leejunkk · 11 months
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hello saw fandom part two (based off fic by @cringemesstickles :3 hi i love your saw fic so much)
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cringemesstickles · 1 year
Purposeful Loser
(TickleTober Day 3: Cuddles)
Summary: Adam starts a tickle fight so that he can lose on purpose (based off headcanon briefly discussed with @tickly-muffin >_<)
Pairings: Chainshipping
Word Count: 750
A/N: this is my first time writing for Saw and I’m low key scared to post this but I’m gonna do it anyways ok bye I’m gonna go hide
“you smell like a hospital.” Adam teased from where he was tucked away in Lawrence’s arms, making the doctor roll his eyes with exaggerated exasperation.
“Well, Adam, I am a doctor.” He said with a smile.
The atmosphere was warm and comforting and yet, Adam couldn’t help the nagging at the back of his mind; the one that yearned for a specific type of playful attention.
But how could he ask for it? That’s completely out of the question. Luckily, Adam had a plan.
Adam started poking and prodding at Lawrence’s sides, the doctor flinching and grabbing the younger’s wrists, keeping them firmly contained.
“Hehey! What do you think you’re doing?” He looked at the brunette, eyebrow raised with skepticism.
Adam’s eyes sparkled with mischief; he had the feeling his plan was working.
“What’s wrong, Doctor? Ticklish?” He snarked with a smirk, watching his lovers face and trying to figure out what he was thinking.
Lawrence wasn’t a moron. They had been together long enough for him to know a thing or two about Adam, and this was one of his typical ploys for tickles.
Lawrence gave a knowing smile but decided to play along.
He laid Adam on his back and held him in his lap, pinning his hands above his head so quickly that Adam yelped with surprise.
The doctor gave a smug grin, pleased with the blush that tinted the younger’s cheeks.
“Not so snarky now, are you?” He raised his free hand and began to wiggle his fingers threateningly over Adam’s stomach, watching his eyes widen in anticipation as he kicked his legs and squirmed helplessly, failing to suppress anticipatory giggles.
“Wahait, come on, Larry- you know I didn’t mean that doctor joke! Hospitals smell great!” He giggled frantically, watching the wiggling fingers inch closer and closer to his skin, excitement in his eyes.
“Maybe not, but I’m still going to tickle you till you can’t think straight.”
Before Adam could protest again, Lawrence plunged his fingers into the sensitive flesh, scribbling and scratching skillfully.
“EHEHEEK! NOOO, DOHOHONT!!” Adam shrieked, futilely squirming from left to right, only for the tickles to follow.
“Oh please. As if you weren’t begging for this.” Lawrence mockingly scoffed, skittering up to the ribs.
Adam snorted with laughter, happy to receive the attention he wanted, but also embarrassing.
Adam’s cheeks flushed bright red, and noticeably so.
The taller man hummed thoughtfully.
“Mm, no.. I don’t think I am.” He paused his attack.
“You see, what I think…” He pulled his hand back and moved to hover his fingers above Adam’s armpit, observing how his squirming got even more frantic.
“Nonono, dohohont!” Pleaded the brunette, an excited shimmer in his eye that was really pleading the opposite.
“Is that you really love…”
The fingers moved closer to their target.
“Lawrence, please!”
“To be…”
And closer…
“Haha- shut uhuhuhuuuup!!”
With that, the doctors skilled fingers dug into the hollow of Adam’s armpit, eliciting a shrill screech from the smaller man, his laughter loud and boisterous.
“EEEK! LAWREHEHEHENCE!!” He thrashed and kicked, screams of laughter filling the small room. Lawrence was almost worried they’d get a complaint for the noise.
“What’s the matter, Adam? Ticklish?” He mimicked Adam from earlier, taking pride in the absolute glee he was bringing his boyfriend. Adam’s smile could light up any room, even their own dusty apartment.
“SHUT UHUHUHUP!!” He blushed red, turning his head to try and hide in the crook of his arm.
Adam tried to tug at his arms, but it was no use; Lawrence was much stronger than him. And besides, he was already weakened from all the tickles.
His eyes were glittery with the joy of a kid on Christmas morning, letting himself laugh uncontrollably under his boyfriend’s playful yet loving touch.
