smilingangel582 · 4 months
Wind breaker, here I come! I couldn't watch the new episode yet due to some minor issues! Well... I wanna see more fics from others, but I'm too impatient 😤 so I'm writing one again!
Can't think of a better lee than Sakura, so... im gonna put a switch, Nirei and Sugishita! Totally ler Suo and Umemiya!
The other characters aren't gonna be part of the fic because... I never read the manga but ik bits of spoilers from it... soooo imma skip them till the anime introduces them... yeeet imma add some of the teeny tiny bits I was spoiled from the manga!
My spelling sucks ik and I'm a faster writer, so... I tend to make a lot of misspelling stuff as I type fast. (It's not ADHD or anything special... I'm just a hyper person in real life... hehe)
Warning spoilers from the anime and perhaps manga "my imagination after episode 8"
The big man himself
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Sakura Haruka, an outsider, but everyone in this town accepted him as family as quickly as Sakira pummeled five dudes in an instant whiff.
What the hell is this town...?
His thoughts are often reserved and well kept to himself. Even as he walked through the hallways, he noticed familiar faces greeting him as grade captain and respectful gestures. Sure Sakura can take in most and yet...
"Omg! He's the first year grade captain who beat shishitoren second in command!"
"His look is so cool!"
A small blush crept up to his cheeks, he just grunted in response, leaving them mid-praise towards him.
It's almost like an attack mechanism to Sakura, like compliments are his weakness, and the opponent strikes it mercilessly till he's crumbled.
Honestly, Sakura hates that about himself.
"Sakura-san! We need your help!"
Hearing Nirei's voice in front, he looked up, his bangs lifting at the sight of Suo and Nirei...
And Sugishita???
"What the hell do u want?" Sakura grumbled.
Suo's calmly allows to explain themselves, "Now Sakura-kun, us first years have a job to do... its specifically by Hiragi-san"
Straightening himself, Sakura nods seriously, "OK... sure"
Suo stares for a moment before chuckling into his hand, this made Sakura frown, "What's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing... I just thought how cute it is that you actually listen to your senpais..."
Sakura got flustered and began to sputter angrily, "Q-Quiet! I don't respect... well, uh, I m-mean... ugh, never mind. What the heck do we need to do anyway?"
Suo noticed in amusement how Sakura faltered in defeat, then he replied, "Oh nothing... Sugishita-kun and Hiragi-san over-watered one of Umemiya-san's precious tomato plants..."
Sakura blinked.
"And... whats the issue?"
Sugishita snapped, grabbing Sakura by the shirt, "It's a big problem dumbass!"
Sakura gritted his teeth in fury, "Who you calling dumbass?! Dumbass!"
Sup calmly separated them and began to run over what they should do, "So... the big issue is... they are a special gift from his -I quote 'Kotoha-chan'"
Now that made sense. Sakura pinched the bridge of his nose... no wonder they dragged him to the roof when Umemiya isn't around.
"Now what should we do?" Sakura asked folding his arms.
"We have to distract Umemiya-san, and make him forget about that plant" Nirei said, sweating buckets throughout their whole conversation. Sakura stumbled in surprise. He really forgot Nirei was actually there...
(Ps. I did, actually... teehee ^w^)
"Oh..." Sakura said blankly, putting two and two together. He turned now, "So good luck... its not my problem anyway"
"Waiiit!" Nirei clung yo his jacket, "You are out grade captain! Dont abandon us pls!!"
"Sakura-kun, we told u the story so... basically you are involved" suo shrugged nonchalantly, Sugishita glared daggers as if he's blackmailing Sakura, "You better help..."
"I could care less!"
Before anyone could pass out any words through their conversation. Sakura heard the door on the rooftop open, Umemiya came.
Oh shit.
"Ah! My cute little underclassmen!" Umemiya rushed towards the group with joy and then without warning ruffling everyone's hairs.
He specifically embaraced Sakura, showing he's a favourite.
"Ahhh! Sakuraaa" a childish cry of bliss came from the leader's lips, as he almost squashed the first year.
Sugishita glared and growled like a rottweiler, Suo claimed he's a jealous puppy further angering him.
"Well, well! What brings you lot to my humble paradise!"
Sakura squirmed out of his grip, grumbling, "Trying to protect that stupid plant of -hmph!"
He forgot... he forgot... Sakura luckily closed his own mouth before digging his own grave... and yet... Umemiya looks like he already got a shovel close to him.
"Hmm..." Umemiya smirked, now flicking his forehead, "Sakura.... When you lie, I can tell that your ear turns red"
He got flustered "I-i do not! I'm not lying!"
Sakura noticed Nirei seemed anxious, Suo with a calm and an unapologetic smile and Sugishita totally ignoring him. They all abandoned him... he was bait after all...
"Oh no~ Sakura-kun," Umemiya sang playfully, suddenly stepping forward with incredible speed, "You shouldn't shift your attention to something irrelevant when your opponent is right in front of you"
Sakura gasped when he felt Umemiya grab his waist instantly. Without realising he was pinned to the wall, he slid down when those fingers made a funny sensation over his sides...
Wait... is this... tickling?
Resist! Resist! Resist damn it! Come on, Haruka! U have to!
Sakura felt his own thoughts fighting the urge to laugh as mad fingers scurried up his ribcage instantly. He struggled and kicked in reflex, surprisingly arching is back like a flexible sprig when Umemiya skillfully tickled his lower ribs.
"G-gah!" A squawk left him. While Suo and the rest awkwardly saw what was happening, the eye patch guy had to comment, "Oh wow... Sakura-kun are you ticklish?"
Umemiya grinned at that, "Oh, he is... how cute, little bro... but be careful. Your big bro is a biiiig tickle monster!"
Sakura suddenly jolted when Umemiya traced his waist beneath the shirt. The tingling sensation on his bare skin was insane. Its perhaps because Sakura never felt tickling before that he actually felt it like something so strong and unbearable.
How embarassing... he's giggling like a four year old.
"Shihihihihit! Hahahaha, whyhehehe whhhyy hahaha??!" Sakura squirmed, now twisting on his stomach, trying to escape.
Why is this man even tickling him?
"Why?" Umemiya grabbed his sides, pulling him closer to him, "Because you are obviously hiding something from me... aaaand... your are too cute!"
"Dahahahahamn ihihiiiiHIHIHIT! NOHO!" Sakura's laughter kicked an octave when Umemiya traced his armpits - not even tickle - just gentle featherlight tickling he never expected to tickle so much!
But...it feels good... it's the first time someone ever touched him so playfully...
Not cruel jabs that sting like poker sticks or burning hits from harsh punches... just mild subtle ticklish jolts like electric shocks.
"Suo, Nirei, can you grab him for a moment?"
Hearing this, Sakura snapped into reality. Huh? Why? Why are they restraining him?
Suo grabbed his wrists up above his head, the warm concrete floor beneath him, giving his wishes before his doomsday, Nireo sitting on his shins... and Umemiya on the side with a wide grin.
"I would've resorted to other easier methods, but I guess you like being tickeld. Eh Sakura?"
Blush, Sakura yelped, "N-no! Obviously not! Ugh, y-you bastard... and -" Sakura turned to the other three."Are you guys ditching me????"
Suo gives a gentle grin, "Sorry, but you are strong enough to handle this unlike us, plus..." Suo gives a teasing scribble under Sakura's armpit, making the latter jolt in surprise, "Umemiya-san said you like it"
Sakura exploded, "I NEVER SAID THAT -AAAH!"
Umemiya launched his tickles instantly before Sakura could express anything. Sakuta couldn't even focus his priorities as multiple spots are being targeted.
"Saakuraaa~, what's the juicy secret you're keeping from me?"
Gosh... the others guys are supposed to be on his side! Did they all deviate from the plot just to mess with Sakura? Unbelievable!
Sakura panicked with a squeak when Umemiya kept lingering around his stomach. He felt a plunging sensation in his gut as Umemiya poked his naval.
"D-Doho nohohot pohohohoke thahahat!" Sakura shrieked, now bucking himself tryinf to shake them off but they all remained resilient.
