nakajimaster123 · 2 years
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⁡ 先日亡くなった母が好きだった⁡ ⁡ #水戸市 の #シュクリエ に⁡ ⁡ 行ってきました。⁡ ⁡ だんだん家族が減り、⁡ ⁡ 買うケーキの数も減ってきました😢⁡ ⁡ 今回は、母の大好物の "キャラメリア"と⁡ ⁡ 私がピスタチオが好きなので、⁡ ⁡ "グランピスターシュ"⁡ ⁡ そして、間違いないド定番⁡ ⁡ "いちごのショートケーキ"⁡ ⁡ いただきました。⁡ ⁡ ⁡ やっぱり旨いわ~😍⁡ ⁡ 私的にNo.1かなぁ~☝️⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ #茨城県水戸市 #茨城の名店 ⁡ #オススメ #旨い店⁡ #ケーキ #スイーツ #lesurier⁡ #barber #バーバー #ヘアサロン⁡ #理容 #美容 #床屋 #石岡⁡ #ダブルライセンス #ナカジマ⁡ #スキンフェード #フェード⁡ #濡れパン #お顔そりエステ⁡ #スペインカール #スパイラル⁡ ⁡ ⁡ (Le sucrier) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coy5zjrJdGm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Silver Blaze pt 2
We venture further into the web of intrigue, murder and horse theft.
I have decided that the funniest end to this story is if Silver Blaze is just never seen again. Like the horse just ran off onto the moors and is now living in sin with a herd of Dartmoor ponies and frolicking all the livelong day.
Although it would be funny, but tragic, if Silver Blaze ends up being killed offpage in a random shipwreck. I don't want that to happen, but there would be a certain black humour to events.
In every other direction the low curves of the moor, bronze-colored from the fading ferns, stretched away to the sky-line, broken only by the steeples of Tavistock, and by a cluster of houses away to the westward which marked the Mapleton stables.
Watson was secretly being paid by the Devon Marketing Board because this makes me want to go to Dartmoor. Go to Devon, have a nice cream tea, see some Dartmoor ponies, experience the terrifying and exhilarating awe of witnessing untamed nature? God I need a holiday.
And a cream tea.
But mostly a holiday.
I didn't realise the other stables were so close you could literally see them from the main house, though.
“I think that I should prefer to stay here a little and go into one or two questions of detail. Straker was brought back here, I presume?” “Yes; he lies upstairs. The inquest is to-morrow.”
Just got the body of a murdered man upstairs, nbd.
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I know they have nowhere else to put him, but damn that's unsanitary. Don't keep him upstairs, at least keep him somewhere cold and not part of the main house. Although I suppose you could be keeping him in the pantry, so we're all grateful you're not.
“I presume that you made an inventory of what he had in this pockets at the time of his death, Inspector?”
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Also, the American spelling of aluminium... like we had the American spelling of grey a week or so ago. That always throws me out a bit, but I acknowledge that that is probably because it is literally my job to localise things from US to UK English and vice versa, so I am trained to notice them.
"This other is a milliner's account for thirty-seven pounds fifteen made out by Madame Lesurier, of Bond Street, to William Derbyshire."
Back to the trusty inflation calculator, thank you Bank of England website, that's more than £3,500 in today's money. And while Holmes says 'a single costume' as far as I'm aware, milliners were hat makers, not full on tailors, although maybe they did both. 3.5 grand for a hat is... insane amounts of money. Could this be a secret payment for a horse? Or for stealing a horse? Money laundering?
“Dear me! Why, I could have sworn to it. You wore a costume of dove-colored silk with ostrich-feather trimming.” “I never had such a dress, sir,” answered the lady.
Guessing that's the £3.5K dress, then. Ostrich feathers are pricey.
So... so... what if the guy had the cataract knife in his pocket, which was super sharp, right, and the cork fell off the blade, right... and it cut his leg as he was walking? and in the confusion the horse stomped him to death with its hooves. And then Silver Blaze ran off into the night, met a nice Dartmoor pony, settled down, fathered a few foals, and lived happily to the end of his days.
