#let me describe your muse as abstract concepts and aesthetics and sounds and feelings and quotes
omendsa · 3 years
send me an 🌺 and I'll describe your muses vibe 👀
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littlelostbluejay · 6 years
Describe Our Love
Oneshot summary: Lucas & Cristi relax together on the couch while enjoying an intimate moment in one another presence.
Rating: PG-13
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An inaudible gentle rush of air blew through her nose, brown hues half-lidded and muscles relaxed, the exquisite, intimate warmth of Lucas's chest underneath her shoulder blades as his heart sustains an unhurried beat beneath the bare skin of her upper back. Sweet serenity coursed through their veins and pervaded their minds as the two laid there on their comfy black leather sofa, wherein he reclined his head back upon the armrest while she lay between his long legs; he stretched one far out while the other was bent at the knee propped against the backrest as Chris lay her smaller body atop his. Hearts flutter as slow music streamed into the spacious living room from a vintage inspired record player nearby, a river of love songs pouring into their ear canals that contained soulful rhythms and soft beats, the vinyl record being brought to life by the tiny needle that grazes its smooth surface while it plays Michael Jackson's RnB ballad, 'Butterflies'.
The sense of his presence, his very scent overwhelming but always welcoming; and embraces ever loving when she had found that rare shade of haven she been searching for in his arms. Chris couldn't have been more blessed with such a perfect man. Or wolf man. Whichever.
Movement caused by Lucas pulled Chris out of her quiescent musings, her gaze being brought to the attention of her hands that were being lifted upward in her view as he delicately adjusted the position of them to his liking in his palms, and she realize he was trying to match them up against his own. But his were larger than hers with fingers long and sturdy that were adorned with rings on a few digits, while the tips of her small nails barely reached the intermediate joint of his phalanges. The flesh beneath her fingers is smooth and firm, warm, built solely to protect and hold ones he found dear. She stares in silent fascination at the way her hands seem so meek compared to his.
For a moment, she felt his chest expand beneath her to draw in air, only for him to issue a lengthy exhale from deep within his chest, the breath of his essence at the same time cool and warm from his nostrils as it lightly stirs the natural locks of her hair, before gliding across her cheek from behind where she rested the back of her head in the curve of his neck. "Lucas, how would you describe our love?" She asked, for the sole purpose to hear his voice, to become lost in it as she would often have gone astray amongst specks of galactic stardust in his cosmic eyes.
A low, resonant rumble occupies in the base of Lucas's throat against her ear as he presses his full lips on a small spot on the edge of her eye, the tip of his nose pressing gently into her left temple, and this dotting adulation he bestows elicits her lashes to flutter, a small sigh passing between her lips as she tenderly nudged her head against him. Lucas is quiet as he contemplates her question, takes him a moment to respond as memories of this special woman flashed in his mind's eye, and sorts through mental archives he kept stored to help inspire a superior answer. But to elaborate on the type of love where incorporeal emotional energy flows from his wife by touch alone, can literally feel the sincerity of her emotions course through him as he absorbs it like nourishment, was near impossible to find words that could express their love in the language known to man.
One-minute ticks away, two as he reflects while she waits in patience, and when a concept finally arrives that embodies their love does he clear the airways of his throat, indicates he was ready to amuse her with his response. "Our love is like a friendship caught on fire." His hot breath swept down her cheek, causes her to involuntarily shudder as it dances along the flush skin of her neck and collarbone. Then he releases her hands, taking his own to encircle one around her small waist so his fingers may play on the piano keys of her ribs, the other rubbing the length of her arm in loving strokes as he continues onward with his poetic verse. "In the beginnin' a flame, very pretty, often hot an fierce, but still only light an flickerin'..." He murmurs in a full, sonorous tone, and nuzzles his shaven cheek against the side of her head as he shut his eyes. "...and as our love grows older, our hearts will mature an our love become as coals... deep burnin'... an unquenchable."
His personal interpretation he reckons to represent what their hearts murmured to each other in secret, words marinated with amative patterns between letters that reflected their mutual love, came to a beautiful end, one that flexed one corner of her full lips to slightly curve to bear a closed smile, inwardly enraptured with his answer.
