#let the local artists and goths have their day!!
chocodile · 2 years
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Some little “potion bottles” I made for Halloween!
There may be a few special cameos in there along with the typical Halloween fare...
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 3
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Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel):
His character is the reason the term "Homme Fatale" became a thing
Homme fatale, living by the mantra of be gay, do crime. V secretive and just the right amount of flirty. Also I love him
He’s a slutty master thief who slept with a detective he went on 1 date(murder case) with and then fell ass over tea kettle in love. Literally can’t think of anything sexier
Antigone Funn (Wooden Overcoats):
An extremely agoraphobic mortician of a local funeral home who has every disease. Nervous wreck. Makes noises when stressed. An artist at heart (her embalming fluid is imbued with the fragrance of cinnamon).
she's the goth gf of your dreams. she's an undertaker, a romance novelist, a hot air balloon pilot, and she has interiority for days
It's antigone or unfollow me
please, everyone, antigone deserves this. she ghost-wrote a wildly successful erotic novel and then faked the death of the fake author. she didn’t leave her house for 17 years except to go see horny french films every thursday. she accidentally ended up in a love triangle with a hot domme lesbian circus ringmaster and her own employee. she broke up with a doctor after one date because he didn’t respect her career (and also his parrot hated her). she experienced years of carnal yearning for her professional rival only to finally realize she was actually okay on her own. she drinks embalming fluid. she thinks of funerals as an art form. she was diagnosed with depression as an infant. she wanted to be a clown when she grew up. her hero is a historical female scientist who has a statue with her tits out. she’s been attacked by owls. a bunch of children thought she was a forest witch. the rest of the village thought she was dead. she has committed multiple counts of breaking and entering. she designed artisanal chocolates that put you in a temporary coma. she can’t eat her own chocolates because she’s allergic to everything. she attracts shadows like a magnet. she’s a woman in STEM. if you have any love in your heart for goth weirdgirls you’ll do the right thing. ANTIGONE SWEEP
Considering committing voter fraud for Antigone. My girl 😔
Vote Antigone because do you understand how narratively satisfying it would be if she won??? Season one? She could barely go outside her mortuary. Season four? Modeling for a sexy calendar. THE CHARACTER GROWTH!!!!!!! Nothing more sexy than that.
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thegr33nc0met · 9 months
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Dating Stu Macher Headcanons ♥︎
CONTENT WARNINGS: NSFW, GN Reader/unspecified anatomy, Switch!Stu (a little heavy on the sub side), Switch!Reader, overstimulation, light bondage, pet names, after care
I’m so sorry this took so long to post and that I forgot to add the cat bit:(( I’ve just been a bit busy with work and stuff but I hope you enjoy!!
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♥︎ Stu loves loves LOVES your style. soft band tees, long flowing clothes and light fabrics? he’s eating you up. om nom nom.
the way they wrap around your body like a silky cocoon is just MAGICAL to him. you’re like a witch covered in fog and spider’s silk bro.
♥︎ if you wear makeup, he is very intrigued by how you do it and will definitely make you put some on him. you know that picture of someone laying on top of another person while they do their eyeliner?? yeah that’s you guys.
he loves when you kiss him and leave a cute little lipstick stamp on his cheek.
same with painting his nails. like if you paint your nails black, he will BEG you to do his as well (i like to imagine he bites his nails, so it’s kinda hard to do with how short they’re bitten down).
♥︎ he’ll discover a band or artist that he thinks is even slightly alternative and he’ll ask if you know them (then make you listen to them if you haven’t). they may not actually be alternative, but he’s trying his best to be supportive<3
LOVES going to concerts with you. the whole vibe of the alternative/goth community is so refreshing to him. he thinks everyone is so chill and nice:)
♥︎ as I’ve stated before, his love languages are gift giving and acts of service. anything you want, he’s gonna get it for you one way or another (whether he buys it or steals it, it’s YOURS). if you guys are hanging out at the local strip mall and you get something, he’ll carry all your shopping bags for you<<33 he’ll buy you things even if you don’t ask for it; you’re constantly getting new clothes and jewelry from him that he thinks you’ll like.
he will hold doors open for you and carry your backpack at school. he’ll even let you hop on his back if you get tired of walking.
Stu definitely calls you cutie. i also think he loves to make up random nicknames on the spot. pookie bear, schnookums, muffin, ducky, sweet potato pie, honey booger.. silly stuff like that, but they’re mostly used in a humorous way. cutie is his favourite pet name for you.
♥︎ loves when you borrow his sweaters, whether they’re big enough to be a dress on you or fit you as a regular sweater, or just a lazy day shirt… it gives him cuteness aggression to the max. he just wants to squeeze you til you pop!!<3
♥︎ MOVIE NIGHTS ALL THE TIME!!! he loves cuddling up against you on the couch, a blanket draped across the two of you as some cheesy slasher film plays on the tv. will go all out with snacks (he’s the type of person to put m&ms in his popcorn so be warned if that’s not your thing).
♥︎ he’s always gotta have an arm slung over your shoulders or hips no matter where you are.
♥︎ oh lord… this man.. the first time you guys have sex is a wild ride let me tell you!!
♥︎ he loves going down on you. he wants to give you as many orgasms with his mouth as possible until you can hardly handle it. he wants to give you as much pleasure as he can so you know you’re his. so you know no one else can make you feel as good as he does.
once you’re whimpering and nearly crying from overstimulation, he’ll pull his mouth away from your abused sex and rub his big hands over your trembling legs and coo comforting shushes at you until you settle down before he’s sliding inside. he’ll make you come over and over again until he’s satisfied.
he’s definitely a service bottom when/if you’re dominant. he just wants to make you feel good as possible.
♥︎ if you tease him while he’s bottoming and gets real desperate, he starts giggling like a mad man between broken moans. god he’s just so DESPERATE FOR YOU TO TOUCH HIM.
“hehehehehehha—ungh!~ yes!— heheh..” as a sheen of sweat is covering his hot body and tears are streaming down his cheeks, pooling at his chin, squirming and writhing against the restraints as you teasing drag the pads of your fingers up to his leaking tip. “p-please… just keep touching me like that… you’ll make me feel good? right, cutie? you’ll let me come?” he pants out, biting down on his lip to keep the nervous laughter from bubbling up again, his pretty blue eyes lidded as he stares you down.
♥︎ imagine him throwing his head back and letting out the sluttiest moan when you finally take him inside you after teasing him for so long.
“th-thank you… god, fuck! you feel so fuckin’ good…” he practically growls out, smiling widely in ecstasy as you fuck him. he lets out the most pathetic whimpers and moans when he finally comes inside you, ‘thanks yous’ falling repeatedly from his mouth.
♥︎ he loves giving as much as he loves receiving after care. if it’s not too late at night/if the two of you aren’t too tired, he’ll get a shower running for both of you, and loves to clean you up while pressing gentle kisses to any part of your body he can. he’d love it if you did the same for him. then after the shower, he’ll get you a cup of water before cuddling back up with you in bed and falling asleep<3
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comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!🫶
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ornii · 1 year
My Bitter Half series? Shut up and take my money!
It's monopoly money but the point still stands!
I Never expected that short story to get such praise. But if people want more of it, I’d be glad to I love the Siblings Dynamic, so here’s part 2 AKa: (Y/n) Pissing Wednesday off for (insert number) minutes.
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My Better Bitter Half, Part 2
Chapter 2: Sibling rivalry, Part 1.
“The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different. Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene.”
Enid and (Y/n) walk between Wednesday down the hall.
“I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés.”
“Well, then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain. There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales.” She explains, they eventually reach the Quad, the main social hub of Nevermore.
“Those are the Fangs, AKA vampires. Some of them have been here for decades.” (Y/n) motions to the ones in deep dark glasses. A few of the more feminine vampires eye the Addams Twins, more importantly (Y/n). They growl and wink at him, some batting their fangs.
“That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves. Like me!” Enid smiles, and the howling of werewolves echo along the annals of Nevermore.
“Full moons get pretty loud around here. That's when Furs wolf out. I suggest you pick up noise-cancelling headphones.” Enid said.
“I'm assuming Scales are sirens?” Wednesday said.
“You catch on quick.” Enid smiles, and motions to a girl, dark beautiful skin with azure blue eyes.
“And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown's been slipping lately. She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe. But they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason unknown.”
“Fascinating.” Wednesday says, obviously sarcastically.