“In this bag I have one of the boots which Straker wore, one of Fitzroy Simpson's shoes, and a cast horseshoe of Silver Blaze.” “My dear Inspector, you surpass yourself!”
Another competent police officer! Will wonders never cease? Although the last one did arrest the wrong man deliberately and have racist articles published in order to lure out the true suspect.
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The horse is a very gregarious creature. If left to himself his instincts would have been either to return to King's Pyland or go over to Mapleton.
Or... or... or... to the Dartmoor ponies. Freedom! Pony friends. Thundering across the moors together.
"It was Holmes who saw them first, and he stood pointing with a look of triumph upon his face. A man's track was visible beside the horse's."
OK, working theory, which I absolutely cannot remember if I'm right or not. Straker steals the horse because he has debts/an expensive mistress (£3.5k for a dress yikes), but as stated before, the cork comes off the knife, he cuts open his thigh and panics. Man panicking makes horse panic, because horses are scaredy cats. But they are heavy scaredy cats with hooves. Silver Blaze unintentionally kills his own kidnapper and runs off into the night. Then one of the grooms from the other stable sees him says 'ooh, free horse' and leads him back to the stable.
The double track turned sharp off and took the direction of King's Pyland. Holmes whistled, and we both followed along after it. His eyes were on the trail, but I happened to look a little to one side, and saw to my surprise the same tracks coming back again in the opposite direction.
So they were going to return him... then they decided not to?
“I've no time to talk to every gadabout. We want no stranger here. Be off, or you may find a dog at your heels.” Holmes leaned forward and whispered something in the trainer's ear. He started violently and flushed to the temples.
Not a horse whisperer, but a horse-trainer whisperer.
Silas Brown seems like a pleasant fellow, doesn't he? Love it when people threaten to set dogs on me just for stopping to have a chat.
“Oh, and old horse-faker like him has many a dodge.”
I do know how the horse has been hidden. That is like the one thing I remember. I think Enid Blyton used the same trick in one of her stories at one point. Either that or she just wrote another story about a stolen horse and I smashed them together in my mind.
"That is the advantage of being unofficial. I don't know whether you observed it, Watson, but the Colonel's manner has been just a trifle cavalier to me. I am inclined now to have a little amusement at his expense. Say nothing to him about the horse."
Colonels, you can't trust them. I'm trying to remember a single colonel in these stories who has been a good guy and I'm struggling. Even the one who died was a traitor. Colonels should not be trusted.
We had only been a few hours in Devonshire, and that he should give up an investigation which he had begun so brilliantly was quite incomprehensible to me.
Yeah, my dudes, stop for lunch. Find a nice little country pub or cafe somewhere. Have a tea, have a scone. Please allow me to vicariously live through you.
The Inspector opened his eyes, and the Colonel's lip curled in a sneer. “So you despair of arresting the murderer of poor Straker,” said he.
Colonels are terrible. This is clearly the hidden message of these stories.
Wouldn't put it past him to be race fixing and have bet against his own horse, then arranged for Straker to get Silver Blaze out of the way for a little while so he can rake in the dough.
But maybe he's just a horrible person. That's also possible. Not all horrible people are criminals. We must remember this.
Until next time. We've solved where the horse is (which is the bit I already sort of knew. I knew it was in a stable and I knew how it was being hidden), next step the mastermind behind the failed theft.
I really think that Straker might have accidentally sliced open his own artery and caused all the problems. This is why you don't keep knives in your pocket. Bad idea. Lots of arteries and veins right there.
Alas, Silver Blaze did not choose to roam the moors with a herd of wild ponies. Still kind of wish he had, though.
