#lestat musical
nightcolorz · 1 year
I love the implications that come from aging Armand up with the intention of keeping his dynamic with Marius in tvl the same (marius regrets making Armand bcus his existence is a crime against vampire kind/an abomination and warns Lestat to not make the mistake he did) bcus there's literally no reason why Armand's existence would be in anyway a crime now so to keep that regret it goes from "I should've never turned a child into a vampire bcus he's fucked up now" to "I should've never turned a weird fuck up like Armand into a vampire now he's even mooore fucked up" and that's so funny to me 😭😭😭 im sorry armand ily king but the concept that he is just such a weird freak that its genuinely dangerous and abhorrent to turn him is iconic. Lestat musical did this and it kills me every time laughing. VAMPIRE 101!!! NEVER TURN SOMEONE WHO IS UNFIT FOR THE BLOOD FOR EXAMPLE A CHILD OR A STRAIGHT PERSON OR ARMAND OR YOU WILL!!! BE PUT TO DEATH. I am in full support of making vampire rules as vague and dubious as possible and if Armand is key to that bring it on
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adaptations-polls · 4 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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prettynerdieworks · 2 years
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Drew Sarich & Hugh Panaro as Armand & Lestat in LESTAT (2006)
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Don’t cry babe, there actually is an excellent real live version of the tower scene from the book.
(I really liked what they did in the tv show though. ❤️)
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candidsoup · 1 month
The Lestat Musical Trailer
(here's the big reveal of who wrote the music...)
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mameeta · 2 months
Hey guys. On another post my comment section has some awesome links to the Lestat Musical. Here is the link.
Sure this is a blatant attempt at beefing up the lestatcore tag, but if your really interested, you should check out the comments of that post for the youtube links.
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emptymasks · 2 years
Alright time for me to make one of these, and as I'm always curious about European musicals, but for now let's go a little more niche than that. I'm currently working on a video essay about the wild world of vampire musicals or something similar. Essentially looking at the vampire musicals that bombed and flopped, other ones that I just personally find strange, and then finishing out by gushing about a certain Austrian vampire musical. So if that sounds like something you'd wanna watch let me know because it's gonna take some time to make but I miss making long video essays and I hope this one can be fun (and spread the word of our lord and saviour Drewlock).
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theprettynerdie · 2 years
they’re my babygirls
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rosesocietyy · 7 months
ripping the lestat musical to shreds is my favorite past time but even I can admit the lestat/nicki agenda got me a bit
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thenightling · 5 months
In general I think the San Francisco production of the Lestat musical had better stage effects and songs than what we had here in New York when the play was dumbed down. However I do love this song Sir Elton John added for the New York production. It's Lestat contemplating making Nicolas into a vampire. It's a love song. I wish someone would revive the play with the San Francisco version of all the songs except this one from the New York production, put this song in. Oh, yes, and restore the opening demo version of From the Dead. Here is Lestat's song to Nicolas. And the best recording of the song I've found to date (Sung by Sir Elton John himself as Lestat). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiyPFff7U-0
_________________________________ Right before my eyes. How luminous he looks to me. So radiant and glorious. One savage kiss is all he needs To change his life and make this night victorious.
What princes of the moon we'd be, Two blazing beacons in the dark. Desire drives me to take him now. No force on Earth Would ever tear him from my heart.
But why do I go back and forth? What is this doubt that clouds my thoughts? Don't waste the chance And let the night pass by. He's mine to take, He's right before my eyes.
And so my conscience speaks to me Of selfishness and consequence, The danger that from death I'd make A stolen soul no longer blessed with innocence.
But such a kingdom could be ours. A wondrous world beyond compare. Would his bright fire not wish it so? Surely he agree this gift is one that should be shared. But why do I go back and forth? What is this doubt that clouds my thoughts? Don't waste the chance And let the night pass by. He's mine to take, He's right before my eyes.
Everything I really need Is standing here in front of me The one thing that my heart should not deny Is out of reach, but right before my eyes
It's out of reach, but right before my eyes
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nightcolorz · 3 months
HI CUTIE PIE ARMANDTOLOGIST THE LOVE OF MY LIFE I have a question and it’s really important
Does Armand like Dr Pepper yes or no
(But also actually thoughts on the way they changed up Armand’s backstory in the show? Cuz now he’s kinda like musical Armand and ik you love that guy real, I JUST WANT UR THOUGHTS)
thus is an amazing question….Armand loves doctor pepper and he has a crippling addiction to it (I know this bcus he told me). The fizzy texture makes him tweak out like cats do when they go crazy randomly and his eyes go huge and dilated and he rolls around wildly for like ten minutes straight 🥰
My thoughts on how they changed up Armand’s backstory in the show is that I LOVE IT!! 🙏🙏so so true so true I love musical Armand he is so funny and real, that is such a good comparison. What I love about musical armand is that in making armand a very visible explicit adult while keeping his backstory relatively the same they kind of lean into this alternate reality where by growing up Armand sort of experienced living “past his prime” and was turned in less of a preservation of his beauty and youth (🤢) and more of in a panicked, pathetic last ditch move, which rlly kind of hammers home the sad kicked dog vibe he has ❤️. Like, I love the thematic value of Armand being an eternal child so much. It’s just so so sad and effective, picturing him as this visible child who is yknow, torturing and killing ppl and leading cults, and even owning property and running businesses, but no matter what he is doing he is always displaying this very apparent physical reminder of his stunted growth and his trauma, that will always be anyone’s first impression of him, that causes him active inconveniences and insecurities. He’s a physical embodiment of the most vulnerable time in his life, trying despite it to gain respect and instill fear. He’s like a child ghost!! I love how his stunted growth manifests as a disability, I love how he is often perceived as a girl bcus of his appearance which adds a trans layer, i love how when Armand’s sad he appears for a moment like the child who was abused, I love love love it.