The doctor paused and watched the younger man catch his breath, cheeks flushed and eyes watery.
“You okay? Have you had enough?”
Adam grinned cheekily, eyes brightening again. “Is that all you got, Larry? I can handle a hell of a lot more than that!”
Lawrence laughed at the typical snark and enthusiasm that came from his lover.
He shook his head fondly and leaned down to press a kiss to Adam’s lips.
“You’re too much, but I love you.”
“I suppose I am pretty lovable.”
Lawrence rolled his eyes.
Where Adam contained all his sass, he had no idea. But what he did know, was that Adam had plenty of tickles in his future.
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spoks-illogical-art · 2 years
Borderlands Warrior Cats AU
But instead of remaking existing characters as cats, it's about all those cats that Tim owns in our ASFAD Tales AU, just their adventures when Tim was away
and with new made-up names for pandoras creatures like
skaggs could be splitmouths, rakks screamwings, and stalkers no-sees etc etc
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ajnoodlez · 2 years
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I have added more silly little guys to my wall
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loki-n-thedoctor · 3 months
Got tagged by @klutenpetter owo
Make a poll of your 5 all time favorite characters and tag five people to do the same
Tagging: @lavend-ler @ryzselo @sztefa001 @jutajutek
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lavend-ler · 3 months
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
damn again it's gotta be Timothy Lawrence, u know? going inside his head and writing how he would react to certain things in life and how he would embrace the world and heal is so important to me. it's always a delight to write him and his turbulent thoughts
I know I've written him far less but also I have to mention Soundwave! god, writing him is suuuuch a pleasure to go with, I swear. there's so much to his character from his own preconcieved notions abt himself and fighting with emotions that he wants to keep hidden. as well as his loyalty and his putting others and the cause before himself AH he's perfect I swear
other than that I do enjoy writing characters with very unique talking quirks! they're so fun to get right, it's almost as if the text is jumping at u hehe
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
my very next fic is a gift for my dear friend Ryz (Ryz, if ure reading this hi :3) so unfortunately I cannot spoil anything abt this for them!
my next next fic is most likely chapter 2 of Third Time's The Charm and I gotta tell u that tag I put there abt discussions of depression? this will be surely apparent in this one. exploring Norma as a character more and more had been a very interesting task. Once-ler takes a lil bit of a backseat in this fic but I want his optimistic personality to shine through here so despite Norma being the sun and Once-ler being the moon, this fic will be a reversal and it'll be very apparent in this chapter!
later on dang, the sky is the limit honestly. I love having fic plans but they always can change lol I sooo wanna write an Earthspark-verse fic for Soundwave & Starscream bc they're bffs. and I have a fic + art collab with my friend coming up! not saying anything else but it'll be SoundRod <3 and then I truly have too many ideas to count. I wanna write a new Windstream fic, a Deadceptor fic, Blurr/Smokescreen, Chromehide family (I was just thinking of them today aaaa), maybe MegOPlita and abt a thousand of SoundRod ideas. truly the sky is the limit :D
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pwmovz · 1 year
hcs + indy
give me a character and i’ll give you 10 headcanons ; indy kawaguchi
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indy sempre quis jogar, mas sua escola não tinha times femininos dos principais esportes, e os que tinha, careciam de treinadores bons. se tornou cheerleader para ficar mais perto dos esportes e, por ser boa, acabou conseguindo uma bolsa na faculdade por torcer.
com a bolsa para a universidade de minnesota, a kawaguchi estudou jornalismo enquanto se tornava uma das principais atletas do spirit squad. hoje, tendo dinheiro, não deixa de apoiar o programa de torcida que a permitiu chegar onde está.
ainda no tempo da faculdade, indy começou um blog anônimo chamado red zone report, não apenas comentando a liga nacional de futebol americano, mas também o college football e os jogadores com possibilidade de serem draftados pela nfl (e acertando varias vezes). o red zone report acabou fazendo um sucesso que a kawaguchi não previu, e seu primeiro contato com a espn foi por conta dele.
por sua formação, pelo red zone report e por seu conhecimento sobre esportes, foi contratada como correspondente esportiva na espn, mas muitos ainda custam em acreditar que o blog era seu e os comentários machistas não eram poucos - até o dia de hoje, indy ainda precisa ter cuidado para não ler coisas desagradáveis sobre si na internet.