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jabbage · 1 year
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444names · 2 years
french names (from wikibooks)
Aliche Alis Amanck Ande Andrett Apralles Archente Archerron Archeur Armette Arnert Auble Augeault Augo Augénient Aurie Auve Auvillinette Auvine Avreau Aïdais Babeault Badin Bado Badone Bailiannie Bant Bapin Bard Bardurt Barines Bart Bean-Fre Beant Bellette Belline Bellon Bene Benierry Berchelle Bere Besnoien Bill Blue Bodette Bodistain Boisset Bomenée Bommé Bondre Bonique Bonne Bons Borcotte Borenamp Boude Boulachay Boupin Bour Bouris Boutz Boux Bovalonfaël Brac Brane Branette Brayet Bret Brudet Buquin Buro Béanite Béathinaucy Cadin Cadine Cairmot Calle Capdeaux Capie Card Cardue Carpin Cart Castronieres Cavette Cazabe Cedin Cezie Chair Chal Chamon Chamour Chand Chatoite Chaux Chaw Chaëllade Chie Chonne Chuste Claillene Clarte Clon Colloquelle Comais Comard Comme Commermillis Cord Cort Couche Coucioles Couineauto Counget Cour Couse Covean Covelle Crossearthir Crowdreaux Cussettie Dagnonne Dambersène Damoirardeau Dan-Pier Dance Dand Davaroux Debuquine DeClachette Declan Dejeu Delaïs Delin Deliouisse Demb Deme Denaronne Denc Derichard Derson Dese Desie Dessel Dest Destenne Devain Devale Devallee Devarrieres Dordin Douarapong Douinver Douist Dubau Dubaurboil Dubrange Dubuce Duche Dugeer Dugette Duhenrinette Duheux Dulk Dumble Dupeyne Dupiergo Dupley Dupreme Durandry Durd Dérion Elaroi Eliervainey Erne Este Estient Evaii Eyriere Fabossett Faildette Fancarcheur Fant Favarger Favierlin Favrionaber Fireanuette Flaine Flott Floute Ford Forelexant Fres Frux Fuquart Fusette Fustiamblant Gachert Gais Gard Gerrebel Gette Girahau Girochagnau Gisse Gisser Gouge Gouger Gouka Gour Groite Grothis Guette Guil Guillipher Guilme Guin Guisel Haine Hamonvildeau Harin Hent Hiliernau Hillet Hubrine Hugueterez Hure Huyeure Héodin Isierte Isis Ismuiselampy Jangettelle Jeau Jeaude Jeaudre Jeault Jest Jobe Joffooffaye Joliastain Jolse Jonnicost Jossettean Joste Joyne Jucion Jucloitols Julac Jult LaBeaulin Labic Labos Labraix Labrien LaBruchaw Lace LaChairry Lacieroupre LaCord LaCorgers LaDucrefrein LaFlane LaForabeau Lagatte LaHacne Laherguetté Lamellya Lammesro Land Lant Lanton LaPlond LaRocane Late Latin Laude Laudiere Lavin Lawte Lebot LeDartierge Lefe Lefer LeFors Lefoule Lehoand Lemance Lemourd Lepy Lere LeSury Loirienaux Lont Lontin Lorgay Lorgo Loule Lout Luchand Lucur Lyot Légérisser Mabe Macil Madinece Madur Magnette Magnevilley Mailier Maiste Malle Maravillette Mard Mardels Mardinet Marginaux Marry Mart Marégoison Mashee Matragerge Maxen Maximée Mecett Mica Mignete Mine Mirassabry Mireandrée Molladelle Molle Moran Morine Mouce Moujacolène Muille Mylvalon Nasurger Naze Nazier Newchladin Nichau Octeauvide Orlee Ouetteau Over Pare Parosse Pathoise Paufarégard Pere Pergette Perierophnée Pernalcaline Pert Petier Phin Pichar Picharrisont Pichou Plan Plansont Plar Pochesne Pois Pomblan Pophourdont Pore Pormarmi Pranichot Prave Preaux Presne Prin Proin Prose Prout Proy Racard Reillaux Renchent Renri Rent Reynac Riondridry Rivrierre Rochel Roge Role Rosierrestin Ross Rost Roud Rouiserne Roult Rour Routot Rouzonsettee Ruen Ruet Sablode Sairmiendel Sallettearne Saux Sava Scherto Schy Sechel Sent Simé Steaudon Sureau Surien Surnie Tarmey Tesrostourc Thexillard Tieu Toffe Tour Tourte Tousse Toyerrenau Trophiance Trux Tultien Usellier Valouree Vane Vanienard Veillaissee Vereauvin Vergerd Veriasier Verieux Vershort Vicéalcon Viopere Wille Yancard Éléniaque Élénin Émidier