Chris shifts in his hold, forces Lucas to raise his arms while she adjusts the position of her body, turns herself over onto her belly, and expels a gentle sigh as she rests her head upon the comforts of his bosom, and after situated to her liking, feels his hand land on her back while the other entangled its fingers into the thick mass of her dark brown locks. "How was tha', puppy?" he spoke with an inquiry as he removed some curly strands that once shielded her eyes from his view, "think tha's good enough?" and administers a sweet peck when he connected his lips to her forehead.
"Mhmm." She hums, nods in approval as her cheek rubs up and down against his chest, eyes closed and body relaxed while she listens to the comforting rhythmic beat of his heart thrum against her ear. "Loved it, babe." His masculine scent drifts up her nostrils, reminisces of the deep woods, earthy soil saturated in rainfall.
"Good, I was honestly 'bout t'say some beauty an the beast type of shit for a sec." A half-suppressed snicker slid through clenched teeth as his stomach shook under her with vitality, conveys humor that the abstract thought aroused within him which he formerly entertained before deciding to switch the quote, while she, likewise, giggled at this funny piece of information he shared with her. "I wracked the hell outta my brain tryin ta think of somethin' romantic an less corny for once, that question was way too deep to jus spit out some foolish nonsense."
She arched a single brow as a funny look crossed her face, rising on her hands to stare at him. "I don't know what you're talking about, you've always been a romantic," she paused, "okay corny sometimes but still romantic and smooth...either way, corny can be romantic too, y'know."
"Oh wait a minute now," Lucas propped himself up onto his elbows, gazes up at her with a mischievous grin as she sat up, straddling his lap securely between her thick thighs as her hands found a resting place on his abdomen for support, while at the same time, tries to ignore the familiar feeling of his big bulge beneath his gym shorts, "lil mama think wolf daddy is smooth, eh?"
The way he looked at her made a small smile to shyly grace her lips. "Hmmm yea...but don't let it get to your head. You can when you wanna be."
His mouth made a motorboat noise as he sat up and grabbed her legs to wrap around his torso, then circled his muscular arms about her small waist, pulls her closer to him as he straightens his spine. In this position, her head just reaches his nose, which makes it easy for him to notice when her eyes automatically lock on the thick shape of his juicy lips that she was obsessed with. "Pfft, too late cause I already know I got it like tha' baby, you an all the ladies at the juke joint knows it so don' be tryin ta soft-pedal this debonair panache I got goin on that I honed in the 1950's."
In reference to the old-fashioned aesthetic club he performs at regularly, Lucas was one of the most popular male performers in his band, and the fact he could not only play a number of instruments but also vocalize a song with passion into a microphone made the women go crazy. Although, Chris was not sure if she'll ever get accustomed to females eyeballing him while she also watches him from afar, but during every intermission or once the gig is over, he always makes time to walk over to her and give her attention, lets everyone know who he rightfully belongs to. But even if a few were aware of their martial relationship status, even when they were in the dating stage, as futile as it proved to be, some were that desirous to try to gain his attentions.
"Don't get cocky, Lucas, you ain't all that." She shook her head, knew he was mainly joking. Despite his superior dire wolf status in the supernatural realm, Lucas was a humble and modest man who didn't necessarily view himself as above anyone else, but that didn't mean he lacked self-confidence in his abilities, nor failed to recognize the great amount of charisma he possessed that influenced the way women behaved in his presence. Everyone loved an entertainer, and he was one who loved to entertain the public with his vocal capabilities and musical skills.
"How's I being cocky if tha's jus the way it is, sugah mama?" Black eyes droop half-lid as he cocked of his head to the left, and upon full lips displayed traces of a sly smirk where his mouth opened enough for her to observe the way his thick tongue ran a seductive trail across his perfect alignment of white teeth, the light tease in his voice languidly infused with that smooth feeling of red wine trickling down your throat she believed he sounded, and couldn't help the shivers that rippled across her arms when words of poetic elegance blew in her face. "How else was I able ta catch a fine lil doe like ya'self into these jaws of mine? Don't tell me it was jus these bright fangs that blinded 'em pretty brown eyes, makin ya stare into the light like a deer caught in the headlights 'bout ta end their life...but ya got it twisted, lady of mine, don' ya know this wolf jus wanna lead you to a new life with him in par-a-dise?" A low, sexy growl rumbled up his throat as he abruptly drew his face towards her ear to catch her lobe in between his teeth, finds pleasure at the cute sounds of a tiny whimper that slipped between her lips as he nipped and pulled her flesh gently.
