#ler! bts x you
acenolee · 1 year
BTS Reaction To You Getting Flustered
I’m not sure how well the writing is going to be in this post, I’m really writing this at 1 AM so I’m a little out of it. Anyways I just thought about this after watching a video of BTS being hilarious on interviews, so I said why not?
Some of these are going to be very long so I hope you don’t mind. And I really apologize for any cringy writing.
“Seokjin!” You squeaked as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and wrapped you up in his arms, practically carrying you to the couch so you two could snuggle.
You, becoming immensely shy, started to pull away, unable to meet his gaze, but he grabbed your hand to prevent you from leaving.
“Aish, where are you trying to go Y/N?” Seokjin pouted, suddenly doing an aegyo that made your cheeks redden. When you pulled away again Seokjin whined in a playful voice, “Jagi stop pulling away from me. Talk to me baby - I know you’re gushing over just how handsome I am so how are you supposed to see me if you’re looking away?”
“D-dinner, Jin.” You managed to choke out. “Dinner.”
“Yes what about it?”
Finally you managed to wriggle free and hurried to the kitchen, busying yourself with finishing the remaining uncooked food. Jin’s gaze burned at the back of your neck, but you didn’t dare look at him.
“It’ll be ready in a second.”
“Baby…” Jin trailed off, hurt clear in his voice when you didn’t respond to his call. All he’d wanted to do was make you smile but it seemed as though he’d only made you mad.
It was only when you turned to grab some celery off the counter that he noticed how shy you’d become. Then it dawned on him.
Jin leaped up and hurried over. Startled, you whirled around about to reiterate what you’d said before, but he was already cupping your face and gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb whilst a soft smile spread across his face, complimenting his already godly facial features.
You were a mess. You were a red tomato and too shy to look him in the eyes - or to even open your mouth and utter a single word, for the matter. Seokjin tried to get you to look at him, but that was too much for you to handle. “I-I have to make dinner,” You stammered, trying to find a way to excuse yourself. But Seokjin wasn’t having any of it.
“Y/N, look at me.” He said gently, and finally you lifted your chin to meet his imploring gaze, only becoming redder. “Baby you don’t have to be shy around me, hm?”
You nodded timidly. “I-I know but I can’t help it. I’m sorry.”
“Nonsense.” Seokjin immediately replied. “You don’t need to apologize.”
He didn’t ever want you to feel so shy around him that you felt like you couldn’t speak. He just wanted to cuddle and pamper you.
After a moment you let Seokjin guide you back to the couch and onto his lap, dinner forgotten, and began cuddling. Seokjin ran his fingers through your hair and you let your head rest against his chest briefly, closing your eyes and allowing a peace to wash over you. The two of you laid like this for a while, you finally calm and Seokjin beaming because he could cuddle you.
But then you felt a warm breath against your ear and Seokjin whispering mischievously,
“You’re lucky you’re so cute baby; I only stopped because tonight I’m going to tease you so much that you won’t even remember your own name.”
And then the whole process of you trying to run away started all over again.
Agh, that boy is going to drive you crazy.
“Here,” you said a little a little nervously, leaving the sticky notes that were filled with the lyrics you’d written. Yoongi had wanted to test your music making skills, so he’d practically begged you to write a song for him and you’d finally agreed, much to your own doubts. “I’m not sure if it’s good or not.”
“I’m sure its amazing, Y/N.” Yoongi said almost instantaneously, immediately reaching over to flip through the sticky notes and beckoning for you to sit in the chair opposite of him. As you took a seat and reached for you phone, already stressing about how awful the lyrics you’d written were going to be, Yoongi suddenly whirled around and stared at you with wide eyes.
“W-what is it?” You said, looking back at him and then to the sticky notes.
“Y/N,” he said, “these are wonderful.” And then he was all over you, patting your head and showing his iconic gummy smile, showering you in countless compliments. “What other hidden talents do you have?”
You blushed and pulled away, hiding your face from his view. Yoongi paused, confused by your reaction and also a little annoyed. Didn’t you want your work to be praised?
“It’s nothing.” You mumbled. “I’m sure they’re pretty bland compared to yours.”
For a couple of moments, Yoongi didn’t say anything. He was just silent, and you began to worry that you’d upset him somehow. But you were still so flustered from all of his compliments that you didn’t have the courage to look up to see his reaction.
“Jagi,” Yoongi finally said, bending down. He tilted his head so he could look into your eyes, but you quickly turned around, covering your face with your palm. And suddenly your reaction made so much sense to him. He wouldn’t admit it, but he found your shyness to be so cute and wasted no time on teasing you about it. “Aww, don’t be so shy. Your so cute like this, I didn’t know anyone’s face could turn so red.”
At that you cringed inwardly and buried your face into your palms. At this point it would be better to melt into a puddle, you concluded.
“Don’t hide cutie, I promise I won’t poke fun to badly~”
As Yoongi peelef your hands away from your face, he felt pride surge through him and vowed to show the rest of the boys your work later. He gently rubbed circles into your back to calm you. He didn’t want you to feel shy, but he loved how flustered you’d become. I mean - your entire face was burning up and you couldn’t even utter a single word.
After Yoongi helped you calm down, he mused, “You know, I might need you to write some more songs for me”
You giggled, still a bit flustered from his earlier comments. “I don’t know, if your just going to tease me about it then I don’t see the point.”
“The point is to get that adorable little flustered face of yours, that’s the point cutie.”
“Stop it!”
“Stop what?” Yoongi leaned forward and gave you his gummy smile, making you dissolve into flustered giggles.
“Aww, look at my baby getting so shy again, how adorable~”
“Are you alright, jagi?” Hoseok asked, immediately picking up on your foul mood as you came home from work.
You sighed tiredly, rubbing your temples as you took off your shoes and hung your coat up in the closest. You didn’t reply as you walked over to the living room and threw yourself onto the couch, closing your eyes.
Hoseok hurried to finish washing the dishes and then came to join you on the couch. He wanted to cuddle you and hold your hand to soothe you, but you rejected all of his affection, far too worked up and restless. So instead Hoseok settled for slinging one of his arms around you shoulders.
“Bad day?” He asked.
“Sorta.” You replied tightly.
“Do I need to go yell at anyone?”
“No, it’s okay.”
At your exasperation, Hoseok backed off a little, opting to turn on the TV and go grab some snacks and a blanket for the two of you to share.
When he returned, he draped the blanket over you and set the snacks down on the coffee table. He hoped that some food would and a warm blanket help you feel better, coupled with his cuddles.
As the movie dragged on late into the night, the two of you wolfing down the snacks within a few minutes, you found yourself calming down and feeling guilty about being so short-tempered with Hoseok. Looking over, you saw that Hoseok had his arms folded in his lap and head drooping to the side, eyes closed and breath gentle.
You watched him for awhile. The temptation to cuddle him was starting to overwhelm you, but you hesitated, not wanting to disturb his sleep as you knew it was something that Hoseok rarely got enough of. After a while, you finally surrendered to your own temptations and slowly inched closer until you could lean your head against his chest and wrap your hands around his shoulders. Sighing gently, you closed your eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
After a few moments, Hosoek suddenly wrapped his arm around you and patted your head. You looked up to see a huge grin spreading across his face.
“You are so cute jagi.” He cooed, and you blushed. “I didn’t know I was your personal stress ball.”
Flustered, you pulled back and said quite shyly, “Sorry Hobi, I couldn’t help it.”
He smiled at you. “I know you can’t resist this beautiful face, sweetie.” At your sudden flushed state, he chuckled and teased, “Aww, is someone getting shy? I didn’t know you were part tomato.”
“Oh be quiet!” You looked away, a smile rising to your cheeks.
“Just look at this beautiful smile!” Hoseok exclaimed, poking your cheeks. “My, baby you are so precious!”
At his continued teasing, you pulled away and pouted, “I just wanted to snuggle you. Why are you being so mean all the sudden?”
“And snuggle me you shall!” Hoseok declared, pulling you back into him.
As Hoseok pulled you into his arms, you let out a giggle as he continued to poke fun at you and shower you with praise. The night ended with him teasing you and trying to get your tomato face on camera so he could send it to the rest of Bangtan.
Man, did he adore the hell out of you.
“Y/N?” Namjoon called softly as he stepped into the apartment. He knew you liked to work well into the night, and sometimes loud noises startled you if you were to engrossed with your thoughts.
Hearing him call your name, you quickly responded from the next room over, completely forgetting about your sketchbook sprawled on your desk and flipped open to the page you’d just spent hours working on. When Namjoon walked into the room, you were already on your feet and throwing your arms around his shoulders.
“Aww jagi did you miss me?” Namjoon cooed, welcoming the embrace. You blushed and buried your face in his chest to hide yourself, just wanting to be near him as exhaustion finally settled over you. Unfortunately for you, Namjoon had spotted your sketchbook and asked, “What’s that?”
“Hm?” In your sleepy state, you were a bit slow to realize that Namjoon had inched towards the desk to take a peek at your sketchbook. It was only when he said, “Oh wow jagi, did you draw this? It’s so beautiful baby, just like you. You never told me you were such an amazing artist.”
And suddenly you were wide awake. Namjoon’s compliment had you red as a tomato. Flustered, you immediately pried it away from his hands and flipped the sketchbook closed, tossing it carelessly away whilst stammering, “I-It’s nothing Joon. Just forget you even-I mean, uh, can we just talk about something…you know I got these new shoes today?”
Namjoon stared back at you, shocked by your reaction. You had turned around and were trying to look very busy inspecting your shoes, your eyes landing everywhere but on him. Stepping around you, he went to ask if you were quite alright, wondering if he’d accidentally stumbled upon something that was near and dear to you, but then he noticed how red your face was and that you were trying your hardest to ignore him. Oh how adorable you were, Namjoon couldn’t help but giggle at your reaction.
“Is my little sunflower getting shy?” Namjoon teased lightly, crushing you in a hug, chuckling at your squeals of embarrassment. “Your work is so beautiful, why don’t you show it off more often?”
When you were so flustered that you couldn’t respond with an intelligent response and hid your face in your hands, Namjoon lightly grabbed your hands and pulled them away from your face, titling your chin up until you had to look at him.
“Don’t hide from me, jagi~” He hummed, reaching for your sketchbook.
“Namjoon don’t-”
“Don’t what? I want to see what else you’ve drawn.” Ignoring your squeaks of protest, he started to flip through all of your most recent sketches, meanwhile you were reddening every time he made a compliment or opened up to a new page. “I’ve never seen you so flustered before. Your just so adorable I might use this as an advantage to see that cute smile of yours every now and then”
“Stop it! You’re so mean!”
“You’re just so cute I can’t help it~”
And indeed did Namjoon exploit this little discovery. He thought it was adorable how flustered you got over this one incident, and soon learned that compliments and affection were enough to make you red in the face and squeal and pout, something that made him incredibly happy.
“Comfortable?” Jimin asked quietly, shifting on the couch so you had more room.
“Yes.” You replied, letting yourself lean against his shoulder. “You make a great cushion.”
Jimin chuckled and flashed you a smile that sent your heart fluttering. “Good to know.”
He grabbed the remote and pressed play, the excitement evident on his face. You on the other hand were a little nervous. Jimin had finally convinced the other boys to let you stay for a sleepover, and had suggested watching scary movies all night to see who could go the longest without being scared.
But now you were regretting agreeing, especially considering this was only your “second date” with him.
As the time ticked by, you found yourself beginning to become more relaxed. Jimin had slung his arm around your neck, and you felt completely safe with him. To both of your surprise, the two of you were doing pretty well.
That was until a particularly startling jump scare occurred and you nearly flew out of your seat, grabbing Jimin’s hand without thinking and smothering him in a bear hug.
Jimin startled as he felt your viselike grip coupled with you suddenly wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his shoulder. He blushed but didn’t say anything, both flustered and unsure of how to handle the situation.
After a few moments you dared to open your eyes, breathing heavily. And then you froze as you realized that you were clutching his hand and practically suffocating him, beginning to turn redder than an apple. The two of you stared uncertainly at each other for a couple of minutes.
“I’m sorry!” You yelped as soon as you steeled yourself, pulling away and becoming flustered as apologies tumbled out of your mouth.
“It’s okay.” Jimin replied quickly, running his fingers through his own hair and looking away. “I don’t mind. It was cute.”
Again you froze. “Y-you didn’t mind?”
Jimin shook his head. “No.” He wouldn’t admit it but he actually loved it when you hugged him. “When you’re scared you’re actually really adorable. I’m not sure exactly sure how you do it but you manage to pull it off.”
Embarrassed, you ducked your head and let out a mortified squeak. Jimin noticed and took a moment to look at you. And then a mischievous grin spread across his face.
“Wow Y/N, I didn’t know you could be so cute.” He cooed, his voice so soft that it was more like a loving purr. Jimin practically had hearts as eyes as he reached over and grabbed your face. “No need to act all shy now love. You’re just a little ball of nerves aren’t you sweetie?”
You giggled shyly as he booped your nose and pushed your hair back so he could look into your eyes.
“S-stop teasing me.” You pouted, scrunching up your nose. “It’s not fair.”
“Everything’s fair when it comes to this beauty you see right here, jagi. And there’s nothing you can do about it! I find that really adorable.”
And now he really had you blushing as he gave you a dazzling smile. You were a puddle of giggles and squeaks as he proceeded to tease you further, only stopping when you couldn’t talk from just how giggly you’d gotten.
“Aegyo or aegyo?” Taehyung asked, leaning closer to you so he could see your reaction. He thought it was more than adorable at the puzzled expression on your face.
“That’s the same thing!” You complained, already feeling a bit flustered at the way he kept beaming at you.
“Yes I know. I can’t have you choosing something else silly, I know you love my aegyo more than anything.”
Taehyung smiled cutely and you giggled into your hands, feeling your cheeks warm as he suddenly started to take pictures of you and coo over how adorable you were.
It seemed that just about anything could make you flustered, and Taehyung lived for it. He loved to tease you and make you giggle - he did it all the time and still claimed he wasn’t doing it intentionally.
That boy was going to be the death of you.
“Jagi why are you hiding?” Taehyung teased, pulling your hands away from your face. “You seem flustered all of the sudden and I’m just wondering why.”
“You know why!” You pouted, crossing your arms and refusing to look at him.
“Do I?” He asked innocently and pretended to think about it for a moment. “Hmm, I can’t seem to think of a reason why I guess you’ll just have to enlighten me.”
When you didn’t respond, Taehyung suddenly wrapped you up in his arms and said, “C’mere cutie.”
You didn’t think too much about it as he often did this. That is until he slipped his hands underneath your arms and started to poke your armpits.
“Taehyung stop it!” You giggled, swatting at his hands as he started tickling you.
“What?” He asked innocently, smirking as you flushed and tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he’d caught you in a strong embrace and didn’t plan on letting you escape.
You squeaked when he drew your heads closer together and started peppering you with ticklish kisses, his eyes glowing with adoration for you.
“Wow, you’re so red jagi! I know I’m cute but I didn’t know I could make you look so adorable with just one measly hug!”
Blushing and still laughing as his hands attacked your tummy, you closed your eyes and reluctantly relented, “Yes yes, fine you’re cute. That’s why I was so flustered before - happy?”
Chuckling, Taehyung stopped tickling you and let you relax, running his fingers through your hair. You let out a sigh of relief, allowing him to cuddle you.
“I’m sorry baby, but you know I only tease you so much because I love you right?”
“Yes I know.” You grumbled, although secretly you loved when Taehyung got into one of his playful moods. “You remind me every chance you get.”
He laughed and hummed in agreement, and the two of you fell asleep like that. Him laying on the couch with you bundled up in his arms.
“Kookie?” You called softly as you pushed your way into the dimly light room, trying not to drop the tray of food.
A second later you heard,
“I’m in my office!”
And turned to glance at the small, windowed room that housed Jungkook’s music studio, where, lately, Jungkook had disappeared to often as he was getting ready to go on tour with the boys.
Sighing, you carefully picked your way through the messy living room and opened the door to his studio. Notebooks were scattered all over the desk, and papers were strewn across the floor. Some of the recording equipment had been shoved quite carelessly against the back of the wall, and the cabinets were overflowing with writing utensils, water bottles, sticky notes, and other items. Small posters hung around the room, reminders, schedules, dates, and times scribbled all over them.
And Jungkook himself was bent over his computer, all his attention fixed on the screen.
Sighing again and wondering to yourself how Jungkook even managed to find his shoes in the morning, you carefully set the tray down on a mini table next to the side of the door, and went to tap Jungkook on the shoulder.
“Kookie, I made you some lunch.” You told him, briefly glancing at the computer screen to see that he was over viewing what the schedule for the arrival of the tour date would be like.
“Thank you Y/N but I’m busy.” Jungkook said without looking at you. “Maybe pack it away for later?”
You frowned, reaching over to run your fingers through his hair. “But Kook you need to eat. How will you preform on an empty stomach?”
“I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.”
“That’s not healthy.”
Finally, Jungkook paused and turned around in his chair, looking up at you. “I have to-” And abruptly he froze.
Alarm shoot through you. “What’s wrong?” Following his gaze, you noticed that he was staring at the tray. Unease flitted through your veins. “Do you not like it?”
Silence spread between you and Jungkook. His mouth had dropped and was fully agape, staring wordlessly at the lunch you’d prepared for him. As you opened your mouth to ask if he didn’t like it and would rather just order takeout, Jungkook suddenly sprang to his feet and wrapped you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He relaxed against you and rested his head on your shoulder, a sigh escaping his lips.
Dumbfounded, you craned your head around to look at him. “Kook?”
“Y/N baby its perfect and so thoughtful.” He mumbled into your shoulder. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
At that, you blushed and turned your head away, suddenly growing shy at his compliment.
“I-I love you too, Jungkook.” You whispered back. As he held you, you became more and more red. “It’s nothing really - I just thought you might be hungry.”
Jungkook finally pulled away and looked at you, surprised to see how red you’d turned. “Jagi why is your face so red?”
You blushed even more. “I just wasn’t expecting you to do that.” You mumbled, not specifying what you were talking about. Jungkook raised his eyebrow. “It was so unexpected, like when you bring me roses.”
“I think your the rose.” He teased lightly, grinning.
“Oh hush,” You huffed, placing your hands on your hips. “You would be the rose in an instant if I so much as grabbed you hand.”
And now it was Jungkook’s turn to flush. You immediately pounced on the opportunity to tease the maknae and lifted yourself onto your toes, poking his cheek.
“Now look who’s getting all red.” You teased, bringing your heads closer. Jungkook let out a shy laugh and tried to pull away, but you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. “Bunny, you think you’re so tough don’t you? I can see right through you though, you big baby.”
Giggling adorably and flushing red, Jungkook suddenly cupped your face in his hands and replied. “Of course I’m tough! Have you seen my muscles?” He then proceeded to start calling you endearing terms like honey and cutie whist flexing off his muscles, making you flush. “See? You can’t hide from this bunny cutie.”
I don’t know if this is good or not. I just stayed up half the night writing this, hated it and thought about rewriting the entries, then decided to suck it up and just finish it the next day. Sorry if it’s not written well, I was really losing my mind writing this.
171 notes · View notes
Pairing : Han Jisung x Reader x Ateez
Lee: Reader
Ler: Han, Honjoong, Seonghwa, Wooyoung, San
Genre: Fluff, BF Han, Idol Han, Stay Reader, relationship, tickle, Han tickle, Lee!reader, Ler!Han, Skz fluff, Skz relationship, Skz tickle, Ateez ticke, Ler! Wooyoung, Ler!San, Ler!Honjoong, Ler!Seonghwa, Ateez Fluff, Ateez friends, Atiny reader, Atiny x Ateez
A/n: Okay so I think this is my longest fiction for now, it's not only a t-word related ff, so I hope you enjoy it ... I don't know if I do well since it's my first normal ff and I do absolutely not know if I am talented but I'll try my best... Hwaiting...!
