keru0 · 1 year
Cheering Up
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Ugh I just finished TriStamp and I already miss them so much ToT!! This fic is on the shorter side but I was in the mood to write for them and I figured I’d put something out while I try to finish that Rag-Bros fic. Anyways, hope yall enjoy!!
Fandom: Trigun Stampede
Ships/Pairings: Lee!Vash, Ler!Wolfwood, Ler!Meryl (romantic)
Contains: SFW, Fluff
Word Count: 1359
It was an…odd night, to say the least.
Instead of their usual – which consisted of them sleeping in the truck – Vash, Wolfwood, and Meryl were actually able to hunker down in a less-then-nice and cozy motel. Of course, as always, there were arguments of who would take what bed, Vash insisting on sleeping on the floor, but Meryl and Wolfwood were having none of it, almost forcing Vash to take one of the two beds since he always insists on the floor, though his price was that one of them would take up the bed with him so no one would sleep on the floor that was covered in god-knows-what.
After the sleeping arrangements were agreed – Wolfwood deciding he would sleep with the humanoid furnace – they decided to go to a bar nearby, wanting to have some fun before heading out in the morning. This, of course, led to the trio drinking until they were barely lucid, stumbling their way back to their shared room. 
Meryl insisted on showering first, still disgusted by the bug guts from yesterday, leaving Wolfwood and Vash alone. 
As soon as Meryl disappeared behind the door, Vash let his façade drop, dropping his cheery smile for a more sullen look.
Drinking always makes Vash think of things he usually doesn’t think about – things he doesn’t want to think about. It’s fun at first; hanging out with friends, forgetting about his worries, but by around the fifth drink, thoughts he thought he had stashed away come barreling to the surface, forcing him to think about them.
Usually Wolfwood would leave him be, knowing Vash doesn’t like to talk about what’s on his mind, knowing that he thinks he’s a burden if he even so much as frowns at someone, let alone talks about his feels. The beer in his system, instead of ignoring him, makes him want to know what's going on with his usually-bubble friend; it makes him want to help him in a way Vash never lets anyone help.
So, noticing his change in attitude and knowing that the Humanoid Typhoon gets in his head, Wolfwood turns towards him, the cigarette in his mouth doing nothing for the slurring of words the drinks are causing. “You alright, Needle Noggin?”
Not wanting to worry his friend, Vash immediately switches expressions to his usual cheery demeanor, looking up, surprised by Nicolas’ acknowledgment, he puts a smile on his face as crows feet come at the corners of his eyes, his beautiful dimples on half-display, forcing their way through his thoughts. “Uh- Y-yeah! I’m alright, why wouldn’t I be?”
Sighing, Nico walks to sit by Vash on the bed, thighs touching as he rests his elbows on his knees and softens his expression. “Drop the act, Needles. What’s bothin’ ya?”
Wolfwood can see his expression change almost immediately, Vash looking away as soon as he feels it drop. “It…it's nothing, Wolfwood. It’s not important.”
Wolfwood groans, rolling his eyes as he steels his expression as much as he can under the influence. “Bullshit it's not important! Stop with the dramatics, Vash. What the hell’s wrong with you?”
Vash flinches under his words, almost seeming to fold in on himself. Noticing this, the Punisher sighs again, trying to soften him voice. “Look, Needles, Shortstack and I care about you. You can’t just go around ignoring your own feelings all of the time. Look at me.”
Vash turns his head, bright cerulean eyes locked onto grey, a look of understanding passing between the two before Vash looks away again. “M’just thinking about…about the last time someone hugged me.”
Wolfwood furrows his brows at this, wanting to know more. “Huh? What are ya talkin’ about, Needles?”
“I just…” Vash looks down, his cheeks flushing an even darker shade of red than the one brought on by drinking. “I miss it. Being hugged.”
Wolfwood chuckles, getting up from the bed.
“W-wha-?! Why are you laughing! I thought-” Vash was cut short by Wolfwood hugging him tightly, arms around his shoulders, cheeks pressed together. 
“Blondie, for being nearly two centuries old, you sure are dumb.” He moves his face down to the crook of Vash’s neck, mumbling into the soft skin, one of the rare areas on Vash that wasn’t metal nor scar. “If you ever want a hug, just ask me or Shortstack. We’ll be happy to give you what you want, Needles.” 
