#let's not forget that mew finds sand to be 'lovely'
fanfictionroxs · 1 year
Mew met Sand one time and decided Ray was this man's problem from now onwards because he has had enough for the past 2+ years 😭😂
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Mew: Nah man, he's all yours now 😌
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akkpipitphattana · 11 months
i actually deeply despise the notion that only friends isn’t authentically queer simply because 2/3 of the couples ended up together. like aside from the fact that gay people end up happy together all the time, only friends is genuinely one of the shows that captures the queer experience on a level i’ve never seen before. like we joke about sand and the freddie mercury guy trying to make out once they find out they’re both bi but that’s real queer shit!!! nick and sand kissing and then laughing after they realize it did nothing for them is real queer shit!!! keira knightley was an extremely common awakening for bi girls, so having sand and ray talk about her and how pretty she is is real queer shit!!! mew and top moving in together after only a few months is real queer shit!!! boston’s cruising lifestyle is real queer shit!!! boston being as out and proud as he can without letting the general public know is real queer shit!!!! their friend group being entirely queer and so many of them having kissed or dated is real queer shit!!!! this show was crafted with so much deep love and care for the queer community and it pisses me off that so many people seem to forget that because it didn’t meet their expectations.
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bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: Ray's Feelings for Mew (Mistaking Gratitude for Love)
This is just the first of many things I want to address from this episode. Episode 4 really helped clarify to me what Ray's feelings are towards Mew and why it's extremely difficult for him to let go. The way this was narratively framed was so beautifully done.
Ray's wish to repay Mew
Ray's feelings for Mew are complex because they're partly fuelled by admiration and respect for his character, but overwhelmingly driven by gratitude. Ray attributes Mew to saving his life. For pulling him back from the brink. That's something he's never going to forget. It's also the reason he'll be eternally grateful. There's no means by which he can ever repay Mew, and therefore his form of appreciation is by offering love. Mew deserves his undying loyalty and support.
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The thing is, Ray may be mistaking that immense outpouring of gratitude for love, because he's not able to differentiate the nuances. Having felt unloved for most of his life, it's unsurprising that Ray may interpret care and concern as a form of love. Mew has said things such as, "I'll never abandon you", "I'm always right by your side" but he didn't mean it as a partner, but as a friend.
Mew wants what's best for his friend. He wants Ray to find happiness in someone who is right for him. He doesn't want Ray to continue pining after him when he doesn't and can't return his feelings. He's very transparent about that. He gives Ray his full blessing to seek someone far more suitable.
But Ray has effectively trapped himself in a box because no one is ever going to compare against the person who saved your life. No one can meet that extraordinary standard. So Ray is completely unable to see anyone else as worthy in his eyes.
(!) I really appreciate that we get a deeper explanation for why Ray had to take Mew's call last episode. Because he made a promise that if Mew ever needed him, he would answer. No questions asked.
Sand teaches Ray an important lesson
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The heart-to-heart in the guitar shop really highlights just why Sand is such an important influence on Ray. When Ray encourages a scolding, Sand doesn't take the bait. Because doing so is not going to teach Ray anything. Sand wants Ray to understand why his behaviour is hurtful..
Sand patiently explains that if you truly appreciate someone, you have to care about their feelings. You can't act on your own desires. Those around you do not exist to complement your every whim and will. Should you expect such a thing, you're taking them for granted and prioritising only yourself.
This lesson can be applied in direct response to how Ray treated Mew. He tried to kiss Mew without his consent. Mew is clearly not okay with this, and yet Ray still acted on what he wanted.
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If you disregard someone else's feelings, (especially someone you supposedly care about), that's not true love. Love should be selfless. Love means wanting the best for someone else, regardless of your own motivations. If Ray truly cared about Mew, he wouldn't be trying to make a move on him, especially considering he now has a boyfriend.
This is also a really unfair position to put Mew in. If Ray continues to ignore Mew’s boundaries, he’ll be forced to distance himself and he doesn’t want their friendship to be the sacrifice. This is why it’s so incredibly essential that Ray listens because he risks losing Mew altogether this way.
Just because someone is willing to treat you with kindness and grace, does not mean you should exploit that. Ever. And this is one characteristic where Mew and Sand do share something in common. They are patient with Ray. They make concessions for him but when pushed, they will school him on right from wrong. A higher tolerance doesn’t mean there aren’t limits.
When one door closes, another opens
Ray begins to realise that the position he's always held for Mew in his heart is not necessarily the same that Mew has for him. And it's a difficult truth to swallow, but it's the first step to respecting the other person's wishes.
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"But right now, I don't think I'm that important to him anymore." Sometimes we can be reluctant to let go of feelings for someone, because doing so means leaving behind a version of ourselves. It's a form of loss.
I think what's stopped Ray from fully accepting this sooner, is because he hasn't understood that saying goodbye to those feelings doesn't mean he's losing Mew entirely. Neither is it a betrayal of that gratitude. Regardless of what role Mew now plays in his life, that won't change that Mew did for him in the past. Mew is still willing to be his best friend if Ray is open to accepting that instead. He now seems ready to try.
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Ray once again notices Sand's presence. The 'poor boy' t-shirt hanging in the bathroom, which alike Sand has somehow ended up along with him, and hasn't left since. The immediate next scene opens with Sand saying "just try". This represents the meaning Sand brings to Ray's world. 'Just try to take a chance. Just try to understand. Just try to be more open-minded. Just try to be more considerate. Just try, and people will see your sincerity'. Sand is opening up the world for Ray, to see things from a different perspective. A world of possibilities beyond just Mew.
Whilst being blindsided by his feelings for Mew, Ray hasn't allowed himself to see what's in front of him. Someone whose wandered into his life, who is worth his time and attention.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 11 months
Only Friends Episode 11 - Move On, Move In
In which we see Top finally stood his ground, Boeing flies from one couple to another (pun intended), we get domestic Sand/Ray while Nick/Boston comes to an understanding
Top & Mew
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Top has made tremendous effort to change his ways to prove he is worthy for Mew. So, I'm glad he finally confronted Mew regarding the whole Boeing situation with Top astutely picking up the core point is that Mew can't seem to forgive Top's past transgression. And without being able to pass that point, both of them will just keep going in circle. Top was absolutely right when he said they might as well just forget about giving their relationship a second chance as Mew will keep becoming paranoid about every single interaction Top may have with other people.
However, it's obvious Mew is miserable without Top and as his lovely moms gently pointed out - if they really want to work it out, Mew must find away to somehow forgive (but not necessarily forget what Top has done).
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Mew's face-off with Boeing is also much needed - the latter has been sneakily sewing discord in TopMew's journey of reconciliation, purely out of spite against Top. The man is bitter and being obvious about it - I mean his parting shot of not wishing Mew luck cause he knows they won't make it??? - yup, someone is salty he got dumped!!!
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But by far my fav scene with this couple is the sweet scene in Mew's childhood bedroom - their heart to heart talk was much needed with both side confessing they still love each other very much. We ended with them hopefully on the same page, starting afresh with no 3rd party causing havoc!
Nick & Boston
Who will have thought Boston will have a change of heart? (cause I didn't!). But these 2 are made for each other - they are both slightly deranged and loony. However, Nick understands Boston in so many levels that his so-called friends (or even father) doesn't. And in Nick, Boston has find a kindred sprit - someone who has never judged him but also tells him straight if he doesn't agree with what he does.
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Also, their plot against Atom - completely unhinged but definitely on-brand for them? (only Nick will make up a plan to hey, let's seduce the boy, and while I get hot & heavy here, instructs Ton to video /photograph the deed so that we can "pretend blackmail" him while also simultaneously give a heartfelt lecture on Atom about one-sided love), which in turn gives Boston a much needed reality check on how he feels about Nick.
