#wind breaker tickle fic
smilingangel582 · 4 months
Many many fics for this anime are going wiiild! Heeey guys sooo thanks for the likes and follows . Ik I'm a selfish one to not let yall ask me stuff but I appreciate u all keeping up with my selfishness.
Teeheee, so enjoy another tickle fic from me if ya like!
Warning spoilers for Windbreaker ep 10
Something simple as "love"
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Umemiya is the top of Bofurin. Sakura can't even think about competing with him. Even if he often retorted that, he would take the top dog spot someday.
But will he though? What will he achieve then? Will he be someone like Toyama from Shishitoren?
"Sakura-kun~?" A poke to his ribs made him jump a foot and whirled around with his fists like a defence mechanism. His eyes were wide and alert like a cat.
The boy with the eye patch grins at him. Next to him is Nirei, who looks as bright as always.
"Sakura-San, are you OK? You look so deep in thought?" Nirei tilts his head now looking at Sakura, who has been by the window. Lowering his fists with a sigh, he rolls his eyes. "Nothing..."
Suo being the perceptive one, hums under his breath, smirking with adornment, "Are you still hung up on your feelings for Togame-san?"
There it is... the flustered tomato face Sakura-kun they all love.
"Huuuh? Y-you -I am not! I don't like t-that guy!"
His little growl deepened when they both grinned and exchanged fond glances. Sakura grits his teeth with a low grumble, looking sideways.
Suo closes towards him, patting his head as if he's a bashful puppy, "Aww, Sakura-kun, dont very shy... liking someone is very sweet. After all, we like you too"
"Hey!" Sakura slapped his hand, which made Suo poke his side, causing the younger of the two to let out a yelp.
Nirei laughs, gently tugging at his arm, "Sakura-san, are you still embarrassed, I thought Umemiya-san told u about those stuff already?"
Conflicted with reacting to Suo's poke and Nirei's persistence, he just clenched his fists with an inward grumble.
Getting this to his advantage, Suo quickly got behind Sakura to prod his sides again but this time gently and non stop.
"H-hey! N-not that... s-stop it!" Sakura shifted away from him, hopping from one foot to the other, but Nirei hook his arm under Sakura to keep him in place.
"Oh! Ticklish? Sakura-san that's so cute!" The blond's eyes glistened as he mentally noted Sakura cute when he's tickled.
"I Am nohot!" A giggle slips when Suo used his fingers to crawl up his sides. Ah, ribs it is...
"Hmm~ Sakura-kun do you really like your friends?"
Again with this like question?! Sakura groaned as he felt their predatory fingers capture every sensitive spot. Honestly, the last thing he wanted was being tickled. He never felt this before... its not really bad-
"AHHH! SHIHIHIT Thahahahats, ehehehenough!"
Ok, Suo needs to stop tormenting his hips.
Wait? Why are they even tickling him in the first place?
As if Nirei could read his mind he points out, "Sakura-san you need to accept that you love your friends. It's nothing to be embarassed about... you are cool guy even if you say you love us..."
Sakura blushes furiously. The won't even let him revert back to his original colour. He couldn't help but shriek when Suo tackles him to the ground. Instantly causing a scene when the rest of the classmates began to laugh at his predicament.
"Aww you called my name... does that mean you love me?"
"Eeeh??" Sakura wheezes in embarassment, his throat croaking awkwardly without even saying anything.
"Hey Suo, see if the tough guy is ticklish somewhere else?"
"Dohohohont ehehehencourage hihihim!" Sakura struggled to grab Suo's hands which were miraculously flying around poking his ribs and torso without care. At least his hips are not targeted.
"Oh, what about this spot~?" Nirei from behind whispers in his ear which made him scrunch his shoulder with a shrilled cry, "No!"
Suo's eyes widened with amusement, "Nice Nirei-kun, that has to be one of his worst spots..."
Unable to expose his midriff as his hands are still fight for dear life to protect any spot on his belly but now his shoulders raised up to avoid Nirei's curiois timid fingers around tracing his ears.
"W-wow Sakura-san your ears are even redder whenever I touch them."
"Aw man, Sakura-kun looks cute... its giving me diabetics now"
They laughed at the joke and also Sakura's shrieks of giggly protests that raised and cackled giddily.
His legs kicked and slammed against the floor but they didn't help at all.
Nirei stopped but Suo lingered a bit longer now gently tracing patterns over Sakura's sides.
"Admit one thing Sakura..."
"W-Whahahat is ihihit dahahamn it?"
Suo grins, "Say you love your friends"
Silence, Sakura looks pale and his already flsuehd face got brighter like a cherry. The other classmates whooped and hooted playfully, "Sakuraaa~ sayyy you love your friends..."
"Lets hold a wedding for him too~"
Amongst the chatters and laughter. Sakura grumbles but still giggling as Suo just continued his little teasing touches on his stomach, "U-ugh... I dont... wanna... -ack!"
"Hmm~?" Suo scribbled his fingers tips over the one spot across the side of his belly, "Don't wanna or can't do it?"
Nirei chuckles uneasily, "Sakura-san you don't have to force yoursel-"
"No I wanna hear it," Kiryu the pink haired guy with piercings finally removed his airport, with his tilted smile he gestures, "It's not bad to love your friends... its so simple... unless you're afraid..."
Sakura groans, both from that sentence and Suo's merciless taunts. He sigh, "F-Fine just... just let me up..."
Suo stops now, helping Sakura up to his feet. Despite the initial wobble, he straightens up and mumbles, "I don't hate... you guys..."
"Ah ah ah... say it properly Sakura-kun" Suo sways towards him, closely leaning on his shoulder, making Sakura squeak when he felt a hand on his waist, "A-ah alright alright... geez..."
He blushes furiously, now looking sideways tenaciously but with surrender. "I like you g-guys... ok?"
"Louderrrrr~?" Someone from the back teases.
"PUNK! I SAID I LIKE YALL! NOW LEAVE ME BE!" Sakura snaps, raising his arms to ruffle his hair in frustration before he storms away attempting to go outside of the classroom. However as he made it to the door he bumps into Sugishita, who menacingly looks down at him.
"Watch it brat..."
"AAAH? YOU WANNA FIGHT GREASE BALL?" Sakura raised his fists with a growl. Yup, just like a cat. An angry tsundere kitten...
Suo laughs at his own similie before pointing out, "Without Sakura, what will we do? He's so fun..."
Kiryu chuckles along with him. "Indeed, we all need a Sakura-chan to satisfy our lives."
Nirei, being the concerned mother of the group, steps towards Sakura to grab him and hold him back from violence. "S-sakura-san pleaaase don't fight..."
Sakura just hissed at Sugishita, who continues to glare, not really doing anything since he doesn't want to fight behind Umemiya's back. He just gave grimaces and irritated glances further triggering Sakura to anger. Sakura wheezes like a provoked cat... Nirei is strong enough to hold him back luckily.
One of the classmates laughed and gestured with amusement, "Someone tickle Sakura so he'll stop picking unnecessary fights..."
"Oh, right? Now we know his weakness..."
Suo smirks at the suggestion and looks at Kiryu, "Round 2?"
Kiryu winks, with a similar calculative beaming smile. "Ready when you are Suo-chan..." He advances forward where Sakura is, while adding towards the heterocrhomic boy, wiggling his fingers, "Ohhh Sakuraaaa-chaan....~?"
Suo steps forward as well, looking through the spectacle as he waits for his turn.
Freshmen classes aren't always this enthusiastic... but this year... it is very lively. Because they have a Sakura-kun.
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lovelynim · 1 month
Important data
Wind Break - Sakura x Suo (feat. Nirei)
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A/N: Two out of three comms for @wertzunge ~ Again, thank you so much for the support!! It's been a while since I had such a fun dynamic to write (hopefully no one was too ooc, eheh).
Summary: Spotting some blank spaces in Nirei's notebook, Suo decides to give him a little hand and help him find some new data about Sakura
Word count: 2037 words
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Sakura sighed, closing his eyes while trying to keep his cool and not say anything that would come out as rude. He was really, really trying this time. It was supposed to be a school trip, after all: no stress, no annoyances, no fights, just a good time and lots of fun. Then… Why the hell was Nirei putting him through such a test?
“So, sweet or sour, Sakura-san?” Nirei continued, a satisfied smile on his face. He was sitting on the bed next to Sakura’s, his legs crossed and his little notebook in one hand while the pencil, held by the other hand, seemed to move restlessly.
Sakura lost count of how many of those questions he answered in a five minute span. He had just got out of the shower and Nirei was already throwing one inquiry after the other. All he wanted right now was for Suo to finish his bath so he could entertain Nirei’s curiosity in his place.
With a defeated sigh, Sakura rolled his eyes as if thinking. “I-I don’t know, sour, I think? No, maybe sweet it’s better, but- agh, whatever! Both,” he groaned, part of him hoping for it to be enough to end Nirei’s questions.
But it wasn’t.
After noting something down in half a second, Nirei already lifted his gaze from his notebook and a satisfied smile rested on his lips. Damn it! “Ok, Sakura-san, would you say you-”
“AHH!!” Sakura groaned - or, maybe, ‘growled’ is a better description - “why are you asking so many questions?” He huffed, a faint rosy hue spreading across his cheeks. The awkward silence that followed only made it worse.
Nirei blinked quietly, as if processing Sakura’s reactions. “Oh, to gather more information about you, Sakura-san,” he nodded promptly, his polite smile already back to his face. “That will help me understand you and- S-Sakura-san? Where are you going?” The boy spoke hurriedly as Sakura walked over the room, picking up his things before heading to his bed.
“I-I’m tired. I want to go to bed early. Good night!” He hissed, the last part even more aggressively than before. Maybe if he pretended to be asleep, Nirei would spare him from the endless interrogation.
“Oh, good night, Sakura-san,” Nirei replied, watching as Sakura turned his back to him and shifted his position a couple times, probably trying to find a comfortable position in his bed.
As Sakura’s pretending went on, the only noise filling their bedroom was the one coming from the shower. But it was replaced soon enough, as Suo finished his bath and walked back into the bedroom. “Ahh, I really needed that after today’s-”
“Shhh!” Nirei interrupted, holding out his finger in front of his slightly-smiling lips. “Sakura-san is sleeping,” he chuckled quietly, pointing over to the other.
Sakura, with his face out of their sight, clenched his teeth. Just ignore them and keep pretending until you’re actually sleeping, he thought to himself.
“Hmm,” Suo tilted his head, placing the towel over his shoulders as he looked over to Sakura, narrowing his eye while inspecting the picture more thoroughly. Sleeping, huh? “Sorry, I didn’t know,” he whispered - or rather spoke in a ‘whispery’ manner -, “I could swear I heard you two talking just now.”
“Sakura-san was helping me fill the notebook with more information about him,” Nirei said while raising the book in his hand, “but he said he was tired and wanted to sleep early.”
‘Yes, and you two should do the same!’, Sakura though, closing his hand into a fist over the sheets. He couldn’t help, however, his curiosity in hearing what Suo and Nirei were going to talk about.
He could hear the shifts in one of the beds, probably a pillow being tossed aside and one of the blankets pushed away. What were they doing?
“Oh, you wrote a lot, Nirei,” Suo praised, leaning over the blonde to get a better look at Sakura’s page in the notebook. “Did Sakura really answer all that?”
“Well, not everything. There are things about him that I notice and decide that they are noteworthy. Or things that happen and I feel that are important enough to register. Things like that,” Nirei flipped across one or two pages, showing examples of what he just said.
On the nearby bed, Sakura couldn’t help but squirm a little, feeling curiosity eating him from inside out. He never bothered himself enough to check more than a couple lines in Nirei’s notebook - and, most of the time, they weren’t even about him. Thinking that Suo and Nirei were discussing him in detail…
That reaction didn't go unnoticed under Suo’s attentive gaze. So far, Suo found it curious how Sakura would decide for the most complex and difficult courses of actions to solve the most simple problems. “So, Nirei,” he muttered, the gears already turning inside his head, “what are those blank spaces?”
Sakura widened his eyes - but, thankfully, they were out of his friends’ sight.
“For things I still need to figure out. Like what Sakura-san’s laughter is like or if he has any notable weakness and-”
“Would you like me to help you figure those out?” Suo interrupted, tilting his head to the side while he looked at Nirei. 
The excitement in the blonde’s face contrasted the fear and worry that took over Sakura’s. Nirei nodded, almost in a hurry, and promptly held up his pencil next to the notebook. “A-are you sure, Suo-san?”
“Mhm!” Suo smiled, looking at Sakura and then back to Nirei. “Since he is asleep, hearing him laugh might be a little difficult… but we can try to look for any weak spots.”
“Got it,” Nirei nodded, watching while his colleague stood up and walked over Sakura’s bed. The quiet, gentle steps sent shivers down Sakura’s body - which he tried his best to conceal - while making him wonder what Suo was plotting this time.
“Sakura-san’s weakness…” Suo spoke gently, sitting himself next to Sakura’s “sleeping” body in his bed. Sakura gulped as he felt the mattress shifting, already bracing himself for the worst. “Oh.”
“S-Suo-san? Did you discover something?”
Suo chuckled, “maybe,” he looked over his shoulder to face Nirei and then back at Sakura - more specifically, at his ear slowly turning red. “Let’s see…”
Sakura gritted his teeth, feeling each and every muscle of his body tense to strain any noise from escaping his throat. Meanwhile, Suo gently fluttered his fingers around Sakura’s reddish ear, caressing and stroking the shell and down the lobe. “Sakura-san’s ears always turn so red when he gets shy… could they be a weak spot? What do you think, Nirei?”
Why, why, why, why?!
Why was Suo tickl- torturing him like that?! Sakura’s lips trembled, threatening to curve themselves into a smile while Suo’s finger moved ever so slowly.
“I don’t know, Suo-san,” Nirei answered and lifted his eyes from his notebook, pondering on that question as if it was some deep and serious matter. “If blushing was the deciding topic, then his cheeks would be a weak spot too.”
“Oh, so smart, Nirei-kun ~” Suo said, but refused to stop the ticklish teasing just yet, continuing to gently wiggle his finger around Sakura’s ear. Despite being out of Nirei’s sight, Sakura’s smiling and shudders were as clear as day to Suo, who was, if anything, entertained by his stubbornness. “Let’s see,” Suo cooed, tracing his index down to the side of Sakura’s neck, wiggling it along with his other fingers.
“P-pfft… s-stohohop it…” Sakura whined, scrunching up his shoulder and trying to push Suo’s hand away.
Nirei nearly jumped out of his seat, panic kicking as a thousand thoughts crossed his mind. “S-Suo-san, he is going to wake up!”
“That would mean we found the weak spot, no?” Suo grinned at Nirei, managing to dig his fingers into Sakura’s neck despite his attempts to stop him. “Also, I didn’t know Sakura-san was ticklish… does that count as a weakness?”
