#let me know what you’d like to see in the replies I wanna know 😂
paperlignes · 2 years
I’m excited to see what the s5 promos/photo shoots with nandor and guillermo will look like. Because if we had this for s4:
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And these:
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I wonder what we’ll get in s5…
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mountttmase · 1 year
Hii can i request something with mason based on this - i know youre writing a series now but ill be really happy if you could work on this bc you literally are my fav writer here 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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You’re Playing Dirty
Note - thank you so so much love 💕 this is so incredibly short 😂 so I thought I’d post it just as a little extra to say thank you for being so lovely. Let me know what you think 💙 smutty part two can be found here
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 1.4k
Warnings - fluff & suggestive content 😉
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Date night at Masons was always the best night of the week. Sure the fancy dinners were nice and you loved it when he surprised you by taking you somewhere fun like bowling or just a random drive but nights at his where you could hang out just the two of you and be yourselves made you happier than anything else.
You we’re currently in your pj’s cuddled up to him on the sofa as the last few minutes of a movie he’d picked played. You were both struggling to keep your eyes open and you knew Mason would be ready for bed as soon as the credits rolled but you were about to rain on his parade.
‘Come on baby, I’m ready for bed and cuddles’ he yawned, pulling on your arm but didn’t budge, causing him to pout at you. ‘Hey, what are you doing?’
‘You know we can’t go to bed yet, Mase. Your parents are coming round early tomorrow and I’m not letting them see this mess’ you told him, gesturing to the state of his living room but he looked at you with furrowed brows. ‘Come on, let’s tidy it up now and then we can go to bed’
‘Noooooooo’ he moaned, flopping down face first into the sofa like a child. ‘I wanna sleep. Let’s just do it in the morning’
‘No way, I know you won’t get up early and do it’ you chuckled, trying to move him but he was too strong for you. ‘Mason Mount, get the hell up’ you laughed and you felt his body shake and he tried to hold in his giggles.
‘Please baby, I promise you I’ll do it in the morning. I won’t even wake you up I’ll do it all on my own’ he whined, trying to get you to succumb to his way of thinking but you weren’t having it.
‘I’ve heard that one too many times to believe you’ you told him, resorting to tickling his sides so he’d get up. He erupted into giggles, trying to break free from your grasp but you carried on until he was sat upright again, grabbing you hands to stop you before pulling you into his lap again.
‘You’re a menace’
‘And you’re lazy. Now come on, you’re making this longer than it needs to be. We could be halfway done if you would of just got up’
‘And we also could of been asleep by now if you would leave this for tomorrow’ he argued causing you to roll your eyes with a smile. ‘I tell you what, how about a little competition?’ He winked and you noticed how his whole face changed from grumpy to cheeky in an instant.
‘What do you mean?’
‘I saw something on instagram the other day, thought maybe we could try it. If you win, then we clean up now. If I win, we do it in the morning. Is that deal?’
‘Depends on what I’ve got to do’ you laughed, and he winked before sitting you down next to him.
‘We kiss, but we have to keep our hands behind our back. First one to touch the other looses’
‘Oh you’re on’ you laughed, linking your hands behind your back instantly. Yeah it would be tough, but Mason was the king of being handsy and you knew he would cave before you did. He smiled at your eagerness, pulling you further onto his lap so you could straddle his thighs and kiss him a bit easier before he placed his hands behind his back.
‘Don’t get ahead of yourself, love’ he laughed, kissing your cheek ‘you underestimate my abilities’ he whispered against your lips, not giving you a chance to reply before he pressed his lips to yours.
Kissing Mason was one of your favourite things. His lips were always so soft and warm and it didn’t take long for you to part your lips so he could slip his tongue inside your mouth. You tried keeping it light, not knowing know long you’d be kissing each other for but you felt your breathing becoming deeper quicker than you’d of like it to. The butterflies were swarming early and you willed yourself to relax so you could focus on winning.
You wanted to laugh, catching on to how ridiculous this whole thing was but you also wanted to win. Mason was as competitive as they came but you were dead set on proving your point so you balled your hands into fists and crossed them behind your back so you weren’t tempted to touch him in anyway. You could feel him wanting to smile too, lightly biting your bottom lip as he pulled back with a snap.
‘Stop trying to put me off’ he whispered, kissing your jaw as his breath fanned over your neck making you shiver.
‘Sorry’ you giggled, kissing his temple before his lips made their way back to yours.
He let out a little moan straight away that sent a tingle all the way down your spine to your core. You were sure he’d done it on purpose, playing dirty from the start but you weren’t going to let it get to you. Kissing him a bit deeper as you felt him shuffle underneath you, knowing he was getting turned on just like he always did. His hands were no longer behind him, but at his sides, gripping the sofa cushions and you knew he was already struggling.
He was trying to keep it soft, knowing if he got to caught up in you then he’d loose his cool and touch you, but you felt like you were in the drivers seat as you began to kiss him deeper and slightly rock your hips over him. You breathed a slight moan into his mouth as you felt him harden underneath you.
‘You’re playing dirty’ he whispered onto your lips, slightly breathless but you just shrugged.
‘No I idea what you’re talking about’ you laughed, leaning back in, capturing his lips in an impatient and fiery kiss, knowing he was close to breaking and you wanted him to as soon as possible as you weren’t sure how much longer you could last.
Your hands had broken free from behind your back and you were itching to run your fingers through his hair but you held back, holding yourself at your waist so you had at least some contact if he couldn’t touch you. You also figured Mason would loose his mind if he cottoned onto the way you were touching yourself in the way that he always did.
Mason was moaning and groaning under you, bucking his hips up as his hands moved dangerously close to you. You knew he was ready to snap and it only took you moaning his name into his mouth for him to forget himself and for his hands to land on your bum.
‘Yes!’ You shouted, raising your arms up in the air as he pulled you towards him to burry his face in your neck.
‘I swear to god, you cheated’ he laughed, pulling back to look at you with a pout. ‘This is so unfair’
‘Not my fault you can’t keep your hands off of me’ you chuckled, stepping off of his lap to see the visible tent in his joggers. ‘Now, let’s get up and sort this out’
‘I tell you what’ he laughed, standing up and grabbing you by the waist. ‘How I clear up, and you go upstairs and get yourself ready for me?’ He winked, reaching his hand down so he could pinch your bum.
‘Excuse me?’ you laughed, pulling back to look at him in the eyes.
‘There no way I can go to sleep tonight without fucking you first, and if I know you’re upstairs waiting for me then I’ll get all this done quicker so that way we both win’ he told you and you were definitely in the mood after you intense make out session so you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek before running towards the stairs.
‘Don’t take too long’ you called, turning back to see him tidying up like a mad man, stuffing all the rubbish into a bag as he straightened out the pillows. ‘And make sure you do it properly, I don’t wanna have to come down and do it myself’
‘Don’t worry about me. Just go away, and I expect you bent over and ready or you will be punished’
‘Yes sir’ you shouted down, hearing him laugh loudly and you rushed into his room, giddy with anticipation about what would happen when he finally made his way upstairs.
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writingwhimsey · 8 months
Congrats on your milestone!!!! 🥹🎊🎉 May I request a crack fic with Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi (or your warlords of choice) Body Swap or Roommates? 😂Sorry Hideyoshi 😅🙏🏻
Sorry this one took so long, but well...oh this one was fun! Also... it MAY have gotten a little on the long side *cough* 3500 words *cough* I hope you enjoy! Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide body swap crack for the win!
A Wish Gone Awry
Hideyoshi glared at Mitsuhide as he held him against one of the castle walls. Mitsuhde, looked unaffected as always, giving Hideyoshi a teasing silver smile. “Oh, Hideyoshi I had no idea you felt so strongly about me.”
“One of these days you’re going to have to let me in.” Hideyoshi replied, still angry. “I will find out your secrets and if it’s anything I don’t like…”
The chatelaine sighed as she watched the exchange. “Can you two stop already?” She asked as she came up to them, putting a hand on each of them and trying to force them apart. “We’re all on the same side, so let’s just not try to hurt each other okay.”
Hideyoshi sighed as he released Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide just smiled as he brushed his robes back into place. “You really don’t need to worry about this.” Hideyoshi told her, patting her head in that brotherly way of his.
“Yes little mouse. One would think you’d be used to seeing us like this by now.” Mitsuhide replied, that cheshire smile on his face.
“Well, I don’t like seeing my friends fighting.” She replied, glaring at them both. “Unless this is some kinda weird foreplay for the two of you, I don’t wanna see it again.”
Hideyoshi blinked as he looked at her. “W-what…”
Mitsuhide practically doubled over laughing. “Oh, little mouse, you are so entertaining.” He told her. “I haven’t laughed like that…in a long time.”
She just glared at the two of them, doing her best impression of Hideyoshi’s scold face. “Just TRY to get along will you?!” She was then walking off in a huff.
Later that night, the chatelaine sat out on the veranda outside her room after a bath. Her mind kept wandering to Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide even as she looked up at the stars. As she gazed up, her eyes found a shooting star. Though it seemed childish, she closed her eyes and made a wish on that star.
“I wish Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide could understand each other and learn to get along better.” She whispered to herself. She did not know that her little wish would kick off events that would cause chaos the likes of which she had never dreamed could exist.
The next morning…
Hideyoshi woke and stretched early in the morning. He had been up late the previous night…having to stop Lord Nobunaga from eating too much konpeito…and then having to find another hiding place for it.
Hideyoshi sat up and let out a yawn before rubbing his eyes. He honestly felt even more tired than he thought he would. His neck ached in a way that suggested he had been looking over reports instead of making the castle rounds.
Slowly, his senses came to him and that was when the familiar scent of incense tickled his nose. It wasn’t the usual sandal wood and tobacco scent that filled his room. No this scent…it was the incense Mitsuhide burned.
Hideyoshi’s bleary eyes instantly came into focus the room around him suddenly sharp and clear. “This…this isn’t…this is Mitsuhide’s manor…how in the eight hells am I here?”
The door was sliding open then and Kyubei entered. “My lord, what are you doing in bed? This isn’t like you.”
Hideyoshi blinked. “What…what are you talking about?” He asked. “This…this is some kind of joke isn’t it?”
Kyubei sighed. “My lord, this is exactly why I am always telling you to take better care of yourself.”  He said. “I’ll have the maids get you breakfast together.” He was then leaving.
Hideyoshi was getting up and running over to the desk and picking up a hand mirror. He looked into it and found Mitsuhide’s face staring back at him. “That…that bastard! I don’t know what he did, but I know this was his doing somehow.”
Meanwhile MItsuhide…
Mitsuhide woke with what appeared to be a pounding headache. He was no stranger to discomfort, but it was usually an aching back or neck from sitting up all night looking over reports and sending out letters. This…this felt like stress.
It was then that Mitsuhide was hit with a familiar scent…sandalwood and tobacco. “My, my…” He murmured as his eyes opened. “How did I end up here?” It was surprising to him that as he spoke, he didn’t hear his own voice, but Hideyoshi’s.
“Curious.” He muttered before getting up and looking down at himself. His hands weren’t his own…the body wrapped in a green night robe and not the familiar lithe frame he was used to, but bulkier. He was then picking up a hand mirror when he was ready to test out the theory that had already been forming in his mind.
“Well, well what an interesting turn of events.” He mused as he looked at the reflection showing Hideyoshi’s face.
A maid was coming in then, carrying a tray. “I have your breakfast ready Lord Hideyoshi.” She said, bowing. “The princess is already here trying to get Lord Mitsunari to eat his breakfast. She said that was something she didn’t want you to have to worry about.”
Right…Hideyoshi’s motherhen nature. And our little seamstress trying to help everyone else. He thought to himself. “Yes, yes that is just like her. Thank you.” He said.
The maid seemed surprised by the manner in which Mitsuhide spoke to her, but bowed. “Well… if you need anything just let me know.” She replied before bowing and exiting.
“Oh right, Hideyoshi talks to his maids more.” Mitsuhide mused. “Oh well…of course this is an opportunity I cannot afford to waste.”
Hideyoshi, in Mitsuhide’s body was scouring the castle for that sly kitsune in a Hideyoshi suit. I have to find myself. He thought as he searched everywhere. He had gotten ready and headed out to his own manor as quickly as possible, but was told Lord Hideyoshi has already left for the day.
“Ugh, I have to find that bastard.” Hideyoshi muttered under his breath, still having a hard time believing that every time he spoke it was Mitsuhide’s voice he heard instead of his own.
“It’s been hours…and he;s not even TRYING.” Hideyoshi muttered as he continued to look through the castle for Mitsuhide.
Hideyoshi turned at the sound of the princess’s voice. “Oh….uh…”
She smiled at him. “I hear you’ve been looking for Hideyoshi. You aren’t going to provoke him again are you?” She asked.
“Of course not.” Hideyoshi answered, a frown on his face…er Mitsuhide’s face. Wait…that wasn’t a very Mitsuhide-like answer. He thought. He groaned internally. “I…I mean why ever would I do that?” Hideyoshi replied, doing his best to think like Mitsuhide.
The princess gave him a funny look. “Are you feeling okay, Mitsuhide?” She asked.
“Yes, perfectly fine.” Hideyoshi answered, still having a hard time answering to that name.
“You know, you both really do work too hard.” She said, a concerned look on her face. “I think you’re both a lot more alike than you realize…I just wish you two would get along.”
Hideyoshi felt guilty looking into her eyes. She really was so kind and caring…that’s why he wanted to look out for her. “Do you know where Mit…I mean Hideyoshi is?”
“Last I saw him he was headed into town.” She answered him, her eyes still holding concern.
“Did he mention where he was going?”
The princess shook her head. “No. He seemed to be in a rush though…the maids have said he’s not acting like himself.”
Hideyoshi nodded. Well of course not. Because I’m him and he’s me! He then let out a small sigh. “I wish I could help, but I must be off. I have to find him.” Then without thinking he lifted a hand to pat her head as he always did.
The princess looked up at him with wide eyes. “Mitsu…hide…?”
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough…once again a not very Mitsuhide-like thing, but he couldn’t think about that right now…also he hated lying and deceit. “I just…thought you looked like…you were missing your big brother.” He said…yes that sounded like something Mitsuhide would say.
“Well…I am…but…it’s weird when you do it…” She replied, though something in her eyes said that the gesture still felt the same. Almost as if she could detect the truth.
“Well…I’ll see you later.” He said before quickly hurrying off. He didn’t want her to know. This wasn’t something that needed to get out.
Hideyoshi made his way into town guilt riddling him at how he left the princess looking…and to top it off he knew he was supposed to take her into town shopping later. That might have been one of the reasons she had looked so sad and concerned. He loved taking her shopping and spoiling her.
“I’ll just have to make it up to her another time.” He thought as he continued through the town. I have to think…where would Mistuhide go upon finding out he was in MY body?
Hideyoshi’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone crying. Hideyoshi, though he was in Mitsuhide’s body, couldn’t help himself from being himself. He made his way over to the sound of the crying and that was where he found several familiar faces…all women he considered friends in the town.
“Excuse me ladies, what seems to be the matter?” He asked.
The women looked up at him, surprise in their eyes. “Oh, Lord Mitsuhide…” Sodoko said. “We… pardon us…it’s nothing.”
“Have you ladies…seen Hideyoshi by any chance?” He asked, almost hesitantly.
“Oh that…ugh…yes we’ve seen him.” Another of the women answered, her voice sounding angry.
“Is…is he why you’re all so upset?”
Sodoko and the other women exchanged a look before she spoke up. “Yes…he was… he was being rather mean. Normally he is kind when refuting our offers…but he practically ignored us all. It’s just…it’s not like him.”
Hideyoshi groaned once again. I knew that damn kitsune would be ruining my reputation. “I’ll make sure to find him and straighten him out for you ladies.” Hdieyoshi said. “I am so sorry for what he has done.” He was then handing them all handkerchiefs he happened to carry before walking off.
The women were all staring after him in utter confusion.
As Hideyoshi continued to search for Mitsuhide, he kept running into various people he knew… and they ALL had an encounter with “Hideyoshi” and were all saying how out of character he was and describing insane antics that Hideyoshi would never do.
“It’s going to take me YEARS to undo the damage he has done in just a single day…assuming I can ever get back to my body.” Hideyoshi muttered as he made his way back to the castle after having learned someone had seen “Hideyoshi” heading back there.
Meanwhile Mitsuhide…
After causing some trouble in town, Mitsuhide in his Hideyoshi suit, headed back to the castle. When he walked into the halls, he happened to see the princess walking around, carrying some missives, she appeared to be delivering. Though she was lost in thought and not paying too much attention to her surroundings.
Oh little mouse…you have made this TOO EASY. He thought with a grin as he walked up behind her. “There you are.” He said, leaning down to speak directly into her ear.
The princess jumped and let out a shriek of surprise. She was then reaching back and slapping his chest almost on instinct. She blinked in surprise as Mitsuhide caught her hand. “H-Hideyoshi?” She asked. “I would…”
“Were you expecting someone else?” He asked, wearing a cheshire grin, somehow making that expression appear on Hideyoshi’s face as if it belonged there.
“I…I would have thought…that it would be Mitsuhide…” She replied, looking so confused.
