#let’s pretend the clips of bob are good quality
lewmagoo · 7 months
i’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me
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himbowelsh · 7 years
Bob ships: who's the rock star? who's the fan who tags along on tour with them?(*cough cough* groupie *cough cough*) ❤🎸
nix is a celebrity stalker. that’s literally his job.
he’s like the paparazzi, but twice as cunning and twice as shitty. his job is to catch celebrities at their most unguarded. this can involve hiding in bushes, sneaking into hotel rooms, and even pretending to be a limo driver just to catch the money shot.
(it’s not like he needs the money. he took a photo of a kardashian once for kicks, got paid huge dollars for it, and decided this sounded more fun than working for his father.)
his latest assignment: to infiltrate the inner sanctum of richard “dick” winters, country and slow rock megastar.
dick has a squeaky clean public reputation. he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t party, he’s never gotten into any fights with the paparazzi. he doesn’t even have any parking tickets (nix checked). he’s the most boring celebrity nix has ever encountered.
nix pulls his favorite stunt – he waits until room service is cleaning dick’s hotel room, then sneaks in and hides in the closet.
(90% of what nix does is technically illegal, but he figures it’s not that illegal if he doesn’t get caught.)
when dick comes back from his show that night, he seems tired. he puts him guitar down, runs a hand through his hair and takes off his shirt.
nix is just ready to get the money shot (or at least a photo of shirtless dick winters) when he accidentally jostles a hanger in the closet. the noise catches dick’s attention. he spins around, and in two seconds nix is being hauled out of the closet.
“who are you?” dick demands, tossing nix down on the bed. he doesn’t look furious, but he also doesn’t look like he for sure won’t call the cops, so nix weighs his risks.
“well, mister winters, this is a hell of a way to meet you,” he says, holding out a hand. “lewis nixon. how about i call you dick?”
“how about i call the police?” replies dick, raising an eyebrow.
“well… you could do that… but then you’d miss out on some very simulating conversation, and a story you’re not going to believe…”
nix has no clue how he does it, but somehow he manages to talk dick out of reporting him. in exchange, he promises not to take any pictures of him, and get out of his hair. dick has a better idea.
(maybe he’s a little intrigued by the smart-mouthed paparazzi who doesn’t seem afraid of anything.)
they eat lunch together the next afternoon. dick has to leave the city the next day, but nix gives him his number and promises that if he needs anything, just give him a call.
they run into each other every so often after that – nix often isn’t that far behind dick. their meetings are friendly, getting friendlier each time. no matter how hard he tries, nix has no idea how he let himself fall in love with a celebrity.
carwood lipton does not have a problem.
he’s not the type of guy who goes out clubbing every night. he doesn’t blast electro music through the house, he doesn’t drag his friends out on weekends to dance at the local clubs. he is not an obsessive fan.
if he owns every single track that a particular DJ Sparky has released on Spotify, well, that doesn’t mean he has a problem.
(he also has dozens of magazine clippings of him, has watched the approximately two interviews sparky has given in his lifetime, and can recite everything the public knows about him from memory. this does not mean he has a problem.)
“you,” his friend george proclaims one day, after having discovered the photo album of magazine clippings carwood keeps on sparky, “have a problem.”
“no, i don’t.” carwood is so deep in denial that he’s underground.
“well, it’s a good thing you do, because i’m about to make your day.”
with a flourish, luz unveils two tickets to a DJ sparky show. carwood almost has a heart attack on the spot.
(he tackles luz. he’s never done that in his life. for a moment, luz is terrified that he’s managed to break him.)
they’ve only been in the club for five minutes before carwood ditches luz in the middle of the dance floor. he feels bad about it, and it’s not like he does it on purpose, but he sees sarky dj’ing, customary hood and sunglasses on his head, and something in him just short-circuits. he needs to get closer -- he needs to be able to see him.
he stays by the DJ station for the entire show, just losing himself in the music. the jams sparky spins are legendary, and they can take carwood to a completely different universe.
as son as the show ends, he has a book clutched in his hands, intent on getting an autograph. he doesn’t want to freaky sparky out, but he needs to meet him, even though he doesn’t want to come on to strong, and he’s coming this way --
“you’ve been watching me all night,” is the first thing sparky says. carwood feels like he’s going to faint.
“i have... sorry, it’s just, my name’s carwood and i’m such a huge fan... you’re amazing. i can hardly even believe i’m meeting you right now...”
carwood lipton is not a man who gets tongue-tied, okay? this is humiliating for him, and he can feel his face growing hotter with every word. he wants to melt into the floor on the spot. sparky is going to think he’s an idiot.
then, just like that, sparky pulls his hood and glasses off. he’s never revealed his face in any of his photo ops, co carwood had no clue what he looked like until that point.
he’s dazzled. sparky is grinning at him, wamr and mischievous, and he feels like he’s gone to heaven.
“nice to meet you, carwood,” sparky says, holding out a hand. “i’m ron. it’s great to meet my biggest fan.”
babe is not a groupie, okay? he doesn’t care what anyone else (coughbillcough) says, and he’s definitely not obsessed with his favorite band.
lueur de lune is a duo who performs mainly relaxed indie music, duets, and covers of classic songs. renee lemaire is from belgium, and has been singing since she was a child. babe has scanned through the videos of her on youtube, favorited elementary school talent contests and middle school charity concerts. gene roe’s history is a lot harder to track. as far as babe can figure out, he was from louisiana, and only began singing a few years ago. aside from him having met renee on a trip to europe, babe honestly knows nothing about the enigmatic second half of the band.
lueur de lune has only been performing together for a couple of years. they’re not even the style of music babe usually listens to. instead of pounding beats and frenetic bass drops, the two singers go back and forth in relaxed rhythms that never fail to calm babe down. they’ve become his comfort music.
