#let my girl be jealous and bitter and totally in denial about it
amyisherenowitsokay · 3 years
Zagr for the ship ask 😤😤😤 every single one bitch
I cannot believe you have bombarded me like this. Appalled. Insulted. Astounded.
Please enjoy my entire analysis of my fictional totally canonical ship.
1. How did they first meet?
Dib, but also school.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
I think they're both initially incredibly dismissive of one another. Zim thinks the entire fate of the Armada's reputation lying on his shoulders, and Gaz really has too many personal problems even as a kid to deal with; neglectful Dad, overprotective, stupid brother, etc.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Okay so hear me out; I think Skoodge and Professor Membrane would be so obnoxious in the best way. And Gir, whenever his attention span lets him remember long enough to scream about it. But I think Membrane would be chipper about Gaz finding someone, even long before she admits she's even interested, and Skoodge would want Zim to be happy and is unconditionally supportive, especially when Zim is mopey whenever his advances are rebuffed.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Honestly, I love a Zim simp, but I genuinely think it'd be Gaz. Zim is obviously a Defect capable of feeling a larger range of emotions than other Irkens, but he still didn't receive socialization that makes 'romantic rituals' in any way natural to him. So I think Gaz and him would buddy up platonically and casually, initially, until she realizes she likes his company a little too much and freaks out about it.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Gaz does, 100%, and she's way more stubborn about it then Zim. I think Zim's denial is just that he doesn't "get" romance (see above) and what's going on with him, but once he understands he's fully down to bombard Gaz with affection, flirtations, and other over-the-top simp behavior until she stops pretending she's not gritting her teeth while fighting a blush.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Zim doesn't know what a soul is, but he does begin to understand the concept that they can be taken from human's in bargains. He becomes distracted by the topic. Bringing it up again later would have him largely dismissive.
Gaz would roll her eyes, and be extremely bitter about the idea that there is anyone 'made' for her. She's very independent, and I think someone with the sort of familial issues she does with no role model for a 'happy' family would be really resistant to being bound to someone in a way that would entitle them to her vulnerabilities. She'd be extremely resentful, dismissive, and irritable.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Really unfulfilled, listless. Without that companionship, they would never develop into people capable of meaningful relationships. I think both of them are very independent. Zim may claim he likes an audience, but there's an undeniable anxiety that he gets when faced with judgement. If it's anything but unwaveringly positive, he becomes delusional and creates a fantasy world in which everyone loves him, and the situation was just an initial misinterpretation. Gaz would have good friends, I think, but accepting Zim and his oddities and realizing she genuinely relates to someone who knows everything about her (via her brother + proximity + time) and is still here would mean a lot to her development.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Zim, without a doubt. Gaz may like Zim first, but she's completely in denial about it and completely stubborn. Zim is oblivious, and also a big ass simp, so his persistence and patience eventually gets Gaz to let her guard down and accept that she has hormones, she has romantic inclinations, and apparently they've both decided Zim is it. Time to be a big girl and accept it.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Honestly, I don't think they're the 'date' type of couple. I am probably 100% projecting since my boyfriend and I did not have an official 'date' until like 6 months into our first relationship, where we paused, turned to each other and were like 'wait is this our first date?' because we're homebodies whose idea of fun is projects. I think Zim and Gaz would hang out regularly, but it wouldn't ever be like a formal 'we are going to Bloaty's/the movies/etc as a date,' but rather 'I am going here and you are coming with me so I guess we are going together' thing. Zim doesn't get the point of a date, because if a date is by definition doing an activity together, then aren't they perpetually on a date? And Gaz isn't really a 'let's go to dinner formally' kind of person. They hang out, they go places, but it's never really a 'thing.'
3. What was their first kiss like?
I firmly believes Gaz would have to walk Zim through every aspect of physical affectionate. Zim is really wary about it, but I do think there's an instinct towards good ol' copulation, as well as a longing for positive touch after so long getting his ass whooped in the Academy, that would make him frustrated trying to figure out what this desire is. I think their first kiss is Gaz explaining to Zim, after he asks her outright what else there is after tame stuff like cuddling and hand holding, and Gaz walks him through the concept, implications, and so on until he feels ready to bravely and firmly try it.
While that does sound pretty clinical, I think actually it'd be really emotional for both of them. Zim would be really overwhelmed by how much passion is in a kiss, and Gaz would be similarly overwhelmed since, going into the relationship, she probably never anticipated Zim being interested in anything sexual, so any physical affection he expresses interest in is a surprise to her.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I think Gaz probably would try out a few brief relationships, but never anything substantial or dramatic. Zim's never been in a relationship, so Gaz is his first everything. I do think they'd be each other's first sexual relationship, but I think Gaz would have most of her more minimal firsts with other people prior to Zim.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Zim older. I normally write Zim as the same height as Gaz, or only a little taller. Neither of them are tall. I do respect you 'short king' stans though.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Dib hates Zim, firmly and completely, at the beginning of their relationship. It takes a lot of self-reflection, meaningful sibling discussions, and probably a few screaming matches that eventually get to the real root of the issue (Dib's ingrained fear that something would happen to Gaz, and that it'd his fault) before he came around. Zim is a big petty bitch and would gleefully antagonize him. They would never stop sniping at each other, but they'd begrudgingly (sort of) behave for Gaz. They would eventually become frenemies and bros, but they'd die and also kill each other before admitting any sort of cordiality.
Professor Membrane adores Zim, and treats him like the son he never had/always wanted, the one who wants to have long discussions about science and can keep up with the theoreticals. Gaz hates it.
The Base and Gaz are cool. They have an understanding borne from two sentient creatures who have found themselves in the position of trying to keep Zim from killing himself, killing other people, or from coming to (too much) harm. Gaz initially hates Gir, but eventually she figures out how to get him to chill out when it's important. Minimoose and her are also cool, but he creeps Gaz out a little.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Zim thinks he does, but it's really just Gaz slapping her hand over his mouth before he can say something stupid, or translating whatever nonsense just came out of his mouth when he's done talking.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Zim. Not even a question.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Zim. Also not even a question.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Gaz. Zim doesn't know what it means until she explains it. It takes him awhile to internalize it and reciprocate verbally, but Gaz is okay with that. He shows her how much he cares in other ways.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Without a doubt, Zim's is touch. Once he gets used to it, he's really greedy and possessive about proximity. Just having Gaz bump his arm is sometimes enough to set the worst of his nerves at ease.
Gaz's is acts of service. She's fine with Zim being physically clingy, but it means a lot to her how unflinching he is about protecting her, anticipating her needs, and remembering things.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Zim. Gaz hates them, but she tolerates it. Sometimes.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Cuddling is very frequent. Zim will just sort of shift in behind Gaz if she's playing a game and cling, and she'll just keep doing what she's doing until she's eventually done and reciprocates. Explicit PDA never happens, but Zim is very clingy and physically will plant himself between Gaz and people who he's distrustful towards.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Gaz. I think Zim would cling to her like a barnacle at every opportunity, but Zim would likely usually defer to Gaz for escalating intimacy.
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
Zim big spoon. PAK too uncomfortable to let him be the little spoon.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
I think just being around each other while they do projects, game, etc. would be their favorite thing to do. Sharing in hobbies without feeling pressured to be entertaining, but still feeling like their presence is valued and wanted by the other.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Being a people, and having more emotional competency, Gaz is better. Zim does his best though.
9. Who’s more protective?
Zim, if we're talking about quantity. Gaz, however, if we're talking about quality. Zim screams at chihuahuas for looking at Gaz, and also does protect her from genuine threats, but he overreacts frequently. Gaz, however, would know when Zim's out of his depth and would break the spine of anything that's a threat to him.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical, for both. Neither of them is really used to verbal affection, whether it be giving or receiving. It's a lot more natural to be demonstrative.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Me, cackling as I copy and paste this link that I imagine is from their mutual perspectives:
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
There's lots, and I'm sure most of them are inside jokes, but the tops are Zimmothy + Little Gaz.
13. Who remembers the little things?
It's hard to say. Zim would retain an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Gaz, and tries to spoil her and accommodate her at every opportunity, but Gaz never forgets to pack an extra umbrella and a raincoat.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
No one but their mutual 'families.' A very small, intimate ceremony. The reception though is massive, courtesy of Professor Membrane who has no idea how to separate his personal life with his public one.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
0 kiddos. Cannot product viable, compatible DNA to produce a spawn.
4. Do they have any pets?
Does Gir count?
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
If Gir is the child, Zim. Gaz will let him get away with murder, both because she can't be bothered to control him, and also because she thinks it's funny how mad Zim gets when she lets him go wild.
6. Who worries the most?
Between Gaz "apathetic is my middle name" Membrane and Invader "I have perpetual anxiety" Zim? No idea.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Gir. He eats them long before anyone can find them. But both Gaz and Zim will point out any he misses.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Zim fucking hates Christmas, so him and Membrane get down in a bunker for it while Dib and Gaz spend some sibling time somewhere, drinking cocoa and video chatting with the respective morons. Other holidays, they basically go wherever Professor Membrane is in the world with Dib to have a 'family' holiday.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Zim doesn't sleep, but he likes the resting and the peacefulness of getting to curl around Gaz in her sleep without her leaving. So him by default.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Zim has a 'kiss the chef' apron and everything.
11. Who likes to dance?
Neither of them, but Zim does 'victory dances' compulsively.
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ahgaseda · 4 years
aura | one
driving me crazy, look in my eyes, follow me, come here, dance with me now, I’m gonna make you feel like that...
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summary : back again at a camp for kids that can’t behave, you are still brokenhearted over your ill-fated romance with Jaebeom, until your friend Jackson offers to help make your ex jealous in exchange for helping him land the most unattainable girl at camp.
warnings : strong profanity, explicit dialogue, recurring alcohol or recreational drug use, graphic sexual content, brief mentions of illegal activities, potentially triggering elements involving toxic relationships and emotional manipulation, etc.
miniseries chapters : one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
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The sun was too bright. Rays pierced the gossamer curtains and shone into your eyes. You vaguely recollected your mother bursting in and throwing the windows open, ordering you to get up. Now, the sun had risen and you were cutting it close.
With a grumble, you threw the blanket over your head and rolled over, eager to sleep the day away. And maybe tomorrow, too.
Being in a constant state of denial and dread was exhausting.
Slowly, you drifted back into a dream. Well, maybe less a dream and more a memory. Perhaps it was all a fantasy at this point, the way you recounted it, lingering on only the good parts.
You remembered every insignificant detail of that night - the night you reached your greatest high and deepest low in the span of an hour. The moon had been full and the crickets were singing. The air had cooled from its typical summer heat, but the dirt was warm beneath your bare toes.
Sneaking off in the middle of the night with a boy. You would have never in your wildest dreams done something so reckless.
But he said he wanted to watch the stars and kiss you beneath the moonlight. Endlessly. You escaped with him down the beaten path, his hand wrapped tightly around yours. Then, he backed you against a tree and kissed you like he had completely run out of patience.
You remembered smiling against his mouth, giggling when his tongue teased your bottom lip. Your hands were on his shoulders while he cradled your face. At some point, you broke away and he stared at the sparkles in your eyes.
“I love you,” was all he said. The first of many lies.
You followed him. It didn’t matter where he went, you were ready to follow him off the edge of the earth if he asked. Jaebeom held you so tenderly, yet tight and secure. You had no hesitations and certainly no regrets when he laid you on your back, kissing you restlessly.