"Wow, Sakura-san, you really are sensitive" Nirei unconsciously squeezed his kneecaps making it worst despite his feigned innocence.
Sugishita watched with an unreadable expression his face was so judgemental, and Sakura hoped it didn't mean 'cute' to the taller guy.
Suo leaned towards Umemiya now, not even bothering to lower his voice through Sakura's booming laughter, "His armpits seem pretty sensitive too, boss"
It's bad... though Sakura has never been tickled before, his alert senses are tingling mad. Its bad...!
"Oh...?" Umemiya slowly crawled his fingers up the boney ribs and finally into the light muscular armpits, "Here? Is Sakura sensitive under there?"
Squeal. To say Sakura let out such an embarrassing sound was not a lie. He wanted to crawl it yo a rock and die right now for making such an absurd noise like a squeal.
"Ehh? Already? Wow, that didn't take long?" Suo teased, and Umemiya winked back, stopping gradually as he persisted, "Tell me, kid~"
"Ahahahahaha ohoohohohok ohohohok! Ihihihits yohohour duhuhuhuhumb plahahahant thehehe ohohone Kohohohotahaha gahahave yahahaha!"
Sakura confessed... all it took was a tickle to his armpits to spill the milk.
Umemiya stopped instantly. Uh oh... all of that may be fun and games but Nirei realised that they were suppose to keep him distracted not make Sakira confess...
Umemiya sigh, scratching the back of his head, "Well I wanted to make Sakura confess about liking to be tickled... I almost forgot why I started this..." he smiled now ruffling Sakura's messed up hair and his still blushing face flowing more red.
"Well im glad you kept your comradeship safe sweet brother" Umemiya grinned.
Sakura blushed to the tips of his ears, huffing, "Not like I did anythjnf but be a victim..."
It was all OK...
"So... what's this about my plant?"
Or... It wasn't
"Did I hear you say it was Kotoha's plant?" Umemiya's smile darkened, sweet to bitter ...its bad now.
Sakura gulped but suo being the rescuer instantly grabbed everyone and scurried away before the leader of Borfurin could catch up.
Sakura couldn't say he hated his day but he really wondered what happened to the tomato plant Hiragi said he was gonna replace...
No one will know the depths Hajime Umemiya would go to cherish what Kotoha gave him.
Sakura shivered... a bigger tickle monster is lurking inside the leader.
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The end was rushed, ik! Ik! It came too cute, too, so the plot was messy! Sorryyyyy my badddd also don't blame me! It's so late, and I'm hyper from caffeine! Byeee
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ghostlee · 2 months
I sent this in as an ask to another blog sharing some thoughts but I want you guys to have them too hehhe.
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Enjoy some more Lee!Suo Headcannons!!
- Suo is super ticklish but due to his fighting style he makes it so people can rarely get near him.
- I'd like to think that Umemiya was one of the first people to try and tickle Suo.
- It was a more touching moment where it was just the two of them and Ume was watching Suo getting a little stressed and went to hug Suo when he hugged around his sides and felt Suo jump some in his touch and suddenly bury his face into Umes shoulder which is super out of character for him.
- Ume wasn't sure what was wrong so he adjusted his grip a tiny bit but felt Suo squirm around in his arms as he thought he heard a small bark of laughter.
- His sides are one of his worst spots, and Ume finding it out in a hug was the first time he realized.
- Ume holds him a bit closer and scribbles against his side his laughter a bit muffled.
- Suo would probably start squirming and Ume turns Suo around so he can trap the squirmy guy to his chest and tickle him.
- Ume quickly finds out he has a super cute and light laugh, and then just sits there behind Suo wiggling his fingers into the boys sides.
- Suo finding out that he trusts Ume alot and relaxes into the tickles as he just laughs carefree.
- Ume letting Suo fall back into his chest as he just softly tickles Suo while the other just leans his head back on Ume's shoulder and laughs.
- Sakura soon finding out that Suo was ticklish too but being nervous to tickle him.
- Kiryu not being afraid at all and somehow knowing the perfect way to tickle Sup to make him crumble.
- Suo soon grows to trust his close friendgroup more to tickle him when they are more in private.
- Neiri definitely takes notes on the fact that Suo is ticklish and exactly where.
- Suos earrings tickle his neck every now and then and he will randomly giggle because of it and nobody can figure out why.
- Sakura finally gaining the confidence to try and tickle Suo and realizing how absurdly adorable it is watching Suo break down into giggles below his hands.
- Suo’s palm of his hands are also ticklish, who found that one out? Who knows.
I hope you enjoyed!!
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breakerwind · 3 months
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Lee!Sakura / Ler!Suo
Warning: First part is mostly feet tickling
Summary: Sakura hurts his foot in a fight and seeks Suo’s aid. After suggesting a massage, Suo learns something about his friend.
A/N: I didn’t read this after writing it so ignore any errors
Sakura wasn’t used to getting hurt in fights. He was skilled and usually a tier above anyone he fought.
He wouldn't’ve ever expected to hurt himself while beating up a thug who was causing trouble in the town, but here he was. One of his ankles sat on Suo’s knee as the boy examined his right foot.
“I should take you to a nurse.” Suo sighed, partially annoyed that Sakura would come to him instead of a professional. “I could probably get you in trouble with Umemiya for not telling anyone about an injury, y’know?” He teased, looking Sakura in his eyes.
Sakura couldn’t maintain eye contact. He looked away, slightly blushing. “Don’t. I don’t even know how this happened!” He crossed his arms. “I lifted my leg to kick the guy in his scummy face, but when I pivoted my foot, I felt something weird.”
“Something weird? Did you sprain it?” Suo asked, worriedly. He furrowed his eyebrows and considered asking how he could find the guy who was technically responsible for this.
“I dunno! I’m not a doctor, you figure it out…” The injured boy pouted, still looking away. He hadn’t turned to face Suo since he’d walked into the room. He was too embarrassed to have gotten hurt, and having to show a classmate doubled it.
Suo rolled his eyes. “Well, neither am I…but if I had to guess…you probably just twisted it the wrong way.” Suo grabbed Sakura’s foot and examined it all over. “Nothing looks weird to me.”
“So you can’t fix it?! This was a waste of time!” Sakura huffed and puffed, dramatically. He finally turned his head to face Suo, who was giggling.
“What? What’s funny?” Sakura growled. Suo didn’t reply. He just sat there, covering his face as he giggled out loud.
“Oh, nothing. I’m just thinking about how funny it’ll be when I tell Nirei about this. I’m sure he would love to include this injury in your section in his journal.” Suo spoke, staring Sakura in the eyes. He seemed serious but playful. Poor Sakura couldn’t tell if he should beg for mercy or slap him in the face.
Slamming his uninjured foot against the floor in an attempt to scare Suo, Sakura replied: “You’d better fucking not! I’ll…I'll, uh, I’ll beat your ass! I swear, Suo!”
Suo laughed, causing Sakura to become even more angry with him. “Hey! Don’t you dare tell Nirei, I swear I’ll kick your a-”
“Hush! I’m only joking. However…with a hurt foot, you won’t be able to go on any patrols in the city.” Suo interrupted. Sakura raised an eyebrow and sighed. With his injured foot still on Suo’s knee, he gathered up all of his pride and asked:
“Will you…fix…it? Or something? Gah, I don’t fucking know! Just do something!” 
Suo smiled and nodded. “Yes, I will try to fix this pain in your foot.” He scooted his chair closer to Sakura and sat his ankle in his lap. Suo’s fingers suddenly grabbed onto the pad of his foot, catching Sakura off guard.
“Hey! Stohap!” Sakura yelped, trying to pull his ankle away. Suo grabbed it just in time and spoke. 
“Is something wrong? Did that hurt?”
Sakura shook his head and replied: “No…no…it didn’t. Just don’t grab it like that, alright?!”
“Alright.” Suo gently began to massage his thumbs into the pad of Sakura’s right sole. He moved his fingers slowly, trying not to startle the boy like last time.
He looked up and saw that Sakura had laid his head over the back of the chair, staring at the ceiling. He seemed content, so Suo continued massaging. 
