ticklishfanart · 2 years
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Day 11: competition!
Kageyama vs Hinata: who can handle more tickling? Kageyama is stronger so he’ll pull Hinata taught, leaving him more vulnerable, but Hinata has some of the highest stamina anyone has every seen! Who will win??
Tanaka vs Noya: who’s the better tickler? Whoever can get their lee to give up faster wins!! OH BOY
it’s a real lose-win situation here folks
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italeean · 2 years
A goodbye without tears
You can find the plot here
A/N: Hi!! I'm still alive... after more than a month of inactivity... 😓 Sorry for not posting my content for a while, after I was done with my entry test and tasted a bit of freedom, I realized how burnt-out I truly was. I took a break from literally everything and hung out with my friends and family since I spent the whole summer studying for a thing or another 😅 Anyway, back to the important stuff, this fic was a request... that I took way too long to write... again... (PLEASE FORGIVE MEEE) but I found it really interesting and I related a lot to the scenario, which is why it came out a bit more personal than I wanted. But at the same time I liked it the way it was so I decided to post it like this. Spero vi piaccia 💚🤍❤️ (I hope you enjoy it) Suggestions and support are always appreciated ^_^
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"That's it for today, guys" Ukai's loud voice echoed throughout the gym "Make sure to stretch properly, clean up, and then go home and get some rest!" He said before leaving, knowing he had to prepare some meat buns. Everything went as usual, but a little detail made that day different. It was the third-years' last training.
Daichi almost couldn't believe it was really happening. Three years had already passed and he was about to leave his volleyball team. And as chaotic as said team was, he didn't like the idea at all. He just felt like it wasn't the right time.
Sure, Ennoshita was more than ready to become captain, but were Tanaka and Noya ready to become less... hurricane-like? Was Yamaguchi going to find his self-confidence? What about Tsukki? Would he find it in himself to open up to the others? To not talk about Hinata and Kageyama's constant bickering...
There was still so much he could help everyone with, even if he was just supporting them or giving a fatherly advice. But he had to admit to himself that they were going to manage without him, his team was full of capable and motivated guys, they were more than capable of overcoming any kind of hardship. He also had to admit to himself that the one who wasn't ready to that kind of change was him.
"...so I was thinking I could go to university and work somewhere to help my family par fo- hello? Earth to Daichi? Are you even listening?" Suga's scoff brought the (soon-to-be ex) Karasuno captain back to Earth. "Sorry Suga, I spaced out for a second..." He let out an embarrassed chuckle.
The grey-haired guy looked at his teammate with genuine concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked worried.
Daichi glanced for a second at the others, who had started cleaning already, and then told his friend about his worries about that being his last training, having to leave the team, missing the team, missing volleyball in general...
"DAICHIIIII!!!" His train of thoughts got abruptly interrupted by Suga's bonk, which was objectively kind of deserved. It was Mr. Refreshing's duty to help anyone who was feeling down, one way or another, and the whole team knew that.
However, there was still a nostalgic glint in the captain's gaze, and that couldn't be allowed. Sad goodbyes were not accepted at Karasuno Volleyball Team. The gray-haired guy looked around himself for a second. Narita and Kinoshita had already left with Ennoshita because they still had some exams to study for. Noya and Tanaka had to study as well... but they insisted on helping with the cleanup before going. Yachi and Kyoko were gone as well; they wanted to spend some time together since they were going to say goodbye, too.
"Ahem! Guys, gather here for a second." The vice-captain said, waiting for everyone to come. "As you know, this is our last day here." His first sentence was enough to make everyone groan and whine, but he was able to hush them all. "BUT! We don't want it to be a sad goodbye, we want to enjoy this journey until the last second... or at least that's what we agreed upon. However someone is feeling sulky right now. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this little problem?"
Making sure Daichi wouldn't see him, he wiggled his finger to give his own suggestion to the team. Obviously, they all caught on quickly, especially Hinata and Nishinoya, who immediately pounced on the captain.
The dark-haired guy stumbled backwards, trying to keep the two short guys still, but when Suga and Asahi decided to join the fun, he had no choice but topple to the ground while trying to hold back his laughter. "Guys! What a-ahare you doing? This is- ack! This is nohot necessary!"
"On the contrary, captain, this is exactly what you need." The vice-captain smirked teasingly at him and started poking his stomach. Asahi was keeping his arms pinned above his head with one hand and softly fluttered the fingers of the other one all over his neck and ears, changing sides every time he scrunched his shoulder to protect those spots.
Yamaguchi had managed to drag Tsukki into this, claiming that it was a bonding moment and he would've enjoyed it. They were straddling the captain's calves and squeezed the kneecaps and right above them. It made him kick so much that he almost managed to buck the first-years off a couple of times.
Noya was sitting between Daichi's legs and was squeezing his hips and sides quickly and mercilessly, while Tanaka was helping the vice-captain with the stomach. "Guhuys Ihihi sweheahahar..!" The dark-haired guy quickly dissolved into hiccupy giggles and found it impossible to build a complete sentence. "Ah ah ah," Suga teasingly reprimanded him "no swearing at school." He said while dipping his index finger in the wing spiker's belly button and wiggling around, which elicited some snorts that made everyone laugh out loud.
Obviously Hinata had joined the fun as well; he was getting the right side of the ribcage, having fun with counting the bones and sliding his fingers into every groove. "Oi Kageyama, are you coming?" He yelled, only receiving an annoying scoff in response. But he knew better. "Are you afraid I'm better than you at this?"
The setter glared intensely at him and approached the group (with the faintest blush on his face, according to Hinata). He kneeled by the left side of Daichi's ribcage and attacked, going immediately all out, to which the redhead responded with upping his game as well. "Thihihihis ihihis *snort* Thihihis ihis nohohot ahah- ACK! ahaha cohohompehetihihitiohon..!" The third-year scolded them between his laughter.
However, the other teammates seemed to disagree. Seeing the little competition between the freak-duo made them want to join. Daichi arched his back and tried to squirm as much as he could, which wasn't much since he didn't want to take the risk of hurting anyone. "Yohohou're beheheihing meheahahan nohow!" Whoops... wrong thing to say. The teens smirked evilly and started tickling him harder while teasing him as well!
He couldn't figure out who was saying what, he was too lost in his own laughter to listen carefully. He just heard a mix of voices saying "Tickle tickle tickle..." "Aaaww come on, smile captain" "Hahaha did you just snort?" "Hehehe see? This day must be happy for all of us, now smile for us!" "Who's making you laugh more? Me or that boke?"
Okay, maybe he could figure out who asked that last question, but that wasn't the point. He felt his face become red, and he couldn't even hide behind his hands since Asahi was keeping them pinned. But it wasn't so bad after all... until someone, probably Suga, had the idea of going for his thighs. That made him go berserk.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOKAHAHAHAY IHIHI GIHIHIVEHE!! IHIHIHIHI GIHIVEHEHEHE PLEHEHEAHASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" He screm at the top of his lungs. His thighs were his absolute worst spot, and he'd been enduring that playful assault for God knows how long; it made him tap out almost immediately.
"Alright, let's let him up." The grey-haired guy told everyone to stop and helped the captain to sit up. He was still giggling and a giddy smile was plastered all over his face. "That... that wahas... absoluhutely ruthless..." he panted "but maybehe I needed that... thahank you guys..." he finished with a chuckle.
"Thank you, Daichi, for being the greatest captain ever and even guiding us all the way to nationals." Suga said with teary eyes. What could he say... even Mr. Refreshing himself wasn't immune to the strange feeling of saying goodbye. He was already feeling nostalgic as well!
"Sugaaa!! We said no tears!" Hinata yelled while tackling him down and going straight for his sides and tummy. "Hihinahataaa! WhaHAHAhat aharehehe yoHOHouhu dohohoIHIhihiHIng?!" The vice-captain broke down into his high-pitched and squeaky laughter. "Hahaha I think I'll join as well... it's true that we said no tears after all." Asahi said approaching to the grey-haired guy, only to lift up Hinata and blow a raspberry on his tummy.
"NAHAHAHA AHAHASAHAHAIHIHI GEHET HIHIHIM NAHAHAT MEHEHEHEHEEE" The tangerine howled, but he was quickly rescued by Noya, who took advantage of Asahi's distraction while he was putting down Hinata to jump on his back and tickle his neck and torso.
Right after he recovered, the redhead pounced on Kageyama, bringing him down. "Bohohokehehe yohou're gohonnahaha gehehet ihihihit!!" He yelled, trying to sound angry and intimidating, before fighting back and darting his hands up into the middle blocker's underarms. "Ihihi'll beheahahat yohohouhu thihis tihihimehehehe Bahahakahageheyahahama!"
In the meanwhile, Suga thought that a certain couple of first-years was missing too much on the fun, so he wrapped an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulders to keep him in place while he scribbled on his tummy with his other hand. "Nononoohohohoho pleheheahaseee" The pinch server's legs gave out and he went to the floor, but he never did anything to actually stop the older guy.
Tanaka decided to help the vice-captain with his mission and went straight after Tsukishima, who desperately tried to not laugh... in vain of course.
Before they knew it, a tickle fight on full scale had blown out in the gym and everyone was laughing their head off.
Daichi glanced at the mess right in front of him before joining. The thought of graduating didn't sound so scary or sad after all, because now he knew he was never truly going to leave his team, or better, his family.
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
Hello there! Can I have tickletober number 12 or 10 with lee Kageyama from haikyuu? The lers probably just his teammates from karasuno XD
Ok. So uh. This was actually a request that I got last tickletober, but unfortunately I never got to fill it due to lack of time. However, I still liked the idea I had for this prompt a lot, so I kept it! I'm truly sorry for how ridiculously late this is, but here it is regardless! Almost an entire year late!^^` I sincerely hope this somewhat makes up for the ridiculous amount of time it took me to get to it haha!