Mitsuhide grinned. “But it is me.”
“Yeah…speaking of Mistuhide was looking for you earlier.” She replied. “He… he didn’t seem like himself.”
Mitsuhide had to school “his” expression, though amusement still danced in “his” eyes. Oh, I bet he is just frantic. “Yes, well he can continue to look for me for a while.” Mitsuhide replied, relishing this opportunity. “Why don’t you and I take a break together and go into town?”
The princess looked up at him. “I have some work to finish up first…and don’t you have a lot to do? I thought we were going to go shopping later when we were both finished with work?”
Ah, yes, Hideyoshi would make those plans. He thought. “Something has come up then, but I m free for a bit now. Come with me.” He said, reaching for her hand and beginning to gently tug her along.
“Hideyoshi…” She said, her voice sounding so confused.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t help himself now. He pulled the princess to a secluded hallway and was then backing her against the wall. “Don’t you want to spend some time with me?” He asked, lifting a hand to place fingers beneath her chin.
“I…Hideyoshi…what are you….” She replied, her eyes wide and heart pounding.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t stop himself. He knew he was supposed to be Hideyoshi…and Hideyoshi was still in denial of his true feelings for the Oda princess…Mitsuhide was however not under the same delusion. He regularly teased her like this, letting himself enjoy whatever he could from her. He knew Hideyoshi harbored the same feelings for her, but kept himself in denial… insisting she was just his “little sister.”
“What? I just want to take you out and spoil you.” Mitsuhide replied, beginning to stroke her chin.
Her breath seemed to catch…similar to how it did when he teased her like this in his own body. It seemed she had strong reactions to the both of them.
“Hideyoshi…” She was then reaching up and smacking his hand away. “What in the hell has gotten into you? You really aren’t acting like yourself at all.”
Before Mitsuhide could respond, Hideyoshi was approaching in his body. “There you are, you sneaky bastard!” Hideyoshi shouted. “And just WHAT are you doing to her?!”
Mitsuhide pulled away from the Princess, smiling nonchalantly. “Nothing to concern you.”
Hideyoshi glared at him before rushing up to him and grabbing him by the ear and dragging him off. He then looked back at the princess. “Sorry, but there’s something VERY important I have to discuss with him.”
The princess watched them both head off, utter confusion on her face. “It’s…it’s like they’ve switched personalities or something…” She muttered in a daze as she worked to slow her clamoring heart.
Hideyoshi dragged Mitsuhide to an empty room in the castle. “What in the eight hells have you done, Mitsuhide?!” He asked once they were alone.
Mitsuhide shrugged. “I was just making sure you were a bit more honest with your desires.”
Hideyoshi looked at him. “I mean what kind of twisted magic or trickery have you pulled off to have us switch bodies? And for what purpose? To utterly ruin me?!” 
“I have done nothing. I have no idea what caused this.” Mitsuhide answered. “I know everyone calls me a kitsune, but I really don’t have any magic. If I did YOU would for certain know now.”
Hideyoshi groaned. “The ONLY reason I am not punching you right now is because I don’t want my jaw to hurt later when I get back into my own body.”
Mitsuhide gave Hideyoshi an amused smile. “You may as well. I earned a few slaps from some of your lady friends in town earlier today.”
“Why you…”
Before Hideyoshi could finish his sentence, the pair were being interrupted by Masamune. “There you two are.” He said, a gleam in his eye. Though he did look a bit confused. From his perspective Mitsuhide was the one holding Hideyoshi against the wall and looking angry. “What is this?”
Hideyoshi instantly let go of Mitsuhide. “It’s nothing. What’s going on?”
“We’re having that banquet for the lass tonight.” Masamune answered. “Or did you two forget? If you still need a moment alone…”
“My, my…” Mitsuhide murmured. “To think we could ever forget something so important.”
“Of course we didn’t forget.” Hideyoshi replied.
“Well come on before she gets to the banquet hall and we aren’t able to surprise her.” Masamune replied.
“Of course.” Mitsuhide replied.
The trio walked out of the hall and towards the main hall. Hideyoshi muttered under his breath to Mitsuhide, “We’ll finish this later.”
They just had to make it through until they could get their bodies back…however long that took. Hideyoshi prayed it didn’t take long.
They arrived at the banquet hall, Hideyoshi almost taking his usual seat before Mitsuhide was pushing him towards the “correct” seat. The Princess soon arrived and a bright smile came to her face as she saw them all gathered. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“A show of appreciation for all of the hard work you have been doing.” Nobunaga answered.
“I made all of your favorites, lass.” Masamune said. “Be sure to dig in.”
The banquet began and soon everyone was digging in. Though it didn’t take long for everyone to notice that Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide were not acting like themselves. They were all surprised when “Mitsuhide” ate his food as a normal person would instead of all mixed into one bowl… ”Hideyoshi” was mixing everything in one bowl.
This…has no flavor? Hideyoshi questioned in his mind as he ate as Mitsuhide. He…he really CAN’T taste?!
Mitsuhide however grimaced as he ate as he normally did. Now that he was in Hideyoshi’s body… he could taste. Now I understand why Hideyoshi and Masamune are always getting on me… this is terrible.
It was at this moment the pair realized that they were being watched by everyone else, their eyes wide. That was when they remembered they were supposed to be the other and acting as the other one did. They quickly swapped trays without a word.
“What is going on?” Nobunaga asked, as he looked at the pair.
“You two haven’t been acting like yourselves at all all day.” Ieyasu added. 
“I heard from the girls in town that Hideyoshi was especially cruel…and Mitsuhide was being nice.” Masamune added.
“And when I’ve talked to you…you both have seemed more like each other than yourselves.” The princess added.
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough. “Well…uhm you see…”
“It appears we have somehow…switched bodies.” Mitsuhide finally spoke up.
Hideyoshi glared at him. “And how do you expect anyone to believe that?!” He asked.
“They can tell something is wrong.” Mitsuhide replied. 
The others were looking at them, hard. While it didn’t seem plausible…the proof was undeniable. “I would say this was an elaborate scheme by our resident kitsune…” Masamune began.
“But Hideyoshi would never go along with something like this.” Nobunaga declared. “That must mean it is true.”
“But HOW?” Ieyasu asked.
It was then that the princess gasped. “Oh my! This…this might be all my fault.”
“Are you a sorceress little mouse?” Mitsuhide asked.
“No…at least not that I know of. But last night…after seeing you two fighting AGAIN…I…I made a wish on a shooting star that you two could understand each other better… I had no idea that it could lead to THIS! I am so sorry!”
Hideyoshi was patting her on the head. “It’s alright. I don’t blame you.”
“No, you clearly blamed me.” Mitsuhide replied, grinning.
“If it was truly your wish that caused this, then perhaps another wish can fix it.” Nobunaga suggested.
“That would be a logical strategy.” Mitsunari agreed.
“I can try…but I don’t know if that will work.” The Princess replied.
“She did wish for them to understand each other.” Masamune agreed. “You twi might not go back to normal until you DO have a better understanding of each other.”
Ieyasu let out a sigh. “This is all utterly ridiculous…and such a pain in the ass.”
“I’ll go and see if I can make another wish to undo it.” The Princess declared jumping up and running to the veranda.
Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi looked at each other. They could only hope that another wish would correct it. There was no telling if they would ever be able to truly understand each other.
After a few moments the princess returned. “I hope it works.” She said.
Mitsuhide was patting her on the back. “There there little mouse.”
“Why exactly did you make that wish in the first place?” Hideyoshi asked.
The princess sighed. “Because I care about you both and I am tired of always seeing you guys fighting.” She answered. “Especially when you both actually have a lot in common. You’re both so kind…”
“I am not all that kind, little mouse.” Mitsuhide corrected her.
“Not openly, but you are in your own way.” She replied. “Hideyoshi’s kindness is open and warm like the sun. Yours is always hidden behind a veil of deceit to seem like you are only serving yourself, but you really DO care about others.”
Masamune was grinning. “Seems like the lass understands you both even if you don’t.”
Both Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi were blushing and looking away at the Princess’s words. Whatever would come…they both wanted to protect her and would treasure her and her pure heart.
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#okay i’m done ranting i’m just so over people going ‘she’s boring' or 'she's naÏve and sheltered' like....yeah. that's the point.
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m jumping on the baby fever train! Choo choo. But I don’t have any money for a ticket. I’m a transient riding the rails with my stick and bindle. all I can offer you is half a tin of beans and the company of a scraggly dog that follows me on my travels. I’ll let you pet the mutt I’ve named Sparkplug if you’d be so kind to spin me a little yarn about Santi having a baby with a reader with whom he had a one night fling…. *shakes can of beans at you* I’ll even let you have the first bite o beans.
Why thank you!! I will let you take the first bite of beans if I can sit next to Sparkplug. May I call him Sparky?
Alright, heat those beans up while I weave this tale (this tale that got too long, oh my god I hope the beans are still warm)
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, angst, ends in fluff
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It's hard to tell Santiago what happened
He gave you his number, but he did so in a way that he obviously doesn't expect you to use it.
It was in like a passing, 'let's get dinner some time' but said in a way that he clearly never expects to see you...Ever again.
So when you use the number, when you call and not text, he sounds confused. Confusion melts to flirty intrigue, jokes about coming back for seconds.
You ask him to meet you for coffee. You barely know this guy, this is big news. A public space would be better.
Santiago comes in all cocky, grinning. He must assume you're gonna fuck in the bathroom.
You wait until he's two sips into his coffee to tell him that you're pregnant.
You try not to be too offended when he asks, "Are you sure it's mine?"
"You're the only person I've had sex with since, like, last year, so...Yeah.”
Santiago leans back in his seat, eyes sweeping your face before he turns back down to his cup of coffee. You can see his jaw working.
"What do you wanna do?" He asks.
You've been asking yourself that since you found out. You haven't told anyone in your family about this, none of your friends. You've been stewing and worrying alone.
"...I don't know." It comes out of you quietly, shaking like a rattle.
Santiago doesn't coddle you. He doesn't tell you that it's going to be alright. He just tells you that he'll support whatever you wanna do.
"What if I wanna have it?" You ask.
"I'm not gonna try and stop you."
"Would you want to be involved?"
Santiago sighs, and your chest twists with discomfort. You have to stop yourself from raising your hand to protectively and defensively rest on your stomach.
“With what I do, I’m not...I don’t spend most of my time in the States.”
“What do you do?”
“Is that important?”
“That’s a pretty stupid question if I’m gonna have your kid.”
Santiago grimaces, leans in and lowers his voice, and tells you.
It’s startling, but not wholly surprising. You’d seen the scars, the dog tags.
“Look,” Santiago adds. “I’m just—I’m trying to set your expectations here. If you decide to have it, I’m not necessarily going to be around.”
“No, I—” You shake your head. “I appreciate it. Seriously, I do.”
See the full post
647 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
writing an indulgent fic that no one asked for and no one will read
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also it saying 'the me' was intentional 😂
764 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Rating: T
Notes: I feel like I’ve been sitting on this for an age. Anyway, here we go. Not beta read. I reread it like 18 times but I’m sure I’ll spot 28 typos and tense-shifts the second I post.
Length: 11.9K
Warnings: Angst, cursing, death of a parent, mentions of homelessness and hunger, fluff
Summary: When you landed at the Resistance base on D’Qar, you had nothing but the clothes on your back, your mother’s heart pendant, and fifteen credits in your pocket. 
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Growing up on a remote and impoverished homeworld meant that you were raised with very little. You and your mother worked hard for the scraps that you managed. When she presented you with a grey heart-shaped pendant, you knew that she must’ve scraped and scrimped to save for it. She swore to you that she’d save enough for you to have a chain to wear it on one day.
But when the First Order swept through your corner of the galaxy, they took everything that you’d ever known: your home, your school, your friends—your mother.
All that you had left of her was your memories, and your grief, and the heart-shaped pendant that you carried with you every day.
You didn’t find your way off of the planet right away. It took time—to find and repair a functioning vessel, to concoct a plan to get off of the planet undetected, to get out of your system and into another. Once you’d landed on a friendly planet, you’d managed to get work as a bartender, a mechanic, a washerwoman—whatever you could manage. There were some nights when you couldn’t find work, others when you couldn’t find food. You knew that the pendant in your pocket would be able to buy you a bit of what you needed, but you wouldn’t part with it for the world.
It was a year before you met a pilot that would change your life: a Dandoranian named Jess Pava, who you helped out of a tight squeeze with a few Stormtroopers.
“You got anything keeping you here?” She asked as she’d readied herself to take off of the planet that you were both lingering on. And you didn’t. You hadn’t found a steady position, or a stable dwelling, or made any friends. You had nothing to lose. 
When you landed at the Resistance base on D’Qar, you had nothing but the clothes on your back, your mother’s heart pendant, and fifteen credits in your pocket. 
Pava didn’t seem put off by the fact that you were a little on the quiet side, a little guarded. You knew your way around a hydrospanner, and you knew your way around a blaster. Not everyone on base was as unbothered by your standoffish nature.The rest of Black Squadron—Pava’s unit—was very friendly. After she introduced you around, they left you be, for the most part.
For the first few weeks, Poe Dameron would not leave you alone.
Maybe he thought that you had some hard, icy shell that could be melted. Maybe he thought that someone just needed to show you a little kindness, and you’d open right up. But you were at a point in your life where you were determined not to allow anyone into your life or heart again. You’d never forget the sound of your mother’s voice frantically telling you to run—the thought always made you reach into your pocket and curl your fingers around the pendent.
Letting yourself be taken under Pava’s wing was bad enough. You felt beholden to the pilot—found yourself trailing her like a lost little tooka when she was on-base, worrying about her when she was off. You took charge of minding and fixing her ship, running her errands and messages. You knew that Dameron saw that. He teased you for it, too—though, not meanly.
“What’s Pava got that I don’t, anyway?” He asked, in one of his innumerable attempts to get on what he must’ve thought was your good side. You hardly looked away from where you were working on repairing the hyperdrive.
“She saved me,” You answered, voice quiet and matter-of-fact. When you turned to reach for the laser caliper, you saw Dameron’s typically blaster-proof smile waver in the face of your answer.
“Do you have anything better to do than stand there?” You added as you turned back to your work. He had left without another word. 
Poe Dameron stopped trying to be your friend months ago. You were fine with it. Sure, there was some part of you that twinged with what could only be described as loneliness on late, sleepless nights in your bunk. But in your time at the Resistance, you’d come to feel that life anywhere in the galaxy was as fleeting as it had been on your planet. Lives could be lost in the blink of an eye.
So when you passed the usual groups of people in the canteen—when you spotted Dameron holding court, as he was wont to do—you ignored him, and them, and the gnawing bitter loneliness in your stomach. You told yourself that it was safer to be alone than it was to grow attached to anyone—because any of them could be gone tomorrow, and then where would that leave you? Just as alone as you were at that moment, and twice as aggrieved. 
To say that you found General Leia Organa intimidating would be an understatement. She had a commanding presence, one that drew everyone’s attention. She’d met your eye a time or two in the hall, offered you a smile—and you’d found yourself offering smiles in turn almost unwittingly. There was something about General Organa that reminded you of your own mother—something that made your chest ache with sadness and wistfulness when she offered you a smile. 
“...Do you need help?”
You couldn’t believe that you were asking it, you really couldn’t‚ but there you stood, toolbox in hand. The man’s droid recoiled, unleashed a confused beeeeeep?, just as its owner lifted his head from his work.
“Jess’ ship all set?” He asked. You knew from Dameron’s tone that he was teasing you. You didn’t respond, because you didn’t want him to get used to this. You just shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, and waited for him to wave you in or tell you to go. Dameron cast you one more look before he raised his hand just long enough to direct you to the nose of the ship: “I need a hand with the sensor window.”
See the full post
877 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Matt Murdock: I've been listening to your heart
You, bashful: Oh...
Matt Murdock: Baby girl, you got arrhythmia
You: Oh.
954 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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5,940 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
Taking care of jay after lasik eye surgery? :,)
😂 that’s oddly specific but I think it will be a cute one 😉______________________________________________
“I look like a nerd!” Jay said, looking at his reflection in the mirror. You always thought his glasses looked sexy on him but he insisted they clashed with his hip hop - and bad boy - image.
“Are you sure you wanna get Lasik?”
“Yes, I already made an appointment. All I need to know is that you will be there afterwards to take care of me!”
“Sure.” How hard could it be?, you added silently.
Just how hard it would be, you found out after Jay returned home from his surgery. His vision was still blurry, so he laid on the couch, keeping his eyes shut. You sat down next to him, wiping the tears off his eyes.
“How do you feel?”
“It hurts. Can you pick up some pain medication from the pharmacy?”
“Sure. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Just hurry!”
You got in your car and sped off to the pharmacy, violating traffic regulation left and right.
Jay hadn’t moved from his spot, so you brought him his medication and some water, telling him you’d be in the kitchen making him some soup.
He would call for you periodically, whether it’d be because he wanted more water or because he was cold or needed you to look for his phone.
You started questioning if the procedure was really worth the discomfort he was feeling. He was laying on the couch all day and this condition wasn’t getting better even when you checked on him the next morning.
“Could you feed me?” He burst out when you set a bowl of rice in front of him.