“I know, right? My vlog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip.” Enid says with a prideful gleam. (Y/n) sighs at this, until Ajax, a friend and local stoner approaches Wednesday.
Yo, (Y/n) Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate. She eats human flesh. Chowed down on that kid she murdered.You better watch your back (Y/n).” Ajax says to Wednesday, “You look, shorter, did you grow your hair out?” He asks.
“Ajax.” You say, “That is my Sister Wednesday, the girl who is Rooming with Enid.” You say and he peers over to her, stoned out of his mind.
“O-oh uh—“ he begins but is halted
“Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets.” Wednesday says, which blows Ajax’s mind.
“Whoa. You're both in black and white.” He says to the twins. “Like a living Instagram filter.” (Y/n) shakes his head
“Ignore him. Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned. He's cute, but clueless.” Enid says, ignoring Ajax, the three continue to acquire her schedule.
“It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you. You should really get on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok. I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.” Wednesday responds deadpanned.
“Are, you sure this is your sister?” Enid asks (Y/n), who grins.
“Unfortunately yes, In all her glory I’m sure.” You say coldly, The day ends and the family must bid goodbye to the twins, Pugsley hugs Wednesday.
“Pugsley, you're soft and weak. You'll never survive without me. I give you two months, tops.” She said
“I'm gonna miss you, too, sis.” He responds, he hugs (Y/n) who gladly reciprocated, and tags a “stab me.” Note on pugsleys back.
“I’ll miss you too little brother.” You say and the family leave in the car, the two stand silent before you spoke to her.
“A Word of Advice Mi Hermana (My Sister) Any plans you have of running away end right now. Mother has alerted all family members to contact her the minute you darken their doorstep, I will be watching you, closely.” You say as you go lucky attitude quickly fades.
“As usual, you underestimate me, Mi Hermano. I will escape this educational penitentiary, and you will never hear from me again.” She says, (Y/n) growls a bit and folds his arms.
“I detest saying this, but You are a brilliant girl, Wednesday, and.. as much as It annoys me, I’d… I’d honestly miss you if you left.” You admit, Wednesdays cold stare slightly warmed as you gritted your teeth.
“Mother wishes for you to stay here, you’re lucky you aren’t in prison like Uncle Fester. Don’t throw your life away over your pride.” You say and walk away leaving Wednesday to consider your words, but as siblings go, she wouldn’t take your orders laying down.
The Next day, (Y/n) effortlessly knocks Rowan down in their fencing, using his quick fencing ability.
“Coach, Coach, he tripped me.” Rowan complains.
“It was a clean strike, Rowan.” You say, “Widen your stance, build more muscle and I won’t knock you over like a twig.” You say, you turn your attention to the other novice fencers.
“Anyone wish to challenge the Prince of Nevermore?” You say, and one voice speaks up.
“I do.”
(Y/n) turns to face his sister, Wednesday. Geared to the toe for fencing. You can only laugh and tilt your head.
“Wednesday, as amusing as this would be I’d rather avoid hurting my own blood.”
“Do you? It seems nothing has changed since you left home, you’re still a coward.”
“Ooh!” The fencers say from parts of the room, (Y/n)’s smile Fades to silence and burning fury. (Y/n) snaps his fingers and the teacher looks up.
“Professor, I’d like a match with Wednesday Addams..” you say coldly and he nods, “First to three strikes.” The siblings get in position and pit on their gear. Drawing their sabres their intense glares focus on each other,
“En garde.” They say in unison and move in, the strikes were fast, fluent and held so much animosity. Each stroke inches closer to a point, before a quick jab to (Y/n)‘s neck won Wednesday a point.
“Point to Wednesday.” The Coach says, Wednesday voice was muffled but (Y/n) could hear it.
“You know what they say Brother, “Pride Cometh before the fall.” She says, (Y/n) moved in, much more ferocious and hungry for victory. The blades dance and trade before (Y/n) lands a point on her heart. The score is even.
“Let's finish this.” You say.
“Agreed. For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge. No masks. No tips. Winner draws first blood.” Wednesday says.
“Fine.” You respond and tear your mask off.
“I’ll apologize to mother when she visits you.” You say and Wednesdays focus was dead on you, and the final round began, the bladed tips were fast, sharp and each swing and jab were inches, millimeters away from landing a point, each attack felt so, raw, full of fury and strike, their blades clash once more and Wednesday goes for a stab, (Y/n) for a downward slash. And blood, was spilled.
(Y/n) and Wednesday sat in the nurses office together, both bleeding. Wednesday had a small cut on the top of her head, and her brother? Not as fortunate. He had his upper shirt removed as there was a stab wound in his shoulder. It was being patched up by the nurse and wrapped. The nurse leaves as the siblings sit together.
“Sorry for being a bit too, aggressive.” You say to her, Wednesday kept staring forward.
“I apologize for almost piercing your heart.” She said.
“I’ll admit, what you said got under my skin, you always had that ability to bring the worst emotions out of me.” She explains, “What’s Family good for?” You say sarcastically.
“I meant what I said though, I’d be amiss to have my other half missing. As much as you Hate it mother cares for you, as I do.” You said, you put your hand on her leg and try to reassure her.
“Just, Take what i Said into consideration.” You ask her, Wednesday turns her head to face yours. “I’ll consider it.” She responds.
“Thank you, I’m still going to stab you back though.” You say smirking, and Wednesday attempts to hide her grin.
“You’ll have to Earn it.”
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: Cassius Hawthorne Species: Vampire Occupation: History Teacher Age: 206 Years Old (Looks about 34) Played By: Caitlyn Face Claim: Jamie Campbell Bower
“I’ve seen history repeated dozens of times over the years I have lived; we are truly destined to repeat it.”
Cassius was born into a family of nine in 1817 in London, England, twenty years before Queen Victoria took the throne. Being the middle child of three boys and six girls, Cassius could get away with quite a bit. An unruly child, Cassius constantly sneaked out to explore London’s streets with his oldest brother, stealing fruit from the local market to feed their little sisters when their parents couldn’t provide enough for the entire family. Around the time of the hungry 40s, when England experienced famine, Cassius lost his mother and three sisters to sickness. After losing them, he began working hard through the start of the industrial revolution in various factories to get by and provide for his family the best he could. In 1843, however, he decided to move to America, a land that was said to be full of opportunity. 
It was in New York that he found his passion for writing. It was a club of individuals who shared their poetry where he found himself, for the first time, writing poetry about his family that he left behind, that he lost. It was a man that went by Richard that truly captured his interest, growing close enough that they moved in together. His roommate was strange, but he never really paid it any mind. He worked the night shift at the sanitarium, never going outside during the day, even drawing the curtains when the sun shone too brightly. Richard saved him years later when Cassius contracted Tuberculosis, or “consumption” as they called it then. Refusing to let his friend enter the same place he worked, Richard revealed himself to be a vampire, turning Cassius before the consumption took him as it took so many others during that time. It took decades of learning from Richard about how to control his thirst and conceal himself from humans. At this time, the two became inseparable. They moved around the country when they stayed in place for too long, keeping to the same jobs they had in New York—Richard, a nurse, and Cassius, a high school teacher.
In 1980, the charade finally ended. Richard told Cassius it was time for him to live independently and find his own path. Crushed, the younger vampire moved back to New York, continuing the act on his own. It was in the 80s that he found the goth scene, the appreciation for the macabre in music and writing being something he was instantly drawn to. As the years went on, the more he dove into the lifestyle, going to goth clubs and losing himself in the music scene. When the vampire craze in the 2010s happened, it was almost too perfect. A man dressed all in black listening to gothic music and reading vampire novels was almost too cliche, and he realized it. He blended right in, almost too cliched for anyone to suspect that he was the real deal. It was in 2015 he moved for the millionth time, this time to a coastal town in Maine, taking up the mantle of history teacher once again, looking for the man that turned him.
Character Facts:
Personality: Intelligent, arrogant, charming, loner, calculating, artistic
In his free time, Cassius writes poetry and is often found around town writing in his journal.
His favorite grading spot is the local coffee shop, often covered in a jacket and hat, even in warm weather.
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stelly38 · 2 years
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Yes, it’s an old article, but this is the sort of taking-the-piss-out-of-it I LIVE for.  It gives me liiiiife, darling.  This is by Patrick Freyne, in the Irish Times, dated June 11, 2017.  Hilarious!  (and that’s not the photo that came with the article; I grabbed this one off the nets.)
