tiklart · 2 years
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Drunken tickles 😔✋
Yuuuuh, I’ve been hella inactive 🧎 my deepest apologies. I don’t know if I’ll ever end up finishing requests, cause I be drawing anything but those 🗿 I’ll get to them in 2-3 business years I promise 🫡
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infrequent-creator · 11 months
DAY 17: Interrigate
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DAY 17: Interrigate
Just teaching her a few tricks to get Papa Rei to smile ~
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xer9es · 1 year
A bad day turned good~
Ler!Kazuki, Lee!Keita / Gakuen Heaven
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A/N: I'm on ep4 on Gakuen Heaven and couldn't stop myself from writing something for these two. btw, I don't proofread or anything like that so excuse any errors! Enjoy :]
"Ugh... Kazuki?"
Keita closed his dorm room's door and sluggishly kicked off his shoes. He shuffled his feet to his bed, where Kazuki was laying.
"Ah, you're back!" Kazuki had a surprised look on his face, as if Keita had gotten home early. Actually, he was quite late. He'd forgotten a few of his things back in his last class of the day and had to go back for them, just after reaching his dorm. Not to mention, he tripped on the way back!
Today wasn't his day and Kazuki noticed. "Did something happen? Why are you so... gloomy?" He tried to find the right word.
Keita, standing in front of his bed, gestured for Kazuki to put out his arms.
The tired boy crawled into his arms, laying his chin on his shoulder. Kazuki chuckled and lowly spoke, "Tired, eh? Need a nap?" And began to rub his back.
"Mmh mmh." Keita grumbled into the crack of Kazuki's neck. "I feel horrible... not even a nap will help."
"Are you sure? You seem quite comfortable~"
Kazuki ran his fingers through Keita's amber-colored hair, gently massaging his head. This made him seemingly melt into Kazuki's body.
"Do you need some cheering up? I hate seeing you so grumpy."
Keita nodded, still hiding his face in the crevice of Kazuki's neck.
"Ohoho... I've got the perfect idea." Kazuki slyly whispered.
Keita yelped, feeling a finger poke his side. He yelped once more, feeling a different finger poke the other side. This made him venture outside of Kazuki's neck, confused.
"What? Is something the matter?"
"Yehes... what're you doing- ah- heh, quit it!" Keita giggled, as a few fingers wiggled against his body, more specifically his rib cage. Kazuki slowly drove his fingers upward and downward, inching to his waist, then back to his ribs.
Keita bit his lip and mumbled, "Ka-kahazukiii!~ I said stop it- uhuhah!" He gripped Kazuki's shoulders and squeezed them, trying to hold onto him for dear life.
His body was wriggling around on top of Kazuki's, trying to evade his sneaky fingers.
"Hm? What's that? I should keep going..?~" Kazuki teased. He rolled over, pinning Keita's wrists above his head with one hand. He utilized the other hand strategically, pinching at his waist.
"Ehh- eheh, Kazuki! Thihis tickles~" He whined.
"Oh, I know it does. You looove it, hm?" Kazuki lowered his face to Keita's tummy, also releasing his wrist. He unbuttoned the boy's white shirt and helped him to remove his uniform's coat. Keita was oddly compliant with the undressing of himself...
"Here we go! This bare skin will surely be ticklish enough to make you feel better."
"Kazuki, I already feel better. Thanks to yo- youhuhoho!"
Keita flailed his arms around at the feeling of Kazuki blowing massive raspberries all across his belly. Kazuki's lip devilishly blew right underneath his belly button, then beside it, and finally above it. He even blew a tiny raspberry on his navel, making Keita squirm in embarrassment.
"Where to go next... where to go... Ah! How about here? I've heard from Shunsuke that these armpits are quite the ticklish pair?~ Is it true?"
"No... th- they're not! Shunsuke is a liar."
"Really? But, he told me that he tickled you right here," Kazuki buried a finger beneath Keita's underarm. "And that you squealed like a baby." He continued to bury more fingers underneath each arm, until both armpits had five fingers beneath them - not yet touching the skin.
Keita was sweating at this point. He'd kept his arms up a little bit, not realizing that Kazuki would go for the armpits. He didn't shut them either, since he knew he'd just be overpowered into raising them. To be honest with himself, Keita didn't mind the tickly feelings he was receiving... It was quite nice. Especially coming from Kazuki.
"As I said, Shunsuke is a liar!"
Kazuki paused for a moment. He then spoke, "Well... I'll have to handle him after I make you 'squeal like a baby', won't I? I don't like liars, after all."
He skittered his fingertips inside the hollows of Keita's armpits, making him thrash around beneath Kazuki, laughing like he'd never laughed before.
"Ah, I see. You were the liar here, is that so?"
Kazuki took one of Keita's wrists and held it above his head, so he had full access to that one armpit. He dragged a finger from his elbow, to right above his underarm. Kazuki kept doing this until Keita couldn't take any more, bursting into cute giggles.
"Neheh- I'm not thehe liar- aha! Puhulease, Kazuki-"
"Nuh uh uh, be quiet! I told you that I don't like liars. And it seems our dear friend Shunsuke was right - here you are, squealing like a baby~ A rather pathetic one, at that."
Kazuki brought the fingers down to the center of Keita's armpit and added four more, just so he could see his expression. It was pure fear and nervousness.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle~" He whispered, drilling all five fingers into the pit of his arm. It drove the boy mad - he was out of his mind with laughter and snorts, God! He was losing his breath with all of the laughter leaving his mouth.
Kazuki's sadistic fingers clawed the armpit, quickening the pace, driving Keita nuts. He even began to shout, "Help! It tickles!"
"Puh- PLEahase! Eheha- I wohon't lie aga-AIN!"
Kazuki stopped for a moment, to hear what Keita had to say.
"If you let me go, I'll... I'll... Um..."
"You'll?" He placed his fingers back onto Keita's exposed pit.
"I'll do anything!"
"ANY-thing?" Kazuki muttered. "That seems quite appealing, I will not lie..." He let go of Keita's wrist and plopped himself beside the boy.
"Will you cuddle with me? Just for a while?"
Keita grinned. "Yes. I will cuddle with you- just for a while. No more tickling though!"
Kazuki rolled his eyes, reaching out to hold Keita in his arms. When he had him in his grasp, a thought popped into his head.
"In this position, I could tickle him all I wanted..."
But, Kazuki decided to give the boy a break. It turned night and Keita still hadn't gotten out of Kazuki's grasp. Kazuki happened to awaken and grabbed a blanket, covering the two up, then placing a quick kiss on Keita's cheek and saying "Goodnight~".
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rachi-roo · 2 years
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Buddies Daddies: Play your cards right
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Hi ho, peepo! This is the first tiggle fic I've written in quite some time, forgive me if I'm a little rusty dusty with my wording or if it's too long XD
Tw: Tiggles
Summary: TK fic. Switch roles.
Miri and her two fathers are trying to enjoy a game on a rainy day but Rei's lack of smiling needs to be fixed!
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Saturday came once again for the oddly bound family of three. Two hit-men and their adopted daughter.
Today was special, special because there was nothing special. Kazuki and Rei had no jobs scheduled and of course, Miri didn't have any preschool to attend. Unfortunately, on this day they all had spare, it was pouring rain outside, so that ruled out any chances of visiting the park or even going for a walk. Stuck inside together, all day.
But that was okay! There were plenty of activities to keep all three occupied.
"Papa! Papaaa!" Rather, whatever interesting-looking item little Miri found that might get them to play with her.
"Papaaaaa!" The excited young girl rushed to find her fathers, clutching a small box to her chest. The two men sat in the lounge, the blonde sat at the dining table, using his free time to check up on various parenting techniques online while the other sat staring vacantly at his video game on the couch.
"Look! Look!" The girl batted at Kazukis leg with the box she had found, wanting him to take it.
"Hey, what you got there? Huh. Uno? I haven't seen this in a long time." He chuckled, turning the box over, and reading its contents with a smile. "It's a game? Right?" Miri queried, pulling herself up onto Kazukis lap.
He petted her hair, opened the box, and showed her some of the colorful cards. "Yep. It might be a bit complicated for someone your age-"
"I wanna play! I'm big! I can play it!" The child puffed her cheeks in protest, looks like they didn't have a choice. The blonde sighed with a chuckle, closing his laptop.