“Is your vision still blurry?” You asked cautiously. At least the tears had stopped.
He simply nodded, pouting when you hesitated. Eventually you picked up his spoon and fed him. Afterwards you cleaned up the kitchen, until a phone call interrupted you.
‘Are you still nursing Jay?’
“Yes. He still can’t see.”
‘How long has the surgery been?’
“24 hours.”
Your friend chuckled and you heard how she typed something on her laptop.
‘Girl, he’s playing with you. Patients should be able to see clearly after 24 hours. If you sneak up on him I bet you’ll find him checking his phone just fine!’
You hung up and tiptoe’d back to the living room. Fortunately, Jay had his back turned towards you. He chuckled, which made you furrow your eyebrows, and you slowly approached him, looking over his shoulder, finding him checking his Instagram.
You decided to play a little trick on him. Sighing, you walked up to him, grabbing his face with your hands.
“Still not better?” You tried to sound as concerned as possible, while Jay just kept pouting.
“Should we maybe go to the ER?” At your words, you saw the panic rise in him.
“But why? It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“If your vision is still blurry, then maybe something went wrong!”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine tomorrow!”
“Either way, I have to go. Something came up, so I called your mother to take over.”
You smiled triumphantly, knowing that Jay’s mother was against him having Lasik and would just scold him.
“What? No! Hey, wait! I think my vision’s coming back!”
“So sudden!” You sneered and saw Jay blushing.
“You knew I was faking it? I guess it felt nice being nursed by you and spend some time together.” He shrugged, smiling brightly at you, hoping to appease you.
“It was. But if you’re feeling better, you should go back to work!”
“Tomorrow! Let’s spend the rest of today here, huh?” He didn’t wait for a reply, just pulled you onto his lap. All that willingly you gave in, nodding as you kissed his cheek.
“It’ll be our little secret.”
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lesinquietes · 7 days
That spooky incident 😀 gurl you experienced the irl robw (somewhat, like that footprints in the snow scene) anyway did you find any clues?
I’m glad you asked 😎 I went into the office today because I had to work, and one of my colleagues is a local. She told me this farm down the road from the forest might know something about it, but she didn’t elaborate as to why. Like, why, specifically, them, when there’s other neighbours to ask? She just shrugged.
Obviously, me being nosey, I left the office at lunch to figure this shit out.
It turns out they have a little shop where they knit socks and scarves and things from sheep wool, and sell milk, fresh eggs — all that good farm shit. I went in under the guise of wanting to bake with some fresh eggs, which was not at all a lie tbh. I made conversation with the cashier (let’s call her Beck) at cash out. Aside from me and her, there was also this older lady doing some calculations behind the counter.
Beck asked me what I was doing in a town like this. I told her I was just trying to wind down, that I was renting an office out here on certain days and was staying in a small home near to the creek.
“North or south o’ th’ crik?” She drawled with a country twang.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, I have no fucking clue.”
We laughed.
“But I’m right near y’all and the entrance to alum Forest l.”
Her face twisted to convey surprise for a moment; then, she caught herself and chuckled.
“Oh… nice.”
“You ever take a walk through there?”
Beck shook her head.
“It looks nice.” I lamented. “But I went the other day and something sort of strange happened…”
I trailed off to give her an opportunity to speak. She didn’t. I took that as a cue to stop asking about it. A thing I’m noticing about small towns is that the people are tight-lipped; if you’re an outsider and you’re requesting insider knowledge, you’d best have good relations with everyone in town. And I literally just fucking got here lmao I know one guy. I thanked Beck, wrapped up the convo, and excused myself to go ruminate over a botched social interaction with a new neighbour, when the older woman speaks up.
“You say som’n strange happened t’ ya?”
I stopped short of the door. Turning to face her, there’s a solemn expression on her wrinkled skin. I feel like I met the town’s knowledge keeper 😂
“Yeah.” I replied, prepared to spill my heart out. “It was like all the animals and bugs migrated away from me at some point. I thought there was a storm coming, so I left. I heard some kids behind me when I got to the bridge, but… it was weird. I didn’t see anyone on the path.”
There was a short silence that made me a little anxious she was going to call me a dumb bitch for insinuating that there were supernatural forces at play LOL but she didn’t. She actually validated me, instead.
“I heard som’n like that, too.” She confessed grimly. “The kids laughin’. But there ain’t no kids.”
My heart was fucking pounding at this point. I was shook. I thought she was messing with me for a minute, until she continued.
“Girl died on that trail. Officers nev’r caught th’ guy. Think she’s restless.”
“That happened like, ten years ago.”
Beck rolled her eyes. She didn’t her deter the lady one bit. As I thanked them again and opened the door, I heard her mutter.
“I wouldn’t be in that place if I w’re you.”
Cool. Yeah. Awesome.
After discovering all this, I went back to work and finished out the day. I spent a little more time than usual in there because I kinda didn’t wanna go home lmao but I’m writing this from my couch now, so I obviously did… eventually. And nothing seems fucked in here. Definitely eerie to gaze out and see the forest there, though… looming over me… all threatening and dark… and I’m yet still gonna go in tomorrow and write :)
0 notes
Janis & Casey
Janis: Okay, slightly concerned at this point
Janis: just let me know if you’re not planning on coming back so I can advertise your room, like
Casey: [in the AM when he’s been released and given his phone back, clearly]
Casey: I’d say soz for the missed revenue leaving you waiting for a reply til now but there’s no need when the kid you’re having’ll be taking my room before too long
Casey: you ain’t getting many renters that only fancy a 9 month lease, like, bit specific
Janis: Exactly, need all the funds I can get to throw at this thing
Janis: try 6, mate
Janis: did you lose your phone or my number?
Casey: got 2 choices, either maths weren’t never my strong point or I was giving you benefit of the doubt on not wanting to shut the kid away on its own the sec it comes out of you, up to you which you reckon
Casey: did lose my phone in a manner of speaking though, yeah
Casey: had it taken off me, maybe more like, if we wanna keep the schoolboy flashbacks coming
Janis: sure any customer service where you get tips makes you develop a sudden interest in maths, so thanks, very kind of ya
Janis: 😬 flashbacks is right, the ptsd is real
Janis: so what happened, I knew you would’ve made an annoyingly smug socials post about where you were staying if nowt else
Casey: Don’t trouble your pretty little head about my whereabouts, love, they’ve let me go now and I’ll be back to annoy you before you know it
Janis: Great, what did you get caught doing, amateur 
Casey: piss off, it were dead romantic actually, you’d be right proud, you from them flashbacks at any rate
Janis: Are you serious
Janis: Casey, why 😑
Casey: are you, wasting both our time asking questions you know the answer to
Casey: that’s the massive pisstake here, if anything
Janis: Alright but
Janis: didn’t the last time teach you anything
Casey: yeah, that she’s well up for it
Janis: so are the garda too, then or?
Janis: just massive cockblocks
Casey: stayed the night so can’t really call ‘em a cocktease
Janis: fuck’s sake, boy 🙄
Janis: well you must not have touched her or you’d be in more trouble right now so that’s something
Janis: how was it
Casey: Her uni’s got its own garda wannabes, top cockblocks them
Casey: both gutted but she’ll be home for easter, can have another go then
Janis: ahh, so you took all that frustration out on the rent-a-cops, I see
Casey: Keep your fantasies to yourself, mate
Janis: 😂 think even here that ain’t a crime no more
Casey: alright, keep it in your back pocket instead for when your husband don’t fancy you no more
Janis: I think I remember you passing that well wish along at the wedding but tah again
Janis: if it turns out he’s been in love with Pete this whole time, you can say you called it
Casey: lust’ll do, desperation don’t need to tip it no further
Janis: you’re being especially charming this morning, the concrete bench not very comfortable, no?
Casey: good morning kiss would be going a bit far, even for the romantic in me
Casey: but I get it, desperation’s already setting in for you
Janis: I’m pregnant, not catching
Janis: so whatserface was impressed then, was she
Casey: ‘Course, I drove all the way to [whatever this town is] what’s her dickhead new boyfriend doing, carrying her books a few feet and through a door
Janis: proximity is the unspoken champion of all great romantic stories
Janis: remember to fill the tank up then, jailbird, siphon it off if you’re committed to the life now, just have a quick look around first, yeah
Casey: you’d know
Casey: that hard up for kisses I’ve got from her to you to that, am I, you’re being charming this morning an’ all
Janis: well duh, his siren call weren’t so alluring I’d find myself wandering around Manchester for a laugh
Janis: long as you do the petrol last, not many birds want a mouth full of unleaded, even ones who’d associate with the likes of you, boy
Casey: tah for the sisterly advice, long as you’re staying committed to that sheet of paper, what dickhead could ask for owt more
Janis: bit late to tell you not to have a pop at bald twats with all the superiority complex and none of the training so, do what I can in the cold light of day
Casey: don’t we all, got a drive back to do if you’re done acting bothered about where I am or the state of me
Janis: I was bothered, dickhead
Janis: but you’ve been in a cell all night so I know you’re sober enough to be behind the wheel now
Casey: I drive better drunk, be more likely to have an accident now
Janis: Oh, cheery
Janis: you want me to start praying whilst I’m on the bog floor or you reckon you can keep your eyes and all four wheels on the road
Casey: you’re on your knees, might as well if that’s all you're after
Janis: well, I would still be worried if you’d seen her, more likely to get fucked up there and then too
Janis: 😁 for your cockblock and all cops, obvs
Casey: for your baby brain more like, else you’d be more worried I’ve not seen her and got it out my system
Janis: you can’t just carry on your one-man tour of Dubo
Janis: come on
Casey: you telling me I can’t or asking me if I will
Janis: I can’t tell you what to do, so no
Janis: if I could I’d tell you not to bother with Stacey there
Casey: and why’s that
Janis: you know why
Janis: it’s fun and games for her, ‘til it ain’t and you’ll be the only one that gets in proper shit for it
Casey: least they’ll put me up once you’ve took my room off me
Janis: I’m not taking your room off you, drama
Janis: prison is lovely, by all accounts though
Casey: I’ll get you on the list to visit me, as you’re such a fan, like
Janis: you think they won’t frisk a pregnant bitch
Casey: something else for you to dream about, day or night
Janis: ha 🖕
Casey: must be lonely on that bathroom floor, do what you’ve gotta do, girl
Janis: Boring, but we’re not there yet
Janis: now I know you’re not dead, leave you to thinking up your next big romantic gesture 
Casey: too knackering all that throwing up bollocks for keeping chatting with a dickhead you only used to be mates with, I get that an’ all
Janis: oi, no need to 💔 ‘cos yours is wounded, Romeo
Casey: is there not, sounds like there’d be every need
Janis: nah, think on, gonna need mates
Casey: gutted we ain’t then, but you’ve got your 1st baby names for the list, Romeo and Juliet, shit ain’t totally 💔
Janis: gutted it ain’t twins so I can lumber them with that creepy energy for life
Casey: weirder if they ain’t and you still go for it anyway, I’ll cross my fingers he don’t leave you for Pete or whoever the fuck else before you can have another one
Janis: n’awh, see, bollocks you’re not my bestie
Casey: Old habits hang about for me, ask [uni gf]
Janis: she’d love to see me pop up in her DMs
Casey: jealousy’d be doing me a favour so I won’t expect it off you
Janis: never said I was a good mate, mate
Janis: famously selfish bitch
Casey: race your medal back soon as I’ve popped it in the post
Janis: tah, need all the motivation I can get
Casey: have me back ‘cause no fucker else is strong enough to pick you up off the floor is right
Janis: my bump is non-existent and I can’t keep any of this healthy shit Jim is force-feeding me down
Casey: then I’m calling him weak not you absolutely massive, I’m alright with it
Janis: never have known 😏
Casey: saved myself postage, no need for that award no more, have that top compliment instead of
Janis: yeah, no, really starting to see how you get ‘em through the door like you’ve got a quota 
Casey: unless pregnancy fucks your eyesight I reckon you can see how I manage it, yeah
Janis: please, I’m already chundering 
Casey: and if you’ve ever heard owt, can guarantee it weren’t a conversation
Janis: still a cocky little shit
Janis: you do remember where you left the car, don’t you
Casey: Oi, less of the little, you ain’t talking to your husband here
Janis: hmm, not what I call him, if you wanna take your turn being 🤢
Casey: I’ve had loads of turns overhearing what you do, cocky of you to think I ain’t desensitised by this point 
Janis: I’m very soz for your ptsd 
Janis: you’ve sort of made up for it since though
Casey: chuffed, it’ll cheer me up while I look for this fucking car
Janis: probably got a parking ticket, extra present from your 🐷 friends
Casey: might’ve sorted me a clamp, as we’re besties
Janis: you couldn’t have warned Fiona about your romantic gesture so she was ready
Casey: Loves surprises as much as I do, her
Janis: right 
Casey: fucked my plus one for the christening 
Janis: you did that with your last choice of, no worries
Casey: she’d probably be up for it, now you mention her
Janis: She does all events? Must be making a killing
Casey: for me she does anything and everything, goes without saying, that
Janis: if you don’t ❌
Casey: 😏
Janis: not gonna be your face if I have to show you the content of this toilet to calm you down
Casey: I’d put no money on it if I was you, bet you I’ve seen worse
Janis: oh yeah, it’s annoying you aren’t squeamish, can’t use it to my personal gain
Casey: crack on trying to think what you can use against me, by all means, on a fucking hunt of my own here
Janis: did you park at the uni or nearby
Casey: knowing where I parked I’d know where the car is, dickhead
Janis: I’m trying to jog your memory, dickhead
Janis: you might’ve been a bit preoccupied but think
Casey: if it were at the uni I’d have found it piss easy, no students drive, should’ve done, all the spaces going spare
Janis: was you planning to go out anywhere, might’ve parked nearer town for that
Casey: I didn’t have no plan other than seeing her
Janis: okay
Janis: lucky it’s a pretty small shithole, you’ll bump into it eventually because that’s where my guesses end
Casey: I wanted to walk for a bit, could be ages away
Janis: nervous?