Chris was absolute putty in his hands; he favors how her body trembles at his intimate gestures, sometimes she involuntarily gave away that conveyed implicit desires he's able to stimulate with ease by his proximity, not to mention that since she was a poet, Lucas foresaw the response he'll receive when he whispered in verses and rhymes to her.
"Y-you didn't give me much of a choice!" Her hand collided against his hard chest for a soft smack, prompts the arrival of a breathy laugh from him while his stomach convulses with enthusiasm as she drew back from him. It was true - he practically didn't give her a choice due to his persistent attitude, although it wasn't that she didn't reciprocate the same feelings, the issue laid in fear of loving someone. "But I wouldn't be surprised because you were always in my face all the time with that handsome smile...soo bright it can light up a dark tunnel for sure..." Bistre hues breaks eye contact to glance down at the near nonexistent space between them, and he feels tickled by her finger that softly traces the convex contour of his chest concealed by the black wife beater he wore. "I don't know but... it must've been why because you wouldn't leave me alone even though there were many other girls for you to choose that I felt were... better than me I guess." Past insecurities momentarily resurfaced as she murmured the last set of words, although, sensitive ears heard them loud and clear, and pure benignity shimmered in the darkness of his eyes as he gazed down at his wife, lips parted as the exterior of his umber visage replaced amusement for a softer expression.
Lucas did all he could to help raise her self-confidence and get past insecurities she fought with, and while she came a long way with good progress, there were times they'll creep up on her once every blue moon. But he was always there by her side to chase them away before those inner demons could overwhelm her mind.
Silence, except for the slow music that played in their midst, fell upon them for a few seconds, that is until it was broken when Lucas spoke out the blue. "Welp," he exhaled a deep sigh, his voice gathering her attention to peek up at him where she noticed a closed lopsided smile was etched on his full lips, and within the black holes of his iris's a glint of mischief circulates in the depths of them. "I'm sorry ta disappoint ya ma'am but when a carnivore got their eye on sumthin' then they out ta get tha' piece of meat, y'know wha' I mean? And all my efforts were rewarded in full with this nice piece of ass I got right here, bow chika wow wow baybeh!" And at the end of his sentence his hand sent a loud slap against her butt cheek, causing her to jump with a yelp when his palm struck her hard that left a stinging sensation in the area where her booty shorts didn't cover.
"Ow! Lucas!!"
"What?" A full-blown grin, one cheeky, had brightened his features as he began massaging her ample cheek in the spot that fell assailable to his strike he afflicted pain upon. "Don't be actin like ya don't like that shit now." He added on as he offered a knowing look with a high arch of his thick brow. Lucas usually took it upon himself to lighten the mood when negativity weighed down on the atmosphere, his optimistic, sanguine nature opposed anything that involved the concept of pessimism; he firmly believed good humor and a positive outlook could improve people's lives for the better, and he was here to offer her a dose of that special medicine. "I never would'a thought you could be such a vixen with ya quiet self toots, but...boy did you prove me wrong after I got you goin' by hittin that spot jus right."
Hey eyes narrowed into a squint that formed part of a peeved expression meant for him, but try as she might, curly locks bounced as she shook her head, unable to restrain the small smile he stirred by his irreverent sense of humor she concluded was contagious. "You're soo ridiculous." Chris doesn't attempt to suppress an eye roll as she tried to get up off his lap, but she felt his arms fix around her waist even more so, constricting her movement of any chance to escape his clutches.
"Yeah well yer booty is ridiculous but there ain't no shame in tha', dawlin'." His head quickly fell low into the side of her neck, plump lips parted to allow his mouth to playfully suck upon her delicate honey-brown skin, but the corners of his lips morphs into a grin against her neck when the breath of her laughter caressed his ear like a gentle wind, incorporated with a lewd gesture of his hand as she felt his fingers continues to knead a handful of her butt.
It did his heart good to know he was the one who solely caused her laughter, joy, and contentment when, while on her own, always suffered a difficult time searching high and low for that special map which could lead her to abundant treasures where happiness dwelt. Nevertheless, unbeknownst to Chris, the map was divided in separate pieces and in time arrived a wolf who appeared as her guide to aid in her hunt for what she ached to find, along the way, a man who supplied her with directions and riddles as to where they could be hidden. But as the map slowly became whole when the lost pieces were brought together, she discovered the treasures were inside herself the entire time locked within a chest where particles of dust caked its surface, and he was the key who unlocked a part of herself she never believed she'd see.