"Okaaay, maybe papa Rei wants to play too." He chuckled, smirking at his roommate, who returned an un-amused glare before shaking his head in protest.
<Ten minutes later>
"BINGO!" Miri cheered, slapping down a blue seven on top of a green two. Rei gave an exasperated sigh, this kid was un-teachable.
The blonde chuckled, sitting beside the hopeless child on the floor whilst Rei refused to give up his spot on the couch. Despite the fun game the three were playing together, he was still wearing his signature 'resting bitch face'. Miri wasn't having it today.
She held up a skip-go card in her tiny hand, waving it at Rei angrily. "No more grumpy! You're banned from grumpy!"
"That's not how that works." He deadpanned, looking at Kazuki as he laughed. "Sure it is! C'mon, just give us a cheeky grin, papa Rei~" The teasing wasn't going to work, Rei just glared harder, he always hated when they made fun of his lack of smiling, it ruined his cool bad-ass aesthetic.
Miri grew more irritated, thumping her hands on the table, and scattering the cards slightly. "I want papa Rei to smile! Papa Kazukiiiii!" Kazuki looked between the two before smirking at Rei. "I think I know what to do."
Rei instantly knew what Kazuki was thinking, this was a technique that had been used on him only a few times before. An evil torture method. Quickly shifting his weight as Kazuki pounced upon him, Rei managed to pin the blonde on his back with ease. His arms were trapped by his sides as the cool-tempered assassin straddled his waist, trapping him on the couch cushions.
He struggled underneath his partner, huffing as he realised he was stuck good. "Damn it! I thought cold-blooded guys had slower reflexes."
"Very funny." A set of nimble fingers appeared from nowhere, wriggling into the stuck man's ribs through his thin shirt. The feeling made Kazuki gasp and buck his hips suddenly, letting out a strained squeak.
"Wahait! Wait wait wait! Rehehei!" His begging fell upon deaf ears as his attacker casually poked and squeezed up and down each rib.
"Stahap! Rei! Rh- C'mon!" Kazuki tugged and twisted his arms, finally managing to pull one free, an uno reverse card gripped between his thumb and finger. "Ha! Reverse card bozo!" He grinned, grabbing Rei's hoodie collar and throwing him onto the floor with a thud.
"Oh no you don't!" Rei tussled with Kazuki, grabbing his wrists, and wrestling for dominance against the oncoming tickle attack. Miri cheered Kazuki on, clapping excitedly as she jumped on the spot.
"Get him papa! Make papa Rei smile!"
"I'm trying! He's too squirmy! Move ya arms darn it!" For a split second, Rei's arms out of the way, that second was all Kazuki needed. He stuck his hands up under his victim's arms, instantly getting locked in as Rei clamped down, his cheeks puffed up as he held onto his breath. Tensing up as he tried to activate the 'I'm not ticklish' thing before it was too late.
Kazuki grinned, he had the guy right where he wanted him. "Awww, giving me the silent treatment now? Can't hold your breath forever buddy boy~" Kazuki chuckled, trying to wriggle his fingers in their snare.
Rei shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut, his cheeks turning a rosey pink as the tantalising teasing got to him. He wasn't going to break. Not now. Not ever-!
"Aaaalrighty then, you've given me no choice!" Kazuki exclaimed, sucking as much air into his lungs as possible before burying his face into the crook of the dark-haired man's neck, unleashing an earth-shaking raspberry onto his vulnerable skin.
Rei's eyes shot open in shock. The gates were open and there was no going back. His head flung back, mouth agape as loud boyish laughter filled the atmosphere. Along with it came a smile. Bright and precious.
"Stahahap! Kaz! Kahahaz! G-Get the f-"
"Ah ta ta ta! No swearing in front of little Miri." Kazuki scolded, finally able to free his hands and attack Rei's unsuspecting tummy, shaking his digits into the toned abs.
"This isn't f-AHAHAIR!" His legs flailed behind Kazuki, pushing and dragging along the floor in desperate attempts to buck the blonde off. It was no use. Once the laughter started, all his strength seemed to be sapped away with each breath. No matter how much of a grip he had on Kazukis wrists, he couldn't budge them. The fuzzy sensation in his belly was his krypnonite.
"Yaaaay! Papa Rei's smile is so big!" Miri giggled as she perched on the tabletop, looking down at her flustered father's fight for freedom.
"Isn't it? He's a little sweetheart really. And now you know how to make papa Rei smile whenever you want!" Kazuki chuckled, blowing another raspberry on the poor man's neck as he desperately pushed on Kazukis shoulders.
"Stahap! Gehet offa' me! Ahaha!" This evil torture continued for only a couple minutes, which seemed like ours for Rei, when Kazuki finally let up. Looking down at his flustered, tired-out friend with a cheery grin.
A set of small hands patted Rei's dark hair as he panted, looking up to see Miri standing by his side, giggling. At least she was happy.
Rei gave one last, brief, smile at her before it faded and he turned his attention to beating Kazuki with a cushion. He hadn't been tickled like that in quite some time, but he knew there was going to be a lot more coming his way in the days to come.
And it wasn't all that bad.
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
TickleTober 2023 Masterlist
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Happy Tickletober2023 everyone! :D I've made a masterlist for the event! :D
Full Masterlist
Day 1: Anticipation (SK8: Lee!Langa, Reki, Ler!Joe)
Day 2: Accidental (Collar x Malice: Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kei)
Day 3: Cuddles (Demon Slayer: Switches!Obamitsu)
Day 4: Weak Spot (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Chobe, Ler!Toma)
Day 5: "I'm Not Ticklish" (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Lee!Abbachio, Lers!Mista, Narancia)
Day 6: Chase (Jujutsu Kaisen: Lee!Gojo, Ler!Utahime)
Day 7: Flustered (Tokyo Revengers: Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Baji)
Day 8: Truth (Moriarty The Patriot: Lee!Sherlock, Ler!William)
Day 9: Lie (Buddy Daddies: Lee!Miri, Lers!Kazuki, Rei)
Day 10: Ghost (Demon Slayer: Lers!TenRenMitsu)
Day 11: Squeal (Black Clover: Lee!Leopold, Ler!Yuno)
Day 12: Bites/Nibbles (Bungo Stray Dogs: Lee!Dazai, Ler!Chuuya)
Day 13: Sneak Attack (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Lee!Grusha, Lers!Rika, Iono)
Day 14: Soft (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Yui, Ler!Gabimaru)
Day 15: Tickle Fight (My Hero Academia: Switches!Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki)
Day 16: Unusual Spot (Demon Slayer: Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Day 17: Interrogation (Spy x Family: Lee!Loid, Lers!Anya, Yor)
Day 18: Magic (Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun: Lee!Hanako, Ler!Nene)
Day 19: Arms Up (Blue Lock: Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Nagi)
Day 20: Relentless (Chainsaw Man: Lee!Aki, Lers!Denji, Power)
Day 21: New Discovery (Code Realize: Lee!Lupin, Lers!Cardia, Impey)
Day 22: Ticklish Kiss (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Lee!Brassius, Ler!Hassel)
Day 23: Incoherent (Vinland Saga: Lee!Thorfinn, Ler!Einar)
Day 24: Pinned (Hell's Paradise: Lee!Yuzuriha, Ler!Sagiri)
Day 25: Gang Tickles (Haikyuu!!: Lee!Semi, Lers!Tendou, Shirabu, Goshiki)
Day 26: Counting (Blue Lock: Lee!Isagi, Ler!Bachira)
Day 27: Hysterical (Dr Stone: Lee!Senku, Ler!Gen)
Day 28: Massage (Bungo Stray Dogs: Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Akutagawa)
Day 29: Wake Up! (Blue Lock: Lee!Nagi, Lers!Barou, Chigiri)
Day 30: Caught (Jujutsu Kaisen: Lee!Nobara, Ler!Maki)
Day 31: Aftercare (Fruits Basket: Lee!Tohru, Ler!Kyo)
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teasinterests · 2 years
Stay quiet..
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GRRR Mini buddy daddies fic bc BRAIN ROT.
Ler! Rei & Lee! Kazuki
CW / TW: Nothing much other than tickles (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
“Aaaahhhh~! She’s finally asleep!!”