And that version of Armand will always be my favorite, but I still LOVE the way in the show (and musical before her) is doing it. Back on the topic of the musical, while I don’t think it can carry the same layer of tragedy and depth as the books, the musical frames Armand in a way that’s very upsetting in a different way. He’s like, very pathetic 😭. This grown ass man still stuck in time as a “beautiful youth”, longing for the man who sexually abused him when he was fifteen, stuck in the mindset of the child he was, looking for his past in everything he does and everyone he meets. It’s different, but still carry’s that tragic weight 😭. But the musical wasn’t interested (or maybe didn’t have the time) in exploring that tragedy in any depth, so Armand’s pathetic past his prime vibe is framed more as almost comedically embarrassing then sad. And on the note of the show!!!!! What I love so so much about show Armand’s backstory changes is that they take what the musical was putting down but didn’t have time for and explore it with all the weight it needs, and it’s SO GOOD!!!
Armand as not of a literal external youth but instead a metaphorical one, a technical adult who was kept as a slave and treated as a child for his entire adulthood until he was eventually thrust into vampirism and subsequently abandoned, so he carry’s this internal stunting, is AMAZING. He was raised in a way that instilled in him and prevented him from ever being a functioning, independent person, and then forced into roles of dire leadership and horrible loneliness. In one of my fics I compare him to a pampered lap dog who’s been abandoned on the streets. Amc Armand reminds me of the song memory from cats, which has always reminded me of Armand but hits harder in this version. He’s so 😭😭 abandoned elderly cat who is longing for his past (which for Armand was super shitty, but remains the only time he was loved) and just looking to experience that love and comfort again 😭. The “love and comfort” that was sexual and physical abuse and literal enslavement 😭. It’s so sad.
I love that amc iwtv doesn’t necessarily change Armand’s backstory of being sold into slavery, but rlly hammers home in the details that he was and continued to be a slave. The racial element is just, ugh, omg, so mf good. They take Armand’s trauma in the books of being deprived of his cultural background by being sold into slavery and bought by Marius, and basically cut off from his religious beliefs and made to feel alienated from religion bcus of his sexual trauma, and by making Armand a person of color rlly elevate that in a super sad super meaningful way. I also love how they add little horrific traumas to rlly instill that Armand was a slave to Marius, that he was his property. Rlly sad!!! 😭 I love it.
the only thing that I don’t like about the changes in Armand’s backstory (which r not a lot, and r mostly based in Assad zaman’s casting whom I love as Armand, they stay surprisingly faithful to the books) Is the thing where Armand’s parents (apparently) willingly sold him into slavery. Part of the huge tragedy with Armand being sold and loosing himself to that is that his parents were not perfect, and not especially good to him, but they loved him so so much, and he looses his memory and connection to two parents who love and miss him, and are devastated by loosing him. Which even tho it’s technically a better reality for Armand then, he had parents who betrayed him, it hits sm harder imo. But, I don’t resent the writers for that bcus I have a theory that I think it’s very likely that the reality of the books is true, and Armand believes that his parents sold him bcus that was a lie Marius fed him to ease his own guilt about keeping Armand from his family so that he can sexually abuse him. If my theory is wrong, and Armand’s parents rlly did sell him, I will be disappointed and wish they stayed more faithful to the books, but I won’t be super mad cuz I love everything else they r doing so much, and it doesn’t retract from that too much.
On the subject of amc and musical Armand comparisons, I hope the show adapts/ takes inspo from a change that the musical made that I love a lot and think could rlly rlly work in the show. In the musical, during the scene where Armand throws Lestat off the tower, Lestat pushes Armand into doing this by mockingly telling him that Marius is alive and has not only chosen to not reconnect with armand bcus he’s not as important to him as Armand perceives, but also he has told Lestat how Armand was a mistake and he should have never made him bcus Marius thinks he’s crazy and beyond hope. And musical armand screams at Lestat that he’s lying, shouts HE LOVED ME!!! And pushes lestat off the tower, bcus he refuses to accept the reality of his fucked up relationship with Marius. Which, dude, I literally love that change in the musical sm and almost wish it was in the books. I sometimes forget that in the books Armand finds out Marius is alive from Lestats book offscreen and we don’t see his immediate reaction at all, just his reaction to reuniting with Marius after already processing that he’s alive. I RLLY HOPE that amc iwtv takes this change the musical made and elevates it, bcus I am the only guy who talks about it and I need everyone else to care 😭. It would translate so perfectly in the show amc pls hire me.
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claireverlasting · 1 year
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suzieloveships · 2 years
I don't want to see any Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt. The only person that can have a cameo is Elton John
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prettynerdieworks · 1 year
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I don’t think it’s posible for me to make enough gifs of Drew Sarich as Armand
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Regular PSA for fandom newcomers that this exists :)
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candidsoup · 1 month
at some point. I might come on here and talk about the Lestat musical. It was unfortunately a special interest of mine forever ago (like, as a college freshman-sophomore? I forget when I first discovered it but somewhere between 2011-2012)
um. yeah. it was badly done and the songs are too...... simple?? they're weird. it's weird. but I did kinda love it.
don't spoil it for those who don't know but please. take a wild guess who wrote the music.
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