#lb: tickle fics
marblish0220 · 1 month
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Edit: fixed that stupid crop
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porcelainmortal · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thank you to everyone who tagged me today and Sunday! @dreamtigress @thinkof-england @firenati0n @priincebutt @iboatedhere
@bitbybitwrites @theprinceandagcd @thesleepyskipper and @blueeyedgrlwrites
After finishing the fic I posted Friday, I didn't have any words for awhile. But I'm back to work on my exes to lovers fic, which is my current priority. So here's a bit of that, fresh off the Doc.
Henry wakes with a faceful of wild, curly hair. Alex must have shifted in his sleep, and Henry is pretty sure it was the hair tickling his nose that woke him. He exhales, allowing the curls to exit his nostrils and pulls back, just far enough to allow him to breathe comfortably. Henry is used to sleeping alone. Save for the occasional hookup that stayed until morning – none of whom ever cuddled anyway – he always has. Having the equivalent of a 155-lb koala with grabby hands in his bed has taken some getting used to, but Henry doesn’t think he’d ever turn down the chance to be held like this in Alex’s arms. He’s already grown accustomed to the extra warmth and even begun to crave the gentle snores and slow morning blinks from the man in his bed. He’s in so fucking deep that Henry doesn’t quite know what to do with it, but he's enjoying it for as long as he can. Alex smiles sleepily at Henry when he wakes, pressing gentle kisses to the bare skin under his cheek before snuggling back in, apparently content to snooze for a bit longer. In an hour or two, they’ll wake again and lazily take each other apart; Henry shuddering under clever hands as he comes with Alex’s name on his lips, Alex quieter than he is at most times, but still vocal in his pleasure. They’ll eat a late breakfast and spend the afternoon together before going to dinner or ordering takeout again. It’s become Henry’s absolute favourite way to spend his weekend, and his anxiety at the thought of losing this precious thing is second only to the joy it brings him.
It's late and I'm incredibly sleep-deprived so consider this an open tag. Please tag me if you take it! Thanks for reading. 😁
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Hello! For the prompt thing can you write something fluffy about malec and the kids when they went to st barth's in SoBH. I know you have a fic and I love it and I want more of that softness
When The Stars Go Blue is my first ever fic and if it hadn't been that, I would have never discovered my love for writing tbh.
I tried writing the prompt that you asked for but WTSGB seemed complete to me, so instead of that, I wrote a one-shot on a small vacation LB's went to after Mina gets kidnapped (and found) in SOBH.
“If someone interrupts our vacation this time, I am filing for divorce,” Alec mutters as he unpacks his bag.
Magnus being Magnus, unpacked his with the flick of a finger an hour ago. Alec likes to do a few tasks on his own, and so does he wants for the boys which is why he made Rafael and Max unpack their own, glaring at Magnus when he was about to snap his finger.
“On what grounds?” Magnus raises an eyebrow.
“On grounds that my husband is too kind and is always ready to help others,” Alec says seriously.
Magnus chuckles softly, “Those are not valid reasons for divorce.”
“I changed the law for you once. I can do it again,” Alec comments as he places the last of his weapons inside the cupboard.
Strong arms snake around his waist and Alec smiles, leaning against the lithe body. Magnus kisses his neck, making him sigh softly.
“What happened to ‘You wouldn't be the person I fell in love with if you didn't drop everything to help other people’, huh?” Magnus whispers in his ears.
Alec rolls his eyes and turns in Magnus’s arms, “I can stand by it and still be a petty bitch about it.”
The warlock snorts at the words as Alec wraps his arms around his neck. Magnus smiles at him sweetly and asks, “How are you doing, sweetheart?”
He pauses until he hears a loud bang from outside, signalling that Max and Rafael are up to something before replying, “I’m okay. You?”
“I just need them close to me for a few days,” Magnus admits and Alec nods because he gets it—he feels it too.
The need to have Rafe and Max close to them at all times after the Mina incident.
Alec cannot imagine what Jem and Tessa must have gone through when Mina was missing because just the thought of his kids missing has shaken the two of them, which is why, now that Mina is back, Alec took a few days off to be close to his family--away from the shadow world.
“Me too,” Alec whispers against his mouth before closing the distance.
It's a few hours later, he stretches his back slightly, even though what he really wants is to shake his legs which have gone numb because Rafael’s been sitting on them but Alec doesn’t want to move the boy. He can deal with numb legs for his kid.
“Daddy, pick a card,” Rafe whines as Alec keeps pretending to pick a card, only to stick out his tongue to Rafael in the end, who has been trying to show Alec his magic tricks for the past thirty minutes.
“Alright, alright. I will pick out a card,” he picks out a card and hands it to Rafe, who bites his lips as a thoughtful expression covers his face.
“What’s happening here?” Magnus enters the room with Max on top of his shoulders, making weird noises just because he can.
“I am doing magic, Bapak,” Rafael explains. “Like you.”
“Are you as magical as Bapak?” Alec gives Magnus a teasing smile as he asks the question and his husband rolls his eyes with affection.
“No one is as magical as Bapak,” Max comments as he jumps from Magnus’s shoulder onto the couch and Alec’s heart skips as the warlock boy stumbles a little but Magnus catches him easily, rolling him onto the couch, making him giggle.
“Max, careful.”
Magnus tickles Max and the boy lets out a screech, yelling for Alec.
“Daddy, Daddy!!!” Max shouts and jumps on Alec, who groans loudly.
“You two are going to kill me,” He groans. “I’m old.
“You are not even thirty,” Magnus rolls his eyes before a teasing smirk appears on his face and he bends down to whisper close to his husband’s face, “Maybe we should have used a stamina rune this morning.”
Alec’s cheeks turn red and he glares at his husband. “Magnus!”.
“Bapak stop trying to kiss daddy, I am showing him my magic trick,” Rafe reprimands.
Magnus scoffs indignantly, “He was flirting with me first.”
“Daddy is always doing that,” Rafe replies.
Alec just shrugs his shoulder because it's true—he’s always trying to flirt with Magnus.
“Okay, now tell me, what card did I pick?” Alec questioning Rafe seriously.
Rafael hums thoughtfully before he exchanges a look with Magnus. Then, he picks out a card and shows it to Alec.
Eight of spades.
Alec chuckles inwardly but pretends to widen his eyes in surprise, “Rafe! How did you do that?”
Rafe’s face lights up and his smile widens, “I can do magic.”
“Rafe can’t do magic,” Max remarks.
“I can. Bapak taught me.”
Alec can see a fight coming from ten miles away so he pulls the brake on it, “Okay, okay. If Rafe says he can do magic, then he can do magic.”
“Like I be a shadowhunter?”
Alec and Magnus exchange a look before nodding, “Yeah. Just like that.”
“Alright, it’s time to for you two monsters to go to bed.”
Rafe and Max might not agree to anything but they both are on the same page when it comes to hating bedtimes.
They groan some more and Alec as usual relents, letting them stay up for another half an hour before eventually putting them to bed.
“So, is it time to use the stamina rune?” Magnus smirks as they get done with the second round, Alec falling onto his chest with a groan.
Alec grins at the words. “I don’t need the stamina rune. I can do this all night,” he says as he bites Magnus’s shoulder, pulling a soft gasp out of him.
“Really now?” Magnus has a mischievous smile on his face. “Let’s do it then.”
He arches a brow at his husband before relenting, “Okay. I might need a stamina rune.”
“I thought so,” Magnus chuckles as he kisses his sweaty hair.
Alec rolls his eyes, turning his so that Magnus can wrap him from behind, pulling him close against his chest. “As if you could have gone another round without some magic.”
“Stamina rune should be considered cheating,” Magnus comments.
“Says the man who is raising our son to be a cheater,” Alec points out. “You think I didn’t see that magic trick of yours.”
“I know you did. And I’m not raising him to be a cheater, I’m raising Rafael to be a con-man,” Magnus jokes lightly.
“Oh. That’s fine then,” Alec chuckles. “Con-man works.”
Magnus snorts and kisses Alec’s lips before snapping his fingers to get them clothed—perks of having children is that they do not have the luxury of sleeping naked.
He threads his fingers with Magnus’s on his stomach and they fall asleep wrapped around each other.
A few hours later, there’s a gentle touch on his shoulder that shakes him from his sleep. Alec runs his eyes gently to find his son looking scared.
Rafe’s teary-eyed which immediately shakes him out of his sleep.
“Hey, my baby. What’s going on?” Alec asks in the gentlest of voice as he shifts backwards so that Rafe can climb onto the bed with them.
Magnus rouses from his sleep as well and they both try to calm him down.
“Bapak—“ Rafe cries and Alec picks up and places their son between the two of them.
Rafe clutches onto his sweater and sobs against his chest, breaking Alec’s heart a little. He sends a worrying glance across Magnus.
The shadowhunter boy has a history of nightmares and they’re used to it but they happen significantly less now. It’s been a while since he had one.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Magnus whispers in the quiet room.
Rafael hiccups but eventually looks up into his eyes.
“Who took Mina?”
Alec’s eyes widen at the question.
“Did you find them?” Rafael asks before turning to Magnus. “Bapak?”
“We don’t know,” Alec replies honestly because Rafael knows more about things than most kids and he doesn't like lying to his son ever.
Rafael looks down with a worried face before hiding his face against Alec’s chest again. Alec cards his fingers through Rafael’s hair in worry.
“Mina is fine now, Rafe. She’s back home with aunt Tessa and uncle Jem and Kit,” Magnus says in a soothing voice. “Is that what you were worried about, love?”
Rafael hesitates before replying, “What if they take me next? Away from you?”
Alec feels a pit deep inside his stomach at the question. It’s a worry that has been plaguing his own mind since Mina’s incident.
To see his baby worried about that makes his heart hurt even more.
He looks up at Magnus in question, hoping for an answer.
Alec sits up and takes Rafael in his arms and Magnus shifts closer to them, a hand around Alec’s back and the other on Rafael’s.
“No one is going to take you away from us, Rafe. We won’t let them,” Alec assures him with utmost sincerity.