Kazuki exclaimed before collapsing onto the couch beside Rei. The ravenette merely side glancing his partner before returning his attention to the game on tv.
“Don’t be so loud or she’ll wake up.”
Rei pointed out as the blonde groaned into the cushions. “Don’t even joke about it..” came the muffled response. Soon shifting to sit back up. Recalling earlier about how Rei and Miri played together. It was interesting to watch whilst Kazuki made dinner.. even if Rei was enjoying himself whilst playing with and entertaining Miri… his thoughts trailed off before he had spoken.
“Hey, Rei.. y’know you could smile more when you play with Miri.”
Kazuki pointed out as the ravenette remained silent.
“It’d probably be good for her! Y’know! To see her Papa smile!!”
The blonde exclaimed as Rei furrowed his brows.
“I don’t smile, I’ve already gone over this..”
He sighed, continuing to focus on the tv as Kazuki drew closer with an annoyed expression. Only to draw back and sigh. Wracking his brain.. there must be a way to get Rei to smile, right? They’ve been partners for so long!! And not just the relationship kind… has he ever seen Rei smile..?
“Hmmm…. Mmnnnnn…”
Kazuki hummed in thought. Jokes? Definitely not.. memes? No- aha!! Maybe something more playful.. was Rei ticklish..? He couldn’t help but grin at the thought. Drawing closer once more as the ravenette gave an annoyed sigh. Kazuki excitedly reaching out to squeeze at Rei’s sides.
“Aha!! Tickle tickle…?”
Trailing off, he paused as he noticed the other merely staring at him. Freezing in place momentarily before hands moved to poke at the others tummy a few times.
Rei began as he grabbed the others wrists. Discarding the game controller as he turned and pinned the blonde against the couch.
“A-AH- WAH—? Rei?! I was just trying to get you to smile!!”
The blonde exclaimed as Rei pressed a hand to his partners mouth.
“Miri is sleeping.” He commented, before his hand trailed lower to poke at one of Kazuki’s pits. The blonde jolting in response, with hazel eyes widening in surprise.
“H-Hey don’t start turning this on me..! Get oHOHOOFF—! WAHAA— PFFT—“
Biting his lip, Kazuki had to fight back newfound hysteria as Rei’s fingers began running down his ribs and sides. Squeezing at soft skin, then walking up to gently dig between the gaps of Kazuki’s ribcage. Now this was a sight. Seeing the blonde hitman red faced and struggling to keep his laughter in. All for the sake of Miri getting some rest.. though Kazuki’s expression and strained giggles were adorable. Rei couldn’t help but smirk.
“For a hitman I didn’t expect you to be so sensitive..”
Rei commented as Kazuki struggled to jerk his arms down. With the ravenette’s fingers trailing back to his armpit.
The blonde nearly squealed until the taller one had pressed his hand against the others mouth once more. Glancing back towards the hallway of Miri’s room, he gave a small sigh.
“If Miri wasn’t sleeping.. alright.”
Rei huffed as he got off the panting blonde. Watching the way Kazuki fell to the side with breathy giggles. The ravenette couldn’t help but smile. It was fond, and endearing. Something Kazuki just happened to not see with the way his eyes were closed..
“Ahaha.. it wasn’t supposed to be this way.. unfair..”
Kazuki groaned as Rei lifted him off the couch like a baby.
“Whatever. Lets just get to bed.”
Perhaps next time Kazuki would be blessed enough to witness such an endearing expression…
Maybe i’ll write for them again but waa I have a Natsumugi fic in the works im just.. snzzzz.. leaving for the con on Friday!! ✌🏻
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konbini-scans · 5 years
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Ascendance of a Bookworm - I’ll Become a Librarian At Any Cost!
Uma web novel criada por Miya Kazuki
Leia em japonês aqui: Shosetsu
Urano, uma maniaca por livros que finalmente havia conseguido um trabalho como bibliotecária na universidade, acabou tragicamente morrendo em um acidente pouco tempo depois de se graduar na faculdade. Ela renasceu como a filha de um soldado em um mundo onde a taxa de alfabetização é baixa e livros são escassos. Não importa quanto ela quisesse ler, não havia nenhum livro por perto. O que uma maniaca por livros faz sem livros? Faz eles, é claro. O objetivo dela é se tornar uma bibliotecária! Então para que talvez ela possa viver novamente rodeada de livros, ela precisa começar a fazer eles por si mesma.
001 - Prólogo
002 - Uma Nova Vida
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tomasbarrosblog · 4 years
Eu Sou Maluluco?
O estúdio Trigger tem um catálogo curioso de animações. Quando penso nele, imagino algo gritando — ora às orelhas, ora aos olhos; e no bom sentido! Ou, pelo menos, num sentido que os torna… eles: únicos. Presente nas obras, essa intensidade que reveste histórias sobre amadurecimento e outros temas sensíveis aos personagens (e a esse processo de crescimento), está sempre atrelado ao fato de que o universo fictício criado nunca é normal.
A Luluco é. 
Isso é sobre Space Patrol Luluco
Seria mais normal se saísse pelas ruas com a fatia de pão na boca.
Luluco é uma garota de 13 anos que vive em Ogikubo, a única cidade na Terra que é uma Zona de Imigração Espacial onde humanos e alienígenas vivem juntos. Em meio à diversidade de habitantes do lugar, tudo o que ela quer é ser normal. No entanto, o que não constava nos planos de Luluco, é que ela acabasse apontada como membra da Patrulha Espacial pelo chefe Over Justice, um corriqueiro esqueleto de cabeça flamejante, sendo, então, encarregada da defesa de Ogikubo perante criminosos galáticos. Coisas de pré-adolescente. 
A primeira informação dita ou apresentada numa história tem importância crucial, pois é geralmente a partir dela que elementos relevantes são estabelecidos: o tom atmosférico da obra, as motivações dos personagens, a base da temática… Space Patrol Luluco não perde tempo! De cara, nossa protagonista denota um desgosto pela cidade anormal na qual mora, e é justamente por essas bandas que passa o cerne da questão principal abordada no anime: a individualidade.
“Quando todo mundo é super, ninguém será.” As palavras do vilão Síndrome de Os Incríveis (Disney/Pixar, 2004) cabem nesse universo como uma luva, afinal, existe ironia na vontade da Luluco ser normal em um canto onde o normal é o anormal. Na moral? E aproveitando a interrogação pós-expressão-duvidosa-que-rima-com-normal, lanço outra: o que é “normal”? Seria a concepção social de obedecer às normas? Existir de um jeito comum ou usual? — Bom, ambos os aspectos do “normal” citados perambulam a animação de alguma forma: a Patrulha Espacial é a entidade que evoca a lei e clama por justiça, tendo em contraponto a Lalaco, mãe da Luluco e pirata também espacial que correlata “anormalidade” à liberdade, se desvencilhando das entranhas normativas; e, por outro lado, em umas duas ocasiões, a Luluco dá a entender que almeja uma vida ordinária pois se cansou das brigas constantes dos pais, as quais culminaram na separação do casal, tratando-as como algo anormal, fora  do cotidiano pacífico idealizado por ela.
Diz ΑΩ Nova para Luluco.
Em tempos de crise e na presença de tantos dicionários desempregados, é melhor deixar o trampo de atribuir definições à palavras pra quem manja de fato e falar a respeito de contradições; essas, tornam personagens intrigantes. Eu mencionei a ironia na lógica da Luluco ali em cima e não foi num tom de crítica ao roteiro e à coerência; pelo contrário! O ponto da jornada da heroína nesse caso é o amadurecimento e, consequentemente, o abraço ao anormal que ela tão intensamente negava. Aliás, os pobres dicionários que me desculpem, mas não são eles que “manjam de fato” para poderem definir o que é “normal” e “anormal”. De acordo com o Inferno Cop, um dos vários personagens de outras animações do Trigger que surgem em Space Patrol Luluco, num momento de sabedoria: “Os outros não têm direito de dizer o que é normal e o que não é. É algo que precisamos decidir por nós mesmos.”