• Y/n, 18 years old, loves music, has a job in a restaurant, lives in seoul, parents and family in Germany, lives with her best friend, loves reading, big Kpop fan, loves Skz, Svt, BTS, Ateez, Boynextdoor, P1Harmony, Oneus, Enhypen, TXT, Itzy, BP, Dreamcatcher and many more, studies in Korea, since 3 months in Korea, speaks Korean fluently since she studied it for 5 years, loves being at night at the Han river, always listens to music, single, friendly, nice, not very tall, cute, european, loves Kdramas, loves love storys and historical dramas, likes special things, loves to learn new things, good dancer, loves black, purple, orange, red and blue (not based on me, actually based on nobody but my creativity)
• Han Jisung, 22 years old, loves music, Idol, member of Skz, rapper, member of 3Racha, lives in Seoul, Korean, ... (A/n: I guess everybody who reads this knows Han so I'll stop here since you all know what he is like)
It was 10pm and you were sitting on a bench at the Han river, listening to music. You had your black headphones on and your phone played music on them. You were vibing to "Voices" of Stray Kids, who you really loved, while looking at the Han river, watching couples dating here. It was a wonderful scene and everytime you came here, you calmed down. It was not that normal to calm down at this place since it was so crowded every day. So every bench on the river was used by at least one couple. You stared at the water while your headphones played the "there are so many voices" and you sang quietly along.
There was another person this evening who wanted to calm down at Han River. Han Jisung was walking along the river and watched the people, taking care of not getting recognized. He searched for a free bench, but every single one was taken. Then he saw a girl, you, maybe a few years younger than him, sitting on a bench and wearing headphones. He saw that nobody else was sitting on this bench, so he decided to risk it and ask if he may sit there. He walked to you and you did not see him, so you ignored him. The song on your headphones changed to "Erase me" by Oneus. You absolutely loved this song.
He tapped on your shoulder to get your attention and you flinched and stopped the song as you took your headphones off and looked at him. Your eyes widenend immediately because of course you'd recognize your Bias from your second Favourite Group. But you also saw that Han, THE Han Jisung, looked very exhausted and you did not want to exhaust him more and ask for a photo and a sign. So you just waited that he said something since he stared at you for a minute now. Then he said in a friendly tone "Hello! Can I sit here, please?" And you just nodded, because you weren't sure of your voice was gonna work since HAN JISUNG stood on front of you and was about to sit down next to you.
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So he sat down and you realized that you still stared at him so you looked at the Han river and not the Han next to you. You really wanted to ask him for a photo but he was sitting peacefully next to you and you did not want to annoy him. You tried to calm down and as you just went more calm you realized that HE was staring at YOU. You carefully looked at him and he smiled softly. Your heart just melted and you smiled back. Then you closed your eyes to concentrate on thw music again but the song changed to "Jump" by P1Harmony. You loved this song too and lightly moved to the sound.
He was still watching you and you were kinda nervous but the Butterflies in your stomach exploded as he asked "What song do you listen to?" . "Ohh...ehm...Jump by P1Harmony. Do you know it?" He shook his head (A/n: I have no plan if he knows this song) and you had an idea. It was maybe a bit too much but you had nothing to loose. So you asked "Do You want to hear it?" and offered him an Airpod. He looked so surprised that you had to hold back your laugher but then he just said "Sure why not. Thank you!" And you listened to the song together. You and HAN JISUNG listened to one of your favourite songs together! Your Airpod was in his ear!!!
And he actually liked it! You felt kinda proud because he moved to the song and smiled. The next song on your playlist was "PS5" by TXT and someone else and you also liked this song. You were brave and sang along and he first looked at you and seemed a bit surprised but then he sang along too! Your smile grew bigger and you two vibed to "Reason" by Dreamcatcher, "Like crazy" by Jimin, "Back in Vogue" by AleXa, "Bouncy" by Ateez and "Bite me" by Enhypen. You did not notice that over an half hour passed and you did not mind at all, you both needed that. After a few minutes you did not see him as the Idol anymore but as normal person who you could have fun with. You really enjoyed your time and he also did since he was able to forget the stress for a few minutes and just being happy with the cute girl he just met and who did not scream as she saw him.
You listened to "Take two" by BTS, to "The happiest girl" by Blackpink, "Love dive" by IVE, "Hype Boy" by NewJeans, "Antifragile" by Le Sserrafim (A/n: sorry for wrong spelling😭) , "Night Dancer" by Imase and many other songs and did not notice that it suddenly was midnight. You looked at the clock on your phone and your eyes widened. It was already 1am and you were still sitting at the Han River, listening with Han Jisung to some KPop songs you adore. "Oh my, It's already 1am I really have to go home now. I'm so sorry!" "Oh really?! Wow..." He answered and looked kinda sad as your time you had together was over.
He gave you back your Airpod and you took it, smiling thankfully. "Thank you! I'm Y/n by the way." You said and he responded with " Nice to meet you, Y/n! I'm Han Jaesung." You knew he were lying about his name but then suddenly he gave you his phone so you could add your number to his contact list. You could have taken it, running away with all those numbers and sell it. But of course you didn't. You were like a statue, not touching his phone, standing there in trace and trying to order your thoughts. He looked at you like you were a bit cringe, but then, after like one minute of him holding his phone for you to take, you were finally taking it and saved your number in it. "I liked this night so much! Thank you for it Y/nah! Let's do this again anytime." You thought your heart was stopping but you managed to nod and agree with him. "Yeah it was very cool! I actually needed that, having someone to just be with. Thank you! See you then, Han Jaesung" You waved and he waved back. As you turned around to go home, it was very hard for you to not explode. O.M.F.G. OH MY F****** GOD! You just gave HAN JISUNG your phone number! You were the luckiest person in the world this week. The whole week you were so damn happy about just the fact that he talked to you.
You did not mind as he did not contact you because you knew he was busy with Stray Kids' new Album and all the shows. But one day, 10 days after you met him, an unknown number contacted you. It actually called you! You were trembling a bit but you tapped on the green button on your screen and tried to keep your voice normal as you said : "Hello? Y/n here." He was silent but then he said "Ah Hello! I was thinking about if you maybe would like to meet me again...?" he sounded so insecure and you just tapped on the 'dumb' button and screamed. Then you turned 'dumb' off and just said " Oh Yeah! Yes of course, I'd love to! You seemed nice last time." and tried to not sound as excited as you were. "Hey cool! When are you free?" he asked and you just tried to not cry because he were so damn gentle and cute and asked you about your freetime while he was definetly more busy than you."Uhm it doesn't matter it's different." you answered and he said " Oh okay well... Then what's about tomorrow evening, 9pm at the Han river, bench 49?" (A/n: do the benchs have numbers? I guess not but let's pretend they'd have numbers...). You were so fucking excited. "Yes, that would be perfect! The time is fitting my schedule, so see you tomorrow!" You said fastly and he just answered "Yes nice! See you then!" and finished the call after you said "See you! Take care...". You felt like in trance and stared at your phone for minutes. Maybe for hours. Han. Jisung. Of. Stray. Kids. Called. You. And. Asked. For. A. well, what was it? Was it a date? A formal meeting? A simple hangover with new friends? You did not know. But you didn't mind. You were too busy screaming and laughing like a maniac. You still could not believe it.
*next day*
It was 8pm and you were standing in front of the mirror, having a big struggle. What should you wear? Should you wear Make-up? What shoes do match to your outfit? What outfits do match? Should you wear a hoodie or a crop top? And what about your hair? "AHHHH~" Someone help you please.
An half hour later were you ready. You had your hair tied to a simple plaid and wore only a little bit of Makeup. You were wearing a simple black-white half-length skirt and a black t-shirt that ended over your bellybutton. And you also wore white sneakers, black earrings and of course your precious little black-pink handbag. There you had your phone, a lipbalm, cheewinggums and, of course, your airpods in. You looked at the clock on your phone and took your key from the chest of drawers (A/n: I absolutely don't know if I said this right, it sounds suspicious but Google translater said this 🥲). "I'M GOING NOW! WHISH ME LUCK SEONGHWA!" you shouted and Seonghwa answered with a "GOOD LUCK Y/NAH! SEE U THEN!". You smiled and left the appartment. You walked downstairs and left the house. Then you crossed the street and walked to the Han river, what only took you 15 minutes. So you were 10 minutes early as you found the bench number 49. But someone was already sitting there. You looked at the person and scanned him with your eyes but then you realized that it was Han!
You went to him and sat next to him. He looked up surprised and smiled as soon as he saw you. You smiled back and said "Hi Han Jaesung. How'r u?". "Hey Y/nah! I'm a bit stressed these days but I'm happy you were able to come! I was looking forward the whole week to this..." he said a bit shyly. Your smile grew bigger. "So what do you want to do?" you asked. "What about eating ice cream or heottok and listening to music while just talking?" He answered and you nodded and smiled excited. "Sounds great!" You two stood up and went to a street with many street food shops. You decided to eat chocolate Ice Cream and bought a big cup of it. Then you bought two bottles of Coca Cola and went back to the bench. You sat down and put your Airpods out of your bag and gave him one. He put it in his ear and you started the playlist you created extra for this evening. The first song was "Make it Right" by BTS. You both knew the lyrics and sang along while you feed each other with ice cream. Yes. You read right. You feed each other with Ice cream. Han. Jisung. Was. Feeding. You. With. Chocolate. Ice. Cream. O.M.G.OMFGOMFGOMFG. But you did not see him as the idol but as someone you easily could fall in love with and you imagined yourself living with. You saw him as someone special as a person not only as an Idol. And you both enjoyed the time. "You were there for me through every times I cried, I was there for you but then I lost my mind..." You sang along the english version and this song always made you cry. As this time too.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you thought about your best friend and Boyfriend who passed away a year ago. You were always, since he died, thinking that his death was your fault since you were not there to protect him from dying, from doing suicide. You always had the feeling that you were not able to make him happy enough. You loved him so much. But nothing worth it. You loved each other. You were a couple for two years. He was dead now for one whole year. One year of depressions, bad feelings, crying yourself to sleep, missing, a giant dark hole in your heart and bad memories for you. Seonghwa helped you when you had those randomly depressions and Kpop Idols really helped you too but you were depressed for so long now. And the last time you were together with Han you realized that it was the only time in during the last year when you did NOT think about Moonbin. (A/n: I am not making a joke about Moonbins death, I cried my eyes out as I heard that he died🕊️🥀😭. I was not that a big fan of Astro but however its still so damn sad... But I did not want to name anyone who is still alive so please understand...😭) Han saw that tear and wiped it away, feeding you with another portion of healing chocolate ice cream.
You were only crying more and he hugged you tight. You cried your eyes out on his shoulder and he rubbed your back to calm you down and as there were no more tears to let out, you slowly calmed down. And you really felt refreshed and better. All the other times you just felt bad and uncomfy after crying that helpless and alone in your room but this time you felt better. You felt that Han liftet a little bit of the tons of weights on your shoulders. Through all this time, he said nothing and was just there for you, even when you just know each other for about a week now. When you completely calmed down, you sat back again and did not look at him, being embarassed. "Hey" he said. "It's okay" and you looked at him carefully. "I'm sorry I did not had control over my feelings" you said and he just nodded and offered you another spoon of ice cream. You took it and you were quiet again, and when you were ready he asked "Do you want to talk about it? It sometimes helps...". You looked at him surprised but then you nodded. Why not...?
You told him your story. Begining with your growing, your dead parents and your unfriendly family. Your old friends in Germany who cheated at you and became fake friends. Your travel to Korea. Your new-start in Korea. Your Job, your friends in Korea. How you get to know Seonghwa. How you get to know Moonbin. How happy you were. Your passion for KPop and the country. Moonbins death. Your hard time after that. But you let out the fact that he helped you. That his band helped you so damn much to find yourself again and to crawl out of your hole. That he was helping you with just being there, that Felix' Voice healed your wounds, that one look at Hyunjin made you happy, that Chan's Lives made you have someone to rely on, that Changbin's Aegyo always make you laugh, that Seungmin always made you happy with just being there. That Minho's existence was your strength and I.N's singing your savior. (A/n: sorry this is so deep...)
He listened to you and you felt like being understood. After you finished, he asked you some questions and you answered them and when you ate all the ice cream up, he asked "Hey, do you want to got to a Karaoke-room?" "Yeah, good idea why not!" You answered and smiled in excitement. You two stood up, threw away the cup and went to a Karaoke-room nearby. You booked it for 4 hours and went in. The room was cute. It was really cute and it was romantic. The walls were black with cute rainbow hearts and the sofa was rainbow colored too. The little table in front of the sofa had the colour of rainbow too. You loved it. You threw your bag on the couch and turned on the screen and the mic. Then you two sang the first song. 'Super' by Seventeen. You got 89%. Not bad! You continued and between the songs you talked about this and that and both of you enjoyed the time so much. So you were very surprised as it was already 3am when you left the room. He drove you home and said good night to you, and that he would call you next time. You smiled at him and went into the house with a "Bye Oppa! See u next time! I had so much fun..." He laughed as you called him 'oppa' and waved at you. "Me too!" You went in your appartment, took your shoes of, changed your clothes into something comfy, got ready in the bathroom and fell into the bed, already asleep, at 3:30am.
"Bye Sarah! Have a good afternoon! See u tomorrow gurl!" you said and smiled friendly. Sarah looked at you, seeming a bit confused. "You're very happy the last weeks. Not like before... you were like a agressive panther. What happened?" she asked and you blushed lightly. "No-Nothing special... I maybe just met someone~" you said and her eyes grew wider. " WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me? I want to know everything!" she shouted and you looked around. " Don't be that loud! We're in a Café!" but then you laughed. " I'm sorry bestie but I don't think I can tell you yet... I don't even know if there is or will be more but he ... he just...." You did not know how to continue and she laughed. " Oh okay I understand ~ See u tomorrow babe!" she said and waved at you, still smiling. "Bye Sarah!" you said and waved back.
~ 1 Week later ~
You had the night work time and you had to stay in the café until 11pm. It was exhausting but you were earning more money because nobody wanted to do this job. So you took it and you actually liked it because there were not so many people at this time and you were a night owl. There were exactly five customers in the café and it was 7pm. Four hours left. You took in an airpod and played the 'work playlist' while delivering coffee, tea, cookies and pieces of cakes. You gave bills and received money for your good work. At 10pm there were only two customers left. One hour~
Then suddenly a new customer came in and you looked up. He had a mask on his face and you just realized that his gait seemed a bit like you knew it but there could be hundrets of people who had the same gait. So you smiled friendly and asked "Annyeonghaseyo! How can I help you?". He looked at you and under his cap you saw his eyes. And yours grew wider. "Han! What are you doing here?" you whispered and he looked at you confused. You remembered that you pretended to not know him as Idol and fastly changed the tone of your voice. "I mean why are you here? How did you know that I would be here?" you said and he chuckled. "I did not know. I just wanted a coffee.". "At 10pm?" you asked and lifted one eyebrow. "Yes. It's gonna be a long night..." he sighed. "But now since I know that you work here I'll come more often. I promise!" he placed his hand on his heart and you laughed. "It's allrigt. So which coffee do you want?" you asked. "An Americano please." "Was that everything?" you looked at him confused. "Yes that was all". Well okay...
He sat down at the bar and you prepared his coffee. As you were done you saw that he was busy with his phone and decided to give him some specials. You took a little cupcake and placed it on the plate. Then you placed two mini-cookies on top of it and drew a heart in the coffee. NOW it was done. You smiled and turned around to give him his 'coffee'. He looked up when you were placing the cupcake and the coffee in front of him. "Oh! I just ordered a coffee, don't you remember?" he looked at it. "Yeah I do, it's on me. You look like you need a little cupcake like that." You answered and he laughed. "Okay well, thank you Y/nah!" You smiled proudly and sat down on the other site of the bar while watching him.
He was eating the cupcake like there was no tomorrow and you chuckled. "What? Is something wrong with me?" he looked at you confused, once again today. "Oh no, it's all right ^^" you smiled angelic and he grinned. "Okay, if you say so..." He ate the rest of the cupcake but only drank a bit of the coffee. "By the way... Do you want to date again? I really enjoyed the last time and I think I really Like you." Your eyes nerly fell out of your hollows. " Wow~ Of-of course! I-I-I like you too... " He smiled at you in awe and you blushed hardly. "Sooo~ what about Sunday At Lotte Park? Let's meet at 8pm!" he offered you. "Yeah! Sure! I wanted to go to Lotte park the whole last month but I did not find time..." you said and smiled excited. "Nice! Im really looking forward to it!" he said ans sounded just as excited as you were. Then he took his cup and put on the mask. "I have to go now... But we'll see each other sunday, right? See u then, Y/nah!" He waved at you and you waved back. "See u sunday, Han Jaesung!" He went out of the door and you fell back into the chair.
Well... Han called your meetings 'dates' himself. So that means you're.... you're dating Han Jisung. F*** WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LIFE?! Calm down~ Breathe in.... Breathe out.... Breathe in... Breathe out.... Oh f*** this shit YESSS!!! And luckily it was 10:55pm and there were only five minutes left until you were able to close the café. "I'm sorry? We're closing in five minutes, please be ready to leave mister" you told the customer who was left. He looked at you and you saw that it was an old man. "You're happy right? Enjoy your youth as much as possible~" he said and left the café. "What the hell was that?" you whispered but you didn't mind anymore. It was 10:59pm and you went to the kitchen, took the key and locked the door. You changed your clothes and took your stuff. Then you checked if everything was turned off and left the door. You locked the door and went home.
"I'm baaaaack!" you shouted, knewing Seonghwa was still awake. He came to you. "Did anything happen or why are you so hyped?" "Yeah actually something happened but I won't tell you since you won't believe me..." you said and his eyes widened. "You know I'll always believe you! Tell me!" "Noo I promise you won't believe me!" you whined. "Ohh and I promise if you don't tell me I'll make you~" he said teasingly. You slowly went back but he came with you. "Tell meeeee~" He suddenly squeezed your sides mercylessly and dug his thumb on the other hand in your hip. "NHAHAHAHA SEONGHWAAAAHAHAHAH STAHAHAHAHP I'LL TELL YOU STAHAHAHAHAP" You screamed. It was unbelievable that your best friend had the same name as Seonghwa from Ateez. The Ateez member was so angelic and cute and your best friend was so evil... He was cute though but he tickled you so often! You were sure the Ateez member would never do that! (Well people can have a wrong opinion, right) Seonghwa stopped finally while you were trying to catch your breathe again.
"So You'll finally tell me now, am I right?" he smirked. "Ye-yes but please promise to not laugh at me." you blushed. "Okay fine I will." he said and his face turned curious again. "Well... You know I had these hangouts with Han Jisung of SKZ right?" you started. "Yes... Yeah right I remember" he said and nodded. "Ehm... today he came to the café I work in..." you continued and he looked at you. "How did he know you were working in there?" he asked. "I don't know! But he said he did not, he just wanted a coffee. Ehm yes... He asked if I want to date him." you said and closed your eyes. Seonghwa gasped. "WHAT!!! Ohmygod that's great! Wasn't he your bias from Skz?""Yeah right... And I think I already have feelings for him... But I don't know yet." you said and turned around to not let him see your face. "Aww how cute! Then it's even more great! I really want you to be happy again!" he said and you heard the sweet smile in his voice. You also smiled. "Hey Y/nah let's watch a few KDrama episodes since it's saturday. Do you wanna do this?" Seonghwa asked and you nodded excited. "Sure! I'm only gonna change my clothes..." you said and went into your room.