“I-I think it does!” Nirei nodded, picking up the pencil and noting the new found information. He couldn’t say he fully agreed with Suo’s straightforward methods, but he also couldn’t question the results it brought. “So… ears and neck are ticklish.”
“I wonder if he is ticklish anywhere else…” Suo commented as his fingers trailed down, trying to sneak under Sakura’s arm, but being pushed away. He chuckled, at the reaction. “I think he is indeed about to wake up, Nirei-kun.”
Sakura huffed, hoping that - this time - he would convince the other two to forget about him. What a sweet mistake. All he could feel was a shift in the mattress before two hands began to knead and tickle his sides, forcing an embarrassingly loud squeal out of him.
“WAHAHAH!! ~ W-whaAHaht are you dohohoing?!!” Sakura laughed, pressing his elbows against his body as much as he could, but it had little-to-no-effect in blocking Suo’s fingers. “G-Gehehet ohohoff!”
“Hold still, Sakura-san,” Suo giggled along, pinching and prodding at whatever spot he could reach. “I’m trying to find your weak spot!”
“Buhuhullshit! AHAHahah, stahAHAhap!!”
While Nirei tried to find a way to sum all that into his notes - both Suo’s tickling skills and Sakura’s ticklish spots - Suo continued to test one spot after the other, swiftly moving around his victim’s body. At some point, he had Sakura’s legs straddled and the last spot he wanted to try at his disposal: his feet.
“H-hah, don’t you- hahh.. dare!” Sakura wheezed, trying to push his body up. He couldn’t see what Suo was doing and that definitely made things worse. “I’m warning you, don’t d-AHAhah!”
“Wow, I think I found it, Nirei-kun,” Suo teased, the corner of his lips curling up while he tickled Sakura’s feet, his right hand targeting the spot under Sakura’s toes while the left one scratched the ball of his foot. “He is laughing the hardest now, no?”
“Mhm,” Nirei commented, not taking the matter as playfully as Suo was. This was important data, after all, “compared to when you tickled his sides, he is also squirming a lot more now.”
“You heard that, Sakura-san?” Suo laughed, not even sure if his voice could make it to Sakura’s ears. “Your feet might be your weak spot!”
“SHUHUHUT UP! AHAHA- lehEHEhet go!!” He cackled while tears of mirth started to hang on his lashes. He banged his fist against the soft mattress and pressed his face into it, nearly laughing like a madman while Suo’s fingers skittered all around his soles. 
No matter if he tried to kick or move his feet in the little room they had, Suo always seemed to find a way to continue tickling him. Gently, then suddenly rougher. Sakura could never grow accustomed to it and, in the end, the only thing that he could think about - besides how bad it tickled - was why Suo was so good at this?!
Well, it didn’t matter. At least, not when Sakura felt like he was about to laugh his life away. “NIREHEHEI! H-HEHEHehehelp mehehe!!” He pleaded, reaching out to the blonde with his trembling hand - using the last bits of his strength in this final attempt of escaping.
Nirei chuckled, but couldn’t deny it was a little scary to imagine himself in Sakura’s face. Suo was scary, after all. “S-Suo-san, I think you should let Sakura-san go now!”
“Is that so?” Suo smiled, quickly pulling his hands away and holding them up in the air. “Did you gather all the data you wanted, Nirei-kun?”
“Yes!” Nirei said, happily looking at all the spaces he managed to fill in his notes with the new information. “Thanks to you, I could note down Sakura-san’s weakness, a couple of weak spots and even write a good description of what his laughter is like!”
“You-” Sakura groaned, slowly getting on his knees on his bed, “you- ahh, will pay… for that!” He threatened, pointing at Nirei and looking at him with bloodlust in his eyes. Well, it made sense, he was the culprit behind this whole thing, after all.
Nirei gulped. “Maybe we should apol- S-Suo-san?!” He widened his eyes as Suo was already nowhere next to him. When did he even leave?! “S-Sakura-san, I-I can explain! Please, wait! There’s no need to get- wAHHAHH!!”
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breakerwind · 3 months
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Lee!Sakura / Ler!Suo
Warning: First part is mostly feet tickling
Summary: Sakura hurts his foot in a fight and seeks Suo’s aid. After suggesting a massage, Suo learns something about his friend.
A/N: I didn’t read this after writing it so ignore any errors
Sakura wasn’t used to getting hurt in fights. He was skilled and usually a tier above anyone he fought.
He wouldn't’ve ever expected to hurt himself while beating up a thug who was causing trouble in the town, but here he was. One of his ankles sat on Suo’s knee as the boy examined his right foot.
“I should take you to a nurse.” Suo sighed, partially annoyed that Sakura would come to him instead of a professional. “I could probably get you in trouble with Umemiya for not telling anyone about an injury, y’know?” He teased, looking Sakura in his eyes.
Sakura couldn’t maintain eye contact. He looked away, slightly blushing. “Don’t. I don’t even know how this happened!” He crossed his arms. “I lifted my leg to kick the guy in his scummy face, but when I pivoted my foot, I felt something weird.”
“Something weird? Did you sprain it?” Suo asked, worriedly. He furrowed his eyebrows and considered asking how he could find the guy who was technically responsible for this.
“I dunno! I’m not a doctor, you figure it out…” The injured boy pouted, still looking away. He hadn’t turned to face Suo since he’d walked into the room. He was too embarrassed to have gotten hurt, and having to show a classmate doubled it.
Suo rolled his eyes. “Well, neither am I…but if I had to guess…you probably just twisted it the wrong way.” Suo grabbed Sakura’s foot and examined it all over. “Nothing looks weird to me.”
“So you can’t fix it?! This was a waste of time!” Sakura huffed and puffed, dramatically. He finally turned his head to face Suo, who was giggling.
“What? What’s funny?” Sakura growled. Suo didn’t reply. He just sat there, covering his face as he giggled out loud.
“Oh, nothing. I’m just thinking about how funny it’ll be when I tell Nirei about this. I’m sure he would love to include this injury in your section in his journal.” Suo spoke, staring Sakura in the eyes. He seemed serious but playful. Poor Sakura couldn’t tell if he should beg for mercy or slap him in the face.
Slamming his uninjured foot against the floor in an attempt to scare Suo, Sakura replied: “You’d better fucking not! I’ll…I'll, uh, I’ll beat your ass! I swear, Suo!”
Suo laughed, causing Sakura to become even more angry with him. “Hey! Don’t you dare tell Nirei, I swear I’ll kick your a-”
“Hush! I’m only joking. However…with a hurt foot, you won’t be able to go on any patrols in the city.” Suo interrupted. Sakura raised an eyebrow and sighed. With his injured foot still on Suo’s knee, he gathered up all of his pride and asked:
“Will you…fix…it? Or something? Gah, I don’t fucking know! Just do something!” 
Suo smiled and nodded. “Yes, I will try to fix this pain in your foot.” He scooted his chair closer to Sakura and sat his ankle in his lap. Suo’s fingers suddenly grabbed onto the pad of his foot, catching Sakura off guard.
“Hey! Stohap!” Sakura yelped, trying to pull his ankle away. Suo grabbed it just in time and spoke. 
“Is something wrong? Did that hurt?”
Sakura shook his head and replied: “No…no…it didn’t. Just don’t grab it like that, alright?!”
“Alright.” Suo gently began to massage his thumbs into the pad of Sakura’s right sole. He moved his fingers slowly, trying not to startle the boy like last time.
He looked up and saw that Sakura had laid his head over the back of the chair, staring at the ceiling. He seemed content, so Suo continued massaging. 
After a few moments, he slid his thumbs down to the arch of Sakura’s foot, lightly moving them in circular motions across his warm skin. Suo noticed that Sakura had begun to wiggle his toes, so he decided to be playful and tap one of them.
“Ah, asshole! Stop it!” Sakura shouted, scrunching his foot. He gave up trying to pull it back since Suo always caught it.
“Are you sure that it doesn’t hurt? It’s alright if it does…” Suo tried to reassure the boy. He didn’t want him to feel embarrassed about his injury.
“I’m fucking positive! It just…shut up! Just massage it or whatever and be done with it!” Sakura was becoming visibly red all over… His cheeks and nose were red, and even his ears were red. Suo could tell that something was up…
Ignoring Sakura’s loud demands, Suo continued pushing his thumbs into the arch of his foot. However, he ‘accidentally’ let one of his fingers slip down the length of Sakura’s sole–from his toes to the ball of the foot.
Sakura yelped and his knee jolted, trying to retract his foot. Suo swiftly grabbed and placed his ankles in an armlock, and before Sakura knew it, he was being tickled!
Five fingers scribbled up and down the entirety of his foot’s arch, causing him to let out a laugh that Suo had never heard before. It was deep, but light and playful. 
“Wahah! Suo, stohahap! Whahat the hehell?!” Sakura howled with laughter, tugging at his ankle.
“Shh! So loud…” Suo giggled, bluntly scraping his fingernails against the upper section of Sakura’s arch, near the pad of his foot. Sakura’s toes were wiggling, his sole was scrunching, and his fingers were clenched into fists.
He tried anything to resist the horrible ticklish feelings of Suo’s fingertips, but nothing worked. “Gahaha! Suo, whaha, why?! Stohap this!”
Suo shrugged. “Well, I figured that something was afoot when you kept reacting weirdly to the massage. Ah, this doesn’t hurt, right? All jokes aside.” The boy stopped his fingers. “I know it tickles, but does it hurt..?”
“No…it doesn’t hurt! Now stop it! Lemme go!” Sakura whined. He jabbed Suo in the side with his other foot’s toes, which would’ve helped him escape if Suo hadn’t grabbed that ankle and added it to the armlock as well.
“Well, if it doesn’t hurt, why should I stop? You seem to enjoy it. See?” Suo snickered, jamming his fingers between his left foot’s toes. He slid them back and forth, making Sakura go berserk. He shook in his chair and slammed his fists against his thighs. 
“GaHAhaHAha! NuhuHUHAhoHO!” Sakura could barely form a sentence. His mind was beginning to go to mush as he felt Suo’s fingers tickle the shit out of the sides of his toes.
“All of this laughter, you must love it. You know you love it, Sakura.” Suo chuckled, hoping his gaslighting attempt would work. He held a random foot’s row of toes and scribbled his fingers underneath them, not missing a single spot. No area under Sakura’s toes went untickled, he made sure to scratch between the bottoms of every single toe, and then some.
“I dohon’t! I doHOhoHAheho! I fuhUHahOHoha! I fuhucking hate it!” Sakura managed to say, through all of his laughter.
Suo made a dramatically sad face and let go of his toes. He even freed Sakura’s ankles from the armlock, too. “You hate it? Really?” He pouted.
“Yes, I do! And fuck you, that tickled! Really badly..!” Sakura shouted, his face pink as it could be. He pulled his feet into his lap and grabbed his shoe, throwing it at Suo.
The boy had narrowly missed the shoe to the face. He ducked just in time, luckily. Suo smirked and began crawling towards Sakura.
“Wuh…hey, stop! Stop that! You’re fucking creepy, y’know that?!” Sakura yelled, backing up as quickly as he could. He felt kind of bad for calling Suo creepy, but the boy had a mad scientist look on his face as he slithered toward him! He couldn’t help but throw insults. It was that, or throwing fists!
Without speaking a single word, Suo pounced on Sakura’s thighs, sitting down comfortably. He wiggled his fingers in the air and slowly pushed them towards Sakura’s belly.
“Gah, noho! Nohot more, puhlease!” Sakura whined, kicking his feet. He tried to grab Suo’s wrists, but he was so weak from giggles that he just couldn’t.
Suo snuck his fingers under Sakura’s shirt and began pinching his hips and waist. His fingertips poked and prodded at his belly as well.
“Suhuho, nohOHaha! It tihickles!” Sakura pleaded for Suo’s mercy, but he was too focused on getting revenge for the shoe to the head.
Suo snaked his fingers upward and clawed Sakura’s ribs, his fingernails raking up and down, again and again. Sakura was a mess at this point. He was so weak from laughter that he could hardly fight back, but he couldn’t just sit there and accept his ticklish demise like that!
He whacked Suo’s head with his limp fists, but it didn’t damage the boy at all. If anything, it tickled him too.
“Trying to attack me, Sakura?” Suo hummed, an evil grin on his face. Sakura was smart enough to know that Suo would use this so-called ‘attack’ as a reason to tickle him even more, so he clamped his arms against his sides and prayed for the best.
“Aw, you know I can just…” Suo grabbed Sakura’s wrists and placed them above his head firmly. “Do this, right? Now you can’t protect those ticklish pits, eh?”
Sakura’s forehead was sweating. He was trapped and Suo somehow knew his most ticklish spot. Biting his tongue, he brought his knee up and slammed it into Suo’s back.
“Cute…that didn’t hurt…at all,” Suo spoke. “Just a few more tickles and I’ll stop. Besides, you love this. Right?”
Sakura shook his head and replied: “Yes!”
Suo looked surprised. “What? Hm, alright…” Sakura’s eyes widened when he realized his mistake.
“No! Nohoho, I meant no! Suo!” Sakura shouted. How the hell did he mess that up so badly?
Suo watched Sakura beg. He pitied him right now. He considered stopping but wanted to hear the boy’s cute laughter a little bit more before he stopped.
“One…two…” Suo used his free hand to poke the center of Sakura’s armpit. “Three!” Then, he used all five fingers to scratch up and down the slightly sweaty, but endlessly ticklish area. He curled his fingers around the sides and edges of the underarm, eliciting an adorable laugh from Sakura.
“NahaHAha! Suhuho, I’m goHOhahonna cry! Puhulease!” 
Suo took a good look at Sakura’s eyes, but there were no tears. “Hm…fine.” He said, letting his wrists go and taking his fingers out of his armpit. “I’ll stop! Only because I’m not upset at you for trying to knock my head off anymore.”
“Wuh?! What the hell?! I never did that!” Sakura crossed his arms.
“You did! You threw that shoe, so instead of punching you, I gave you the easy way out. Say, thank you.” Suo spoke. He had to be crazy to expect ‘thank you’ to come from Sakura’s mouth. 
“Thank…you?” Sakura had surprisingly decided to obey Suo. He was likely afraid that the boy would go crazy on him with tickling again. Either way, he was ready to get this over with and tell his friend something important.
“Thank…you. For my foot.” Sakura said with a blank expression. He sounded unsure about the thank you…
“Hm? What do you mean?” Suo was genuinely confused, he’d done more tickling than massaging.
“The tickling. I guess it helped, or something. I don’t fucking know! It just feels better, I guess!” Sakura stood up and held a hand out.
Suo grabbed it and was surprised to feel Sakura pull him up. 
“If you tickle me again, I’ll kick your ass! I mean it! Okay?!” 
