LGBTQ Communities desperately need to FORSAKE people like CancerChaser
I am telling it right now. The LGBTQ movement needs to keep its house in order and cast out their worst people and  their best possible choice to ex-communicate is people who are in the same level as CancerChaser.
CancerChaser is a manipulative philandering creep who sexually harasses people he likes. Taken or not. He just is that creepy. But that is just scratching the surface. He goes into serious depths. How about trying prevent others from attending their workplace through guilt tripping? He has done to that one of my best friends and I am beyond sickened by this scummy behavior. How about all the invasive and evasive actions he has done to my friend. We are talking abusing emails, using alternative numbers, and even alternative Facebook accounts. This disgusting creeper even lives a few blocks away from his target as well. He is also a disloyal cheater as well. When he was stalking and harassing his prey, he had another boyfriend all along. This subhuman bully had manipulated my friend so well that CancerChaser was able to convince him to unblock his number. All because my friend had very little amount of friends near him. And the police was useless in this situation as well. 
This man has been giving homosexuals and the LGBTQ movement a bad name with his scummy unrestrained actions. Why should CancerChaser be allowed to harass people to his liking? Imagine if instead CancerChaser being gay he was a homophobic bigot, and instead of conducting sexual harassment he was conducting homophobic harassment. This deranged deviant is a 40 year old unhinged man who should know better and yet he acts like a petulant child at people younger than him. And he has been a dirty liar who asks for tons of help but never delivers all the way. Plus taking advantage of kind and generous people all the way to preventing his target from going to an important job is very clearly in the wrong!
His creepiness has nothing to do with his sexual orientation. It is not that he loves the same gender romantically. It is the means he goes about his love being the problem. Keep this in mind.
There is even more to this. CancerChaser simply declared his target to be his boyfriend without any knowledge or consent of the other party. I am pretty sure love does not work that way. I am pretty sure that needs to be mutual for an actual relationship to form. You cannot simply declare someone to be your boy/girlfriend. And when his target mentioned that he was taken, he did not back off and started hitting on him about his butt. This CancerChaser monster cannot even restrain himself. And he is 40! Given what I know about his posts on social media regarding his sexual experiences and how he conducts himself, I believe he actually knows better and chooses be this intrusive and gross at people he wants in bed. And after it all fell apart for the last time, he started harassing his victim and stated that he was never a good friend to him.
CancerChaser is very wrong. All he cares about is his own sexual pleasure and would do anything, including destroying other people’s lives, for own desires and only his desires matter to him. And he is obviously projecting. The favors he asked for are very easy to do and yet he never thanked his victim for the help he received that he begged for. He has no right to say he was any good to my friend. Clearly CancerChaser is the bad friend and there is evidence supporting that. The large amount of emails laced with attachments is proof enough that he is so full of lies. And also, for leaving halfway through a short video game segment and doing nothing with the controller, CancerChaser lied about wanting to play, which makes him an even filthier liar. Anyone who agrees with this CancerChaser is either a liar, a troll, a lover of his, or just as sociopathic as he is.
The LGBTQ community needs to cut this man and anyone else loose. Having people like him around is a massive liability. He is only going to make the entire movement look bad and become ammunition for homophobic bigots to use a destructive example for LGBTQ movement and homosexuals to look as derranged as possible. CancerChaser’s horrible actions hurt the LGBTQ community. And it is important to keep the house in order. Having consistent decency is very important your cause. If CancerChaser is not forsaken, then it makes to community looks very bad. He is as helpful to the LGBTQ movement as Logan Paul is to YouTubers. Cast him out like how the Splatoon community casted out Heavy the Squid.
With the rise of Cancel Culture, CancerChaser deserves a cancellation. If anyone deserves to be canceled, it is creepy harassing monsters like this. People who are so selfish it costs their victims money and opportunities. Until this depraved man changes, he deserves to be alone and single for the rest of his life. This goes to literally anybody out there like him who are disgusting creepers just like that horrible sexual harassing monster known as CancerChaser.
And if he treats adults this way, could you imagine what kind of sick twisted unspeakable actions he would do to children? He has shown that he lacks restraint so I believe that is entirely possible that he might try to sexually harass underage boys as well. If he cannot act with dignity with adult men and cannot restrain himself, he should never be around children.
The full context of the CancerChaser siatuation can be found here: https://walhartonsclub.tumblr.com/post/180955479605/cancerchaser-masterpost
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dinoineurope · 7 years
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Copenhagen mix festival -- LesbianGayBiTransQueer Film Festival 2017 
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