#let me introduce you to covert narcissism
whinyvents · 1 year
Me: *does not get along with parents*
Me: I hate old people.
Me: *sees some teen online saying people over 25 need to get off the internet and get a job*
Me: I hate young people.
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crooked-wasteland · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Live Blog: Masquerade
So, been a few and we pre-gamed for this one extra special. I will be transparent in that I have a personal history with SA and quid pro quo sexual abuse as well as physical and domestic abuse. My partner has warned me prior on the larger portions of the shock value Medrano uses, but we both are not really sure how I will react to this.
Amazon has added an explicit warning for sexual assault to the episode that was not previously there. So good on them for that.
The audio between Keith David and Blake Roman feels like they were done in different parts of the world.
Tell not show. Husk just says all the things.
Angel Dust is shrill. I’ve never described a human being as shrill, but this vocal performance is shrill and I wish he never spoke again.
WTF was that animation as Charlie kicks her legs.
Valentino could be such an interesting character, but he lacks any depth.
So Charlie is just an idiot.
Blake completely loses the Angel Dust voice. He’s not even in character and the only thing he has to act with is his voice. You have to stay in character to be a voice actor.
The whole scene in the dressing room lacks any weight. Everything is so sudden and contrived. Charlie fucks up the shoot so Valentino has an excuse to abuse Angel Dust and it’s so obvious where the direction of events are going that it isn’t even emotionally investing. And it’s a testament to the fact that I was a pilot fan and invested in where Medrano would take the show to now saying I just don’t care.
“Just don’t hurt her” Where was the inclination that would happened. Angel Dust going off on Charlie was actually well written, but the fact that it is supposed to be seen as insincere ruins it.
The song has the most graphic depiction of sexual abuse and yet the whole message is confused.
Angel Dust is sexually abused and proceeds to Sexually harass Husk.
So Charlie ruined his day, but let’s blame Husk.
Why are we supposed to believe Husk is judging Angel Dust? He’s an alcoholic.
Angel Dust is living in self harm with his promiscuity and drug abuse, and that isn’t supposed to be who he actually is, it’s supposed to be his persona` to get by, but that feels like we are getting a whole new character introduced 4 episodes in.
Loser Baby is the worst thing I have ever heard musically and lyrically.
I stand by what I said about Loser Baby. It completely lacks any depth or emotional processing. It’s just two people who are making excuses for themselves and saying “well, I’m not the only one.”
So this is the shortest list I have because so much of it cannot be bullet points. Animation wise it lacks weight. The characters being hurt doesn’t feel real it lacks the sense of gravity needed for the violence to feel mature. This is less intense than Tom and Jerry. On the other hand, Blake Roman’s vocal performance is awful. He can’t keep his voice in character when he tries to have any amount of emotion, but the vocal deliveries that at least are in his character range are on par with Whitey from 8 Crazy Nights. It is ear splitting. Aside from that, the transparency of how Medrano is obviously ticking boxes to get to the emotional beats she planned, actual nuance and depth be damned. I just don’t care about what is happening, which actually is the only reason this isn’t so triggering. This episode revels in sexual abuse fetishism and it is equally as defensive about it. The signs pointing at Angel Dust are repulsive and to then have it set against the backdrop of “You aren’t alone so why bother changing” is appalling. I stand by the statement that this is group therapy without the therapy. The whole idea behind the group therapy setting is that you can learn from others on how better to help yourself, but this online generation has seemed to think that the group part was what made the therapy effective. In reality it is very easy for a group setting to become a cesspool of covert narcissism.
On the other hand, I don’t get how anyone could have thought this was about abuse of any kind. Because the whole episode treats sexual abuse as a joke from the beginning to the end. The only time it is taken seriously, it is whiplash. Angel Dust telling Husk how he wishes to become so ruined and broken that his abuser wouldn’t want him anymore is so heavy and abruptly serious when every other moment of abuse is either so cartoonishly done like the dressing room, or is played as sexy or a joke. It is a joke in the script from how poorly written the pornos are (which its shown Angel doesn’t want to participate in, but it’s made to be comedic so that aspect fades real fast) to how unimportant it is that Angel is literally attempted to be drugged.
And Charlie has officially become the worst character. I didn’t even see Charlie as a character, it’s very obvious where Medrano sources her inspiration. Just like how Lute is Peridot, Charlie is just Harley Quinn, except she has none of the charm and all of the annoyance. Which goes back to what I said before.
I think the worst part is that I don’t care. I really just don’t care because the characters just don’t care, and even when they do, I don’t know them enough to invest in them emotionally. This is not at all on the series being 8 episodes, this is exactly how I feel watching Helluva Boss, whom Vivienne is making a season 3 for as we speak. So the limitations are not why this series is so painfully shallow, it’s a reflection of a creator who lacks depth as a human being. Who has no life experience to draw from to really empathize with the characters and craft around it an emotionally visceral narrative. This is someone who lives their life as a simulation, pressing the right buttons, making the right choices to get the predictable outcome. If you told me Vivienne Medrano was actually a prototype android AI, I would believe you. This is how a computer thinks humans feel, even the abrupt changes in emotion is simulation of an AI program. Things move unnaturally fast in a computer, hours are like years in terms of social media. So I don’t think anyone is surprised that this feels like a script written and directed by ChatGPT.
This episode I didn’t find triggering. The episode itself does not affect me. What does trigger me is knowing the kind of person needed to make an episode like this in the first place. I don’t think anyone should necessarily be banned from telling any sort of story, but the byproduct of a machine and internet algorithms should never be allowed to tell human stories.