But it was a lie.
You moaned his name when Jaebeom pressed his lips to your neck. You could still remember how your heart thundered uncontrollably whilst he tongued his way between your breasts. You had never wanted someone as badly as you wanted Jaebeom. The boy who made you fall in love with him.
But it was all a lie.
Even the way you whimpered when he took you was a persistent echo in your mind. The noises he had drawn from you were carnal, to say the least. His skin was hot beneath your fingertips, his hair damp when you tangled your hand through his strands, and his naked body heavy on top of yours. He kissed you with such gentle affection when he buried himself inside you.
But it was still a lie.
You truly believed he was making love to you, every last inch of you. He was all you knew in that moment. With Jaebeom, you lived like there was no tomorrow. And you would never forget the way his face tensed with ecstasy, how he groaned your name when he filled you. All you cared about in that moment was his pleasure - his love. It was all you ever wanted.
But it was his biggest lie.
You opened your eyes, tears escaping down your cheeks, and forced away the bitter memories. Every beautiful moment spent with Jaebeom kept coming back and you wanted to set them all aflame until you forgot every single fucking detail.
You remembered how he smelled, how he felt. How his arms flexed around you when he hugged you close. How he smiled when he made you laugh. How he kissed your hand at the most random of times. How he whispered his love into the sensitive skin beneath your ear.
Your heart couldn’t take it anymore. What was once sugar on your tongue turned to ash and dust in your mouth. You didn’t think you were capable of this much pain.
Jaebeom had taught you a very hard lesson. And yet, though you would never admit it to anyone, you still loved him.
Suddenly, the door to your bedroom burst open and a familiar voice announced, “Rise and shine, dear!”
It belonged to your best friend, your childhood rival, and most inconveniently, your next door neighbor.
“Jackson,” you groaned, muffled against your pillow. “Not now. Go away.”
“Baby, you know we on a schedule,” he chirped with the speed of a man who had already ingested too much coffee, grabbing your comforter and ripping it off the bed without mercy.
You cried out at the unexpected cold on your bare legs, curling into the fetal position to try and trap some warmth to your body. You then bounced lightly on the mattress as Jackson leapt into the air and landed on your bed in the most spectacular fashion.
His face moved predictably before yours, inches away, and he was sporting a grin that could be filed under Jackson’s trademarked twisted delight. “It’s camp day,” he said excitedly.
You blinked. “I know.”
Jackson sat up and reached over to smack your butt. “Get up,” he yelled, sidling off your bed. “Breakfast will get cold.”
You huffed profanities under your breath and clambered after him.
Downstairs, your mother and stepfather sat at the kitchen table. Maids attended to them, waiting on their every move. Such was commonplace in the penthouses of preternaturally wealthy people.
“Ah, I knew you could handle it, Jackson,” your mother crooned.
Jackson plopped down at one end of the table, opposite your stepfather with his nose buried in a newspaper. You finished tying the knot of your fluffy bathrobe and took the empty seat across from your mother.
“Everything is packed and loaded in the car,” she informed, her tone a little harsher where you were concerned.
“I promise, Mom,” you began, eyes cast downward. “I won’t go back there again.”
It was true. You were so caught up in negative ways of coping that by the time you realized you were going to get yourself sent back to the one place you would be forced to see Jaebeom again, it was too late.
“Well, if only you had found that resolve last year,” she chided, stabbing a piece of melon with her fork.
You clocked a glance at your friend. Jackson happily stuffed his face, eating everything in sight. Despite living in the penthouse next to yours, with his equally wealthy parents, Jackson opted to eat at your table more often than not.
Preferably so he wouldn’t have to listen to his parents fighting.
“Can we expect the same promise from you, Jackson?” your mother asked, as if she were speaking to her favorite puppy.
She always did love Jackson. He was like the son she never had. Although, in her defense, it wasn’t hard to love Jackson. He was the golden child that every mother’s wet dream was made of.
“Absolutely not,” he retorted politely, grinning from ear to ear. “Some of my closest friends are at that camp.”
Your mother chuckled, having expected as much.
Your stepfather finally lowered the corner of his paper and called your name sternly, as if oblivious - or uncaring - to the conversation taking place.
You glanced up.
“Eat your food. It’s a long drive and I’ll hear nothing of you getting faint on your first day.”
Jackson and your mother both looked to you expectantly.
You flashed him a soft smile and said, “Yes, sir.”
Stepfather number three, despite having more money than God, was surprisingly kind and considered you one of his own. There was a time you overheard him say you were the daughter he always wanted. His three sons had far surpassed mischief and landed in deviance, always on the hunt for his money.
The maid offered sweetly to make you some breakfast, whatever you would like, and you accepted. Jackson swiftly reached over and pinched your cheek in approval.
Most respectable parents would never be so lenient toward a friendship between a girl and a boy, but you knew your mother was hoping you and Jackson would get together. It would be a fine match in high society, given the status of your fathers.
Matter of fact, when she walked in on the two of you eating chocolate and watching movies while cuddled in bed, she was thoroughly disappointed you weren’t having sex.
When you finished eating, you dragged your feet upstairs to your room to get dressed for the trip. Jackson took a few extra minutes to clear his plate and then joined you.
Standing in front of three full panel mirrors in your bra and underwear, you alternated holding skirts up to yourself in the reflection. Jackson folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe.
“What does one wear for total humiliation?” you asked dryly, meeting his eyes in the mirror.
“Plaid probably,” he quipped, uncrossing his arms and slipping into your closet.
You turned, brow furrowed, and waited for him to come back.
When Jackson finally emerged, he tossed you a t-shirt and jeans. Casual at its finest.
You caught the clothes and surveyed them in surprise. “Really?”
“Put ‘em on,” he said, clapping his hands. “Let’s blow this town.”
You pulled the extra tight jeans on, fastening them with a huff, and pestered, “Do you have to be this excited?”
Jackson came close, taking your face between his hands and pushing your cheeks together. “The sooner we get there, the faster we can get drunk.”
You snickered, rolling your eyes.
The two of you came thundering down the stairs, reminiscent of times you and Jackson slid down the banisters as noisy kids. Your mother waited stiffly at the door, almost cracking a smile when you galloped into the kitchen and pressed a kiss in farewell to your stepfather’s cheek.
She may have been after his money like a cat on a mouse, but she inadvertently found a decent father for her only daughter.
Jackson said his hurried, loud goodbyes and slipped through the open door. You slowed down long enough to take your jacket from your mother’s waiting hand and endure one last scrutinizing gaze.
“Is he seeing someone?” she asked softly.
“Nope,” you chuckled, having expected some backhanded remark about your outfit.
Your mother spoke like she read a whimsical poem, “The two of you would make the most perfect couple this side of the Hudson.”
“Love you, too, Mom,” you teased, pecking a kiss on her cheek and trotting out the door.
The limousine rolled out onto the busy streets of New York City and you peered through the tinted windows. You watched as the looming skyscrapers turned to towering green trees.
As the drive went on, your nerves only grew.
With misplaced optimism, you turned to Jackson and said, “Maybe he won’t be there this year.”
Jackson didn’t even look up from his magazine and droned, “He’s been there every year since he was seven.”
You slumped in your seat, defeated. Clapping a hand on your forehead in self-chastisement, you groaned, “I should have been better, not worse.”
Jackson shifted, leaning back against you and resting his head on your chest. “I’ve never seen you so out of control,” he exclaimed, turning a page in the magazine. “And that says a lot.”
It said plenty. Jackson had warned you about Jaebeom many, many times. Though you held his opinion in high regard, you didn’t listen. You were blinded by love and had no one to blame but yourself.
You grabbed a handful of his brown hair and tugged playfully, earning a tiny whine. “Yeah, well,” you murmured, acerbic. “He stole all of the goodness out of me.”
Jackson scoffed and his tone became stern, “Don’t give him so much credit. And don’t put all of your goodness on your virginity, for fuck’s sake.”
You sighed loudly, thinking about Jaebeom and how he made your pulse race, how he sent fire racing down your spine. The thought of him made you want to cry and you quickly clenched your jaws.
“It’s true though, isn’t it? I’m a bad girl now,” you countered, draping your arm over his chest. “I surrendered my virtuous flower to a boy who added another notch to his bed post.”
Of your memories with Jaebeom, and they were countless, among the stolen kisses and soft touches and sweet words, one stood out above all the rest. The last time you saw him - when he told you it was all a lie, just a game.
That he never loved you.
Jackson sat up, setting down his magazine and facing you. He could feel where your thoughts had wandered, screaming at him to ease the pain despite no words leaving your mouth. Meeting your eyes, Jackson wanted you to hear him even though the two of you had been over it many times already.
“You loved him,” he said, sympathetic but firm. “And he made it a good experience for you. Take that away from it.”
“You’re right,” you replied with a nod, holding back the tears and the quivering of your lip. “I need to let it go.”
Jackson cocked his head and pressed, “But?”
He knew you too well.
“But I can’t,” you whispered, lowering your head to hide your face in shame. “I can’t get over being in love with someone who never - not even for a moment - loved me back.”
Jackson balled his hands into fists. It had taken every inch of his goddamn restraint not to hop a plane, show up at Lim Jaebeom’s house, and beat the living shit out of him. You and his mother were the only people he was willing to go to jail for.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you wiped away the one tear that had escaped. You hated Jackson having to see you like this, staring at you like his precious wounded puppy. With a shrug, you gave a scoff and said, “I wonder who he will have his eyes on this year.”
Jackson frowned and settled back into his seat, shaking his head where the likes of Jaebeom was concerned. He knew three months of unadulterated fun for him were going to be total misery for you. For days he racked his brain over what he could do to help you get over Jaebeom.
Then, the metaphorical light bulb clicked over his head. Who would Jaebeom be pursuing this year? With you crossed off his list, there were simply no more challenges to be had.
Jackson smirked. The solution to this problem was clear as day. He would have to make Jaebeom chase you again.
“I have an idea,” Jackson muttered under his breath, eyes gleaming with devilish intent.
“Oh, boy,” you laughed, recognizing his telltale mischief.
Jackson faced you, propping himself on hands positioned at either side of your legs. “You help me bag Yeona and I will help you make Jaebeom jealous,” he said, letting his tongue linger at the corner of his mouth.
Your expression registered nothing but surprise. Yeona was the bane of Jackson’s romantic skills and the eye of his conquests for years. She was the only girl at camp not the least bit impressed with him and that drove him crazy.
At that thought you realized the similar dynamic. “Do you think that would work?” you asked curiously, piqued.
Relieved to see your approval, Jackson nodded. “He’s like me. He wants what he can’t have.”
To some degree, Jackson added in his head. He and Jaebeom had totally different motivations for stealing hearts.
You questioned in disbelief, “So… what? We just walk around making out all the time?”
Jackson snorted. “Within moderation, obviously. Don’t want to completely turn off either of our targets.”
One of the main reasons you never hooked up with Jackson (on more than one occasion you had been tempted) was to spite your insufferable mother after what she had put you through. That being said, you had kissed him more than once. Usually when dared to do so at parties or during sleepovers when you bared your deepest, darkest secrets to each other. It was always innocent, but this felt forbidden and impure.
You loved the idea.
“Hm, okay,” you said, noncommittal. “At this point, I’ll do anything to make him as miserable as I am.”
Jackson grinned and chuckled. “Take my word for it. There is nothing more miserable than blue balls.”
You pursed your lips, mulling, “He’s already had me. He won’t want me again.”