No fim das contas, o “Buraco Negrense”, conforme é chamado o vilão, condiz bastante com essa arbitrariedade de decidir por terceiros. Ele faz jus ao nome; é um colecionador que “suga” pertences dos outros, atribuindo valor até para coisas intangíveis como sentimentos (aqui, materializados na forma de um coração cristalizado, tecnicamente são… tangíveis). Conclui-se na narrativa que o que torna cada um valioso/único é a noção de “ser” — de identidade — que desenvolvemos convictos dos nossos objetivos e desejos. A Luluco ama o ΑΩ Nova, um ser que a princípio não era dotado de emoções. Independentemente de ser “só mais uma paixonite normal de adolescente”, o sentimento é dela. Só dela.
É um encerramento memorável.
Aliás, eu acho o tema de encerramento bem legal. Pipo Password, por TeddyLoid e Bonjour Suzuki, é agradável de escutar, mas fazendo um esforço a fim de esquecer o áudio por um momento, olhemos na direção das primordiais geradoras do meu deleite: as imagens. Existe um contraste visual interessante entre fundos fotográficos reais e a Luluco, desenhada (em sua forma natural de desenho animado) e destacada do ambiente enquanto corre atrás do seu interesse amoroso, a quem também foi fornecido o mesmo embelezamento L’Oréal¹ de desenho e destaque. A curiosidade está na interpretação padrão que temos de foto. Para nós, é normal, é um retrato da realidade; do lugar comum, porém eu gosto da ideia de que ali a foto é utilizada como método enfático para dar importância ao indivíduo, conduzindo o tópico de que um lugar anormal só é anormal por conta das pessoas únicas que lá vivem. 
Isso é sobre o estúdio Trigger e Space Patrol Luluco
Na imagem: “Luluco, Patrulheira Super-Dimensional Especial. Codinome: Trigger-chan.”
Falando em lugar esquisito em que as pessoas vivem: Ogikubo. Não, não as do Space Patrol Luluco (que tem várias), mas sim a Ogikubo de verdade! Existe uma área residencial em Tóquio com tal nome. Sabe o que está nessa área? — A sede do estúdio Trigger. Veja só! Certamente não é uma coincidência. O trabalho minucioso de detetive fajuto tem gerado frutos, então segue aqui mais um achado: quer dizer, na verdade é “segue ali”, visto que eu me refiro à imagem acima, mas enfim! A Luluco resolvida do fim da série aparece com aquele exato visual e codinome; aí também deve haver alguma relação com o estúdio, não?
 — Elementar, meu caro Watoson² — você me diz. 
— Ah, e tem mais! — eu respondo.
Agora sim, segue aqui:
Animação comemorativa dos 5 anos do estúdio Trigger, celebrado em 2016, mesmo ano do lançamento de Space Patrol Luluco.
Space Patrol Luluco, além de uma história, é a celebração do próprio Trigger e sua identidade artística, que é mais velha do que a idade sugere, dado que o estúdio carrega consigo parte da bagagem de outro devido à fundação que teve em 2011 a partir da união de ex-membros do estúdio Gainax; incluindo, notoriamente, o diretor do anime em questão — Hiroyuki Imaishi, conhecido pelo trabalho em Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill e Promare (esse, inclusive, tem uma coluna sobre aqui no Portal Genkidama). Os dois últimos citados, já sob a bandeira “Trigger”.
“Ele não é assim o tempo todo. Têm vezes em que ele é um pouco mais normal.” — disse o roteirista Kazuki Nakashima sobre o diretor Hiroyuki Imaishi durante uma discussão referente ao desenvolvimento da história de Kill la Kill exibida no “making-of” do mesmo.
No decorrer do texto, nomeei certas produções referenciadas em Space Patrol Luluco como Kill la Kill e Inferno Cop, mas, similarmente: Little Witch Academia, Kiznaiver e Sex&VIOLENCE with MACHSPEED deram as caras por lá; isso sem apontar aquelas muitas outras que foram aludidas indiretamente na série. É admirável que elas não se resumam “apenas” a referências, e sim façam parte da composição desse universo maluluco, quase como se o Trigger dissesse: “nossas obras são assim, a gente é assim, e tá tudo bem ser assim — anormal.” O arco de autoaceitação pelo qual passou a criatura ao longo dos 13 episódios, também é o arco do criador. Por isso, a Luluco representa o estúdio. 
Como aspirante nos confins da área artística, me inspira ver a genuinidade do estúdio Trigger.
Isso é sobre tudo pois é a conclusão
Eu acho que a transformação dela é uma piada com o nome do estúdio. Não tinha pensado nisso até escrever essa legenda. Lamentável.
Na minha visão, a principal virtude de uma obra é quando ela sabe o que ela é. Seguindo a característica do estúdio, Space Patrol Luluco se conhece muito bem e demonstra.
Agora, no pique Palmirinha, se eu fosse dar a receita dessa torta despretensiosa, o primeiro passo seria investir no miolo. Nada muito complicado, você pega os ingredientes que está familiarizado, porém os mais bonitos e frescos e despeja na forma. Revista-os usando uma camada de humor simples e exagerado, e então você mexe pouco; mas bem pouco, para que a consistência não fique muito sofisticada. Leve, então, ao forno por 5 ou 7 minutos, dependendo da sua boa vontade em assistir os encerramentos. Quando o cheiro da honestidade subir, grite enlouquecidamente palavras desconexas em inglês e saiba que sua Space Patorta pode ser servida. Lulucorte os pedaços necessários para atender a demanda. Entretanto, antes de oferecer para as visitas, avise-as que que o miolo é comestível.
Nunca fiz uma torta na vida.
Tirando a lengalenga daquilo ali e preservando só os nutrientes, eu quis dizer que Space Patrol Luluco tem uma história honesta sobre amadurecimento e que, mesmo sendo curtinha, ganha você na simplicidade e na concisão.
Agora, dito tudo isso, vale a pena assistir/ler? Com certeza! Algumas sacadas são dependentes do conhecimento prévio das outras obras do estúdio, mas creio que isso não impacte tanto a experiência. Se ainda não viu, corre lá! É fácil de assistir inteiro numa tacada só.
Tem no Crunchyrol!
1 – Nem ia ter glossário nesse post aqui, mas senti a necessidade de colocar só pra explicar que L’Oréal é uma empresa de produtos de beleza e não o nome de um personagem, caso alguém não tenha entendido. Vai saber, né? Space Patrol Luluco tem um cara chamado Over Justice e outro chamado ΑΩ Nova. Se alguém me dissesse que Over Justice era uma marca de bateria de carro, eu acreditaria.
2 – Referência à frase clássica do Sherlock Holmes: “Elementar, meu caro Watson”, só que ali é o passaporte falso usado pela Saber, em Fate/Zero. Pô, Elise Watoson?!
How the Magic Was Created – Little Witch Academia Work Log (original) 
How the Magic Was Created – Little Witch Academia Work Log (inglês)
The Making of Kill la Kill 
Patreon | Studio TRIGGER 
Wikipedia | Studio Trigger 
Revisão: Stella Cristina
from Portal Genkidama https://ift.tt/3bzkjhk
from Site Title https://ift.tt/2KyahBd
0 notes
nunopds · 7 years
Apresentamos a nossa rubrica Melhores LeR (Leituras e Releituras) referente ao mês de março de 2017. Como é habitual, sublinha-se que, se por um lado, as obras de/sobre banda desenhada e demais livros ilustrados (re)lidos em março podem não ter tido data de lançamento neste mês ou sequer neste ano, por outro lado não foi obviamente realizada a leitura da totalidade das publicações lançadas no mês supramencionado.
A equipa do site Bandas Desenhadas continua a listar as suas melhores LeR, tendo contado com a participação de cinco elementos, o que certamente contribui para um conjunto de sugestões ecléticas. Não contabilizando as repetições, no total, são 46 propostas diferentes, desde as que geraram prazer na leitura até às intelectualmente estimulantes, passando pelos mais variados géneros literários, faixas etárias dos principais públicos-alvo e países de origem (Portugal, França, Bélgica, Itália, EUA, Brasil ou Japão).
Espera-se que março tenha sido mais generoso com os leitores deste espaço, pois isso certamente providenciará muitas partilhas, indicando outros trilhos a seguir e mundos a explorar. Utilizem o espaço dos comentários para nos desvendarem as vossas melhores leituras e releituras de março de 2017.