Casey: shut up, nah
Janis: soz, not actually taking the piss
Casey: I wasn’t actually trying to go in there wound up, funny, I know, like
Janis: you still like her
Casey: more than my dad’s missus, which were where else I thought about driving to
Janis: out of the two options
Janis: Ian usually winds you up more so
Casey: yet to chance calling the garda to sort it when he do but
Janis: is there anything I can do
Casey: Like what
Janis: I dunno, baby brain, like
Casey: getting an abortion would get rid of that too, bit rude of me to tell you to book 1 in though
Janis: people would probably say that’s a little out of pocket, yeah
Casey: heard they’re as lovely as you have prison is
Janis: be why you have to book in, very sought after
Casey: novelty of not having to go ferry or back alley’s not worn off, it’s fair enough, really
Janis: just another thing to fantasize about whilst I’m on this floor
Casey: just the kind of mate I am
Janis: I promised already you won’t have to share a room
Casey: right yeah, what more do I want
Janis: just the abortion, is it
Casey: it’d do til I work out where I left the car anyway
Janis: just expecting the medal, no congratulations 
Janis: if you were in that sort of mood, you probably left it on [the road into this town from home] walk would’ve felt shorter than it does now
Casey: you ain’t getting a 🏆 for that, I had the same idea myself a sec before you did
Janis: 😏
Casey: leave it out, I can hear it sounds like a load of bollocks without being told
Janis: nah, great minds, kid
Casey: tah for putting me on the level of your baby brain, love
Casey: I was off my face then, I’m alright now
Janis: I think ‘baby brain’ is just an excuse for me to not do shit and get out of a bollocking for it but 🤫
Casey: ain’t gonna have the excuse of being a model, real fat pregnant lasses won’t be after maternity clothes you’ve worn, you’ve shit that bed for a bit
Janis: if I end up looking like I’m having a fridge freezer not a baby just kill me now
Casey: nowt to do with me, he got you in the state, he can put you out your misery, might take him ages, but if you have another go praying he could get there in the end
Janis: should’ve put that in the vows, then he’d really have to
Casey: if that’s you saying you’re planning to renew them, this is me saying I ain’t fucking coming
Janis: you’re safe
Casey: some good news
Janis: can all pretend you said that about the kid
Casey: none of us are oscar winning actors, I wouldn’t bother trying
Janis: nah, guess not
Casey: size of the fam you’ve got it ain’t like you’ll feel hard done by for gifts or babysitting
Janis: neither of which I expect
Janis: it’s weird for me too, you know
Casey: I didn’t ask how you felt about it same as you didn’t me
Janis: I have a pretty good idea now
Casey: me too, or you’d have bit my hand off at the abortion idea
Janis: s’what adults do, ain’t it
Janis: next step, all that shit
Casey: it’s what you’re doing and it obviously weren’t no accident, there’s nowt else to say
Casey: fuck your life up how you like, none of my business
Janis: glad you’ve got so much faith in me
Casey: with a decade of piss poor decision making under your belt, how could I not
Janis: well he’s obsessed with reading up on every little thing so even when I’m shit, it’ll be fine
Casey: that don’t raise no alarms for you, nah
Casey: is gonna be what you get when you pick a dad for your kid who can’t hack it
Janis: you know how he is
Casey: too right I do, why I said what I just did about him
Janis: alright, bit late now so 
Casey: up to you if you wanna raise your baby with a dickhead who cries more than it, you heard
Casey: can have 2 mums rather than a proper dad, kids have had to make do with worse
Janis: yeah, I know
Janis: that’s not gonna happen
Casey: congrats then, chuffed to bits for the 3 of you
Janis: I know you’re not but I’m telling you I’m not gonna fuck it up like that
Casey: save your promises to show the kid when you’ve fucked it in whatever way ends up happening
Janis: everyones fucked up
Casey: that’s why if you weren’t such a bighead you’d stop it here and say enough’s enough
Janis: yeah well you know me too
Casey: yeah
Janis: you gonna be this pissed off with me the whole time as well
Casey: don’t flatter yourself, bighead
Janis: I’ll take it
Casey: I’m looking for places going I can afford when I get back, not gonna be having nothing to do with you the whole time
Janis: oh, alright
Janis: that’s slightly petty but ultimately a good idea, I guess
Casey: we’ve only got the one bathroom and you’re gonna be always pissing about on the floor of it, it ain’t petty it’s practical
Janis: I’ll stop having morning sickness soon but
Janis: you want your own space
Casey: good, maybe I’ll get to use it a few times before I’m off
Janis: you reckon you’re not squeamish, just come in, dickhead
Casey: I didn’t reckon you’d fancy an audience but alright I’ll not think of you
Janis: you’re pee shy, that’s alright
Janis: I’ll just hold it in my mouth 
Casey: I hope you have a right laugh cleaning the sink when I get home and piss in it to prove you wrong ‘cause I’ll not be sorting it
Janis: I’ll be off to work when I eventually stop
Janis: still, before you’ve found the car, undoubtedly 
Casey: it’ll be waiting for you then, along with the dishes, ‘cause in the kitchen one the neighbours’ll get to see how shy I ain’t an’ all
Janis: you think I wanna practice being a mummy so bad I’ll clean up after you
Casey: I reckon you should think before you open your mouth, whether it’s full of sick you’re holding in or nah
Casey: challenge accepted, mate, deal with it
Janis: 😏 you are a massive twat
Janis: piss on any of my dishes you’ll get your next meal served up on ‘em dirty
Casey: not squeamish, me, you said it
Janis: me neither but the neighbours would probably give the garda a ring and arrange your next date for you
Casey: they can crack on, well single at the minute and they ain’t gonna be my neighbours for much longer, can do me a last good shout while they are
Janis: don’t say it like you don’t like being single, make me feel bad for you
Casey: Why would I like it
Janis: make use of the revolving door
Casey: right lass and you can have it shut
Janis: you really are a romantic at heart, aren’t you
Casey: anyone who don’t want that, can’t get it, nowt else
Janis: you reckon
Casey: don’t you
Casey: who’d you know who’s happy to piss about
Janis: guess I’d not thought about it that hard
Casey: no shit, you’ve not had to
Janis: suppose it’s easy to say being a massive slag would be a right laugh from here
Casey: the saying about grass, like
Janis: you’ll find someone better than [actual uni gf name]
Casey: You do know her name, can’t wait to tell her
Janis: she’d only get a mard on at the mention of mine
Casey: exactly
Casey: never said I didn’t like that
Janis: not sure I’m alright with being part of your foreplay, tah
Casey: I can’t help it if she’s fittest when she’s mardy, try and name a lass who ain’t, seeing as you’re on a roll there
Janis: if that’s your type, heaven help you, boy
Casey: you can leave out the if, you know what my type is
Janis: lot of girls got access to peroxide, be well rude of me to say they were all EXACTLY the same
Casey: I get it, you’re only in the mood to be rude to me
Janis: when was I even
Janis: you’re the one threatening to piss on my property
Casey: I’ll aim away from your fave mug, how’s that
Janis: 🤏 better
Janis: but I am pregnant so you should do everything I say, tbh
Casey: only works if it’s my baby hanging about in there
Janis: shame
Casey: it is, but at least I found the car
Janis: 👏 congrats to you now
Casey: I’d offer you a lift to work but if you ain’t eating nowt you’re probably not gonna still be there throwing up when I get in
Janis: cheers, but I’ll try and drag myself in before then
Janis: did not think through how shit my job would be right now, you can have that one
Casey: I’ll take it, that petty dickhead, so you reckon
Janis: just ‘cos you blamed wanting to move out on me having my head in the toilet
Casey: well I’m soz it’s your fault I wanna
Janis: when you see how high rent is, you might wanna keep putting up with me
Casey: I’m bloody aware, it’s only gone up in the last couple of years since I had a look
Janis: criminal
Casey: of you to make me chuck all my money down the drain, I thought I’d dodged all this bollocks when a kid didn’t come along right after the wedding
Janis: you could just buy a set of really good noise-cancelling headphones 
Casey: speaking from experience, are you
Casey: 👍👍👍👍👍
Janis: I won’t even make you change any nappies, it’ll be fine
Casey: link me to the ones you bought then, I’ll test ‘em on whatever lass is about when they’re delivered, see if they’re decent enough
Janis: really thought you meant the nappies, was a bit horrific
Janis: not that that’s a thrilling prospect but still
Casey: I could do, but I dunno how the sizing would go
Janis: stop 😂
Casey: does it hurt to laugh, your stomach muscles must be fucked from the retching and that
Janis: yeah, so if you could stop being SO hilarious for five seconds
Casey: try for you
Janis: 😘
Casey: I’d be skiving if I was you
Janis: tempting
Casey: half day never bankrupted nobody and unless you was lying to me when you said it’ll be over soon you’ll make it back when the baby’s behaving better
Janis: it’s supposed to stop at 10, be raging if I feel shit the whole time
Casey: take a full day then, fuck it, you’ve got an awkward kid already
Janis: always give great advice, you
Casey: yeah I do, have a listen to it just the once
Janis: I might
Janis: can’t exactly puke on a client’s back, not without charging a lot more
Casey: and I’ll be going bed, got work myself tonight, so you don’t have to worry about putting up with me
Janis: why would that worry me
Casey: it’ll be like I’m not there is all I meant, can do what you want
Janis: well now I’ll have to think of something interesting to do, sounding that much like a challenge
Casey: wishing you hadn’t been SO anti piss now, I get it, we could’ve had that contest
Janis: 💔 I can piss like a racehorse now
Casey: That’s some foreplay for [uni gf] tah very much, she’ll be fuming I know that about you
Janis: 🙄 yeah ‘cos it’s really sexy info, that
Casey: it’s you, anything is
Janis: not another gay one
Casey: piss off, her boyfriend only looks and acts like a massive girl
Janis: hmm, when thinking about him taking a piss does it for her as much, I’ll believe you
Casey: she don’t fancy you, she’s jealous of you for breathing, or should we go with pissing here, ‘cause you’re that fit and everything else
Janis: you let her be ‘cos you like it, dickhead
Casey: even if I sorted her head out, every other lass in town thinks that way about you too
Janis: what are you being nice to me now for
Janis: I’ll get suspicious 
Casey: it’s a fact, fuck all I can do
Janis: I’ll get out of having a baby shower then, no bitch will attend 
Casey: Long as you tell all the lasses in your family to leave it out, job done
Janis: you know my family loves a function
Casey: they can have it without you there if they’re that bothered
Janis: would as well
Casey: great advice, again, I’ll have to shut up before I am being too nice
Janis: can’t have that, be awful
Casey: you can’t, you know what you’ve done
Janis: didn’t impregnate myself
Casey: and what that’s supposed to make it better not worse, is it
Janis: just wondering why I’m getting all the blame here
Casey: I already knew he was a twat so
Janis: right
Casey: you used to be able to be trusted, be alright sometimes
Janis: I never promised you I wouldn’t have a kid, that don’t change either of those things
Casey: it changes loads of things
Janis: yeah, not that though
Casey: everything, basically
Janis: why, why’s it have to
Casey: ‘cause you’re changing your whole life
Janis: you’re the one saying you want fuck all to do with me after
Casey: yeah, and I have to, there were barely any room for me in your fucking life before
Janis: not true
Casey: how’s it not
Janis: I have to sit here and explain how obvious it is I still have time for you, and always will
Casey: you never even told me 1st, he told Bobby before you said owt to me
Janis: I knew you wouldn’t be happy, and you ain’t
Janis: it didn’t feel like good news, more like ruining your day
Casey: you should’ve said you was gonna do this, give me chance to get my head round it
Janis: it happened quick
Janis: anyway, I don’t know how I’d start that conversation, it’d be weirder for you, don’t you think
Casey: I wanna have kids with your pussy of a brother, there, it’s that easy
Janis: I married him, like you said, gonna happen eventually
Casey: I thought that were why you did ‘cause you’d got yourself knocked up and shat yourself about it, when it wasn’t, I reckoned you might have more sense than to bring kids into it, my mistake, like
Janis: Into what? Fucking hell
Janis: I’m that bad, am I, you really think that
Casey: not you, you heard me, he can’t fucking hack this, won’t
Janis: He raised Bobby, he knew how to do it before he was more than a kid himself
Casey: I did loads of that and it still nearly did his head totally in
Casey: and alright, if we have to go there, you’d want a kid of yours turning out like Bob, would you
Janis: It’s a bit fucking late to call me selfish now
Janis: I’m not forcing him to have a kid
Casey: I never said you were, I said he shouldn’t
Janis: too late now, we’ll have to deal with it
Casey: I’ll send you a good luck card
Janis: thanks, like
Casey: least I can do as it’ll be the only thing
Janis: can you stop being so dramatic 
Janis: I can’t handle it
Casey: yeah, alright, I’ll join you pair in not giving a single fuck
Janis: you know he gives too many fucks, that’s basically what you’ve been accusing him of the whole time
Casey: and you’re sat there telling me I need to calm down and it’ll be fine, ‘cause what, you want it to be
Casey: and I’m the kid, grow the fuck up
Janis: obviously it was too much to hope one of you would listen, forget it
Casey: listen to what, what’ve you said except it’s too late for me to say nowt
Janis: calm down and it’ll be fine, obviously
Casey: I don’t listen to bollocks I ain’t being paid to
Janis: I can’t change your mind, fine
Casey: not about him, you do the top job I know you can do on your own, hands tied behind you and all that, for the kid’s sake
Janis: by all accounts he will have left me by then anyway 
Casey: What do I know, you ain’t left him yet, and I’d have sworn back then you would’ve done
Janis: don’t make me say you don’t see what I see, it’s too cliche and we all get it
Casey: I get it, you want a mate to throw up next to you
Janis: kind of you to offer
Casey: I’ll not be able to stop myself if you don’t
Janis: you said you was a romantic, now you don’t have the stomach for it
Casey: romance ain’t the same word as shitshow
Janis: ain’t this what you want, eventually
Janis: the right girl behind closed doors
Casey: you’re not right for him and you never have been
Janis: I try to be
Janis: and he wants me 
Casey: I ain’t throwing you a baby shower you’d really wanna go to, get over it
Janis: how can I now, tease
Casey: the fact you can’t is the only thing not ruining my day
Janis: you didn’t exactly start on a high, mate
Casey: that’s where you’re wrong, a caution’s loads better than it could’ve gone
Janis: jammy bastard
Janis: good, can’t be arsed bailing yours out
Casey: no need to pretend you would, bit busy on the bathroom floor is all I’ve heard
Janis: I’m sorry my current state isn’t entertaining for you, did hear me say it was fucking boring
Casey: and painful, yeah
Casey: almost do feel a bit sorry for you
Janis: go on
Janis: I can’t even go to work
Casey: come on, I’ve got loads of hangover cures even though I’ve not had my own before, one of ‘em is gonna work for this
Casey: [just listing them casually]
Janis: check you out, nerd
Janis: I’ll give the ones that don’t contain booze a go, can’t hurt
Casey: can’t have you thinking it’s entertaining for me you feeling like shit
Janis: you don’t hate me that much yet then
Casey: would if I could, dickhead
Janis: don’t need to think I’m above keeping you here against your will
Janis: s’my whole thing, long as I get what I want, give a fuck
Casey: You’ve given me the best screenshot for [uni gf] 
Janis: 👋 Daisy
Janis: what the fuck does she even think is happening 😂
Casey: you’re flirting with me, as per
Janis: she really is the jealous type
Casey: loads of other lasses are, it’s not like she don’t have no reason to be paranoid, just off target 
Janis: sounds about right
Janis: bit rude to make me out like that but let you off
Casey: be boring if I didn’t have you to chuck in the middle of it
Janis: Rachel was a bit dull but
Janis: the [whatever uni course, even if we are wrong] gave that away
Casey: and it’d be worse than boring if you liked her
Janis: not even gonna let me have a sister in law
Janis: think you’re jealous of me having a potential new bezzie
Casey: you’ve got one, her name��s Libi and she happens to be your niece an’ all 
Janis: yeah, actually, he’s cheated me an’ all
Janis: 😤
Casey: you’ll live, me too for not walking down no aisle in a shit suit
Janis: if Polly was down the end I wouldn’t let you
Casey: how are you gonna stop me
Janis: I’ll object
Janis: or just break your legs so you can’t walk nowhere, idk
Casey: gonna have to go back to campus with a ring, worth it to see what you reckon you’re saying or doing
Janis: at this moment in time, I’ll just throw up on her dress
Janis: you can do better
Casey: nah, better’s taken
Janis: nah
Janis: if you let me have any female friends, I could introduce you to someone 
Casey: I’m not stopping you doing anything, never have
Janis: oh right, I just hate women, I forgot
Casey: that and you’re married to a right antisocial dickhead
Janis: I’m worse, to be fair
Janis: never mind how jealous I used to get
Casey: nobody’s ever minding about that
Janis: I dunno, was fairly psycho
Casey: still not hearing a downside 
Janis: you think it’s fun ‘cos you’ve never dated a girl like me
Casey: it’d be more fun with a girl like you
Janis: too bad I’m one of a kind
Casey: too 💔 that, like
Janis: felt that sincerity 😏
Casey: you’ve felt it before, did nowt then, it’d do less now
Janis: was almost a decent screenshot there
Casey: no need, she’s blocked me
Janis: that part of it?
Casey: you really fancy being told the ins and outs, do you
Janis: alright, shut up
Janis: not my fault it’s been a while since I had to play these stupid games
Casey: whose fault is it if not yours
Janis: come on, who do you like less than me, you’re related to him and he’s only selectively mute
Casey: funny, oh hang on, nah, being too nice to you again there
Janis: laugh at my jokes 🥺
Casey: no
Janis: ugh, fine
Casey: giving up in 1 sec’s how I know you feel like shit
Janis: I do, no point lying when I look it
Casey: bollocks, there’s a lie
Janis: you were nice to me, I win
Casey: it’s a truth not a compliment
Janis: not too nice, I remember
Casey: you’d not forget it if I gave you a real proper compliment
Janis: what if I don’t believe you, bighead
Casey: I’d keep giving you them til you did
Janis: better not then
Janis: can’t afford to never forget you if you’re pissing off
Casey: none of us can afford you stuck in that bathroom, trapped by your massive head, more like
Janis: Poor Bobby’s bladders gonna burst
Janis: s’why we told him early, I had to push him out the way one morning 
Casey: about time he stopped doing it sat down like Libi does, pissing in the garden, or kitchen sink, like a normal lad’ll be good for him
Janis: yeah, you’re SO normal, mate
Janis: I could’ve puked outside but what will the neighbours say 
Casey: Shit marriage has drove you to drink, obviously
Casey: I’ve got bets on with most of them far as dates for the divorce go
Janis: 😏 Prick
Casey: can’t have you missing me too bad when I move out
Janis: can’t stop me
Janis: could call you constantly like an overbearing mum, get practice in
Casey: not like mine, be more like an ex
Janis: suppose, but I won’t be calling you a prick or trying to fuck you
Casey: gutted, might as well lose your number how you reckoned I had last night
Janis: might’ve blocked me
Casey: and lose my chance to shout at you like an off my face dad, nah, can’t do that
Casey: gotta let you know you’ve fucked your life and mine right up
Janis: just good to hear your voice, obvs
Casey: send you a voice note next time
Janis: please don’t get arrested again whilst I’m vulnerable, s’embarrassing how concerned I was, tah
Casey: You’re alright, if or when I do I won’t tell you
Janis: 😑
Casey: can’t hurt you having no clue about none of it
Janis: can we really afford to take the risk
Casey: there’s no risk to you, only me, so yeah, ‘course
Janis: no
Casey: I want nowt to do with your bollocks hormones, tah
Janis: can’t blame you, honestly
Janis: seems like the general consensus too
Casey: sod all sympathy for the self inflicted has been a rule for ages
Janis: bit of a shit rule
Casey: can’t have a go at me I never made it up
Janis: you also never follow rules so why start now
Casey: Oi, I’m only a bit off the speed limit
Janis: and you’re texting 
Janis: terrible behaviour
Casey: said I behave better with a few drinks in me
Janis: only ‘cos you can’t see your keyboard
Casey: the why don’t matter, bighead
Janis: uhuh, so says you
Casey: any other lass’d be chuffed to bits I’m rushing back to see them
Janis: who said I’m not
Casey: you’ve not said you are
Janis: can’t be too nice
Casey: that don’t apply to you, I’ve done nothing to fuck your life up
Janis: really gonna make me beg just ‘cos I’m on my knees
Casey: I am now you’ve chucked the visual at me
Janis: I don’t know how sorry I’m feeling
Casey: typical you, not sorry for none of the things you should be
Janis: typical you not being close enough to get here before I get up
Casey: you dunno how close I am
Janis: not close enough, sorry
Casey: what were it you said, felt that sincerity
Janis: 😇 I am SO sincere 
Casey: go on then, I’ll laugh at that joke
Janis: won’t make her jealous sending me you laughing
Janis: very menacing 
Casey: depends what kind of laugh
Janis: you’re a top actor now
Casey: you’ve got no faith in yourself when I’ve got none in you or what
Janis: shh
Casey: maybe if you can make me
Janis: I could
Casey: I’m waiting, do it if you reckon you’ve got it in you
Janis: [block him for a hot sec then come back]
Janis: see, easy
Casey: cute
Janis: I’m not cute
Casey: you’re too cute
Janis: I’ve spent all morning on the floor, that’s just an untruth
Casey: no, it’s as true as always
Janis: if you say so, must be right
Casey: don’t matter where you spend your morning, is what it is, like me not being able to stay fuming at you
Janis: Good
Janis: I’d miss you too much
Casey: I don’t believe you
Janis: you would if you’d seen me last night
Casey: that’s the baby turning you into a psycho, it ain’t how you really feel
Janis: you know how I really feel
Janis: we just don’t talk about it ‘cos we’re not like that
Casey: yeah, I do know, why I said what I said
Janis: don’t forget, dickhead
Casey: I can’t
Janis: not apologising for it either
Casey: nor me
Janis: no need
Casey: can do if you trip over the bags that’ll be outside the bathroom door for tomorrow morning, otherwise fuck you, obviously
Janis: ?