After a few moments, he slid his thumbs down to the arch of Sakura’s foot, lightly moving them in circular motions across his warm skin. Suo noticed that Sakura had begun to wiggle his toes, so he decided to be playful and tap one of them.
“Ah, asshole! Stop it!” Sakura shouted, scrunching his foot. He gave up trying to pull it back since Suo always caught it.
“Are you sure that it doesn’t hurt? It’s alright if it does…” Suo tried to reassure the boy. He didn’t want him to feel embarrassed about his injury.
“I’m fucking positive! It just…shut up! Just massage it or whatever and be done with it!” Sakura was becoming visibly red all over… His cheeks and nose were red, and even his ears were red. Suo could tell that something was up…
Ignoring Sakura’s loud demands, Suo continued pushing his thumbs into the arch of his foot. However, he ‘accidentally’ let one of his fingers slip down the length of Sakura’s sole–from his toes to the ball of the foot.
Sakura yelped and his knee jolted, trying to retract his foot. Suo swiftly grabbed and placed his ankles in an armlock, and before Sakura knew it, he was being tickled!
Five fingers scribbled up and down the entirety of his foot’s arch, causing him to let out a laugh that Suo had never heard before. It was deep, but light and playful. 
“Wahah! Suo, stohahap! Whahat the hehell?!” Sakura howled with laughter, tugging at his ankle.
“Shh! So loud…” Suo giggled, bluntly scraping his fingernails against the upper section of Sakura’s arch, near the pad of his foot. Sakura’s toes were wiggling, his sole was scrunching, and his fingers were clenched into fists.
He tried anything to resist the horrible ticklish feelings of Suo’s fingertips, but nothing worked. “Gahaha! Suo, whaha, why?! Stohap this!”
Suo shrugged. “Well, I figured that something was afoot when you kept reacting weirdly to the massage. Ah, this doesn’t hurt, right? All jokes aside.” The boy stopped his fingers. “I know it tickles, but does it hurt..?”
“No…it doesn’t hurt! Now stop it! Lemme go!” Sakura whined. He jabbed Suo in the side with his other foot’s toes, which would’ve helped him escape if Suo hadn’t grabbed that ankle and added it to the armlock as well.
“Well, if it doesn’t hurt, why should I stop? You seem to enjoy it. See?” Suo snickered, jamming his fingers between his left foot’s toes. He slid them back and forth, making Sakura go berserk. He shook in his chair and slammed his fists against his thighs. 
“GaHAhaHAha! NuhuHUHAhoHO!” Sakura could barely form a sentence. His mind was beginning to go to mush as he felt Suo’s fingers tickle the shit out of the sides of his toes.
“All of this laughter, you must love it. You know you love it, Sakura.” Suo chuckled, hoping his gaslighting attempt would work. He held a random foot’s row of toes and scribbled his fingers underneath them, not missing a single spot. No area under Sakura’s toes went untickled, he made sure to scratch between the bottoms of every single toe, and then some.
“I dohon’t! I doHOhoHAheho! I fuhUHahOHoha! I fuhucking hate it!” Sakura managed to say, through all of his laughter.
Suo made a dramatically sad face and let go of his toes. He even freed Sakura’s ankles from the armlock, too. “You hate it? Really?” He pouted.
“Yes, I do! And fuck you, that tickled! Really badly..!” Sakura shouted, his face pink as it could be. He pulled his feet into his lap and grabbed his shoe, throwing it at Suo.
The boy had narrowly missed the shoe to the face. He ducked just in time, luckily. Suo smirked and began crawling towards Sakura.
“Wuh…hey, stop! Stop that! You’re fucking creepy, y’know that?!” Sakura yelled, backing up as quickly as he could. He felt kind of bad for calling Suo creepy, but the boy had a mad scientist look on his face as he slithered toward him! He couldn’t help but throw insults. It was that, or throwing fists!
Without speaking a single word, Suo pounced on Sakura’s thighs, sitting down comfortably. He wiggled his fingers in the air and slowly pushed them towards Sakura’s belly.
“Gah, noho! Nohot more, puhlease!” Sakura whined, kicking his feet. He tried to grab Suo’s wrists, but he was so weak from giggles that he just couldn’t.
Suo snuck his fingers under Sakura’s shirt and began pinching his hips and waist. His fingertips poked and prodded at his belly as well.
“Suhuho, nohOHaha! It tihickles!” Sakura pleaded for Suo’s mercy, but he was too focused on getting revenge for the shoe to the head.
Suo snaked his fingers upward and clawed Sakura’s ribs, his fingernails raking up and down, again and again. Sakura was a mess at this point. He was so weak from laughter that he could hardly fight back, but he couldn’t just sit there and accept his ticklish demise like that!
He whacked Suo’s head with his limp fists, but it didn’t damage the boy at all. If anything, it tickled him too.
“Trying to attack me, Sakura?” Suo hummed, an evil grin on his face. Sakura was smart enough to know that Suo would use this so-called ‘attack’ as a reason to tickle him even more, so he clamped his arms against his sides and prayed for the best.
“Aw, you know I can just…” Suo grabbed Sakura’s wrists and placed them above his head firmly. “Do this, right? Now you can’t protect those ticklish pits, eh?”
Sakura’s forehead was sweating. He was trapped and Suo somehow knew his most ticklish spot. Biting his tongue, he brought his knee up and slammed it into Suo’s back.
“Cute…that didn’t hurt…at all,” Suo spoke. “Just a few more tickles and I’ll stop. Besides, you love this. Right?”
Sakura shook his head and replied: “Yes!”
Suo looked surprised. “What? Hm, alright…” Sakura’s eyes widened when he realized his mistake.
“No! Nohoho, I meant no! Suo!” Sakura shouted. How the hell did he mess that up so badly?
Suo watched Sakura beg. He pitied him right now. He considered stopping but wanted to hear the boy’s cute laughter a little bit more before he stopped.
“One…two…” Suo used his free hand to poke the center of Sakura’s armpit. “Three!” Then, he used all five fingers to scratch up and down the slightly sweaty, but endlessly ticklish area. He curled his fingers around the sides and edges of the underarm, eliciting an adorable laugh from Sakura.
“NahaHAha! Suhuho, I’m goHOhahonna cry! Puhulease!” 
Suo took a good look at Sakura’s eyes, but there were no tears. “Hm…fine.” He said, letting his wrists go and taking his fingers out of his armpit. “I’ll stop! Only because I’m not upset at you for trying to knock my head off anymore.”
“Wuh?! What the hell?! I never did that!” Sakura crossed his arms.
“You did! You threw that shoe, so instead of punching you, I gave you the easy way out. Say, thank you.” Suo spoke. He had to be crazy to expect ‘thank you’ to come from Sakura’s mouth. 
“Thank…you?” Sakura had surprisingly decided to obey Suo. He was likely afraid that the boy would go crazy on him with tickling again. Either way, he was ready to get this over with and tell his friend something important.
“Thank…you. For my foot.” Sakura said with a blank expression. He sounded unsure about the thank you…
“Hm? What do you mean?” Suo was genuinely confused, he’d done more tickling than massaging.
“The tickling. I guess it helped, or something. I don’t fucking know! It just feels better, I guess!” Sakura stood up and held a hand out.
Suo grabbed it and was surprised to feel Sakura pull him up. 
“If you tickle me again, I’ll kick your ass! I mean it! Okay?!” 
Suo giggled. He couldn’t take Sakura seriously like this. His face was pink, his hair was messy, and he had no shoes on. “Alright, I won’t,” Suo said, smiling. “Need help finding that show you so rudely threw at me? I don’t see it anywhere.”
Sakura was taken aback, but Suo was right.
“F-fine! You can help me find it. But no silly games, like right then, alright?!” 
Suo nodded. “I know, I know…no more silly games. Got it.”
The two boys teamed up to find Sakura’s socks and shoes that had somehow disappeared during this ‘physical therapy’ session. The day ended with Suo still teasing Sakura about his ticklishness, even threatening to tell Nirei, who would never let it go. 