same thing but greater order
Abadine Agrosia Agrospelle Alin Allair Ameder Amyotte Anat Angelissault Annedin Annet Anse Antois Arelle Arle Arme Arpine Arsene Ashfore Aubre Aucot Aude Auras Auron Aurorel Auvine Auzeillesse Bade Ballot Baran Bard Barie Barrives Barte Bazer Bazier Beaucheu Beaux Bechy Bedardine Belain Belier Beline Bellegree Bellette Belly Beloque Beray Berchesnie Bernaderion Bernoy Berrebelle Bert Besse Bevant Biensbourte Bigo Bille Bine Bissar Blandeau Blanson Blanvilles Blon Boucette Bougeon Bouilladis Boulouturine Bour Boure Bourvil Bouthiau Boyselle Bras Breau Bregre Breoux Brigues Brillevienne Bristeriot Brodie Brost Brulett Brune Burette Burgoine Béatre Béthuriot Caillone Calle Calmatendray Campiot Caoulx Carbon Carolice Carreaules Cassier Cedotte Celette Cerien Cerisson Chac Chafiton Chagnac Chaies Chalie Chambert Champeau Champs Chapiens Chapier Chard Charensoneau Charlin Charr Chavantin Chemier Chenaudel Cheneaux Chosseigne Chossette Chreaudin Chrise Clain Clainguet Clairmille Clais Clotta Clouais Cloux Colombard Colomé Compte Constard Corais Cord Cordion Coriam Coteau Cotte Couille Courg Couteaux Covenu Covere Crotte Cyrillandure Célis Dageon Danier Danson Dauphier Debard Debor DeCuire DeFordeau Degre DeJarbonne Delahaies Delant Deleand Delise Delochers Demet Demone DeMonifay Deron Derone DeRoss DeRosse Desline Desse Devalle Dorair Doraise Dorot Dostin Dron Drougeroux Dubault Dubut Dukes Dulaineaud Dumanueleaux Duples Duquet Durette Dutin Edelois Emon Enger Entre Etier Eulac Exnick Fabrier Fabrumes Facter Falcours Falgousque Fauche Ferre Flavassette Font Foucheaudice Foucheux Frand Frecier Fremblant Freouffe Gabrin Gagnat Gaillianne Galliphaël Gaudion Gautinell Gazaire Gazard Geneault Geneaux Gener Ghislin Gibeaux Giguerry Giroix Gladier Glanoux Glaunie Gobert Gouberge Goutee Grantin Gravoy Grisson Grum Guchamble Guche Guere Guil Guillier Gustellvil Havid Hebelle Hell Heron Honorenard Hugust Humber Hyppolige Hyppontagnac Jacque Jacquette Jalle Jamie Jaquin Jard Jean-Claud Jean-Sébast Jeanier Jeanson Jette Julhiot Justel LaBord LaChappe LaChard LaCrot LaFartoineau Lafeves LaGrosse Laichaneau Lalard Lamon Lamorent Land Lange Langlair Lanos LaPerice LaPerry Lapointenoye Laret Laurigner Lease Leave LeBerzas Lecluet LeFranier LeMothé LeMotte Lerolette Leron Lerouilmet Letart Levelle Lilier Linvillot Longue Louais Louilbeau Louin Louinteau Luard Lupin Lusselle Léophe Madotte Magassette Maillond Maloisle Marais Marcot Margoile Margoon Margue Mathier Maurine Mauron Mayer Mazine Melante Menaulniell Mesesnel Mest Metite Migo Millot Minas Minvillot Mishaw Mois Moisle Monce Monde Monne-Sophe Monte Mornhine Myrianne Nazardin Neaux Negros Nicéphan Nomdedeaux Oftenaillee Ogie Oliveau Ollien Ombe Oncal Ouel Ozelette Paque Parfaitreux Pascardin Patnoderive Pecou Pecourt Peray Perive Perree Perry Pette Philianette Pier Pine Plattoon Pochot Pomine Prejean-René Prierry Primeault Prudel Quitte Racide Rafatenarde Reaseur Reason Renoisan Rent Reppolivier Reyne Riopellette Ritchoff Rivier Robarre Robideau Robitaine Rodrier Romandreau Romas Rosse Rouin Roulette Roussaine Roustaramin Salle Salot Sant Saraillon Sartois Sauneau Sejoin Servat Servey Shazo Simanuelin Simarron Simont Simott Sinaudreault Steph Sublettiers Suzat Séraphile Talbec Tard Tayacideau Telle Tetron Theray Therrier Thivier Timorence Tiphane Tiphaël Tond Tour Tregree Trospelleau Trudet Turcharbe Vall Valles-Andry Verdiou Verre Victot Vigne Villiere Vivieillard Withot Withoux Yountain Yvonnice Élizanne