But wow, the whole scene with Boston taking Nick's pictures, it is so soft and romantic (for them) - "Your photos took up the whole roll of film" as opposed to an earlier episode when he used an almost similar line "I’ll just use up to finish the roll of film"
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Plus, when Boston asked if Nick wants to be a boyfriend - you can tell it affected Nick in a profound level. But I don't blame Nick for being wary, he got burn so badly by Boston before. Anyway, it seems we are finally getting some domestic bliss for the finale episode (although hey, is that Boeing I spy possibly causing havoc after almost succeeding with Top/Mew and now causing some cracks in Sand/Ray blossoming relationship?)
Sand & Ray
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Speaking of Boeing, that dude is truly like his namesake, flying from one couple to another...
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Just as we have achieved some domestic bliss with this couple - from the heartfelt, teary confession plus apologies from Ray to Sand followed by what I can only described as Ray/Sand being giddy in love - both of them beaming with joy, Ray taking every chance possible to call Sand his boyfriend while spoiling the latter to Sand indulging Ray's whims and them making plans to travel around the world to attend music festivals...
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And so, to have Boeing raining on their parade....look, I'm not 100% sure how Boeing/Sand relationship was in the past, but on the surface Sand looks uncomfortable with having Boeing around himself (and Ray for that matter). But one of Sand's weakness is his difficulties in setting boundary - he failed with Ray (although it did work out for them at the end). Sand's mother summed up Sand's nature best - super caring, a caretaker by nature. So, an ex that previously meant a lot to him come barging back in, he probably doesn't have the heart to cut Boeing ruthlessly.
Furthermore, I mentioned this with a previous post, I get the feeling Sand doesn't want Boeing anywhere near Ray probably because he feels insecure at some level (also Ray can be a loose cannon with his hot temper). Boeing left him for Top and Ray is cut from the same cloth like Top (both rich, handsome and now with Ray sober - charming). Also on the flip side, we have Boeing who is not that dissimilar to Mew (both smart, loves plants etc) - with Mew being Ray's first love/crush...well, I think Sand is afraid he will lose Ray.
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But never fear, it seems we have Ray already clocking what Boeing is up to. As viewers, we can see how possessive Ray is on Sand - I don't think there is the slightest chance he will let Boeing interfere with their newly found bliss. Unfortunately, Ray's possessiveness is a double edge sword - him inviting Boeing to the private pool party is definitely a test of sort for both Sand (and I think he is failing) as well as Boeing. From the finale preview, it seems Ray has given the ultimate to Sand "I don't like it inviting people into your life like this. You go and finish it off otherwise I'll take care of it myself."
(my one grip is that I wished Boeing was introduced slightly sooner cause trying to wrap everything up in the last episode...it's going to feel rush and sloppy?)
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On the side note, I am not fan with how the whole Atom storyline went - he lied about being sexually assaulted, and when he finally confessed to his sister, all Cheum did was hugged him and say she understood Atom realising his newfound sexuality is hard? At the very least, I wanted Cheum to emphasise how dangerous it is to lie about these issues and her apologising to Ton?
As usual, so many thoughts and emotions - so many good moments but if I have to pick my fav scene - it will be SandRay being absolutely father material (esp Sand!) with the children in the hospital.
Can't believe next week it will be the finale!!!! (what am I going to do every Saturday after that?)
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jenyifer · 11 months
Breaking Boston pt1
I think this will be a painful series… im going to talk about episode 12 discussing all the ways they destroyed my favorite boy (so I can process heal) and how I’ll tell you guys how I’d fix things. This first one is about Mew. If you like Mew don’t read this. He bitch slapped my baby so many times and If the show isn’t going to hold him accountable I will. If that isn’t your thing don’t click read more. Easy.
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Boston shows up to drop out because he’s been effectively bullied out of University. I still think the atom expose account is why Nick showed up at Bostons house to go up to the roof. So if Boston’s dad saw that which he definitely would because the internet is forever his relationship with his dad is over and he has to leave. He’s been kicked off of the hostel project so how is he going to graduate anyways. Seems like mew and ray already knew about atom from Cheum but they don’t give a flying fuck. And in fact Mew wants to torture Boston because? Why? He’s been punished. Mew is back with Top. Their friendship meant nothing to mew? Boston honestly tells them he just wants to be their friend again because he still loves them. Boston NEEDS his found family he is still fucking hurt. But no Mew is fucking evil. Idk how else to explain him here.
Jenny’s Fix: upon hearing Boston is dropping out Cheum admits to the group Atom was a fucking liar. Mew and Ray are surprised and try to convince Boston to just graduate with them. Apologize for not believing him at all. Or ask if he’s alright at the very least. I’d be worried about someone dropping out even if I didn’t like them. It could still be awkward but Bostons confession he just needs his friends would have had more impact.
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Then Boston makes the big boy decision to see his friends one more time. We don’t know how much time past from Boston’s mistake at the club and NYE but it seems Boston has been truly alone since then. He didn’t seem to invite Nick to the Hostel until he was being tortured by his friend’s happiness. To avoid talking about Nick he goes to apologize Mew 1v1 because he did Love mew. Mew was like a brother to him. Someone who maybe saw Boston for more than meat. But Mew has no heart in his chest. Only disdain. Their past relationship meant nothing. Boston being hurt means nothing. Boston truly apologizing means nothing. He’s scum on Mew’s shoe. Even Boston hugging him does nothing. Mew always hated Boston. Mew can’t see the irony in this.
Jenny’s Fix: Mew telling Boston things can’t go back to the way they were but he understands him better now. That he appreciates the gesture but it’ll take time but Boston is still his friend who he met all that time ago. Maybe a smile? Maybe a apology for not being there for Boston. But I think that’d be too far. No more slut shaming because Mew can semi understand. Sometimes we all fuck up. But Mew can tell Boston has changed.
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Mew can’t let Nick win. He can’t let Nickntalk about bettering himself because Mew is a bitch and no one can be happy. He also enjoying hurting Nick because Boston loves him. Mew has to rub Boston’s Nose in the fact he isn’t with Nick. Mew is also hurting Nick because he’s judging him for his past choices
Jenny’s fix: let sand say something encouraging to Nick. It would still hurt Boston but at least Nick won’t be being made fun of by fucking mew.
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Boston tried one more time to reach out to Mew hopeful that maybe Mew could one day be okay with him. Mew said he forgave Boston but didn’t forget. But no mew is a torturer evil bitch. Can he not see how much he meant to Boston after all these scenes? Is he fucking stupid? At least Boston isn’t surprised. Mew tells Boston he’s not good enough again. Just another put down.
Jenny’s Fix: Mew tells Boston maybe. Or tells him to come stay at the hostel some time. Gives Boston a hug tells him not to lose his phone number. Then give him a push to go find Nick.
Mew was just manipulative and evil. I can’t relate to any of his decisions especially towards Boston. I doubt they were ever actually friends. I feel so bad for Boston always reaching for Mew trying to make things better do what he wants but no Boston is always a nasty whore who is never good enough with a pathetic loser boyfriend who Mew can’t remember was just as hurt by TopBoston. I will never watch the TopMew scenes again.
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hirmienworld · 1 year
Let's not forget that Ray's dad asked something to Sand.
I can see them reconciling (considering episode 9 preview seems to really hint at it) because, in the end, they are in love with each other BUT as we all know, episode 11 is doomed.
With the very little knowledge we have, I can only think of something like "you took care of me and stayed close to me because my dad asked you to do so" playing with Ray's insecurity and lack of self esteem.