Melhores LeR de Nuno Pereira de Sousa em março de 2017
– José de Almeida Negreiros: Uma Maneira de Ser Moderno – vários autores (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/Documenta, 2017) – Três Histórias Desenhadas – José de Almada Negreiros (Assírio & Alvim, 2017) – Bruma – Amanda Baeza (Chili Com Carne, 2017) – Box Office Poison – Alex Robinson (3.ª impressão; Top Shelf, 2005) – BOP! [more Box Office Poison] – Alex Robinson (Top Shelf, 2003) – Tricked – Alex Robinson (2.ª impressão; Top Shelf, 2005) – O Cabra – Flávio Luiz (Papel A2, 2010) – Aaarg! Magazine 8 – vários autores (Financière De Loisirs, 2017) – Bartoon – Luís Afonso (Contexto, 1996) – Parker: O Golpe (baseado na obra de Richard Stark) – Darwyn Cooke (Biblioteca de Alice/Devir, 2017) – Histórias Paulistanas – Lica de Souza & Flávio Luiz (Papel A2, 2017) – Deu-me o Nome Liberdade o Avô Agostinho da Silva – Patrícia Martins & Tenório (Arquivo, 2016) – Jab, um Lutador / Rota 66: uma coletânea das primeiras tiras – Flávio Luiz (Badrabows, 1999) – Vai Dormir, F*da-se – Adam Mansbach & Ricardo Cortés (Arte Plural, 2011) – Porreiro, Pá! – Augusto Cid (Guerra & Paz, 2009) – Futebol por Linhas Tortas – Luís Afonso (Dom Quixote, 2004) – 3 Histórias de Terror e Uma Nem Tanto – Lica de Souza & Flávio Luiz (Papel A2, 2015) – Úlcera – Puiupo & Adonis Pantazopoulos (2016) – Jayne Mastodonte Adventures 1  – Flávio Luiz (Badrabows, 1999) – Jayne Mastodonte Adventures 2  – Flávio Luiz (Badrabows, 2006)
Melhores LeR de Susana Figueiredo em março de 2017
– Tex: Patagónia – Mauro Boselli & Pasquale Frisenda (Polvo, 2015) – Star Wars vol. 2: Ajuste de Contas na Lua dos Contrabandistas – Jason Aaron, Simone Bianchi & Stuart Immonen (Planeta, 2016) – Deu-me o Nome Liberdade o Avô Agostinho da Silva – Patrícia Martins & Tenório (Arquivo, 2016)
Melhores LeR de Rodrigo Ramos em março de 2017
– Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser – Howard Chaykin & Mike Mignola (Dark Horse, 2007) – O Buda Azul – Cosey (Asa/Público, 2011) – The Iron Ghost: Geist Reich – Chuck Dixon & Sergio Cariello (Image, 2007) – DC – A Nova Fronteira vol. 1 – Darwyn Cooke & Dave Stewart (Panini Brasil, 2006) – DC – A Nova Fronteira vol. 2 – Darwyn Cooke & Dave Stewart (Panini Brasil, 2006) – Groo – El Tesoro – Sergio Aragonés (Planeta DeAgostini España, 2008)
Melhores LeR de Carla Ramos em março de 2017
– A Guerra do Corpo Sinestro 1 – vários autores (Levoir, 2017) – Obscurum Nocturnus – Diogo Carvalho (Diogo Carvalho, 2014) – Patrulha do Destino: Rua Paraíso Abaixo – Grant Morrison & Richard Chase (Panini Brasil, 2016) – Patrulha do Destino: Supermusculatura – Grant Morrison & Richard Chase (Panini Brasil, 2016) – John Constantine, Hellblazer: Raízes da Coincidência – Andy Diggle & Leonardo Manco (Panini Brasil, 2015) – Wolverine Snikt! – Tsutomu Nihei (Devir, 2005)
Melhores LeR de Pedro Silva em março de 2017
– Michel Vaillant: Renascimento  – Phillipe Graton, Denis Lapière, Marc Bourgne & Benjamin Benéteau (Asa, 2016) – Gandhi  – Kazuki Ebine (Case Editorial/Tambor, 2015) – O 14.º Dalai Lama – Tetsu Saiwai (Case Editorial/Tambor, 2015) – Méga Spirou 9 – vários autores (Dupuis, 2017) – Joker: O Príncipe Palhaço do Crime – vários autores (Levoir, 2017) – A Guerra do Corpo Sinestro 1 – vários autores (Levoir, 2017) – A Guerra do Corpo Sinestro 2 – vários autores (Levoir, 2017) – Catwoman: O Grande Golpe de Selina – Darwyn Cooke (Levoir, 2017) – Astérix Max 2 – vários autores (Hachette, 2016) – Groom 3 – vários autores (Dupuis, 2017) – Le Bois Des Vierges T1 – Jean Dufaux & Béatrice Tillier (Robert Laffont, 2008) – Le Bois Des Vierges T2: Loup  – Jean Dufaux & Béatrice Tillier (Delcourt, 2010) – Le Bois Des Vierges T3: Épousailles  – Jean Dufaux & Béatrice Tillier (Delcourt, 2013)
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As melhores LeR em março Apresentamos a nossa rubrica Melhores LeR (Leituras e Releituras) referente ao mês de março de 2017. Como é habitual, sublinha-se que, se por um lado, as obras de/sobre banda desenhada e demais livros ilustrados (re)lidos em março podem não ter tido data de lançamento neste mês ou sequer neste ano, por outro lado não foi obviamente realizada a leitura da totalidade das publicações lançadas no mês supramencionado.
0 notes
giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Ok ok ok so- hi! :3 it’s been a little bit, I swear we’ll talk again soon, but I wanted to do something for puffs!! How about for a sentence starter, “You think you can get away that easy??” With Ler!Kazuki and Lee!Rei from Buddy Daddies? 🥹 Please and thank you and drink some water!! We love you 😘 ❤️
Bunny! *hugs* I'm so glad to hear from you! There's never any rush to chat; as your local space cadet in DMs, please take your time! When you feel up for it, I'm here for you :) I adore Buddy Daddies and LOVE LEE!REI! I've gotcha covered, friend!
“Now where are those chocolate strawberries? I had them in here an hour ago…” Kazuki leaned out of the fridge with a furrowed expression, turning his gaze to Rei sitting by on the couch. “Rei? Did you see my chocolate strawberries?”
“Hm?” Rei turned to face him, bored. “Didn’t know you had any.”
Silence. Kazuki narrowed his eyes. “Rei…There's chocolate on your face.”
More silence. Then…
“Get back here!” Footsteps pounded through the apartment as Rei bolted, flying up the stairs towards the safety of- what? His room? He never slept in there, where was it again? He went to leap down the stairwell when arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him to a complete stop.
“THERE! Think you can get away that easily?” Kazuki wrestled him to the floor, pinning his wrists with his knees in a way he knew Rei couldn’t escape. “After eating MY chocolate strawberries?”
“I didn’t know they were yours! I thought they were the hou-ohohouse!” A line of snickers busted past his lips before Rei clamped his mouth shut, twisting this way and that beneath the blonde’s creeping fingers.
“Rei, Rei, Rei. So bold in your assumptions.” Kazuki mock tsked, pressing tickly fingers into his friend’s ribs. “Don’t you know what happens when you assume wrong? You have to face the tickle monster!” He shot his hands up to the brunette’s armpits with lightning speed, making Rei suck in a sharp breath. Within seconds he was a laughing mess, thrashing about and howling with mirth. “And also something about making an ass of you and me- don’t tell Miri I said that.”
“Oh I know you will.” Kazuki snickered, overjoyed. “For now though, I want you to laugh for me, Rei. Laugh until you can’t laugh no more!”
Send me a pairing a sentence starter and a pairing and I'll write a 300 word dabble for it!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (A-C)
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Heyo! I've decided to divide up the Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist up more!
