toxycodone · 3 years
puppy boy hinata who’s so eager to please n be pleased 🥺 rubs his leaky cock anywhere that feels good—your legs, your thighs, your pillows. he’s a mess and even likes when you get mean n give him a ruined orgasm or two.
he’s sooo desperate, poor baby.
puppy boy hina is literally obsessed with you, especially when he’s rutting. when you’re gone he can’t help but search for anything with your scent and rub himself against it since he’s so desperate to get off. he’ll fuck himself against your pillow and blanket, but nothing feels just as good as fucking your cute little pussy himself. 🥺
and when you get home?? he’s all over you. hina will fuck himself against your thigh or grind against your ass and whine while you tell him to be a good boy and be patient for you, that you’ll give him what he needs if he behaves. you make him eat you out first—sit on his face and he’ll lap at your pussy and suck on your clit for hours. and you’ll stroke him all the while, only to stop moving when he’s right about to cum and just drag your finger across his length, giving him just enough stimulation to leave him whimpering and cumming all over himself. you guys don’t even need any lube, you’re dripping from his tongue and he’s already coated in slick, when you finally let him mount you all you can hear are the wet sloppy sounds of sex in between hinata’s pants and whines.
and once he’s fucking you, all his bitchy behavior gets thrown out the window. hina’s got stamina for days—the edging and ruined orgasms haven’t done anything to make his cock less hard. he’ll bite the nape of your neck like he’s breeding a real bitch and growl, fucking you with long hard strides before switching to a jackhammering pace against you while his balls slap your clit. he wants to, no needs to, cum inside you, feel your walls pulsating against his cock like you’re trying to suck in all his seed.
And he’ll make sure nothing goes to waste. hinata stuffs his whole cock into you and knots you reaaaal good to ensure nothing comes out. his teeth sunk into your soft flesh only go deeper as he puts his entire weight on you, giving his now painful cock tiny thrusts and you can feel him tapping against your cervix. 💙
and when he finally calms down he’ll clean up your ruined lil pussy with his mouth, just like the little lap dog he is. 🥺
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toxycodone · 3 years
Your dog hybrid Iwa and bunny reader had me fucking whimpering it was so good! Now I’m wondering how an overly attached Iwa in heat would treat his very attractive owner
I mentioned this a while ago buuuuut...👀
dogboy!Iwa has to take suppressants so he can focus on his work but when he gets attached to his owner he starts rutting anyways. He just feels so protective towards you...he wants to be by your side 24/7...and to keep other hybrids away. To do this, he’s gotta scent you, but he can’t if he doesn’t get to mate with you. 💔
So his body just goes haywire on hormones and he gets desperate to just touch you. It’s so bad he tries to avoid you but after a few days it’s unbearable. He’s constantly hard, knot dripping with slick, he just wants to make you his. And when you finally let him, he’s more than grateful.
But unlike that one ask I answered, he wouldn’t treat his dear owner like another hybrid. He’s very gentle and careful, despite how much he wants you. But if you tell him to go faster, harder, deeper, he most definitely will. He loses his self control pretty fast so he’ll just start fucking into you and growling like he’s feral—his blunt claws dig into your hips and his teeth just barely prick the skin of your neck. He’s trying with all his sanity not to hurt you too bad but he’s leaving marks and making you sore anyways. He’s so sure to rub himself against you and knot you up real nice too. Iwa wants his scent to be overwhelming and keep any other hybrid away from his sweet owner.
Afterwards he’s so doting and apologetic. 🥺 he doesn’t want you to be mad at him and he’s upset he hurt you, so expect a lot of kisses and cuddling.