What else can Ray's dad have asked to Sand? 🫤
Moreover, we don't know that preview in what moment takes place. The only hint is that Ray has to do social service with orphans and brings Sand with him, probably while Mew is spending time with his moms, finding Top always around.
I hope Ray once again doesn't dismiss Sand's feelings because we really are close to the end of the drama and plotline like this needs time.
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river-summer · 1 year
Top is still trash.
This episode was like an attempt of a redemption arc for top but he cheated. I think you can’t hold someone’s hair when they vomit or do that whole cleaning up a drunk person scene and some how we are meant to believe that if this person does these things they are not going to cheat again in the future. Most cheaters can do the most loving things/ care for you and still cheat.
Which is why writers shud be careful with the cheating storyline.
I don’t think top should have even hugged Mew in that bed whilst he was unconscious. It’s creepy.
Also, the whole police coming over cos of the noise complaint, are we sure Top didn’t call the police?? They had a party last time and no police where called… Also Cheum or whatever her name is running to top for help like he is now the saviour of everyone and somehow top has this envelope full of cash when I would imagine most rich people don’t even carry cash with them….hmm
All of these little redemption arcs don’t cancel out cheating. I think the trust is gone and they will probably end up together but they will always be that part in the back of Mew’s mind that Top might be cheating again.
Mew Mew Mew, I just remember the beginning of the series and he was like I’m going to make Top wait and again a cheater can wait, can do all these romantic stuff until he gets what he wants. In the meantime Mew fell hard and he has gotten his heart broken for the first time. And he wants to forget/ is basically self sabotaging himself.
With heartbreak you still think and have fond memories of the person who broke ur heart. But ur still pissed/ angry at that person and want to hurt them i.e using Ray and that whole kiss.
Drinking at uni, a lot of uni students drink its part of the culture. Partying and drinking even everyday it happens, smoking, people try smoking, it’s not the end of the world. Drugs are a big Nono.
Mew is deffo going through it but I hope he finds himself and I would love it if he ends up with some one else but I predict Top will be like a parasite that will block anyone from talking to Mew and so their relationship is gonna get boring again.
Ray is a mess, his friends knew this before and what did they do? Ray is kinda the bad guy this episode and I’ve just realised the joker outfit is very fitting. Good on Sand for standing up for himself and not being a second choice.
I would love to see a conversation between Ray and Boston. They were friends and I would love to see them making up. Boston apart from his messiness and being a hoe seems chill (even tho he caused all this lol)
I love Boston, I don’t know who my fave character is, is it Ray or Boston.
Boston is a messy queen and but he is a confident messy queen. Like the thing with him and Nick is Nick still wants Boston, is ready to forgive anything he does.
Boston on the other hand has a boundary which is someone recording him during you know what without his consent and if you break that you are done to him. This is something Nick did. I remember people going awe poor Nick but he wiretapped his car and secretly recorded him. That’s creepy and an invasion of Boston’s privacy.
It will be interesting to see what will happen with this new guy, the little brother of the girl. I don’t trust him only because every single role I have seen this actor play has been horrid. Maybe he will be so horrible to Boston and ruin Boston’s father career that Boston will return to Nick who also has a new love interest daddy Dan Lmaoo I cannot.
Let’s see what happens next episode.
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bunni-bun · 8 months
we did it, lads, we finished only friends. can't believe this fucking messy ass show made my cry. incredible. also.......
like i get why some people would be mad about boston in the end tbh. but i also have to side with mew on this since i've been in that kind of situation.
like do i think boston can be a better person? absolutely. if ray's awful ass can do better for sand then so the fuck can boston. but nick was right to let him go because you can't force someone to change. they have to do that themselves and make that choice themselves. they also have to deal with the consequences of their actions. to forgive doesn't mean you forget. boston making out with boeing was fucked up, especially because nick's not stupid. and that being the nail in the coffin for nick really hit me more than i expected.
nick having put boston on that pedestal of love where a person can do no wrong is truly a steeple of a toxic relationship. i think they're so cute together and i love when they understand that they have love for each other. but some people do have to change and boston telling nick to accept him as he is isn't love, it's an excuse. you fuck around and eventually, you find out when everyone leaves you, including your friends.
i say that as someone who's ex is still just continuing the cycle of being manipulative and downright bad to someone else now, almost 14 years later. he can chose to change but he's also gotta face the consequences of his actions, like boston. they have to be alone for a while and make peace with themselves first before they can make full peace with others.
that said, ray's apology in therapy really had me crying with him because sand is just so patient with him, so kind and caring and so incredibly loving. a good partner, to me, is someone who you want to be a better person for. i think about my sister and her fiancé and how my sister can be a huge bitch but ever since she's been with him, she's been a lot kinder and nicer overall. i think her fiancé has made her better.
i know that the heavier topic of alcoholism only really delves into the story towards the end but i'm glad that ray went to rehab and got the help he needed. my father is a recovered alcoholic and he's been sober for over 16 years now. i'm proud of them, both of them. ray facing his fear and also understanding that he's the person he needs to control, not the environment, is a big step and i'm glad sand's by his side.
topmew and forgiveness is a really good arc. because forgiveness doesn't magically come at once but also holding that grudge won't help you forgive. his moms are great and so real for saying that. gotta love older lesbians for being the voices of reason. forgiveness takes time but one must find it in themselves to forgive first.
as always, lesbians are the only people i've trusted in this entire show. mew's moms and cheum & april make the mess worth it because they are all so wonderful together. to see older lesbians, who dote and love their son as much as they love each other, is just so wonderful, it brought me so much joy. to see lesbians my age just work through a rough patch but stay together no matter what was so hopeful. i love them.
overall, this show was so fucking messy and no one is a good or bad person, which is interesting. i liked it, all things considered. also, again, absolutely excellent soundtrack, 100000/10 no notes.
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elevatormusic · 1 year
my first reactions with zero context: only friends ep 5
are we getting a sand pov episode now!!!
damn this mans life was fantastic until he met ray
oh that dude is worse than ray
get his ass queen
sand constantly saving this man huh
he said i’m dumb in the morning sorry
coffee is gross
maybe just a suggestion stop getting drunk all the time
he’s a whiny hungover
why would he say that😭
lmao dog you gotta stop forgetting you have a roommate now
nick’s just happy for sand
neither does he babe
again? has he just been staying at sand’s now?
sand is actually such a good influence on ray. ray’s gonna do him dirty isn’t he?
why’d they do nick like that
he already was smiling my guy
hold on what the fuck even is this project anymore
it’s funny that mew was like my requirements is guy has to like my friends and he lets top openly talk shit about ray??? i say this again: ray shouldn’t have mew in his life
my theory: mew is gonna be the actual worst person in this show out of all of them watch (his innocent shit is just a little too sus to me)
idk what to tell them that was his fault he got ran over😭
holy shit i’m not used to him without glasses
me 🤝🏼 ray = wearing the same exact outfit
he lowkey is kinda whipped for him rn
baby boy he isn’t making you ride with him lmao
stop those helmets look so dumb. why couldn’t they get them better ones
he looks terrified lmao
he really picked the ugliest yellow he could find
love this for sand. he’s having way too much fun
he’s really doing this behind a tiny curtain
that shirt is way too small for him tho
stooooop y’all are in public
there’s no way he’s fixing them like that
it’s unfortunate they would be such a cute couple
boy that’s a relationship. you want a relationship
top’s face is so funny
why’d you even go there then?
he lowkey looks a bit jealous
oh he got the shirt!!
the way ray put his full attention back to sand as soon as he came back
my girl said i understand
top has slept with every guest character hasn’t he
okay come on it is not that dark lmao
i was waiting for coachella lmao
what is happening lmao
awe it’s his birthday how cute
is he not going to eat the cake tho?
stop i can’t stand him
you’re asking the wrong person
lmao we think alike
he just threw him under the bus
you’re birthday is tomorrow tho
why tf did he call his friend to tell him that lmao
at least they’re all about safe sex
at this point sand got him another roommate
obsessed with his mom
oh we’re going back to this now
just like he’s about to do
sand you’re really screwed my guy
those four are kinda great together
he called him a dog lmaoo
oh no. sand you gotta get outta there
he really did that huh
just when boston was bearable
is nick about to spill the beans?
i mean bc you’re a dick
not a single one of them are gonna be friends anymore i swear
but i mean he was right
protect your heart king
i beg of you to keep your distance you deserve better
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From The Ashes AU - Sparkstar's Nine Lives Ceremony - Writing Drabble
I've been stuck on this AU a lot so I decided to share some of my writings. For those new I wrote down the plot on how it started and then wrote allegiances
this is from the nine lives ceremony I mentioned in the former for Sparkstar, who now leads a Clan she named in honor of her grandfather's memory.