Poldark: He’s so fertile, I may have got pregnant watching him
18th century mining mogul, stealth Irishman and professional hunksman Ross Poldark is very fertile. As someone who has studied 18th-century medicine (the points were low) I believe this may be due to all that cliff-top horse-riding he does and possibly regular leechings.
And so Ross's first love, Elizabeth, is pregnant with his child but married to his arch-enemy, the upwardly mobile rotter George Warleggan. This is the key dramatic driver of the new series. The elitist banker Warleggan is, once more, pitched against the tin-mining man-of-the-people Poldark, as if they're the protagonists of some sort of olden-days Brexit.
We know Warleggan (Jack Farthing) is a baddy because he enjoys the effete pastimes of the age – thwarting villagers and standing in a drawing room with his hands behind his back and a puss on him.
In contrast, whenever we cut to Ross (Aidan Turner) and his saintly wife Demelza (Eleanor Tomlinson) they are carrying bales of hay, or pumping water, or punching sheep, or wrestling horses. They are generally to be found breathing heavily and perspiring, with a lock of hair in their faces, something which has no effect on the general viewer whatsoever.
Poldark, all in black, his brow furrowed like an Olde Tyme goth, has much on his mind. Demelza wishes he didn’t always “rise before dawn” Fine-Gael-style as he walks by, once more, carrying a cow over his head or something. “Everyone has shadows,” he explains later. “The trick is to outrun them.”
This shows a basic and panicky misunderstanding of the science of shadows, but we’ll let it pass. It’s the 18th century.
Over in Warleggan’s place George is trying to wean the family off Ross’s earthy influence. There’s Ross’s Aunt Agatha, who hints darkly about disasters to come from the corner of the room, much like a newspaper columnist or Twink.
And then there's Elizabeth's son, Geoffrey Charles, who has never read any old English novels about what happens to the first children of remarried English aristocrats, and so is unwisely insolent towards George.
In a moment of rebellion, he runs off with Ross who shows him how to manfully batter the inside of a cave with a pickaxe, thus inculcating him with a transgressive love for manual labour and, possibly, shirtlessness.
Actually, Ross keeps his shirt on for this episode, leaving the more explicit hunking to two new characters, Demelza’s brothers, the wannabe preacher Sam and the Canadian hip-hop artiste Drake (editor’s note: um, I think that’s a different Drake, Patrick).
This tuneful duo arrives to bring news that Demelza’s father is dying, and we are promised, in a teaser for next week, that one of them will divest himself of his horrible chafing shirt. Shirts are so uncomfortable. I regularly take my shirt off, because, as you know, typing is manual labour (editor’s note: that reminds me, you’ve a meeting with HR today, Patrick).
There are minor subplots. Caroline Penvenen, a friend and local pug-farmer (well, she has a pug), is marrying noble military doctor Dwight Enys in defiance of her kindly, slowly-expiring guardian Bergerac (John Nettles). Geoffrey Charles also bonds with his new governess, his cousin Morwenna, who gazes lustfully at hunky Drake, no doubt contemplating his Hotline Bling.
Poldark is, as always, almost bizarrely gripping and entertaining. Possibly due to its roots in the novels of Winston Graham, it never undermines its historical strangeness with high-concept notions or overly prescient references to the internet or the millennium bug or Jeremy Corbyn. It looks amazing. Everything is sun-dappled or candle-lit.
The tense omnipresent soundtrack is, somehow, never intrusive. The striking-looking, charismatic actors never undermine the dark, morally problematic melodrama by winking to camera.
And then there's the beautiful, ocean-battered coastline of Cornwall along which Ross and Demelza ride when in emotional turmoil and which some liken to "another character on the show".
Sadly, it hasn't yet been given any lines ("Whatsa matter Mister-a-Poldark?" for example) but it is spectacular. It is, as you know, played by Timothy Spall.
It’s the 18th-century so life is hard. There are references to the war which will, I think, dominate later episodes. There are two deathbed scenes (for nice Ray Penvenen/Bergerac and Demelza’s brutish father) and a difficult childbirth scene which all occur under the eerie shadow of “a black moon”.
Elizabeth spends the episode trying get thrown from a horse or flinging herself down stairs in fear that George will listen to Aunt Agatha’s hints about the child’s parentage and figure out that Elizabeth is nine months and not eight months pregnant.
The latter action apparently causes her to go into labour. Ross spends a bit of time lurking outside the window spying at this point, which is pretty weird behaviour even for him (this show expects you to forgive a lot).
Anyway, it’s very important for Elizabeth that there’s no indication that she might be giving birth to Poldark’s child. The baby comes out shirtless, brooding, riding a small horse and wearing a tricorn hat.
“He favours you, I think,” says Elizabeth to George, chancing her arm.
“Yes,” says George, a little desperately, as the baby moodily gallops along a clifftop with a sheep under his arm. “I see the resemblance.”
Back at the Poldark residence Demelza tells Ross that she too is pregnant, and to be honest, after an hour watching I’m feeling a bit pregnant myself. “Curse my hunky fertile genes!” cries Ross Poldark shaking his fist at the heavens in anticipation of an excitingly tumultuous eight episodes to come.
Okay, he doesn’t say the last bit but you get the picture. That Poldark, what’s he like?
Link to original if you like:
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fuckyeahfightlock · 28 days
I saw an Ask meme on someone else's blog and felt like sending you a couple of questions from it. :)
What is:
a song you liked as a child
a song you love from the 90s
(random Moriarty gif just because)
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When I was really little--like before my parents divorced, which was when I was in first grade--we had a wood-paneled station wagon with an 8-track tape player. One of the tapes we had that I really loved to listen to was "Elvis Live in Las Vegas." If you've never heard Elvis's walk-on music--which was Also Sprach Zarathrustra, right into CC Rider--man, you gotta!
I loved Elvis; his death is the first "news" I ever remember hearing. I think my favourite when I was very small was "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You". . .given what a drama queen I grew up to be, I think that scans.
Songs from the '90s are difficult because as much as I later came to appreciate Nirvana, I hated grunge and all the stuff that clogged up my local alternative radio station for most of the '90s.
In the early-mid '90s most of the people in my social circle were in punk bands, heavily influenced by the grungiest of grunge music (Mudhoney was the fave of my roommate Mo, and man, did I hate it; it was straight-up noise to me), so I did go to a lot of heavy rock/punk/post-grunge-noise gigs to see my friends' bands play, but overall I really dislike '90s music (I didn't even go near pop music then; I probably couldn't identify many artists in the Top 40 other than Celine Dion and. . .was En Vogue the '90s? I was truly in alterna-world from about 1986 - 2001 or later). Music was so dire in the '90s I didn't even like the records the Cure and Throwing Muses put out in the '90s.
That said, even a broken clock is right twice a day so there were a couple of '90s songs that made it through. I loved "Father of Mine" by Everclear, and "Possum Kingdom" by the Toadies. "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit, and "Stars" by Hum are two of my all-time favourite songs, and those are both soundly '90s rock tracks. "Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys was great, everything off Hole's Pretty On the Inside and Live Through This was great (the former because Courtney Love wrote it; the latter because Kurt Cobain probably did), and "Pure Morning" by Placebo were in heavy rotation on my Walkman (and later, my Discman).
I was dancing at the goth club in the '90s, and I'm sure many of the songs I loved were made in the '90s ("Sparks" by Faith & the Muse comes right to mind, as well as some Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds classics such as "Let Love In," "Red Right Hand," and the Murder Ballads album) but I didn't know a lot of the song titles or artists as I only heard them in the club, which gave them their magic.
Madonna's Ray of Light came out in the '90s; I think it is an absolute masterpiece and straight-up one of the best albums of all time, full stop, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
All that to say, Morrissey's very best album, Vauxhall and I, came out in 1994, and that is all I ever need to know about music in the '90s. I still listen to some part of it just about every week. Can't pick a favourite child, of course, I love them all the same, but I have a special place in my heart for "Now My Heart is Full" because the very first time I saw Moz live (1996!), he looked right at me from his crouch as he sang the opening lines, and my heart was full, full, overfull.
"I was tired again, I tried again, and now my heart is full. Now my heart is full and I just can't explain, so I won't even try to." I just got goosebumps listening to this and I swear I've heard it 500 times.