Ten minutes later you went into the living room again. You were wearing a big hoodie and wide trousers. You also washed your makeup off. Seonghwa, who was sitting at the sofa, waved at you and opened his arms. You jumped into his hug and you two cuddled. "Do you wanna continue watching 'I'm not a robot'?" he asked and you mumbled a "yes why not, I like it" into his chest. He smiled and turned on the Kdrama. "What episode did we watch last?" "12 I think..." you said and sat up, still having his arms around you. You leaned your head on his shoulder and he leaned his head against yours. You missed him so much. The last days he was very busy with work, he worked at HYBE ENTERTAINMENT and was busy with BOYNEXTDOOR's debut stuff. You have always been jealous because of his job but he loved it and you were never thinking bad about him or his job. You loved him just the way he was and the way he was your best friend of all time and for all times.
~ Next morning, 9:45am ~
You woke up because you smelled something. Something delicious. You immediately knew it was Seonghwa because there was nothing else that could create a great smell like him and he was a great cook. He was really great! You opened your eyes and saw him standing in the kitchen and making breakfast. You looked at the watch on the wall and your eyes grew wider. It was already 9:47am! Today was your date with Han! You slept 8 hours! Wow... new record for the last year. You never slept longer that 6 hours... But now you didn't mind anymore because you had to go to the toilet. You REALLY had to go. Aishhh shit~
As you were ready, you had changed your clothes, washed your face and brushed your teeth and your hair. Seonghwa was done with making breakfast and you two ate together. The rest of the day you two finished watching the kdrama, watched YouTube together and played some games. Then it was 6pm. And from one second to the other you were stressed. Extremely stressed... You had to be ready in 2 hours! You ran into your room and needed 30 minutes to choose an outfit, accesoires and makeup. After another 45 minutes you were done with your look. You wore a cute long, wide, bright blue jeans with big holes on the knees and a black hoodie with an ATEEZ sign on it. It was maybe a bit overdressed or not suitable but you knew Skz and Ateez were close so it maybe was a good idea... or not... well let's hope it was a good. You had your hair done to a cute messy bun and wore a bit of makeup. Not much. Just to make your face glow. Now it was 7:15pm. You choose a grey bag this time and again the white sneakers you loved. You checked your look once and twice until Seonghwa came in and told you that you look great. You were a bit calmed but not that much. But however you could not do much now, so you decided to go now. Seonghwa hugged you tight and smiled at you. "Have fun Y/nah. Enjoy your date! Please enjoy... I'll cheer for you!". You smiled and he smiled back. "I will, I promise. Thank you Seonghwa. Really. You're the best friend I ever had. I'll ever have. No, you're the best friend on earth!" He laughed and then you opened the door. "Bye Seonghwaaaaaa!" "Bye Y/naaaaaa" you both laughed and you went down and left the house. Then you took the subway and drove to Lotte Park.
You arrived at the park at 7:48pm. Han texted you the location where he was waiting and you went there. From afar you saw him standing there and you waved. He waved back and went to you. "Hey Y/nah! I'm happy you're here. Let's go!" he said and you smiled. You two went to the entrance and stood in line. He wore a black mask so he would not get recognized and you decided to wear one too. So you two wore couple looks! Cute~ As you were the ones to pay he gave the woman on the other side the money and you wanted to give the money for one card too but he held you back and said "No It's allright, I'll pay since it's a date, right cutie?". You blushed and put the money back in your wallet. The woman smiled in awe and as you got the tickets, you entered the park. (A/n: I have never been at Lotte park so I don't know if every information is right but let's ignore this...) You went to the walls with lockers and took one key. You both put your bag in, you only took your phones. And he took some money since he did not let you pay a single Won tonight.
Your next station was a ghost-rollercoaster (idk how to say it in english but yk those scary slow rollercoasters in dark rooms with ghosts, ect...). You went in and got two seats. You were extremely easy to startle so you sat nearer to him and he put an arm on your shoulder to protect you. The first minutes you were kinda too busy with managing with your melted heart. But then you often screamed or flinched and he pulled you nearer to him. It was such an adorable scene~
After that scary adventure you went to a Bungee-Jumping station. You fist were completely 102% NOT for it but he asked longer that you could stand him. Now you were both standing on top of the constellation and had three guys packing you in safety-stuff. You decided to jump together in each others arms and the staff of the bungee-jumping attraction took good care of you. As soon as the people behind you were done with you, Han pulled you in bis arms and you pulled your arms around him. You closed you eyes and stuck your face in his chest. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodwhydidisayyesahhh" you said the 'Oh my god' as mantra and Han chuckled. "C'mon it's gonna be fun!" "Nah I dunno but if we die I'll kill you!"
He laughed and his laugh turned into a scream as you were jumping down. You screamed too. And HOW you screamed... You were scared Han's ears were broken after that but you were too busy to continue screaming and being scared because you fell. Deeper and deeper... Then, suddenly, you stopped and the elastic safety-thing pulled you up. But you just jumped up and fell down again, hanging there over the floor, like 10 meters over the floor and 50 meters under the crane... Everytime you two jumped up you screamed. Han was not screaming anymore but laughed. He laughed so much that you could not help but laugh too after a few minutes of screaming. As you were pulled up, you two were laughing like crazy that your stomaches hurt. The personal looked at you in a suspicious way but you didn't mind and took the elevator to get out of this high crane. As you were on the floor again you started laughing again and ran out of the crane, just running all over the place to a ferris wheel. Then you stood in line and were actually in a extremely good mood.
You paid your tickets and were the next soon. You went into a tiny room and sat down next to each other. You took your phones, ready to make photos of the night view of the skyline of Seoul. (A/n: I want to go to Korea right now😭) The big thing (A/n: sorry😭) moved on and after a few minutes you were at the highest point. Then suddenly it stopped because the next ones were getting in. You took photos and then Han wanted to take a selfie with you (!). "Hey Y/nahh smileeeee~" You looked at the camera and smiled in a cute way. He made his cute Quokka-face and you smiled just more. Then you took your phone and made a selfie with him too. You saw him saving the photo as wallpaper and you saved yours as wallpaper too. He watched you and as you looked up he smiled softly. The ferris wheel did not move yet and you were still sitting in 60meters height.
He pulled you closer to him and hugged you from the side. You hugged him back and enjoyed the skyline of Seoul. It was a wonderful scene... You sat like this the rest of the time you sat in this tiny room and were close to each other. You both enjoyed the rest of the night. You two had so much fun and did every attraction and as the park closed you walked through Seoul and explored some high places where you had a wonderful sight. You came home late the next morning. You were back at 5am after he drove you home. Seonghwa was asleep and you just prepared yourself for bed and slept until 4pm.
*3 months later*
"OMG I can't believe it! Seonghwa, am I dreaming?!" Seonghwa laughed and shook his head. "No You're not. You're just so excited to go with Han on a Ateez concert. Haha" he told you. "Right... OMGGGGGGGG I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!" Han confessed a week before that he was Han Jisung from Stray Kids. You only said 'I know' and he actually said 'You know, We know, Lee Know'. You laughed. "I actually love Stray Kids" you told him and he smiled cutely. And then, finally you were brave enough to say "And I love you". He confessed too and you were a couple for one week now. After you confessed he offered you a Concert ticket of Ateez Tour in Seoul for today's evening. You had not had the chance to get a ticket so you were sad as you did not get one but then HE came...! You immediately said Yes and hugged him. He had tickets for the first row and because he knew them in person and was close with then he got a backstage invitation too. You were now part of it. You'll meet your f****** favourite Group...
Now it was 11am on a Saturday morning and you were ready to go. You waited for Han to come and drive to the concert location. You wore a black Ateez-World-Tour t-shirt, a black Jacket with Wooyoungs Face on the back and a simple black jeans with big black boots. You had your hair in your natural blonde colour but you had died some pieces of your hair orange and black. You wore it open and did not wear heavy makeup, just a small Ateez Logo on your cheek and a bit Lipgloss and Mascara. Your earrings were black and orange too. You had an Ateez-bag too with all the important stuff like your phone, the headbangs you were going to wear, a bottle of Water, Snacks, An other jacket, sunglasses and some other merchandises. On the other hand you had your Lightiny in the Lightiny-Case. You were more than ready. Just the butterflies in your stomach were not ready. Them the doorbell rang and you jumped in excitement. "Omggg So excited!!! See you Seonghwa! I'm gonna spam you🫶🏻" you said and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled softly and waved at you. "Bye Y/nahh🫶🏻" he said and opened the door for you. "Have fun! And enjoy it!!!" "Of course I will, how can I not?!" you laughed and waved at him, then you ran downstairs.
Han laughed as he saw you. "Hello Y/nah! Haha, you're a real Atiny I guess~" You blushed "Euh yess... Am I too overdressed?" you asked. "Nah, I'm sure they'll love it!" je said confident and you smiled happily. He took your bag and put it in the car. Then he wanted to take your Lightiny in the car too but you shook your head and pressed it on your chest. He laughed and you two sat into the car. Then he drove the long way to the concert location while you two listened to Ateez Songs the whole hour with the Bluetooth speaker in the car.
An hour and 24 minutes later you were at the location. You saw a huuuuge Ateez Poster over the olympic stadium and everywhere were those Ateez flags of the MVs. You saw so many little shops and many, many people. Soooo many people. And all were Atinys. You felt like you finally came home...And of course you heard Ateez music all over the place. It was so damn great! As you found a place where you could park, you opened the door and Han did so too. You took your bag out of the car and put the Lightiny in it. Then you looked at Han. "Let's go?" you said and he saw your excitement and laughed. "Of course! I see you can't wait any longer~" "Wohoo" you shouted and some people looked at you. But they did not find you weird, they smiled! They smiled!?! But don't mind, you smiled back and you and Han moved forwards to the other Atinys. The first one came to you. "Hello Atiny!!! Nice too see u! Where giving the others the cards for the concert! You know, the cards with the message from Atiny for Ateez! Where are your seats?" A girl with black hair and a "Ateez" headbang came to you and directly spoke to you. "Hey Atiny! Thank you so much! Were directly in the front..." "OMG soo jealous haha, Can I give you my number and you send me the Videos? That would be soooo great..." she laughed and smiled at you. "Yeah sure! Of course, I mean, we're family! Btw I'm Y/n!" "YASSS!!! Oh I love you sis! Thank you soo much! I'm Lee Jangha! Nice to meet you!" she said excited. You laughed and then you gave her your phone. She saved her number in it and then she took a selfie with you and saved it as profile picture. "ThAnK YoU!" she said. "Oh and for which song are we showing the card?" you asked. "When they are singing Halazia! I'm sure we and they'll do great! But I have to go now... See u! And enjoy the concert!!!" she hugged you and then she went to another Atiny.
After 3 hours you had your bag full of photocards, merchandise, posters, albums and more. And your phone storage full of Selfies and pictures with other Atinys, with Han or with the figures of Ateez. You also took so many photos of the place. It was so great~ Now it was 04:30 pm and you had some time left until the concert started. You two went to a food shop and ate tteokbokki (A/n: sry if i wrote this in the wrong way i guess you know what I mean). You drank coca cola and bought two more of those customized bottles of coke. They were so pretty! One had Seonghwas face on it and the other Yeosangs. You sat down at a more quiet place since it was only 1 and a half hour before the concert starts. You took your Lightiny out of the bag and opened the app. Then you paired your Lightiny with the app and scanned your ticket. As it was paired, you stood up and went to the stadiums entrance because it opened in a few minutes. The butterflies in your stomach had gone crazy and you were so. Fucking. Excited. (A/n: I am actually excited but I'm just writing it ...) Then the doors opened and there were like 30.000 people who all wanted to go in now. But since Atiny was a great fandom, nobody was hurt and they even did a huuuuuuuuuge line. You packed the card in your bag and put out the tickets, Han holding your arm to not loose you. You knew that he was excited too. You had offered him a few merchandises too but he only said that you were the bigger fan.
Then you were the next in line and showed the security your tickets, who scanned it and then showed you the direction your places were. You went in screaming and shouting because you did not want to hold it back anymore. You were the happiest now and everybody should see/hear it. ^^ You found your places and sat down, placing the card somewhere they could not see it but you could take it easily. Then you took your bag under the chair and drank something. You had to wait 45 minutes until the concert started. You sat down and talked about this and that with Han and he told you about some experiences he had with the Ateez Members. He made you laugh a multiple times and then the Atinys who had tickets for the places next to you came. You talked with them too and since you came along good with then you exchanged your numbers. Rhen you talked about things Atinys normaly talk about *like Ateez* and waited for the concert to start. Then suddenly all the lightsticks in the hall turned on and the whole stadium screamed. You turned on your camera and held it turned to the stage. Then the lights were going out and the sound turned on. The whole stadium screamed like crazy snd you screamed too. So. F******. Loud.
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It was the best concert you ever experienced. You were singing and screaming the whole time, shaking your Lightiny and dancing. The girls next to you, Lia and Xiona, two Japanese girls, did the same. It was soo good. They sang all your favourite songs and everyone looked at you multiple times. Wooyoung send you a flying kiss and you nearly colabsed. Honjoong stole your card to have one and San winked at you. Seonghwa send you a finger heart and Mingi too. Yeosang smiled at you and showed you a thumb up, his finger showing on your look. Yunho took your phone and brought in on the stage, filming the view they had of thousands of Atinys and he was filming all the members, who all looked at the camera and then he filmed you and him on the same screen. Jongho saw Han and waved at you two. Your heart literally melted. And your poor little Fangirl-heart was going to die because you would meet them in person backstage with Han.
It was a half hour after the concert and you were still hyped. It was SOO COOL!!! Your second biggest Atiny-Dream came true and your biggest Atiny-Dream will come true in a half hour! You and Han were sitting in front of the huge Building and you sent the Videos and photos to your new Atiny friends, you even had a chatroom! Called 'AtinySeoul'. (Creative, ik.) Han was busy with his phone too, and you were chatting with the girls from AtinySeoul.
*One new message - AtinySeoul*
You: NoOoO You can't die San needs you! I have a Sanie-Surprise for you later on~
Xiona: Guys! You: WHAT
Xiona: Do u have a Yunho surprise for me too ^^
You: 🤣
Lia: 😭🤣
You: Of course Mrs Yunhooooooooooooooos wifeu
Xiona: YAaAaAAaS!
You: true I'll marry sbd else but I'LL always LOVE ATEEZ AHHHHHHHHHH
Lia: Who are you going to marry?!
Jangha: ...
You: Ooh hi Janghaaaa
Lia: Annyeong
Xiona: Hellouu
Jangha: What about Jongho...?
You: Haha sureeeeeeeeee
You: Have to go now gurls see u then~
Lia: Byeeee
Jangha: Bb
Xiona: See u
You: *went offline*
"Sooooo~ Are you ready to meet your favourite group of all time?!" Han shouted. "NOOOOO" you shouted back and you both laughed. But the Butterflies in your stomach went crazy. You were so. Damn. Excited. Ahhhhhhhh. (A/n: Am excited too again 😅 hope you like it until this point...) He went to the stadium again and the security guy recognized Han and let him in. You went on and another security guy brought you to the stage. You climbed up and you were allowed to stand ont he position they were standing. You took so many pictures and selfies from that Position (😅). Then you went backstage and you were shivering so hard this time. You walked slowly besides Han and the security guy. They walked through the backstage rooms and rhen the security guy stopped in front of a door. On the door, there was a big writing, saying '에이티즈' . And then Han knocked and you heard the voices inside stopp talking. Then someone opened the door and you looked directly in Honjoongs smiling face.
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You covered your mouth with your hands as he smiled at you and then took your and Hans hands and took you inside the room. "Helloooooooo" the eight members said. Han waved and hugged each one of them. You just stood there, covering your face with your hands and not believing it. Then you screamed as you heard a loud "Boooooh!" from behind you. Nine people laughed about your cute reaction and someone put an arm around your shoulders. You was still covering your face what was not all red. Poor you. But then they tried to make you let them see your face but you were way too stubborn and shy. Extremely shy...
Han was just sitting between them and laughing. San was still standing next to you, you heard his voice, as someone stood on your other sode and put an arm around your shoulders too. "C'mooon we won't bite!" You heard Wooyoung saying. "I have an idea~" and you heard that he was way too near your ear. Then you flinched as someone poke your side. Wooyoung laughed and San did too, the whole room laughed. And you were just standing there being extremely shy and partying inside because F*CK WOOYOUNG JUST POKE YOU AHHHH!!!!! Well, he did it again since you did not let them see your face. He did it again... And again... You flinched harder everytime because he was getting nearer to one of your weak spots. San on the other side joined and they pole your sides from left and right....
You let out a few giggles and Wooyoung made an "Awww" sound while San said that it was the cutest sound he ever heard. Then Wooyoung squeezed your side and you squeaked and sqealed. You finally put down your hands, trying to cover your sides. San squeezed your other side too and poor you were not able to stop them. Your knees get weak and you were trying to sit down, escaping them while you were laughing and squealing. You tried to let sour laugher go silent because you were very insecure about your reactions but they seemed like they were enjoying it. Then they finally let you go and Wooyoung hugged you, San joining. Wooyoung lifted you up and sat on the sofa, placing you between him and Hongjoong.
"So you're Hans Girlfriend?" Honjoong asked. "Ehm yes, Yes I am..." you answered while blushing. "How old are you?" Yunho asked. "I'm 19." you said. "Wow you're pretty young!" "Ehm yes I guess I am..." "What's your name?" Yeosang asked. "I'm Y/n" "Aww pretty name" "thank you..." "Where are you from?" Jongho asked. "I'm from Germany...." "Are you Atiny?" San asked. "No! I mean why should I? not that I'm dying right now bcz I talk to you guys" "HEY!!!" Honjoong and Wooyoung shouted and started poking your sides again.
"Nohohoho I dihihidn't mehahahn thahahat I mehahahan lohoohok ahahat mehehe" Hongjoong stopped. "Okay that's right. But it could be all fake ..." he continued again, smiling adorably. They tortued you a few more minutes but then you finally came free. "Next question" Han said. "Who's your bias?" Seonghwa asked. "Wait do u really want to know this?" you asked. "Yess!!!" everybody said. "It's Wooyoung..." you said and blushed . You covered your face again and Wooyoung hugged you. "Awwe thank you!" Hongjoong poke your sides AGAIN. "Why not meeeee~" "Hehehehey I love you all! AHHHH!!!!" he poke a worse spot and you fastly covered your mouth. "Uh-ohhhh" San teased. "Oh c'mon nooooo I want to get to know you first!" you whined. "Okay well, Give us your number, we're gonna see each other often since you are the Gf of Han now." Yunho said. Han nodded.
You took videos of all of them talking to your new Atiny-Friends through camera. That was the surprise. Maybe they're gonna know then someday but not yet. You sent the videos in the group chat and your phone exploded, so you just turned it off. The rest of the evening, you had fun with Ateez and Han, but then around 11pm you had to go. The members promised to meet you again and you were so happy and grateful that you were able to meet them in person. At 1am you were home and fell instantly into your bed.
