some headcannons that I think would make her more diff and interesting
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zero-is-nebulous · 3 months
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Tee bee atech I might jig this design a bit but this is what I have so far, he's a Japanese dragon because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh he's a big tall strong handsome man and allat
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fenrisdefender · 2 months
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Hawke being left in the Fade is heartbreaking...
but it's so dramatic, and it's just so HER.
(EDIT: forgot to add, lyrics Mitski, "Francis Forever")
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juniperjellyfish · 1 month
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yuutx · 4 months
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dragon form!zhongli x f!reader . sfw — fluff . established relationship ⟆ waking up with zhongli when he is in his dragon form ! ⟆ not proofread !
this fic is inspired by the dragon!zhongli collection by @dragon-ascent ! ! i absolutely adore her works + i luv reading them ! ♡ + ↻ are rlly appreciated ! !
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The soft fur of his tail brushes your nose, the sensation tickling you enough to rouse you from a deep slumber. The scent of glaze lilies floods your senses, and you find yourself inhaling deeply. You nuzzle your face deeper into the softness that smells of glaze lilies and a musk that is uniquely Zhongli, before slowly peeling your eyes open as the feeling of a forked tongue flicking out to lick your cheek forces you into consciousness.
A sleepy giggle bubbles up in your chest, and you raise your hand to stroke the long length of Zhongli's snout. He lets out a deep rumble, shifting in his sleep to wrap his large body tighter around you. You can feel the hard scales of his belly pressing into your back, his thick tail wrapping around your legs. His large, dragon form is curled protectively around you, the soft fur of his tail resting across your face like a blanket. The glowing markings adorning his body pulse in time with his breaths, casting a golden light on the surrounding area.
You smile at the sight, still amazed that this beautiful, powerful creature was yours. You continue petting the length of his snout, trailing your fingers along the hard ridges between his golden eyes. He stirs slightly, his deep breathing stopping, before his large eyelids flutter open to reveal molten pools of liquid gold. They focus on you, and Zhongli releases a purr of satisfaction. He moves his large head closer to you, the tip of his muzzle nuzzling against your own face, before he places a gentle lick to the tip of your nose. The action causes a fit of giggles, and you wrap your arms around his snout, holding it to you. His eyes crinkle with mirth, and you feel him chuckle.
"Good morning, 亲爱的." his deep, velvety voice whispers, his breath ruffling your hair, the strands dancing with movement. You close your eyes and hum happily, contentment filling your soul.
"Good morning, Li.." you reply softly. You release his muzzle, and he pulls back, a small puff of air blowing from his nostrils as he sighs. His head moves down to nudge your neck, before his muzzle comes to rest underneath your chin, his enormous horns framing either side of your face. You run your hands through his mane, reveling in the silky texture and the vibrations of his purrs.
The sun's rays start to filter in through the opening of the cave you reside in, the light reflecting off of his scales and painting the walls in a kaleidoscope of colors. You watch them dance along the stone, and Zhongli lifts his head, watching the light. You take the opportunity to sit up, leaning against his side and running your fingers along the ridges along his spine. The muscles in his body ripple, and you can feel the low rumble of his purrs through the stone. A deep chuckle resonates from his throat, and you feel the muscles flex as he rolls onto his back, exposing his soft underbelly. A grin splits your face, and you quickly take the invitation, sliding down to curl into his warm body. You lay your head on his chest, listening to the strong, steady beating of his heart, the sound like a soothing lullaby. Your fingers absentmindedly stroke the soft fur of his belly, the movement relaxing. His large wing wraps around you, creating a warm cocoon. His long tail moves to lay across your back, and you reach up to wrap your hands around the tuft of fur at the end.
"It seems the sun has decided to make an appearance," Zhongli comments, his voice reverberating through his chest, "Perhaps we should greet the day?"
You groan, snuggling deeper into his body. He laughs, the movement jostling you, and his large paw comes to rest on your shoulder, pulling you closer. His muzzle nudges your hair, and he inhales deeply, humming at the scent.
"Or perhaps we can stay here for a while longer.." he murmurs, his voice a deep rumble. He presses his head into the crook of your neck, his warm breaths caressing your skin. You nod in agreement, your eyes slipping shut as sleep claims you once more.
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l1-b1 · 1 month
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babkaboy · 2 months
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one of the requests was a medieval au with dragon!anakin and physician!obi-wan and naturally i cheated and drew targaryen prince anakin and grand maestre obi-wan
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withdenim · 7 months
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I may never finish this so before I forget to post it. Have my contribution to dragons rising.
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soft--dragon · 2 years
Raccooninnit headcannons 🔫 (/nf the gun's there because haha funny)
Aight, Raccooninnit! Strap in :D
Tail wags!! His big ol floofy tail wags so much when he gets tickled. easily giving away his enjoyment of the affection
Tommy has a few soft spots that get him to purr normally - ear scratches, gently scratching his scalp, brushing a hand through his hair - and if you pet those spots while tickling him the purring increases so much more!!
He'll chitter when he's excited or flustered, usually brought on by teasing from the person tickling him
Will hold onto someone's hand if he can while they're tickling him, (maybe his stomach for instance) cause it helps him bear the sensations
He has BEANS. He has ticklish BEANS. Will melt into a puddle and giggle sweetly when people trace along the pads and wiggle at the sensitive skin in-between
Can't always admit he wants tickles so he'll steal people's things until they come find him, ultimately giving him what he's after as people want revenge for the robbery. (They know he's craving tickles, they just pretend not to know to spare the kid some embarrassment.)
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justaz · 23 days
king merlin after meeting lady guinevere and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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elshe · 23 days
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Dragon Lover = Cat Lover
They’re simultaneous.
So here I have the gang trying to lure a cat into their clubhouse with a fish. 💀 I think it’s a cute idea that they were all eating dinner as usual when Tuff pointed and said, “look it’s a cat!” and everyone got excited lol
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teethwitheyes101-blog · 3 months
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What if skywing were coloured based on the hotness of their fire?
Darker and red skywings are looked down upon and lighter yellow/white sky wings are treated better.
Blue skywings are treated almost like royalty and light blue ones are extremely rare.
Lighter white blue skywings are often mistaken for icewings by other dragons.
There hasn’t been a white blue skywing born in centuries, and they are talked about like angels.
(Btw all of these skywings are free adopts! Y’all can ask for one :)
1- closed @fizzymilkshakee
2- closed @queenof3ferrets
3- closed @sorrelpool
4- closed @orangescannotrhyme
5-closed @shartbaby1
6- closed @gracklinging-electricboogalo
7- closed @localsharkcryptid
(In order from left to right)
Thanks all for the compliments and I hope the ppl who got the adopts enjoy! <3
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iriyaices · 18 days
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Little Hc Why is Kai is Arin's (second) favorite ninja :D
Bouns bc i miss jay
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