Casey: you’ll see when you need ‘em, long as you can get your head out of the toilet to have a look
Janis: surprises
Janis: so sad it’s the most excitement I’ve had in ages
Casey: it ain’t total pharmacy bollocks, some of it’s a pisstake to take your mind off how the rest of your body feels
Janis: fuck you for being this cute 
Casey: had your warning I can’t stay fuming, dunno what else I can do, like
Janis: you can
Janis: stop talking about moving out 
Casey: told you I’ll not afford it anyway
Janis: it’ll do
Janis: if you’re not gonna say you’ll stay for me
Casey: I can’t stay for you, it ain’t just you no more
Janis: basically
Casey: you’re growing a kid, his kid, and asking me to stay and fucking watch it
Janis: I know
Casey: no you don’t, or you’d not do this to me
Janis: I don’t know what’s wrong with me
Casey: hormones is the get out of jail free, crack on using it
Janis: who’s benefits that for, neither of us believe it
Casey: fuck all about any of this benefits me, what you trying to start now for
Janis: because I’m sorry I’m having this kid, alright
Casey: what’s that apology meant to be good for, it changes nowt
Janis: now you know
Casey: every dickhead knows, you’ve announced it, means you’re keeping it, and you can’t be that fucking sorry if you are
Janis: I didn’t think I would lose you when I made that decision 
Janis: it’s done now though, I can’t change it
Casey: you wasn’t thinking about me, more like
Janis: you should stay mad at me because I can’t undo it and I can’t give up on you either
Casey: I’d had the one night, you’ll give up on me, mate, don’t worry
Casey: there’s loads more still to come
Janis: I hope you’re right for your sake
Casey: piss off and let me do it for yours
Janis: told you, can’t
Casey: challenge accepted
Janis: good luck
Casey: chuck that bollocks at the brother who needs it, I know what I’m doing, tah
Janis: go focus on the road then, I’m showering
Casey: that’ll focus me, charming of you to mention it
Janis: didn’t sound like I’d have to make it easy
Janis: anyway, massive bitch, you’ll hate me before I hate you
Casey: get praying again, girl, getting someone else involved to be on your team’s about the only chance you’ve got of beating me, and it’ll still be a long shot
Janis: 🙏
Casey: and try not to slip in the shower, death’s a piss easy way out
Janis: don’t crash then
Casey: I’ll be home before you’ve started washing your hair, can nearly see it
Janis: have to make your own brew as I’m busy
Casey: I’ll make you one an’ all, if it’s cold you’ll have to get busy with the microwave
Janis: pretty harsh, dunno if I could hate you over it
Janis: and I reckon I’ve still got more incentive to stay in the shower
Casey: I dunno, reckon I’d hate you more than anything in a towel, but alright
Janis: hope some twat put fresh ones in, you never do
Casey: I’ve not been there to blame
Janis: you probably need your own, all night in a cell, fine, I’ll be quicker
Casey: meant to take ages and use all the hot water, shit at this, you
Janis: so’s you, or you’d have taken the blame, set fire to the towels or some bollocks
Casey: I ain’t 12 no more
Janis: thankfully or that cold shower dig would’ve hit really different
Janis: can’t take the piss out of you for your hormones 
Casey: yeah, gutted for you I mean it and ain’t after no bollocks out for what I say and do
Janis: it’s a cheap shot
Janis: well above that
Casey: I’m that petty dickhead
Janis: you really didn’t like petty, did you
Casey: who would
Janis: no one, I just wanna know why that one stuck
Casey: nice try but I’m not gonna help you to wind me up
Janis: awh, no fun
Casey: have to give up on me then
Janis: you’ve never been THAT fun
Casey: you’ve never been fun enough to wanna find out how fun I can be
Janis: touche 😏
Janis: you wouldn’t believe me now if I did
Casey: not just taking your word for it, nah
Janis: sensible, can say anything
Casey: [block her like no you can’t and don’t unblock her so if she wants to talk to you she’ll have to find you in this kitchen or lounge with your cuppa lol]
Janis: [least we can take the longest shower ‘cos feel like we need it honey, come out after a billion years like oh hey, so casual ‘you remember petrol?’ like this is what I care about rn]
Casey: [don’t trip over all the random stuff he’s brought you for your next bout of morning sickness gal, cos we have deliberately left that in your way, probably has had several teas cos he needs them after not sleeping at all and all the drama, just an unhelpful shrug, did you or didn’t you, boy, we know you did if you bought all that other shit but]
Janis: [we love that clear parallel to later with the groceries honey; just checking you over for bruises as per like how one-sided was your kicking off then]
Casey: [hence I had to do it, girls, meanwhile just looking at her like 😏 cos it’s his default and he’s totally FINE not at all heartbroken about this baby news]
Janis: [clearly the damage is not bad hence you got arrested and no one else did lol, ‘they give you breakfast?’]
Casey: [‘not your problem either way’ because not gonna let you make us any would literally rather starve to death rn truly ‘bathroom’s free if they did and it were that bad, know where the kitchen is otherwise’]
Janis: [do your own shrug as you start to make yourself dry toast or something equally as boring ‘you’ll need a towel’]
Casey: [‘scared to death I’ll just walk out, you’ like okay, towel obsessed much lol, please don’t though sir, she actually does not need that rn]
Janis: [just raising our eyebrows like you reckon ‘cos we’re clearly in our own towel here for ‘bants’ sure ‘no need to do yourself down’ like you ain’t that hideous]
Casey: [just a look like if you really wanna challenge me to be naked, pop off, cos no shame literally ever ‘weren’t, can worry yourself about that one the least’ just like do your own job of running me down/hating/giving up on me, gal]
Janis: [‘might go into work, so you can get some undisturbed sleep’ ‘cos you need it no joke]
Casey: [a sigh we can’t help because ugh she was actually gonna take our advice and the day off for a sec ‘don’t do owt dramatic to disturb me and there’s no reason we can’t both be here’ that simple cos it is and unblocking her to emphasise his point]
Janis: [just looking at the notification or whatever like hmm okay but not actually saying anything]
Casey: [so purposefully going to get a towel from wherever and showing her like look, but not actually going to shower yet, we see you, boy]
Janis: [doing a little clap as we’re chilling, eating our toast]
Casey: [just doing the microwave for this tea he did make you and leave in there and then handing it to you once it’s been reheated as if you’re giving her something else to clap about and that’s the only reason]
Janis: [eye and hand contact lingering a second too long, we all love a cliche ‘too nice, you’ saying it in the most casual tone because so not a casual joke at all really and we’re feeling it too hard with these gestures and now how we’re both acting but we’ve got to pretend it is]
Casey: [god I do love a cliche hun, please make yourself some toast or cereal to stop yourself saying or doing anything else for a minute including looking at her to see if she looks pregnant now he knows, which you know he’s trying to sneaky do while she’s drinking her tea and thinks he’s busy with breakfast prep]
Janis: [you’re not gonna see anything with this towel really and us just being that bitch who just suddenly has a bump when it drops or whatever, thanks to our husband making us low-key paranoid we’re insanely and unattractively pregnant right now though, just 😳]
Casey: [at least that’ll make you feel better boy 1. That it’s not obvious yet and low-key won’t be for ages and 2. That she’s the blushing emoji cos even though you’ve taken the piss before that you can’t tell cos she’s not a pale af blonde, you so can]
Janis: [‘dickhead’ and waving him away like it’ll stop him looking at you and focus on his breakfast]
Casey: [obvs gotta give her a look like what even though you know damn well despite not knowing how Jimothy is acting yet]
Janis: [‘didn’t say petty’ like I’m playing nice too, don’t get mad]
Casey: [doing the thing where you smirk deliberately when you’ve got a mouthful of food and have hamster cheeks like that Tony and Effy scene that to this day lives in my head rent free as if that’s gonna make you unattractive at all]
Janis: [shaking our head like oh you ‘you really want to show me I’ve fucked my life up, I get it’ slurping this tea like I’m not that easily phased though, boy]
Casey: [‘it’s you trying to show me what I’ve been missing’ as if slurping that tea instead of sipping it is gonna set her off vomming again right here and right now]
Janis: [‘don’t take much’ shrugging ‘any time, like’]
Casey: [‘about this time tomorrow, yeah?’ like okay it’s a date, gal]
Janis: [‘be here all week’ do a little bow from your seat but sigh ‘cos like probably and cannot be bothered with this]
Casey: [throwing her a tea towel to give pure Jimothy dry your eyes mate pisstake energy cos we hate that she’s feeling like this, in spite of the fact he’s literally heartbroken rn, and can’t do any serious comforting or we’ll simply die]
Janis: [‘not doing your washing up’ eyeing the sink suspiciously like know what you’ve done lmao and throw it back at him]
Casey: [catching it obvs and then doing not only his washing up but everybody else’s as though he shouldn’t be going for a shower and then bed, we see you blatantly caring sir]
Janis: [‘good thing I didn’t use all the hot water’ like we do see you blatantly caring and you didn’t let me make you breakfast so at least you can have a non-shit shower but we’re pouting on the low here]
Casey: [just washing up and clattering about unnecessarily loudly as if that means we don’t have to have a convo with you lol cos also sulking hardcore about how shit life is atm]
Janis: [‘night then’ ‘cos don’t need to force you at this moment in time, even if we’re both sad about it, walking past him and swiping at the back of his head affectionately as you do ‘glad you didn’t get beat up too bad by the pigs’]
Casey: [nobody has ever reacted as quickly or instinctively against the fact you’re about to leave, except maybe his brother but shh we don’t talk about that similarity thank you, but clearly cannot say or physically reach for you the way that we actually want to so then you just have to piss about with these washing up bubbles and pretend attacking her with them was your plan all along, duh]
Janis: [when you cannot fully playfight because you are in a towel, so rude, do your best babe]
Casey: [gotta say that towel is slipping so he can fix it for you in lowkey the sauciest manner cos we take what we can get in this era ‘saved your life’ not at all bants, pure flirting]
Janis: [‘saved yours’ like you would’ve been SO overwhelmed haha such a bighead, not just stood here lingering for no reason nope]
Casey: [‘nah, you heard’ like no no sis you’d die because I would kill you by being so overwhelmed by you cos where’s the lie, the TENSION and the line you’re walking rn ‘there’d be no saving mine’ just saying you’ll gladly die/be killed by how hot she is nbd]
Janis: [‘it’s your thing’ trying to say it like you love heroics but also calling you heroic in the process so you clearly appreciate it, TENSION feels like an understatement, this time period, lordt, ‘well what would I do without you’ like I already said you can’t leave, never mind die]
Casey: [‘you might get used to it after the hundredth dickhead offers you a seat on the bus, like’ as if we’re only doing it to run with that you’re pregnant and therefore incapable trope, a shrug ‘be less bathroom doorway tripping hazards’]
Janis: [‘nice try’ like nah, pretty sure I don’t hate you yet]
Casey: [pushing her cos you can’t pregnant peeps like that’ll do it haha, but it’s so gentle and so reminiscent of when they’re always like get away from me rn I can’t cope in the future so]
Janis: [starting to say something several times sis but obviously not, shut up ma’am and leave this poor boy alone]
Casey: [probably doing the cliche where you start to say something at the same time so don’t cos you’re like no you go on several times so neither of y’all are saying anything, thank god, frustrating at that would be, finish your washing up and go have the cold shower you very much need, no joke, we all know what’s happening in said warm shower and we mustn’t think about it]
Janis: [we all know we are thinking about it because we did not just make that up for foreplay, ugh, so soz]
Casey: [you two alone in this house with the tension and your feelings this high is actually dangerous, thank god you’re both feeling like shit and exhausted so he will eventually fall asleep regardless]
Janis: [at least being sick makes you exhausted so you can probably sleep too for once but yeah, you’re both dying and both aware of it frankly which is awkward]
Casey: [you’ll need it cos he’s gonna be bringing a girl or girls home tonight and doing the absolute MOST to a degree that he has not even in the wedding era, starting that whole vibe, soz that sleeping the day means you’ll be awake for this, not that you or Jimothy would be able to sleep through it anyway but]
Janis: [you can’t slam doors loud enough to put a stop to this hen]
Casey: [picking the most feral girls from the club for exactly this purpose, I honestly dread to think what they’re doing but clearly trying to have a party of 3 or whatever lol, poor Jimothy has been at work all day and getting woken up by these ridiculous antics at lord knows what o clock]
Janis: [just getting you more depressed casually, we all know it, we’re too pregnant to go brawl these ladies so unless you’re gonna deal boy, we really can’t help]
Casey: [I like to think Jimothy would try and sort this because it’s early days and she literally had to take the day off from feeling crap, but it’s gonna take him ages to even get noticed cos all the loud music and stuff breaking etc, soz boy, and MAYBE you can convince them to move to the garden for a bit without getting beaten up cos you’re not gonna convince them to fully leave and then they’re just gonna reappear after he’s chain smoked and drank enough out there to be the LOUDEST and sauciest, so it’s worse actually]
Janis: [the fabulous mood we’ll be in in the AM, I can’t]
Casey: [and he’ll just be sleeping while you have to get up and go to work and about your day, soz JJ, she won’t be in the mood to be pleased about your morning sickness gifts any more sir, but at least it gives you an excuse to come at me if you want]
Janis: [just throwing a hangover/morning sickness cure at your door casually]
Janis: e
Janis: n
Janis: j
Janis: o
Janis: y
Janis: p
Janis: r
Janis: i
Janis: c
Janis: k
Casey: Tah, one of them will do
Janis: could’ve done a rock to bash your head in but only have to fix the paintwork after
Casey: I get it, you’re TOO weak right now, don’t have to go about it again
Janis: nah, not the word I’m thinking of
Casey: I never asked, mate, tah for thinking of us, as I said, bit early for morning sickness for either lass but still, TOO nice, you, an’ all
Janis: just get them out without me having to look at them, they can have whatever backstreet abortions you fancy
Casey: I’m going back to sleep, dunno where you’ll be looking when they wake up and piss off, probably at some footballer’s groin or whatever bollocks it is you call work
Janis: that’s rich
Casey: wouldn’t be here having this little chat if mine paid that well
Janis: yeah well, lucky neither of them was discerning enough to care you still lived with your brother eh
Casey: 22 not 42, who don’t, we’re not in the north no more, this is Dublin
Janis: if that really makes you feel better
Casey: I could give a fuck what you think about my living arrangements, begging me to stay yesterday
Janis: this is what you wanted, congrats
Casey: I’ll do my celebrating in a bit, don’t you worry, same time and place, mate
Janis: nah
Casey: yeah
Janis: keep looking for a place to live, actually be worth celebrating 
Casey: send you an invite to the housewarming then
Janis: look forward to it
Casey: ‘course you do, but leave your antisocial dickhead at home, he’ll only get hurt
Janis: don’t talk about him
Casey: I’ve had to talk to him, last night, that there were his warning, if he gets in my face or way like that tonight he knows what’ll happen
Janis: That’s brave
Casey: you mean to send that to him, did you
Casey: bit awkward
Janis: I know who I’m talking to
Casey: well done, I ain’t always sure you do
Janis: sounds like your problem
Casey: alright, I’ll get it added to the official list
Janis: no round of applause for that one
Casey: Reckon I’ll live without, had loads of praise recently
Janis: yeah, that explains the whole spoilt toddler having a tantrum thing
Casey: oh shit, ain’t they called the terrible 22s, reading and writing weren’t ever my strong point, like
Janis: funny, no wait 🙄
Casey: doing you a favour with that and the sleepless night anyway, dead good practice
Janis: What you want, more praise? 