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Name: Garry
Series: Ib
Continuity: True Ending
Age: 22
Height: 5'0"
Orientation: Homosexual | Non-binary (They/them)
Species: Human
Occupation: Clothing store clerk
Father: Unnamed
Mother: Unnamed
Garry is an only child to a set of highly conservative parents, relatively. They actually lived an rather average life, one so ordinary that they almost never mentions it. Yet something happened as Garry had entered their second year of high school, they fell in love with a boy. Garry didn't know about their parents blatant homophobia due to their conservatism, even when their father made remarks about the month of June being pride month, they had still been in the dark as most youth do.
That summer, Garry came out as gay to their parents who were not pleased by them in the slightest. They begged them to go to a conversion camp or therapy but they at first would politely refuse, until they started hiding things like their cell phone and laptop while telling them it's what made them gay. It was getting so bad and dangerous that they were starting to physically abuse them on multiple occasions. Garry had enough and at age seventeen, packed their bags in the middle of the night and decided to stay at their current boyfriend's house. (Whom they never introduced to their parents for obvious reasons)
The stress of graduating high school and them running away from home so quickly had caused Garry and their current relationship to not really work out and broke up just after they graduated high school. Yet they weren't going to let any of this get them down. Now graduated from high school, they left town and went from bus to bus until they arrived at a city they never even heard of before. It's there they got a job as a clerk for a local goth centric store in the local mall.
Though all was not completely well with Garry. They were incredibly closed off from people and suffered a major smoking addiction, often smoking an entire pack in one day. It wasn't until they noticed how short they were on money from buying so many cigarettes a day that they would decide to quit, keeping lemon candies in their pocket to suppress their itch to smoke.
As an interest, Garry has always loved two things - art and sweets. When they heard the world famous artist, Guertena, was having an exhibit in the new year was when they worked their bum off to earn enough money to buy a ticket. they were still working a minimum wage job in a city, cash was still tight for them. Often times, he'd be so short on money that he exclusively bought his clothes at thrift stores and shopped at family owned discount stores for food.
Yet they finally were able to afford a ticket! Grabbing their tattered coat, lemon candy, wristwatch and lighter - they made their way to the gallery. There they absolutely loved all the beautiful art on display, but their personal favorite was The Hanged Man. They were a fan of the beautiful art of tarot cards and something about the meaning of The Hanged Man had drawn them particularly to that painting. Yet as they were enjoying it was when the lights went out and suddenly the floor turned to...paint? Which caused Garry to fall in.
They awoke in a place that looked like another gallery, but the room was all a deep red. Pieces that weren't even in the real exhibit were there, suddenly a vase appeared in front of them with a blue rose. A note told them "As the rose wilts, so do you." A concerning one indeed. As they wandered around, suddenly they were attacked by women in the gallery whose bodies had halfway come out and attacked them! Easily frightened, and absolutely hated horror movies, Garry ran for their life only for these women to surround them and begin to munch away at their blue rose, dying as they would consume the rose.
Yet they awoke perfectly fine and a little girl giving their rose back to them. It was a little girl in a simple red outfit, with a red rose of her own. They thanked her, but noticed this poor little girl was all alone. Garry actually adores children, often being very motherly and patient towards any child they met whether lost or had a question when they came into the store. They couldn't live with themselves to let a child go alone in this dangerous and strange world, so they'd go along with Ib and work with her to get out of the gallery.
It wouldn't be easy for Garry who frightened so easily. They were never a coward, but they definitely was easy to scare. They'd be brave for Ib if it meant she'd be protected, especially when she was so sweet towards them. Their bond would only grow in the gallery, Garry even giving her their lemon candy to calm her down from a nightmare. It was those candies they relied on as a crutch in not to smoke anymore and it seems it was this moment where they could let go of the candy too.
In the gallery they would meet a girl named Mary, who instantly showed animosity towards them. Normally, Garry encountered spoiled girls like Mary all the time and knew how to calm them down but it seems no matter what they did - Mary just had venom in her voice when speaking to them. It was to a point where Garry was suspicious and when they and Ib were separated for a time, they found a book containing a portrait of...Mary!!! Mary was just another painting come to life! Luckily they would confront her, where she ran away in fury.
Ib and them would suddenly enter a world completely different from the one they had been in, it was now a world drawn in crayon by what looked to be a child around Ib's age. They would wander around until they encountered Mary again, who this time was threatening to hurt them. Desperate and scared for their lives as Mary had a sharp palette knife in her hand to stab them, Garry gave Ib their lighter and Ib had destroyed Mary's painting. This killed Mary who was set ablaze and turned into a puddle of paint. The scuffle had caused Garry cut is hand where Ib gave them a handkerchief with her name on it to bandage it.
At last Garry and Ib would find a way to escape! Yet when they made it to the real world, neither of them could remember what happened. Just as Garry was checking out the rose sculpture, feeling a strange sense of nostalgia, Ib would approach them who seemed to remember everything, even showing the candy from their pocket and their own coat had her handkerchief in it. The two of them quickly regained their memories and although they had to go for the exhibit was closing, they promised Ib they should meet again sometime.
They would eventually meet with Ib's parents at coffee shop, where they'd explain to them how they had met their daughter when she had gotten lost in the exhibit. Of course, they gave the basic version of it as to not make them think they were a mad person. Seeing how sweet they were, they agreed that Ib could meet with them again sometime and the two would have a reunion at a local cafe where they served macarons (Garry's new favorite sweet). They've even met with Ib's parents quite a few times after that, who adore them so much that they allow him to babysit Ib when they're out. It's almost like Garry has the family they secretly always wanted after they came out, they even told Ib's parents of their status and they truthfully didn't care and often encouraged them. It's truly enough to make them cry. Who knew an art gallery would turn their life around?
Garry is a very gentle person, often very soft spoken and speaks with a very elegant tone to them. They don't view gender as black and white as others so they often will and hopes to be seen as someone who can break the barriers of gender. They also love art, sweets and occasionally gothic aesthetics. Though they haven't entered college yet, they do hope to someday work in fashion as a designer.
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serpentcoded · 10 months
How I've come to follow Hekate, part 1
This post was so long Tumblr wouldn't even let me save it as a draft 😭 so I've broken it into two (hopefully) parts.
I finished writing this at 1:30 AM, so I may need to make grammatical and clarity edits later when I'm more awake.
It started in November 2018. I was at a local convention with my then-partner, who I will refer to as M from this point on. M was tabling and I went with them to just hang out.
Beside us, a medium was giving tarot readings and whatever you call a medium reading. She was very friendly and we chatted throughout the day. Despite having been reading tarot for around seven years at that time, I'd never been given a reading by a professional. And she was a professional; she ran (and possibly still runs) a little witchcraft supply shop and gives readings there. She was at the convention to promote her shop.
The readings were inexpensive, just $10 for a Celtic Cross spread, so I said sure why not. At this point, I hadn't told her anything personal about me. All she really knew about me was that I was an artist, and she could clearly see from my appearance that I learn toward a goth aesthetic. I didn't really have anything on me that could be used for a cold reading either, from what I remember.
First she does whatever a medium reading is called. She tells me I'm 'surrounded by death energy'. I'd had a lot of family members die at that point, a friend I'd known in school had been murdered a couple years earlier, and later the following year one of my best friends from high school would die (far too young) of cancer. So I just thought it was because I'd been to a lot of funerals.
Then she asks me if I've ever been interested in Wicca or Paganism, and I told her I've dabbled a bit here and there but nothing ever stuck. I found Wicca when I was 15, but quickly grew bored of all the 'love and light' shit and didn't like the idea of a generic God and Goddess, who struck me as lacking personality and felt just as distant and cold as the Christian god I'd been raised with.
She asks me if I've ever been interested in Hekate, and I tell her I've looked into her a bit but not very in depth. I'd 'tried on' deities here and there, including Odin, Loki, Thor, Bastet, Anubis, Aphrodite, and, yes, Hekate. But I never felt any real connection. Things happened to let me know that they were there (at least some of them) but it wasn't enough to make me really feel anything.
So I'm a bit surprised when she tells me that Hekate 'claimed me' at birth. She also went on to tell me that I'm a "deathwalker", a term I had never heard before, and I'm still not sure of its origin so I apologize if it's appropriative. I've since started using the term 'psychopomp' instead, because it means the same thing. So all of that explained the death energy, I guess :')
So over the next few years, I try to connect with Hekate, but I don't feel anything. I set up an alter. I observe Deipnon (as often as I can remember). I try to talk to her using tarot, and I ask if she could maybe give me a sign in dreams. But I still feel nothing, and from what I could tell, she wasn't being very forthcoming with communicating. So I started to wonder if that medium had been mistaken. My alter got cluttered and messy and I eventually stopped trying all together.