Rafe doesn’t look fully satisfied. “What if they still do? I don’t want to be away from you,” he admits in a shy voice.
Magnus brushes Rafe’s hair behind his ears and smiles at him. He takes Rafael’s small hand in his and kisses it softly, “If that ever happens, remember that daddy found you once. He can do it again.”
Alec blushes at the words, at the deep love he feels for the man.
“Rafe, look what I made—“ Max comes running inside their room and jumps on the bed.
“Blueberry, why are you up this late?” Magnus asks the small boy, who doesn’t seem sleepy in the slightest.
“Rafe had a nightmare. So, I made him this,” Max answers.
“Made what?”
Max pushes his hands together, as deep blue magic circles around his hand and a few seconds later, a small blue butterfly appears.
Rafael’s eyes widen as he sees this and a huge grin appears on his face.
“That is wonderful, Blueberry,” Magnus states and kisses the top of Max’s head.
Max pauses for a second before turning to Rafael. “Did Bapak and Daddy made it better?”
Rafael glances at the two of them before nodding.
Alec smiles before placing a soft kiss on Rafael’s nose.
“Come on. Time to sleep or we’re sending you two to stay with Grandma for the rest of the trip.”
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hypahticklish · 2 years
Mad Max and the Week Long Tickle War: Day Two
Summary: Where Lucas seeks vengeance on Will, and gets a little help of his own. A collaborative project with @nhasablogg and @lesbian-byers Fandom/Characters: Stranger Things / Lucas & Will, feat. Jonathan Wordcount: 1.1k ish A/N: I had a ton of fun with this project alongside N and LB - they are precious treasures both long beloved and sparkling new, respectively, to the community. About the fic itself: when I started writing this, I instinctively wrote Will as he/they so I hope that comes across clearly in the writing.  ← What happened yesterday?
"You're so dead, Byers!"
To be fair, it was totally warranted. He even gave Will a head start. Where they had a superhuman flight response, Lucas had trained athleticism. As if either were necessary; Lucas was a big brother and Will a little one. This was just the natural order of things.
Ahead of him, Will was kicking up red and gold leaves in their wake.  Lucas had perfectly ambushed his friend sketching on a blanket at a grassy-ish street corner, and Will had been startled enough to abandon the quilt and some color pencils while maintaining a white-knuckled grip on the spine of a notebook pressed clumsily to his forearm. Lucas leapt over the artistic remnants in his pursuit. 
They sprinted past a handful of houses with varying degrees of transitions between Halloween and Christmas when Will took a sudden right up the driveway to the old house. It took them precious few seconds to fumble their way through the front door. Lucas's grin grew determined as he grabbed the streetlight and swung himself toward the haphazardly thrown open entrance. 
Thwik! Ffuhbaduh!
"O…w…stupid vacuum…"
Lucas found Will sprawled face down on the hallway floor. A thin black cord snaked from somewhere deep in the adjacent living room, and its bulbous plug gazed longingly at the outlet from which it had been violently extracted. His mouth pursed to one side a moment before opening to ask, "Ya good?"
There was a deep sigh. They carefully pushed their sketchbook up and away from their body. "Yea, I'm good," Will said.
"Good!" Lucas cheerfully, bodily, dropped to a tight straddle over Will's calves. "Cuz you're not gettin' outta payback that easy!"
Now that the game had resumed, Will put up a futile fight to get out of the pin and keep his shoes from being pried off. "I didn't even do anything!" 
"Didn't even - didn't even do anything?! Oh, I know you're not pullin' that bullshit!" A pair of worn sneakers reunited with the vacuum cord. "Nuh, cause the Will the Wise I know isn't so dumb to make things worse for himself. Not after blatant party betrayal."
Will huffed a mischievous chuckle. “I’m gonna tell Max you don’t view her as part of the party.”
This smug little shit.
Hackles raised in only the way younger siblings are able to conjure, Lucas’s fingers flew into a frenzy across the loose cotton soles on Will’s feet. The sound of Will’s chuckles rapidly transformed into breathless peals of laughter. 
"First you follow Max's orders to torture me." Lucas played up the villainous venom by ripping off Will's left sock while scritching the ball of that foot. He was rewarded by a spike of cackles. "Then your lame ass threatened to diss me." He yanked off the right sock with the same technique. 
"I'm sorry!" 
"Yea, you're gonna be!" shouted Lucas back with all the faux menace he could muster. He dug into Will's heels, and fluttered over Will's ankles, and tickled their arches and toes and all the tickleable spaces in between. Lucas's sibling-skilled hands found every ticklish spot Will's soles had and made sure they individually felt his wrath.
"I-I-I take it back!" Will bargained, pounding his fist into the floor to cope with their hysteria.
A door toward the end of the hall opened swiftly with a noxious funk, and startled both boys into freezing. Beyond a spooked Jonathan was his Californian friend, Argyle, singing along to breezy music while hanging halfway off his bed. A relieved smile spread across the older Byer's face, and something hit the floor with a heavy thud. "Jesus, Will, I thought you were being murdered."
"I am!" 
"Sure are," Lucas agreed, turning back to resume his wicked scribbling into the wrinkles of Will's scrunched feet. 
"Can't be. Not when Lucas isn't even close to your most ticklish spot," Jonathan said.
Will shrieked, "No!" as Lucas whooped, "Hell yeah!" in delight. His friend began to thrash in an attempt to roll over, but locked at the knees in the narrow hallway meant they were shit outta luck. 
Jonathan swore under his chuckles as he planted his heels against Will's triceps and gently shuffled back to stretch their arms away from their body. When he crouched down, Lucas could see how careful Jonathan was to not to sit or step on his frantic little brother. His approach inspired Lucas to change up his own rhythm to something softer.
"Jonath-Johnathan, please don't, it-it'll tickle so bad!" Will pleaded. Their feet twitched in response to Lucas's fingers tracing the outside edge of his soles. Light giggles drifted atop each breath. 
"What was his crime anyway?" asked Jonathan. Behind him, Jonathan's thumbs anchored on either side of Will's spine and perched long, fanned-out fingers atop the back curve of Will's ribcage. 
Beneath him, Will's entire body tensed and let out the tiniest squeak of protest.
"After you guys left, he made me scream in front of my girlfriend," answered Lucas.
Jonathan sucked his teeth. "That's brutal. Suppose this is justice then."
Lucas's incredible reflexes were the only thing that kept him from being bucked off, or worse kicked between the legs. It took all his focus to press Will's shins securely to the carpet. Will was howling in some of the loudest, wildest laughter Lucas had ever heard out of his usually reserved friend. He couldn't help but laugh along with him. 
It didn't take long for his ballistic mirth to peak into silence, and for Jonathan to reach under Will's chest to lift them onto their elbows. The residual chuckles from the prolonged tickle attack became spliced with a coughing fit. Lucas helpfully thumped him on the back.
"Yoooo, lil' dude, ya solid?" Argyle called to Will over a sick surf guitar solo. 
They took a couple of deep breaths to recalibrate their body. "Yeah, I'm good," Will said with a bright smile. Argyle matched the grin and gave him a thumbs up.
"Oh!" Lucas suddenly remembered where he had found Will earlier. "We gotta go get your stuff from outside or your mom's gonna be pissed." 
"We should call for pizza while they do that, J-man. I'd say he's earned it."
Jonathan helped both Lucas and Will to their feet. "That's not a bad idea." He held out his hand to Will after they had put back on their sneakers. "Truce?"
Will gave it, and Jonathan, an incredulous expression. "Never." Lucas couldn't stop the bark of laughter that single snarky word summoned as they walked out the door.
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lunerabo · 1 year
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➢ This is a dom!reader only blog. I ONLY write for dom/domme!reader and sub!character scenarios. Any gender is fine. Any suggestions for a sub!reader will be ignored as you can ask literally anyone else.
➢ Before following, you MUST have your age in your bio or pinned post or else you will be blocked as soon as I see you. I block without informing you first so if you choose not to heed this warning you will not get a second one.
➢ I do not take requests. My inbox is open though, so you’re welcome to tell me whatever your most horrible thought of the day is and I might just expand on it if it tickles my brain right.
➢ I also do not take art requests if they are not actual commissions. Suggestions are always welcome, and rest assured that they will all be considered, but don't hold your breath.
➢ You will never see themes of pedophilia, incest, non-con, and so on and so forth here. I also will not write for large age gaps, dd/lg, md/lb, md/lg, and dd/lb, and yandere themes as they make me uncomfortable.
➢ I have every right to refuse to answer a suggestion that for whatever reason makes me uncomfortable even if it’s none of the things listed here.
➢ Discrimination against any group for any reason will never be tolerated here. If I see it come anywhere near my blog, it is an instant block.
➢ I will not be held responsible for whoever is reading my work as I have no way of knowing. Tumblr is already a 17+ website. If you’re in middle school reading my fics at the back of your class, that’s on you. Don’t do that.
➢ No political discussions of any sort, regardless of whether or not we agree on something, will be had on this blog whatsoever. This isn’t what this blog is for. A deliberate attempt to force me to speak on an issue, or involve me in a discussion, will result in an instant block.
➢ This is not a role play blog, nor is it to help me look for a sub. I’m sure the people in my DMs are bots, but in case they aren’t, please do not message, ask, or reply with serious comments asking me to be your dom, what I would do to you, etc. (i.e. “step on me lune”). Mutuals may do this jokingly, but people I don’t know who make these jokes are on thin ice. Making serious requests is out of the question.
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tenetikles · 5 months
Same anon,
So let me get this straight, cute orc girl, 6'3 almost 300 lbs of muscle, very ticklish, and she has a curse where those who have aggression towards her will tickle her? And a spider person who is proficient in restraint magic. Hot diggity dog, this place is magnificent.
In all seriousness, that is awesome. Well maybe not for Freya but given the art works you've shown of her adventures, she'll be fine.
