#ler!ot7 x lee!reader
lerbts · 5 years
Forever and always
A/N: This is based on a fear I had as a kid. I was so petrified of falling off the monkey bars XD.
Request: Can you please do a scenario where you go somewhere like a playground (could be an amusement park or smth) with the boys and you get stuck in a toy and become vunerable somehow and they notice it than they turn into little brats and start to tease and tickle you to death please???
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"You're sure I'm not gonna fall?" 
Oh, you were so nervous. You had a bad fear of heights and the boys had insisted on helping you get over it by taking you to the amusement park today. 
So of course, they'd picked the monkey bars. 
You were currently cowering at the start of them at the top; Yoongi and Jimin behind you while Hoseok, Seokjin and Taehyung waited towards the end of the track of bars. Namjoon loomed on the ground just below you while Jungkook waited.a bit closer towards the middle. 
"Positive silly girl. That's why Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung and I are down here. We'll catch you if you let go and be with you every step of the way."
Namjoon reassured you, eyes gentle. 
You bit your lip as apprehension shone in your eyes. 
"C'mon angel. You got this. We believe in you."
Jungkook added; for once not teasing as he smiled gently. 
You swallowed nervously and hesitantly reached out for the first rung grabbing it with your left hand before slowly adding your second hand. You stayed like that; clutching onto the bars so hard your knuckles turned white from the strain. 
You squeaked as you felt an index finger brush the skin of your underarm, shivering from fear and exertion.
You whimpered. 
"Just step off the ledge and we'll stop okay?"
Jimin mumbled into your ear as Yoongi began slowly spidering at the exposed skin on your other side. 
"We're right here. None of us will let anything happen to you.  You're totally safe baby." 
His gruff voice muttered into your ears. 
You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling but between their breath on your ears and their fingers against your armpits you were losing your composure and trying not to squirm as you shook slightly from holding yourself back. 
Just as you felt like finger graze your bare tummy thanks to raising your arms up you jumped as you couldn't take it anymore. 
You hung there and made it to the third rung before you stopped as your gaze went to the ground and you shakily released a breath; trying to calm down. 
"You're okay; I've gotcha babygirl."
Namjoon's deep rumble met your ears from below you as you felt his palm warm your slightly cool legs from the wind as they graze you.
"J-Joon, I'm scared-can I come down? Please?"
Your voice was shaky as you tried to keep your emotions in check. 
He squeezed your leg in a reassuring touch but you yelped and tried to kick on instinct at the bolt of ticklishness that assaulted your senses. 
"Namjoon careful!"
Though you couldn't see him you could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Oh? Careful of what? This?"
You felt a smile twitch at your lips before you started squirming as giggles escaped you when he wiggled his fingers underneath your knee. Your kicking was all for naught and only served to send your flip-flops flying off. 
You whined as you heard a few of the others snickering at your plight and blushed as you looked up towards the next rung. Through your stuttered giggling you sighed in relief as he stopped when you reached out and managed to grasp it making progress as you went from 3 to 7 putting you near Jungkook. 
You panted; out of breath thanks to holding up your body weight for so long. 
"Need a hand?" You tensed as Jungkook wrapped his hands around your bare middle. 
"Jungkook don't start please…"
You trailed off, a clear warning in your voice. 
"Aww are you tired pretty girl? Let me see if I can help you get some of that strength back~" 
You already were struggling a bit in his firm grip and pouted as he began ever so slowly tracing circles across your stomach and back. 
"Tickle tickle tickle~"
You whimpered and eventually he noticed you were ready to move on when he started squeezing at your sides and scratching  between your sensitive ribs and released you from his strong grip. 
You recovered and he noticed you lagging though a scribble at your bare foot was enough to make you hop the next two rungs. 
You saw Taehyung, Seokjin and Hoseok a little ways below you and you'd meet with them in a few more rungs. 
You swallowed nervously as thoughts of falling began to fill your mind but forced one hand in front of the other until you were at the end...and then you slipped. 