“I’ll convince him you’re worth having,” Jackson replied, his voice a deep rumble in his throat. “And you’ll do the same to Yeona about me.”
“What makes you think Yeona will be that hard to get? You’ve never really pursued her before.”
Jackson slid to the edge of the seat and reached for a bottle of alcohol currently sitting on ice. “She doesn’t believe in sex before marriage.”
That explained why he threw in the towel so quickly. You cocked a brow and chuckled, “Really?”
Jackson nodded, popping open the bottle of champagne and grabbing two glasses. “Yeah, even wears a promise ring.”
“Wow, that’s commitment,” you smarted, taking the flute of bubbly he extended to you.
Jackson glanced up briefly before pouring his own glass, hair falling in his eyes, and said, “Don’t wallow in self-pity again.”
You rolled your eyes and quickly defended, “No, I’m not. It’s just… I wasn’t saving myself for marriage, but I was saving myself for someone that loved me.”
Jackson exhaled loudly.
You hated hearing his disappointment and ranted irritably, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about. It wasn’t even good. There was no leg shaking orgasm. It was messy and uncomfortable and whatever.”
“That’s because it was your first time,” Jackson said, putting the glass to his lips.
You took a sip. “Yeah, I guess.”
Jackson leaned on his side, sizing you up. His eyes drifted up and down your body. He hated seeing you bent out of shape over a boy, least of all hot garbage like Lim Jaebeom.
After a pause, the following words dripped like honey off his tongue, “We could fool around, you know.”
You almost choked on your champagne, wondering if you heard him clearly or if it was a figment of your imagination. You exclaimed, “What?”
“You and me,” Jackson continued, sidling closer. “I could show you what all the fuss is about.”
He sounded so smug when he said that, his voice even deeper. You swallowed at the offer and asked, “Would that be awkward?”
“No, it would just be sex. No strings attached.”
The knife in your heart twisted and you peered at him. “Could you make me forget about Jaebeom?”
Jackson leaned in. “Baby, I could make you see stars.”
Heat flushed behind your cheeks and you glanced away, faltering under the sudden tension in the limousine. “I’ll think about it,” you finally told him.
Satisfied, Jackson grinned and made himself comfortable, opening the magazine again and proceeding to read.
You surveyed Jackson out of the corner of your eye, lingering on his thick thighs. Years of fencing had built him strong, sturdy. When Jackson said he could make you see stars, you were inclined to believe him.
Especially since the vast majority of his exes tended to brag about how good he was in bed.
You thought about Jaebeom. You wanted him to go crazy at the sight of you in Jackson’s arms. You craved revenge, to serve him a taste of his own medicine, no matter what it cost.
The car eventually came to a stop on the gravel road. Attendants were ready to unload your luggage and transport it to your respective rooms. It may have been a camp for unruly brats, but said brats came from very affluent parents.
An older woman stood by the gate, black hair glistening a little too fiercely in the sunlight. Clearly she had sprayed dye on her graying roots.
“Ah, you two again,” she grimaced at yours and Jackson’s approach.
You took the keys from her outstretched hand and continued on your way without a word. Jackson on the other hand, leaned in with puckered lips and jeered, “Always a pleasure, Miss Hamm.”
You continued on the path with your best friend in tow. Your cabin was in sight, on the bluff beside the lake. Jackson’s was adjacent, slightly lower down. Your parents made sure you had the same spots each year, always furnished and equipped with everything you needed.
Some of the campers lived in bunkhouses with other roommates, but not you. Your first year, you swore to your mother if you were forced to bunk with other girls you would not stop until you got yourself sent home. It was an easy compromise to make. She loved traveling during the summer with stepfather number two.
You stopped and pivoted to Jackson, saying, “I’m gonna go freshen up.”
“Alright,” he replied. “Meet at the mess hall?”
Naturally his mind was on food, you mused. “Of course.”
Jackson looped an arm around your waist and pulled you in for a hug, whispering in your ear, “Don’t hide in there from him. Remember - I got your back.”
You nodded, leaning in to kiss his cheek in gratitude.
The two of you broke away at the fork in the road, taking opposite paths to your cabins.
Dropping your purse, you plopped down on the brand new mattress, gripping the sides and looking down at your shoes. The air conditioning had been turned on, the cabin had already cooled off. You would never know how hot it was outside whilst inside your pink-themed prison.
The camp was meant to reform. It didn’t matter that you were a legal adult, you still belonged to a rich and influential family in high society. It was like the parents knew their spoiled, entitled children would indulge in bad behaviors, therefore it was best they did so in controlled environments.
You already imagined the endless nights of booze and debauchery awaiting you for the next three months. Maybe it was time you embraced the darker side of life like you used to, rather than wasting away and pining over a boy.
Rising from the bed, you approached the nearby bathroom and braced your hands on the sink. Studying your reflection, you wanted to curse. You looked like a shadow of your former self.
The girl you knew was confident, vivacious, and a rebel to the core. You were quieter now, tempered. An experience like last summer had opened your eyes to how cruel the world really was.
Still, you were ready to buck up. Jackson had a plan and you were willing to execute if it meant you would have some kind of absolution. Splashing water on your face, you dabbed your cheeks with a cloth and headed outside.
The largest of the buildings, the mess hall was loud and chaotic. The majority of kids went straight to the line for food, hungry after a long trip. The place was alive with a hundred different conversations, varying levels of chatter. Friends reunited dramatically in the aisleways.
You searched for a friendly face, desperate to avoid Jaebeom for now, and spotted a head of platinum hair. Approaching the scrawny boy, you grabbed a handful of blond locks and teased, “Bam, I thought you were gonna let your poor scalp breathe?”
Bambam didn’t flinch at the brief tug on his head and turned to meet your grin with one of his own. “Hey, beautiful,” he exclaimed, leaping up to envelope you in a warm hug. “Thought you were gonna try and avoid this place for once?”
“Yeah, well,” you said coolly with a shrug. “Bad behaviors are hard to break.”
“You’re telling me,” huffed Bambam as he lowered back onto the row with you at his side. “I landed myself back here in the first week of the semester.”
You laughed, smoothing down where you had disrupted his hair. “I expect nothing less.” Looking across the table, you met eyes with Bambam’s best friend and partner in crime, Yugyeom, and greeted, “Hey, Yugy.”
“Hi. I’m glad you came back! Well, not glad, obviously, but…,” Yugyeom rambled, cheeks reddening. “Happy you’re here. You know, it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
“Thanks,” you replied shyly.
“Any sign of Jackson?” Bambam asked, glancing around. “Don’t you always come together?”
Yugyeom kindly pushed his plate of fruit in your direction and you thanked him. “Yeah, we did. He was supposed to meet me here,” you answered, popping a grape in your mouth.
“Probably sneaking a smoke with Mark,” Bambam grumbled quietly under his breath.
Yugyeom cleared his throat loudly, looking at something behind you.
Just as you turned around, brows stitched, someone sat at your side.
It was Jaebeom.
He didn’t face the table like the rest of you, he straddled the seat, squarely in your direction.
“Hi, baby girl. Imagine my surprise when I heard about all the trouble you got yourself into,” Jaebeom taunted, clicking his tongue in feigned reproach. His fingertips came to your temple, slipping through your loose hair and tucking it behind your ear.
You couldn’t breathe and you certainly couldn’t think. Your heart was pounding in your chest. He smelled so good. The mere touch of his fingers made you freeze in place. You wanted nothing more than to throw your arms around him and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
“I…,” you trailed, hesitating, lost for words. What the hell were you supposed to say?
I love you, but I hate you.
“What’s the matter, baby?” Jaebeom cooed, stroking a finger over your cheek. “Cat got your tongue?”
You could feel the tears gathering in your eyes. Even Yugyeom seethed at how Jaebeom was toying with you.
This was the humiliation you had been anticipating and dreading. You knew Jaebeom wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to remind you that he stole your heart and your virginity and left you with nothing.
The whole camp knew that you had given it up. That you had been such a fool to believe for a second that Jaebeom loved you.
Blind. Blind. Blind, you chanted in your head.
Jackson appeared out of thin air, grabbing Jaebeom’s wrist and pulling him from you. “Can I help you find something?” your best friend snapped.
Jaebeom rose, agitated at being challenged. “The fuck are you doing, Wang?”
Jackson drifted closer to Jaebeom, aggressive. “Keep your hands off my girl.”
Jaebeom’s eyes widened. “Your girl?”
“You heard me,” Jackson hissed, turning to you.
You remembered the game. Jackson’s eyes were expectant.
Finding your voice, you took a breath. “I’m so sorry to break the news to you, Jaebeom,” you began softly, rising from your seat and backing into Jackson, who didn’t miss a beat in wrapping his arms possessively around you. “I’ve moved onto bigger and better things. And I mean much, much bigger.”
Bambam beat his fist on the table, cackling wildly.
Jaebeom scowled, but there was skepticism bold in his eyes. Jackson promptly wiggled his brows and stroked his hands on your waist, intentionally making your shirt ride up.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us,” you sang, interlacing your fingers with Jackson’s underneath the hem of your shirt. “We’re gonna go make out in the hallway. Seeing Daddy get territorial really does it for me.”
Jackson wagged his tongue at Jaebeom, gladly laughing at his expense, as you squeezed his hand and proceeded to drag your best friend behind you into the hallway.
Jaebeom watched you go, eyes narrowed. Something didn’t sit right with him. He had known you for years, Jackson too. He couldn’t imagine driving you into Jackson’s arms. Not with how fierce and loyal your friendship was.
He didn’t believe it for a second.
Once in the clear, you backed against the wall and giggled. “Oh my god, did you see his face?” you exclaimed, covering your mouth as you chuckled.
Jackson tickled your sides and joked, “Look at your little sick and twisted self. I’m so proud.”
The door next to you opened and like clockwork, Jaebeom stepped out.
The grin vanished from your face in an instant and you quickly grabbed Jackson by the collar, yanking him forward. Jackson collided into you none too gently and grunted, silenced only by your lips suddenly on his.
Jaebeom could hardly believe his eyes. There you were, swept up in Jackson’s arms with your tongue down his throat. He was green with fucking envy. It had taken him a whole summer to open you up and now you were throwing yourself at Jackson of all people.
Jackson slipped his hands beneath your shirt and roamed his hands up your sides, giving Jaebeom a glimpse of your soft skin. You overlapped your arms around his head, making little noises in the heat of his kisses.
Jaebeom felt a twitch in his pants at the sounds you made. That was supposed to be him. You were supposed to be in his arms, kissing him like he was all you had thought about every day since he ripped your heart out and crushed it in his hand for all to see.
“Pfft,” Jaebeom snorted, hiding his jealousy. “Glad I could break her in for you, Jacks.”
Neither of you heard him, which was lucky for Jaebeom because Jackson would not have hesitated to beat him to a bloody pulp.
Jaebeom cleared out. He couldn’t stand to watch anymore. Not when he had spent every day wondering if you would forgive him. Jaebeom shook his head as he continued down the hall, reminded what a stupid fucking mistake he had made.
Kissing Jackson made you forget what you were doing, where you were, and basically any and all information you were meant to be processing at the moment. Finally a sense of clarity hit you, though you had no earthly clue where it had come from.
Breaking away, you panted, “Okay, if we’re gonna do this, we have to lay down some ground rules.”
Jackson kneaded your waist and nipped at your lips, ever flirtatious. His voice came out a rasp when he said, “Give ‘em to me.”
