#let a woman kill and have gray morals without calling her an evil bitch challenge impossible for some of you
possessionisamyth · 1 year
“Ada shouldn’t have treated Leon that way! I hate her!”
Listen. I love Leon so so so so so so much, but I think Ada was in her right to be mean and manipulative because he was a fucking cop! Doesn’t matter how nice and sweet and naive people think he is in RE2. Leon chose to become a cop. The structural system of law enforcement is corrupt in it’s function. If there was no outbreak in RC, Leon still managed to join one of the most corrupt police departments by accident. Even if he didn’t directly participate in the messed up shit happening with or without Umbrella, he’d either become complicit in the bullshit his cop friends were doing and let it happen, or he’d quit. Because there are no good cops! All of the good cops you hear stories of quit since they realized the system they were trying to challenge and make better wasn’t a task they could take on alone, and they were very much alone in their attempts while employed as cops.
Brad Vickers is the best example that the corruption in RPD was way to deep to handle considering he had to keep his head down and look away in order to even keep his job. Everyone else? Barry went into hiding. Chris left the country under the guise of a vacation to do further investigation. Jill got fucking suspended! There would be no amount of fixing Leon could feasibly do without immediate consequence and danger to his person, so he’d either quit, or become another shitty cop.
“But-, but- what about in RE4 when Ada’s not nice to him? :( He didn’t want to join US STRATCOM.”
I think Ada was absolutely within her full rights to be mean and manipulative to Leon, because he was a part of a very illegal secret government task force.
Also, I don’t know where this desire to baby Leon comes from post-raccoon city. I don’t mean emotionally, but I mean with his capabilities. Leon was trained to deal with this shit. Ada trusts him and his capabilities to remain mostly hands off. Leon trusts Ada and her capabilities to not go after her. He doesn’t even report her presence to Hunnigan, because he’s a big boy who knows the government will shift or split his priorities from saving Ashley to detaining/apprehending Ada even if that’s not what the president wants.
I don’t give a shit how much you dislike Ada, but stop saying you dislike her for Leon’s sake since that’s so disrespectful to him. He’s not an idiot. He’s not a baby. He may not always know what he’s getting into with Ada, but he does trust her to an extent. She trusts him to that same extent. It’s a strong mutual respect built on that trust even when they don’t see eye to eye on things. That’s why their dynamic is so interesting to explore in the first place. To be honest, I’m just happy the remakes seem to be putting Ada in the hands of more competent writers who aren’t flip flopping about how she should function in the narrative.
Like, honestly, the blandest hate takes on Ada in this tag always have me saying “god forbid women do anything!”
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