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toxycodone · 3 years
i apologize in advance for the person i will become if/when you write some virgin!terushima 😔❤️ -blue
untouched virgin terushima being ultra sensitive to your touch...
he’s so excited to finally have sex and lose his virginity, but he’s a little too excited. when you two are making out, he’s grinding himself against you and you move a lil unexpectedly and he ends up cumming in his pants.
he’s actually not super embarrassed tho? a little flustered, yeah, but he takes it in stride. teru just wants to get off again so his lips quickly find yours and you two start to get undressed.
but once shit gets real he does get really flustered. he can’t help but admire your body and he wants to touch and kiss everything to see how you react. and when you touch him, he moans so sweetly for you. 🥺 it’s the cutest thing ever. compliment his physique and he gets all cocky but compliment his cock and he gets all shy (he’s embarrassed bc he doesn’t know how to use it lol). you warm him up to your touch with a few kisses and junk tho. 💙
ALSO UMMM sitting on virgin!terushima’s face bc he’s been begging for it (he’s watched too much porn 😭) and telling him he better make you cum or you’re gonna leave him blueballed...he picks up what makes you tick VERY quickly after you say that.
anyways when you finally ride his dick it’s over. teru tries to keep up, he’s got sweaty, trembling hands digging into your hips and he’s biting his bottom lip to focus on not cumming too quickly but he doesn’t last. when he cums it’s the prettiest thing in the world too. his cheeks are pink and his head is splayed against your pillow, mouth ajar as a strangled little moan leaves his lips. you can tell he’s spent, but you don’t care, and ride him anyways. and he’ll still try to keep up, his thumb starts to play w ur clit and he’ll try his hardest to meet your thrusts w his own.
also the first time you peg him he’s an absolute mess. can you imagine kissing down hid spine while he takes it from the back and he’s just writhing and whimpering into the sheets <3
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toxycodone · 3 years
You’re right! There’s an endless possibilities jdhdjs i’m the anon that send you about cowjima and wanna ruin bunny oikawa bxjdjdj seems like i’m gonna be your regular anon 👀 let me claim the 😎 emoji cuz im cool like that ckdbdn
BUT FIRST. Like you’re a hybrid too and your owners are filthy rich. They bought you in bc you’re a mixed hybrid (i wanna say like wolf husky if you’re a dog person or liger/tigon if you’re a cat person). They treated you well obviously bc you’re their pride and joy and they get to show you off in any events but then suddenly they win the auction to get bunny Oikawa and that man is so pompous and cocky like why.
Mans thought you’re a regular cat/dog bc there’s no distinct way of telling your a rare mixed breed and just act all high and mighty around you and you’re just chill af bc is this lil bunny for real 🤨 but hey, your owners always tell you to be nice to each other and when one day they gotta be out for two days or so, you have the whole house to yourself and Oikawa been getting on your nerves so it’s not surprising that you put him in his place and take him in every surface of the house 🙄
But then your owners come home and coo about how cute you two are bc Oikawa now is always clinging onto you ha ha ha —😎
ur brain is so huge....
Look...the dog or cat mix would both work...they’re both Oika natural predator so 💙 I love that dynamic
Oikawa would be able to smell you’re not pure...but he doesn’t know what? He just thinks you’re some mixed breed. In his eyes, you’re not an important hybrid like he is. He thinks you’re probably some old family pet they don’t wanna get rid of 😭
So anyways, he’s such a dick to you. He acts all high and mighty, steals attention from your owners, teases you when they aren’t looking...you’re all huffy but you don’t let it get to you. You’ll have your revenge soon.
And when your owners are out of town...they hired someone to check on you and oikawa but they aren’t around all the time...so when you and oiks are getting ready for bed and he’s all sleepy and relaxed. You pounce.
Oikawa doesn’t get it at first, he thinks you’re attacking him, but when you press yourself against him...he gets the message. And all the sudden he’s getting hard. It’s in his nature to respond positively to any stimulation so he’s getting covered in slick and his body gets hot and in a few minutes he’s already feverish and ready to breed. You tease him a little, but you’re quick to give in too. His scent is almost suffocating and he’s grinding against you with so much fervor you can’t handle it. Anyways, you two both don’t get any sleep that night. You’re too busy covering him in your scent and he’s loving it.