“No sleeping around,” you told him sternly. “I’ve never had a sexually transmitted disease and I’m not starting now.”
Jackson bobbed his head, eager to kiss you again. “Deal.”
“When you get Yeona or I get Jaebeom, what’s between us is done.”
You softened, pulling him close for a brief, innocent peck on the lips. It wasn’t the first time you had kissed Jackson and it wouldn’t be the last.
But you realized when you were kissing Jackson, you forgot about Jaebeom and your feelings.
And that was dangerous.
“You’re my best friend,” you whispered delicately, tracing hair from his brow lightly with your fingers. “If either of us starts getting feelings, we shut this down.”
Jackson studied you a moment. He knew he loved you. He had loved you a long time. But it was an innocent love, not a complicated one. You were the only person he trusted with his heart. The only person he knew would never hurt him.
He wouldn’t catch feelings for you, would he? It wasn’t in his nature. He didn’t allow himself to get attached romantically. He hated the idea of commitment or monogamy, after seeing what his parents’ marriage had devolved into.
“Got it,” Jackson finally said, offering a gentle smile.
You swallowed, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. Jaebeom was gone. There was no one to convince anymore.
Jackson let his hands slip from your body. “We should go back.”
You nodded. “Yeah, just give me a second.”
Jackson noted the heat on your face, the glistening of your lips and the twinkles in your eyes. Forget making you see stars, Jackson knew in that moment he could absolutely ruin you.
He gathered you back in his arms, pulling you flush against him, and as you peered up at him confusedly, Jackson growled, “Let’s go to my cabin.”
A long, heavy silence wrapped around you and him. The weight of what you were doing landed squarely on your shoulders. And despite that, you found yourself not giving a damn.
Lips tugging in a smile, you purred, “Show me what I’ve been missing.”
But even as Jackson led you by the hand out of the mess hall, you glanced over your shoulder, looking for Jaebeom.
Wanting him to see. Wanting it to hurt him. Wanting to make him crazy.
But mostly, just wanting him to love you.
next chapter →
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{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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nnnnnjkkhf · 4 years
the experiment | kth ft. pjm
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◇ kim taehyung x reader ft. pjm
◇ smut; slight angst  | E2L!au | poolparty!au
◇ word count: 4.3 k
notes: this is my first ever fanfic, so i apologize if you think something is wrong. pls don’t hate me <3
warnings: soft dom!taehyung, sub!reader, dirty talk, oral (m&f receiving), masturbation, protected sex, public fingering (wHOOPS)
summary:  one of your group mates for research was giving you a hard time just because he was always annoyed by you and the attention the boys are giving you, but you don’t know that.
“Ding!” a message from Jungkook popped on the top of your screen while searching for the list of equipments you needed for the experiment. Shit, you mentally cursed. You looked up, and everyone in your group was staring at you.
“Why the hell are you texting when we are still discussing the things we need for this research?” Kim Taehyung snapped. Yes, snapped. This guy was giving you a headache ever since you’ve been classmates this school year. He hates you and you don’t even know the reason why. Jeongha, one of the girls in your group, smirked. 
“Maybe one of her boys is texting her for booty calls.” you glared at her. 
“Maybe you're just jealous that no one’s texting you.” you said, mimicking her facial expressions.
“Shut up, ___. I was asking you why you are texting when we’re discussing our experiment.” Taehyung said out of irritation. This guy. He doesn’t even know if I was really texting or not! I need to kick Jeon's ass later for texting me when he knows I’ll be in an important group meeting!
“Well, one of my boys needs me. If you’re done talking, maybe I can leave?” You didn’t wait for his response and started to walk away from the group. He is so annoying. I’ll just send my part to Ji-eun later, so I won’t need to interact with Taehyung. He’s getting on my nerves. You opened Jungkook’s message to check what was so important for him to message you during a group discussion. 
[1:48 pm] assjeon: “___! I got an invitation to Jimin’s pool party tonight. I know you won’t say no since you’re basically crushing on him since freshman year.”
[1:55 pm] you: “Who said I was crushing on him? I’m in love!”
[1:56 pm]  assjeon: “You? In love? Who are you kidding? The party will start at 7 pm, so I’ll pick you up later.” 
[1:57 pm] you: “Okay, dad, I got it.”
Good thing his message wasn’t that bad and you really needed it. Jungkook was your best friend since high school, so he knows you well enough to judge if you’re in love or not. Of course, I was kidding but damn, who could ever resist THE Park Jimin? He’s a walking meal for Pete’s sake! His ass looks so good. Any girl would say yes when talking to him. You still had enough time before the pool party so you went to Starbucks to get your favorite drink and went home to take a nap in your flat. 
You closed your laptop after sending Ji-eun the list of equipment you researched earlier before leaving the group meeting. If Taehyung wasn’t being an asshole, you would’ve already finished working on it earlier. 
It was already 7 pm, and you noticed Jungkook already went inside your flat. He had an extra key in case of an emergency. You got up and picked up the two different bikinis in your bed.
“Which one should I wear? Black or red?” You tried to put the bikini over your oversized shirt and asked Jungkook to choose your bikini outfit for the party. 
“If you wanna seduce Jimin wearing a bikini, I think you should go for the red one. It will suit your curves well.” He said while sipping his iced coffee. He already saw you naked because of one accident wherein your towel accidentally dropped on the floor while the two of you were dancing to the beat of your favorite song. He was flustered, but then he started laughing, so you guessed he didn’t care about it. It happened about a year ago, so you don’t care about it now.
“Okay. I’m almost done. Go start the car now or something, I’ll head out after this.” You said while packing some extra clothes in your canvas bag. He nodded and left your flat after leaving his drink on the table. What a jerk, leaving his mess for me to clean up after. Am I his mom or something? 
 The drive to Jimin’s house went smoothly because Jungkook was a safe driver. There were already many people and some of your mutual friends since you arrived a bit late when you went inside. 
“___! Here!” Ji-eun called for you. She was seated on a couch with a group of people who you’re not familiar with except one, Taehyung. He’s with his guy friends, Seokjin and Yoongi. Why was he here though? Oh right, he’s Jimin’s best friend, and he lives here too. How could you forget? Isn’t it ironic how you would want Jimin to fuck the shit out of me but hate the nerves of his best friend?
“Hey, Ji-eun! You’re here early. How did the meeting go earlier?” You sat beside her and across Taehyung. He was looking at your figure, and his face screamed in disgust or so you thought. You felt insulted. Most of the guys you’ve encountered admire you because they think you’re pretty and hot, but unfortunately, Taehyung isn’t one of them. You focused your attention on Ji-eun since she was responding to your question. 
“Oh God, don’t even talk about it. Taehyung ended the meeting after you left because he was pissed. Don’t worry about it. Let’s go dance!” pissed? Of course, he was pissed. You literally told him that one of your boys needed you while having a meeting. On second thought, he deserved it. He accused you of texting during the discussion where i fact you were focusing on your tasks.
You went to the crowd with Ji-eun to dance. The party was a blast. After a while, you bumped into Jungkook while he’s grinding his hips to the girl he’s dancing with. 
“That’s gross, Jeon.” You whispered to his ear before you continued dancing. “You’re just bitter because Jimin’s talking to a girl, which is not you.” He said and smirked.
 You stopped dancing and scanned your eyes across the room to look for your crush, but instead of him, you locked eyes with Taehyung, who was drinking his liquor on the other side of the room. He was looking at you intensely, and you thought it was hot. Damn, I must be crazy. If he weren’t annoying the shit out of you, you would totally have the hots for him. He smirked. You broke the staring contest first and rolled your eyes, continuing the search for your beloved Park Jimin. There he was, talking to the girl who pissed you off earlier, Jeongha. 
“Ji-eun, I’ll get a drink for myself. You can stay here,” you said, and she just nodded as approval.
Jeongha was obviously into him because she kept on touching Jimin’s arms. Disgusting. Siri, please play that should be me by Justin Bieber. You mentally rolled your eyes and walked over to them, bumping into her on purpose. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were there. By the way, I heard your boyfriend looking all over the place for you.” You said while smiling innocently. You knew this bitch doesn’t have a boyfriend but you lied so Jimin would stop talking to her.
“Bitch! I have no-” Jimin cut off her sentence. 
“Wait—you have a boyfriend, yet you still kept on flirting with me? Get lost, girl.” He said and pushed her away. You smiled secretly like an agent who completed her mission. Jeongha glared at you and walked away.
“So, ____, do you have a boyfriend?” You slightly jumped because you thought Jimin’s going to walk away too, but he didn’t, and he started a conversation between you two! He even knows your name! 
“I’m not really into relationships.” True enough, you weren’t interested in dating—just plain sex.
“That’s good to hear, babe. Let me get you a drink. What do you want?” He smirked. 
“Surprise me.” He winked at you and went to the kitchen to get you a drink. Someone grabbed your arm. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” It was Taehyung. He looked pissed. Why does he look pissed every time he’s talking to me? 
“Why do you care?” You asked him back and shot him a glare. 
“Of course, I care. One second you were grinding your ass with the guy in the dance floor, and now you’re flirting with my best friend!” Taehyung’s mind went ballistic. His mind tells him that he’s just jealous because he’s not the one you’re flirting with, but he’s in denial of his feelings for you. 
“Damn. He’s old enough to take care of himself, you moron. And for the record, the guy on the dance floor was my best friend. Stop annoying me and get out of my sight.” you hissed. Did he think I was flirting with Jungkook? I treat Kook like my twin, and now he’s telling me I was grinding my ass on him? Gross.
 “Oh, you two know each other?” Jimin handed you a red cup with some sort of alcohol in it. 
“No.” both of you answered at the same time. Jimin laughed and just shrugged it off.
“Tae, this is ___, and ___, this is Tae, my best friend.” the hell I care, I already know about that. You just smirked and drank every bit of alcohol you had in your cup. You forgot you had a low tolerance with alcohol. “I wanna go for a swim. Do you mind?” you told Jimin. 
“I’ll go with you. Come with us, Tae.” why did he even invite Taehyung to go with you? You wanted to leave because things are starting to get awkward. Didn’t he notice the tension?
You started walking towards the outdoor pool and placed your things on the sun lounger. The two guys began to take their shirt off, and you were staring at Tae’s abs. Before he start to notice you, you look away and focused on Jimin instead.
“Like what you see, baby?” he smirked. Damn, he’s hot, and he’s confident about it! Of course he should be. Look at all those girls on the side, drooling over his body. Taehyung dragged him to the side of the pool and pushed him. Both of you were laughing because of Jimin’s reaction. 
“Aren’t you going to swim?” Taehyung said and jumped to the pool, not waiting for your response. You forgot what you were supposed to do because you saw Taehyung’s back while he was jumping, and he looked so damn hot. 
“Damn, I must be drunk,” you whispered to yourself. The water splashing to your legs made you shiver. It was cold. 
“What are you waiting for, kitten?” you didn’t hear the last word he said but you saw his lips while saying the word. kitten? What the hell, Taehyung? You slowly take off your oversized tee and shorts, attracting the attention of two men and other people who were near you, revealing your red bikini and your curves. “Damn,” Taehyung thought. Jimin whistled while eyeing you up and down and forced you to jump to his side. 
 After jumping, you rose and felt someone holding your waist. It was Jimin. He pulled you closer and went for a kiss. ”Is this okay?” He asked in between kisses. You responded by placing your arms on his neck and kissing him deeper. Jimin’s fingers slowly traced the inside of your thigh as they slowly traveled up the soft skin. A shiver went down your spine as you realized what was happening.” Jimin,” you said breathily, trying to close your legs. 