The thought of all those spells being used one after the other to induce panic in her comes to thought. Her walking into their territory and then casting silence on her, the area that had some sound abruptly going quiet. Going on guard taking a stance or giving her back to a tree or wall and trying to observe her surroundings to get a hold of the situation just to have blindness added next. Panic rising as she suddenly feels hands grabbing at her bicep and wrist. Trying to grab hold at what she assumes to be a person only to grasp at air. The hands tug at her and she tries to pull at them instead, only to have a sensation strike at her side or hip on the opposite side, making her jump or shriek.
My god anon you are keeping me alive!
She would so panic the minute magical darkness surrounded her. And not being able to see who or what is holding her still.
A squeak or a yelp would come out of her when her side is squeezed and then I can only imagine they get to properly restrain her after blinding her. And the silence on top of that! She can’t hear or see anyone coming, the hands on her confuse her, unable to find an assailant but still getting herself pinned to a tree without choice.
I imagine they try to get a rise out of tickling her and if she doesn’t break they can use the hideous laughter spell on her to crack her open while tickling her. The spell only lasts a minute which doesn’t matter because once it’s worn off she can’t stop laughing from the insistent tickles!
Damn i kinda wanna write a fic now???
But whoever is hell bent on tickling her better know what they’re doing! Gotta make sure she doesn’t get loose!
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lerbts · 3 years
Laughable Living
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Living with the boys was an experience; to say the least. It seemed no matter what you did you'd been being tickled recently and for the life of you; you couldn't figure out why  
It was beyond flustering. 
You were 100% sure when you moved in with them that they didn't know anything at all about your love for it. Yet it seemed they now did, somehow. The looks Jimin and Jungkook shared over your head before simultaneously raising your arms and attacking your torso and underarms respectively was hard to ignore. 
Taehyung too, wasn't subtle. He suddenly began squeezing your sides while you were in the kitchen the next day making cereal. He made you jolt and squeal as you whirled to see his boxy grin. 
"Aw look at that beaming smile~ I should do this more often! You're like my own personal stress ball. Go ahead cutie you can laugh I promise I won't poke fun too bad~"
Well now you were red and pouting too as giggles broke through his fingertips; swirling up to scribble at your ribs. 
"Don't be mhehehehean!! Tae, no fhahahir!!" 
His answering smile was sardonic as he leaned down to whisper ticklishly into your ear. 
"All's fair in love and war baby don't you know that?"
Next was Hoseok. He'd always been playful to the extreme but it was typically pranks with Jungkook or the occasional poke not straddling your back and making you pound your fists into the couch in mirth as he wiggled your toes, laughing along with you.
"Man you're way more ticklish than I thought you'd be! Jimin was right you're really just a little hypersensitive ball of nerves, aren't you sweetie?"
He cooed, all sugary comments until you were panting when he finally let you up. 
Come nighttime; you were with Joon in his studio, having been unable to sleep thanks to negative thoughts keeping you awake. The sound of his humming as he worked our melodies and beats was soothing and the repetitiveness brought you peace. 
Yet you still felt anxious. 
You were so out of it you didn't even notice Namjoon pulling you into his side as he sat beside you until you were already being thoroughly cuddled. 
"I'm here. Try and get some rest okay?"
His own voice was husky from sleepiness and his fingers traced patterns into your neck. You giggled lightly into his chest until you both passed out, him eventually sliding back to lay down and you snuggled on his chest. 
Cooking with Jin was always fun and this time was no different. He helped to teach you and was always patient; something you weren't used to in the kitchen. He was always so gentle whenever he moved you aside but this time he was too gentle and you yelped as he accidentally brushed your waist while moving you a little to the left to grab the oregano.
It passed without incident this time and you couldn't help but relax again; focused on making breakfast for everyone, but especially for Namjoon to thank him for his kindness and patience with you last night.  
It was only when the food was all cooling did Jin strike, cornering you against the wall and wiggling fingers making you curl in on yourself as he hugged you and nuzzled your neck. 
"Jin nhohohoho!! You jheheheherk!!"
Your insult only earned you a raspberry right where your shoulder met your neck but you weren't truly complaining. At your shriek he sent you to wake up the sleeping dragon; otherwise known as Yoongi and you stealthily entered his room, a woman on a mission. 
You raised your fingers, deciding to spread the love and maybe make him not so grumpy if he woke with a smile on his face but the second your fingers dug into his sides you found yourself tugged into the bed and being attacked. 
"You really should know better than to wake up the tickle monster so early dummy…"
The words, rough from sleep made your face flame and Yoongi smirked tiredly as he yawned and squeezed your kicking knees  while straddling your waist.
And if the boys shared a knowing grin at your giddy laughter once they reached the kitchen, fondness evident, well; maybe you weren't nearly as alone in your enjoyment as you thought. 
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just-cutie-avocado · 2 years
Здрасте забор покрасьте (я буду писать на англ чтоб тебе было попривычней)
I have never made such requests for fics, but why not try?)))
I would love to see some Ladynoir tk fanfic :^
Ladybug and Chat Noir spend time together after defeating the villain
Who is ler and who is lee you can decide for yourself ^.^
-Sveta the anon☀️
Here you go! <3
|| Moment together ||
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It was an ordinary day. After another victory over the villain, Ladybug and Chat Noir decided to spend time together on the roof.
They watched the sunset together (nice atmosphere, right?).
"Sunset is so beautiful!" — Ladybug said
"Yeah, but not as beautiful as your smile" — Chat Noir answered
"Oh, really? I think my smile is more funny than beautiful" Ladybug looked away in embarrassment
"Yes, of course it's true! I'm telling you honestly! She's not funny at all! But funny isn't bad either, but your smile is pretty" — Chat told her
"Well, if you say so, thank you"
They again began to silently watch the sunset... When suddenly CN felt something running along his side.
"W-wait, whahat is thihis? M'lady, stohop it!" — Chat started to giggle
"I think your smile is cute too, especially your laugh~" LB said in a teasing voice and started to tickle both sides
"NoHO dohon't you daHARE!"
"Of course I'll dare!~"
Ladybug's hands started working faster and it broke Chat Noir
"NOHOHO, M'LAHADY STOHOP" — Chat screamed
"Why? that's too ticklish?~" - Ladybug still teased
"PleAHAHase stohop! I cAHant!"
After some time, LB stopped tickling Chat Noir.
"Okay okay kitty, I'm still don't want to finish you~" — She said
But then the Cat said - "Alright lady, you had a lot of fun, now it's my turn"
"Oh yes, ofc- wait, what?!" — Ladybug said in an exciting voice
But Chat attacked her by tickling her stomach
"AhAHahah, N-NoHO Cahat Noir stohop!" — She began to laugh
"You should get lost too!~" - Chat Noir started teasing her too
"AhAHahAH pleheahas! Kihity nohOHo!"
Chat ignored her pleas and started scribbling on her sides
After a while, Chat Noir stopped tickling her.
And then, they began to watch the sunset together again.
End :>
Okay, I don’t like it but I hope you enjoyed it
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shyficwriter · 3 years
You Laugh, You lose
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Yondu, Kraglin, Peter
Summary: You're stuck on planet until morning when a part fails on Yondu's M-ship, so Peter suggests a game to pass the time.
Author’s Note: This is the fluffy/funny fic I promised to make up for the two angsty fics before it. Hope you like it! Also shoutout to @badjokesbyjeff where I got most of these jokes from.
Word Count: 3,100
One rule.
You laugh. You lose.
Ok, maybe there were a couple more rules than that, but that was the gist.
It was a game often played between you and Peter, and occasionally also with Yondu or Kraglin on long job travels to kill the boredom.
The goal? Make the other person laugh. If you succeed, you win. You fail, then the game continues until someone loses it and laughs. Winner gets bragging rights, loser usually has to buy a round of drinks for the rest.
The game had originally started out with the one rule, but over time a couple more rules had been added. One of these rules was that stuff like tickling was cheating. You'd think this would have been an obvious rule to start with, but when it was you losing the game to tickles, Peter didn't mind. Less competition, right? But once the tables were turned and he lost a round, then suddenly tickling was "major cheating" and "totally unfair!" So, naturally, now there was a "no touching" rule during the game.
Another rule that needed to be added later was that Yondu couldn't gibberish talk his way to a win. It just gave him too much of an unfair advantage over you and Kraglin, who would crack up very quickly upon being face to face with a deadpan Yondu talking to you in pure nonsense. Peter was the only one of you three not really effected by it, as he found it more annoying than anything else.
Of course, Yondu tried to use his status as captain to veto this rule, but after a vote of 3-1 against the gibberish, he finally relented, stating that, "Aw, fine! I don't need to do that to win anyway!"
However, this didn't stop him from slipping a little in from time to time, always claiming he "forgot."
Sure, Yondu. Sure.
That was pretty much the main rules. The rest were more just guidelines. Like, smiling was allowed, as it didn't count as laughing, but too sharp of an exhale out your nose while smiling could be considered a laugh. Stuff like that.
Today happened to be one of those days where a job had run long, or rather, the trip did.
The job actually went fairly smoothly, to Yondu's surprise. However, when it was all said and done and it was time to leave, the ship wouldn't start.
Luckily, Yondu knew a guy who could fix the problem (just something minor with the fuel intake, but at the same time not something that Yondu could fix without replacing a part he didn't have and certain tools he didn't bring with him.) Only problem was the guy couldn't get the part in until the morning.
So you were all stuck there. Until morning. On a patch of the planet that wasn't within reasonable walking distance of anything fun. Plus it was raining, so you were all more or less confined to the ship for the evening.
So that's why Peter proposed a game of You Laugh You Lose.
At first Yondu didn't want to, being grumpy about being stranded for the night over such a minor fix and all, but Kraglin managed to convince him in hopes it would lift his spirits.
Now, playing with four people was a little different than one on one. With two people you'd sit facing your opponent and take turns trying to make the other laugh. When starting with four you all sat around the table, each person taking a turn in attempts to get any of the other three to laugh. If someone cracks, regardless of who made them laugh, they're out, and can act as referees, or mildly help crack the others if they choose. Also, instead of the just first to lose owing everyone a round a drinks, all three losers would owe a round, pretty much ensuring the winner 3 free drinks the next time they went out.