Lucas, an old wise soul, led her on a long journey to find felicitousness within herself again - the bountiful boost of encouragement he fed her that was accompanied with unconditional love his actions audaciously expressed without fear, proved to be the root of all her accomplishments she struggled with over the years before he stepped into her life. As eccentric his lycan nature proved to be behind closed doors, she was blessed with a man like him who presented her with a sense of belonging, and he the same for this young woman whose traits held a similarity to the kind meekness of a female deer.
As the couple were jesting among themselves on the couch, the music grew quiet as it reached its end, but the vinyl continues revolving, transitions to another song that caught Lucas's ears as he listened to the smooth disco vibes of 'Rock with you' that now fills the space of the living room. Chris noticed a little shift in his energy level, observes him in fascination as she acknowledged how his focus was altered by the music, and knew once he returned her stare that he had something in mind.  
Lucas clutched her body to his as he hoisted her up, lifting them off the couch as she clung onto him before his feet lead them near to where the record player sat on a side table. And her dainty feet touched the hardwood floor when he set her down, though in vain, she stood a few inches taller on her tippy toes to try to reach his height. He bit his bottom lip as he peered down into lovely eyes that shared a semblance of russet brown autumn leaves he often finds himself falling into. His fingers entwined with hers when he took her hand in his own while the other applied light pressure on her lower back, pushing her smaller body up against his taller one. "Aye, mind rockin with me tonight, mama?" The appearance of sharp canines glistened down on her when he shot her a charming smile with his question, accompanied by a playful wink of his eye which enkindled warmth to arise in her cheeks, complemented the demure countenance she bore in the way she shied away from his eyes for a moment. That perfect smile of his was an absolute killer.
Chris was never much of a dancer when she lived alone, but Lucas, of course, changed all that when he filled her life with excitement she missed out on in her early, sheltered days as a child and adolescent.
The sudden urge to dance made his body tingle with new found vigor, motivated by funky rhythms their bodies subjected themselves to as their feet stepped to the music that flowed around them, and with a smooth bounce in his step, he sang along with the lyrics to his dearest doe. "Ya gotta feel tha' heat! An we can ride the boogaaie! Share tha' beat of looooooove!"
Lucas twirled her around before the chorus began, pulling her back against his front as he circled his arms around her, head lowered for his lips to sing sweetly into her ear canal,  rhythmically swaying their bodies side to side in sync to the beat. "I wanna rock with you, all niiiight. Dance ya into day, sunliiiight."
Her lips part slightly where a small smile takes form at the corners of her mouth that Chris couldn't care to suppress, blissfully submerged in the joys of contentment while in the arms of her husband as his body moved against her back. She felt his head lift to place his chin atop her head, heartfelt passion expressed in the pitch of his voice that rose an octave as he continued to sing. "I wanna rooock with you, all night. Rock the night awaaay..."
And that's what they did as night expanded across the land.
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classesandaspects · 8 years
“Finding Your Title” Compilation
As a conclusion to my “Finding Your Title” event, I’ve gathered all Part 1 responses from classpect blogs and attempted to summarize their information in a single post.
According to several classpect blogs, nearly all criteria in determining one’s class and aspect are encompassed by the following 8 questions.  Descriptions of how specific classpect blogs utilize these questions are included under each specific question, after the cut.
My end goal for this event was to guide fans with classpect interest but little expertise in determining their own titles.  At the very least, answering these questions may be useful information for any classpect blogs you ask for assistance in determining your title.  Blogs currently accepting classpect inquiries (as of January 2017) are listed at the bottom of this post.
I hope this helps you find your title!
Aspect questions:
Which aspect(s) are you drawn to?
What drives you? What motivates you?
How do you view the world?
Which aspect matches your personality?
Class questions:
How do you relate to your aspect?
What is your role / archetype / character arc?
What do you struggle with?
Which class matches your personality?