He wouldn’t do such a thing, though. He wanted to keep Sakura’s little secret all for himself.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Sharing a quick thought about Suo. He’s definitely ticklish on his sides and stomach but it’s very situational. If he’s been like pinned down and it’s his bare tum and the ler is super soft and teasy, THATS when Suo breaks. I could definitely see a scene where Sakura is complaining that Suo isn’t ticklish on his stomach but Neiri to have notes somehow on it where he’s like “oh no he is, you just need to be gentle and know what to do and say!” Provoking Sakura to aquire someone to help him with it and for Neiri to be there to direct him on what to do.
Sakura ends up getting a lesson on how to be gentle while still having someone at his mercy and who better then Suo 🙏🙏😤
Ume sees them all tickling Suo and gets super excited and is like “oooh! Tickles fight! My favorite” blah blah blah something about team bonding.
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
EJKRKJERJEKJ HELP SUO- I don't know if you wanted this as a dabble or just wanted to share, but I wrote it anyway cause how could I NOT??? It's so perfect and Suo as a lee needs more love! I've gotcha covered!
CW: swearing
“You’re full of shit.” Sakura accused.
“Watch your mouth.” Suo chided, to whom neither boy knew. Neiri carried on anyway.
“No, I’m serious! Suo is ticklish on his stomach- you just have to know what to do.” He waved his “Top Secret” notebook like a bible. “I have witness reports!”
“Who the hell tickled him before-” Sakura began, but his answer was sitting not far from him, talking to Toma. Umemiya caught his eye before winking. Did he know what they were discussing?
Who cares- he had evidence now! “What do you have to do?”
“Sakura, I’d highly advise you don’t.” Suo’s smile grew a tad strained, leaning away when his friends turned to grin at him. “I can’t guarantee your physical wellbeing if you try anything…” “That’s the first step, actually- pin him down!”
“On it!” Umemiya ran over, confirming his earlier suspicions as he wrestled Suo to the ground. “Squirmy guy, aren’t you? Sugishita, help me!”
“No don’t-” Suo’s cries were lost as said boy tackled him, adding to the fray. Before long, the long haired teen had him in a hold; sitting above his head with his legs pressing into his outstretched arms. He further added to the hold by grabbing onto Suo’s wrists, the grip firm but comfortable. “This is a bit unnecessary, no?”
“Hehehe, gotcha! Okay, Neiri, what’s next?” Umemiya asked from his spot across Suo’s lower legs, hands on his chin and feet kicking happily like a child. The blonde nearly forgot how to speak being in the presence of their top guy.
“E-Erm, okay! Right- eh- you have to be super gentle- feather gentle! It’s better if you do it on bare skin.” Neiri nodded, flustering some at the last part. Sakura shrugged and did as he was told, shoving up Suo’s shirt.
“Gentle, gentle? Like barely touching him?”
“Sakura, dohohon’t you dahahhahare!” The first few giggles that slipped out nearly made him stop there. “Aheahhaha, nohohohoho!”
“Holy- it’s working!” Sakura was shocked to the core. He thought Suo’s ears were the only bad part on him, but this? This was just as exciting as a discovery.
“Told you. Nothing in my notes is incorrect! Well- except that one thing..and the other thing..” Neiri hummed as he flipped through his pages, Sakura carrying on gently tickling Suo while Umemiya gave him the occasional pointer. “I might need to update this soon.”
“No worries on that right now- come; help Sakura!” Umemiya invited him over, making Neiri puff with surprise. “Enjoy your youth through the power of tickle fights! It’s good for team bonding!”
“O-Okay! Right!”
“Suo’s gonna kill them.” Toma mused outloud to his own group, laughing some when said boy squealed. “Or at the very least- he’s gonna make them wish they never tickled him.”
“Hm. How much do you want to bet? I’m saying 10000 yen Suo’s gonna go afterrrr Sakurrrra first.” Enomoto declared.
“20000 yen he goes for blondie.” Kaji mumbled around his lollipop. Toma snickered.
“You’re on.”
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ghostlee · 3 months
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I LOVEEEEE THIS SHOW SO MUCH ITS SO GOOD!!! I’ve also read (caught up with fully since it’s still updating) all the Manga for this so far!!
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- 1000% denies that his ticklish without fail every time. He could be actively being wrecked and he would still say that he’s not ticklish.
- Nirei was one of the first people to find out that Sakura was ticklish and immediately starting writing it down in his little journal.
- As soon as Sakura saw Nirei start writing in the journal about him being ticklish he tried to grab it from him but Nirei started to poke his fingers into Sakuras side as he was trying to grab it.
- Suo has tickled Sakura before but for the most part keeps to himself but Sakura is for some reason afraid of Suo as a ler and nobody can quite place why.
- He’s ticklish all over his sides and his back is also super ticklish.
- Super ticklish behind his knees.
- As Sakura started warming up to Nieri and Suo more he got more comfortable trying to tickle them.
- Has tried tickling Suo but after he left to try and do it he came back disheveled looking and all flustered. Who knows what happened there.
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- Actually insanely ticklish, one of the most ticklish of them all but due to his fighting style of being nearly untouchable, it’s carried over into him being able to avoid being tickled for awhile.
- Has a super sweet and innocent laugh, if you manage to tickle him, it’s like music to your ears.
- Poker face of steel, if you ask him if he’s ticklish he will simply answer “no” and give absolutely no indication of lying so most people just drop it.
- Sakura and Nieri were pressing him for answers the one day while they were hanging out, Nieri somehow had his fingertips right by Suos ribs the one time he asked as he managed to drag his fingers right over his ribs as he was asking.
- Suo basically tried to say no but choked out a small bark of laughter and his hand quickly came up to protect his side and he jumped back slightly before looking at Sakura and Nieri with wide eyes.
- Sakura and Nieri both stared at Suo before getting big smiles and they both jumped out towards Suo.
- One time he had Sakura try and tickle him but he managed to turn the tables so fast on him that he had Sakura at his mercy, tickled him for a good minute or two and then let him go and just stood there with his hands behind his back and smiled at Sakura.
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- Absolutely adorable ticklish lil guy.
- A total nervous train wreck so if anyone asks him if he’s ticklish he freezes up and starts to get all nervous.
- Loud squeaky laughter that kinda hurts your ears but it’s worth it since it’s pretty cute still.
- His underarms are unbearably ticklish and he can’t take more than a few seconds before he bursts out into uncontrollable laughter.
- Umemiya tickles Nieri to calm him down a lot since he knows it distracts Nieri enough to take his mind off of things.
- Nieri takes notes on everyone that he finds out is ticklish since he sees it as a weakness and a good way to beat them in a fight since he’s not as confident with his actual fighting skills.
- Probably the only person that Suo would let tickle him and strictly for practice on where to aim so that Nieri can have something to do.
- Sweet lil thing is ticklish right around his ears and he squeals and giggles when anyone touches them and he covers his ears and kicks his feet.
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- Thinks they are the greatest thing since sliced bread for bonding activities and getting to know the other Bofurin better.
- The most ticklish tummy imaginable.
- People have definitely ganged up on him before for a tickle attack when he gets a little to excited about things.
- An adorable laugh like omg it’s so precious.
- 100% tickles Sakura and Neiri, he’s gotten close to tickling Suo but the boy is usually just a bit quicker then him on his feet and manages to evade it almost every time.
- Except for once where he managed to trap Suo in a big bear hug and started wiggling his fingers into Suos sides and the boy started giggling with laughter and that’s what fuels Ume to try and catch Suo again so he can hear his laughter.
- If he’s getting to into his plants to much Hiragi will come up onto the roof and tickle Ume into agreeing to come back down stairs away from his garden.
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- Honestly kinda scary so the people of Shishitoren don’t try and tickle him ever since they were originally scared to be punished.
- However after the Shishitoren arc where Choji becomes a better person, the others in his team start to feel more comfortable around their captain and slowly but surely start to involve him in things like tickle fights.
- Jo definitely was one of the first ones after Choji was reformed with him to break the ice and try tickling Choji, found out he’s super ticklish and let it play out from there.