Lers: Karasuno Teammates
Lee: Kageyama
"Ugh! Stop laughing and get me out of this already!"
Kageyama growled in frustrated embarrassment at his teammates' hysterical laughter, cheeks burning as he continued to struggle around uselessly in the much to small sweater.
He wasn't really sure how he'd ended up accidentally grabbing Hinata's hoodie instead of his, but regardless of how it happened, he was really regretting it now, with his arms flailing about awkwardly over his head and his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he tried to pull it off without much luck.
"Aww come on Kageyama, don't be like that! Don't you think you should try to be a little nicer to the people you're asking for help from? Hmm~?" Tanaka teased as he made his way over to his irritated kouhai, giving his exposed side a little poke for emphasis, and he barked out a surprised laugh when the action caused the younger to jump away from him with a surprised yelp.
Feeling both inspired and a little mischievous by the grumpy setter's reaction, the older player continued to pepper his underclassman's torso in teasing pokes and scribbles, causing the poor first year to fall into a fit of barely stifled giggles as he blindly tried to stumble away from his devious upperclassman, only for Noya to soon bounce over with a giggle and join in not a minute later, leaving him trapped with no way to properly defend himself against their antics.
"AH! N-Noya?! Mmph! Ehehehe-mhmphehe!! No! G-Gehehehet offa me you jeheherks!! Lehehet go!" Kageyama demanded, trying his best to sound angry, but not really doing a very good job of it through his barely muffled giggling.
Tanaka and Noya both shared a look with eachother. He wasn't fooling anyone. Everyone in the club knew by now that despite his cold looks and stubborn personality, Kageyama really did enjoy fun moments like this. He would just sooner die than admit it, and it didn't take long before the duo had the poor setter sinking to the floor in ticklish defeat, giggling happily despite his earlier protests.
"Should we help him?" Asahi asked, an amused, if slightly concerned look on his face as he observed their underclassmens' antics. Daichi couldn't help but chuckle a little at the funny scene himself. "Hm... Nah. Let's give them a minute. The kid seemed kinda tense today anyway. They won't push it to far." He decided, sealing the poor first year's fate as he turned away to continue changing.
Upon hearing Daichi give the closest thing to his seal of approval for such chaos you could get, a few others soon joined in, Kinoshita and Narita taking it upon themselves to gently pin the younger players kicking legs down to avoid any unintentional injuries and Ennoshita doing the same with his flailing arms, helping to undo the already halfway off hoodie while he was at it.
Hinata had practically sprung at the chance to mess with his best friend, a bright smile on his face despite the fact that it was his own hoodie that had undoubtedly just been stretched out.
"Hehehe~! Tickle Tickle Bakageyama!!" He teased as he kneeled down to start scribbling underneath his knees, and he laughed when this action caused the ravenette to spasm, his giggling finally turning into pure, unfiltered peals of laughter.
"NYAH!! NAHAHAHASTAHAAP!!" Kageyama squealed, eyes squeezed shut and body squirming as much as he could manage with them pinning him the way they were, which unfortunately for him, wasn't a lot. "TH-THIHIHIS IHIHISN'T FAHAHAIR!!"
"Are you gonna stop being such a grump then?" Ennoshita asked, sounding an awful lot like their traitorous captain, who was for some reason uknown to Kageyama, allowing them to proceed with their chaos.
"BUHUT I WASN'T EVEN BEHEING A GRU- YAAAHAAH NO!! OKAY! OKAY OKAHAHAY I WILL! JUHUHUST LEMME GOHOHO ALREHEADY!!" He pleaded, giving in, and Ennoshita finally waved the others off of him, ruffling his kouhai's hair with an amused smile before standing up.
"Hehe- Ehehehehe! Th-Thahahat was sohoho uncahalled for..." The setter complained through excess giggles, muttering a bashful word of thanks when Tanaka helped him to sit up and handed him his water bottle, which he chugged gratefully.
"Oh come off it Kageyama, you know you were having just as much fun as the rest of us. You're just to stubborn and embarrassed to admit it. Isn't that right kouhai? Hey! I see you smiling! Don't hide from me!" The second year teased, giving his flustered underclassman's side a friendly tweak when he tried to cover up his blushing face from the callout.
"Ah! Ok ok fihihine! It was... It wahahas... It was kinda fun ok? Cuhuhut it out, hehehe.." The setter finally admitted in a giggly whisper, ears reddening as he nervously looked around to make sure none of their other teammates had heard him. Thankfully, the majority of them had already turned away to start changing and digging through their bags again, and the setter chuckled a little when he spotted Hinata whining about his, now stretched out, sweatshirt. Served the little jerk right for joining their senpai in destroying him.
He grumbled a little under his breath when Tanaka merely laughed at his embarrassed state and ruffled his hair as he stood up, offering him a hand up as well.
"Whatever you say Kageyama. Come on, I'll buy you a meatbun at Coach's store since I'm the one who started this anyway. Think that'll be enough for me to convince you not to get revenge on me?" He joked, smiling as he pulled him to his feet.
"Hmm. Maybe... Throw in a milk carton and you've got a deal."
"Haha! You got it kouhai!"
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
Haikyuu!! Coffee Shots #111-120
A collection of the Haikyuu Coffee Shots I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
111) Lee Suga, Ler Kageyama
Kageyama was startled awake by a hand slapping him in the face.
At first he jolted upright, immediately on alert, but when he saw the room of sleeping boys around him, he only frowned in confusion. His first thought was Hinata, but the redhead was lying on a pallet a few down from his, snoring loudly.
Just as he was beginning to think he’d hallucinated the slap, another flailing limb came flying at him. This one he managed to block before it made impact, and he was ready to turn around and snap at whoever was messing with him, but then he stopped short.
It was Suga. He was fast asleep, but it most definitely did not look like he was enjoying it.
“Whoa,” Kageyama breathed, surprised and a little scared, gently grabbing Suga’s shoulder and shaking him gently. “Hey, wake up.”
It took a moment, but eventually Suga’s eyes snapped open, startling Kageyama all over again. For a moment, they just looked at each other.
“Kageyama,” Suga slurred finally, blinking a few times. “What is it?”
“You…I think you were having a nightmare,” the younger setter replied, frowning. “You kept slapping me, and you looked really upset.”
Suga groaned. “Oh. Yeah…thanks for waking me up.”
“Do you, uh…want to talk about it?”
“Not at all,” the older boy replied with a little smile, “but thanks.”
“Okay.” Kageyama shifted a little, seeing how sad his upperclassman still looked. He recalled all the times Hinata or Noya or Tanaka – or sometimes even Suga himself – would tickle him to help him cheer up, and he reached a tentative hand down to scribble lightly at his friend’s side.
Suga jerked and smiled, his eyes already closed as he tried to settle back in to sleep, but he made no move to stop him, so Kageyama kept it up, tickling lightly and drawing a tiny giggle here and there. Feeling emboldened, the dark-haired boy searched for his belly button through his shirt, and that’s when Suga finally let out a laugh and pushed his wrist away.
“Okay, that’s enough,” he said, peeking one eye open. “I appreciate it, though.”
Kageyama blushed a little, slightly embarrassed when he finally realized how bold he’d just been. “Uh…yeah. Good night, Suga.”
“Night, Kageyama. Sweet dreams.”
The younger boy smiled at that. “You, too.”
112) Lee Hinata, Ler Kageyama
Hinata was already giggling hysterically, and Kageyama hadn’t even touched him yet.
The setter smirked at him. “What’s the matter, boke?”
“Y-You…you’re gonna do something, I know you are!” Hinata whined, smiling uncontrollably. He tugged but his wrists were firmly trapped above him; it hadn’t been difficult for his taller friend to win their little wrestling match and pin him down like this.
“Am I?” Kageyama asked innocently, flashing his fake vampire teeth. He looked sharp in his suit and cape – probably why he’d decided to be a vampire for Halloween two years in a row – but Hinata remembered what those teeth had felt like last year, and he just knew he was going to get a refresher again right now.
“Yes, you are!” Hinata pouted. “You’re going to bite me again!”
“Bite you? No, no, no.” Kageyama gently grasped his side, not squeezing yet but threatening to. “I’m not a blood-sucking vampire like I was last year, boke. This year I’m a tickling vampire. I feast on your laughter~”
“I knew it!” Hinata squealed as his friend finally began squeezing, unable to do much else thanks to the redhead’s costume of choice for this year. The fabric was thick and it was a one-piece outfit, so the setter couldn’t make contact with his bare skin. Hinata had hoped that would keep him safe, but of course, Kageyama found a way through his defenses no matter what. “Ahahahahaha! Kahahahageyama!”
“Now I’m going to bite you,” Kageyama replied, leaning down to gently sink his pointy plastic teeth into his friend’s neck, wincing at the loud shriek he emitted right into his ear. “Laugh for me, little shrimp~ Your laughter tastes soooo good~”
“Nahahahahaha that’s weheheheheheird, Bakahahahageyama!”
“Weird?” Kageyama snorted. “You’re dressed as a crayon, you idiot. I don’t even want to hear about weird from you.”
“Buhuhuhuhut it’s cute! And eheheheheasy to wear!”
Kageyama bit him again, squeezes moving up to his ribs now, making Hinata laugh even harder. “And just as easy to tickle you in, boke.”
113) Lee Noya, Ler Asahi
“I’d call you a wimp if you weren’t so cute,” Noya said, grinning at his upperclassman.
Asahi looked at him, wide-eyed and slightly panicked. “What? Cute?”
“You’re older and bigger than me! You’re supposed to protect me from these kinds of movies, not the other way around.”
The two of them were spending the night at Asahi’s house. It was the end of October, and in the spirit of the season Noya had suggested watching a horror movie. Asahi didn’t like the idea to begin with, and now that they were halfway through and he was scared out of his mind, he liked it even less.