EDIT 23 May 2017: I should have clarified earlier that these 8 questions are not really questions that you should directly ask yourself.  Rather, these questions represent the information that classpectors will generally attempt to get from you for determining your title. Some of them, especially 4 and 8, can’t be answered without additional classpecting knowledge. These questions can help direct your own thoughts, but are not themselves necessarily a way to find your own title!
Please note: classpect blogs listed under specific questions probably do not exclusively rely on those questions.  Many blogs may use personality traits to narrow down classes and aspects, for example, but not consider it a significant factor to include in a description of their process.
Classpect blogs, if you feel I am misrepresenting your process, let me know so I can edit this post!  Please also contact me if you have a new Part 1 response you want me to add and/or if you want to be included in the list of blogs accepting classpect inquiries.
Classpect fans, this post is merely a summary of the complete advice given by classpect blogs. If any of the quotes interest you, please check out their original post!
Finding Aspect
Which aspect(s) are you drawn to?
@classpect-crew: As many will tell you, the first thing to do is look at the Aspects themselves. Think over each one carefully, and figure out which ones speak to you personally. Which ones do you connect with the most? Try thinking of some words you can associate with each Aspect, or look up a list of related words to really get an idea of what each one stands for.
@creative-classpect: I’ll ask a person to pick which feels right with this chart (the one on the right) http://zules.com/titletest/classpects.png It’s just a simple way to get all the aspects out there. After they choose one I’ll go a little more in depth, describing key philosophies and nature. The aspect is the largest force in their life.
@aeolianchemist: Typically my first step is to give them a summary of all the different aspects, then all the classes. After each, I will ask which aspects/classes they may relate to or understand better. This is not a deciding factor but it does indicate which direction I should focus my efforts; people’s intuition regarding their role is rather accurate if you’ve explained it well.
@classpectlab: Please select the Aspect (bolded text) that appeals most to you based on a given stimuli (tinyurl.com/flowandunfold) […] Explain why that Aspect appeals to you.
@artisticdreamweaver: I then read off each aspect and begin making a list of every aspect the target associates themselves with. Once I get all the aspects compiled into a list, I begin something I call the Bracket System. […] The way the Bracket System works is I go two aspects at a time. Then the target must say which of the two they are most like. Continue to do this till you have one aspect. That is their aspect. You do the exact same thing with your classes.
What drives you? What motivates you?
@thiefoftheory: When choosing an aspect, there are a few questions I usually like to ask. These include questions like “what gets you up in the morning? What’s the thought that always keeps you going? When helping others or yourself, what’s usually the first thing that comes to mind when trying to find comfort?” 
@creative-classpect: I’ll ask a person to pick which feels right […] After they choose one I’ll go a little more in depth, describing key philosophies and nature. The aspect is the largest force in their life. […] So when I go further into the aspect I quote my own posts that spew more words out. Adding another say, 6 words to think over and seeing if they resonate with the person. And usually you can feel it in their reaction and if they are your friend you can probably guess their aspect right off the bat, just by the vibe they give out.
@absentinquiries: the Aspect is your major resonance point in the firmament of existence. It’s what you draw from both as a muse and wellspring.
@classpect-turnabout: I guess I’ve never really thought about assigning god tier titles to people, but I could definitely do it. All I’d need to know is their personality, ask them a couple of random questions, and know what kinds of things motivate them. It’s quite simple, really.
@classpect-analysis: So to summarize, class is about your archetype, while aspect is about your spark. 
@god-tiers-here​: What do you want most for the world?
@classpectlab: What do you care about? Not in terms of what you’re interested in, but bigger things, more abstract concepts. Why do you care about it?
How do you view the world?
@classpect-analysis: First I ask about aspect. The easiest way I’ve found to do this is to ask the person what gets them up in the morning and what they view the universe as being (fundamentally good, evil, indifferent, ordered, etc). Through the wide range of answers I can get, I can usually narrow it down to a few through a matter of the optimistic vs pessimistic and internalized vs externalized axes. 
@classpect-analysis: Aspect is how you see and understand the world and yourself. […] So it’s sort of a mixture of the way you view the world, personal philosophy, and motivation in tough spots.
@classpects-for-dummies: I personally decide people’s classpects by their personality and what they value. Definitely by what they value more. If you put a lot of stock in a certain way of looking at life, then that’s likely what your aspect is.  