You yelped slamming your eyes shut in fear and hesitantly opened them to see Seokjin's face looking down at you as he held you bridal style in his arms. 
"Told ya we'd catch you if you fell princess."
He said teasingly; smiling smugly as you blushed madly and he set you down. 
You were surrounded by others immediately as they beamed at you. 
"You did it!! We couldn't be more proud of you."
Taehyung smiled cheekily as he wiggled his fingers into your neck, making you flinch away with a giggle. 
"Looks like your little weakness came in handy huh?"
Jungkook joined in on the teasing, jeering playfully at you as he hummed. 
"You must really like it if it calmed you down so much...why don't we reward you with more you pretty little thing?"
You flushed crimson and hid behind Hoseok, already feeling laughter building in your throat. "Guys...c'mon. We should go home first at least-"
Jimin shook his head with a grin as Namjoon smirked at you.  
"I'd start running if I were you doll."
You didn't need to be told twice. 
Giggles escaped your lips as you raced to avoid the 7 boys kind enough to give you a headstart. You headed up the stairs towards the top of the play area and your eyes lit up as you saw a tube  meant to lead to the slide on the other side, small enough for you to fit with holes on top to let some air in. It would be tight but that also meant the boys couldn't pursue. It was perfect!
You squeezed yourself in only to realize you were stuck. Oh God. You tried to squirm free but swallowed nervously as all you managed to do was flip over in the tube, leaving your legs and feet sticking out along with half of your tummy as you looked up at the sky. 
You head the boys laughter, and tried once more to struggle only to gulp as you realized you weren't going anywhere without their help. 
"Ooh, what do we have here?"
You felt yourself blushing already as you heard Yoongi's mocking voice. 
"Looks like a cute little girl has gotten herself stuck~"
Seokjin mused and you huffed. 
"Alright you've had your fun teasing just help me get loose will you?"
You would've jumped away if you could as you felt a pair of nimble fingers suddenly attacking your vulnerable legs, squeezing at your upper thighs and causing you to giggle helplessly. 
"Now is that any way to talk to the people who helped you get over your fear of heights hm?" 
Jimin only taunted you more and you blushed darker as Jungkook peeked at you from one of the holes on top of the tube. 
"Aww!! She's blushing so much! You really do like this don't you cutie? Here, lemme help."
Your hopes rose as you thought he meant he'd help you out only to instead see his hands coming through the other hole to attack your vulnerable ribs and upper stomach. 
"Nhohoho!! Come ohohon!"
"What's wrong? Can't take a little tickling kitten?"
Namjoon joined in on the teasing making you whimper in embarrassment. 
Hoseok purred and despite Jungkook's smirk being all you could see you quickly figured out he was by your feet as his arms locked around your ankles. 
"What pretty noises you make when flustered like this~ We'll have to do this to you more often. Good thing you enjoy it so much hm?"
He began scratching at your exposed soles and arches but turned his attention to your toes when he heard you squeal in panic. 
You were a mess by now; all the different tickling and by Gods the teasing was so horribly good. 
After Taehyung joined in by going after your hips while the others teased you entirely lost it and began begging which only encouraged them. 
Jungkook called out once he saw tears of laughter though. 
"Alright alright guys, she's crying let's help her out."
It took a bit of tugging but thankfully you tumbled out with their help. 
You glared at the 7 of them and tried not to pout or blush; both of which you failed miserably at as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
"Oh don't be like that~ You know you liked it."
Jin sing-songed with a grin that had a shy smile twitching at your lips. 
A gentle squeeze to your side was all it took to make you join them for a group hug. 
"We're all seriously proud of you baby. You did amazing today. We love you."
You couldn't help your beaming smile if you tried. 
"I love you guys too. For forever and always."