Full Masterlist
Updated: 7/4/24
Big Windup
Duster (Lee!Abe, Ler!Tajima) 
Black Clover
Background Check (Lee!Leopold, Ler!Yuno)
Black Bulls Tickle Royale! (Group Tickles: Black Bulls)
Commoner Life (Yunleo, Lee!Yuno, LerAsta)
Jealous (Lee!Finral, Ler!Zora)
Just Like Me (Lee!Teen!Nozel, Ler!Acier)
Not Ticklish (Lee!Nozel, Lers!Yami, Fuegoleon)
The Better Cousin (Lees!Leopold, Noelle, Ler!Mimosa)
The Pits! (Lee!Finral, Ler!Magna)
Blue Lock
Cuddles? (Lee!Niko, Ler!Isagi)
Complimentary (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Chigiri)
Crimes In Glam (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Aryu)
Brat (Lee!Rin, Ler!Bachira)
Brat (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sae)
Doorway (Lee!Bachira, Lers!Isagi, Gagamaru)
Hair (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Insecurity (Lee!Bachira, Ler!Isagi) 
Looney Toon (Reo x Reader)
Moody (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Isagi, Nagi, Barou)
Not Ticklish (Chigiri x Reader)
Nom (Nagi x Reader)
Race (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Bachira)
Respect (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Barou, Nagi)
Sacrificial Lambs (Lees!Isagi, Chigiri, Ler!Gagamaru)
Smile Security (Chigiri x Reader)
Simba (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Stay? (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi) 
Whatcha Say? (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami)
Wet Willy! (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Bachira)
Buddy Daddies
Iity Bitty (Lee!Rei, Ler!Kazuki)
Lesson Not-Learned (Lee!Miri, Lers!Rei, Kazuki)
Bungo Stray Dogs
“Back” To Work (Lee!Dazai, Ler!Kunikida)
Break Time (Kunikida x Reader)
Feather Light (Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Dazai)
Hands (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai) 
Piggy Spot (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai)
Stare (Lee!Akutagawa, Ler!Atsushi)
The Empiricists Have No Clothes (Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Reader)
Ushanka (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Reader)
Chainsaw Man
New Thing (Lee!Denji, Ler!Power)
Suckers (Lee!Yoshida, Ler!Octopus Devil)
Wall (Switches!Denji, Beam)
Collar x Malice
Distraction! (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
Experiment (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kageyuki)
Multi-tasker (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
39 notes · View notes
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Candy Heart Valentine Event Masterlist (A-K)
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Here is the first half of The Candy Heart Valentine prompts for 2k22/2k23
Updated: 3/9/23
Full Masterlist
Black Clover
"I could do this all day" (Lee!Zora, Ler!Finral)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" (Lee!Nozel, ler!Fuegoleon)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" (Lee!Yuno, Ler!Asta)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” (Lee!Zora, Ler!Finral)
“What’s so funny?” (Switches!Noelle, Asta)
“What happens if I do this?” (Finral x Reader)
“Why are you trying to hide?” + “Do you want me to tickle you?” + “Yes please” (Lee!Asta, Ler!Yami)
"Your laugh is adorable!" (Finral x Reader)
Blue Lock
“Come over here and make me!” + “You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi)
“Hey could you…you know?” + “Don’t stop? If you say so!” (Lee!Isagi, Ler!Bachira)
“I’m gonna get you!” + “I didn’t know you were ticklish here!” (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi)
“I’m gonna get you!” (Lee!Isagi, Lers!Bachira, Kunigami)
“I could do this all day!” + “Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Isagi, Kunigami)
“It’s gonna be okay (Switches!Rin, Tokimitsu)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Isagi, Ler!Rin)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Nagi, Ler!Reo)
“What happens if I do this? (Lee!Nagi, Lers!Bachira, Isagi)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi)
“What’s so funny?” (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
“When’s the last time you smiled? + “No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Rin, Ler!Isagi)
“Where are those giggles I love so much? (Lee!Bachira, Ler!Isagi)
“You smiled at me! I think I’m in love!” (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Buddy Daddies
“I didn’t know you were ticklish here.” (Lee!Kazuki, Ler!Rei)
“I’m gonna get you!” + “When’s the last time you smiled?” + “Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Switches!Miri, Kazuki, Rei)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Miri, Ler!Kazuki)
“No way, I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Rei, Ler!Kazuki)
Bungo Stray Dogs
“Come over here and make me!” + “I could do this all day” (Kunikida x Reader)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Dazai)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” + “Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Dazai)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Dazai)
“You’re so ticklish, aren’t you?” (Lee!Atsushi, Ler!Akutagawa)
“Your laugh is adorable” (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Akutagawa, Ler!Atsushi)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Chuuya x Reader)
Chainsaw Man
“Can I have a piggyback ride?” (Galgali x Reader)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Switches!Kobeni, Galagali)
“Look how red you are! How cute! (Makima x Reader)
“I just want a hug!” + “Look how red you are! How cute!” (Angel Devil x Reader)
“I could do this all day.” + “Your laugh is adorable” (Lee!Pingsti, Long, Tsugihagi, Cosmo, Ler!Quanxi)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Angel, Ler!Aki)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Aki, Ler!Angel)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Yoshida x Reader)
“Wait! What are you doing to me?” (Lee!Denji, Ler!Aki)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” + “No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Angel, Ler!Aki)
Code Realize
“What's so funny?” (Lee!Lupin, Ler!Impey)
Collar x Malice
“Is this a bad spot?” (Takeru x Reader)
“Come over here and make me!” (Togami x Platonic!Reader)
“Excuse me, are you alright?” (Korekiyo x Reader)
“Hey, do you like raspberries?” (Komaeda x Reader)
“I just want a hug!” (Togami x Reader)
“Not there? What about here?” (Switches!Sondam)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Souda, Ler!Fuyuhiko)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Rantaro)
"What's so funny?" (Lee!Ouma, Ler!Kiibo)
"When was the last time you smiled?" (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
“When was the last time you smiled?” (Togami x Reader)
“Why are you trying to hide?” (Lee!Gundham, Ler!Sonia)
“Why are you trying to hide?” (Rantaro x Reader)
"Your laugh is adorable" (Lee!Souda, Ler!Akane)
“You smiled at me! I think I’m in love!” (Kamukura x Reader)
Demon Slayer
“Come over here and make me!” (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Giyu)
“Do you want me to tickle you?” (Enmu x Reader)
“Don’t stop? If you say so!” (Lee!Gyomei, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
“Hey could you…you know?” (Muichiro x Reader)
“Hey could you…you know?” (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru)
“Hey could you…you know?” (Lee!Muichiro, Ler!Genya)
"Hey, do you like raspberries?" (Lee!Tanjiro, ler!Sabito)
“Hey, do you like raspberries?” (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Rengoku)
"Is this a bad spot?" (Lee!Rengoku, Lers!Tengen, Mitsuri)
“I just want a hug!” (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Obanai, Ler!Mitsuri)
''Not there? What about here?" (Lee!Zenitsu, Ler!Tanjiro)
“Not There? What about here?” (Lee!Rengoku, Ler!Tengen)
"Not there? What about here?" (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sabito)
"Not there? What about here?" (Lee!Obanai, Ler!Mitsuri)
“Now, about that crush of yours…” (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Rengoku)
“Oh? Is someone ticklish?” (Switches!Rengoku, Senjuro)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" + "Your smile is so pretty, I think I'm in love!" (Zenitsu x Reader)
“What’s so funny?” + “Not there? What about here?” (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Giyu)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Tanjiro, Ler!Inosuke)
"When's the last time you smiled?" (Lee!Muichiro, lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Mitsuri, Ler!Obanai)
“When’s the last time you smiled? (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Sanemi)
"Your laugh is adorable" (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Gyomei)
Your laugh is adorable (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
"You're so ticklish, aren't you?" (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Rengoku)
"You two are adorable, it's killing me." (Lees!Tengen, Rengoku, Ler!Gyomei)
Dr. Stone
"Is this a bad spot?" (Lee!Ukyo, Ler!Chrome)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
“Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Fire Force