@classesandaspects: Aspects encompass facets of the world, including literal things like time and space, but also affect how a person sees and interprets the world. […]  I look for aspect-related keywords to narrow down the possibilities.  Interests are useful, and it’s great when they match, but I put more stock into any words about how an aspect affects a person or how a person employs an aspect in their everyday life.
@classpectlab: I can tell you what Classes and Aspects are generally like, but what’s more interesting to me (and possibly the rest of the Lab) is the way that they think, and hence how they behave in accordance with that.
Which aspect(s) match(es) your personality?
@classofaspect-analysis: Some traits, personality things, and well, other things, that I can think of that I can use to identify what someone’s aspect is are: Space - Creativity Time - Repetition, Prediction Blood - Bonds, Loyalty Breath - Freedom Life - Optimism Doom - Pessimism, Snarkiness Rage - Skeptical, Anger Hope - Faithful Heart - Emotional Mind - Intelligence, Many choices (I try to not confuse this with Light) Light - Knowledge, Importance (I try to not confuse this with Mind) Void - Secretive These are just words that I came up on the top of my head and I associate with these aspects. I define an aspect by someone’s personality […] I see classes and aspects to be more dependent on personality and one’s struggle. But I think one’s struggle is more important. I just use personality for easier identification. 
@absentinquiries: The easiest (but broadest) way to identify Aspects based on personality traits go a little like… Space = creation, artsy stuff, Sound = music, Breath = charismatic natures, Blood = social affinities, Doom = cynical thinking, otherwise pessimistic, Life = optimistic, dislikes needless harm, Form = sculpting affinity, aesthetic appeal, Fear = interest in phobias, recklessness, Bliss = interest in joy, socially neutral, Void = esoteric knowledge, avoids social interaction, Light = enjoys guiding people, brilliant minds, Mind = heavy thinkers, often with personal troubles, Heart = heavy feelers, energetic sorts, Time = very neat, linear thinkers, emotional distance, Hope = faithful optimistic people, dedicated, Rage = bullheaded and equally dedicated, albeit harsh. But, that’s just a generalization of the Aspects as I know it.
@knightofhopesgodtierspot: For me, each class and aspect have their own key personality traits. For example, Princes tend to be a little narcissistic. With aspects, however, a lot of them have two possible traits. In those cases I use what class trait there is to infer what aspect trait is more likely. That being said, it’s possible for someone to have seemingly contradictory traits.
@classpect-turnabout: All I’d need to know is their personality, ask them a couple of random questions, and know what kinds of things motivate them. It’s quite simple, really.  Questions I’d ask would be things like, “What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning? When you have an assignment due for class, do you finish it right away or wait until the last moment to do it? What is your favorite time of day?” I can learn a lot about a person, just from asking some random questions.  […] An aspect always follows the person’s personality/role they’ll play in the game. 
@mind-spaceanalysis: Sorry this took so long, but I, (Rogue), primarily rely on hobbies and personality traits, using them to cross-check with themes known to be reoccurring in certain classes and aspects. […] I use MBTI to get a better feel for the person in general- it shows me how they deal with issues and gives me a basic idea of who they are. After I have a good idea of what the person might be, I write down all the possible classes and aspects and use process of elimination to get a final classpect. I should also mention that intuition plays a pretty big part of this whole process- I rely pretty heavily on gut instinct and what the person in question strikes me as, which may not be the best method but has served me extremely well as my assessments don’t suffer for it at all and it makes the process considerably easier, if I’m being honest.
Finding Class
How do you relate to your aspect?
@classpects-for-dummies: Class to me is just how each person interacts with their aspect.
@absentinquiries: Your Class is the catalyst for your Aspect to act from - how you draw this resonance into being.
@classofaspect-analysis: For classes it’s just: Knight - Actively defends (with) x Page - Passively defends (with) x Prince - Actively destroys (with) x Bard - Passively destroys (with) x Witch - Actively manipulates (with) x Heir - Passively manipulates (with) x Maid - Actively creates (with) x Sylph - Passively creates (with) x Thief - Actively steals (with) x Rogue - Passively steals (with) x Mage - Actively knows (with) x Seer - Passively knows (with) x I also define someone’s class by how they act out, “use” their aspect, etc.