conhece não apenas sobre a nfl, mas também acompanha (um pouco mais de longe, já que o seu trabalho exige bastante tempo) basquete, basebol e hockey.
quase não acreditou quando foi promovida a comentadora, parecia que todos os sapos que tinha engolido durante sua carreira valeram a pena, mas a chegada de lawrence como sua dupla abalou sua confiança. o antagonismo que sentia por ele não era nada pessoal e, apesar do publico achar, pouco tinha a ver com o time em que ele jogava. a realidade é que sua relação com jogadores nunca foi das melhores, e ela tinha certa dificuldade de separar lawrence dessas outras experiências.
indy é vegana e chegou a iniciar movimentos de conscientização em relação aos poucos fornecedores que ainda usavam couro animal, e não o sintético, em suas bolas.
já foi chamada diversas vezes para modelar, mas nunca chegou a aceitar por receio de que isso tire força do nome que conquistou com seu suor e esforço - não que achasse que ser modelo diminuiria de alguma forma seu prestigio, mas por não querer lidar com o que seria falado sobre si.
certa vez, quando ainda era correspondente, foi desafiada ao vivo por um jogador do minnesota vinkings, um de seus times favoritos, a chutar a bola dentro das traves do Y da end zone, e ela aceitou, mesmo sem saber se conseguiria. toda a aposta foi televisionada e, por sorte, indy conseguiu acertar - toda o acontecimento viralizou online.
não é muito fã de assistir coisas novas, preferindo reassistir doctor who ou the x files, suas séries favoritas, em seu tempo livre - ficção cientifica é seu gênero de mídia favorito.
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s-tarplatinum · 11 months
O MISTERIOSO CASO DE STYLES | Agatha Christie, 1920
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— Mon ami — respondeu Poirot muito sério —, quando você perceber que as pessoas não estão lhe dizendo a verdade, tenha cuidado! [...]
Sobre o enredo:
Mr. Hastings volta para casa como inválido da linha de frente nos tempos de guerra e ao reencontrar John Cavendish e aceitar o convite para passar sua licença na mansão Styles, se depara com uma tragédia — o assassinato de Mrs. Inglethorp.
A história trata do testemunho de Arthur Hastings a respeito de "O caso Styles" e, sendo assim, narrado pelo ponto de vista do visitante, fornece fundos sobre os personagens, bem como suas próprias opiniões e nos apresenta o detetive belga Hercule Poirot como amigo próximo, a quem encarregou a resolução do caso.
John e Lawrence Cavendish são filhos adotivos de Mrs. Inglethorp, uma senhora que detém posse do patrimônio do falecido pai deles. A consideram como mãe, já que foram criados desde muito cedo por ela, mas a narrativa tem como pontapé inicial seu novo matrimônio com Alfred Inglethorp — primo de sua velha criada, Evelyn Howard.
O homem que parece estar dificultando a vida de todos, até mesmo de Miss Howard, que expõe furiosamente seu desprezo, e por gostar demais de sua senhora, não aguenta e deixa seu serviço na mansão, com uma advertência: esse homem é capaz de matar a própria esposa! Ele é mau!
Sobre a leitura:
Novamente uma leitura de ônibus, mas dessa vez decidi concluir em casa, no conforto da minha cama. Decisão muito boa, considerando que não acho livros muito anatomicamente confortáveis para as minhas mãos com o corpo deitado.
Terminei-o em poucos dias, mas chegou um momento que eu simplesmente me neguei a continuar lendo, novamente, acho que é uma mania do consumo rápido da leitura. Apesar disso, gostei bastante e me lembrou o formato de "Noite Sem Fim".
O livro possui um final alternativo com a ideia original da autora — que tem a revelação do esquema criminoso durante o julgamento, com Poirot prestando testemunho, e a ordem de leitura que segui foi justamente essa: capítulo 11 - apêndice - capítulo 13.
Apesar de só ter passado os olhos pelo capítulo 12, conclui que concordo com John Lane pelo fato de que não faz sentido para mim o detetive se apresentar como mera testemunha, que apenas expôs e conversou com o juiz durante todo o ato, tendo muito mais impacto elucidar o caso na sala de estar.