Finishing his half-speech, Nick breathes in Vash, noticing that there is a distinct smell, the alcohol betraying him and letting the words slip through. “You smell nice. Like…I actually don’t know what like…”
Vash’s eyes widen, never seeing his friend act this way. ‘It’s probably the alcohol,’ he thought, encircling his arms tightly around the smoker, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. “U-um…it’s flowers.”
“Flowers, huh?” Wolfwood closes his eyes as he moves his head up and down, his stubble scraping against Vash’s sensitive neck as he keeps breathing in the floral aroma. “I like it.”
“W-Wolfwood, wahait! Y-your beheard!” Vash laughs, Nick’s stubble tickling his neck as he moves his face along the vulnerable flesh.
“Beard? You mean my stubble, Blondie?” Wolfwood chuckles. “What’sa matter?” He teases, sneaking his hands towards the humanoid’s sides, gently scribbling along them, feeling the bumps of the scars and metal that litter his body through the thin cloth of his shirt. As he lowers his body so he is on top of Vash, the both of them laying down now, legs dangling off of the bed, he leans in close to Vash’s ear, smiling as he whispers, tickling him more in the process. “Is the Humanoid Typhoon…ticklish?”
The Typhoon weakly grabs Nick’s wrists, if only to ground him, as his black-haired partner continues to tease him. “Nihihick! C’mohohon! Knock it ohohohoff! NaHahAhAHa!”
Vash loses it when Wolfwoof moves his hands higher, gently digging into Vash’s bare sides. “Why should I, Needles? We both know that you’re strong enough to make me stop…that is, unless you like it~”
“WolfwoHohOhoHoD! HahAhaHahAhAhaHa!” Vash whined, Wolfwood deciding to start nibbling on his ticklish neck.
“You know the word, Needles~”
“What are you two doing?”
Both the Punisher and the Humanoid Typhoon look up, blushes – from either the situation or the drinking, who knows – on their faces as they are met face-to-face with Meryl, freshly clean and in her pajamas, which consisted of shorts and a t-shirt, a faux look of annoyance on her face.
Vash stammered. “U-um…we were…uh…”
Wolfwood, on the other hand, decided that the shortie needs to know about Vash. “Well, Shortstack-”
“Don’t call me that.”
“-Vash here was down about wanting hugs, and I just let him know that if he ever wants one, he’s free to ask us. Isn’t that right, Shortstuff?”
Meryl was truly annoyed with the use of the nickname again, but softened to agree with him, sitting down opposite of the others, speaking directly to Vash, whose gaze was averted to the wall, a cute pout on his lips. “Right. Vash, anything you need or want, just ask us. There’s no harm in that, and you won’t be bothering us.”
Wolfwood freed one of his hands to bring it up to Vash’s cheek, turning his head so they were face-to-face. “She’s right, Needle Noggin. Just ask. Anyways,” Wolfwood started, finishing his portrayal of the events of the last few minutes. “I decided to give him a hug and he decided to be ticklish-”
“I didn’t decide that!”
“-and then what you saw happened. Seemed to cheer him up, yeah?”
Meryl smiled, laughing softly, a playful glint in her eyes. “You’re right, Wolfwood. Think he needs any more cheering up~?”
“I think so~”
“W-wait! G-guys c’mon! Meryl, not you tohohoho! AhaHahAhA!”
And so the “odd night” came to a close. Vash’s bubbly laughter filled the room before he and Wolfwood finally got their showers and, instead of sleeping on separate beds, the trio cuddled together, the Humanoid Furnace keeping them plenty warm.
Safe to say this “odd night” became the new normal, with Vash asking for hugs almost every hour – and getting them – and getting “cheered up” by his partners whenever he felt down. This new normal was better, and all of them thought so.