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ticklybtswriter · 5 years
summary: having been dragged to a video shoot by your seven friends, you thought nothing of it. well, until you found out what your true purpose of it was.
author���s note: this is my first tickle fic ever and i’m honestly pretty nervous but also really pumped to write it!! there’s obviously a lot of room to grow and i do accept constructive criticism so if you have any tips, let me know!! but other than that,i hope you all enjoy it!! -rosalie
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You knew that something was going on when Jungkook and Jimin practically begged you to come to their next video. They’d even gone as far as to pull out the puppy dog eyes, a surefire way to get you to do whatever they wanted. So, you gave in and accompanied them to the filming site.
In truth, you weren’t really paying attention to what was going on around you. That was probably your second mistake after allowing yourself to be dragged here in the first place.
But it wasn’t really your fault for not focusing either. You had always felt a bit off when on set with them. You weren’t an idol or a staff member who had a specific job to be doing. You were just sort of there... That’s why you kept your head down, staring at your phone for a good amount of time. As far as you were concerned, your surroundings were nothing of importance. Sounds were white noise. Well, they were until-
“Blah blah, tickle-”
Your head instantly shot up, the realm of your phone drifting from your mind in a single second. A sudden tingle opened up in the pits of your stomach at the sound of that dreaded word. A blush took over your face as the man described the game. A game that involved them tickling one another.
Those sons of bitches... this was their plan all along. They begged you to come here so they could get you flustered beyond belief... Those dicks.
Your revelation was soon confirmed when you saw Yoongi, the god of anticipation and probably the mastermind of this entire scheme, send a wink your way. That in itself made you start to subtly squirm.
Ever since they found out about your little secret, the boys would look for any excuse to absolutely wreck you. If you made a snarky comment or you reached up to grab something, you instantly fell victim to their mischievous smirks and tortuous fingers. Hell, sometimes they didn’t even look for a reason to attack you. You couldn't even begin to count the number of times Jin or Jungkook saw you going about your day and decided to trail circles with their fingers across your stomach.
You shivered at the memories.
They wasted no time in starting your their torture. The game was similar to the one they had done a few years ago where they had water in their mouths. In this one, there was no water, and the object was to hold in their laughter, a game that Hoseok constantly made you play.
Jimin was up first. It wasn’t hard for the boys to break him. A few simple tweaks against his sides and to his neck was enough to side him into hysterics.
It was the same with Namjoon. Namjoon puts up this great act, but he is definitely just as ticklish as some of the others. (Don’t get it twisted, though, he will still tickle the shit out of you and is in no way a ler to be trifled with.)
The entire time this was happening, you were stuck in your seat. You wanted to squirm since the faded memories of their hands scratching mercilessly at your skin was returning to the forefront of your mind while at the same time not wanting to attract any attention to yourself. So, you sat there, suffering while imagining yourself in the position of whoever was getting attacked.
Halfway through Yoongi’s turn, a staff member noticed your flushed face and asked, “Are you alright?”
“Hmm? Yeah!” You whispered while waving her off. “I’m fine, thank you!”
“Are you sure? You look pretty red.”
“Yeah, you know, actually, do you know where I can get some water?”
She told you that there was a room in the hallway where a bunch of snacks and beverages were set up for the staff and guys. You saw this as a window of opportunity to inconspicuously leave the set and hide in their dressing room.
The moment you opened that door, you threw yourself onto the couch. You grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. The images of them tickling each other, just to mess with you, were fresh in your mind and were replaying over like a broken record. Those memories only served to push your further and further into a lee mood. Oh, how you wished vengeance upon them...
Perhaps an hour passed before you heard the door open and multiple pairs of feet sounded around you. You couldn’t see them because you had hidden in a large blanket, both as an act of protest against them and to mask just how flustered you really were.
“Aww,” Hoseok cooed. “Is someone being shy?”
“No,” You grumbled.
You felt the couch dip beside you and someone lean against your curled-up self. That person asked, “No? But you seemed so into it before you ran off!”
“Yeah, that wasn’t very nice, you know.” 