É uma narrativa proveitosa de se ler, mas agora que finalizei sinto que deu muitas voltas para concluir algo que já estava estabelecido desde o início — a culpa de Alfred Inglethorp e o "ódio: estranho de Miss Howard por ele. A mesma velha que pensou o crime, o entregou. Um relacionamento nojento entre eles e coisa e tal (lembrando que são primos), fora a motivação, que pelo terceiro livro que leio, é dinheiro! Sempre, dinheiro e testamentos.
Opinei em certo ponto que as ideias de Mr. Hastings eram o que possivelmente atrasava a trama, mas as conclusões dele diante dos fatos eram sempre plausíveis e ele chegou a estar certo. Poirot mesmo que buscava confundir, talvez o leitor, ou ele mesmo estivesse confuso. Pontos que não gostei tanto.
Apesar de não me agradar muito o que citei, achei que os desvios característicos que ela faz, dando atenção às ações de outros personagens, como o relacionamento de Mary Cavendish, esposa de John, com Dr. Bauerstein, são sempre muito bem desenvolvidos.
Vou dar um desconto porque é o primeiro livro dela, tem 100 anos e preparou terreno para a obra prima que é "Noite Sem Fim". Em geral, uma boa leitura para passar o tempo.
O próximo e último livro da autora que possuo se chama "Cai o pano: o último caso de Poirot" que encerra a jornada do detetive, aparentemente, retornando a Styles.
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
Bendy (BATDR AND BATIM) NEW/UPDATED Tickle Headcanons
To celebrate the arrival of Bendy and The Dark Revival, here are some Bendy tk headcanons. Some new, some are updated from the last headcanon batch. Enjoy!
Henry Stein:
Still super ticklish
Hasn't had much physical contact since being locked up by the Keepers
His death spot is the ribs and sides
His laugh is calm until you hit any particularly sensitive spots
He's the dad friend, so he's definitely good at tickling people
Either to cheer them up or to be an ass
The real him gets tickled by Linda all the time
Sammy Lawrence:
Doesn't really appreciate being tickled
(Mostly because he's ticklish as fuck)
Worst spot is his hips
Was wrecked by Norman, Susie, and Jack a lot back when he was human
The only person he actually tickles is Jack (or Henry)
Uses his smooth voice to tease people
Was actually recorded while being tickled once, but Sammy made sure to bury that audio log where no one would ever find it (spoiler alert Henry found it)
Susie Campbell/Alice Angel
Doesn't mind being tickled
Worst spot is her ribs
Mostly tickled Sammy because he was a grumpy man
After turning into Alice, she hates being touched
Try anything and she'll fucking kill you
Not above tickling others still though
Jack Fain
Really ticklish
He's the one who ratted Sammy out about his ticklishness to the others
Which got his ass wrecked
Worst spot is his belly, actually
Despite liking the quiet, he loves the sound of laughter
As a swollen searcher, he doesn't interact with anyone except Sammy
Allison Pendle/Connor/Angel
Starts tickle fights with Tom ALL THE TIME
She usually wins, too
Death spot is her neck, oddly
Was hardened by the studio, but still retained that playful side
Tickles her teammates to cheer them up
Thomas Connor/Tom Boris
Tickling is one of the very few ways to fluster this man
Death spot is his belly
His laugh is very gruff at first, but the longer you tickle him, the more soft it gets
Tickle hugs are his specialty
Has used them on Wally multiple times cause he was tired of his shit (and vice versa)
As a wolf, he's a little less ticklish, but he likes being scratched on the ears and chin
Buddy Lewek/Buddy Boris
As both human and wolf, really ticklish
Worst spot is the sides
Dot would poke Buddy all the time as a human
Likes tickly tummy scratches
He's too polite to tickle someone (except maybe Henry)
Norman Polk/The Projectionist
Was dubbed the "Tickle Monster of Joey Drew Studios" when he was human
He's a very calm man, and his laugh reflects that
He's super ticklish though
Everyone in the studio has been tickled by him at some point
His reputation is so well known, that other employees would threaten to get Norman if another employee was pissing them off
Doesn't tickle anyone anymore because he's a projector
Joey Drew
Ehhhh I hate him but at the same time I don't
He's ticklish, but usually is a ler
Henry, Nathan, and Abby know this all too well
He's only been tickled a few times
But he was definitely a tickle monster to Audrey when she was little
Nathan Arch
He's pretty playful
He and Joey had tickle fights prove me wrong
He was too busy with all his shit that he didn't have a lot of time for his family
Bertrum Piedmont
Believe it or not, he enjoys tickling people!