Casey: always, that’s all fucked up kids from broken homes do anything for, haven’t you heard
Janis: you’ll have to stick with girls who are easily impressed then
Casey: Is that meant to be gutting or thought provoking, either way your aim’s for shit, girl
Casey: not news to me what I’m stuck with
Janis: you’re still sulking, are you
Casey: still knocked up by him, are you
Janis: sorry I didn’t have a horrific accident in the night
Casey: you and me both, but there’s loads of time to chuck yourself down the stairs, and there’ll be all them spare hangers when he or I move out, whoever’s 1st
Janis: instead of chatting shit on your brother with your girlfriends there to protect you, why don’t you come here and just punch it out of me, you little twat
Casey: what’ve I told you about keeping your fantasies to yourself
Janis: you’re just a scared kid, get a grip
Casey: get your own, round the toilet, preferably, I ain’t getting you out of a mess you’re shit scared to be in, that’s what mates do and we ain’t no more
Janis: you wish
Casey: nah, I don’t
Janis: sure
Casey: I wish we could be but you’ve fucked that
Janis: no I haven’t
Casey: keep telling yourself that with the rest of the bollocks, love
Janis: I don’t need to convince myself of anything, nor you
Janis: We both know what’s happening here
Casey: 🏆
Janis: keep it, you’re the one who likes participation trophies 
Casey: too nice to a fault, you
Janis: you reckon
Casey: you know what I reckon, so you was just saying
Janis: you’re the only one that can fish for reactions
Casey: do what you like, it’s a bit late for me to stop you
Janis: no shit
Casey: [don’t reply whether you’ve actually gone back to sleep or you’re only pretending until you eventually do but still shh]
Janis: [go to work miss]
Casey: [gonna be beyond awkward when he gets up and you’re back, I hope this gals left while you were still at work tbh]
Janis: [assume y’all have jobs or uni or something to be up to hens, walk of shame it out]
Casey: [I’m just imagining y’all on top of each other in this small kitchen cos JJ are probably making/eating dinner as he’s trying to make breakfast]
Janis: [just the worst time honestly, not like we’re here having a lovely meal, all in a mood, just moving to the sofas to eat ours like literally cba]
Casey: [you just know Jimothy is gonna fall asleep after this and leave you two alone, oh lord]
Janis: [we’re just fuming, no wonder your blood pressure is absolutely fucked lmao, putting this TV on like you at all give a shit]
Casey: [Jimothy pulling a Geoff after work move and falling asleep on this sofa next to you, meanwhile he’s just in the kitchen pretending he’s having a lovely time, music on, eating whatever greasy mess he’s created and not cleaning up afterwards obvs]
Janis: [just lowkey hate our life, it’s fine, totally fine]
Casey: [x3, nobody talk to me about the look he would give her as he’s going back through this lounge and up the stairs, we can’t discuss it]
Janis: [I’m thinking for the next convo energy as this is just hitting 30 we could send her to her mother’s because literally that sick of this house but obviously we’re not telling you right now so you’d have to ask Jimothy]
Casey: [ooh good idea boo]
Janis: [1. Shows progress from your teens in that regard 2. You could stay there for a minute if we wanted ‘cos lord knows Jimmy isn’t helping you soz but true and he’d be like oh yeah probably a good idea, she’s done it loads etc etc]
Casey: [it does track that he’d think that because the energy is are trying to take care of you rn so Jimothy’d v much be like yeah go, you’ll get loads more sleep and less stress etc]
Janis: [exactly, right, I will post this bit then]
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jeyramarie · 2 years
don’t touch my girl- Fezco x Reader
summary: you get roped in into a drug deal
wc: 2,514
warning: cursing, guns, nakedness, drug use/description
a/n: now this one i’m a bit proud of😂 lmk if you like and if you wanna tagged in any future fez content ❤️ and as usual, happy reading🦋 
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Fezco is like a giant teddy bear. Whenever you’re alone he hugs you, cuddles you, gives you lots of kisses and tells you endlessly how much he loves you. In front of other drug dealers or just other people, he was very protective. If he saw any weird look or heard an inappropriate comment he went ballistic to defend you. If it was Rue or Jules, he didn’t do anything. Fezco knows how much love you all have for each other and he also knows that the girls would protect you, the same you’d protect them. 
You were currently in the back seat of his car, sitting next to high Rue as she rapped the song playing on the radio. Fez didn’t tell you where you were going and you’ve learned to stop asking questions. Rue snorted a line and kept rapping the words. The redhead looked at the back to see you looking out the window. She kept singing, some parts louder than others as all of you began to feel annoyed. 
“Yo, can you tell her to shut the fuck up?” Ashtray asked, looking at Fez. 
“Please.” You mumbled, rubbing your temple.
“Yeah, Rue, you gotta chill out back there for real.” Fez said calmly as he continued to drive. She turned to you and back to the front of the car. 
“Me and Ash gotta handle some serious business right now, so..”
“Yeah, for sure. No, I can do that.” Rue replied, leaning back on the seat. 
“I can just stay back here. It’s real comfy.” She slumped on the seat, stretching her arms to the side and bringing them over her head. 
Fez drove a bit more until he stopped in front of a closed gate. The gate opened to reveal the back lot of apartment buildings. The car came to a stop in front of a girl with plump lips and a guy with a broken nose. 
“Who the fuck is this bitch?” Fez mumbled, taking off his seatbelt before stepping outside. 
“Yo!” The guy shouted.
“Who the fuck is this, man?” He asked, closing the car door. You kept your eyes on him the whole time. 
Surprisingly, Rue stayed quiet next to you, watching everything unravel outside of the car. The girl outside waved shyly as the guy walked behind the car with Fez. Rue looked behind her and back to the floor as she began to fidget with her fingers. The girl walked towards the car and opened the backseat door, sitting next to Rue. You shifted a bit closer to the door, feeling uncomfortable. Fez came by the driver’s side door, leaning against it as he looked at you and Rue. 
“Ten, twenty minutes tops, all right? Y’all just please stay in the car.” He said as Ash got ready to get out of the car. You nodded in understanding. 
“No fucking funny business. Let’s go.” Fez said and nodded his head towards Ash. He opened the door and got out, following his brother inside the building which left you alone with the girls. 
“Hi, I’m Faye.” The blonde slurred looking at you and Rue. 
“Yo, fam, uh, Rue.” She replied, pushing her fist in front of the girl for a fist bump. 
“How ‘bout you?” Faye asked, leaning forward to look at you. You turned to her and stayed quiet before turning back to the window. 
“That’s Y/n.” Rue answered for you.
 “How’s your New Year’s going?” She continued.
“What?” Faye muttered in confusion. 
“New Year’s.” 
“It’s fucking New Year’s?” 
“I believe so.” Rue answers, looking at you and back at Faye. You stopped listening after that. Letting junkies talk to junkies as your mind drifted to Fez. Time was going extremely slow which made you nervous, knowing perfectly well how these meetings could end up. 
“Um.. I don’t think- I wouldn’t do that here.” Rue said as she tapped your thigh making you look towards the blonde to see her taking out a needle from a small box. 
“Woah, what the fuck?!” You exclaimed, causing her to roll her eyes at you.  
“It’s just heroin.” Faye replied calmly and placed the needle between her teeth. 
“No, I, I see that. But, maybe, like, I don’t know. I just feel like it isn’t… the best place to do that.” Rue tried to get her stop as you looked out the car window to see people peeking out their apartments, looking down at the car. 
“Faye, this isn’t the right place to do that.” You warned once again. 
“Listen, I fucking know what you are. You’re just a fuckin’ junkie-ass bitch, and you’re probably fucking eating that ginger’s ass for fuckin’ oxys or whatever the fuck you’re into.” She told Rue, really slowly. Faye lit up her lighter, passing it under the silver spoon until the substance began to bubble. 
“Yo, what the fuck are you doing? What, what the fuck?” Rue said desperately, looking around everywhere. 
“Faye, stop doing that shit!” You shouted as she lifted her leg over the passenger's seat. 
“Are you just putting that in there? What are you doing? Oh my god… okay.” Rue said as the blonde injected the needle in the top part of her thigh. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You asked completely in disbelief with what you were seeing. Rue kept talking as you covered the side of your face, not wanting to look at Faye’s privates that were slightly exposed. 
Suddenly, a pair of arms went under Faye’s arms, pushing out of the car, through the car window. You looked up in fear, Rue turned to you and was about to speak but a hand came from behind you, covering your mouth. You screamed against the hand as your body was pulled through the window and onto the ground where the person grabbed your waist. There were three men, carrying you and taking you to an apartment where Faye was thrown on the floor as Rue was pushed against a wall. 
You, on the other hand, were pushed towards Fez, who immediately caught you. Ash was standing next to Fez in silence and the guy from earlier was standing across from them, closer to Rue. One of the men hit the guy in the face as Fezco kept his hands on your hips, holding you close to him. You looked over Fez’s shoulder to see a lady sitting in a recliner. She turned her head towards your way and spoke. 
“Brucy.” She called out as the man, who just gave you all a dumb speech, walked towards slowly. You couldn’t understand what she said but the man came back pretty quickly. He turned on the small stereo on top of the microwave and walked to the middle of the room. 
“All right, check this out. All y’all, let’s get naked right fuckin’ now.” Bruce ordered, pointing at all of you. 
“Come on, man. Let’s go! Get naked right fucking now.” He shouted and Ash began to take his jacket off. 
“Except for you man, no one wants to see you naked.Yo, take his ass, put him in the closet.” He said stopping Ashtray from getting undressed before another man grabbed him and pushed him down the hall. 
“Yo, yo,come on now, y’all. Chill.” Fez said, seeing how aggressive they were. 
“Nobody, Nobody got no fuckin’ wire.” 
“Prove that shit. I don’t know who the fuck you are! For real!” Bruce shouted at his face, causing the redhead to put his hand behind him to keep you there. 
“Far as I’m concerned, you’re a fuckin’ cop!”
“Obviously, I’m not wearing a fucking wire. You paranoid-” Faye started but was quickly cut off by the man slamming her head back against the wall. Her boyfriend protested and got his head slammed as well before desperately taking his shirt off. Fezco followed, taking off his sweater and pushed you behind him. Faye took her top off, followed by her skirt. Your hands shook as your fingers went to the zipper of your dress, pushing it to make it pool at your ankles. You stood there behind Fez, only in your lace panties as Rue stayed frozen in place. 
Bruce randomly began to dance to the rhythm of the song as he moved around the room, watching as you all undressed. He saw you hiding behind Fez which annoyed the shit out of him because he stomped towards you and pulled your arm, taking you away from the red head. 
“Yo, chill! Don’t fucking touch her!” Fez shouted, walking towards Bruce but was quickly stopped by another man pointing his gun at him. Your arms immediately covered your chest as he pushed you against the kitchen counter. 
“Or what?!” Bruce shouted, causing you to flinch. 
“Don’t fuckin’ touch my girl!” Fezco yelled again, pointing his finger at the bald man who then looked down at you. 
“You stay here and don’t fucking move.” He said with gritted teeth as he grabbed your jaw tightly. You nodded and he threw your head back before moving back to the rest. 
Bruce continued to dance around the room as you stayed at your spot shaking in fear. You turned your head to Fez to catch him already staring. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rue taking off her jacket before turning frozen again. Fezco tried mouthing some words to her but she refused to take off her clothes. Bruce came up next to her, muttering something before grabbing her hair and pulling her towards the hallway. 
“Yo, yo, hold on, man.” Fez started but was held back by a gun once again. 
“Rue!” You shouted, moving from your spot but another guy pulled you towards his chest, pressing a gun to your forehead. 
“Bruce told you stay right fucking there, slut!” He shouted in your ear as you flinched. 
“Don’t you fucking call her that!” Fezco shouted, moving slightly towards you as the gun pressed harder against his jaw and the guy let go of you. 
You were all moved into a line, standing next to each other in the kitchen. Fez grazed his pinkie across your thigh, attempting to calm you down. After almost a minute, Bruce came back down the hallway and then followed Rue. She was unharmed but drenched, holding a towel as her body shook in fear. 
The lady from the recliner walked in and Faye’s boyfriend seemed to know her. Her name was Laurie and apparently they were there so she could meet Fez. After the guy’s dumb introduction, she asked for Mouse and that situation was…. complicated. 
“You think I could, like, put my drawers on, and talk to you in the other room for a sec?” Fezco asked calmly, covering his dick with both hands. 
“Okay.” Laurie replied before moving back to the living room, to look at her fish tank. Fez moved toward his clothes and put on his boxers before throwing you your dress. You quickly put it back on and turned your back to Rue so she could zip you up. You stayed next to Rue as you tried to eavesdrop on the Fezco’s conversation.
“Mouse ain’t be comin’ around no more.” Fez started. 
“Why’s that?” Laurie questions with her eyes on the tank. 
“ ‘Cause I didn’t like the way he did business.” He muttered and turned his head to look at you. 
“Says the guy who brings a kid to a drug deal.” 
“That’s not a kid. That’s my business partner.” 
“Says the guy who brings a high school girl to a drug deal.” She said turning to face him. 
“That’s my family.” 
“She an addict?” 
“She might fuck around but.. nah.” He replied, shaking his head
“And who’s the other girl?” 
“My wife.” Fez replied almost immediately. 
“Oh, you're married?” 
“Nah but.. we will be someday.”  
“So you trust her?” Laurie asked, looking at his eyes in search of a lie. 
“With my life.” He said, turning his head back to you. They talked for a bit more as Faye and her boyfriend got dressed while another guy went to get Ash from the closet. Laurie walked out of the living room and unlocked a door as Fez walked over to you. 
“You okay?” He asked and you nodded as he cupped your cheeks.
“You sure? He didn't hurt you or anythin’ right?” 
“No, I’m okay. Just a bit shaken up.” You whispered and Fez leaned down, pecking your lips quickly before pulling you to his chest for a hug. 
“I’m sorry, baby, you shouldn't be in this shit.” He mumbled against your head. 
“No, Fezzy, it’s okay.” You began, parting from his chest. 
“No, it’s not. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt and I’d never forgive myself for that.” Fezco said, looking at you with worry. 
“But I’m okay. I promise I’m okay.” You answered one last time before Laurie called Fez over to a small room next to the kitchen. He pecked your forehead and moved to the small room, Ash following as Laurie opened the suitcase. 
There were drugs of every type in there. Pills, weed, powder, anything you could imagine. Ash handed Fez the cash and after that you left. Rue was in front with Ashtray as you walked next to Fez with his arm around your shoulders. He walked around the car and opened the backseat door for you to get on but stopped you. 
“You sure you okay?” He asked, holding your hands. 
“I’m fine.” You nodded. Fez smiled and pecked your lips before letting you get into the car. He drove out of there and the car ride to the party was quiet. 
The house was crowded as Fez pulled into the driveway. Rue and Ash piled out almost immediately which left you alone with Fez. You grabbed his hand to walk towards the house but he pulled you towards him. He leaned against the car and held your hips as your hands found his chest. 
“You gon be my New Year’s kiss?” Fezco asked with a smirk which made you smile. 
“Yeah, unless you wanna, I don't know, kiss someone else.” You shrugged, pretending like you were going to move away from him which caused to move his hands up to your waist. 
“Nah, ma. You gon be my fo’ever kiss.” 
“Yeah.. Ion wanna kiss anyone else.” He smirked and leaned down kissing you softly. Your hands moved to his neck, pushing his head closer to yours. Fezco swept his tongue over your bottom lip and you gave him immediate access. Your lips kept moving in sync as the space got a bit faster. 
“Uuuh, get it Y/n!” A voice shouted, making you part from the kiss to see Maddy smirking as she continued to follow Jules and Kat into the party. You and Fezco chuckled as a slight blush crept on both your cheeks. 
“We should, um…go inside.” You smiled. He nodded and held your hand, before walking towards the house. Little did you know that night was going to end up a bit bloody.
fezco taglist: @hansakind​ @idkimjusthereliving​ @romanogersendgame​ @black-fairy3​ @bracefacelaiiiaa​ 
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dawbi · 3 years
how would a love triangle between bakugo and todoroki go? i know you only said one character but this has been on my mind for a while 😣
hi hi !! omg no worries 💕 ahhh i see 👀 this is intriguing lol. see, i thought about this and it slowly turned to a poly relationship and i’m not even polyamorous 😂 but put me in a fucking harem and i just might sjahgahaal
anyways i tried thinking about it in a mature way as i think these boys would eventually. once they get passed the competitiveness & jealousy lol. i think they’d just want you to be happy with whoever you’d pick in the end 😌
phase 1 - fuck off, they’re mine
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the first and longest phase of this love triangle omg especially on bakugou’s end. i think bakugou would be the one to confront todoroki as he keeps seeing him getting close to you. “back off, crossbreed. you fucking dumb, stupid or dumb?” todoroki would literally be quiet and in shock that bakugou was noticing and from the fact that he’s pining for you too. “like hell i’d let you and y/n happen. consider this a warning.” now todoroki is not the type to cower so expect lots of confrontations between the two. “who are you to decide what happens? no one ever tell you superiority complexes aren’t a good look?” ahsgshjsk the sass 😭. kaminari and kirishima would try and ease the tension as best they can. passive aggressiveness around you and full on aggression when you’re not there lol.
phase 2 - kinda civil but not really
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ahhh the second phase. something tells me bakugou and todoroki would want to show you the good sides of them. and for this reason, they would chill out with aggression. both of them are always secretly waiting for you to talk to them or even just look their way. lots of glances from afar and heart beating fast when you get put on a team together. everything is great until they’re face to face with each other. “shit.” you’d start trying to figure out how to complete the assignment and todoroki would suggest “we should go right.” “left.” he’d turn towards bakugou already getting pissed off but then turns towards you. “where do you think we should go, y/n?” both of them would be waiting for your answer, wishing you’d be on their side. “hmm let’s turn right.” you reply heading in that direction. “see? i’m more compatible than you.” todoroki pls 😩
phase 3 - pact ??
