#level 7 autism event
ilov3b00kss0much · 3 months
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i-mode · 10 months
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ackk studios dropped a nuclear bomb on autistic people (me) like an hour ago i think im gonna throw up
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cleanerdoesntgaming · 2 years
just had a level 7 autism event feeling like shit
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henchthem · 5 months
hang on fat gabriels on my dash
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vacuousauto · 10 months
sorry guys
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syn4k · 5 months
also btw if you took all the thoughts i have about this fic im planning and wrote it down on a bunch of index cards then you would have enough index cards filled with my thoughts to build a fully structured fully fledged suspension bridge all the way to the moon
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autisticvampireclub · 2 years
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What if the red one had little red ones and they went mrrprhrhrisjrhrhrjrjrismrprjr
Red: So uh… what do you little guys like to do?
Baby red guys: (gibberish)
Red: Really? That’s nice.
Duck, in the background: what in Hell’s name are those Things
(Image description: Red guy is sitting cross legged on the ground. He is drawn with a fluffy tail and paw like hands and feet. Next to him are three small “baby” red guys. One is the same colour as red guy, the other is a darker maroon red, and one is actually sky blue. They also have little tails. They are looking up at red guy inquisitively. Far away in the background, Duck is standing and looking at this scene with disgust and confusion.)
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priconstella · 7 months
It's Z-A! Officially, Legends: Z-A. Normally here I'd scrape their official promo site and the press release data packs for more info but there's really nothing there. Just a single paragraph in all of them saying it's releasing in 2025 + takes place in Lumiose. But still!
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endersdead · 1 year
the fact that i cant afford to see barbie in imax……. death
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kotoneshiomiofficial · 10 months
anyway once i finish tactica (im ~8 hours in) im gonna be so fucking annoying about it. im going to blorbo post about her like youve never seen before (<- lying)
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plasmaniac · 3 months
*remembers soul eater exists and is real media i can look at whenever i want*
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realityrewind · 1 year
naruto sucks sooo sooo soooooo SOOOO much and I love it i LOVE IT I love it so soo much it keeps me up at night I think about little naruto being so full of brightness and compassion even though the world is so cruel to him and and and SASUKE ohhh I love sasuke he's so soooo good his character arc is so good (fuck you end of naruto) if you don't love sasuke I'm gonna. explode. SOUSA KANASHIMI WO YASASHISA NI
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i-mode · 1 year
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killing him with so many hammers honestly
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racingmiku2018 · 1 year
i have brainworms the likes of which youve never seen before
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scoundrels-in-love · 2 years
need to go to sleep but brain going brrr namor brrr talokan brrrrrrrrrrr
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imitationgame77 · 5 months
Progression of intimacy in Artificial Condition
Cycle 1
MB: After the events of All System Red, spent 7 cycles on a bot piloted transport, then embarks an unmanned ship, thinking it only has a low-level bot pilot.
ART: Readily responds to MB's ping, and accept media in exchange for passage to RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station, letting MB to believe that it is just a bot pilot. It admits later that it was curious about a rogue SecUnit trying to travel on its own.
ART: Waits until MB settles down and start watching media before suddenly addressing it via its feed, and reveals its true self by dropping the wall for 0.0001 of a second.
MB: Instantly recognizes its power and implicit threat and withdraws. When ART, not understanding MB's strong reaction, tells it not to sulk, it fires back and sends a file showing its experience of torture as a SecUnit.
ART: Stays silent for 5 minutes, and then apologizes for having frightened it. [For omniscient machine intelligence like ART, we now realize that is a VERY long time. It was probably shocked by the cruelty experienced by a SecUnit, and digging up extensive information on SecUnits and how they are treated in Corporation Rim. Also analyzing why MB was reacting the way it was.] Then withdraws behind its wall, giving MB space.
MB: Watches 3 episodes of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon, while trying to calm itself. Then starts to see the event from the transport's point of view. [This demonstrates its ability to understand the world from other person's point of view, known in psychology as Theory of Mind, lack of which is considered to be indicator of autism spectrum.]
Art: After further 6 episodes, quietly re-enters MB's feed, and lurks there while MB watches 7 more episodes. [No idea how long an episode is, but even if it is about 30 minutes, ART was patiently watching MB watch its favourite show at least for 3-4 hours without interruption!] Then politely pings MB to request to watch the new serial World Hoppers. When refused, repeats the request after 2 minutes. And explains that it cannot usually understand the context of media, and watching through MB's filter gives it the context and understanding.
MB and ART start watching World Hoppers together
Cycle 2~
MB: While watching World Hoppers (3 times) and other media (hundreds of hours), comes to see how ART is attached to its humans, and begins to feel "charitable" towads it, letting it to watch a potentially traumatizing episode 1 or 2 minutes at a time. Also comes to understand it well enough to create a content filter.
[There is no mention of specific time span, but it must have taken at least a few cycles to view all that media, even without recharge cycle]
ART: After 4 episodes of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon, by which point ART had noticed that it was MB's favourite show, it asks if the serial has a SecUnit character. Subsequent conversation (reluctantly, on MB's side) reveals that MB does not like SecUnits in the way they are used, and even portrayed in media, because it is unrealistic, but not in a good way.
ART proceeds to ask why MB is there, surprising it because MB had assumed that the transport had no interest in it. MB reveals its brief history with PreservationAux but reluctant to talk any further. ART confesses that it is not supposed to pick up unauthorized passenger, saying that they both have a secret. MB goes as far as to admit it is going to RaviHyral Mining Facility for research, but would not say any more. And when pressed, proceeds to start a shut-down cycle.