“I could do this all day.” (LeeArthur, Ler!Shinra)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Viktor, Ler!Vulcan)
Fruits Basket
“I’m gonna get you! (Lee!Hatori, Lers!Ayame, Shigure)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" (Lee!Tohru, Ler!Kyo)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Yuki, Ler!Kyo)
"Is this a bad spot?" (Lee!Yuki, Ler!Kakeru)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
“Hey, do you like raspberries? (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Natsuya)
“I just want a hug.” + “I didn’t know you were ticklish here.” (Lee!Haru, Ler!Makoto)
"Last warning. I'm gonna count to three now. One...two...three..." (Lee!Rin, Ler!Seijuro)
“Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Ikuya, Lers!Rin, Haru)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Kisumi, Ler!Asahi)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” + “Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Switches!Ikuya, Natsuya)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Haru)
"Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Nagisa x Reader)
"When's the last time you smiled? (Lee!Sousuke, Ler!Rin)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Haruki, Ler!Akihiko)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Mafuyu, Ler!Uenoyama)
"Do you want me to tickle you?" (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
"Hey, do you like raspberries? (Lee!Daichi, Ler!Suga)
“I’m gonna get you!” (Lee!Asahi, Ler!Noya)
“I just want a hug!” (Kageyama x Reader)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish!” (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Bokuto)
“Oh that is IT! Come here!” + “Why are you trying to hide?” (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Kuroo)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” + “Hey could you…you know?” (Lee!Ushijima, Lers!Tendou, Semi)
"Why are you hiding from me?" (Lee!Kuroo, ler!Bokuto)
"Why are you trying to hide?" + "Your laugh is adorable" (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Kuroo)
“Why are you trying to hide?” + “Come over here and make me!” + “Look how red you are! How cute!” (Lee!Suga, Lers!Daichi, Asahi)
“You’re so ticklish, aren’t you?” (Lee!Asahi, Ler!Kuroo)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Noya, Ler!Suga)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Kuroo, Ler!Daichi)
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” + “What is it you want? You’re gonna have to tell me.” (Lee!Yamaguchi, Ler!Tsukishima)
“Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Lee!Charlie, Ler!Nick)
Hell’s Paradise: Jirokuraku
"Why are you trying to hide?" + "When's the last time you smiled?" (Switches!Gabimaru, Yui)
“Where are those giggles I love so much?” (Lee!Sagiri, Ler!Yuzuriha)
Hunter x Hunter
"Do I have a chance with you?" (Chrollo x Reader)
“I could do this all day” (Lee!Gon, Ler!Killua)
"I didn't know you were ticklish here!" (Lee!Killua, Ler!Gon)
"Oh that is IT! Come here!" + "Oh? Is someone ticklish?" (Lee!Kurapika, Ler!Gon)
"What happens if I do this?" (Lee!Gon, Ler!Kurapika)
"Why are you trying to hide?" + "When's the last time you smiled?" (Lee!Gon, Ler!Killua)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
“I didn’t know you were ticklish here!” (Lee!Josuke, Ler!Okuyasu)
“No way! I didn’t know you were ticklish?” (Lee!Abbachio, Ler!Bruno)
“When’s the last time you smiled?” (Lee!Kakyoin, Ler!Jotaro)
Jujutsu Kaisen
“Don’t stop? If you say so!” (Lee!Itadori, Ler!Gojo)
“What happens if I do this?” (Lee!Megumi, Ler!Gojo)
"You're telling me that you can exorcize special grade curses, but completely crumble from a few fingers?" (Lee!Itadori, Ler!Megumi)
Komi Can’t Communicate
“You like being tickled, don’t you?” (Lee!Tadano, Lers!Komi, Najime)
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hiiiii! I saw you had Buddy Daddies on your list of fandoms you would write for and was wondering if I could please request ❤️ Me + You with ler Kazuki and lee rei? This show is just so cute and has been on my mind sm 😖💖 Hope you have a good day/night!!
Oh my goodness- this is so freaking PURE! *cries* I love this so much! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D Have a fantastic day/night aswell!
Me + You: "No way! I didn't know you were ticklish!"
“Rei…” Kazuki walked into the bathroom, eyes landing on the sleeping man. He almost felt bad waking him up. “Come on- breakfast is ready.”
“Mmm…” Rei groaned, turning his back to the blonde as he snuggled deeper into the tub. How was that even comfortable?
“Rei.” Kazuki reached out, shaking him. “Rei, get up.”
Nothing but soft snores came back in reply.
“Rei!” Kazuki shook him harder, his hand slipping with the force. The tips of his fingers brushed into the brunette’s armpit, earning a sleepy gasp. “Oops- did that…” Rei snored once more. “Hurt…?”
Odd. That wasn’t a groan of pain, but rather…
“No way.” Kazuki started to smile, worming a single finger under Rei’s arm. “I didn’t know you were ticklish!”
The brunette again gasped in his sleep, squirming some at the prodding finger. Still, he remained in dreamland. Kazuki added an additional finger, pressing in gently to see what would happen.
Finally- Rei started to laugh.
“Ahe…ahehhehehe…nohoohohohoho…” Rei giggled, his voice barely over a whisper as he swatted lazily at the other’s hand. The sound was hushed and wispy; so soft Kazuki could probably get away with doing this during the night if so desired. It was adorable.
Alas- Miri was gonna wake up soon. Kazuki needed his partner’s help today.
“Come on Rei- up and at them!” Kazuki stuck his entire hand in, gently clawing at the ticklish spot. Rei was properly squirming now, his soft giggles increasing in volume from a soft whisper to a breathy laugh.
“Ahehahhahahahha! Stahhahahap ihihiihihit!” Rei curled into himself tighter. “Lehehhet me gohooohohoho!”
“Wanna get up for breakfast?” Kazuki asked, eyes dancing with mischief. Rei’s eyes were finally starting to open-
“WHOA!” Kazuki yelped, scrambling backwards as a knife arched before him. Small strands of blonde hair fell before his eyes- and he was sure he could feel the beginnings of a cut form along the bridge of his nose. “Rei!”
“Who…” Rei glared- the eyes of a killer. When they settled on Kazuki, they softened, returning to a sleeplike state as he lowered the knife. “Oh….hey.”
“That’s all you have to say? HEY?” Kazuki squawked, rubbing his face to check for damage. No blood, thankfully. “My god, Rei! You almost killed me!”
“Sorry.” Rei blinked, standing up with a yawn. “Is breakfast ready?”
“Papa! Papa! I’m up!” Miri ran into the bathroom, full of energy even at the earliest hours. Rei subtly tossed his knife out of the Miri-zone. “Let’s have bweakfast!”
“It’s breakfast, Miri-chan.” Kazuki began, but she was already running for the main room. Rei nodded before climbing completely out of the tub, mumbling something about needing coffee.
Kazuki leaned into the wall of the tub, pushing his freshly trimmed bangs out of his face.
Next time- he’s checking for knives before he wakes Rei up.
~Send me a pairing and a candy heart phrase~
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hey bestie, hope your day was good! Anyways, I was wandering if you can do Smile, with either lee: Kazuki and ler: Rei, or vice versa, and you can make Miri a ler too if your heart desires, love!! Have a good day😊🙏.
kjrakjerjakerjkajkerjkr The chance to write for Lee!Kazuki is here! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
Smile: "I didn't know you were ticklish here."
“She didn’t like it at all…” Kazuki moaned in the folded shirt as he worked on the laundry. “I failed as her Papa…”
“She’s probably just not in the mood for it.” Rei didn’t look away from the screen as his character let out a combo attack, sending his opponent flying. “It’s not the end of the world if she doesn’t like your cooking.”
“But Miri loves my cooking! She always tells me how tasty it is! Today she just..poked at it.” He sighed, gathering up the folded clothes as he stood. “She wasn’t sick, was she? Oh no- I took her to daycare too when she was sick!”
“Miri, my poor baby, sick and hungry without a proper meal in you!”
“What if she hates the lunch I made her? What if she starts hating me for making them?”
“I have to go down there! I have to bring her home-” His next few words were cut off when Rei grabbed him by the collar. With a few expert moves, Kazuki’s back was against the couch cushions, the clothes falling around them like sakura petals as Rei loomed over. “Rei, the laundry-”
“Shut up.” A hand attacked his stomach, making him yelp and squirm. “Shut up Kazuki.”
“Ahehahahaha, hohohohohw am Iihihihihi to dohohoho that nhoohohohow?”
“Huh, I didn’t know you were ticklish here.” Rei shook his head as he carried on, glaring at the giggly blonde man. “Miri doesn’t hate you. She probably just didn’t feel hungry this morning. When she gets home, she’ll be hungry. Then you can wow her with your meal prep. So stop worrying so much about it.” He added a second hand, making Kazuki arch with a cackle, weakly pushing at his hands. “Are you done being dramatic?”