Peter sat directly in front of you at the small table, with Yondu to your left and Kraglin sitting directly in front of him. The four of you took a second to fully compose yourselves, making your faces as expressionless as possible, and then Peter started.
He stared you dead in the eye. "Why do bees hum?" he asked, waiting a moment, more for comedic timing than an actual answer, as was how many of the jokes told in the game went. When no one spoke up he said, "Because they don't know the words."
You exhaled slowly through your nose and shook your head, the known sign for, "That the best you got?"
Kraglin's turn now. He took a different approach. He crossed his eyes and in a deadpan voice said, "Wanna hear a joke about a piece of paper?"
Yondu raised an eyebrow, but shook his head when Kraglin continued, "Never mind, it's tearable." Peter made the universal noise for having heard a bad joke.
Your turn. "What did the A'askavariian say after a bad night out?"
"What?" asked Kraglin.
"Wouldn't know. You should ask Peter."
Peter made a scandalized noise. "One time!"
You saw Yondu's mouth twitch, but he quickly recovered. Kraglin took a deep breath and exhaled to keep it together.
Yondu's turn. He told another joke at Peter's expense, and actually made himself crack a smile when Peter protested again. You and Kraglin fought back grins as Peter took his turn.
"What's Beethoven's favorite fruit?"
The three of you shake your heads, though in Yondu and Kraglin's case you were sure it was more because they didn't know who Beethoven was. This was then confirmed by Kraglin asking, "Who's that?"
Peter didn't answer the question, instead letting out a, "Ba-na-NA-NA!"
Peter said this so suddenly and loudly that even Yondu jerked his head back in startled surprise, as did Kraglin, but Kraglin also had to stop himself from barking out a startled laugh. You, however, had to try much harder to keep yourself from laughing. It wasn't even that good of a joke, but his delivery had you biting your tongue to keep it together. Yondu didn't get the joke, but assumed it likely would have been real funny on Terra as he watched you try to steady your breathing just as Kraglin took his turn.
"Ya know the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer? ... The taste."
That one received a collective groan and a look of disgust from you and Peter. Yondu looked almost impressed as he shook his head.
It was your turn again. "I once watched a documentary on how ships are kept together. It was... riveting." You wiggled your eyebrows on the punchline, but only received a mock-disappointed stare from the others at your awful pun.
Instead of a joke, Yondu decided on his next turn to tell a story. "One time we were on a job on Krylor," he began, "and a pretty lil' miss thing caught Peter's eye..."
Peter's eyes widened. He had a bad feeling about which story Yondu was about to tell. "Yondu, don't." he warned flatly.
Yondu only grinned and ignored him "He goes sauntering up to her, trying to be all smooth like.."
"Yondu, seriously." Peter warned again. Again, Yondu ignored him. By now you and Kraglin were already grinning from Peter's reaction alone.
"But the boy ain't watchin' where he's goin', he slips on an empty soda can and falls flat on his face right in front of her. But that's not the best part-"
"I will seriously kill you, ya blue dick!" Peter was getting so red and flustered you had to bite your tongue, as did Kraglin who's nostrils where flaring with the effort.
"It had rained that mornin', and he had been just unlucky enough to land on a puddle, and when he stood up it looked like he'd gone and done pissed himself. I don't think I need to say he didn't wind up gettin' the girl."
That broke Kraglin. He snorted a laugh and Yondu clapped his hands together, shouting, "Gotcha! Yer out!"
Kraglin groaned out a, "I don't know why those stories always get me!" but sat back grinning anyways as Peter buried his scarlet face in his hands whining, "So uncool!"
Peter composed himself and glared at Yondu. "Alright. What about that time you accidentally switched the intercom on while listening to that Brittany Spears music from Terra?"
Yondu just stared at him stonily, no hint of emotion, refusing to dignify the story with a response, although you almost thought you could see his face slightly darken. Kraglin, even though he was out, pretended to be very interested in the table and after an awkward beat you decided to take your turn, because there's no way you'd let yourself laugh at Yondu's music choices if you knew what was good for you.
"SO- Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now." you say in an attempt to bring the game back to jokes lest you be the next one they decide to dredge up an embarrassing story about.
Yondu turned his attention to you. "Ya know, I think the toilet has anger issues," he said. You gave him a confused look and he continued, "Whenever I flush it, it completely loses its shit."
You fight a smile. Peter does the same despite himself still being cranky about Yondu's previous story. Kraglin, however, openly giggles at the joke.
Peter quickly steadies his breathing and says, "There were once two guys flying a ship in dead space. One turns to his buddy and says: 'Damn, I can’t find any milk for my coffee.' His friend replies: 'In space no one can, here use cream.'"
You raised an eyebrow in confusion momentarily before throwing your head back with a groan as you got the joke. "That's a terrible joke!" you say, allowing yourself to grin.
"But you wanna laugh, don't you?" Peter teased.
You playfully glare at him and take your turn instead of answering. "Which is heavier, 200 lbs of feathers, or 200 lbs of bricks?"
Now Yondu raised an eyebrow. "They'd weigh the same, kid."
You try not to grin as you shake your head. "Nah. It's the feathers, because you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds."
Yondu propped his elbow on the table and half-hid his grin behind his hand as he nodded his head in approval, before being mildly startled by the sound of a laugh escaping Peter's gritted teeth. Yondu joyfully slapped the table and pointed at Peter. "Yer out too, boy!"
"Aw, dammit!" Peter cried out, but he wasn't angry anymore. He followed Kraglin's lead and relaxed in his chair knowing he was now able to laugh freely at any corny jokes that came.
Yondu smirks at you. "And then there were two."
Crap. You had really been hoping you wouldn't need to square up against him alone. He was really good at this game, and rarely broke. You, however, always had to fight super hard against turning into a giggly little mess, and usually lost. There was just something about his ability to deliver the jokes with a completely deadpan or stern face that always broke you, but this time you were going to try your best to avoid that.
"I was kidnapped by mimes once." he said, "They did unspeakable things to me."
You inhaled deeply, and let it out slowly, shaking your head as you did so and giving a look that said 'Damn you.' "What’s the difference between an amateur thief and a professional thief?" you begin, continuing after a beat, "The amateur thief says, 'Give me all your money!' The professional thief says, 'Sign here please.'"
Yondu nodded his head thoughtfully. "That's actually pretty accurate. Not sure that's even a joke..." he grinned, almost taunting you at the inability to draw a laugh from him. His turn now. "Two burglars are robbin' a liquor store. One turns to the other an' asks, 'Is this whiskey?' The other replies, “Yeah, but not as wisky as wobbing a bank.” Of course, this last line was delivered with a clean slate of emotion, your weakness.
You had to turn your head away from him as you fought to keep your breathing in check, your lips pressed together, threatening to betray you.
"Ay Ay! No looking away you coward!" Peter laughed, prompting you to face him instead. You flipped him off, your grin finally splitting your face.
"There it is! Come on, you know ya wanna laugh." Yondu teased, grinning at how your nostrils flared when you turned back to glare at him. An unconvincing glare, but it was the best you could manage.
After a couple deep breaths with your hands balled into fists you thought you had calmed down enough to take your turn. "I yelled “COW!” at a woman on a bike once. She flipped me off and then ran straight into the cow..." You raised your hands and shrugged your shoulders in mock exasperation. "I tried!"
Peter laughed while Kraglin and Yondu just shared an amused glance.
"Ya know, I might've actually found that funny... if I knew what a cow was." Yondu taunted, grinning as your shoulders fell in realization.
That made Peter snort, probably for no other reason than he now just had a case of the giggles. But the look on your face was probably part of it. His snort in turn made you grin, his laughter contagious.
This gave Yondu an idea. Grinning evilly he reached over to poke Peter in the side, making the younger man jerk almost violently away with a giggle. Kraglin chuckled as Peter protested, "Hey! You know that's cheating!"
"Nah, you're out, boy. There ain't no rule that says I can't use it on someone that's outta the game." Yondu argued playfully, throwing a look at Kraglin who took the hint and poked Peter from the other side.
"Hey!" Peter whined, the pitiful sound making you cover your mouth to hide your widening grin.
Kraglin stood so he could tickle Peter properly, seeing your amusement at his predicament, and you clenched your jaw as streams of your friend's laughter mixed with uncharacteristically high pitched, "No!"s and "Please!"s poured from his mouth before he managed to escape Kraglin's grip and hop away from the table, clutching his sides and catching his breath. Just in time too, because you were worried that might've actually broken you if Peter hadn't stopped his girly ticklish squeals.
Yondu must've realized this too because he snapped his fingers in mock frustration, and conceded that it was your turn again. In truth he was glad Peter got away as well. The plan had almost backfired on him, nearly having made him laugh at the sight as well.
You had to restart your joke twice, each time having to stop yourself from accidentally laughing so you wouldn't lose. Eventually you finally got out, "Guy with a gun enters a bar... He cries out angrily: 'Who the fuck had sex with my wife?'... A voice was heard in the background, "You don’t have enough bullets mate!”
Yondu grinned, looking down at the table before nodding. "I like that one. It's good." However, he didn't laugh, just went straight into his next joke. "Nurse hands a man his newborn and says 'I’m sorry, but your wife didn’t make it.' He hands it back, saying, 'Well give me the one my wife made.'"
Your eyes went wide. "Yondu!" you scold. "That's terrible!"
"Don't give me that! I can see ya fighting not to laugh."
It was true. As much as the joke was bad, you couldn't help it. There's nothing that makes someone want to laugh more than knowing you can't laugh. Everything's funnier when you can't laugh. You roll your eyes and deliver your next joke. "Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? ... It got stuck in a crack."
Peter cracked up at that, moving to sit back down with a warning glance at Kraglin, who held up his hands as a sign that he wasn't going to tickle him again. Kraglin then shook his head with a wide grin as he watched Yondu run his tongue over his teeth and look down as he tried to suppress a smile.
Yondu inhaled. "Damn. Ya almost got me."