@thiefoftheory: Now, class is really how you deal with your aspect. Do you deal with it actively and straightforwardly or passively? Do you tend to have a lot of knowledge about your aspect? Do you tend to hoard your aspect for yourself? Do you use it to fight? Do you use it to cause anyone harm? Do you have any flaws related to it? Do you manipulate it in ways that you can use it to your advantage? Do you struggle with it, or embrace it?
@creative-classpect:  For class I just ask how the[y] feel about the aspect and their relationship with it. From there I can do some follow up questions to go more in depth and confirm or deny suspicions. How they interact with the aspect and others with it, just little things like that […]  With classes I’ll set up how it interacts with the aspect after learning how they feel about it. Every class feels about their aspect differently. Princes detest it, Knights are unsure of it but instinctual with it, so on and so on.
@classpect-turnabout: A class is always defined by the standards set by the comic. Rogues lack in their aspect, Mages suffer from their aspect, Heirs inherit their aspect, etc. 
@classesandaspects: I look for certain traits to narrow down the classes.  It’s pretty floaty and abstract and I’ve never actually written it down before, but it would look something like: - skilled with aspect [positive] = Witch, Mage, Heir - challenged by aspect [negative] = Heir, Mage - abundance of aspect [positive] = Heir, Maid - overwhelmed by aspect [negative] = Prince, Maid, Mage - lack of aspect [negative] = Maid, Page, Thief, Rogue
What is your role / archetype / character arc?  What do you struggle with?
@classpect-analysis: So to summarize, class is about your archetype, while aspect is about your spark.
@classpect-analysis: The fastest way I generally approach class is as your story arc. The lessons you learn, the type of person you start and end as, and what impact you leave on the world or the people around you. I vaguely and possibly inaccurately separate these into four categories: stereotypical heroes, sufferers, Peter Parkers, and trickster gods. The stereotypical heroes are Seer, Sylph, Knight, and Rogue, who fill pretty standard RPG roles (caster/sage, healer, fighter, thief). Their problems and character arcs generally deal with their own way of being a hero, choosing not to be a hero, and/or are just their personal problems and prejudices coming back for them. The sufferers are Mage, Maid, and Page, and they usually get their asses handed to them. All three of them have to go through hell to get their powers, whether the universe has it out for them, their friends do, or the game itself does. Once they push through all that stuff through, they’re survivors and put themselves to good work. They also tend to have a pretty big impact on the story outside of any given fight, good or bad. The Peter Parkers are Witch, Prince, and Thief, and they have the most sheer combat power out of all the classes (though not the most power, all classes are fairly balanced eventually). Their arc is generally about using their powers responsibly, ideally without having Uncle Ben die on them, or in this case generally murdering their entire team. Using their powers for good and all that jazz. Can be hard to work with but incredibly powerful players. Finally, the Heir and Bard are trickster gods. Their arcs are vague and indistinct and they ALWAYS have a huge influence of the story, so it’s hard to pin them down. They just sort of are, without any real challenge to overcome or without a desire to do so. They do change a lot and have stuff to deal with, sure, but it’s less a defining part of them. Their aspect (for the Heir) or sheer chaos (for the Bard) define them more than their class.
@aeolianchemist​: Then I begin a series of questions designed to explore their traits, values, struggles, development over time, etc. [...] One of the most significant factors, in my opinion, is trying to isolate their moments of development and their most prominent challenges. [...] I start out general, with a list of generic, comfortable questions about teamwork, problem solving, leadership, decision making, pet peeves, motivations. I slowly work up to questions about their strengths, their weaknesses, challenges they face, moments in time where they feel they’ve had significant development. I treat their life and experiences as events in the development arc of a character, and try to gauge where that arc is going.
@absentinquiries: When it comes to Classes, it’s more about how they interact with others; Knight = Protects others, Heirs = Socialize and teambuild, Rogues = Help who they can, Thieves = Take what they can - so on. To be brutally honest, these generalizations are wildly inaccurate, and it’s a lot better to sort of take samples from Classes and Aspect’s natures as a whole to get a good read on what one’s own Title may be. 
@god-tiers-here​: [Aspect: What do you want most for the world?] How do you intend to get there?