(gene roe’s face may have also become his comfort face, but he’s not going to admit that.)
because the band is pretty low-profile, he often has no clue where they’re touring. he eats up every mention of them on the web, devours their rare interviews (where renee is bubbly and gene frustratingly reticent), and plays their singles hundreds of times.
everything changes when spina auditions and wins a spot as a drummer for “some indie band that needs a few background members”.
babe doesn’t know – he has no clue – until spina sends him a selfie from rehearsals one day.
spina’s grinning on one side of the picture. on the other, staring into the camera with his usual intense gaze, is a face that almost makes babe’s heart stop.
it’s gene roe.
babe goes nuts.
he spends all night begging spina to take him to rehearsal – and when he says no, he sneaks into the trunk of his car.
(you’ve gotta die sometime, right? spina might kill him, but at least he’ll have seen gene)
somehow he makes it past spina without getting caught – and poses as an intern. the band doesn’t have an intern, they can’t afford one, but babe doesn’t care. he takes everyone’s orders and runs to starbucks.
he spends the rest of the day – the rest of the week, to spina’s utmost disdain – shadowing gene. gene is baffled, but tolerant, of his “greatest fan”. renee thinks it’s hilarious. spina has already tried to smother babe in his sleep twice.
babe is just eating up any information he can get about gene. slowly, the star-quality is beginning to wear off – eventually gene will just be another regular guy. until then, he’s more than happy to embrace the role of intern – and groupie.
webster wants to report on the wildlife section of his local newspaper, but instead he gets assigned to cover the concert a band is throwing downtown.
he’s got no previous knowledge of the band, and no interest. frankly, the black and blues sound like your average grunge rock band that’s going to fade out in a few years or less. their drummer, talbert, is more interested in flirting than music, and their guitarist, grant, was out for a week with a concussion after trying to break up a fight in the audience of their last show. 
it’s not until he meets the lead singer that web really feels a spark of interest for the assignment.
not just interest. inspiration. awe. he’s found his muse in the form of messy hair, a killer smirk, and a leather jacket that shines under the stage lights.
joe liebgott is everything a rock star should be, and he’s hasn’t even played outside of the state yet.
web isn’t head over heels for the guy. liebgott is infuriating. he’s temperamental, argumentative, and can be downright cruel. he’s also a beacon of talent, and hypnotizing on stage. he’s everything webster could have wanted to write about, and web is…
(okay, so maybe he’s a little in love.)
after his article is written, he sticks around with the group. he’s determined to take on a side job as their publicist, and the band likes him enough that they let him stick around. they tease him, but webster doesn’t care – he loves the articles he writes for them, and he loves his job.
(and if the thing he loves most is getting to banter with liebgott every day, he can deal with that.)
whenever a celebrity needs their reputation revamped, they call george luz. the man is an expert at PR – he can turn a celebrity from a delinquent to a charity-leading golden boy in less than a month. he has a history of turning around people’s careers using charm, PR stunts, and no small amount of humor.
luz is damn good at what he does.
joe toye, as it happens, is in dire need of a revamped reputation. his former group, the one that made his name famous, has just broken up. toye is determined to start a solo rock career, but his public image has taken a big hit thanks to a bar fight that he didn’t start, but definitely finished.
(a guy may have been punched through a plate-glass window. joe reiterates that he didn’t start it.)
when luz agrees to work with joe, he knows he’s got a big job ahead of him. he’s surprised by how down to earth joe is, however. for a fast paced rock star, he would have expected joe to have an ego. instead he proves himself to be down-to-earth, not going out of his way to draw attention to himself.
(”i don’t like the spotlight,” joe tells luz once they’ve started to build trust between them. “i love to perform. that’s it. i don’t care about all the attention.”  luz gotten to know a lot of celebrities, but after hearing these words he can’t help but respect joe more than all of them.)
luz is the one who arranges public appearances for joe. he’s got the rock star volunteering at animal adoption drives, food banks, and charities. joe feels a little awkward at first (a big part of him is convinced it’s only for the photo opportunity, not for any better reason) but luz alleviates his discomfort when he volunteers next to him.
george is annoying, overly-friendly,and great at bugging the hell out of joe. he also has the ability to smooth over every social situation, and raises joe’s morale when he isn’t sure he has any left. he starts to genuinely enjoy spending time with his PR rep.
soon tabloids start reporting on the mysterious man seen next to joe toye during all his public appearances. it just takes a little research to uncover who luz is, but it’s a lot more fun to speculate that he might be joe’s lover instead.
george and joe are baffled by the allegations, but not upset by them. they sort of laugh them off until one night after joe’s show, when they both celebrate a little too much, and get a little too friendly with each other.
when george wakes up in joe’s bed the next morning, there’s a tabloid resting on the pillow next to him. “JOE TOYE AND MYSTERY BEAU TAKE ON THE TOWN”.
george smirks and pins the page up on joe’s fridge. “well, mystery beau,” he quips, “you feelin’ like being a little more discreet?”
joe gives a gravelly chuckle that drives luz wild. “what’s the point?”
(george has never fallen for any of his clients before, either, but it’s obvious that joe is a special case. he might be breaking his own rule of staying out of the public eye himself, but he isn’t complaining.)
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