What he liked least of all, though, was Noya’s cocky attitude about the whole situation.
“Shut up,” he said. “You know I’m a sensitive soul. Why would you make me watch this at all if you knew it would make me freak out?”
“Because it’s funny,” the libero replied with a smirk.
Asahi leveled a glare at him that only made his friend laugh, then snatched up his ankle and scribbled his fingers into the bare sole. “You think this is funny? You want to laugh about something? Take this!”
“Aieeehahahahahaha! Nahahahahaha Asahi!” Noya cried, clutching his stomach while flailing his free leg helplessly. “Dohohohohon’t tihihihihickle me!”
“You seemed in the mood to laugh at me, so I’m only helping you out, Noya,” Asahi replied, feeling mischievously wicked as he grabbed the libero’s other leg and locked both of them under his arm, scratching mercilessly at the arches of his feet. “Besides, this is a good distraction for me. Maybe I can even get through the rest of the movie this way.”
“The rehehehehehehest?!” Noya cried, arching his back off the couch, laughing even harder. “But we’re ohohohohonly hahahahahalfway done!”
“Hmm,” Asahi muttered noncommittally, settling in for the long haul, still tickling. “Too bad for you, then.”
Noya squealed when Asahi honed in on his toes, tossing his head back as crazed giggles spilled out of his lips, pounding the cushions. “Ehehehehehehehehe! You suhuhuhuhuhuck, Asahiehehehehehe!”
Asahi reached up and gave his thigh a threatening squeeze, making Noya shriek and nearly fall off the couch. The movie was long forgotten by both of them at this point. The ace grinned at his friend. “Keep calling me names and I’ll make you scream louder than any of the girls in this movie, Nishinoya.”
Noya’s eyes widened and his cheeks went red, but it was clear that he was enjoying this sudden turn of events if the way his eyes lit up at that threat were any indication. “Not a chahahahahance, you wihihihihimp!”
Asahi threw himself at the smaller boy, tickling him relentlessly and – true to his word – making him scream so loud he put all horror movies on the planet to shame.
114) Lee Noya, Ler Asahi
In theory, a massage had sounded heavenly. Flexible as Noya was, he still experienced some tightness and discomfort now and then, but especially since he’d lunged for that ball during their last practice and landed awkwardly. He’d been in some pain since then, mostly in his lower back from where he’d twisted in midair and then slammed into the ground.
Now, though, as the little four-legged massager hummed across his skin, he was regretting ever letting Asahi talk him into this.
“If you keep squirming like that it’s going to make it worse,” his friend told him, a clear smile in his voice.
Noya gritted his teeth and clenched his biceps – his arms were crossed above him with his head resting on them like a pillow – even as a snicker or two escaped from him.
“Cahahahan’t help it,” he managed, gasping when Asahi maneuvered the vibrations back to the spot closest to his lower ribs. “It’s tihihihihickling me!”
“We both know my hands would be much worse.”
It was true. Noya was so sensitive the slightest brush got him wiggling and giggling in seconds flat; using an actual massage tool was the only way they were going to get through this – assuming they’d get through it at all.
The massager slid over toward his other ribs, and Noya squeaked and started to roll onto his side, but a strong hand pressed against his shoulder and forced him to stay put.
“Here,” Asahi chuckled, and it was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing. “Let me help you.”
“Ahahahahaha you jeheheheheherk! You’re dohohohoing this on purpose!” Noya screeched out the last word when Asahi very intentionally let the massager linger on his lower ribs for more than a couple of seconds this time. The libero’s legs kicked behind him frantically. “Ahahahahahasahi!”
His friend just laughed with him and started guiding the vibrations over every ticklish spot he knew of to get the poor libero cackling in no time. “What? Laughter is just as good for you as a massage would be!”
115) Lee Kageyama, Ler Hinata
“Hinata!” Kageyama squealed, weakly gripping the redhead’s wrists as his fingers flew over the taller boy’s torso. “Quihihihihit it!”
“No way, Kageyama!” Hinata beamed like the ray of sunshine he was, chasing his friend down every time he twisted away or tried to shove at his shoulders or pry his tickling fingers from his ribs. “You’ve been giving me that puppy dog look all day. I have to tickle you now! You know I can’t resist!”
Puppy dog look?! Kageyama felt himself flushing in embarrassment as well as with excitement.
“I hahahahave nohohohohot! I’m—GYAH!! WAITWAITWAIT!!”
Hinata cackled like a witch as he dug into the spot just below Kageyama’s ribs, forcing him to his knees and eventually all the way to the floor. “Aww, look how big you’re smiling~ You love it, Kageyama. Don’t try to lie your way out of this; we both know it~”
“HINATA PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!” The setter was howling with laughter now, sneakers scrabbling at the hardwood floor of the gym, jersey gradually coming untucked as he writhed. Hinata kept it up, kneading into that special spot on his ribs over and over, watching with satisfaction as his friend fell apart laughing his heart out.
“What’s that? ‘Please keep going’? I was planning on it!”
Kageyama thought he couldn’t possibly laugh any harder; turns out he was wrong. He arched his back with a scream as his redheaded friend slipped his fingers under his traitorous jersey and scribbled freely at the bare skin of his tummy. “EYAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HINATA!!”
“Look at you! It’s like I’m riding one of those American broncos!” Hinata giggled. “Tickle, tickle, ticklish Kageyaaaama~”
At this point, Kageyama knew it was pointless to fight or protest in any way. He was cornered and they both knew it, so rather than expel his energy on trying to pretend he didn’t want this, he finally surrendered and let himself enjoy the tickling, his laughter shifting into something more childlike and carefree than before.
Hinata’s eyes lit up with victory. “There you go! Just let it alllll out, Kageyama. You deserve it!”
116) Lee Asahi, Ler Daichi
After Asahi’s third failed spike in a row, Daichi turned to him with a frown. “What is up with you, Asahi?”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Asahi stammered, rubbing his face with his hands and pacing in circles. The others on the court exchanged glances. It was obvious he was freaking out, but why now? Why this game?
“Hey,” Daichi caught his friend by the shoulders and forced him to meet his eyes. “It’s going to be fine. You know that.”
Asahi groaned. “I don’t know that! I’m missing everything you send at me. I shouldn’t do this; I’m not ready. Put me on the sidelines; I’ll only slow you all down—eep!”
Daichi kept his finger in his side even after giving it a good poke to shut him up. “I’m not sidelining you.”
“What are you so afraid of?”
Asahi did his best to hold still and take it, but he couldn’t help the way he crumbled at the wiggling finger in his side. “Dahahaichi, stop it! Not in front of them!”
The team captain glanced over his shoulder at the rest of their teammates, who gave him various encouragements such as thumbs-up from Noya and Hinata and a more subtle nod from Kageyama and Tsukishima.
“Looks like they’re cool with the intervention. Clearly you need it.” Daichi turned back to his friend who was now trying to shuffle backward, a nervous smile on his lips. “Brace yourself. This is going to tickle. A lot.”
Asahi gasped and turned to run, but Daichi had him wrapped in a tickly bear hug from behind faster than he could take two whole steps, and soon the other boy’s giggles filled the air as he squirmed in their captain’s hold.
“Hehehehehehey! Nohohohoho! Daichi, I’m fihihihihine! I dohohohon’t need – stohohohohop it!”
Daichi smirked at the higher-pitched cackles he got when he dug his fingers into Asahi’s ribs. “Sorry, but I don’t believe you. I think another minute of this is necessary.”
117) Lee Noya, Ler Asahi
It was a good thing it was Halloween and the entire street was filled with the sound of screams, because Asahi had Noya screaming like a madman and for once it blended in perfectly.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Noya begged, thrashing against the bed in a ticklish frenzy. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP ASAHI!!”
Asahi smirked down at him, checking to make sure the toy handcuffs he’d bought as a prank were holding and not chafing Noya’s wrists. “Calm down. I need to test your nerve endings before I unleash you upon the world.”
He found the spots at the back of his friend’s ribs that always got him wheezing with silent laughter. Sure enough, Noya dissolved into utter hysterics, too far gone to even care whether he was making noise or not.
After a few torturous moments Asahi let up on his assault and let Noya catch his breath, ruffling his hair and checking the handcuffs again. “Are you all right?”
“P-Plehehehease, Asa—doctor,” Noya giggled breathlessly, his keeping with the role play letting his friend know he was hanging in there. “You’ve made me too sensitive…”
“On the contrary.” Asahi got up and moved a little further down the bed, smiling at Noya’s panicked anticipatory giggles. They were playing Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, deciding to be a little more childish than usual on this festive evening.
Asahi grasped Noya’s ankle and scribbled across his foot, grinning at his friend’s resulting cackles and squirming.
“It’s imperative that I make you as sensitive as possible so that you better understand what it’s like to be a human being.”
He scratched at his toes and Noya tossed his head back and exploded into belly laughter that was a rare treat for them both. “Plehehehehehehease!”
“One final test,” Asahi mused, climbing back onto the bed and kneeling between Noya’s legs. Then he smirked and pulled out an item he’d been hiding all evening – a toy claw that they had learned was incredibly tickly to the poor libero.
Noya gasped and pulled uselessly at the handcuffs. “No!”
“Oh, yes.” Asahi firmly grasped his leg above the knee and dragged the claw along his friend’s inner thigh, and Noya let out a scream that could rival any haunted house. “I made sure to make this the most sensitive spot of all.” Then, unable to help it, he broke into an evil kind of laugh. “Mwahahahaha!”
118) Lee Kageyama, Ler Hinata
This year, Hinata knew what Kageyama was dressing up as for Halloween. This year, he was prepared.
Their first year, his best friend had caught him by surprise. Last year Hinata had tried to compensate with a costume that was bulkier and would offer a bit more protection – which didn’t work very well at all.