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afrmuebles · 5 months
Combo sala Estilo Lesury Y comedor Estilo Chester.
Calle 11 #7-48
Cali, Barrio Santa Rosa (Centro) 🏢
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vpetrorm · 5 months
Accesorii pentru Câini de la Vpet.ro: Calitate și Confort Pentru Prietenul Tău Necuvântător
Descoperă gama noastră variată de accesorii pentru câini la Vpet.ro. De la lesuri și hamuri la jucării interactive și cuști confortabile, avem tot ce îți trebuie pentru a-ți răsfăța și îngriji câinele. Fie că este vorba despre o plimbare în parc sau despre timpul de joacă din curte, oferim accesorii durabile, sigure și confortabile, adaptate nevoilor și preferințelor câinelui tău. Cu produse de înaltă calitate și prețuri competitive, suntem alegerea perfectă pentru toate necesitățile tale legate de accesorii pentru câini.
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cofa · 2 years
Oc Showcase Cameron
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They are a SQ trooper and while not wanting to kill for the fun of it, isn't adverse to killing. This oc is meant for a Lesuriely Ragtime fan animation series, but I hadn't got to it because I'm afraid people will get mad at it for being more story based than murder based.
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carp0nastick · 5 years
The Secret Clanstone Pt.5
He was not ready!  As soon as the zero G infantry reported that they had secured the gravity generators on the ship, their pod had launched.  The ride was swift, noisy, and ended with much too much impact for Fuzi’s comfort.  As he was recovering from the jolt, Hector was already hitting the explosive seals on the door.  A few screams and quick shots from Hector and Dragomir signaled that the pirates on the other side of the door had been unshielded from the spray of shrapnel the door discharged.  Seeing Michelle slide out the door, Fuzi gulped some air as he racked the slide on his weapon and scurried after him.  Mr. Dross and Shizuka fell in easily behind him as Hector and Dragomir’s weapons sounded off at their position across the hall.  
It was safe to say that Fuzi had never seen so much blood in his life.  The pirates had been a mix of Human and Chorak scum, with a sprinkling of Dubachi mixed in.  Now they were smears on the rusting walls of the ship as the two human soldiers in front advanced with brutal efficiency.  As the fourth trooper in line, Fuzi was expected to help clear rooms, but in the hallway his job was to check the downed pirates.  Checking, in this violent context, meant putting a few rounds into any that were still moving.  Later on, Fuzi would marvel at how he felt absolutely nothing as he had put three rounds into the back of a crawling Chorak.  He would lose sleep over it that night, but for now, his training proved it’s worth as he dispatched a human thug trying to reach his pistol.  Not breaking stride so as to keep up with the group, he calmly checked his magazine and gave a suspiciously twitching Dubachi another two rounds before reloading.  A shower of sparks made the two humans in front duck for cover.