He says it's his job to make people smile, and he can do that with more than just amusement parks
Hates being tickled though
He's a big man, so he's easily a good ler
Lacie Benton
She mostly observes the tickling
Has been ticked by a select few though
She's not really ticklish at all
But she'll laugh
And hit you with a wrench
Wally Franks
Poor bastard
Ticklish as hell
Counting his freckles KILLS him
Actually LIKES being tickled
He sometimes pulls pranks specifically to be tickled
Death spot is his knees
Audrey Drew
She's mostly a ler
Tickles Porter, Heidi, and Bendy a lot
And vice versa
Death spot is her hips
She'll either hit you or try to get you back
But know this....she WILL get revenge
Tell me this goofy goober isn't hella ticklish
He LIKES it too
He's a walking death spot
He likes to start tickle fights
Same with Porter
Only a little less ticklish
She likes putting little tickle twists on her games
Like if you're found, you get tickled!
Worst spot is her ribs
She's actually not ticklish
But she's a sweetheart ler
Tickles people to cheer them up or calm them
Her tickles are gentle
She occasionally teases, but they're always kind and never mean
Baby Benders (Perfect Bendy)
Cute little shit
He will sometimes ask for tickles by pointing at his belly
His death spot is his belly
Wasn't tickled until he met Audrey
And he loves it because he's touch starved
At first, he wasn't used to tickling and thought he was going to get hurt
But he quickly changed his tune
Wilson Arch
Ink Demon
Unlike his toon form, the Ink Demon doesn't like being touched
Once again, he only tolerates being tickled by Audrey
He might tickle someone instead of killing them if he's in a good mood
He's a monster ler though, and you'd probably still die
His death spot is still the belly, but the back of his knees are super sensitive too
fuck these things
But for some reason I can imagine them tickling someone to weaken them and lock them in the Pit
Big Steve
Gentle giant fr
Likes belly rubs
He's a total tickle monster tho
He picks people up and wrecks them
That's all of the characters that immediately come to mind! Lemme know if I forgot someone or if you want more!
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stuslover · 1 year
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aceito pedido somente para os personagens mencionados nesse post. caso eu me interesse por novos irei adicionar a lista, pra mais detalhes verifique a masterlist.
as atualizações podem demorar dependendo, eu escrevo como hobby e não pretendo me comprometer 100℅ com esse blog.
nada nesse blog deve ser romantizado. escrevo majoritariamente para fandoms de filmes de terror, há muito dark romance envolvido e isso não deve ser romantizado. haverão avisos quando o conteúdo for mais pesado ou nsfw.
não escrevo pra shipps, apenas poly.
não escrevo nada envolvendo abo, embora possa escrever sobre alguma au de vez em quando, como yandere e etc.
escrevo principalmente para PÂNICO (confira os personagens em questão na masterlist); também escrevo para SAW (apenas adam, lawrence, hoffman, lynn e a amanda), BARBIE 2023 (apenas margot robbie!barbie e ryan gosling!ken), FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDIES (apenas william afton)
em relação a séries e programas de televisão eu escrevo para BROOKLYN NINE NINE (apenas para jake peralta), THE GOOD PLACE (apenas jason mendoza) e THE BIG BANG THEORY (todo o elenco principal + stuart).
também escrevo para grupos de kpop, exclusivamente grupos femininos, porém raramente. escrevo para TWICE, RED VELVET e AESPA (menos a ningning)
por enquanto é isso. obrigada por ler </3
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leejunkk · 11 months
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hello saw fandom
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gimme-twords · 9 months
Ticklish Training
Cobra Kai
ler!johnny and lee!miguel
“Miguel, I have a serious question to ask you.” Sensei Lawrence said, moving closer to the younger boy.
“Yes, sensei! What is your question?” Miguel responded.
“Are you ticklish?” Lawrence couldn’t hide his smug grin as he planned out what would happen that afternoon.