He merely tsked and pried your legs apart with his strong hands. “I know you want it, baby,” he whispered in your ear. Your head was thrown back as he reached his destination, slowly pushing a finger inside you. You look over Jimin’s shoulder and saw Taehyung’s back leaving the pool. Guilt suddenly washed over your face as you realized the both of you were with Taehyung, and you were in public. 
 “Wait, stop,” you said, holding Jimin’s arm while he was starting to thrust his fingers in and out of you. “What’s the matter, babe? Don’t you like it?” he asked. You liked it, but it felt wrong. “We’re in public, Chim. Maybe I should go swim for a bit.” he was flustered, but he didn’t stop you. He nodded,” Okay then. I’ll just go for a drink.”
You went over to the other side of the pool and observed the people surrounding you. They were busy and having fun enough for them not to notice what you were doing with Jimin. You’ve always wanted Jimin to notice and touch you, but right now, you feel like something’s wrong. 
You got out of the pool and caught some guys looking at your ass. Jungkook was walking towards you and when he got near you, he helped you put on a robe.
“What’s up? Jimin told me to give this to you. He didn’t look that happy.” he said while drinking from a bottle.
“I don’t know, Kook. I just don’t feel like fucking right now.” he was surprised but he didn’t say anything. Who wouldn’t? Even you were surprised. Your main goal when you went to this party was to get laid. What changed your mind? Moreover, who? You didn’t care about how Jimin would feel because you knew there were plenty of girls he could screw over. Besides, this is his party. 
That’s when everything got back to you. Kitten. That look in his eyes. Was it Taehyung? He left the pool without a word when he saw his best friend trying to finger-fuck you in the pool. Was he affected? Stupid, of course he’s not. He was just protective of his best friend because he said you were flirting with everyone and he obviously didn’t want his friend to get hurt. 
“Do you want to go home?” Jungkook said while clinging into your arms like a baby. “Let me go otherwise, you’ll get wet. And yes, I’ll go home. You can just stay here and look for girls to screw.” you said, grabbing your clothes from the chair beside the pool. “You sure?” he asked, and you nodded. “Alright, should I inform everyone that the queen is leaving the party?” he laughed out loud, making some heads look over the both of you, while you smacked his head, smiling.
You went to look for the bathroom on the second floor of the house because the first-floor bathroom was taken by some people making out. To your surprise, someone grabbed you and pushed you inside a room.
“What the hell?!” to stop you from screaming, he covered your mouth with his lips. His scent was very familiar, but you didn’t respond to the kiss. He stopped when he realized you weren’t going to react and rested his forehead against your shoulder. The room was dark, and only the moonlight from the window was the light source, so you can’t see anything but his silhouette. No way.
“Taehyung?” he didn’t respond. You were starting to feel butterflies in your stomach. The only person ever who made you feel like this. Crap. Why is he doing this? Were my thoughts earlier real? Was he really jealous? 
“Stop making me feel like shit, ____,” he said in a husky voice. He smelled and tasted like alcohol, so you figured that he was somewhat drunk. “What d-do you mean?” you responded. He moved his face away from you.
“It’s nothing. J-just leave me alone.” did you hear him right? leave him alone? “You basically dragged me into this room, kissed me, and now you’re asking me to leave? Who do you think you are?” he’s such a jerk! He didn’t answer your question but instead, he pulled you closer for a hug. You felt stiff, and you can’t even push him away. He’s making you mad, at the same time, driving you crazy. 
“I-I,” he sighs knowingly. 
“You’re what? Do you think this is some kind of a game?” you slightly pushed him to break the hug. “You treat me like shit whenever you get the chance, and now you act like a jealous boyfriend? What game are you playi—”  
“I like you!” He cut you off.
There was a moment of silence.
“You l-like me?” wow. I’m lost for words. All he did was get on my nerves, and now he’s confessing his feelings for me? “I liked you ever since. I was jealous because all you do was entertain and date guys that aren’t me! What do they have that I don’t?”
You honestly don’t know what to respond to him. You feel so overwhelmed. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing went out of it. Taehyung looked rejected and was about to leave when you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. It’s all or nothing.
“I kind of like you too, Tae.” and with that, he took off your robe and placed his big hands on your ass to carry you without breaking the kiss. He pinned you to the wall and started kissing your jaw down to your neck, leaving soft marks on it. Small whimpers went out of your mouth as your core clenched around nothing when you felt his erection poking your stomach. 
“Tae,” you heavily breathe as he continues to kiss down your collarbone. 
“Tae, please,”
“Please, what, kitten? What do you want?” he said, slowly dropping you back on your feet. “I need you,” you moaned as he slid his finger down your bikini top and cleavage down to your stomach. You helped him by removing the bikini effortlessly. He sucked your left mound while playing with the other one. An arousal-laced gasp falls from your lips as his hands drop to your inner thighs. 
 “Do you think you deserve me? After letting my best friend kiss and touch you like that? With me around?” his fingers hook under the fabric of your underwear, and he quickly slides them down your thighs.
“I’m sorry, please, I won’t do it again. I want you now, Tae.” 
“Will you be a good girl for me?” you nodded. “I need to hear you say it, kitten.” he looked at you before slowly kneeling so he can be eye to eye level with your pussy.
“Yes, daddy. I’ll be a good girl.”
After a swift glance up at your eyes, he leans between your thighs and drags his warm tongue against your clit. The feeling is almost like heaven on earth. His lips are soft, but sinful against your cunt. It’s not every day you receive oral sex this good, especially not from your oh-so-called-enemy. Taehyung’s right-hand finds comfort gripping your hip while his left-hand cups the flesh of your inner thigh. He lifts your leg to give him a better access for his tongue to enter you. 
“Can other guys eat you out and pleasure you like this? Hmm?” he said and continued what he’s doing. 
“No, baby. No one is as good as you. Fuck, I’m close.” 
You encourage yourself to be vocal to let Taehyung know that he’s making you feel great. When his tongue glides over the perfect area, you tighten your grip on his hair and emit a soft but loud moan. He’s listening to your vocals and then skillfully dragging his tongue against your most sensitive areas. You looked down at him and saw his erection. It looks painful.
You can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this. Even more intriguing to you, who taught him this. As his palms run along your soft skin, you notice the texture of his hands, slightly calloused and large, too. If he wanted to, he could probably crush you. All this daydreaming has you accelerating closer to your climax, so you quickly tug on his hair and pull away from his mouth. His lips and chin are slick with your arousal. 
You make it your next move to crawl onto the bed. As you turn to face him, he crashes his lips against yours and guides your almost-bare back to his sheets. The smell of his manly perfume floods your senses. Your tongues greet each other with passion, and the pure intensity of the kiss has you hot and unbothered. He breaks the kiss for a brief moment to tug his shirt over his head and pulls his jeans down along with his boxers. His muscles are well-defined and flex as he leans over to kiss you.
You’re both aware you need to prepare before taking his cock; otherwise, it’ll split you in half. He sank a single finger on your pussy, and you moaned loud enough for him to hear. 
“I bet Jimin didn’t even make you feel like this, huh. You’re such a slut. This cunt is fucking mine now, you hear me?”
His knuckle stimulates your clit as he gently fucks you with his digit. You wrap your thighs around his torso as he adds another finger. There’s a slight warmth from the stretch, but the pleasure almost drowns it out.
“All yours, Tae. Please, just fuck me already,” you playfully grin.
He got up and went to get something out of his wallet. He rolled the condom over his dick and slowly stroked it up and down. Damn, he looks so fucking hot. “Are you ready for me, baby?” you nodded. He’s so big. Will that even fit?
He wastes no more time. With a swift adjustment of his body, he positions his cock against your entrance and slowly sinks inch by inch. You dig your nails into the flesh of his back and emit a strangled moan. 
He sighs at the feeling. “God, baby, you’re so fucking tight.”
“Oh, my fucking..” You gasped. ”T-taehyung.”
Just when you thought he couldn’t reach any deeper, he pushed back your thigh and sank deeper. You pulled his chest against yours and rolled your hips, signaling him to start his sinful movements. His thrust had your back arching and your thighs shaking like never before. 
As you go in for another kiss, you take his tongue between your teeth and suck on the muscle, emitting a startled moan from his throat. His hips stutter slightly at the foreign gesture. He grips the headboard as he fucks you with all his might. He’s been dreaming about this moment since the dawn of time, so he’s going to make the most of it. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head. He’s hitting deep and in all the right areas. 
A deep moan falls from his lips, and then another. He can’t seem to contain himself, but you’d be a fool to complain. His shaky breath and pretty moans are drawing you closer to your orgasm. 
A few more strokes of his hips and you’re moaning loud enough and coming around his cock. He follows closely behind, holding the entirety of his length inside of you and reaching his climax. The pressure is unbearably pleasurable. 
He lay down beside you as the both of you continued panting. “Did I do great, kitten?” he said as he made you turn to him and pulled you closer, kissing the top of your forehead. “Yes, Tae. The best sex I’ve ever had.” you grinned and cuddled him. You can’t believe that the guy who you thought hates you made love with you.
 The sunlight woke you up from your deep sleep. You glanced over and realized you were not in your room. It’s a manly room. You guessed it was Tae’s. Oh, right. Memories from last night clouded your mind, and you blushed. Taehyung was not inside the room, so you figured he’s already downstairs. You checked your phone on the table beside the bed and saw two missed calls and three messages from Jungkook.
 [11:23 pm] assjeon: Hey, where are you? Did you get home safely? 
[12:02 am] assjeon: Bitch, reply asap. Are you home? 
[8:09 am] assjeon: Fucking ____. I swear I will kill you if you hurt yourself or whatever you stupid bitch.
His messages made you laugh. He’s acting like a mad brother. The latest text from him was just twenty minutes ago. You called him, and he answered right after.
 assjeon: where the hell are you, and why didn’t you go home last night?!
you: chill, dude. I’m still here where you left me.
assjeon: by that, do you mean you’re still in Chim’s house?
you: well, obviously. 
assjeon: thought you wanted to go home because you weren’t in the mood for sex last night. What happened?
you: well, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you some other time, kook. Have to go!
assjeon: you better do! Take care of yourself. Love you!
you: love you too.
Call ended.
“We had sex last night, and the first thing you do in the morning is call another guy?” you stopped scrolling through your phone and looked up. Taehyung was standing there while holding a glass of milk. Cute, you thought. 
“Good morning to you, too. Are you jealous of Jeon? He’s basically like a brother to me! Thank you for the milk.” you said, smiling and walking towards him to reach the glass of milk. You noticed you were wearing your undies and an oversized shirt. Taehyung dressed you up while you were sleeping, and you felt those butterflies in your stomach again. 
He held your waist and pulled you closer so he could leave a kiss on your forehead, and you giggled. “I’m not jealous of him. Just the attention you’re giving him. Good morning, baby girl.” 