- Choji is actually pretty ticklish around his hips and his underarms and due to his height (smol) he can’t fight back against Jo very well so he just gets caught in tickle hugs often and has learned to accept them.
- Umemiya after Furin and Shishitoren became allies started to feel comfortable tickling Choji and even one time managed to get Choji to play a tickle game with him of “how long can you keep your arms up.”
- Neither of them lasted very long but it was wholesome nonetheless.
- Secret death spot is his belly button but nobody has found that out yet. (Not even himself)
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- Sly Mf, this guy would admit to being ticklish right in front of you but grin through it and challenge you to dare and try tickling him.
- He’s actually so ticklish though but he will say with confidence that you won’t be successful in making him laugh.
- Even if you pin him down and have him at your mercy he will still act like he has the upper hand against you.
- Umemiya and Choji jumped his ass the one day and absolutely wrecked his shit right in front of Sakura and he was absolutely dumbfounded that Jo was that ticklish.
- Sakura refuses to tickle Jo since he still wants to beat him in a fist fight so he thinks tickling Jo wouldn’t do the fight justice. (He gets over that when Jo provokes him enough and then Sakura absolutely mauls him with tickles.)
- Doesn’t struggle at first but if you get the right spots (right under his ribs) he will be a squirming, laughing mess under you.
- Nieri is an absolute train wreck when it comes to doing anything with Jo since he’s terrified of him, but there’s a part of me that thinks Jo and Nieri becomes good friends and Jo tickles Nieri with nice soft tickles the one time since he can see that Nieri is afraid of him and then allows Nieri to tickle him back and they have a wonderful bonding moment.
- Ume definitely saw it from around a corner and could not be more thrilled that his friends are bonding.
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- Absolute sweetheart, this man will let you tickle him if you ask nicely.
- Knows he’s ticklish but not enough that he’s like uncomfortable with it so he’s ok if people tickle him to blow off steam.
- Tickles Nieri and vice versa since they are just lil besties and it’s so cute.
- Soft and quiet laughter, but if you get him in the right spot, his hips and low tummy are a bad spot for him, you can sometimes get some more hysterical laughter for short moments of time out of him.
- Doesn’t like being held down when he’s tickled but doesn’t mind behind held in general (in a hug, under the arm hook, ext.) to restrict movement.
- Won’t say stop ever so the other Bofurin that have tickled him before will recognize signs of when Kiryu has had enough tickling.
- Big cuddle tickler, both as a Lee and a Ler. This man will get all snuggly and then try and tickle someone or he will provoke enough to get tickled.
- If he’s been playing on his phone for to long Umemiya will tickle him to get him away from it for a bit.
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- Thinks tickling is childish and that it’s stupid to be ticklish but is super ticklish himself so he doesn’t have much room to talk.
- Tries desperately to cover his mouth when he’s being tickled since he doesn’t want anyone to know that he is ticklish.
- Enomoto definitely at some point wrecked Kaji with tickling and it was probably due to Kaji not listening to him or tuning him out with music and Enomoto getting tired of it and then absolutely destroying him with tickles.
- Doesn’t want anyone to know, he found out through Enomoto tickling him, but his belly button is hands down his worst spot.
- He’s absolutely mortified about the belly button being what does him in, but Enomoto finds is hysterically adorable and almost lets the mention of the spot slip at a school picnic and he thought Kaji was gonna explode.
- Once Kaji starts actually mentoring Sakura, the boy inevitably finds out that Kaji is ticklish and Kaji for the only and only time allows Sakura to tickle him and he finds out how naturally skilled Sakura is at getting away from his hands trying to grab onto the tickling hands.
- Actually a super cute laugh but rarely laughs so nobody knows what it actually sounds like.
If you guys are interested in more windbreaker (even if your not send me asks about it so I have an excuse to yap about it more.)
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smilingangel582 · 2 months
Hiii I got a request... sorry for not taking any! I got too much on my plate actually hehe but it's selfish to say so.
Anywayyy I got a lee!Umemiya request ( It might have spelling errors) and hope yall enjoyyy this selfish otaku's writing!
Thank u!
Warning spoilers for Windbreaker
Ume-chan's turn!
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Bofurin's leader, Umemiya Hajime, is as strong as the rumours say. Sakura has seen everything about him during the Shishitorens clash days ago. He wonders how someone could possibly become the top, and Umemiya is the one to show him...
"Ahhhh ahhh! Sugishita I told you to water the other set!"
What the hell is he doing summoning people just so he can show his 'grass'?
Umemiya Hajime is weird...
Hiragi growled now clicking his tongue as he grabbed Umemiya by the collar to drag him back to the centre. "Oi baka-memiya! I told you to pay attention to others! You summoned Tamon teams group just to show off your tomatoes?"
Umemiya dramatically gasped. "Nooo!" Then adds as he gestures to the radishes." I wanna show off these babies!
"Seriously, Umemiya is..." Sakura groans his brow, twitching, and that's when Sugishita steps in with snarl, raising his fist to threaten Sakura (not like he's actually gonna hit Umemiya's precious two coloured Sakura)
"Sugiiishitaa! What did I tell you about starting fights with Sakura!" Umemiya jabbed his side causing Sugishita gasp and whimper like an offended puppy nodding both in mental and physical pain.
"Aww, but you're sweet, always helping your big brother! Come hereeee!"
Tackling the tall long-haired guy, he began tickling him. Sugishita barely fights back his snickers and rare happy noises. Probably because he's a fanatic... Sakura just clicked his tongue.... murmuring "Childish"
Suo smiles playfully, "But very cute... they are like brothers..."
Hiragi eye rolls, now grabbing Umemiya and stopping the fun, "Well our dear leader, why don't you have a taste of yer own medicine!"
"Eh? A-Ah! Hiraaagii??" Suddenly bright childish laughter spills from Umemiya, now squirming and trying to push those nimble hands of Hiragi. Despite his growl and irritated expression, he genuinely seems to enjoy it.
Sakura blush, the leader of bofurin is... ticklish?
Suo claps happily in a graceful way, "Ooh Sakura look at that... our big brothers are really having fun"
Sakura's ears turned red in embarassment, "W-whatever! Just silly!"
Hiragi snapped and Umemiya still mercilessly tickling Umemiya who was begging and giggling like a child, "You bastard... I respect ya but I also hate ya so much that I wanna...! Ugh damn it you are so annoying"
"HIhihihirahahagi jahahaha! Sohohohorry buhuhuhuhut ihihihihihi lohohohove thehehehe nehehehew plants!"
Gritting his teeth, "stop talking or yer gonna make things worst!" He scribbles his hips which made Umemiya cackle, "Ahahaha ok ok! Ihihihihi wohohoont! Ahahaha mehehehercy!"
Hiragi shook his head, glaring playfully, "Noo noo all those times you messed with us... this..." he raised his hands to tickle his stomach in a swift move "is payback..."
"WAAAAH! ahahaha Hiraaahahagiiii pleheheease!"
Sugishita let's a silent pout, sad that his fun with Umemiya had to be interrupted by Hiragi. Sakura meanwhile snaps at Suo for something snarky and Nirei calming him down despite his own amusement.
"Ha? I just said a leader should be this weak to something so... so..." his voice wavering, flustered, "stupid!"
"But Sakura-kun, you speak as if your immune to this -I quote you, 'stupid' weakness" he looms over Sakura, poking him and making him jump like a wild offended kitten.
"N-no stay away!"
Hiragi stops, knowing Umemiya's had enough as he's flushed and fatigued, lying on the ground, a hand over his eyes, "phew... y-you sure dohohont show mercy Hiragi..."
Hiragi helps Umemiya up, sighing, "Jeez... I seriously don't get you..."
Umemiya grinned, "But come on, I just want to lighten up our little brothers... look.. they already resemble us..." he grins adding with a whisper, "Sakura-kun is ticklish too... isn't that precious?"
Gestures to Suo teasing Sakura by poking his side and discovering something marvelous about their grade captain.
"Don't go attacking the poor guy so fast," Hiragi slaps the back of his head, making Umemiya grin mischievously.