~ Next morning, 8am ~
"Y/nahhhh! Yahhhh! Wake UP! Or i'm gonna tickle you!" you heard someone say. But you were so freaking tired. And you didn't mind who it was, you just wanted to sleep. "C'moooon wake uuuuuuuup!". "Go awayyy" you mumbled and turned around. "Well if you're not gonna wake up now~" "AHHH OKAY OKAY I'M AWAKE I'M STOOOOHOHOP" Seonghwa had started to tickle your feet under the blanket. He stopped. "Ahh what's the matter" you asked. "Oh are you kidding me? Your phone is ringing partout since 6am and the telephone too! I can't make it stop! Please turn it oooooff!" he whined. "I can't sleep like this!". "Why didn't I hear anything" you said. "Because you were sleeping like a Stone! Now c'moooon get up." "Okay okay I'll turn everything off" you said and sat up. You brushed through your messy hair with your fingers and stood up. Then you went to the living room, where the telephone rang. So Seonghwa didn't lie. You turned the button "mailbox" on so everyone who called you was able to leave a message in the mailbox for you. Then you went to your phone and turned it of. There were way too many missed calls and new messages.
*284 new messages*
*447 missed calls*
"What the heeeeeell" you went back to your room and wanted to go back in your bed, but there was already someone in. Seonghwa layed there peacefully and seemed to sleep. Poor guy, he must have had very less sleep. You layed down next to him and hugged him from the side. He hugged you back and you soon fell back asleep.
*6 months later*
"Left Hand Seonghwa!" Yeosang shouted. You lifted your left hand from the Ateez-Twister game and put it on Seonghwas picture face. There were only you, Honjoong and Jongho left. "Y/nah! Y/nah! Y/nah!" your boyfriend Han cheered for you. The rest of the Ateez members, Yeosang, Wooyoung, Yunho, Mingi, Seonghwa and San sat on the floor and watched you in amusement. Then Jongho was the next to move "Right foot Mingi!", said Wooyoung. Jongho moved his right foot from Yeosang to Mingi and while doing this, you pushed Honjoong. Honjoong lost his balance and fell over. "HONJOONG OUT!" San shouted. "Ohhhhhhh you're so gonny pay for this" Honjoong shouted and looked at you with an angry but amused face. But you were too busy to hold your balance as that you were able to mind about what he said. You better did. "Y/n left foot Wooyoung" Seonghwa told you. You did and now it was much more difficult to hold your balance and Jongho was there too. You had your head directly next to his shoulder but he was kind enough to not push you. You couldn't either.
"AHHHHHHH NOHOHO AHAHAHA STAHAAHP OKAHAHAHY OHAHAHAY" you suddenly screamed. Poor Jongho. But Wooyoung had started tickling you to make you fall since he knew how effective it was on you. He squeezed your sides and scratched over your ribs and you went weak soon. "Stahahap I cahahahn't tahahake ihihit" you begged and then you fell down. Jongho won... Again... "JONGHO, JONGHO, JONGHO!!!!" the Ateez members shouted and you sat up and cheered for him too. Mingi went to him to dance with him and Wooyoung and San jumped through the whole room. Han had a call and went out to take it and Yunho, Seonghwa and Yeosang were standing there and watching the scene in amusement.
But where was Hongjoong? You were not able to see him. Then suddenly something came from behind you and pulled you back. It was Honjoong. He tackled you down on the floor and made you sit on your wrists and sat on your tighs himself. You knew what was coming. "Oh nonononononono please Honjoong don't I'm begging you please don't do this we can talk about this please please please pleaseeeee ahahahahah" you tried to beg but then he just smirked, shook his head and spidered all over your tummy. It was unbearable. You giggled and your giggles became louder as he started to scribble over your ribs and hips too. The other members watched you in amusement. "Pleahahase helhehehlp mehehe" you begged but the other seven guys just looked at you, their eyes saying sorry. "We'd be next if we would" Yeosang said and shivered. The others nodded and you tried to help yourself. "I said You're gonna pay for this Y/nahhh~" Honjoong said ans smirked. Then he squeezed your soft skin all over your midsection, twording you like hell.
Then he dug his thumbs into your hips. You were so dead. "AHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA" you screamed and laughed like a maniac sonce it was one of your worst spot. You heard Yunho saying "I love our soundproof walls here". You blushed and finally escaped your hands. But you knew fighting back would not be very helpful so you covered your face once again. By the way you were tworded to death by KIM HONGJOONG. AHHHH. OMFG. (A/n: Did you ever feel jealous of any Y/n? I am btw) Since he was still one of your favourite Oppas of all time. He tortured you like 10 minutes, digging bis thumbs into your worst spot, right above your hipbone, but then your laugher went silent and you went out of breath. He stopped and sat on the floor, pulling you in a comforting hug. You loved his hugs. He ist so freaking sweet. And angelic~ When he is not twording people to death...
*later this day*
"What did Honjoong do to you that you were that red?" Han asked. You were sitting at the sofa in his dorm, the other skz members all had plans this evening so you had all for you. "You-you didn't hear anything?" you asked with a suspicious look at him. "No... Was there something to hear?" he asked. "Euhm... well... Yes I guess?" you tried to say. "What was it?" he asked. "Ehm... Honjoong just t... t... ti.... tick..... t..... ahhhh I can't say it" you whined. "What?" he asked. You took your phone and write the word down. "Ohhhh~ I understand~" he said and smirked. You put your phone back on the table. "Fine..." you said and covered your blushed face. "So he did it like this?" Han asked and poke your sides and ribs fastly. "Hey! Hehehehy! Stohohop! Hahahan!" you tried to escape but he already grabbed your waist and put his legs around you. "Oh noo! I wanna try it too~" he said teasingly. He sneaked a hand under your pullover and scribbled over your ribs and tummy. "Ahahhahha nohohooh pleahahahs I hahad enouhohohogh" you begged but no chance. He squeezed your sides then. "NahahahAAHH nohohohOOH dohohohHOON'T!" your voice went sometimes a few octaves higher as he hit a special place. He clearly had fun. You either. But he wanted to try everything since you did not even fight back. He dug his fingers in your hips and drew tiny circles there to make you go crazy. "NAHAHAHAAAAAAA HAHAAAAAAAN!!!" " yes Jagi~" he said teasingly.
He tortued you on this spot like for ten minutes but then he turned you around and took your feet in a headlock. "Oh nononoono Han plaese noooot" you begged but he didn't mind at all... He started scribbling, spidering, clawing and poking all over your hypersensitive soles until your laugher went silent. Then he pulled you in a sweet, warm Quokka-hug. You two fell asleep in SKZ' dorm soon...
~ END ~
A/n: OMG I FINALLY finished this it took me SO LONG AHH! I really hope you like it... It's not only a t-word related ff, I wanted to try if I am good at this.... Please let me know if you didn't lile it... Or request something when you feel so! Am open to any requests, but I don't know any group, but am open to get to know then if you adk for a fic about them. I love Ateez, BTS, SKZ, Enhypen, TXT, Day6, BP, Itzy, Eric Nam, Oneus, Svt, P1Harmony any some others but now thank you for reading until here, I really hope it did not bore you... I can do a series about this maybe... I could publish sometimes some episodes based on this...
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little-lee-froggie · 2 years
Strap in besties, it the special post
Hello! Welcome to a very special post where I’m going to be posting all my old fics I never posted and the ones I never did and never will finish, and there’s A LOT. They’ll be organized by fandom in alphabetical order (though I’m pretty sure there’s only two since they’re the ones I write the most for), so if you only like one of the fandoms I write for, you can look for it! Anyway, this is going to be a big one, so strap in, and let’s get into it:
Here’s a little guide so you know what all I have. Everything is in order, so that should help you find everything-
Fandom #1: Dream smp
1: c!Techno x lee!reader (platonic)
2: c!Ranboo x lee!reader (platonic)
3: c!Tubbo x lee!reader (platonic)-unfinished 
4: c!Wilbur x lee!OC (siblings)-unfinished 
Fandom #2: My Hero Academia 
1: Shoto x lee!OC (siblings)-unfinished
2: Shoto x lee!reader (platonic)
3: Dabi x lee!reader with extra character Shiggy (slightly less than platonic)-unfinished 
1: Characters - OC, Kirishima, Fatgum, Tamaki (all platonic) /tickling mentioned/
1: Shoto ler headcanons
2: Tamaki ler headcanons 
3: Bakugou ler headcanons 
Fandom 3: Assassination Classroom
1: Karma x lee!reader (platonic)-unfinished 
Ok, so here’s everything!! Let’s go:
Dream smp:
-I only write fics for the canon characters, none of this is IRL. This is all some of my first writings, so I’m sorry if it’s cringe at times, that’s just the way I wrote it, I’m sorry-——————————————————————story 1: c!Techno x lee!reader (platonic)
Techno looked at you, a bit confused. Confused and worried. You averted your gaze, and shyly continued to drink your tea. “Are you feeling ok?” Techno asked you. You nod, the only way you’ve really said anything to anyone today. Just shrugs of the shoulders, and nods or shakes of the head. 
“Are you sure? You seem more quiet than usual, and that’s saying something” he said, teasing slightly, but seemed more concerned then anything else. You just shrugged, and went back to your own little world, still drinking the tea that Phil made for you. 
The silence would be awkward to most people, but not you. You quite enjoy silence and listening to others, as it gives you time to observe, imagine and learn. 
“Heeellllllooooooooooo? Are you ignoring me or something?” he asked, getting more worried about you, but hiding it not on purpose, but well behind his nonchalant personality. Normally you were quiet, but not like how you were being right now. 
You were usually a shy but interested quiet, chiming in with sassy remarks or helpful advice every now and then, but still talking at least and always very present, not with words, but how in tentatively you listened. Right now was a completely different kind of shy. 
You were uninvested and not talking at all, not even when Phil purposely said “BPS” instead of “BTS” to tease you, as you will always immediately correct his joking and laugh along with Phil about it, but this morning, you were completely zoned out, you didn’t even notice that he had said “So, has BPS dropped any new songs recently?” and it was beginning to remind them of when you first came to live with them, worrying that they had made you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome somehow, but Phil had to leave to watch Micheal for Ranboo and Tubbo, so it was just you and Techno. 
‘If only he knew what I wanted… but there’s no way in hell I’m asking for it’ you thought to yourself (as if you can think in any other way 🙄). You started to think deeply about it, not noticing the blush appearing on your own face. 
Techno however, did. He was confused about it at first, but he is smart and eventually put the pieces together. You still had no clue that he knew the truth…. that you had woken up in THAT mood… a way stronger one then most days. 
A lee mood, the kind of mood where all you want is to be tickled mercilessly. 
And the fact that this did not stay hidden from Techno for very long came as a surprise to… raze your hand if it surprised you. No one? That’s what I thought. 
A small smirk began to play on the pigman’s face. Ever since a year and a half ago, when he and Phil had discovered how incredibly ticklish you were, they would constantly poke your side when you reached for something high up, or lightly squeeze your side when you were purposely trying to annoy them a little, so the knowledge that you were the most ticklish person on the fucking planet to got used against you quite often by both Techno and Phil. 
Techno brought you into his lap for a back hug, putting your mug of tea down for you, and whispered into your ear “if you want to be tickled so badly that you’re thinking about it to much to talk, you could have just asked for it” he teased in a quiet tone, lightly tracing your inner ear (one of your more sensitive spots), earning a loud squeal from you, but you were stuck in his embrace. 
“Now, if you want me to do that again, alllllll you have to do is ask me” he said, almost to happily (especially for Techno), as he lightly stroked up and down your arm, not enough for you to laugh, but enough to drive you crazy. “Pl-please do that again…” you said shyly, but Techno is one of the few people that you would trust with everything completely and hole heartedly on the dream smp, other than Phil. 
“Now, was that so hard to just talk to me?” He teased, tickling your ear again, earning squeals and giggles from you, as his hand that was around you, holding you in place started to tease your waist in a way more ticklish way then you had ever experienced. 
“Ahahah, Techehnho!!” You giggled out loudly, but with that sweet and sugary hint that your laugh always had to it when someone was tickling you, kicking out lightly from how much just that tickled. “Yesss Y/n, what is it~?” Techno said calmly. “Ihihihththt tihihiclehehes!!” you giggled out, melting into your best friend. 
“No way, really?” he said sarcastically but in a way that sent shivers down your spine. “I know it does, that’s what you want, isn’t it??” he teased, being so effective that it tickled you with words, and he moved his hand from your waist to an insanely ticklish spot; the soft skin under your bellybutton. 
Your giggles turned hysterical. He hadn’t even been tickling you for more then ten minutes, and you were already in hysterics and completely melted into your friend, making it way easier for him to tickle you. 
“Ahahahhahah Tehhehchnhoho!!! Whahahhat are yuohoho doi- TECHNAAHAHAHAHA!!!!” You screamed as his hand moved from your lower stomach skin to one of your most ticklish and sensitive spots… the place where your ribs met your stomach… You started to kick out more, trying to squirm free, but you didn’t really want to be let go. 
He stayed there for awhile, as it had gotten the biggest reaction out of you so far, whispering teases into your ear like “Why are you trying to escape me? You wanted this, ya know” and “jeez, stop screaming! Your lungs will pop!”. 
The teases almost had more affect on you then the tickling itself! Almost… After about fifteen minutes of lightly tickling at the bottom of your 
hyper-sensitive diaphragm (it felt like fifteen-million eons, but you weren’t complaining), he then said something that made your heart pound with adrenaline and excitement; “Come on, stop kicking your legs so I can get them to! I know they have some of your most sensitive spots~…” and with that, you quickly tried to stop your legs as best your could, but Techno had decided to tease you even more, not stopping the attack on the bottom of your diaphragm. 
“TEHEHEHENOHOHOHOSTHOHOHOPPPPP!!!!!!!!” you yelled, laughing way more than before because of his teasing. 
“Stop what?? YOU stop kicking you legs and I’ll get them to! It’s not that hard~” his teasing went on relentlessly, until about five minutes later, when he decided that you had had enough teasing for that spot, and stopped for a few seconds so you could stop kicking your legs, and he immediately grabbed them, earning a happy and anticipation filled squeal from you. 
“Ok Y/N, I want you to squeal and or giggle louder the more it tickles, but any laughing, and I slow down to the same speed I was teasing your arm earlier, ok~?” he said in such a cheery sounding way that it was hard to believe that it was Techno saying it, but the message behind it was an obvious playful yet threatening challenge. 
He started with under your calves, getting small squeaks and a few quiet giggles, but he wasn’t satisfied. Then he moved his hand to your under-knee, getting louder giggles then before and a bit of squirming around, but still not enough to to satisfy either one of you. 
But then he hit the jackpot… he moved his torturous yet much needed hands from your under-knee to your under-thighs, earning a scream filled laugh from you; “AHAHAHAHAHTEHEHECHNHOHOHOOOOOO!!!!”  You couldn’t help the laughing and screaming, despite knowing what will happen if you couldn’t. 
“Five…” Techno slowed his attack slightly. “Four…” more and more slowly as he counted down. “Three…” he was almost at that unbearable speed that was so tortures and evil. “Twooooo…” he dragged out the word to add to the anticipation, resulting in anxious yet excited giggles from you. “ONE!!!” he yelled, speeding up again to even faster and 100x more ticklish then before, earning way louder screams of absolute euphoria then he had ever gotten from you, and the louder you screamed, the faster he went, and the faster he went, the louder you screamed. 
You had never wanted something to both stop and never end so much before in your entire 13 years of life on this planet, not even moving anymore, just absolutely and completely melted into a puddle of complete and utter euphoria. Never before in your life have you been so happy and been screaming so loud, but it was such a nice feeling, and you just wanted to stay in that beautiful moment forever and just have time stay completely still. 
It had nearly been an hour since Techno started to tickle you, maybe even more. You both had completely lost track of time when Phil walked in, indicating that it had been over an hour. Techno stopped when he heard Phil enter the house, both to your relief and disappointment. 
“Well, you two definitely had fun I see!” He said as if Techno wasn’t just murdering you with the most ticklish tickles you had ever received, but you just smiled, your red face getting slightly redder from a small blush on your face due to Phil’s comment. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve never heard them laugh so much in the three years I’ve known them! Whatever it was they were doing musta’ been really funny!” Techno teased you with a small poke at your side. 
Needless to say, the next time you were in even a small lee mood, you were going to talk way less then normal
Story 2: c!Ranboo x lee!reader (platonic)
It was a seemingly normal day, until Phil and Techno had thought it would be a good idea for you to go see Ranboo. You agreed, as you quite enjoy spending time with him, and Tubbo as well, but Tubbo was out with Micheal, so you were just going to be seeing Ranboo. 
The interesting thing about you and Ranboo is that if someone didn’t know you two, based off how you guys act around each other they might assume that you are siblings. You and Ranboo definitely act like siblings sometimes and are both hybrids that are half and half split down the middle, so it’s a fair assumption. Incorrect, but fair. 
Another thing that made you guys seem like siblings is the fact that you both are constantly giving each other sass and would always have a witty comeback to what the other said (entirely in a friendly joke-fight way). Normally, this would either end in one of you not having a comeback and the other wins, or you would both forget how this started and just move on to something else. But today was different. 
You had zero clue that Phil, that evil bird man, had told the enderman hybrid about your weakness. 
Phil had seen most of your joke-fights, and decided that he was going to give Ranboo the upper-hand for the next one, so you, completely clueless, said something so sassy to Ranboo that he got really pretend shocked and said in both a very “shocked” voice yet also one with a hint mischief and a teasing in the back of it; “Now why would you ever say that?!”, he said, which surprised you, as he normally had something more to say about it, but you decided to ignore his out-of-character but clearly teasing and somehow slightly threatening yet playful response, and replied with “And what are you going to do about it? I said what I said, and that’s that!”, but instead of the expected response of “You really think that’s it?”, or “And why would THAT be, huh?”, you instead received a smirk and an “Is that so~?”, that sent a shiver down your spine. 
You got up and backed away, but he got up as well, following you, and walked really close to you and said “If that was that, then why am I going to do this~?”. 
His voice was not even TRYING to hide the mischief in what Ranboo was doing anymore, as the Oreo boy lightly as to not hurt you, but hard enough to make you squeak and start to sprint away, poked you. Not more then once. Not with a lot of energy. 
But he still poked you to the point of running (ShE’s A rUnNeR, sHe’S a TrAcK sTaR✨(sorry)) and he chased you till he caught you, which surprisingly took awhile, as he had *vwooped* to right in front of you and tried to grab you, but you do battle training with Phil and Techno, so you managed to dodge. 
This went on for about fifteen minutes until Ranboo had you cornered with no blind spots where you could potentially run through, and with that, he grabbed you. “Ahahah nhohoh fahahahihihr!!!!” You giggled in anticipation as the 7ft hybrid boy carried you back to the couch you were on before when you had made the original remark that started this all. 
“Puhuhuhut mehehe dohohown!! Rahahnbohohoho!! Ahahah!!!” “Put you down? As you wish~” he said as he put you on the couch and sat on your arms, pining them above your head. “Now, Where should I get first, hmm? There’s so many good spots… Do you have a preference~?” “Nohohohohoh!!” “No preferences? Ok then! Hmm… how abouuuut… HERE!!”, he said as he scribbled on your ribs. 
“AHAHAHA NOHOHOHO!!!” You screamed as he went on attacking your ribs. “Not there? Ok, how about… here~??”, he said, now one hand on your stomach and the other one on your arm, teasing you. “RAHAHAHANBOHOHO DOHOHOHON’T!!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!” “Not there either, huh? Okay, what about… hmmmm, so hard to choose… ooh, what about heeeere~?????” He said way more tease-y than before, putting his hands under your bellybutton to tease your soft, sensitive skin. 
“RAHAHAHANBOHOHO NOHO DOHOHOHON’T!!!! STAHAHAHAHAP!!!!”, you screamed in laughter, but let’s be honest… you didn’t want it to stop. “Don’t stop? FINALLY a good review, geez~” he said even more teasing then last time he spoke, almost tickling you with his words. 