You grinned wide and bit your tongue. You almost got yourself.
"Ya wanna hear a joke 'bout construction?"
You let out a dramatic sigh. "You're gonna tell it anyway, might as well."
"I'm still workin' on it."
You smack your hand on your thigh and jerk your head to the side as your breath hitched. "Fuck you!" you say, a wide grin plastered to your face.
Now Peter and Kraglin were laughing at yours and Yondu's reactions more than anything else.
"Ya wanna tap out now? There's no shame if ya do." Yondu teased.
"Fuck you." you say again. "What did the plumber say to the singer?" You cursed yourself for not being able to come up with a better joke, but delivered the punch-line anyway. "Nice pipes."
Yondu didn't even crack a smile a that, not that you blamed him. He asked, "What's the difference between a good joke and a bad joke?"
"I don-"
"TIMING!" Yondu shouted so suddenly that you jerked back and a startled laugh finally broke free from your throat, and once it was out it was like a dam had collapsed- you couldn't hold back the torrent of giggles that had built up for so long.
"Dude! You can't just yell stuff out like that!" you scold, still giggling as you held a hand to your heart, "You scared me!"
"Made ya laugh though, that's what counts." he grinned. He stood up from the table and stretched. "Looks like I win." He ruffled your hair and you swatted him away playfully.
"One of these days I'll get you!" you say.
"Then why don't ya put your money where your mouth is," Kraglin laughed, Peter nodding with him, saying, "Yeah, you two face off again. Right now. Loser pays for everyone's drinks for the night next time we go out."
Still giggly you glance from Peter and Kraglin to a smug looking Yondu standing and grinning at you with his arms crossed.
With a giggly sigh you bow your head and concede. "I can't. I'm not ready."
Yondu lets out a chuckle and pulls you in to give you a noogie. "That's what I thought."
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three-words-or-less · 4 years
How to write Roach (and other horses)
I’ve seen a LOT of fics starring Roach. And it’s amazing, I love how this fandom just accepted a horse as an important character and went with it. I’d like to help the writers out and give some tips about writing horses! So, here we go:
physical limitations of a horse:
two riders won’t fit in a saddle simultaneously (except if one of them is a very small child). a second rider won’t fit in front of the saddle as the saddle is located directly behind the neck of the horse. so the only way for a horse to carry two riders is one sitting behind the saddle as we saw in the djinn episode
however it’s not a good idea to frequently ride in tandem as it’s very hard on the horse’s back
about what a horse can or can’t carry: generally, it’s best to avoid the horse carrying above 20% of its body weight frequently. that includes the rider and the equipment. an average horse weighs about 500 kg, or 1100 lbs (though draft horses can be over twice the weight, but they’re not really built for riding). so 100 kg or 220 lbs is already quite a lot for a horse. obviously those are modern day standards based on modern knowledge and and historically horses used to carry quite a bit more
horse height is measured in hands. an average horse is around 14-17 hands or 140-170 cm, though they can be significantly smaller or larger. Geralt is quite tall so Roach is probably somewhere around 170 cm, or 17 hands
horses have a really large field of vision to their sides, but have a blind spot directly behind and directly in front of them
a top speed of a horse is around 70 km/h, or 44 mph. note this is a top speed of a horse specifically bred for going fast, for a very short time 
the average speed of a galloping horse is 40-50 km/h, or 25-30 mph
the gaits are walk, trot, canter and gallop. walk is slow-paced (about the same speed as human walk or slightly faster) and comfortable to ride. trot is faster but usually quite uncomfortable, being quite bouncy. it depends a lot on the horse, though. canter is generally faster than trot, is similar to gallop but slower, and actually more comfortable for the rider than trot. canter is the gait we see in ep5 when Geralt first brings Jaskier to Chireadan. a horse can also alter its speed within a gait, so, for example, fast trot can be faster than slow canter
a horse can move at slow pace for a really long time, but only run at full speed for a short time. the most a horse can gallop at full speed is around 3-4 km, or 2-3 miles
80-100 km, or 50-60 miles in a day is a long distance for a horse to travel though doable. 50 km, or 30 miles in a day is more realistic, less if the terrain is difficult
some pointers about the gear: 
 the horse wears a bridle when ridden. usually, the bridle has a metal mouthpiece called a bit. the part that the rider holds is called reins (not reigns. a king reigns. the bridle has reins) and the reins are connected to the bit from the both sides. the reins are gently used for steering and stopping/slowing down. a rider can let go of the reins while riding and they will hang against the horse’s neck, though if the horse lower its head, the reins may slip over the head to the ground (I can totally see that happening to Jaskier if he’s riding)
alternatively, the horse can wear a halter. that’s what we see on Roach in ep6, when they’re preparing to leave for the mountain. halters aren’t generally used for riding, they lack the bit and are simpler but sturdier. they are used for tying or leading the horse. the lead rope is attached to the halter under the horse’s chin
the saddle bags are placed behind the saddle on both sides and should be evenly filled
the saddle is secured in place by a girth, which needs to be properly tightened. not tight enough girth can cause the saddle rolling to the side. you can use this to add some nice drama to your story!
the rider’s feet are placed in stirrups. they can slip through the stirrups, which can potentially be really dangerous if the rider falls off the horse and gets dragged behind with the foot stuck in the stirrup. drama potential, again!
random things:
a horse’s snout is called a muzzle. it’s very velvety soft and lovely. it’s also extremely flexible as well as sensitive, horses actually are able to differentiate between plants and tell which ones are edible with their muzzle. if you give a (well-behaved) horse a treat, she’ll gently pick it up from your palm with her lips and it will tickle a bit
Netflix Roach is chestnut in color. game Roach is bay. some other horse colors are black and brown (duh), grey (the shade can vary greatly), palomino (golden), buckskin (golden with black mane and tail), dun (sandy), piebald (large black and white patches). true white horses are extremely rare, white-looking horses are usually white greys
some horses mentioned in The Witcher 3 are Nilfgaardian black (”from the purest Nilfgaardian stock”), Redanian chestnut (”a pureblood Redanian. gallant steed, but too headstrong for my taste. difficult to control”) and Zerrikanian bay (”Zerrikanians are reputed to have incredible stamina”)
limping in a horse is called lameness. a horse can go lame for a ton of reasons and it’s quite common. even a horseshoe coming off can make some horses lame
a horse can kick really hard, easily hard enough to kill someone. horses are also able to kick incredibly high, even someone on the head, and are really precise with their kicks. a horse can kick with its front legs too, it’s called striking. kicking with back legs is usually defensive or fearful behavior while striking is full on aggression. horses can also bite or even grab people with their teeth but it’s really uncommon
sometimes horses can also kick on accident, like knocking someone with their front hooves when rearing or trying to kick off a fly but kicking a person instead. that can happen easily if someone stands in their blind spot
horses get spooked easily. when spooked, they usually rear or jump to their side and it’s easy to lose balance and fall off. a spooked horse can also bolt, which means galloping uncontrollably at full speed
horses don’t neigh a lot. it’s really not that common. the most common sounds are nicker (a soft sound, often heard when a horse is happy to see its owner), snort (usually means contentment), or whinny (when the horse is spooked)
an angry or frightened horse flattens its ears back towards its neck. its called ear pinning
horses are extremely smart. they’re able to tell human facial expressions apart, recognise other horses and people even after years of separation, and learn very well. they’re not dogs, though, so they won’t sniff stuff out
many horses will try and grab a bite of grass or leaves when riding at slow pace. stubborn ones may also stop to nibble on an especially delicious patch of grass
This ended up being quite a list, but I really hope someone will find this useful! Let’s make our favorite equine that little bit more well-written!
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babysizedfics · 3 years
WIP title tag game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WiPs.
i was taggd by @a-ghostlight-for-roman ! thank u <3
im gona include my non-agere wips as well because i just wanna get a chance to talk abt them if ppl are intrested ...,,, also there are more wips but they're for my nsfw account and i am not gonig to list them on my agere blog
they go from oldest to most recently edited/viewed
The Prince, the Orphan, the Kappa, and the Tengu
singing au
headcanons that won’t let me f*cking rest
anon thank u so much
Drama group idea ?
Title: Com-purr-omise
lo and pats fight
Little/Big Series Notes and Plan
bro drama 13 sep
ro kiss vee
gumpy widdle baby
lucked out AU NOTES
LB 2
Ro teasing vee
moceit single parents au
prinxiety ruffled hair
The door to Patton’s room had always comforted me.
tickle fic idea
LB 1
moceit apple scent
oneshot vee moving
Rainbow Blossoms 2 & 3
big bro ro fic
L/B: Can change be good?
Stormy Skies Are Crystal Clear
Love at first bite au
i .. don't actually read that much fic so i can't tag that many ppl hhshdhsj but anyway, i tag @olliedollie1204 and @a-little-bit-flustered
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strawbbfluff · 3 years
ok here's your headcanons, i am the mysterious anon 👀👀 these r cringe but who knows maybe you'll get some writing inspiration from them
also ik u like ler chat noir so prepare ;)
* chat does this thing when ladybug is lying down where he pretends he's gonna fix her hair, and puts her hair behind her neck, then he gets MEAN and blows a raspberry in there, he absolutely wrecks her 😭
* marinette speaks gibberish when she's being t worded bc u know
* marinette and chat play video games and Marinette loves 2 brag, and chat punishes her,,,,,, claws
*THIS ONE GOES WITH UR FIC FROM A DAY AGO chat and rena torture lb whenever she says something mean abt herself and continue until she says something nice
* the kwamis come out of the box and tickle the living shit out of ladybug and chat
*marinette is the cutest ler ever she loves squeezing and poking and watching her victim d i e
* they dissolve at the t word, like intense blushing
* mari/lb's death spots are probably her armpits and her tummy and chat's are probably his ribs and his waist 💃
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ltstarbuck18 · 4 years
Rough draft of fic, don’t steal
15 month old Luke was happily toddling around the house with Cojo as Tim made breakfast the day everything changed. It was a rare day when both Tim and Lucy had a day off and they were looking forward to making the most of it. Lucy had slept in this morning, and Tim was surprising her with a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast, when the aforementioned woman came running out of the bedroom and dashed into the bathroom. Tim’s head whizzed around as he heard his wife struggling in the bathroom. Luke was busy tapping Cojo on the head with a plastic toy frying pan to notice his dad’s worry.