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chubbybunyu · 1 year
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My cravings won over my fears, so here's my first ever tk-art as my first ever post for this community!! And also my first ever time drawing masculine figures hahah lotsa firsts here
Little Vash meowmeow is getting a well deserved treatment for simply being so adorable
My art, don't repost but reblog please!♥
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rachi-roo · 8 months
Hii! I saw your requests open and I wanted to ask could you perhaps write some tickle headcanons for Vash from Trigun? Any version is fine, I just need more tickle content of that silly lil guy--
(Love your blog btw! <3)
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Trigun: Vash - Tickle Head Canons!
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YES! YES! THANK YOU! I've wanted to write about this goobie woobie for so long! I've actually had some HCs written up for ages but never found silly Trigun fans to share them with! 😭 Bless your little socks anon!! Thank you for the opportunity to go HDBDIAOWKDBAI over my Vashy-Washy! XD Love you dust bunny!!!
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Being inhuman has its perks. Not many but a few. Immortality is pretty cool. But in Vashs case, hanging out with the humans has brought upon a strange, problem, when it comes to physical touch.
At first, Vash had never heard of tickling or being ticklish. Why would he when everyone has only ever wanted to kill him? Until he met Meryl and Millie. One drunken party had led to a cuddle pile where the two females decided to attack the defenceless male, leading to the discovery. He is, in fact, very ticklish.
He is ticklish absolutely everywhere. Luckily, his huge coat and armour protect him most of the time. You'll have to catch him out of uniform to make him squeal.
Saying catch isn't really right, though. He loves being tickled and won't try to avoid an attack if he sees it coming. Like an obedient pup, he'll lay there and take it. Despite his wriggling, he does his best not to get away or stop those scribbling fingers.
His laugh is wonderful. Bright, loud, full of life. And he's very chatty whilst being wrecked. Being his usual goofy self, he'll say the most random things between his laughter.
"H-Hehey! Ahaha! Gohod I could reheheally go for a snAHAHACK rigihight now! Aha! Hah... Aww, why you stop?"
Brat. Brat. Bratty brat brat. Big playful goob. If he wants tickles, he'll follow you around all day until he gets them. Even if it means tickling you first to get a response, he'll do it. He'll poke you. Scare you. Steal a snack. Even throw some playful cheesy flirting your way.
His favourite are reward tickles.
"Didn't I do a good job taking care of those bandits? Come oooon, you know what to do~" He'd say, sprawling happily over your lap.
Praise him. Tell him how cute he is. It's the only time you might be able to fluster him instead of the other way round. If you manage to accomplish this, he'll cover his ears, trying to hide how red they go.
Drunk Vash tickles? Yes. His gangly limbs are so uncoordinated that he'll just flop around like a wet noodle. Hiccuping and snorting happily. Wolfwood takes full advantage of this as he's usually on the receiving end of tickles~
His most sensitive areas are his knees, ribs, and underarms. He also loves it when you tickle his palm. Having only one real hand means the one he's got needs extra love. The teddybear song is a personal favourite of his. Since he's a big kid, really.
Basically, he loves being tickled. Any time. Any place. For any reason. Laughter is so important to him. How could he not crave the sensation?
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Run. Just run. This man is a menace. Ever heard of the tickle monster? This guy gives him nightmares. In the best possible way.
For whatever reason, you look down in the dumps, or maybe you just committed the unspeakable SIN of eating his last doughnut. Vash is gonna getcha~
He'll chase you round all day, laughing with you as he puts on his 'villain' voice, cooing and teasing as he makes grabby hands at you as you try to flee.
"I'm gonna getcha~!"
"Mwahaha! You think you can escape the claws of Vash the humanoid Typhoon!? Nae! You will suffer at my hand, Mortaaaal!"
"Wow, you're quick! What's got you so frantic, I wonder? Haha!"
Once he catches you, it's over. He'll use his mechanic arm to hold your wrists, allowing his free hand to do the work.
He's a skitterer. Spider fingers are his favourites since they make his victims giggle the most. Changing spots every couple of seconds to keep you wriggling.
The sharpshooter had also invented his own adorable little game! He calls it 'Don't shoot'.
The ler surprises the Lee, aiming finger guns at them and calling 'Hands up!' The Lee has to respond quick as they can with 'Don't shoot!' Whilst throwing theirs hands up. If they're quick enough, the ler, Vash, approaches with his finger guns, circling and teasing the victim with anticipation. Faking a prod or two. The victim has to not flinch or giggle or they get 'shot' or rather, bombarded with tickly pokes.