“They’ve got a PP1G!”  Hector shouted from his sparse cover across the hall.  Dragomir was already chucking a grenade down the space as the stream of bullets kept the younger man pinned and isolated.
“No good.”  Dragomir commented on his attempt.  He was using a small camera in his wrist to peek around the corner without exposing himself.  “They’re in defilade.”  Michelle somehow looked frustrated through his armor as he began to pull up a map, presumably to find another route to the package.
“Vent.”  Shizuka said behind Fuzi.  Looking back to where the marksman covered the rear, Fuzi saw the grate of one of the ships air vents.  He wouldn’t be able to take his primary weapon, but his sidearm and knife would fit just fine.  Without further discussion, Fuzi passed Mr. Dross his weapon as he climbed up the man’s arm.  With the unitool in his wrist pouch he had the cover off in moments and squirmed into the duct.
“Knew I liked him.”  He heard Mr. Dross say as he walked on all fours through the airway.  
The others must have intentionally tried to draw fire and keep the gunner distracted, because the loud sounds and flashes of the aged, but still effective PP1G squad suppression gun left no question as to which vent to come out of.
Fuzi paused at the grate, taking a quick look at his opponents.  He didn’t carry grenades, as his limbs were unsuitable for throwing them.  He would have to rely on his speed and agility to take out the gunner and his two compatriots.  Fuzi’s heart hammered in his chest as his instincts told him to get away.  Killing already dying pirates had been one thing, charging into a close quarters fight with two larger predators was quite another.
It was a funny thing, teaching a herbivore species to act aggressively for combat.  Galaxy wide, herbivores trended towards getting away from danger instead of creating it.  This had been a problem for the Systems League as the Mutilax wars had escalated.  While adding Humans to supplement Chorak and Ca’rizn forces had provided a boost to Systems League combat strength, the growing cost of blood was beginning to undermine the Systems League’s basic tenet of species equality under the law.  As the necessity for a draft drew near, government psychologists scrambled to find a training regimen that could turn the more sedate members of the league’s populace into contributing fighters.  Common herding and pack instincts allowed the first interspecies units to function.  Getting the violence challenged members of society to follow orders, and even kill was easy when they were grouped with those that killed on instinct.  Eventually a more functional method was found to make aggressors of the whole Systems League population.  Furka, Dubachi, and Lesuri didn’t have adrenaline or predatory instincts to rely on, but all species had one evolutionary commonality that could be exploited.  Mating competition.  The result was a rather peculiar combat mantra for Fuzi to mentally chant as he prepared to make his first ever attack.
“Belly fur, belly fur, belly fur…”  Fuzi recited in his mind, until he made his move.  Now he was yelling it at the top of his lungs as he jumped down on the back of Human pirate bent over the large suppression weapon.  “BELLY FUR!” was the last word the scum heard as Fuzi plunged his combat knife into the back of the buccaneer’s neck.  The Chorak loader recoiled in surprise, and Fuzi reacted with precision.  Lifting his pistol, the Furka ranger put two into the chest of the pirate, and a third bullet through the fanged maw of the dying Chorak.  Another pirate came around the corner with a weapon drawn, but before Fuzi could even react a bullet cored the skull of the corsair.  Fuzi turned to cover the hall with his pistol as Hector vaulted over the barricade.  
“Nice kill, Fuzz!”  The human said without breaking stride.  Dragomir and Michelle gave nods of approval as they passed.  The momentary burst of aggression Fuzi had felt was wearing off by the time the humans were shooting again.
“Well done.”  Mr. Dross said, passing Fuzi back his weapon.  Fuzi took the weapon automatically, his eyes fixed on the blood pulsing from the dead human onto the corridor floor.  Before he could actually form a thought about what he had just done, Shizuka tapped him on the shoulder.  Training once again took hold, and Fuzi checked his weapon to ensure it was still live before taking his place in line.
His heartbeat was already calm as he stacked up with the others on the door Michelle directed them to.