“Luce?” Tim asked, as he beat eggs in a bowl and headed towards the bathroom. “You ok, boot?” He asked, leaning against the door. Lucy didn’t answer, but Tim grimaced as he heard the sounds of his wife vomiting into the toilet. Luke started chasing Cojo at this point, screeching “boot, boot,boot” at the top of his lungs. “I’m ok...” Lucy said quickly before throwing up again. Tim sighed, turning the heat off the stove and placing the bowl of whisked eggs in the fridge. “Daddy! Daddy daddy daddy daddy,” Luke yelled, running into Tim. Tim scooped his son up and carried him to the bathroom. Tim heard the toilet flush and stood waiting as Lucy opened the door slowly.
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Lucy looked at her two men and smiled sadly. “Happy day off, mommy’s sick,” she muttered. “Think you should go to the walk in?” Tim asked, placing a hand on Lucy’s forehead as Luke banged his plastic pan on Tim’s head. Lucy sighed. “Maybe? If it’s a stomach bug I definitely don’t want to give it to either of you, but there’s not much they will be able to do...” Lucy said, taking the toy frying pan from Luke. “Lukey, quit hitting daddy,” she admonished her son. He pouted briefly before Tim tickled him, placing his toddler son on the ground. “Come on, Little boot, lets get some breakfast in you,” Tim said, hugging his wife before getting the high chair ready for Luke.
At the walk in, Lucy sat nervously, waiting for test results. She held on to the bucket she’d brought with her but thought it odd she wasn’t throwing up anymore. She actually felt fairly hungry, if she was being honest with herself.
The doctor walked in with some saltines and a piece of paper.
Lucy looked at the doctor confused as she was handed the crackers.
“Feeling better?” The doctor asked.
“Yes, that’s the weird thing,” Lucy said, tearing open the packet of saltines and eating slowly.
“Well, you’re not contagious. Congratulations are in order, you’ve got morning sickness due to being pregnant,” the doctor said, smiling.
Lucy felt like she had been punched in the gut briefly, and then laughed softly. “Oh my god, I’m so dumb. I should have known!” She replied, smiling.
She couldn’t wait to tell Tim.
Lucy stopped at the local baby gap to grab a onesie and a tshirt for Luke. She was a bit further along than she thought- 3 months to be exact. She chalked up the lack of weight gain to the job and chasing Luke around when she wasn’t working. She knew she’d end up on desk duty again which was fine, but she worried about Tim. He would still be working crazy hours when this little person arrived. She sighed but smiled as she entered the store.
She browsed the baby gap area, excitement coursing through her. She found Luke a shirt that said “Big Bro!” and then she started looking at onesies. She couldn’t help but casually glance at the baby girl things, but decided to go gender neutral. She eyed a cute rainbow onesie and grabbed it. Luke loved rainbows and she hoped this little symbol might help him transition to being a big brother. “Wow, “ Lucy thought. They were going to be parents again. Their baby boy was going to be a big brother. It was hitting her hard, suddenly. Lucy paid for her items and headed home.
Tim had just put Luke down for a nap when Lucy got back from the doctor. He was walking down the hallway when he saw her standing next to the refrigerator, staring at Luke’s ultrasound picture. He stopped right behind her, rubbing her shoulders. Lucy looked up at him and smiled, her eyes watery. “When are we due?” he whispered, kissing her. “In about 6 months,” she replied, handing him a new sonogram photo of their second child. Tim gingerly hung it next to Luke’s ultrasound, hugging Lucy close.
Lucy was sitting in a giant inflatable tub, bearing down as Tim sat ready to catch their second child. Luke was with Jackson and Sterling at their home so Tim and Lucy could focus on the birth of their second child. Their home birth nurse practitioner held Lucy’s hand as Lucy pushed. Finally, Tim watched as the head emerged and he had to bite back his tears. “C’mon Luce, you got this baby,” he said, taking Lucy’s hand and squeezing it as she pushed, once, then twice. On the third push, she screamed and Tim caught their baby under the water. Lucy started to cry happy tears as Tim lifted their baby up, smiled and laughed happily as he handed the child to Lucy. “It’s a little girl,” he said breathlessly, sitting next to Lucy as she rubbed their screaming baby’s back. Tim cut the cord later and wrapped their daughter up as Lucy dried off and got dressed.
Tim then placed the baby back in Lucy’s arms as she fed their baby girl. He texted everyone on the group chain a photo of their tiny baby girl: (Angela Lucy Bradford has arrived! 7 lbs, 5 oz. mom and baby are doing well and getting to know each other).
Later, Luke came home and got to meet his baby sister. At 24 months old, he wasn’t sure what to make of the tiny sleeping creature his mom was holding. He hopped up on the couch, sitting next to Tim, holding his tiny arms out eagerly. Lucy sat down and gently placed baby Angela in his arms. “Luke, this is your baby sister, Angela,” Lucy said softly. Tim was absentmindedly playing with Luke’s hair watching the tiny boy take it all in, while supporting his daughter’s head under Luke’s hand. Luke looked up at Tim and said “Gigi. My sista Gigi,” proudly. Lucy and Tim looked at each other and chuckled. “Gigi, huh? I like that,” Tim said, tousling his sons hair. “Me too,” Lucy smiled, “Gigi, this is your big brother Luke,” she said. Cojo whined impatiently. “And that’s your other big fur brother, Cojo,” Tim said, laughing as Cojo sat near them and happily panted.
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(Not a new fic, I just keep forgetting to officially post this one here)
Rating: T
Summary:  Ladybug's suit doesn't have any arch support. Luckily, she has a supportive partner who can help.
Word Count:  2262
Notes: Breaking my usual silly reveal fic brand for some ladynoir fluff.  Inspired by lnc2’s tumblr post: https://gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights.tumblr.com/post/190301790972/lnc2-lnc2-chat-noir-has-boots-but-what-about
Please ignore the fact that I may be misinterpreting Mister Bug and Lady Noire’s costume designs as well, it’s vaguely plot relevant lol
Long-distance akumas were the worst. She and Chat had swung, vaulted, and ran all the way across Paris to catch Cyclone, an akumatized cyclist upset he’d lost his place in the Tour de France.  A very very fast cyclist, thanks to Hawkmoth’s assistance.
“I think we should switch kwamis again,” Marinette grumbled as she dropped down to sit on the roof, her legs dangling off the side like the deadweight they were.  
“You know if you ever want to wear the clown costume all you have to do is ask.” Chat Noir smirked as he plopped down beside her, one foot resting over his knee. “I doubt I could’ve come up with what you did with the laundry detergent, though. I probably would’ve just asked for a jet pack. Or a motorcycle. Ooh, or maybe—”
“The Lucky Charm doesn’t work like that.”
“Maybe not for you. Maybe I just know what I want.” He leaned into her space, and it looked like he might have been wiggling his eyebrows, but it was hard to tell under his mask.
Marinette bit back a laugh and pushed him back by the nose. “Nice try.  I know exactly what I want in that regard, kitty.”
That statement was… not quite as true as it used to be.  She knew she was after blond hair and soft green eyes, after someone who was kind and sweet and selfless.  But before she’d realized it, the model smiles and loose t-shirts in her dreams were joined by teasing smirks and tight leather.
...But it was just because she spent so much time with Chat, that’s all.  For all the distance she’d tried to keep, it was hard to resist getting closer to him.  He was her best friend.
“The akuma right has nothing to do with it though,” she went on before she could fall down that rabbit hole again. “Well I guess it does a little. Sort of. I mean—I want your boots.”
Chat blinked. “I don’t think they’d fit you, Bug.”
“I mean,” she huffed, gesturing to her own suited feet, “I have no arch support whatsoever. The miraculous cure might fix the akuma’s damage, but I’m still left with two slabs of pain hanging at the end of my legs.”
They had (separately) dropped their transformations to feed their kwamis before suiting up again, but that hadn’t eased her aching feet either.  She was still really, really not looking forward to making it all the way back home. 
“Let me get this straight,” Chat said with a stifled snicker, “you want to borrow Plagg so your transformation will give you real shoes.”
“Hey, I’d like to see you run around my suit and not complain.  And your Mister Bug transformation doesn’t count.  Tikki gave you boots.”  She crossed her arms.  
He leaned back on his palms and smirked.  “Careful, Bugaboo.  I’m flattered you’re jealous of me, but green really isn’t your color.”
She shoved his arm, sending him flopping back on the roof with a laugh.
“I regret asking.  You keep the clown costume.”
He tucked his hands behind his head before flashing a wink.  “You just know you’d miss seeing me in black leather.”
“You’re impossible, you know that?”  She rolled her eyes, which kept her gaze from where Chat was stretched out, practically begging to be stared at.  She’d hate for her expression to prove him right.
“Im-paw-ssible, you mean.”  He gave a lopsided grin.  Yep, she could just focus on that, and not the way he was lounging like he was attempting to recreate one of Adrien’s model poses… and succeeding…
(Even best friends weren’t supposed to stare at each other like that, were they?)
His voice snapped her out of ogling him.  “If your feet really hurt, though, there’s always something else you could ask.”
“I already tried.”  She sighed.  If nothing else, the pain in her feet was also a good distraction from her unfairly attractive partner.  “Tikki can’t change the suit at this point.  Not unless I can drastically change how I see myself, but I can’t perform the mental gymnastics to pull that off.”
“I wasn’t talking about Tikki.”  He sat up abruptly and held out his hand.  “You know I’ll support you, even if your footwear won’t.”
Her nose scrunched.  “Sorry, Chat, but I don’t think moral support is going to heal my feet.”
“I didn’t mean moral support.  Foot massage, no strings attached.  For my partner who carries the whole world on her shoulders without even an insole.”