It was different from when Phil, Techno, or XD were to tickle you. To be fair, they all had different ways to tickle you, though. 
Phil mostly tickled you when you needed cheering up and was always very gentle and payed attention to subtle things that might have hinted that it was tickling to much or you were reaching your braking point, but let’s be honest, neither pretty much ever happened. 
When Techno tickled you, it was either cause he could tell you wanted it, you were annoying him in a playful way, or if you were sad and or panicking and needed a little light cheering up. He is normally slightly more ruff than Phil, plus, Techno is also a big believer in waking you up with tickles, and he says it’s funny to see you both fight sleep and his hands at the same time. 
When XD is tickling you, they are definitely the one who believes in teasing you the most, and would find any excuse to tickle you on one of your outside excavations, especially if you fell, because then they could insist to heal you just to see you try not to give a reaction, but end up melting in their touch. 
Ranboo, just like everyone else, had his own style of how to tickle you; “Awwww, does it tickle a little~? Look at you just melting into me! Phil was right, you really are tickle-tickle-ticklish! Awh, I hope you know that Tubbo’s going to find out about your little weakness as well~!”, he said to you. 
His way of tickling was similar to XD, but with hints of Techno in it. The teasing was VERY similar to XD, but the way he stayed at pretty much the same pace and moved around based off of your reactions was a lot like Techno. 
“FUHUHUCK YOHOHOUAHAHAHA!!!”, you screamed, knowing this would probably make your situation better worse for yourself and you were prepared for the consequences of your actions. You were more then prepared. 
You WANTED it. He paused for a moment in fake shock and he gasped dramatically. “How dare you?! You’re going to regret that~!” He teased as he moved his hands from your lower stomach to the the place where your back met your side and changed from friendly scribbles to ruff tickles. 
You let out a loud scream and fell into hysterical laughter, not even able to form proper words; “RAHAHAHAHAHAHBAHAHAH!!!!!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!” “I’m sorry, but I don’t know a ‘Rahbah’, but whatever their doing, it can’t be that bad~”, he said as he sped up the tickles, making it so you couldn’t even talk anymore, and you were to tired to move as well, from both the running and the tickling, so you just had to sit there and take it. 
Eventually he stopped, and you quickly pulled your hands down, still giggling from the tingling that you always got after you had been tickled for long periods of time. About an hour or so passed after that, Ranboo still would poke you or lightly squeeze your sides just to get you a bit flustered. 
When Phil eventually came to pick you up, you said your goodbyes and started to walk home. “So, what did you do? Did you have fun~?”, he said in his teasing voice that he used every so often. “I’m going to kill you” you said jokingly and with a small laugh in your voice. “Oh? And why would you do that?”, he said, giving you a small poke. 
After you squeaked, you just rolled your eyes playfully and said “I think you know exactly why”. Phil laughed a little, then said “You want to fly the rest of the way home?”, as he smiled at you. You nodded, and he let you hop onto his back, and took off into the air. 
Needless to say, next time you went to Ranboo’s house, you would be just as sassy to him as you were today
Story 3: c!Tubbo x lee!reader (platonic)- unfinished
You knew for a fact that the next time you were to go to the overgrown Oreo and Bee boy’s  house you would be endlessly teased. 
Last time you visited, Phil had told Ranboo about your sensitivity, and Ranboo promised that he would tell Tubbo, and he never lies to you… and to your luck dismay, you were going there today because Phil, Techno and Ranboo had a syndicate meeting, so you had to prepare yourself mentally to see Tubbo, because you knew that the moment you stepped foot in the house, there was no turning back and your fate was sealed…. 
You had been with Tubbo for about ten minutes, and you quickly went to one of the many guest rooms, hardly saying hi to him to do your best to keep the teasing to a minimum. You had brought your favourite sketchbook with you so you could preoccupy yourself until Tubbo inevitably found where you had run off to. 
Well that time came sooner then you had expected, and he walked in about two minutes latter. “There you are! I was wondering where you went to~…” he said, already teasing you somehow. “Mmm…” you replied, forgetting why you were where you were, completely lost in your drawing. 
“Whachya’ drawing??” He asked, knowing this would get your attention, because you had a rule that no one is allowed to see this sketchbook until it’s completely filled out besides you. You quickly closed your book when that sentence was accompanied by a poke on your side, getting a squeak out of you, and you curled up into a ball, giggling slightly and quietly. 
You put your book down and sprinted away, Tubbo close behind you. It wasn’t to late, but you knew from babysitting Micheal that he would be asleep right now, so you didn’t worry about him finding out, but you didn’t want to wake him up, so you made sure to run far away from his room. 
You were thankful that it was such a huge house, but because of it, you knew for a fact that Tubbo would catch you, because, even though he may be slightly slower than you, even with the extra adrenaline, he had more stamina, so at this point you were just delaying the inevitable. 
You knew that, but you didn’t care, all you cared about is not waking up Micheal. After about five minutes of being chased all around the giant house, you had eventually been caught by the bee lover, and you knew there was no getting out of that now. 
You were stuck.
Story 4: c!Wilbur x lee!OC (siblings)-unfinished
Wilbur and Fawn were home alone together, just kind of chilling, Wilbur was playing the guitar and Fawn was singing along. 
Phil had taken Tommy to go see Tubbo and Techno had told Niki he’d help her with her garden, specifically with the potatoes she was trying to grow, so Fawn and Wilbur had decided that they were just going to do whatever, hence them playing music together. 
“Can you teach me how to play the guitar one day Will?”, Fawn asked their big brother after they finished up the song they were playing. “Yeah, sure! I might be a bit busy for the next little while, finishing up a new song, but definitely soon!”, he said, knowing when they make that kind of proposal, they normally mean some time in the near future. “Thanks Will!”, they said, with a small giggle in their voice. That small giggle made Wilbur get an idea. 
“Hey… if you want I can teach you right now Fawny~” said Wilbur teasingly, putting his guitar down. “Really? That’d be awes- wait a minute, ‘Fawny’? Why’d you use that name? Wilbur, please don’t tell me you’re planning what I think you’re planning.”, they said almost sternly, looking up at their brother, but seeing the smirk on his face made Fawn’s fight or fight reflex activate, but Wilbur could tell and grabbed their wrist so they couldn’t run. 
“Planning what Fawny? To be an awesome big brother and help you learn a new instrument~?”, said Will, his smirk growing at the anticipation in Fawn’s eyes. 
Fawn somehow managed to get their wrist free before their brother could attack, quickly running away. “That’s not going to help you much Fawny~! You’re just delaying the inevitable now!!!”, he called after them, getting up, but purposely giving them a few seconds head start to add to the anticipation. 
He chased them all around the house, but eventually took a shortcut to where Fawn was running to, and they ran into him, allowing Wilbur to catch them in his arms Catholic Church intro (<—— add link) style, and carry them to the living room. 
After pinning them down on the couch, Wilbur took his usual position, sitting on their arms to get a good shot at everything while having his hands (and wings) completely free to roam wherever they please. 
“Wihilbuhur dohon’t!!!”, Fawn managed to giggle out while their brother lifted their hoodie to the bottom of their binder, and just smirked at them, lightly brushing his fingers along their neck to show that this was happening no matter how much Fawn argued, because Wilbur knew they didn’t mean it. 
It’s hard to explain, but as the oldest of all the siblings, he developed this sixth sense to be able to tell when his siblings actually don’t want to be tickled or it’s their biological response, and right now, it was both a mix of biological response and also Fawn not wanting to admit that they actually really enjoyed it and wanted to be tickled really badly. (I don’t play the guitar, so if the notes are ones that are just strings/aren’t a note you can play on the guitar, please don’t bash me ㅠ ω ㅠ) 
Now’s when Wilbur took his plan into action, saying “Ok, so, this is A#…” he said, pretending that the space between Fawn’s ribs were the frets, and did the hand placement for the note, “strumming” on their torso, making them squeak and giggle, kicking out slightly from the feeling. “Ah, what beautiful music that comes from this guitar!”, Wilbur teased, “strumming” even faster, making Fawn’s voice raze an octave. 
“Wihihihihilbuhuhuhuhr!!!! *squeak* ahahah, nohohohoho!!!!!!!”, they giggled from the attack, as Wilbur kept pretending that he was teaching them guitar. “Oh no Fawn, I think this guitar needs to be tuned, it’s all squeaky and changing tune like it has a mind of its own!”, he teased them, as they started to giggle louder, not wanting it to stop, but they would never admit that. 
“Okay Fawny, now I normally wouldn’t do this, but is looks like the sound hole has a lot of dust in it, so I have to clean that out!”, he teased as he inhaled deeply, blowing a huge raspberry on their belly button, making pour little Fawn scream, tears pricking at their eyes. “Okay Fawn, now I’m going to play a song so you get the basic idea of how fast you would have to go to actually play a song~” Wilbur continued with his teasing
Fandom #2: My Hero Academia
-I have an OC in Mha with the same name as me that I named before that was my name, so if you’re confused about why we have the same name, that’s why-
Story 1: Shoto x lee!OC (siblings)-unfinished
Kai and Shoto had been friends since they were about 4 and 6, so they go back a long time, and within that time, you learn a lot about a person! 
For example, mister icy hot learned about a special way to help his shy quiet friend when they’re sad or just need some loosening up. When this happens, Shoto will give a small light poke somewhere on Kai’s side. This was, for them, a way for the older to help the younger with any bad emotions and see them smile for a moment. 
Neither of them ever worried about other people seeing, because they just thought of it like cheering someone up, however, it did happen a lot less in class. Even though it happened less, some of the people that were close to them picked up on this habitat. 
It of course wasn’t everyone in the class, however everyone noticed it, but it was a few people. 
There was only one problem with the fact that a lot of the class knew, and that was that it was harder to get good battle training because if they made themself known, in close quarters it was very likely that the person would use it against them depending on who it was. 
In fact, this happened so often that Aizawa had to literally state the rule in front of the class and write it on the board in sharpie so it wouldn’t get erased: NO TICKLING KAI DURING TRAINING. 
Todoroki didn’t really ever tease them about it and found their reaction to it sweet, but he only ever actually tickled them when they asked him to, or when it was a day that Kai clearly just needed to laugh. 
Anyway like I said, a few other people had picked up on the habit, and these people were as follows (from most to least likely): Denki, Kirishima, Deku, Sero and even Baukougou had done it once, but that was really just to make fun of them.
Story 2: Shoto x lee!reader (platonic)
You had a really shity day and were just ready to go back to the dorms and collapse on your bed. 
You finally got into your room after hours of being yelled at by Aizowia for falling asleep in his class 7 times today while Baukugou mocked you, Iida gave you a lecture, Deku tried to make you feel better by telling you about all the times he fell asleep in class, Ochoco joined Deku in the story telling, and most of all, your childhood friend, Todoroki, was trying to comfort you. 
None of your friends efforts were working, though (not that Baukugou was even trying to), and you just wanted the day to be over. After that, you immediately went back to your dorm room and covered your face with your pillows and just lay like that for about twenty minutes, until you felt your bed dip beside you. 
“Hey, are you okay? I would’ve come here immediately, but I thought you might want some time alone to calm down first, but I figured it’s been long enough.”, said the voice of your best friend, Todoroki, resting a hand on your stomach, which was enough to make you blush and get butterflies in your stomach, which made you thankful that you had pillows over your face. 
“Y-yeah, I’m okay, I-I’m just a b-bit tired, that’s all!”, you said in an attempt to not sound so flustered, but your stutter made it incredibly obvious. “Are you… flustered?”, he asks, kinda teasing kinda curious. 
“I-I.. Y-no? N-yes?? I-I don’t k-know what you m-mean!”, you stuttered. That’s when Todoroki noticed his hand placement. “Ooooooohhhhh” he said, now understanding. 
He slowly and carefully started to trace shapes over your stomach as you started to giggle and try to push his hand away, not successfully might I add. “Nohohohoho!!!! Whihihihy??? Ahahah!!!!!!!”, you protested, not actually wanting him to stop. 
He then moved from tracing shapes to lightly fluttering his fingers under your shirt and over you stomach with his cold hand (oof), while using his hot hand to warm you up a bit by making it hotter and lightly brushing it over your arms, neck, ribs, sides, face and torso. 
Your laughter and giggles would ring out for awhile after that
Story 3: Dabi x lee!reader with extra character Shiggy (slightly less than platonic)-unfinished
It’s almost as if Kai’s body didn’t know how how to do that.
Don’t get me wrong, they slept, but only for about 8 hours every month, the amount of sleep someone should be getting every day. Weirdly enough, this didn’t effect them to much, only falling asleep in class when they got way less sleep, like half an hour that month, which didn’t happen to often, so it wasn’t really a worry to their teachers.
Growing up in the Todoroki household had brought some dark times to their life at a young age. No one knew who their dad was, and their mom was a close friend of Rei Todoroki, their godmother. One day, a villain attacked the Ai home, and Kai’s mom, Ai Ayako, got killed trying to protect Kai, so they moved in with the Todoroki family, and seeing what Endever was doing to their godmother and Shoto Todoroki, pretty much the only person they can be themself around made them have terrible nightmares and hate going to sleep, resulting in the terrible sleep schedule they have now.
Since for some reason, it didn’t effect their performance in class, and because their quirk, five senses, allowed them to become almost undetectable, even though they can only use sight and sound right now, they were granted special permission from the school board to just kinda wonder around town as long as they have their quirk activated, and if they start to feel like they have used it for to long, come back to the dorms immediately.
And that’s what they were doing! Just kinda chilling, unable to be seen or heard, just the way they liked it, just sitting by their favourite abandoned house (yes, they have a favourite abandoned house), listening to music generated by their quirk.
All of the sudden, they felt a hand on their shoulder, scarring them to all shit, making them jump and squeak. They were very confused, as they were used to people bumping into them, then being confused at what they hit, but never anyone knowing where they were unless they were someone that they were not using their quirk on, which was pretty much impossible, because the only people they weren’t using it on at the moment was everyone at UA (except for Mineta, because they (along with me and pretty much anyone who watches MHA should) DESPISE Mineta), and they would probably all be asleep because of curfew, and people in the Todoroki family, so that if they ran into their family, they could say hi, but that was it. No one else should be able to-
“Hey, look who it is. The little disappearing kid from UA. What are you doing out?”, said a raspy voice, interpreting Kai’s thoughts. They looked up, and saw two people looking down at them. Well, more like one looking at them, and one looking at the one looking at them. 
“Who the hell are you taking to Dabi? Have you gone more bat-shit crazy then you already were?”, said the one looking at the one looking at- or, sorry, the one looking at Dabi. “Oh, are they using their quirk on you? Hmm… well, show yourself to Shiggy, he doesn’t bite…” said Dabi, a shit-eating smirk on his face from the look on Kai’s. 
‘Tomora Shigaraki and Dabi are here? Why? Why can Dabi see me? Why are they here of all places? Why is Dabi looking at me like that?
Why-‘ their thoughts got cut off again when they started to feel the fatigue that came with their quirk wearing off. They knew they had no choice but to show themself, otherwise, they would faint, and it was better to be conscious with two people as dangerous as the ones in front of them now, then be unconscious with them. So, they turned their quirk off, wobbling from the faint feeling they got, just avoiding going unconscious.
“Well well well, you’re not completely crazy after all Dabi!”, said Shigaraki in his very smooth and slightly soft yet bloodthirsty and unhinged voice. They don’t quite remember what happened next (definitely not because I couldn’t think of how, ahahha 😬) but Kai ended up in a secret bar in the house, sitting tied to a chair, but wasn’t really fazed anymore since they are a very nonchalant person and got over the shock fast.
“Why are you here? How did you find us?”, Dabi questioned Kai as they examined the room around them, just kinda humming in response. “Not talking, hmm? Hey, by the way, are you aware that during your fight with Todoroki in the sports festival, you only made what was happening unseeable to the people in the crowd? We heard about it, how the arena filled with smoke, but when I watched it live, I didn’t see any kind of smoke! Instead, I saw what really happened. Do you know what I’m referring to?”, Shigaraki asked, getting Kai to slightly blush from embarrassment. ‘Shit, I forgot that I can’t make things appear on cameras cuz they don’t have senses! Damn it, now the whole world knows…” they thought.
If you’re wondering what happened, I’ll tell you. At the sports festival, Kai and their best friend, and legal brother, Shoto, were up against each other. The two had promised not to hold back on each other despite being as close as they were, however, mid-battle, Todoroki had asked Kai to make them both silent and invisible, just so he could talk to them, and so they did. When they were completely unseeable (or so they thought), Todoroki gave them the look that he always gave them before he tickled them, but since they were so close together and had limited space to move, Kai couldn’t run away like they normally would, and ended up getting wrecked on live TV. When they asked Todoroki about it after the fight (that he won), he simply said he was worried that he was going to go to harsh on them and felt they needed a break from the match to just have fun for a moment.
“W-what are you t-talking about?”, Kai said, trying to sound unfazed, but the blush on their face and their stutter gave it away. 
That stupid shit-eating grin was back on Dabi’s face, but this time, he started walking towards Kai slowly. “Oh yeah, you’re right Siggy, something did happen~”, said Dabi, Making them even more worried then before. ‘No, their VILLAINS. There’s no way they’d TICKLE me… right?’ 
It only took Kai a minute to realize that hypothesis was wrong when Mr. Shit-grin finally reached them, taking long enough for Kai to start giggling nervously. “Aww, look at that, all scared and nervous, just waiting for me to attack… I feel bad for you kid, I really do, but we need to make sure you won’t ever come back here unless we decide you should” said Dabi, putting his hands on their knees, using them as support while he leaned in close to their face. 
“You’re. At. OUR. Mercy. Now.”
 He squeezed their knees, getting the same squeak out of them that he did when he scared them at the front of the house.
To say Dabi was amused by this would be an understatement. He always felt relatively indifferent about Kai, as they just had that kind of feel to them that if they saw him on the street, instead of rating him out for being there, as long as he wasn’t hurting someone, they wouldn’t do anything about it and just go about their day. Basically, he knew Kai probably wouldn’t say anything to UA or any pro hero’s, and at this point, he was just messing with them.
“Why’d you squeak, huh? We don’t scare you, do we? Hmmm~?”, he said, looking at Kai with the most smug smirk know to man while he continued to squeeze their knees, making them giggle and squeak. “Nohohohoho stohohohop *squeak* ihihit! Ahaha!!”, Kai said, now with a smile on their face as the tickling continued. “Why stop? Does it tickle? Ooh, it does tickle, doesn’t it~… Wow, who knew you were so ticklish! Tickle tickle tickle~…”, the villain continued, in a very teasing manner. “Hey Shiggy, why don’t you join me? The more people, the more they’ll scream!”, said Dabi, and if Kai heard that in any other situation, they would have been terrified, but in this situation, it just caused them more anxiety, worry, and weirdly, considering the fact that if Shigaraki touched them with all five fingers, they would start to crumble and dissolve; excitement. “No, I’d rather sit back and enjoy their screams without getting my hands dirty” Shiggy said plainly. “Suit yourself” Dabi shrugged. Kai hadn’t expected Dabi to be so tease-y with them, or at least not appear to be enjoying it, but he looked as if this was the first time in a million years he had eaten.