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um they care about you sm ?? both are super observant and will notice when something is wrong. by this phase, they’ve already gotten used to each pining for you. doesn’t mean they want the other to end up with you. it’s just that they want to focus on you and how you view them individually. one day maybe something was really bothering you or someone, and it was just affecting everything you did. isolating yourself, talking less, or even your quirk was acting up. you’d think no one would notice, but oh these two do. “hey bakugou. did you see y/n?” “course i fucking did. something’s off.” these simps are worried even if they show it in different ways. would work together to try and be there for you. would ask you if you wanna talk and if you don’t want to, the door is still open for whenever 🥺
phase 4 - bodyguards that simp for you
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protective bois™️ whether you open up to them or not, they are both always watching out for you. “oi, prince zuko. some bastard is tryna pull something on y/n.” nooo not that nickname bakugou 😟 todoroki wouldn’t get it lol and just answer “on it.” this duo is there in 0.001 seconds and already threatening that person. “listen up dipshit. you wanna mess with somebody, we’re both here and ready.” hands already setting off sparks and fire. i would recommend they run for the hills tbh lol. if you get any romantic offers or attention, they’re both salty and pouty. together. “i wanna kick their ass.” “yeah, kinda has a punchable face.” they’re sulking and bonding ?? while you are focusing your attention on someone else. maybe obliviously or not intentionally but yeah they’re 🧂
final phase - me or him ??
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we have made it to the final phase, finally lol. this is when they’ve finally gotten over the fact that the other has strong feelings for you and has built a connection with you. phase 1 started with bakugou and final phase will be started by todoroki. he would pull bakugou aside to have a mature conversation that he plans on eventually confessing to you. and that he felt that it would be fair to let him know before he does. “i want to tell y/n how i feel. if you want to do the same, i’m not gonna stop you.” this time it’s bakugou’s turn to be silent. “whatever.” expect confessions in different ways and at different times. todoroki’s would be really sweet + straightforward while bakugou would beat around the bush a bit until he gets frustrated and just blurts it out lol. the important thing is, who would you choose ?? 👀
why did i make this so long i’m sorry 😭
credits to me for the first gif. i had to make it since i really wanted that scene but couldn’t find a gif 😭
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
Hey guys! I have a Band AU collab due at the end of the month that I completely forgot about but I have a lot of different ideas spinning around in my head so if you maybe wanna help me pick which one to write that would be fab?
1) Part 2 to Drums.
2) Rival bands. There’s a battle of the bands, you hate Bakugou who’s the lead singer of another band. He’s cocky af, so annoying, how they have more fans when he has no talent. You end up fucking after a show in the rooms.
3) Bakugou sees a cute girl in the crowd at one of his shows, falls in love at first sight and spends a lot of the show singing to you. At the end of the show he’s quick to grab a towel and jump down to meet his fans but he can’t see you anywhere. He’s gutted and tweets out that he’s interested in finding you. Obviously gets a fuckload of randoms claiming it’s them but you don’t reply.
4) You’re a bartender and Bakugou (who’s in one of the biggest bands in Japan) comes into your bar for a drink after finding out his girlfriend was cheating on him (maybe or another reason idk) the bar is kinda empty and no one recognises him but you do cause you’re a fan. End up fucking in the bathrooms.
5) You get hired as a photographer for Bakugou’s bands tour- end up taking a ridiculous amount of pictures of Bakugou and he ends up using at least one of them each night on his Twitter or Instagram because you’re so talented and he ends up falling for you.
6) You’re dating Bakugou but his band gets signed to a major record label and he ends up having to go abroad to record his bands first album and directly after that goes on tour around the world and does all these events so you end up breaking up via text. But he still longs for you, ends up writing a fuckload of songs about you and misses you so much but fuck knows how this will end—
7) You run a pop-punk music Twitter where you talk about/review popular and upcoming bands and you’re always talking shit about Bakugou and his band. You just think their music is too mainstream and it just doesn’t do it for you, except Bakugou sees every single tweet and he slides into your dms to fight.
8) Bakugou is the latest viral singer online, he’s got millions of views on his videos and he’s viral but no one knows what he looks like. You wonder if it’s possible to be completely and utterly in love with someone’s voice without ever seeing them. You’re one of his dutiful fans commenting on his videos and sending him loads of sweet messages on Twitter/Instagram, you had no idea that you’d actually meet-
9) Bakugou saves you from a brutal pit at a concert/festival and ends up hanging with you for the rest of the set. Let’s you up on his shoulders for one of the slow songs and you end up fucking after.
10) You’re in a band and Bakugou is an obsessed fan, he literally lurks all your socials and sends you so many messages throughout the day. This one could actually end up really cute or really non-con👀
Or if you think these are all shit pls tell me what you think I should be writing 😂👀
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sipsteainanxiety · 3 years
Okay here me out 😂😂 what if it's a fic about bakugou being like gordon ramsey? Like a chef bakugou au? And they can both act the same? Like how gordon treats children gently but he treats adults like crap if they screw up? Im not sure where the reader insert comes in I'll let you choose what you want with that 😁 Thank you for letting me request have a good day ❤️❤️
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word count: 2.9k+
mentions: gender neutral, fluff, humor oh m y god i tried to be funny i rly did, i am not a cook if that wasn’t obvious, not edited
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“I’m bored!” Kaminari sighed out loudly from his position draped over one of the Common Room’s couches. The magazine he’d been reading was tossed off to the side in a dramatic manner, landing on the floor in a messy heap. You glanced up at his scrunched expression, having been focused on reviewing some of your notes for an upcoming Linear Algebra exam on the couch adjacent to Kaminari’s. 
“Well what do you want us to do about it?” Sero asked wearily from next to the electric blond, steadily flicking through the channels on the T.V. It seemed like there just weren’t any interesting shows on at the moment. 
“I dunno.” Kaminari shrugged as he flipped himself so that he was sitting upright. He rubbed his chin with his fingers, letting out a hum as he contemplated. “There has to be something that we can do!”
“Yeah, study,” Bakugou grunted from next to you, his own eyes focused on a book he held within his hands. 
“That’s too boring,” Kaminari tutted as he waved a hand lazily at Bakugou. “I wanna do something... fun!”
“I mean,” Kirishima spoke up as he scratched the back of his head, “it’s almost lunchtime anyways. We could go grab something to eat?” 
“I’d be down,” you said in response to that as you flicked through another page. 
“Wait, I have an idea!” Ashido exclaimed as she sat upright. She had a certain gleam to her eyes that let you know her idea would either be really good, or really bad. “Why don’t we have a little cooking competition?” 
“You’ve been watching Chopped too much,” you snickered at her, to which she only stuck her tongue out at you. 
“We’d all get completely wrecked by Bakugou, though,” Sero pointed out and you had to agree. The man could cook circles around all of you in his sleep. Bakugou didn’t even bother looking up from his book, but you could still see a smirk slide onto his face. “Not sure if that’d be too fun.” 
“That’s why we can make him the judge!” Ashido said excitedly, jumping up into a standing position. “Come on, it’ll totally be fun!” 
“Yeah! Let’s do it!” Kaminari grinned eagerly, already standing up from the couch as well. “Beats having to study!” 
“Sure!” Kirishima agreed as well. They turned to look at you and Bakugou, waiting for your decisions. 
“Who says I even wanna judge your shitty competition, huh?” Bakugou squinted his eyes at Ashido, who only rolled her eyes. 
“Don’t be such a party pooper! I know you’d enjoy roasting our meals,” Ashido replied as she puffed out her cheeks. 
“Oh come on, Katsuki,” you said as you heaved yourself off the couch. You patted his shoulder a few times, making him look up at you. “I think it could be fun!” 
There was a moment where he seemed to contemplate it, closing his eyes in thought. You and the others waited with bated breaths, anticipation growing in the pits of your chests. Then he opened his eyes, a wide grin stretching across his face. 
“Fine,” he said as he smiled a terrifying smile, “but don’t get all whiny when I tell you your meals are complete crap.” 
“All right!” Kaminari pumped his fist in excitement. It was one thing to tell Bakugou about an idea, but to get him to actually agree was something that was more difficult than it actually had to be. “Let’s get st-”
“Not so fast!” Bakugou barked out, making you all pause in turning to head towards the kitchen. “We’re gonna go out and buy our own groceries. I can’t have you shitheads fucking up the only food we have in the building.” 
“That’s fair.” Kirishima nodded his head, digging his hand in his pocket to check if he had his wallet. “We should probably head out now, then.” 
“Damn, there goes some of my savings,” Kaminari sighed out dramatically, only to get lightly slapped on the back of the head by Ashido. 
“You’re the one who was bored!” she chided him, crossing her arms to fix him with a stink eye. Kaminari pouted, then fired back another retort. 
“Well, this’ll certainly be interesting.” Sero rubbed his face with his hand as he watched his two friends bicker lightly. 
“All right!” Kirishima placed his bags onto his section of the kitchen counter. You had all spaced yourselves throughout the kitchen, claiming individual spots to do all the prep work and cooking magic. “How long should we set a timer for?” 
“Maybe an hour?” you questioned, glancing at the clock on one of the stoves. It was a little bit before one in the afternoon. You couldn’t spend too long cooking if you all wanted to have a decently timed lunch. 
“Sounds good to me!” Ashido agreed. She then turned to Bakugou. “You need to keep track, then. And do what judges do! Walk around, don’t just stand there studying!” 
Bakugou rolled his eyes as he set down his book again, leaning against one of the counters with his arms crossed. “Fine, whatever.”
“What does the winner get?” Kaminari asked, raising his hand in the air as though you were all in the classroom. 
“Well, they won’t get food poisoning,” Sero called out from his corner. You snickered at his response. He was right there - you knew Kaminari and Ashido couldn’t cook to save their lives. 
“You won’t get a slap on the head from me, that’s what,” Bakugou growled, fixing you all with a pointed look. “And if any of you start a fire, I’m kicking you out, accident or not.” 
“Rude, but valid.” Ashido giggled, shrugging her shoulders. “Besides, it’s just for fun anyways. Do we really need a prize?” 
“Yeah! I gotta stroke my ego somehow!” Kaminari frowned. 
“Hey man,” Kirishima cut in with a sharp grin, “who even says you’re gonna win?” 
Kaminari’s mouth opened and closed for a bit before he suddenly grinned as well. “Oh it’s on! I’ll show you!” They were starting to get fired up for sure.
“Winner gets a kiss on the cheek from Baku!” Ashido suddenly blurted out, then erupted into peals of laughter at the look on the ash-blond’s face. 
“FUCK no!” Bakugou yelled, his face turning slightly red. You all started to laugh at his expression, which only seemed to make him even more pissed off. “If you think I’m gonna-” 
“Aw come on, Bakugou!” Ashido let out another loud cackle. “Kith kith!”
“It’s not a good friendship if it isn’t at least a little bit gay,” Kaminari remarked with a wink, making Bakugou shoot him a glare. Though it wasn’t that effective with how red his face was.
“NO! Fuck you guys, I won’t judge your stupid competit-”
“I dunno, a kiss on the cheek from Bakugou? I’d take it.” You smirked as Bakugou whipped his head towards you, giving you a harsh stare. You made a few kissing noises at him in return, and he averted his eyes with a scowl. 
“That’s cuz y’all are dating already. Pack it up, lovebirds.” Kaminari waved his hand dismissively at you, making you roll your eyes in good nature. 
“Whatever,” Bakugou grumbled, crossing his arms. “Let’s get this shit started with already. Get to it!” 
With hardly much of a countdown, you all set off to work, scrambling to unpack your bags. You hadn’t really known what to make, so you had just ended up grabbing some mushrooms with cream cheese and spinach to stuff them with. Grabbing the mushrooms, you started taking them out of their package so you could cut off their stems. 
You didn’t really intend to get that absorbed into your work, but you did anyways. You were vaguely aware of Bakugou stalking around the kitchen, keeping an eye on the others. You had no idea what everyone else was planning to make, seeing that you’d all split up at the grocery store. You supposed that would add a bit of mystery to the competition. 
It hadn’t even been five minutes before you heard Bakugou open his big mouth. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” he asked, and you glanced up to see him near Kaminari. “There’s enough garlic here to kill every fucking vampire in Japan!” 
“Mean!” Kaminari huffed out in response. You snorted, then turned back to your task, tediously chopping away. Bakugou wasn’t kidding when he said he would roast all of you. 
“Shitty hair, are you fucking insane?” Came Bakugou’s incredulous voice a few minutes after. “You used so much oil the U.S. wants to invade your fucking pan!” 
Ashido let out a loud cackle at that, only causing Bakugou to whip around in her direction with a glare. He stomped over to her. “And what the hell are you laughing at, huh?” When she only continued to giggle, he frowned. “Hey panini head, are you even fucking listening to me? Look at the mess you’re making, it’s like you don’t even know decent fucking organization.” She sobered up quickly after that. 
“Damn Bakugou, you’re really going all out with the roasts today,” Sero said, though the way his voice was strained let you know he was trying really hard not to laugh. 
“What’d you fucking expect? All of you are terrible in the kitchen,” the ash-blond responded, still hovering around Ashido. 
Eventually, Bakugou made his way over to you, peering over your shoulder at the way you were mincing the mushroom stems. 
“Babe,” he said quietly into your ear, reaching his hand around you to hold the hand that was gripping onto the stems. “You should curl your fingers in like this.” He tucked your fingers in until you had nearly formed a fist. “That way you won’t accidentally chop your damn fingers off.” 
“Like this?” you asked as you started slicing the stems up again, careful not to accidently clip yourself. 
“Yeah, you got it,” he said as he patted your shoulder. You gave him a small smile. Who knew he could actually be pretty helpful when he wanted?
“Hey, how come you didn’t yell at [Name]??” Kaminari exclaimed from across the kitchen. He’d likely been spying on the two of you. “Not fair!”
“I smell favoritism...” Ashido clicked her tongue, still focused on her work. “That’s not very cash money of you, Bakugou.” 
“Last I fucking checked I was dating [Name], not you idiots!” Bakugou snarled, then stomped his way back to Kaminari. “What the fuck is that supposed to be, dunce-face?”
“Sauce? I think I deserve some praise for its consistency, don’t you think?” 
“You deserve a kick to the nuts, that’s what.” 
“Well!” Sero suddenly announced a few moments later. “I’m done.” 
“What??” Kirishima called out as he looked up with wide eyes. 
“Already?!” Ashido screeched, glancing at the clock. “It hasn’t even been twenty minutes! What did you make??”
“Sandwiches.” Sero grinned, and you peered over from your work station to see a small stack of what looked like turkey sandwiches on a plate. “Hey, you said we could make anything. It didn’t have to be high maintenance.” 
Bakugou stormed over to Sero, inspecting the sandwiches with squinted eyes. It looked like all Sero had done was slap together bread, turkey, and cheese. Lazy, but efficient, you supposed. 
“Soy sauce face, these sandwiches are plainer than Deku’s fucking face!” Bakugou barked at him, grabbing one of them to slap against Sero’s cheek. “Put some more fucking effort into them, for fuck’s sake!” Sero only shrugged, unperturbed by the piece of bread that suck to the side of his head. 
By now you had moved on to cooking up the minced mushroom stems and spinach in a pan. You had added some seasoning to them, and just stood there slowly stirring the spinach leaves, waiting for them to shrink down. Bakugou wandered his way back to you, watching your progress. 
“Here, you can probably put the fire up a bit more,” he told you as he cranked the little knob on the stove up a smidgen. “And it looks like you can start adding the cream cheese now.” 
“Do you think I should add this much cream cheese?” you asked him as you gestured to the full container and a half’s worth that you had. He contemplated for a second, then shook his head. 
“Nah, one should be enough, maybe a little less,” he said as he stepped away. You nodded, then started stirring in the cream cheese into the pan. 
“Man, that smell of favoritism is really starting to get more potent in here,” Ashido commented snidely from her spot. She only got the middle finger stuck up at her from Bakugou. 