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nstbtmelb · 11 months
Our 95th [nstbt_podcast] comes from South African DJ/Producer/Promoter: Miss Strange
Artist, dancer and bass addict from Johannesburg, South Africa, Ilana Botha aka Miss Strange is no stranger to the underground scene and started her DJ career in 2011 with a dynamic musical background in all genres of underground sounds such Alternative Rock, Metal, Goth EBM, Darkwave, Industrial, Psychedelic and DarkForst/Psy.
With a natural talent for music, vocals, and art, and having pure love for musical instruments and all styles of dance, it was always the heart and soul of her life.
In 2021, playing Techno at a local festival for the first time, her unique taste and style for Techno developed and evolved, and she discovered a great love for underground Techno, Dark Techno, Industrial and then Hardtechno, which has now become the core and sole focus in her musical works to date.
Now the founder/owner of Explicit Noize Records/Productions/ Podcasts, she stays true to her passion for all underground electronic music, showcasing the darker, harder, and faster side of artists from all around the world with a diverse set of skills and passion for the most filthy, dark and dirty underground sounds out there.
We hope you love the mix that she has prepared for us!
Thank you Ilana! 🤘😁
[track_list] 01] KID BUTCHER - Slaves (Original Mix) 02] Dave Blunt - Fear 03] Eddy0ne - Creep 04] Team 2M Jr - You Talk Too Much (No Respect) 05] Dave Blunt - El Diablo 06] SveTec - Let's Do It Anyway 07] Eddy0ne - Broady 08] Dave Blunt - Hide And Seek Bootleg 09] ViperXXL - Rubber Room 10] SveTec & Albert Kraner - Bassist 11] Thomash Gee - Scanners 12] Withecker - Discordance (Original Mix) 13] INSTIGATOR & TATO - Mechanical Magic (Original Mix) 14] Zheta - Frame of Mind 15] Jason Little & DJ Hammond - After Dark 16] Withecker - Interactive Paradox 17] DJ Hammond - The Lock / A Lakat (Az Üvegtigrisből) 18] Withecker - Aberration
If you like what you hear, be sure to like and follow their artists pages below. A few seconds and a few clicks on your part can help make a difference at the end of the day. Support the music you love, and help support the artists who create it 🙏🏻
[miss_strange_pages] Facebook: www.facebook.com/missstrangemusic Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/miss_strange Instagram: www.instagram.com/djmissstrange Explicit Noize: www.facebook.com/explicitnoize CTTP: www.facebook.com/groups/773614816925469/ DCP HQ-FR: www.soundcloud.com/def-cronic-ml DCP HQ-ZA: www.soundcloud.com/victorviolence
[nstbt_pages] Website: http://www.nosleeptillbedtime.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nosleeptillbedtime/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nstbt_melb/
#hardtechno #schranz #techno #Johannesburg #industrialhardcore #industrialtechno #producer #undergroundtechno #technoculture #ilovetechno #technodj #technoparty #hardstyle #darktechno #party #hardcore #technomusic #underground #djlife #electronicmusic #hardtechnoparty #tekk #djing #club #hardtechnomusic #raver #dj ⁣
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No Fooling: Dark Force Fest Saturday, April 1st, 2023 Review
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(Hi, few days later Morticia here! I'm transferring the original Blogger post to Tumblr, and am fleshing out more of the content with links and anything new I've learned in the days following the event.)
I know I have other posts I really should have written and posted long before this one, but it is what it is. I'm just a girl with a cellphone and a passion to talk about this festival Right NOW.
Why am I only writing about Saturday? Because it was the only day I could go.  I had an Amazing time and wouldn't trade a single second of it for anything.  
Dark Force Fest is a 3-Day Alternative Music and Lifestyle Festival in New Jersey. Formerly a convention known as "Dark Side of the Con", Dark Force Fest has an amazingly Passionate and Prolific Organizer, Jet, and is presented through his company, former Social Media site now Gothic Retail store, VampireFreaks. VampireFreaks is a topic for another post and maybe a full video deep dive.  There's so much to cover, there was so much to do! I chose to check out the Swap Meet, the Live Bat Exhibit, The Super Smash Bros Tournament (I lost), and the Goth Dad Q&A. While  I could have walked into any number of bands, I specifically saw Carnivore A.D.'s Tribute to Type O Negative. For all my fan-girling about Vision Video with my friends, I couldn't stay for their show.  A quick note: While there was the banner on the outside of the Sheraton, there wasn't anything telling you where registration was. The few people milling around outside were talking in groups that seemed to be attendees. There was one Security guard inside of the Main hotel entrance to tell us to "go out and around". Signs, Please! Let's start this wordy tour of DFF2023 with the first thing we encounter after registration: the Vendors. Gathering the creative, dark minded Artisans that build our community via Clothes, Jewelry, Housewares, Cosmetics, and Consumables, Dark Force Fest gives a physical location to many vendors that would otherwise not have as targeted an audience at their local Farmer's Markets on Sunday mornings. It also gives prospective buyers, and online followers, the opportunity to meet the artists, and make the decisions they need in order to ensure they make a great purchase they'll brag about for years to come. There is nothing more satisfying than saying "This was handmade by_____ !" and knowing you're helping directly keep our community thriving. In some cases, you're literally saving lives.  A few of the Artists that I interacted with mentioned how they traveled a few Hours to vend at the festival, but felt it was worth it to be more immersed in their culture. A few lucky vendors would share the concert rooms with the shows, getting themselves some pretty comfortable seats to a plethora of bands. One such vendor was the effervescent Shirley, The Tragic Doll. She creates deeply personal works of art about living with Scleroderma, an autoimmune disease that she describes as feeling trapped in her own skin. Incorporating Skeletal imagery and the color Red, representing Blood, to symbolize the effects of her condition, Shirley hand makes every piece of her Horror Art with passion, and anatomically correct hearts, because her motto is "Live My Heart Out".  Thanks to the map and a few kind Vendors, I was able to find the Swap Meet in the Skyland room. This was my first Swap Meet and I was surprised to find a few items in my size, or near enough I can modify them in future content. Everyone there was so helpful and wonderful, suggesting items they think would fit me or suit my style, and I'm so thrilled to say they were absolutely correct! (Thank you Rainbow Fairy; you took my hat in return for your snake skull dress.) The kindness and sense of community in that one room was so awesome, it really made me love being a part of this culture. Swap Meets are a great way to clear some unused clothes/boots/accessories from your closet and pick up something you might love forever. The Swap Meet at Dark Force Fest was Free with registration. While looking for the Batcave and taking some photos of the overall hallways, I passed Dusty Gannon of Vision Video without noticing. So, behold this glorious shot of Goth Dad being a Goth Rock Daddy.
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The Star Wars cosplay group, the 501st stormtroopers, were raising money for charity.  There was an interesting skeletal capital(ism) M mouse sculpture by Jasin Cadic in the main lobby of the hotel. "The Batcave" was an ongoing  Live Bats Exhibit w/ Joseph D’Angeli (NJ Batman). Joseph D’Angeli’s “Bat-Cave” is the only facility specializing in bat conservation in the NY/NJ area. These cuties were pretty shy, but so was I.
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 Feeling a little worn out, we wandered out to the food trucks and picked up poutine to snack on while determining if we had the energy for a band. I believe it was the hotel that provided extensive options for more food inside of the event, in front of the Main Ballroom. I'm really glad there was free Water stations and clean Restrooms tucked around the venue. There was a water station in the Batcave, and a private bathroom in the Gaming rooms that I knowingly used, there was most likely more. 
Deciding we needed to rest from the sensory overload, we found the Super Smash Bros Tournament, and we're incredibly thankful for this respite. There were a handful of other people so we all took turns warming up. As I had planned around seeing Carnivore A.D. and Goth Dad, I did leave immediately after I lost my bracket.
Carnivore A.D. is the closest to Type O Negative live as you can possibly get in 2023. No joke, they're Peter Steele's former Carnivore bandmates! I wanted to see this show because 1. I like TON. 2. My bestie loves TON and I miss her a lot. 3. They pair well with The 69 Eyes. I definitely fucked up by headbanging,  but it's irresistible! 