Suo giggled. He couldn’t take Sakura seriously like this. His face was pink, his hair was messy, and he had no shoes on. “Alright, I won’t,” Suo said, smiling. “Need help finding that show you so rudely threw at me? I don’t see it anywhere.”
Sakura was taken aback, but Suo was right.
“F-fine! You can help me find it. But no silly games, like right then, alright?!” 
Suo nodded. “I know, I know…no more silly games. Got it.”
The two boys teamed up to find Sakura’s socks and shoes that had somehow disappeared during this ‘physical therapy’ session. The day ended with Suo still teasing Sakura about his ticklishness, even threatening to tell Nirei, who would never let it go. 
He wouldn’t do such a thing, though. He wanted to keep Sakura’s little secret all for himself.
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otomiyaa · 4 months
Nirei's Discovery
Sakura ft. Nirei & Others
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A/N: Another fic that spawned on the road (I mean, flight). I can't wait to explore Tumblr and check out all the tickle fics for this lovely series, I expect to find some or else I'll be very disappointed
Summary: Sakura always gets angry really fast and has a habit of handing out punches. Nirei discovers the perfect way to deal with this... (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 1.5K
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It was just another day at Bofurin. Nirei was just returning to the classroom after taking a piss, only to find Sakura yelling at Sugishita. Of course he wasn't surprised.
"Say that again! Say that again, I dare you!" Sakura yelled, making himself big in front of the taller guy and making a funny scene. Nirei studied Sakura's movements.
No idea what happened here, but... If he was correct....
"HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME?! I said say that again!"
Right! He was correct! Like expected, Sakura made his hands into fists and raised his arms, ready to go in for a punch. Typical!
"Like that'll even hurt." Sugishita turned away from Sakura, not even impressed and being obedient towards Umemiya by not fighting right now in the classroom.
"HOW DARE YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME!" Sakura made a move to punch, but thanks to analyzing and predicting Sakura's movements well, Nirei managed to join in at the perfect timing and...
"WAHAHH!" Bingo. He had wanted to try it out for a while now, and now was the perfect chance. It worked. Tickling Sakura's exposed underarms made him lower his arms right away, and he turned around, blushing angrily.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" he barked, his face totally red. Nirei smirked at him.
"Ticklish. Noted," he said.
"YOU....!" Sakura glared at him, then glanced at Sugishita and the others present before stomping out of the classroom, completely embarrassed.
"I'll get you for this!" was the warning he shared before he left. Nirei cocked his head.
"Did he mean me?" he asked. He just took out his notebook to literally make the notes, and Sugishita stood next to him.
"I think so. What are you doing anyway?" he muttered. Nirei smirked proudly and turned his notebook around to show him.
"My notes! I think I discovered the way how to deal with Sakura-san and his temper. You know how he tends to raise his fists whenever he gets angry? Well, I thought this gives the other the perfect chance to tickle him. He'd lower his arms right away again without picking a fight."
"I see," was Sugishita's short reply.
"Of course he has to be ticklish for it to work, and it did. I just tried his armpits, but I wonder about his sides and tummy. Want to help me find out?"
"Find out what?" They looked up to see Suo enter.
"Suo-san! Hello!" Nirei greeted merrily. He then turned around his notebook to show him as well.
"I was showing my notes about Sakura-san. I found out how we can calm him down if he wants to start a fight at a bad time."
"Tickle him." Sugishita spoiled it with his blunt comment, but Nirei didn't mind.
"Right! Tickle him! It's like, when he gets angry and raises his fist like he often does," Nirei said, and he demonstrated by doing it himself.
"Then this?" He was a little surprised that Suo would tickle him out of the blue like that, and he jumped it with a loud shrieky cackle, dropping his notebook and almost falling backwards, but Suo caught him again.
"Oops, sorry about that hehe. But I see, that sounds like it could work. Is he ticklish though? Probably not as ticklish as you are."
Nirei flinched when he made a move to tickle him again, but it was only a teasy fake attack, and he giggled nervously.
"He ihihis! I just tried it."
Suo hummed. "That's brave of you. Ah, so that's why he was all red. I ran into him in the hallway. He must've been embarrassed. So, what did you need help with?" he asked kindly.
Nirei smiled gratefully. "It worked but... Sakura-san may have been surprised, rather than ticklish. I would like to reconfirm it. I also don't know whether he's ticklish in other places. So to finish my notes, I uh..."
"Got it. I'll help you. Let's find him, I think he was heading for the bathroom just now."
Nirei was surprised that they immediately jumped into action. Even Sugishita joined, probably to make sure they weren't going to make a mess or disobey Umemiya.
"What are you guys doing?" On the way to the bathroom, Hiragi joined them.
"Hiragi-san. We're going to test out Nirei-kun's discovery."
"What discovery?" Hiragi asked while Nirei blushed, feeling flattered to hear it get explained like that.
"You will see. Come with us." And so Hiragi was added to their party as well, and with Suo in the lead, they went to the bathroom where Sakura was most likely hiding in embarrassment.
When they arrived there, they heard the sound of running water and also, hehe, angry Sakura noises.
"Ridiculous. How dare they make a fool of me like that. Next time I'll be sure to -"
"Sakura-kuuuun! Come on out, don't waste all our water!" Suo called out, and Nirei was amused to hear Sakura squeak in surprise. The water stopped and he came out of the bathroom, his face wet from the water and waving his hands that were still dripping wet too.
"What now?!" he yelled, seeing the four of them wait for him outside the bathroom.
"Are you here for a fight? I sure as hell can handle y'all WEEEELL!" Sakura did not seem to anticipate that Suo would test Nirei's theory right away. He tickled both Sakura's sides as soon as he raised his fists.
"Ticklish sides, confirmed," Suo reported to Nirei who quickly took his notebook again to make his notes.
"WHAT!" Sakura shrieked, and he looked at them with wide eyes, that cute blush still on his face.
"Oh. I see how it is," Hiragi said, catching on quickly. Sakura immediately turned to glare at him and stomped towards him next.
"You see what! Don't you dare laugh at me-EEEP!" Sakura couldn't let go of his habit that quickly, so as he raised his fists to hit Hiragi in the face, Hiragi quickly reached down and tickled his tummy.
"I'm not laughing, you're laughing," Hiragi said dryly.
Sakura immediately fell forward against him, a series of loud giggles escaping his lips.
"Tummy. Ticklish..." Nirei muttered in awe, scribbling in his notebook. But to his surprise, more laughter could be heard now. Hiragi was tickling Sakura's sides without stopping this time, making him cackle involuntarily.
"Not such a big mouth now, huh?" Eeep, it seemed like Hiragi was enjoying this way too much! How was Sakura going to get over this and - oh! Suo was joining in!
"Leave some for me too!" he chirped, standing behind Sakura, and he started to tickle his ribs, making him laugh even louder.
"Y-you guhuhuuys ahahare idiahaha-idiots! Stahahap thahahat!" At first, even Sakura's giggles sounded angry, and Nirei couldn't help but add 'angry laughter' to Sakura's skills.
Then, even Sugishita stepped forward, a scary smirk stretching his lips. With two people cornering and tickling him, Sakura's fate already looked pretty harsh, but now that Sugishita joined in and completely caged him in, he really had nowhere to go.
As soon as Sugishita started to tickle Sakura's tummy, he really became one hysterical and giggly mess, it was quite adorable.
"HEHEHE! NAhha- dohon't you dahahare!" He flailed his arms, but Hiragi caught one arm with ease. Sugishita the other. Suo kept both hands available to tickle Sakura mercilessly, grinning and humming while he did it.
"This is fun~ Great discovery, Nirei-kun. So now that we're at it, let's start with an apology for yesterday's fuss. And the day before yesterday too."
Pffft. Suo was hilarious. Not a day, or even hour would go by without Sakura making a scene somewhere. At this rate, they had a lot of apologies to get, and in turn, Sakura had a lot of tickling to endure.
"HAHAHA! NEVEEHEHER! WEheheh!" Only more laughter, no apologies. Heh. That was to be expected.
"This will take a while," Nirei said with a smile, and he squeaked in surprise when Umemiya suddenly stood next to him.
"That looks fun! What's happening here?"
Sugishita immediately stopped tickling Sakura and jumped back, intense as always.
"Umemiya-san! It's not what it looks like!"
"To me it looks like a tickle fight. I want to join," Umemiya said, and he looked surprised when Hiragi stepped away to reveal that the person laughing and giggling hysterically just now, was none other than Sakura.
"Little brother! Waaaaii!" Hiragi and Suo casually stepped back, and Sakura could barely move a limb before he was simply tackled down by Umemiya.
The next moment, more of that contagious laughter could be heard as Umemiya tickled him cheerfully, and at this point Sakura's laughter didn't even sound angry anymore.
"He's never sounded so cute and innocent before," Suo commented, and Nirei nodded.
"Right?" he giggled.
"Don't let him hear you," Hiragi warned.
"Why? Won't we just tickle him if he wants to hit us?" Suo giggled.
"Yeah," Sugishita said, and Nirei couldn't stop smiling. He felt like his discovery really was changing the vibe at Bofurin, and that he was able to contribute well to their community, which automatically meant, to the safety and well-being of Makochi. Success!
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
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I wanted to write for best bofurin boy so I did :D
(Tickly headcanons below the cut)
-Remember how I said I loved Toma? I do- but of all of Bofurin this is my favorite character (Togame has my current series fave tho) SUGISHITA!!! :D
-He looks all tough and scary but he's the definition of "Wiggle your fingers at him and he's already gone." He cannot handle it at ALL.
-Soooooo ticklish- poor baby can't handle even the smallest of pokes and prods. A single jab and he's on the floor. Think spooked cat after encountering a cucumber kajkrakerkeaj
-His worst spots are his legs; thighs, knees and calves especially. Really, he's someone who's fairly ticklish everywhere (like Sakura shhhh) but if you get those spots specifically he'll be putty in your hands.
-He laughs in lower case; very quiet giggler. If you get the backs of his knees or his armpits you might get a proper cackle or whine, but most of the time he laughs in silence.
-He can't fight back to save his life in a tickle fight, so he just kinda covers his face and curls up. It's very different than when he's fighting for real; his main objective is to run for the hills and get away (Though if he's being completely real with himself he rather likes being tickled physical affection is his love language but like hell he'll ever admit that outloud)
-Umemiya tickles him the most cause of course he does jajreakrekje He does it for every reason under the sun: bad moods, fighting with Sakura again, wrong place wrong time, just because- it's not uncommon to see Sugishita a tad breathless and giggly post Umemiya's reign of tickly terror. (some say that's the first real sign Umemiya's in a mood).
-Wake up tickles are canon with this guy. He's a heavy sleeper even in class; waking him up can be kind of difficult. Suo likes to tickle him awake more times than not- and once Sakura tried it which resulted in a fist fight.
-Suo also tickles him to try and help "Fix is posture"; just sneaking up and grabbing his ribs all "Straighten your back." It usually leads to Sugishita on his knees in mirth, but he does kinda somewhat stand up straighter? No one can really tell the difference if they're being honest.
-If you think Sakura is a blusher, tease this man. Tell him how cute he is laughing and smiling and how "the big bad Sugi is so sensitive to a few tickles, hmm?" and he'll put the worst of Sakura's blushes to shame. He cannot handle verbal taunts at all; it's as bad as air tickles! (he also can't handle air tickles did I say that yet?)
-Not much of a tickler, but when it comes to wars, he's the muscle. He puts his long legs to use in pinning someone down for Umemiya (which- granted- backfires from time to time given how ticklish they are) or puts them in a hold no one knows where he learned from but dang it it works and leaves their lee open for tickly antics without hurting them so they go with it! If you here Umemiya go "Sugi, if you please~" Run- you're likely gonna be the target.
-If he DOES tickle someone...it's so gentle? He's got steel muscles and feather fingers. He's not one to really go in for the kill, but if he's in charge of pinning someone, he'll very gently trace their neck or arms or wherever he can reach. He doesn't really talk, but his devious little smile is just as effective to fluster!
-Poker. He'll reach out and jab sides and bellies from time to time but that's as far as he goes in tickle wars when he's not being assigned pin duty. It usually results in him getting wrecked (which was what he was going for- what who said that?)
I could yell about him for hours ajrkjaekjejk thanks for reading!
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
Hiii bby ! ☺️ i’m literally obsessed with your chloe fics <3 may i request rachel x fem reader smut with soft dom rachel <3 i love her sm
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Rachel Amber x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Smut, cursing, v fingering ( r! receiving ), kissing, sweetness and FLUFFFF, compliments, girlfriend!rachel, top rach, bottom reader
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope ( I did spell check tho... kinda )
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - AHH ty for the request!! and I'm glad you like my other fics ily sm!!
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Your dorm room was silent, blinds clattering every few minutes from a blow of the wind. Rachel didn't seem to notice like you had though, too busy sorting all of the photos she'd taken in the past few weeks while muttering criticisms to herself. Tossing her least favorites aside.
The golden glow from the window complimented the four walls that you called home currently. Your eyes dancing from each of them as you thought, stretched out and comfortable while pondering what to have for dinner.
The sudden flash of a camera took your mind away from the thoughts of ramen or tacos. Flickering your pupils to the golden haired girl looking at the screen of the camera in her hands with a grin.
"Sorry, you just looked so... majestic."
You rolled your eyes at her dramatics, running your hands down your face while hiding your smile in the process.
"Nothing about me is majestic right now, I can promise you that."
Rachel gasped, placing her hand on her chest. Suddenly a faux expression of shock and horror crossed her face and invaded her irises.
"I didn't take you for a liar and a promise breaker, Y/n."
"What can I say? I'm truly a horrible person at heart."
Rachel stood up, laughing on her way to sit beside you on the mattress. Climbing over your body which made you painfully aware of how little clothing she'd been wearing, having spent the night. Choosing her underwear over her jeans which... who were you to disagree... or complain, for that matter?
"Majestic as well." She joked, resting her head on the pillow next to the one you'd been laying on. "Even if you're blind to your beauty." "Is that a line from one of your plays?" You then asked her, rolling onto your side to face her.
"No, it's a line from my heart." The way Rachel spoke always sounded like she was reciting a poem, making it hard to believe yet entrapping and enticing you all the same. She sounded like a Goldrush, and it matched her appearance as well.
"You should be a poet, if your other career plans fail." You blurted out quietly, listening to her melodic chuckles. "I get that a lot." It was your turn to find her funny, blinking while watching her take in a breath.
"Have been considering it, but I'll need a muse." You listened to her voice, the bed moving as she shifted to lean over you, laying her head against her palm, elbow keeping her raised.
"Something... someone... majestic? To, y'know, get heaps and floods of inspiration from. As those movie artists say, you cannot be a creator without finding something to love that's been already created."
You stared blankly at her, admiring the way her jaw and mouth moved as she spoke. It sounded like she was both joking and serious.