The rest of the time went by without a hitch - for you at least. You’d managed to finish the filling for the mushrooms, then stuffed them and tossed them into the oven to bake for twenty minutes. You spent most of your waiting time just watching Bakugou stalk back and forth, yelling at your friends for their dumbassery in the kitchen. At one point, you’d gotten a text from Sero, and the two of you ended up playing iMessage games together to pass the time. 
how tf are u so good at 8ball :(, you texted to Sero as Bakugou called Kaminari a ‘fucking donkey’ in the background. 
all in the wrist babey, he replied as Kirishima nearly burned the building down. 
At long last, time was up. You all gathered your creations and placed them in a neat little line in front of Bakugou, who was standing on the opposite side of one of the counters. He eyed each of your meals, from Sero’s plain sandwiches, to Kirishima’s sad noodles. 
“You guys cook like grandpa’s fuck.” Bakugou clicked his tongue, eyeing some of your meals with obvious distaste. You bit your lip to hold in a snort. “Let’s hope you don’t fucking kill me with your shitty meals.” 
He started off with Kirishima. The redhead had made stir fried noodles - or tried to, at least. His heart was in the right place but... well, he really didn’t know his way around the kitchen. 
“Shitty hair,” Bakugou said as he finished shoveling down a forkful of the noodles and taking a large gulp of water after. “These noodles are so fucking burnt they need to go to Recovery Girl for fifth degree burns.”
“Aw come on man.” Kirishima pouted as he looked at his meal. “They can’t be that bad.”
“Try it for yourself then, cuz I’m not gonna fucking put myself through pointless suffering like that again.” He then moved on to Ashido, picking up one of her takoyaki balls. It nearly fell apart on his fork, but he still bit into it. Then promptly spat it back out into a napkin he snatched from his pocket. “Raccoon eyes this squid is so fucking raw I can still hear it telling Spongebob to fuck off!” 
“But it’s made of octo-”
“I don’t fucking care. You surprise me with how shitty you are, you really do.”
“How cruel, Bakugou!!” Ashido put a hand over her heart dramatically, but he just ignored her. He didn’t even bother to judge Sero’s, skipping right over him to Kaminari. He looked down impassively at the plate of spaghetti, then reluctantly tried it. Just looking at it you knew the sauce was too runny and the noodles were overcooked. 
“Dunce face, I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you,” Bakugou growled as he gestured to his meal. “Every day you cross the threshold of stupidity I hold you to. It’s actually impressive.” 
“I’ll count that as a compliment.” Kaminari shrugged, looking sadly at his spaghetti. 
Finally, it was your turn. Bakugou eyed your mushrooms for a moment, then picked one up and popped it into his mouth. You waited as he chewed, then swallowed, his face set in a neutral expression. 
“Finally,” he said, pointedly looking down at your creation. “Some good fucking food.” 
“Boo! Should’ve known [Name] would win.” Ashido crossed her arms, pouting at your meal. “This competition was rigged from the start.” 
“Well we do cook together a few times a week,” you cheekily said as you grinned. “It’s all about practice.” 
“I guess we just... dump all this out, then.” Kaminari sighed loudly as he picked up his watery spaghetti. 
“Oh no you fucking don’t!” Bakugou hissed out as he glared at each of the others. “You’re not wasting food.”
“You don’t... expect us to EAT this, do you?” Kirishima asked incredulously as he stared at his charcoaled stir fry. When all he got was a crooked smirk from Bakugou, he pressed his hands against his face, a horrified look on his face. 
“I think I might die if I eat raw octopus,” Ashido said, and you could already see a queasy look forming on her face. “I’m just gonna... cook it some more...” 
“You should’ve made something simpler.” Sero shrugged as he took a bite from his dry ass sandwich. 
“That’s what you all get for being so fucking bad in the kitchen,” Bakugou huffed. As the others complained about their meals and attempted to fix them up somewhat for actual consumption, you turned to catch Bakugou’s attention. 
“So,” you grinned as you locked eyes with him. His eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment, then back up to your eyes. “What’s my prize?” 
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sly-merlin · 2 years
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#so if u dont see me for a month on tumblr or discord or insta or i dont reply then feel free to make an assumption??😂bcs refuting it would
My Top Posts in 2021
90s love unit reaction - you wearing their jersey!
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Hello! Idk if the requests are opened but i'm in my soft feels and i was wondering if you could (whenever you are ready) to do an nct reaction(90s love line up) to you wearing their jersey with their name on it🥺(Hope you are doing well and have a great day/night🌺✨)
A/n : i know it's late but i hope you are still softie!
Ten | 10
😤Ego booster!
What time is it?
Show off time!
Wrapping his one arm around your shoulder, he strolls for the classroom, giving subtle looks to every bystander. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
To your horror, you never know what he's been doing behind your back all these months.
He loved couple outfits and since you had nothing that would match his jersey, he gave you one of his so you won't break the little love tradition you have!
But now the couple outfit agenda was not to feel and look cute but rather to show that he was with you and you were with him!
Full copyright over each other without any external interference!
Bye bye to all the fangirls and fanboys who thought they would see the end of this relationship.
And for him, in his clothes you looked like you were curated by the heavens just for him.
Also the jersey he wears when he matches with you, has YOUR NAME on it.
And it's only fair right?
Winwin | 7
"You are going to be the mother of my kids. No questions asked"
The first time you wear his jersey, the sentence comes out of his mouth involuntarily.
After that, he finds himself spitting it again and again whenever he sees you in his clothes because he simply EXPLODES.
He views this as an act of acceptance towards him. And it makes him happy to say the least!
All the love floodgates open automatically when you leave the bathroom wearing that number 7
He doesn't involves you both in too much PDA because LAZY LOVE BIRDS don't wanna leave the house.
It's all about cuddling and kisses on the couch as he throws multiple love confessions your way!
Mark | 2
The moment you took front row seats in the arena and shouted your precious boyfriend's name, his whole body convulsed.
One second he was staring at your figure and the next second, hyuck was screeching because mark had dropped the heavy kit on his right foot!ಥ‿ಥ
See the full post
602 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 22:36:54 GMT
So sad that the blog is close :( but yess can you please recommend some good exo stuff thank you!
okay so these blogs and writings are of elite kind. once you start reading, you’d be lost. if u r an old exo fanfic fan then you already know all of these. but yeah lets go- GO RAID THESE BLOGS EVERYONE
-the blogs i love-  read everything on their blog please
 @whimsical-ness @baekwell--tart @monicaexol @gyeommark @uhoh-exoscenarios @narika-a @krreader @noona-clock @vampwrrr (there’s no masterlist. there’s a mistresslist) @ninibears-erigom-fics @suho-mochi @ohh-baekhyun @j-pping @kpopfanfictrash @yehet-me-up @yeoldontknow
@soobadnoonecanstopher @saintloey
- some of my fav one shots that i used to consume like drugs ( i still go back to these)
On another note, read everything on these blogs too😂
@mint-yooxgi - trust me (yixing) (tho i recommend the whole blog. this one is a bit toooo gooood)
@kpopfanfictrash - begin (baek)
@whimsical-ness - fool’s gold, hook line and sinker
- series
@gyeommark - inflection point ( my first binge read ever and i still remember how i felt when i read it SJCBHDBDBHVLDHVIW absolute masterpiece)
@yehet-me-up - exodus mall ( my fav is yixing!)
@thinkyoureholy - the woman scorned ( kji, kjm) (i used to be a fan anon and my fav was jm)
@thinkyoureholy - sweet lies and guess who (baeky)
@8bityeol  - boundaries (kind of 2 parts) ( i go uwuwuuwuwu)
@baekwell-tart - trauma ( she’s on break. bt yeah i’m happy reading those 8 chapters again and again and again..)
@singingunderthecurtain - baby fever series
@kyungseokie - dichotomy (baeky, suho)
@koreanshortcake trapped with you (kai mafia arrange marriage au)(nt completed)
@neonlights92 - that way (baek)
@babykpopsweets @narika-a   @taexual  @theexomafiablog
@biaswreckingfics  @ellebabywrites @jinniepeach
- sugar daddy aus
@singingunderthecurtain - this tie is getting tight around my neck (sehun)
See the full post
481 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 11:36:09 GMT
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Characters : college student jaemin x fellow student fem reader
Genre : established relationship. Fluff, romance, CUTIE CUTIE fluff, smut
Word count :8k
Warnings : y/n is dramatic. dom! jaemin, oral(m receiving), choking, praising unprotected sex.
Summary : love. How can four Letters be enough to express the storms that your feelings were? To say, they were mere four letters yet the tedium required to utter them was making you lose your sanity with each passing day. And he wasn’t helping either. the person you had started to adore in such a short time. the person who was slowly becoming your little something. Would you ever find a way to utter the simplest of words?say it? Nope don’t say it! It’s too early! No it’s not! Why life is so hard??
A/n : this story is based on a detailed prompt curated by @theworld-accordingtocasey and i just tried to do what i could with this. Belated happy birthday dear. I hope you like this! Also i’m not a romance writer so plz have mercy on this poor baby if you all don’t feel most of the things!! One instance is something i’ve lived so you all better find it cute!
tagging : @hotsaucejeno
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Three months ago
It felt like a bee had hijacked your class that day. Someone in the classroom was wholeheartedly trying to disturb each and every student present at that time. As much as you wanted to focus on the small words written on the board, the voice resonated annoyingly in your ears. Well you were just peacefully suffering like every other fellow classmate, nothing special until the voice started whispering names and not so quietly at that. From the start you had a doubt as to the owner of the mouse voice but it was concreted when your name was shouted by the disturber of the peace, louder than others.
and the voice had successfully drawn the professor away from his board.
"Y/n l/n" teacher's crude voice forced you to jump out of the chair. "What is happening here? You all being newbies doesn't excuse you from creating ruckus in the class. Now who is it? Tell me at once or you all will be punished equally"
"Lee donghyuck!" Two voices had answered harmoniously,one being yours and other...
And Lee Donghyuck was long forgotten when you had whipped your head to meet the eyes of the blue haired boy. Na jaemin, who, very unexpectedly, had submitted his friend as a meal to the professor and was now returning your questionable gaze with his unpredictable eyes.
Your precious stare was broken by none other than Donghyuck himself when he had muttered filthy curses at his friend but before leaving the classroom, he had regarded you with such evil eyes that there was no way you couldn’t have laughed at his face. And unaware of someone’s curiosity, you continued with your lecture.
Next time you had crossed paths with na jaemin was in an equally amusing setting like before. While walking out of the cafetaria with your daily dose of coffee, you had collided with donghyuck who had spilled lemonade on your shirt and right when you had tried to avenge yourself by pouring your drink on him, jaemin had caught your wrists, prying them away from his friend.
“You both need to shake hands like good kids you are.”
while donghyuck had let out gagging noises at your non-consensual handshaking, you had just stiffened at the strange touch of jaemin’s hand on yours that was forcing you to envelope your fingers with donghyuck. The whole cafeteria had laughed at the replay of preschool memories but you, like a teenage girl, had lost yourself in the foreign warmth on the back of your hand. The momentary "crush" had crushed you a bit right then and there. Except it wasn’t of transitory nature at all.
“Try to be friends with each other so we won’t have any problems in future? Okay?” he had cooed and at first you hadn’t felt the need to understand his vague statement, dismissing it in your head as donghyuck threw you a stink eye, but when he had draped his jacket into your arms and whispered “check the pocket” in your ear for all the world to see, you had finally put the pieces together.
The spill.
The jacket.
The number written under a red heart only for you to see
He was some real hopeless romantic kind!
And that’s how you had got the license to shamelessly survey your boyfriend, the na jaemin who was sitting across from you in the classroom. Like an obedient student, he was jotting down something in his notebook and being the exceptional student you were, you deemed his side profile more important than the yelling your professor was busy with. He looked quite relaxed even though hyuck was grazing his ears with some folded paper in his hand. It was always one or other thing with this boy but you had long decided to forgive him for his past nuisances just for being the harbinger of happiness for you. But right now he was obstructing your view and you didn’t like that at all.
“Should I give you a knife to stab hyuck?”
Jessica, your best friend interjected.
“More like a rose to hit jaem with.” instantly, you cringed at yourself for saying that.
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451 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 17:42:15 GMT
Can i feel a little more?
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Characters - sugar baby jeno x sugar momma reader (soft dom jeno?)
Words - 2.1k
Genre - fluff, he's a worried baby, protective, caring
warnings - language, mention of stupid men ogling at women like they are objects( ik i hate them too), teasing, kissing(lots of), unprotected sex(something to avoid in real world), filthy for minors so don't look here.
Summary -
jeno and your relationship goes beyond the agreed consideration terms. Where's the problem? NOBODY DUCKING ADMITS(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and some other unsaid troubles
Requested by : @raibebe my waifu wanted my take on sugar baby jeno! Go check out her series sugar and spice if u wanna know what we r talking about!! I added the plus points too babes🤤you weren't expecting this i know but i hope this is somewhat close? E N J O Y muah muah
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345 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 18:42:30 GMT
How i think i look while writing
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330 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 19:41:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
@raibebe​ lookie here! you are the second most used tag!!!!!
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badassxbirdy · 3 years
Activity Update - 1st September
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It’s time once again for the monthly activity update. These posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This one only includes activity for August, everything else can be found over on my thread tracker (here). At the time of posting I’m up to to date on things as far as I’m aware, so if I owe you a reply, message, meme, etc, please do let me know!
The full activity update is below the cut. Bolded text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, I have opens, memes, and a wishlist, or message me if you have a plot in mind! Alternatively you can just message me to say “WHAT UP, NERD” if you’d like to chat.
Two important OOC notes before we get into the update proper:
I’m still staying with family, and likely will be until October. That means no xkit access so I’m tagging threads with my mobile tag, which is “mobile post: Em’s on the move” and “long post” when needed. Block/filter those tags accordingly if the mobile reblogs become annoying to see on the dash.
I’m having some weirdness with my follow list and discrepancies in who I’m following depending on which platform I’m on. There are some people my tablet says I’m following that my phone says I’m not, so it’s getting rather confusing. I haven’t intentionally unfollowed anyone as of late, so please let me know if I’m no longer following you. If anyone’s softblocked me, my apologies for refollowing. I’m not trying to bother you. Please let me know, or hardblock if you’re more comfortable with that. No hard feelings either way. It’s just hard to tell what’s going on when glitches like this occur.
Now onto the update!
Threads, replies, and all other IC interactions:
“Easy, there. Try to sit up.” - @wolfhymns (Deacon)
Investigating with Fish - @the-immortals-assistant
“Wait a minute, you’re blaming me?!” - @normallyxstrange (Carla)
Meeting the Doctor - @timelxrd-victorious
Revelation - @ko3ak
WHY MUST YOU MAKE IT SAD, ROOK? 😭 - @nightiingaled
“I was just trying to help.” - @normallyxstrange (Casey)
vs the Fried Laptop - @spynerd
“What are you doing?!” - @schwarzerengeltm
Ty? Starting to listen?! Sorcery. - @magaprima
This conversation took a very sad turn. - @schwarzerengeltm
“If you believe in any god, I suggest praying to them now.” - @the-immortals-assistant
First meetings: at the bar - @real-michael-demiurgos
Tyler is relieved. 😂 - @tobeblamed
A very confusing conversation - @harkcr
“Get down!” - @normallyxstrange (Mason)
Awkward cuties! - @heavenguided
“Are you following me?” - @normallyxstrange (Jamie)
Birthday cuteness with the Walkers! 😭 - @nightiingaled
Tyler is concerned. - @seesgood
Ty flees the scene. - @normallyxstrange (Mason)
“What the hell is wrong with you?” - @wolfhymns (Drevyn)
My apologies once again. 😬 - @kxllerblond
Jail cell meme, because our idiots can’t stay out of trouble. 😂 - @schwarzerengeltm
“If you put your nose any deeper into that coffee cup, you’re gonna need a snorkel.” - @normallyxstrange (Dylan)
Important food questions and wine stealing. - @deliciouslyfilthytm (!crack)
“You’re being followed.” - @kiingstech
“Does it still hurt?” - @normallyxstrange (Mason)
Escape! - @schwarzerengeltm
OTP reunion! 😭 - @nightiingaled (Killian)
“I don’t wanna hear it, McCrane.” - @nightiingaled (Killian)
Headcanons, dash commentary, crack, and various silliness:
“It was unprofessional okay? 😤”
What obscure love language are you?
What does your muse consider the challenge they could never overcome?
What happens when someone tries to ask Mel out.
Never let any of the Walkers bake.
Horrific food ideas.
She doesn’t like Friday the 13th.
The most Tyler moment in the whole of BtVS.
Clark insults Tyler’s fashion choices.
Sokol also insults Tyler’s fashion choices. 😂
Ty insults Sokol’s fashion choices.
“What’s your least favorite food?”
“Ty, do you believe in soulmates?”
Ty talking to Lilith be like…
Why I use activity updates.
Damon belongs in horny jail.
Secure small items. 😂
Drabble: A very one sided conversation.
Drabble: Ty’s home, and she won’t sleep.
An eye for an eye. LOL just kidding, ALL THE PARTS.
OOC housekeeping:
I made a very serious and well designed promo. It’s extremely serious and very ✨aesthetic.✨
Blog description updated.
Rules updated, mainly for clarity on things I’ve had questions about.
If anyone else makes gifs in procreate, and knows why a border may be missing pieces after exporting, please hmu.
Guess who has a Wire now?
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