He beamed at her, as if rubbing her stinky, sweaty feet would be a favor to him.  
She shook her head.  “You really don’t have to, Chat.  My feet are disgusting.”  Especially after dashing across Paris all afternoon.  Her soles had to be caked in grit from every street in the city. 
“You could never disgust me, my Lady.”  He grinned dopily.  It should be illegal for him to show that kind of adoration with just a smile.  It was getting harder and harder to remember why she kept rejecting her partner.
Because you’re still in love with Adrien.  Because she couldn’t give Chat the kind of unwavering devotion he already showed her.  And because he didn’t deserve anything less.
...But he did offer the foot rubs with no strings attached.  With the way her feet were throbbing, to turn him down would be nothing but an act of pride.
“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
She kicked her feet up into his lap.  The suit protected her from the rough concrete and debris her feet were constantly exposed to, but the magical fabric barely dulled the soft touch of her partner’s hands.  All things considered, they’d shared weirder touches—they’d been tied up and tangled together more times than she could count at this point—but something about his soothing ministrations felt more intimate than she expected.  Maybe she’d just expected him to play a prank and tickle her, but this…
“If I would’ve known you’d do this, I would have asked you ages ago.”  Her voice was a little breathless as she laid back perpendicular to him.  His thumbs continued to massage heavenly patterns into the arch of her foot.
“So you’ll admit my hands are good for something besides using Cataclysm?”  His voice was teasing, but she didn’t care. Her foot had never felt this good. How much pain had built up there over the weeks and months of akuma fights?  
More importantly, how could she convince Chat to make this a regular thing?
“Yes,” she breathed.  “Where did you learn how to do this?  You have a side job as a masseuse?”
He chuckled but kept up the motion of his magical hands.  “Old friend, actually.  She always found ways to make me give her foot rubs when we were younger.”
“Lucky girl,” Marinette murmured, her eyes slipping closed.  He moved his attention to her other foot, working his way up from her heel towards her toes.  If this was how good Chat was with her feet…
Nope, nope, she was not letting that train of thought out of the station.
“Don’t worry, LB, your feet are much cuter than hers.”
“Please tell me you don’t have a weird thing for feet,” she blurted, apparently having lost her filter to his hands.
He just laughed, though.  “Only yours,” he said, and then she felt something soft press to the top of her big toe.
“Chat!”  She sprung upright to see him winking again before pulling his lips back from her foot.  “Gross!  You don’t know where that’s been!”
That only made him laugh harder—so hard he was actually gasping for breath.  “Your face!”
She snapped her jaw shut, only then realizing how dumbly she’d been gaping.  “You kissed my foot!  What did you expect me to do?”
“I kiss your hand all the time.”  He shrugged, his grin turning sly.  “So unless you have a thing for feet…”
“Oh my gosh, Chat, shut up.”  She covered her blushing cheeks, mostly just disappointed that there was no way she could both keep her dignity and ask him for another foot massage.
“I wouldn’t tell.  I’d give you alllll the foot rubs you want.”
“Tempting,” she muttered.
“Hmm?  What was that?”
She glared out from between her fingers, but couldn’t tell from his teasing grin if he’d actually heard her or not.
“I was just wondering,” she said, beginning to spin a plan in her mind.  “Foot massages aren’t that hard, really. Of course you’d be good at them.”
His grin fell to a pout.  “What are you getting at?”
“I mean, a real challenge would be giving a good neck and shoulder massage.  It takes a strong enough touch to ohhhhhhhh…”
She was gone.  He’d moved to kneel behind her, his fingers angled to keep his claws from pricking her as he dug into the knots that had been afflicting her for ages.  Anxiety and tension unraveled under the circular motions of his thumbs.
“What was that, Bugaboo?”  He whispered near her ear, sending shivers down her spine—shivers that he could probably feel, considering his hands had moved closer together to massage between her shoulderblades.
“You’re… terrible.”  
“Mm-hm.  I guess I should just stop, then—”
“Don’t you dare.”
Gone, gone, gone.  And from her quick response, he had to know it too.
His hands paused for half a second before starting again.
“As my Lady wishes,” he purred.
He didn’t hold back.  His fingers dug deep into muscles tight from use, pressing hard enough to make her wince at times.  But it still felt like heaven.  Why was she not dating this boy, again?
Bad Marinette, she told herself.  You can’t date your partner just to take advantage of his back rubs.  Or the fact that he’s hot.  Or the fact that he would literally die for you, and has proved so on several occasions.
Or the fact that he’s madly in love with you.  Can’t forget that.
Those reasons were not listed in order of importance, but they were rather compelling.  Particularly with his touch melting away her more rational objections.
She wasn’t sure how long it was (not long enough) when his hands finally stilled, resting with his thumbs gently brushing the curve of her shoulderblades.
“What do you say?  Did I pass the test?”  He asked, sounding a little self-conscious now.
Test of what?  Seeing if he could turn her into a puddle?  The answer to that was a definite yes, but she’d prefer to keep that information confidential for at least a little longer.
“Y-yeah.  Thanks, kitty.”  
Her skin missed his warmth as he drew back.
“Anytime, Bugaboo.”  
It sounded like he really was willing to let that be the end of that.  No strings attached.  But—
“I still owe you,” she said, tucking her legs under her and turning to face him.
“I had a feeling you’d say that,” he replied with a chuckle.  “You never do like to accept help, even from me.  Or maybe it’s especially from me…”
“That’s not it.”  She shook her head, scooting closer.  Was that really what he thought?  “We’re partners, Chat.  I just don’t want to take more than I give.”
“You give me plenty, Ladybug.”  His voice turned serious as his hand inched towards hers, before coming to rest on the concrete roof just a centimeter away.  “Just getting to spend time with you outside of fighting akumas is a treasure.  I wouldn’t ask for anything more than that.”
Despite his usual outrageous flirting, she knew that was true.  If she ever wanted him to stop, he would.
But she’d never wanted him to.  Maybe because she knew deep down, she’d been falling for him all along.
“Hmmmm.”  She looked away, out towards the sunset horizon.  “That’s too bad.”
A grin tugged at her lips.  “I hear your Lucky Charm gives you exactly what you ask for.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched his expression turn from confusion, to shock, to hope.
“And you… know what I’d ask for, right?”
Her shrug screamed nonchalance.  She could only hope it would cover up the pounding of her heart.  
“I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
Maybe she couldn’t give Chat her whole heart yet.  And maybe part of her was being selfish, worn down by his teasing smiles and melting hands.  But… she had a feeling that if she let down this last barrier, it wouldn’t be long before she was giving him the same smitten look he directed at her now.
“Will you go out with me, my Lady?”  His hands were clasped beneath his chin, his tone practically begging.  It almost made her regret what she was about to say.  But she couldn’t let him off that easy.
“That depends.”  
Her quick reply startled him—but not as much as the soft, slow kiss she pressed to his cheek.  
She decided that she absolutely adored the stunned look on his face, the pink blooming beneath his mask, his golden eyelashes fluttering.  He was still gaping when she tossed one last wink over her shoulder.
“Can you catch me now that my feet are feline good again?”
And he was still gaping when she tossed her yo-yo out to the next roof.
“Ladybug, wait—!”
She was done waiting.  Maybe he had a point about the Lucky Charm—he’d always known what he wanted.  She’d always gotten what she needed.
Finally, it seemed those two things were one and the same.
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lerbts · 4 years
The 8th Sibling
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You smiled slightly at the sight of Vanya hanging out with not just Klaus and Allison, but Luther and Diego as well in the living room. It warmed your heart to see your so often neglected sibling get the love she deserved. 
You ignored the pang telling you to go join them and opted to hang in the shadows as you usually did. It wasn't that you were flat out ignored by the others; instead your ability just..wasn't helpful in combat. Until everything with Vanya happened. Luther wouldn't talk to you for 3 weeks after you refused to force Vanya into a manufactured calm. 
You'd always been closer to her than the others, save maybe Five at the time; like Hell were you going to betray her trust and manipulate her like that just because their neglect had forced her to such a frenzied state. Yours too though you tried to be there. 
You straightened a bit, and looked away nervously as Klaus brushed his fingers over Vanya's neck causing her to squeal. Your cheeks already starting to burn, you ducked your head and dissapeared as quietly as you had arrived, completely unaware of the perceptive eyes keeping watch of your every move. 
The next time it happened was family movie night. No getting out of that, typically squeezed between Klaus and Diego as you were but luckily the popcorn bowl was empty and you all but yelped as much as you swiped the bowl and were gone, your tiny frame letting you slip away as Allison scribbled at Luther's ear. 
A pop followed by a flash of blue you knew all too well and you willed your face to cool as you turned your back so you wouldn't have to face Five. 
"Why do you keep doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"...You know what. I'll spell it out if I have to but I guarantee you won't like it if your current state is any indication."
You barely held back your shiver at Five's smug tone but put your love of acting to good use as you put the kettle on. You'd need some sugary milk tea to get you through this shit and calm you down afterwards you could feel it. 
"I've got no idea what you're talking about."
You claimed innocently, and Five hummed from behind you as you grabbed a bag of microwavable popcorn and moved to cook it.
"Oh you don't?" 
Five stood in your path and you fought the urge to squirm under his scrutinizing stare. He'd always been closer with Vanya so why was he taking such an interest in you now? The defensive voice in you wanted to ask but the kindness you typically felt made you instantly tell it to shut up instead. You pasted on a vaguely confused smile. 
"Nope! I just need to put this in...one sec okay?"
You gently maneuvered your small frame around his and were relieved when he let you pass silently. You put the bag in and set the time without incident for 3 minutes and 30 seconds and when you went to walk past him again, squealed and hopped away as his nimble fingers squeezed your waist. Suddenly, as if by magic, you were red again. 
A smirk bloomed across his face as he seemingly got the reaction he wanted. 
"It is the tickling isn't it? I thought it was the bonding in general and I think that may be it to a lesser extent...but it's definitely the tickling itself that makes you so jumpy and flustered."
You went silent and refused to meet his gaze, leading to him prodding you verbally. 