The air was still that night, two shapes walking along the tree-line with their bodies low and ears pinned down, fearing confrontation. The ground on this warm night felt like ice under Sparkpelt's paws as every little scuttling mouse or curious owl's call made her worry that she and Leafpool were going to get caught.
It had been some time since they had left ThunderClan and being back did not bring any comfort to the bright ginger she-cat.
Mom would've died for this place.. She did die for this place.. Her heart twisted as a sickening wave of grief had her pause for a brief moment as she looked up at the glittering sea of stars above her head. Which one of those are you, Squirrelflight?
She kept moving, glancing up every now and then to find the three brightest stars. One for her mother, one for her late mate Larksong, and one for her son who never got to grow up, Flickerkit.
"We're getting close," Leafpool hushed mew snapped Sparkpelt out of her thoughts as she glanced at the medicine cat. A medicine cat for a Clan that didn't even have a name yet. The thought was almost amusing. "Stick close. We can still be found by a patrol."
She bit her tongue as a smart remark almost left her maw. She was going to ask if her father, Bramblestar, would really drag them back to ThunderClan from the Moonpool, but seeing as Ivypool and Fernsong literally had to fight their way out to leave, she wouldn't be surprised.
The ice that tugged her paws down, trying to stick her in place, grew heavier as she caught a glimpse at the Moonpool for the first time in her life. The way the stars danced in the clear water made it look like the pool itself sparkled with the pelts of StarClan cats.
With a small motion of her head, Leafpool invited Sparkpelt to lap at the water, the brown tabby even taking the first drink to prove it was safe. Leaning down and lapping at the water, it felt so cool and fresh that her body relaxed, causing the molly to realize that her body had been tense with fear.
With a small blink, she found herself surrounded by a forest of shimmering trees, a breeze pulling at her fur unlike the stiffness of the forest she had experienced on her way here.
Before she could continue to register the awe-inspiring sight around her, she was greeted by a dark ginger shape rushing over and the feeling of rough, but loving licks to her head. A deep purr rumbled in her throat as she took in the familiar warm feeling and the achingly painful scent of her mother.
"Squirrelflight," Her voice cracked as she realized just how much she had missed her. The bittersweet feeling rose from her chest and to her throat, blocking her words as she struggled to speak. "I-"
"I'm happy to see you, too," The small she-cat, nuzzling her with such warmth. It felt like lifetimes ago that she was expecting kits and Squirrelflight had been right there beside her, comforting her and assuring her that she was going to be okay, even while the older molly had been fighting with Bramblestar. "How I wish I could be there for you and your kits and-"
She glanced at Leafpool, who stood there with a saddened smile.
"You did so much for us already," The brown tabby molly said, reaching one of her white paws out and resting it on Squirrelflight's. "You've done so much for me already. You deserve the rest."
Sparkpelt watched as a wordless conversation followed, their expressions changing ever so slightly as the only noise was the faintness of their breaths. After a long moment, Leafpool stepped back, dipping her head and glancing towards the bright ginger she-cat.
It's my turn to talk. She realized quickly, looking back at her mother.
"What you did for us - for ThunderClan and the Sisters - no one will ever forget," Sparkpelt promised. She refused to let herself forget that sacrifice made to save kits that wasn't even hers or her Clan's. "And I know it's a lot more to ask, but there's something we need - or at least need to know. You see, after you.. After you were gone, Leafpool and I left, followed by-"
"I know."
Sparkpelt blinked at the interruption.
She knows?
"I've been watching every moment," She assured, nudging her daughter's shoulder with her nose. "I know how you and Stormcloud have been working hard to make a safe and caring home for you and the other ThunderClan refugees. I know that Bramblestar is fighting tooth and claw to bring everyone back home because he's become blind with grief and rage."
She blinked more slowly this time, her green eyes shining even brighter than usual for a brief moment.
"And I know you're here for your nine lives."
Shock rippled through Sparkpelt.
"StarClan is ready to gift you your lives. We talked for so long after you left, trying to determine if this was the right path. In the end, we are sure of it."
Behind the StarClan warrior, the queen saw the forest come to life with many shining cats, all of them holding their heads high with pride.
Squirrelflight stepped close, the warmth of her glittering body overwhelming Sparkpelt for a moment, like an inferno under the smaller she-cat's pelt. The younger she-cat felt that energy rush through her, burning at her paws like she was standing in flames, the crackling ringing in her ears as she could hear the distant shouts of her mother.
"With this life I grant you compassion," She murmured, eyes full of love and burning determination. "I don't regret how I ended up here. Bramblestar may have thought it was foolish for me to help cats I barely knew, but I was able to ensure the chance that three kits would be able to live and see the world."
Sparkpelt pulled Squirrelflight in for one last goodbye nuzzle before letting her mother step back.
Her lonely heart twisted more as another cat came forward, his dark pelt alight with many stars that danced in his eyes.
"Larksong.." His name fell from her maw before she could stop it and she longed to lay in a nest with him, to talk about everything and nothing all at once.
"Sparkpelt," He purred her name with such love and warmth that for a moment she felt secure and safe. He rested his chin on her head and she pressed against him, breathing in his scent for a long while. "I wish I could've stayed. I miss being with you with every breath I breathe.."
"I miss you, too," She felt herself about to weep. "I miss you so bad that it hurts. It feels so lonely without you."
He pulled away and her heart yearned for this to not be over.
"But you're not alone," He reminded her. "You've built your own family, one of many cats who can be there for you. And, even if you can't see me, I'm standing by your side forever and always."
She leaned forward again, wanting to feel his fur against his, but he lowered his head to where their foreheads were touching, their noses close.
"With this life I give you confidence. I believe in everything you do and I know you'll lead these cats well. You just need to be able to see it, too."
Their noses touched and Sparkpelt felt a shocking mix of being as light as a fallen feather and being as sturdy as stone. Like she could do anything and take on any foe. The feeling started to taper after Larksong pulled his head away.
"I'll be with you always." He meowed, stepping away to allow room for a much smaller shape to toddle over. The grief became overwhelming as little Flickerkit approached, his eyes bright and joyful at the sight of his mother.
"Mama!" He chirped, pressing his head to her leg. She leaned down to give him a lick, but was met with his nose touching hers, as if he had been expecting her to move to make it easier for him. "With this life I give you forgiveness. It's not your fault, okay? I'm not mad that I had to leave, so please don't be mad at you either."
Sorrowful sand coated Sparkpelt's tongue and the stone of loss made her throat ache.
"My beautiful kit," She whispered out. "I love you."
"I love you, too, Mama."