@classpectlab: Classpecting people generally takes a lot of gut feeling on your part, and you have to be sensitive to the different ways that Classes and Aspects interact with each other, as well as the different struggles that each Class and Aspect encounters. If I had to give a definable list of questions for introspection: - What do you care about? Not in terms of what you’re interested in, but bigger things, more abstract concepts. Why do you care about it? - What definable flaws do you have as a person? What do you do that consistently pisses people off? It’s not so much what you do as how you do it, which is more or less a re-occurring theme throughout your life. - What definable problems do you have? This list of questions is, of course, non-exhaustive.
@mind-spaceanalysis: Sorry this took so long, but I, (Rogue), primarily rely on hobbies and personality traits, using them to cross-check with themes known to be reoccurring in certain classes and aspects. […] I use MBTI to get a better feel for the person in general- it shows me how they deal with issues and gives me a basic idea of who they are. After I have a good idea of what the person might be, I write down all the possible classes and aspects and use process of elimination to get a final classpect. I should also mention that intuition plays a pretty big part of this whole process- I rely pretty heavily on gut instinct and what the person in question strikes me as, which may not be the best method but has served me extremely well as my assessments don’t suffer for it at all and it makes the process considerably easier, if I’m being honest.
@classofaspect-analysis: I see classes and aspects to be more dependent on personality and one’s struggle. But I think one’s struggle is more important. I just use personality for easier identification.
Which class(es) match(es) your personality?
@classesandaspects: I look for certain traits to narrow down the classes.  It’s pretty floaty and abstract and I’ve never actually written it down before, but it would look something like: - skilled with aspect [positive] = Witch, Mage, Heir - challenged by aspect [negative] = Heir, Mage - abundance of aspect [positive] = Heir, Maid - overwhelmed by aspect [negative] = Prince, Maid, Mage - lack of aspect [negative] = Maid, Page, Thief, Rogue - high self-confidence/self-esteem [positive] = Prince, Page, Seer, Thief - low self-confidence/self-esteem [negative] = Witch, Page, Knight, Rogue - top of social ladder (or desire to be there) = Prince, Knight, Thief - bottom of social ladder = Rogue, Bard, Page - sideways of social ladder = Maid, Bard, Witch - desire for independence [future] = Prince, Witch, Heir - desire for control/stability [future] = Seer, Sylph, Mage
Finding Overall Title
@illuminatistuckanalysis: When assigning godtiers to people ik irl i usually send them the links to several tests online that have been widely accepted as accurate. Then I take whatever classpects they got the most and do a lot of detailed studying of the personality of that classpect and how it would affect day to day life. Then i explain it all to them and let them decide how well they think it fits, since classpects can be interpreted very broadly. 
@aeolianchemist: I believe classpect is a summary of your ideal self. For obvious reasons, it is difficult to determine what that is before it’s been achieved (and even if you have achieved it, would you really know?). There is an element of sorting hat logic in figuring out/choosing what your ideal self may be, and then classpect is a reflection of that.  
@absentinquiries: I feel that Titles are most dependent on one’s personality, thoughts, and actions. The facets of their being reflect who they are and what they are, and they can often be translated from something in existence.
Andrew Hussie: “You could say that a character’s ascension to godhood is meant to be the full realization of who they are, and prepares them to function as a demigod in the universe they create.”
Blogs Accepting Classpect Inquiries
@classpect-turnabout: I believe if anyone wanted me to, I could definitely take requests for this. It would be fun!
@absentinquiries​: I am currently accepting requests for determining Title - although, anyone who knows me probably knows that I’m pretty sluggish about actually doing the work, however easy it is. (understatement of the year at the last second, am i right?)
@classpect-analysis: I’m always accepting requests for title analysis, help in figuring out your own title, session help, etc. The ask box is closed but I use Tumblr messaging constantly and reliably within 12 hours.
@artisticdreamweaver:  I will say I will accept questions about classpecting someone, but you must message me.
@classofaspect-analysis:  I am currently accepting requests to find out someone’s title!
@knightofhopesgodtierspot: And yes, I am currently taking requests :)
@god-tiers-here​: If you have any questions about this, you want to discuss theories with me, or you want my opinion on anything, feel free to send me a message and my inbox is always open!
@compulsive-classpects​: I might not be the best person to ask about determining your classpect, but message me if you want some help!
@cosmiclasspects​: if you want me to try and determine your classpect message me directly The way I classpect is much more of a back and forth, question and answer type deal
@imblindwithoutmyglasses​: Yes I would be willing to help you figure out your godtier.
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