And then since you imprinted on him oikawa is just constantly at your feet. Poor bunny is now attached to you and he’s in your room almost every night begging to be fucked 💙
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toxycodone · 3 years
I DO!!! GOD HYBRID AU IS MAKING ME FERAL 😩 LETS START WITH KARASUNO AND SEIJOH FIRST. What’s the hybrids of each members of the schools 👀 also yes lemme join you salivating at the thought of puppy shoyou
OOO okay I’m gonna preface this by in my AU I think that society is split between hybrids and pure humans?? And any hybrid that wants to be in regular society has to have a human owner basically (this makes the human responsible if the hybrid acts out). Also depending on the hybrid’s species, they’re meant for different purposes. (Like dog boys are usually for companionship, bunnies for sex, etc. It’s a flawed society...kiiinda similar to beastars?)
So there are also “feral” hybrids which are technically illegal that live in the woods and stuff too. They don’t wanna be governed so they avoid it at all costs.
Hybrids can disguise themselves as humans though by covering up their ears/tails/etc. but something that won’t go away are scents (which usually are only detectable by other hybrids unless one is in heat). ofc in cities their are hybrids whose purpose is to hunt down those that are disguised and lacking an owner.
Also I wanna say hybrids have an innate desire to want to submit to humans...? Or maybe like humans developed some drug/tech/etc that makes them want to submit...humans are lowkey evil but I love the idea of shock collars and stuff like that
SO. I only have a few ideas rn but for any of the characters I don’t have ideas for I would love to talk abt them 🥺
hinata is a puppy boy!! he comes from a long line of them meant for companionship :) he’s a little on the smaller side but he doesn’t mind.
Noya is also a puppy boy, he’s got some feral dna (like, wild dog) which explains the blonde patches of fur on him. a bit of a handful, but worth the trouble.
Tanaka is a dog boy, he was meant for personal protection but he gets really attached to his owner...like, really. he’ll do anything for you to pet him
Suga is a bunny boy...I think his lineage was initially for companionship but as society got more focused on exploiting hybrids for cash they introduced some of the sex bunny dna...he tends to hide this abt himself bc it can be overwhelming
Yamaguchi is a rabbit boy, he’s different from suga bc his lineage is still wild, but Yama himself is only a little feral. he is in between the outskirts and the city (he disguises himself as a human).
And tsukki?? Catboy?? I think he’s feral bc he hates the idea of anyone owning him so he tries to stay away from everything. Yamaguchi and him are still close friends
OIKAWA...I KNOW THIS MAN IS A PUREBRED SEX BUNNY...but he’s so exclusive he like is only used for breeding, and in return he doesn’t have an owner (he’s technically owned by his agency). he’s kinda a celebrity for having such good genes lmfao...and once his agency kicks him/retires him (they only want him to have a few litters to keep prices high)....there’s gonna be an all out bidding war for him (like?? He’s literally the perfect sex bunny...whatever you could imagine he could most likely do.)
Iwaizumi is definitely a guard dog (I always see him having pointy ears like a Doberman...) he’s meant for protecting property or a person, and he takes this very seriously. But like Tanaka he gets really attached to his person despite trying to push his feelings aside and even tho he’s on hormone blockers his owner makes him rut 😳
Kyoutani...wolfdog...he is too violent and no one wants to breed him or adopt him so he’s basically just doing fuck all in some government holding facility (you would actually get a stipend for adopting him LOL). But YEAH...he’s actually a sweetie with a need to be dominated but no one wants to try to get close to him 💔
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toxycodone · 3 years
i just. am committed to the idea of boss! nanami realizing you, his underling, have a crush on him. baking cookies for him, asking to accompany him during your (coincidentally same-timed) lunch breaks. please he wouldn’t know what to do with you.
nanami isn’t stupid. he can tell the first time you shyly suggest the two of you go have lunch together that you have some kind of feelings for him.
and it’s got him SO fucked up. usually, he tries to keep work and his social life (or whatever of it he has left) separate, but he can’t deny you of your demands. he chalks it up to him being so polite, that he doesn’t want to offend you, but really...he’s gaining feelings of his own for you. he won’t admit it to himself, but he definitely does.
he just thinks you’re so sweet and considerate...and not to mention those adorable eyes of yours. it’s impossible to say no to you. and with each shy glance, your casual grip on his arm as you speak, your cute little laugh when he makes some off-handed remark...it sends him tumbling deeper and deeper into love than he ever expected.