You ignored Tae and Jimin’s words and buried yourself deeper into the blanket. You let out a soft curse that you thought would be muffled by the thick fabric, but you were proven wrong.
“What was that, baby girl?”
You knew you were fucked. Why? Because Namjoon had done two things just then. The first was call you ‘baby girl’ because he definitely knew how that nickname made you blush. The second was use the tone of voice that held pure, mischievous ler-ness. The realization kept your tongue firmly in your mouth.
“Hyung,” Jungkook piped up. “I think Y/N is ignoring you!”
“I think you’re right!”
“Well, we have to do something about that!” Jin announced.
Right after he said that, the blanket was ripped from your body. You shivered at the sudden loss of warmth but didn’t have much time to think on it before they pounced. Your arms, after only a few seconds of struggle, were pulled over your head while someone gathered your ankles in their strong arms.
“Wahait!” You giggled. “This isn’t fahahair!”
“Oh, and why’s that?” Yoongi questioned as he inched his nimble fingers towards your now-bare stomach.
“B-Because, you were the ones that put me in th-this mood by bringing me here!” Perhaps you got a little too confident in your accusation. You figured that out when Tae, the one holding your sock-clad feet you discovered, gasped.
“Now you’re accusing us for your behavior?”
“You just dug your own grave, princess!” Hoseok smirked.
All seven pairs of hands descended upon your body as if they were a singular unit. At once, every nerve was aight with the ticklish sensations.
Namjoon had taken residence beside your head so that he could reach over and scribble at your underarms. You desperately wanted to pull your hands down, but Jungkook, with his great strength, made sure that you couldn’t. He used his free hand- yes, the bastard was only using one hand to keep you in place- to wiggle his fingers into your neck. On instinct, you pressed your head to your shoulder to attempt to ease the ticklish feelings but only succeeded in keeping his hand right where he wanted.
“Aww, cutie!” Jungkook gushed. “You trapped my fingers! I can’t get them out!”
“Yeheheah! I-I knhow!”
“Oh, is the ticklee getting a little sassy?” Hoseok used this as an incentive to squeeze your left side even harder while Jin was busily spidering his fingers on your right.
“N-Nohoho, I-I’m nohoHOHOT!” You exclaimed when Yoongi decided to stop poking at your stomach and ventured to wiggle his finger in your belly button.
You let out a squeak when Jimin decided to squeeze at your knees with one hand and squeeze your hip with the other. It made him break out into this giddy smile, “I’m so glad you like this, angel! It means we get to hear these adorable sounds of yours all. The. Time.” He accentuated each word with another squeeze to your hips.
“He’s right!” Jin shouted over your frantic laughter. “And you’re just so cute like this!”
Hums of approval came from each of the men around you, and if you weren’t blushing furiously before, you definitely were now.
“STOHOP TEHEHEASI-” You couldn’t even get the final syllable out before Namjoon picked up the speed in scratching at your armpits.
“Never.” Yoongi plainly told you with that devilish smile. “You love it too much.”
You were embarrassed beyond words, your body was spent, and you wanted nothing more than to curl back up in that blanket to hide. But at the same time, you were so blissfully happy. That smile on your face wasn’t in any way forced; it really was just a truly adorable sight to behold.
They were right in that you were enjoying every second of it, and they knew that. It was why they were having so much fun, too. They had the power to both wreck and tease you out of your mind while also giving you such joy, a deadly combination.
After a while, though, tears started forming and your breath was a little too shallow for comfort.
“Alright, let’s give her some air.” Namjoon firmly spoke. He ruffled your hair affectionately. “Can’t kill you just yet.”
Jungkook let go of your arms after one more teasing flick of his fingers to your neck. When he finally did, you rubbed at your stomach to ease away the ghost tickles that still remained and you brought your knees to your chest. Everyone around you chuckled at your instantaneous reaction, all murmuring of your cuteness in doing so.
“You ready to go home?” Yoongi asked, taking your hand in his.
So you all can destroy me more? “Yeah.”
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