Vash, being Vash, always makes the sound effects as he's poking you. "Pew! Pew! Pew! Should have stayed still, bandit!" He also loves being on the receiving end of this game, always losing, curling up as soon as those fingers get too close.
He's so gentle as a ler. Teasy and bubbly as always. He'll pull you into a hug, wriggling his fingers into your sides, blowing raspberries on your neck. He's a big guy, holding you still isn't difficult.
"Ah, Mon précieux, what a lovely singing voice you posesse~"
"A snort!? For me!? Oh my gosh, do it again!"
"Huh? Don't say tickle? Why shouldn't I say tickle? Is tickle a bad word? Is ticklish a bad word, too? What about tickled? Oh gosh, I'm saying all these awful tickly words! Oh well, I've sinned now, might as well go all out~ Tickle, tickle, tickle!"
Once he's tired you out, he'll hold you close to him, chuckling quietly at how flustered you are as he pets your hair. He'll share a doughnut if he feels he's been particularly mean~ Lucky you!
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Vash, Vash, Vash. What a goobie woobie he is. My beloved sunflower 🥹 Making this a world build upon love and peace!!! 🤞 Marry me FUCK SAKE! XD
100% Switch!
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Characters included in the showdown
If any of these characters are repeated or under 18 please let me know asap so I can switch them out
Remus Sanders from Sanders Sides (17)
Janus Sanders from Sanders Sides (14)
Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides (13)
Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House (13)
Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides (11)
Virgil Sanders from Sanders Sides (10)
Din Djarin/Mandalorian from The Mandalorian (10)
Remy Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (10)
Patton Sanders from Sanders Sides (9)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (8)
The Once-ler from the Lorax (7)
Sans from Undertale (6)
Angel from Hell’s Belles (5)
Julian Devorak from The Arcana (5)
William Afton from fnaf (4)
Ingo from Pokémon (4)
Leon S Kennedy from Resident Evil (4)
Anxiety Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (4)
Clay Puppington from Moral Orel (4)
Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman (4)
Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (3)
Shane from The L Word (3)
Jameson Jackson from Jacksepticeye (3)
The Other Side of the Pillow from Thomas Sanders Shorts (3)
Virgil the Rat from Ride the Cyclone (3)
Kylo Ren from Star Wars (3)
Megamind from Megamind (3)
Bucky Barnes from MCU (3)
Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) from No Way Home (3)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Ryker from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Roman from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Raine Whispers from The Owl House (3)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Nicholas D Wolfwood from Trigun (3)
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale (2)
Sage Lesath from Last Legacy (2)
L Lawliet from Death Note (2)
Crowley from Good Omens (2)
Dr. Bright from SCP Foundation (2)
Shrek from Shrek (2)
Peter Cola from CNP (2)
Peppino from Pizza Tower (2)
Tangerine from Bullet Train (2)
Luis Sera from Resident Evil 4 (2)
Darius from The Owl House (2)
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal (2)
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Enjorlas from Les Miserables (2)
Jessie from Pokémon (2)
James from Pokémon (2)
Mettaton EX from Undertale (2)
Sampo Koshi from Honkai Star Rail (2)
Wilford Warfstache from Markiplier (2)
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable (2)
Shego from Kim Possible (2)
Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil (2)
Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death (2)
Orange Side from Sanders Sides (2)
Lucio from The Arcana (2)
Burgundy Red from Roleslaying with Roman (2)
Puff Puff Humbert from Your Favorite Martin (2)
Viktor Humphries from Slime Rancher (2)
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Miss Secondopinionson from Moral Orel (2)
Eggman from Sonic (2)
Spamton from Deltarune (1)
The Corinthian from The Sandman (1)
Asra Alnazar from The Arcana (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Edwin from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Hatori from Fruits Basket (1)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Mean Death (1)
Undyne from Undertale (1)
Glamrock Freddy from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gummy from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Nadia Satrinava from The Arcana (1)
Scorpia from She Ra (1)
Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth (1)
Vaporeon from Pokémon (1)
Rouge the Bat from Sonic (1)
Aaravos from The Dragon Prince (1)
Millions Knives from Trigun Stampede (1)