Scenario 1: Characters - OC, Kirishima, Fatgum, Tamaki (all platonic) /tickling mentioned/
Kai was with Kirishima, Fatgum and Tamaki for work studies, but they only really spoke to Kiri because the two were good friends, and Kai was intimidated by anyone they didn’t know well, aka Fatgum and Tamaki. Kirishima was also one of the few people who knew about how physically sensitive Kai was, teasing them about it constantly. Which leads me to the situation they were in now; Kai had just watched Fat absorb a few things into his stomach, a lot of them moving. “How do you do that?”, they asked quietly, but genuinely curious as well. “What do ya’ mean? It’s my quirk” Fatgum says in his usual jolly way. “O-oh, I know that, i-it’s just that even if I had your quirk, I-I could never do that, b-because…” they said, rambling on and on in their shy way, wishing they had never said anything. “I know why!”, Kiri chimes in, clearly amused by this situation. “It’s because they’re-“ he said, but Kai activated their quirk just in time to make him silent. Kiri was about to out them. “W-why did you silence him?”, Tamaki asked very quietly per his also shy personality. “O-oh, I j-just, umm, I-“ they said, trying to come up with something that wouldn’t be lying but also not letting them know about their secret. “I-it’s just that I’d be scared of the impact, even if I knew it wouldn’t hurt…” Kai said. The truth, but not what they meant when they asked how Fatgum did it. “Oh” replied Tamaki, not really getting an answer to his question, but not wanting to annoy them, so he stopped talking. That was the first time anything had come that close to revealing Kai’s secret. The second time was a bit past the point where Kai and Tamaki had started to become good friends, neither of them being any louder, though. Tamaki had accidentally bumped his elbow into their side, and heard a squeak come from them. He started to frantically apologize and ask if he had hurt them, to which Kai replied with the same frantic apologizing for scaring him and being in his way, as they explained that they were fine, just a bit surprised. After about two minutes of apologizing and stuttering, the two finally calmed down and went back to normal conversation. All of the sudden, Kirishima popped out of seemingly nowhere and pretty much shouted; “Hey Tamaki, wanna know why they squeaked like that?!”. Kai immediately started to blush, and (for one of the few times in their life) shouted “EIJIRO KIRISHIMA, I WILL END YOU!!!”, as the two of you started to playfully chase each other, both laughing a little at the others antics. “That was strange… I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kai yell, not even at a villain…” Tamaki muttered softly as he looked as if he was trying to figure out something. Strangely enough, neither Fatgum nor Tamaki figured out what all the commotion was about whenever something like this happened until Kiri actually told Tamaki when he knew Kai wouldn’t be around to silence him, and after that, Kirishima started to tease them a lot more, and would sometimes even poke Kai a little and pretend it was an accident just to tickle and tease them a bit more around Fat and Tamaki, never failing to make Kai flustered as fuck :)
Headcanon set 1: Shoto Todoroki ler HCs
Not a tease-y ler because he doesn’t see the point in teasing. He says it might make someone fell bad about it, and the point of him tickling someone is to make them feel better and let them laugh 
He’s not ticklish, or at least we don’t think he is. No one really knows, and people are to scared to find out, because, while he is an incredibly kind person, get in his bad side, and he’s terrifying
He has a tendency to say things that sound like teases, but really aren’t, and he genuinely means them as complements, like “your laughter sounds so happy and nice!”, or “your smile’s so cute! You seem so happy, I’m glad!”.
Not very into revenge tickles, cause if he cares about you enough to tickle you, you shouldn’t warrant revenge in his eyes, plus, since he’s never been tickled himself, he doesn’t know what it feels like, and since it makes people smile and laugh, he assumes that it makes people happy, and for some it does 
He makes his left side colder to get a better reaction from you, in turn making you scream
He won’t laugh with you, but he will smile a lot more than usual, as he finds your reactions cute
Cuddles after is a must, and might ghost his hands over your stomach to get you giggling all over again 
You have a code word for stop, just cuz it’s a reflex to say stop, and he knows it
Headcanon set 2: Tamaki Amajiki ler HCs
Shy boy doesn’t know what to do at first 
I can imagine him liking being the lee more, so it starts off kinda timid and shy (then again, he’s always timid and shy)
However, he loves to see you smile, laugh and just being happy, so he soon finds that he actually really enjoys this as well, however, he worries about possibly hurting you 
Softest ler ever
Constantly asks you if your still doing okay or if this is fine, just making sure that you’re still having fun 
He starts to do it more often, and every time he does it, he gets a little less scared of hurting you, as he now knows what to do and what you like
He will always be shy of course, but he warms up more the more he tickles you
Has never tickled you to silent laughter because he stays pretty light with the tickles, barely getting above giggles for you, however, this means he goes for longer once he’s gotten used to tickling you because he doesn’t have to worry about it as much 
Won’t really tease, but he does laugh along with you and call you cute, which you consider teasing and he considers complements 
He gets so used to tickling you that he can’t go a day with out at least poking you once. He never does it around people though, he would get to embarrassed
Headcanon set 3: Bakugou Katsuki ler HCs
He’s already so ruff with you, and that either amplifies or decreases when he tickles you, depending on wether it’s for revenge or cheering you up 
Contrary to popular belief (or not, IDK), this boy is very soft when he wants to be
You tend to enjoy pissing him off for fun, kinda like a sport, but this little habit ends up with you getting tickled to silent laughter very often 
He teases relentlessly, weather it’s to cheer you up or not
Likes to state how much power he has over you, and how amazing he is. Like, he thinks he’s accomplishing something great by tickling you
You would never admit it, but half the time when you annoy him, it’s just to get him to tickle you, and the other half, it’s definitely a subconscious reason 
He is fucking evil, and he finds it hilarious to randomly attack you after you got closer to each other 
He says it’s cause he likes watching you just crumble into his arms, completely at his mercy 
Mans is a TERRIFYING ler, holy fucking shit
Fandom 3: Assassination Classroom
Story 1: Karana x lee!reader (platonic)-unfinished 
You and Karma had been friends since forever, and the two of you got along surprisingly well. There was always one thing that bothered him about you, though.
He could read everyone else, he could find their weaknesses, but with you… even after so many years of being your friend, he still couldn’t read you, still couldn’t find any weaknesses of yours.
Which is why he was so pleased with the events that transpired today before school…
You and him live in the same area, in fact, you guys live next to each other, so you’ve always known each other. Because you two lived so close to each other, you often walked to school together, then went to sit on the stairs.
And that’s exactly where the two of you were now, on the stairs, him sitting up-right and playing with his anti-Koro sensei knife, and you, laying down on his lap with your face to the sky.
He surprisingly doesn’t mind you laying on him, and he’s pretty used to it, however you always end up having conversations like; “why do you insist on always sitting like that?” “Cuz it’s comfortable, Karmy~” “And why do you always call me ‘Karmy’?” “Cuz you hate it.” “I don’t HATE it, just slightly annoying.” “Yeah yeah, sure. Either way, it’s what I’m going to call you”
You were in the midst of such a conversation when you were teasing him- probably the only person who can get away with that (for the most part)- and he said “Sureee, you’re soooo much better than me at that. I’ll let you believe that…” and poked your stomach once in retaliation.
He expected you to say “Hey!”, and go into a tangent about why you are better then him at whatever you were arguing about, but instead you… squeaked? Not only did you squeak, you also kinda crumpled in on yourself and giggled slightly.
His eyes widened with mischief, his face morphing into an evil smirk. Oh no… he had figured out your weakness. The one that you had managed to hide from him for 12 years, but now, he had discovered it, and holy shit was he going to have some fun with this
“Hey [NAME]… are you by any chance… ticklish~?”
‘Shit’. You knew you couldn’t lie to him, he already knew the answer and lying would only make your situation worse, but at the same time, if you said yes, he would tease you about how compliment you were and how you must enjoy this, which wouldn’t exactly be wrong, but you knew he wouldn’t stop until your face was as red as his hair, so you chose your last resort option. You knew you could pull it off cuz you were good at hiding how flustered you were, otherwise how else could you have hidden your weakness from him for so long.
“What’s that?”, you asked adding in a furrowed brow and a cock of the head for good measure. 
He was clearly slightly caught off guard by that, his smirk turning to confusion. You did your best not to laugh at his face, but you hadn’t ever seen such a look on his face in all the years you had known him, and when you let out a small laugh, he was snapped out of his confusion.
“And what are you laughing at?”, he said, playfully glaring at you. “Yohour fahahace” you giggled, covering your mouth slightly with your hand. His smirk resumed on his face, evilness filling the air. “Oh, I’ll give you something to laugh about-“ he said, and dug his fingers into your ribs. You screamed in surprise, then small giggles started pouring out of your mouth.
“Stohohohop!!!! Thahahat tihihicklehehes!!!!”, you said, trying to pry his hands off your extremely sensitive sides.
“Wow, you’re so percepti- wait a minute… if you don’t know what being ticklish is, how do you know what being tickled feels like? Holy shit, you little lier! You knew what it was didn’t you?! Oh, you just made your situation 100x worse for yourself~” he said, moving from digging to harsh squeezes, but not to harsh, he didn’t want you to get hurt.
“AHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT!!!!!!”, you screamed, trying desperately to escape, but your favourite sitting position turned into a weapon for Karma, as he had you trapped in his lap.
He continued with the squeezing with one hand, and poked your ribs with the other. You let out a loud squeak as you tried to pry his hands off you as he continued to tease you, making you blush.
“Wow, you’re SUPER ticklish, now aren’t you~? We’ve known each other for how long, and you kept this hidden from me? Well, now I’m going to have to make up for lost time… wow, this is surprisingly cute~. Why didn’t you tell me you were this cute while being tickled~???”, he teased you, making you blush.
Just then, Koro sensei appeared in front of the two of you, startling you and not fazing Karma. “While I’m glad you two are having fun together, class is about to start, and I’d hate for you to be late” he said, and Karma let go of you as you tried to recover.
The rest of the day wasn’t any different from the morning, and with you sitting beside Karma, you were easy for him to get. He poked your side at random intervals through out class, making you squeak and the entire class turned to look at you. You just covered your blushing face while Karma just smirked at you.
However, gym class was even better worse. 
Mr. Karosuma had made the two of you sparing partners, and Karma went behind you many times and held you to tickle you, and while normally you could have fended him off, you were on edge and tired, not to mention the fact that you crumpled in on yourself every time which made fighting impossible, your reactions only giving Karma more incentive to keep tickling you.
This went on all day, and none of the teachers did much to stop it, cuz it was relatively good assassination training for the both of you- you to try to escape, and Karma to not let you escape. Not to mention that Koro sensei honestly found your bond cute.
On your walk home together, he actively forced you onto his back, carrying you piggyback style and lightly tickled your inner knees and thighs the entire way back as you had no choice but to hold onto him tight, unless you wanted to fall that is. Not to mention his evil teasing. For the first time in his life he was calling someone cute as a way to tease them in a close friends kinda way instead of to berate them.
He did the same thing on your walk to school the next day. He stayed true to his word of making up for lost time, as ever single chance he got, he would tickle you. This made you jumpy all the time, and he found it fucking hilarious. You didn’t really mind it all to much though. You always sort of enjoyed being tickled, in fact, there used some days where you’d wish that Karma knew, and now that he did… well, you definitely didn’t mind it.
Everything had become sort of a routine, and the both of you had gotten so used to it that when to two of you started walking everyday, you subconsciously got on his back, when you laid across his lap, you would put you hands behind your head, during training, if he got behind you would fall into him, but very subtly (one time, he purposely didn’t catch you and you fell. He found it so funny, then he sat on your hips and ticked you. That was the one time the teacher properly stepped in), and you never had your arm covering the side facing him during class.
After almost two months of this, he suddenly stopped. It came out of the blue, just happened one day. To be honest, it made you feel a bit sad. All through out the day, not even a single poke. If only you knew what was in store… See, he was purposely not tickling you so he could catch you off guard. After a week of this, he invited you over for a sleepover. The two of you had only ever had one sleepover before, and it was mostly to plan on how to kill your teacher, so you were a bit sceptical, but agreed nonetheless. He was your best friend after all.
When you got to his house, everything seemed a bit off. His parents were out of town for a few days, and it was a weekend, so you didn’t have a set time to wake up. Instead of sleeping in a bedroom, he had things set up in the living room so the two of you could watch t.v and turn it off when you were tired enough to sleep and not have to walk to his room. 
He had a movie picked out to watch- Coraline- and snacks. He was being to nice, to upbeat. Something had to be up.
The two of you sat down on the floor, a big pile of blankets and pillows on the ground. You two sat in your normal position, you flopped on his lap, but you noticed he placed his hands on your stomach, making you feel butterflies, every time he hands shifted slightly, you jumped a little, making him smirk. Everything was going according to plan.
Then it happened. The tickle scene in the movie finally came, the entire reason he chose it in the first place. 
At that point, you couldn’t take it anymore, and blurted out “CAN YOU JUST-“, but you stopped at the word ‘tickle’. You couldn’t say it. It was to flustering for you, you just couldn’t. 
“Can I just what~?”, he asked as you got all fidgety. He reviled in the blush appearing on your face. “You know, just… mmph” you grumbled. “I don’t know what ‘mph’ is 
[NAME]~” “J-just, you know… t-… tic-…” “You want some tictacs?”, he asked as if he didn’t know all to well what you wanted. “Karma… please…?”, you said small-ly, clearly missing the playful gesture. Now, this man may be sadistic, but when you sounded so sad like that, this went from a mission to fluster you to a mission to cheer you up.
Of course, he still wanted to tease you though, he just decided to go about it slightly differently. “Please what~? I don’t get what you mean, you have to tell me~…” he said, but his actions spoke differently. As you were focused on the fact that he was being mean, you didn’t notice his hand slowly snake around your torso until he started squeezing your side.
You were completely caught off-guard by this, and you let out a surprised scream followed by laughter. “K-kahaharmahaha!!!”, you giggled out, kicking and moving side to side. “What is it [NAME]~? I’m not doing anything ~” he said as you giggled and laughed, trying to escape, but there was no way in hell Karma would let you do that. After all, he new you didn’t want to in the first place. 
“KAHAHaharmahahaHA!!!! Dohohon’t plahahay thahahat gahahahame!!!!”, you giggled, a blush forming on your face, and it didn’t go unnoticed by your sadistic friend who was currently MURDERING you with laughter.
“Hey, [NAME]~… are you ok? First you have a random outburst of laughter, now your face is turning red…” he said, as he moved his hand that wasn’t squeezing your side to do the same motion on your thigh. With that simple moment, your laughter raised an octave.
“KARMAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!”, you screamed, squirming in his grip, and he just laughed at you. 
“Ok [NAME], looks like you caught me! And was being so subtle about it to. Oh well, doesn’t change much. Say… is your back ticklish ~?”, he asked, turning you over so you were laying on your stomach and sat on you to keep you pinned, using his knees to keep your hands down. Then he lifted your shirt so your back was bare, and started to skitter his blunt nails all over your back, and every so often moving his hands to your sides.
“Hmmm, so it is~. That information will come in handy…” he said close to your ear, his breath in your ear making you squeak. 
“Oh, are your ears ticklish to~?”, he said, keeping one of his hands at your back and moving his other one up to your ears and neck, turning your loud giggles all squeaky. “They are! This will be even more useful, especially when your sitting how you normally do~”
“K-karmahahaha!!!!”, you giggled, trying to get out of his tickly prison, but failing, not that you minded. 
After a little while of him attacking your back, neck and ears, he asked his question again. “Hey [NAAAAAMMMME]~? Are your arms ticklish?”. If you could have widened your eyes, you would have. He quickly moved his hands to your arms, making you scream. Your arms were insanely ticklish.
Holy FUCK that was a lot… I hope you liked it, I put a lot of effort into it. Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever else you celebrate at this time of year! I hope you had a good celebration! Well, I’m going to head to sleep now, byeeeee!!
-Froggie :p🎄
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shy-lee-chu · 2 years
(Last updated:13/12/22)
Chu's Archive of Tickles
🪶Nahh I just can't help myself
Taehyung x Reader short imagination fanfic
Including: Slight sadism, reader fainting bc it tickles so much.
Chu's first work ever so it's kind of bad if you ask me NDKSNDKS but it's my work afterall so I better put my children on my list no matter what
🪶Lazy Lee Moods~
Jimin x Reader
Including: Jimin waking up reader with tickles, flustering the hell out of them ehe~
🪶BTS Discovering That You're Ticklish
BTS x Reader
Including: Nsfw-ish themes but not exactly, just bangtan's first time discovering about the reader's lil weakness
🪶 Quick Imagine No:1
Hoseok x Reader short imagine
Including: Tbh don't want to say much about the drabble, but I'm cringing when I'm reading my own works MFKSMDMD
🪶Being Bratty
Yoongi x Reader
Including: Mentions of torture but no actual nsfw themes, Reader is a clumsy bish, breaks yoongi's cookie jar 🤭
📽️ TXT: Beomgyu Getting Ticklish 🥺
📽️ (?)Idk who he is but the vid is v cute
📽️ (?)Getting Tickled While You Have To Speak
📽️ BTS: Ggukkie ticklish on his tummy
📽️ TXT: Getting in a tickle fight with Kai would be like
📽️ BTS: How can namjoon keep calm like that???
📽️ (?)Cutest tickle fight ever
📽️ TXT: Soobin Tickling Taehyun's feet
📽️ The corner of cuteness (GIFs)
📽️ BTS: Jin's belly is ticklish
📽️ BTS: Kim Taehyung getting tickled
📽️ BTS: Jungkook getting gang tickled
📽️ BTS: Proof of Kim Taehyung being ticklish
📽️ BTS: Namjoon and Taehyung chasing Jin and trying to tickle him
📽️ BTS: Baby Taekook tickle moment
📽️ BTS: Jungkook tickling Tae's armpit in photoshoot
📽️ BTS: Hobi getting under Jk's shirt, admiring his abs but also tickling him 🤭
📽️ BTS: Tae sneaking his fingers on Jin's nape during an interview and acting like he is not doing anything
📽️ BTS: Jk trying to poke sides
📽️ BTS: Jimin getting ticklish during the game
🪶Ler! Tsukishima x Reader Headcanons
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Including: Chu's mind overflowing with how tsukki would bully someone by tickling them
📽️ (Non-tickle)Haikyuu stage play (1)
Including: Chu getting lost in the actor's facial expressions and getting flustered
📽️ (Non-tickle)Haikyuu stage play (2)
Including: Chu again, going crazy about the facial expressions that make her blush and get flustered so much
🪶(coming soon)
𝙲𝚑𝚞'𝚜 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏
🪶 How you sometimes need a fidget toy
Including: Chu fantasizing about tickles
🪶 Imagine your s/o taking care of you after a long day
Including: A wholesome tickle tease that might make you melt~ 🤭💙
🪶 💥💥💥
Including: A screenshot from one of my roleplays that melts meh 🥺🫠
🪶 Fellas~
Including: Chu asking her followers if it's normal to do some lee stuff 🤭
🪶 Imagine 1
Including: Imagine if this happened...
🪶 I love being a tickle toy
Including: Chu explains why she loves being a tickle toy
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lerbts · 5 years
Forever and always
A/N: This is based on a fear I had as a kid. I was so petrified of falling off the monkey bars XD.
Request: Can you please do a scenario where you go somewhere like a playground (could be an amusement park or smth) with the boys and you get stuck in a toy and become vunerable somehow and they notice it than they turn into little brats and start to tease and tickle you to death please???
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"You're sure I'm not gonna fall?" 
Oh, you were so nervous. You had a bad fear of heights and the boys had insisted on helping you get over it by taking you to the amusement park today. 
So of course, they'd picked the monkey bars. 
You were currently cowering at the start of them at the top; Yoongi and Jimin behind you while Hoseok, Seokjin and Taehyung waited towards the end of the track of bars. Namjoon loomed on the ground just below you while Jungkook waited.a bit closer towards the middle. 