"You just made that up didn't you?" Your question came out before you could think it back in. Her laughter filling up your ears.
"Yeah, but it was hella poetic, right?"
You agreed quietly, smiling up at her while she continued to wonder. Her nail running along your leg making you shift as it had tickled. Though it began feeling less and less ticklish the closer she got to your inner thigh.
"Maybe I should be a poet." You said something to follow up that but it trickled away as she moved closer and closer towards where your shorts had ridden upwards.
"But all my poems would just end up being about you." She muttered, content with the way you squirmed under touch but didn't pull away. The little flicker of a flustered state never passing slowly across your features which made her increasingly bold.
"Oh really?" You spoke just above a whisper, trying your hardest to ignore the thumping in your underwear. Breaths light and shuddering her baby hairs from how close she truly was to your face.
Rachel spared no seconds though, leaning down to kiss your lips, tasting like the fruity drink she'd bought from the convenience store. The half drunk can still set on your side table across the room.
"I love you.." You said happily, muttering it to both yourself and her. Feeling the tips of her fingers inching towards where the seams of your panties met your leg. "Hm... tell me again."
She grinned as she said this, sneaking her way into your shorts and tugging them aside while you gathered yourself once again.
"I love you..." You spoke again, spreading your legs in just the slightest to give her more room to work with. "I love you so much..." A grin crossed your face when speaking, only for it to be replaced by a gasp, her fingertips brushing over your clit before moving in a soft circle.
Rachel just continues to take in every inch of your face, each little curve and indent. Each line and little blemish, her fingers working whilst she tried to paint your entire existence into her memory.
"Do you love me?" Your question was silently answered but was followed by an audible, "Of course I do.." from her. Rachel then leaned down to kiss you again and again while teasing and pleasuring your bundle of nerves. Rolling it against her fingers while you tried your hardest to stay in the same spot and not jerk away or shut your legs.
"You're my muse..." She gave you a smirk, referring to herself earlier while simultaneously picking up her pace and making you whimper. "...what's not to love?"
You focused on how she worked skillfully, yet barely broke a sweat. Too busy nipping your jaw or nuzzling your cheek to hear your sweet yet low moans increase. A light wet sound meeting your ears from inside of your bottoms, making you look at her with big eyes while she only basked in your adorable pleas that fell on deaf ears.
Your eyebrows furrowed and mouth jittered, biting your lip to give your neighboring students ease of not having to listen to your girlfriend fuck you.
Her digits then found their way to your hole and without warning, two fingers soaked with your slick invaded your cunt. A choked, strangled noise following up from your throat which she pressed a kiss to.
"Rach.. oh fuck..." You hummed, chest heaving up and down, eyes moving back and forth between her hand and her face. Both such sights to behold but she helped you make the choice of which to actually focus on.
"Look at me..." Rachel practically sang, giving you no room to deny her request. "M'gonna-" "I know, now tell me how much you love me, Y/n."
You were rocking against her to meet her knuckles, reaching out to grab at her forearm which she seemed to thoroughly enjoy.
"I- I love you- I really do- I love you so much-"
She giggled as you repeated yourself over and over, muttering and babbling nonsense to her as you came around her. Shuddering and shutting your thighs on her hand, but she kept moving, not letting her unfortunate new position hold her back from fucking you through your blissful state.
Everything then coming to a halt, your shaky breathing being the only sound in the room besides her amusement.
"Fuck, now that was majestic." She spoke first.
You looked up at her, smiling big and leaning for a kiss which she gave. Rubbing her nose against yours and making you pull back, laughing sweetly.
"Now... be my muse for a little longer?"
How could you say no?
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a/n: watching kennie rn - stan bad movies and a beat y'all
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astralis-is-typing · 1 year
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⚝fic type: one shot as part of the weeknd series
⚝genre/contains: nobility!au, duchess!reader x viscount!taehyun, angst, fluff ending, established relationship, allusions to cheating
⚝word count: 3k
⚝warnings: arranged marriage is discussed, character death (not taehyun or reader), depictions of parental neglect.
⚝synopsis: the blazing love that you and taehyun nurtured in the quiet space of your library meets an unexpected dilemma when he finds out you are engaged to someone else. your relationship with him was already the talk of the town considering taehyun's of a much lower social rank than you. he had his insecurities, but never expected such a betrayal. should he have expected it?
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You burst into the library, huffing as you moved through the aisles and made a beeline for Taehyun’s work desk. It was turning out to be a hot day, and the afternoon light filtered through the translucent dome ceiling, bathing the large space in an orange-tinted light. Taehyun looked up from the books strewn across his desk as you approached him, big eyes glimmering as they always did when graced by the sight of you. A welcoming smile stretched across his lips as he stood to greet you; no matter how long you two were together, Taehyun secretly doubted he’d ever get over the giddiness of seeing you.
He had grown used to your fuming form over the past few weeks following the demise of your father. It wasn’t sadness; you didn’t mourn your father for very long– the two of you barely had a real connection. This moodiness had to do with the domino effects of his passing.
Neither of your parents had a sliver of parental care in their body, not a single bone if genuine affection for their own children. You and your siblings were little more than property to them– meant to be paraded as trophies when they needed to impress their peers, and then disregarded once more as soon as you got home. Since you were the first born child in your family, your mother had been pressuring you to become more serious about your impending ascension to a duchess. It was something you’d always detest… being the automatic inheritor of a role you did not want, simply because you were born first.
Your escapes to your library had become more frequent; after every meeting with your mother, you’d come seek solace in your favourite place– and in your favourite person. This library, with its high ceiling and large windows, brought so much light into your life– both literally and metaphorically. Its warm stone walls were your security, and the books within strongly reflected your heart’s desires, opinions and way of thinking. You often fought the temptation to simply lock yourself up in here for days on end, with no one but Taehyun and your handmaiden to know where you had escaped to. The urge was especially at the forefront of your mind on days like this, when your mother’s stern insistency got under your skin and you felt that you were a mere string puppet while other people controlled your life.
Taehyun didn’t pry today, but judging by your behaviour he figured your mother was trying to convince you to do something you didn’t want to.
He guided you towards the bay window behind his desk, the soft strands of his hair tickling your temple as he leaned down to plant a lingering kiss on your cheek. The two of you loved sitting there during your down time. When Taehyun wasn’t working, and you weren’t swamped with your tutoring and duties, the two of you spent hours on end seated at that bay window together. It provided such a clear view of your estate– it’s sprawling fields and the trees that lined the eastern perimeter, acting as a wind breaker to shield your abode from the treacherous winds that sometimes swept over your region.
Taehyun regarded you for a moment before speaking, leaning against the curved wall framing the window as he tried to gauge what the crease of your brow indicated. He was always mindful of how he approached these types of discussions, weighing his potential approaches. It never failed to amaze you how thoughtful and perceptive he could be, particularly now when you were being bogged down by so much pressure.
“Penny for your thoughts, my dear?” he finally asked, sitting beside you and directing your attention towards him. The two of you would both sit with your backs pressed to the walls behind you, and have your legs meeting at the centre of the seat, pressed against each other from the knee downwards. This way, you could hide a sketchbook in your lap and draw your lover without him noticing. Unfortunately for you, Taehyun’s eyes were far too attentive to miss that and you were never very subtle to begin with, but it was a fun game all the same.
It took a moment for you to meet his gaze, to be present in this moment with him rather than worrying about your future. Your mother’s latest ‘suggestion’ had been her most outrageous one yet. It was only a matter of time before the whole ordeal blew up in your face if you didn’t find the will to tell Taehyun about it soon.
For now, you groaned and slumped into his side. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
“That’s alright,” he said easily, gently pulling you to him and wrapping a hand around your form. You curled into him, body now on top of his. You sighed in content as he soothingly ran his hand up and down your arm. “What would you rather?”
“This is enough for now,” you assured him, making yourself comfortable.
This is how life always was with Taehyun. The warmth and consideration your lover held for you overwhelmed you at times. It wrapped around you, so that no matter the season, you were constantly blanketed in its radiant grace.
Taehyun was the son of a viscount who your father, the duke, had a great rapport with. Once Taehyun had completed his schooling, your father convinced him to help your family manage your library. Taehyun was neat, precise and simply meticulous in his work. As you spent most of your time in the vast library, and always had since you were a child, you and Taehyun became fast friends. Your friendship bloomed into more after a nearly a year of playing hide and seek with your feelings for each other. And now– another two years later, the two of you had a solid relationship.
The affair was already scandalous; because the title of a viscount was lower in rank than a duke or duchess, marrying Taehyun would diminish your own social standing. You found yourself caring less and less about that fact every day you spent curled up in your library together, hidden from the world and your impending responsibilities as a duchess. When you were with Taehyun, it was simply you and him– nothing else mattered, no one could access either of you in the sanctuary of that library. You’d purposely made sure no one but your handmaiden accessed the library during your hours there with Taehyun. Your estate had a handful of libraries, and your parents had granted you this one for your personal use. It was named after you, and you often fantasized about a time in your life when you’d be able to switch your last name on the large placard for Taehyun’s.
The two of you were silent for a while, simply enjoying how comfortable that action was in itself. You tried focusing on Taehyun’s ever-steady breathing, on the tune he was absent-mindedly strumming onto your arms with his fingers… but as fate would have it, your worries started to crop up in the corners of your mind, disrupting the calm Taehyun had induced on you.
“Read to me, please,” you mumbled, enjoying the sun outside the window behind you that was warming your back. Taehyun’s voice would be a good distraction to the ones in your head (that sounded a lot like your mother). He chuckled at how your cheek was mushed against his chest, and the way you whined in protest when he got up to fulfill your request. Although it took a while for him to learn how to initiate physical contact, Taehyun loved when your body so naturally gravitated towards his. It made him feel needed.
The book he chose was embroidered with reeds harvested from the stream nearby, strands dyed a deep, regal blue. Its edges were bound and plaited so intricately one would not have to read its contents to regard the book as art. Taehyun opened it to where his bookmark lay and began to read.
Taehyun’s soft voice breezed through most of your tension, but you were only half listening– distracted by the anxiousness gnawing at your insides. There was something you needed to tell him, but you kept procrastinating having that conversation.
You were engaged.
When you’d met Taehyun, the process of your engagement was already underway. However– in a rare bout of graciousness– your parents had let you delay its announcement for another year or two. You were still young, and had a few years left before people started to question the lack of a ring on your finger. You didn’t particularly mind your fiancé. He was amiable, which worked for you. And– as your mother kept reminding you– he came from an incredibly wealthy family, which worked for your reputation.
But you did not love him. You’d never been in love, but you had half a mind to know when you weren’t. Your parents tried convincing you that love came with time, but if their relationship was anything to go by… you were better off alone.
Taehyun had been a godsend. At first, his cordialness seemed cold; always polite but never making the first move. You later realized that this was how your lover expressed shyness. Since the both of you opened up about your feelings, Taehyun had been nothing but loving– always greeting you with a new book recommendation you already knew you’d love, and arranging platters of fruit for you by himself when you woke up early to attend to your commitments.
He more or less lived at your house– what with all the work he had– and for that reason, although he’d never formally courted you, most of your employees knew of your relationship. You’d managed to keep it on a need-to-know basis with your parents, who approved of Taehyun, sure, but did not want such a union between you two to ruin their reputation. Gossip would one day be the end of your duchy, you were sure of it.
Ignoring the dilemma didn’t exist– and instead lazing about with your lover like this– was far less intense.
Your thoughts wandered back to the present when Taehyun began to read a familiar poem. Your ears perked up at that, because it was one of your favorites. You noticed he’d altered the words a little to better fit his emotions; Taehyun loved doing that with poems he liked.
“A rendition of a poem by Abel Tesfaye,” he said, plopping the book down softly. He knew that was your favourite poet, and smiled at the slight lift in your mood once he’d finished.
“Thank you,” you giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “When did you work on that one?”
“Yesterday,” he shrugged, laughing softly. “While you dozed off.”
“I did not,” you protested, stifling your laughs as you got off him and fixed him with a faux glare.
Taehyun loved poking fun at your inability to stay up late. You’d been with him in the library late last night, having convinced your handmaiden to arrange dinner there for the two of you. As you sat at your bay window you ended up falling asleep to the sound of pen scratching against paper and Taehyun’s soft humming as he wrote away.
“Ah, my mistake. You must have simply been resting your eyes,” he teased.
Once your laughter had subsided, Taehyun shifted his position so that he was sitting upright beside you. “Care to tell me what’s on your mind now, my dear?”
“Oh, you know…” you stalled, tracing the patterns of your dress. “Just thinking about our future.”
“What about it?” he asked. “Has your mother proposed that we wed in a barn?”
“It’s not that…” you giggled nervously. “If we get married-”
“When,” he corrected softly with a chuckle.
“Okay, when,” you conceded, and the dread that filled your eyes somehow went unnoticed by him. “When we get married, we’ll obviously hold the wedding in here.”
“I’d like that as well,” he grinned, eyes big and adoring. “In the place where our love has grown to unimaginable heights.”
“Oh, Tyun...” you said, eyes welling with tears– and not the good kind. It was high time you told him what had been bothering you these past few weeks. “I- Yes I’d love to, but…”
His beaming smile faltered at the ‘but’.
“What’s the matter…? Is it about courtship? I’ll be formally asking your mother for your hand, don’t you worry about that.”
He knew how your parents felt about your relationship with him. They had nothing against Taehyun, but his title was far too low for them to take pride in. It was all about pride with them. Your mother couldn’t outright oppose it, as there was nothing illegal or inherently wrong about the union, but she made… comments.
“No, no,” you said shakily, turning away from him and facing the window to give you courage. He stood up, concern clouding his features as he put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Actually, Taehyun, the thing is…” you started nervously. “I’m engaged.”
His face fell, the colour draining from it almost instantly. He stumbled backwards, disbelief evident on his features.
“Enga- what? But how?” He whispered. His usually strong and steady voice was faint.
You fumbled over your words, not daring to face your lover, who’s chest rose and fell rapidly with the impact of the confession. “My parents- They had this all arranged… I tried delaying it and I still can, b-but yes… my mother’s been processing my engagement.”
“What do you mean you’re engaged?” Taehyun shouted, shaking with the force of it. He rarely shouted and it made you recoil.
“Taehyun, listen I-”
“All this time, you’ve belonged to someone else?” He asked, breathless from the exertion of shouting. This was not the news he was expecting, so close to the day he was planning on formally proposing to you. He’d made so many plans, and his dream of being yours for the rest of his days was crumbling right before his eyes.
“I still have time to change this, don’t you see?” You tried reasoning, turning to face him. “Taehyun, I’ve been under so much pressure trying to fight this alone.”
The auburn-haired boy scoffed and turned away from you. “But why didn’t you say anything? Why play with me like this?”
You reached out for him but he moved away, his eyes a medley of anger and anguish.