Hiragi shrugged now, staring at the group as well from a distance noticing Sugishita watching them mess with Sakura, "Well, idk about similarities, but at least you two have the same allure to move others. And you both are ticklish..."
Umemiya huffed, "Is that all? I think he's got the heart of a gentle kid like me -ah!" He gasped when Hiragi prodded his side, making him sigh.
"Well, whatever... at least i feel at ease since he's here in furin, " he grinned a little, now wiggling his fingers sneaking towards the first years as he skidded towards them.
"Sakuuuraaa-kuuun, here's a little welcome gift! And gotcha!" He tackles Sakura from behind, beginning a little tickle fight. Despite Umemiya being sensitive as well, Sakura does not know how to fight back.
Hiragi watched fondly, recalling all the times they've fought together and even the times they messed with each other.
Suo and Umemiya joining to wreck the poor Sakura who was hissing and giggling trying to escape the wild tickles.
Bofurin is home... even for him.
(Hey hey hope it's good... kinda got awkward at the end because I don't have anything else to add, and trust me, Ume-chan is the best!)
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Yo yo... ik I don't take requests and all... but I have my reasons... im really sorry! I just have a lot on my plate! But writing is all I need and I would like to write as much as I want! That's all, thank you 👉 👈
Anyway! Wind breaker is the new hot topic for me! Idk about u guys but im loving the mc
Haruka sakura! Love his name, style, antics, and cuteness overload when he gets flustered and shy!
Possible lers! Suo, Umemiya, Togame!
I want more of these guys srsly!
Ok, so warning spoilers alert! Anime and manga
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Sakura's Dilema!?
Sakura ate Kotoha's omelette rice as usual. She would smile fondly at him throughout and began her unusual newspaper routine about town.
"...so that's what granny sato said..."
Sakura licking his fingers clean shrugged, "Hm, good..."
Somewhat a little impressed, "Your improving. You don't get flustered anymore when someone compliment you?"
Sakura scoff, "That's a hundred years ago... im not that weak"
She smiled warmly, a hand resting under her chin as he looked at Sakura, "Well i guess everyone should compliment you more now, if that's the case..."
A small heat crept up to his cheeks, Kotoha giggled teasingly, "Ah ha! There's that cute blush we all like..."
"S-shut up! So you guys are praising me because you like to see me reaction??" He snapped, getting flustered.
She grinned looking sideways, "Maybe? Or maybe not but... granny said its adorable... and so do I" winking back Sakura gritted his teeth, a shade of red growing uncontrollably on his face.
She chuckles, thinking, "Maybe I should stop teasing him..." Then she speaks with a calmer tone to relax Sakura's tensed embarassment.
"Oh, Sakura... I almost forgot..."
Looking up from his plate, his face back to his normal colour gradually, "Yh what?"
"Ume told me the shishitoren buddies are coming over at Furin high..."
Almost choking on the eggs, Sakura looked up with a surprised frown, standing up with a daring grumble, "Huh? Why? Are they here to pick a fight?"
Kotoha sighs, "No, that's not it... its-"
He cuts in, "Maybe they wanna fight me again! Hah! I'll show them!" He quickly stuffed his mouth with the final bits of rice and eggs, but deliberately ignoring his veggies and sets out.
Kotoha was too surprised to protest as she couldn't even finish, as the bell tinkled upon his leave, "E-eh? Sakura! Hold up! That isn't what I... meant..." she murmured the last part as he was already gone, smiling confusedly, she sigh again, "That idiot..."
Meanwhile, Sakura hurrying towards the school began to notice a large crowd of bofurin and shishitoren looking at each other. Suspecting it's a fight, Sakura lets out a growl, "Oi! Do u wanna fight?"
The others stared, and half of shishitoren lunged towards him. But not in the way he expected. They crowded him like a flock of fan boys.
"That's the first year that beat our second in command!"
"Wow! He's got a funny but cool look!"
"Is he strong? I can feel it!"
So many ushering and laughter comes from the usually wild shishitorens. Sakura gets flustered and shocked. "H-hey, what's going on?"
"Sakura-san, didn't kotaha-san tell ya?" Nirei finally steps forward, smiling as he helped him out from the crowd, "Shishitoren are here on Umemiya-san's orders for a casual get-together..."
Silent, Sakura stared, "Eh... rly? That's it?"
He nods now, grabbing his hand, "Come, they are all at the auditorium!"
Past the hallways, Sakura could tell the room is less tensed than it should be if it's back those days. There... he can see Togame, Toyama, Umemiya and Suo standing in one pack -oh and Sugishita glaring at Sakura.
Sakura smirks, "Well well... I thought it was a battle but its just a silly tea party..."
Togame played along, feigning meance, "Oh? would you have preferred us thrashing your butt, Sakura?"
Eyeing him challengingly, "Ah... the second in command himself, Togame, wants to lose again..."
The older guy steps in with his geta clattering on the ground. He has a much mellower appearance in contrast to Sakura's first impression of him. Sakura says he prefers the other and colder Togame, but... who knows what a tsundere actually says and means?
Togame clapped him in the back, "So, Sakura... how have you been?"
"Hmph! Mr. Sloth himself... what a surprise"
Togame smiles, genuinely happy, as he continues this banter, "Well, you are still that brat who almost got pummeled by me,"
Sakura scoffs, "As if! I never lose..."
"Togame and Sakura have history to share..." Umemiya grins gleefully, and Toyama has his arms around Umemiya, very buddy-like and close as expected. Its ironic to how things used to be. There's more liveliness and strength in Shidhitori.
Everyone had a harmonious atomosphere compared to how they met the first day. Even Sako has a reserved but amiable relationship with Hiragi. Sakura felt somewhat... relieved...
Suo mentions slyly as he crept behind Sakura, "Well, Togame-san? Want to have another fun fight with our grade captain?"
Sakura's ears turn red as he snaps at Suo, "Oi, don't push it..." however he looks at Togame expectantly, "Well, I don't mind a bit of fighting and all..."
Nirei squeaked, "B-but... Sakura..."
"Dont worry, Nirei... look, " Suo pats his back with assurance. They both watched Togame smile more openly, not in the prior meancing grin, "Yaa... It's been too long, Othello-kun. I hope you learnt something from me that time..."
"Oh? You mean other than how I punched you?" Sakura provoked, which Togame narrowed his eyes playfully, "Don't get cocky..."
Toyama brightened up, "Ne,ne Ume-chan, are they gonna fight?"
Umemiya sighs but not in dismay, "Seriously... alright, I suppose, but don't go too far, or else Hiragi needs another stock of gas-kun ten"
Soon, Togame was in his usual stance. Instead of glaring, he was looking forward to it. Nirei grabbed his notebook, and began scribbling on a new page.
Suo asked, "Are you gathering information on Togame?"
Nirei grins, sticking his tongue as he concentrated, "Not quite... It's for Sakura-san as he told me to write down his flaws so he can improve himself, I want to know what's his weak points are, too, anyway..."
Suo gives a brief laugh, "Other than the fact that he's so easily red when someone compliments him?"
Nirei conceded with a chuckle, "Well, yh that too... but something else..."
Togame lunged just the moment Sakura moved. It expected that Togame strives for grappling more and he's more intent on grabbing Sakura instead of punching him
"Ugh, I hate this fighting style!" Sakura sneered as he dodged perfectly. Regardless, their hits are serious despite the playful nature. Sakura could feel Togame grab his shoulders to push him down, but he's too flexible as Sakura slips away.
"Whew close!" Toyama mentioned and Umeniya agreed with a smile.
Sakura managed to dodge and yet...
"Gotcha..." Togame slipped under his arm to judo flip him from behind. Sakura felt the force as he made contact on the ground, yet Togame carefully made it less forceful and used his hand to protect the back of his head. Nevertheless Sakura twisted himself to avoid being pinned down. Instead, he spun himself with his leg wrapping around his opponents waist now switching sides.
Togame slipped a bit but latched on to his waist a bit unexpectedly.
The touch caught Sakura off guard despite it being an obvious grapple. Surprising everyone, Sakura stumbled down on his knees.