“W-wha?- why?”
Miguel felt nervous, since he was extremely ticklish.
“I decided to test your skills, your endurance mostly.” Lawrence smiled plainly, walking closer.
“Diaz, arms up.”
“But sensei, are you su-“
Miguel was cut off
“Arms up, Diaz!”
Miguel did what he was told, anticipating for the tickling to begin.
Lawrence began tracing circles in Miguel’s pits, he started to uncharacteristically giggle adorably, Johnny couldn’t hold back the happiness he felt. Was this really a test or did Lawrence want to do this just because?
“EeeEK!- EeahhAHAHhahahahAhha!!~” Miguel was struggling to keep his arms up as Johnny went faster, now digging into his ribs
“Too much for you? Are you giving up?” Lawrence said with a devious smirk
“N-NOHOHO SEHEHENSEI!” Miguel laughed out, squealing like a child.
“Good, then be prepared for what’s about to happen next.” Sensei Lawrence said with a smirk as he grabbed both of Miguel’s wrists and held them in one hand, as he attacked his midsection, down to his navel. Unfortunately, his midriff was super sensitive.
“WH- EEEEEK!- G-GAHAHahAHAHAHAHaEahahahAHAHA!!” Miguel choked on his laughter, as it went up to an octave. “Wow, diaz. Who knew my most perfect student has a childish weakness like tickling?” Johnny teased, pinching Miguel’s sides more, making him leap in laughter.
“AAAHAHHA- STAHAHAHP!-“ Miguel pleaded, but to Diaz’s satisfaction, Johnny only went faster.
“Every time you beg or plead, I’ll add on a minute.” Lawrence spoke, scribbling and kneading Miguel’s sides.
“W-WHYHYHY-“ Miguel was wondering why his sensei would want to torture him with the one thing he hated most, and I think he got his answer. “Because, you are always up-tight and serious, and we never get to have an actual father-son bonding session, so this is the time for that.” Sensei Lawrence chuckled a bit, grinning at Miguel’s reddened face. After a few minutes, he decided to stop his tickle torture, leaving a mess of Miguel on the floor. “You good, Diaz?” Lawrence asked, putting a hand out as Diaz took it. “M-mhmhm..”
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douglasvergueiro · 1 year
Quero escrever alguma coisa. Só isso.
Ler e reler o que eu escrevi como se fosse outra pessoa, me julgar, me admirar, me sentir um merda.
Poder dizer meus sentimentos sem medo; palavras que habitam meu cérebro ou ficam presas, saindo, e sendo revisitadas a cada tempo.
Por que não criar um blog? Por que não um Tumblr, já que há muito não visito esse lugar, hoje bem menos agitado que no passado, mas ainda com seu valor em memória emotiva.
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livrosnaoedicoes · 2 years
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COLECÇÃO VÁRIA, #3 Florilégio
organização:  Maria Sequeira Mendes, Joana Meirim, Nuno Amado leituras/ensaios por:  Akihiko Shimizu, Alberto Manguel, Alda Rodrigues, Alex Wong, Amândio Reis, Ana Cláudia Santos, Ana Maria Pereirinha, Ana Matoso, Ana Sofia Couto, António J. Ramalho, Bernardo Palmeirim, Clara Rowland, Diogo Martins, Fernando Cabral Martins, Frederico Pedreira, Golgona Anghel, Gustavo Rubim, Helder Gomes Cancela, Helena Carneiro, Inês Rosa, Joana Matos Frias, Joana Meirim, João Dionísio, Jorge Almeida, Lawrence Rhu, Lúcia Evangelista, Madalena Quintela, Madalena Tamen, Margarida Vale de Gato, Maria Rita Furtado, Maria Sequeira Mendes, Miguel Tamen, Nuno Amado, Pedro Serra, Pedro Sobrado, Rita Faria, Rosa Maria Martelo, Sara Campino, Sara de Almeida Leite, Silvina Rodrigues Lopes, Tatiana Faia, Telmo Rodrigues, Teresa Bartolomei poemas de:  Abade de Jazente, Adélia Prado, Adília Lopes, Alberto Pimenta, Alice Oswald, Ana Hatherly, Anna Akhmátova, Anthony Hecht, António Franco Alexandre, António Gedeão, Arthur