This year, Hinata was going on the offensive.
When he knocked, Kageyama opened the door without any dramatics. He’d done that already; it was old news now that they were third years. But he was still dressed as a vampire – complete with cape and pointed teeth – and he still looked immaculate.
But not for long.
“What are you supposed to be?” Kageyama asked, frowning at his old-school getup.
“I knew you’d be a vampire again,” Hinata replied, smirking, “so I decided to be Van Helsing. And I’m taking you down, you despicable creature of the night!”
Before the setter could react, Hinata had tackled him to the floor, hopping on top of him to keep him from rolling away.
“Hinata!” Kageyama snapped, frantically undoing the clasp of his cape that had gotten caught beneath them in the scuffle. Once he could breathe easier, he growled, “What are you doing? You’re messing up my costume!”
“I happen to know vampires can only be killed with a stake through the heart,” Hinata said grandly, brandishing a wooden toy dagger that he’d had attached to his belt. “But lucky for you, I don’t want to kill you. I just want revenge.”
“What—ah!” Kageyama spasmed when Hinata began prodding the base of his ribs with the dagger, making him break into a smile and giggle despite himself. “W-Wait – whahahat are you—?!”
“Take this, vampire!”
Kageyama squealed and burst into giggles when the dagger continued to prod at one of his most ticklish spots, then broke into full-on laughter when Hinata used his free hand to dig into his belly.
“Ahahahahahaha! Hinatahahahaha, wahahahahait! I was gohohohohoing to go threehehehehehee for three!”
“Oh, I know. And I’m sure you will. But I was determined to get the jump on you first this time!” Hinata expertly warded off one of Kageyama’s flailing arms and dug his dagger in even deeper, making Kageyama shriek with laughter.
The setter desperately clawed at him and cried, “Okay, okahahahahahay! You gohohohohot me! Plehehehehehease!”
Hinata tossed the dagger aside with a triumphant smirk, but then he snatched up Kageyama’s wrists and pinned them down, hovering over him menacingly. “Oh, and one more thing…”
Kageyama really should have seen it coming, given that he’d attacked Hinata this way two Halloweens in a row. But it still shocked him into squealing giggles when the redhead leaned down and bit his neck with pointy, tickly teeth.
Hinata grinned. “Now, wicked vampire, my vengeance is satisfied!”
119) Switches Daichi, Asahi, and Suga
“Name five holiday movies,” Suga said, reading off the card in his hand before flipping over the timer.
To his left, Daichi dutifully and easily listed five holiday titles before his time was up. Then he drew a card.
It was the Christmas break after they’d graduated from high school, and the three former third-years from Karasuno had managed to find a single day to reunite and catch up and mess around like they used to in all of the chaos of visiting their families and whatnot. They had plans to go to dinner in a short while, but for now they were passing the time playing this game.
“Name five winter activities,” Daichi said to Asahi.
Asahi named three, then struggled with the last two so much that he ran out of time.
“I’m not used to thinking about winter sports,” he whined with a slight chuckle, reaching for a card.
“No one said anything about sports. The card said ‘activities’,” Suga reminded him.
Asahi pouted, then read off his card. “Name five Christmas characters.”
Suga did so, easily. When he reached for his card, he paused. “You know, this is almost too easy.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” Daichi replied.
“Speak for yourself,” Asahi muttered, but he was grinning.
Suga hummed. “Why don’t we add a twist to some of these?”
“Like what?”
“Well, for example…” Suga glanced at the card. “Daichi, name five Christmas carols, and we’ll try to distract you.” Then he flipped the timer.
Daichi started, “Jingle Bells, Silent N-ihihihihihihight?! Whahahahat – hehehehehey!”
Suga grinned, digging into his ribs while watching the timer. “Five seconds!”
“Ahahaha! Uh…G-Good Kihihihihing Wehehehehenceslahahahas – Ahahahahahasahi!” Daichi protested when his other friend started tickling his opposite side. “You guhuhuhuhuhuys!”
“Time’s up!” Suga announced proudly, ceasing his attack.
Daichi let out a few leftover giggles and grumbled, “No fair…”
“Of all the Christmas carols out there, you thought of ‘Good King Wenceslas’?” Asahi asked, dumfounded.
“Not all of us struggle with basic concepts, Asahi,” Daichi teased, reaching for his side in revenge.
“Hehehey! I hahahahaven’t beheheheheen given a prohohohompt!”
But it didn’t matter, because soon Suga was joining in with Daichi, and then he and Asahi turned on Suga, who immediately dissolved into his hyena laughter when they scribbled at his belly.
“Ehehehehehehehe! Stahahahahahahahap!”
Daichi and Asahi exchanged amused glances. “He still has that laugh, huh?”
“Dohohohohohon’t make fuhuhuhuhuhun of mehehehehehe!”
But they weren’t, and Suga knew they weren’t, and soon the room was filled with the sounds of all three of their laughs as they took turns tickling each other just like the old days at Karasuno High.
120) Lee Hinata, Ler Kageyama
“Hinata!” Kageyama snapped as he was pulled forward without warning, connected to his friend via oversized scarf.
“I got it!” Hinata declared proudly, holding up the chocolate he’d dropped on the ground. He began unwrapping it without a care in the world, oblivious to Kageyama’s glare in his direction.
Noya, as a joke, had given Hinata a way-too-large scarf for Christmas, which Hinata had of course worn proudly despite tripping over it several times. When the two of them had sat down to lunch, he took one look at Kageyama shivering in the cold wind and insisted they share the material for a little while. Kageyama had been secretly grateful at first, but now…
“Would you stop darting all over the place?” the setter cried as he was once again pulled forward against his will when Hinata went chasing after something the wind tried to snatch away. “You’re going to kill me!” He’d already almost choked on his milk and barely been spared from biting into his own finger instead of a carrot stick.
“Don’t be dramatic, Kageyama,” Hinata replied, sitting back up again. “Would you rather be cold?”
“At this point, yes!” Kageyama huffed. At the sight of his friend rolling his eyes, something inside him reacted automatically. He grabbed Hinata around the middle and yanked him closer, trying to get under his coat to tickle his belly and sides without looking like he was assaulting the redhead.
“Ah! W-What are you – Kageyahahahama!” Hinata squealed, realizing immediately the danger he was in but far too late to try and escape it. He giggled preemptively, squirming in the setter’s hold. “Dohohon’t be such a wihihimp! Next time I wohohon’t share my scarf with you – ah!”
Kageyama smirked victoriously. “Gotcha.”
“Nohohohohohoooo, Kageyahahahahahama! Dohohohohohon’t!” Hinata pleaded, giggling helplessly as his friend scratched and scribbled at his belly and hips as much as he could reach under his bulky winter coat.
“No fun being stuck to another person when you can’t get away, is it, Hinata?”
“Yohohohohou’re the one who agreheheheheheheed to this!”
“Oh, so it’s my fault?”
Kageyama abandoned all pretenses and tackled his friend to the cold ground, unzipping his coat in a hurry to get to his ribs – his real weak spot. Hinata threw his head back and cackled hysterically, kicking and squirming all the while, but the scarf connecting the two of them made certain he wasn’t going anywhere fast.
It all ended up being much more fun than either of them anticipated.
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (H-M)
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Here's Part 2 Of My Headcanons to Dabbles Masterlist!
Full Masterlist
Updated: 7/31/23
Bicker Buddies (Lees!Hinata, Kageyama, Ler!Asahi)
Buzzing (Switches!Tsukishima, Yamaguchi)
Challenge Time (Lee!Suga, Ler!Yamaguchi)
De-Grump (Lee!Suna, Ler!Miya twins)
Don’t Panic! (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
Hardworker (Lee!Shirabu, Ler!Tendou)
Jaws (Lee!Iwa, Ler!Oikawa)
Jokes On You (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Tanaka, Noya)
Sneak (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi)
Will you? (Lee!Kenma, Ler!Kuroo)
Hell's Paradise
The LOOK (Lee!Toma, ler!Chobe)
Wake up call (Lee!Gabimaru, Ler!Yui)
Big Bad Rugby Player (Lee!Nick, Ler!Charlie)
Breakfast Awaits! (Lee!Nick, Ler!Charlie)
Blush (Switches!Charlie, Nick)
Fluster (Lee!Charlie, Ler!Nick)
I know Him Best! (Lee!Charlie, Lers!Tao, Nick)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Birthmark (Lee!Jotaro, Ler!Kakyoin)
Unzip Those Lips (Lee!Abbachio, Ler!Bruno)
Copy-Cat (Lee!Kakyoin, Ler!Jotaro)
Shapely (Lee!Josuke, Ler!Okuyasu)
Tiramisu (Lee!Giorno, Ler!Bruno)
Weekly Antics (Lee!Abbachio, Switch!Giorno, Ler!Mista)
The World (Switches!Josuke, Okuyasu, Koichi, Ler!Jotaro)
Komi Can’t Communicate
Mood (Lee!Katai, Ler!Tadano)
Moriarty The Patriot
Break Time (Lee!Louis, Ler!William)
Reunion (Lee!William, Lers!Louis, Albert)
My Hero Academia
Back Rub (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Shinsou)
Brotherly Antics (Lee!Ojiro, Ler!Bakugou)
Can We Try It? (Lee!Hawks, Ler!Mirko)
Catch Me! (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Todoroki)
Cheer Up (Lee!Hawks, Lers!Dark Shadow, Tokoyami)
Feathers (Lees!Bakugou, Midoriya, Ler!Hawks)
Fish Out Of Water (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Kirishima)
Fluster (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Deku)
F*cking Adorable (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Bakugou)
Game Over (Lee!Shigaraki, Lers!Dabi, Spinner)
I Spy A Tickle Monster! (Lee!Hagakure, Ler!Ojiro)
Laugh For Me (Lee!Shinsou, Ler!Midoriya)
Laugh It Off (Lee!Endeavor, Jeanist, Ler!Hawks)
Manicure! (LeeKanimari, Ler!Mina)
Muscle Groups (Switches!Bakugou, Midoriya)
Palms Up! (Switches!Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya)
Play With Me! (Lees!Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Shoji, Ler!Dark Shadow)
Rave (Lee!Denki, Lers!Bakugou, Kirishima)
Sensitive (Lee!Dabi, Ler!Hawks)
Shoulders (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Todoroki)
Softie (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Midoriya)
The Claw! (Lee!Midoriya, Ler!Kirishima)
Tummy Tickles (Lee!Shigaraki, Ler!Miruko)
Wakey, Wakey! (Lee!Todoroki, Ler!Sero)
Wild Child (Lee!Bakugou, Ler!Jeanist)
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Tickletober Day 11: Endurance
Lee: Kiyoko
Ler: Yachi
Ship: Romantic
“How come you don’t do track anymore”
“Oh well it’s because, I tore my acl when I had jumped over a hurdle, and so I had to sit out for like 8 or 9 months. I still had to train my leg to function properly I couldn’t jump right back into track, so when Suga, Asahi, and Daichi needed a volleyball manger. I offered since I had nothing better to do and plus I would be able to hangout with them. What made you ask?” Kiyoko explained. She was confused on what made her girlfriend randomly ask her that.