“I’m not playing with you, Taehyun. I didn’t mention it because it’s not yet official. I can fix this, marry you instead,” you said, walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder.
He shrugged it off, walking to his desk and busying himself with the books laying there to give himself something to do.
“Taehyun, you know I love you,” you said firmly, placing your hand on his back.
“I have no doubt about that, my dear,” he sighed and turned around, finally letting your reasoning seep through his initial shock. It was a silly little thought… to think you would love anyone but him. Yet his doubts still lingered. “It’s just that…”
“What is it?” you asked, frowning. If he believed you and understood then what was the problem?
“Your fiancé, he is of a higher ranking than I, correct?”
“I- well, yes,” you said, taken aback by his question. “But Taehyun, it doesn’t matter. Being a viscountess isn’t half bad, you know. It’ll mean less work. My younger sister can be duchess instead, heaven knows she’d absolutely love that.”
You tried to make a joke of it, as you often did when being weighed down by serious situations. Taehyun found the habit endearing. He turned to face you once more, finding himself laughing as he cupped your face in his hands.
“I suppose I don’t want to lose my spot in your heart,” he said dejectedly. “Simply because of my title…”
“You know I couldn’t care less about those stupid rules,” you added, dismissing his worries with a wave of your hand. “The hard part is over, I hadn’t figured out how I was going to tell you. Now that you know we can work on this together.”
He called you by your full name, a teasing habit he’d adopted during his love confessions that he presented through the poems and songs he wrote. “I’m with you every step of the way.”
Taehyun unexpectedly leaned in then, placing a chaste kiss to your lips. He usually would draw out your anticipation, staring deep into your eyes and letting your breathes mingle before he finally sealed the gap. His lips pressed against yours in a manner that indicated his fear of losing you. Yours, in turn, sealed his with reassurance.
“I won’t let my mother separate us,” you said determinedly once the two of you had broken apart.
“How about…” he said thoughtfully. “My dear, why don’t you take up your rightful place as duchess. That way, you can make that decision and every other one for yourself.”
Taehyun was tired of seeing you being pulled this way and that based on other people’s whims. It was time you took control of your own life… from the hands of people who had no regard for it.
“I’ll be right by your side,” he promised. “Take back your life. You’d be surprised to know how many people would be on your side.”
Having been up and down these halls for a while, Taehyun knew your estate’s gossip better than you ever would; he was a confidant to most, and knew that a lot of people here would be happier if someone like you took over its management.
“You’ve always had the best ideas,” you smiled, reconsidering your view of what your life as a duchess could hold if the tables were turned and you found a way to get out of being your mother’s puppet.
“Did you ever doubt that?” he teased, abruptly hooking his arms under yours and spinning you around. You squealed in laughter and the sound made his heart soar.
For as long as you’d have him, Taehyun vowed to himself that he’d keep you close and out of harm’s way. The two of you could spend forever like this; two sides of one coin… Or better, to sides of the same page in a book that one treasures for years to come.
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⚝A/N: This has taken forever to post I know dgchfjdkd😫 Thank you for your patience guys ❣ I worked really hard to put this out and I hope you enjoy it xx lots of love as always! Remember to share your thoughts with me, I'm always super stoked to hear them :)
⚝TAGLIST: @mental-hollows @forever-in-the-sky2 @yaevsi [prev. yizki] @bangchansbae @woncheecks
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swordsmans · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by: @acewithapaintbrush and @lesbiansanemi !!! thanks guys!! :D <3
1. poly philtatos (the most loved by far): Zoro's been on the island for three days when he finally feels their approach tickling against his senses.
2. ocean theology: uhhhhhh uhhhh i won't post this one because the opening sentence is three paragraphs long. intentionally. but admittedly that also says a lot about me and it still technically follows my rule!!!!!
3. feed your plants a little sunlight: Two hours in the afternoon sun, cool ocean spray at his back—dozing to Sunny’s rhythm.
4. alleluia: In the wake of it all, of Wano, they watch—and they wait.
5. bury your albatross in a shallow grave: He’s halfway through swinging himself on deck when he hears Nami wail, “Luffy—Luffy, you need to—Luffy, get back here—Zoro—Zoro, stop—grab him! What are you—Zoro!” just as Luffy zips past him, splattering mud and blood and who-know-what-else across Sunny’s grass.
6. how to talk without speaking: It only takes a day or two for Zoro to notice—which he’s almost proud of, really, given his own observational track record.
7. the sea makes bones of bodies: “ACE!” he screams, raw and bloody and broken—drawn out in a cry that reaches across the roiling waves like claws.
8. bone-breaker ospreys mate for life: It starts when Luffy swings his arm, winding back slow in a way he rarely does, feeling out the motion of a new punch (or the same punch practiced a thousand times to lethal perfection) right in the middle of Sunny’s deck.
9. wood is a living creature: They keep her—history’s forgotten hero, the first great ship of the second Pirate King.
10. step 1: die: He knows, logically, that the journal makes some kind of sound when it hits the galley wall.
Conclusion: my openers always include the story's setting + movement... or at least something that orients the reader with mention of either time or place and an action. imo the best way to grab a reader's attention is to give them a mental picture as soon as possible. even if there are other details to figure out, theyve at least got a partial visual or something to latch onto by the end of the first sentence, even if its just a single word. shrug. i just usually like to put place before character in my intro sections. #6 is an exception because it's technically the not the opener, it's meant to be read after the fic summary (so the "true" opener is In the beginning, Luffy does not know how to read. which functions as the setting hook, smth you could literally only do on ao3), and #9 is particularly fun because the character and the setting are the same thing. do i think about the technical aspects of my fanfic too much? probably.
Tagging: @thychesters, @starshipcaptainjojo, @majormiles, @ghostlandtoo, and @sciencemyfiction >;3c
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Another small ficlet for the wonderful @deadlilmoon who drew a stunning piece of artwork with Jason and Salim holding each other which is here X. I felt it in my soul, so I just had to write something. Set in the same universe as my other fic here X. Hope you enjoy!
In his final year of University, with a job already promised at a local museum and stunning marks, Salim had never been prouder of his son. It is on Zain's Christmas break (which they gamely celebrated with Jason) that they watched the monumental news on their tiny television – Civil partnerships for same sex couples to be introduced in the UK.
The news is met with plenty of joy, Salim pulling Zain into a massive hug and then Jason into a frankly uncomfortable kiss, both of them grinning too wide to truly kiss one another.
“I want another ring, Jarhead” he mocks, smiling gently. How he got here he’ll never understand. Truly Allah smiled upon him to gift him such a talented son and beautiful husband.
They make it official in February, attending the small courthouse with only Zain in tow. But it’s afterwards that the true celebration happens, their flat having been transformed into a true wedding reception. There’s a cake on the kitchen table curtesy of Eric King, who blushes whenever someone compliments him on the artistry. Nobody had expected the self proclaimed tech genius to have such a skill for baking, in fact when he first offered to bake for them to celebrate, even Rachel had hitched her eyebrows up to her hairline.
The King’s are accompanied by one Nick Kay, who nearly takes Jason off his feet with the hug he folds him in – though Salim doesn’t get to laugh for too long before he’s given the same treatment. Nick them sets his eyes on Zain and Salim despairs for the trouble they’ll cause together, Nick while fantastic at distracting his son from his kleptomaniac urges, unfortunately does so with elaborate pranks and unusual hobbies (they are both forever and always banned from the kitchen after the unspeakable things they did to Salim’s wok).
They’ve even managed to fly out some family members, Jason’s sister Christine and Salim’s sister Sadiya, both chatting a mile a minute, Christine’s loud and bold laugh filling up every crevice in their small flat as they share stories of their respective brothers.
Salim takes a moment to look around the room, their family all together in one place, celebrating Salim and his beautiful husband. Cake being handed out, crisps being trodden into the carpet, chocolate melting everywhere, Zain trying to steal a sip of beer (Salim glares at him until he begrudgingly takes the soda instead).
It’s perfect.
They’re up in Scotland, a little holiday house in a little seaside town with a name they both take turns pronouncing with hilarious effort. The wind howls against the window pane, blowing the battering rain against it in howling thuds, and outside the window their view of the beach is completely covered by the sea lashing against the storm-breakers, creating these massive waves that crash onto the pavement.
But inside their little house, the fireplace roars and crackles, spreading heat throughout, the carpets are lush and tickle the bottoms of their feet, the radio plays something that softens the harsh pitter-patter of the rain, and Salim could never ask for a better honeymoon. He stands at the breakfast island – book in hand, though Jason had laughed and joked that he wouldn’t leave much time for reading – his body covered in one of Jason’s jumpers, large enough that it slips off one shoulder revealing the many marks of affection his lover has left on him since arriving. The jumper is almost long enough that it protects his modesty too, though Salim had deigned to find his boxers, feeling the chill before the fire was brought to life.
He’s made it all the way to page five when he feels himself being pulled backwards into the solid muscle of his husband, arm snaking around his waist and under the jumper, slowly circling his stomach, the other hand pulling the shoulder of the jumper further down, softly mouthing at the marks left there. Though intimate the gesture isn’t suggestive, and Salim melts back into Jason, folding the book onto the table and bringing a hand up to run through Jason’s hair, slightly curled at the front and slicked back at the sides being long overdue a trim, though Jason and Salim both enjoy the added grip.
The other hand he links with the one on his stomach, fingers interlocking, wedding bands slotting together in a way that makes Salim almost light-headed with joy.
“C’mon Salim, dance wit’ me.” Jason rumbles into his neck, the radio having switched to something airy and light, and Salim turns in Jason’s hold, wrapping his arms around his husbands bare chest, placing his head on his neck as Jason’s arms circle his waist and the pair sway to the music.
“I dunno how I got so lucky, Salim, dunno what I did to deserve you, but I love you darlin’” Jason whispers, the words almost snatched away on the wind, almost buried beneath the violent waves outside.
But Salim just smiles, looking up at this man who walked through hell to save him even when it seemed that all was lost. His brave soldier.
“I love you too, Jason. It is just that simple.”
The sun may not peak out from the clouds and the storm may rage their entire honeymoon, but they love one another and that’s enough.
The small Scottish seaside town I was thinking of is Carnoustie. My favourite place to go when I want a small beach day, though its always funny hearing tourists try to pronounce it. Or even hearing tourists commenting on the weather, its Scotland what did you expect? 😂
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Wind breaker, here I come! I couldn't watch the new episode yet due to some minor issues! Well... I wanna see more fics from others, but I'm too impatient 😤 so I'm writing one again!
Can't think of a better lee than Sakura, so... im gonna put a switch, Nirei and Sugishita! Totally ler Suo and Umemiya!
The other characters aren't gonna be part of the fic because... I never read the manga but ik bits of spoilers from it... soooo imma skip them till the anime introduces them... yeeet imma add some of the teeny tiny bits I was spoiled from the manga!
My spelling sucks ik and I'm a faster writer, so... I tend to make a lot of misspelling stuff as I type fast. (It's not ADHD or anything special... I'm just a hyper person in real life... hehe)
Warning spoilers from the anime and perhaps manga "my imagination after episode 8"
The big man himself
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Sakura Haruka, an outsider, but everyone in this town accepted him as family as quickly as Sakira pummeled five dudes in an instant whiff.
What the hell is this town...?
His thoughts are often reserved and well kept to himself. Even as he walked through the hallways, he noticed familiar faces greeting him as grade captain and respectful gestures. Sure Sakura can take in most and yet...
"Omg! He's the first year grade captain who beat shishitoren second in command!"
"His look is so cool!"
A small blush crept up to his cheeks, he just grunted in response, leaving them mid-praise towards him.
It's almost like an attack mechanism to Sakura, like compliments are his weakness, and the opponent strikes it mercilessly till he's crumbled.
Honestly, Sakura hates that about himself.
"Sakura-san! We need your help!"
Hearing Nirei's voice in front, he looked up, his bangs lifting at the sight of Suo and Nirei...
And Sugishita???
"What the hell do u want?" Sakura grumbled.
Suo's calmly allows to explain themselves, "Now Sakura-kun, us first years have a job to do... its specifically by Hiragi-san"
Straightening himself, Sakura nods seriously, "OK... sure"
Suo stares for a moment before chuckling into his hand, this made Sakura frown, "What's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing... I just thought how cute it is that you actually listen to your senpais..."
Sakura got flustered and began to sputter angrily, "Q-Quiet! I don't respect... well, uh, I m-mean... ugh, never mind. What the heck do we need to do anyway?"
Suo noticed in amusement how Sakura faltered in defeat, then he replied, "Oh nothing... Sugishita-kun and Hiragi-san over-watered one of Umemiya-san's precious tomato plants..."
Sakura blinked.
"And... whats the issue?"
Sugishita snapped, grabbing Sakura by the shirt, "It's a big problem dumbass!"
Sakura gritted his teeth in fury, "Who you calling dumbass?! Dumbass!"
Sup calmly separated them and began to run over what they should do, "So... the big issue is... they are a special gift from his -I quote 'Kotoha-chan'"
Now that made sense. Sakura pinched the bridge of his nose... no wonder they dragged him to the roof when Umemiya isn't around.
"Now what should we do?" Sakura asked folding his arms.
"We have to distract Umemiya-san, and make him forget about that plant" Nirei said, sweating buckets throughout their whole conversation. Sakura stumbled in surprise. He really forgot Nirei was actually there...
(Ps. I did, actually... teehee ^w^)
"Oh..." Sakura said blankly, putting two and two together. He turned now, "So good luck... its not my problem anyway"
"Waiiit!" Nirei clung yo his jacket, "You are out grade captain! Dont abandon us pls!!"
"Sakura-kun, we told u the story so... basically you are involved" suo shrugged nonchalantly, Sugishita glared daggers as if he's blackmailing Sakura, "You better help..."
"I could care less!"
Before anyone could pass out any words through their conversation. Sakura heard the door on the rooftop open, Umemiya came.
Oh shit.
"Ah! My cute little underclassmen!" Umemiya rushed towards the group with joy and then without warning ruffling everyone's hairs.
He specifically embaraced Sakura, showing he's a favourite.
"Ahhh! Sakuraaa" a childish cry of bliss came from the leader's lips, as he almost squashed the first year.
Sugishita glared and growled like a rottweiler, Suo claimed he's a jealous puppy further angering him.
"Well, well! What brings you lot to my humble paradise!"
Sakura squirmed out of his grip, grumbling, "Trying to protect that stupid plant of -hmph!"
He forgot... he forgot... Sakura luckily closed his own mouth before digging his own grave... and yet... Umemiya looks like he already got a shovel close to him.
"Hmm..." Umemiya smirked, now flicking his forehead, "Sakura.... When you lie, I can tell that your ear turns red"
He got flustered "I-i do not! I'm not lying!"