Rimbaud, Bernardim Ribeiro, Carlos de Oliveira, Charlotte Smith, Christopher Middleton, Elizabeth Bishop, Ellen Davies, Emily Dickinson, Fernando Assis Pacheco, Florbela Espanca, Frances Leviston, Francisco Alvim, G. E. Patterson, Golgona Anghel, Ian MacMillan, João Miguel Fernandes Jorge, John Betjeman, Jorge Sousa Braga, José Afonso, José Miguel Silva, Kenneth Goldsmith, Kudo Naoko, Leopoldo María Panero, Luís de Camões, Luiza Neto Jorge, Manuel Bandeira, Manuel Gusmão, Margarida Vale de Gato, María Elena Walsh, Maria Velho da Costa, Raymond Carver, Raul de Carvalho, Ricardo Tiago Moura, Rosa Maria Martelo, Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou, Wilfred Owen capa e ilustrações:  João Concha ISBN:  978-989-53985-1-5 n.º de páginas:  232 tiragem:  350 exemplares 1.ª edição:  Março, 2023 Recomendado no Plano Nacional de Leitura LER+ PVP  20,00 euros | ensaio |
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jaimendonsa · 4 months
e-book grátis: O Amante de Lady Chatterley, D. H. Lawrence
Edição em Português e Inglês
"Para o homem, como para a flor, o animal e o pássaro, o triunfo supremo é estar mais vívido e perfeitamente vivo".
_____Para ler: https://tinyurl.com/4k53tm5f
A novela intitulada "O Amante de Lady Chatterley", escrita por D. H. Lawrence em 1928, foi impressa inicialmente de forma confidencial em Florença no mesmo ano. Sua publicação gerou grande controvérsia devido às representações explícitas de cenas de teor sexual presentes na obra . Trata-se de uma obra controversa que trata de temas como amor, paixão e as restrições sociais que limitam a plenitude das relações humanas.
A notoriedade rápida da novela foi impulsionada por seu conteúdo explícito de atividades sexuais, linguagem vulgar e representação de um relacionamento entre uma mulher de classe alta e um homem de classe social inferior.
O aspecto mais polêmico na época era a abordagem do autor em relação ao prazer sexual feminino. O livro foi proibido no Reino Unido pela Lei de Publicações Obscenas. Após um julgamento bastante divulgado e patético, a editora Penguin obteve permissão para publicar a obra na  íntegra em novembro de 1960.  
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aykutiltertr · 5 months
Kim Ne Derse Desin (Sway) - Cem Belevi & Ayshe ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal ...  ⭐ Video'yu beğenmeyi ve Abone olmayı unutmayın  👍 Zile basarak bildirimleri açabilirsiniz 🔔 ✩ KATIL'dan Ritim Karaoke Ekibine Destek Olun (Join this channel to enjoy privileges.) ✩ ╰┈➤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm-5vmc2L6oFZ1vo2Fz3JQ/join ✩ ORİJİNAL VERSİYONU Linkten Dinleyip Canlı Enstrüman Çalıp Söyleyerek Çalışabilirsiniz. ⭐ 🎧 ╰┈➤ https://youtu.be/quhfPfyIew0 ✩ (MAKE A LIVE INSTRUMENT ACCOMPANIMENT ON RHYTHM IN EVERY TONE) ✩ Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Ekibini Sosyal Medya Kanallarından Takip Edebilirsiniz. ✩ İNSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rhythmkaraoke/ ✩ TİK TOK https://www.tiktok.com/@rhythmkaraoke ✩ DAILYMOTION https://www.dailymotion.com/RhythmKaraoke ⭐ Kim Ne Derse Desin (Sway) - Cem Belevi & Ayshe ✩ Ritim Karaoke Orijinal Trafik (Nihavend Türkçe Pop) Quien Será (Sway - Spanish version). Performing Ksenya Nikora & Nikorasong. Compositores Pablo Beltrán Ruiz y Luis Demetrio. Bm                                  F# Kim ne derse desin aşk için                               Bm         Önce hoş sonra boş gelir                              F# Her seferinde canım yanar                           Bm Aşk bana yalan gelir         Bm                          F# Doğrusunu sence kim bilir                        Bm Aşk nedir nerdedir                                F# İnanmaktır diyorsan