“Yehahhahahahs! Yehahhahhahas now stahhahahhap!” Kazuki cried, curling into himself as Rei stood. “Hehehhe…heheh…hhehey Rei? Thahahanks.”
“Thank me later. I need to go get her.” He turned to go, but not before Kazuki saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. “You make dinner. I know she’s gonna be hungry.”
“Right!” Kazuki sat up, a new determination in his step.
That night, Miri ate everything on her plate and even asked for seconds.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
For the ask game ^-^
Top five lees? (Characters) 👀
And optional if you're up to it, top five lers?
Ooo, yes please! Let's go!
Top 5 Lees (As of right now)
5.) Jotaro Kujo (JJBA)
4.) Gabimaru (Hell's Paradise)
3.) Hawks (MHA)
2.) Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
1.) Chigiri Hyoma (Blue Lock)
Top 5 Lers (As of right now)
5.) Dazai Osamu (BSD)
4.) Yuzuriha (Hell's Paradise)
3.) Bachira Meguru (Blue Lock)
2.) Kazuki Kurusu (Buddy Daddies)
1.) Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Thanks for asking! :D
Send me top 5 of anything
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Masterlist (Headcanons To Dabbles)
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Heyo! My Sentence Starters/Headcanons To Dabbles List was getting long, so I decided to separate the two :D
(Totally didn’t do it for a reason to use a Kurama gif what are you talking about)
Full Masterlist
Updated: 5/19/23
Black Clover
Black Bulls Tickle Royale! (Group Tickles: Black Bulls)
Blue Lock
Cuddles? (Lee!Niko, Ler!Isagi)
Crimes In Glam (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Aryu)
Brat (Lee!Rin, Ler!Bachira)
Moody (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Isagi, Nagi, Barou)
Not Ticklish (Chigiri x Reader)
Respect (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Barou, Nagi)
Sacrificial Lambs (Lees!Isagi, Chigiri, Ler!Gagamaru)
Simba (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Whatcha Say? (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami)
Wet Willy! (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Bachira)
Buddy Daddies
Iity Bitty (Lee!Rei, Ler!Kazuki)
Lesson Not-Learned (Lee!Miri, Lers!Rei, Kazuki)
Bungo Stray Dogs
“Back” To Work (Lee!Dazai, Ler!Kunikida)
The Empiricists Have No Clothes (Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Reader)
Ushanka (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Reader)
Chainsaw Man
Suckers (Lee!Yoshida, Ler!Octopus Devil)
Collar x Malice
Distraction! (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
Experiment (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kageyuki)
Multi-tasker (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
Do The Thing? (Lee!Maki, Ler!Kaede)
Check-In! (Lee!Taka, Lers!Mondo, Leon, Chihiro)
Cheer Up, Kiyo! (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
Come here (Hajime x Platonic!Reader)
Company (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Kokichi)
Foot Rest (Lee!Yasuhiro, Ler!Mondo)
Sweet Talk (Nagito x Reader)
Demon Slayer
Air Tickles (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Hantengu Clones)
All Ears (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Cupid (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Douma's Army (Lee!Daki, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Ler!Gyokko)
Drummer Boy and The Pesky Spider (Lee!Kyogai, Ler!Rui)
Eyes On Me (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
Five Seconds (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Fluster (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Future Sightings (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Gone In The Wind (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Sanemi)
Heat Of The Moment (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Keen Sense Of Hearing (Lee!Tanjiro, Inosuke, Ler!Zenitsu)
Kibble (Lee!Roark, Lers!Pokemon)
Lavender Fly (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Shinobu)
Medicine (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Shinobu)
Messed With The Wrong Demon (Lee!Douma, Ler!Koku)
Mending (Lee!Genya, Ler!Sanemi)
Ribs (Lee!Gyutaro, Ler!Rui)
Run (Lee!Rui, Ler!Douma)
Sit With Me (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Kagaya)
Spell It For Me (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Stripes (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Taisho Era Tickle Monster (Switch!Tanjiro, Lees!Zenitsu, Nezuko)
(Tickle) Fight Me! (Lee!Inosuke, Ler!Tanjiiro)
Team Work Makes The Dream Work (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Sanemi, Giyu)
Thick Skin (Lee!Douma, Lers!Daki, Rui)
What I Like About You (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Who’s Better? (Lees!Sanemi, Muichiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
Dr Stone
Flower Language (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
I Smell A Storm (Lee!Tsukasa, Ler!Ryusui)
Returning Hug (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Fire Emblem
Retainer's Contribution (Lee!Sylvain, Lers!Dimitri, Dedue)
Splitting Sides (Lee!Claude, Ler!Hilda)
Fire Force
Begone, Devil! (Lee!Shinra, Ler!Arthur)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Temper Tantrum (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nitori)
Fruits Basket
Rival (Lee!Nao, Ler!Yuki)
Bicker Buddies (Lees!Hinata, Kageyama, Ler!Asahi)
Buzzing (Lee!Yamaguchi, Ler!Tsukishima)
Challenge Time (Lee!Suga, Ler!Yamaguchi)
Don’t Panic! (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
Jokes On You (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Tanaka, Noya)
Sneak (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi)
Will you? (Lee!Kenma, Ler!Kuroo)
Wrestling (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
Breakfast Awaits! (Lee!Nick, Ler!Charlie)
Blush (Switches!Charlie, Nick)
Chub (Lee!Nick, Ler!Charlie)
Cutie (Lee!Charlie, Ler!Nick)
I know Him Best! (Lee!Charlie, Lers!Tao, Nick)
Hunter x Hunter
Secret (Switches!Gon, Killua)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Birthmark (Lee!Jotaro, Ler!Kakyoin)
Tiramisu (Lee!Giorno, Ler!Bruno)
Weekly Antics (Lee!Abbachio, Switch!Giorno, Ler!Mista)
The World (Lees!Jotaro, Okuyasu, Koichi, Ler!Jotaro)
Komi Can’t Communicate
Mood (Lee!Katai, Ler!Tadano)
My Hero Academia
Back Rub (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Shinsou)
Brotherly Antics (Lee!Ojiro, Ler!Bakugou)
Can We Try It? (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Mirko)
Catch Me! (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Todoroki)
Feathers (Lees!Bakugou, Midoriya, Ler!Hawks)
Feather Sensitive (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Dabi)
Fish Out Of Water (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Kirishima)
Fucking Adorable (Lee!Torodoki, Ler!Bakugou)
Fluster (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Deku)
Game Over (Lee!Shigaraki, Lers!Dabi, Spinner)
I Spy A Tickle Monster! (Lee!Hagakure, Ler!Ojiro)
Laugh It Off (Lee!Endeavor, Jeanist, Ler!Hawks)
Manicure! (LeeKanimari, Ler!Mina)
Muscle Groups (Switches!Bakugou, Midoriya)
Palms Up! (Switches!Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya)
Play With Me! (Lees!Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Shoji, Ler!Dark Shadow)
Shoulders (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Todoroki)
Softie (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Midoriya)
The Claw! (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Kirishima)
Wakey, Wakey! (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Sero)
My Dearest, Maxie (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie)
Feathery Flurry! (Trainer Reader, Talonflame)
Gem (Trainer Reader, Sableye)
Ghost Army Tickle Attack! (Lee!Raihan, Ler!Allister)
Glint (Lee!Volkner, Ler!Roark)
Lack Of Direction (Lee!Gold, Ler!Aipom)
Land Vs. Water (Switch!Maxie, Archie)
Lesson Plan (Lee!Claval, Ler!Tyme)
Mermaiding (Hardenshipping)
Nibbles (Trainer Reader, Hydreigon)
Poke The Bewear (Hardenshipping)
Stay Still (Lee!Roark, Ler!Reader)
Thunderstorms (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie)
Wooloo Goof! (Lee!Hop, Leon, Ler!Wooloo)
Sk8 The Infinity
Best Win Yet (Lee!Langa, Ler!Reki)
Movie Night (Lee!Kojiro, Ler!Karou)
Spy x Family
Agent Mama On The Move! (Lees!Loid, Anya, Ler!Yor)
Give It Back! (Lee!Loid, Ler!Franky)
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