Sakura noticed Nirei seemed anxious, Suo with a calm and an unapologetic smile and Sugishita totally ignoring him. They all abandoned him... he was bait after all...
"Oh no~ Sakura-kun," Umemiya sang playfully, suddenly stepping forward with incredible speed, "You shouldn't shift your attention to something irrelevant when your opponent is right in front of you"
Sakura gasped when he felt Umemiya grab his waist instantly. Without realising he was pinned to the wall, he slid down when those fingers made a funny sensation over his sides...
Wait... is this... tickling?
Resist! Resist! Resist damn it! Come on, Haruka! U have to!
Sakura felt his own thoughts fighting the urge to laugh as mad fingers scurried up his ribcage instantly. He struggled and kicked in reflex, surprisingly arching is back like a flexible sprig when Umemiya skillfully tickled his lower ribs.
"G-gah!" A squawk left him. While Suo and the rest awkwardly saw what was happening, the eye patch guy had to comment, "Oh wow... Sakura-kun are you ticklish?"
Umemiya grinned at that, "Oh, he is... how cute, little bro... but be careful. Your big bro is a biiiig tickle monster!"
Sakura suddenly jolted when Umemiya traced his waist beneath the shirt. The tingling sensation on his bare skin was insane. Its perhaps because Sakura never felt tickling before that he actually felt it like something so strong and unbearable.
How embarassing... he's giggling like a four year old.
"Shihihihihit! Hahahaha, whyhehehe whhhyy hahaha??!" Sakura squirmed, now twisting on his stomach, trying to escape.
Why is this man even tickling him?
"Why?" Umemiya grabbed his sides, pulling him closer to him, "Because you are obviously hiding something from me... aaaand... your are too cute!"
"Dahahahahamn ihihiiiiHIHIHIT! NOHO!" Sakura's laughter kicked an octave when Umemiya traced his armpits - not even tickle - just gentle featherlight tickling he never expected to tickle so much!
But...it feels good... it's the first time someone ever touched him so playfully...
Not cruel jabs that sting like poker sticks or burning hits from harsh punches... just mild subtle ticklish jolts like electric shocks.
"Suo, Nirei, can you grab him for a moment?"
Hearing this, Sakura snapped into reality. Huh? Why? Why are they restraining him?
Suo grabbed his wrists up above his head, the warm concrete floor beneath him, giving his wishes before his doomsday, Nireo sitting on his shins... and Umemiya on the side with a wide grin.
"I would've resorted to other easier methods, but I guess you like being tickeld. Eh Sakura?"
Blush, Sakura yelped, "N-no! Obviously not! Ugh, y-you bastard... and -" Sakura turned to the other three."Are you guys ditching me????"
Suo gives a gentle grin, "Sorry, but you are strong enough to handle this unlike us, plus..." Suo gives a teasing scribble under Sakura's armpit, making the latter jolt in surprise, "Umemiya-san said you like it"
Sakura exploded, "I NEVER SAID THAT -AAAH!"
Umemiya launched his tickles instantly before Sakura could express anything. Sakuta couldn't even focus his priorities as multiple spots are being targeted.
"Saakuraaa~, what's the juicy secret you're keeping from me?"
Gosh... the others guys are supposed to be on his side! Did they all deviate from the plot just to mess with Sakura? Unbelievable!
Sakura panicked with a squeak when Umemiya kept lingering around his stomach. He felt a plunging sensation in his gut as Umemiya poked his naval.
"D-Doho nohohot pohohohoke thahahat!" Sakura shrieked, now bucking himself tryinf to shake them off but they all remained resilient.
"Wow, Sakura-san, you really are sensitive" Nirei unconsciously squeezed his kneecaps making it worst despite his feigned innocence.
Sugishita watched with an unreadable expression his face was so judgemental, and Sakura hoped it didn't mean 'cute' to the taller guy.
Suo leaned towards Umemiya now, not even bothering to lower his voice through Sakura's booming laughter, "His armpits seem pretty sensitive too, boss"
It's bad... though Sakura has never been tickled before, his alert senses are tingling mad. Its bad...!
"Oh...?" Umemiya slowly crawled his fingers up the boney ribs and finally into the light muscular armpits, "Here? Is Sakura sensitive under there?"
Squeal. To say Sakura let out such an embarrassing sound was not a lie. He wanted to crawl it yo a rock and die right now for making such an absurd noise like a squeal.
"Ehh? Already? Wow, that didn't take long?" Suo teased, and Umemiya winked back, stopping gradually as he persisted, "Tell me, kid~"
"Ahahahahaha ohoohohohok ohohohok! Ihihihits yohohour duhuhuhuhumb plahahahant thehehe ohohone Kohohohotahaha gahahave yahahaha!"
Sakura confessed... all it took was a tickle to his armpits to spill the milk.
Umemiya stopped instantly. Uh oh... all of that may be fun and games but Nirei realised that they were suppose to keep him distracted not make Sakira confess...
Umemiya sigh, scratching the back of his head, "Well I wanted to make Sakura confess about liking to be tickled... I almost forgot why I started this..." he smiled now ruffling Sakura's messed up hair and his still blushing face flowing more red.
"Well im glad you kept your comradeship safe sweet brother" Umemiya grinned.
Sakura blushed to the tips of his ears, huffing, "Not like I did anythjnf but be a victim..."
It was all OK...
"So... what's this about my plant?"
Or... It wasn't
"Did I hear you say it was Kotoha's plant?" Umemiya's smile darkened, sweet to bitter ...its bad now.
Sakura gulped but suo being the rescuer instantly grabbed everyone and scurried away before the leader of Borfurin could catch up.
Sakura couldn't say he hated his day but he really wondered what happened to the tomato plant Hiragi said he was gonna replace...
No one will know the depths Hajime Umemiya would go to cherish what Kotoha gave him.
Sakura shivered... a bigger tickle monster is lurking inside the leader.
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The end was rushed, ik! Ik! It came too cute, too, so the plot was messy! Sorryyyyy my badddd also don't blame me! It's so late, and I'm hyper from caffeine! Byeee
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lovelynim · 1 year
My fanfics
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Here you can find all the fics I wrote so far! The fandoms are organized by alphabetical order, while the fics are listed from the oldest to the most recent one!
If you find anything that it's not linked here, send me a message and let me know!
Updated in: September 18th, 2024
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Take 9, recording! - Ivan x Till
Blue Period
Artistic Struggles - Yotasuke x Yatora
Cardcaptor Sakura
Attention seeker - Syaoran Li & Touya Kinomoto
Eighty Six - 86
Daily Report - Shin & Theo and Raiden (feat. Lena)
Fate Series
Smile, my king - Gilgamesh x Enkidu
Genshin Impact
Turning Tables - Chongyun x Xingqiu
To Aid Lupical - Bennett x Razor
Young master’s free time - Ayato x Thoma (w/ art)
Daily Chores - Ayato x Thoma
Good Morning, my lord - Ayato x Thoma
Important Meeting - Ayato x Thoma
Loyalty - Ayato x Thoma (N$FW)
Enough Bad Jokes - Cyno x Tighnari
Thesis - Alhaitham x Kaveh
Reddish - Cyno x Tighnari
Bubbles - Thoma x Ayato
Kaveh’s Key - Alhaitham x Kaveh (feat. Mehrak) (w/ art)
Don't make a noise - Alhaitham x Kaveh
No more secrets - Tighnari & Kaveh
Maid Day... at the Dawn Winery - Diluc x Tartaglia
Losing count - Alhaitham x Kaveh
Begging - Aether x Heizou
It's today - Cyno x Tighnari (non tickle fic)
A jealous hound - Cyno x Tighnari
Dangerous Collection - Diluc x Childe
Pocky Day - Lyney x Aether
That Time of The Year - Cyno x Tighnari (N$FW & non tickle fic)
Nature's embrace - Albedo
(Un)wanted company - Heizou x Kazuha x Scaramouche
Shocking, isn't it? - Scaramouche x Tartaglia
May the best one win - Xiao, Aether, Albedo & Wanderer
Grand Chase
Unusual Interrogation - Rufus & Lass
Mornings - Ronan x Harpe
Honkai: Star Rail
The One That Got Away - Gepard x Sampo
Noises - Himeko (it's actually Caelus x Dan Heng but shhh)
It takes a raccoon to pester a dragon - Dan Heng x Caelus
The Dragon's Lesson - Dan Heng x Jing Yuan
Silly Little Brother - Gepard & Serval
Thrilling Bet - Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
Vidyadharas' Special Training - Yanqing & Dan Heng
Too popular - Dan Heng x Caelus
Play a player - Dr. Ratio x Aventurine
Tiny Problems - Dr. Ratio x Aventurine
Bad day - Aventurine x Dr. Ratio
Another round - Caelus x Luka
All's fair in love and war - Caelus x Aventurine
Intruder countermeasures - Sampo & Svarog
Failing successfully - Welt & Caelus
Reasonable funding - Yanqing & Jing Yuan
League of Legends
Move over - Kayn x Ezreal
Old friends, old habits - Kuya x Quincy
How to tame a human - Eiden x Garu
Wishful Thinking - Eiden x Olivine
Obey me!
Purring Demon - Satan x MC
Dreamy Confession - Mammon x MC
Just Like a Human - Yomei x Kyo
Sk8 the Infinity
Hissing Cat - Reki & Miya
Hardest Boss Fight - Reki and Langa & Miya
The Love Hotel - Tadashi & Reki
Skate With You Forever - Reki x Langa
Slimes vs Hero - Reki and Langa & Miya
Sleepyhead - Reki x Langa
Pay Attention - Reki x Langa
Bratty Cat - Miya & Joe and Cherry
Sasaki to Miyano
Nap time - Sasaki x Miyano
Stars Align
Something to laugh about - Maki & Yuu
Tower of God
Turtle’s Things - Khun x Bam feat. Rak
Celebration - Shxtou x Reader
Wind Breaker
Important Data - Sakura x Suo feat. Nirei
Zenless Zone Zero
Victoria Housekeeping co.'s special service - Lycaon x Wise
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breakerwind · 2 months
Nirei’s Notebook
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Lee!Nirei / Ler!Sakura
Summary: Sakura thinks that he caught Nirei writing bad things about him in his notebook. When Nirei refuses to show him, Sakura resorts to tickling him until he does.
A/N: I didn’t read this after writing it so pls ignore any mistakes
“Show me!” Sakura threw his hands at Nirei’s notebook, trying to grab it.
Nirei held it behind his back and took a few steps backward. “No! It’s private.”
Sakura had caught Nirei sneakily writing something about him in his notebook and was determined to find out what it was. Was it bad? He assumed it was since he could’ve sworn that he’d seen a stupid little frowny face next to his name.
“It’s not private if it’s my name, dumbass! Now show me what the hell you were writing!” Sakura shouted, charging at poor Nirei. He rammed into the blond, knocking both boys to the floor.
Sakura landed on top of Nirei, sitting on his waist. He froze for a second before blushing and quickly trying to grab the notebook from Nirei’s hands.
Nirei was swift. He managed to sway his hands in the air fast enough to keep Sakura from grabbing the notebook. He was doing so good, until…
“GaHA- Wuhu…wahait, stop!”
Sakura had jammed a finger into Nirei’s exposed armpit, making him clamp his arms down. The notebook was now in reach and easy to grab, but Sakura didn’t even realize it. He was too focused on the giggles that had come from Nirei to notice.
He looked surprised, although he’d heard Nirei laugh plenty of times. Sakura tried something new, poking the boy’s belly a few times. 
“Sahakura, no!” Nirei giggled, kicking his feet. He tried to grab Sakura’s fingers, but they were too attached to his stomach to be removed. He kept poking Nirei’s ticklish belly until Nirei finally grabbed the notebook and threw it at Sakura’s chest.
Even then, Sakura didn’t pay attention to what he’d originally harassed the boy for. Right now, he was too busy trying out new spots to tickle. He wondered if different spots caused different laughter…
“Thehere! There’s the nohoteboohohok! Tahake it!” Nirei pleaded. Sakura responded with a few squeezes to Nirei’s sides, making him squirm around beneath the stronger boy. 
“GahAHah! Pluhuhease, take the nohotebook!” Nirei giggled, weakly pushing Sakura’s arms away from his sensitive sides. “Ahand stop looking ahat me like thahat!”
Sakura snapped back into reality. “What do you mean, ‘like that’?! The hell am I looking at you like?” He asked, starting to squeeze his sides roughly, even letting his fingers rise up to his ribs. They pinched and poked, making Nirei squeal and whine.
“I mehean…youhohou look like ahAHaho crahazy man!” Nirei managed to speak, although Sakura could barely understand what he was saying.
“I look crazy? Well…uh, you look stupid!” Sakura retorted, now shoving his fingers under Nirei’s arms. Nirei flailed his legs in the air and slammed his palms against the floor.
“WahAHAHoHOah! GAha, Sahakura!” He yelped. He tried to think of ways to escape, but his mind shut off when Sakura scratched the center of his armpit. “FUhuck! SAHAkaHAra!”
Sakura chuckled, pleased with himself. “Call me crazy again, I dare you!” He teased, holding one of Nirei’s wrists above his head and placing his index finger on the center of his armpit. He let it sit on the ticklish spot, not moving it an inch. “Do it!” He desperately wanted a reason to tickle the fuck out of Nirei.
“NOHahoHO! No! I’m sohorry!” Nirei squealed, using his free hand to whack Sakura’s head. “Lehemme go!”
Sakura huffed and puffed before freeing Nirei’s wrist. There was a moment of silence between the two for a moment.
“Are…are you gonna get off of me?” Nirei asked. Sakura quickly hopped off of his waist, embarrassed. When he looked down at his feet out of embarrassment, he saw Nirei’s notebook lying right beside him.
Grabbing it, he flipped through the pages, trying to find his section. Nirei watched him do this, trying to keep himself from snatching it back. He knew that he’d get tickled more if he did…
When he finally found his section, there was a note at the bottom that read: “Sakura tells me ‘Good Morning’ now.”
Beside it was a smiley face. He looked at Nirei, then back at the notebook before slamming it shut and handing it back to its owner.
“I only say good morning because it’s nice!” Sakura’s face was pink as he tried to explain himself. He wanted to seem quiet and tough, but to him, greeting Nirei with good morning went against that persona. “Don’t get the wrong idea, alright?!”
Nirei chuckled, laying the notebook down. “Okay. Well, thanks for being nice to me.” He said, a huge grin on his face.
Sakura wanted to knock some sense into Nirei, but instead replied with: “Whatever…you’re welcome…I guess.” If you looked closely enough, you would see that Sakura also had a tiny smile on his face.
“Just…don’t write smiley faces anymore! It looked like a frown and I thought something was wrong.” Sakura demanded. Nirei nodded, still smiling, although he had no intentions of quitting smiley faces anytime soon.