“Nothing I had just heard that from Daichi, and I’m sorry that happened” Yachi apologized.
“Aww Darling there’s nothing to be sorry about all you did was ask a question” Kiyoko chuckled as she gave her a kiss.
“And I’m probably a bit rusty anyways like my form, my speed, timing, and endurance stuff like that” Kiyoko giggled.
“Whaddya mean? You’re still fast and your endurance is outstanding” yachi complimented.
“Thankyou well I’m flattered, but I still would need to get back in shape in order to try out and make a team” Kiyoko smiled, blushing at the compliment.
“I can help you with your endurance”
“What you gonna run with me? That’s sweet but you don’t have to” Kiyoko asked, before answering her own question. Happy that her girlfriend wants to ‘help’ her.
“Nooooo I’m not running, buuuuut you’ll be laughing” yachi hinted with a grin on her face, before pouncing onto Kiyoko.
“Wait whAHAt yahahachi” she was confused until yachi scribbled at her sides.
“Yes lover girl~? That’s my name” Yachi teased.(she learned this confidence stuff from Tanaka and noya)
“Why ahahahare yohohou dohohoing thihis”
“Aww you forgot I already told you, I’m helping you with your endurance” Yachi said, with a smug look on her face (which she learn from Tanaka).
“Hohohow is thihihis hehehehelping?!”
“Baby~ I am tickling you, which takes LOTSS of stamina. Aka which is helping you reach your endurance level that you want.” Yachi rambled on with her lie, only to enjoy her girlfriends laughter.
Before Kiyoko had gotten the little bit of strength she had left, to grab Yachi’s tickly hands.
“Haha I stihill got ihit”
“Woah your endurance is amazing even better than Sho’s” her eyes twinkled, she looked around to see if he heard what she just said.
“Yeah now let’s test out how well you can Endure tickling” kiyoko wiggled her fingers at her.
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Lee Noya and ler Asahi with ticklish stomach please and thank you!! 💖 Hope you’re well!
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Hiii aaaa I'm sorry but I'm not accepting these anymore 😭 maybe next Sunday hehe
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
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Happy spooky month everyone!!
Since I am infatuated with the art piece that @skribblz made for me, I decided to do a t h i n g
behold! The almighty reference photo!
Also not to be a whore on main but mmmm Ennoshita’s hands in this gif
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Jeepers Creepers
Warning: this is a tickle Drabble!
Ships: none!
Warnings: Tickles
Prompt: At a team halloween party, Nishinoya finds himself filling the role of the mischievous one.
Tags: T-fic taglist! @cupcake-spice13, @littlebbyleesfw, @gl1tch-l33 and THE QUEEN HERSELF MS. @skribblz THANK YOU FOR THE SEROTONIN BOOST THIS MORNING.
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“Happy Halloween, Daichi!” Nishinoya cooed as he slid off his shoes, entering his captain’s house shortly after.
“Oh! Noya! Welcome in.” A voice sounded from where the libero presumed to be the kitchen, “Happy Halloween to you too!” The chiming voice belonged to Daichi.
“Whatcha’ up to, cap?” Noya’s eyes practically sparkled as he gazed at the large pumpkins on the counter.
“Just getting things ready. Care to help?”
Noya grew excited, “Of course!”
As the team continued to file in the house, Daichi and Nishinoya placed a variety of carving tools, scoops, tiny bags and a few fake candles next to the huge pumpkins.
A knock interrupted their process.
“Everyone is walking in, Suga. You don’t have to knock.” Daichi beamed without even turning to face the door.
When it opened, in the doorway stood the vice captain, who was sliding off his shoes as well.
“Suga!” Nishinoya said happily, “Look at what Daichi got for us!”
Sugawara soon shared the libero’s excitement, though he was less up front about it. He set down the bag containing the treats he baked, removed his scarf and coat, then joined Daichi and Noya in the kitchen.
“We carving pumpkins yet?” The vice captain asked excitedly.
“We’re carving whenever everyone’s ready.” The captain replied.
“Soooo... now?” Sugawara‘s tone was sickly sweet.
Daichi chuckled, “Sure.”
Shortly after, Daichi grabbed the attention of his teammates and explained the rules of the pumpkin carving: keep sharp tools on the table when you aren’t using them, no flinging pumpkin guts at people, and no putting the carved pumpkin on your head.
Seemed easy enough.
Eventually, the whole team had scooped out their pumpkins and were currently standing around the table in a circle, carefully carving them.
“Tanaka look at my dragon, isn’t it like so totally cool,” Nishinoya’s lips were pursed into a pleased grin as he nodded at his friend,
“It’s-“ Tanaka looked up to see the greatly deformed dragon staring back at him, “It’s something.”
“Waaaaah! C’mon man I tried hard on it.” Noya whined as he fell backwards out of the circle.
The libero decided it would be wise to see his teammates’ progress. So, he stood up and floated amongst the group.
Hinata and Kageyama both chose to make a volleyball, but Kags’ was just a tinge better. Noya predicted a fight later on. Tanaka had chosen to carve Kiyoko’s face into his pumpkin, and was shockingly doing an impeccable job. The third years all settled on making faces, but Noya’s eye immediately chased to Sugawara...
The setter had his tongue poking out ever so slightly; he was in deep focus mode.
“Hey Suga, how’s it goin’?”
“It’s going...” the vice captain replied without advertising his gaze.
Nishinoya noticed the position Suga was in. His left arm was rested on the pumpkin, keeping it braced, while his right was raised highly, trying to cut an eyehole out of the pumpkin.
Oh this was too perfect.
The menacing libero crept behind Sugawara and ever so gently tweaked his hips.
Poor Suga jumped about a foot in the air.
“Noya.” The silver haired setter growled, “Don’t you dare.”
“Oh geez. You’re soooo scary, Suga.” He pinched again.
“Oh man this is too fun.”
The little libero found himself intoxicated with tormenting his vice captain. He continued to squeeze up and down Sugawara’s side.
“Nohoyahaha!” the setter rested the carving knife on top of the pumpkin, regaining his composure.
“Sugahaha!” Nishinoya teased back at the silver haired boy.
Sugawara squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, he’s just got to ignore it.
The vice captain found himself gritting his teeth and breathing heavily as the libero pinched up and down his side.
“Aw man. Don’t want to laugh anymore, Suga?” Noya teased as he raised his tormenting hands up into Sugawara’s ribcage.
“HNGH- Noya stop.” Suga sputtered as he continued to cut the eye hole.
“But I’m having so much fun.” Nishinoya said in a pouty tone, “you don’t want to stop me from having fun, do you?”
“Y-Yes! When your fun involves- shahaharp ohohobjehehects!” Suga could no longer fight his giggles as Nishinoya squeezed with more earnest.
“Oh man. I’m just going to have to solve that issue then.”
“This cant be allohohowed!”
“Daichi never inherently stated it in the rules sooooo-“
Nishinoya dug into the vice captain’s sides and wiggled his fingers quickly, sticking his tongue out in the process.
“Nohohoho! Nohohoyahaha!” Sugawara giggled quite loudly, gaining the attention of Asahi and Daichi.
“Should we stop him?” Daichi whispered.
“On one hand, yes because it’s dangerous.” Asahi replied, “on the other hand... no because look at how freaking cute they are.”
“Nihishihinohohoyaha pleheheasehehe.” Suga begged as he began to curl into himself.
“Alright Noya, fun’s over. Stop tormenting Suga.” Daichi spoke suddenly.
“Aw man!” Nishinoya returned to his dragon, much happier than he was a minute ago.
When it was time to present their pumpkins, Suga’s was just a tad bit crooked. Nonetheless, it was still incredibly well done.
“Well if Nishinoya hadn’t tickled me, the lines maybe would’ve been straight.” Suga said as he turned up his nose and crossed his arms.
“Whaaat? Suga-San is ticklish??” Hinata’s eyes sparkled in both awe and mischief.
“No! No I’m not!” The vice captain ran into the living room, dodging multiple pieces of furniture.
“Poor Suga can’t catch a break.” Asahi said suddenly.
And before Daichi could agree, Sugawara’s frantic laughter echoed throughout the house.