She managed to get a couple licks on his head before he ran over to Larksong, standing next to his father with such light in his eyes. Losing them so close to each other was still so hard for her to bare.
It took her a moment to notice that a new cat had approached - a white and speckled brown she-cat, whose eyes narrowed in such a sharp look that it felt like it stung the grieving she-cat.
"I'm Pebbleshine of SkyClan," She stated bluntly, her intense gaze fixed on Sparkpelt's eyes. "And if it were up to me, you wouldn't be the one getting these lives." Sparkpelt winced. "But I was outvoted, so instead I'm going to give you the life of acceptance."
She pressed her nose firmly against the ginger molly's, causing a small shock of pain with just how quickly she pressed her nose. A bright intensity filled her, followed by a warm flood, as if someone was letting out the first feeling.
"May you accept all cats, not just your own."
As Pebbleshine turned to walk away, it clicked suddenly to Sparkpelt on why something had been bothering her. This molly was Twigbranch's mother. They didn't look a lot alike, but they had the same general body shape.
After her approached another she-cat - a cat whose solid black fur shifted ever so slightly in a mix of emotions as she looked past Sparkpelt and to the she-cat next to her. There was another silent conversation, one of forgiveness and kindness, before the black she-cat turned to her.
"I'm Hollyleaf," The name shot many stories through Sparkpelt's head as she recalled it quickly. "I'm-"
"Lionblaze and Jayfeather's sister. I remember.. My mother and father raised you.."
She nodded before stepping forward.
"I died for my Clan, much like she did, but I made some grave mistakes along the way that I still wish I could take back, but I never gave up," She blinked slowly, her gaze becoming intense. "And I don't want you to give up, either. So with this life, I give you endurance. Use it to carry you and your Clan."
Sparkpelt wasn't ready for the burning, aching, tired feeling to erupt through her body. Her heart pounded in echoes through her ears and her legs quivered helplessly, but she found she could still stand, despite the soreness that clawed through every part of her.
As she was recovering, someone else stepped forward. A large golden cat, whose pelt somehow still had the soft cling of milk to it. Confusion settled over the fading pain as she noticed a look of love and affection in the molly's eyes.
"Who are you?" She asked quietly.
"I'm Goldenflower," Came the reply. "I'm Bramblestar's mother - your grandmother - and it's such an honor to finally meet you. I may have passed away so many moons ago, but to know my son had such a wonderful family kept me from letting myself wander too far."
"With this life I give you protection. May you fight for every life as if they were the lives of your kits."
A new feeling surged through, like fire and electricity, dragging out her claws in order to defend those around her from the shadows looming in the corners of her mind.
Blinking her eyes open, Goldenflower dipped her head and whispered a soft goodbye before stepping away.
Two more kits replaced the one queen - a dark brown tabby tom and a pale ginger she-cat. It took only one look at the tom for it to register just who these two were, even if she didn't have any actual memories of them.
"Juniperkit, Dandelionkit," She felt a faint sadness for never getting to know them, but she found it wasn't as intense as her sorrow for anyone else. It made her wish she had more time to get to know them, to give them the proper respect they deserved as her littermates. "You're so much bigger than I remember."
It wasn't the truth, but it was enough for the two kits to become giddy.
"I told you! She remembers us!" Dandelionkit boasted, holding her head high. Juniperkit stuck his tongue out before shoving his sister. She was about to shove back when Squirrelflight let out a cough, catching the kits' attention. "Oh! Yeah!"
Dandelionkit pressed her nose against Sparkpelt with such speed that it hurt much worse than when Pebbleshine had done it. She got a quick apologetic glance from her late sister before the kit spoke again;
"With this life I give you enthusiasm! You gotta enjoy every day you can!"
Kit-like energy spread through her body as she remembered playing with Alderkit in the nursery and chasing Bramblestar's tail as he tried to get things done around camp.
The buzzing feeling made her paws tingle, even after Juniperkit walked up for his turn.
"With this life I give you faith!" He declared loudly, shooting a smug look at Dandelionkit before turning back to Sparkpelt. "Even if things are looking bad, you gotta hang in there and know that there are cats there for you! So never ever give up!"
Emotions swirled through Sparkpelt's chest as bubbling feelings of fear and despair were suddenly washed out with new feelings of hope and confidence. Not the same soaring confidence that Larksong had given her, but enough to make the world just a bit brighter.
They all stepped away as a shape emerged from the crowd and Sparkpelt's eyes widened as a tom came forward. His flame-like pelt was the same stunning color as hers and she didn't even need to think about who this was. She had heard enough stories to fill the heads of many cats for moons to come.
"You're Firestar." She blurted out. He smiled and she realized just where her mother's warm and loving gaze came from.
"I am," He confirmed as he stood only a whisker or two away. "It's good to finally see my granddaughter. I would've loved to dote on you while I was alive, but I'm still so happy to get to see you."
It felt overwhelming in the moment. This was Firestar. She was a part of his legacy and suddenly the shame of how she had been acting before made her feel like an embarrassed little kit.
"With this, I proudly give you the life of love. From the kits born inside the nursery to cats who choose to wander, all your Clanmates are worthy of love."
When he pressed his nose to her, she felt as if she was floating, her heart swelling so much that it almost hurt. She could see everyone's faces as she closed her eyes as well - Stormcloud standing by her side as he watched Cherryfall, Ivypool and Ferncloud helping their kits build dens for everyone to sleep in, Daisy helping watch Finchkit and Flamekit, and even Finleap and Twigbranch returning home with prey in their jaws.
To love these cats like family.. She could feel herself able to do that, even if she hadn't always been the best cat in their lives.
"Congratulations, Sparkstar." Firestar bowed his head to her as she could hear her name being called by many cats, both those she knew and voices she had never heard.
"Sparkstar! Sparkstar! Sparkstar!"
Waking up, Sparkstar's ears were still ringing as she slowly stood, her legs shaking lightly as she took in what happened. She could hear movement beside her as Leafpool was soon awake, looking at her with warm amber eyes.
"How do you feel?" She asked softly, aware that what just happened was a lot. There was a moment of silence as the newly named leader took in a long, deep breath.
"I feel great," She assured, smiling at the medicine cat. "Let's get back home. To FireClan."
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zdbztumble · 6 years
A writing prompt from the Pokeshipping Discord run by @lightningenergy and @waterrflower.
This is set in the continuity of a group fic I work on, so some context before we get started: Ash now has an Alolan Sandshrew. His Lycanroc’s picked up the nickname Sunset, and Sunset’s mate is Midnight, a Shiny Midnight-form Lycanroc that belongs to Miette and lives on Oak Ranch. Ash also gave Misty and Eevee for Christmas.
("OK, Uncle!") Azurill called. ("I'm ready!")
("Me too, Azurill!") Pikachu replied. ("Go for it!") He spread his arms wide and readied himself. The little Polka Dot Pokémon scurried back to the end of the log, bounded forward in three great jumps, and dove straight into Pikachu's arms. The force knocked them both into the water, and they came right back up, laughing.
In the water around them, and on the lakeshore nearby, Ash's other Pokémon broke into cheers and applause. Buizel and Oshawott swam over to pat Azurill's head. On the shore, Misty's Psyduck waved his flippers, Pidgeot flapped his wings, and Donphan trumpeted. Bulbasaur reached out with his vines to lift Azurill back onto the log they were using as a makeshift diving board. And Misty's Eevee, who stood in the water up to the tops of her paws just to the left of the log, cheered again and again: ("Yay, sister!")
("Awful lot of fuss to make over a two-foot dive,") Pikachu heard Torracat say through a yawn. The fire cat was draped over a high branch in a tree well back from the waterline, while Ash's other Fire-Types sat or lay around it. Charizard gave rough grunt at all the noise, but Quilava smiled and shook his head.