"Positive silly girl. That's why Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung and I are down here. We'll catch you if you let go and be with you every step of the way."
Namjoon reassured you, eyes gentle. 
You bit your lip as apprehension shone in your eyes. 
"C'mon angel. You got this. We believe in you."
Jungkook added; for once not teasing as he smiled gently. 
You swallowed nervously and hesitantly reached out for the first rung grabbing it with your left hand before slowly adding your second hand. You stayed like that; clutching onto the bars so hard your knuckles turned white from the strain. 
You squeaked as you felt an index finger brush the skin of your underarm, shivering from fear and exertion.
You whimpered. 
"Just step off the ledge and we'll stop okay?"
Jimin mumbled into your ear as Yoongi began slowly spidering at the exposed skin on your other side. 
"We're right here. None of us will let anything happen to you.  You're totally safe baby." 
His gruff voice muttered into your ears. 
You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling but between their breath on your ears and their fingers against your armpits you were losing your composure and trying not to squirm as you shook slightly from holding yourself back. 
Just as you felt like finger graze your bare tummy thanks to raising your arms up you jumped as you couldn't take it anymore. 
You hung there and made it to the third rung before you stopped as your gaze went to the ground and you shakily released a breath; trying to calm down. 
"You're okay; I've gotcha babygirl."
Namjoon's deep rumble met your ears from below you as you felt his palm warm your slightly cool legs from the wind as they graze you.
"J-Joon, I'm scared-can I come down? Please?"
Your voice was shaky as you tried to keep your emotions in check. 
He squeezed your leg in a reassuring touch but you yelped and tried to kick on instinct at the bolt of ticklishness that assaulted your senses. 
"Namjoon careful!"
Though you couldn't see him you could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Oh? Careful of what? This?"
You felt a smile twitch at your lips before you started squirming as giggles escaped you when he wiggled his fingers underneath your knee. Your kicking was all for naught and only served to send your flip-flops flying off. 
You whined as you heard a few of the others snickering at your plight and blushed as you looked up towards the next rung. Through your stuttered giggling you sighed in relief as he stopped when you reached out and managed to grasp it making progress as you went from 3 to 7 putting you near Jungkook. 
You panted; out of breath thanks to holding up your body weight for so long. 
"Need a hand?" You tensed as Jungkook wrapped his hands around your bare middle. 
"Jungkook don't start please…"
You trailed off, a clear warning in your voice. 
"Aww are you tired pretty girl? Let me see if I can help you get some of that strength back~" 
You already were struggling a bit in his firm grip and pouted as he began ever so slowly tracing circles across your stomach and back. 
"Tickle tickle tickle~"
You whimpered and eventually he noticed you were ready to move on when he started squeezing at your sides and scratching  between your sensitive ribs and released you from his strong grip. 
You recovered and he noticed you lagging though a scribble at your bare foot was enough to make you hop the next two rungs. 
You saw Taehyung, Seokjin and Hoseok a little ways below you and you'd meet with them in a few more rungs. 
You swallowed nervously as thoughts of falling began to fill your mind but forced one hand in front of the other until you were at the end...and then you slipped. 
You yelped slamming your eyes shut in fear and hesitantly opened them to see Seokjin's face looking down at you as he held you bridal style in his arms. 
"Told ya we'd catch you if you fell princess."
He said teasingly; smiling smugly as you blushed madly and he set you down. 
You were surrounded by others immediately as they beamed at you. 
"You did it!! We couldn't be more proud of you."
Taehyung smiled cheekily as he wiggled his fingers into your neck, making you flinch away with a giggle. 
"Looks like your little weakness came in handy huh?"
Jungkook joined in on the teasing, jeering playfully at you as he hummed. 
"You must really like it if it calmed you down so much...why don't we reward you with more you pretty little thing?"
You flushed crimson and hid behind Hoseok, already feeling laughter building in your throat. "Guys...c'mon. We should go home first at least-"
Jimin shook his head with a grin as Namjoon smirked at you.  
"I'd start running if I were you doll."
You didn't need to be told twice. 
Giggles escaped your lips as you raced to avoid the 7 boys kind enough to give you a headstart. You headed up the stairs towards the top of the play area and your eyes lit up as you saw a tube  meant to lead to the slide on the other side, small enough for you to fit with holes on top to let some air in. It would be tight but that also meant the boys couldn't pursue. It was perfect!
You squeezed yourself in only to realize you were stuck. Oh God. You tried to squirm free but swallowed nervously as all you managed to do was flip over in the tube, leaving your legs and feet sticking out along with half of your tummy as you looked up at the sky. 
You head the boys laughter, and tried once more to struggle only to gulp as you realized you weren't going anywhere without their help. 
"Ooh, what do we have here?"
You felt yourself blushing already as you heard Yoongi's mocking voice. 
"Looks like a cute little girl has gotten herself stuck~"
Seokjin mused and you huffed. 
"Alright you've had your fun teasing just help me get loose will you?"
You would've jumped away if you could as you felt a pair of nimble fingers suddenly attacking your vulnerable legs, squeezing at your upper thighs and causing you to giggle helplessly. 
"Now is that any way to talk to the people who helped you get over your fear of heights hm?" 
Jimin only taunted you more and you blushed darker as Jungkook peeked at you from one of the holes on top of the tube. 
"Aww!! She's blushing so much! You really do like this don't you cutie? Here, lemme help."
Your hopes rose as you thought he meant he'd help you out only to instead see his hands coming through the other hole to attack your vulnerable ribs and upper stomach. 
"Nhohoho!! Come ohohon!"
"What's wrong? Can't take a little tickling kitten?"
Namjoon joined in on the teasing making you whimper in embarrassment. 
Hoseok purred and despite Jungkook's smirk being all you could see you quickly figured out he was by your feet as his arms locked around your ankles. 
"What pretty noises you make when flustered like this~ We'll have to do this to you more often. Good thing you enjoy it so much hm?"
He began scratching at your exposed soles and arches but turned his attention to your toes when he heard you squeal in panic. 
You were a mess by now; all the different tickling and by Gods the teasing was so horribly good. 
After Taehyung joined in by going after your hips while the others teased you entirely lost it and began begging which only encouraged them. 
Jungkook called out once he saw tears of laughter though. 
"Alright alright guys, she's crying let's help her out."
It took a bit of tugging but thankfully you tumbled out with their help. 
You glared at the 7 of them and tried not to pout or blush; both of which you failed miserably at as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
"Oh don't be like that~ You know you liked it."
Jin sing-songed with a grin that had a shy smile twitching at your lips. 
A gentle squeeze to your side was all it took to make you join them for a group hug. 
"We're all seriously proud of you baby. You did amazing today. We love you."
You couldn't help your beaming smile if you tried. 
"I love you guys too. For forever and always."
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il0veyoujk · 4 years
Just Imagine 10
You, your boyfriend Yoongi and your best friend Taehyung are in the park eating ice cream, you on Yoongi’s lap sideways as he is hugging you. 
Suddenly you feel your boyfriend’s soft nose rubbing your neck and leaving tiny kisses all over the crook of your neck. 
You giggle and lean more onto him as you scrunch up your shoulders while Yoongi softly chuckles in your neck, sending a new way of ticklishness in your body and down your spine. 
And as you are thinking it cannot get worse, you feel Yoongi’s arms move and Taehyung’s large fingers poking all round your sides and ribs.
You squeal and thrash around on your boyfriend’s lap as three of your most sensitive spots are being tickled.
“Ahhh Yoongz, she is so ticklish! Check this out!” Taehyung exclaims as he scribbles fastly on your ribs, getting a scream and loud laughter from you as strangers are passing by and watch the three of you in awe. 
“That’s nothing, look at that” Yoongi nibbles fastly yet softly your neck and that’s where you lose it. 
You start scream and laugh loudly while electricity is hitting your entire body from how much it tickles. 
The boys chuckle and shake their heads as they let you go and continue tease you about how sensitive you are until you decided to go back home. 
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jungvk · 6 years
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Jin&JHope for Apple Music
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jupitersmoonsstuff · 2 years
Hi everyone!
I wanted to let everyone know that im open to writing tickle fic requests! I'm willing to to character x character or character x reader!
For character x character i will only do familial characters as platonic. If i feel uncomfortable writing your request i have the right to deny it
For character x reader just tell me the pronouns for the reader, whether or not you want it to be platonic or romantic, as well as a scenario for the fic so i have something to go off of. Same as the character x character i have a right to deny it if it makes me uncomfortable
For characters i write for
* i will write almost any character from LMK as long as ik enough about them
*the same goes for MHA if ik enough about the character
Those are really the only 2 fandoms i an righting for at the moment so sorry about that
But feel free to start sending in requests!!!!
I have added Cookie Run Kingdom to my tickle fic/headcannons requests! However im gonna go over some rules for it
1: i will not be writing for the disney cookies or the BTS cookies
2: character x character resquest that are between familial or children cookies will ne platonic only!!!!
3: the same goes with character x reader, any characters that are minors will be writen as platonic only! If you try and request something romantic with the child characters your getting blocked
That is all. Thank you for reading!
Update #1: I will be adding The Owl House to the list of fandoms I'll write for. All rules for requesting still apply
Update #2: Im also open to do a tickle headcannon list for specific character(s). I will write the headcannons in a way that it could be interpreted as either platonic or romantic but if you want to specify it in your request that also works
My rules will still apply for headcannons as it does with fic request. If any character that is requested is a minor those headcannons will be strictly platonic only!
One more thing. You can also request if you want Ler! Lee! Or Switch! Headcannons for the character. If its not specified I'll just do both Lee! and Ler! headcannons
Thank you all for reading and please feel free to send in requests!!!
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little-bts-writer · 4 years
She’s t-wordish?
Ler: BTS
Lee: Reader
This is my first bts x reader fic so I am excited to write this! This was requested by an anon which BTS find out the reader is t-wordish for the first time.
In your home, you were packing stuff up. Sleepover things. The boys invited you to have a sleepover with them and boy, you were excited!
You were packing the last of your things with a big smile on your face. The eight of you haven’t had a sleepover in forever so you all thought, why not?
All your things were now packed and you immediately went out the door and walked over to the boys’ dorm. 
The street across from the dorm was in front of you, and you quickly jogged across it. 
You were now at the boys’ dorm and you opened the door, finding the seven of them preparing for a game of spin the bottle. “Hey!” You said, which caught their attention. All seven of them turned their heads to see you there. “Hi y/n!” They greeted and trapped you in a big group hug. Taehyung’s hand lightly ran across your side unintentionally which made you bite your lip to stop yourself from giggling. Fortunately for you, he didn’t notice your reaction. You thought to yourself, “thank goodness.”
The eight of you pulled away. Jimin almost tripped over Yoongi’s foot in the process. You giggled a little while Jimin slightly blushed from embarrassment. “So, what do you guys wanna do?” You asked. Namjoon looked back at the bottle before answering. “How about we play spin the bottle?” He asked. You blushed, knowing the rules to spin the bottle. You have to kiss the person it lands on. “But, how about we change it up. Instead of having to kiss the person the bottle lands on, we tickle them instead.” Namjoon added. The idea made you blush even more. “Y-yeah sure.” You reluctantly agreed. “Alright, then it’s settled!” Hoseok exclaimed as the eight of you sat in a circle.
“So, who’s going first..?” Jungkook asked, tapping his finger on his arm. “How about we play rock paper scissors?” You suggested. All of you agreed and split into four pairs of two. Jin and Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung, and you and Jungkook. 
The results were:
Jin: Paper/ Hoseok: Rock
Yoongi: Scissors/ Namjoon: Rock
Jimin: Scissors/ Taehyung: Paper
You: Rock/ Jungkook: Paper
“Dang it!” You exclaimed as you saw Jungkook had paper. Jungkook giggled happily since he was moving on the semi-final rounds.
The pairings this time are: Hoseok and Namjoon, and Jimin and Jungkook.
The results:
 Hoseok: Paper/ Namjoon: Scissors
Jimin: Rock/ Jungkook: Paper
The results concluded that the finals were Namjoon and Jungkook.
The results:
Namjoon: Paper/ Jungkook: Scissors
Jungkook jumped happily and clapped since he was the winner. “Alright alright, don’t brag.” Jin said, calming Jungkook down.
The eight of you sat down in a circle again and Jungkook spun the bottle. It started to slow down as you guys watched closely. It finally stopped, pointing at Jimin. Jimin widened his eyes and slowly backed up, seeing Jungkook with a wide smirk on his face. “Come here Jimin, this won’t hurt at all~” He said in a teasing voice and pounced on Jimin just before he could run away. “NONONONONO- AHAHAHAH!!!” Jimin laughed loudly as Jungkook dug into Jimin’s underarms. “AHAHAHAH!! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHEHERE!!” He squealed and threw his head back. “Yes there Jiminie, you’re so cute when you laugh! Tickle tickle cutie~” Jungkook cooed teasingly. 
Jungkook tortured Jimin for about five minutes before it was Jimin’s turn to spin the bottle. He spun it and it landed on Jin. “Oh no..” Jin thought. He let Jimin straddle him since there was no escape. “Ready hyung?” Jimin said, suddenly placing his hands on Jin’s ribs. Jin squeaked at the sudden action. “Aw how cute~” Jimin teased before scribbling his fingers across Jin’s ribs. “GYAHAHAHAHAH!! STAHAHAHAP!! Jin squealed, shaking his head side to side. “No hyung, you’re too cute!” 
Jimin decided to be evil and blow a raspberry on Jin’s ribs. Doing so, he earned louder laughter with a snort in between. “NOHOHOHOHO!!! *snort* STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIT!!” Jin laughed loudly.
Five minutes was up and it was Jin’s turn to spin. The bottle landed on Yoongi. Yoongi glared at Jin. “If you even dare tickle me, I will break your fingers one by one.” He warned. Jin giggled. “Too bad~” He said, getting up.
You were next to Jin so when he got up, he unconsciously ran his hand across your side, making you squeak and cover your mouth. The seven of them turned their heads to you. You blushed in embarrassment. “Aw what was that? A squeak?” Namjoon teased. You blushed even more. “N-no it wasn’t I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You lied. “Hyung, I think she’s ticklish!” Taehyung pointed out. “You’re right.” Namjoon responded in realization. “Guys, I promise I’m not ticklish, just get away from me..” You tried to reason with them as they cornered you. 
Too late.
Jungkook tackled you to the floor and straddled your waist. Jin sat on your arms while Hoseok pinned your ankles. Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung sat on both your left and right side.
 “Now tell us, are you ticklish?” Jungkook asked. “No.” You replied, trying to sound confident. “Fine then~” Jungkook started scribbling his fingers all around your tummy. “H-Hehehehehey! Stohohohop!” You giggled and squirmed a little on the floor. “No, not yet, we just found out you’re ticklish and we’re gonna take advantage of it~” Jin said, poking your underarms making you squeak from every poke. “Aww cutie~” Jimin teased, going for your feet. Your laughter rose another octave. “NONONO- NAHHAAHAHAH!! STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIT!!!” You squealed as the rest of the members joined in, by Yoongi tickling your thighs and behind the knees, Namjoon tickling your ribs, and Taehyung helping Jimin tickle your feet. “YOHOHOU GUHUHUHUYS PLEAHAHAHASE!! ANHYTHIHIHIHING BUHUHUHUT THIHIHIHIS!!” You begged, being a giggly mess on the floor. “Too bad, you’re gonna take it cutie~” Jungkook teased and dipped his finger into your bellybutton. “Tickle tickle little one~” Jin whispered in your ear, making you blush madly. “Aww she’s blushing!” Hoseok teased. “YOHOHOHOU GUHUHUHUYS AHAHAHARE SOHOHOHOHO MEHAAHAHAHAHAN!!!” You cried out as you laughed uncontrollably. “Not mean, we just wanna have some fun.” Jungkook said, taking a deep breath and blowing a raspberry on your bellybutton. “NOHOHOHOHOHO STAHAHAHAHAHAP NOHOHHOHOT THAHAHAHAT PLEAHAHAHAHASE!!” You screamed with laughter. “Yes that baby girl~” Jungkook teased. He blew another one making you laugh so hard. 
Jin decided to play “monkey see monkey do” so he blew raspberries on your neck over and over again. “IHIHIHIHIM GOHOHOHOHONA PAHAHAHAHASS OUHUHUHUHUT!!!” You screamed, it being obvious that you’re laughter was growing tired. “How about after one more thing?” Namjoon asked, signaling everyone to get off of you. 
Namjoon straddled your waist. “Now I want you to keep your arms up for me okay baby girl? If you can do it for five minutes, we’ll stop.” He said as you nodded. He nodded back and began poking your ribs. “NOHOHOHOHO!!!” You screamed as you realized what he was doing. He was playing rib count. “4, 5, 6, remember, hold still.” He assured. How could you hold still? It felt like torture. “NAHAHAHAMJOHOHOHON PLEHAHAHAHASE IHIHIHI CAHAHAHANT TAHAHAHAKE IHIHIHIT!!” You cried out for him to stop. Namjoon ignored you and continued. “10, 11, 12.” He mumbled. You were trying your hardest to keep your arms up. “14, 15, 16, you’re doing good little one, keep it up!” “IHIHIHIM TRYIHIHIHIHING!!!” You shouted. Though the nicknames made you blush, you loved them because it made you feel protected and loved. “17, 18, 19, 20, you’re almost there~” Namjoon said, counting the last of your ribs. “21, 22, 23, 24!” 
As soon as he said “24″, his hands were off of you in less than a second. Namjoon got off of you and sat you in his lap. “You okay baby girl?” He asked concerned as the others gathered around you. “Yes...I’m...fine..” You panted. “Let’s all cuddle for now okay?” Jin crouched and said. You nodded and Namjoon carried you to the sofa with the rest following behind. 
The seven of them comforted you for the rest of the day. How you loved these boys~
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lia-the-potato05 · 4 years
Hey...Just wanna leave out a few reminders since from now on I will be writing tickle fics
I'm still new to writing, I'm absolutely terrible at it but please bare it with for now since I'm sure I will improve myself in the future
I have no specific positing schedule since I only write when I have ideas and motivation
The kind of fics I will be writing are Member x Member and Ler Reader x Lee Member. I'm sorry but I'm not really a fan of Lee reader please don't hate me. But if you want me to try writing one I'll give it a shot but I don't wanna make promises I can't keep
The groups I will be using in my fics will be BTS for now maybe TXT aswell? Not sure
You can request if you want but I might be posting them late since I have a lot of ideas at the moment
I guess that's all...😂 Bye guys
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daybreak-tkler · 4 years
Hello there~
So, I had someone ask me: "what kind of fics do you write?" and that got me thinking. I've never gotten down into the specifics of how I write and which groups I write for. So I'll write it all here:
Groups I write for:
These are the only groups I write for, so please don't request any other group.
-I do not write 'x reader' fics because personally, reading reader insert fanfics makes me uncomfortable and writing them makes me feel even worse. If you have an an x reader request, I'm sure someone else can write it for you.
-i will write lee and ler headcannons!
-I write SFW fics only.
-I will write 'member x member' fics.
-I can also do group crossover fics, but I wouldn't want to write them all the time.
Important note:
If your request does not get written, it's not because I don't like you or that I'm mean or any other ludicrous thing. It's simply because either the request makes me uncomfortable or I have written a fic similar to it. I want to write fics that have a lot of variety.
For example: at the moment I have mostly lee! Yoongi requests, I will not be writing fics for all of these because there are so many. I want more of a variety to write about so that my readers don't get bored, y'know?
That's all I wanted to say. if you have a tickly request for any of the four groups above, pop it in the ask box and I'll see what I can do.