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skribblz · 2 years
I see that your requests are open and you know I’m a sucker for lee Noya so I had to take my chance! How about lee Noya and ler Tanaka? Maybe it’s when Tanaka found out he was ticklish for the first time and found out by squeezing his knees. 💖 Happy Holidays and have a terrific new year! 💖
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he finna got got
ty for giving me a more specific prompt bc Ive literally been in a state of 0 brain this whole month
and even though its late, happy holidays to you too!!! hope 2022 has been treating you well <3 <3 <3
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galacticlee3 · 2 years
I Do Adore (Ler!Sugawara, Lee!Reader)
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Prompt: “could I request ler!sugawara and lee!reader?”
hey y’all! I know it’s been a bit since I’ve written anything but I’ve been getting back into it! This is a fic I’ve been wanting to write for a while and it’s a bit self indulgent but, I think it turned out okay. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: small panic, not full blown; this is a tickle fic!
word count: 1.7k
It had already been a month into your relationship with Suga, the mother crow setter of the Karasuno volleyball team. You had started going to their matches with a friend who was crushing on Ennoshita, but found yourself drawn to another member of the team before long.
He became accustomed to seeing you in the stands after a while, eventually going up to visit you when he saw a handmade sign with badly cropped photos of him that you had pawned off of Tanaka and Noya (best wingmen ever).
The two of you became fast friends and started dating soon after, enjoying the comfort and light of each other’s company. Today you two had scheduled a study date to catch up on the school he had missed because of volleyball tournaments. You also had a load of homework due to devoting your weekends to cheering him on. So you two decided to meet at your house, sitting against the couch with the coffee table pulled up. Papers were strewn across the table and floor, Suga chugging away at some math while you did your language arts.
“Hey, Suga, could you help me with this sentence here? It just doesn’t sound right to me,” you muttered, putting a hand to your chin and leaning back against the couch. He looked up from his textbook and grabbed onto the laptop you pushed his way, pulling it onto his lap. He swiped across the screen to clear some dust, humming as he pulled up the page. A slight smile graced his features as his eyes scanned the screen, reaching down to make edits every so often, his long fingers gliding across the keyboard. As he reached the end, he let out a huff of laughter and cooed. “Awh, that was really cute, (Y/N)! I made a few small grammar edits, but it was really well written, I couldn’t find the sentence you were talking about,” he looked back up at you and scratched the back of his neck.
Cute???? Your essay on the War of 1812 was cute? He must be messing with you, he-
Oh no.
Oh no, oh no, oh no!
You snatched your laptop back from him in a flash, only to find the draft of one of your fic WIPs pulled up. One of your tickle fics, you might add. You had been a writer in the community for a while now, but you kept this part of your life private. It made you feel loved, safe, and happy ever since you could remember. This little quirk of yours led to many friendships, relieved that others felt the same way that you did about the playful affection. Your passion for writing mixed with your love of tickles and you started to write for your favorite fandoms. But this wasn’t something even your closest friends knew about, let alone your boyfriend.
A furious blush ran up your neck and you hugged your laptop close to your chest, both embarrassed and afraid. He wasn’t supposed to find out like this. Suga’s expression morphed from light to concerned, placing a questioning hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, is everything okay?” he asked gingerly, stroking up and down your arm. The gentle touch pulled you out of your head and your eyes flitted to his own warm and inviting ones. You sighed and put your laptop on the coffee table, letting your head fall against the couch as you curled in on yourself, arms wrapping around your shoulders. “Well, you weren’t really meant to see that,” you admitted under your breath. But this was Suga, and he wouldn’t make you feel bad or embarrassed for something so obviously important to you.
You took his hand in yours and held it in your lap, “I write a lot, you know that.” He nodded and squeezed your hand, prodding you to continue. “So, uh-, I-I,” you stammered, not knowing how to continue. “Sorry, it’s just really difficult to explain it, I haven’t really had the chance to before now,” you said quietly, feeling a bit better now that you had calmed down.
Suga hummed, nodding in understanding. “Well, maybe I can help? For what it’s worth, I thought that your story was adorable and I think I might know what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours.” He tapped your nose affectionately, and moved it down to your side. “Now, I may be wrong, but do you like tickles, (Y/N)?”
Your eyes went wide and you looked up at him, a blush creeping up your face. “How did you-”
He rubbed up and down your side gently once his suspicions were confirmed. “I have good intuition,” he winked, “but also, the character in your story did too.” You recounted the most recent of your works and shrinked in on yourself because he was right. You managed to look him in the eyes, confidence swelling in your heart. “You don’t think it’s weird?”
His eyes softened, squeezing the hand he held in your lap. “Of course not, it matters to you, and for the record I think its absolutely adorable,” he took a pause to squeeze lightly at your side, making you jolt into him with a squeak. “Plus, it's fun, so I see where you're coming from. You know, you are sitting with the resident tickle monster of the Karasuno volleyball team,” he crowed, the familiar mischievous glint in his eyes matching his playful fingers that were now drumming on your sides. You buried your face in his shoulder, a wobbly smile on your lips and blood rushing to your cheeks. “Suhuga…”
“Hmm? What is it?” He leaned his cheek on the top of your head and began tapping his fingertips up to your ribs, but not with enough pressure to tickle. “You knohow! Stop being mean!” You whined, poking him in the ribs. Suga yelped and his brows furrowed, a playful grin flashing at you. “Ohoho, you’re getting it now, (Y/N),” He lifted under your thighs and pushed you up so you were sitting on the couch before he tackled you, trapping your head with his hands on either side. Suga scanned your face for any indication to stop, but your smiling eyes and held back giggles ensured him that you were more than fine. Fingers scuttled at your lowest ribs, making you squirm into his hands at either side. Shimmying your hips from left to right made him laugh, “You’re dancing! Show me another move!” He laughed, traveling upwards and digging into the spaces between the bones. Bright peals of laughter spilled out as you clamped your arms down to your sides, balling your hands up in light fists that rested on your chest.
“Wahahaihait, SugahAHAHAH-” You squealed as he got to your highest ribs, using his thumbs to dig in and the rest of his fingers to scribble at your shoulderblades. “Hmm? Dihid I find a bad spot?” He snickered at your reaction and wormed his hands into your armpits, making you buck wildly from under him. “Aw, (Y/N)! You trapped my hands, can you lift your arms up?” The teasing lilt in his voice and the quirk of his eyebrows made you giggle nervously as he slowed his fingers to a stop, his fingers still twitching ever so slightly. You could feel your face heat up as you reluctantly lifted your arms above your head, gripping the arm of the couch. “Aw, how considerate, thank you,” he leaned down to pepper your blushing cheeks in kitten kisses, making you squeak and melt at the puppy love. “Mhmhmhm! Youhou’re wehehelcohohome,” you replied, bringing your hands up to rest on his shoulders instead. He giggled into your cheek as light fingers resumed their attack on your armpits, quick and soft pinches to the centers leaving you in stitches. You squealed and shook your head, “Ihi wahahaAhAs sOHoho nIHIhice and this ihis the tHahAnks I gehet?”
Suga laughed as he moved his goosing further down to your sides, relishing in the happy laughter next to his ear. “You are absolutely precious, you know that? Look at you! You’re squirming right into my hands, you really do enjoy this, don’t you?” He nuzzled into your neck, humming as he spidered both his hands over your tummy in quick succession. “NahahOahOho! ShUhUhut uhUhUHUP!” You cried out and sucked in your tummy, his blunt nails scratching just under your button and that one horrible spot where your sides meet your stomach. He gasped and came out of your neck to look at you with an incredulous pout, “Oh, (Y/N), if you thought I was mean before, you haven’t seen anything yet!”
He dove back into your neck, starting to gently nibble at the skin, scraping his teeth alone the crook where your shoulder connected making you let out a flurry of squeals and “nonononono!”. Your hands fisted in his shirt, desperately trying to ground yourself in the soft fabric while he moved from your tummy to your hips. At first, his light scratching around the bones wasn’t that bad, but as he chuckled evilly into your shoulder and started to dig circles just under your pantline, you floudered like a fish out of water. “WAIHAIT PLEAHEHASE NAHAHT THEHEHERE!” He laughed at your reactions, opting to squeeze the tops of your thighs and worm his fingers into the crevice where your torso ended and your legs began. You buried your face in his shoulder, trying to muffle the cackles that erupted from your lungs. “PLEeAHAH- IHIHI CAHAHAN’T!”
Suga calmed his fingers to light traces around your tummy, giving you one last ticklish kiss to your neck and kissing your nose. “Sorry if I went a little overboard, gigglebug, you were just so cute,” he whispered fondly from on top of you.
As you came down from your tickle high you melted into the hand that came up to cup your cheek, small huffs of laughter creeping out from the hand that was lazily exploring your adorable tum. “Ihit’s okay, Sugar. That was fun, thank you,” you mumbled, a giddy smile on your lips as he peppered light pecks along your forehead and cheeks, continuing onto your shoulders which made you squeak.
“I’m so glad you shared this with me, (Y/N). Anytime you need a little pick me up, I’ll be happy to indulge you.” He moved to your side, scooping an arm under you and wrapped he other one around your back, making you feel safe and secure in his arms. He touched his forehead lightly to yours and you two drifted off into a sweet slumber.
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rachi-roo · 3 years
Ashfudjdnfksksnfia Queen PLZ! >////w////< As you wish!
Haikyuu: Asahi tickle Headcanons!
Asahi, the gentle giant from Karasunos volleyball team. How can someone so big be so soft? Here are a few examples of just how soft this big ball of mochi can be~
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Asahi is a Lee. 99% Lee. He just loves the physical contact, reminding him of the strong bond he and his friends have.
Honestly, when it comes to tickles this man is like a big ol' puppy who wants belly rubs, though he's far to shy to actually ask for them. So his friends make sure to ask him at least every other day if he wants some tickle time. His burning red cheeks are all the answer they need.
As Ducky here informed me, Asahis most sensetive areas are his tummy and sides.
Most of the time, he will try and be still for his ler, that's the best way to get the best tickles.