("Lighten up, you two,") he said. ("The kid's still getting used to the water ahead of the day she becomes a Marill. And besides, how often do we have Pikachu here?")
("That's right,") Infernape agreed. ("You should come to the ranch more often!") he called out to his friend.
("Maybe I should,") Pikachu chuckled. There was nothing stopping him, not since he and Ash permanently moved back to Pallet Town. He liked seeing all of his friends, and on beautiful summer days like this, there was always plenty to do at the Oak Ranch.
("Where's Ash?") asked Sunset. He was sprawled out on the sand, with Midnight snuggled up over his back.
("It's Saturday,") Pikachu replied. ("When he and Misty are done being even more cuddly and gross than you two -")
("He has to spend all day with May and Dawn getting measurements for the wedding while she works with Miette and her sister. Ash'll be back around six; he and Misty wanted to do some training here for the Indigo League.")
("Ah, the wedding,") Oshawott sighed. A starry-eyed look crossed his face as he flipped onto his back. ("I can't wait! Our Ash, at the end of the aisle, looking his best, and getting married to the greatest, prettiest girl in the whole wide world!")
Charizard rolled his eyes. ("Of course the love runt loves the water freak.")
("She's the best and you know it!")
("I still can't believe Ash proposed,") Bulbasaur chuckled. ("I thought for sure Misty would have to do it herself.")
("What, propose?") said Pikachu.
("No - buy her own ring, write out a proposal, and tell Ash exactly what to say and do.")
("And he wouldn't have realized what he was saying until a minute later,") Charizard snickered.
("Oh, give him some credit,") said Sunset. ("He pulled it off, didn't he?")
("With my expert advice,") Pikachu added. ("But yes, he did.")
("And it'll be the most spectacular wedding on the face of the earth!") Oshawott shot out a weak Ice Beam to give himself a pedestal on the water's surface, the better to let him pirouette in joy.
("They're doing it outdoors, right?") wondered Pidgeot. ("How else would they fit us all in?")
("And Misty's Pokémon, too - how will they see it?")
("What time of day will it be? Have they decided yet?")
("We're not going out-of-region for this, are we?")
Everyone fell into discussing the wedding, in some way or another. There were five different conversations going about at once, in as many groups, and they all had questions for Pikachu. And his answers to all of them - that no, he really didn't know what the plans were for the wedding, that he doubted Ash and Misty had anything set beyond the date and their tailors, that if it wasn't for May and Dawn and the other girls' prodding they probably wouldn't have even that fixed - wasn't satisfactory.
("Come on, there has to be something more by now!") whined Oshawott.
("They at least have a guest list, right?") asked Noivern.
("And colors, and decorations, and floral arrangements - they know what to do about those, don't they, hey hey?") said Corphish.
("No, no, and no!") Pikachu cried. ("And can we slow down a minute? I can't keep track of -")
("Uncle, what are 'floral arrangements?'") asked Azurill.
("Flowers, Azurill. Now, if everyone can ask their questions one at a time - ")
("Do Mommy and Daddy need flowers?")
("For the wedding, yes. But that's still a long ways away, and -")
("Summer's end? That's only two-and-a-half months,") said Buizel. ("They'd better start getting prepared.")
("Do you think we could be involved with planning it?") asked Torterra. ("I could do some landscaping!")
("Me too!") Bulbasaur smiled. ("And Bayleef could help too - right?")
("Not this again...")
("This Misty isn't the type of girl who wants birds flying around, is she?") Staraptor frowned. ("I don't know why humans go for that, but there's no way I'll agree to something that silly.")
("She's not gonna ask for that!") Pikachu snapped.
("Er - everyone?") Sandshrew said softly. Pikachu heard, but couldn't respond over the ongoing chatter.
("Summer's end could be hot, or the start of fall weather. They might need a bonfire...")
("Where can they go for their honeymoon? Ash has been, like, everywhere on Earth, hey hey!")
("What we really need to do,") said Pidgeot, with a pointed stare Midnight's way, ("is to find a way to keep this one's Trainer from pulling any funny business.")
The blue Lycanroc lifted a brow. ("And what's that supposed to mean?")
("Come on, dear,") Sunset yawned. ("You know what she's like.")
("Don't you start too,") Midnight grumbled. She nipped at her mate's ear before nestling her head down into the fur on his back. Pikachu fought off the urge to gag.
("Um, excuse me, but -")
("You'll probably get to sit with his mom,") Charizard snickered to Torracat. ("I'll bet she'll get you a bowtie, too.")
("Hmmph. I'd never wear such a thing.") The Fire Cat Pokémon quickly busied himself with personal grooming.
("You're right - she'll probably get her new Growlithe to do it.")
("Wha - but what's wrong with me!?")
("Ah - I'm sorry, everyone, but I really need to -")
("I'm sorry, everyone, but this is important, and we need to -")
("QUIET!") Pikachu screamed. For good measure, he shot a Thunderbolt off into the air. All the Pokémon still in the lake with him shot daggers his way, but everyone finally shut up. Thank Arceus. I couldn't take another minute of that...
Bulbasaur nodded approvingly and turned to his assistant. ("OK, Sandshrew. What did you need to tell us?")
The Alolan-form fidgeted uncomfortably where he stood. ("Er...Misty's Azurill and Eevee are gone.")
("What? Don't be silly. They're right over -") Pikachu pointed to the diving log, but his hand dropped down to his side. There was no sign of Misty's two baby Pokémon. ("Where'd they go?")
("They were just there,") said Charizard. He, Pidgeot, and Noivern took to the skies and circled around over the lake, but they came back down almost immediately. ("We can't see them.")
("We can't see anything through all these trees,") Noivern added, nodding to the woods nearby. ("But they can't have gone far.")
("Azurill!") Pikachu hollered, as loud as he could. ("Eevee! Where are you?")
("They go for flowers,") Psyduck said. He was prodding a fallen apple with his bill, and hadn't even looked up from the fruit. Even as Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Sandshrew, Charizard, Torracat, and both Lycanrocs closed in around him, he still didn't look up.
That's just perfect, Pikachu thought with a shake of his head. The only one of us who noticed is the unfathomable. ("Psyduck,") he said. ("What do you mean, they went for flowers?")
("You say Mistress and her Ashboy need flowers,") the duck replied. ("For wedding. Babies go for flowers.") He waved a hand down a cleared path leading into the woods. ("That way.")
("THAT WAY!?") Bulbasaur gasped. He looked pale.
Psyduck nodded. ("Eevee smell flowers that way. They be back soon.")
("Forget that!") Bulbasaur snapped. ("Charizard, head down to the clearing! Sunset, Midnight, in after them! Sandshrew, Torracat - with me! We'll cut through the shortcut!") Everyone rushed to obey. Charizard cleared the treetops in under two seconds. The Lycanrocs darted down the path, vanishing into the shadows of the trees. And Bulbasaur knocked aside some brush to their right to expose a rough, beaten dirt trail. He let Torracat lead the way, and had Sandshrew take up the rear.
("Bulbasaur, what is it?") Pikachu asked, following them in. With his visits to the ranch being so rare, he didn't know much about how things worked in the place, but he always assumed that it was peaceful, safe, and happy. That's how everyone always made it sound. No one ever said there was anything dangerous on the ranch. Certainly nothing that would cause Bulbasaur to hurry down the hill after Azurill and Eevee. With his speed, it wasn't hard for Pikachu to keep pace with his old friend, but he was still amazed at how quick they were going. ("What's wrong?") he asked again.