Spock from Star Trek (1)
Toriel from Undertale (1)
Bowser from Super Mario (1)
Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia (1)
Tom Nook from Animal Crossing (1)
Critic Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (1)
Skeletor from Masters of the Universe (1)
Elias Bouchard from The Magnus Archives (1)
Asmodeus from Obey Me (1)
Guillermo from What We do in the Shadows (1)
Asgore Dreemurr from Deltarune (1)
Dio Brando from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (1)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (1)
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (1)
Red Guy from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (1)
Padme from Star Wars (1)
Archibald Asparagus from Veggie Tales (1)
Shen Jiu from The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (1)
Roxanne Wolf from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family (1)
Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty (1)
Fiona from Shrek (1)
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (1)
Emile from Cartoon Therapy (1)
Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom (1)
Eyeless Jack from Creepypasta (1)
Merlin from Fate/Grand Order (1)
Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss (1)
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda (1)
Michael Afton from fnaf (1)
Marvus Xoloto from Hiveswap (1)
Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium (1)
Jang Jaeyoung from Semantic Error (1)
The Bog King from Strange Magic (1)
Batman from Batman (1)
Randy Jade from Dialtown (1)
Yor Forger from Spy x Family (1)
Mark Winters/Wavelength from Just Role With It (1)
Dr. Alto Clef from SCP Foundation (1)
Striker from Helluva Boss (1)
Stoic the Vast from How to Train your Dragon (1)
Bandit from Bluey (1)
Spain from Hetalia (1)
Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
Muriel from The Arcana (1)
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xinieeee · 1 year
My friend just told me that Wolfwood (specifically from Trigun: Stampede) looks like the Once-ler, and I can never recover from that.
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blueeyes-whitedevil · 7 years
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I was asked about my cosplays on my Toy BOnnie ask blog, and that kinda made me go trough my “cosplaygif” tag and collect my 10 fav gifs I made here so far~
Phew, so many cosplays! To make it clear:
Human!Tardis (Doctor Who), Arctic fox (OC), Trickster!Coffee-ler (Lorax OC, but not mine), Coffee-ler Halloween version (Lorax OC, not mine), 72 (Truffula Flu), Once-ler/Greed-ler (The Lorax), Spanner (KHR), TYL!Lambo (KHR), Diarmuid (Fate/Zero), Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
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punkipine-blog1 · 7 years
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Currently Playing:  
Ash from Sing
Diana from Sing
Want To/Will Be Playing:
Toothiana from RotG
Have Played: 
Simon from Gurren Lagann
Annoying Orange from that web series (yes. i did this.)
Clive from Professor Layton
Luke from Professor Layton
Kamila from Ghost Trick
Missile from Ghost Trick
Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagan
Lum Invader from Urusei Yatsura
The Once-ler from The Lorax
DARK! Flora from a DARK! Professor Layton au
Pearl Fey from Ace Attorney
Michelangelo from TMNT
Wolfwood from Trigun
Milly Thompson from Trigun
Flyn Rider from Tangled
Luna from Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reword
Kata from Professor Layton: Pandora's Box (I think thats what it was called tbh i dont remember)
Mojo Jojo from the Power Puff Girls
and definitely more I had over thirty last time i counted
Will Play Again:
hopefully my fan charcters...hopefully
and Luna (VLR)
tagged by: no one tagging: everyone. unleash your rp past
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chubbybunyu · 1 year
Guys help I have to share what popped onto my FYP--- I love this sound and the way ppl are using it sm sdfhlf it's short but oh so sweet;;
Pls go give em a like if you have TT !!
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blueeyes-whitedevil · 7 years
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20 day cosplay challenge, day 6: The character you have cosplayed that is most similar to you __________________________ Well, it's more like Wolfwood but I try to use different cosplays out of my collection. So, in this case I'd say Entre. He's an oc, not mine though. A Once-ler OC in a Zombie apocalypse Au... He was the one who caused it all so of course everyone hated him. But he tried his best to make up his crime and be a good leader of his group. ______________________________ #20daycosplaychallenge #truffulaflu #campentre #truffulaflucosplay #truffulafluentre #tfentre
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