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toxycodone · 3 years
Any ideas on how to ruin foxboy kuroo and catboy tsukki bc Im super invested in this au gsjsjhsj
kuroo would be kinda difficult...he’s more feral and adverse to humans so it takes a lot of trust to get close to him but once you do he’s actually kinda dominate? He’ll try to get you underneath him but you can totally flip this situation as he doesn’t have sex a lot so he’s really sensitive...he cums once and it blows his mind, then he’s addicted and he’ll do anything as long as he can cum
tsukki is surprisingly easy? he’s like kuroo but also...since he’s a catboy he’s way more touch starved and wants human attention (he just pretends to not want it). he’s so sensitive to human touch he’ll melt in your hands honestly, it won’t take a lot to have him purring and whining and wrapping his tail around you (and he is so embarrassed about that lmfao)
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toxycodone · 3 years
i just wanna rail sakusa so bad, mags 🥲❤️ until he has no choice but to be a fucked out mess 😩 -blue
Rail Sakusa after a long day of practice. He’s tired and doesn’t feel like doing anything, so you lay him out on the bed and tell him to be a good boy for you and he won’t have to think about anything all night.
he’s a bit apprehensive, but he literally does not have the energy to protest. he lets you tie him up, put a blindfold on, whatever. when you give him no control over anything, it’s a lot easier for him to relax—and he becomes way more responsive to your touch.
you trail your hands down his body, relishing the soft moans that leave his mouth. as you get closer to his crotch, and eventually palm him over his boxers, sakusa’s squirming under your touch. he’s gotten hard so quickly and precum has already started to dampen the fabric caging his cock in—you’re actually impressed of the effect you have on him. and it’s even better knowing that all this will only ever be for you.
and when you finally rail him? he’s so loud. sakusa is usually so quiet, most of the time when you’re topping him you’re trying to coax those sweet noises out of him, but due to how mindless he is right now, he’s not even thinking about trying to hold back anymore. all he can think about is you inside him, your hands on his cock, or when you finally sink down on him after edging him for so long...he just wants cum and he’ll do anything to get that release.
a scenario like this would be the only time you’d ever hear him explicitly beg. he doesn’t hold back at all, he’s crying choked up pleads for you to finally finish him off, let him cum all over himself or inside you, whatever you want from him, he’ll take it, hell, he’ll even thank you for it.
just imagine that big man thanking you for letting him cum as his breathing evens out...his cheeks are flushed, abs taut, cum’s dripping from his cock...such a good boy just for you.
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toxycodone · 3 years
Bc I know you’re gonna wake up soon 👁👁 imagine you’re waking up to your wolftsumu humping you in his fkin sleep 😐 he’s not even conscious smh but he’s always horny for you.
OR. You wake up and wanna get out of the bed but you can’t bc you look down and ‼️ wolftsumu has pinned the lower part of your body, he hugged your legs with four of his limbs while he nuzzling his snout to your crotch, purring in his sleep 👁👁 this can be any hormonal hybrids.... Bokuto would do this too bc he’s needy for you all the time. You shake them to wake them up but they only buried their face deeper into you and whine, taking in your natural scent 😳
(This is a poor excuse of me wanting to wake up to see my hybrid on top of me, sobbing and drooling about how they need me to fuck em) —😎
wild hybrids being unable to ignore their instincts...when you own one, they own you back...you’re pretty much their mate which is why they listen to you and like. Don’t wanna kill you lmfao...
they literally get obsessed w you...life to them is basically eating and sex and tbh you provide both of those so 😳 you’re pm everything to them
LOOK. WHEN THEYRE HORNY...YOU GOTTA FUCK...literally they will not calm down until they can get some sort of release and handjobs or blowjobs just don’t cut it. Like you mentioned, your natural scent is really good to them and they like to fuck you real good to cover you in their own, as much as they like yours...