Raspberries are his favourite. The way he twitches and giggles in anticipation is just pure, untainted gold~
He always has to have something to hug, since he can't stand seeing what's going on. Make sure to give him a hoodie, bag, a big plushie, anything that he can squeeze the life out of whilst you give him what he deserves.
He doesn't mind rough or soft tickles. Anything that gives him that sensation will do.
He won't talk much during his wrecking, his face buried to deep in whatever he's hugging. However, if you did want to hear his laughter better, you'd have to get someone to pin his arms up. Tag-team that big boi.
When attacking these areas his laughter is big and hearty. A little snort here and there too~
Another spot he's sensetive is his ears. If you're not a giant then you'll have to wait until he's sat down or make sure you can jump high enough to sneak a little puff of air into his ear.
Ear tickles make him squeak, yes squeak. He will scronch his neck and shoulders up like a little turtle hiding from a predator.
A great way to tickle this spot is whilst he's napping. Just a little whisp of air or even a feather if you have one on you. His sleepy giggles are too pure for this world and those who've heard them are blessed and should feel honoured.
This man is so easily flustered. Just a nose boop is enough to have him giggling and blushing.
Lots of head shaking, lots of leg flailing but other than that, he's a very well behaved Lee. 100/10 highly recommend~ 🧡
Although Asahi is a Lee, that doesn't mean he won't give his friends an affectionate tickle or two.
Big hands. Big huuuuuge hands. And what they do? They tickle. Really, really... Gently. Yes, despite his huge hands he's incredibly gentle.
Too gentle. It's cruel how nice he is whilst he's being the ler. He doesn't even realise he's teasing you when he talks.
'Having fun?'
'Haha, that smile is precious.'
'Well that was an interesting sound.'
Of course it depends on who he's tickling and why. If it's Noya because he's being a little shit his choice of words are more along the lines of-
'Done being an ass now, gremlin?'
'You need to learn your lesson.'
But even then, he's still so gentle. Probably because he's worried he'll hurt those small people.
He doesn't like to pin as such, but will definitely sit on the victims waist, just to keep them from fleeing.
His tickles are random, scittering and scribbling fingers. Usually just sticking to the victims torso.
Big boi is just such a softie. And I wouldn't want him any other way 😚
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95% Lee - 5% Ler
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italeean · 11 months
HIHI ELLE!! AAAAAAAA CONGRATS ON 350 FOLLOWERS!! YOURE SO COOOL!! Remember me when you’re famous 😞✊ I know I’m not rly in the t community but I hope it’s okay I send an ask for the event?? My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, video editing, and video games. I love psychology and literature, both classic and more recent. I also like webtoons and manwhas. I don’t like parties or big groups of people, or watching sports. I prefer one on one interaction or small groups of people, and going outdoors and exploring rather than going to a crowded place in a city. I hope it’s ok I participate in this event if I’m not too much into the t community, but I’m very much so a ler. For the fandom I’ll go with Haikyuu, platonic relationship, and I have no gender preference. Tysm in advance if you accept!! 😻😻💙💙
Waaaahh hello my dear ❤️❤️ It was such a pleasant surprise to see you participate 🥹 Thank you so so much... you're so kind and sweet and cool!!! I hope you'll enjoy your match-up ❤️🍡 *some dango for you*
🔮 For this event, I match you up with... ASAHI
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• First of all, Asahi is not the biggest social butterfly out there (no offense obviously) so I think you'd enjoy hanging out with one another • He's also very athletic, which means you'd be able to go out and explore all you'd like • He's also a very good listener, so you could tell him about psychology theories or interpretations of classic and modern literature • I also see him as the kind of guy who'd get invested in the books you tell him about to understand you better • You could also join the third-years during the visit to the temple for New Year's, or just hang out with them!! • I can totally see you sneaking a few pokes to Asahi's sides when he gets too anxious... it's a little subtle thing you do to make him snap out of his spiral of negative thoughts • You could also help him with his designs, since he becomes a designer and you like drawing • He'd totally use your art pieces, may it be drawings, sculptures or video edits, for his fashion lines • 6 words for you: VIDEOGAME. NIGHTS. WITH. HIM. AND. NOYA. • You could probably tickle him also when he gets too invested in his work and basically forgets he's a human being with physiological needs... you know, just to "kindly invite" him to take care of himself • I also have the feeling that Asahi would be a little more talkative with you because he'd be more comfortable with hanging out alone with you and his anxiety would be much more bearable • I see your friendship as a quiet one, full of mutual listening and quality time... both you and Asahi are the kind of friends everyone needs
🔮 Tickle scenario
The sun, the chirping birds, the fresh air, the quiet swish of a nearby torrent, the sound of your steps... this was your ideal afternoon. Just you and your best friend Asahi.
It was refreshing both for you and for Asahi. Even if he was Karasuno's ace and had gained poularity after the sudden rising of the volleyball team, he didn't exactly like the popularity or the fangirls that constantly tried to be around him. Obviously he was always respected with everyone who approached him, but sometimes he felt the need to get away and just spend some time in total peace and quiet, and when he needed that peace and quiet, you were the only person he wanted to be with.
You weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, and you've never even had a crush on one another. You were best friends, and from a certain perspective you even had a deeper bond compared to a couple who has recently started dating.
Asahi was a very quiet and reserved person, who sometimes had difficulties with expressing how he felt, but you could always tell what was going through his mind without him saying anything. The ideal afternoon for both of you was being together just the two of you reading, talking or taking a walk in the nature, just like you were doing today.
You had just reached your usual spot near the torrent, where you usually took a break before going back home. "Ah... I really needed that, thanks Asahi." You smiled thankfully at the ace, who sheepishly smiled right back at you.
"Anytime, and honestly I needed that, too." The tall guy replied, "So, how's school going? Are you doing something interesting in literature class?" He sat down on the grass and patted the spot right next to him, inviting you to sit next to him.
"Oh yeah, I really like both the author we're analyzing and how the teacher explains it!" You took your seat next to your friend, "What about you? I hope that the last year of high school isn't too brutal." "Well..." he began, "I won't deny that it's very difficult, but I'm managing!"
"I'm sure you're taking care of yourself though, right?" You inquired while raising your eyebrow in an inquisitive way. "Well..." He scratched the back of his head, and that was all you needed to hear.
"How. Many. Times. Did. I. Tell. You. That. You. Gotta. Take. Care. Of. Yourself?!" You scolded him, emphasizing every word with a poke to his torso. "Ah! He-heyyy..!" Asahi tried in vain to escape your pokes, "I-i knohow... but- no wait!"
You didn't even let him finish his excuses, you just went for his stomach and scribbled your fingers all over the soft skin, protected by the thin fabric of the shirt.
It didn't take him long to give up. Despite his menacing aspect, he was quite weak to tickling, which you obviously knew as his best friend. "AAAHAHAHAHAHA okaHAhay Ihihi gihihiveHEHEhe..!" He pleaded, and you stopped. You were feeling quite merciful. "Fine, but you better take care of yourself from now on!" You pouted.
Asahi chuckled and gave you some headpats. "Fine, fine... you win..." He laid in the grass and glanced at the clear blue sky. You did the same, but before that, you grabbed your backpack, took out a packet of nikuman and gave it to the tall guy.
"Eat this, I imagined you weren't taking care of yourself so I grabbed something from Ukai-san's shop." Asahi thanked you and stared eating immediately. "So," he said "tell me about that book you're reading..."
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
For the tickletober thing I saw death spot was opened and since you wanted Haikyuu can you maybe do Lee!Kageyama and ler!Hinata? I love them so much lol.
Day 8: Death Spot
"C'mon Kageyama-kun~", just say you'll play Monopoly with us already and I'll let you go!"
Hinata teased, watching in delight as the first hesitant giggles started to slip from his best friend's lips whether he wanted them to or not.
"N-N-Nehehehever you idiot, I'm nohohohot playing sohohohome silly board gahahahames with yohohou!!" Kageyama growled through his evergrowing laughter, remaining stubborn despite how badly he wanted to surrender and make the redhead stop tickling him.
In all honesty, he wouldn't really mind playing with the rest of them all that much. Heck, even Tsukishima was playing, albeit only because he was the only first year who was really qualified to play the banker, and because Yamaguchi had asked him to.
Really, there was only one reason why he was still refusing at this point; He just simply didn't want to let Hinata win.
And so, he stayed strong.
Ughhh! Alright that's it!" Hinata snapped, throwing his hands up in frustration while Kageyama immediately took the break for what it was and rolled over onto his side to catch his breath, "Ok, can someone come hold his arms for me? I've got one more idea..."
Wait, what did he-
"Oh nooo..." Kageyama groaned, curling himself up even further as nervous giggles started bubbling in his throat once more...
"Oh yesss..." Hinata responded back teasingly, wiggling a single finger into his side just to mess with him while he waited for someone to come assist, and he took great pride in the way the other boy twitched and started to laugh at the contact.
Kageyama couldn't help but whine when he suddenly felt someone grabbing onto his wrists just as the redhead had asked, and he looked up to see just who had decided to betray him, only to be completely caught off guard when he saw who it was. Hinata seemed just as surprised.
"Ennoshita-san?!" They both blurted out at the same time, blinking in bewilderment at their future captain as he carefully tugged the youngest first years arms above his head, Kageyama barely even bothering to fight it as he tried to process the unexpected betrayal. Tanaka or Noya he could see, maybe even Tsukishima if he was feeling particularly mean, but Ennoshita?!
"What? We've been waiting for you two to start for a long while now. I'm just helping to speed things up is all." He said, a small mischievous smile tugging at his lips, "Well Hinata? Are you gonna get him or not?"
"O-Oh right! Here I come Bakageyama!!" The little redhead declared, seemingly shaken out of his moment of confusion as he lunged at the setter and started clawing at his knees.
The reaction was almost instant.