We had a little time left and found Goth Dad's Q&A still going back in the Skyland room. People had some great questions, and it was powerful to hear him speak on the horrors of active combat. Dusty Gannon, the internet's "Goth Dad", has made a huge impact on how Goths and Goth Culture is seen and accepted online through Tiktok and Instagram. The Goth Dad persona is a Gentle, Kind, and Accepting person that you want to have call you sport and pat you on the head. Embracing the gender breaking styles of Post Punk influences, Dusty creates intense and stunning eye makeup looks and can be caught performing in torn tights, skirts, Fishnets and Lace tops, alongside his bandmate, Emily, as Vision Video.
We had to leave to make a dinner reservation with some friends from the area. My paper wristband didn't hold up, it frayed from being too tight and handwashing, and popped right off in the car while on our way to dinner. I didn't want to push my luck trying to get in later with a broken band.
Needless to say, I'm super excited for the next Dark Force Fest, and will be doing a whole lot more planning and managing to get to enjoy even more of it to share with you all. 
Somethings I wish I had checked out (limiting to Saturday Only events: this list would get too long for the whole weekend):
-Custom fit Fangs -The Costume Contest hosted by Electronic Saviors: Industrial Music to Cure Cancer -Write a Song with Bella Morte -Nightmare Before Christmas Shadowcast -V is for Villains -Leathers - Vision Video  -Actors
Thanks for Reading all this!  Reach out to me on my socials: Linktree
Jet, if you read this, DM me on Instagram, please. I'd love to talk. 
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readwebcomicsgdi · 2 years
It’s that time again!
Are you ready for some more webcomic recs! you better be because they are ready for you
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Curse of the Eel By Jorge Santiago Jr.
Introverted, goth Connie is bullied. One day, she summons up an eldritch-like creature and her life changes forever.
Very traditional black-and-white Japanese Horror comic, I bought the books from Jorge at a convention recently and they’re REALLY fun to read on paper, but the entire thing is also up for free online! Spooky and gory the way you’d expect a Junji Ito comic to be, so do keep that in mind before you click through.
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Tourist Unknown By Gustav Carlson
Tourist Unknown follows the various adventures of the Tourist, a woman trapped in a machine known as The Projector. This device sends her consciousness anywhere across the whole of space time, and then constructs a body made of unused local matter for her to inhabit. And it’s broken. Or set to shuffle. The Tourist isn’t really sure. Suffice to say she has no control of where she is going, nor how long she’ll be there. It’s a big universe and she is seeing it all one trip at a time
I found this one pretty recently so there may be some news I’m unfamiliar with; I THINK it’s still running despite what the archive says? It’s also not as long as you’d expect given the dates it’s been running; none of the completed arcs run more than 40 pages so don’t let the abbreviated archive spook you. I just had to include this one because it reminds me so much of Doom Patrol; it’s very comfortably in that category of like, “doing exactly what it wants On Purpose” that I love so much. Check this one out if you’re looking for something different!
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Next Town Over By Erin Mehlos
Mysterious and mechanically-inclined, Vane Black will pursue wanted rogue John Henry Hunter to the ends of the frontier ... with explosive and unfortunate results for anyone in their path.
Frontier fantasy full of steam, sorcery and secrets!
Next Town Over was doing Steampunk before it was cool, but to be honest I feel like it’s grown beyond that and it’s sort of a disservice to view it as solidly A Western or any particular genre because it’s gotten so goddamn comfortable with itself, which is one of my favorite things about webcomics. It’s also nearly finished! Settle in on a rainy weekend and treat yourself to the whole archive, then follow Erin on twitter so you can hop on board the next thing they do.
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Nox Hill?
This one is getting an abbreviated mention because uh, I can’t find anything official about it lmao. The main website only links to a comic twitter, which doesn’t link anywhere else, and there’s no plot summary or even any indication of who makes it beyond the name “Zee”. That said! The art is good, it’s running on its own website the artist obviously designed themself with specific intentions, and it seems like a fun haunted house story that’s just getting started. After some digging I found a link tree for the artist, which you can look at here.
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I’d also like to mention Cheap Thrills and Rigsby, WI by SE Case, which you have almost certainly heard of before and doesn’t need any help from me BUT I reread them both again recently and it’s a wonderful example of someone making their own work on their own terms, which is kind of the entire point of what I’m doing here. Rigsby is a “reboot” of Cheap Thrills so you don’t need to read them both, but in my opinion my experience with the story is better for having seen where it originated so it doesn’t hurt to check them both out in that order! I like webcomics y’all.
And as always, mine is here too:
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Kidd Commander by Aria Bell
It’s a world at the mercy of uncaring gods, and Phineas Kidd is a heretic with a chip on her shoulder and enough fury to outshine a supernova. Armed only with aggressive enthusiasm (and an explosive left hook), Phineas sets out to gather up a merry crew and travel to Kairos Crossing to catch the sun, an urban legend that has tempted countless dreamers to a bloody end.
Kidd Commander is a romantic comic that’s mostly concerned with ambitious characters doing cool anime stuff while being subjected to trauma and dealing with said trauma! Rated T for lots of (cartoon) violence and swearing, and a good deal of irreverence for topics some folks might prefer to leave revered. If any of that sounds like it might make you uncomfortable this comic may not be suitable for you!    
If you’d like a comic (yours or otherwise) to end up in one of these, send me an ask or whatever and I’ll add it to my list of stuff to check out! The only requirements I have are I’d prefer for it to be a bit lesser known and it needs to be accessible in places other than tapas or webtoon because I am physically and emotionally incapable of engaging with either of those sites. Happy reading!
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artzychic27 · 3 years
Anymore headcanons for the Artist Family? Are they rich and classy like the Addams?
They make a ton of money off of Marinette’s commissions, Marc/Nath’s VERY detailed gothic graphic novels, Juleka and Rose playing music at funerals, and Alix’s demolition business
The converted funeral home they live in is spacious and could be mistaken for a mansion
Rich people dining! Five chandeliers in the dining room, black as night table with thirteen candelabra made from ashes found in the embalming room, old caskets converted into cabinets, doilies spun by spiders, and a tigers head hanging on the wall
One of their Kwamis, I’m thinking Screech, takes a human form and drives them around in their car, a 1940 LaSalle Meteor Hearse
One of the teachers fainted when they came to school in that
Juleka: They’re clearly jealous.
Alix: Yeah! Not everyone gets to carry around the dead wherever they go!
There’s a ton of rooms in the house
The crematorium has been converted into a dungeon filled with vintage weapons they bought from museums
Marinette: How much for the battle axe?
Museum Director: Excuse me? I’m afraid these aren’t for sale.
Marinette: *Pulls out a massive wad of cash* Let’s try this again, shall we?
They gladly donate stacks of cash to local museums with torture and Black Plague exhibits. There’s even a couple of wings named after them
The embalming room stays, because who doesn’t enjoy a good embalming room?
Their closets are filled with 17/18th century gothic and modern gothic outfits
Marc and Nathaniel rent out the catacombs once in a while when they’re on dates
Nathaniel: Look at you. Midnight, candle light, surrounded by death.
*An explosion cuts them off as they’re about to kiss*
Marc: One home, the six of us, and so many windows.
Rose and Juleka do the same but with cemeteries
Juleka: It’s shame we can’t watch the departed decompose above ground.
Rose: *Pulls out a shovel* Wanna watch now?
Learning about their wealth, Lila tries to kiss up to them by boasting about being related to H.P. Lovecraft. That didn’t end well
Nathaniel: The man is a notorious white supremacist. (Look it up)
She tried again
Lili: I-I meant I was related to Edgar Allen Poe! You see, he’s my great, great grandfather, and I actually dabble in a little poetry myself.
Marc: Poe had no children.
Marinette: But if you were his descendant, you would have an extra row of teeth or a tail, or you aren’t able to taste salt.
Lili: Excuse me?!
Marinette: One word. Incest.
Lila: You’re one to talk! Your brothers are dating each other! And so are your sisters!
Alix: We all just happened to choose the same last name. None of us are related by blood, that’s just be gross, Lila.
Gabriel, having heard of the Artist’s wealth and influence from one of Lila’s tantrums, tries to take Marinette under his wing, maybe convince her to get a museum to name the historical fashion exhibits after the Agrestes
Marinette: I would rather wear pastels than work for a man who hires a leech with no professionalism, regard for personal space, and no understanding of the word ‘no’.
Gabriel asks forces Adrien to be friends with the six of them
Adrien: Hey guys-
Marinette: Your father sent you to befriend us and increase his wealth?
Adrien: *Ashamed* Yes.