Also, why do I think bokuto is the type to just wake up and wanna give you head bc he likes your scent and taste,,,
Also side note: I need a wolftsumu. Now. But I also want ushicow.
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toxycodone · 3 years
AFTERNOON MAGS :D sorry for disappearing last night i went and had an irl horny hours dhdjsjs. anyway my previous evening has reawakened in me the beauty of MARKING. UGH. BITING??? HICKIES?? oh god. anyway since you’re on puppy brainrot i feel like this is right up ur alley <3 which puppyboy is most likely to try to mark you up and claim you?? hmmmm??? thoughts 🤲🏼 -blue
HI BLUE 🥺💙 I MISSED U...I hope ur irl horny hours went well 😳
Out of the boys I hc are puppies...Iwaizumi is the most into marking you. I think he can’t help it, he’s usually so calm and collected but when he’s fucking you he gets a lil violent. 😳 he digs his claws into you and chomps down on your neck...and due to him having sharper teeth and claws (I think iwa has to be some sort of bodyguard breed) he does a lot of damage. He’ll give you sweet kisses afterwards tho 💙
Also he’s really aggressive...in my hybrid au I always pictured Iwaizumi to be a bodyguard or protect property so he’s really protective of you...he likes to make sure you’re well scented too so other hybrids know to leave you be but I’m sure oikawa violates this often LOL
Runner up is bokuto 🥺 he doesn’t mean to tho, kou is just a little feral (he’s half wolf half doggie imo) and doesn’t know his own strength 💔
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toxycodone · 3 years
OH MY GOD WHAT ABOUT MIYA TWINS THO DJDHJSJ I don’t have the heart to separate twin hybrids like that 😭 would kita be a fox? 🤔 also bet their prices are way too high too smh right when i wanna send this ask, i saw your mini hc of Kenma and I COULDN’T AGREE MORE 😤
But why Sakusa also giving me the rich hybrid vibe like🧍‍♀️ he must’ve been very picky and finicky.
the miya twins HAVE to stay together or at least have owners that are neighbors/in the same family...I feel like they bicker a lot but also if they’re separated they get sad :( Unlike puppies/dogs/cats that can be separated from siblings foxes are more finicky
ALSO I think the twins are foxes 🥺 red foxes specifically. They’re both super rare color variants bc atsumu is naturally a golden blonde silky one and osamu is a grey silver one. they gotta be hella expensive, I think they ran away from their previous owners and so they’re currently in the woods trying to fend for themselves (which they can’t...LOL).
Maybe the reader can find them and take them in?? 👀
AND KITA...look...hear me the fuck out on this but...snow leopard Kita,,,,🥺 he’s technically an outlawed species so he lives in a quiet space in the woods and hunts...maybe he accidentally attacks you while hiking oooo
and sakusa, you’re right I think he’s similar to kenma but his owners wanna breed him. Komori keeps telling Sakusa he’s gotta behave and just let it happen (they both live a super high class rich life) and if he doesn’t stop acting mean his owners are gonna sell him. which they may...😳
But sakusa is realllly picky with anyone he mates w or is sold to he is not afraid to get violent
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toxycodone · 3 years
hello this is anon that said siamese cat hybring tendou and AHHHH the drawing is so cute pls he'd be all talkative and snarky, he's also totally a lap kitty and really fucking clingy to you. and lskdjfsdfsld suna as a panther hybrid that that likes to take lap naps despite being fucking huge, i'd just want to give him ear scratches tbh
I’m glad you liked it 🥺 I just couldn’t get Siamese kitty tendou out of my head...that’s so cute. He would be just like that. Tendou loves having your attention and he ain’t afraid to demand it either. He’ll constantly meow for you to pet him and just jump in your lap 💙💙 ahhh
And Suna?? Oh my god he’s the laziest panther but so cute. He’s Wild but that doesn’t matter, he’s totally okay giving everything up for a sweet life where he’s constantly pampered. He isn’t super affectionate but he’ll lay his head against you and will let you pet him 🥺
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toxycodone · 3 years
And gdjdjd i’m purely a dom but if i was to bottom for anyone, i’d the epitome of power bottom 😩 so your feral lil thirsts about top services hybrids make me go ✨ whoosh ✨
Bu with ushi i’m soft bc 🥺 he’s helping you with the works in your farm (watch me move next to you and we can be farm friends and watch our hybrids play together while having some tea/coffee) and being a Good Boy in general. He deserves to be treated like one (also put a cow lingerie on him and making him go “mooo”)
WHEN I SEE YOUR WOLFTSUMU GGGGRRRR put a collar on him and also leash bc when he’s getting a ahead of himself you just tugged hard to remind his place and laughing when he choked and whine on it. Or if he’s being extra bad, he only get to watch you treating his twin well and doting on him, cooing praises while riding him while Tsumu just. At the corner. Tied to the chair. All huffy and puffy and he gets lil teary bc yeah, he wanna be in ‘Samu’s place so badly but he cant deny that it’s hot.
