#let me talk to zbaltazar he believed in me I have to tell him that I did it bluetwelve studio pLEASE
biribaa · 2 years
Yandere!Outsiders x human!reader headcanons(200 followers special)
yipee 200+ people in the world who are interessed in my writing. Thank yall, never thought my romantic scenarions thoughts would make some people happy lol, mainly bcuz i never dated someone and also bcuz im demiromantic so thought it was all just a bad romance coming from a 12 years old mf but dont get me wrong I rlly like my writing, but just bcuz I like it doesnt mean people around me will like it, but (impressively), no. Again, I thank you for having good taste
TW/CW: Yandere behavior, death, violantion, killing, manipulation, gaslight
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Definitely one of the most jealous of all the others, but being jealous doesn't mean being violent. Momo easily gets jealous and if you communicate way too much with others, for sure at one time or another Momo will lock you in his house and take care of you himself.
But among them all, Momo is the one who feels most guilty about his own actions, the only thing he wanted is to have you in his arms! It's not his fault he has so many people to get in the way.
Shy, actually. Whether you're mad that he locked you in forever or not, he's hesitant to show you affection no matter how much he wants to. After all, look at you compared to him. You are a being of pure kindness who blessed him with your presence, he is nothing but a crumb, a miserable and dirty crumb, he shouldn't even have the right to look as grandiose as you.
Momo is the one who most prevents violence among all, either with you or with other people. But, if the case is really accurate, like someone finding out about his obssesion for you, Momo will have no choice but to make a quick kill.
For someone who kidnapped you and locked you in their own house, Momo respects you very well and wants to prevent you from getting uncomfortable, mainly your personal space. Okay, but let's imagine the following scenario: You escaped, well, you made an attempt to escape, but Momo got you back, how will he act after that? Momo will try to get closer to you and watch you more, trying to prevent such a thing from happening again.
Momo is happy with any kind of compliment or physical affection coming from you, whether it was accidental or not, he is so grateful and dumbfounded that he is so lucky to have you, he still doesn't believe he will be the first companion who will receive affection from you, not just anyone, but you, he feel so, SO luck and grateful for having gained a measly touch from your delicate fingers.
Very caring, yet, very dangerous.
Doc takes care of you, he's kind and sweet friend, but that doesn't mean he has another side he wants to prevent you from getting to know. His obsession. His sick, disgusting, annihilating obsession towards you. Doc could spend minutes, hours, days, weeks and even years explaining how big his obsession is for you.
Doc is not an idiot, he is a strategist, and don't doubt me when I tell you that he is going to make one of the biggest strategies of his life to eliminate all those in the way and have only you.
Doc loves to offer help to you, he's almost always willing to help, even when he's definitely busy, he's willing to help you with anything.
Besides helping you, Doc also gives you lots of gifts to make you happy mainly because that's the main thing he wants to see from you, happiness.
Honestly, Doc doesn't even care if he's dating you or not, he just wants to see you well and healthy, and Doc could eliminate anyone who might be causing the opposite. Don't get me wrong, Doc would absolutely love to have you cuddle next to him, but he'd rather have a happy reader than a sad, partner reader.
"Oh, pff, they? Don't you worry, dear, I had a chit chat with they."
If Doc can't have you on his side all the time, fine, he'll find a way, he'll find a way to bring your presence to his house. I'm not talking about kidnapping, I'm talking about photos, personal and/or non-personal items, and clothes. You don't understand, Doc can't control his obsession, he has to find a way to satisfy it.
Probably the most creepy.
Doc makes absurd strategies to get closer to you, with a big sweet vibe, Zbaltazar on the other hand, focuses more on killing the victims, and he's not afraid to announce it, it's cold, and bitter. And what's sinister isn't the fact that he kills, it's the way he reacts, he kills companions as if he does it every day, it even seems to be boring to him.
Zbaltazar will manipulate you and gaslight you, and make you totally dependent on him and make you afraid of the rest of the world just for you to always seek him and have only him as a help option
Zbaltazar just doesn't mind grabbing you with his dirty hands from the last elimination. After all, why would you run away in fear? You depend on him, you can't just get out without him.
Zbaltazar convinces you to stay with him with rewards like food, water, affection, etc.
Zbaltazar also tries to gaslight you to believe that everyone—except Zbaltazar—are lying and fake people so you can only be with him.
you didn't fall for Zbaltazar's manipulation? Too bad, now you've been kidnapped to be with him, that's the only option he can find 100% effective to finally have you.
It's very uncomfortable to stay in Zbaltazar's apartment, even alone you always feel watched...
If you try to run away, and then get caught, Zbaltazar will punish you so you don't make the same mistake again. And NO I'm not talking about sexual things, that would be r#pe and I hate to write about it, I'm talking about locking you in a dark room to see where the peak of your sanity goes.
"Lovely. All these attempts of yours are lovely, I really, really admire your determination. Unfortunately, all these attempts are completely useless."
The way Clementine is aggressive is scary even to me.
Clementine will ALWAYS show you and everyone else that she is in charge, she always puts her hand on your waist or shoulders so people are aware that you belong to her, and she will always send an aggressive and uncomfortable look at people who have been with you for a long time.
Clementine doesn't even try hiding it, sometimes when you're walking with her down the street she might take a bat, but if the case is something more romantic or you got mad at her because of her violent personality, she will try to take a smaller weapon and hide it, or just prepare her fists.
WAY too protective, Clementine would definitely stop everything she's doing if she hears someone is flirting with you.
But ignoring all of Clementine's completely aggressive character, she does want to do sweet and romantic things with you, and she's not even that abusive and invasive, it's actually cute. Head in lap, cuddles with rain outside, making food together, yep, sweet things.
Of course, Clementine has her limits of patience with you. If you run away too much, there will come a time when Clementine will just snap ande scream at you like a insane person, she yells at you like an angry person but she talks about things like how she is madly in love with you and how she does everything for you but you are not satisfied and etc. Minutes later or almost immediately, Clementine will apologize, and offer you some alone time (don't get your hopes up she locked the doors and windows).
Yandere Clementine is much quieter than she ever was, and her entire silence is already menacing, her gaze? Even more, and her bat? If someone quote, their brains will already be all over the floor.
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allydave · 2 years
Stray the Video Game: frequently features the theme of ‘leaving behind the past in order to progress into the future’ both in the words of the characters and in the plot itself
The Fandom: fuck you i want to go back and talk to every single npc in the entire city just like you could in undertale
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