“Our guy is in this room, I’m sharing his beacon with you now.”  Mr. Dross said as the whole team saw a new point of reference appear on their augmented reality combat displays.  “Do. Not. Shoot. Him.”
Mr. Dross didn’t wait for anyone to become confused by his insistence on the obvious, but instead motioned to breach.  The charges Hector and Dragomir had placed neatly holed the bulkhead door, and the fireteam charged into the room.  The were only a few pirates in the room.  Those that were armed and ready were quickly dispatched, Fuzi once again killing along with his pack of humans by simple imitation.  Scanning for another target after putting a burst into a Dubachi, Fuzi’s training made him zero in on a very familiar silhouette.  A shape he had been practicing to put bullets into for years filled his sights, and only Mr. Dross’ warning made Fuzi’s finger hesitate on the trigger.  In the center of the room, tied to a chair, was a Mutilaxian.
Gritting his teeth, Fuzi confirmed that the beacon was coming from the bound Mutilaxian’s pocket before moving automatically to his next target.  He kicked the pistol away from a Chorak trying to rize from the floor, cowing the reptile at gunpoint.
“Clear!” Hector called loudly across the room.
“Clear!”  Came Shizuka’s response from the rear.
Dragomir and Michelle were busily cuffing the cowed pirates that had survived the assault as Mr. Dross moved to the Mutilaxian and cautiously issued a challenge.
“Crawdads…”  Mr. Dross said.
“Poutine.”  The Mutilaxian answered.  Dross immediately moved to cut the bonds on the creature.
“Objective secured.  All forces RTB.  Captain, we have been compromised, I’m afraid it’s plan B after all…”  Mr. Dross listened to the response patiently, but his voice came out clear and cold as he responded to the captain of the warship.  “I’m aware you don’t like it, Captain, but it’s not your call…  5 minutes, confirmed.”  Finished with his communication, Mr. Dross looked to Michelle.  “Agombi, plan B if you please.”
“You’ll be sorry!”  One of the pirate’s began.  Fuzi was shocked that Mr. Dross had used Agombi’s name so openly.  The pirate gangs were notorious for their revenge hits, and the prisons leaked buccaneers like water in a wicker basket.  For his part, Michelle didn’t seem bothered as he drew his sidearm.  “We’ll get you ba…”
The pirate’s sentence was abruptly cut off as Michelle shot him in the face.  Without even pausing, the human methodically shot each of the pirate captives fatally.  Fuzi’s tail bristled at the callous and very criminal act.  Hector and Shizuka flinched, while Dragomir watched without a single twitch to betray how he felt.  Finished with his execution, Michelle holstered his pistol and turned to the Mutilax.
“You had better be worth it.”  The spook said icily.
“Sorry for the inconvenience.”  The Mutilaxian said as it rubbed its wrists.  Fuzi wasn’t an expert on Mutilaxian expression and inflection, but he felt like the creature was smiling at all of this.
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frej3318 · 7 years
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Open specie
The Leruku’s
Lekoko: Well the Lekoko’s are very strong, they can even help plants grow like earth ponys but ponys are better at the plants then the Lekoko’s. Lekoko’s have lion like tails that are super long. Lekokos have horns that go up.
Lefimi: The Lefimi’s are very weak but are super fast, they can jump super high as well. Lefimi’s are a little like birds but it is the females that have all the colors not the males. Lefimi’s have deer like tails. Lefimi’s have really small wing like ears.
Lesuri: Lesuri’s have magic but it is weaker then unicorns, so they don’t use it that much. Lesuri’s also have markings but only at the places where I drew them. Lesuri’s also have lion like tail but shot. Lesuri’s have horns that go down.
All of them: Their eyes are completely one color, they all a very short (smaller then a normal female pony but bigger then a foal).
Mod: May update if I get more ideas but mostly not
If you make a oc of this specie then please tag me and #Leruku’s
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only-one-brain-cell · 7 years
The latest episode of Lesurie Suit Larry MCL makes me feel like I’m on drugs.
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