anyways can you tell that i’m a hard dom 🤣 —😎
WE’RE TRULY ONE AND THE SAME...hard dom alliance please...I wanna ruin these boys seriously 💔
And please...it is literally my dream to have a cute lil farm and mooshijima 🥺 HES so cute I would treat him right...but I’d also make him wear a cute lil pink ribbon all the time tho. (that poor boy wearing lingerie he’s gonna be like ??? m-moo ??? LMFAO)
AND WOLFTSUMU...ur giving me thoughts okay I think Atsumu and Osamu are so different despite being the same species,,,Osamu is so chill, all he does is eat and nap and he really doesn’t do much else. He listens to whatever you say and although he may be a little lazy he’ll get up, stretch, and do whatever you asked. Atsumu, on the other hand, is a lot more hormonal. He has trouble controlling himself and his actions so he has to wear a thick leather collar so you can chain him up if needed. But other than that he can be really rough with you or other hybrids so he needs to be put in his place every now and then. Doting on his brother while ignoring him?? Drives Tsumu wild. He’ll be so good for so long just to get a chance to get Samu’s scent off you.
wait also...you’re making me 👀 hybrid play date....please give me more info this sounds cute as hell (also related but unrelated but I need a cup of coffee rn smh)
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toxycodone · 3 years
Pls the hybrids are protective and possessive of you but some of them (Wolftsumu back off or *grab bottle of spray water and show it to him*) are just more possessive because of their nature 🥺 also they love you so much 🥺 sometimes they forgot their boundaries but that’s why you’re there to remind them 😀
Mini hcs bc why the hell not. I just got my tea. While Tsumu lick your face (this is why you always bring handkerchief everywhere bc the man leaves a fat glob of his drool on you smh) when he saw someone being a tad bit close to you. His twin (and Sunacat + the others) would draped their bodies over you or just yeet themselves to lay on their tummies on your lap. Those with intimidating face but pure soft bois just 😐🧍behind you and whoever talks to you can just feel their heavy gaze on them, y’know (Ushi would just deeply think about you and the farm, Iwa or Kyo just deadass wanted them to gone bc yo it’s their time with you and not a stranger).