You gave him a peck on his lips. What a great way to start the morning. 
a/n: Thank you for reading my first work ever. Do you want a part 2? 
taglist: @strwberryvmin​ @bonnyskies​ @hannahmaehudgins​ @adoringinsanity​
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itisannak · 4 years
Clothes Stealer (Calum Hood Smut)
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Summary: (Y/N)'s boyfriend, Calum, gets jealous of her “stealing” clothes from her friend Luke. (Smut / Unprotected Sex / Thigh Riding / Oral; Female Receiving) (Request) (Words: 3.4k)
“You look stunning, babe.” Calum compliments me as he walks out of the booth. I giggle and move to hug him, wrapping my arms around his neck as his snake on my waist tightly. “And you smell so good. Are you wearing my cologne?” He asks, bringing his face to the crook of my neck. “Yeah, it fits the whole vibe I was going for today. Like it?” I ask as his lips plant a kiss on my neck. “You clothe stealer…” I hear Luke call, before Calum had a chance to answer my question. I separate from Calum’s embrace, turning to look at Luke who is staring in shock. “Shut up, Hemmo. You gave me the shirt…” I protest, rolling my eyes at him but he shakes his head in denial. “I gave you the pin-up girls shirt, not my leather jacket.” He states and I shrug my arms, tilting my head slightly as I smirk. “You left it at my house the last time we had a movie night. It’s your fault, honestly. I wore it just to make sure I would be bringing it over with me today.” I play it coy, making Luke chuckle sarcastically. “Hood, your girlfriend is a filthy liar. Watch your back.” He teases and I scoff playfully at him. “You are just a bitter bitch because your clothes look a lot better on me than you.” I reply, turning back to Calum. He draws in a breath, looking at me with a neutral expression, making it kinda hard to read into it. “The girls are coming over in a bit. Maybe we should head towards the restaurant.” I suggest trying to get him to show something else, but he just nods. “We are taking my car. Give Luke his jacket back and I’ll wait in the parking lot.” He says, picking up his stuff from the console nearby. “It won’t take long. We can get to the car together.” I offer but he shakes his head in denial. “I’ll wait in the car.” He insists, walking towards the door. He really sounded cold, no emotion in his voice, which only makes me a little taken aback. “What’s up with him today?” I ask Luke as I hand him his jacket. “He has been fine all day. Maybe he is hungry. You know how your boo gets when he is hungry.” He points out, making me flinch and scrunch up my nose. “Don’t call him that. Why do you have to be so cringe?” I ask and he scuffs, shooing me away. “I would be a lot kinder to the person I am taking my clothes from.” He says, making me chuckle. “Look at Lukey, stepping up for himself… Good job.” I cheer, turning around to walk out of the room.
Calum is quiet, focusing on the road as he drives towards the restaurant we are meeting everyone for lunch. There isn’t even any music playing in the car to break the silence, which is definitely a first for us. “Sierra just texted. They are there.” I mumble as I read the notification on my lock screen. “Fine.” He utters, still not shifting his attention. “I think I will get some pasta today. I haven’t had any in a while.” I try to start a conversation, break the silence in the car. Even in his darkest days, I haven’t seen him like that. “I don’t know what I am getting.” He brushes me off. “They have really great veggie lasagna in there. And you can pick a side of caprice salad with them.” I suggest and look for his reaction. “I am not sure I am hungry.” He says, gripping on the steering wheel. “Are you sure? You seem a little grumpy and you usually get moody when you are hu…” I begin but he groans loudly, making me stop before ending my sentence. “I am fine. Just shut up for a moment and let me concentrate before I crash the fucking car.” He snaps at me, making me gasp as I watch him lash out. “Not grumpy at all.” I say sarcastically, folding my arms in front of my chest. “I am sorry my mood is affecting your day, princess. Maybe your other boyfriend will make up for it.” He says bitterly, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “My what?” I ask, looking at him to figure out what bug bit his ass today. “Luke. You sure behave more like he is your boyfriend than I am.” He turns to look at me, his eyes glossing with anger. “You are being fucking ridiculous.” I can’t believe I am hearing these words coming out of his mouth. “Am I, (Y/N)?” He asks. “Yes, you are. Stop the car.” I demand, unbuckling my seat belt. “What?” He asks me. “Stop the fucking car, right now.” I bite my lip, opening the Uber app on my phone. “We are going to the restaurant to eat with our friends. I am not stopping.” He insists, disobeying my order. “You can go wherever the fuck you want. I am not coming anywhere with you, not after that.” I say, in total calmness. He stops the car and I open the door, getting out of it as fast as I can. “(Y/N)…” He calls after me, making me raise my middle finger at him. “Screw you, Hood.” I say without turning to look at him.
The door opens not even half an hour after I make it home. Calum storms in, even madder than he was when I left him. “You are not going to ever pull that shit on me ever again.” He nearly screams, making me stand up from the couch, deciding that moment that I am going to stay calm, no matter what. “Turn your damn voice down. I am not a scared little puppy who is going to coward away because you decided to start screaming.” I look at him in the eye, putting on my brave face. “Don’t try to change the subject now. You nearly ridiculed me today.” He says, in a much lower voice now. “And you didn’t? Not only you ridiculed me, but you insulted me. You fucking insulted me because your ego was hurt by something you had no business getting hurt over. If I was exchanging clothes with Crystal, you wouldn’t bat an eyelash.” I am the one to snap now, finally confronting him about what I was tiptoeing around all evening. “It’s not the same.” He growls and I look at him wide-eyed. “How is it not the same? Luke is a friend of mine. He has been my friend before you and I were even a thing. And he has been your friend for longer, so if you are jealous of me and him being friends, you really don’t know me, nor Luke. Because Luke has been your ride or die for years and he would never do that to you, and you don’t know me, because if you did, you would fucking know that I love you way too much do ever betray you. Get your head out of your ass, because I know I deserve better than this behavior.” I explain and he stares at me speechless.
“What, you expected me to sugarcoat it for you, get to you with droopy ears and puppy eyes and ask for forgiveness over something that is completely and entirely your fault? I am not your mother, Calum and you are not a child anymore. Grow the fuck up and admit you were wrong.” I finish my monologue, sinking the room in silence. He looks at me with a tensed face as my chest inflates and falls. I regret not a single word from what I said. He takes a moment before he walks away, rushing to get in my bedroom. I stare at him as he walks away, my brain pounding in my head. I don’t want to follow him, I don’t want to see what he is doing in there; deep in my heart, I know he is going to pick whatever stuff he has in my house and leave. I don’t want him too, but I guess confronting him wasn’t something he wished for.
He walks out of my bedroom, an armful of his shirts and hoodies being dropped next to me on the couch. “You are my girlfriend. Mine. And my girlfriend should be stealing my clothes. I don’t care if he is your friend, I don’t care if he is ok with it, my girlfriend is wearing my clothes.” He growls, grabbing a fistful of his garments. He waves the striped shirt in front of my face, his hand flexing as he grips onto it tightly. “Here we go again.” I roll my eyes, bringing my hand to rub my temples. “No, you don’t get it. I want my clothes on your body, I want you to wear my clothes, my clothes. Luke has a girlfriend, she can wear his. But my girlfriend wears my clothes. And I veto that.” He whines, making me chuckle at him, raising my hands in defeat. “You are literally throwing a tantrum right now, Hood.” I say softly, walking closer to him. “I am not.” He protests, making me hum. “Yeah, I can tell.” I cup his face in my hands. I reach up, kissing his lips softly as his hands go to my waist, resting on the dip of my back. He kisses me back softly, sighing in relief as I stroke my thumbs over the freckle on his cheek. “Baby…” He moans against my lips, making me smirk. “You definitely act like one.” I tease him and he groans. “I don’t.” He frowns, his bottom lip pouting a bit. “You do. You are a bratty baby…” I squish his cheeks between my hands, making him hum as his eyes turn dark. He grips my jaw and looks at me sternly, orbs glazed with lust. “I’ll fucking show you who’s the brat.” He spits out, jaw clenching before he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me like I am not heavier than his gym bag, but his biceps are bulging and stretching against the sleeves of his t-shirt, making my stomach become knotted.
His hand lands on my ass, making me yelp and causing my foot to prop up. “My ass… My ass…” He growls, his hand squeezing on the cheek his hand landed. He lays me on the bed, hovering above me instantly and bringing his fingers to work on undoing the buttons of Luke’s shirt. His eyes burn my skin as he scans it, his tongue peeking from between his plump lips before his teeth tug on the bottom one. “Should have just ripped it into pieces…” He mumbles, bringing his thigh between my legs, pressing it right on my core. “Grind on my thigh, princess. I know you want to…” He comments as I squirm against his leg. “Calum…” I whine the moment he uses his fingertips to trace down the valley between my breasts. “What, baby? You love grinding that greedy little pussy on my thigh… You sure do when I am not paying attention to you, or when you get bored out of your mind during movie night.” He teases, reaching under me to unhook my bra. “I need more of you… I need all of you.” I complain and he chuckles. “Who’s the brat now?” He asks, sliding the straps of my bra down my arms, along with the sleeves of the shirt. “I can tell that you are soaking wet… I bet if I slip my hand inside your pants, waterfalls are going to flow.” He says, leaning down to bring his mouth to my nipple. He bites on the nub of nerves, making me cry out and buck my hips against his leg. I press my core more on it, trying to soothe the pressure between my legs. “Jesus, Cal…” My voice is breaking as he pulls his head back, pulling my nipple along. “Tell me what I gotta do to show everyone you’re mine…” He demands, unbuttoning my jeans and dragging them down, moving from between my legs and making me whine at the loss of contact.
He crawls back, toying with the hem of my panties as he settles between my legs again, only this time laying on his stomach and with his breath hitting on my core. “You have the cutest little wet spot…” He traces his finger over it, before hooking his fingers in the underwear and pulls it down. He fixes my legs, spreading them and propping them up on his shoulders before he dives in and buries his face in my folds. I feel myself melting, toes curling up as he swirls his tongue on my wetness. “Cal…” I squirm, pressing my core more on his face. I feel him smirk against it, the little stubble that has been growing on his face tickling me as he moves his face, putting everything into devouring me. His fingers move up my thigh, stopping on my entrance before he grazes over my hole and slips them inside. “Fuck…” I bite onto my palm, feeling him pumping them inside me with vigor. I feel a weird numbness on my stomach, my sex becoming wetter with each flick of his tongue against my clit. The room smells like sex, the heavy aroma mixing with Calum’s cologne and making me feel woozy. “I love your fucking taste…” He moans as he pulls away for a quick breath, his fingers pumping fast inside me still. “You are so good at this…” I cry, watching him as he goes back to eating me out. His lips suck on my clit, tongue softly grazing over its tip. Oh, how I want him to get rid of that fucking t-shirt, let me watch his shoulders as they tense up, his beautiful tan skin as it glistens up under the little light that comes from my bedroom window. He removes his fingers momentarily, lowering his tongue messily to my entrance, circling it around before he slides it in. His thumb goes to my clit, stroking it in circles as his tongue laps up my pussy. “I need your cock, please.” I beg, my back arching off the mattress. “You’ll get it, darling. Now, I want to taste you. Can you cum for me, pretty girl?” He asks me, a smirk playing on his lips. “If you do that thing I like with your tongue, in mere seconds.” I gasp as he flicks his tongue fast over my clit. I lose my mind, each flick of the tongue sending me further down the spiral. “I am cumming, Cal… Fuck, I am cumming.” I cry out; I feel my face heat up, my throat feeling tight with a lump. “That’s it, that’s my good girl.” He praises, bringing his tongue to my entrance and taste my release.