This was noted by the shishitoren second in command. Then, getting an idea, Togame slowly poked his waist while using his body weight to pin the shorter guy down, "Hm... interesting discovery..."
"H-hey! Wait! Dohont doho that!" Sakura flinched now, arcing his back as Togame's touch became gentler and swift around his sides, a light giggle slipping out of Sakura's grinding teeth.
"Oh my, is the little delinquent a bit sensitive?" Suo teased from the background, beating Togame from saying a similar phrase.
Sakura gets flustered again, now trying so hard to keep his laughter under control. Togame's nimble fingers began to crawl up his stomach, which made Sakura shriek and quickly scramble away from him, "Ack... NOHO?!"
A frivolous yet sinister grin was plastered on Togame's face. He raised his hands, tauntingly wiggling his fingers, "Uh oh, someone's in trouble... too bad I found out this weakness first..."
Nirei, mildly shocked, immediately began jotting down notes, giving a serious nod to himself, "Intriguing indeed, but a guy like Sakura is bound to be ticklish..."
Nirei flinched when Sakura yelled. Snapping his head with an aghast look, "Huh? Whohoho's sihihide ahahahahare youhuhu ohohohon, boke?"
"Now now, you can't even keep your giggles to yourself, Sakura..." Suo snickered.
"Y-YOHohou bahahastard!" He raised a hand to try and punch Togame and use a leg to kick his face.
Togame took this chance to lunge forward, dodging them effectively. Like the tackle from last time during the fight, Togame pushed himself forward towards Sakura's midriff. He managed to use his strength to get him down again, "You shouldn't let your guard down... even at friendly spars"
"Ah!" Sakura yelped, trying to turn on his stomach to escape, as this is no longer fighting but play fighting, "S-shit!"
Togame instantly grabbed his shoulders to stop him, "Uh uh uh~ Sakura... where do you think you're going...?" He dug his nimble fingers into Sakura's sides, suddenly eliciting a squeal and contagious giggles that sounded so unlikely of the tough Sakura. It went crescendo to decrescando at each sensitive spot he targeted.
"Who said fighting is about fair play?" Togame snickered mercilessly, almost like an evil older brother, "You of all people should know that, little Othello. Plus, it's cute when you lose control..." That earned a beet red blush from the victim as he kicked and thrashed, not even coordinating his defences.
Toyama and Umemiya grinned at this, and the others watched how their bonding went on through this 'spar' session.
Still the leader of Furin sigh, "Honestly it's dangerous if anyone finds out about his weakness..."
Toyama laughed, "Yes! Isn't he like strong as you? It's crazy how he's trying to fight back like this..."
Nirei chuckles, "I never expected this side of him, its... surprisingly cute"
"You mean unsurprisingly Nirei-kun," Suo winked, now pointing towards the fight with a gleeful look. Sugishitha, who's been eye rolling as he watered the plants, took multiple glances back at the little one-sided tickle fight.
Sakura tried to kick him (half-heartedly) but instead felt a suddenly electric tingle spread down and up his leg as Togame sqeezed his knee -whether it is accidental or intentionally was unknown.
Shocked beyond anything...
His laugh kicked a knotch as Togame began to tickle under his knee, unable to use his hands as they uselessly failed. They just hit the wooden floor instead, "AHAHA! NOHOT THEHEHERE! DAHAHAMN IT!"
Togame laughed at that, not stopping as Sakura couldn't place his attacks properly, "Oho? I should've gone for the knees before... It's funny how you got restrained by a mere touch there,"
"Then... what about... heeere?"
Togame used his bodyweight to pin his shins and then squeezed his upper thigh. This made Sakura go wild, "GAH! N-NOO! HAHA SHIT! YOU AHAHAHASS!"
Seeing him slightly going red, Togame decide to give him a break. But... just a break.
Just five seconds at least... Togame thought menacingly.
"Haah haaa..."
"J-jeeheeez, thehehe heheck?" 3...
Togame got ready as he cracked his fingers. 2...
"U-uh eek!"
Sakura's voice hit an octave as he let out a startled shrill when Togame pounced forward to get his ribs, a giggly reaction that melted his heart. It's not as strong as his knees and thighs, at least.
Suo has his usual smile, which stretched widely as he said mysteriously, "I wonder if I can get a turn?"
Nirei gulped, inwardly thinking he should never leave Sakura alone from now on-
"NOOO! HAHAHA, P-PLEHEHEASE NOHOT THEHERE! I TAHAHAKE IT BAHAHAHACK! AHAHA YOHOHOU'RE AHAHA DEHEHEMON!" A surprised squeal from Sakura made Nirei look in bewilderment. Where was Togame tickling to make the tough and cold Sakura to actually beg for mercy?
"Ahhh~ found it... your actually weak in the armpits? How predictable, its so adorable" Togame is, as Nirei will note down, the possible second worst tickle monster... first place being Suo.
Suo chuckles, "You say it's the worst but he's ticklish everywhere"
Togame laughed, still tickling Sakura, "Oh yh... it doesn't matter... his knees are as bad as here..."
Sakura kicked and thrashed weakly, now cackling like a mad man, closing his arms, "NAHAHAA! Y-yohOHOHOU AHAHAHAASS! LEHEHEHehet gOHOHOHo!"
"Mmmm~ nope..."
Panicking instantly, Sakura let out a flustered cry, "FIHIHINEHEHE! FINE! I GIVE UHUHUP!"
His voice raised another octave at the end, and Togame chuckled with amusement, letting his hands leave his armpits, "You are so ticklish there, who would've guessed..." he added with a pinch yo his thighs, making the other squeak weakly jolting, "aaaand there too..."
"It's good enough, that he's a tsundere, but being ticklish one is better," Suo proudly stated.
"Q-Quhuhuiet y-yohou dihihick!"
Evidently, Sakura is catching his breath, still pink in his face, sweating as if he had an actual one-sided 'battle' of blood-lust.
Nirei hummed in consideration as he looked at his notebook, "Hmm, so being ticklish is Sakura's weak point eh? Even I could win against him,"
"Shaddap!" Sakura managed to choke out angrily.
Umemiya gives a laugh, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, I doubt you can cuz Sakura will knock you out cold before you could try. He's a proud guy after all..."
"Oi! Quit talking like I'm not here, dumbass"
Sugishita sneered, clenching the water kettle tightly, "That's Umemiya-san to you, weaksauce!"
Getting up on his elbows, Sakura growl, back to his old self, with remarkable stamina, "Ah? Do you wanna pick a fight mop-head? Cuz I'm game..."
"Ma ma..." Suo stepped in between them, elegantly skimming his eyes over the taller guy, "Sugishita-kun, do you want to upset Umemiya-san?"
The tall guy turned to a radiant happy Umemiya and huffed angrily as he backed away easily. Now Suo turned to Sakura with a much eerie smile, "And Sakura-kun, do you want round two?" He mischievously wiggled his finger, "Instead of Togame, I can step in for him?"
Fear struck him, he blushed, yelling as he swatted those fingers, "H-hohow dare you threaten me! Ugh, whatever... fine, I won't pick a fight with him"
Suo heard Togame speak with amusement from the corner, hands restinf behind his back, "and here I thought you were looking forward for round 2 Sakura..."
"W-why would I?"
Suo answers this time, leaning forward towards his ear, "You never resisted... now did you?"
Sakura instantly turned red, eyes widened with surprise, his golden and black eyes dilating like a cats pupil, "H-huh? I was too concentrated! T-to even fight back!"
"Mmm~" everyone hummed teasingly, not believing him obviously.
This time Toyama grinned childishly, nudging Sakura playfully, "So then, does that mean you admit that you are weak to tickling then?"
"Ah? N-no I didn't say that-!"
"Theeeen, you pretended not to fight back and let me tickle ya?" Togame added... the two shishitoren leaders were putting Sakura in a helpless position.
Silent... Sakura looked away, Suo added, "Quite the bind your in, Sakura-kun"
Debating on what was more embarassing... either he should say that he liked being tickled and pretended not to fight or say he's too ticklish to handle it and fight back.