[When MB wakes up 4 hours later, ART immediately resumes argument, calling the shut-down a childish behaviour. With ART's processing capacity, managing travel through a wormhole would not take up much. Probably lots of speculative thoughts were going through its mind while also probably looking up on everything about the Mining Facility and SecUnits, as well as past newsfeeds on Mensah's team.]
ART does not drop the subject. It presses MB saying that it should share its plans as they are now friends. MB tries to convince the transport and itself that constructs and bots can never be friends as they may have to act against each other if their humans command them. ART simply points out that there are no humans now. Eventually, MB relents and tells ART what happened at RaviHyral Mining Facility before the partial memory purge around the time of Governor Module hack. Discussion with ART gives MB new perspectives. [It is around this point that MB decides to call the transport ART, short for Asshole Research Transport. ART does not show any negative response regarding MB's grim past]
ART points out the risk of being spotted as a rogue SecUnit at RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station, much to MB's dismay. [MB talks of "ART was doing that thing again where it asked me questions it knew the answer to so it could trap me into admitting stuff I didn't want to admit. I decided to skip to the end." This passage indicates that perhaps more conversations had taken place prior to this, and like a good university instructore, ART was manipulating guiding MB's thought processes, and MB had noticed it.]
ART suggests configuration change which horrifies MB. ART points out that its survival as a rogue SecUnit is at stake, and makes it realize that if it wants to survive and meet the PreservationAux people again, it needs to make sure it does not get caught as a rogue Unit. MB thinks it over 2 cycles, during which time ART says nothing more about it, watching media together. During the same period, MB tries to see if it can look less like a SecUnit by creating codes to make itself behave like a human. MB asks ART to record its movement, but realizes that it still looked like a SecUnit, as it meets the unit standard size which can be spotted by a scan.
[ART loves being right, but it shows genuine desire to help it survive, and tries to get MB to realize the importance itself. Probably having learned MB's character and its past (at least in part), once having given suggestions, it simply waits (and trusts) until MB comes to make the choice itself.]
Unspecified Cycle
MB and ART argued a lot over what should be done to change MB's configuration from the unit standard. ART even suggests giving it sex related organ which MB vehemently rejects.
ART performs configuration change on MB.
While MB is still incapacitated ART does search on RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station, narrowing down the likely place of incident to Ganaka Pit.
There is no mention of time frame from the configuration change to the arrival at the destination. However, based on the facts that they seemed to know about each other a lot by Network Effect, they must have spent some quality time together talking, as well as watching media. Once they have reached RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station, they stayed together by the Comm feed, but most of their attention was on protection of the three young humans.
Cycle 21-23?
They reach RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station. ART suggests that MB takes on a temporary job as a security consultant (augumented human) in order to gain legitimate way to access installation site and helps it with preparation. MB protects its first voluntarily taken clients and does a lot more than what is required as a security consultant. It also manages to find out what really happened at Ganaka Pit where the incident happened before its memory purge. Throughout, ART stays with MB, keeping company, offering tactical and morale support, except when it was in Ganaka Pit and out of comm range. When they finally part company, ART tells it to keep its Comm in case they may come within the range again, to which MB could only send an acknowledgement, as it feared it would get too emotional if tried to speak.
Rogue Protocol; Exit Strategy; Fugitive Telemetry
In all the books whose timeline come between Artificial Condition and Network Effect, MB mentions ART several times, indicating that it was thinking of its friend frequently and misses it.
Not explicitly written interactions that solidified the basis for their friendship "mutual administrative assistance" probably happened from around the time of the configuration change and arrival at the station. By the time MB starts its security consultant job, they seem significantly more comfortable with each other than before. Some indications are:
MB admits that the only important thing while at RaviHyral Mining Facility Q Station was ART's comm interface.
MB could tell ART was withholding something by its a few seconds of pause and pressed it, and ART admits it has debris deflection systsm.
MB allows ART full access to its brain in order to let it use it as a bridge to reach the shuttle's control. Twice. MB has guarded its mind tightly ever since it hacked the governor module. It disliked Gurathin because he accessed it while MB was shut down, which he found as violation of privacy. Even with different circumstances, with more urgency, MB does not hesitate much nore does it seem to mind that it had to allow ART full access.
When MB was distressed at Tapan's questions about its "augumentation" after investigation into Ganaka Pit incident, ART plays soundtracks of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon for MB, which calms it down. It knows that the serial is a kind of security blanket to MB.
Before meeting ART's crew in Network Effect, MB had already known that Iris was ART's favourite human.
ART was telling its crew about MB, without going into details about their adventure on RaviHyral, but in such a way that its favourite human had thought of MB as "Peri's SecUnit".
ART entrusted its fate to MB when its existence was at stake. Not to its colleagues from university. Nobody else could have rescued it except MB.
The first thing it said to MB when it came back online after deletion was, "I'm not going to hurt your humans, you little idiot", which sounds extremely affectionate.
Their mutual feelings (despite MB being very angry at the time) were apparent enough that Rhatti, only shortly after hearing them interact briefly, called it "a relationship" which horrifies MB.
Overall, they exhibit deep level of mutual affection from the moment they are reunited in Network Effect, which suggests their intimacy had progressed rapidly even before arriving at RaviHyral. Also, probably "absence makes the heart grow fonder" was also the case. ART must have been keeping track of MB's doings as much as it could. Otherwise it could not have known that it was then working with Arada at the time of kidnapping!
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