Hybrids that are bundle of sunshines just happily wagging their tails and skipping around you while telling how good you are to them, completely unaware of the other person that you’re talking to. MEANWHILE SOMEONE LIKE OIKAWA (BUT WHY I SEE TSUMU WOULD DO THIS TOO) JUST TALKING SHIT ABOUT THE PERSON YOUMRE WTH BC 🤨 WHY ARE THEY GETTING TOO CLOSE TO HIS HUMAN? UM. BACK OFF? 😭😭😭 —😎
I LOVE THESE SO MUCH...dear god I need wolftsumu RIGHT NOW he’s so fucking cute...licking is gross but I like it. Can you imagine just wolftsumu licking you when you take him out in public one day oh my god,,,,most embarrassing thing ever pls
And you’re so right I wanna say Osamu and Suna also don’t recognize their own size and they try to get in your lap as if their kits 😭 oh my god it’s so annoying can you imagine big ol suna cat just draping himself across you like a weighted blanket lmfao
Also! Can...can I say suna is a panther? 🥺 or maybe a hybrid between a wild cat and a regular cat? He would be so cute,,,,
And Ushi,,,,dear god I love him he literally isn’t even thinking about jealously he’s just like “wow I love my owner...I hope we go get some apples today...did we gather all the crops today?” he’s...so cute
QND OIKAWA. HE IS DEFINITELY LIKE THAT. Oikawa doesn’t fucking care at all he can’t fight he knows he’s worth his weight in gold so no one would dare touch him....if you’re talking to someone he’d drape his arms around you and whisper about them in your ear...he’s hoping to get punished bc he likes it when you get rough w him 💙
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toxycodone · 3 years
Omg i have another thought ‼️ You’re not only sell cowjima’s milks but what if you also sell his seed to the market for breeding purposes 👁👁 like holy shit, ushi is a strong hybrid, everyone that visit your farm/place take one look at him and like “do you sell his seed.”
Edging ushi countless of time bc it made his seed potent and richer (my brain pls dont mind it) and that’s always your most expensive thing to sell. And after that you overstim him hchdsb if ushi have horns i wanna hold them while I ride his cock djsgsbsjs
🤭 wait...you’re so onto something
please people would be begging for his seed you have no idea...a cow boy who is a sweetie that helps you around the farm, is strong, and as handsome as he is?? they ask if you breed him but you gotta refuse, only you get to ride that (plus he’s really shy)
but edging poor mooshijima...he’s not usually very vocal but now he’s panting and whining every time you edge him, looking at you through needy eyes just begging you to let him cum 💙
Also yes he has horns I wanna say he sheds them too every year ans they grow back a lot stronger so imagine him w lil nubs too 🥺 he would look so cute
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toxycodone · 3 years
ur hybrid au is so 💞💓💗💕💘 now i cant stop thinking abt kiyoomi as a jackal hybrid (idk i just love msby as jackal boys) n him looking so scary and intimidating bc of his size/breed but behind closed doors hes a needy baby for u .... he’s a sucker for head pats n having his ears scratched or his belly rubbed🥺 such a sweetie for u
making him wear a collar in public and sometimes a leash so it’s clear who he belongs to, not that anyone would try to challenge that seeing as they’d all be too intimidated like i said before but they will def admire from afar and be jealous of u for having such a gorgeous hybrid ugh and he gets just as possessive of u as u do of him like if he catches other humans OR hybrids making eyes at you he always glares or bares his teeth at them to get them to back off.
he’s not supposed to growl at people (its one of ur rules) but sometimes he can’t help it so when this happens he knows he’s gonna have to get a punishment once he gets home </3 ugh just jackal hybrid kiyoomi
(also if u don’t already have one can i be 🐶 anon?? ty<3)
yeah u can be 🐶!! ill make a tag for you :)
And jackal boys,,,how come I never considered that...
Sakusa is pretty shy and standoffish, just like a regular jackal. Unlike the others, he isn’t very warm and won’t make a lot of friends (if any). But he gets a special attachment to his owner 💙 he puts his trust in you, which he doesn’t grant to anyone often, so he’ll be all sweet and affectionate behind closed doors. (Smiling sakusa while u pet him...I’m crine)
He hates the collar and the leash but he’ll do it for you. When you two are out in public he’s just got his ears back and he’s all angry looking but people can’t help but stare,,,he’s just so pretty. I swear if he catches anybody staring tho he’s growling. He just doesn’t trust anyone looking at him or approaching you so he’s giving them a warning not to try anything 😤 sure, he’ll get punished. But keeping you safe is a priority.
Also look at this jackal,,,,it’s giving very much Sakusa death stare
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