("Two things,") Bulbasaur said quickly. ("First - there is a flowerbed at the bottom of this hill, but there's a big Moss Rock down there.")
("So what? What's the big deal about a mossy old rock?")
("Mew, you sound like Ash right now. Not a mossy rock, a Moss Rock. Understand?")
(A Moss Rock? You mean...oh!") Pikachu's cheeks sparked with fright. ("But Misty still has the Water Stone Ash gave her!")
("Exactly. But the other problem is that that flowerbed is where - they live.")
Eevee liked the smell of roses best out of all flowers. The tickseed, the lavender, and the daylilies were nice too, but there was something special about roses. They were so rich; it was almost like a meal through the sense of smell! And there were so many kinds of roses - red, white, pink, lilac, yellow, and even...
("Look, Azurill!") she trilled with a hop. ("Blue roses! Mommy loves the big blue water, and Daddy always wears blue. Don't you think they'd love these? They smell so pretty!")
Azurill buried her face into one of the flowers and took a big whiff. She closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh. ("They do. But I heard Mommy and Daddy teasing Auntie May's boyfriend about his roses. Maybe we should get some of these other ones?")
("The daylilies? Auntie Daisy would like those, but I don't know how much Mommy likes Auntie Daisy...")
("Don't say that!") Azurill chided. ("She's a lot nicer now. And if Mommy wins her big fight and gets her new job, Auntie Daisy might do all the Gym Leadering from now on.")
("Hmm...maybe some of those, then. And the blue roses, and the red ones for Mommy's hair, and the white ones, and the -")
A shadow fell over the two of them from behind. Instead of turning around, they both craned their heads back to look up. Three large Pokémon surrounded them in a half-circle, a Rhyperior, a Machamp, and a Granbull. None of them looked very nice, but Mommy and Auntie Milotic always said not to judge people by how they looked.
("Well, well, well,") said the Rhyperior. ("What do we have here?")
("Hello,") Azurill said pleasantly. ("We're picking flowers for our mommy!")
("Is that right?") Rhyperior looked back and forth between his companions. ("Here that boys? They're picking flowers.")
("On our turf,") grunted the Granbull. ("You're a long ways away from the big house, ain't you kids?")
Azurill smiled and bounced around to face them. ("It's OK. Uncle knows the way back!")
("Your uncle, huh?") The Machamp cracked his knuckles. ("I don't see him around now.")
("No...but he's right up the hill.") Whatever Mommy and Auntie Milotic said, Eevee didn't like these Pokémon. She wanted to walk away, but Azurill was still smiling up at them as if nothing was wrong.
("Do you wanna help us pick flowers?") she asked. They all laughed.
("Sure,") Rhyperior replied. ("We'll help you pick the flowers. But first - ") he shuffled back a few steps, and his friends backed away from him - ("either of you two squirts know how to battle yet?")
("Oh no you don't!") Two blurs - one orange, one blue - barreled into the Rhyperior, taking him off his feet. Another orange blur came down from the sky to crash into Granbull. Machamp was brought down by a pair of vines around his legs. Following the vines to a clearing in the trees, Eevee saw Daddy's Bulbasaur at the other end, looking very angry. On his left, the icy Sandshrew and Torracat looked just as mad, and on his right, Uncle Pikachu was bristling with sparks.
("Oh, goody!") Azurill cheered. ("We get to watch battling!")
("You can watch battling,") Eevee frowned. She didn't like battles outside of Mommy's Gym. They were too messy. ("I'm gonna start picking flowers.")
She turned away and started into the meadow. The racket of the battling followed after her, but there was nothing to do for that. She tried to focus on the scent of the flowers. They all smelled wonderful, but she had to pick the absolute best ones for Mommy. The red smell the strongest, but the blue ones are nice and cool, and these lilac ones...what's that other smell, though?
It was wet and earthy, like the garden at Daddy's mom's house. But there was something else about it; something old. Eevee held her nose up high and followed it through the meadow. It wasn't far; just a few feet in, near a big old tree, she found it: a rock, almost as big as Uncle Starmie, with funny green stuff all over it.
It smells...good, Eevee thought. And there was something else about the rock, too. Nothing about the smell, or the look, or any other sense, except a prickly feeling up and down her back that something would happen if she just reached out with a paw to touch it...
("Now hold on there, young missy! What do you think you're doing with that old stone?")
They were called the Boxer Boys. The Machamp of the group new the sport, and had taught it to his friends. No one knew just who their Trainer was, but he must have been some piece of work, because all of his Pokémon were dirty fighters and bullies. Bulbasaur said that a huge part of his job when he first came to Oak Ranch was keeping them from making trouble, and Pikachu could see why. It's my own fault for taking Play Rough head-on, but...OW!
He was done with the fighting. Despite the Play Rough, he and Torracat had managed to reduce the Granbull to a sparking, charred mess on the ground. Bulbasaur and Sandshrew had chased the Machamp off, though the jerk had gotten a knock-out over on poor Sandshrew. Charizard followed after the Fighting-type, blasting him from the air with Flamethrowers. Rhyperior was all that was left, and with his immunity to electric attacks, Pikachu could only sit back and nurse his aching tail while the Lycanrocs handled him.
They'd taken their share of blows, Sunset and Midnight, and the Rhyperior's defense was insane, but they wouldn't let up. Sunset used Rock Slide to cut off any retreats, while Midnight worked away with Counters and Reversals. Pikachu had to admit: gross as they are together, they made a pretty good battling couple.
("Isn't it amazing, Uncle?") Azurill asked. She'd watched the whole thing, utterly delighted; she was bouncing up and down at the finale. ("And I get to do that some day?")
("Yes,") Pikachu sighed. ("You and Eevee both get to...where's Eevee?")
("She didn't wanna watch the fight. She went to pick flowers.")
("Where?") Pikachu whirled around, the pain in his tail forgotten. ("Where is she? Where's the rock!?")
("What rock, Uncle?")
("We can't let her touch that rock! Bulbasaur, where is it!?")
("I-I can't remember!") The Seed Pokémon had been tending Sandshrew; now, he was looking around as frantically as Pikachu. ("It's in the meadow, but -")
("Don't just stand there!") Sunset snapped; he and Midnight had finally brought Rhyperior down. ("Fan out and let's find her before -")
("Looking for this?")
They all turned at once. Eevee was walking toward them, a small bouquet of roses in her mouth. At her side was a hobbling old Alolan Raichu with a patient chuckle to his voice. ("She was sniffing around the old rock. Of course, it wasn't so old the first time I came here. Not that I was ever here all that much. Still ain't, 'smatter of fact. Oh, but there was this time back a ways when all sorts of trouble came up over that thing, and Vee and I had to -")
("I think we got it,") Bulbasaur said quickly. He extended his vines to embrace Eevee and gently bring her over to Azurill's side. ("Thanks, Pika.")
("Friend of yours?") Midnight asked, with a rather suspicious sniff.
("He's an old-timer,") said Bulbasaur. ("Pops in every now and again, handy with some things.")
("Yessir.") Pika leaned back, his paws held at his chest. ("Like the time all those Tauros got loose the day old Oak and the other one were sick. Of course, that was nothing on some of the things I used to get up to. Did I ever tell you about the time when we were on that airship and I -")
("Thank you, Pika,") Bulbasaur said firmly. ("I need to get Sandshrew to the house, and we need to get these little ones away from that rock.")
("No patience for an old-timer, eh? Well, fine then.") He frowned, but he didn't sound truly angry. As he turned to go, he looked over his shoulder right at Pikachu. ("And good seeing you again.")
("...I'm sorry? Have we...wait a minute.") Pikachu put a paw to his chin. ("The New Years party...the Poke Ball...you're -")
("On my way!") The old Raichu gave a final wave, then headed into the trees.