I gasp for air, my body still tingling from my orgasm as he unbuttons his jeans and lowers them to his thighs. “On your stomach.” He commands, hissing through his teeth. “I said, on your stomach.” He flips me, positioning me up in the way he likes. I stick my ass out more, turning my head to look at him as he places himself behind me, stroking his cock over my core before he thrusts in. “Why are you so fucking tight? We’ve been fucking for nearly 2 years non-stop, and you are still so fucking tight, princess.” He hisses, gripping onto my waist. His fingers imprint into my hips, the grip tightening as he thrusts inside me. “I hate you so much right now.” My voice breaks, my body still in shock from my previous orgasm, so everything feels a thousand times intense. “Yeah, yeah, I can tell, princess. I love you too.” He pulls me up, making me stand on my knees, with my back against his chest. He forces my thighs even more apart, slamming into me forcefully as one of his hands travels up my body, pushing my hair out of the way. His lips go to my neck, nibbling on the sensitive skin. I blink with every slam of his hips against my ass, feeling my whole body jolt. “Calum, please… I need to cum. I’m so sensitive.” I whine, earning a bite on the neck from him. “That quick, huh?” He chuckles cockily, slowing his thrusts. “Shut up… I can’t…” I bite my lip, throwing my head back to rest on his clavicle. “Wait just a little longer, princess. Let me catch up to you.” He whispers, holding onto my body tightly. His arm is now across my chest, so my eyes just wander down it, admiring the flexing muscles and the ink-decorated tan skin. “Calum…” I feel my core pulsing around him, the urge to bite onto his arm growing inside me. “Just a little more, princess.” He replies, kissing down my neck. I turn my head, bringing my mouth to the side of his neck, biting onto it as hard as I can. He moans loudly, the grip on my body becoming more sturdy. “Fuck, princess… You are going to make me cum…” He growls, breathing fast. My teeth graze his skin, finding the next spot to mark as he fucks me towards my next orgasm. “Shit…” He breathes out, throwing his head back as he cums in me, throbbing inside my pussy. My stomach tightens, my body nearly giving up and falling forward. “No, don’t move…” Calum gasps, holding onto me. He thrusts sloppily, grunting as he tries to drive me over my edge. “I wanna cum… Please, let me.” I beg, shaking as he pounds in me. “You can cum, babygirl. Cum around my cock…” He whispers in my ear, lowering his hand to my clit. His fingers barely have to work to get me off, this time my orgasm being so much more intense.
I can hardly breathe, my body experiencing the highest of highs. Calum slips from inside me, moving before me as he cups my jaw with his hands. He kisses me deeply, tongue moving against mine. “I adore you… I fucking do.” He whispers, tracing his thumb over my bottom lip. “I love you…” I pout and he chuckles, leaning in for a short peck. “I have to go clean up but I am so sore…” I whine and he hums, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I’ll run a bath for us.” He offers, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. He stands up from the bed and picks me up, carrying me bridal style towards my bathroom. I squeal, wrapping my arms around his neck to hold onto him. “You know you don’t have to do this, right?” I ask and he hums. “I want to…” He replies, setting me on the edge of the bathtub. He plugs the bathtub before turning on the faucet, letting hot water fill it up. “Where do you have those bath bombs you like?” He asks, looking in my drawers. “In the cabinet…” I smile, rubbing my hands over the marks he left on my neck.
He picks one and throws it in the water, letting it fizz before he turns the faucet off. He slips in first, resting with his back against the bathtub before he takes me hand and helps me in, making me sit between his legs. I rest my head on his chest, taking in the scented steam and relaxing. “I am sorry I was so… abrupt. I should have told you how I felt instead.” He mumbles, taking my hand in his. It is still a work in process to get him to talk about his feelings openly, to allow him to show his vulnerability. Even admitting little mistakes was tough in the beginning, he thought that I would think of him less… And look at him now. I am actually proud of how far he has come. “You were a little hot-headed. And I didn’t handle it well. I mean, I reacted badly too.” I admit and he sighs. “We are even?” He asks and I nod. “We are even.” I assure him and he chuckles. “So, do you think I can burrow that nice striped blazer you have tomorrow? I have a meeting in the psych practice in the evening…” I turn my head to look at him as he smirks and nods. “Well, you will have to pay for it…” He cocks an eyebrow and I purse my lips. “Luke never made me pay for his clothes…” I state and he presses a kiss on my temple. “He better not had… I would fucking break his jaw…” He comments and I press a kiss on the side of his mouth. “You are kinda cute when you get possessive… You know that?” I ask and he hums. “No clue… But I’ll take it.” He replies as I turn around to kiss him deeply.
My Masterlist
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maggies-scribblings · 4 years
Ladynoir, thinking post-reveal pre-relationship but idk whatever makes you happiest: “I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.”
I decided to make it a continuation of this. Hope you like it, and sorry it took me so long. 
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It was the first Saturday afternoon after the night they found out about their identities, and Adrien and Marinette were at the Historical Library. They were working on an ongoing History project with Alya and Nino, meeting there every weekend.
“Oh, great!” Marinette huffed, looking at her phone screen. “They just bailed.”
She showed him the message on her phone. 
[Alya] Hey sweetie, sorry, we can’t make it today. Nino’s family is away and I need to help him with his French homework.  
“French homework, huh?” Adrien said as he returned the phone.
“Somehow I doubt that.” 
“There will probably be French involved,” he quipped, waggling his eyebrows, “but definitely not homework.”
Marinette had to cover her mouth as she snorted. 
“How about we investigate that other subject?” he leaned over the table and whispered conspiratorially. 
The library was mostly empty, but Marinette still shushed him. 
“What? Here?”
“Where else? We can check out books about ancient languages, history…”
“Hmm… I don’t know… what if someone sees us? Won’t it be suspicious?”
“We’re still working on a project, right? I know! You’re applying for fashion internships in the summer, right?” She nodded. With a playful smirk, he pointed at himself with his thumbs. “Who better to help you with a fashion presentation than your friend, the actual haute couture supermodel?”
Marinette giggled softly while Adrien winked and made finger guns, in full-on Chat Noir mode. Her laughter made his heart sing. 
“Okay, actual supermodel. Where should we begin?”
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A few weeks later… 
[Alya] Hey there gorgeous! Girls’ lunch today? 
[Marinette] Hey Alya! No can do, project work all day. 
[Alya] Secret project again, huh? 😉 
[Marinette] Quit it Alya, I have to go. Raincheck?
[Alya] How’s Sunday? 
[Marinette] Great! Text me in the morning. xoxo
[Alya] Yeah, right… I’ll drop by to wake you! xoxo
Alya sighed as she put her phone away. Marinette had been acting weird for some time now. Ever since that day she showed up at school with dark circles under her eyes and with a silly grin on her face, which she explained away with some excuse about good news from her Chinese relatives, and staying up late on Facetime to talk to them. 
After four years of BFF service, Alya could tell when she was making up stories… and yet, even when caught in a lie, there were some things Marinette just wouldn’t share. It was frustrating, but Alya was respectful of her friend’s privacy. Well, most of the time, anyway.
It was also weird that she was hanging out with Adrien so often, seeing that not so long ago she had trouble even maintaining a simple conversation with him. 
“Sooo, giiirl…” Alya playfully asked, before taking a bite of her kebab. “Got anything you want to share with meee?... ”
“Share?” Marinette looked genuinely confused. “What about?” 
“Don’t play innocent with me, sweetie. You thought I wouldn’t notice you and Adrien sneaking around on breaks, going to your place after school?”
Marinette’s reaction was even stranger. Instead of her usual sputtering and denial, she coolly replied they were working on a project together, refusing to add any other details. And yet, Alya couldn’t resist some gentle teasing.
“So, does this… erm… project include any nookie?”
“A-Alya!” There she was. Blushing, stuttering Marinette. “No-nookie? No! This is strictly professional!”
As it was, Marinette refused to discuss the project any further, except to add it had something to do with fashion and her application for summer internships with established designers Adrien knew. It was the exact same explanation Nino had heard from Adrien… almost verbatim. Her reporter's sixth sense was tingling, but she let it go. If her best friends were seeing each other in secret there probably was a good reason for it. 
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“Alya’s on to us.”
“What!?” Chat Noir almost spit out his palmier. “She knows?”
Ladybug shook her head and corrected herself. 
“No—not that! I mean she’s not buying the story about the…”  she gestured air quotes, “‘fashion project’!”
“Oh. That.” After licking his fingers, he took another cookie from the box Ladybug had brought to patrol. One of the best perks of the job, and now much more frequent. “Nino was also acting weird about it.”
“What do you mean, acting weird?”
“He was all like, oh, you dog, finally saw the light, took you long enough, whatever.”
Ladybug swallowed her juice quicker than she should, breaking into a coughing fit. Chat Noir tapped her back, which was no help at all but made him feel like he was doing something. As the coughing stopped, the pats turned to gentle rubs. 
“He did?”
“Yeah, he was so… smarmy about it. Like he knew something I didn’t.”
“Huh.” Ladybug scooted away from him and went very quiet. 
“Are you alright?”
“I… I just need a minute, okay?”
Adrien was confused by her reaction. Sure, things were different after that night. Since then, Ladybug seemed slightly more restrained around Chat Noir. Although he had toned down his banter, she seemed more embarrassed whenever he made some flirtatious joke. 
The civilian side of their lives was altogether a different story. After a few days of mutual awkwardness, working together on the grimoire brought them closer than ever. 
Of course, they had been friends for a long time — well, except for that time in the beginning, when she had been so uncomfortable around him. The gum incident when they met was probably a bad start, and there had been ups and downs between them ever since. He even asked Nino if she had something against him, but he wasn’t any help. 
Eventually, that bashfulness faded as they grew older. Marinette started going out with Luka, much to the joy of their mutual friends and his own inexplicable chagrin. Adrien and Kagami were also dating within the confines of their controlling, yet approving, parents. After that, whenever they hung out there was a relaxed familiarity that made her open up more, and Adrien considered her one of his best friends. 
Now that he knew she had been Ladybug all along, he couldn’t help but feel the bitter twinge of regret. What would—could—have happened if he knew then what he knew now? 
“You really don’t know why Nino teased you?”
“No—I don’t.”
“They think we’re, you know, dating in secret.”
“What? Why? They think you’re cheating on Luka?”
“No! Not cheating… Luka sorta dumped me six months ago.” 
“Luka dumped you?” Adrien was totally confused. How could anyone dump Marinette? “I’ll kick his ass if you want me to, Milady.”
“Nah, it’s okay,” she chuckled sadly. “It wasn’t working out anyway.”
“What happened?”
“Oh, you know. He has his music, I have all of this,” Ladybug sighed, pointing at her suit. “He wanted me to be more present, and I just couldn’t. It’s like we were always out of sync.” 
“—out of sync,” Chat Noir ended the phrase with her. “I know what you mean.”
“Yeah, it was the same with Kagami,” he admitted. “She wanted to do, you know, couple things, when I was exhausted from all of this. She needed me to be there for her. By the seventeenth time I ditched her during an akuma alert with a lame excuse, she was done and ended everything.”
“You still seem hurt about it.”
“I think I’m over it now,” he shrugged. “It’s been almost a year. I just couldn’t be the kind of boyfriend she needs and deserves, so…” 
Ladybug was silent for some minutes. When she spoke, Chat Noir jumped a little. 
“I can’t believe she dumped you,” she said indignantly. “She was so in love with you…”
“How do you know that? She’s usually so reserved.”
“Well, besides it being written all over her face when she was near you? She told me. Well, actually she told Ladybug.”
“She told you that? When?”