"I'll be more direct. Why do you run away the second any kind of tickling-"
He blinked as you suddenly covered his mouth and you finally met his gaze, your own with a wild glint. 
"I'll tell you if you just please stop saying it!"
You squeaked as you realized what you'd done and scrambled away much to his amusement to where your tea was being made, pouring the hot water into your waiting cup and loading it with sugar to distract yourself.
"Even the word gets you? Are you like Klaus where it's a kink for you or...?"
The way your cheeks reddened further gave him his answer as did the way your shoulders slumped. Ah. That was why then. You were terrified they'd judge you. He barely withheld his laughter at the thought. As if. Every one of them had kinks or little flaws or insecurities. It was what made them all Human. 
He paused as you looked at him in hesitant curiosity. 
"K-Klaus has it too?"
He saw the question in your eyes and answered it, his smirk widening at the equally surprised and mortified look on your face. 
"Yup; he's a 50/50 Switch I'd say. I'm surprised I know that and you don't. Some days he's full ler, others full lee and most of the time he's happy to have either and gives as good as he gets."
He snatched the popcorn from the microwave as it finished beeping, opening it and starting to munch on it absentmindedly in amusement at how funny your reaction was to him. 
"Well...I wasn't exactly the closest with everyone. That didn't magically change when you left, y'know. But- why do you know all the lingo!?"
He quirked an eyebrow. 
"...Klaus confided in me one day. He was pretty high, probably doesn't remember it. He's always been a rambler though. Guess it's not too surprising." 
He looked you up and down and smirked as he noticed you shiver in response.
"Even if I didn't know the language- you're a 100% lee aren't you? You wouldn't get that flustered seeing others getting messed with if you weren't. You want to be the one getting tickled-" He placed special emphasis on the word now that he knew it bothered you and relished your flinch. "But you're too scared to ask for it. It's quite cute actually. Very in line with how you were when we were still kids. You never could ask for the things you wanted, or speak up. So…" He hopped off the counter with a flourish after putting the now empty bag aside. "I'm going to be a good big brother and help you out. Come with me."
He grabbed your hand after ensuring you weren't holding your tea mug and gently shoved you in front of the screen most of the others weren't watching anyway, mighty strong despite his younger appearance. 
"Listen up idiots. ______'s got something she wants to say." 
He turned to you expectantly with a mocking smile as you looked between him and your other siblings with wide, disbelieving eyes. 
Oh no way in fuck this was happening. 
Your eyes moved to both the stairs and the front door, weighing your chances but Five's clicking tongue made you stiffen and move your gaze towards him. 
"I wouldn't try it. I'll just teleport before you get far enough and then I'll show them. And I know you don't want that. Or...maybe you do. Either way; I'm not the kindest of our siblings in that regard so you may want to think twice before trying to get on my nerves. Just tell them."
"Okay will one of you please just say what's going on!?" 
Predictably, Diego was the first to snap, but the flinch you gave in response to his raised voice made him wince in sympathy. Whoops. 
Allison tried next, ever the mediator. 
"Whatever it is this is… I'm sure it's nothing bad right?"
You couldn't meet anyone's gaze now; Diego's loud proclamation had made you too cagey but you mumbled. 
"Define bad. It...d-depends on your perspective, I guess."
You risked a pleading glance towards Five, wishing a hole would appear to make you disappear. 
"Five, please you're literally killing me right now; this doesn't even matter okay? Can I please just go?" 
At your whining tone and childish reaction Five gritted his teeth in annoyance before he shrugged and nodded. 
"Yeah, alright fine you can go."
Your expression visibly relaxed but just as you took your first step, Five continued. 
"All she can't seem to say is that she has a tickle kink like Klaus and likes to constantly be on the receiving end instead of both like him."
You whirled to look at him with your mouth dropped open in shock, filter gone as betrayal fueled you.
"Five no-! You fucking little-"
You gritted your own teeth as he smiled in smug satisfaction up at you and clenched your fists with an upset huff, hating the way your eyes burned in humiliation.
"Y'know what? Whatever. It's not even fucking worth it.  I'll be gone by tomorro-AGH!" 
You shouted in surprise not having any time to wallow or finish your self deprecating words because suddenly Klaus was digging into your hips like a madman after tackling you to the floor and making you burst into giggles as you tried to weakly push him away in shock. 
He rolled his eyes like it was obvious as he moved up to squeeze experimentally at your sides. 
"You may be the actress of the family; but I'm the only drama queen thank you very much. You're not going anywhere till I'm done with you!!" 
He cooed with a giggle of his own. 
"It's good to know anytime I'm in a ler mood I'll always have a cute little lee to wreck to oblivion."
"You always go red so easily…"
Diego's fond voice could be heard above you and you moved your eyes up a bit to see him crouching above your head as he traced feather light patterns into your underarms with his free hand as he held your hands down with the other. 
"To think you hid this from us for so long. Tsk tsk. Now we've got so much time to make up on...at least an hour a day."
Your eyes widened at that.
"N-No whahahay! I'd dhihihie!!"
He pretended to think before he smirked and traded out his hand for his knees letting both hands scribble into your exposed underarms. 
"Fine. A half hour a day then. Minimum. Final offer. Better hurry it's going fast...20 more seconds and it goes for 45 minutes…"
At his threat you cracked, reluctantly. 
"Okay okhahahay!! 30 minutes!" 
He smirked in satisfaction and his eyes lit up at the way you squealed when his fingertip accidentally brushed over your ear, focusing his attention there with manic glee. 
"Well now I know why you were always running away every time tickles came up." 
Vanya's sweet voice greeted you and you looked to your right to see her kneeling, Allison doing the same at your left. 
"You'd always run off, even when we were kids. I always thought it was too painful for you and it was probably that too but it also must've made you too shy to stand it."
She noticed your cute little pout at her vocalizing the word and her eyes glittered as she began ever so gently dancing her nails over your sides and ribs, Allison quickly mirroring her, though she didn't directly say anything to voice her approval; her actions spoke much louder anyway and you were sure you'd talk later. She wasn't as big on voicing her intimate feelings unless alone with the other person. Vanya had always been the merciful type and kept her knowledge to herself instead of tormenting you with it. 
And speaking of merciful…
You barely mustered a weak glare through your laughter and giggles as Five took Klaus' place straddling your waist, Luther easily holding your legs still with a single hand and scratching tentatively at your feet, clearly scared of hurting you while Klaus moved to your knees. 
Five's face screamed I told you so but you still managed to flip him off and stick your tongue out at him which made his eyebrows rise to his hairline before he made a show of rolling up his sleeves. 
"Aww you wanna be a little brat do you? After helping you confess your little secret and be accepted? Fine. But just consider I've y'know...done actual tickle torture to people. And gotten the info I wanted every time, might I add. So maybe think twice next time. Unfortunately… you've already sealed you fate for this session but hey; there's always tomorrow's thanks to Diego right?" 
And then you were screaming in laughter as he dug right into your hips, nailing every ticklish nerve possible and sending your body alight at the sensations combined from everyone. 
And eventually of course they pulled away at a stern look from Allison even as Diego patted you on the back and said he'd add the 15 minutes of time to tomorrow for you. 
It looked like you would be getting 45 minutes after all and as you were smothered in affection from your adoring siblings, each who loved and showed that love in different ways...you had to say you didn't mind nearly as much as you pretended to. 
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archionblu · 7 years
Archie Has Too Many Ideas
A Vision in Pink: the OT4 based on them all wearing the same fucking color to Rhett’s birthday party
like 4 different pregnancy/impregnation kink fics
Doctor Who Rhink AU
The most Hufflepuffly Hufflepuffs HP AU
Soccer boy!Link and Coach McLaughlin
“Never Have I Ever”
“Someone called us faggots in the locker room and I made a really big defending us like ‘what if we are? what if he is my boyfriend? what’s wrong with that?’ and they got suspended for hate speech and I feel like I can’t go back and say I’m not dating you without it looking really bad will you pretend to be my boyfriend?” *based on an Archie life experience lol
Queer Punk (Rhett)/Grunge (Link) college boys AU
Link’s mother was poor but then his stepdad she married was super rich and he got a bodyguard!Rhett who he’s been with for years now and now he’s in college or on his own for the first time (still with Rhett though) and develops a rebellious streak (partly because he wants Rhett’s attention)
afab trans!Link
Both RandL are sexworkers but for different reasons AU
Homeless AU
Pushing Daisies AU
Tattoo artist!Rhett
Tickle fingers with mythicaliz
Suspension bondage with terr0r
Octo!Rhett or Merhett  deserted island or shipwrecked pirate with themouthking???
A sequel to As You Wish
Were!Rhett: kids/teens/college turning age
School play!Rhink
Marina and the Diamonds “Lies” and “Starring Role” songfic
OT4 where J & C Matchmake the boys after they get sick of them mutually pining over each other
voyeurism throughout the years rhink
Rhett vs. Link who is better at eating out starts as asking girls they both dated, devolves into eating out each other
DD/lb /Darkageplay Rhink
“I don’t want to look stupid when I hook up with a girl so lets practice with each other but-oops-now-I’m-finding-myself-attracted-to-you”
Good soul-tragic past farm boy!Rhett
Rhett is a mysterious cowboy who saves Link when he almost dies in the desert after being robbed blind by thieves. Rhett is secretly a notorious outlaw
Modern Military/Soldier AU
Rhett or Link is caught by an adult (teacher, coach) or several students at once making out with a boy. The news is all over the school, hell all over town. the other is surprised and devastated when they expect their friend to be supportive of them only to find he’s avoiding him like the plague, and when r/l confronts the other and corners him the other blows up at him and says stuff like “I can’t believe you’re like this” “you never told me, you hid this from me, how can we be best friends if I don’t even know you” and r/l takes this to mean that the other is homophobic. so angst. The other is actually just jealous and heartbroken that r/l was open to kissing boys and he didn’t pick HIM.
Good Mythical Crew Pornstar AU
fashion designer!Link or model!Link and  photographer!Rhett AU
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