("What was that about?") asked Bulbasaur. Pikachu just shook his head and slumped down onto his bottom. What a way to end a play day...
("So, Uncle,") Eevee said through her mouthful. ("Can we give these flowers to Mommy and Daddy?")
("Yeah, flowers for Mommy and Daddy!") Azurill cheered.
("Girls...") Pikachu sighed. ("Ash and Misty need flowers for their wedding. That's still a while off.")
("Oh.") They both looked disappointed. ("But - wouldn't Mommy and Daddy like some flowers now anyway?") asked Azurill.
("Please, Uncle?") Eevee pleaded. ("I already started. Help us pick some more, please?")
("I don't think -")
("Summer blooms only last so long,") Bulbasaur chuckled. Torracat and the Lycanrocs were chuckling too.
("...Let's wait for Charizard to get back so he can take Sandshrew. Then we'll pick some flowers.")
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junker-town · 7 years
Welcome to the ‘Stranger Things 2’ basketball universe
ǝɟᴉl sᴉ llɐq
(Warning: There are Stranger Things 2 spoilers below. If you haven’t watched it yet, you should do that before proceeding. If you *have* seen it, let’s basketball!)
Stranger Things 2 is sports. It became sports when Steve and Billy went head-to-head in a shirts vs. skins game in Episode 3. Stranger Things 2 was the first time we saw sports in the show, and it was glorious. Sure, it was supposed to highlight machismo run amok in Hawkins High, but it meant more to us.
A year ago we outlined what an NFL team in Hawkins would look like, but since then the town has expanded and things have changed. There are more characters, clearer factions — lines drawn in the sand. Now, following Steve and Billy’s lead we only have one clear path to proceed:
Hawkins is running its own basketball league.
The Hawkins Basketball Association is a six-team league based in Indiana, with satellites in Chicago and The Upside Down. Its aim isn’t to compete with the NBA, but rather offer something professional basketball can’t: Mixed gender teams, with monsters and superpowers. Let’s break down the squads.
Hawkins High Hoosiers
Netflix; @joe_keery/Twitter
PG: Steve Harrington SG: Nancy Wheeler SF: Billy Hargrove PF: Tommy H. C: Keith (from the arcade) Sixth Man: Carol
Head coach: Murray Bowman, Assistant coach: The rocket fuel punch that got Nancy drunk. Team photographer: Jonathan Byers
This is the one team we have game film on, and on some level you’d think this would make them an easy pick to go all the way — but there are deep problems with the chemistry of the team.
Essentially there’s a love triangle in the starting five with Nancy, Steve and Keith (who is desperate all season for a date) and then Jonathan is on the sidelines and he’s in love with Nance too. Apologies to fans of Jonathan Byers. He’s neither a great shooter, nor a great communicator, but his photos are fantastic. Then you compound the issue with Billy, who absolutely hit on Nancy’s mom and it seemed reciprocal. If Nancy finds out this locker room is going to explode.
Billy has hoops ability though. Shout out to that sick between-the-legs layup. Hard to see him doing enough to make up for Keith, who might as well be doing nothing at all. This team is an utter disaster. They won’t win a single game all season.
Hawkins Middle Wildcats (RIP Mews)
PG: Eleven SG: Max Mayfield SF: Lucas Sinclair PF: Mike Wheeler C: Dustin Henderson Sixth man: Will Byers
Head coach: Bob Newby, Assistant coach: Mr. Clarke Team Weakness: Dragon’s Lair
The Wildcats have a really strong team this season with the addition of Max at zoomer, which we’re going to interpret to be shooting guard. Good first step, an element of meanness and a clear ability to be the rook on a veteran team.
Dustin’s having a bad year. He could really be a liability on the roster. Let’s face it, he made a lot of bad moves. His season arc was screw up after screw up, hoping his grin would get him through (it did, luv u Dustin), but putting him at center will keep the ball and decision making out of his hands as much as possible.
Will Byers would normally be a starter, but his head hasn’t been in the game. He’s a liability on the court, copes poorly with heat, and there’s a real risk of him spying for the Shadow Monsters. It’s just too much to put him in the five.
Upside Down Shadow Monsters
PG: Demodog SG: Demodog SF: Demodog PF: Demodog C: Demodog Sixth Man: Demodog
Head coach: Shadow Monster, Assistant coach: Dart, the Demodog Team snack: Three Musketeers
This is the Golden State Warriors of the Hawkins Basketball Association. Having a hive mind is almost better than a superteam, and no other team can match their non-verbal communication.
A lack of opposable thumbs is a clear weakness on this roster, but if Air Bud can hoop then the demodogs have a chance. There’s precedent here, and we have to follow it. We saw the dogs jump, devour and have incredible speed. All skills that are useful here, and the Shadow Monster at coach is truly unfair because it can get into the minds of the opposition and literally possess them.
PSA to the other teams in the league: Be wary of playing them at home, because they will eat you up and spit you out.
Chicago Funshiners
PG: Punk Eleven SG: Kali SF: Mick PF: Dottie C: Funshine Sixth Man: Axel
Head coach: Kali (player coach), Assistant coach: Punk Eleven Team Funding: Life of crime.
This team is basically doing everything by themselves, which is admirable. The risk is that without a guiding force to center them, they will probably fall apart as time goes on.
Sure, the team has issues , but Kali can make people see things that aren’t there, like the ball going through the basket when it actually missed by 20 feet. With that in mind (pun intended), we’re guessing they’ll have a 30-game win streak before the cops arrive and the players are permanently suspended from the league.
Oh, and if you’re wondering why Eleven gets to play point for two teams it’s a clear Chris Paul/ Cliff Paul situation.
National Laboratory Troublemakers
PG: Dr. Sam Owens SG: Nameless Scientist [deceased] SF: Nameless Scientist [deceased] PF: Nameless Scientist [deceased] C: Nameless Scientist [deceased] Sixth Man: Nameless Scientist [deceased]
Head coach: Ghost Brenner, Assistant Coach: Nameless Scientist [deceased] Team Motto: “You’re gonna get burned!”
A ghost, one mauled scientist and a bunch of dead guys. Still have a better shot than Hawkins High.
Hawkins Adult Basketball Squadron
PG: Joyce Byers SG: Flo SF: Karen Wheeler PF: Jim Hopper C: Claudia Henderson Sixth Man: Mr. Holland
Head Coach: Erica Sinclair, Assistant Coach: Benny (RIP Benny — we miss you, sweet prince) Team Bench (not like, off the bench — but the actual bench): Ted Wheeler
This team took huge strides forward in the off season. If created in year one we’d need to lean on questionable adults who are basically glorified scenery, but in Stranger Things 2 we got a really deep depth chart of quality adult talent.
Claudia is one of these characters, and Dustin’s mom is equal parts sweet as can be and stern, but you KNOW she’s a total bad-ass when things go down. Love the potential of Mr. Holland off the bench. Sure he’s grief-stricken and still looking for Barb, but he’s chicken-powered as well. Flo was a coach on the Hawkins’ NFL team — but her dedication to Hopper’s health makes her an excellent team member now. She’ll keep him centered and out of foul trouble.
Ted is incapable of doing anything well, so he’ll just nap court side and let people sit on him.
Season predictions
Eleven will banish all the Shadow Monsters before the playoffs begin.
All the Funshiners will be arrested (sadly).
Joyce and Hopper will FINALLY get together after everyone forgets about Bob.
Steve will channel his sexual frustration into raw basketball power and eventually be selected in the NBA Draft by the Knicks.
Billy will quit mid-season and go on to manage a small but unsuccessful chain or tire stores.
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