Sakura fumed for good five seconds before replying with a mutter, "U-ugh fine fine, fine! I'm weak to it so I cant fight back! Happy?"
Everyone grinned fondly, Sakura covered his face, both in shyness and rage.
"Good boy!!" Umemiya ruffled his hair, now making Sakura snap and growl like a little savage puppy.
In a corner with Suo, Nirei, however, chuckled to himself, "I bet he doesn't mind it much..."
Suo grinned, looking at the scene with a glimmering passion, "You guessed it... he's our fearless, cute, tough tsundere grade captain... Sakura-kun"
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I feel there is a lacking of Toma Hiragi content in our humble community, gang. Please allow me to change that.
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Tickle headcanons below the cut!
-Words cannot begin to express how much I love this man. Someone get him a gift basket of stomach medicines and band tee-shirts.
-Okay onto the headcanons kjarjeakjre; I think his worst spot would be his stomach? Maybe it's all the medicine he takes, but he's giving me Pillsbury dough boy- poke him and he'll jump back and giggle energy.
-Umemiya likes to tickle him there a lot; trapping him in a tickle hug and "massaging" his gut to help ease the pain while Toma's a giggly mess in his arms ajrjeakrkjeawkjrk
-He's giving tickly armpits too. Wiggle a finger under one and he's swinging kjarkeakjrjkea He'll never actually hurt you of course, but be ready to duck or step back if you choose to do so.
-His knees and thighs are giggle spots; squeezing them makes him kick and snicker. You'd have to hold him down good though; this man is a thrasher! He'll try to avoid making contact, but tickling him makes him physically spazz out.
-Gruff, kinda wheezy laugh! A smoker's laugh without the habit. If you get a particularly bad spot, he'll fall to the ground in a heap and just kinda die? Family guy death pose but immediately squirmy when you start tickling him again akjerajrakjr
-You need to be ROUGH with this man- he can gargoyle through the feathery stuff with ease. Like- not so much it hurts, but just a bit more than the pressure you'd think. The only exception would be his stomach- he can't guard from that at ALL.
-Relentless ler- by far the most dangerous one of all of Bofurin. Umemiya's the one who starts all the tickle fights, but Toma's one of the few who can successfully get him back. (Kotoha is the other one)
-He's not above tickling if it works. Sugishita's being particularly grumpy? Sakura fiesty? Nirei won't stop rambling? Umemiya? Tickles. It's rare when he does break them out, but you can usually tell by the screams when he does.
-Not much of a teaser, but his voice gets all soft and gentle when he tickles someone- a contrast to him chewing someone out. You know how he talks to Sako? That's how soft and kind it is. For some it's even worse than any teasing phrases Kiryu or Suo could say. (Some = Sakura).
-Post tickles depend on the person and how he's feeling. Most of the time he's usually the one getting got, so his immediate response is to tickle back. It's rare for him to just lay there and take it. When he does he just kinda groans with a laugh. If you're his S/O or comfortable with it, he'd pull you in his arms and just hold you against him.
-I feel like the other kings get him from time to time; especially Tsubakino. Even the slightest thought that Toma is stressing himself out beyond normal and they'll give him a few "distractions" to help him calm down. It works wonders- for a few moments anyway, Toma doesn't have as much pain after.
That's all I have now! Maybe I'll do the other boys later? 👀 Lemme know who you want next!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (Q-Z)
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Here's my Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist Q-Z!
Full Masterlist
Last Updated: 7/4/24
Sk8 The Infinity
Best Win Yet (Lee!Langa, Ler!Reki)
Movie Night (Lee!Karou, Ler!Kojiro)
Spy x Family
Agent Mama On The Move! (Lees!Loid, Anya, Ler!Yor)
Lessons In Smiling (Lee!Damian, Ler!Anya)
Give It Back! (Lee!Loid, Ler!Franky)
Support System (Loid x Platonic!Reader)
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Cutie (Lee!Nene, Ler!Aoi)
Tokyo Revengers
Brat (Mitsuya x Reader) 
Food Criminal (Lee!Mikey, Ler!Draken) 
Pout (Lee!Mikey, Ler!Draken)
Wind Breaker
Calm down (Lee!Sakura, Ler!Suo) 
Fake Smile (Suo x Reader) 
Garden Buddies (Umemiya x Reader)
Gentle Advisory (Lee!Suo, Lers!Sakura, Neiri, Umemiya, Sugishita)
Give Me A Real One (Lee!Suo, Ler!Sakura) 
Theory (Lee!Togame, Ler!Choji) 
Whispers (Lee!Suo, Lers!Kiryu, Tsugeura, Sakura)
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
☁️Let’s Go Cloud Watching! (WIP List)☁️
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Heyo! I saw that some of my amazing mutuals have "What's Brewing" lists on their blogs of all their current works in progress, so I figured I should make one too! :3 I don't know how often I'm gonna update this- but I'll try my best to remember! :3
Little notes: While I’m gonna try my absolute best to fill every request, some might not be filled. I apologize if this happens!
Thanks for reading!
Latest Weather Map (Updated): July 18, 2024
☁️☁️Overcast ☁️☁️
Itallics: Written and scheduled
Black Clover
Langris Finral sickfic
Blue Lock
Kunigami x Reader Tickle Fight
Lee!Bachira, Ler!Isagi
Lees!Reo, Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami
Chigiri x Reader Massage turned tickle fight
Chigiri x Reader comforting each other during a thunderstorm
Spider Shivers Game with Kunigiri
Nagiri tickle fight
Kunigami Barou Shidou Tickle War
Bungo Stray Dogs
Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai
Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Dazai, Atsushi
Lee!Akutagawa, Ler!Atsushi
Chainsaw Man
Ler!Togami x Reader
Ler!Gonta, Lee!Korekiyo
Dr. Stone
Reader x Ukyo
Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa
Demon Slayer
Switches Gyomei, Nezuko
Lee!Genya, Ler!Tanjiro
Douma and Gyutaro get Akaza
Tanjiro and Genya get Muichiro
Inosuke is too powerful. Time to bring him back
Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza
Lee!Tanjiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku
Switch!Akaza, Ler!Kokushibou
Lee!Rui, Ler!Akaza
Fire Force
Fruits Basket
Ler!Suna, Lee!Reader
Shirabu getting tickled by the third Years
Hell’s Paradise
Lee!Gabimaru, Ler!Yui
Lee!Eizen, Ler!Shion, Maybe Genji?
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Rohan x Reader
Lee!Bruno, Ler!Giorno
Lee!Joseph, Ler!Caesar
Switches! Okuyasu, Josuke
Ler!Avdol, Lees!Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polneraff
Jujutsu Kaisen
Lee!Haibara(?), Ler!Nanami
Lee!Megumi, Ler!Itadori
Ler!Gojo x Lee!Reader
Lee!Geto, Ler!Gojo
Gojo and Geto having a brotherly tickle fight
SatoSugu tickles and fluff
Lee!Gojo, Lers!Yuji, Nobara, Megumi
Lers!Shoko, Geto, Lee!Gojo
My Hero Academia
Lee!Dabi, Ler!Shigaraki
Todoroki x Reader
Ler!Aizawa, Lee!All Might (?)
Sacredshipping tickle fight
Ortega x Reader
HassBrassLarrry Tickles
SK8 the infinity 
Spy x Family
Twiyor, Anya
Lee!Damien, Lers!Anya, Bond
Lee!Yor, Ler!Anya
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Lee!Kou, Ler!Mitsuba
Tokyo Revengers
Lee!Mitsuya, Ler!Draken
Wind Breaker
Lee!Sakura, Lers!Kotone, Maybe Umemiya
Yu Yu Hakushou
☁️☁️Cotton Candy Clouds ☁️☁️
Fic Ideas I have that I might create. Putting them here for maximum motivation.
Ler!Tschuchigomori, Lees!Hanako, Nene, Kou **More an Idea** (TBHK)
Todobaku ice fight turned tickle fight (MHA)
Something With Vanessa cause she's amazing **More an idea** (Black Clover)
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