For the Artists, this means war. And they never lose
They send Adrien back to the mansion looking like a Cyber Goth (He requested the look) Nathalie nearly had a heart attack and Gabriel fainted
Adrien’s new look starts a Cyber Goth fashion trend which the Artists are loving. (They accept all types of gothic fashion)
Lila would rather puke than wear those outfits, but Gabriel needs to appeal to the market by showing off his new (reluctantly made) cyber goth line. She’s expected to wear the outfits all day until a new trend comes along.
One day at a photo shoot, she confronts Adrien and threatens him to start a “more fashionable trend” (Knowing her, it’s just a bunch of burnt orange and rompers) or she’ll have his father take him out of school
Unbeknownst to her, Adrien “accidentally” left his phone on a livestream. Everyone heard her calling goths freaks, demented, mental patients, and a bunch of other anti-goth stuff. Thus ended Lila’s modeling career
Akuma, goths join the fight, Lila exposed, all is well
Aftermath: The Artists won the war. Gabriel faints agin. Lila is a pariah. And Adrien switches from Cyber to Pastel Goth which Marinette’s dark little heart can’t resist
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true-blue-megamind · 2 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY – Why Does Megamind Wear Black?
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No, your eyes do not deceive you! This is today’s second Megamind fan theory post! After skipping last week due to illness—as explained in the previous blog article—I’ve decided to make up for lost time by writing and publishing two Fan Theory Thursdays! You’re welcome! LOL!
If you haven't seen it yet, you can read today's first Fan Theory post, concerning why Megamind didn't notice Hal was a terrible choice for a here, HERE.
Although Minion threatens to sew everything out of super-itchy 1970’s polyester every time I say this, here it is anyway: SPOILER WARNING!
As you can see, this fan theory topic was suggested to me by a fellow Megamind fan. Thank you very much to Big-Dick-Garfield for asking about this! Keep being epic!
Like many imagined sci-fi races, Megamind’s people seemed to have something like a cultural uniform, in this case form-fitting, high-collared white with blue accents. Furthermore, the blue man likely knows it. Despite having been days old, he is clearly able to recall his early life as he recounts the destruction of his home world at the beginning of the film. And yet he chose to reject this evident norm of his original society, opting for black instead. Is there something significant about that color choice? Let’s find out!
At first glance, the answer may appear simple: Metroman dresses in white and Megamind dons black as befits a hero and a villain. It’s quite possible, however, that there is more to it than that. Is it possible that there is some basis for Big-Dick-Garfield’s suggestion that this was a rejection of the overall goodness and light in Megamind’s home world? Does he feel he is the opposite of his demonstratively upstanding parents? And are there clues in the original film that might help us discern an answer?
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Let me begin by saying that I love this supposition. It’s creative, interesting, and insightful. While researching this question, I did find some solid information concerning why the former supervillain chose his color scheme. Here’s what we know for certain.
In the DVD commentary as well as an interview with Jason Schleifer, who headed up all character animation in the film, the creators clearly state that Megamind’s style and persona were both inspired by heavy metal singer Alice Cooper while Metroman’s character design was significantly influenced by Elvis Presley. (For a more in-depth look at Megamind’s persona, feel free to read Who is the Real Megamind Part Two.) Once considered, it makes sense. A few things both performing artists are known for include larger-than-life stage presences, over-the-top costumes, and massive performances. Indeed, according to Schleifer, both aliens “play the good guy/bad guy game to the crowd like rock stars.” Similar to their musical counterparts, Megamind and Metroman have big personalities, attention-grabbing personas, and knacks for putting on a great show. Clearly, this inspiration for their character designs goes more than skin deep, if you will, and that’s important because it indicates that there may be more than one reason for our favorite blue genius to wear black.
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Firstly, consider the significance of Megamind choosing the aforementioned rock star as a basis for his look along with the specific music he blares during battles—a playlist that includes bands such as Guns n’ Roses and AC/DC. It’s not difficult to deduce that our favorite villain-turned-hero is clearly a Punk Goth Metal Head. Secondly, let’s compare American society’s views concerning each of the previously-mentioned musical artists. While Elvis was an edgy and controversial sex symbol during the 1950’s and 60’s, by the time the film Megamind was made he had become synonymous with older generations and straight-laced conservatives. Many among that same demographic, however, still viewed Alice Cooper as shocking, negative, and even “demonic.” This likely parallels with the images both characters, within their own world, were trying to project. Being the local hero, Metroman wanted to portray himself as a hometown Good Guy while his nemesis was purposefully aiming to stun, offend, and even frighten. Both his hard-rocking Gothic tastes and desire to unsettle those around him are major reasons why Megamind might don black leather and spikes.
That doesn’t mean that these are the only explanations, however. If you’ve read posts like What’s Hidden in the Animation and Are There More Hidden Details, you already know that the DreamWorks’ animation team put a lot of thought and attention into subtle-but-significant minutiae. As such, it seems highly doubtful that the choice to clothe both Metroman and Megamind’s parents in white was accidental. Indeed, the color does seem to symbolize goodness in the film, as Megamind, upon taking up the role of Defender of Metro City, is swathed in a white cape by his love interest, Roxanne. It is therefore likely that the choice to clothe the blue man’s mother and father in the same hue may have been the animators’ way of clearly indicating these were truly good people.
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So is there room to suppose that the former villain’s choice of black clothing represented his rejection of goodness and acceptance of his perceived place as its evil counterpart? Yes, there is. It’s a viable fan theory. Unfortunately, it’s also one for which I have been unable to find any solid proof.
Why do I say that? There is one particular line in the movie, occurring when Megamind has taken over the city and settled himself in the mayor’s office, which calls this idea into question. When the blue genius says that he wishes his parents could witness his success, Minion responds with: “I’m sure they’re smiling down from evil heaven, Sir.” Evil heaven is significant. Keep in mind that the self-proclaimed Criminal Mastermind believed he was, as he stated near the beginning of the film, “destined to be a supervillain.” This means that he believed he was innately evil, his very nature so powerfully predisposed toward badness that it was unavoidable. Given both this and his conviction that his beloved parents had found some sort of odd evil paradise, it seems extremely unlikely that he believed his family had been good.
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There is one more point which ought to be considered. While quite a few fans are not exactly enthralled with the short film Megamind: The Button of Doom—and admittedly there are a few aspects of it that make me cringe a little as well—it is nonetheless considered canon. In that piece, we see Megamind initially dressing himself in a white super-suit built to imitate Metroman’s abilities—essentially trying to become his predecessor rather than his own brand of Defender—but by the end we see him returning to his familiar black uniform and using his previously “evil” inventions to do good. Thus the blue man embraced his own unique style of heroism.
Furthermore, we see that the city has installed a searchlight displaying a blacked-out version of the blue man’s logo, similar to the Bat-Signal. It’s seriously doubtful that the choice was made on a mere whim, and indeed, there are some marked similarities between Batman and Megamind. Neither possess superpowers; instead, they each rely upon advanced technology, awesome gadgets, and intelligence. Both are heroes who wear black clothing—the hems of their cloaks are even similar—and, given the sort of fear Megamind was seen to inspire during the original movie, it’s likely that both, although decidedly Good Guys, strike terror into evildoers. All of that, combined with the fact that the original film was a spoof on DC comic books and Batman is, of course, a DC superhero, renders it likely that this was a very deliberate choice foreshadowing what sort of Defender Megamind will be. Thus, the idea that white equals good while black equals evil is turned on its head.
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So, did Megamind choose to wear black as a reflection of the evil he felt was in his very core? It’s possible, but it’s also possible that his Gothic Rocker look simply matches his personal style. Beyond this, it seems that the blue man may continue wearing black as a hero, reaffirming one of the movie’s major themes: being different does not make a person bad. The rejection supposition is certainly interesting, and one of the marvelous things about fan theories is that we can all choose which ones we wish to believe, but, as I’ve said before, there is no firm evidence that it might be canon. And that might not be such a bad thing; I don’t know about you, but after watching Megamind finally learn to embrace his identity and work toward being the best version of himself possible, I would hate to see him thinking that he has to change his style and tastes in order to fit the role of hero. Let’s hope we all see our favorite blue alien still wearing black leather and spikes in the upcoming series!