The day ended with Nirei telling everyone in class how Sakura couldn’t tell the difference between a smiley face and a frowny face. Nirei was lucky that Suo and Kiryu held Sakura back when he tried to lunge at him…or else the class would’ve found something else to talk about–that being how ticklish Nirei was.
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otomiyaa · 7 months
Masterpost 2.0
Fics written 'post-retirement' cuz I'm a clown
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* = explicit | red = Only AO3
Note: Reblogs of fics and various reuploads from my old blog are not included.
However these can be found in the #otomiya!writes tag.
❥ Update: 26.2.2024
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Boku no Hero Academia
All I Want For Christmas: D&D | Lees!KiriBaku x Ler!Deku
Dungeon Meshi
Tickle Fight | Lee!Kabru x Ler!Laios
Ticklish For You | Switches!Marcille x Falin
Sweet Revenge (collab, reupload) | Lees!Reigisa & Lers!Sourin
Gakuen Babysitters
Second Declaration of Love (collab, reupload) | Switches!Hayaryuu
Genshin Impact:
From 🐺 To 🐶 | Switches!Wrioney
Lyney's Trick | Lee!Gaming & Ler!Lyney
Quality Time | Switches!Wrioney
Terms & Conditions | Lee!Kaveh x Ler!Alhaitham
TGI Tournament | Various Lees & Lers
Traveler's Training | Lee!Sethos & Ler!Aether
Last Christmas: A Festive Breakfast | Lee!Uenoyama x Ler!Mafuyu
Better Setter! (Reupload) | Lees!Kenma, Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo
Jingle Bell Rock: Secret Snack | Lee!Tsukki x Ler!Yama
Snowed In (Reupload) | Lee!Akaashi x Lers!Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma
Honkai Star Rail
The Foreigner | Lee!Sampo & Lers!JingRen
The Kiss | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Sharing is Caring | Lee!Caelus x Ler!Dan Heng
Small Spoon | Lee!Aventurine x Ler!Ratio
Kaiju No. 8
Kaiju Experiment | Lee!Kafka & Ler!Reno
Love and Deepspace
A Date Worth Remembering (collab) | Switches!Zayne x Reader
Ebb and Flow | Lee!Rafayel x MC
Exclusive Tutorial | Lee!Zayne x MC
Midnight Moment | Lee!Xavier x MC
Nu: Carnival
Wreck The Sun Lord Party | Lee!Dante x Ler!Eiden
Obey Me
Not a Competition | Lee!Reader & Lers!Lucifer, Satan
Super Mario Bros
Luigi Wins (By Doing Absolutely Nothing) | Lee!Luigi x Ler!Bowser
Wind Breaker
Nirei's Discovery | Lee!Sakura & Multiple Lers
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Love is Hard for a Broke Otaku | Lee!Narumi x Ler!Hirotaka
Yuri On Ice
New Year's Resolutions (collab) | Switches!Victuuri
Remissio (collab, reupload) | Switches!Victuuri
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Tickle headcanons can be found here:
Link to my MDZS/TGCF tickle masterpost:
Tickletober 2023:
X Reader Tickle Drabbles:
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Silent But Giggly (Wind Breaker)
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Heyo! Guess who's here to wreck our darling Sugishita? This girl! (This girl being Suo and Sakura but shhhhh details) Listen, I'm kinda obsessed with silent laughs and the idea of Sugishita having one; so I made this :D I hope you like it!
Summary: Suo points out Sugishita and Sakura have much more in common than they realize. One thing leads to another and Sakura discovers an interesting tidbit about Bofurin's fanatic.
“What are you looking at? You wanna go?” Sakura growled almost immediately upon meeting Sugishita’s eye, puffing up with his fists raised.
“Calm down, Sakura!” Nirei pleaded, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him back. Suo smiled on, unfazed at their daily antics. “He didn’t even say anything!”
Verbally, anyway. The mentioned boy turned back to his desk, opting to ignore them while the blonde dragged them towards the back.
“That guy really pisses me off!” Sakura huffed as he was forced to sit down, crossing his arms like a toddler having a fit. “Where does he get off looking at me like that!”
“Same way you get off looking at him. You’re not exactly trying to be buddy buddy with him yourself.” Suo shrugged, his attention drifting to the long-haired student. “I feel bad. I think if you two brawlers actually sat down and got to know one another, you’d find you’re more similar than you think.”
“Si-Similar?” Sakura gaped, looking between Suo and Sugishita. “There’s no way-”
“You guys do have much in common.” Nirei pointed out with a flick of his notebook, eyes shining the way they did when he was about to drop some info. “You’re both quick to anger but intentional with your fists; neither of you are afraid to protect someone you barely know- oh, neither of you barely have any apps on your phones-”
“You’re both hilariously expressive.” Kiryu added without looking up from his phone.
“You're both unsure of what your virtue’s are!” Tsugeura threw in.
“You’re both super ticklish.” Suo chimed.
That last one made the entire group pause- turning to stare at the one eyed student.
“Who the hell-” Sakura began, blushing red.
“Sugishita’s-” Nirei paused and lowered his voice, realizing he was being too loud. “He’s ticklish?”
“How’d you find that out?” Kiryu asked with a head tilt, Tsugeura nodding along. Suo merely smiled.
“I have my ways. In fact…would you like me to show you?”
The suggestion was both exciting and scary- depending on who you asked. Sakura couldn’t help but look at the long haired teen again, finding him slumped over in his chair asleep. Him? Ticklish? It wasn’t that big of a shocker, he knew; but still…
“Is he gonna swing at you if you try it?” Sakura asked, narrowing his eyes as Suo smiled bigger.
“Concerned for little ol’ me? You’re too sweet.” He reached out, jabbing him in the side and making Sakura jump. “Don’t worry, just watch.”
“I-I’m not sweet!” Sakura argued, but did what he was told. The group watched with eager eyes, curious about what’s to come.
Suo approached Sugishita’s desk, gently shaking him awake. “Sugishita…are you free?” He whispered, his gentle touches doing nothing. With a sly grin towards the group, he jabbed a finger into Sugishita’s ribs.
The reaction was instantaneous.
A flash, a flail- and the taller teen was on his feet to fight. He looked a bit frazzled, half asleep and growing more alert by the second. Seeing Suo, he narrowed his gaze, suspicious.
“Morning, sleepyhead. Do you mind if I show the guys something?” He gestured to Sakura and co. Meeting his gaze, Sugishita glared, gritting his teeth. Sakura did the same in return. 
“Ah, ah, ah. That’s not what we’re doing here.” Suo teased as he closed the distance, poking at Sugishita’s sides. “You two need to stop mean mugging each other. It’ll make the team look like a bunch of wild animals. Can’t have that, can we?”
The taller of the two backed up at each poke and prod, doubling over some with a strained expression. He looked like he was in pain- but Suo’s pokes were light. Sakura would know. “Are you sure he’s ticklish? He’s not even laughing.”
“Some people don’t have loud laughs.” Kiryu shrugged. “Or maybe he’s holding it in?”
“Oh, here we are! Sugishita Kyotaro- yeah, no one’s ever heard him laugh before. Maybe the occasional huff, but not a proper laugh.” Nirei noted, any previous fear fading for excitement as he began scribbling away in his notes. “Here’s an opportunity to learn even more about him!”
“Huh.” Sakura hummed, curious now. What did Sugishita sound like when he laughed? Was it louder than anything he’s ever said? Was it scary sounding? He could see him having the laugh of an evil wizard; cackling with lightning booming behind him, the wind blowing his hair around and his hands raised in claws.
No- far too much. The thought alone was almost enough to make him smile though.
“Sugishita~ Don’t run away from me!” Suo laughed as he darted behind him, grabbing onto his sides and pressing in. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle~”
“EEH!” Sugishita let out a huff of noise before hitting the ground, falling to his knees and doubling over. His body was shaking, arms tightly pressed against his torso and hair hiding his expression. Sakura furrowed his brows, suddenly concerned.
“Hey, is he alright?” Without thinking about it, he got up to the pair. “Suo, leave him alone;  he’s not even laugh-”
Only then did he finally understand what was going on. Sugishita was laughing! It was just so quiet- like someone hit the mute button or lowered the sound to single digits. His mouth was open with a clear smile, but no sound came out. “Oh my god, you’re kidding? That’s your laugh?”
Sugishita went to swat at him, but Suo gently nudged him onto his side, still tickling. He let out what Sakura could only describe as a static sound before covering his face with his hands, kicking his feet at the touch. “Isn’t he adorable? Our Sugishita here doesn’t make noise when he laughs!”
Sakura was amazed. He never met someone with a silent laugh before! He’s had moments when he laughed so hard he couldn’t breath, leaving him mute for a second or so, but this? This was new!
“Hey, you said he was as ticklish as me, right?” Sakura tugged at his jacket, the same way he always did when he was about to get physical. “Need a hand?”
“Please.” Suo grinned.
“Noohoho!” Sugishita whimpered out through his mirth as Sakura attacked his ribs, putting into practice the lessons he learned upon coming here. He kept his touch gentle as he tapped into the taller boy’s sides, Suo focusing his efforts into the back of his neck and armpits.. Sugishita just kinda flopped, squirming between the pair as he laughed on.
“Hey, Sakura- watch this.” Suo winked. He leaned forward so he was close to Sugishita’s face, gently pulling at the hands hiding it. Once he had him for the world to see, he began.
“Sugishita~ Can you speak up for us, dear? We can’t hear you. I want to hear your cute little noises.”
Another staticy noise, and to Sakura’s deep satisfaction, Sugishita blushed. Blushed! A pretty red color too!
“Wow, you must be really ticklish, huh? Is it bad if I do this? Or this? Or this?” Sakura tried mimicking Suo’s own teasing voice as he dug into the other boy’s hips, feeling him squirm harder beneath him. He wanted to see how red he could make the other. “Aww, what’s the matter? Are you too ticklish for your own good, mop head? Huh? Huuuuh?”
“Wow, Sakura- you’re better at that than me.” Suo mused with a snicker, making Sakura blush as red as Sugishita.
“S-Shut up! I’ll kick your ass!” He looked at Sugishita, finding him struggling to curl himself up like a bug. His ears and neck were bright red, and he shook with even more silent giggles. “How do we tell if he’s had enough? I don’t want to kill the bastard.”
“Hmm.” Suo released him, gestured to him to pause a he leaned down again. Once there, he began gently tapping on Sugishita’s hands. “Sugi~ Can you let me in?”
The other huffed, gasping for air as he glared through his fingers. Suo laughed.
“Do you wish for us to stop? We can if you want.” He offered. “Tell you what- if you want us to stop, just grab onto one of our wrists like this, okay?” He mimicked the gesture, waiting for Sugishita to nod. When he did, he gave a thumbs up to Sakura.
“He’s fine. Go for his knees whenever you’re ready.”
“What-” Sugishita yelped, any complaints immediately dissolved when Sakura did just that. Back to flailing and muted giggling; the long haired teen could only twist and turn beneath their hands. He could only throw his head back in laughter, the occasional squeak leaving his smiling lips.
“Damn, he really is bad.” Sakura laughed, stopping when he saw Sugishita grab onto Suo’s wrist. He released his leg, watching him curl up in a tight ball on the ground. “Good to know in case you ever piss me off, Sugishita.”
The other boy groaned lowly, the sound like a frustrated cat. Sakura snorted, slapping a hand over his mouth while Suo grinned.
“Given you two fight like alleyway cats, I’d say that’d be more than often. Don’t forget though.” Suo gave his neck a tickle on his way back to the gang, making him shutter and laugh. Sakura mock-flipped him off before turning back to Sugishita, finding him taking slow tired breaths. “Your laugh really is odd, huh?”
Sugishita glared, pausing when Sakura finished. “I like it. Your odd silent laugh. It fits you.” At the other boy’s stare, Sakura felt his entire face burn. “B-But only cause I don’t feel like my ears are gonna burst! Have you heard Nirei’s? It’s like a freaking mouse orgy!”
“Pfft-” Sugishita puffed, eyes watering at the comparison. Sakura felt his lips start to twitch.
He watched Sugishita double over in a new fit of silent laughter, shoulders shaking as he snorted. Sakura couldn’t hold back a chuckle after a while, shaking his head and lightly shoving at Sugishita’ shoulder. “Ugh, I can’t stand you.”
“Sahame.” Sugishita gave in, something warm in his rare but easy smile. “You’re alright, Sakura.”
The other boy thought about that one sentence the rest of the day, even after Sugishita went back to napping at his desk.
Thanks for reading!
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General Hux x Female Reader/Kylo Ren x Female Reader
A/N: This is it. The last time I will post about this story (unless I visit them in a one shot.) I am so sad but so grateful at the same time, this fic got a lovely following and I appreacite anyone who took the time to comment/like/reblog any or all chapters. This fic spawned from a Writer Wednesday prompt months ago, so thank you @autumnleaves1991-blog for posting that picture of the brick arch and pond all those weeks ago! Here we go!
Warnings: PTSD mentions, war mentions, none of them are ok.
Word Count: 2284
Read the Epilogue here on AO3
The air was crisp, carrying the tang of the salty sea and wrapping it around you, ruffling your dress. You shielded your eyes against the dipping sun, seeing the light refract off the water as it heaved below you, the sounds of the waves crashing into the cliffs boomed up to you creating a sound like thunder. The tide was high and that meant they’d be back any moment. You looked back at the cottage behind you, the white walls and the pretty flowers were picture perfect, it was everything you’d ever dreamed, the makeshift hangar sat to the side and it housed the X-Wing you had from your time with the Resistance. Next to it was another larger more recognisable ship, you had some visitors and you needed to prepare Armitage before he saw them.
A giggle carried on the breeze that swirled around you and your face softened into a smile, first you could only see your daughter's head on the path as they came up the steep hill, her long bright red hair caught in the wind, the long tresses flowing around her and glowing with the bright light of the sun. She was giggling, looking down as she plastered her hands all over your poor husband's face. You stifled a laugh as he pretended to stumble, or maybe he really did because she kept shoving her fingers in his eyes.
“Phasma! I can’t see!” You heard him cry followed by more peals of laughter as she continued her assault. “Oh look! It’s Mummy. Hold on!” She squealed as he began to run, holding her legs in place on his shoulders, so she bounced happily full of laughter and smiles until he came to a stop before you. His chest heaved and he let out a loud huff. “You’re getting a bit heavy, little one!”
“Shush Daddy, I am not.” You cocked an eyebrow making a mental note of how much she sounded like her father. Armitage leaned in and gave you a kiss on the lips.
“Who’s here?” He asked quietly.
“Well, it’s Poe, Finn, Rose, Mitaka and….” You paused, not sure if he wanted to hear his name or not.
“And?” He pressed.