"EEEEEYAHAHAHA!! NO!! NOOO HINATAHAHAAAAA WAIT!! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHEEERE!!" He cackled, trying and failing to rip his way out of Ennoshita's grip as he tried to kick the smaller guy off, but Hinata was nothing if not persistent, and it seemed that without the use of his arms, he had no hope of escaping until he admitted defeat.
Things only got worse from there when Ennoshita decided to switch both his hands into one and used the other free one to pinch at his shoulders, switching from one side to the other whenever he tried to scrunch up and block him out.
"OKAY! OKAYOKAHAHAY FINE!! YOU WIHIHIHIHIN!! I'LL PLAHAHAHAY YOUR DUHUHUMB BOARD GAHAHAHAMES YOU IDIOT!! NOHOHOHOW STOHOHOHOHOP!!" He relented, and immediately they released him, sitting back a little to let him breathe. "E-Ehehehe... You guhuhuys suhuhuck..."
"There. Now was that so hard?" Hinata laughed smugly a few minutes later as he reached out to hand his exhausted teammate his waterbottle, only to yelp when the ravenette suddenly grabbed his wrist instead with a vengeful look in his eyes.
"Hey, Ennoshita-san, if you help me hold him down, I promise I won't come after you too later." Kageyama said with a grin, and Hinata gulped when he saw the older teen nod and start crawling over towards them again.
Look's like monopoly was going to have to wait a little longer afterall...
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intheticklecloset · 11 months
For the coffee shots, how about lee Nishinoya and ler Asahi. And the spot is lower back/hips. 💖 I don’t watch the anime, but I absolutely love the few episodes and clips I’ve seen of them. Plus I go back and reread all of your fics with lee Nishinoya all the time!!
In theory, a massage had sounded heavenly. Flexible as Noya was, he still experienced some tightness and discomfort now and then, but especially since he’d lunged for that ball during their last practice and landed awkwardly. He’d been in some pain since then, mostly in his lower back from where he’d twisted in midair and then slammed into the ground.
Now, though, as the little four-legged massager hummed across his skin, he was regretting ever letting Asahi talk him into this.
“If you keep squirming like that it’s going to make it worse,” his friend told him, a clear smile in his voice.
Noya gritted his teeth and clenched his biceps – his arms were crossed above him with his head resting on them like a pillow – even as a snicker or two escaped from him.
“Cahahahan’t help it,” he managed, gasping when Asahi maneuvered the vibrations back to the spot closest to his lower ribs. “It’s tihihihihickling me!”
“We both know my hands would be much worse.”
It was true. Noya was so sensitive the slightest brush got him wiggling and giggling in seconds flat; using an actual massage tool was the only way they were going to get through this – assuming they’d get through it at all.
The massager slid over toward his other ribs, and Noya squeaked and started to roll onto his side, but a strong hand pressed against his shoulder and forced him to stay put.
“Here,” Asahi chuckled, and it was obvious he knew exactly what he was doing. “Let me help you.”
“Ahahahahaha you jeheheheheherk! You’re dohohohoing this on purpose!” Noya screeched out the last word when Asahi very intentionally let the massager linger on his lower ribs for more than a couple of seconds this time. The libero’s legs kicked behind him frantically. “Ahahahahahasahi!”
His friend just laughed with him and started guiding the vibrations over every ticklish spot he knew of to get the poor libero cackling in no time. “What? Laughter is just as good for you as a massage would be!”
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Haikyuu!! Masterlist
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Here's all the Haikyuu!! Fics and dabbles I've written!
Updated: 6/4/24
Full Masterlist
Aoba Johsai
Wish That Were Me (Lee!Oikawa, Ler!Iwa)
Accidents Happen (Lee!Asahi, Ler!Tsukishima)
An Argument Regarding Dinosaurs (Yamaguchi x Reader x Tsukishima)
Come to dinner with me! (Lee!Tsukishima, Ler!Yamaguchi)
Don’t anger Daichi! (lee!Tsukki, Lee!Hinata, Ler!Daichi)
Focus Boke! (Lee!Kageyama, ler!Hinata)
Floatable (Lee!Kageyama, Ler!Yamaguchi)
Just One More Set? (Lee!Suga, Ler!Daichi, Ler!Asahi)
Karasuno Tickle Fight! (Lee!Tsukki, Ler!Noya, Ler!Tanaka)
Let Your Walls Down (Lee!Tsukki, Ler!Asahi)
Messing With Kags (Lee!Kageyama, Lers!Karasuno)
Messing With Tsukki (Lee!Tsukki, Ler!Tanaka)
Only Slightly Terrified (Lee!Asahi, Lers!Noya, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi)
Our King (Lee!Kageyama, Ler!Tanaka, Ler!Noya)
Perfection Isn’t Necessary (Lee!Yama, Lers!Tsukishima Brothers)
Pudge (Lee!Takeda, Ler!Ukai)
Setting Up My Downfall (Lee!Kageyama, Ler!Suga)
Sleepover Hijinks! (Lee!Akiteru, Ler!Tsukki, Ler!Yama)***
Mochi Monsters (Lee!Suga, Lers!Noya, Hinata, Tanaka) 
The Proper Way To Set (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
Too Many Compliments! (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Asahi)
Truth or Punishment! (Switch!Karasuno)
What Goes Around Comes Around (Lee!Suga, Ler!Tsukishima)
What We Do For Waffles (Lee!Daichi, Ler!Suga)
Weekend With Kags (Lee!Hinata, Ler!Kageyama)
Getting Comfortable (Kuroo x Lee!Reader x Kemna)
Of Course I Care! (Lee!Kenma, Lers!Fukunaga, Yaku, Kuroo)
Welcome to Nekoma! (Lee!Lev, Ler!Kuroo, Ler!Yaku, Ler!Kenma)
Gonna Getcha Suna or Later (Lee!Suna, Ler!Miya Twins)
Break Time! (Lee!Sakusa, Ler!Komori)
Mario Kart Madness (Lees!Komori, Sakusa, Ler!Iizuna)
Stop Teasing Me! (Lee!Komori, Ler!Sakusa)
Only Semi-Jealous (Lee!Semi, Ler!Tendou, Ushijima, Ohira)
Tendou Tantrum (Lee!Tendou, Ler!Semi, Ler!Goshiki, Ler!Shirabu)
Mashups (Summer Camp, Mixed teams, etc.)
A Little Motivation (Lee!Kunimi, Ler!Kogane)
A Setter’s Hand Care (Lee!Kageyama, Ler!Kogane)
Corruption (Lee!Kuroo, Ler!Daisuga)
Don’t Be Nervous! (Lee!Yamaguchi, Ler!Suna, Ler!Kita)
Fluster (Lee!Kuroo, Ler!Asahi)
Joy Con Showdown (Lee!Kenma, lers!Hinata, Kuroo)
Late night tickles (Lee!Tsukki, Ler!Tendou)
MindF*cks On Movie Night (Lee!Kuroo, Ler!Mattsun)
Normal Guy! (Lee!Tsukki, Ler!Tendou)
Release The Demons (Lee!Atsumu, Ler!Kageyama)
Relax Your Shoulders (Lee!Tsukishima, Lers!Kuroo, Bokuto)
Setter Supporter (Lee!Suga, Ler!Kenma, Ler!Kuroo)
Sleepover With Senpai (Switches!Oikawa, Kageyama)
Spoiler Warning (Lee!Kuroo, Ler!Akaashi)
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tickling-giggles · 3 years
Tickletober Day 6 Feet
Noya was in a playful mood and decided to take it out on Asahi.
“Hey asahi”. “Yes noya” he answered.
“Would like an uhhh… massage!” He offered.
“May I ask why your offering” Asahi suspects. “I-i um well you have a rough job as the ace and also it’s my duty as your teammate and boyfriend that you aren’t stiff that can really mess you and the team up” Noya explained “good job noya he’ll totally believe you now” he thought to himself.
“Um ok sure but I would have to get on the floor” Asahi agrees as he closed his book. “Um nononono I-it’s a foot massage” noya shouts frantically waving his hands. Leaving Asahi with an confused look.
“Yeah you can just continue reading your little book and I’ll give you an massage” noya explained. “Well ok” Asahi went back to reading his book.
Noya starts massaging his Left foot “so how’s it feel” he asked “it feel quite nice thanks yuu” he thanked “it’s no problem after all it’s my duty to make sure that your in tiptop shape” noya smiled.
Couple minutes passed he decided to start messing with Asahi he “accidentally” scratched his foot. “ gAh I noya what’re you doing” Asahi squeaked. “Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you it was an accident” giving Asahi and innocent look and Asahi buying it and going back to what he was reading.
“That was something it’s time to go full in now” noya thought.” Hey Asahi you wanna see a cool hack” Noya asks before standing up. “Uh sure why not” Asahi focused on noya. “Ok so put your arms straight out and try to get out of it” noya explained as he shoved a broomstick up his turtleneck top. “Um ok” Asahi agrees mega confused.
“Now you’ve got too break from out of it and stop me ok” noya grinned evilly. “S-stop you from what?” Asahi nervously asked. “This” noya said as he tickled Asahi’s foot
“Y-yuuhuhu STohohop it” he asked jerking around. “You have to try and stop me” noya slightly giggled before moving up to the ball of his foot. “NEHehe noyahahahaha stahAhaAhaha”
“What was that I couldn’t here you” he teased. “GAHAHAH your ihihin soo muhuch trouble when IEEEEE AHAHAHAHAHA” Asahi attempts to threaten him before bursting into fits and giggles.
“NOHOHOHO NOHOHOT THERE AHAHAHAHAHA” noya was currently under his toes scratching the sweet spot.
Suddenly noya felt two large hands grab at his sides. “I win” Asahi chuckles before pinning noya and attacking his ribs.“NAHAHA IHIM SAHAHARREHE”
“Next time just tell me that you’re bored and feeling playful” Asahi noted.
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