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ickymichi · 3 years
what’s this?: hcs of the scouts living together!
warnings: like 1 slightly nsfw one mentioned nothing serious, swearing, crack fic, modern au.
note: these hcs r probably the only thing keeping me going sidbsj. so wanted to share them with you guys, might make a more detailed part two who knows n e way, hope you enjoy! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
© k1ttykawa 2021
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first off this house will be the loudest, most chaotic place you’ll ever witness.
like they should have their own reality show.
so who’s in this hell hole?
well we’ve the two trios, eren mikasa & armin and jean connie & sasha.
six people in a house is gonna need a house cleaner to come over twice every week, and that mans name is levi. he usually doesn’t mind his job but when it comes to this house, he questions his life choices.
anyway! yeah what goes down? well let’s go through every room!
first off we’ll start with eren cause :p his room is like every other guys, sports achievement trophies on his shelf’s, signed jerseys hung on the wall and the same checkered sheets that he hasn’t changed in a while.
it’s always somehow always messy.
he does spend a considerable amount of time in their just playing on his play station, probably only comes out to get food.
and ofc he has l.e.d.s 🙄
next is armin! his is so quaint i love it
it just screams armin. books after books along his floor to ceiling book shelf, desk with every stationary you could think of. and is bed is always made and not a spec of dirt on the floor.
doesn’t spend too much time in his room and spends more time downstairs with the others.
mikasa my love <3 when i think of modern au mikasa, i think of goth!mikasa </3
her room is just such a viobe
so many plants!! and tapestries! she reads manga okay idc :( she has so much tho! her fav is romance </3 also has leds and a really funky full length mirror she found at a local store!
jean bo’s room is acc so nice. it has to be for all the girls he brings over
but yeah posters galore of his favourite anime (one piece, naruto, beck, death note etc) manga collector also!
also has his favourite band posters. he really likes posters k? doesn’t like to have plain walls
has those open wardrobe things, as well as an actual wardobe cause he has so much clothes.
and ofc, he got the leds
also he has this big ass tv and plays his music really loud off it.
connie my luuvvv!!
somehow, god only knows, mf got the biggest room when they were picking. really he just got the longest straw
anyway, his room pls, big ass bed, big ass tv, big ass wardobe AND he got a whole en-suite!
jean and eren and soo fcking jealous of his room pls.
he spends a lot of time on the play station with eren and jean. loves that he can hear eren screaming through his headphones and down the hall.
he also is a manga fanatic! but doesn’t have as much as jean yet! also don’t tell jean, but he stole a few volumes of bleach and he’s waiting for the day he noticed
also has his favourite artists and anime posters, won this really cool rengoku figure that he has in a glass case with his luffy and sukuna figures. yes, he loves collecting things.
as well as that he has an alcohol stand that has just bottles of beer to the most expensive tequila.
he has this speaker that quite literally shakes the floor and never doesn’t have music playing. even if it’s 2am that things going.
obviously got the leds
sasha </3 her room is just, you’d want to live in it that’s all i can say.
has like three mini fridges, two beside lockers all full of snacks and drinks.
her bed is the comfiest in the whole house, everyone comes into her room just to lay in it for a while.
has this really soft rug that she loves to lie on when watching tv or her laptop.
binges a lot of shows so she doesn’t come out of her room unless she wants to watch it downstairs with the others
got the leds‼️
now that we’ve seen all the bedrooms, what actually goes down in the facility?
connie or jean definitely went viral for those videos like these, they’re always on my fyp and i love it so he makes these like every few nights and they probably look like this:
armin is probably either studying or watching whatever’s on netflix
eren is most likely in his room on the ps or napping. gets annoyed every time connie comes in to record the tiktok -_-
sasha is either in the kitchen making something she saw on tiktok or in her room binging shows
mikasa is probably cleaning her room or a different part of the house or doing her make up/hair with her music v loud ofc <3
and jean and connie are either in each others rooms or fixing jeans car that keeps breaking down. with vv loud music ofc.
during the day though is like the same except the boys are probably out in the back garden playing basketball while mikasa and sasha watch on the grass catching some rays 😎
music is a reacquiring theme here bc there’s always someone blaring music.
also, jean is always bringing girls home from when him and eren go out and sasha n armin will just watch him run upstairs with her like 🧍‍♀️ 🧍 there goes another one
connie is forever scaring anyone and recording it. he has about 10 montages on tiktok of him hiding in a cupboard or even just around the corner and scaring someone. most times it’s jean cause he a scaredy-cat. did it to eren and he gave him a black eye out of ‘reflexes’
they love spending nights together sitting on the couch and watching different movies or just sitting together and talking.
dinner is spent at the table together every night and it’s honestly everyone’s favourite time of the day.
omg cleaner levi who comes to clean twice a week, connie gets on his nerves soo bad pls😭 he’s always asking him questions and being like “yo big man you need a hand?”
jean and connie spend a lot of time in each other’s rooms just sitting on the bed and scrolling through tiktok and sometimes eren joins and though the two won’t admit it, jean and eren love it when he does cause they have suuuch laughs pls i’m talking tears and sore sides.
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To whoever asked for my au I love you but I tried to answer the ask three times and it didn't work :(.
BUT ANYWAY here it is!!
Dog city au!
Vriska's newly released from prison on charges of attempted murder via almost running aradia with her ex's car while drunk. aradia got out of it unscathed except for a fractured arm, she didn't want to press charges but her mother definitely did. upon vriska's release terezi is now her angry patrol officer. Which is a funny coincidence because they used to be friends in highschool before vriska dropped out. Shes still holding a grudge though since those days were less than pleasant. one wrong move and vriska goes straight back to jail
eridan is a successful news anchor despite not even applying for college. mostly because his father is the head of the news channel. karkat's been trying really hard to get a scholar ship because there's no way he'd afford it otherwise and he couldn't get it for having an average gpa. he'd stuck around his uncle's business establishment for a while but the pay wasn't enough to aid his plans of moving out from his parent's house. that is until eridan managed to get karkat a job as a camera man.
Karkat eventually got promoted to outdoor anchor after the last one broke his leg though awful fucktastic weather. The same awful weather he's going to have to deal with on a daily basis.
sollux couldn't go to college because he was in a psychward for his mental health, his brother's hospitalizion hit him pretty hard.
After he was let go he was advised to get a day job since he's got nothing going on and fuck being alone and having nothing to do. and he got a job as a children's party birthday clown, humiliating yes, but whatever. gamzee's an artist who works at an antique store and works part-time as a kid's facepainter because he loves it and thinks it's fun seeing kids happy and giddy. gam and Sollux both met at an elementary school's Easter party where they were hired and they hung out in the parking lot after it was over, with sollux complaining and Gamzee nodding with cake.
Aradia works with kurloz at funeral home! He's a mortician and she's the funeral director's assistant. They are besties. It's how she met feferi there accidentally when she was grieving to aradia about her aunt's passing under the false assumption that they were good friends when she was alive not knowing that aradia is just the funeral attendant. They got to know each other better over the course of the funeral arrangements and stayed pretty close friends.
Equius had to leave town to take care of his father because of an injury and he missed out on his SATs. They tried to reschedule the date so he can take the finals but shit just kept getting in the way. So he gave up and became a mechanic. Every other mechanic in the area would rip you off like hell so he got really good business because he of his reputation as blunt and honest despite his awkwardness.
Nepeta was vriska's friend back in jail on charges of vandalism and aggravated assault. She worked with equius after her release and she still sometimes bullies vriska in a not-so-friendly way.
Tavros is an elementary school teacher's assistant and gets bullied by tiny children with dave all the time.
Kanaya works at the antique store with gamzee. And she's always a bit pissy because of the blonde goth chic that keeps trying to bargain for miss Rosa's occult books despite her saying multiple times that they aren't for sale. Rose steals the books anyway and kanaya has to hunt her down like a wild animal through the city to get them back.
Jade works in an animal shelter that just so happens to be a front for the local mob. She doesn't care and wouldn't bat an eye as long as the dogs aren't hurt.
John is the most well-adjusted out of everyone and he actually goes to college and works a weekend job like a normal person. It's insane.
As for your other question!
Tavros and Gamzee used to be roommates. It was a small apartment before tavros moved out he decided to put all his yugioh merch in the bathroom because there wasn't anywhere else he could put it.and now that tav is in another apartment he just never came back for the yugioh stuff. Gamzee just has a yugioh bathroom forever now.
Whenever Sollux goes in he just bluescreens for 15 seconds from the sheer absurdity of the yugioh bathroom, he just blanks. It's why GZ thinks it's a good idea to let him go there whenever he's having a bitch fit.
The absolute violent waves of emotion the yugioh bathroom evokes in Sollux is like a factory resest.
It also has incense which is really nice.
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