“And Ben.” You saw the blank expression fall over his face and you inwardly sighed. “Look they’re not here to cause trouble, the war is over, it has been for a few years now.” You ran a hand through your daughter's hair as she clutched your leg. “We barely see anyone. It's nice for them to drop by.” He moved away, putting a hand in his pocket while using the other to run through his hair. Even after all this time he kept it in the same style, just a habit you guessed or maybe he’d just never experienced another style.
“There’s a reason we don’t see anyone,” he said stiffly. You dragged Phasma with you, coming to stand next to him.
“Armitage, do you forget how I was the one who discovered Finn and Rose. I brought them to you.”
“And I ordered them to be executed and Finn…” he glanced down at his daughter. His hand resting on top of yours in her hair as she gazed at him with big green eyes. You knew he wanted to say Finn killed Phasma, but you felt like pointing out the war was responsible for everything that had happened. All these people had been puppets for someone else, made to believe in something that ultimately influenced their actions and choices.
“It’s over now.” You needed him to acknowledge that, the war was over. You supposed it would have been harder for him than the rest, being brought up and beaten into a person who should always strive for glory and control. Finn managed to break free, even Ben but then he had a loving family for the first few years of his life. He had a taste of normality, as did Poe, Rose had her sister until the evacuation of D’Qar. But Hux had no one, except Phasma and Mitaka and even then he was their General, their leader. He was alone for so long you didn’t know how to get him to see they were all just people now. What they had all been through was horrific, you just knew for Armitage, it was harder to adjust. He didn’t say anything else and you crouched down to Phasma’s level.
“There are some very special people in our house to meet you including Uncle Mitaka.”
“Me kaka?” She screamed in glee, fisting her hands under her chin in joy before tearing off to the house. Hux watched her go, a strange expression on his face. You stood, taking his hand and holding it tight. You made him look at you, feeling the stubble on his cheeks which he let grow now. The red dusting covered his chin and cheeks making him look rugged and even more handsome.
“They wouldn’t have come if they were going to be rude or start a fight or accuse you of things that happened years ago. They are here to see us, as a family. If they can forgive Ben they can forgive you.”
“But Ben is clearly a new man now…” he started and you cut him off by putting a hand over his mouth.
“And look at you. No uniform, no hat, you have a daughter, Armitage, you live in a bloody cottage.” He sighed against your hand and you knew you had won this round.
You stepped away from the cliff edge tugging on his hand and he reluctantly came with you, dragging his feet slightly. You went through the back door Phasma had left open and shut out the dusk that was settling on the cliffs around the cottage. Voices plus your daughter's laughter came from the main living area and you squeezed Hux’s hand reassuringly before walking in. A chorus of greetings met you both and even though you’d said hello before you went round and hugged them all again, pleased to see Hux shaking hands with Poe and Finn. You held your breath when it came to Ben who was sitting in your biggest armchair with Phasma perched on his lap.
“Armitage,” Ben said and held out his hand. The moment stretched for longer than you liked but eventually your husband reached out and shook it. Everybody sighed with relief and you asked if anyone wanted a drink, taking Hux with you into the kitchen. He helped you prepare some drinks in silence, listening to laughter and banter from the others mingled with your daughter's cries of joy as someone was clearly tickling her. Hux carried the drinks and you handed them out, a pleased feeling began to fill your chest as Poe engaged him in conversation. Mitaka stoked the fire and a flare of heat blazed into the room making it more cosy.
“How has he been?” Dopheld asked you quietly.
“The nightmares seem to have eased, it helps that he has Phasma with him nearly all of the time,” you looked over seeing Armitage still in conversation with Poe, your daughter now nestled in his arms sucking her thumb as she gazed at the curly haired pilot. “She seems to know what he needs when he needs it.” You felt a hand on your shoulder and threw a smile at Finn. “Hey you, how’s the Trooper Rehoming going?” He shrugged.
“There were a few we managed to trace back to their families but the majority have made their own settlement out on Yavin 4. You should come visit sometime.” He offered.
“I’d like that but…” your gaze flickered to Armitage. “Maybe it will be just me and Phasma….” You trailed off making a face. “Maybe not,” you chuckled.
“You would all be welcome,” he reassured you before heading over to sit with Rose. Your gaze drifted to Ben who seemed captivated by the fire, but you recognised the signs. The clenching of his fists, the tightness in his jaw, the vase on your mantelpiece fell and shattered drawing everyone’s attention. The fire flared behind you and you looked up to see Hux clutching Phasma to him and backing away slowly. Poe went to approach Ben as the very walls of your house began to shake matching the quivering of your insides but you threw out a silent hand to stop the pilot. You didn’t say Ben’s name, not wanting to startle him instead you crouched before him, placing a calming hand over his forearm and his hazel gaze swung to you.
“Come on, I need you to look at my X-Wing. I think it has a faulty fuel line, Armitage says the circuit breakers are burnt out but we aren’t mechanics.” You could hear the house settling as you pulled his attention away from his thoughts. You didn’t wait for an answer, taking Ben’s hand and shooting a look at Hux. He wasn’t happy, you could see it in his face and the set of his shoulders but you’d rather Ben put his mind to good use than accidentally destroying your house. He had to duck slightly through the low doorways as he followed you outside. Your feet didn’t falter, you’d travelled this path so many times in the dark when you couldn’t sleep. Every time you’d calmed Armitage from a nightmare you had come in here, just to tinker to take your mind off everything. Sometimes it worked, other times you came in here and cried, releasing your pent up emotion alone.
“Here,” you gestured to the hangar and stepped aside. “Wreck it, tinker with it, just don’t ruin the inside of my house, please.” He nodded, moving to touch your tools on the bench gently with his finger tips.
“You come in here often.” It wasn’t a question.
“It is my place to spend time on my own and process everything that happened,” you confessed knowing you couldn’t hide anything from him. “I am coping better than Armitage.”
“Are you though?” He asked bluntly and you blinked. You thought you were, dealing with Phasma kept you occupied during the day, you stayed up late most nights keeping an eye on Armitage so you didn’t have much thought space until you knew he was ok.
“Yes, I am keeping myself busy.” Ben smirked at your reply.
“Looking after two other people does not mean you are coping.”
“Yeah well, someone’s got to do it.” You turned and walked back to the cottage. The conversation was still flowing in the living area but you walked past to go to the kitchen and maybe prepare some food. Armitage appeared within moments, he tried to hide his displeasure but you could read him like a book.
“How’s Phasma?” You asked.
“Asleep on Mitaka.” He replied and you nodded, opening the cupboards trying to find your guests something to eat but you didn’t realise your hands were shaking until Hux gently slid his over yours. “It’s ok,” he whispered, coming up behind you. “He will be gone soon.”
“I really wanted to be ok with him, I just want to be ok.” You looked up as Mitaka appeared at the kitchen door and you smiled at the way Phasma’s arms hung over his shoulder, her little face buried in his neck and he pointed to the stairs. “Just take her straight up, she’ll stay asleep when you lay her down.” He nodded and slowly made his way up the wooden steps. You quickly wiped your damp cheek but Poe then appeared and you felt Hux’s increasing frustration that he couldn’t comfort you in private.
“We’re going to head off in a bit, we need to drop Finn off at the settlement. Do you guys need anything? I need to swing this way on the back so I can grab some supplies?” You nodded enthusiastically, already rattling off a list, since the X-Wing refused to start, you were stuck with what you could find here and in the small local market.
“Ok wow, maybe I’ll get you some spare parts for that ship of yours, if you want I can bring BB8 next time?”
“No need.” Rumbled Ben as he stood in the doorway. “I fixed it, loose connection so it couldn’t connect to the engines.”
“Thank you Ben. Alright out go, too many massive men near my tiny kitchen,” you ushered them out, including Mitaka when he chose that moment to come down the stairs. Finn and Rose were already outside looking up at the stars as everyone filed out and the goodbyes started. Ben was last, enveloping you in a big hug with a quick knowing squeeze before he headed to the Falcon. Poe clapped Armitage on the shoulder promising he’d visit more often, Mitaka echoing his sentiment.
“Just be careful, all of you,” you called. They all waved as they disappeared up the ramp and you felt Armitage put his arm around your shoulders.
“As much as I disliked them all at one time, I’m glad they visited,” he said in a soft tone.
“I’m sorry, but seeing Ben slip like that….” You put a hand to your throat feeling the familiar constriction in your chest. “Just brought back memories,” you whispered.
“We’re all broken, one way or another.” You looked up at your husband. “But I wouldn’t want to try and repair myself with anyone else.”
“I love you Armitage.”
“And I love you and our quiet life and our daughter.” You leaned into him accepting the kiss before letting him lead you back inside the warmth of your cottage.
After all, war does not determine who is right. Only who is left.
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demytasse · 6 years
[Shizaya] Finality
    Izaya laid partially embedded in plaster, a crater in the spackled surface of his living room wall. The monstrous man before him pressed half his braun against his bruised body, enough so that his jutted shoulder blades ached under the pressure. It was as if Shizuo tried to bury him six feet vertically into the wall, like it would help replace the looming death of something else; something insanely important.
   “It wasn't supposed to end like this,” bile laid in Shizuo’s bite.
Another shove and another dose of blood spat from Izaya’s lungs — a massacre of Shizuo's once pristine shirt which was now blotched with bright and muddied crimson.
   “Then how was it supposed to wind up,” Izaya hacked, “with a happy ending?”
   “What the fuck else, Izaya?!”
Craze drove Shizuo’s smile. While it successfully held its upturn, he himself wanted anything but that expression. He was distraught, in emotional turmoil, yet his features wanted to paint him a power driven maniac, elated by how easily destruction came to him.
   “What a laugh,” Izaya coughed a travesty of his comment.
A desperate chuckle followed, somewhere at the tip of Shizuo’s gut and the bottom of his throat. It was unnervingly grim yet placid given the chaotic storm surrounding them.
The space was ripped to shambles, lit upward from the floor by a broken lamp — the sparse overhead lighting had tripped the circuit breaker and allowed shadows to play upon sliced-up leather of a toppled loveseat. Further wreckage was added to the rug torn up from scuffles and mad scrambles.
And at their feet, tile made into rubble, streaks of spilt liquid that perhaps should be cried over, even though it lacked any of Shizuo's fond beverage.
It was trashed.
Their apartment was a battle scene akin to a low grade tornado, though any talk of an end didn't refer to the storm itself — that natural disaster hadn't wrapped up.
   “I don't hear you laughing, louse.”
   “No?” Izaya chuckled as requested, far off, cold, and fairly grim.
           //“Do you only laugh like a conceited shitbag?”
          “Well, sometimes I chortle…”//
   “Shut up!”
It wasn't the laugh Shizuo hoped for, what he grew fond of.
          //Vibrancy filled Izaya’s laughter, a release of ecstatic build up — cheeks heated, his body flush, and naturally dressed in his bare beauty.
          “This, 'Zaya…I love when you're not tryin’…”
          “Are you sure you don't just like the view of me on top?”
          “You brat!”
        A hooked leg swiftly reversed their positions while bubbly joy came over Izaya as he was rabidly attacked with tickled kisses across his cheeks, neck, and yelped at his nibbled earlobe.//
   “SHUT UP!”
Izaya's skull was slammed to the wall. Though the force was dialed back it caused him brief unconsciousness, laughter killed in an instant.
   “SHUT UP!”
When the Izaya’s mind stabled, he narrowly steered his stomach from sickness in result of his dizzy throb — affected vision be damned he could still see the conflict of emotions wrinkled deep upon Shizuo's face.
It was silent, but not peaceful. Buzzed energy surrounded the duo as they paused to stare at one another, assess each other’s intentions.
   “It’s rather like you,” his speech glitched, “Shizu-chan…”
   Fervorously Shizuo shook, his body and head out of sync, “No…”
He recognized the tone Izaya used. It preceded an unstoppable prose, the message always hard to swallow, the conclusion nothing but a commanding end.
It was abrupt punctuation, without room for retaliation.
   “You have a knack of shoving two things together and assuming they belong with one another.”
   “Nonono…” he clung to whatever he could of the man, “don't do this, Izaya!”
   “Like happy and ending...”
   “Izaya you don't have to do this!” He pleaded.
   “...like you and I.”
   “This isn’t like your other relationships! You don’t have to ruin it!”
Izaya sneered at the comparison and flicked his blade. What dim light remained was reflected off the repositioned metal at the underside of Shizuo's downward tipped chin — his nausea highlighted.
   “I do when it involves us!”
The blade cut a shallow line as Izaya lifted Shizuo’s head with the will of his knife, to which he pressed against, a counter force buried it deep within flesh.
Izaya’s hand spasmed as he noticed tears rolled from both their eyes. His knife clattered against the floor to become unnervingly mute. Any composure he had struggled to keep disappeared, he faltered his next step with wide-eyes and found it near impossible to push past that raw fear he was shown, what he felt.
Though Izaya did.
   “I’ve got news for you, Shizu-chan.” As always his resolve to ruin what brought him love pulled through for him. “There's no happy ending for us. An ending sure, but most certainly not happy.”
What grip Shizuo had of Izaya's ripped shirt was loosened, but he held onto the blood starched cloth like a lifeline.
   “Shizuo this is the end.”
          //“You...used my name,”
          “Don’t look so shocked. It’s not as if I said ‘I love you’, Shizuo.”//
The blond's head lulled...
          //“Do you?” Redundant words pleased his relaxed lips.
          “Love you? Well, I used your name, didn’t I?”//
   “It’s jus’ that easy then…”
He wanted comfort, he required it, but the one he wished to hold — the one he wished would hold him — was the man he’d just beaten too far.
         //“Just let me comfort you, Shizuo! Why are you making this difficult,” flustered he pulled at Shizuo’s stiffened arm.
          “It’s not like you,” his eyes scrutinized.
          “Perhaps, but it’s not unlike me to try.”//
Shizuo stepped back into the harsh shadow, a slow dismal march into given up hope.
Izaya eased off his damaged brace to approach the broken man. Once more he nudged the other’s chin up, only this time by a weak finger. His body shook, exhausted and just as busted by reality as his partner; not as though the title fit any longer.
He tried for words that would make it better for Shizuo, for himself. Words that would put their troubles on the mend and drive their sorrow somewhere far off, only to leave tread marks on their history.
What he wanted to say pricked the tip of his tongue, the taste of a memory that he wished to replicate. Once it had succeeded, perhaps in the present it could prevent failure.
   “I’m sorry…”
          //“...will that cover?” Izaya sighed through his difficulty to admit his fault.
          “For you, yeah it will.”
          “Care to extrapolate?”
          “I can tell when you're bullshittin', Izaya,” Shizuo shrugged, “this is sincere.”//
But at the end of Izaya’s struggle, both their flubbed attempts, after all they'd overcome...
   “We had a good run though, hm?”
...all that came to his aid was his fear.
AN: I was in the mood for a tumultuous breakup fic awhile back. Finally edited it. Lol. ;w; You’re welcome?
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