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randomshit657 · 6 months
Community HeadCannons because I can
- This is canon but is Autistic
- When overwhelmed or having trouble speaking he’ll use the word “cool” for every answer. Like to mean yes, no, okay, etc. (once again borderline canon.)
- Has dyscalculia
- Bisexual and Agender
- Hate watches Supernatural and Greys Anatomy
- Hyper-empathic when it comes to inanimate objects
- Let’s Annie paint his nails
- Has narcissistic personality disorder specifically covert narcissism
- Bisexaul
- Has ADHD
- Practices “Winger Speech’s” in the bathroom mirror
- Knows sign language
- Would most definitely listen to Dad Rock
- Views both Abed and Annie as younger siblings (just pretend all the Jeff/Annie stuff never happened. It always seemed weird to me)
- Makes sure he watches every movie Abed references (although he’ll deny that until the day he dies)
- Goes to Pride with Abed, Annie, and Troy (although they have to practically drag him the first time, but now he goes all in)
- Has ADHD literally no doubt in my mind
- Transmasc
- Gay and on the Asexual Spectrum
- Still believes in The Easter Bunny, The Tooth fairy, etc
- Loves stuffed animals but only has one very raggedy one from his childhood
- Religious Trauma
- Would try to do research on Autism, and Islam to try and understand Abed better but would keep getting distracted and get so frustrated he started crying. Annie would end up reading the stuff to him and helping him understand it.
- Loves the color purple
- Has always wanted a dog and is constantly bringing home strays
- Not really about him but when Troy gets Top Surgery Abed would drive him home and take care of him while he healed
- Listens to cheesy pop music
- I was going to say Audhd but what if she was misdiagnosed with ADHD as a kid but actually had Autism so that’s where the whole adderal addiction came from.
- Lesbian but with a lot of internalized homophobia
- Has always wanted a pet snake
- Has taken multiple self defense classes
- Is really into true crime
- Celebrates every year of sobriety one way or another (as she gets more comfortable with the group she invites them and they celebrate together)
- Loves heavy metal music and classical music
- Is surprisingly good at art
- Is the one who introduced Abed to Greys Anatomy
- Writes fanfic
- Transfem
- Exclusively listens to indie music
- Is secretly a Broadway nerd
- I honestly don’t have that much for her
- Starts of as homophobic but as she gets to know everyone she starts to question whether her religion is entirely right about that point.
- She becomes a huge ally. Would wear a free mom hugs shirt to pride.
- Is the mom of the study group
- Her purse is pretty much magically whatever you need she has it in there (that includes stim toys, and noise canceling head phones for Abed and the other neurodivergents)
That’s it :))
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pseudonourishment · 4 years
Yea. There. I said it. Yes. I did.
I meant it. Why? A few important things have happened in the years since 1991 when Linus Torvalds introduced the world to Linux. Yes, the world has changed and technology has evolved since but that's not what I'm talking about: The community has changed. Not for the better. Yea, we all know about Linus's rants on the mailing list as well as in public. They're no different than Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. Some say thats greatness in action but I doubt that. Others say that its the narcissism being reflected from the leadership. How about its something else?
Let's break this down even further:
First of all, systemd. EVERYTHING about systemd is wrong. Can anyone tell me what about systemd follows the #UnixPhilosophy? Anyone? The #UnixPhilosophy (in its most basic statement) is defined as:
This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.(that last part still holds true, even today)
Systemd, as it stands, goes completely against that philosophy. I blame Linus because he knew systemd was shit but let it into the kernel anyway. As a result most major distros now use systemd. Systemd is still far from being the solid rock that sysinit still is. Sure, I could list other issues I see with Linux, such as audio (which I also blame on the hardware manufacturers but this particular issue lies with the same creator who created systemd) or the politics in Linux Kernel Development.
Addtional problems with the kernel lie with Digital-Rights-Management which I also blame on Linus. DRM is the bane of the FLOSS movement and community. Why even support Open Source if what is driving Open Source is being subverted with DRM? DRM is so embedded in the Linux kernel that removing it at this point would be a complete clusterfuck.
I could go on and on and on about the Linux kernel.
Linus is to blame for a lot of this but I blame the community for most of this. Without any real leadership (except for the big money corporate donors pouring money into the Linux Foundation), the kernel is a reflection of the community: fragmented and discombobulated. FLOSS was supposed to represent both equality and freedom. Free as in free beer, free coffee. Libre as in liberated, liberal. FLOSS was supposed to level the playing field between the haves and the have nots. The movement, the philosophy have not lived up to their promises or expectations. By becoming a corporate whore, the Linux Foundation lost site of its vision a long time ago. These same corporations that donate to the Linux Foundation have abused Open Source developers. They have taken what is known as the Open Source Initiative and turned it into something it was not meant for: free labor, among other things.
Many of the distros and many of the sites that I used to traverse I no longer do because these communties have become infected with far-right conspiracy theorists (a.k.a. Truth-Seekers or QAnon). It doesn't matter where you go on the web, these idiots are there. Again, I blame Linus. Why? He could've shown leadership. He could've said "Hey this does not reflect me, our community, or our values." But he did not. Granted, noobs used to be "challenged" by the community to "search and figure it out" or "RTFM" but those days of being henpecked by those who considered themselves to be "*nix gurus" have long since vanished. These "gurus" have been replaced by those with a covert political agenda. I've seen idiotic, bullshit comments such as "If you didn't vote for Trump you must be a Windows user." or "The government uses Windows to spy on you." Don't get me started on Bill Gates and anti-vaxers.
What about Richard Stallman, though? I'm glad he's gone. He was part of the problem.
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