That's it for now~
Stay sweet, sugarcubes!
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atzgiggle · 5 years
Movie night
A/N Requests are open everyone! Search #rules to read how to send in a request. This fic is dedicated to my friend Matt. Thank you! <3
Lee!Reader / Ler!Maknaes (BTS)
Ship: You x Maknae line
Word count: ???? (I’ll add that later..)
“Hey, you came!” Taehyung said happily as soon as he walked into the living room.
“Oh, yeah I did. I didn’t want to, but these guys insisted..” you said, pointing at the other two maknaes who were standing next to you. All three of the boys felt your bad mood in the air.
You had a long day, and when Jimin called you to remind you of the movie night, you honestly didn’t feel like coming. You were tired, sad, angry. But your friend wouldn’t give up and eventually convinced you to come.
“Hey, Y/N, is anything wrong? Did you have a bad day?” Jimin’s sweet voice asked you. Your annoyance and bad temper lessened and made place for sadness. He hugged his arms around you, looking at you with concerned eyes. You just sighed deeply, nodding slightly as you brought your head down.
“I’m sorry. I’m ruining this movie night for all of us, it’s better if I just go, guys.”
As soon as those words left your lips, the three maknaes protested.
“No, Y/N. You’re not ruining anything. It’s okay to be sad or tired after a bad day. But hey, we’re your friends. We’ll try to make you feel better.” Jungkook’s sweet words lifted your mood a little. You were so happy to have such amazing friends.
“Kookie’s right. Why don’t we go to the tv room and start watching, hm? We’ll watch any movie you like, precious,” Taehyung said, taking your body into his arms as well. You nodded with a soft smile.
So, the four of you moved yourselves and your snacks to the tv room, a room with a soft, comfortable plateau, many pillows and a big tv.
“Here, baby. Put your head on my lap,” Jimin said sweetly. And so you did, you rested your head on his lap as you layed down on your back, turning your neck to watch the screen. Jungkook started playing The Lion King, knowing it was your favourite movie.
After a short time of watching, you felt Jimin’s fingers entangle with your hair, playing with the strands in such a relaxing way. You felt his fingers creep to your neck, before they started to trace the skin lightly. The soft tickles weren’t enough to make you laugh or squirm, but they sure did bring a smile and a blush to your face. The boys knew you loved the sweet sensation of tickles, and that also included the soft traces of skin. Jimin’s fingers went up in your hair, then to the back of your ears and your neck, to your shoulders and back.
The maknaes shared a knowing look, unnoticed by you. Jimin signalled at one of your favourite ticklish spots; your adorable tummy. And so, Jungkook began to lightly play with your shirt, pulling it up slowly to reveal your tummy to the two youngest. You knew what was coming, and you loved the idea of it.
2 pairs of fingers began to spider at your tummy slightly, with very light touches and traces. Jungkook played with your bellybutton, sometimes changed to tapping softly or tracing words such as ‘precious’ and ‘ticklish’ on your tummy. The softest giggle escaped your mouth, as your tummy was slightly more ticklish than your neck.
You soon felt a pair of lips on your tummy as well. Taehyung kissed the skin so lightly, you let out another giggle. The sensation felt perfect, you thought. You felt so content, and a lot more happy than before.
Jimin smiled with you. “Such a ticklish little baby, aren’t you?” He teased after a while, wiggling his fingers in your neck.
“Ah- hehehe, no..” you said, your cheeks burning red.
“No? Then what are you giggling about, Y/N?” Jungkook asked as he used his nails to lightly scratch at your tummy.
“H-hey! Stop that~” You couldn’t help but squirm around a little and giggle.
Taehyung smirked at the scene developing in front of him. As sweet as he may be, he can be the most evil ler. He didn’t mind taking the tickling a step further, so sat on his knees next to your body and proposed one of his amazing evil ideas.
“You seem to be very ticklish though, Y/N. Why don’t we play a little game? So you can prove how long you can last being tickled by us, huh?”
The suggestion brought a deep blush to your cheeks. “But..! That’s unfair..”
“Why would it be unfair? I thought you said you weren’t ticklish, so you’ll be fine, right?” Jimin asked, lifting your head up and sitting on his knees next to it instead, placing a pillow under your head for support.
“Great! The rules of this games are; we get to tickle you for two minutes, and you have to keep your arms up and your legs down. If you fail, we’ll get to tickle you whenever we want. If you make it, we’ll be tickled by the others as well.”
You shivered at the thought, though a rush of excitement rushed through your body. “Okay. Easy,” you said.
“We’ll make sure it won’t be easy, lovely. Now put your arms up,” Jungkook demanded.
You nodded obediently, lifting your arms above your head as your shirt rised up even higher.
After Taehyung set a timer, he started the countdown. You felt the three evil gazes on you. Giggles were already bubbling in your stomach from Jungkook who was slowly wiggling his fingers right above your tummy, looking at you with an evil smirk.
All 30 fingers immediately attached themselves to your body. Jimin poked and scratched at your underarms, occasionally moving to your ribs, all while not moving his fingers too fast to keep the sensation unbearable.
Jungkook immediately used his nails on your tummy and sides. He circled around your bellybutton, squeezed your sides, fastly moved his fingers over your skin, everything to make you break.
Taehyung went crazy on your legs. Squeezing your thighs, wiggling his fingers inbetween them or over your knees. At some point, he even moved his spidering fingers to your feet, making you lose your shit and kick your legs up. And you didn’t even last a minute.
“Uh-oh, tickle baby lost!” Jimin said teasingly.
“It was too hard! How did you expect me to win that?!” you complained, but Jungkook quickly shushed and hugged you.
“Don’t be a sore loser now! We’ll get to tickle you whenever we want!”
Evil, truly evil.
A/N Let me know if you want a part II in which the ler loses. Which maknae would you guys like to see in that situation?
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little-lee-froggie · 2 years
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(Art by John Thompson on cutewallpaper.org)
Hello, and welcome to the pond!
Asks are: Closed :(( you can still send in requests, I just won’t answer them until requests are open again unless I feel like it (If you send an ask, please include ‘quality’ or ‘quantity’. If you include‘quality’, I’ll spend a while on it to get it the best I can, but it may take 1-3 weeks, whereas if you include ‘quantity’, it might not be as good, but it should take just a few days)
Fandoms I will write for: MHA/BNHA, DSMP, KNY (I might do others, but if you request one not listed, you might not get answered, sorry)
My more personal posts: Shitty brain stuff (aka my mental health)  My identity 
There are many interesting things about the pond, but we don’t want to pollute it, so here are some things to make sure you don’t bring to to pond:
🪷Of age charactor x underage charactor!romantic
All things listed above are non-negotiable. Things may be added if I forgot some or found something else I’m not ok with. Please respect my boundaries
Great! Now that we have that out of the way, here are some things we have here:
Messages in a bottle (anon asks):
Tell us!!  Lee!Todoroki Ler!LoV(-Dabi)
Hashira with ticklish friend/partner pt.2
The mossy rocks (any original ff):
Special post - MHA, DSMP, Assassination classroom
Your smile..  Lee!OC Ler!Todoroki (siblings)
Secret exposed  Lee!OC Ler!Bakugou Ler!Sero Ler!Kirishima Switch!Denki (platonic)
Please be happy  Lee!reader Ler!Dabi (platonic)
I will always be here for you  Lee!reader Ler!Kirishima
I’ve missed you Lee!reader Ler!Shinsou
What did you just say? Lee!reader Ler!Shinsou
I can help!! Lee!reader Ler!Kaminari
You aren’t alone  Lee!reader Ler!C!Philza (platonic)
I’m healing you!  Lee!reader Ler!dreamXD
Smile for us Fawny~  Lee!OC Ler!Tommy Ler!Techno Ler!Wilbur (Hybrid AU, siblings)
The bitter-sweet days  Giyuu x reader (non-tickling, platonic, angst) 
are you tired? Lee!reader Ler!Inumaki
Maximum Ride:
I know you like this Lee!reader Ler!Fang
The enchanted garden surrounding (non-tickling related):
Quackity lore theory
Tokoyami quirk theory
FF19 art
Class 1A’s fav BTS songs
The frog rock (head-cannons):
Shinsou ler HCs -MHA
Denki ler HCs -MHA
Giyuu caretaker HCs -KnY
Dabi ler HCs-MHA
Obanai, Muichiro and Giyuu with ticklish friend / S/O -KnY
About the caretaker (random posts):
Todoroki and the kettle
The girl
Gender identity vs Gender expression
I hope you enjoy your visit to the pond, and I hope you come back soon!
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low-y · 4 years
⠀⠀⠀♡  welcome to my luv place!
(pt-br / eng )
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( English )
◐ : introduction
Hello! Hope you doing well. I’m Kaori and welcome to low-y, a blog dedicated to girl groups (only). Here I will post some layouts, bios, users, among others for free use on any site. If you take some of my works, Favorite for me to know that you liked it and then I will keep bringing new ones!
◐ : frequently questions
1. Where do you get the original images from?
I usually get the photos directly from Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, most of which are the artists' own accounts.
2. Do you use any kind of psd?
In this account I prefer to use the image as it really is, but when necessary I just adjust the lighting or contrast settings for better quality.
3. Where do you edit?
When there is some kind of messy edit, I use IbisPaint X. For the other configurations, Twitter and Polarr.
4. Don't you do boy groups editing?
This account is dedicated only to girl groups. In the future I will create an account for bgs.
5. And the requests?
You can make your request for the idol you prefer on any day of the week with the exception of Mondays and Wednesdays. I will answer on other days.
Thank you for reading the whole. If you still have any questions in particular or just want to chat, you can call me on chat or on my twitter ( @ lowgukkey ).
◐ : other blogs
bts moodboards/edits: @lowgukkey​
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( Português Brasil )
◐ : introdução
Olá! Espero que estejam bem. Meu nome é Kaori e sejam bem-vindos à low-y, um blog dedicado aos girl groups (apenas). Aqui irei postar alguns layouts, bios, users e outros de uso livre para qualquer site. Caso você pegue um de meus trabalhos, favorite para eu saber que gostou, assim irei continuar trazendo novos conteúdos!
◐ : perguntas frequentes
1. Onde você pega as imagens originais?
Eu costumo pegar as fotos diretamente do Twitter, Instagram e Pinterest, a maioria é das contas dos próprios artistas.
2. Você usa algum tipo de psd?
Nessa conta eu tenho a preferência de usar as imagens como elas realmente são, mas quando necessário, eu apenas ajusto a iluminação e contraste da foto para melhor qualidade.
3. Onde você edita?
Quando se trata de algum tipo de messy edit, eu uso o IbisPaint X. Para outras configurações, Twitter e Polarr. 
4. Você não faz edits de boy groups?
Essa conta é dedicada apenas para girl groups. No futuro irei criar uma conta para fazer posts de bgs, aguardem.
5. E quanto aos requests?
Você pode fazer o request com o idol de sua preferência em qualquer dia da semana com exceção de segundas e quartas. Eu irei atender nos outros dias.
Obrigada por ler o blog até aqui, se ainda ainda tiver alguma pergunta em particular ou apenas queira conversar, você pode me chamar no próprio chat do blog ou no meu Twitter ( @ lowgukkey ).
◐ : outros blogs
bts moodboards/edits: @lowgukkey​
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wellloveandpeace · 6 years
Poly!BTS x Reader
LifeLine - 6
Summary: What happens when a witch curses seven vampires to share one fated mate between them?
Immortals - 10
Summary: Sometimes, you find your destiny. And sometimes, your destiny does whatever it takes to keep you.
Tell Me Your Lies - 17
Summary: Even the sweetest of angels will sin.
Love Ourselves - 4
Summary: The boys have been cursed since their debut. The more success they receive, the more pain they will feel in their hearts. However this is not an actual curse, it is one they have placed upon themselves. The more they continued to grow as BTS, the more hatred that grew in their hearts. Recently, the darkness in their hearts has been growing stronger and stronger, but what happens, if they meet one person that seems to somehow make it go away?
Intertwined - 6
Summary: *
String of Fate - 9
Summary: They set fire to the world around them but would never let a flame touch her.
Recrudescence - 16
Summary: It’s nearly easy as breathing (for six of them, at least) for BTS to pretend to be just like everyone else - humans with big dreams and aspirations. But one person brings the façade crashing to the ground and for some reason, they just can’t let her go.
At Last - 9
Summary: Since the beginning of their existence, BTS has been cursed to share one soulmate with each other. It doesn’t help that she’s mortal and they’re not.
Need - 2
Summary: Sometimes you find your mate, and sometimes you find three. Life is funny that way.
Oath Of Desires - 8
Summary: It had only been them three for a long time. Not one person more, not one person less – just Jungkook, Taehyung and [Name]. Jungkook was elated when Taehyung and [Name] told him that they had become a couple. He literally could not have been happier. They were his favourite couple, and he loved them both…. A little too much.
Taste of Menace - 11
Summary: Your first time watching the underground fight took a completely wrong turn, why were you the only one laying lifeless on the cold ground when you weren’t even fighting?
Finish Line - 1
Summary: Being mated to seven men hadn’t always been easy. often more than not a healthy competitive streak rose amongst them, getting you pregnant just happened to be one of those competitions.
Baise La Peur - 3
Summary: is it a coincidence that eight friends all go missing within a year? of course not. but who’s there to notice? in order to survive, they all must do things they would never dare to in any other situation. trust is broken, relationships are severed, and lives are torn apart. but are they still able to get out alive? of course not.
Wild Ones - 7.3
Summary: Hybrids had long since been thought of as myths. You were one of those who didn’t believe they existed, until you found yourself mated to 7 of them.
It’s a Dangerous Pastime - 1
Summary: They really want you, more than anything, in fact. However, they don’t want to scare you away. They are trying to take their time and slowly insert themselves into your life, but plans change when need spikes to an all-time high.
Tuqburni - 3
Summary: You've spent two years building a life with Yoongi who you loved more than anything in the world. Now, his ex-boyfriend Jimin is back in the picture, and Yoongi begs you not to make him choose between the two of you, offering the choice of a polyamorous relationship. Though your heart is shattered, you agree.
Pandemonium - 2
Summary: As a broke college student trying to cover your basic needs along with some student debt, you realize maybe the whole ‘sugar daddy’ fad could be the new move. Thus you meet Park Jimin.....and his six other brothers.
The Whisperer - 3
Summary: Y/N is a lonely shelter worker with a secret. Suddenly, seven hybrids get thrust into her life in an unexpected, but not unwanted way. This is how their lives together progress and change for the better.
So Far Away - 6
Summary: On a cold Winter’s evening, the boys decide to have a little fun, before the busy day of Christmas in the morning. That is until an unexpected guest arrives at their home.
Call Me Yours - 3
Summary: Seokjin didn’t expect his new potential owner to be blind, but with the threat of being sent to a breeding clinic looming over his head, he’ll do anything.
Bunny Blues - 8
When Namjoon adopted you from his local shelter, he had been a perfect owner -- following all the bunny nutritional guidelines he needed too, buying you things you needed and even wanted, gave you all the attention you could have.
Now, almost a little over a year later, it was all falling apart.
The Dog Days Are Over - 6
Summary: You weren’t sure how this happened. You ended up with seven dogs. You were the crazy dog lady, that is, until, they no longer were your furry companions.
Discipline - 8
Summary: Your father has had enough and so he goes to greater measures to make sure you leave your bad ways behind.
Gathering The Chosen Seven - Prologue
Summary: When you thought that gathering seven different warriors was already a hard task, keeping them together seems like another struggle for you, especially when they rarely get along.
Candlelit Nightmare - 1
Summary: He can’t bring himself to introduce himself to you, so he lays in bed and touches himself to the thought of you instead.
I’ll Still Stay - 4
Summary: When reader goes to a local shelter, she plans on adopting one hybrid. At seeing the treatment of the hybrids, she unexpectedly goes home with seven, who already seem incredibly attached to her.
Veni Vidi Amavi - 2
Summary: you go to a hi-touch event immediately after a concert, high off of adrenaline. but meeting your favorite idols isn’t as fun as you expected.
Mirror - 2
Summary: Y/N is a big fan of fan fictions, her favorite genre? Yandere and/or dark romance. One night she fell asleep while reading a yandere story about her favorite K-pop group. What will happen she found herself being in the story as an idol and all of the members of BTS are obsessed with her?
Summary: When life gives you lemons, make cocktails! It doesn’t solve any problems, but then again neither do lemonades. Besides, it has the word cock in it, just like what the Bangtan boys have on them. So, why don’t you just suit yourself?
Seven Deadly Sins
Summary: *
Summary: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
Under Fire
Summary: As a child you lived among the most wealthy and powerful, after the death of your mother you were shipped off to stay with her sister. Even after finishing your education you continue to live apart from the elite, but a visit home creates an unexpected disaster. You are suddenly roped into a darker world, and who better to be your guide than the infamous gang known as BTS.
House of Cards: Sacrificial Lamb
Summary: *
Money makes the mob
Summary: Namjoon is a crime lord. you’re the escort he treasures and frequently shares with worthy members of his organization. and it’s nights like this that make you love the hell out of your job.
Summary: You're big hits first ever artist and only solo artist. And since bts are your only label mates (we are not including txt yet pls) bighit decided to built up a reality show called “BH8”.
Beastly Gods
Summary: ‘Don’t leave the forest,’ a rule that you’ve been forced to follow since birth, but you are tired of living in this wooden cage. Out of desperation you cut a deal with Taehyung, who claims to be the only one who can get you out safely, even though he might be just as dangerous as the god you’re trying to escape.
Moth to Flame
Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry...
Save Me
Summary: An unexpected meeting throws you into the lives of BTS, Korea’s deadliest gang. You slowly learn they are not who the world thinks they are. And for some reason, they all seem to have a soft spot for you.
Life with Bangtan
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blueberryspacemagic · 6 years
Tagged by @ladypearl, @tadashi-ler and @sherlin-merliniara :0
Rules: answer these 10 questions and tag 10 people 
Ultimate otp: Reaper76 and GloomSkull, I guess??
A ship you’ll always love: REAPER76, GLOOMSKULL, McHanzo, Anahardt, Shallura.... Idk.......
My current obsession: I would frickne die for Stricklake....... Also Jim x Claire (I don't know the ship name), Toby x Darcy is cute, Nadia x Portia (which I call Nartia) and I rediscovered my love for GloomSkull!!
A ship you never thought you’d like: Weinerham, Expensive Headphones, Misery x Iris, Shance, Allurance, Hotor?
a ship you liked but don’t anymore: Pe@r/Ro.se?
a ship you think should be canon: GLOOMSKULL, Rednid!!, Anahardt, REAPER76 and uh!!! Allurance (oh I'm pretty sure it's gonna be canon)!!!!!!
a canon ship you hate: St@rco? I honestly forgot any more, iI don't usually hate canon ships?
a ship you’ve been shipping for years: GloomSkull (first ship ever), Ferbnessa, Canderemy, Phinbella (I shipped them hard, then disliked them, but now I'm back to liking it again)?
a ship everyone loves but you don’t care about: There's something about most popular ships (especially m/m) that annoys me? K/Ance, St@rco, R/chJ@ke, W/dowtr@cer... Etc.
favourite rarepair: Sombracer, Iris x Misery from Ruby Gloom, Expensive Headphones, Shallurance, Hotor, Hance, Punk, Candessa, PhinJeetBella, StageDorks (apparently??? It's not the most popular one), I don't remember |D
I'm tagging: @tashiikouhai @the-cinnamon-cat @autumn---sky @dendixia @spookdog @lyra-lost-in-space BT
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