“Oh, it was a while ago, the last time she was Ryuko. She said you were made for each other.” 
“Oh yeah, when you saved her from Heart Hunter. They were after people who were in love.”
Ladybug cringed with embarrassment, then sighed and straightened her back, psyching herself up.  
“I—I need to be honest with you, Adrien… I didn’t exactly save her. I chose her that day because I was jealous.”
Chat Noir nodded, but she wouldn’t look at him. 
“Jealous?” he cleared his throat. “Of… me?”
“Yes.” She uttered a sad chuckle, shaking her head. “I was so confused back then. So tired. I liked Luka, but I was so obsessed with Adrien-you, and I was trying not to like Chat-you. Then you and Kagami looked so happy that day… I tried to walk away, but jealousy got the best of me.” Ladybug covered her face with her hands. “I made so many stupid decisions that day. I almost ruined everything.”
Chat Noir pulled her into his lap and hugged her. 
“Hey… hey… It was a tough time for all of us, with Hawkmoth chasing Master Fu—”
“—and I led him straight to where Master Fu was! It was all my fault.”
“No.” He gently lifted her chin to meet her eyes. “It’s all his fault. Hawkmoth’s the one who’s caused all this. Don’t you ever forget that.”
Ladybug nodded, sinking into his arms and pulling him closer. 
“You can always count on me when you feel overwhelmed,” Chat Noir whispered, kissing her forehead. “Or if you need me to kick some ass.” He felt her chuckling softly into his shoulder. “Now you always know how to find me. Any time, day or night, okay?”
“And we’ll talk about that other thing another day. I’m still annoyed with our so-called best friends and their teasing.”
“Okay.” This time there was a hint of laughter in her voice. “Please don't kick their asses.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t… Now, let’s clear this up so I can take you home.”
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To be continued? Let me know! 
Thanks to @chanceuseladynoire,  @zenmisery and @nomolosk for the beta read.
Asked for a sequel and/or to be tagged: @miraculous-elcie-fanfics @ao3bronte @bowser14456 @alexseanchai @delectablycoolscientist @lecolibribleu @omgpercabethadrinette @damelicorne
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
we push and pull like a magnet do
look at me forcing myself to stay on schedule lmao. not even close to proofread but y’all know that already. 
part 1 | part 2 | part 3  
au: famous!simón meets college!ámbar
“It wasn’t a date.”
“It was.”
“It wasn’t.”
“It so was!”
“For the last time, it wasn’t a date!”
“Honey, he invited you for coffee, paid for your food, you both asked personal questions, he gave you a ride home… he freaking met your mom! It screams date. With capital d.”
Ámbar scoffed. “Freaking? What, you stopped cursing now?”
“I’m trying to quit; I almost said ‘fuck’ when my I.L. teacher asked me a question yesterday, he gave me the death glare and I thought for sure the vein in his forehead would pop and cover me in blood.” Emilia paused, “dammit, you’re a bad influence, I was doing so good.”
She raised her brow, “I’m not in charge of what you say, you idiot.”
“But you encourage me to curse, like the wicked witch you are.” She flipped her off, then. Emilia just puckered her lips up, sending her a kiss. “Anyway, your distraction ends now, stop swimming in your river and accept it; you and pinkboi went on a date.”
“My river?”
“Y’know, the Nile? Denial.”
“Hilarious.” She deadpanned.
“I would slay as a comedian.”
Ámbar decided she’d ignore her best friend for the rest of their lunch. It’d been almost three weeks and Emilia still hadn’t dropped the subject. So, what if it sounded like she had a date? Ámbar had very clear that it hadn’t been one, and she was sure Simón knew it too. Besides, she didn’t like him. Sure, they had fun, and sure, he wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d expected; but never, not once, did it cross her mind to see it as anything but an interview.
Which, by the way, had broken records on the Fab & Chic. Jazmín and Delfi hadn’t been happy at first that she’d gone solo and met Simón on her own, or that it’d been her who he gave the exclusive (that she didn’t know it was an exclusive in the first place) about the band nearly splitting up years ago; but the exposure (and money) other media and fans had given the blog in the last two weeks was more than enough to shut their mouths and be appreciative of it. Thanks to it, Jazmín and Delfi had been offered internships on two of the best magazines in the city, and a potential place for a future job to start their careers.
Ámbar, however, got enough money to pay next semester’s scholarship without her mom’s help. Maybe two more if she worked a summer job, and her dad sent her allowance on time; which he most likely would, since he didn’t have to pay two months of his little brother’s school.
She had thought of sending Simón an e-mail to thank him, or maybe even a card; but decided against it since the dude was, well, famous, and probably received thousands of those daily. The chances of him reading it were slim to none, and most likely than not, it’d go to junk-mail.
Plus, Simón really didn’t strike him as someone who read his e-mails.
“- Mrs. Álvarez.” Emilia caught her attention. “Ha! You responded to that! You must be thinking of marrying that dude and picking your children’s names and everything!”
She glared at her. “It was just a coincidence I tuned into your delirious words when you said it.”
“Nah-uh. Tell me, are you marrying in white? Beige? Are you changing your name to his? Will you have a girl or a boy first? It’s totally a girl, isn’t it?”
“We don’t change names here!” Her best friend ignored her, continuing her ranting.
“I can totally see it. A girl, with fake blonde hair, his curls, your face and his dimples; hopefully with his butt because, no offense, but yours is none-existing.”
“Are you sexualizing my hypothetic child?” Again, she was ignored.
“You should name her after me because I’m awesome. Think about it: Emilia Álvarez Smith. Oh, or maybe like that Mean Girls girl. Huh, Regina Álvarez Smith doesn’t sound that nice, forget I said that. What about a stuck up, bitchy girl? I had this classmate in México and she sucked. Her name was M-”
“Stop naming my non-existing daughter!”
“I’m sure pinkboi would love my names, no worries.”
“Then you have kids with him!”
“I have Benny already, and no offense, but he’s hotter than your boy.”  
“You’re an idiot and I hate you a lot right now.”
Emilia smirked. “Now, now, don’t bring out the claws just because you wish your boy was hot like mine.”
Before she could retort with a sarcastic answer like she wanted, her phone vibrated on the table. Seeing Jazmín’s name on the screen threw her off; because she never called unless she needed Ámbar to do something for her and the blog.
“Can I give your number to Simón?” As usual, the redhead never disappointed with her greetings.
“What?” Emilia arched her brow, silently asking who it was. When she mouthed Jazmín, her friend pretended to gag; she just rolled her eyes at her antics.
Jazmín’s sigh of annoyance was heard through the phone. “He e-mailed the Fab and Chic asking for your number. I’m asking you if I can give it to him since you’d probably kick my ass if I just gave it to him without warning.”
She would. “How are you sure it’s him? Does the guy even use his e-mail?” At this point, the other blonde was gesturing wildly to turn on the speaker. Ámbar just flipped her off.
“I e-mailed his agent and he confirmed it was his personal account.”
What did that guy want, now?
“Fine. But if I’m kidnapped or something it’s on you.”
Jazmín just hung op on her. She had been bitter two weeks ago, and she probably still was. Simón was her celebrity crush, and she was the biggest Rollerband fan she knew of; buttchin trying to contact her specifically must’ve been salt on her wounded pride. Not like she actually cared, but the boy wasn’t some thing, he was someone and Jazmín couldn’t call dibs on him like it was her property.
But, again, she didn’t like him. She just cared for his right to not be objectified.
“Well, goodbye to you too.” She muttered before locking her phone and putting it away on the table.
“What did gingerbread want now?” Emilia asked eagerly.
“Buttchin e-mailed the Fab & Chic and asked for my number. She was just asking if she could give it to him.”
The gasp that came out from her friend’s mouth should be illegal. The girl actually shrieked, “I told you! I fucking told you so! He liiiiiikes you!”
By now, half the lunch counter was glaring at them. “Would you shut up?” She hissed, “he doesn’t like me. He’s probably asking because the idiot forgot to ask for his beanie back.”
“Yeah, right. You seriously buy that bullshit? The dude is probably naming your kids right now.”
“What’s with you and thinking people are naming their kids?”
“Benny and I have. We’re naming one Bernardo and the other Esther.”
“Do you want your kids to be bullied?”
“My kids will be bad-asses, if anything they’ll bully.”
Sometimes Ámbar wondered why she was even friends with her.
She was relieved when she got home. Her classes had gone smoothly, and the workload had been reasonable; but Emilia’s teasing had hit a nerve on her that made her unable to turn off the topic in her mind.
She just wanted a shower, ice cream and a nap. Ámbar knew herself enough to accept that trying to do any work in that moment would be pointless and a sure headache.
Her bed was calling her.
And, according to her vibrating bag, so was someone on her phone. It was a blocked number, so she just let it go to voicemail and went to take a shower; if it was anything important they’d leave a message or something.
When she got out, she had ten unread texts.
Hey Ámbar, it’s simón
As in, Simón Álvarez
From the Rollerban
I asked Jazmín for your # and she gave it to me, she told me she told you?
If you’re not ambar ignore these messages
I’m not actually simón from the rb
If you are tho please text me back
Or call me
Or something?
“He’s such a weirdo.” She muttered to herself, before texting a simple ‘it’s me.’ It only took seconds before he responded.
Can I call you?
He called her anyway.
“I told you no, buttchin.”
Simón didn’t seem to mind her greeting, as he sounded more amused that anything. “Then why did you pick up?” She didn’t answer, which only made him chuckle. “Sorry, but I really needed to confirm this was your number. It’s not like I don’t trust Jazmín but…”
“She hates me?”
“… It sounded like that, yes.”
She sighed. “She doesn’t. I think she’s just jealous you didn’t ask for her number.”
“Well, she’s not the one who stole my beanie. I have no reason to call her.”
“I didn’t steal it. You forgot to ask for it and I forgot to return it.”
“Sounds like stealing to me.”  
“Do you want me to mail it to you or something?”
“Or something.”
“Well that surely tells me what you want to.”
He chuckled again. “One of my friends goes to your uni, and they offered to pick it up for me; if that works for you I can tell them to meet you in your faculty.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier for you to come to my house?”
“As much as I liked your mom’s food and having dinner with you, I can’t. The boys and I are actually out of the country right now, that’s why I couldn’t contact you earlier.”
She was surprised when she felt a wave of disappointment course through her body. Did she want to see him again? Well, yes. But she knew she didn’t need to, and she was obviously not going to ask him to wait until he was back in Buenos Aires. Her pride was bigger than that.
“Then sure. Just tell me when and I’ll bring it over.”
“Awesome! Do you have free time tomorrow?”
She nodded, even if he couldn’t see her. “I have a couple minutes before my noon class. If they can meet me at 11:50 in the square, I’ll be waiting by the fountain.”
“11:50, square, fountain; got it. I’ll text them and confirm it later, alright?” She shrugged it off with an ‘okay’. “So, how are you? How were your classes?” Ámbar smiled.
He stalled their goodbye’s for another hour, promising to call her tomorrow after uni to see if everything had gone alright.
She didn’t do any work that afternoon, but she couldn’t bring herself to care that much.
The next morning, she was next to Emilia with the beanie on her hand; waiting for whoever Simón had sent, and just couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
Out of everyone is this world, she really wasn’t expecting to her there.
“Da-amn.” Emilia whispered as Luna walked their way, the brunette’s grin as bright as the sun. Ámbar forced herself to smile back.
Only Simón would send her ex’s actual girlfriend to pick up his stupid hat.
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