bana                               Bm Zor gelir çok zor gelir                              A                     Başrolde çoğu zaman bir kadın                            D               Peşinde bir erkek adım, adım                        F# Dünyanın kanunu besbelli                            Bm    A     Bm Söyler hep aynı şeyi aynı şeyi         Bm                                  F# Kim ne derse desin aşk için                               Bm         Önce hoş sonra boş gelir                              F# Kimine göre bir eğlence                           Bm Aşk bana yalan gelir Sway, Meksikalı besteci Pablo Beltrán Ruiz'in 1953 yılında bestelediği mambo tarzındaki parça olan Quién será 'nın İngilizce versiyonudur. 1954'te Norman Gimbel'in İngilizce sözlerini yazdığı parçayı Dean Martin seslendirmiş ve bu plak Billboard listelerinde onbeşinci sıraya yükselmişti. Türkiye'den de Ajda Pekkan, "Kim Ne Derse Desin" adıyla şarkının bir aranjmanını yapmıştı. Sway'in çeşitli versiyonları 1950'ler - Pablo Beltrán Y Su Orchestra 1950'ler - Perez Prado 1953 - Eileen Barton, plak şirketi: Coral Records, katalog no: 61185, arka yüzünde "When Mama Calls" 1954 - Dean Martin, plak şirketi: Capitol Records, katalog no: 2818, ABD'de 15.ci, İngiltere'de 6.cı 1960 - Bobby Rydell, İngiltere'de 12.ci 1960 - Perez Prado ve Rosemary Clooney, A Touch of Tabasco albümünde. 1961 - Ben E. King, Spanish Harlem albümünde. 1963 - Julie London, "Latin in a Satin Mood" albümünde. 1998 - Anita Kelsey, Dark City adlı filmde. 1999 - Shaft, "(Mucho Mambo) Sway" 1999 - Number Nine, Mood Swings albümünde. 2001 - Mellow Trax-Sway (Mucho Mambo) 2003 - Michael Bublé, kendi adını taşıyan albümünde. 2003 - Peter Cincotti 2004 - Jennifer Lopez 2004 - Pussycat Dolls, Shall We Dance? adlı filmde. 2004 - Arielle Dombasle, "Quien Sera (Sway)" 2004 - diam's, "DJ" başlığı altında bir "sample" (Fransızca sözlerle) 2005 - Aaron Kwok, adı ("Sway" - Çince (Kanton) 2005 - Patrick Lindner Gigolo albümünde 2006 - The Puppini Sisters 2007 - Amr Diab El lilady Albümü 2007 - Santiago g, There For You 2007 - Melinda Doolittle American Idol da. 6.cı sezon 2007 - Thomas "Tiger" Marion ve Shiny Lapel Üçlüsü, bir TV reklamında. 2008 - Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious - Yorum: Nicole, Natalie ve Carrie. - Ajda Pekkan (Kim Ne Derse Desin) Türkçe versiyon Aşağıdakiler de tarihi belirli olmayanlardır: Bombay Jim & The Swinging Sapphires Celia Cruz (Orijinal ¿Quien Sera?) Connie Francis Tony Brent Cat Pack Perry Como Billy Daniels Dead Ringer Tav Falco's Panther Burns Lannie Garrett Good Morning Blues Hit Crew Rebecca Kilgore Powerman 5000 Edmundo Ros ve Orkestrası Billy Vaughn Lawrence Welk Bernie Woods & The Forest Franco Corso Şarkının sözleri Şarkının İngilizce Sözleri When marimba rythms start to play Dance with me Make me sway Like the lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close Sway me more Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me Sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me Sway with me Other dancers may be on the floor Dear, but my eyes will see only you Only you have that magic technique When we sway I go weak I can hear the sound of violins Long before It begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth Sway me now Quien sera el que me quiere a mi Quien sera Quien sera el que me de su amor Quien sera I can hear the sound of violins Long before It begins Make me thrill as only you know how Sway me smooth Sway me now Sway me smooth, Sway me now! Şarkının İspanyolca sözleri Quien será el que me quiere a mi? Quien será?, quien será? Quien será el que me de su amor? Quien será?, quien será? Yo no se si lo podré encontrar
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